Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 27, 1854, Image 6

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~gri rttlf i ritl._,
Preparing Poultry for Market.
--/1 ----7-
We have often noticed the.carcless and
4'ovenly manner and little attention paid
o the external' appearance of poultry of
'ired fors
a in our ./ and we
i tvc likew s,c, noticed the and
iigher price where due regard was paid
• o have the skin all sound and clean ; the
'ireast not mutilated by a long cut, the
:hrinking skin exposing the drying meat
overed with hay seed or chaff7-but well
ivered all over with fat, of a rich , olden
•ollow. Much of 't poultry exposed
or sale has been through the process of
.ealdinf , to facilitate the picking ; thi s
waetiee shan't' never ho resorted to. It
urns the' rich yellow of the fat into a
i 11 0 w . , , , hue, and oftentime.i starts the
kin, so Ora it peels off, tulles:; very care
oily handled. ' . ..
o cut should be made in the breast,
!1 thi , 'offal should bo taken out behhul,
:;,1 the offnitt:_ ! 'old be m a de as sill
; fli6 inside wipird - arrt - witly-tr
t...v cloth, hut no water s h,, u m b e ustl to
;cattie 'theal. With a nist cloth take
iT the Wool that tuay be f o und u p un t h e
•:ry,..1 , e. In picking, great care A wn ld
taken 11!.It. to tear the skin ; the wings
•11 iuld not be cut off, but picked to the
nd ; the skin of the neck should be
wady tied over it, if the head is cut off.
_\l•Yit_ people like to see the heads of fowls
t‘ft on—it makes a better show. The
loads of ducks and geese should not be
•Ut off.—N. E. Fur.
Much care and 'attention is rei l uired
fter the poultry is dressed and cool, and
Add be carefully packed in baskets
r boxes, and above all, it should be kept
1•om freezing. A friend, who was very
ki,e in these Matters, used to bring his
urkey to market in the finest order pus
, ible, and always obtained a ready sale,
Jul the highest price. His method was
0 pick them dry, and dress them in the
ieAtest manner; then take a long, deep,
eta - row box, with a stick reachin ! , from
in I to end of the box, and hanging the
•ur:cys by the legs over the stick, which
irevents bruising or disfiguring them in
he least.
• Tol•much should not be exposed at a
hue fur sale, nor should they be hauled
, ter too often. Appearance is every
liing with poultry, as well as other al-ti
les, :tat has great influence on the pur-
An agricultural friend who returned a
veelt since from Frahee, informs us that
-he farmers there - have discovered that by
.caving a portion of their potatoes, in
1-.ended for seed, is the ground during the
winter, and
. replanting in spring, is a
runway against the, continuance of the
:allow diseases to Which the potato-has
of late years been subjected. It will be
recollected that this process was first re
)ornmended in this country by Mr. Ro
berts. .We have tried this experiment
hiving potatoes in the ground last
;ear, mulching them slightly during the
winter with brush. When we dug them
this spring, we found the potatoes per
:eat and very solid, and have planted
them along side of others, kept in the
t3llar during winter. The growth of the
irop gives fair evidence of the superiority
of the seed left in the gr.)und, and from
present appearance, our experiment, back
ed by the result claimed by -Roberts iind
by The , ..Fruch farmers, is likely to sus
tain the recommendation of the Farmers'
Club of the American Institute for the
trial of this plan, and those of the soli
cultural press who attempted to laugh it
down at the time of its publication, will
besable to review their jokes with some
profit to their readers.
Machinery in Farming,
The recent applications of labor savin ,,
machinery to farming, are making that
fundamental and original employment one
of the most profitable, and of course re
spectable, in the country. The principal
improvements have been in new inven
tions of the plough, the thresher, the
reaper an 4 the- mower. Tn the first of
these implements—the plough----the im
provement has been very great, end a
vast deal of brute foree l has hew
,enough, perhaps,. in - the aggregate, to do
all the reaping, mowing and threshing.
In the last three employments, the brutes
have had , an addition to their former
labors, to the relief °Minn. The sickle
to a the flail have gotie out, of use, though
thq are things yet well remembered by
many, and our own hands yet show honor
able scars as testimony of the existence of
the former. And, further, that 'there
was one - et-such an implement as a
we positively know. The mowinc , Ma
chine will just as surely supersede the
scythe, in the Western country at least.
These inventions, as they lighteti human
labor, arc the means of increasing pro
duction by multiplyim , the number of
acres improved, and thus add so mueli
more tip the general wealth. Indeed, we
believe it would be safe to say that the'
recent invention of labor-saving machines
for Agricultural purposes, will add full
one-fourth to the value of lands of the
(.;reat West.'
The daily and weekly waste of chamber
slops, sprinkled over the ground of
small gardens, would be all the enrich.
ing. material required to produce good
crops from year to year. Grass lawns, if
weakly, would never require to be cov
er d, as many now do, with a thick coat
of, manure, unsightly to the eye, and dis
a,;reeable to the feet Ivhen a pleasant day
arrives and one wishes to look over one's
:limbs and trees. Lawns so sprinkled
would b. , :LINV,IN'S fivsli and green. Fruit
has also been greatly benefitted by mode
rate ihri es during thoir, growing i,eason.
At this present time,*you may pour 00
without. fear, for the frost and rains pre
-vious4..i Ale _opc_u_in , 'spritt;, , will 60.
t! it tti;it 11,1 ill effects L•ali
fn , Ni ;In ,)vcr r's .ifonih//
Pot' txtt v N lave this re;,u
larly swept up, packed away in harrels,
Ind sprinkled over with plaster. Diana
iays, with force and truth : "The strong
ost of all matures is found iii the drop
ping..; of poultry." Next year, each bar
al of it will manure half an acre of
:and. Save it then, and add to the pro
luctive energies of your' soil. limit
look upon it as a trifling matter. •
WI 1 1 'l'l.: 11 A LI/ ACM /E AI V, three
miles w,st or I larristurg. The eighth s , csslots
of this p pular and llourbiliing Institution. will coin
111011Ve on Mond V, till` 6th or Novninter next, under the
ipt,st favorable auspices. During thin present year such
improvements end atbiltians 'lava been nutile as its his
creasing patronage demanded. 'flit, Principal will he as
sisted by a fall cor??F, or competent and experienced
t e vi te r s , and special Attention will be paid to theinealth
nud c nof,rt of the Sttitionte:,
Boai:sting, Wstalling and Tuition in the EnAlish Branch
es. and Vocal Music, per Session, (11 months) j1,55,0U
histruction in Latin and i ireek, each, - 5.00
French and tiortirtn 5,110
0 I list runient3l M usle, - - 10.oe
Tlu attention of parents and guardians is carnio.tly
to tills Institution. Circulars. will be turnhh,•d
and Ztiky iu f aanat la, given, on appacation, either
porsonal or by utter to
DENIANOEIt, Principal,
Sopt.' 13, 1554. Harrisburg, Pa.
) t I'arlisle. Pa. The 17th Semilett 01111-
1.111 . 111, uu SleNet v. November 11, ISt.4. Number of t4tii
dents and eme•tatit effertti used fur their umrul
intpr , reeieut. Terms, per se , slon,
Chyulars with relerenere luta full Information furnbili
ml, by It. IC. WU It\ 8,
sopt27 -1 Vlaittlield, Cumberland en. l'a.
CLASSICAL A N 1.11 1 .1 , 111,ARY+
I I NIL ;:id.110.)1„ New ville, Pa.—The wINTER
'ON trill commence nu Tuesday, the ith of November,
antl eon tin ne live months, Careful instruction is given
by Ct.llll,Al3llt the departments of Classieai.
Nl:ahem:tided' toil Enttlbdt cducatbm, 'rile whole ex
penses f r tuition. bearding and lodging, with aro an
fnrnl-.loed, 4 1.5:1 per term. For further particulars, apply
to either of thr subseribers at . NeervilW. P.
noitEitT M cHACIIR EN, I'l.llll.lNi,
LTNN. A. M.,
jr., A. 11., P"fe'''"
k TUT E. Maio and Fonuflo seporato and distil:frt.—
At Al;:ca.tfilefowito, PA. ROV. .10S. S. LOOSE, A. M.,
Prinripal, assisted by fivo Teachers.
The Wintor rest of of this, Institutbni will opora to
roo , dve atwt:•nta on I,ll‘ , ist Nov. Tho Neilitles which
Ifro ~ irrrod by this Instituti ,n P, tutu a!xeK,
ifo,f a finished u•iftention aro unsurp if.ed by any similar
a-y in file `tat-.
The liniLlia,:n; are new and commodious, and tin
.zrou nds w'' "outrd. The ERMA LE DEP.% IiTM ENI
is entiroly sep irate, and enefiluArd by New Englant
Tevsors. It is locited In the lioautifed valley of Cunt
Ilorin fnr its heal tit ful ness—aceessibl t
Miles . distant front Harrisburg.
i)ne Invulrwl luta twenty stu lents bare been in at
tondance during the ',into year.
Board. Thlti , m, twit Room NarßlHlled per Session
of 21 -
, For eirettlart; find ad•iress
lieV. .10S. S. IMOSE,
Nleybooletzturg, Comb. Co., Pa.
, lpt2o-it
1111) PENS 13 U ItG INSTITUTE. -
Li Sill PPENtillUlt(l, PA. Hew. It. It. WEi.l.ll, Prolossor
ids 1.3.):312:/k.s, Nat ural /TN, Rc.
D. .1. WEIt Yr, 1 mdrurtar and Math
[mtt I .s.
Mrs. Et.i.ri.s, Yrinripsl Instructrvss In the Fonutlo
',Art molt.
'llll. Seventh Ser.glou of thIN llotniNhlng Tnstitutiol.
will volumene., on Mon , hty. the 10th Of Iletober next.
A new !landing' Odell will contrlhute to the eonve
nlenee of pupils, has boon erected for the 11.1H13 of the
Female Department.
. ,
Orthography, Heading and WI ittng $ .5 50
A.rlt lunotie, iiranunnr, (loo,4raphy, Ilistory and
I'hllo,4oohY . . 8 50
4 ; 0 )1.1,y , Itotopy, Ithotbriv, Physiology, &c. 10 50
Matinonotics, I irook anti Latin Langungpx .12 on
1• . ...nivil - , • 5 rill
io on
1 ) 11t , N 111 -
0 110
Tht! iv ' Lilo oxponso r*.r n sesrlon of fivo ralondnr mootliv.
11100E1s° of 'l:ultion, 11-artllng, sliin:c.(lnes not
(t toned 4;55,00. Pupils will not ho taltoo for a Nhorter
por10(1 than . half a sosslon. . A l'ittalozcto euritalli IN;
pqrtl , tllttria, may. bo übtalitoll by addressing tho prop' ho
O. U. BARN k. CO.
.14 p 27 'r I
A NNW GOODS.—Th e subscriber is just
1 opening n fresh lIFFOriIIICIIt of very CHEAP (1001)S
buti4lit ut rodweil prl.ox. Ggland see them.
GEO. W. 11.11.N.E/1.
illartistc Ajcrat6.
Tlrofessionnf Vtirhs
N. GE EEN, Attorney at law, has
I- I - • settled in Merlinniriilntrg, fn- the preetire i 4 his
urotessien. - All kinds of Legal Writing, Collectlin-t,
Court latsinepiti, &e.. promptly attended to. Mike oppo.
site Dr. Long's residence. ; 4 111tViEV I NI; In all ite diffe
rent branelles promptly attended tit
61 ( 13, COLE Attor n ey at Lim, will at
tend proniptly t 9 all business eutrilst eft to him.—
itee in Me man f..rinerly J.empie,l by WUHain Irvine,
Esq., North Ilanever street, Carlisle.
April to, 1562.
1111. C. E. BIAT,IIII,'N'IIIAL, 110 -
mworATittc NIVHCI AN. 11111 re and residence
on • ',Mahar street. one door cast of the Berman Re
formed Church, Dr. Itlninet,tlial respectfully offers his
- professional services to the eitNeits of Carlisle and vi
AZ -Persons from a di•danre lat.iriTur under
disoapopi may consult by letter. Office hours, from 7 to
U A. M.. and 2 to 4 P. M. wntn;s4tl
PR. C. S. BAKI4:11 respectfully "offers
his prof s,lonal sell ices to the citizens of Carlisle
find surrounding country.
office and'residener in South Ilanneer street, directly
"PP 'site to the '• Volunteer °thee."
Carlisle. April 20, I Ma.
IJR. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North
llanover street two doors from \V se & Pompton:
store. Mice hours. more particularly from 7 to U o'Llpok,
A. M., mot from it to 7 o'clock, P. 31,,
it. (1 (). \E11)1( 'II
attends to all
oporations upon the And adjarent
parts that diFl.ll,t• or irroittilarity very roq tire. 111 v ill
al. , ineort Art i fads) :root!) of ivory it's, ript ion. such as
Pim ot , :Ind 'noel: tooth. and tooth v ith ,ntio
nous tiunt4. — and nil! ri I.strunt A rtitielal Vitiates, (th.
tutators. I:ie.:Witting Noses. e‘ory appliato used ih
tho Dtqltal Art. —Operating 1,1411 iit the tot-Menet, of
ltr. Samuel East, lII^L street, Cal lisle:
• -
•z. it it ETz t‘iii . r _
t-ti, that may be required for their lat,ert at ha,—
.trt iheial teeth inserted. fr,tn n shuzie t4rlt II t' , en eutire
set. nn the n 11 , Prif Wllllll,, 4 the
mental sett frre!rularitles carefully Ireate.t. e at the
I 111. .1: ( 1,(1()-
rt . pvlll'lll
ail , ql.•rati•ui, 1110 M the
that :ire required fur their. ..o.h nn
or 11111 restrre the 1 , t-s ed
al Ti , , th. from a Atur.letug Ih
Ise a full sett. tin utile.. lin Pitt Oreet, ii e,.„. 141.1 In
of the lialirt ad Until. 11)r. I. i.e .11 sent fruin Car
11.1e the la ,t ten days of ever; mouth.
I, I N. .11(iri Ii.INSTEE 1,, I louse, Sign,
Fancy and Ornamental Painter, Irvin's (formerly
.Ilarper's) linw. near flit ner's Dry tio.,cls :lore. lie Milt
attend promptly to all the above descriptions of paint
ing, at reasonable, prices. Tie various kinds of graining
attended to, such ns mahogany, oak, walnut, .Ye., In tho
improved styles.
FE—SP EE 1) —S 11 !—S onl c
- to itt•to•ntl it,e. an - .:My surerit.r lu othors.
:tint tt it Wit the of of cry holt, {dual.
100 PILLS for twenty-five cents! No extortion In
yiriet , —no Calotitel--uo mineral i.oition whatever.
Mi. Tow risENC, HEALTH PI fully merit thegrent
repoloth , o they hare m'ituireil. They ore called for tu.ui
till parts of the land, beenutie TIII.I ARE ALL TIIAT THEY
vi.tlll To in:.
Wll.ll . Ti IKV \VI 1.1. DO—They purify the Mood, they
rleoso the System of II they ruse 113 nod
Indigestion, they create no Appetite, they CUM. Sidi.
Ileadaehe..DlZZilleSS nod Low Spirits. they arrest Fevers,
they promote n healthy netioal of the 1.1%er, they are a
pure ram for eostiteoess nod linidtoal Coost Ira lon,
they are highly efliemious in Fetonle: Complaints, they
strehat hen nod give tone h, the :4;ystent. '(bey are the
best Family Meaielne ;item. o.
It Is on obvious inquiry. how one inn4ll..ine ran rures,
ninny .um , ront.,—mpl,itlits. These . Pills. horn VT pr. ;Inv St
comp ,, tindout of rlirttivn nintorinis that In.rezal:b 114 CV on
Iv t , l TRY T111:M and the miss. er will Lc found in a re
tidy aci d on Invlgnruted constitnti..n..
garb it ,x t•ontains Infi 11119., •,t the astonishingly low
pried of 25 colts. Every individual oh.•old tune them-
FM' Sall, hl• the 1 1 rdpv.ihts and :.d. , treheepris ttouernlly•
F. A. PviviLit, gejtend Agor.t. Stm,ht,..:l-1). rt.
VANI(1;t: FEW, .(urrEits, manufactured for
.t'SAII(IFAT. No. 410 Market street, Pfillada -
Thi. cutter is simerlor to any now in use. 11,r strength
durability. and simplbity of constimetion ; it rifts fast
er. and is t 111.4 only Setrialitrpening Ilay. straw and Corn
t•tallt Cutter ever made. It has but ONE , STUAItIIIT
KNIFE, person can grind and set Wit)) Pool.,
but he ordinary ease. Is gronml In the machine. 'Mn
sands hove already Iwo!, solid, and the demand is dolly'
flwreaNllig. lit Ilinst eases all examination is sufficient
eonvince one of its superiority. Nit one after a shnrt
trial would part with it for any other. All sizes of the
31.10 constantly (M hand and for sale hy
.1. P. !NNE,
Solo .1.r...911 for I'lltut,el land vomit v
iv_ _ mni, E i t s.— These posses:: an nal vanta ze ever all
others in beintl made ‘vlth an outside Iron 'easing, whlell
A'reatly venue:lakes fuel and prevent:: loss of heat. They
:Ire made l,f VarIMIS SiAVS, from Id to I'2o ganens,, 'ri m y
are p artalde. and may be set in the kltehen Par how:,
hold use, or out of cunt enlent to the barn, pig
110118, kr., for Loiliup P , 141 far me e k. For Nor, by.
• Agrieultural Warehouse a n d Seed Store, N. E. eorper
of 7th and Market streets, Philadelphia. teet'."4
el ' - • FRESH GRorEniEs!
Rest mo, Mocha and Roasted Coffees,
Crushed, Pulverized and Loaf Sugar, .
Porto Rico. Nqw Orleans and Cuba do,
Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Upon and Wad: Tons‘
Best Sytmps, N. 0. and Sugar House Molasses,
Queensware. Cedar and Stoneware,
Cheese, Fish, :tali, Snap and Starch,
Cavendish, Natural Leaf. Fig and Collgrey!i Tobacco,
Pießles, Pine Apple and Tomato Preserves,
Ketchup and SpiVes.of every variety. &e.
lily stick has been selected with strict reference ti
family use, for sale very low for cash wholesale or retail
by , WILLI.% ]IS,
nal '54 ' Faitilly Grocer,
•DEEVE KNIGITT; (Successor to'
liartley & Knight,) REDDING AND CAIi,PFT
WA REM No. 148 South Sta•mot Stroot. five doors
above Spruce street. l'hilodelphia, whom hr heeps con
stantly on hand it full ltssattnent of every netielo in his
line of hosiers. Feathers, Feather Reds. Patent Spring
Mattresses. Yelvet Tapestry, 'Tapestry. Brussels. Throe-
Pie, ity4rain. Venetian, List, Rag an& limp Corpothnts,
oif fnotlei. Canton Spanish : , lattings
Floor and Stair Drurgets, Hearth Hugs, Door INA s.Tfihi a
1111,1 l'iauo Covers. Ti which he invites tho uttontion of
purchasers. f lopt`s4
ITILA... Surgeons' 13andage
• iNsTrruyt: It I:MOVED to No: 4. Pth
street, ninth store More iterhet. • li . C,
PiVERETT'S Patent iiralitinting Preshure TRUSS, Sir the
cure of 11111411 v): Shoulder Braves, :?iipport era. lilnstlrt
Stneltingti, Susponiury, Ilumorrhohlal, mat flamingo; for
deformitisii. Jan. 11-Iy,
311isc — C1aticaus.
SAW MILL., near
Paperti.wri, Cumberland county
:CR ELL &B EY Ult cont tune to gulp.
• it ply Lumber of all Janda. at tho shortilA
- notice. anti on ternia lower °than call be
had eltiewliere. All order% itireacti to R. II r
pert (ir %Vm. .IV., IL:M.I6Iu, Will he pridtipt•
ly attended to.
- Jul. 1-ly
IAS 11l I'INC; A\ I) 1 ) 1,1 1 1I3 -
I hi. ulillersigniiil would inform th e
citizens I i'!e timt. he hiss ninth• i i rr aeg ,
moon. to doll AS I l'lTi and l'I.1,:Al i•hort
t.iro, ;Ind wi r011R01.111 , 1.• terms. Ile has engaged the set ,
Vi.• , 'S of n first rate hand from and him imp
ith stssot iment of Wi'f-
ItES. N% 1111•11 uill VIIIII•ii. 10111 It, till ill onlers promptly.
All ivi,rk will Le ills stork of Gas FL:tines
will Ie fourrl'in the room esnitly opppsite his Tinning
estaliliiilintent on North illinover street, is hero hits invites
is Call.
TINNING, SPOI7TIN, air prepared to
farolAlr, or mahe to order, every article of TIN IN ARE
used Iq liousekeeperr and there , . He i I :t ko nttcnd
'Thant ful tin. patronage ‘vit h luts already
iwen favored. lie ri.pok•tfully Mdlclte a continuance of
(II lisle June 14. '3l
I, l , cetfullY Informs tlu vitizem. of Cur
lisle and virinity. that ho has just return
. 40 c e ./ l t r c r • o a u li ii.. 1 4 1 1, d i f, ; "1 , 1 0 f ' h % ' - ‘ , , ( 3 , 1 1.?; d r( t . 0 n 1 1 j ‘l ,I l t ' c a , r t e :', l, i t Sc e i s i J e ri
) )17,
line of business. Ho has al u ups on hand
a largo assortment of rcadymnde 111th s,
ilium, l'ir,tols. 1, - 0110, Heys lion Trimmings, le., all of
which liii gill sell wholesale I.r retail. fie also attends
to repairing lions. elovhs. loelis, Ay; engraves on M as s,
e Imo, and boil, ile Lopes I hat by Stir kt :atellti. , li to.
1 , 1151110, , ., Mild a desire to plesse. he will Merit and merle e
1,111410 VA 1,,M1g0, ,
Bit • All kinds el Fire Arias made to „der.
('nr)hlr. April 10, It- y
f e-70 1 1 Q1'1,1 , : Ni 11 1 ).1 EW
(0:- -' .:„...„.. LI El•ItY! Ileti , lay . 1 . 1411 ,
12 , ......*:..,...„ eats, .f.,— 1 1 II II NI .\ •,••• I I.N. <
~.. 1 1 . , , 8" 2 :""..,:-.••••• lA' is .1% Ist I I ith s ilt oL. a low
a lz= --‘..,:: ‘1,,. ot u,st - <.t 1;pr).1,1 'oleo's
Ziff- (-• 9 ',:t7•••,, t.-1„ . , , . • , ,
Fz•,•,.-`-it•t., - .1 . • 8 -' 4 .. '7 -:f...,- luael, Carte le. has just 11.-
1 ,`": , 1.8 . --f.' ~1 6 .5 ...,..4 4 ,,e /44 . ... vi•l‘ ed 111.. I:111,f 111111 If, ;4
•=" - •'•''....L.,-,''''' ,',-- •• • . teloant asstt tit eut t I olive
-rinr-.Tem,tiry--ever••••!1-T,1 - ill- 1-urf We,. e1.4-Ejl,llll/1-111
_till f
I 11/ I ' lllill :u•,l I'll\ er \t ;Iloilo: , of e, ory f:1111 ty. Till al:
. 11
pHi 1 . ... 1 . 11:111 11:I \ (1.0( I. S. 'ij\ or tal le 111-11 tt a sp., rI.
. sill or lal le It nil anti lotto,- I,IIiI vs. •••••:1.1 m.ll ,11, CI
5p , r1.11 , 11 , I:11111 S . and tu.1,111•111,11. 111111 i•••,, 111,11 p.m 11.
tu.1,1 tha ints tlf el ery 111111•1 i . pf il n, tar at a fryer • Ult.,
Itroust phis. ,te.. at all pit , . s. ',Nis" Aert , dotal I and '.lll-
si• 11l Item,. With a yreat •• alit ty of Val ey - Articles, se
leot• It ON ill SAM)" ii.l . the 1 folidays. I'll sous dt•sf, log tII
purolitse are United t t ealt / au,l oxami LI t h e asst ottuent.
„, o
e are propai•-•1 ill VIII 1 , 12”, et y reasottalt•• vt hlt
a. (;111(;111,1.u•
ity of gta,ii. uarrantod le as- flue as st•I•1 It •r.
TiiitNlAts l't•N LYN.
\\ est Melt st.
- 1,1 A RION II A .1.1, 1).2k 1: EItREA.N
L it( )om Erg hay tat wi the Ilagurr
rean rooms in Marion Ilan. knom n as A. It. Tuhb's Gal
lery. desires to inform the Ladies and Gehtlenten of Car
lisle that hu is ptepared to take Likenesses In the most
superior style o 1 thy :art, :wit as rcill fully sustain the
reputation of this popular e'stablishinent. Ills ris ms
are large, pleasantly situated and eoutfortahhi furnish
ed. Its is prom ided ',salt the most le.'S ea u! nod perfect
lostrument for taking pictures and marrarts sittisfae
tb II in all t'a.seS. A full supply or eierr aariety
of std le and siLis, plain and ortiamohtal. kept ethistantly
on hand. blitgriii logs, Paintings. &e., arc nuttily eopital
and duplicates taken of original likoncses. Liketirses
taken or sick or deceased persons. Pt Ices nuderaty ;tint
satisfaction given in all lases. The public Is tin 'led to
.mil at the filrion leiguerican 'Rooms and manilla
the numerous spi , bons.
lingiterleoty pos it serted In Lockets, Ereast Pins,
Finger It logs. inn it Maids, Ac.
Cua9islo. Juno 14,
LIAM/I,E AN I) IIAIIN 1 , .. 8 .)lAli
-1. 1 iNo. The. ~u 1 s4-riher rontinnes to earry in the
above business. In all its 1 arious lwatithes. in North I lam
of or street, Carlisly. two 1101,1. F North of 1... , 1111111'S 1 . 01 . 1/er
11 berr he Intends helping on hand ne Fenced ass., t Intent
in Ills lino, consln.tlng of all I.ltals of ly , lt hatable SAD
1/1.1.:5, Itritlles, Mart int.ales, Births,
......,... - 7 - elreingles atol flatten, al.. '1 lUN ICS,
••:,,:, At' l (l traettlint! and saddle
stilt - li
-- e , t I Ihnty Ile also roan-
ip E )
• . t , l ,a ' 111. elutes the inn st " , v , -. 1
' 'l. 4 4n ; T N '' , l ; '. :•: r tt ' a l .•,.. s i n
!Ter used In this
eon:Ito - , awl tie ,rn m iplilign it hand
' 5 ,, 1110, tlurn.l le and Th.:ls:lnt mobile
( '..
n 111 (to It ell to ran anti see them. lie
AI Ms , toantintetures I carton,. Itriales.
Collars and II hips hi ail their sari,
tit 5. and c,tif. Ilently tanlierys from the rem-rill appir la-
Dori of his ymtomers, that he lantines the nettlt st and
hest „ears. In nil t hylr N ariety of hretlth that is matte in
the eotintyy. lie also makes all klml. rf !tiatrast , es ti•
molar, vitt! Straw, Husk, Curler! Bair aml Spring! Mat•
r,,,, , ,5. Ali tlie al4tve milder. tt ill IV Made o f t,),., Lest
material mot workmanship and n ith the ittito t :t des.
patch. WM. OSIVIII N.
C1,0T111N(1 AT COST—The subscrib
er has au itssorttoont of fashionsl lo and 'veil wade
Cl,r/T11iN(1, NV!'VII alit i t void off t4.r ea,h.
Tito stAwlc naisit.ts of Cloth and Cr:shwa:l.o Ciots,
and (Ihighato CI alt. TN , Veil and skint U. ,; Slat wills
t'ith and Sabo Vostiogi Cassinals...l, gin's ao.l Cord pan
taloons.. 1.1115 , 11 and rt..l :14 pantah ons„ a ith all
of ti thing u..ualtc Gnntd ill a dialling stun , .
Intending to rolinquish 110, I.'rancli of itly tu,iness.
ghat I.rirgains can Le hall I.) calling e.oorr st. th e ri l e*
store of ClIA1;1,K;•4 Csill,ll‘'.
row pieces just neeivecl resin nueth
nud setting very 101‘.
rune :!I,
I I IIIE I\Sl . ll —Tin.: A 1.1,EN
AM) :NTUTUSI, 11111:I\-
:•1 VANN' of rttnit . orlaitil county,
rated by nu net of le now full organikeil, and
in opordl, , n under the Inaluu;einent• of the (.hewing
emittnis'sh nen+, viz:
Daniel Bailey, 'William E. (lorga Cocklin,
Molelmir hrou 1101111111, lIS t 121/1 i.:ta 1,
n, ,h,hn tittn.
121)1,J:tool. IL el , oVer• Lewis llyor, -henry l.ogau, itenja
min lesser, Jaeol, 31tunina, Joseph AVieltersham,
Alvxander Cathcart.
The rates of Insurance are as low and thvorable•as any
Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to
heroine members are invited to tnal.e appli‘mtion to the
agents of the company, who ate willing to wait upon
thorn at any time.
.IL l'residunt.
111.:NItY lA)OAN, VICe Prvsidunt.
MICHAEL, COCKLIN, LEWIS 1111:11, Secretary
C. IL Herman, Kingstown; Henry Zcarliig,
Slitremainitown • Charles Dell, 4411.161eA1i,
ClimeMown ; S ' ainuel or:them, l'entuDchtirought;
Jamul: 31e. Dowol.login On Tith. South 3141-
,144 mi; Samuel Cotwor, Benjatulak ilaverAtlck...'lleclutt
tesLurg ; John Stierrick, Lisburn; David Coover, Shep
YORK COUNTY.---jolin Bowman,' Peter
Wolf:Tit, Franklin; Jthn Smith, listt,. Washingtim;-11'.
S. 9'4:Ling, Dover; J. W. ('raft, Paradise.
AI A RIOS I .-11.iniier
Members ~f the e , napimy haviUg 191111 " ithout to ox-
Ore run hove them teneweil..:22y mut:lM! hililiezition to
.11.,.ru.r offers at private sale the
twos of n Drug Store, late the prope l y of Michael Fier.
1„ - chtirditon 0. Cumberland county,. There
Is no other Drug Store hi the Ware, and it tine opportu
nity Is HOW unwonted to any young min wishing to
eminence this business. - 1 Lr terms ottquire of
ntt .
.PROCHE STIAWLS.---A Jot of 4 , 011 ,
) unit Sioutre ltrorbe Fhm,9p . Alro. Ulitohet. Flaws
just reeelved from New Yin.% and very low itt the
cheap store ,if
, NANCYI: 1' 4 . /1 0 4 (. 11 5 115A921s turd '
~ A find ti sort
went, of the tlnest'quttlity, for sale itt the lowest vftill
price s , at NVta. u:1,1:1'01%, I I EAVS, No. Iti4 F , ;uthst.t.cuild
Street between Line and 'Union, wt et side, l'hlledelphin.
'I he assortment embraces a large and telect stork of
Fine Watehes, Jew elry or )1 on All iita NI are. plati.d
e Ith fine silver, in iSpoens, Forks, Lacks, et ro «le,
Fans nod fancy articles ot q nal ity. , IVI-131‘ log
the examination of those who dosire to pro( ore the lrtt
seeds at the lowest resit wires.
•-41- • •
ree Having a pmetitul knowledre of
n _ f op . the In, nits ter. aad all availaLle Ltelii
ties for importing nod MUD ufilt tOr
contideotly iui files poi, has. rs, La
log that he can supply them_ tin terms natiii ot able
as any other esialdishment in either of the Atlantic
Ail kiwis of Dinintaids ni:d 'Jewelry arid Filrer
W 11/1111% factored to, within a ream onl le time.
71) ttichips. je,,elry nod Fih or ware faithfully re
paired: WM. F. ON II FAD,
A. 284 itf , utla 2d St. a few dot rs a 1 ova the 2d tt. Mar
ket, NV ost
itry_ln the 5011th Window of the Store, may It seen
the famous BIWA!lock, which conuntinds the admiration
}lnd curious, (Meat. Ix,'s-1-I\•r.
4 1 1' . LIM 1 , ..--From City Chetah al 8: Union Works,
11111de after the most luipri.ved zi,th les and verp Alpert( r.'
Prepared Anhydrite Mao tire. mode after the English at ,
Hill.. and most super', r. 11 itoa pi• than Guano,,
and fully equal. The attention of Di tilers and Farmers
Is particularly called here for that, len ti U.,
arm. in large o r small quaLtittririhr snit. fly
.8111 N 1.. 1 031Ehoy,
22. South Wharves, 3d door al.,ove Ohestn ut St. I Lila.
wept. •;'.4.
1 / 1 11.1.45 UN 6 I'A ' 1 1 , ..N ' l' 1...) 1 ILA
TINU .}.l_ltl\ ACE.--1 he stilisci iher \AI aid Call the
attention of all parties requiring a denial le kut Laie
Co Ciiit,,,eA'a CLI.L.I:It3fEII {].\l3ll\oAsh .111:S6 Ar-
MO\LUIS 310E1:18
The rt putatlou ef this furLact‘ is u,v; Ism I\ n, I al ii,g
iwen intft (lured during 111.3 hart i.%Cytaus
i, - nn p ul Hi' 1.1111(1114 tl 100141 Ulan grit ate de tilt
iugt. , ; the, tel.:ether able the 10 , 11.4.11 he illel tat, 1,1
~% (. 1.3 . ' par in the hest ex lilt lice that call 1.1.• eddut c d 01
it, nupvt i , lit) 1,1 er all t tiler fuettat 11) the V.:, 01
1411,4 . 11 hime. luu set It the 1 . !.11t.e. hot., nth ahle6t e
I I Id, Alt-7L.• heating surfaces tving at . a tur to a•
(we that w 111 lu the ail.
0111,A1 I't 1, 1 , 11.111-I.eiDg umdc ct.tin ly of Cio.t Is 13,
VI t lint IV I , t Let. it ill 1, 1.11 ail,- dutit F it Wu-
Unit it ie tit et ttil. I lit:d•
trig in it hi, It it It pito id. to daiilter It. tt, 11, 111,;
11 I, hate the te,tiut, thals rt hut died, i I -the ti , tt
et h.:Ail a 111,11 to alltee to the ttutit t t tLr 1,1,•,, cittte
11.1 it. all t f wLt 111 I-Viatt Witt: it IL l Vitt:lldt dl, tLt I tt t
yet I•lttvlt I r I• 1, it tile rte
atm( et here. %t o itelLM ill. tit.i.ex I it It tt
t II hi., tt a O.lJd t lothUIA pre &eel.] e. wLi Lnt t Let t: tl till
f Unri,ECti tt,. till ire Vita, ne d tell tut rte:
Ilti I•ro l'Arker. I :IA I i t s
11m. 11. Allel], I'l of. hut,' s. I ai.:11(Is. I r
hum!, Pt , I. 1.11,1,..
IN e hatt a intrt dueed tide i.easnif t. a new sii:f S.. f t LI at
all parties may lit all tlontetelves el Mitt plat in lot le
utt,ii tAt a t try int Berate mitt. St a ate I, a pill arid to
urnisti an :1114110111, to Wall!: a itinpe it t lit, nr tie la rg,
ent Luildinii in the at nutty.
\a. 1 .I'n tittle. C't Itylete,
do ' do
3 do do
4 do for briek Welk
do do _
3 Extra Radiator,lalth Pais al dFt etch
, •
3 do do do iU
I do do do It`7
h do do d e, t:':;
This No. Ii is the largest and de st to )3 VI flll Furl me
made in this e, uhtry, dud is adulliall) ads' led li r
Churches and ether large class Uniltilt./..5.
contrnue to sell the all aratne at the son e
as when first intrcdured, five years ago. Alt t e
present iisgl, prier of (mil has inci rate it their c, r
emit, uu mg to their great m e 4; lit, still me ale el ut 1, d I y
the great inertase of sales to fa. ish the 111 tide et the
los est possible ',rive. true chundry ah.t e. ar-
Leibramit. have to d I. fu m 1.4, us x tilt el 0
tons , I I unlaces this season. so that Ise are nco pre) ar
ed to rum ish them is hulerale or retail. N% a upetit.terU
the 1.1,ti. a of all I. UTIIIICeS, to hen required. and war,
rant than rai l's.
