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Blanks or any thing. in the Jobbing line. will find it their In terest t !gtve us a call. Every variety or BLANKS eon trtintly on hand. R5) - -. All hitters on business must be post-paid to se• euro attention. 4j - carrol &torn(' ;Information U• S• GOVEfNMENT• Presith•nt—PttAsKLlN Vice Pre,filetit—(do faet( - 0, D. R. ATtlicsoF. Feeret.try of Mato-11'm. 1.. :11.fitcY. Feer,tary 4 Interi,,,•_ll4.l{T 11cCi.r.I.LANP. Seerol.urr of Treasitry—JAm f... 4 Ucnuur.. of NV ;tr—.l i'FFKR: 4 oN fief•rotar . .. of Nmv),-.1 C. DOBBIN'. Post. tiler General—JAmns Att•lrno' I;eoeral—C \1.1.11 Chief .Itvition of Drilled States—R. 11. TANEY STZ.T.EI GOVF_TENMENT• Govrrnor—Wm. 11:r.1.En. • Sec:ref:try of Etatethrttll.ll.3 W. litteK. • Surveym. Goneral—J. P. Eh kts Audit'n• (huthra.l,-E. Ks. Trea<urn•—Juet:eu .Jul of the Supreme Court—J. S. EL %ex, E. Lents W. B. Lowult:: G. W. %VomurAuh, J. C. Kos. C OUff TV orraczas. Prosi.L•nt .11ws 11. iht 111%M. A :;,4.11.i. at • uslAos —I I ~r 1 .1 olni Hupp, s".. 4 ainuel Wood .ttt,,,rney—John Shearer froth pnot..try—Daidel IC. 'mull, Ac.--.l"lin :M. Oregg. Reg* , ster—William Lytle. 111;u 310.1.10niumtl; Deputy, .Inures NVidikor. Trvasliger—N. W. \Foods. G)rotior--.Jostpli C. Tlynnilspn. Gnu v issi..nen: —Jolt n lit ,latrws A rinstrong, teorgo M. lira Liam. Oar]: to Connnis..doners, llillintn It i Directlral of the Voor+—Genr,re Speedier, fle , rge Brin dlo, John C. Brown. 6upo,i ntentiont of Pour Muse— Joseph Lobach. 73 3 ROUGJA OFFICERS. Chid' Airtrghttrixtr•SNOßLE. As:4st:t.it tittrges—Clttrlcs figllby. Tosin Cottneil—John D. Parker. l'reshlentl It. Beatty, Henry Nlyers, I. 5. Egbert, David itle , adA, Christian In holt; John thaskill, Peter Monyer. (leo. Z. Bretz. Clerk to CLIIIIICii—JainuN L- - Con,t.tbhjs—Joseph Stewart, lligh Con table; Hobert' nejartney, Want Constahlo. CHURCHES, Flr,t Pmsbyterlan Church, northwest angln of Cottri , F.itiaro. Hut% Co?w.tl %V 1,115 rastor.—."•••rvlces every Sunday morning, at II ii cluck, A. :$l, and i cieluck, I'. M. So:ond Presbyterian Ch tvh, corner of South I lawn or and Pomfret. streets. No pastor at present, hut pulpit titled by pros by t erhil app otments. ,men itVS CW11111011: att 1.1 WO. wk. A. M., inid i o - rlo:k. P. 31. ,St..hdins Church, (Prot. Epise,,p3ll uortbea.st /undo of , Oeutre :quare. Iter..l teoa 11. Mons„ Ilectr. Service,. at I I o'cloek., A.M., and 3 o'clock, P. M. N 7 u,rlish Lutheran Church, Bedford' het%coon 31ain and Luither streets. Rev. .1 %con FRY. PAstor. S rtiron at II a rl.nk A. M., 111/4 n 4, o'ciovn. P. X ••. . . . . 1.1„g111.111 Ittlf 4 . 1110.1 ('h arch, Lather, beta ecn ILtnover an 14" Pit t streets. liev. A. IL Kai:Mt:lL Pastor. ;era ices at 10 1 . 2 : o'clock, A. M., and 03:', P. M. E.Church, (first tha et triter of Main and l'ltt streots. Her. S. 1,. Services at 11 o'clorlt. A. M., and - o'clock, I. M. Motholist E. Chnrch, (second Charge) Het'. 3. Joie , , 1% 1 1, Farr lees In c.dlege Ch.ipel, at 11 o'clork : A. M.. ao , I S o'clock, P. M. It Catholic Church, Pomfret, near East street.— Sr.a.vires by lies, Mr. DoNmtoo, every second Sunday. A tlitratan Latherati Church is in' coin cc of erection rot Ow owner of Pomfret nod Bedford streets. Thu cat greg.ttian, which has yet no stated Pastor, held their servi , es in Ediwation Hall. • .44-Whoa changes in tho above aru necessary the pris por persons are requested to notify us. DIOXiNSON COLLEGE• Rev. Charles Collins, President and Professor of Mora Science. Rev. liortnan M. Johnson, Professor of Philosophy and 1:11,41isli Literature. James W. Alarshall, Professor of Ancient Languages. Rev, Otis 11. Tiffany, Professor of .Mathematles. William M. NVilson, Lecturer, on Nafitral Science and °orator of tho Museum. Alexaudvr Schenk; I'rofer•For of llobrew and Modern languages. Jlunjaui n Arbogast, Tutor in Languages. Samuol Prluelpal of the Grammar.Sehool 'William A. Snlyuly, Assistant in the (Irauunar Sehbo O4BYOAATYONS. C O%RIASLE DePOSIT BlNK.—PrOSldent, itichlini Marker Win. 31. !Scutum; Clerks, Ilunry A. eturgoon Jo%eph Iloffor. ,Diroctors, ISlkhnrd Parkor, Henry Six bpit, Joh:, 3. Storrott, .101111 Zug. Henry Logan, !tuber Wore, Samuel l'hurry, John Sanderson, Hugh Stuart. CUSIMML ND VALLEY . HAIL ROAD COMPANY.—Preslitont, ,Broderick Watts; Secretary and Treasurer, Edward M. 111111 e ; Superintendant, A.B. Smith. Passenger trains t wire a day Eait ward, leaving Carlisle at 1015 o'clock. A. M. and 3.-10 o'clock, P. 31. Two trains every day West ward,,leaving Carlisle at 0 o'clock, A.M. and 2,20, P. M. CAID.DDJ: GAS AND IVATED COAWNY.