S Mile 111atlic19. BALTIMORE MARKET. , • BALTIN,WRE, Monday, Jan. 22. Flour—the market is steady, with it droo* lag tendency. There were stiles this morn" ing on early 'change, and afterwards, of sonic 700 hbls lloward street briouls at $8 50 per bbl. Ott late 'change no sales reported. Holders were firm in asking $8 .50, with but little disposition to purchase, the market be ing nus tiled, there being no dispatch from N ew •1. 0 .1; owi!ng to the wires 'being jute:- i_ rupted : the storm. We note sa ”i of 600 tdds. City Mills $8 23 per bid. c sh—a de cline. We quoted Rye Flour at sl , llas6 50, country Corn Meal $.l 50, and city Mann- Metore $1 73 per bbl., with sales. Crain— ,he grain market this morning was rather dull, and prices have a downward tendency. Wheat--The offerings to-day amound to about 2500 bushels white and 800 bushels red, and mostly sold—good to prime white at t'2 00 a 2 03, very choice white would bring something more, but none offered-- , sales also if good to prime red at ~ ,$1 95 a 200, 2 to. 15 cents per bushel less. Corn—The supply to lay was quite large. . PHIL ADELPIIIA. 11 . A ',UZI!. T. rIIII.IIIEI,III I A, Mu,]nv, Jan. 22. mr—'lho markot pontinues chill nnil Trooping.: there is littl4:ur la) ilenianel '; • tt..port,or home tiso, :11 1 ,1 shipping nis t .. 0 (drore,l at ;:•••e-; without !wing et'mtioNi to It ,:s the retailers titta ,m SS t• tU S 9 25 fiw, to) '3rAnd.s, and $.9 50 a $lO per bld. for (xtru. lath•r for fancy lots. Rye Flour is al. .o ry quiet at—sll 50 per bbl. Of Corn Meal, A sale of.,;(10 bids. Brandymine was made at .11;1 G2i per bbl. Grain—There is very little Wheat offering to day, and holdemk-are rail er lrmer; the demand however, is limited, and 'lily about 1300 bushels prime Delaware and Pennsylvania reds found buyers at 207 c., and 1200 bushels Pennsylvania white at 217 a ISt% the latter for choice. -- Rye is steady, ~ith further .sales at 126 c. Corn is in fair 'equest, and sales of 3a.1000 bushels, mostly uew Southern yellow, arc reported at 93 els., Including one lot at a price to be fixed, and ,ome Pennsylvania in store, at the former .ate. Oats are lower, and about 2000 bushels Southern sold at 52 cts. I ITCLIES ! I‘l kTeli ES ! '—JOH N 11/ON N ELLY,tnanntacturer and hive . litor of SA I:E -a i'a CENT SQUARE t r . I'IIII.IIIT %Will/ MIX lATI.'IIEt. 4 . m. 100 North EkttlltTll Street kaliore Itarel I'M LADEI, 'ILIA. ylatehes haying liceouir an imlispensable article . 1 Mmsokeeping. the subscriber alter a great sat rifler of inn , and mney, is enabled to °tier to the rutin, all ar. idu :It once combining, Utility and Cheapness. The M eat a . knowing the danger apprehended on account of .he flimsey niminer In which 31:itches are generally racked in paiiitr, has by the niti.of Nett' Steam Machinery i his awn Invinttion, succeeded in getting up a 5.5v1 , :ry , ATl.:yr si.,LAlty. U ['RDA DT IVOOD MIN; this box is it preferable. fit no much that it oretiples no more roan ..inn the old round wood box. tool contains at least ~.., iinndred per Cent more littrltes. r bleb to Shippers t considerable ado antagm it Is entirely u ,,, . and Secure 4ninst nulistoro arid spontaneous emitfustlon, dispels 1 dalgor.Ol tran,l,rtation by Weans of tall road. :.. , tvai.. . nit or any other mode 0ft,,,,, 4,, 821(2'. rit,,, P.! acht, are p.0..{:t . t1 so that one gross or mere Ity be Shipp. , l to ':Lit part of the tl mid with pert', , i It ty. They are the most desiral.le in title Mr 11. ant: nn,rniltinn. and the Sorilhern aloi nestern marl:. L> !lat. Into I, Cr Inn.o DIN poted. . ' DE.I LERS nod SHIPPERS, trill ti' , Wl . ll to call and -minim . for theinsele , .. Luny heretoforer NV .5 Illt On to lie super irr tiring tittered di OW Ptiblit . . JOIIN DONNELLY ' 100 North FOURTH St. Phil:trim Dee'r d, 1554. , CM) TRI M "LNG S.- ll No. 396 (1111SX UT STit Err, below Eleventh. and sEcos o STREET, below Spruce. Aelphia. invile attention to our complete 111.1 . si,rtanont of Plush and :1111 Iltudinrs, Mut vs Staple Trimmings, of MU' OWII 1111pOrtati , 11 and Mall acturo. 1 - .Orders executed at a few irmrs notice. • .1. MAXWELL & SON, 290 Chnsn ut St. and 170 South 741 Ft., Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Deneanber 11, 1,51-3100. lf ADIES FANCY Ft:11:4.-3011N L a t VAR 111 ItA, Importer. Maimfaettirer and Dealer in ulainds of FANCY for Ladies and Children, at MARKIN Street. above Eighth. Philadelphia. Having now completed my Lunge mot bottotiful assort twat of all the different , 4; hots of Fancy Fors. that will Nv,pru by Latlitts tool I'hllllolt during the present sou -1 to; Oil , assortment ot Furs is equal to arty Lobo found this City. either for quality, variety or beauty. liar -14 bought my furs itu Europe for Cash. atoll have had thorn tuanoftwt oral by the most competent workmen outer my own supervision, with reasonable ettotottoy.-- am determined to sell them at small profits, and 6 r :ash only. S'eOftEKEEPERS would do well to' give me vat before purchasing. JOHN FAREIRA, •254 MARKET Street, above Eighth, Philadelphia. u6-31n QAUSAG E CUTTERS AND STU F ,j nnts.—Feveral patterns et' the above on hand and :ox sale tvholesale and retail by PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., Agrleultural Warehouse and Seed Store, eorner of ith tud Maricet, Philadelphia. Dee. tith, PAIN 's AT 05P.1.11.3 It CC 11 UltN S k j.-A full supply t of ill) above celebrated Churn. now .11 hand of all the d . ittereitt:,skn - !, , i,,friipi 4 gatlons bn. • t revolved the tire , premium itt the late l'e msylvan la Mate Fair, the first premium at the Franklin Institute and Delaware and Maryland State Fairs:and various Ithers at different plaeos. It will make.more aid butter smiler front'a given amount of eream, and in less time :Ilan any churn in the market. For sale wholes:de and retail by .‘ 310ItRIS ,ti; CO., A“Tleultural %Varela - arse and Seed Stare, corner of 7lh ,tcd 'Market, l'hlladelphia. 1854—t f , ~ VLUABLE 'TOWN PROPERTY , • AT PRIVATE SALE—The subscriber will sell the property Le now OWIIS and men " Ides, Iktruterly clued by the Rev. T. V iiri iy1.... ..„,--) MOswe, sittutijdAnt South honorer sr!tilry.. wi c ~c - Carlisle, adjolnlillf the propertyof Mr - • -4ssrifs:er. , ,.. Win.ltrahant, near the Walnut Bob tom Road, consisting of a TOWN •LOT AND A HALF il 4 14v 1: VI feet, upon which are erected a good two story Ira ANI 1: ROUSE,. Wood I louse and Stablakiogether with. other 4mbbuildings. There is also n pod inicis,vouw:de d. 0 •ste'rn, capable of holding I,rty-tive hogsheads of water. The property is in good repalr. Also, for sale, ft full INAVN lOIT nib , ining the al ore, fS , I by '2lO feet. Any cite wont lug such property will do irJll to call aturexamine. • novel--OmBENEDICT LAW . FALL STYLE OF HATS for 1854, -GEORGE KELLER respectfully announces to his old Patrons hod the public generally that he has just re, — Ni7 celved the. FALL STYLE' O G F ENTLEMEN'S 4 , RATS, manufactured nt one of the best establish •aents in Philadelphia, to which he invites 'special' attention. Ile has also constantly on band a large and varied as sortment of hik; own manufacture aii well nit city made liats and Cap:; suitable for the season, cominTsing every variety of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk lints, lin lobed in the latest style, together with a full assortment of CA I'S of every shape and description, and at every price. , lie particularly invites the public to call and ex amine Ids exeensive assortment, which in style, mate ritl and finish. cannot be surpassed by any In market, and which be Is able to put at 'prices lower than ON er. Remember his old stand on North Hanover street, be. tweet' II moor's and Server's stores. A 1414 „STY. LE OF 11A TS & CA PS. wm.- 11. THouT, desires to Inform his old friends that lie has removed to his new estahlishMent on [Ugh street, near the Railroad Depot. and Is now opening a larte and elegant assortment of the FALL STYLI'. &ft, lI.VPS, just reciti,ed from Philadelphia, which ' 44 the gentlemen of I are requested to aril and examine. Ile has also a large assortment of :gilt. Fur and siloneh I lots ee his own manufacture, got up in the best - style and at various prlees, the excellence and tinio, 01 W blitz 110 will warrant. Ills stock he is confident on ly needs to he examined to 1-e appriived. Also. a large supply of Moit',l, Boy's 'land Cliildicn's CAPS, of Cloth tint Fur, and of every variety of A. 3.101110 price just re ceived from Philadelphia. Let all who want a Ilat or t 'ap give him a call, as they may be sure Of bring suit ed to their own satisfaction. IIIINA, (;LASS AN.I) (21'1 . :ENS amt with thou atc,,, who an , Is.e, , lnc , hottsel: eepers. Invit ~ , i to, call :it II A I.lt IiTS 1'.1)11 IA I: lit It 'I:It and ex :1111111(• hie VIVI:Mt :ISS0111111•11t...1 (n11, 4 :11111 quieetts ware and other ant 111 the 110l1,1•1•01 . 11illg Ittle, Slid) 1 , :11;:.lish lea sets. lain y Lit11,1,,1 and plain, 11'101, W-snit.. L..110...1 I , ltie I , lah). Dinner set,, eV. I.ry vat ict,) and p, 1,, , k11. anti ptirhers. tureens. dish- Wass•lvare—.•ot:tl e table :Intl tnatitel limp.. Ca:111 , 1:11 , ra. nitd ' , liner lamps. great rarity. table and i lii An. Inuit preser‘e cliches. to la til-s, I•ut ter 1 , 1111 t- ;11 , •al I lackets..Ae. Ilritshesst etping. RiteLLin~,awl slio , e I,enshes. clusti•rc. A )I:,r 'set e1 ,, 1111 -1 ml,l travelling I ac1, , •1,. a chi I , •.• assortment 1,1 and Se, , ,ais• C. ll t• ttri. of ch.+, hintitlc So,nis and Ins the 5t. , 11.111. , i,is c , t her 'til , a t suet .111 , 1 S.• 11 wiil until 01 , 111 r ttnimpeachabl ,• halt tint 1 . 0111111011 5e . 431, tt it h 4•ll , ice till" and ••11 ,, , hi.: I 'I - --- - -- __ _ . ~.—.— _ -- 7 , , ,—....- pH{ T 111; MILLION A' VA i'tV. - - 1 , , , . ,alu ju.t 1-..,.i.i11.z 3,i. - Fall ~.., Icj • 9ANCItiCS i : r 7 -:- ":•1•4.1s i.f I'.ll'l,lt 'll.l\l,l\l -. 1, 2 -- V....'441,11ic1i ,urpass it, ,ty le. ,titalit ' L k- lf,--- l -t- alitt pia,. all) that La,. ~ , ,, i I.,•,•1, ,• v i,i , .,•1,•.i is c a . 1i,,1, I ',sport rail) s, , lirit aI:I i 1 fl •MI pl . , I.`• in Slant it Paper Ilan:zings I,f ally i1,,,,i11it. ti ,a. a. I am i,litt,l,ll I,y t i.., , rtaivitt , filr tairlial.,- , • :,11 111 Ili , II .1 , 11:II. 111111 in F4)1..111111 pri,a, 1110 , IFtil li•, , ri val, it, ill,' rity. 1 ~ 1 11, :1.1 , iii 1,11.-1 , 11 1 .1k1 ,, roll 1t1 ,, 1 rst ,Inri.. my ;is.. rt taiti t t, 1,,•f1,re pill clitt , ilat. is I till ..01111- .11 . 1 it. lify L'1M1.1.. , dl . 1.i. 1 :111 . • rallll l .t Nil 1.../ I,ll.lil=r Ili „ 111.44 . .... .. .... ..•11A • ''.llO MN P. !AM...., Wra side of North Hanover Streot, I()OK OUT IN TIM E !—Cholern ,,,„oms, by.seut ery, Diarrluem ke., are tnahlog then appear:me. You know the remedy. II von late any regard for the wellf.tre of yourself, 'your wif;•, or your children, supply yourselVes w ith MATCIP I,ESS otherwise 11bilie the consequence re suiting from a I.lgoted !Whereto . ° to 1•1.1 quackery. This •• Matchless Remedy , ' eau be had at the Drug St..re-M` B. .1. RI E F ER, South Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court. !louse, Carlisle.. IIOOTS AND SHOES.. The subserib -1 or has now on hand ti very extensive and well se cried stock of B 0 0 T S and S Ill) E S, which he will sell at unusuallv low pric es. Purchased from wholesale dealers, at low rates. ho ran oiler such induce ments to purchasers as will make it their interest to %k -it his establishment. Ile lias every article In the Boot and Shoe lino—for Ladies' or lientlemens' wear—he th,•ref , .re deems It unnecessary to particularize. Arii- Persons desiring good and cheap goods ala invit ed to give him a call ,furniture. 1) 013ItT B. S :NI I ',EY, N 711.11 i. Ell and UNDEItTA K • rj Imp ler street, next door to 41 Ile Would respectfully inform the i•Ultens of Carlisle, and the !while imnerally, that lie mar on hand a large and eleimitt tetsiirtment of El i•mtshttim.: in part of 11;trdritlies.t - ant and eth er Tables. Sofas. (hire Ills. plain awl fancy See in.: Stands. Se.. manufactured tit the test material ttlid i t ullity arratitirl. g s o aeral assortment of IltS at the lowest priers. I.NI'(I,VN MAN ft tmele to order, and repairing tirmilittly attended to. • 1 3 , 4 5 - iFFI NS made at the shortest mitiee; and hay jug a splendid - hem he lie V. 111 attend funerals in town or emultry. tho- Remember the stand—next door to 11. (Bat's lintel. - 'II. It. SMILF.Y. t, -1 NT EN Sl. V 1 , 1 Fl.l RN 1T U R 1 , 1 ROOM. 1 A JAMESs--- lt. \V AVERE would resnerfoully rail .1 ' : - A ithe attention of ilonsedteepers and t he public •• to his ox t ensive stock Of elegant FURNITR UE, including Softs, Wardrobes, Cent re and Taldes, -,e_ _, Messing and Plain Bureaus, and ever) other article in his branch of business- Also now on hand, -. A.1 the largest:gissortment of VII A I ILS In Carlisle. at :-,, the lowest prices. AUFFINS made at the short- 2' ost notice and a Ha orse provided Mr funerals. lie solicits a call at his estal lishment, on North Ban- over street, near OLIS., ' S I Int 01. A:. if - Furnituro hired out by the month or year. • 4 ,0 c 1 ()RN ER of Han ) over end sts 14,1 • Ct.t./ It I,ISLE.—The titidershrM eddies always on hand a lar,m stork of superior Vatintit Ware. in all ti n different sty les. which lie is prepared to sell at the lowest mires. tie invites attest hoc platen- MON to the PATENT tienimi Button Ih.usaE.tn.a most useful article. which entirely obviates all oihjeetions.— The lit thin ho attacihed to old Bedsteads. They have given entiro sfitistlyition tu all who have them in use. COFFIN; made to circler at the shortest notice, PETI'EIt. for Stife 110 Neat ?..4 STORM 110031 FOR RENT. 6141-4 . 4 .—A convenient Atm° room There IS not a better situation in town for business. Enquire at this Oleo, jan3 4 0 -----'; i ., - . ., 77 - D 1,4)11, HENT.---,The Black , '5c,....• mini Shop gm the corner of Tilt street ,g-:. "K"!.mZatol lilelsinson Alley in this bormmli. within halt a square of the IZail Itt agCliotel. formerly oe: copied by Mr 8.,) le, Is offered for rent from the let day ofopril last. For terms enquire of • j an3itonnT Noitix.. ioltlt P, —The two sto ry Fit AM E HOUSE sltuute on West 71I:' Main street, opposite the Lit Road Depot, I I now' In Iho occupancy of N Artustnmg.as .5. ` •n Tobacco store. It Is suitable for a store or shop, being one of the best business locations In the town. Also, for sale, a first rate FAMILY CAR [IRI AO E,fer one or two horses. The carriage - is built rong and of the best materials. It will he soli] low for rush. - Apply to nov 2U : WM. D. SEYMOUR. F ort SALE OR ItENT. N N That desirable private • residence situated on 31aln street in the Borough I% 1,1 * Carlisle, adjoining property id :11iteliel . 0 7u McClellan and others, and now lit the oreurtney - 11. 1, Burkholder, POSF11:10011 given on the Ist of Aprll, 1855, br terms apply to 1 PENROSE. Defr. _o, 1851, GOOD BOOKS BY MAIL ! Published by FOWLER & WLLS, Now Yoh i mdar to accommodate "The E II People" residing In all parts of the United States, the Publishers will tbrward by return of the first mail any book named in the fol lowing list. Thu postage will be prepaid by them at the Now York 011ie°. By this lirmligemont of prepaying postage in adVIIIICO, fifty per cent is saved to the pur eyttser. , All letters containing orders should be post paid and diiiitited Its Billows— FOW LERS & WELLS, SOS Broadway, New York. Constitution of Man. By George Comlie. The only au thorized Allleliellll Edition. 111th twenty engral Ings,, and g Portrait of the Author. Price, muslin, S cents. Defence of Phrenology. Containing en Essay on the Nature and N al no of Phrenological Evidence; also, an able Vindication of Phrenology. By Bearding. Price S 7 cent 'Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Concord and Discord, with valuable Hints anti Suggestions. By N. Sizer.- 15 cents. Education: Ha Elementary Principles founded on the • Nature of Man. By .1.,0. Spurzhohn, M. D. With an Appendix. containing a description of the Tempera ments. and an Analysis of tlio I'hrenologic•al Faculties. 1. irate, We regard this volume as one of tine most important that has been offered lei' flee p ilillr rite wants years.—BO , TON MED. AND Lectures it Phrenology. Hy (leo. ('untie. With Notes. an Essay on the Phromlogical Mode of Investigation. and an Historical Sketch. By Dr. Boardman. Illus trated. :11'.5 routs. Marl iage: its History and Philosophy. A Phrenological and Physiological Exposition of the Functions and w . r es sa ry fir Happy Marriages. Illus trated. 75 cents. Memory and I n1,11..011;11 fmprovement : applied to Self . Education aud.ltneuile Instruetion. Tnentleth edk lion. illustrated. - cents. Matrimony': or. Phrenology* and Physiology applied to the selection of Congenial Companions for Life; in cluding Directions to the Married Mr its ing •together Affectionately and Happily. tilt cents. 'Phrenology Proved, Illustrated. and Applied: accompm Died by a Chart, end , racing an Analysis of the Primary Mental fences In their various Degrees al ' rh•telcgo the l'hcnomena produced by their combined ity.and 111(.1.0,11ton of the itlu•enological organs. :Together with a 1 feu of the-Aim:o and Theological Pearl im of the t`cienee. Price-'ir ^ l 25. Phretmlo..:ical Alta:tub% With P , rtmits, 11 cents. fluent fogy and the Scriptures. An able, th o ugh wok. ity Itrt. ,lohu l'icrtamt. 12 /Nit, Phrenological I; aide. Do , igneil for Students of their ow n I harftiqurS. I'ri,•o la cents. I ore. and Perfection of Chmact me; including the Lducatlon and N•t agcmci.t of 1,11 l h. Price 57 cm or NISEI; MAIM is the motto. No indi vidual 4,111 read a page of it ff ith. ta IP. lug impt.‘ ed thecelk.—Cottinion School ,‘,l l t.oste. Solf I ttetrue tor in Phrettolegy ; , 11 ,1 .dology. trat .41 with One Hundred Clareal it ('taut f r recording the sari. us 110„frees of De, elop• ail, L. ily it S. and 1.. N. Pow ler. laic,' in paper, Siffelin toot man. A ecpietas anti Entetgeneit. ,- . A Guide. containing Di. ree f i ons fir Treatment iw Bleeding, nits. Bruises. Sprains. Broken-Bones, Idel-eat ions. kailw ny and Smatubtett .tecidents, !turns and SealllS. lilies of Cholera. Injured gees. Choking, P t { e on, - Fits. Silo-Stmt.: l % 1411t 1111 fg , Dr ol,ll ing• APP l ' lll lis by Dr. 'frail. 15 rents. Bala or. FOrlieS.,:11111 1411011 ton 01l the NVilterTreatllielli. C.lllOBOOll of repels and beet ureic on for Subject of Hygiene and Ilydreatify. Edited by Houghton.— $1.25. Cousumptiett7 its Prevention and Cure by the Water Treatment. With Advice coneerniog Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Coughs. Otitis, A stlinfit. Brom bit is, and Soil. Threat. By Dr. Thew. 57 cents. Domestic Practice of Hydrepally. with a. Form of a re port for the-Afisistrince of Patients in consult lug their Physicians by Correspondence. By Ed. Johnson, M. 1. 1 1. $1,50. Errors of Physicians and ofthers In the Practice of the Water-Cure. By .1. 11. Ilausse. From the German.- 30 cents. Hydropathic Family Physician. A Beady Prescriber and IlYgleitic Adviser. Is I th'reference to the Nature Cause, Prevention. and 'freatment of Diseases. Acci dents, and l'asualties of every kind; with a Glossary Table of Contents, and Index. Illustrated wlth nearly Three Hundred Engravings. By Joel Show, M. IL One large volume of 520 pages, substantially bound. hive psepaid by mail. $.2.50. Hydnmatitic Encyclopedia; it System of Hydropathy mid Hygiene. Containing Outlines of Anatomy: Physiology of the Human Body; Ilygienie Agencies and the Preservation of Health; Dietetics, and Ily dropathie Cookery; 'theory aunt Prat-Dee of 1 Satyr Treatment; Speen I Pathology, and Hydro-Theraptic ties. Including the Nature. Causes. sy initiation. and Treatment of,all known Innate:es; A }tidiest lon of ty dropathy to filidw Very and the Nursery. Designed :is a Guide to Families and Students, and iv Tv et• Book for Physicians. By It. T. 'trail, ti. D. t rated w ith Upwards of Three II undred Engrae Lags and Colored Plates. Substantially bound. Prepaid by mall. $5.00 . 'rids is the merit comprehensive and popular weik yet published on the sulject of Ilydropathy . (if all the publieations which hoe e attaimol such a whit , popular- it y , is Issued be' Fen lers and Well. perhaps mom are in we adapted to general utility than this rich, eollipre lionsivv, and a ell arranged Eficlept dia.—N. V. Trilme. Prartice of Water-Cure. Containing a detailed ttecount if the various processes need in the Water-Treatment, Ac. By W Ilson find tinily. 30 cents. phliesepity of Water-Cure. A Development of the true Principles of health and lzeigevity. By Balbirnie.— . 30 cents. New Ilydropathle (SA: Book, lly It . T . Trall, SI. D. A System of Cooking on Ilyttropathic Pritteiples, con- Mining an Earessition of the True Relations of all Alimeotary Substances to Ilealtit, with Plain Receipts for preparing all appropriate Dishes for Ilydropatiale Establiehnitnets, Vegetarian Boarding-houses, Private 4‘...ke. It is the Cook's l'omplete Guide for all who °est to live." Paper, C. 2 et s.; nnul ln, s 7 cts. Science of Swimming. IV ith Instruetions to Learners. Illustrated. 15 rents. . IVater-Cure in America. Oi'er Three Hundred Cases of Various Diseases treated with U ate('. Ith Cases of Domestic Piactice. $1 25. . Water Cure applied to Derry it new n Disease. A Now Theory. A complete Demonetratitm of the Athati taeoxs or the itydropathie System of Curing Diseases; showing also the fallaey of the Allopathic Slethed, and its utter inability to elTeet a Permanefft Cure.— With Appendix, containing the Ilylrupathic Dirt, anti Rules for Bathing. ity Mousse, 57 ets. Water-Cure Mamuil. A Popular W mit. embracing De scriptions of the Varleus Modes of Bathing. the I ly• gienie and Cora:lye !Rivets of Air. Exercise. Clothing, &recur:abet, Diet, \Valor, Drinking.. ,tea Together with Descriptions of Diseases. and the Ilydr..:patitie Beale Iles. Ily Dr. Show. 57 cents. Wattorenre Almiume. Illustrated. ti cents. Comb's Py siology. Applied to the Preservation Of li e sith anti to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Ed. ticution. With Notes by 0. S. Fowler. 57 cents.. Chimed(' Disease:: especially the Nervous Diseases of Women. By t). Mooch. From no German. :Incepts. Digesikin, Physiology of. Considered with Relation to the Prinniples of Dietetics. By Combo. Illustrated. Price 30,omtts. Food and Wet. With Observations Oil the Dietetic. Rag- , Wien suited to Disordered States of the Digestive Or gans; awl nn Aceoutit of the Dietaries of some of the Principal Iletrepolitan and other Establishments for Paupers. Mtn:dies, Criminals, Children, the Sick, tte. By Porters. Prlee $1.25. Kansas: 010w:wing Cho descriptions of Seenery, Climate Productions. anti Resources of She Territory, in teßplrstst with incidents of Adventure and Ailey dotes of Travel. fly Max 0 'veil. SO cents. Hereditary Descent : its Laws and Facts applied to lltt. man Inlyrovement. fly 0. S. Fowler. S 7 cents. Maternity : or the Bearing and Nursing it Childred. in cluding Female Education. Ily O, S, Fowler. 11'itli Illustrations. 'B7 cents. Natural Laws of Man. By .1. U. Sptiazheim, - 111. D. AU' import:od work. Price 30 cents. Physiology, Animal and Mental. Apidied to the Pre servation and liestoratlon Iletkitli of Body anti Power of Mind. Illustrated. 87. vents. Sober and Temperate Life Discourses anti betters rind Biography of hails Cornaro. 30 cents. Tobacco. Three Prize Essays by Drs. Trail, Show, end B dthrin. 15 cents. "Teeth: their Structure, Disease and Treatment, with rillaleirellS illustrations. 15 cents. Future_ of Natitus;._ill Wilat Security. A lecture. liossuth. With n likeness. 12 vents: 'What the Slsier Arts Teach as to Fanning. An Address. By Horace Greeley, 12 tents. . No, True Basis of American Independence. An Address.— lly lion. IV. 11. Steward. 1 1 2 cents. Labor: its I listory and Prospects. Ily Robert Dale Cu,. 311 cents. llintstoward Reforms. Consisting of tafetures. EssayS, • Addresses, unit other Writings, seeond 1.511 t 1011, En larged. Ily I lorace Oreeley. $1 2.5. Hopes hnd Helps for the Yenning of Beth Sexes.. Relat ing to oho Formation of Character, Clinics of Avoca . :. , 11 ELDON igartisle -4eralb. I.luofications. Von, Health, Amusement, Mitsic, Conversation, Cul-, n . tivaticn of Intellect, Moral Sentiments, Social Alice tien, Courtship and Marriagu. By Rev. 0. S. Weaver. Hi cents.,„ Human Rights'Und their Political Guaranties. N: Judge Ilurlburt. With :Cotes, by George Combo. 87 rents. llome for All. A Now, Cheap, Convenient and Superior mode of Building, containing full Directions for con structing Gravel Walks. With Views, Plans, and En graved Illustrations. New Edition, Revised and En larged. 87 rents. Theory of Population. 'Deduced from the General Law of Aiding.'.r\ s : . t . tlit / y. I ntruduction by Dr. Trail. lb cents 11'1/1111111': her nincation and Iniluena. By Mrs. Hugo need. With an Introduction by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. W ith Portraits. bi vents. 1;ItI .r of these works may LP ordeVed and 'received I,y return of the first Mail, postage prepaid by the Pub lishers. Noise end 4 *4. the amount in bank 11,4 es or postage stamps, and address all orders, post 'mid, to FOW LEItS k WELLS, LitiS Broadway. 'Neu York. • , N. 11. Name your Post Office, County and State. Notices. _ . ,N orr Eis hereby given that the Cunt i • iII:BLAND VALLEY t 4 A.VING•r: l oc ated at Cumberland Hail. iu 111id:1mM toWlihilip, Ctilllberl/11111 eontity, will make application to the I.egi , laillr“ u f the Commonwealth of l'enbsyhnnia for an act of I neorporation, with a capital of tit t itss than Tell nor Int re thou 'Thirty Thousand Dollars. for the pur pose of receiving, deposits of money both transitory 81111 on iuterea. " , tf Inabilit; loans and jliseount , , with styli othor Kis lieges as are .usually ^granted to t. , :vvings I h s tit ill b.ns. By order ot the Hirectois. 1111. ti A I.lllt KATIE Treas. D. 1,. Fee'y [June 2t.—Cttip ()TICE is hereby given that applica .Li thin %ill ho made to the net Legislature, agree/li lar to the roost it What and laws of the l•atnml , mcealt ii of Pennsylvania, for an alteration in the charter of the Carlisle tlepo-it Dank, so as to von for upon said Dank the rights and prii ileges of it I ank of issue. and to change the nano• to that of the(' kiatsi.t. IL iNn : also to increase the capital stock One hundred and fifty thousand dol lars, li prio•ticable. it_v order of the Directors. W. :U. • June :23, ) Outlier. F A:VIE' I)1 EOltl; E 11 - 11)1.)E It , , :‘• ICI• i. heeeky tr.it en that laden. tesdamentary on the 'estate of I;eorte N hider, late . (d inehioson to‘,nship. Utnnherlrmt county. de , do have bren gllll it43:1,401 , 4 hold coulity to tt0...!;111 , -. residing in the nano. ton whip count) at. restmt. All per.ons lomAt log themseire• indebted to hold estate are required to make Immediate payment. and those hat log claims to pi esent them fol settlement to hAt II) n."1.:111 Nt I DDLII, January 17, Executors. IiSTATEOF ,1011 N 111,1,E1t, DE . j CEA: 4 l:l).—Notice Is hereby OA on that •letters or:411111On fiery on the estate of John )litter. late of MOW JAW lOW ash ip. ( . M111,418101 county, deceased, have been granted 1,3 the, Itegister of said county, to the subseri her, rl7:siding in the sante tom nshlp, All persons knowing I honsels es indebted to said estate tire required to tnake immediate pat anent, and thyse hat ing elaitux to present them for settlement to Dee. '27, 1 54.-btpd. PETER MILLER, Executor. -- - - I, I STATE OF 101 IN RIIOADS, Sr. 4l neeeased.—Nm lee la hereby given that letters of ,outonistration on the estate of John Rhoads, sr. late of ‘I est l'ennsboro township, Cuntlwriand county, decent:- eel, have la•en granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing In the borough of Carlisle, All persons boon lug themselves indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims to - present them for settlement to DAVID itlit3ADla, Adnir. I;sTATE OF JOHN lIALE, DK ij CEASED.—Notice Is hereby given that letters o. administration with the Oil annexed, on the estate of John little, late or Newton township, Cumberland coun ty. State or l'ennsylvanfii,..deceased. have this day been issued by the Register in and ti.rFaid county, to thesub scriber ahe resides in Newton township ittioremid. All permits hating claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent are requested to nmke known the same a Rhout delay, and those indebted to make payment to W ii. 1.1.01 SM CI 11, Nov 15, 1554-ft Air a ith the Will annexed. /: STATE OF MARY ANN KEEP- EitS, 'l).—Notlee is hereby Olen that letters administration on the estate of Mary Ann Keepers. late of the borough of Carlisle, Cumberla Pitt ee uu ty. diet d hate been gninted by the Register of said county to the • subscriber, residing in the borough of t timber land county. All persons knowing theinseic es indebted to said estnto are requested to make immediate pay ment, and these haling present them ti r iut settlement to Sit STEN! EN h. EEPEkS, I, I SI ' ATE 01: I'BRIS'IIAN )I{IIER DEC EASEP.—Netire is hereby gic ell that Letters escamentary on the estate of Chi istian Form . , late f riper Allen tottmship, Cumberland county, itee d.. have been granted by the Register of said el , Wit) tip the sub. sorilcccrs residing in the NUM' tOWlliAlip. Persons indebt IA t, said estate are requested to make Inltnedinte pay ment and those iota ing claims to present them for set tlement to JOHN WINELAND,I 'TOMAS MILLER, y " 1 "" t Nov. 5, 1 SA-Ct pd. 11:),110C LA M _ T I (_) N .-11' hereas the 111,11. Jame:. 11. Ilrallani, President Judge of the seieral C0m1.,. iif Common Pleas itt the eoutittus of Cum berland. Perry and Juniata. and Samuel Woodl.nril and John Hupp, Associate Judges of the said Court. in the said county of Cumberland, by their precept to me W.- reeted. dulled the 11:th of Dee'r.. 155-1. hays , ordered an adjourned Court of l'ommoti Pleas to be holden at (far licie. , i i i th e 'pith 4 1,,y I .f I:ebrunry, 1555, at 10 o'clock in the toretiopti, to continue one NI eel:. N.dice is. therefa... hereby , IN en to all persons in terested to be then Ililli liliql. ' II at totidal,,,.. .10: , El' II Mil-11010N I), /zheriff. Carlisle, January 11. 1.,-::.1. 1 '..%1 ,I'o 111.'A N T N( )' '1 C 14;.--Ile :gib s,ril.ors intending to diss ye partnership on the Ist of February nest, reslaafull ~,f equest thvst• indebted to them to call lind pay up. ol those having clitinis a gainst us are requested ' to pi 'Hit them Immediately for settlement, 11.9 ~Still on hand. a very urge and splendid stock of tirli il OS, ‘, itivil we will ills' he of at prices -cheaper than the cheapest." jatili BENTZ 4: BROTIIEIiS. CT,I ON E Elst I NG .--The subscriber respectfully Inforing the eltizons et Cumberland county, th.tt ho will attend to the business of AIX— TiuNEEiti NO and C r RYINtI OF 5.t US in any part of said county on the most reasonable terms. 141' lug a large amount of sales o❑ hand. it tt ill 1:o for tin, advan (age of those having businyss of this kind to apply 1111- 111.`di lt OS% Ms is at Bridgeport, In this coun ty, tthere Ito 1%111 ahoy:, he thumb when not otherwise ungaged. ,Jamtary 10th,1F55. 11. R•. DUMB:MOIL .. . .I)RLIOS I DRITI!S' ! IMUQS. ! Fresh SUPPLY I I have just received :t fresh stock i f Medicines, Paints. Class, 'Oil, &e. . , which, having * been purchased with great care at the best erfy houses. I canconfidently recommend to Families, Physicians. country Merchants and Dealers, as be ing fresh and pure. Milli:—Patent Medicines. Fine Chemicals, Instru meas. pure Essential. Oils, Herbs and Extracts, Spices, ground and whole. Essences, Perfumery', &e. Cod liver Oil—warranted genuine. DYE-STUFFS—lndigoes Madders, Sumac, Alum, Log and Cant Woods, I. 1: V itrh:l, Copperas, lac Dye. PAINTS—Weth rill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome °even and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window tilass, Linseed Oil. Turpentine. Copal a nd coac h Varnish. and Red DIAL All of which will Ile sold at the ver,y lowest market price. Also, a fresh' and splendid assortment of FANCY MOPS, • Fruits, Confectionary, and. innumerable other arthles calenlated for use and ornatuent, all, of which a r e offered at time lowest rash prices, at the cheap Dr,ug, nook and Fancy Store of the suhserlber on Nort n h Ila over street. S. ir JEAVERSTICK.- aliebicines. jAMES. M'CLINTOOK; DI. D.,—Lato Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in this Philade'. ." phia CoDem of Medicine, and Acting Professor of Mid- wifery one of the Consulting Physicians of the Phil adelphia Hospital, Blockley ; late member of the Na tional Medical• Association; member of the Philadel phia Medical Society; me.aber of the Medico-Chirurgi cal College of Philadelphia; formerly President and Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Castleton Medi cal College, Vermont; and also, late Professor of An atomy and Physiology iu Derhshire Medical Institu tion. Pittsfield, Mass.. &e., &c. • ' lins lately introduced in a popular form, several of his sprite prescriptions for the principal diseases of this climate. The name of each girtiele will Imply the dis ease for which it is intended to be used. McCut.:TeCK'S PEcTORAL 13YBLT, $l. DIL MCCLINTOCK'S COLD AND COUGH MIXTURE—For COMB, rollAS. &C.. Price :25 its. Da. 'MCCLINTOCK'S ASIIIMA AND 1100PINLI COUGH RUSE- , DT. ' Price 50 tits. Dn. 31CCLINTGCK'S TONIC ALTERNATIVE Syttur.—For Pu- I ify lug the Blood. e $l. McCuNiora's Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tone to the st , duach, relieving pains after eating, heartburn, andaji disagreeable symptoms arising from indigestion. Price 1111.MCCLINTOCK'S hues STATIC MINTIT.E—A Purely Yo- getable Remedy for Internal use. Price 60 Os. MeCtnTOCK's ItllEt NATI(' LINIMJ NT—For 1111C11111R tism. Sprains. Swellings. &c. Price fu ets. I Da. yIcI'LINToCK'S ANOPENE:IIIXICItr For Pains, Tooth ache, Headache. Net/might, &v. Price 511 its. Mitt.mioca's FEVER AND AGEE SPECITIC—A certain mire fos all Intermittents. Price $l. Dit,iMi CUNT°, R'S 1 1 1ARRITCE1CORDIAL AND CnourA Pnz- WENTIVE—A ,Nate Remedy. MCCLINT4K'S VEGETABLE PURGATIVE I'lLl.r-,FOr Ci7,lll.Cllciiii. Headache . , &e. Price R tits. Dn. MrCtEcto, ANT,I-aIIIOUS PILLS—For irregularity iu the Functions,of the Liver and Bowel(—the best Liv er Pill made. - Price 95 tits. a Los. Far sale by McCI.I NTCCK. at his Medical Depot, N. W. Corner NINTH and FILBrAvr Streets. Philadel phia. and all Druggists. Druggists and Peelers in Mcd iviul•s alto ejolt to be Agebts. will please address Dr, McClintock. furnishing reference, indite of Post Office, county and State. 119- For Sale by W. A. Kelso, Samuel Elliott. Carlisle; 11. Criswell, Shippensburg; Emu/Anger Co., 1.. Kauff mn, Mechanicsburg; Joseph Newtille; J. li. Zimmerman. A ndersouburg Pert Ig. town; A. C. liliph. New Ithicudield; Harriet M. Singer, Newport: 11. F. Gardner, York Springs; A.J. Miller hnd .1. S. Nixon. Chandiersliurg; If. 31entnir, Waynesboro.; George Ile/iv/ter and li. B. ,lours A Co., Harris! urg. MR. MeCLINTOCK can he consulted. without charge, • rim,' lu t,, 1 . 2 u'el, , ek. A M., at his IN•te t. Deceml er Jli is c (Canons 1- OR 'l' 11 E HOLIDAYS t FANCY GOODS, trjrr W. 11AVIrAtSsTICK has just meek est from the city and is flow opening a splendid display of FA Y tigrish:l, suitable for the :wpm:schism 11.11 day : , etOollt, to ultirh hog desires to call the attention of his friends and the public. Ins ascot Matta its this line canutd lee surpassed in novelty and elegance, and I.A,th in quality amt prlee of the articles. cannot fail to please purchasers. It It t. uld be imicossible to enumerate his IRILI DA I FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy article of the meat exquisite shape such as Psalm; Mat he Goods, F.legant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card ;oases, ' Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sew Ins; instruments, Port Monnuies, of every a ariety, 'Gold pelts and peneels, Fancy paper weights, Papeteries, and a large variety of Indies' Fancy station ery, 1 . Motto seals and wafers, Silk and head purses, Ladles' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladies' flue cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags. Brushes of every kind for the toilet, Boussersh'erfumes of the various kinds, Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all prices, together with an hommeralsle variety of articles elegant ly fi nished and suitable for holliday ptesente, to %Mat betinvites special attention. Also, au-extensive and elegant collection of HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS, comprising the various EnglisOmil-A-mitfican ANNUALS for INFO), richly embelished and ilustrated POETICAL IVOR S, e. Jib CILIUM 'rt Tultl AL BOOKS, for children of all ages, than which nothing ran he more appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ills assortment cut School Moths and School Station ry Is also complete, and comprL , es every' thing used In College a n d Cho Schmitt. Ile also desires to call the particular attention of Families to Ids elegant display of LA MPS. OMAN DOLES. dc, from the gxttttssists establishments of Cst nelius. Ascher, and others of l'hiladelphist, comprising es cry style of Parlor. Chamber and study'Lamps, Mr burning either lard shorts or ethereal oil. together with Flower acre, Faney Screens. 4:c. If is asstatment in this line is un equaled lit the borough. FRUITS, FANCY CONFIAIONARY—NI TS' SERVED FitUlTsr in every variety stud at all prices. all of m Lich are pure and fresh, such Its eau be confidently recommend. si to Iris friends and -the little folks. Ills str..le etoll coca every thing in the line of Fauey (:0411S, with team other artieles useful to housekeepers w his h the put far am • cspstelally invited to call and see during the In liday s.— liememlor the Old Stand, nearly opis.site the bank on North Hanover street. der 13 lstel a' 1 HEAT ATTRACTION? 110 FOR kJ - Tim noLIPAvs.—KRISS li INC LE'S OLIO HALL is tow illlll Will 1,11(11111V to 1 e supplied with the gII ht. eat n o t eltieS at. to the el/ 55 , of the season. cstupriring in part CON FECTII IN A 111 ES of the choicest Narieties, such us Fine Candy Toy s. Jelly Cakes. 11011 lions. Own ('c I dial, InOlloll, ( lilla:Ite :OW FEW( DITTS, hose. Vanilla, nos Burnt Almonds. Front' and ex plcding Secrets. Alt* all the 1,111111(1 1 aieties. all of WIIMI will he sold whole sale and retail at low rates. We ha, e just received FRUITS AND N 111 , of the latest importations stub as (Wiwi!, s, Ll'lllollB. 1:116 , 11111, Figs,Pruens, ('it ron.Currants, soft and paper shelled Almonds. Fill et ts. Cocoa. Cream and 0 round Nuts. In connection with tllll 11111,N e the largest asscrtutent of TOYS AND rAm VtlllllllS 01 dery i,(i kind from p all parts of Rum, nianufact ured oN ot ci, glass. china. papier warily. tin and India nal, rin lc, &v., such as Fine II ax, hid and jointed Dolls, r cc lug and Card Basket* Work and Fancy Boxes. Flowei taros, Motto Cups, Tea St Os. Music Rom's. Port Mon:tics. Pat Ou Llr,ors, Grace hoops, Masks, Plums, Guns Trumpets, Dominoes, Lotto and other games, (e. Fancy Scups and Hair Oils of every variety. In ninnection N. ith Om above a large steel: of FAMILY GROCERIES, 'such , t ,a pulverised. erushed and brown Sugars, of every guide, Ounce, Molasses, Starch, Omen 111111 Itlnek Teas. Spices, Butter, soda, Sugar, %Valet' and other Crackers, cheese, &c. Thy subscril er returns htr , 'Tavern numbs to a troaer ous pablie for thy i•atronagehyretofore lastoa him, and ta,pes, by it detike to pleaw, to merit a root iounticu of the same, Carlisle, Dee,r 7, IS4 )00KS FOR 'TILE BOISDAYS.— A)We have just revelved 111.111 Philudclphia, a largo assortment of new and SPLENDID ANN A LS, ar.il G rr 10IOKS for the Holidays, vvhlch having teen purchased Lelow the usual xrholemie rates. we are (mulled to dl nt greatly reduced prices. They have now•lu stero a splendid stock of Annuals, (lift Books, Illustrated Poets, Standard Works, Bibles, all sizes, Pniyer Ilynul Pocks, Sunday Schnol Hooks, Tnu•t Books, P., Juveniles, Ac., All of which are NEW fresh from the publhbers, splendidly bound and embelished and got up expressly I'm the Christmass liolidays, Also FANCY i•TATIONEY and Fancy articles generadly, In great variety. The pub lie are Invited to call and examine samplen now ton) for ito:peetion. 4.17 -Remember, tho place to buy books, cheap, lx at, PIPER'S, Maln street. Pee'r Yll, 1551 CORN SITEI,LF,RS.--XANDEit's k_j ENT CIEN 1 4 11111 En. detifielny the Lcrt !MCI ellenr er.t now in use.' l'arifiers aro requested •to roll aud ex aurSnc at' th.‘ clirlisk Foundry and 31achine at ••laxoton's Hardware Store. For. rale at reasoualJe prices I.y Aug. 2—Cull II MEM S. W. 11AVEI:TICK P. MON Y P.ll R & 111:01VN. [~~,II'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers