113 3gfirnllntat." ~....l i '''..% ~' t7r" f .'- : . * - 7,. 1.;,'^ . " - : - ''''"`'..,, rT /4 , 7: 'f; ',,,, A".-:::, ';' , :-.:,•,.. - .: 2:,?,,,,f,t;f:• . . 1 . ri ‘y, R : '''' ~,:,- V - , ,, .; - : i.A; 4.. , :i,...,,- - 4P , , ~:\, -..(: , ....,,,c4 . .. X , :. ; : v ..i.r3, , ,', 'xitilkr..o2.l .f. - 't -- ;11,..-Iy- - c V \ 34 . ,..Z-' .z*.v. , .'',.;:ql I fe.ig. , ,..•:„,',N \ /-.:. , lii.4iti-,314,1 -5... , ....0,, , :.A., , 1 ... , ;„ 4:= ,ds , -,.--- yl„-- , , , : - ~, vh:' , 04,, , - , I:•;k.e% :o;iii:-. , ii , - , -;,- - ,' P....&4;) fill , ..-4 , - , .. .-iv;.f..)..-IA-9-). - _i:o. , es..a..albt , --4 2 ;: - .:y.•. - .:...;,?;;irf5-,101 . 1 - -- :, - - - :- -, ....,.., - ,.,:..; - ..4.??::.•-1," tt ' ~„? ___-___, MEM The Cultivation of Rye I`lr. Is:'ctrrny i'ost calls the att.tntinn reallor,• to an artist in the fh . e.ilot . , and c3pecially ft) the value, of ..).‘• which it consid,.t . , tv all the or culti\ - itting the orop. i` 1,1 the'writor in the (f,tifi v conconting, the V< inowr t;itti glutin boing ninc.ll le , s in cl , .);•ttolt •than thlt of \-;11! , :it, r.w.nia: It ,, it.r).'ing but littl- ii any al-a) thinly that tll . O 1..1.):1 , 11 111:;ttz.1 . re ico:ot the a.; ! ,2;co,:t tli.t! •.1.• 1., th•lo. , ..lll•;:uch c x11:11 -ilon tttitilie :I -i I 1 1.11 . 111 . I lil.11,11ilf0:4, Snit :lita 111:10 . : IS : 4. T 1.1•: arti....1.2 in the I " ) . . t I tyliati ern, n:)sc;;'e . i'l is oi to It i,o,dortita - 0 I t • Tro•a tch it allyati , tn The, _former, • k.t.l a t•o!..t •.() abt Itai - as to °iv.. it con-i leraltle • 'fit? hit ;:el I.nn tycll ran It a s but iloari. ; , lte. tin i 1 o 01 . a ,•e, •411..i0n5 a ttl p tr,ta ,r.tct,nr. It ~ ••••.!11 allpte.l to the of N.'‘,v while on the. L 5 1 ,..0e, 11)•.1n1-, t h e of the Itu 1,011 an,l otite,r dities it is,quite at home. The value );' the cr 11) in this liei , 4lll).irlittial is nut Cdifappre.ti•ttea. The great re:itti. , ite in culture is tltat the tioil anti* lib nil be properly tlrain•• , (l. it cannot cohl w•iter :About runts. The • to cite bit elteapl . ,, , It requires i) it litt'o is o`: It , ' soil, thottelt v:ehl ts pr tporLion to the gootindss 0: (It Lin lan 1 the f a vor,.blene.ts of Ow t:1 the. acre. It is so•netiows alfeeled ty..blight or mildew, but le:ts freAucntly t wheat, and on the whole is :o:itpar itiv..ly a sure crop. , ‘Tho value of rye per littAtol clo,.ts n o t. Elf ,r urtyli in the e tstorn In'trkets from int of the northern corn. The straw nistitutes an impart 1)t itear in the ntl of its eultivatir.n. It is worth ;a this mlrket. an aver:L:2; ,, of $1 a por tI. A fair crop; say tv,... - Itty hmhei, to a-re. will giro a t.in of straw to the MEM ME .. We uro inforov , il that t tons a n‘e h the l i nen obtainr-I. Tb , -t raw i h , 1 ! of I)o:m...ylvani./, f ,, t Ind bite 0,•()no I4^_n !t o rso:, flit , rain, T rain, " o on,' la I straw cot, aa , l tw., mix .d to 4etli forms th t prig iltal fo,d of those ihle teyn: attract the at te or strangers. Th.,• tl.. , rmans,'too, make use of the rye in feeding them ;elve 3. They are fon-1 of the bread, and sty it is stranger than that, from wheat. gut g)J11 rye broad is. no de-Ticable food in the best of families. When made ;mu (to sweet, grain, properly ground bud halted, and the proper skill used in in the nutaipulations, it is not only whole soue but palatable; nod our city bakers who make it right aliipose of 1.11-'1 quan titles. It was not so great a hardship as sMIO suppose, that our .'s'ew 14.Ing,land an cestqn3 ware chiefly confined to 'rye' and . Indian' for breadstuffs. .Aceording to acnne analysis the proportion of. nitrogen the muscle forming principle,) is nearly the same as in average samples. of Wheat. Rye bread contains more sugar and keeps moist longer than wheat bread. "Rye is not a hard crop for land, the' land may be exhausted by it. 'Grass' grows far, better after it than after oats, and even better thad after any grain ex cept barley. The proper time for sowing it is the same as that for winter wheat— the fore part of September. Pasture land, or that from which a crop of hay has been taken the present season, may be used - for it. It is better to pQgh it as soon as practicable, in order that the Rail may become partially decomposed be .fore sowing the grain. Light land j)low ed well once may be so worked with - the harrowand field cultivator as not to need - another ploughing. Six. or seven pecks of seed'to the acre is - the proper quanti ty. There is considerable difference in varietal of rye. A variety called .. : the mustico/e., intiroduced from France sei - e - - - ral years since, was usually productive, hut was not thought quite as good for bread as the white yye. "On dry ground, not likely to heave by frost, clover and grass seeds may he sown with rye. 