—PrOSI(IOIII. Fred ••Irl. Watt": SOCIVIDry, I,DIDIDA 'Todd; TiNNOD.IIIII', 11. 11tVAIDD ; F. Watts, Richard Parker, Lemuel Wei. M. Meetein, 1)r. IV. IV. I),de, Franklin Gard ner. Henry tiltu.s. RATES OF POSTAGE.. • • „ • hr.rrha P.).;;Wlr..—r.rBLagt, on nil l e ttersr of one-hal. •0.11.0 wel4ht or under, 3 rents pro-pall, or h gents un pALl, !except to Californ in and Oregon, so high are it cents ifro-paid, or hi centsunpald.) NgtV7 , l'Ari:ll.l.—POStAgo on the lion kt.n---within the sou:sty, On cc. Within the State 13 coots per year. To, war part ofJhe United Stateq, 2(1 gents. Postage on all transient parrs under 3 ounces-In freight, 1 cent pre-paid or 2 CUBES unpaid. CAUL sz H.EraALD • 130 0 K & ,1013 PRINTING OFFICE, IN THE'ItEAII OF 'NI F. COUlA' ; :lioltSu. DrQry ileacrlptho of honk rtrol .10; • Printing exeuticd fen !pile liotke awl on n•asonablo turnm . ' . ..s, . c :1 . g 4,.. t .,1 . k , : -..- , :,.., ......-' ' 4 . , "le -I - . VOL. ITV. lilifiTAL 's -1 • • L v • , t.. c THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE, AN 'ABSTRACT The annual message of Governor Bigler is of the old fashioned extreme lengthy kind, and instead of publishing it entire, we think a greater number or our readers will• be made acquainted with its contents by a careful synopsis than if the. task of reading the whole thing is presented to them. Those who wish.. to read the whole document will find no scarcity of copies. The Governor opens his Message with a review of the general events of the past year, and the expression of thankfulness to a beniticent Providence fin• his goodness and MEN . .. . The financial affairs of the State are then management on both these bran c hes b ears . the marks of skill and economy. The introduced and we Bit e this part of the rues ex penses on the Allegheny Portage road have sage without abbreviation; . ~. been largelv reduced, and the business better The operations of the Treasury for tl,e, levelled than at any former_periud___ _As_a_ fast year, will be presented to you in detail, whole, 1 feel constrained to say, that-the con by the head of that department. The results dition of the spublie works has been inn are highly satisfactory. showing a steadily proved during the last veer; in no other par increasing revenue frinn nearly all the urdi- titular, to so valuable - an extent, as in the dare sources. matter of contracting debts, winch it seems The aggregate receipts for the fisted year has been almost entirely avoided. The of of 1854, including loans and the balance in titers on the respective lines report that they the Treasury, on the 30th of' November; have paid all expenses; and some of them 18.53, amounted to the sum of $6,665,912 01. have gone so far as to say to the Canal The gross payments for the same period, to board that they will lie • personally resumnsi• the sum of $5,421,983 29; leaving a balance ble for any debts that may hereaher be dis• on the 30th of November, of $1,2 le, 929 72. covered. This is truly a 'great reform—for . 'The extraordinary payments - consisted of nothing has cost the State so much, as the the following items, to wit: loans repaid, pernicious pract i ce of ,„„16,,,,4 debt on the $235,888 30; to the North Branch canal, public works;-1 still think it shailil be in- 5206,5,52 76; to the construction of the new terdicted by positive law. .. railroad over the Allegheny mountain, $461, In my last message I gave icy views at 912 03; to the payment of debts on the heigth, as to the principles and rides that public works, $389,946 38. Of the balance should etintrui in the management of the remaining in the Treasury, a portion is ap• State improvements, and I need not repert plicable to the ,payment of the State debt, them in this. 1 would respectfully suggest, i-,, -and remainder to current demands. however, that so much of the law ns binds- The simple, or ordinary operations- of the the Canal Commissioners to a fixed rate of Treasury for-the same period were 115 follows, tolls for the whole season, should lie repeal to wit: the receipts, exclusive of loans and ed. The officers directing the operations of the balance in the•Transerv,on the 30th of the public works should, it seems tome, - be, November, - 1853, realized frdm permanOet left flee to 'meet the exigencies in trade and sources, amounted to the sum of $52218,099- commerce, as they may arise. 00. The ordinary expenditures, Including The work on the Mountain railroad has - the interest on the 'State debt and all the —• 1 -1 -1: .1 it • . 1 : progressee 13 01N 1., 11111 1.11 oov,ons that it payments on the finished lines of the public twill not be fully completed before the sum• works, excluding the payments on new works mer of 1855. I must confess myself sadly and loans, amounting to $3,116,7-14 81; be disappointed as to the time and money con ing $1,101,490 13 less than the receipts. sunieskl in the construction of this work. The This statement may be regarded ns the expenditures since I came into office, have workings of the Treasury simplified; anti as eTeatly exceeded the whole amount estimated establishing the gratifSlrig, fact, that the las necessary to complete the lino; and yet, present reliable revenues of tlm State, exceed it is but justice to say, that . the Pennsylvania the ordinary or unavoidable expenditures, railroad, lying parallel with it', has cost a still over a million of dollars; and . that, relieved larger sutraper mile. ~ ' from the demands for the construction of i have endeavored, during. my service, to new improvements, the Treasury could par a guard against the commencement of Mimes million or mere of the public debt annually. of this or any ether character, to entail future It is ill also be perceived that the income I liabilities on the Treasury. This ought to from these sources is 'steadily increasing. he t h e ~,,,tded 11(111 Cy o f t h o, s tate. N o new For instance, in 1946, with the State tax at I improves nen ts should be undertttken, upon present rates, and the same i extent of ine any pretext whatever. Time payment of the proyements in use, with nearly all the present I debt and that only, should absorb the stir sources of revenue in operation, the gross : ides, revenues ef the Treasury. If this policy u receipts amounted to but little over three ant i le pursued, no other financial scheme, to a half millions. .\, , pay the debt, will be necessary. The large No more reliable estimate of the opera- annual surplus will reduce the State's in tions of the Treasury for 1855 can be made, debtedness with sufficient rapidity. than is furnished in the results for 183.1. I regret, exceedingly, the, necessity of an- The ordinary receipts may be safely, esti• fl mated at a million of dollars above the on• ouncing to you that the North Branch canal avoidable expenditures. A portion of this is not yet in full operation). It is now more than a year since the Canal Commissioners excess will be required to complete the new Portage railroad, and the North Branch directed the water to be let into the main canal; and the remainder should be faith- trunk of that improvement, and declared fully applied towards the payment of the their confident belief, that it would be in State debt. successful operation by the middle of last summer; bet their sanguine expectations, as The state of time public works and their well ns those of the people, have, in this- re management, is next presented by the Cos -- - spe c t, been sadly disappointed. A variety ernor, who ,seems to be pretty, well pleased of unforseen difficulties presented themselves with the result. We think, however, the tax- in the way of the attainment of this end. The old work, constructed sonic twelve or payerseLthe_State_will_not_be_so_partieularly fiftteen Years-sinceas-well-ns-some-se-ctions pleased, especially with the exhibit of the of the new, located on the hill side, near the North Branch section. The Govenor says:— margin of the river, when tested by the ad- The aggregate receipts on the public works mission of water, turned out to be . porous, for the past yeart'as reported by the Canal and totally insufficient in its material' and Commissioners, amounted to the sum of $l.- formation. In some instances . rocks, roots, 876,0788'8i and the expenditures to the :HIM trees and stumps, have been concealed under Of $1,101,570 54; leaving a balance of $77-1,. the bottom of the channel, covered only by 508 31, froin which, however, should be de- a few inches of earth; thus presenting but a ducted the sum of $37,900, properly charge. slight obstruction to the passage of (lie water able to the. year,,for new locomotives and out intoisthe bed of the river. Ibis is especi other unavoidable expendinires—thus reduce I ally the case- in much of the old work. In ing• the net ,profits to $736,608 3j. ' If we places,no short mull such sections or remedy, 'add to this, $131,00 . 0 00 received froin the of a reconstruction of the bottom of the Pennselvaiiia railroad cempany for the three and this was canal, could prove sufficient; mill tax, which is claimed by some as a part necessarily a tedious and expensive process. of the income from the public works, we find There is still a considerable portion of the a net revenue of $867,000; a sum 'equal to work to remodel in this way; but it is confi the interest on seventeen millions of the five dently believed that it will be ready for use cent.debt of the State. The aggregate per in the , early part of the coming season. - receipts were $57,121 less thail for-the year That the utmost skill and vigilance has at 1853, and the redaction in expenditures all times been exhibited by the agents of the amounted to over $159,287 00. no with- State, on this line, Ido not believe; 'but the drawal of the business of the Pennsylvania deficiency, in this particular, on the new railroad from. the Portage 'road, readily ac- work, has not been so palpable as nlleged.by counts for this difference. some. Indeed, since May last, great energy 'Viewed in erery aspect, this exhibit is has characterized the mantiement on this gratilvine• Few 'similar systems of improve- line; the President of the Canal Board hay meet in the country eau present a more . leg devoted mitch of his time to a personal re, fr 6 lhiitr fur tly Cirri's. WED \MAY, JANUARY 10, 1 favolfahlC picture. Sotne of them, in other• States, have recently been reduced to a con dition of virtual insolvency. 'l'lie increase of buss Less on .the State works for. the last two year, has exceeded our anticipations; and but for the necessity which seemed to exist fin• a re.luction in tolls to meet surrounding edmpetition, the revenue would have been largely increased. The general movement now on foot amongst railroad companiq, to advance these rates, may perhaps, relieve the State to some extent in this respect. The Delaware division makes a most gratifying exhibit. The gross receipts count ed i13d5,327 07, and the expenditures $59,. 738 67, showing a net profit of i 5305,588 .11); a sumi equal to the interest on six millions of the public debt, and to 20 per cent on the original cost of the work, including the ex• penditnres for new locks. • The North Branch canal Itnd the Colum• his railroad also present favorable results. The business and tolls on the former have increased with markt:d rapidity; Ind the 4*. ;;• • ..._ • jf'7 ° „J.*. r vs. • 0, 4 ••,•; ;;:.r. * El superviSion of the work. But it is obvious, no degree of capacity in the State's agents, for the last year, could have overcome all the difficulties, that were encountered, with sof ticieut celerity, to have entirely satisfied public expectation. At the time .I. came into office, the sum necessary to complete this work was estima ted at $172,000. Since that time the sum of $1,206,552 72 has been expended, and it will still ru quire, as estimated by the Canal Board, $6O, 10'0 to put it into complete ope ration. , Whilst I regret this unforeseen cost and delay, I cannot refrain from repeating my unfaltering conlidenee." - in the wisdom of the policy that dictated the completion of this work. The large increase of businbss and tolls for the year just closed, on the older portion of the line, indicates what we may satclaa anticipate from the new and, I can not doubt, that the gross amount of business it will cothmand, and the revenue •it w.ll yield, will exceed the most sanguine expecta tions of its advocates. The inexhaustible mines of coal with ra•hich that section of the State. abounds, the products of which are destined to pass tlo•ough this avenue to a limitless_ market, will furnish-for it a never tailing ,supply of business and tonnage. Be sides, its eompletiou will he an act of just ice to the iud'ustrions and enterprising inhabit ants of that part of the Commonwealth,; who have heretofore willingly contributed towards the construction of the other improvements of the State, from which they could derive but little advantage. It will, also, add to the general prosperity of the adjacent country; to_the value of property, and consequently to the revenues of the State. The Governor next presents a series of figures, showing that during his term the stun of $3,088,778 has been expended on new improvements, while at 'the same time the funded debt has been reduced a quarter of a million. The Governor next gives his views in re lation to the sale of the public works. It Is as the Governor remarks, "a proposition full' of difficulty," but we hope that the now administration will be able to devise some way of disposing of these works by which ' ihe,interests of the People will not .solfer.— The people's will, unquestionably- is that they shall be sold. The message says— As made my duty, by an net of the Legis lature, approved the 27th of April last., pro viding fur the sale of the main line of the public works, sealed proposals for its purchase were invited, up to the first Monday of .1 - tdv last. No oilers were made under this invi tation ; and public notice was again given, on the 14th of November last, in accordance with the 29th section of the act, tier proposals, to be submitted to the General Assembly; but none have been received. This improve ment la; therefore, still the property of the State, subject to such disposition as the Le gislature may deem necessary. My mind has undergone no change, on the subject of selling the public works, since the period of my last message. I tliiidt the poi icy of the tn,•asure depends mainly upon the price that can be obtained, and the coedit-- ions on which purchasers may be willing to hold these works for the use of the - poblie With 'a full and fair consideration, and on terms amply protective of the rights and in terests of the people, in the future enjoyment of these highways.---8, Sill() might not prove injurious to the publiq weal. But it is-cer tainly neither wise not' politic to assume that they must be sold for whatever can be ob• Mined; or ihnt they should in any event, be given away. Nothing could have a inure prejudicial effect upon the interests of the Star as involved in. these inprovements, th an tl t ? av owa l of such a determination.— Nor less unwise to disparge the value of the coMmonwealth's property, at the very moment of puling it in the market for sale. No intelligent private citizen would so act: in reference to his own estate. Ile would hardly - give - notice to capitalists, in advance, that he would sell his farm for a fair price : but if unwilling to pay such a resosalde eon. sidetation, they could have it fOr half lie money. Nor would such a person proclaim that of all the farms in the country, his was the least productive. It is certainly the wish of many good eiti 7 zees of the State—perhaps the majority— that the pubic works should be sold; but this &Aire is evidently bassed on the assumption that the measure would be one of real (Ton omy—that it would lessen, withoutthe hazard of inereasing,•their annual taxes. The real ization of such an object, it must be perceived then, depends entirely upotrthe price and terms. Those. who desire a sale, certainly expect the state to be the gainer by such measure. No other important, or suflieient reason for parting with this property has been assigned. • It is usually said that the Works should be sold to pay the public debt and lessen the burthens of the people; hut it must be ob served, that I% sale might he made at a price far too low to effect such purpose ; and itt•so, to give them away 'would be stilll — los - 4 likely to produce the desired result. Should., \ :the gross sum received, not be-equal to that on on which the net earnings would pay the in terest, then the effect would, hi: to increase, rather than diminish these antial burthens. This is not what. the people desire to acitin plish by a sale; nor will they he satisfied with such disposition of their property. TllO real value of the public works, is a prmosition fitll of difficulty; andel doubt not the Octiliral Assnntly v.. 111 epproaeh the in t ,pole, only impressed with its importance.— Tenm illions oldollars ens ti:, - .611 1 by the law of last session, as the price for the main 'line. This minimum is said by some to be tot: high, and the fitilure to sell, regarded as OW co tsori , ;ouee." Others a tribute the ~ah:ieitee of !ibid.-vs to the condition of the money inar• ket,---ht the stringy:tit restrictions imposed npon tl., law; and to the' efforts- that 11a,1 been previously made to disparage the value of the lino. If it it is obvious that more Iliac one of those causes may In . tve operated; and a ;treater the all may have been, the hope of getting this property on bettei terms, at a future time. 1 feel very confident that the latter consideration was not without its influ ence. But, be this as it may, it is certainly wiser to fitil to sell from any one of these e:r:so.3 than to hazard the works in lite mar ket, iv ithout any restrit lion or limitation Hz+ Li- price or conditions. A hud sale would as:tit:Ay be a greater misfortune, than no sale et all. NO. 19. The renefit.sr rNultitc , to the poople from thos e impronettiunits,. have been filMierons and, di% ersiticd. They have liicititated truth. and. comnowce t glimulated productive it. do-tr, 1,1 1"..1'V 11 , 11;111111CM( i 11,:td have. nt;t 0:11V Otiallii'd the i'arimr t I reach a ready ta'id:ct with tlo• frnite of hi+ labor. but haNr fur.ti,ll,.d t7.,:nidotr ont Ha for tht , rick min era; tr,a•ar,.; of the St:tt.o. Withou (Iwo) tht‘ tn . ::wr •.i.,1111d he deprk t•dol his' ” cc;lpt lion. tho. trail-Tor:yr 1).. It•ft in Indidess d i :ti. tution, and till' ( 7 , omm inweabh it Ai lf b,. po . : 1161.1 , 1 I ) retain a pacsirtwoitats possession , i vtlit 111:!+•.'i Or natural and lint ti,; ri,dtes. ()lir rre.:eci•s,tri weer it ise in op, n in: tt,,, , ,1.:0nnf...i f,l t, 1 r ;1111 , Mijr,‘_:ll . ..__ 'and if w. , . ‘liilt to hp r iti• I wi3O hereafter, v..•, sll 1.!I a it rashly an,l I-Ntily . tio•ow away th,' alt aata ; ., s ~: tl,eir 1,1'..1ek. use. .Plll3 Ll,e. t,, OW 'MI l',h•A, iii OW t•V....1.t of a 'sale', rap wily by ~, t.ourA by a joaLnIA protoction ot: the right of the people to enjoy it. ' The very first conditiona Or alloh , 3 in ensure should be. th it the worli.A, an 1 every branch of. them, be kept at all times in good order and it, operating eondition,_,and remain fbrevet public -_h a. the use of all person.: who may wish to transport goods or flier chAndise over them, upon rates nut great er than those char.cd upon other similar improvements. No corporation should get, possession of these:valuable rmmies, on snub conditions as would enable it to impose un. reas..mattle hurthens on the internal .traoc and tonage of the State, or in any war to enerutch upon the rights of the individual eitizen.• To obviate such results, the powers, privileges and restrictions of any corporation getting the works, should he minutely delin. el. Past experience Suggests these pra dential counsels; for we have oftca s.rt in this State, how difficult it is to conlinc the operations. of , these artificial bodies with in the limits prescribed be the law; and we should nut fail to profit by tine lesson. The Board of Commissioners appointed examine and settle certain claims again:f tlic Commonwealth, have found tlic debts to exceed the appropriation made by the last legislature for that purpose nearly $50,09h. The system of contracting debts by public officers is justly rept - cherb:ld hy.the Cu% vr nor. The Governo'r takes ground against the repeal of so much al' the art incorporating thc: Pentigylvania Railroad Company a ri • quires it to pay into the Treasury u !many a certain per centag,e on the amount of tonnage which may pass over that road, as an equi valent for the privileges granted by the coin monwealth. This tax amounted in 1853 to $71,000, and in 183 1 to $131,000. In the spring of 1833, the policy of eat:• relation of Relief notes was again resumed, and up to this date $183,384 88 has been I.i:- received into the sinking fund applicable to that purpose, leaving the meagre sum of $15 , 1,778 12 to provide fel.. These can be withdrawn during the current year.. The currency next receives the Governor's attentiotyand the present crysis in money matters/is dwelt upon. An extensive in crease of bankit g capital and other expedi ents he thinks will be pressed upon the Le gislature, but hopes they may not find favor. The energy, honesty and enterprise the business community will soon overcome the danger. The _temperance_gnestion-and-the-vote- o f the people last tall upon prohibition are al hled to. The Governor regards the vote given as, indicating that the people desire sonic reformation of the abuses of intemper ance. The existing laws might, in the opin ion of thi3 Governor, be usefully revised—the object of such revision being to lessen the vice of intemperance. That those laws need anch revision, is conceded. So far us relates to the city of Philadelphia, they are particu- larly prejudicial to public morals, and seem to have 'been constructed to promote tho con venience of drinking, far more than to re strain its evil consequences. The subject of Commthi Schools is warm ly tuoched upon and various improvements suggested. Spjcial legislation, inconsistent with this general law applicable to' particular localities or districts, to Answer temporary or partial ends have always embarassed the system and should be carefully avoided. Any attempts to create' separate schools utuler sectarian . patronage should be re jected::`' Til profession of the Teacher, should be elev." cd and made permanent at other professim The ()Ilea of Conroy \\ -,`„, Centinkd on •Ith page. • ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers