6 3tgrieiclf,irnl. \n Examine Your Fruit ,Trees. TUE TREES IN CONVENTION We are persuaded that more trees die of the laziness or carelessness of their owners than all other causes united.— Were they gifted with tongues and as sembled in convention, we think there would be indignant remonstrance at their untimely "taking off," and the cause of their death would almost invariably-be laid at the fruit grower's door. Whether such a convention has actually been held .ar not, we do not presume to aflirin ; but, ,we find among our editorial notes, re ports of -speeches said to have been de livered at such a tree meeting. It seems the orchard and garden trees took a hint from the "Joint Worm Convention" held sometime this last summer, down South, which they saw reported in the pipers, Ind thought if the field insects could . ..uuster a gatheriug, it _was fair for them obe up and doing. So a meeting was called at Poinological Hall, to protest a gainst death's doings, and to devise ways and means to promote ,the longevity of the race. The notes state that the meet ing was unusually full, and that the na tives of the orchard were all, astonished at their own strength and numbers. The chief speakers were invalids,, who bore in their persons unequivocal evidence of harsh usage and neglect. A venerable gentleman by the 'name of Apple was a, mong the first to address the chair.— There. was a terrible stoop in his should ers, and a sad crook in his limbs, occa sioned by the heavy burdens he had borne. His collar was perforated with holes, and little piles of saw dust lay a bout him; as if he were about to make a -law dust pudding, instead of a speech. "You see, gentlemen," said he, "that if this convention had been held a little later, I should not have been here to at `,end it. This is my last speech a. 9 it iappens to be my first. I speak from the borders •of the grave, and trust, there t'ore, that my words will be heeded. You see in me the marks of premature age, fiat I am honey-combed by the borer, and soon to go the way of all trees. I niiiiht have continued my useful labors for generations to come, had I not been J verta.skcd with burdens, and had my Friends seasonably guarded me against ny enemies. But not a° finger did they !ift to rout the caterpillars from their le3ts, or to save me from the ravages of ::,he canker worm. Year after .year vio lence was done to my taste in dress, and - instead of the beautiful green I most de light in, I was _forced to put on russet, and dingy brown in .mid-summer. The borers seized me by the collar and plied rue with their instruments of death, and not a soul of the bipeds that thrived on the fruits of my toil,thought it worth white to, knock out teir teeth. I can not stand it much longer. I move you sir, that We appoint a committee to draw up a remonstrance in view of our com mon grievances." A short legged gentleman next arose, and was introduced to the audience as Mr. Pear. called _him a dwarf, but ho did not relish the name, and al 7 ways feigned youngness to account for' the lack of length in his perpendiculars.— His coat was a popper and salt hue, and some called him a scaly fellow. "I rise," said he, "to second the mo tion of my friend Mr. Apple, and I do it all the more cheerfully, because I hays certain grievances of my own that call for relief. It is enough to bring blight and mildew upon my body, that has the susceptible soul of a pear within him, to be treated as . I am. Bemuse - I happen to be a modest gentleman, and nth willing to take lodgings with my country friend, - -Mr.--.Quince, I am treated as a person of small consequence, and am jammed into quarters close enough distempers of all kinds. Instead - of. the groat ado min make about_ the, 'blight, the OUIY - wonder is that the race was not all blighted king ago. lam a wonder to myself when I remember the usage I have survived,— At - first I was over fed, and dosed with stimulants, that I might grow rapidly and gratify •my owner's cupidity with a large crop: of fruit. My, limbs had no opportunity to harden, and the first kill ing them- off every 'winter. Then I began to bear, and that was the • end, of my stuffing.. I can now scare& get nourishment enough to mako fruit, and us to making wood it is asimpossible 'as it new creation. I am prematurely I; old, Mossy, hide bound, and to top - all, covered with scale bugs, that Jive sapping my. life. Not one of the iugrates whom L have annually' feasted with my dainties, has had. the manliness to touch me with potash or soda, and rout these enemies. I shall go Air the motion." Mr. Peach was on his feet in a twink ing, and said that, " the grievances pre :ented,Xy, the gentlemen that preceded were milk and water tales compared with the abuse which had been heaped upon him. If the age of martyrs Was not already passed, he would readily pass as the John Rodgers of his race, save that, to make the case parallel, the wife and all the children 'should• have been tortured with him." Here he gave a hectic cough by way of emphasis, and which showed that he was dealing with realities. "The abuse in my case begins previous to birth. We are bred as pro miscuously as the, fish, and the result of this low state of morals is, that the honor of the family is impeached, and every woman among us gets jealous and dies off with the yellows. When we were young, and had vigorous constitutions, we could get along with almost any fare and du good service. Our very hardi ness invoked neglect, and that treatment has become so chronic, that multitudes of us peiish under the regimen. You see the worms have anticipated the feast of the grave in my case. I am attacked above ground; and my life blood is flow ing out through these deadly wounds.— No-one- thinks to be after-these-wraches with a stick or a —." I Jere he - was taken with a fit of coughing, and rup tured a blood vessel, which Croke up the meeting The convention' was timely, and the discussion was on home topics, as we dis covered the first time we visited our own gi i rden. There .were the saw dust piles about our apples arid quinces. We took a sharp-pointed knife, and a piece of wire, and .were immediately upon .the trace of these animal augurs, auguring so ill for their future usefulness. ' The white li verea wretches caught it for once, so that we sall have a clean conscience when the remonstrance of that conven tion comes to town. The pears, some of theni, were covered with the white scale insects, which we soon scattered with a strong decoction of soft soap suds and a coarse brush. The peach trees we cleaned around the collar, cutting out the white worms that clustered under the oozing gum, and treating the wounds with a good covering of wood ashes. We saw, in a very short examination, that the speakers at the convention were mani festly dealing in home truths in their remarks. Possibly some of our readers may find their. own gardens an illustra tion of the same truthfulness. At all events, it will be perfectly safe to exam : ine your trees without delay—do not let them die of neglect. —Amer. Agricultu rist. ebucotion. Ai r HITE HALL 4.CADEMY, three miles west of Harrisburg. The eighth Session of this popular and flourishing Institution will com mence on Monday, the 11th of November next, under the most favorable auspices. During the present year such improvements and additions have been made as its in creasing patronage demanded. The Principal will he as sisted by a full corps of cometent and experienced teachers, and special attention will be paid to the health and comfort ,of the Students. Boarding, Washing and Tuition in the English Branch es, and Vocal Music, per Session, (5 mouths) $55.00 Iflstruction In Latin MU! Greek, each, - 5.00 French and °crawl - • 5.00 .X.nstrutneutal Mwile, - 10.00 The attention of parents and guardians Is earnestly invited to this Institution. Circulars will be furnished and any infbrulation will be given, on application, either personal or by letter to D. DENLINGER, Principal, Sept. 13, 1854. Darrisburg, Pa. tOLAINFIELD CLASSICAL ACAD I:MY,' near Car Halo, Pa. The 17 th'Session will corn mance on MONDAY, November 6, 1854. 'Number of Stu dents limited,and constant efforts used for their mora and intellectual improvement. Terms, $B5 persession. Circalam wigs references arid full information furnish ed, by R. K. BURNS, Principal and Proprietor, sept 2 7 .-1854. • Plainfield, Cumberland co. Pa. rILASSICAL 'A N 1) LITERARY N l / 4 _,/ 1110118CHOOL,NwervIlle, Pa.—The WINTER. SES SION will commence on Tuesday, the 7th of November, and continue Ave mouth's. Careful instruction is given by competent teachers in the departments of Classical, Mathematical and English education.. The whole ex• ponsea for tuition, boarding and lodging, with a room furnished, $53 per term. For further particulars, apply to tither of the subscribers at Newrillo, Pa. 110BIKET MeCACHREN, Principal, W. II: -LINN, A. M., at It. McOACIIItEN,p., A. D., Pr°resi°"' fIUMBERIA.ND VALLEY INSTI TETE., 11bdo and Female soporate and distinct: At 31zonssicsmuto, Ps. Rev. JOS. S. 14008 E, A. M., Principal, assisted by five Teachers. Tim Winter Session of this Institution will open to -receive students on the Ist Nov. The &ditties Which are offered by this Institution to both soxes, Or obtain ing a finished education am unsurpassed by any similar Seminary iu tip State. The 'funding's are now and commodious, and the grounds ornamented. Tho. FEMALE DEPARTMENT is ,pow entirely separate, and conducted by Now England -Teachers. lb is located in the beautiful valley of Cum berland,' unsurpassed for Its healthfulneccessiblo by Rail Road--8 miles distant from Harrisburg. One hundred and twenty students 1410 boon in at lendance during the Collegiate year. TERMS: Board, Tuition, and Room 'Furnished per Session of 21 Weeks ' -• . ss s -00 For Circulars and information address • rapt2o—tt Bor. S. LOOSF, Mechanicsburg, Curub. Co., Pa. TVEW GOODS.—Tho subsoriboi is just A. I (Tailing a frasti . navaimoixtat very OITICAP GOODS looac.Tht at reduced. prim. Call and ion thoni., Aug. 23. O.EO. W. lIITNER. (garlic:llc -Amato. professional Curbs N. GREEN, ,Attorney at law, has settled irl Mechanicsburg, fbr the praitice of his prolesithin.}, All kinds of Legal Writing, Collections, Court business, &e.. promptly attended to. Mee oppo site Or. Longs residence. SURVEYING In all Its diffe rent branches promptly attended to. . . GB. COLE Attorney nt Law } will at tend promptly to all buSlTlPssentrllsted to him.— Mice in thu room formerly occupied by William Irvine, Esq., North Hanover street, Carlisle. April 10, 1852. fili. C. E. BLUMENTHAL, HO § 7 MMOPATIIIC PlatilClAN. Office and residence on bouther street, one that east of the German Re formed Church. Dr. thmientbal respectfully offers hls pmfessional services to the citizens of Carlisle and vi cinity. . . . -- ••Persons from a distance laboring under chronic diseases may consult by letttir, Office hours, front 7 to 11 A. M., and 2 to 4 P. M. septtyWit pR. C. S. BAKER respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country. Office and residence in South Hanover street, directly oPPosite to the " Volunteer Office." . , Carlisle, April 20, 185'3. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North Hanover street two doors from Welsp„k Campbell's store. Office hours, more particularly from i to A o'clock, A. M., and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. 10.- • T\R. GEO. W. NEIDICH DENTIST carefully attends to all .4111 operations upon the teeth and adjacent phrts that disease or irre , :ularity nifty require. lie will also insert Artificial Teeth of every description, such as Ph-at. Single and lilock teeth, and teeth with "Contin uous (Innis," and will construct Artificial Palates, 01, turators, Regulating Pieces, and every appliance used In the Dental Art. —Operating room at the residence of Dr. Samuel Elliott, East High street, Carlisle. :E t - - FI R, 0 EOR G • ~ rum . formally operations uloon the teeth that may be required for their preservation.— Art ificial teeth ingerted. from a single' tooth to an entire set, on the most scientific principles. Diseases of the men th-and-irregmlaritles_carcfui ty _treated. °Mee at the residence of his brother, on North .Pitt street, CarliSle. ill. J. C. LOU isrir.Awr Aj, NILS will perform all operations upon the Teeth that are required for their preservation, sorb as Sealing, Filing. Plugging. &e.. or Will restore the loss of theinNy inserting Artificial Teeth, fr,in a single tooth to a full sett. 41 - 13- Mee on Pitt street, a few' (lOM's south of the Railroad notel. Dr. 1.. is absent from Car lisle the last ton days of every month. . 1 -1 N. ROSENSTEEL, House, Sign, Fancy and Ornamental Painter, Irvin's ifermerly Harper's) Row, near Hatter's Dry °nods Store. Ile will attend promptly to all the above descriptions of paint ing, at reasonable prices. The various kinds of graining attended to, such as mahogany, oak, walnut, &c., in the Improved styles. IS I SAFE—SPEEDY—SURE - !—S. o me THING FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT!!! A Meill c lie - adapted to general use, greatly superior to otluirs and withln the means of every Individual. 100 1'11.1,3 for , twenty-five _eentit! No extortion 1n price•—nu ralotnel—no niinenti pOlson W hatever. Da. Towlssettres HEALTH PILLS fully merit the great reputation they have acquired: They are called for from all parts of the land, because TIIV.T AFL ALL TIIAT TIIII CLAIM TO lir. WHAT THEY WILL DO—They purify the blood.they dense the System of limners, they cure Dyspepsia and Indigestien, they create an Appotge, they cure Sick 11eadacho,DiasineAs and Low Spirits, they arrest Fevers, they promote a healthy action of the Liver, they are a sure cure for Costiveness and Habitual Constipation, they are highly efficacious In Female Complaints, they strengthen and give tone to the System. They are the best Family Medicine known. It is au obvious inquiry, how one Inedicine run mires° many different complaints. These Pills, however, are so• compounded of curative materials that persons have on ly to TRY THEM and the answer will be found in a re stored body and au Invigorated constitution. Earle "lox contains 100 Pills, at the astonishingly low price of 211 cents. Every Individual should have them- For sale by the Druggists and Storekeepers generally. .sF. A. PALIKER, general Agent, Stonington, Ct. 13 A TENT SELF-SHARPENING • YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, manufactured for DRICII A SARGENT, No. 410 Market street, l'ldlada This cutter is superior to any, now In use, for strength durability, and simplicity of construction ; It cuts fast er, and is the only self-sharpening Hay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutter ever made. It has but ONE STRAIGHT KNIFE, which any person can grind and set with ease, but In ordinary case, Is ground in the machine. Thou- sands Kaye already been sold, and the demand is daily increasing. In most cases an examination Is sufficient to convince ono tif its superiority. No one after a short trial would part with it for any other. All sizes of the above constantly on hand and for sale by act°. J. P. LINE, Sole Agent for euxuberland county F r A be T sa E la isi ,as T , a F p A ndv it .11 ta l g E a a l vi l r S al ; others In being made with all outside iron casing, which greatly oconmnises fuel and prevents loss of heat. They are made of various sires, from 10 to 120 gallons. They are portable, and may be sot in the kitchen for house hold use, or out of doors convenient to the barn, pig pens, AC., for boiling food for stock. For sale by PASCHALL DIORHIS & CO., Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, N. V. corner of 7th and Market streets. Philadelphia. [4oct'o4 JUST RECEIVED! FRESiI GROCERIES! Best Rio, Mocha and Rousted Coffees, Crushed, Pulverized and Loaf Sugar, Porto Rico, New Orleans and Cuba do, Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Ilyson and Black Teas, .Post Syrups, N. 0. and Sugar Rouse Molasses, • Queonsware, Cedar and Stoneware ' Cheese, Fish, Salt, Soap and Starch, Cavendish, Natural Leaf, Fig and Congress Tobacco, Pickles, Pine Apple and Tomato Preserves, Ketchup and . Spices of every varlety r &c. My stock has been selected with strict referents, to family use, for sale very low for cash wholesale or retail by WILLIAMS, oct4 '64 Family.. Grocer. ktI:EVE L. KNIGHT, (Successor' to Ilsrtley & gnight,) BHDDING AND' CARPET BEMUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, five 'doors above Spruce street, Philadelphia, where ho keeps wit. s t ou tl y on h ow l a full assortment of every article In his Rue of business, Feathers, Feather Ueda, Patent Spring Mattresses, Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three. Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetlngs, Oil Cloths, Canton_ lattings, cocoa and Spanish Battings Floor and fit* Druggots, hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Table and Plano Covers. To wlrich he invites the attention of purchasers. F4oct',s4 T S E U R r i g t e o Zl3 3 ; t 13,, No. S, coepipiiiNisLTlATu. a root, sixth Atom nbuvo Market. U. 'C. nvEnErrB Patent Graduating Pressuro TRUSS, for the ouro Ilimturo; Shoulder ,Braces, Supporters, Stockings.Sip p oustkry, liomorrlipl.4l s and Pandagsa for deformities. Jam, 11-Iy. Daniel Bailey, William R. Deigns, Michael Cocklin, Me!chair Brenneman, Christian ritayman, John C. Dun. lap, Jacob 11. Caner, Lewis Dryer, Henry Logan, Denja• ruin • H. Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. • • 'rho rates of Insurance are as low and faeomble as any Compaoy of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are invited Lemke applleation•to tho agents of the company, who are willing to wait Upon them at any time. CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum berland; C. B. Bierman, Kingstown; Henry Z,;aring, Shiremanstown • Charles Bell, Carlisle; Dr. .1. Ahl, ChurchtOwn ; gunnel Graham, West rennsbotough ; James Me Dowel, terankford; Mode Griffith, Squth Mid dleton; Samuel Coovor, lleniantin illaverstiel, 'Meehan-. Icsburg ; John Shordek, Lishurn;',Dityld 'Coover, Shop- - herdstown. - - - . ' YORK COUNTY.—John • Donman, Dillsburg; ,Doter Wolford, Franklin; John . Smith, Es 4l l.p.W BB hinlitoUl W. S. Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradise. & Lachman, • , Members of the company having policies about to.ex- Ore can hayo them renewer"( by making application to any of the agents. • ' . . "I)RUG STORE ..FOR SALE.—The subscriber offers at private sale the stock and flu tunic of a Drug Store, late the property of Michael FM' sel, dee'd, in ChArehtown, Cumberland county, There is he other Drug Store in the place, and a tine opportu nity know presented to any young man wishing to commence this business. For terms enquire of 06 MOSES MORItETT, Atnd't. BROCHE SITAWLS.—A lot of i,ong and :ignore Broil° Shawls. Also, Blanket Shawls just received from New York and selling very row at the clwap store of 'NAB. OGILBY.. MIN!IME111111 31tiscf onous.: TEAM SAW MILL, near - l'apertown,'Cumberland, county:- 46,, lIASKELL Si:AMOUR conti UC tO HUI). Triarn ply Lumber of all kinds, at the shortest ‘• -• and on terms lower than can be luul t 3 I sew he re. All orders directed to E. IIseKELL, brtovri,;•.or Sri - mutat, Jr., Carlisle, will be prompt ly attended to. Feb. y FITTING AND PLUMB -4 kJf INO.--The undersigned ,would inform the citizens of Carlisle that he has made °arrange ments to doll AS FITTING and PLUMBING at short no tire, and on reasonable terms. Ile has engaged the ser vices of a first rate hand from Philadelphia, and has sup , plied himself with an oxtenshe assortment of FIXT URES, which will enable him to fill all orders promptly. All work will be warranted. His stock of• Gas Fixtures -will be found In the room exactly opposite his Tinning establishment on North Ilanover street, where he invites a call. TINNING, SPOUTING, &c.—lle Is also ppared * to furnish, or make to order, every article of T N 'WARE used by housekeepers and others. Ile will also attend to SPOUTING. HOUSE-ROOFING, BELL BANGING, end PLUMBING, Thankful for the patronage with which he hnsaiready been favored. he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. Carlisle. June 14, '54 rR 0 M CALIFOIINIA.-C. VON /IEILEN respectfully intbrms the citizens of Car lisle and vicinity, that ho hes just return , - ed from California, and is prepared toexe. cute all kinds of work connected with his line of business. He hue always on band ••• a large assortment of ready-mado Guns, Pistols, Locks, Keys. Gun Trimmings,6:c., all of which ho will sell wholesale or retail. Ile also attends to repairing . Ouns, clocks. locks, &c; engraves on brass; copper and iron. lie hopes that by strict aitention to business. and a desire to please. he will merit and re public patronage. .fin} - All kinds of Eire ArtnA made to order. Carlisle, April 26, 1854--ly . ,-14.- 4,2PLI4,'NDID JEW te—, : r -,...„„)4...-N., K . ) ELRY I Holiday Pres ,- ~ Li $ cots, itc.--T IL 0 M-A 8 CON i . io a - , ..5.,...1 LAIN, West Ilighstreet,afew &,'...'-, t. 9 3 7 :.72 .. , doors went of Burliliolder's ei• E ', ;i %. a 4 . ~,._ , lintel, Carlisle,. hiss just to -7,.; '\,;,, ? , 5 /,—yrr,.... , celved the largest and best -...,.ii::,'R :' ' ' "elegawrassortment-tif-anpe rior Jewelry es er tilfored in Carlisle„ ei)nsisting in part 'of tlohl and Silver Watches of every variety, and at all prices, eight-day CLOCK B. Silver table and tea spoons. silver table tbrks and butter knives, gold and silver spectacles, ladies' and gentlernens' gold pen and pent il, gold chains of every description. ear and finger rings, breast pins, kr., at all prices. Also Aceordeons and Mu sical Boxes, with a great variety of Fauey Articles, so lected expressly for the Holidays. Persons desiring to purchase are Invited to' call and examlnetheassortment, We aro prepared to sell at very reasonable prices. Qual ity of goods warranted to be as fine as sold for. THOIMAS CONLYN. ' West High st. Ni p itt ti m o s. N A. l o l . A K l l. , : L FT ii D av A ine G t. U ko l n i'Al t t h ß e D E ag A ue N , rean rooms in Marlon Hall, known as A. B. Tubb's Gal lery. desires to inform the Ladles and Gentlemen of Car lisle that he is prepared to take Likenesses in the meat superior style of Abe art, such as will folly sustain the reputation of this popular establishment. Ills rooms are large, pleasantly situated and coinfiirtably furnish ed. .lle is provided with the most powerful and perfect instrument for taking pictures and •warrants satisfac tion iu all cases. A full.supply of cases of every variety of style and size, plain and ornamental, kept constantly on hand. Engravings, Paintings, Ac., accurately copied and duplicates taken of original likeneses. I.ikeneses taken of sick or deceased persons. Prices moderate and satisfaction given iu all cases. The public is invited to call at the Marion Hall Daguerrean Rooms and examine the numerous specimens. 4/4- Daguerreotypes inserted in Lockets, Breast Plus, Finger Rings, Pencil Heads, Ac. Carlisle, June 14, '54. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAK MO. The subscriber continues to carry on the above business. in all its various branches, in North Han over street, Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard's corner where he intends keeping on hand a general assortment in his line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD ' ' DLES, Bridles, Martingales, Girths, Circhigies sr d 'falters, also TRUNKS, \`,l+ . - ..., .... : ,,,,„ AA\ traveling and saddle ..-: . ;v311, i* 11 t \ \\ \\ ! bags. u r e n s ° a t l it so o m in a o r s t i 4ag ' ' approved SPANISH • ki\\l' 8 ,4 e 13 , P r ' : rl,: Na S durablea ii . nn t 1 1 ' 1:4 overiel pleasantwsluiistei g d a i s a l a d t i a n d i d l e s .. will do well to call arid see them. lie I also manufactures. Harness, Bridles, ' Collars and Whips in all their varie ties. and confidently believes from the general appruta tion of his customers, that he makes the neatest and best gears, in all their variety of breadth, that is Made in the country. lie also makes all kinds of l‘latrasses to order, viz: Straw. Husk, Curled Hair and Spring Mat reeves. All the above attic/es will be made of the bent material anti workmanship, and with the utmost des patch. WM. OSBORN. CcLOTHING AT COST—The subscrib er has au assortment of fashionable and well made °THING, which will be sold off at cost for meth; The stock consists of Cloth and Cashmarett Coats,Lin en and Gingham Coats, Tweed and Jean Coats; Marseills Silk and Satin Vesting; Cas.sinters,Jean's and Cord pan taloons, Linen and Cottons& pantaloonsovith all kinds of Clothing usually found in a clothing store. Intending to relinquish this branch of my business, great bargains can be had by calling soon at the cheap store of CHARLES OGILBY. CAR RIKTI NO.—A few pieces just received from auction and selling very low. June 111, '54. CRAB. GRIMY. 3nsurnitce. 11.7111 E INSURANCE. -ME • ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN RA:WE COMP-ANY of Cumberland comity, Incorpo rated by an net of Assembly, is now fully organized, and In operation under the management of the following commlzzioners, viz: BENJ. R. MOSSER, Piesident. HENRY LOGAN, tie° President. LEWIS DYER, Secretary, MICHAEL COORLlN,Treaurnrer. EMZECI WATCI-IES, JEWELRY, SILVER; WARE and FANCY CIOODE.-- , -A fme ttsikit went of the finest quality, for sale at the - lowest cash prices, at Win. etIILTONII.EAD'E, N0.1b.1 south Second Street between line ma thrlon, west side, Thilatte The assortment embraces a large and select stock of Fine Watches, Jewelry Silver Ware, Alluta Ware,plnted with fine silver; in Spoons, Forks; Ladles, &c.--Jet..gcs de, Fans and fancy articles of a sunerior quality, desin ring the examination of those who desire to pro, e'the best • goods at the lowest cash prkes. ---,-% I having a ; practical knowledge of < * i• • the business, and all AN nil4l)le facllL .•.- '` .. `'' .. "A - ties for Importing and Man ufactur ing, the subscriber confildently invites pur. Lasers, bc. lieviug thathe can supply them on terms as favorable as any other establishment in either el the Atlantis Cities: AU kiuds of Diamonds and Pearl Jewelry aud•Sliver Ware nutuvfactured to order, within a ressopal le time. pa,.Watehes, jewelry and silver ware faithfully re paired:- Will. F. ELTON I/EAD, No. 284 South 2d St. a few doors al ore the 24 St. Mar ket, West Side. gm_ in the south window of the Store, viny be seen the famous liird Clock, which cc roniands.the admiration of the scientific and curious. (Sept. '44-I.lyr. IMPROVED SUPER HIOSPHAT OF I,llslH.—From City Chemical• & Union Works, made after the most improved altb les and verp superior. Prepared Anhydrite Manure, made after the English or tiele, and most superior, being much lower than Guano, and fully equal. The attention of D. tilers and Fanners is particularly called lure for trial. Also, Peruvian (1w nue, In huge or small quantitica, for sale by JOHN L. I'OMEROY, 22 South Wharves, 3d door abort) Chestnut St. Phila. Sept. 27, 1554. MOIIOE MORRIS CHILBON'B VE.NTILA- Iimi 'URN sub.scrther w eijd call the a,,,entiou 01 all parties requiring a desirable lumen° L111141.0N . b CLELLIULT.LP AI:1111\u mu, VllO iLtemil Ai , PARAI reputation oftbis Wila° is now known, having been iuLcoduced dining the just five years into about lbw; public buildings and more than 800 u private dw edit ings; this together with the inuucuso 11Xlellee of sales eAery y ear is the Lest evidence that eau Le adduced of its superiority over ail taller furnaces. tLe use of Furnace, you secure the following advantages !. ass l'uxt heating surfaces being at a tenitera• t ure dual ti ill hot ciest.t.:ctlie the air LuONtoltiltAL LbE ktk.L. t.ILLAT It ALILI3 1-I:lAng made entirely of Cast Iron, ned liable to rust, vv ill require no l'el,llllh log liiet tilde—it is easily ununaivA,urin not exiA,Nct - Le Log - hick It is placed to clatutior tilLll tor, like tho other furnaces. e have the testimonials of hundieds ul the meet scientific men to attest to the tiuth ti the e suittr 01l of whom pronounce it to it deeidroly the feet furnace yet invented f,r prt.dueiii6 a pule aka healthy atimspliero. H e herenitf annex. the I.alizet• ti a few nen knee, n and eminent proles:44o, ti he hutr t red them and kindly furnished us their names aim etlieLtes: Prot. John S. Bart, Prof Parker, kit/. Am tom Pres. ni. 11. 411 en, Prot l'atbons,l'rni. Jourailds, Prol. 11. 511 imam Prof. "Vu have introduced this betitiOn live new sizes, so that all parties limy avail themselves 01 this great imprt.vo. went at a very moderato cost. We are now prepared to burnish nn uppara. tus to tiara a aln* meat, or the larg est hUhtting iti the tvuutry. No. 1 Portable Complete, Plates,) 3 do do , b - do do 6 do do Vhis No. 7 is the largest and most powerful Furnace made in thin .muutry, and is admirably adapted for Chu:cites and utlierhirl„v claswbuildings. a continue to sell the apparatus at the s: m tprlce as when introduced, five years ago. Although' , the present high price of ftvil has increased their ecid.z7, per cent owing to their groat weight, still we : r. otutbkg by the great Increase 01 sales to furnish the ankle at the lowest possible price. tne foundry Moue, NI: 6a s. War nick aLeibrandt„ baTe contmeted to furnish us with:o tons of t urr.a, a, thin season, ou that we are now prepar• ed to fermali then: wholesale and retail. W e superintend the erection et all Furnaces, when reqUireu, and war. rant client In all cases. 111}..'11WIVL1TAIN COOKING .11ANGE.—We have also the must complete Cooking itange that has 3 et Leen in troduced, to which me call the attention of all w ho may wish to secure the must perfect and desirable cooking ap paratus ever iuveuted. I'ATEN'r VENTILATUR.--Wo arc tiff) only Agents in l'eunsylvatila fur the uutiltili,ctura and dale id this licatilutor, which is ackuun lodged to be the only perteet entalator ever made for a,corres.tang the draught in slinky chimnies, and fur ventilistim; luild logs of all kinds. As there are a great wail) iudiatittia el this valuable article now offered fur mit., rartics rill I , e cm OW to examine that it has the.traereud i edge at tached. IitOISTEItS AND VEIVI.II.AIOLS. (lo Lard the largest imp west complete assortment sf liot Aim Itegisters and Neutilateru to he tumid in the tr.itrd :dates. Parties Who Wish to purchase either for privt,te use or 11 holuntle, will tied it greatly to their %annul:lga to examine their stock. SLATE AND MON 111ANTLES.—We have always en hand an extensive assortment of these beautitul man tles, in exact itultatitu of Egyptian, Spanish, Galway and other rare marbles. orEN GRATES.—For Anthracite and Bituminous Coal. Also, an entire new pattern of the low down Grata, made from the, English Patterns, and entirely new in this country. SOLE AGENTS for the English Encaustic }icorleg Tile, (larukirk ( hinniey Tops and Terre Cotta (Irmunents, such as Garden Vases, &c. Persons about building would do well to exfunine our stuck bethre purchasing elsomhere. All‘itors, whether purchasing or not, aro cordially welcomed to our exten sive Warerooms, and where we should he happy to fur nish any information respecting any of our goods that may to desired. A book on Warming andA entitating can be had gratuitously at our store, either personally or by letter. S. A: 11AIGUSON, Warming and Ventilating W . urellentae, Walnut at., below Sixth, PnltAnurniX. May 31-7 m) DULLARD, Premium Artiste in Bair inventor of the Celebrated Gossamer 'Ventilating ss, and Elastic Band Toupees. lnstructiotts to enable Ladies and Gentlemen to measure their heads with ae. curtsey. IL Fox IVios, Inches.—No. 1. Thu round of the head; No. 2. From Ettrehend over the bead, to the neck; No. 8. From ear to ear over the top; No. 4. Pram car to car round the forehead. . . . Toupees and scalps, {aches.—No, 1. From forehead "to tack as far as bald; No, 2. Over forehead as far as regale ed: No. 3. Over -the crown of the head. kit. DOLLARD has always ready fur sale a splendid stock of Bents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladles' Wigs. hall iga, Frizots, Druids, Curls, &c., beautifully manufactured and as cheap as any establishment in the Union. Dollards lierbanium .Eitractor Lustrous Hair 'Tonle, prepared from &lath American' Ileitis and hoots, the most successful, articlo over produced fur preserving the hair from falling tut or. changing :color, restoring and preserving It Its a healthy and lukuriant state. Among other reasons why • Dullard's heir elating tsaloon Main:" trios its immense popularity la the fact that his Tartlets applied to every bead of Lair rut atlas establishment, consequently it Is kept. in, better .prosorvation than un. der any known apilication.. It being thiis practically • tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of 1. Sold wbplosaleand retail at his Old Establishment rri .Cbestnut !shoot opposite the Btate Ilona°, l'hlltutelphyt " , It. Dollard luutat lenst2dlsissrared the !militia ultra of IfAllt DYE, and 11131101113 C OS It for sale , with msrfertvotr•- fletence hi its aurpousslng every Mingo( thO hind hoW use It colons the , lush tither blare or brown,las May ho desired) and , is used -„ta ithent injury to the Lair Of skin either by Stain or otheriehe, can Lo .washtd ;off in ten minutes after application, wltlmut _detracting fro/11 • Its catocy. • Verbena visiting the city, afeinvited to give him a off. - • ' ',attars addressed to D. DC LLAIP, n't Chestnut at, Philadelphia, will receive attrutlen. JAIL 2G-ly LEATHER,. --Fritz & Hendry, Store, 21) North 3d st. Morocco.p3lirtiettsi ars, Curriers; Importers, eel:mission and General Leath er business. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL-lianufactery 15 Na,. garetta street. Pen ~7-ly MACadr tli-lllNfht; I n t Y for O !re l as i 'lli A tfi l t:c e a 1 2s e t. cheap at 6 ii . NA;:r.101411i. 11:231g pjifabefpfiiti. NENE SIZES 2 .. do ' do 3 do do 4 ' do fir brick work , b do do 3 Extrn Radiator, (with Lan; uud French ma $ 2$ 48 48 to
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