'But where the . ground is not well drained, there is - a liability to MEM =EI winter-killing, and in such situations it better to sow the clover and grass just :is tlio snow is going, off in the spring." Tit BEsT Sot t. Fon, FRIT IT Tit 1.: Es.— editor of the Ant,..rican.. goo 1 authority 1 the wax, Gays : "After almost. zt holt 'Century of expe riene: in riti3ing fruit, we are deeitliAly opi,lim, as a getwral rule, that the on which to raizie fruit, 16 that ch , tred of a forr”.t. The Furfaee ilniuld be rolling or deseendingoind mod erately dry aud rich. Such ground needs little or no preparation; the roots of the forestrees;, as they decay, keep it loose and inellow, and afford the food neet.‘si : ;ary RA. a rapid and healthy growth or tti, trait trees; and the soil abounds plontifully in tho , C, elements Which are reptkite to l'ornt the Ino:- , t perfect fruit. nnther consideration, and a very iny porlaut one k, that fruit trees grown on reec.ntly-cicarc.l. f,ire,:t land, are much !cs di , eased thun tho6c grown on old laud, and the fruit'____L'en6t near so liable to lie attacked ty inscets." 1!)....1:5, AND PM; THErA.—A Nyriter ;II th unlry. jmunal. . . that Ow boos giviLtly fruit Orcinirds in wilivit ve :• ;t 1 z , r e kopt, u-ays produce rinit than thw , , , in n•hieh there me the Province,: .on the Itim'', ;he t•ruits :u•e ient :InunLint and liner , J1.1:1 iu ;:ily of Germany, awl li .It. it is: the t-,1, , t0 , 11 to kerp lttrgf. titrtn tit it , Of Plants, too, IROB thrive bettor in the nei,:4lll)urbool ME lf:i)ty;otiolt. 1,1, Y, throe ~r ii tlith p. , pßiar ;tmi 11..0 i-1,104 illstil+Atl.ti , vtiti 4i Its, the th i NI OWL,' 11,AL,1111(let I/1(1 ::1 Ant 1'3),i:10)1e n ttsiiit . its. 110 i the }Mt:tit:lt yvivr t•tAt It ;MT ittiditi tits hat, 'won male as its lll •ristsillz p ttrittift,:e iiettimitictl. The Pri Itcht.ti it ill Itt• as- Iy tt luii tips ul rnugtat Rat and, exlityititiveT he paid tu the health utd r ar.l •ri it the St ativitt Vliiithiti:: and rulti,ll iu ti,.! En :fish Jtrsuc),. tutu I'u•,il pot Sessi-ii. I itstrw•Litill in I. al it anti ltrttols. each, - s,th) '• rociith and t leritv.ux s LJtu 1 ttst titilt•111.11 s The atte , ,lt,i ,, Tl of ants and gu,lnilaitS is ennt , , ,, Ll) I itsut will btu ;it.] .t , ly st 111 be app , rs ht LH SldSs Pritwip'd, Ilarri..6tlrg, •~,~. i,t. tai pLAEN Pi ELT) •(!1,1:*-ql'A L A(!A 11- 1;11 1", noir Al'arii.tle. Pit. The I . Ttli Se,,l o 1. ill rot-w -ok:nee ant i,l‘Slo.l:, Nto.o.l.l , t`r (I, INA. N null .or of Stu 1-iit..- lio,itod .tad ...oast:mil eff tits tow,' for their moral Loa lati•li. et Ica 'nye o .o.ount. Toritt.i, ~ ::fir., per ,0, ,, , , 1km. i lc, 41.11Ve with 0310,0110, and full lot' winat ion furnish -1 hy ..... R. K. lir FINS, forl,o•ivo/ and /irveh t •r. 1-1044.f.•1.1.1'0.0herl itol .• ~ 1',.. lIIIM 11,AS:741(1Al. A 1.11"Elt ) Now, ill, Pt.- The t 1 IVTt:if trill 0 , Itt.iteilr , on Tn. , I ty, the 21( No, eh ..or, t". tiro 11.t..1.015. 11,1111•11'4, •1 . ••,r 4.11111,J11•Ilt . 1 / 2 , 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 , 1 / 2 , 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 .: 1 / 2 1 ,1 / 2 . 1 / 2 1 / 2 e. l / 2 1, - 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 ,1 / 2 1 / 2 1 / 2 . The 1 / 2 . )1 ,, /f• •. • I , r toilon.l-4 , Miog . 9,a.) .04r. hit b a rio .1.1 per for It. v. fartit-r I.IE LI, • -ill,- • 1.1... r.; I \ .••.% prbo•tp.d. M. It. 1.1.„<1. t It. 1" tt I J AN (1 f t' V '.ll Ito tool Fentlio not wthlr 4111 / br /;,.. T , "l !We , . TI. , tt into; n.e.t•l tt,in LLtit.ll ion hill open 11 •.• 00 ;,, t ot• rats ot t t I rat Nos . Tito fa-ilitlcs A 1, I II) 12.1{S 111 . .1.1t11ti .11 1,1 1 1.....11.1 t 4 14 til 1, 4 tijsliel ,Atto tti,l ‘lNtin.p.issod by may ,itollar ma a...a. - y InLilo mato. 0.t,, two , null ttourti. , ll:.us, and the. ortotnieuted. The Fif.M.ll,E s n e w ettttrele nolitratn,allttcort htete.l by Neh I:t4tbit/ It Is lu the lerottlfal Salley of Cum `, ,13.t0t, trtnurtet , s...l for Its heal thful torts—aceegAble If hull 14,1,1.---5 wile, dist...tut freat Iturtishurtt. (ha, Iltildruti and twept)• iitude,pts have buoix In 14t ...qtat1..t,0 daring the CAI° ;late year. Tl', It' IA St .t Tat U.ltt, and Itotati Furit4slted pnr Fe•tsion .- - - (1.-,llEtrh and Iztf mitirt , Fs Vey. JO'. V. 1,003 E. Ftll,oo--It Meetmitte.tlatrg, Carob. Pa. C r AS, COFF-.RE ERIESI The subserlher has just dhlcd t. hi+ Yo Mt, , general t•elootion of C.111)1(lE Welt ns all the other NaritAy of articles I.,i•t in a th,oory Store, umbra. Ir; 1330 and groon—at 121.1 awl 1.1 etat4. Wl* lb., („nloalls, Clarillod, Crushed and Pulverked tine clincoinws, sriiino)un.y nlnt n varlet , . of Fancy artirlcs, all of which are of Vrod at the loNvesi cash price;. We are thankful for the Vrater 011113)41 6 , ;11I1 ns, and ill , / its a further call from tar frinailq and cu.:tamers. .1. 11'. • tfarloa If ill, t'adisle. Stores nnb Sl)ops. LI TOV illS ! sToV,ES ! ! STOVES M— k, JoIIN D. 11 mu.ks would inform tho public that he lute now en hand at his establishment, on •Main St... next door to Marlon Hall. tho largesCand moot com plete asoertanent of COOK, OFWCE & DA It— Wit STlll' ES to he found to this county, q. 4,41 6 .5. `•-,; which will he sold nt the lowest prices fin. !, .0 . ..„ , rash or approved credit. Ills stock consists of ~- , t4 . , t large assortment of now and highly up #j . woved PATENT COOK ENO STOVES, Plashed In the in ist eautplete manner, and calculated for either %coot! or coal, or lbdb. All the 'old standard' patterns which have stool the toot of e",.peolence, may be found ..ii, his eomrldioliment, Also, n, great variety of the most tfatrovvol a n ti beautiful PAR WM OITICE STOVES, in. chiding a number of new styles. possessing very supe rior advantages over those heretofore In use. Families and honoebeipers are respectfully invited to give hita'a trill Intro itureletfing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to any part of the country and put up at the shorteht no itoo. ir,, continues to d , aillittle of TIN AND suErr MON • W ADP, and Copper Worlt. and has constantly on It Ind Jot' will make to order every artlele reqtdred by itottoelieepers or others in this line. 111 s stoelt of Tin and Copper Ware embraces every bind of household and %Molten Mett-11. warranted equal 'to the best manufao tared •Dersano In want of article in his line may al ways be sure ~f being ecemumodateaTilliiiirgatisfact ion by giving hint a call. 1 novl --IFIA ,• TO 'Pill; Li A 1)IE qre Itt e:roat itorratixs a very Inrve tun 114114 , otite e:to'vlt.al . lV7 , rlted SpearerF,Col- 4 !ars., Sionvas„tri , onot, and Swim E(l4lngs and Insortl ng,;. Cali scrm.ll:4 we are datonaliwtl to s(1111 XrrZlob Printing done at this office MI 4EarliEile t)ci:ctib. lirolffsionn r tf,nrbs , V N. GREEN, Attorney at law, L .. L ., c . sottlerl in Nterlooticshtn7., ET tin pearti , r or Ids prottl.stn. All hinds of Ingot Writing, eollvrtitms, (`onit bllSklesS. A, prffiltptiV Iltt,tltiVa to. Oil! n Opp,. Sito Or. Long's residmwe. kIItVEY LNG in all its dilly emit l,nnwheg promptly nttended to. 13. C0.1,1'7, Attorney of Law, will at-• temi priAtipt I y to all tqlsiltv,s witrtv-ted .11tic V Intho room r nu•rlynn^vpird by William ir, tfanot er stl met, April 20, 7tili2, It. C. E. 131,1 IA L, II 0- 'P.M( WA TM() I'! l'Sß't AN. (Ittiet , and no46lclive nn Lonthct• Ntreot, oho (tort +•ant ° thy I :,r11:1111 C 1111111). • or. El rioperti nl(•9s Lis pro9 , ,zglonal 6 , n - fees to Ilie citiAvos of Carl iAs /not ll it v. ,f;',,j-Pergrm9 fr o m mouning undo, rlmonir Inay rourmlt Pay hitter. Idlie ht,1111:, 9 .A. M., and t 9 4 P. M. 111.1. C. S.- - -13A KER respectfully olTers , 7 his Irt,11.:."1.11(11 S.`l'V ial'S to Like clti.r.vut , A)f l'ariigle n" .l slirt'l - mrdillg mient vy. Oitivo and ret:11(.11,, iii `oath Hanover F tr.'Ut, directly rikP-Nito to Limo - Vohuntuor ltflicv." A4Kli , le, April '2O, IPSZi. 1.. S. B. 111 , ;1 , T1 , 11t. Officein North 3 Intim (.r !ItrePt VA 0 1.1 , r , ft , . in Weise 4. Ofiket Iv4irg., 111 , irts ti:1111rly from 7V. tr , m ~'ettu.l,:„ r'rr. - ; - '-'% -- * 4 . , . P.( . N lA',l )1( 'it I I t,troftilly :ill owls to MI 1 . ). f it oven, itynn the. troth and patty (hat l• itro;tilitiity ;nay 1,11111111.. Hi' 'lt.o of I•tcr. tit t , 11 , 1) ;/, 1/ii4th it , ill. awl * I, t: tut”., - awl ,‘ 111 iswt.trin t Artil chit Pt:lM,, tll - l'ir.•on.:nul of ury ittplintirr tlst.‘l in In• Den tat A rt,. 1,0111 at OW e-41.eiwe Dr. 5.11,111 , 1 I.lli U. I I. q ." ` -' ./ • .. 1;1,4.1 .) * 7 I r-ti .p,l .11 , t,. Ilp .11 th , 111:it cony ir 1r pn -t 1 t:ltl , , -- Art Itit.n, I h'l. • lt 1111111 a kip:ll.l /Oft 10 an l ilt./01 Got I •1111 1 1 1 • priocip`,. 11 , 1,il 0 Sill 111. C. 1,( _n t 1 IS , v. 111 I'm 4.1,1"....1q... llt I t I . .• ' lll,tl f•' l .f•' l .l lleir 1 , 311 ,, , , • tt••Ils. 1.111 1 . 111 A r fq . ‘ll.w,•hi I tit 1., trill II 4qt Tilt s t I a 1..,,1 „. 2 .„ th , 11r. 1. Is f” ito ht` 1,1 1,11 11 t,- • f ,11( );4.1.:N E 1,, 11(.11-c. llt , 1 .. .W . ,' and 1r:1:V110011 Paint Or. 101 ti ., 1 . • 1111. I ((,,riwrsl fS ss, 11,11 . aer's Uri tItael•:•:•'t rv. Ih• nuclei 1•••••leial f..:111 the :Oat% ta tlestarlplito at re •,enalat• prig,-.. The ,erittiis t t t, t •At,i,• ; • ettentletl t ,n•ln C• 1111. W:111111t. A.,. in Inc [lnko‘eit \ F E—Sl ) EE I )V—S1 7 11 E ,) Ilt e -1.7 °vitro; cult oWN 111:NiTIT::: A %Ai eiw• 11,1`. ! , 11iNt j, • 113,,,. and hin - Ihr in , ev.ry torit.! In p, pis 11,. 111. A LT)! PI1•L: 4 Tu!ly nit.rit t-ro:it. copal it: t Thor r 1,1,” nil p 4 , f tho Ti/I.T ALE ALL 7 / 4 tT 1111? 1 . 1.1151 To Iv it AT IVI 13, h y purity the 1 ' 1 " `I they •hee:e the ; 4 ::stele of II cute t'S', they cute Ilyt.i,"te-ht , :ted e,ll,lxe•thin. they ereete fie Appetite, they ewe" `Mk le:ehtehe,Diz.,:ite, ,, a n d l e %; hpirits, they erre:4 Ve, en?, bey prf , lll.te II healthy Ait len t.f the Liver, they are rt •ere rare for C.,llvenees 2:(1 IL il .itual CM:Stipa( iOll, hey al` I ,its in l'emele Com plaiet.s, they trrn,4thoe and give t• eI. the tiystele, They :/re the ,net Family Me.thlee h ewe n. It an obi lota, inquiry, liniv one voila aniily iiitrertint I,lll'o:khan. Thom, Prls, ikkly.f rev., 111 e SO 1.1,A un - TItY 9 • 111:11 nhtl 111 k. allk.stcr I k• fultahl in n rr urn; 1u5h...a:W . .1 , i 0.11, Ila 1i 11. , ‘ '1 'I :0A qv I. ai .r;,• ~f i•i•iitg, Ihrre blind Cur ' , Ar by thi. : , turni:eilini , F. A. sk•kirlal 111,1;..1 h. Ct. . • 44,' ) - .`..1'7 , - . 1.- ', • \ 4lG'' , ..',...ijir..,....: • :•L'',:••• ~, T ,','.- • •;• ,- , ~;`...c .Z.:. Y .r . 1 ;• ; - - '-'...:1; ;'',...._\ ''4• 7 ;f••; 'i, ;---... ,,- 1 l'• ' lil‘t.'.4l , 1 ;•. ii 'i ~ , , .., ' ', l , I t \\' - 1, .1%./ ''... .'..-,-, ~-.',.. t• - •"t • - i' ~....'';'- ,,' -''- ' 4 ' l'.i- : '7'.. '...t i - : II .. :4,4 • , • ,,,,,i,- - -..i.--,:;.': - ,k.r.1 V ..:,'''• ~,-,---.. 'O'r;i'64 .• iti;;"!lt .4 . 2 .:' , i' - ; -; :' -• !... 0 • • • 7 ,! , ‘;',...:3,.,'5i,- . ..,73,..-- -- . 1 - )0"A TENT SELF-SIIATIPENINO VA NIIHP FEET , Cl,"171:1:: , , inantipetured fir A Om lei f & SA [la ENT, N0..1 10 Mart:ct street ,- l'hilada •rhi outter is Ftirri , r to tiny now In tee'. lii Stromttlk duraldlity, and himpli:lty of construction ; it cols tast er. and to the only self sharpening' Hay, Rrow and ('ern : , talk ratter ecertnade. It has hot ONE STRAIiIIIT KNIFE, which itity p,cs , ma can grind and r.et, nith ease, hut in ordinary case Is groaml in the machine. Thou ,,arkdzchave already loini sold, and the demand Is daily ,Ine - rea4inr. , in ingest' cas,s on examination Is sufficient to convince ono or its sopei 101 l ty. No cite alter a slo .rt trial would part is MI it thr any other. All sizes of the above con,tantly on hand and for nito he . ' 01 . • Agent r‘r etimtlwrlnthl ~.111‘ty ME 011" S PATENT A R 1' Rti ' titlllii,iins,—Thoso posse:4; an :la rental:l , over all other! , in being made n ith an 4,lltSide iron AMSIIIV, which greatly corMfalthq'S fool and pre outs lost of heat. 'they aro wade of variQns lona It to 120 gallium, They are portable, and may be set in the hitehen• for house hold LISC. or out of doors convenient to the tarn, pig Cr.., for boiling foo d for st.wt. For sale by PA SCHALL I MOHR'S S: Agricultural Warehouse awl :iced Store, N. E. corner of ith and 31arhet streets, Philadelphia. [dort'34 1 UST REC ELY ! FRESH aIIOCEIILESI Pest itio, Mocha and Unaided Coffees, Crushed, Pulverized and leaf Sugar, Porto Rico, Now Orleans and Cuba do, Imperlaijinnpowder, Ytmag 11y son and Mack Tena, Post Spears, N. 0. and Sugar Ilouso Molasses, Queeaswaro, Cedar and Stone am°, Cheese, Fish. Salt, ;Dap and Starch, Cavendish, Natural Leaf. Fig and etlllgrel:l4 TotAreo, rillo Apple and Tinuat , i Preserves; , Kotehup and Sidena of °very variety, Sc. liy stAk has Lien soloeted w.ith strict reference tr family use, for sale very low for rash wholesale nr retail WILLI JOIS, Family Grocer. (let I '54 a 4 EEVI; L. I Nl.oll'l`, (tinc(eAsor 13,1 !fartley 11131111 NO A,ISTI)„ CAIIFEC WA I: P.IIOI I SK. N Fmttlt Stwond Street, five doors nlovo :•.:Itt•noo 'street , . Plahulolphin, whore Ito I,eonA cot gtoutly liana n full nswntulont of every art ide in his lino of Inn-bless. Foutlwrs. Feather Itols, Untent,F,mrlo;; 7llnttvosses, Velvet, Tapostry, Tapt , trv, Vonot lan Eng and Ileum Carnotitn”, _o3l(`lopg, (anton r0C141.:1 ntl t , iianislt )1 at tilitrs Floor Awl Stith' lirtigT;jl, 7 : — . f I otttl and Nam) Covoa. To truth lie Int ILA'S OW attention of purehnsors, f 111I1LA. Surgo,bils -13andage dti-%4 I NSTITU'r 11.-ESIOV ED to 'No. •1. !MI ' " strut., slstSt Aral , t1.1,(,Vt1 11. C. lIV F.TT'S PlaNtt. rwittati lig l'resstiN for 1 IR , prim , 4)f nurture,: :”.tortitter ilraces, Supplttvl 8 , lAwklnlzg, huspottsry, IloniorrhAdril, and Pnnil/wes for. Jma. 11-15.. • 31tisceftilieptis. (77 -, S. 4 1.\V near )7 ogiorit rupert,wn, , unlllorland 1:.;0111A:,18 ~ , cootioteetosoli iisltT4 ply Lutnher (4 all hinds. at the ghortyr • 7 , : 75, --z-noth,, and ou !onus l %s er than eaU Le Lnd elsowlntro. All orders directed to E. portow 11, or St m, Shvmot,ll,3r. 7 will - hu pranut. ly l!ttentleit LiAS FITI'IN6 J\N.I) NO.— 1110 tindereiget d 1%111111 inform th, ..1 . lni lislo tht.t he hn, tt4e,‘, meta, tr,t1,,C;;1: 4 I.o 'l t:11.; mu/ PLUMS:INC Lice, raid ou rrrtsueat Llo tprl),s. lit• brie eilgitized the eer tieee or tt first nil, lined front Philadelphia. nod slip plied himself Leith en exteneile eNnul . (llll , l,t (.1 /1:11- w 1.10 1 ttIII itonitle hint to Ull all erd, re prt.zuptl. All stork will Le situ - rented. Pitt of ( els k found iti the room itencti) opposite his Tintllng t eta North Dane) er et reel, It here he ipe lies Tr\ NrNo. srorriNG, is also prepared 1, loal:o to • viler. erersy article or '1 .l ill. used In 1100selivi loot • M. v.lll alter lo Sl'ol 1101..;q:-11001'1•Nri, 11E1.J. 11;1\111\ l;, and l'l.1 7 d/ 111.1211,101 tor the p3t.rolitt7e ,jth ghlrh he 1550 already 1 reil fas °red. lie respr.rt fully sq., kits a et•Ltinutilice 01 l`oe stino Carlisle. Juno 14. ': 1 -11 1t :‘,l CA1.11:1/11.N I A.-I'. VON titilLEN 4i,pt.e.tfully inform,. the and t iriuii r, Om% )o }oo, r 4 ,1 urn, oed fr , i'nl it , Inn, and is 1.0 , p:tied t.,exe: ent,ill .eennel n f I • s 11,1 r,l v.:11 on "4 4,,,ii ,1 , 1 1 1 ::;:0. t 1:111( s, I. el,. \ t-3 t., I I 01 It 1 , ill s. ll .t le.le,rde .0 retail. :dtends l'(.131011 - 1r1 1 1.1e•, t'n ,iirt 1,11 1.1,1 r and itnn. Ile 1,1 ; s Ih:ut st L'e t ;:tteull(dl t. latsil.ess.s'and a 110011' t/.. I lc as', he St IL 1111 , 11,' 10a 11,1,,t, 0, hints mmu. (t r.uder. Cto .Spril !-1:. • r'" • (..11,1.-ENI)11)J1',1V - • :r . " k••••„. '3 1. IVIIA ! 110 , I3• 1 1i) l'rt-- ) < ~ ~.,14:''''t:i", . ' ...t . , - Z'Z'i.,,•., ,,, , pi - t, . :. ' ,I . tr D ' Z Z.:' , ....,j-`,'', , ,„ 1,l :s. %%1,4 II 1,. Iv , I i , ‘ I. ,I IVN , ~,...,.... t'' 0 3 ..::::c:, .1, 'Ns, t-1 ,i I:uri I, Ith rt. •••*•,` Iltqt I 1'0r.1,1 , . 1, , il-'t I.• ...... -2 ' '.- ' W . t ., '" \ • eel' 1 1,1 I ilf• I,i'_, • Z Zinel 1,, ...,,,....,... - kati..511 1. - ,4,4 ....Y.111 , , , _ ' elei:Jult, tao. ,, j - 1ii1vt.1.. ,, 1 ,upe -1 i. , i • 1,,,, t10 ~, el ( tiolca iii Citrii,lv:, Clll,..ibling i” 1 , ; ,, I :11,1 %%:11,1411, 1 , 1 en, %:u;, :a 811 t L , 11 , 1 - ::1/11 1.4'11 sill ur tit: rhs 1.111.L0r aid ei s. :tint I.,:strr Etter s' tit rt 11.111,•or r•very lir sr, ivtr..l.). rtr ntd 1 , .),,•r illl_l, t Is'lt• I'M!, AV1E.01441.1.1., ~, II I:1,a tat it•ty AI •••presr ly f.r th.• 11..1‘.1/tv.. P. 1,011 1, do>ii jug t. ar • in, jlod U. call and rt rtitqlt 1 " "," .tt ‘r.?, I, it• if tit p•- Air. war r.rirti.ri itire r. N. Si ust st. \ ,11HON 11.A1,1 1 I>AG U Elili-F,AN ...i . it , Hoift--..1. (;. 1:1.3:11,,, , .;,, g t:0.,.. th• 1.,:, ;; ‘“,,, i •:,:‘ it—lii i“ )larioil 11.111. 1.1 . ~. ii :u.. .1;11. Tula,' s I ;:t1 lor'. tie , ires 1,, 11,1 i rut the kittliis anti (ietAlt Inert of Ciit ii-.• that 11, is 1., et.:,r,:,11 1 , , t,..1.k. 1.11:ft e.:l- iii the 1... 0. tI ,vc.ii r style tit the art. s uch ini . 1, 111 flilly sustain the r.vita`ti-n or this roilar ,!Atil li••11111,•nt. Illi. IN . ins tire lare:e. pleasantly ill Ward anti o , inf. I tahly furni,ll - 1h• i s u rn ', i,ji i ii with I hi. tilt i t p,v...1.1 - 111 cud 1,, , ,f,ct i, qtrnin , e.t f r itaiug iti,t to.. ii anti i‘arratits .sittisfai t 1..11 in all rims. A full ettl.ply (4" ott , e ~ f el - ery I P.rli.t . .V i r style :tint viii. i kiln anti tint:it:lent:O. kept enic..tatitl) tin haunt Engral Ito,ts, Paha lug,. 4,.. atieurattly.ri. piCtl and duplicates tiiken of 0ri,.. - inai 1 ii,,,,, i- s. Lit:,,,,,, s taken i.t sick or chiee,istill persoi it. Ptiet s Ittethinte and ',di :forth ti ri‘l.ll ill all I iIStS. ThapllllWlslaTif i'll to can at the Marlitn Ilan I , a;_:, - tletfcali thA.tia• and rxnulthe Ito , 111111,,:rot:Ftiy.itilet.s. A i, , • 1',: . . , ,1ti•ri..,4 po: Illsk , rt, , ,liii Lorl:etp, PrvztA. Pint., Fitlrer 11ii , ,,. 1'0),(11 Ileatts, A.,... 1'ar11.1....1un0 1 1, 'ft. 6,,IA1)1)1114: AN!) 11A1INEt=8 Ti". Lnl••• • ril•Or enntinu , s to c•nnr) fl 11.0 •,.• In an it, vari•ln• l•non•I•e . . it N. tthlinli ii%.r C;1111 , 1e. r, n‘ l nn .,, I n , 1,.0.1141', I,eplng 'hand n f.n . 110111:• —•. ! rllintmt ,-,,1, 4 ,11 ' 0 1: 0 411 111,1, Mn- F • , („.....z 11.1. S A 1 .rillies. .!Shit I itAgtale , , 1 Ail ills. ------ ut .1 • I• • 1t•• , t • ,• i . 'I I t: ", F. - , c , :V , '-‘. '`;''"`c` '."‘"". k) ,„,,d..,..4 t. ' i" , .-4-,n. ~:‘ t. ,• , „,..t,..!. i ~, „., ..t .••.. 1 I , N Al; .1 ~1.,„ „ , .. l dr , , , R..i.s qII II 1 , r , , a . PPI •, , , ~.. .IA * 1 l i ! \ 1 1 1 , t v, , , Z ., I' IL I N Iv . A. , 1 I ,A , CA A r used in thin hilrt liltq, ,taut ry. tAl.ti t LI , ,i , A. il iIIIT AI 11:1, Ai '.o A ' C 1-. , {11c. A1%111,1%1. 4 it'd OA ISAAWAI AAAAALIitA AA iii ti. , W A•li t,A ,11 41 a ,-,•,.• th••in. lie '3. a:,. ~,,,,,,f,,,•twt, }La ,„ ,„ i:, ;alt... . •• oak, a, 4 34 Lip:, i.. 11 till it A:ATIV . i /A , :11A ti A'”if.A10111.1) LAIL ACS 11 , lAA the AZ. lACI'li :AIAAA i :I tI. not hi , cIi , t O IIIATA, ti,,t. he TIA:IIAC , ti , 11 , ;,i , -+t 11141 i A . -1....A•ni, in :All their %.et.rty el I.etith 11,.:1 me ttlteh it; IL, rt Itt.tr y . Ile tilt., Mil, .., ,Ii kit (....• it .v.:.ta-0p , ,, I. nit, Ir. six: tql.w. Rusk ( 1,1 , 0 tkir :,, ml F 1 ri;,.4 Mut , ri,, , .. - . Ali the :eh, 0 art fetes s ill I. mrie i the 1,1 ttuteritd and trA•rlahattlAitip, mitt Is ith the 110114 rt dos. vital. It M. I W WIZ S. ( 4 1411111N11 AT COSI'--The 11:n. in ino-ortin6nt or I . ,,,Liombit , and c di made in lc t. 1.141 c l Tic ,tuck vonsiMs c f Cl ,tl, and Caelninarctt l'uats.l,l»- 01 am! Cingloolt at:-, I'v , oed and .4.RD ;216'; Nal fenlS rifle :111t1 Z , atitt c c•tii4 ; Cas,imel s.,lean'.s and Cmd van takous, Linen and Ct•ttorade lott:talc ons, with all 16141, Pf Clothing tozually found icc lk Intending t, this Lray.4-11 iny 1 tv•ines, - , great kirive}mi •(814 I.r had by reel. :It tilt. cheap store of Cll 11:1.1:S ('A E i•E'r I low ploces just reach ea from atietiun and eadling.lory Incr ,funcll, .1 f. 1...11,VNt 1;1111E' ALLEN AND F:1 A'' mu•i'UAL IN :-CRANCE CoMPANY l'unil , erkind county. ineuvro rte.' 1.3 - tivt ~ f now fully 0r:...-putzeil, gtal ht f'4.eratiou under the inunkorment of the ti.llowiur comtn6slonevs. viz: I)anik,lllos, William It. (4.mas. 311chael Vocklln 310011.1 r !?11 , 1111CIIIIIII, Christian Slay man. .1,112) C. Lon lap, Jacob 11. Cnovcr, I.ewt, 11yer, ilnnry Logan. ltenja min 11. 31(q.ser. Jacob 3111mtaii, Joscpli Wicticrrliam Alex:miler ()ahead.. The rittlqi of insurance are as low and favorable - as any l•iunpany of the kind in tho : 4 tate. PVIV , kII4 wi.bhq tee ikt.eolllelo , 4lll.ll , arl• invited to wake application to the monis of ho company; AWIIO nro n ililog to Wait 'wen them at any time. BI sj. 11. `,\IOSSEIt, Pres ident. HENRY LOOAN, Vice • LEWIS Sceretnry MICHAEL COCKLIN, Tr4•aeurer. ertmitut: LAND COUNTY.—ltudolph 31ailln. N. Cum lerlanci; C. 11, Ifernfan, Kinrstowin; Henry Zearim!. Shiremanstown ; ,('harles ; l'hurehtown ; Samuel Graham, West Penest , ormuzli ; ,tmueu No Dowel. Praubforil; Mode Griffith, South Itillto/1; S:11111.1010.VIT. Benialnin )1("Ch1111- 1V0.111%.!; John Sherriel., Lislmrn; David Coover, Shep trd Yt.witK• Ihminan. Dilishmi...; Peter Icolford, Fran Smith, Esq.. Washington; 'W. F. Nel; Dover; J. W.Craft, l'aradh:e. 11A It It Itt (onset' 4 Ipetanary. , Menibors of the ;•ompany haling 1,11,1eA nl. - mt to e,f vire ran hitve . thon; renewed by ;nulling' Application ti) any of the ':nvnts. • Rl3ll STI'OIII FOll SALE.—The fa l tsorilwr oir,rs at private Foie the stook nod fix-, _Oros of Drug Storo, Into tiro property of Mlohnol rtotvir: - Cornberland --- 0 , 11)4y,—Th ,,,,, Is no allot. Drug* Storo In the pinto, Anti a floe opportu dtltS is nr,uPreg.ooteit tb oily young matt wishing to 41111111one° this bustilet;s. For terms ono oirn of • nr; • MOSES MOIIII . F.Tr, Anurt. .. _ ... _ . 11 ) NOCH 11.1 SI lAIVLS.— ,, A lot o '1.0 ,, •-• 1 ) mid ;- . .tplave. Prorllr Flthwls; llsa, Manta FltaNll, just reeelvot imut New York arta 'wiling; very to v at the (ilea]) storo or navS' "MA& 11111 Y. Mt irs 110 E Mohjus CHAS. OW Lit% 3nsurance. AGENTS yijiinbefpfiia. T ATCI lES' 2 JEWELRY SIINER ANWAE L iti uFANC W 4- 1;01). A tine twsort meta of the tituttit quality, fur tale at the lame wt cart prices, at IS 111.(: IlEAlfl , ..Nti. all atil' helacmt fioe aud si side. I hilatlelphir. he ast , ort meat etahratts a tarp( and fticct htvek of Fine llarcher,Jeui airy er llare.Alta ta ‘llllll, plated 11 int tine (H.. in ; ,- I.u. I . S. 1 . 1111 , raw. 111,1 fancy art ivies Vtn 511,01 fur tlutnit,( I:e(7til the 11 of till st• eho (10;11 etr 1110 , 111 the Lett fi gr.Al,:!t. pi /OM. I laN 11:.z a prnel lonutledge At : I N:likable facia mat Nat; tiftal tit 11.5. the t•tit,t-eril Cr fi1111I:i1E1'1.11Y 1111 ices VW , 11111-111, 1 is that he urn rupply them in 11.11111. as nIVCIIII4O 11S filly , ether establishment is either t 1 the Atito. tin I ith-s: .111 I,lla/+ ~f Ainn.neds and L'earl ..3‘r elr) and :iht \Van , roan iA facture older. lair. n t 14: tt. • Ti.'...iltatchuti : jelly mt, Alt er ( L IU MithfUllY Et" IVM.I;, 1 . UFA 1), : , 4,11111 '2d Flt. n few dui vs nt tlx 2.1 St .":13nr -1,1. 11 0.1 11:; In tho !....111t 11 1 . 1 :11.tlow, of the tt. :nay le EUPTI 011.lat11011, 131 1 .1 1. 1. 1e111:. et mom itth; tht• 1111I1111,11 . 110:1 ~r the at 11 1 1.11 r... .11111. ts.l, LI N I/ 11 t ( VI' ', I ) SUPER 1 qi(n 4 l4lAT I.lME.—Froto lit) t brod4 al A: Ca. lob made after the most itrzi,r.,l oil 1111 / h. , nt.d voipstli:oth r. Prepared A ',liplike ',at. uro ow& arlld tlo Env Lltb nr. t 11111 i 111114 ',WIWI it r. 1 oit g u 11111 It UN' I ball 4 3 mow, alai lolly ryall. he %Milt AM la bLahrth OIA rat ty ! wi is I tu ti uh:rl; callod h. re !trr it ial. Also. II I VIA lint bitt ing, its haw:, or I.ll.liii tililibtab it. {Or Nib. by J 1 AIN L, ViJmER(Y, 22 St.tith Whil . Cl CP, :.!+d door ul oNe (host', ut M. I Lilo • • • • cii t u o N• Jr:l , a 1.11..; 11 1;NA1:1 - :. - --abc tul uld ‘2:1) attelitloi, ct all pat tits t1,511,,1.k }w2 ate tip k ll.u.i.i:Alrt , ll,ll:htlx6 VI I t. '1 Le n'putnii:sn of thin; fun PPP I, 1;1 i t.rr N i„ hal kg line ihtt..uttuutt tiut - ihg. jl,loltiC.l4 4.hu puhlic 111)14614.s .1..t1 a or. titan I c!:t, this togettar With thi , I ,:1118 in the I tnt t , fun car. I v f upt.t.i...r .5% or ull G ther I i flat u n het . on the II au t , t r,rr rin , t tr. /Stir..m. , N: I LI, Art -.1 h. h. plinc curtain tail t,L jetty 1111 e 11::11 \llll lit t , Ats. 11.1• tr. t 1.1.2:7 Pt I; ni,det•l err art Ir. 1.. t t•• 11,•z• t , 111 1.1 It I • ,111,11. y. a lire —it i, ezr.lll ):31.:.;,,.1,:ir.,111.1.: • t • , ',d -il: h s uit - T.1.1i f, 1,17 if - n, . r e im,.. thr t, tulip„': • t 0.1 . It tit Stivlttillt• - 111111 t,4 11(1, ttl t ittl• tn.tl, • I tlw l t .I/t/ all 01 xh , u, prl.t.t in I I It tt. I tt du attiol.l I l f I 7u, 2.1,4.• t it.‘t d I r,l I y UI Ito :143.1, Itt•lt I 1. , I • t I : ll W .0i hi d t, I Pl• `I - t 1 . • •Ni I 4 < , LI .111 ;ILO V, LLSIS f/Allit til a ipl , lII,' f, I. I Nal.r., I t s /. I L. 1.. I t.. 8 tt. .11;t t.. 1 n t.1 . 11,1',1 , 0 .1 t..t. 1.11..14 NVO. \\r lut(tt intn :twill Ott( .:1,( I r{ c•., , 1.i., S. k. (1 ht :11/ PArill'S.),l:Y :mitt them Fell 10 01 ti,rs ; ..::•::t illlll. 1t u•1,11/ :11 a 1,13 it:((teirite I , t. tit i.ll. Ilt.V. pill 11/I dto Surt.l.4l ill, I.l4•::tat t., 11l %.tti . nt a ti 1.1,.:, II . t 5. LI the 11.1 g• est 1•1111:1ii.L., itt the I t ttLir). No.. 1 • 1(1 iitt•te Ci 11 vll (1., i 25 2 • (10 (to • :5 • 3 ttt , It. 4....: 4 do t 1 L t • do Ex Ira Vadint; r, (y,illl Eats bid itittich 11 tta. I do rt. , do 1:0 do- 110 do . 14.47 6 do do do -vi his No. 7 is the Inrtregt I I 1 . 1 , 1"1 1.1 mach- let this c4druto , aud in ',carat:di) atlaidttl hr LunLrs and vtlivi large class kid ail Ns e ,olithnse to gell lho ritivarattrs at II 4. gams viler ps t , Lotl tidy , duct.d." LI 44 ) rals ago. Ail 114 ugh the r 4.444 tat hi.th price of ludo lins tint trovd 1.144 ait gt I r rent illg ti t Leh' prat v.. 1 lkht. !di!! wa ;or et.nit• the grrat er gal( s to furl. irli t 10. al till-ill iho lost rht rt prig r. rdue foundry Mord.. Mersin, 11 ur ulrk&Lethraudt,liltrl•a'a.tialt , iit. tut 4.1414 us 14 . i 11.1 It tons (iris Fl %is :lit iJ a 1.111 ti rdtofunaiaLOLrluis6l•le>-aarrd bowl. r supri int 4.1 d the ulertion of all kurtatcts, shell it 4,tdi 4. rt. and ver r:ull in :ill IA:101.1TAN Vitvi. r.ll-0 nn•et t. 11.11 tt lit I, in tr. du., .1. tl. NA 10 4 1] 'Vie rid) the att..rti. e• 1 RH vita 1, uy ISL Ist,• t. he 11,14 1 , 0 I, vt 111,1 it,, t 1.114, ap insintits.,.. 1 'I t 11.—W r. niC lb.. 1 , 1) A, .I.ls itr l'i•n. Itani3 fr the is•,, t t 14. atd this r. S. la, it list. C" to. ;.1.1) 114; vx‘talat; r vcr wade 1; r;; tilt lit ill 11, lilt nit 11.11'd 1 r I,lli "1;1), 1 i;;;r1 hiLti,. k>lla rk; 1:n. 3 l'n .1 . ie i.el• 11, Era l.r p“io. „I 111., ;ji 1 8 , “.1, i2:.:ttl81118: L:11 it 1111, ti e t 1.,‘ :,4•11 1'A.T1...5."1 I'. 11.;.111 .I'll . 7 hate 11, e:‘,l I.p at, 0111'01 - 1i , " ) ). 1.,11) • ) ) .. j 1, 0 1 i.tt atu N 1... e a 3.131 ~. llt I tlt,d 1311 . 11.3.. P 1,10 1.111 1 11i1,1 .1,. lu r it hi.1t,..110, 11111 1 111.11 it gt..4.1.1y ti 11..11 it/rat, mite their : I,IAN'II3 1 4 , e laud nu e:,ter.siVe 11 , 1.1 t 1.11101,1 111 tit,', I nllllllO II Itl 1.115, 111 y ther rare toarblr,.. 1i1;..A14.1.- I .—D , r aud 1 111.1111,1 s er,thel 111.111 !Lettere .1 the I. a d., Canto. tai.tle 113 ut tho Euellol turd tido ly Hee lu this e./tintly iuLi: A4l - ::\ fi.r the Errtrlb.b Einl.ust b . . 11..4 irg 'lllc.lintuklr.t turnreyT. pr suety' in 'Attu C , ri nu iitt.. tut It It, Gulden %11•111)., 1.1!1.1... 1,11111111)g 111,1111.1 ISO Well 1.11 0:11:1/1Aille I ur stoet. bet .re pun 11:1-11.y ekrit het 0. 1i:411.1W. lllll.tbrr purcb" , le;.% or to.t. ere roldlaVly a 3 . 1....11.(31 to ow rah (I rIVe N.item, MS, Mill Where a e 0131111.1 1 e . 1 .181,0 Le 0r i1iN244113) inl l r, re,rectiu Buy .-t ‘ur tt t tic float Ina31,(111-iretl. A 14,4, on \lB7 thing Lad len tilittivg 01ill 1,0 11111 1.frat1.111.1.111,13 . Ilt 1.1111 )4111'. eiihrr rtrbtiltl:y ur by letter. S. It arming and Vent ilat int:. 11 aicht use, 1.4 t; \Valuta bt., I chew kiath, r1111..A1.1-.L1.1, 31ay :;1411 - 1] 1 LOLLA.III), I'll'llllllln Art iste hl o , lo.r:tied (It ,snmer '‘l rr autt 1:1: stir Mold TUILIprO. .11/hi nr tk mrs 14, 0,61;6 Lnditl; and Gealtlortett to utensure tlwir la.:ids 1r lib tte cutacy. Yeti.Wios, inches.—No. I. Tho n•und of the head ; 1.70. 11 Fr(to forehead over tho head to the meek; lan. & Fran ear to car over the top; 'No. 4. lain out to cur 1 , !1»1,1 the forehead. 'fi•opees and scalps, inclies.—No, 1. From Prebend to Lark ns far ns lqtld; ro. 2, Over fLrebenti Its fur ns requlr ( . t i: No. 3:1)i or the crown of the head. It. IOI.I.AItD bah always ready for sale a tplcrdld sG etc of Bents' Wigs, Toupees, ladies' Wigs. halt Wigs, Fticiits, Druids, &c.. heautifully ninnufaettnedaud as cheap to; any estaldiNlanent in the tinier. Pollards lierbaniunt Vxtral ter Luhtnins Ilair prepared from 1 4 outh Ameritinu Ilerl s arid Dents, the Lit sit successful article ever ' , reduced f , preset ing,the hair from fidlitt nut or changing color. resti.rhig and preserving It In a healthy and luxuriant state, A toong other reasoll6 why Dollard's hair cutting silo( rt nitin taills its hnneenhe pa pularlty is the liu t that bit. Toy ft applied to ON cry head of hair tut, St his ehtallh.l.naat, con:p.itnintly it iF kept In getter precerration than ntn• der any known application. It Icing thus pritetli ttlly tested by thousands, offerh the greatest guarantee of HA eftiracy. Sold . wholesale and, retail at his Old Est:ollo;lunit Chestnut street oppesite the State Ili ruse. I 11. lroilaril has at hunt dii•rfirered the he plus ultra of IlAnt and announces it t r sale with pear( t - fitielice in its surpassing eVery thing of the tliid in tr in eelors the hair either l.lach 11 . 111 L+n , ,as may - lie desiredl and is used. alt in'ut It jury to the huh , t r skin either by stain or otherwhe, can Iv aarht d fl In ten minutes after opiate:akin, a it brut dean tit its tille.try, Persons % the city arc in . % its tto Lit 0 billl It I.cttaintl.lresred to P. IVPI.I.APP, 177 Cht,tnut it,, Philatlelphiii, A%ilt rt•, ,, Livo zittott t _ • ...._ el I A K - 4 - : 11 . B131 Ilc r, ed grvat vtLrlyty 611 - '1014 . 1i and Drees Ttilii Han} F.- Ist% Cloth C1.111:111gfl, with a rxrjety of Whdcr tic( dB, ?roc. IIITINEP. - gv ,A( 'X SI I.K LA (.I,3S,—J olwred, ithich Silk L. 1 ,1 ,, Pr ,023)ity, rind ditTvreelf m labs. , A 1..0, I;I,ACIi p:SoNteps atd othpr trimmings, JAL W. ,ILlTtillt. b nj " . 23. Efi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers