Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 27, 1854, Image 1

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    E. BEATTY,
The CARLIng tEItALII is published weekly on a large
Shoot, containing }nary cordnes, and furnished to sub
scribers at the rate of $1.60 if paid strictly in advance;
075 if paid within the. year; or $2 in all cases when
minuet is- delayed until after the expiration of the
year. No subscriptions received for a less period than
six months, and 'none discontinued until all arrearages
are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Papers
sent to subscribers living out of Cumberland county
must be paid fur in advance, or the payment assumed
by sonic responsible person living in Cumberland coun
ty, These terms will be rigidly adhered - to in all cases.
Advertisements will be charged $l.OO per square of
twelve lines for throe insertions, and 23 rents for each
subsequent insertion. All advertisements of less than
twelve lines considered as a square. The Mowing rates
will be charged for Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly
3 Months. 6 'Months. 12 Months,
1 Squaro, (121inos,) SSAO $B.OO
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. - - 12.00
- . 20.00
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Ad.vertlsements inserted before Marriages and Deaths,
8 cents per line for first Insertion, and 4 cents per line
forsubsequent insertions. Communications on sullied,'
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aAes Mr errors in advertisements. Obltuark notices not
inceeding five lines,'will be inserted without charge.
largest and most - complete estnblis uncut in the county.
Three good Presses, and a gene 1 variety of material
suited for Plain and Fancy work f every kind, enables
us to do Job Printing at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable terms. Personsin want of 13111 s, blanks
or any thing in the Jobbing line, call find it their in
terest to give us a call. Byery variety of BLANKS con
stantly on hand.
. All letters on business must be post-paid to se
cure attention.
igetteraf d Local anformatioit.
Progident —Pe...NEON NENCE.
Vico President-0e Moto), 1). It. ATCRESON.
Secretary of State—Wm. L. MAncr.
Socret.try of Intorior=4tontaer MeettuaND.
Secretary of Treasury,—JAmrs OUTIMIE.
Secretary of War--JEFFERSON DAVIS.
Secretary of Navy—.lAs. C. Downs,
Post Master Beneral—.JAMSs CAMPBELL.
Attorney lleneml—CAttn Cuoil o.
Chief Justice of United States—H. B. TANEY
Seeretarrof Stato—CitinixA W. Tit %CR.
Survoyor,thiwral—J. B. Ba_tivt.Ey.
-Auditor •General—E.
Treasurer -4 081:811 BAILEY.
Judges Of the Supreme Court—J. S. E. LEWIS,
W. B. LOWIUE, U. W. WOODWARD, J. C. )(sox.
COUNTY orrxcErts.
President - 3 whge-41on. J.5.31ES 11. °nowt.
Associate Judges—lion. John Rupp, Samuel Wood
District Attorney—John M. Shearer.
Prothonetary—Daniel K. Noell.
Recorder, sc.—.Sohn 31. Gregg,.
Register--William Lytle.
Sherlif,-Joseph 31eDermond; Deputy, James
WOl nor.
County Treasurer—N. W. Woods.
Caroner—Joseph C. Thompson.
County Commissioners—John Robb, Janice Armstrong,
George M. Graham. Clerk to' Commissioners, William
Directors of the Poor—George Sheaffer, George Brin
dle, John C. Brown. Superintendent of Poor qlouse--
Joseph Lobach.
Assistant Burgess--Charles Ogithy.
Town Conneil—John B. l'arker,(President) E. Beatty,
Henry Myers, L S. Bgbert, David Rhoads, Christian ln
ltu:Tolohn (lutshall, Peter 31onyer, (leo. Z. Bretz.
• Clerk VoCt)uncil--JauteS -
Canstables—jeseph Stewart, 11Uh Constable; Robert
McCartney, Want Constable.
First Presl;3 - Orkin Church, northwest angle of Centro
Square. Rev. CONWAY WINO, faster.—Services every
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, A. .M., and 7 o'clock,
P. M.
second Presbyterian Church,corner of South Hanover
and Pomfret streets. . 'pastor at present, but pulpit
filled by Presbyterial appointments. Services commence
at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, I'. M.
St. JohnS Chun*, (Prot. Episcopal) northeaSt angle of
Centre Square. 11ev. J.koon B. Mesas, Rector. Services
at 11 o'clock, A.M., and 3 o'clock, P. M.
English Lutheran Church, Bedford between Main and
Lauther streets. Rev. JACOB Ella, Pastor. Services
at /1 o'clock, A. M., and 63. o'clock, I'. M.
Gamin Reitlirined Church, Loather, between Hanover
an 1 Pitt streetscAttuc. A. 11. Knorsa, Pastor. Services
at 10% o'clock, A. fil:;•atrd t P.
Methodist E. Church, (first Char4e) corner of Main and
Pitt streets. Rev. S. L. Cdssan, Pastor. Services at
11 o'clock, A. M., and 7% o'clock, P. M.
Methodist E. Church, (seconli, Charge) Rev. J. M.
Josss, Pastor.' Services in College Chapel, at 11 o'clock,
A. M., and 5 o'clock, I'. M.
Roman Catholic' Church, Pomfret, near East street.—
Sfrvices by Rev. Mr. liosmioo, every second Sunday.
A, 061,11311 Lutheran Church Is in course of erection
(4, : tlie corner of Pomfret and Bedford streets. The con
gregation, which has yet no stated Pastor, hold their
services in Education Hall.
44-14 hen changes in the above are necessary the pro
per persons aro requested to notify us.
Rev. Charles Collins, President and Professor of Mural
Rev. Merman M. Johnson, Professor of Philosophy
and English Literature.
James W. Marshall, Professor of Ancient Languages.
Rev. Otis 11. Tiffany, Professor of Mathematics.
William M. Wilson, Lecturer on Natural Science and
Curator of the Museum.
Alexander Schein, Professor of Hebrew and' Modern
Belli:MAW Arbogast, Tutor In Languages. •
;Minuet 1), 11111 man, Principal of the lirammar School.
William A. • Snively; Assistant in the Grammar School
C.VILISL6 DEPOSIT BIN E.—President, Richard Parker;
Cashier, Wan. M. Beetcan; Clerks, Henry A. Sturgeon,
Joseph C. Holier. Directors, Richard 'Parker, Henry Sax-
On, John S. Sterrett, John Zug, Henry Logan, Robert
Moore, Samuel Wherry, John Sanderson, Hugh Stuart.
Frederick Watts; Secretary and Treasurer, Edward Al.
Biddle; Superintendent, A. F. Smith. Passenger trains
twice a day Eastward; leaving , Carlisle at 10.15 o'clock,
A. M. and 3.40 o'clock, P. M. Two trains every day West
ward, leaving Carlisle at 9 o'clock, A. M. and 2.29, P. M.
CAILLIELE GAS AND WATER Cowersv.—President; Prod
e:lck Watts; Secretary, Lemuel Todd; Treasurer, Wrn.
AL !lectern; Directors, F. Watts, Richard Parker, Lemuel
Todd, Win., M. Ipetem, Dr. 11'. W. Dale, Franklin Gard
nose,, Henry Glass.
LErriat POJTAGIL—Po4ngo un all letters of ono-hal:
0111LCO Weight or under, 3 cents pre-paid, or L refits un
pal 1, (except to California and Oregon, which are. ti cents
lira-paid, or 1.0 cents unpaid.)
NEWSPArEaB.—Postage on the Illanat.l--within the
county, van, Within the State 13 cents per year. To
aay part of the United States, 26 cents.
Pastage on all transient 'papers under 3 ounces. In
weight, 1 cent pig paid or S rents unpaid.
Every description of Book and Job Pr'unlit: exouct‘tl
nt th shortest , notice and uu reugunablo terms.
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Town anti e - ounto 3liatters.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!—Monday was "a
pet day," so bright and beautiful that its
ger ial air seemed a special gift to heighten
the joyousness of the festival. Our streets
were vocal with the shouts of merry young - 7
stern, while we regret to say also that the
day was .marred by not a few scenes of
drunkenness and disorder.. Family gather
ings and luxurious feasts' *ere of Course the
Order of the day. 'There were also several
demonstrations and - exhibitions of a public
kind. At our newly opened "Old Drury,''
(for our progessive borough boasts of a
Madre just now) there was an afternoon and
evening exhibition. At the Garrison the
soldiers partook of a grand dinner and in
the evening made a brilliant illumination of
their quarters. In the evening an interest
ing exhibition by the pupils of the Sunday
School of the Lutheran Church took place.
A large audience was in attendance and the
youthful speakers acquitted-themselves-with
great credit. Thus another happy Christmas
has vanished into the past, but many a
future hour will be gladdened by its joyous
—Arrangements have been made by the
"Musical Union" of Harrisburg for a Mcsu:At.
FESTIVAL, to come off in that place early in
next month. The success of the first "Con
vention" at Harrisburg, held iu the fall of
'53, far exceeded the anticipations of its
projectors, and many ladies and gentlemen
of o \t( . borough will recall waft: plenittiillie
entertaituttents of that occasiou—tbe pleas
ing and instructive lectures of Professors
Johnson and Frost, and the charming voice
of Miss Smith, who assisted them. We learn
that Professors. J. and F., with Miss Smith,
will again be present, and they have added
to their company Miss S. E. Whitehouse, a
vocalist commended in the highest terms by
the eastern papers.
In addition to the musical talent of Har
risburg, it is expected that Carlisle, Lancas
ter, York, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, and
all our neighbor cities and. towns will be well
represented. The committee extend a cor
dial invitation to all lovers of song, and we
trust that our town will send a goodly num
ber of fine voices to add to the enjoyment of
the Festival.
The meetings will commence on Tuesday,
the ninth of January, and continue about
one week, in the course of which several
public performances will be given.
ScnooL CONVENTION.—A convention
composed of School Directors, Teachers and
others from the various districts of the
county, was held in our borough last week,
continuing from Thursday to Saturday. The
attendance was large from the country dis
tricts, but a good deal of disappointment .
was felt at the lack Of interest manifested by
the great body of our citizens in the proceed
ings. We regretted this, as the various ad
dresses, discussions and illustrations of modes
of teaching, &c., were exceedingly interest
ing and instructive. During the sessions of
the convention addresses were delivered by_
T. H. Bunnows, Esq., of Lati'easter, editor
of the "School Journal," President CoLLINs,
of Dickinson College, Mr. SHELLY, the
County Superintendent, and others. No reL
port has been furnished us, but we hope some
sketch of the proceedings will be prepared
for publication.
. The friends of Common Schools have
reason to congratulate themselves upon the
judicious selection of a Buperintendant of
Common Schools for this county. - Since the
election of Mr. SHELL; new life,and energy
has been infused into the School system of
this county. Careful examinations of the
qualifications of teachers are now made, the
schools are regularly visited by the Superin
tendaut; and a harmonious and active co
operation of Directors and Teachers secured
which cannot fail to work good results. Al
ready the tenehers of. the county feel, and re
joice in the new interest which has been
awakened. ,The apprehensions which ~,;ere
felt by many in relation to the new otligof
County Superintendent are entirely dispelled,
latipt hut fly c frrinilii eirrit.
and mainly by the judicious course which
that- officer has pursued.
UNEON LBCTURES.—The third of -- The
Union Fire Company's course was delivered
on Thursday evening last before a large au-,
dience by LEMUEL. Tom), Esq. Subject—" Our
Age." We were unable to be present, but
learn that the lecture • was tnost eloquent.
and interesting, securing the fixed :Men•
tion of those 'who, heard it. The next lec
ture will be delivered by the Rev. Jons
McChni-rocx. We have not learned the
subject. •! •
Monday Evening, Dec, 18th, 185-1- The sub
ject adopted at the-last meeting, as the ques
tion for debate. this evening, viz: "That the
annexation of territory is averse to the best
interests of the Union," was taken up and
discussed. John Lee and Dr. Win. G. My
ers appeared in the Affirmative, and Geo. W.
Leidigh. and Jas. Lee in the Negative. The
decision of the Judges was given in favor Rf
the Affirmative.
On motion of Emanuel Line, the follow
ing was adopted for 'discussion, viz: "Re
solved, That a law prohibiting the manufac
ture and sale of spirituous liquors, ara - bev:
crage, would be detrimental to the agricul
tural interests of the corn Mon wealth." Messrs.
Thomas bee, jr., John Fishburn, jr., and
John Scoby, were appointed Judges by the
President, to decide upon the above subject.
Society adjourned to-meet Monday Evening
25th inst.
have leen_politely -furnished-with a,. :copy of
the`"American• Railway Guide, and Pocket
Companion for the U. Stated," published by
Dinsmore & Co., New York. This valuable
little book contains correct tables for time of
starting from all stations distances, fares )
etc., together with a complete Railway Map.
Also the principal Steamboat and Stage lines
rnnttiag-in• connection with. ItailrOads. The
work is edited by R. S. li'isuun, and publish
ed on the Ist of every month, at $1 per an
num, or 121 cents for a single number.—
Wholesale price $8 per 100 copies. ,
Ila'We invite attention to the adver
tisement of the Actuary of the Cosmopolitan
Art and ,Literary Association, in to-day's
paper. There is no huniblig about it. Wash .
ington Irving, Bayard Taylor, Wm. U. Sew.
ard, and other prominent me . n endorse the
enterprise, and give it encouragement.
inducements are suCIT are rarely presented
to the reader. Every subscriber gets the
full value of his Money at the start, in sterling
Magazine Literature, with a chance for one of
the splendid prizes offered. -" Powers Greek
Slave ! !! is alone worth $3OOO, and may be
drawn by any subscriber, to say nothing of
the other premiums. - YIES.We have received
n Illustrated Catalogue of the Statutes and
'aktings for the year closing January 30,
A 855, which can lie seen at this office.—
tittbscriptions will be promptly forwarded.
hIPORTANT NEWS for the shareholders
irk Perham third enterprise. It will be seen
by reference to advertisement in our paper
of-to-day, that the Committee oppointiii by
the Shareholders at their last meeting, have
issued a call for a final meeting of all inter
ested, to get their instructions •in reference
to the distrilpty6n of the Gift property. We
are pleased the matter so near a consumma
tion, and hope that Mr. Perham will receive
the patronage he ( oo well deserves for the
liberality and energy ditiplayed in getting up
and prosecuting this stupendous enterprise.
Orders for tickets should be sent in imme
diately. There are fortunes in reserve for
SHUT -THE DOOR.--It is always well
to keep the door shut; and when the tiler.
zaometer is at-zero, the following is particu-
lariy appropriate:
"The hindmost shut the door-:
But behind or hefty°, •
Be sure to shut the door."
OLD SOLDIERS.- - A limiting of the
sarviving'soldiers of the war of 1812, will be
held in. thiliorough,on Saturday, next. •
t 6
; I.
The steamship America, at Halifax, from
Liverpool, ,with advices from Europe ten
days later, Ifrings news that on the 2d of
December, a treaty of alliance was signed
at Vienna, between Austria, France, and
England, of which it was said that the pro
visions were, first, that Austria regards the
violation of the Turkish territories as war
against herself; secondly, that Austria will
augment her three in the Principalities so as
to enable the Turks to resume offensive
operations; thirdly, that on the demand of
France awl England, Austria «•ill send 20,-
000 men to the Crimea; fourthly, that France
and England guarantee. that - the territorial
possessions of Austria shall, under all cir
cumstances, remain undiminished ; the fifth
provision is not known; the sixth is that
Prussia shall he invited to join the alliance;
and the seventh is, that the treaty shall be
operative, provided Russia shall not come
- terms - before 3aZivatirti the
A letter from Count Nesselrode, the Res
sian premier, is published, setiing forth the
terms on which the Czar will assent to pence.
They are, that the Five Powers shall be a
joint protectorate for the Christian popula
tion of Turkey, and over the Principalities,
subject to existing Russian treaties; the Tree
navigation of the Danube shall he conceded,
and the revision of the treaty of 1811. As
regards Prussia, it is stated that the King
has determined to unite in the treaty with.
the allies above noticed, with a view to bring
the war to h close. It is added, that his
recent speech to the Chambers announced
that the Prussian army shall be at once
made ready_for mar-- Most of—the smaller_
StatZwitif Germany are doing the same; and
in the Germanic Diet Austria insists that
her north-eastern frontiers are sufficiently
threatened to warrant an- immediate support
from the federal troops. At Sebastopol there
has been more fighting, in consequence of
sorties from the garrison, but affairs remain
unchanged. The French camp was attacked
on the 14th of November, but the Russians
were repulsed. The Frencli - troops in Greece
I have been ordered to the Crimea. The allk.d.
army is- to be increased by the addition of
36,000 French. In Spain the Chiiinbers
have decided to support the present dynasty.
The Ministry had resigned, but resumed
(Alec again. Mr. Soule had arrived at-Mad
rid. The Danish Ministry have resigned.
There is no news whatever of importance
from the seat oC war. Frequent- sorties are
recorded, and the Russians were generally
repulsed without much damage on either
side. The allies were continually receiving
reinforcements, and were mainly engaged in
strengthening their positions. •
The main interest of the news is centered
n the negotiations, which had become com
plicated, and of vast importance.
t 4 .Miss Bunkley has a card in the Nor
folk-News, in which she intimates that she
will soon publish a letter in reply to the
.statement of the " Mother Superior, of St.
Joseph's," touching her esead,l from Em
mittsburg. Speaking of the later of the
Mother Superior, Miss Bunkley stvs.,:
"This . relter. is,conched in such terms and
has such apparent air of charity 'and
truthfulness, that it wopld not be .wonderful
if. it were generally credited. Let it be so
for the present,- -but- the American public
will shortly have an opportunity of judging
between us, and Ido not fear the result of
their verdict, when the whole truth is made
known, notwithstanding the unfair means by
which it has been attempted to be fore
ing vessel from. the Arctic seas has or
rived at San Ertmeisco, which place the cap
tain and crew had been absent from on their
long voyage north, for seven years. It was
the last civilized settlement.they visited, and
then it was a miserable old Mexican village-
Their surprise at its present condition was
immense, as they. bad not before heard of
the gold excitement.
SEVASTOPOL.—AS there seems to be some
doubt as to the correct pronunciation of Se
vastopol, we'would inform the curious that
according to the Penny 'Cyclopedia, and - its
decision is adopted by other authorities, the
right pronunciation is Se-vasto-pol, the ac
cent being on the antelaniultimatc, and the
final syllable pronounced as if it were writ-
ten plc, and notpo/. The pronunciatimrof
Constantinople AdranoPle (Vc., may serve as
a guide. The word is now indifferently spelt
Sevastopol ; and Sebastopol—the letter b
among the modern Greeks, having almost
universally the sound of v.
Congress.- 7 1ri • the Senate yesterday, the
President sent:in'the official Correspondence
of the U. S. Mfnister at -Constantinople, re
lative to.the imprisonment of the Rev. Mr.
King Anllreece. Mr. Cass, gave notice Of
his intention, at a future day, to move the
adoption of Mr. Underwood's resolutions re
lative to religious liberty abroad,- and he ea-
It)gized the Emperor Napoleon for his semi
meats in favor of religious liberty. Mr.
Broadhead's resolution aughoriziag the out,
tit of a steamer and transport to convey
relief to Coinnutudei Bane's expedition in
Arctic Sena, was adopted.
A monetary excitement has been created
at Washington, by the publication of the
trust deed of the firm of Selden, Withers &
Co., ivhich has failed. Their bank notes
declined immediately 30 cents on the dollar,
and more than two thirds of the apparent
million dollars of assets are now believed to
be worthless. One of the Steamer Arctic's
Boats, or what is supposed to be such, is re
ported by the Ilalifax papers to have been
found at Ram's Island, full of water. A Lo
comotive explosion took place yesterday, on
White River .1 unction Railroad, 1‘.1.11., hluw•
tho 'engine to pieces, 'cud very badly in the cngincet,;and tireman. •
NO. 17.
Tnrin , nAY, PeCr 21.
~Coate, v*estertlav, a ',ill
was passed extending the duration of the
sittings tit' the Calift.rnian Land C0mmi, , ,,..0n.
Also, one Icr the naturalization of the chil-
dren ut .1.111(.1-lean parents horn abroad, and
tIoF peusion appropriation bill. In the Ifonsts.
General 11 - Idifield, the delegate just elected
to represent Eansas Territory, appetired and
was . fiNVltn: The Bonito passed several locai
bills relative to the city of Washington.
among whit. It Was one to suppress the.oircu
dirtiorr-o smrall notes as a currency iiiTtibe...
Arrison, who has been tried at Cincinnati
for the murder of Allison and his wife by
means of an infernal . machine, has been
convicted of murder in the first degree. The
.ship-carpenters of New Orleans have struck
against a reduction of wages. The factor;
girls in one of the mills at Lancaster, Pa.,
have also struck against an extension of
their hours of work. A great fire in New
York occurred yesterday morning, in Broad
way, by which the Assembly rooms, Christy
Woe d's Minstrel Saloon, and ten stores, in
cluding .a large warehouse, were destroyed.
A wall fell, killing one fireman and injuring
several others. The total loss of property is
about $200;000;
Congress.—ln Senate, yesterday, the bill
to establish a Court for the investigation of
claims against the , govcrument, was passed.
Mr. Sumner offered a resolution directing _
the Committee on Foreign .Hairs to inquire
lutD the expeditincy . of.l.enderingAli4 .7 :
Lion of the United St P • in the pending
European war. e House, a message
was received fro/ the President, Communi
cating the correspondence in the case of
Captain Gibson. The Committee on the
Judiciary were by resolution instructed to
inquire whether further legislation is neces
'sury to protect the United States officers in
the execution of the laws.
The case of Morgan Hindman in the
Probate Court of Cincinnati, upon a writ of
habeas corpus, has, after pending twelve
months, resulted in the Court deciding that
his detention of his son . Walter was illegal,
and that be must be restored to his mother.
The Washington Bank of Rhode Island is
-discredited by the New York Banks and
'brokers'. President Pierce has appointtAl
M. W. hard Governer of Nebraska, and
Jacob Sober Postmaster at Wilkesbarre.
The ship llochambeau, arrived at New York
on Wednesday, from Belgium, with twelve
.convicts and one hundred and' fifty-two pau•
pers, sent over by the Belgian government.
The convicts were arrested beffire landing,
and sent to prison to await conveyance back.
A schooner went ashore at Cape May yesters
day, and will be a total loss. Crew saved.
The employees on _the second section of the
Baltimore and . Ohio Railroad have struck
againsttut extension of the hours of labor.
The Mount Savage Iron Works have sus
pended operations. Levi Foulkrod, member
of the State Senate from the Fourth District
of the city of Philadelphia, died, at his resi
dence in Frankfurt', yesterday morning, aged
about 33 years.
Congress.—ln the Senate, yesterday, the
Judiciary committee reported a bill 'king
the salaries of the United States Supreme
Court Judges and also those of the District
of Columbia Courts. The bill for the re
moval of obstructions in the Southwest Pass
of the Mississippi river was made the special
order for January oth. In the House the
Committee of Ways and Means reported the
Post-office appropriation bill for 1856.
W. 11. Martin, a clerk in the Baltimore
Post-office, has been convicted of purloining
letters from the mail. The Senate has con
firmed the appointment of Lt. Col. Steptoe,
as Governor of Utah. Another fire in Ches
nut street Philadelphia, occurred yesterday'
morning, at 31 : o'clock, at Edwards' building,
corner of Twelfth street, occupied by Partin
& Buck's grocery, etc. The losses are as'
follows:—Parvin & Buck, $8000; fully in
sured; G. W. Edwards, $2OOO ittsured; Wil
liam Otter, $2000; W. It. McAdam, $1000;
Mrs. Fenton, $OOO.
FRIDAY, Deer. 15
SATURDAY, Dec. 16.