Nil - lit il N (it A NtiE.— eI al nisi,
tho nu 111.1 t to t Aire Lange that has )eti CI
tee H hie L Vs, call the uttethii a itt all NS Lk , laity
lah to a...elite LLo itit,at pet feet aittl deairahle eat L.tup ap
phrat tia et er 1.1;
I'ATEIaT '1 NVe are the
Duly Agent: , fu i at:uny hat in for tf.e tattittlfai t tile at
sttle'i.t this t esitilitti r. Stith ii i. ttakiiiiiilcilped I. I r the
uuly pertetit enttlitti I' CS 1 ... 0 matte fir re I CC, I I. 1.7
nit asi ht in anatt y chintuiet., and thr cetittlatt, g I urall
Inge of all ULU.. Ac there are a great u,att) w tilt I a
tit Ulla idle red fir ante. poi lin It tii
ho rueful to examine that It 1181. the 1 Usenet-lt I titi;..o at
pAityr 'trol6TH.l4 AND' VILNTILATCI —Ce
ha . ; e the lavgerd nit st et niplete unit t wed t 11 t
.1i: Rev.:Act% and ehtilatr rn to le le mid in the tinted
`Late-n. hal ties It hi T; ki; to part base either U ; prier to
use 'er alnderdilv% ee ill ti tat it greatly to the it td‘tviday.o
to exathihe their vt;
: 4 1..1TE .%Nli )1.1:`.T1.E:- . ..--NVe /to: e ohl s n
Lnud an extei.siNt• 11,,1 'I t of Um, I eatiti,tal num
in ex:it t ituitatittiot Egyptian, ;•piiiiii.ll.l.,mm u .d
.0111 tcd Unit
OPLN CRATES.—Fu r Anthracite Etna Litunth.t us
(t t .aL entit.e nvm itath , rn td tint It 't n
Goat', made lb Ili the EttOit•it halo its; and k-ittittly
lieu In LW, o. nutty.
SOU. ACE\Ta G.r the 1a:;11.11 Encaustic }lt cling
(tartitirk CitintEvy pt. to.ti'rerrn Cot to (41 tin.t.t.ts,
sin It as I ;al,lk.z, ta,es.
1.itilt1111:r Ito.lllll Lk , Well tit'
I el; I, pun basing el`, n her'. 11,iurs. r. Lrtl.wr
l'uniat•il.g (Pr nut, are Wdet 11...1 talc
tier` Dl%. 81:1.1 I,l:vm nv rII uld l e ham t. Jur
iti,ll any Infutuuktiksit .testri Out: any uf t ur 1:k dr tl rt
may lt• du:sired. A 11 It c.ll 1l Aiming and I t It t ifatly ss 4 .
Cali I- 11111./ gratuft.k.nsly lit our ,Ikle cHhtr purNlfoP.)
or l v fetter. $. lIARItI:su.N,
Warndnir, and l' 111c1 uoe.
.141, Walnut st., lulum
P/ 411.01A5/11AI
CHAS. 0011.11 Y
31:ty 31-7tni
1()LiaA1r1), pre,»ium Arti.ste in
_ R. 1 1 nveht, rot t rato•o1 (i( s!-atiler s ui. lthstin g
Tl.lll.ces. instruct l r.r t :Ile
',Polies and Geuth , inen lu nu asuro thrir ho ndn lila
Fla {VMS. inches—No. 1. The n utid cf the lo tuf ;No.
'2, Fran forehead (.vet the bend Ut the t eel.; No. S
From env to ear over the top; No, 4, 1 . 11, to Oa to tlll
mum( the ft rehezol.
Toupees anti scalp., inches.,—\o. 1. That fiTtlerd t!)
I ark ass far as Fah': No. 2, liver forehead as tar as it quit ,
eli: No. Over the crow uof ill, brad.
• It. POLLARD buts s'h'ays ready f r F/111' tl Yid l! rd id
stock of Gotta' W lj cc. Toupees, Ladles' Wigs. ball IVipt,
Fitz. ts. Braids, Curls, &c., beautifully tnanufactumiat.d
as cheap as any establisiftneot iu tliv I'
Pollards Utah:a:lulu t:xtructtr Lustrous Pair Tent,
pint:trod from-South American Hart and Foots. the
most successful article es or pi, dared f o r presort log the
hair freut (Idling out or changing eolcr. restf.rilig au d
preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state. Inntag
other teasons why Pollard's hair cutting sateen main
tains Its immense popularity Is the fact that his air is
applied to every bead of hair cut at his t stablishnirot, -
consoutiently it Is kept in let ter vreserintien Mau un
der tiny known application. It I dug thus Inttettrully
tested by thourands, offers the grentefb gu.srar tet. rf ffi. •
Sold wholes:4o null retail nt his Oldrstablisfitneot 177
Chestnut street opposite.tho elate Ifentstl, l'hflattelyhts.. -
It. "Dollard hits at least (16ot:cored the ne plus ultra of
lIAIR DYE, and nnnotmecc it for sale with perfect
iiiienee in its surpassing every thing: of the hind nttr in
Ilse. It - colors the hair either, Hark or brown; tss may
dosirotp and is used without Injury try the Lair or
clan Pithor by stain orotbetitll,can to W1101(`11 Off in
L.ll Mil. lite:. after application. without detracting fit
its etileituy, visiting thy city are his lted to /ha
hint a call.
Letterti itthirossed It I), 177 Cho 41)0 tf„
111IndelpIlln, will rePtive
T Ilettdry, Store,
I__ 4 l 20 North st. Plitilit10111111:1, Alorerct) Mtintilikettlr•
O arlore. Itut , rtors,Conitnisrion mid Uct.orttl I.rittk
or )1134110F S.
WHOLESALE AND It ETAlL—Mattlifactory li'. Tint
gftretta street.
NO.'B 2 itnd I . IIIACKEREL, of the
new crop just recolved and for Fake at flu. l'an d ky
Or seers, of J. 0. WiLLIAYS,
July'2l). 'G
-I. Wekt Mat ultre-11
:IA B. oorraw
NINE srzis