Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 03, 1855, Image 8

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    8 -
w/i.A!.—Daniel Wonderly, Charles Shapley
Charles. Bell, Joseph Tregi,
ickinson. 7 —Win..Yanasdal, Jno Spotice.
Ankford.-3 - ohu Sanderson.
liewell.—John. C. Elliott. •
unlit/eq.—W. H. Eckles.
'net" Allen.—Georg6 Shettle.
.11gnicsbury.—Jacob C.
inror.---Benjainin Nuisley.
''ffiiii.--4ohn McCrea.
wton.—David .1. McKee, William Smilh,
eth. Ariddicton.--.Tolin C. Atkinson sr
• oer Spring.—Mathey Fisher.
ithamplon.--Henry B. Rebuel;, David .
ith Middiefun.—William Wise, Samuel
,per _A/kn.—Samuel 'Miller.
it Petuisporoirgh.—George ILiks.
TR A rEI?SE JUR r—Firj 11;4:
Rhonils, Wrillliam Edmond,
lohn I-Iyer, L. I3uatty, Henry Ilarkues:;,
\V. Foust. (leo. I). 1V;;,,,15,
Tolin Cannon, Stllllltei St'llerl3, Jneoh
'inlnfin.(l.—David Bear, Cornelius Cllllllll
Inplen.—JoBoph Flitik George G
peweil.-21 :Iron Jacob Oher.
writ .-I!ien.--1 I ry G. ..I‘osdr ; Christ i:111
/I•Htirsbuni.—Peter liarniuyrt ) 'John Kei
le, Jacob Couver.
aroP.—ltichard Anderson, George Morrpt,
fenny Karns.
;lift. -- , - John NI David so n.
.. , ,,n.—Juseph Diehl. John Gracey. Henri
, em, e.— ;Ames mYrt.
.ifidll/1101).—.11i1R:r (7raiti, Jacul) Uut
Spring.--Icury Voglosong, .lao(Ji
pprnsintry.—David Criswell, Samuel 8 0 .
!er,..lohn Wonder Hell. •
t.thamplon.—)Villinni (1. Dunran, John W.
lever, Janes A. Kelso. Istobeyt. F.
qfh Middle/mt.—Joseph Baker.
per Alleit.----George Beelman; Samuel
13 0 ,,,,, 5 /wro ug h._J oun tl t a n innyuer, cl
•oh Fry ) thrvitl Shellenbergq,
TRAVERSE JCR S , cohil 11W/e.
:blc.—Williant Bentz, James Loudon,
'eter Gutshull, Augustus A Line, David
!ornman, Jacob Becton, 'William Osborn,
.fitchell McClellan, John Cornmiin, Mi
hacl ilolcon .
kinsom—Adam Fishburn, Thomas Lee,
John Cultic. •
Pensborough.—Jacob Renninger, Si
awn Dresbaugh, John nipple. ,
—John Ideberling, Robert Quigley.
lenry Mower, jr.
//in.—Joseph Lindsey, Joseph McDar
amid, jr.
.true.— Peter Brindle, David
,Plank, David
PNi.—Samuel Wagoner, Philip Gettei,
/avid Foreman.
- 'milk—John AI. Woodburn.
Cllinberland.— Andrew Ligliiner.
-'li (Wier.
..• J r Spriny.---Joseph Walters, William
ifiddlefon.—Daniel Boyer J. Burk-
;)pensburg.—L. K. Donavin, John Me
:pp/ma/nag township.—Adam Duke, Ja•
ub Hale. -
.ethamp_ton.—George Kimmel.'
Ter Allen.—Adam B. Seacrist, John Mo9re,
. olin Sadler.
Pennsborough.—E. K. Eurns, John
)unbar . , George Zinn, Samuel Myers,..john
teKeehn, --
I T NESS MAN.—The-subscriber offers` his property
ale, consisting of n MELIA NO 110175 E, STORE
-01 and MERMANDIZE, In the town of Aaarons
:, Centro County, Pa. The buildings aro stone mei
:, with nt) feet front, and occupy tho most desirable
location In the town. Tho country surround-
Is not surpassed by any in the State for farming per-
It offers inducements to a business Irmo suet% as
.Adom to be mot with. Torras will Is, mdo, known
Plilication personally or by letter to the subscriber.
! oAmsr 11A1WAINS:—The snbscriher intending t
diminish bIIfiiIICNS offers his entiro Stork of Bums,
Ah.suoEs AND fIAITERS. AT COST! Ills stock
1 is now, mulo of tho bust materials, and by the
best workmen in the cities. Those desirous of
Jecuring good bargains had buttrr not lot this
.rtunity slip, as they may not again havo the chance
7onring such bargains as we now offer thont.
tv 8 W. SitELDON.
• Oc
i t
o subscriber has just
ad to his gonerabsetection of CHOICE
/CEItIES, as well a s all the other variety of articles
74usually kept In a Grocery Store, embracing Rio
iinottee—reasted and green—at 12 , /, and 14 cents
lour lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed fund Pulverised
Sugars, of tine qualities; Chocolates, Spices, Dairy
and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which are of
lat the lowest cash prices. %VII are thankful flir the
ter support given us, and, invite a further call from
friends and customers. .1. W. EDY.
'arion Hall, Carlisle.
)EIWE L. KNIGIIT (Successor to
, Hartl e y S Knight,) DEDDING AND CARPET
N 0.148 South Second Street, ilve doors
Spruco street, Phihulelphla, where ho keeps eon
itly on hand a full assortment of every article In his
of businem. Feathers, Feather Dods, Patent Spring
tresses, Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Throe-
Ingrain, Venetian, List, Dag and hemp Carpetings,
".loths, Canton Mattings, Cms at and Spanish Matti Og S
r and Stair Druggcts, Hearth ituga,Doorl‘lats,Table
Plano Covers. To which lin invites the attentloiLef
chasers. f.10ct.'64
T 3IIITA. Surgeons' 13andago
, E 'R
otreet, sixth storo trbovo Marl t. B. C.
CRETT'S Patent Graduating Pressure TRUSS, fortho
1 Of Rupture; Shoulder Wares, Supporters, Eltistie
kings, Susponseul, IfernoiTholdal, and Ilninlnges for
. e-nultirio. - . Jan. 11-Iy.
OTICE is herehy.given that the Cum,
located at Cumberland In Dickinson township,
Cutuityrland county, will woke, application to tho next
Legblat ure of the Culiuuouaeultii of Pennsylvania ft,r
au act of Incorporation, with a capital of not less than
'feu nor mere thou Thirty Thousand Dollars. for the pur
pc.o of receiving deposits of money both tramjtory anti
on Intprest, and of malting loans and discounts, with
such otlita* privileges n Ot IWO uhually granted td Savings
Institutions. By mud of the birect,rs.
1). 1,. Sec'y
is hereby given that api)lien
' timi will ho made to the next Legislature, attrectii
bi) to the coilst it Litton and laws of the Coinnkitmealth
oryeinisylvaida. for an alteration in the (dialler of the
Carlisto Deposit llnnk, , en nu to confer upon said Bank the
riehts and privilegfes of a hank of Issue, and to ehaniza
tho deft of the Ckill,Vl.l.: 13.t , th : also to itiereatql
tae capital stork One hundred and fifty thousand dol
lars. If prituti. thin.
By order of the Board of liirecters.
W. M. nrETE - m,
.1 one •23. Cashier.
• IlS r .l'Al ` E OF CIIIIB`.I'TAN WOLF,
I)l:oEAsEi),—N,ake is hereby given that letters
test.toiontary on the estate of Christian NI elf late of 8.
Middleton too a chip. Cumberland ...lint). hate
been granted by the Ite:4iStor .f said vomits' to the sul,-
171,0r5. ono residing iu Lane:tutor eity, l'a., and the
other in let-entail' county. All portions knotting them
eel% as itidelitail to said salute are required to make im
mediate pdyineut, and those having claims to present
thr it for settlffinviit Lo
ADA NI WI ii,V. Latieligter City,
GlsUlitit Y tibli*.
OA. 4. 6t Exeentors
IST .1T E (1E )1 ItY lACK. -No
lire is hereby given that letters testnnientary
tee st ate °rill:tr ) ltl a ,k, late I.l ' laiNver Allen tam nshlp, ml settintly, titteeasett, base been granted to the
tiship. Dauphin ritual-.
t!. All per , ats I. min itrz tbettna•l% 0.4 indebted to stthl
I.stlite are t. , ,ltirstl ta inmiteliate payment. and
tit .se Itavint sinims are ettnesteil It. pre.tent Own' Inv
sett 1..1.1..0 tn 101I\
sept2.o- ett .Exeentor,
I Sl' L ()1. 4' 311C11. - EL
(111 i, hereby
t rit en that letters of ail
ittinistrat ir.ii .at till, estate el nielint..l hissel, blue of
mr to onveslnp. Cumberlitml tenuity, &weal-vit. have
1.,•.• I A l.:int.-I by the !legister of said vottitly to the stilt
in the same Otemship. All itt•ritns
I rig_ the i t in4Ar a ,;_l ittlelated_tu_salaLtndate_tuAt_laNtlittil,
oft make ittimieliats payment. UFO 01,0 haling ;1311 , 1F
Lt pe wart 1111 . 111 fur settlement tit
Sr i.l 271,4••17 MOSES Miyltll.l.lrr, Adni'r.
... •
(11.' .1()11N HIXJ,EII, 1)E
••:Elt.—Notiee is hereby given that hottors of
rat ioin on the estate of .1 , lin Itlxivio, late of lust
Pt...m.061 . 0' etruhvelmiti ry otinty. have
'00... a (, by the Itoo,rister of said coat.ty 11, the iv
....•liling hi the Som.,. tmvliship. All person,
liio,wing, themselves indebted to sill estate are reel u•~t
rd to.'madtt. L. ply men( . thoFt, having claims
to. prevent thorn the sult.loment to
ELIZA BIN LER. l'etinshoro,
1)14 4- prlet • Athiti !list ratrtx
1 7 , 1 5 T A'l' F, ()I , ' I) AY II) :\ I 1.11 NN
gh en that letters
of miministratlom I n c the estate of Uatid m e ith e p n y.
late of Sliepheritstowm Upper Alll4ll tOWII° , IIIII, Cllllll,Ct
111 Ott MAIM) base been granted by the Itegister
stit to the subscriber tositling In the same
plata. All persons knowing elientsell es laileltted to said
estate aro- required to male immediate pit went. and
those ha, ing elalwv to present them fir settlement to
ALIA. t2.lTilt'.\ :-lieptterdstmen,
Oet.l-6t ' • Administrat,.r
1. 4 1 - , , Tf AT E o v - 1 , 41 HAP Ds,
DECEASED.—Notieti is herobt given that letters
tesmineutary on the estate of Philip lihoads, Into of the
liorimAti of Carlisle, Cumberland CO/Linty; der'd.. have
been granted by - the Ite.tister of said county M the imis
seriber residing iu Carlisle. lip persons knowing thelu
se!res indebted to said estate are required to make im
mediate payment, toil those having claims to prtisent
them for satkanna to
Oct. 4 Otpd
I - IP E
4 1 til'A 1) TEOF 1 , ;1:1N1!:‘IJIIAR I J NIS.II
`,,i l'.—Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad
niiiiistration on the estate of Emanuel DarniSil, lato 01
Dickinson township. Comb. co., dee'd, have been 1-sued
Iry the Register ht and for sail ' , minty, to the subscriber
who resides in the township aforesaid. All person: , liaN-
Mg claims or ilemaolls against the ustateof said deedent
are requested to make known the satin, without delay,
and those indebted to make payment to A.
1 Ill:11AR D WOLIIIB, Dickinson,
noVI-11::,1-ft . Ado Cr.
ill istT A T 1'; (il , AN I )11. 1..: W FOR RE`z
7.4 11E1'EASE1).—Latorp.Testriliteutavy On the Estate
of Andrew tin tank late of VI ost l'ioinshoro township,
eitinbeclaml county. ilec'd. have been granted by the
1:,,i...t er of said routity, to W". U. Ilionhirson and itieli'd.
Parker. PersOns indebted aro requeided to make pay
ment and those hating claims to present them for settle
ment. W. 111. 1 lENDERSON,
Carlisle, Aug. 30 2 18;)3.—ft Executors.
1 .4 1 ST ATE OF G EORG E 13. 4 1 K ER ,
_Li DEer:AsEn.—Notirt, is hereby given that letters
of administration. with the will annexed, on the estate
of George Baker, late of Silver Spring township, Cutn
berland county. deceased, have been granted by the Reg
later of said comity to,the subscriber. .residing in Hamp
den township. AB persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate are required to make Immediate pay
ment, and those baring elalms to present them for set
tlement to SAMUEL EBERSY, Athu'r.
Sept. 13, Mt •
J DEGEAsED.—bake is hereby given that letters
of Administration, with the Will annexed on the Es
tate of Jelin McCarter, lute of the borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland en., deceased, have been granted by the
Register of said county, to the subscriber. residing in
the same borough. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to said Estate are roniiired to make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present them for
liatlOlllollt to
Sep. 6, 1554
J emnstm.--:Notice hereby riven that letters of
administration on t ho estate of ileorgo Carl, dere:mid, of
Upper Allen township, Cumberland county, (who re•
eently Main tho eity of Tittshurg) hare this day been
Issued by the Register in and for said county of Cum
berland, to the subscriber, who reeldec in Upper Allen
township aforesaid. All persons 'having claims or de
mands agalmit the estate of the wad dee'd are requested
to make known the same without delay, and those 111 7
dobted to make payment to
Oct. 4th, 1843. nti-nt
Decoased.- r -Notice Is hereby given that letters tux.
tanu'ntery on the estate ofJohn Wonderly. late of South
Middleton township, Cumberland county deceased, have
been granted by the Register of said county to the sub
scribers. one residing In Carlisle and the other In South
Middleton township, in said county. All persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are required tO
make immediate payment, and those having claims to
present them for settlement to
OA NI EI. WONDER LY, Carlisle, •
WILLIAM WISE, South Middleton.
Oct. 4.—Gtpd. Executors.
SELMAN, DEC'D.—Notice is hereby given that.
Letters of Adminlstintion on the estate of Catharine
Mussolman, Into of Uper Allen township, Cumberland
county, dee'd.,, have l,eon granted by the Register of
said county, to the subscriber residing In the same town-
ship. Alt persons knowing themselves indebted to said
are required to make inunediato payment, and
those having claims to present thom fir settlement to
JACOII L. ZOOK, Upper Alloll,
OA. 25, 195 1-11101 AJmlulhhitthr
I/LACK SILK LACES.—juBtopeued,
n -P
Illack silk Lunen of superior quality, nod difTertut
widths. Alsii;itrAerli. SILK. THIN NIINOS,OIinps and
other trhutehige, 111.:11. ST. IMMO.
^7 Aug, 2:1. . . .
.. . ,
[.l u 2S-6m p
eartiolc ijcralb.
0 IthIIGE RELT,Ell.mpeetfully announces to his
old Patrons mol the publieeenerallv that he has just re
- o , ived the FALL STI" LE oF tii , :Nll.loli.:N'S
• HATS, manufactured at one of the best establish.
:omits In Philadelphia, to which ho Invites special
Ile has also constantly on hand a large and varied as
sortment of his own ininautitet tire as well 4144 City nut 4
'flats and CapS, suitable fmrthe comprising every
varlety of illlFsll/ MoleAiti and Silk Ilats, fin
ished in the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CAPS of every shape and description, and at eery
price. Ile particularly Invites the piddle to call and ex
amine his exoeusive assortment, which In style, mate.
rid and finish, cannot hr surpassed by any In market,
and which lie Is able to piteßf r prices lister than ever.
liememler his old stand On' North Ilanover street, be'-
t ween Ilinner's and Boner's stcres.
FA lA, STYI4I4 , OF 11ATS & CAI'S.
1 VII. 11. Tuour, dvFirrs to Intbrin his old friends
twit Ito Juts removed to Ms new eNtUbliSblllent on high
street. near the Railroad Depot, and is new opening a
; f i
42t large and elegant assortinent of the 'PALL STY Lt.:
.... lU , 11.1T4, just received from - . Philadelphia, nhieb
the gentlememel Carlisle aro requested to aril and
examine. Ile has also a large assortment of silk, bur
and Slouch Hats et. Ids ono manulheture, got up in the
Lest style and at various priees, the e:xellenee and finish
m uhieli he will warmiit. Ills stuck he is emir: dent on
ly nerds to he examined to be appr..ved. Also. it large
supplv'ef Men's, Buy's and Children's' CAPS. of Cloth
and t it r. wed of every variety of sty to and - pride just I e
-mixed from Philatlelphla. 'Let all who want su Ma er
rap give him a rail. as they may lie sure of being suit
ed to their own satisfactien.
ifllll\'A, (1,1,A; 4 S ANI) QUEENS
NI" AllE—Nil,honialalipers ai d }sang, ‘vitti ihes
also irlio are expertifog to 1 , 14 . 1)1111, 111.11,..til`rpert, aro int it
ed to (all at ILA S FAMILY Wild:El:l' and ex
inutile his elegant asset utrul. , l China. tilassandq Livens
ware and lltlier article. in the liqusel.replug line. such
as Frouch and ISuglish tea sets. beat). Landed and plain,
11 hit( and I lug plain. Dlntier sets of
cry titriety and price,. bowls and pitchers, tnreens. ilish-i
es, ,t Illass-ware—centre tali( anti mantel
llanilt•fabras wail other lalup4,great rtn ity. t.111.k , :111.1 hir
goblets, .Cc. Fruit and presorvo dishes. In Aa
rl,•ty. Cetlar-Ware—ttil.s, Ituckt•th, churns, howls, hatter
pt iuLs and meal Ip-Lets. Sr. BriAles— Nweeiti
white trash. strutting. hod and shoe brushes dusters,
bi.,1011114. Rr. clothes anal travelling bashets.
Ali. a rhnke ass. irt men t of Tobaero and t
•e w lin are fond of I.rantlN of Segni' , and try the
Steltationis and other
tint you will find them of nil Itimien quality. Al-r.
Inlf liteiniall and Cnianion Segal a, ti ith clinic° snuff a td
hew lin: tot 111.(.0.
111,()T1IING !('I,()TIUINC, ! The suit-
Is now having Millie up a 114 if e
Sutistnntisktlighing ehieh he N, ' , II if
'Mt cheaper l low ally establish:llml In the Inas
'rule stoek In 111 consist of
E It (` A 'l' S
floe D It E S 1- 1 C 0 .1 'l' S
S A ( C .1 T S
1' ANT A I. N
V I-1 ST I N S, c.
The Clothing -will t o made out of none 1 ut the I eat
quality if goods:, cut out ht - nn igiqati hawed and
cutter, and the work got up is the test milliner and 1.3'
tie loot of hantlf.. We hal u now o n hand a list ..f
(lighting. and all we tn. - 1, ire
call and-they mill lie pleased with the work and pikes.
At the old stand sin Fast Motu itrect.
I( )1t !rtiE 11111,1,1 ON
n•oeh my Fall
stork of PA l'Elt 11 A Mil
which surpass in stylo, goality
and price any that bare tit or
Leon or lilkoted in Otitis!, 1 ringanntfollv solicit a call
it: want or Papor orany &ma
am confident by assortment thr s aut
in the Borough; :Ind in titvlo and mhos has I tit
als 14, ti l l city. oilly ask of the pul;lio t' rail :nut ox.
and 1111) 10 , ,,11,1112 II t 1;ef; re iltl frilclA I, as lam voril
dont my chaste designs cannot fait to 'dense the
faistidkus. .101 IN I'. LANI-;„
West skieof North Ititnovei `trout,
I 0 0K ou 'l' INTIM E!-*---(liolera:'
Amortals. Dysentery, Dia rrholi. .t e.. nrii making
their uppoaranc. You h now the reinedy. If you Love
any rogard fi.r the wellfare of yourself. your li ife, or your
children, supply your,olves with HP:MILER'S :MATCH-
LESS COMM AL, otherwi... abide the inonzogneore yi•-
•s ti Iti n g front a liglaCil atilleCOlicc to old gnarl:cry. This
"Matchlebs Remedy" Call be bad at tin Drill; Ft.., ~f
8..1. 111.:FIElt.
South lisuorer street. a few doors south of the Court
!louse. l'arnsie.
TSND SIIOES. The mibserib
I er has now on hand fl very extensive and a.ql so
cited st , clu of 1) 0 0 T S and S If 0 1.; l•'.' , ~ t.
eh idi he will sell at unusually law prix- 11. , '
c.... l'UrillaSoll 1 1 1 , .111 Wil.,ll.galP (I,3lerS.
at low rates, ha MU lat.!' suchitiduce- ,7 :
Meat: to purchase's as at ill make it their interest to, is.
It his establishment. IN huts every article in the Boot
:ma 811,,, , line—for Ladies' or llentlemens' wear—he
therefore deems it unnecessary to particularize.
li ei• Persons desiring good and do-np goods are Ina it
ell to glue hlul a call
North Iltuurver street, next door to_rti-4±: .
(11IISS'N Hotel.
He would respectfully inform the
citizens of Carlisle and the piddle generally, that lw
has now on hand a large and elegant assortmentef FUR-
NlTURE,conslsting in part of Wardrobes,Card and oth
er 'fables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sawing Stands, &e., manufactured of the best material ,
and quality warranted.
Also a general assortment Of GRAMS at the lowest
prices., VsNrrixx ItuNns made to order, and repairing
promptly attended to.
AlPi) • COFFINS made at the shortest notice; and hay
ing a spyndld hearse he will attend funerals in town or .
country- .... ._v
Remember the stand—next door to 11. Glass's
I lotel. It. H. SMILEY.
—JAMES R. WEAVER would resoecfeully call
the attention of Muse-keepes and the vublic
to his extensivestock of tle ,, ' ant FURNIIU RE,
Including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and Tables,
7-7 Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every tither
article in his branch of business- Also now on hand,
the largest assortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at'
the lowest mires. AOREINF 'made at tho short: •
est notice and a Hoarse provided f. 4. funerals. lie
solicits a call at his establishment, on North Han
over streel, near Ginsse's Hotel.
00-Furniture hired out by the month or year.
v oitNER of Man
tle 4 , 3n1P. L over awl Loonier sta.,
C W l4 . C. 11.18IX.—TIscdndorsIktd
od hos alwityfron band a Far* htdek of superio, Cabinet
'Ware, In all the.dlflecont,.stylm, which Ito it prepared to
soll at the lowest prices. Ile Invitokattontlott portico;
lady to the PATF:NT HPIUNO llortow I.lEravreao, ittlicat
ustlid article, which entirely olrylates all Oitlections.r. , -
bottom can bit attached to old Bottott3ds: Thep have
gluon entire, 'antisfactlon•to all wito have theni'lh
4,4)- COVFIN mad.) to ordedat tbo oltorlest notice.
)00TS AN]) SIIOES.—A very lalg' e
'fr assortmont of Boots and Alines of every denrrip
t on just tecolvott and selling Very elloop.
pot '5l • : , CHARLES 0011.11 Y
paid for OLD MRTAL, such ai Cor;per, Brats and
at the Car Hale Foundry and Machine Shop,
Constantly on hand and
for s.tle by
J. l'A 1431111 t S: Co.,
Ur" Publithed FOWLER F WELLS; New York.
to older to fiCeollllll , ldate -The l'replo" 111;141112g in all
parts of the United mates, the Publishers will halyard
by return oy the first 'mall Huy book Hauled in no fol
lowing list. The postage will he prepaid by them nt the
New York Office, fly this arrangement of prepaying
postage in MIVRIICO. per cola IS saved d, the pur
e All letters eunthinin g ~rde , „lw „ ld b e post
paid nod directed as
FOWLERS W 1 ,11.1.8,
aUK itroadeny, New York.
Constitution of Man. By Oeorge c on d., Th e ~„is , fli.
' thorized A meritToi Edition. With twenty engrav Ingo,
mid a Portrait of the Author. Trice, muslin, Si cents.
llefenve of Phrenology. Oontainlog an Essay on the.
Nature and Ad ne of Phrenological Evidence; also, an .
Ohl Vindication of Phrenology. By Boarding. Price
Si emits.
Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Concord and Discord,
with valuable Dints and , S uggestions. ' Ily N. SLter.—
15 cents. .
Education: Its Elementary Principles founded on the
Nature of 3111.11. ]ty .1. O. Fpurzln im, 31. D. - With an
Appendix, containing a description of the Tempera:
ntents, and an Analysis of the Phrenological Faculties.
87 rents.l'e regard thistolutito ns one of Um most
Important Chat has been offered to the public for many
you-Fs—lto:cops t 1 ro. Join Sun. jOVIZNAL. 1111 I liveriology-. By Geo. Combe. With Notes,
an Ets.av C,O the 1 i1T.,1111/I(lgiCal 3101.111 01 . 11(1 etnigation,
told an Historical Sketch. 1:3.• Dr. Ilmirdinan. Illus
trated. $1 25 cents. ,
:larriage: Its ilistory and Hines, ulty, A Phrenological
and /0/yob/logical Ex pt onion o rho FtlllditiPS and
Qualif.,:ttimls necessary for Sloppy - Ma/lieges. Illus
trated. 75 cents.
Memory 1111 , 1 i 11 tolloollllll Improvempot: applied Lir) self-
E6lolllioll Ord .) tiventle litstrualon. '1 went Mtn edi
tion, illustrated. bti emits.
310 rimotty : or, Phrenology and Physiology applied to
the Selection of Congenial Conipanions for Life; in
cluding Directions to the Married tier living together
Alll 4 fititla 1e 13 and !nippily. PM cents.
.Phrenology Proved. Illustrated. mut Applied: rieconipm
' used by a Chart.entlimeing an Analysis of the Primary
Mental Potters in their various Degroes of Intvelp
i moil. the I'llenomena prialmast by their COI:114110U
Activity. and the' Location of the Phi enologii al Organs.
Together with a Vi 1111: of the Moral and Theological
Bearing of the Science. - Price $1 25.
Pliiimological Almaitic. 111th Poi taaits. f Lento.
Phrenology and the Sot fittings. An able, though onn t li
work. By hey. John Pierporit. 12 vents.
Phrenelogical Onide. Designed for Students of their
ow 11 ('haracters. Price 15 rents. e
Sell-4 llltlll'll, and I'.l fostion of I haracture: including
• tho Educlith ii and 3111 agornebt 111. Sr Lith. Price si
Si t. Myer, or N. 1111.11 tone. is the motto. No Imli
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totted with One Hundred Engravings: minding a
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invot. By O. F. 211.21 L. N. Fowler. Price in paper, :h
(.eats. 31 usliti 1.0 ,TI to.
A.-1,1101:s and Ftnetgoneit s: A Guide, rout:titling Di
n-Ohms for Treattnebt In Bleeding. Cuts, Bruises,
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I . I m.f s, I nolera. Injured Eyes. Choking, Poioon. Fits,
Stirs-Ftridte. Lightning, Drowning, Ae...,Ac. Appendix
by lir. Trail. lb 1.1•111 S. ..
1111111,r. Fort., and Boughton on the Water Treatment.
Compilation or Papers and Lectures on the Subject of
1 1.i.j1/110 111111 Itydo pathy. Edited by floughttai.--
Ob./ mold i. it 1 its -I' rev rii lion and Cure by the Water
Tecaluo•ot. 11 1(11 Ad: h 0 ruileerning Hemorrhage of
the Lours. Coin,lis, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis. and
Sore Throat. By ltr. Show._ 07 routs.
Domestic I'm:Jive ill Ilydrepathy, with a Fcrui of a ro-
Pot h r the .11,1stai.ce of Patient, in consulting their
I'h ti, Moo , hy Correspondence. Ily Eil..h hnsim, 1(1.
D. i- , 1,50. ' i .I
Envrs of Physicians and others In the Practice of the
Water-Cure. 113. .1. 11. Itausso. ' Font the trerniun.--
LA. , cent ..
ilydropatlile rattily Physician. A heady Prescriber
and Ilyeieth• Ails ker. with reference to the Nature
Caust.‘, l'reN (0 tier, 11111.1 'frost went of Diseases. At ei•
dents, itod Caro:Lilies of every kind; with a (llo,sary
Table of Cm,temts, ittal Index. Illnotrattal with
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, 31. 1). One large volume of 0211 pages,-substatitially
'bound. Pike pm:paid by mail. $2,50.
Ilydropathie Encyclopmtlia; a Scotia of Ily do panty
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Physiology of the Human Body llyttleniCt Ageneiml
and the Preservation of Health: Dietetics, and liy
dropat hie Cookery: Theory and Practice, of Water-
Treatment -, Specitl Pathology, and Hydro-TM-ramie-
ties. intluding the Nature. Causes, Symptoms. and I
Treatment of all known Illisaies., .Applicitthai of 11.- 1
dropatliy to 31 idwifory and the Nursery. Designed
as a Cmitle to Families and Students, and a Test.
Book for Physicians. lit- I:. T.' Trail, 71. lb 1 tis-
totted with upwards of Three Hundred Engraviii:Zo
and Colored Plates. Subotant hilly bound. Pielvdd I.
by mail, $3,00
Tlllll is the moot comprehensive and popular work yet
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publications w Welt hat e attained such a w ide impular-
ity, ns issued by Fowlers and Well,•poi haps 111 , 00 aro I
more adapted to general utility than this rich. emup i e...
liensil,e. and well ananged Enclopallin.—N. V. Tritme.
Practite of Water-Cure. Containing a detailed cas•n l it
of the various processes med in the Water-Treatment.
kr. lIN Wilson and (lolly. :II (4111 i S.
Philosophy of Water-Cure. A 'Development of the true
Principles of Health nun - Longevity.
B y Baillrute.—
30 (amts.
New ilydismathie Cook Book. Ily It. T. Trail. M. D. A
System of Cooking on Llydropatble Principles, con
taining an Exposition of the True Relations of all
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for preparing all apt:natant° Dishes for 11j - drop:able
Establishments, Vegetarian Boardlughouses, Private
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all who -eat to live." Paper, (12 etc.; muslin, 87 cts.
Science of Swimming. With Instructions to Learners.
illustrated. 15 cents. . .
Water-Cure In America. Over Three Hundred Cases of
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Domestic Potence. $1 25.
Water Cure applied to every kit wn Disease. A New
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hums of the Itydeoterttrte-Systern of Curing. Diseases;
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With Appendix, coutainingthe IlydropathieDiet, and
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glen le and Curative EtTrcts of Alr i ,Exerelso, Clothing,
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Water-Cure A !manse. Illustrated. (1 coma.
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ucation. With Notes by 0.; :4; Fowler. 87 cents.
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DigectionTlhysiology - Tof.Considered - ivith - ltelation'te'
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Price, 10 cents.
Food and Diet. With Observations on the Dietetic. Bog.
iron suited to Disorderad States of Um Digestive Or
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y Porters. Price '4.'25.. . • - ...- .
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Hereditary Descent : its Laws and Facts applied :to Hu
man Imyrovement. By 0. S. Yowler. 87 cents.
Maternity : or the Bearing and Nursing of Chlidred. in
cluding Female Education. Ily 'O. S. Fowler: With •
Illustrations; 87 cents.; " '' . . • ,
Natural Laws of Man, By J. O. Spurzheim;,lll, D.. An.
Important work. Price so cents.
Physiology, Animal and Mental. Applied to the Pre
servation and ilestorstion of , Health.. of Betty and -
Pinvt•r of Miml. Illustrated. 87 cents.' . -: ;
Sober MO Temperate Life Discourses mid Letters and,
Iliogmpliy, of hauls-Cornaro, - .00 rents. -• • • •
'Tobacco. Threa.ltritu...FAsKtya.•,(l2y Prin - Trailt f iktiii,Stti
,'.ltildtviti. 15'eents. , '.• •,....•.• .:-r A, ...• .
Teetti!Abotr Steueture,t•Distaunt Std. , Treatinant,, , xvith..
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ihtturo-, of.Natitus; In what couststs its •Setairitr. 'A
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' By Horace Greeley: 12 cents. .
True Bards Of American Independence. An Address.r
Ily non. 11'. 11. Steward. 12 rents.
tabor; its History and !'respects. By Robert Dale Ow
en. no cents..
s. .. .
Illnts toward lleferms. Consisting of `
- Addresses. and other Wrltlogs, Second Edition, p,,t
lunged. Ity Horace tit•eeley. $1 '25. ,
Hopcsamilielps fur the r6uris or Both Sexes. 'feint-
Ingto alto Foram : Bon of Character, Choice of Avoca.
tion. Health, A nitn•ement, MUSIC, Conversation, Cul
tivation of intellect. Mural Sentiments, Social Alrec-
Ben, Cohrtship and Marriage. By Rev. ti. S. Weaver.
S 7 cents.
Human Bights and Mail nuttrantlrs. By
.I,udgelfurlloirt, With Notee, by tleorget.Vnibe.
cents. . .
Home for All. A Now, Cheap, Convenient and S,nperior
mode of Building, containing full Directions far con
structing Gravel W itll.s. With Views, Plans, and En
: graved Illustrations. Now ldditio evised and En
larged. FT cents. • •
Theory of Population. Deduced from the General Law
of Animal Fertility. Introduction by Dr. Trail. 15
cents ' •
Woman: Education and Infineme. By ifrw lingo
heed. With nn Introduction hylirs. C. M. Kirkland.
With Portraits, bi cents.
Elthnr of these works may be ordered and received by
return of the first Mall. p.stage prepaid by the Pub
lishers. 'lease enclose the amount in bank n. too or
p,staAe stomp.,, and addiess all orders, post paid. to
• 305 Broadway. New York.
• N. 11. Mine yoUr Post Office, County and :.4tate.
(101711 T PROCLA 1%1 A TION.-
k) Whereas the Honorable J,turs oMutsu, Presi
dent Judge of the several Courts of Cdemon Pleas .4
the counties of Cumberland, Perry a Juniata_ in
Pennsyhania. and Justice of the set oral Cc,urts of Oyer
and.Terminer and General Jail Delivery In said coin,
ties, and I ion. Joss herr and tl,mt , Ct. N)Cgq4il BS JUdl.: es
of the Court Of Oyer and Terminer and General
Delivery to the trial of all capital and other offenders
in the s4hl county of Cowl crland. by their pi eeepts t,
Mr directed, tearing date the lath day of Nov'br,
hat c ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Cenc
rid ery',.to Le hi iden at Cal mi the 'AI
31ONDA I" of January, (being the z , th day) at 10
o'cloelt in the forenoon, to continue two weeks.
NOTICE is thprefere
,hereby [then to the Comner,
J intim: , of the ',leave and Constables of the said County
of Cumberla.nd. that they are by the said precept com
manded to be then and • there In their proper persons,
with their rolls, re , ord.:, inquisitions, examinations and
all other- romond rances, to do those, things to
their offices appertolll to be done, (111 d all. these that are
Mound hy'reeognixurees; to pieseente 41,!!:117,14 the pris
oners that are or then shall he in the Jail (.1 said county,
are to be there to prosecute them as shall be just.
nerlirs ((!fire.
November, 21.1. 1554.
IFSTATE 1011 N RI.I()AIiS, sr.
Deeenseit.—Notice is hereby given' Ibat letters nr
adlillidid I 1111 On ,u the estate of .Irhn Mur '
als er. late of
M rst Penneboro township, Cumberland euritily, (Seven,.
-ied-6ave-I.t.en granted by the Itegister_of_stitLccunty to
the sul scriber, residing in the la.n.ugh tif 11
persons knowing thembelyes indebted to nail estate ate
I....pared to Wake 11MM - 413:Ile pa) went, and th o Ft bar
tq present IL . em for settlement to '
DAVI]) 1:11e1, 11F. Adllt.r.
CEASED.—Notke h; hereby given that teflon, of
tauautnistrutiun NYILII the gill :11.1nexed. Uu fhb estate of
John Bale, Into of Newton township. t . oust er!ti tat
t•ttite of Pennsylvania. deceased. have this (hi, I eon
issued by the Peghlter in nail forsaid mut ty. to the sul
seriher ho t asides in Nem ton township attrt,aid. AII
persons hat ing claims or demands apilntd the estate of
the said decolent are requested In make knelt - a the t<ano
tyithout delay, and thaw indebted to make paytnebt to
WILLIAM tz:11 11 It.
Nov 13, 1154-ft itdin'r• ailh the , AV ill annexed.
_4ld IS. DECT.--lVotlee Is IMreby given that letters
o, administration, en the estate, of Jlary Ann licepels,
late ot t he I er, ugh of Carlisle, Cumberland county, decd.
hate 1 een panted by the Itei.dster of said a. only to the
sud,ril yr, residing in the horough of and cr.
mi y. All t/ersonS knoft trig theft:selves Indy, tad
to said estate are reque , ded to 'lathe immediate pa:,-
ment, and those hat log claims to prqent them h r im
mediate settlement to
Nov Slt
DEccAsi.D.—Nctlee is hereby given that Letters
'testamentary on the estate et Christian. Ferrer.. late or
Uppor Allen township, Cumberland county, deed., halo
been granted by the Register of said t•oubty to the sub
scribers residing in the same township. Persona indet,t
e4i to said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment and those having claims to present them fur set
tlement to
3611 N IVINELAND, Executc•rs
Noy. S, 1544-CrpA
Neuf (!state Safes
AT PRIVATE SALE.—The Ribizyriliiir will 141.11
the property ho now• owns and I 4,11
It ides. formerly owned by the . V
Moore, situated on :out it Ilan.wer srt.
s e - adjoining the pmperty of ?dr.
Will. Graham, near the Walnut 1!..t.
(nun IMAM consisting of a TOWN LOT AN I) A II ALI ,
Ott by 210 feet. upon which am erected a good two story
FRAME IiOUSP., Wood blouse and Stable, together w it h
other out-huildings: - There is also a good brick cement.]
Cistern. rapaLde of holdingforty-h‘e hogsheads of water.
'f he property is in good repair.
Also, for sale, a-full TOWN LOT adjoining the ab,ve,
60 by 240 feet. Any one wanting such property will do
well to call and
examine. -
l i
1U131.1C SALE.—I will sell on the
premises on 111.1):\ I.SDAI, January le,tit 185 J, cif
no • sold sooner ,) . th . o T . aluable . 110USB on ' East "..11aif
Street. • It is well situated for a boarding house, having
16 rooms, a ith a Cistern, Wash house, an excellent moll
'cd Water; Stable, fie. The lot is CO feet front and '24° In
depth, and contains a number of Cherry and other fruit
trees, . The property willast.ahown bkilic undersigned
to any person a Ishing to see it. - • • . .
At the same time. 1 will sell five acres of land situate
at the west end of the town, opposite to Cart's Orchard..
Teima made known on day of sale by _
Carlisle bee. 13, ISt47-ts.
, ... . . .
. .
~: *
... .
0.-.: • - ALUABLE T O ' W
..;,.:„. , N - PROPERTY AT PRIVATE 843.11.
, :• The subscriber will soil at private sale,
,).--. tlint enlanido buslnesa stand on tho cur
' - : ; - 2;,' -- - . . , .:- . ner fdlinnater and Lontlicr streets, 10
Carlisle; Pa. Thu lot ig3o foot front by 240 foot hi depth.
Them Is a largo TURES Slut" . STONE PLASTERED
)10111 4 S. well finished. n largo yard and' gardan, and
eery thing necessary to make it conifortablo and' coil
-ii. ?bent residon ce. For terms onqulro - or -- -
.c .: -)
arlisio, Deer. 20.1854. J. FEtTER.
t, 11X-GROCEItY STOBB of the subscriber, n Ala
lion Hail, •
A new supply of fresh Witter Crackers,
Soda, Butter, Pie Nic and Sugar Buiscult,
Corn Stareb,.Taplora, hay), rearl,Bar.ley,
rittruet of Coffee. Rice Fleur, Baking Powder, &c.,
A now lot of superior Table Oil,
Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, 'French Mustard; Bay
num. &c. .. • J, w. EBY.
t e a. nuace'conitaitly . on hanknnet r ibr - sale - .4 the
isle Foundry'and Machina . •
• &..BROWN
4.,T Tl '4 3 T. l lO -1 11..rb_ hose
• •of you. kiN
et lx who !e r ifdfliet.Cd :1 2 (• . ars 11.1 th this
tot erschno disc ate, and - Who Logo been uslihr aim( st
'emery Nostruni liefoidlittifitabilO• UltliOut intior,•••ye say
tte*Ourtry& , lloetliers Antidyspeptie" and , you will soon
be convinced oflo great superiority over every other
,preparation. 'We 'could giro you ninny certit rates col ol
orativg our assertionsi but a singln trial Is Worth more
than all. Thls remedy 0 prepared and sold at the Thug
Atop( a it. J. KEIFFER, South 11anuver street, a few
doors south of the Court Ileusti;
EATII Ell . —Frit z (k:. lion dry, Store,
_L North :3EI lA. Philadelphia, n'Toeco 211almfarttfi
ern, Currlers, Importers, ro o d lieheral Lratb
er I,thdriem.
WIIOI.I:SALE AND . RETAlL—lintrufactory -13 Dieu
gar. tta stivt:t. • cp, Ay