Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 31, 1855, Image 3

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It is a mistake td think that children
love-tlie parents less who maintain a proper
authority over them.. On the. contrary
they respect them more. It is a cruc
and unnatural selfishness that indulges
children in a foolish and hurtful
parents are Oides and counsellors to thei
children. As a guide in a foreign land
they undertake to pilot them safely thro'
the shoals and quicksands of iuexperi-
.once. If the guide allows his followers
all the liberty they please; if, because
they dislike the constraint of the narrow
path of safety, he allows stray
into holes and precipices that destroy
them, to slake their thirst in brooks that
poisoo them, to loiter in woods full of
wild best or deadly 'herbs, can he be
called a sure guide. And is it not the
same with pur children ? They are as
yet only in the preface, or as it were, in
the first chapter of the book of life. We
have nearly finished it'or arc fhr advanc
ed. We must opeb the pages for these
.ounger minds. If children see that
their parents .aet 'from principle—that
they do not ,find i fnult without reason=
thit they io not punish because personal
Offence is talon, but. because the thing
- in itself is wrong—if They see that while
they are-resolutely bat affectionately re
fused what is not good for them, there is
a willingness to oblige them in all
cent matters—they will soon appreciate
sw:b.condtwt. If no attention is paid to
the rat
made f(
dealt w
;hes—if no allowance is
IA spirits—if they are
hard and unsympathising
mantle, ..c proud spirit will rebel, and
the meek spirit be broken. Our stooping
to amuse them, our condescending to
make ourselves one in their plays and
pleasures at suitable times, will lead them
to kittiw - that it is not because we will not
but because we cannot attend to them,
that at other times we refuse to do so.—
A part or improper way of speaking ought
never to be allowed. Clever children are
very apt to be pert, and, if too much ad
mired ['or it, and laughed at, become ec
centric and disagreeable. It is often very
diili •tilt to cheek our own I►tnusements,
but their furure welfare should be regard
ed wore than our present- entertainment.
It should never be forgotten that they
are tender plants, connuihted_to - ottg:. fos
teiing care—that' thoughtless word
thoaghtless word or careless neglect may
destroy a . germ of immortality—"that
foolishness is' bound up in the heart of 4
child - -and that we must ever, like
wateliful husbanilmen,.be on our guard
against it. It is indeed little that, we
can do in our own strength,'but if we are
canoientions preformers of our part—if
we oarnestly commend them in faith and
prayer to the fostering, care of their Fa
ther in lleaven—to the tender love of
llim,the Angel of whose presence goes
before them, and,who carries these lambs
in his bosom--We may then. go on our
way rejoicing—for " lie will never leave
nor fors:ike those who Him."
crt... 1 1 0 — --,- , yr 1 AS , COFFEN
a.', _ etßiEs
. i , The ~,,,,,,....0,,,,,r 1,„„ J ust
~,,,,,,t t,, his ti,t„,,r ,4:,,i,., a general tielectiou of Cl 101tIr
0 itorElt I ES, as well'as all the ether v ari e ty „f articles
i .t...,
~ 'asu , illy kept in a t: , orery Store. embraeing itlo
dr,..o—rtittstod and Lrrocm—at 12 , i1 and 11 emits
fur lb,, Orleans. Clarified, Crushed and Pulverized
;agars, of fine qualities; Chocolates, SpleeA, Palry
Elal t. and a variety of Faney articles, all of which ion n,
fared at the lowest rash priers. We are' thankful for the
twiner support given us, and invite a further all from
our flit'llilti 311.1 customers. J. W. 11Y.
"tiarMn Ilall, Caribile.
- 1)14:EVIII L. KNIGHT, (Successor to
I L A ) Ilartloy k Knight.) BEDDING AND CARPET
WAREIIdUSE No. 1.48 South Second Street, tire doors
Shove lifiruce. Arcot, Philadelphia. where he peeps eon
'tautly on ha l m a full assortment of every article in his
line of businem. Feathers, Feather Beds, Patent F;Ang
Alattre.s..s, Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-
Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, Gist. Rag and !temp Caroctings,
Oil Cloths. Ca n Vol :Battings, Co&ra and Spanish 'Mat tin gs
Flom . and Stair Druggets, Hearth Bugs. Door Mats. Table
And Piano Covers, To which he invites the attention of
purcIINSOVS. 140(1734
...„. ; .....,..
' pintA. Surgeons' Bandage
4‘:g V.
issTipu'm R Ego V ED to No. 4, tab
streot. Fk Oa stun) above Marhet. B. C.
lg li . Elt KITS PAHA. 0 raduating Prossuro TRUSS, kor the
cnro lir It kl 'Awn; Shoulaer Braces, Supporters. Elastic
fitoOdugs, Suspausary,,Bemorrholdal, and Bandages thr
fdrntlthoL e Jan., 11-Iy.
1 111 GOODS.---The GOODS.he subscriber is just
opening o fr,..h ossortuunit , f very Cit BAP 0000 S
bUnght at rod noed pries. Call and FOP til(4111,
'r . : 11.1 q. 83. 0 EO. W, BITNRIt
y •r 1111.11ASIIING M.A.O LI IN EA of the
- ball tilako ix/not:110.1v on baud arid tbr rink at the
esxll.4lo votoldry Amt )lioritue shop,
/ °Antum 'BROWN
SAYE Y 4 11J Et ()I, A - I
ET A L—.Cas
k paid fur 01.1) METAL, garb Maui; at
Ma at
ii4u, at. the niandry and Al ;whine Shop.
ViAltriNl:ll 111 OWN.
Ik4' / If ()US. IV, TH4',G:li:‘,4.—Just received
:m oth, lot of Cheap Ito llogim DiAitineg
Ra.:4 , )1 Ca Cloths. InovIlo) 'G. W. I IITNIM.
JOAN P. LYNE—Wholesule and Re
tail Baler in American, English and , (formai'
HARDWARE, .011 s, Matas, &c., 4t. Mechanics, builders
and the public generally, 'who are In want of Ilardware
• ...A of any . , , kind! are invited to call in and
Itt„ 't . ':,:flC-clexamino my unusually larg of
goods, which I am selling at very low
prices. Just stop in; it wilf only detain you a very
few minutes to be convinced that what everybody says
—that Lyn's is decidedly the place to got goad gouda at
law prices—must hi! true. Hardware store.
West side North lianover street.
WA 01 1 tliu r 1111:,iAIN Orrrnar.
The subsaribor In aonsiqueo“: of ni,,,,dtb. okrs his ell
tire stook of IiAItWARF. to any person or persons 0 ish
big to enter into the Hardware business. lie having so
resolved in quitting the business, will give a bargain.
besides his influence and custom. Any one desirous o.
getting into this business will do well to call s;.on. and
if not disposed of by the Ist of October nest, he will
then rointnenee selling off at rest et the old, and well
known stand. lu North Hanover stroat, next door to
Charles 31aglaughlin's lintel. JACOB SisNllt.
raftt'lP - I . A I R ES Il ARRIVAL
t i oa O WA R 1 6AxTos. The
Subscriber having returned from the city would call the
attention of his friends and the public generally to the
large and well selected assortuMnt of Ilard ware which ha
has just received, consisting in pall of BUILDING MA
TERIALS, nails, screws, hinges, lucks. bolts, glass. putty.
paints, oils..te. TOOLS—edge tools: saws and planes 0.
every description, with files. rasps, hammers, anvils. ke.
A general assottment of SIIOEM ALi EltS AND SAD
DLERS TOOLS. t4tether with morocco, lining' and bind
ing skins, shoe tlui'ital, wax, pegA, !WAN, harness mount
ing. saddlettletiSi , s.
II '1111\7\l& . '
COACH 'llll\7\l (plain, enamelled, fig
tired) and endiasj il,) pant and enamelled leather,
axles. springs. hints:spokes. fidloos, shads. ;tic., fig',
fabinet Nlakers will dud a large assortment of yart
ishes,lnahogany and walnut venders, moulding, roset les.
hair cloth. curled hair, Ac.
The stock of Iron is large and well selected. compris
lug all the kinds in general use. as hammerettand rolled
'•iron of all slzes, lint. bar and band lon. round. Sul nari
and oval iron, horse-aboo Gen and nail 0i,15, with a larga
lot of e.t.d.- and spring steel, English and American tills
ter steel. S:e.
I lousekeepecs a nd those about eionmencing will flit
to their :td vantage to 'all and examine ear cut lery. 101 l
tania and plated Si are pa lift, 'kit to:::, cedar tiara, basket
to tidditbro tn the :thou hao, re,,, , iveti n spitanl
„r 10.11.1. PEP. in lir•
142 k, ............... CAM ./LS enatital _fail _1.4-al vn-tatt.i. , fa
inn. •11 a Pt% it,. all trit , ,, , ls t HOW
holt: 11 :AV:Mt:110.old stand. La
Itch Street, l'artkle. Pa.
(Vt. 12. 111:NI;Y SANTON.
, F ESII ARRIVAL ()1" Alt (1-
II „„
sul, hat returned fi n s
the city liar just (Tatted for the Vail trade it large and
troll selected stock of fi)reign and (hene,t is Ilan! ware.
entbraeing everythind usually round in that lino 4 it
At en toii of friends and the ifuhlir t'i a
is regi,oetfiffly Pl.• 11.SMA111.Ilt on i)31111. n.
suring them that goods of all kinds will Is. sold I'9.t ftls
it a very small tidy:love On inanufaeturers 1,11. w. 11
member the old stand, East Main l 4 treet, Ctulislo, l'a.
Aug 30, 1554. li. SA:ll'l'ON.
0 0 T lI I\'ASIL-13eautifu1 White
Teeth healthy ti ems iind a Sweet lireath—All mho
are desirOus of obtaining those benefits should also i/Elt-
MAN'S imi,EisitATED TO )Tl!' WASH. This deliriums
article vombines so many meritorious qualities that-it
has now become a standard favorite with the riti/ens o.
New York. Phila4olpltla and lfaltinfore, Dentists pre
;scribe it in their practice most successfully, and, from
every source the most flattering laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding, gums are Immediately benefit
ted by its use; its :Lotion upon them Is mild, soothing
and effective. It idealises the teeth so thorowAhly, that
they are 11100 to rival pearl In whiteness, and diffMes
through the mouth such a delightful freshness that the
hreat.ll is rentleml exquisitely sweet. It disinte,•ts th.•se
Impurities whlttll tend to . produce decay, and. ::s a cun
sequutu•e, when th eio arc removed the teeth 11111,4 al
ways remain ...amid. Itead the following front Dr. J. A.
Mr F. Zerman—, ir: Having used and retsmitnondeo
your Tooth Wash, my practice for smut: time, 1 find it
the insist effect t , -Dentriflee in W:0,111111 therefore rot./ul
- It tAtilthublic.
Read the following testimony :
Sir: I have fully testes! the merits
of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita
tion. recommend it as the lest that has ratite under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of mere titan six
teen years. It eltemses the Teeth, soothes and htudens
irritated bless, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the
Meath. From the mouths of those who maim use of it,
however, it will certainly spealc for Itself. •
(Ito. V. SCHIVi:LV, Surgeon Dent bit;
, 279, South Tenth Philadelphia.
apd'reeommended by all the eminent Dent-
is. iu Now York, Philadolphia, Ii Itimnrr, and other
ties w It bns been iutmluro.l. All should glee It
~ru• Prepared only by rrAnrisZerinan. Druggist and
ClienibA. Philadelphia. and sold' .
retail by
Samuel Elliott, Car11410..1. Dor' , bather. Nleeluaiih•sburg.
.1. Herron. Newlille, .1. C. ; 4 1iipponediurg. and
by Druggists at only •2:i emits per b o ttle.
1 -1 .1.'1141 , ',.P5Y Can be Cured. Lake's 1
(FABLE O.IMI'OI'S Le, for thee vitro of Ere
"er.l.l,V lir Files! Iv levrfornellig mare ivontlorfal cartes than
:env othor flitldiellll3 )0C known or before the
vE 18A1..1108 A BOTTLE.
The proorieetor Itts in Ills posses:4lm 1111MCnous certifi
cates, narrating the etstonisleing and titiravtilous caul,
elTerted b; this tellive•td attontlon to thee
tiellowin , z only, lo li,ueo Those who etre. so unfortunate
to lee tdilleted with loe terrible elisovv liortelolore ro.ceerd
eel incurable . , 'lint IHVINITIII.IOII 16 Ixr11.1•
} Frew Mete. Brooks, wlekny J B
as. "Bevies, late ce
COlitiennit; 0,
Mr. %. Please send me another lot Ile of
FttiMedielne. as I do not like to b. 3 without it on Itkinl.
W hen I. commenced riving the medicine to my s 1:d.
gar, he had front o n o to three Titri . per day. Ife has note
taken the medicine over file mnth.. and ins had. 1
think,. but two its in that time, and those very liAht
Ills body and mind are very moth Improved: and I
the blessing of God, 1 feel that the medielno will restore
his body and mind to their wonted ttetil ity. lie is 2S
Years old. and has Ind fits over 12 yeat,, u hhd, have
been very, frequent. and very destruedva to his consti
tution and mind. Hundreds of dollars have been ex
molded for 111CtilelOP to trot: FITS," hot nothing has
relieved him until ha used yourrncdieiur. tfoily
yours, )1.1.1'
Fiore Judson Landon, County Superintendent„of the
Ashtabula Comity Infirmary. . .
lirm;rll.l.E, Feb. 4. 1 R 53.
Mr. Z, Lune--Sli.: Pions° pond a few more bottles of
your ",Fit Medielne:-'- I may not need it, but think sal ,
er to keep it on hand. Your medieine has tine wonderg.
I gave it to Mims Jane Delano: she has had fit., for !hi
years, brought on by having the measels when but four
years old; which could not 1 brought out to the surlhee.
After taking the medicine a few HOC 11.111 A Fist
tool MEASEI,A, and had no fits since. She had fits
or svmptems almost daily. She and her tither concur
with me in saying that we believe the medicine has or,
will work a pet feet cure. I also gave the medicine to
Miss Jane Ifenderson, and Arts Corby. wile have bad fib ,
almost dully, fora number of yeas. Their fits have
a nd 1 Mdleve the medieine will have the desired
effect. ,Mtteh fooney.dfas boon expended by the frlondg
of t h e rdmve patteotif for doctoring, all to no purpose.—
, yh o cure ices left for your 'medicine to perform, and
can cheerfully recommend it nil a valtotble dlseovery.--:
Respectfully yours. JUDSON 1 6 A. N DON,
Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary.
Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. tHE,
Fold hp S. W. Carlisle; E. If. Th.nos.
e h, in kourg; ThrilAntrg. Oct.
s I N T
1,1 !) ,,,, ; : 8 ` ! ' I t t
; 4 traw :41.40 1'..,141rrrutt4.4 . .... 000 00 1111.-
.Alen, dmt6la and ologlo turn., tellerg f , ,r•elther hand or
tior,o putt er. 4.f Ilk.. len - latest manufneture,
'tile premium shelter at the mate Pennsylvania Statentlr.
For stle Ly. 7001:141;t
ksdettli Drat Warehouse and Seed Stove, ocrner of 7 - th
and 31arhat, Phlladelphia. Pee. f, 1551—1 f
Dr. .1. A. C.lll3liN,
CoNNI:Arr, Vol,, 3, 1563
dartislc 'l)crattl.
PO ficatOns.
FIC AllbillaCA.," corituninces on the ltithuf Sep
lumber. It is chiefly devoted to thu advancement of the
interests of MixnAmcs, Myrswim, MANUrArIERLRB AND
F.uomits, and edited by men practically skilled in the
arts and sciences. Probably no other Journal of the
taillo chatacter,is su extensively citoulated, or so guner
lily for its practical nlJJity. Nearly all the
%Mould° Patents ividdi Issue weekly from the Patent
office are illustrat'ed with Logi - al ings, and the claims
of all the Patents :ire published regularly In its columns
as they are issued, thus making it a perfect Selt.N7lllll
AND Mr.CHANICAI. ENettborim.t inibrmation upon the
otoj.6:77lTr".Merluunival Improvements, Chemistry, Engi
niVerinr: and the Sciences generally. It is published
weekly in quarto form suitable for binding, and each
volume contains Pour Bullard and Sixteen Pages of
Reading Matter, Several Hundred Engravings, with a
fon and complete , Index. Its circulation on the last
Volume exceeded 23,1100, copies per week, and the practi
cal receipt,: in one volume are worth to any family much
more than the subscription prier.
The fidlowing CAtaljultees are offered by the Publish
ers for the fourteen largest lists of bubserthers sent in
by the Ist of January. 1855: $lOO will be giVen flu. the
largest list; $75 fur the second; $ B 5 for the third; $ 55
for the fourth ; $OO fur the fi fth, $45 for the sixth; $4O
$5 Im the eighth; $3O mr the ninth; $725 for
the tenth; $2O for the elm enth ; $l5 for the twelfth;
$lO for the thirteenth; and Tri fur the fourteenth. The
rash will be paid to the order of the successful competi
tor immediately alter the Ist of January 1853.
Ti - ,llos:—One copy, ono year. $2; one copy, sl X months,
$1 ; live copies, six months: $1; ten copies, six months,
$8; tee copies, twelve months, , $l6; fifteen coldes,
twelve months, $22; twenty copies, twelve mouths, $2B
in advance.
No number of subscriptions above twenty can be ta
' , Iten at Ivy than $1,40 each. Names can Le sent in at
different , times and from different Post 1:111c,
sontthern and Western money taken Fw subibriptions.
Letters should be directed, post-paid, to 311 N
128 Fulton street N. V.
ditir3lessrs. MUNN it Co. are extensively engaged in
procuring pltent fie. new invention's, and will ads Ise
inventors, without charge, In regard to the novelty of
their improvements.
.1A isg. 30. 1854,---3w
svi.vA:ciA. No Peiiiisyliatilan sh o uld LC is it IMO t
it. Eight thousand copies sold! Every Farmer and
every citizen should hat e a copy. Itou.k's
r Whilt 111 . , its 4 1.vitery. Interim'
lin pros emelt ts, Resources and A gricu It lire. is
des-rilied. lllrstu a tot ttillt over 'gin Beautiful Liigra v.
jogs, slid accompanied In thirties Large. oit_the
caraiiilly colonel. la,htli rdition. let hs d, t r
cecteit sod lutprmed. flue ni SVO., ttitll in lir
-jct!!esatol handsomely' twit Or
t oo It,.
1t Islatpracl Fill - del - if so Ali t 1 a thi. J.:,
an adequate idea of the variety 4 subj e et. aim the es•
lent of ,starch a Melt this \ol t:111.^. The
tch,de fell 113, 1.01,11 1.31.0f11,1) o.ldoiii. Anti 110 do-.
FIVE 111011 t hfiWeVOr intrieato has been pasi.ed in Cr. hit
treated until the subject has been made perfectly clear
and to the simplect tolial: indeed idie of
.2 asiat I...ennui-ides of the Boil: is its freedom .front
dry detail. and statistics, (SO , COIIIIIIO7I to It 141, Of this.
rhartutoro - Arliiiilc no i 1 1 ,111.4 is olia of Ile causes of its
very great popularity.
The of the St:lto is in prominent topic in
the work. and all its partsbeceires his earnest attention.
not morel) speeilleti lig on the results .4 - husbandry. hut
searehing and finding how tint greatest advantage can
lie gained front the best sources. .Every l'aritier should
read and study his remarks. and also those who dep e nd
on the Farmer fiir the neces.otries lift.:•for all should
understand siintrithing of the MOMs by which th.,se
necessaries tire produced.
CitiCs, Towns and Villages are described and iltielt
upon, the characteristics of the people pointed out, and
the various improvements in progress Or projected no-
decd;—line or the deeply iotprenting sketches in the
mirk Is that on the Wyoming Valley; the vivid and
startling, interest thrown around that tle,voted Spot, Is
dwelt upon with 'beautiful pathos and feeling, and the
leading events in the tragic part muteted there in rev,
lutionary times. pointed out by a master Mind. Added
to this Is Campbell's always beautiful liertrude of Wyo.
tiling, the merit of which It is unnecessary to speak.
A v hid and truthful description of the grand and
inajteale Scenery of the Old Keystone State, is also ri
prominent subject in the Volume. Nothing can ON reed
the crude nr unit beauty Of l'ounsy lv:utlu s it..111:1Ot it'
4.11t1 k% oil &ten the author understand the subject
with which he deals.
The Pres, throvgho it the State have, with united
voice, prilnouneed it the Rest Popular !tool, ever writtoo
5.41 the State, and without a shigle excqMon have re
commended-The- work lirthe highest terms. The many
flattering notices bestowed itiesu it will be collected to
gether and published, In a future circular. Aceempany.
lug every yoluniu Is llarne's large Map of the State,
carefully robe-ed.—the latest and - best Map publi , lied.
awl which retails septa-M. 0y at One. Dollar, and In un
doubtedly the only correct one Issued.
The price of the hook is placed at the lowest rate for
which It could be inanufaetured, and tile execution of
It in every respect Is alike beautiful and solodant
Independently of the fine map, it is a remarkably alum,
work; but that accompanying it, the publisher has no
hesitation in pronouncing it the cheapest Book publish
-Ile Publisher has gone to great expenle In puliThillinr
tho Hook in proper style. Tho engravihp: are beauti
fully executed: the type lar:•e and clear: and the paper
of a tine texture: while the at the Mint, tinee
taidy and duralile. nod having . dime his part well. he
gl)billitS the curt to the examination of the people.
confidently recommending it to the attention it the so
Interested In the Pennsylvania itailrind . CoillianY•
Reading Railroad Ceinpany, Sun Miry and rale Railroad
Company, Norristown and rather railmids in thn State.
iu th!: Scitnyll , lll and 1,011,0 i Navigatitat Crinpailie, in
the hellieti and :111 (Aber Coal o.,,,pantes,
font,' to ail ete,nr_red in mininlz and i..ntli.:W
turiftg a nd iren, to every rainier :ind Chi:W . ll
of tho great State of l'aulta.vivania, he sulanits this
splendid volume, and respectfully solicits their pi trim
Ageitt• trill call upon lhr eiLL.ens PAr their iinbscrlic
tion. and whoro no airent nny prison
it meat five or expells.o, I remit
thug 'llia amount. to the
lutariahiu hi,' or the wo r k;
•• ;ind side
" Merneen, marbled edge
'• Nterneen, extra • .1 tin
fr6 - "Alzents. wanted in every Comity in the State.—
% ny person .keiring nn A z teimy please address tliC Pul-
Wier immediately.
WM. wlrrru F‘llllll,
sept tl -5 I It - w 5 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
-301 IN A. 11E.WY, Is Ageni for the
ihnve oils county.
), Drug stores.
Li supny lin
I I Vl3 , jtl,St recei %ed a fresh stock of
Medicines, Paints. titans, Oil. &e., which, having
twenAMT , lntsed with great care at the bc:4 city
Ili news, 1 canconfalimtly recommend t,?,, Famille,
Physicians. country Merchants and Dealers, as be
ing fresh and pure.
1)11,('u$--latent Medichms, Fine Chemicals, Inshm
ments. pure Essential 011 s, Barbs and Ex tnictil; Spices.
ground and whole, Phsences, Yerfontory, ka. -
Cod hiViT 011—wafranted genuine.
BY E-STUFFP , --I ndigoes Madders, Sumac, Alum, tog
and Cam Woads. 011 Vitriol.: ('opperas, Lae Dye.
l'. INT:t---Waheiill t Brother's Pure head, Chrome
Orean and Yellow, Paint and Varnkh Itrusbes..lersey
Window Wass, Linseed oii, Turpent hie, Copal and conch
Varnish, and Red, fetid All of which will In, Fold at the
very lowest marlad. !wives: , .
A iso, 1, fresh 200 splendid assortment of FANCY
I )I)S,' l'Euits. Confectionary, and innunteralde other
articles calculated for use and ornament, all of which
are offered at the lowest rash pelves. at thin cheap Drug
Book and fancy store of the subscriber on North Ilan
over street. ~ S. w HA VERsTic K,
1)1111(18, MVID'RTINES, &c.
have just received from Phlindelphin and
New York very extensive additions to ray
- t
74' former fitoeli,eintwati,44; ne,wly every nrt bdu
of ,di,.ino 111111' In 1.181 , , IVlth
Is, Vfornlshes,' Turpentine. Perfu•
ilenshos of utmost every
tan, with no 01 , 11er.; - variety of other nrtleles, ehiah 1
sin determined to toll at, the VrltY 1.111V1:. , T•j1) . 11•1 , N,
.1-11 141)sirlans, t'ountry :11erchnnts. Pedlnr , - und
ors, two respoettolly reque,i , d out irks;,. the 01,P
STAND, as thoy luny rest 0461111.11 that , every m I kit+ v. 11l
ho sold of n good loalitsond neon t , rmS.
S. YLLI(ri'T:
Main street. CAribde.
Xlier . ,Tob Pvinting done nt this (deo
TUB AO.E—Farmers, Enniliks and others, cani , ,ur
chase no remedy equal to Dr. TOIII.ASI Venetian Cud
molt, for Dysentery, Celle, Croup,Chr,mii. Chstunotion
Quinsey, eons 'throat, Toothoshe, ren eishness, Cuts
Swell lugs. Old Feles, 31us/juito bliss, Ino e
Pains lu the Liml.s, Chest, hael,...t c. If it 11 , et
not give relief, the money Ni 111 1 0 refupded—oll in
asked, is a trial, and use it am, ding to ectividc 'the
article is on 111dt:di .remoly.lls,ll sins mod I.y Vi HI. I ,
King of England. and certified to by hint, as „ rite f..r
Ithemnatism. when everything else rt.ecu,iilei. t h d 1 y his
ph:, oh ions hod foiled.
Over le,olamMO of bottles bare lieu sold In the l'nit
ed eqates, without li single failure. and fiuullics loins
stated that it ens worth Iu p e r bottle. they ',rim.
would he uithout it, in ease Of Cr sup, ils it is as certain
as it is 'lllllllrd. It VIIIMS T(1111711111. in time minutes;
headache in half au hour, and Cholera, when first
en, in o few hours. It is perfei tly innocent' to NIA' iu
ternally, and has the lecommendation of many of the
most eminent l'hyricians In the Coited `'tales. ice,
2r. mid 1,0 cents.
Dr. Tobin. has also put up a Liniment L r liorSl t; in
pint bott!k , ehuutt is w ermuted---1 11( . 81 , 4 r and better
than any other. li r the cure of C. lie, Dells, Slleilitds,
old l.:(nes, Cuts• truises. flu/Aches, erached Heel, de.—
Price, • 6il tents.
Dr. Tobias could fill a dozen newspapers with the cer•
I diodes aud letters receil ed, relating to the WI ndt•t ful
cures accomplished by his Liniment, Int e••rsidc:a that
wars:intim: it it. sufliricut.. ns any person who di it. net
olditin relief. need net pay I, it.' 'Then• has 1 ern so
much worthless medicine F. id to the put I r To.
hies wishes his emir, to re- t tin its nod if
1 1 he gives the value of the money met ited, then lie akhs
the pair( nnize of the putlit•. nt t t•thr• wt.,.
'fUlliAf' Office, 5.10 Cill LE:\ 1011
For sale by A. Stnitb, Seventh albi Chestnut fi Son. 1:12 Seeulal ,breet; T. It. notetid,r. SS
S. 'Third :bbeet, find by the Ihuggh.ts thu °ugh , ut the
United States.
• eak. 7..
• -
I L I THE OF THE 111001.1.--:\..t
riartirle'orli..ii•ur, in it. An inf . :MD.lp remedy
Scrofula. King's Ks ii. 1011.1(111t.t1,11.,1 , 104illta.'
E1 . 1111(101 IS. or Pm:fillss on die FM,. Ms
Uhrunic I.;,) es. King \limns ..r 'lilt•r, $.019
!lead, Eidargonent and Pain of the
rn I Ice's, Lonitit `pi nal
ri.mpluints and all tits - vases arising fri-n. an Injiailitions
urc of lllereury, Iniprudenee in 1.111, or 11.1pui ity ~f
ten_This great alterative medicine and l'orifter of the
Blood, Is now used by thousands of grateful Philents In
all parut of the United litititYST - lit ‘ t testify doily to the
remarkable en re , perfermed by the greatest of all medl
Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Li% unitis
e/15e. Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Ailed ions of the Kidneys
Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints. Pains and
Aching of tine Iktnes anti Joints. are A cry speedily put
to flight by using this great anti inestimable remedy.
For all diseases of the mood. nothing has yet I eon
fottud to compare to it. It cleanses the sy stein ul all int.
purities, nets gently anti efficiently on the LI% cr att.l It id
neys, strengthens the Digestion. gives Date to the rte nt
aeh, the shin clear and healthy, !Ind rest( let. the
Con s tn nth n, onfeeMod by disease or broken da ft by the
CSeel , Res of youth, to its pristine vigor and strvnglb.
For the Ladies It Is incomparably I otter titan all 11. e
cosmetics ever used. A few doses of CAI viii s it at: n
31txruits will remove all sallow nes , of cempleslon. l.t lug
the PIS.:" mantling to the cheek. give elasticity to the
-step, twit Improve the general health In a rented al le de.
gree beyond all the medicines ever heard of.
The large numl er of certificates whl.-1, we have ri ceiv•
ed from titan persons from all parts of the S.!att s.
Is the hest evidence that there is no Humbug Meet it.
The press, hotel-keepers. maylstratet, IthYsidartst anll
public men, well known to the t tomninnity, all add their
testimony to the wonderful O'Neil; of this uREAT E 1,001)
Call on the Auttcr. and get a Circular and Almanac,
and rend the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all
itledlelnes has perfernn•d.
FOlll , get/1111D 11111CSS Ogned BENNETT ,t; MEE S,
priotors, No. Pearl ntreet, Richmond. Va. to NI lora all
enter,: for supplies and aueueles must be :41dt et,ed.
And for sale by S. Elliott. S. W. Ila turll,lc;
Ira , Pay. 3lechaniettlatrgt .1. 11. Iterron..Newt ille: . 1 .
Attie. Shippen,burg, and by dealers it (.I%N,
' 'ILE' VON DElt. OF Tll.l ;
For the ewe of Saila-110mo, Chil hinins, Conn, n
Sores. Chapped or ernited !hinds. Burns or Cut,
.1' WOlll/,1:. I . OOS. 11111111111111111f111 of the 1!
1110001 Y, Sore Lips I'llllol'S 0/1 the 1 ai.0.111111 111,141.111 F
Out :11111 :".01'0S 1411 Children, n 1.41 111 do f. 1,184
Ointment 81, lil cure 1141't , n1Olietno tool I'm uw. "1'
(14:11.3:0 , 1 11:1111.11,. 11111L":11111. 1111114 ,•1111•1 1111 , di
11111 S of the klnd beton , the 14811 lie.
t•uh , tantiate 114 , 1.. 1 4':144 yit.• Lionlrols of ee ,
1/111 1 consider it no tice. vor,,u, rm. do
the 0:1114e. II thvy hove 1.1 011 II %1 00,
tick) 1i d) s,lel;k on the tnEl its or thy tnutn,ent 1184'
N. 11.--A sinvle ho't of tills °intro , will i4o p nny
Farmor's. ~r 1 41 ,,,it , •, 11 4 ,1, 141
them 1.11,114 or mod; 1•1"01' 0011 I I All.l 111 g(.(41 84 0 , rlo
lug ontur ull winter. Preps •I'd an , t 4,4111 I.v
Me • I:0 l'Eti HE 14
h 1 nlst , by the pttneipnl Drugg.,. ts.1.11(1 1.'441141.3' Mor.
chants. rrico ,!entv, i+er 144,x,
Fop. In, 1
St! (11,
1.1 A 1' „
A; you a cold Y—(;al)oller s 6113, - .lr
ha!: notnieoita just celebrity fo' the cure of
tlisett,es seisity: fe::iti severe and It, etll,:iey 11:1,
been attested avid aptirv.e,l by buil dreds of our nn .et re
spctable eitinms. lu evo•l . , ilit•taroY illlll 1‘.111:1t0 11 . 11e1
has been given, t the Th114,1%1111: eertWeitte front these
who bare tried it bears testimony- :tizinufact tired and
f.r sale by
We the undersigned do certify that we have used Cati
leher's preparation for Consumption. C,lds. Diseases
the Lungs. Liver, &c., And hal hig experienced twined'
Me relief therefrom would recommend it to ail atlllote4
in that way. ,
nos, 11. niles, Mrs. M.,t.lould, It. 11. 31eCey. V. I%
Wolf. Peter Monger, 11. S. Hackett, 34 , NePh Luloch, N
IV. Woods.
Carlisle, A pril in. "I.Rtel—ly
‘,_ MAP OF (21118 Ell LAND COL N
.l. 4'Y.--from ovtiroy mit:ii,,,l survey, hv actual
nWasurentent throughout the whale con n ty, by 11. F.
11111 rg; Ess. ,
The stibs4wlher ix 1101 V" engaged in winking Sul veys
preparatory to publishing a 111,w 1111 d efdllidet O. )111)1 Of
Culllberlmnil County, 1111(4111 large scale. Every Collie
Road and Strum:with the Loral tons or all :11111s, Sti.res.
'Dwellings. and Collie Buildings, will be accurately lald
down. All the Publie Buildings in the Con lily I'M{ 1 r
distinetly,,lndieat ell, and the tonnes of owners of prefer
ty generally, will he Inserted In their proper posit loos oo
the "Map.
A , Tahle of dist a tweq. Ft:ol.ll , s "of the Tinnily. en.
largell 118110 of the principal Nillage.4. and a few IA 111.
'most Ilth':1141V1 , NIMVS In the , County. will lA' il)l,ll,Vd It
the 1111111:111 I thus giving every yatigiiction. and render
! log the !11111/ 1111.1 A valuable to Ilia 4. 1
I , 7lerS Of Property,
Merchant s. Travele'rs. Conveyancers :out the inhalitto.l ,
generally, of the melon delineated
In as tench :Is till, , 111:11‘ is 01 t• niche up IS tIrt11:11
Slll'VVy , mmio upon tits grenod. It Will .1'1.1111114 , tilll, t ,
accomplish it ; it I, MI I.NrOrt.Vll. ihrlefbro, that It i, ill
h e etude y fin. pidilloat 1011 InUell 111,1101' 1.110 period of 'l'w.
Years. The sh..< , of the ',llan nlll 1,, nhinq limo f ee t i. : ,
font.. and will void live dollars.
11, P. 111111111 ENS. publisher.
, --• N- 1I• corner of M;.rshall and Wend Ft.philadopion
Sept. 27 7 0 1111 rd. .
ITACTIINIitY o . lT4.—Avery supert
hor art11:0 of 01 for gy ., ,asing trutrlilens : Just N-
eared Jun/ fur . 1/TONS.
I V E It COINIPLAINT, I>yspepsitt
.1J Jr nin di ee , chronic or Nervous debility, bi,easo e
toe liidnevs, :tad all diseases arining front a disorders
Li; er or ::•touatelt, suoit :Ls l'onstipation,in wart l•1/et
fe1 , ..., of lied to the head, avidity of the stotwtet
tL:e. , :t. le arthurr. dlsi- ust 1 r food. fulness or weight 1 ,
the ',l.:lnso It, •
sou e a
ruet.itious, .rfuliOng or Cut teriog a
tii.• t:t .4 the F. 1,3 •.01 sit laming the bend, hule
k g,l,
and dalienit I.roat I, , tr.th_rh :, at the 1 , , ei t. (led itt
or saff,entit: a , 1.• gt:••: a ' , Lea in a 1,11:g I•• tram: liill
rte. , oi 5i,..1.M., ill, er well. Fefere the si:Zht. lever :tn•
dull pain h• I. • b,.,:1. '1 f•el• re• ••1 4 persph all , n. yenow
ne•••; I ( tb, • I i t , ; ‘ ,,tl r• es. pii,. lo Illo• side I ar k. , !WM
1i . . ,1 ' , 0, ...• . I.tHolt 4 ;11,1,CS , 1 Le.:t. hinting in the Hut),
~ ! b., ;t, it,- of evil h bti glrela Ibllbt'S,i , ll , 4 SPli
ii.. rrra I rrr•.. r 5 0, 1:y I . lllvli by Dn. /lt:tal ` , ,i's ( lA.'S
I.ll!.'st iqb 'II .. 1
AI \'., 1;:'111.Itt-, prepared I,y I.M. C. k
11:u mill : , 1;,,t I.l,ilndt.lphin.
'i 11,41' p. Avf., 111. t,,, di , ntis,s Is 11,4 I • Yerftell,
d. 011, pril,r:lftel. IV the 1 . 3. ft ell : . (1.(44
;: the eerie; : nuu.y earns lifter skilfal phyP
(Inns 11)“,
The,o z•e , the ottPviire r.f
meat t reetit , entioll el o.erlFlr
or the 1. 1,1,1 itt•Yer %er, 41); the mu.
pm. - ers In NI, eal,nrs•s and alni . ..tiont, or the 4/
pe.tive orgale.... they An) certain itrAl pleas
J. i 4 iiriiut. 'trey., Wei Fa., Alan 0, las.i , sa! i 's
rim get giati re tihelites fr r your Corm:nil:11
ton , In this If yeti thew. A Indy iiiirelias
ing some of it tivat it is 104 fitr. the I.e
nieitiehie Out . ever 1, Ili a la-r and be
daughter auteli goal. ite.
11. Loss sr Is. Pt
a. itni nturh at!:;.-b• to yr ur
it it, it hie]) I yiria.itre
hula S. Kurt :It Inereet. auit Lur d pelt
relief ttrv, it in di, ittii tsr tilt. !Av, r. i ti, t it 1.,
r cu,tlu lo rile Met ill rl.'oll , tll ,
heel. V , LI- , 11111 11 sr eft:, I tr-.,
lir Cr,: Yr!, Thalia
a• .1 half a Ili )4.11 L. rt!i—i of yi aar i•k•iirn
G I.•' ^r t 11•1•‘•,1117t. 7717•1 77.7. 7 •• S 1 a i!ia •
01,r:tutor. ii . !••71t 7 :177: fri•1II t 1• 14 rf alien airy. Iyi
I I itli,r .I;7S r, Iho ti
Lt V.••• • • . 11••• E. 11.1! tri.a :nth
! .1 ..1 1.•!!! ti
tul{• I.'• :I 71 . 1. y a..i 11.1 f• ,47.17t..1 •
G! I I % I .'••••.
• 711t„,1 • .1:: •
.4 t'•• 1.,H,
4 , ,
I "I' r
r• r
U• ' tC , 1,7-•trt rrti
k‘i 1.,11., 2,e,i;v11.:4
t011'()11 1 . (11 - 1 .
cents. by means of the 147(1
The thirty-six th Editin. rt it
ono hundred ettgravines. sites
ing Private Diseases and Ma
formations of the Ilenoratis
System, in every shape an
form: to nitich is added
Treatise , on the Diseases of P
nudes, intended for the are t
females otly, Isee page 1 istl 1.
log of the highest importnns
to married tts pie, or these rvi
„ • Iy. WV. Torso. yl. D., Gratin/it
of the.Unisersity of Pen osylt a 1.111, .Metal or of the Lee
e l College a 1, , ,,nt0n, and honorary Melnik
Of the Philadelphia Metlical society. The vault us corn
of Secret diseases. Seminal Weakness, Diseases of
l'n St rate Oland, Impotency, .1 itary 11shit sof y out h, of
faithfully described. and all the receipt, givon I n Toni
chapters cat soil al use and S mita
Weakness Is earthy of parth•titnr attention, and F/11 , 111
read by every one. lil:1111p.: 111011 Itim 117, 0 I ,OR ut
fortunate In contracting disease. previ o u s to plaeir
ecurselx es under the care of any do tor. no matter V. til
his pretensions may be, get n copy of this truly' valuta,
Vnphans Ana persons grin!: to son F1,,,,11,1 poFxo
Dr. Young's Troat 1,4 , on lllierriace, the Pc•rhet zEsi ulaj
or Every one His own Ihysh inn.
Lc Let no fattier he ash:in:ea to present a ropy Of II
.I.7senlapitis to his Child: It may saNe him fn in an ear
vs av,. no young roan or moninn enter into the i
eret olbientions of married life with. ttt rt toli,n4the pot ,
et ..Esettlapins. lAA no one sulTet log in in a lidekni.
entnlih, pain In the slily. restless nights. TIN colt, feelin
!Intl the ailittle train or Dyspoptro onnsa than:, and 'girl
up Dv their physleinn. be another moment n ;tin
stating the ...Esettlaplns. Dave the mart led or the
about to le 'married tiny impediment. read this ten
useful Beek. its It has been the weans cf saving the
sands or utlibrtllllllt , ., errninres from the very jaw a
d ea th. Upwards of a)1 Lb] tIN Copies of this tirlehrat,
aork.h:e. lwen sold iii this rourttry Europe sluer 1
hen the iirt.t edition lens
• Any person sending. I'WENTV-VIVI.: rents e
elts:ed in a loiter. n ill receive one rcpt' of this Null s
!nail; or five egries will le sent for Address
W I ILI . 01' Nil. No. uec Otreet, Philadelphl
Poet lentil. . .
'l,veuts years ptlt..liee in the eit3 of I hilatlelphin cur
t Linly entitles hr. Voting to 11, eoliffletiee of the vf
di•to.l. and he rwty h 1 eor,otltett rt any of the I
in hi: itiferrut 1.1 , 11e:01, its. at . 116 01 11 ,0. IV.:
spruce Ftre, , t. us T,ry .1a) ltrt AI eon 9 and :to'elot•k, Stip
ve.optel lit 1,r,0011s :ivy dietllll,C ltlristilt
1)1'. ~ung 1.) letter. I'oms PAID.
1..F.---; 4 I' I.:1.: 111`o it le-`
Turs.o Yon runt twv..N DENI:FIT!!! A Medi
t•• gnarl' Superior , to ethers%
amt ni , llin the vicars. ef et ery truth laud. I
1 . 11.1. S ter enty-fife rents! Ne tertiett In
ice--110 Calt•inel—nutuineral pc•lFtel hateve r ,
ltrs.' :s.•!'lciia 1'11.1.$ fully uteri!. thegrent
,pututiell ttley hal e acquired. They are called f,r frt,rn
a ll parts el the henl,lweatese Turk' Ai:E ALA. TfIAT Turt
fI.UV TO at:.
1 ., I I A T THE y WILL DO—Then purify the Ideod, titer tho :'ystetit ti Iltntioni, they rare Dyspepsia at:d
i• L.n, they erVate an Appetite. (bey c u m
II .11 tehe.iiir.tiners ;tint Low Spirits. they arrest
0,,t, a P'alihy a,•tion of the Lilo% they ar o ft
C•,tin M4l 1131'H U:11 Coaistipathtn,
(1 1 ,, n on . Ot Fellatio (olnytlnint,, then
st f:tr.:ll:en and •dro tent.. to the Is') stem. They are lho
1,4 ran,jl Mt I:nown.
It is an of virus inquily.ltow one medieine ran cure no
ttttuy diliereul C )1110/1111tS. These NHS, 110W(yer s arc Yo
co op
olnded of-ettratire materiabilbat persons lIIITO OP
ly 'ITV THEM and the answer will I,e found i n n
st body and an Invigorated mast It iilten.
It'll Pox contains 100 l iIIF. at the astratishinnir
pr'e of '2:l coats. Etors indivithiarshould have t Lem-
For sale by the lirttgeists and Storekeepers generally
F. A, P.11.311:1:, AL;pr.t, ,Stonington. Ct.
C. L, fiddling, of Nlvellanleslairg, Cumberland
court y; atinctint , 4
to them) :Atlieted mitlt
Woos. Cnneers, Polypus. Lupin:, 31„,.k 5, Fen "
lola. King's il and all diseases. that kayo been usually
tre:didol with Canstk or 1:n ife. he i•an remove them With.
palm ; 'wither Chloroform or
out ettttinit. burtiinr.:
to the patient. It Is uo matto
vi , al pant ' I : the "'AY they may bo, be ran remove.
Odin nit It perfect sal'ety. toot a remarkably short
Ai m ,. No - NI ot Vogetztldepol , on is applied, anti no
11)1(.111 , 1' required until a I'lll'o la perfected.
0i.14P,11r, I tort. reITIZI/1.1 'Vert
al and all io,Ler disease: treated with pesitire
I , !u i . :au be obtained by addlres 4 lng In eltber
. nr Out 01101. prat paid. Pathoilrs can b, ammo.
, 0 1.0r,d on reasonable tetles,
.!dechuilesli:r2; is cute of Ilia prettiest nod healthy
t hi this or any vi hor Fttdr. It Isµ miles firm on 111 n t'und , e.dandl Valley I:all Road, and
folli till pit is ~r uniou , wrii
sort of thdi State when dle', , lred.
1 -. ..indbre.ddld . r if stir know ;illy atllleted fellow cres
ti:re: delay not to toll thetal of ibis I rratinolli•
• t It,.•2:IfICIIV.S.NIII . NET. I eh.n. Flovonfh. aril
17t1 sLeoNii SlpriCrc ir.lito attention .to 'qtr. rrinilete
1.11101 /11111 Silk I . /1111inp, )111;;;,N,110,:ors
t,tl 0t 1 y111 , ..411111rn Innr
tic exi.entud. et tew It.
J. IL NIA l';ilrELT,
r1".:11111 St. awl 170: 4 0t. 1) 2.1 St., Pltilitlolphlx , ,
I ; 11,1,