Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 20, 1854, Image 8

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_ .
) Ni w You c, Dee.-13.
The Collins steamship Pacific has arrived,
th Liverpool dates to the 29th. ~.
The Arabia arrived out on the 2tith tilt, '
Nothing decisiNe has been received from
:0 seige of Sebastopol. •
Sine e the terrible battle of - Worn - tan on
sth of November, when the allies lost
tintand the ltussians 10,000 men, neither
Loy have been in a condition to resume ne
;e hostilities, consequently nothing hits
The utmost activity is manifested in France
01 England, in sending reinforcements, as
existence of the allied army in the Crinwa
petals thereon. Several thousands have
.ached their destination.
in England, matters arc• approaching - a
It is probable that Parliament will he sum
;not for the creation or new taxes !lir sup
rt of the .var.
It is roporteti that the Russians have cap
rod - iwo• Enyli,;ll eruis;r. iiilli
the prthilian riii (.I"linNniv
di are active:but France stud Eng
in] have notitioll t);'lri that they wi/1
yw treat on the basis of the Four Power S.
'Hie Western Powers wire rieti•rmilli.ii to
' , I the Crimea and dictate terms or pence.
nmst,hozon- the Enippror
it the datna:..res from the cantommllag
ty , teigers fire' speedily and the
rrisrrn in good emolitioll. lIC ZIIIIIIIIS that
• great 11)8.41'S have ormirrpil,
l'he allies continue to fortily thoir right
.14-lately-att.:l/ALLA, very
),, Journal of Con:tantinopl, soNs.!hat
' , MOO more Turl;s aro to he shipped to the
inlay With all speca.
'rho statenionts the movements of
_aartaelia aro voutra.lictory.
Napoleon's letter to the troops in the
intea says that a powerful diversion is to
Insile on the Bessarabia,
A rumor adds "that two Ireni•h divisions
to he added to the army on the DuntWe.
The Russians continue on the Prntit.
Ale blockade of Odessa is to be removed.
)0 Ibis dans are fortirying the approaches
• sea and land. •
Three ships of the line and eighteen trans•
(s were greatly damaged on the .I. Ith.
rho hurricane of the 11th which proved -so
iastrot6 did not extend beyond the Black
,t. and the Supplies and reinforcements
, re eonstantlyjirriviiig in spite (Attie stormy
Adviees from Constantinople to the 20th
i. state that during the previous ten days,
-least 13,000 men, destined to reinforce the
ics had sailed for the Crimea, and passed
Itosphorus_on their way thither.
A'despateh from (len. Canrolicirt, dated
bastopol, Nov. 13 says that the operations
the s e ire Were progressing, and that the
Ilth and pints of the troops were admira-
The movement upon Bessarabia has al
:dy commenced. It is said the command
the troops, has been conferred upon Gene
! Ilaraguay d'lhers.
Prince Mensehikoff writes under date of
• evening of the IRth, that the seigit ope
i•ini of the allies have been suspended, and
cannonade gradually relapsed. °it the
h. it had almost entirely ceased.
3,m. Osten Sacken is to'take, Danen
r,,_r's command in the Crimea.
.1. prospectus for, a Prussian State loan of
cell million dialers has been issued.
Safi nian Paella, who commanded the.Turk
h forces in the Crimea, had been degraded
• the rank of private for bad behaviour
'ill his troops on the 6th of November.
The Czar's sons Michael and Nicholas, had
ircd from Sebaslopol.
BR. EADSTUF rs.—s Early in the week the
irket was deeliultiff ; but since holders
ye regained their ° positions. Wesie'rn
and Flour 420;43s Gd ; Philadelphia
id 'Baltimore 43(3),44s ; Ohio, 445.
Corn—Yellow and White •llts 6d a 44s ;
axed .1k 63.
Wheat—White Its 83 a Its Bd. Red lOs
' tt 1 ls Bd. •
PlimanEt,rut4, Monday, Dec'r.
The Flour market remains quiet, owing
. the difference in the views of buyers and
Hers ; there is. some little inhuiry for ex
irt, and shipping brands are scarce and
tided at $9 ; most holders refusing to ex•
Pt that price for good straight brands ;
:ere are rinuors of Sales of Baltimore Flour
‘ving been made to seine extent, at some
,ing less than the above quotations, the
trticulars of which have not been allowed
• transpire. For home use sales are mod.
. ate within the range of $940 per bbl for
demon retailing to good brands, and ex.
the latter for fancy lots. ltye Flour re
uas dull. Corn Meal is scarce, but there
. little or nothing doing in the way of sales.
rain—There is very little Wheat offering,
id the receipts meet with ready sale ut full
ices; about 4000 bushels, mostly good
althorn and Jersoyred, brought $2;14 afloat,
eluding some small lots of choice from store,
something more; a-lot of inferior white at
!,90, and 4a500 bushels fair do. at, $2,15;
,•iine lots are held higher, without finding
uyers. Rye is steady at $1,25. .Corn is er
ring more freely, _but with an active de
:and; the receipts, some 30,000 bushels,
:ostly Southern, were disposed of at 87'e for
and 90e for old yellow, afloat. Oats in
it demand, with further sales of goodSouth
a at 62e.
Jim norft
.rbe'A M AZIW`AN ARTISTS' UNION, WOuld reSpOetaly
.tone ice to the citizens of the United, States and the
:uvulas, Oat fbr the purpose of cultivating a taste for
uu fine art,: throughout the country, and with a view
Wl:Oiling every tinnily t, become p .ssessed of a gallery
!icy have detortnined, in order 1.l create an extensive
sale for their Engravings, And than not may give ern
pl,ly tueu t to a large untubd of artists and others. hut
inspire aniong our cntryinen a taste for WOr . ke of art,
present pUrtilatierS their engravings. when
1.001 of which are sold. 3:a.),000 Li I FTS, ‘if the actual
c 'St of tp,ooo.
Nash poi-ohm:or of a Ono Niter Engra% tic, theref , re,
not only an I': , l,4ranill•; rirhtc 10,rth the money
hit/ ;as , a ticket which entitieS tiler to enc of the
1111 , 11 then aril cligtlll,lll,,/.
, .
Viv poltars. a lits.hl3 tii he l tin.4ravilig, bean
painted in ()it, and FIVE uirr
Fis!tl il,tllars worth of Sphilltiiii EllgraVingS
sole..ted from the alai be su,tt, by re
turn mull or
e of Cataiiigne. to(itther with a SpeCIIIIVIII of
into of the Engravings, ..a ii he 'am at tho ollioe of this
.ilar seat. an Engl.:fling' Art uallv worth that
litut, 010 ti 1101,a, 1111111eltiattliy lie 'forwarded.
A t :\ TP
The (` , viiailttoe bole, tu. that thy' stieeess of this
it••at :Satinn•i Widnavi , :iiie: will he materially pifimv.ted
h, ittior4y and cu' rp:•iie ”f iiitelll4eivt and lierse
:..ei oats. have ves fired t treat With hurt °lithe
ti tarots. •
.t . ty wi-hin!r t t h0., , nt0 to .Agent. by sonkling
ptikl J L. will revolve I.&rottirn of =H. n Ono 11 , 1 -
E , in.!, —GIFT TII . VV:T." a 1.1.0,1KT1L13„ II (.2:it
glit! nnq all Other 111' . 0 4 s,try 1116;111130011.
uu t.ho heal vemilletion et the si e. the Gilts PI he
p'nrdinthe kinds ef tie , V , EItS
iktrt.i•.o td which will be given tltrol
hit th.• .iit e.l .s and. tee
1J1: 4 1 . cri
I n 1 3fitrMo lust 1,1 tVw-lii 11.4 111 at
•• •• 'l3y -
oi. , .. /, I 1 o•••••`1 . • • • 100 111 000
/' i " l'lli 000 • • • 100 . 10,000
.., ? o!t•_;./:// ;HI l'ai,:t iit t- hi:1110041HO/,
1 . ,1010.. ,•il.•• :1!. / ft. each, 1110 " 6,000
10'1 vie ..,:t it ..ii P:ti , ltill , ::\ ; 1 , ...1 e 3 ,11 ,;‘) (y.,;11
~J i 5t, , ,01 ii!ato Ell xyavin4q. brill iant:y ~,l.
'lwo I
p ate 11n ••••avings.
tnr otl he %1'a,11,jvi21.,•11 110n
tuuwi t. - - 4 40,000
,t •01 p. •v:iui nlp.. frtat 100
dirt ,1•0.1 t pla • nww In
r, I li.• 1111,4 • Ifni
•4' thy Inlrl,et 1 :Cue
t.• - - - - - 41, , 1 1 n)
I f' - -.t •:•,-1),V..11111.011r.i,L4. N. r.City 12, ,, 00
Ikrit•1111:4 i. /1 , iu lun 11114 Illist q,ti. N.
it:. 2:.‘l l Plft. d" .p, it Ino.) 22 i.po
DO 1 iiln Sit••s. 0.4.11 1,1,0. r.
ft.i.• the , u4u., \ eel, City
Ilipalarpline. • nma.lllfloorlt t iew
of the flu 1,311 !tiler aild
Inuit rtutupl, at - • - 500 50.000
perpetual loanti uI rash. x ith•Pit, Inte
l-v:4_ or 00eurity,
of it 254 earls f„0:1'1
" .• z. lte/ " f.,ta/0
VIII •• 511 5.11611
2 • ;?,‘; " r o w
'l,llO ••• " 1,1,000
Itoferent) in regura to the Heal, F.. 1.
Co. 14,1 F. , tato 111.01;er:., Now York. ()Muni,
eltli money enclo,,,i,
.1. \\*. 101.1:1001i zte , rottry,
Ite.>:etwuy, N. V.
t)...'rlie Engral {up+ In lir, Catalogue aro now ready
for dolityry. 1 not
Drtj fjoohs.
)A11(1.A.1 NS I.', xT Olt DIN ARV
) NEW ;•,191): NENV OW;
the subscriber iris just returned front the cities N.
V.trlt mut Philadelpflitt with the cheapest end lived
of FALL AND %Wl\rlilt Ili/ ,, u.
user, brought to Carlisle. Having purchased froni'several
of Ihe ilLriz.,:t og house, in .\ err furl, rot- I ',Oh,
It tti offer greater Inducements and .tier
hotter harAiiit, 6n ley old eel-foment and all us tile
ra,:ll . MO with a ,•ali. til.lll eau be had at any tether steno
ill the town Or i'iotlllt,Y•
I harp the rhrapox t Flannel, Sat tinett, it
Curtly Joann, De (Aitis. Do lieges, Mtn:tins, Ticking, Sr
er offered in the h0r,111411.
Il 01111i111,1Le 011,i1Alf
t'llt. :111,1 anl nd rLrap g.roti, anti joilgii ttir
OW Old 1...1iNt• :...tret.t..
111. t. I *I'IICA 0 1.14
F A L I) l) I) S.--
_le j. hare retottosl
1111131.1011111itt and are 1101 V tuiparking a completo
1,1 FALL AND W T f r:ttwooin. , ..
A full sisortaiont Cloth,
A full sss n hunt of
A full ass n'taiout. of rasslbets.
A full assortuuott of Vostitigs.
A full :issortnient. of I.stitos Dross lio.als.
A full sa ,, rttitetit. of ihnnrstic litoods.
A full of Silks soil Alpacas.
A full assortment of keasiltruereSliamis.
A full assAtiiieut of lirocories,
A full ass irluwut of qui•ousoatra.
11'ith a rill =Ls.sortinent of Mis.:ellaneoun articles gene
rally kept hi Stores, l'urehaser,i will find it greatly t o
their interest to rail and eXlllllillO our stock before Isar
ehning, as goods have materially depre gated, and nili
he sqdd accordingly, Conic One, come all, and judge fir
yourselves. !..opt.Bo
►l.l, AND WINTER cLoTiuNG.
The liir4est stock ..f Clothing ever brought to Car
l-11.1e, has Just ben received by ARNOLD& LI V I NI:STUN
ut their cheap and extensive CIaYEILINI.I HOUSE, iu
North Hanover Streat.
The prices of clothing' at this house have been reduced
to such a very low standard that it Is now in the power
of all who wish, to wear good clothes.
The assortment c avast. of tivrovats of every doserip•
tio'n, Dress, Frock and Sack Coats, a great variety of hos
coats, Monkey coats, A.m. Superfine Cassimere PANTS,
black and f.urcr. Silk and Satin rEsTs, anti a fine
riety of Valencia and other vests. Alan, shirts,
,t,'W 14. a..p u•lo t handkerchiefs, suspenders, ghves, hosiery,
and all other articles generally kept in this line of
business. All articles sold at this establishment. war
ranted what they are represented to be.
Also, rt. splendhl assortment of goods in the Mere,—
Superfine French and English CId)TEEB and CAS
:AMER ES of every lute and shade, satin, silk, arid-VI:0-i
ela ve,tings, Aatinetts, &v., all of which will he made to
order at the shortest te.tiee, and In the neatest and hest a.. All garments warranted to tit. lillYB
!NO always on hand.
Tho public fire respekdfitily Invited to mall and exam
ine the superior assartmeot of elothin:t at Wilt-establish
ment, next door to Lyne's 'lard ware store, oppesitcrto :
Mallaiughlin's hotel.
S.. it. 27—am. "iAIINOLD & ray! XiISTON.
17 suIppENSIIIIRO, PA..-Rev. R. it. Wr.1.1-4, Professor
of I.4lllsUitgoS, Vnlurnl SCIMICON,
1), A. L. LAVlntrr, Instrurtor In English, and 3littit
Mrs. EWES, Principal Instructress in the Female De
'rue Seventh Session of tide flourishing 'lnstitution
will r anmenee on Monday, the pith of October next.—
A. new Building which will contribute to the conve
nience of Pupils, has been erected Ix the 1130 of the
Female Department.
Iteakling awl 'Writing $ 6 50
Aritlnnah% tirampatir, (loography, history and
I.llllosophy A 50
neoltrAy„ltotany, Rhotork, • 10 00
%Alum/dies, Ilruck and ; Latin Llawutges .12 rwo
The whole flXponim for n session of Dre calendar months
illeillSiVO (mr Tuition, Ileiirding ' &e. does not
exceed i,r5,00 . Pupils will hot be takun fir a shorter
period thin half ACRPIUII.. A Catalogue containing
part icularki; ntay bo obtalued by iuldre.ssing the pmpric,
D. A. L. LA
so t^_7 'fit O. DARN k CO, c,
tirJob Printing done
eartir3le ijcrap.'
VOTLUE is hereby given that theS'Cuin
iloellLed at Cumberland Hall, in Ditikincon Limn:op.
Cumberland county, ~ur flake application to the next
Legislature of the Clllllllllllllw en Ith of Pennsylvania for
nn aet of Incorporation, with a capital of not less than
Ten nor more thou Thirty Thousand Dollars, for the tow
pose of receiving dep , sits of money both transitory and
on interest, and of making leans and discounts, with
such other•privileges as are usually granted to Savings
'lnstitutions. by order of the Directors.
um.nanAvit, Tress.
I). L. linni.m.tx, See'y • [.l one
NOTICE is hereby given that appliea la) made to the next Legislature, :wee:t
-ill& to tit' constitution and Inas of the l'onon,o,v,ealth
Of TOO) iv:wilt, for an aitoration in the charter iif tine
Dersit, Rink, sa as t, confer 'upon said I:aid:the
Ltict privile.zes of it hank of issue, nod to change
the im no to that of the Cattm,ht: BANK : uisu to lIICEO3 , e
ti3C. cipitnl stoslt line hundred and fifty thousand
lot's, it or:lode:tide,
Itj order of t h e Board of Directorg.
W. M.
Juno 23, IS3 l-nnt) !'ashler.
I1:-TArl'E ( )1? Cll it 18'.1.TAN WC) I. F,
j DE(.E.ksEi)._N,,ti, Is Itorrhy given llmt letters
testAnientley on till• estate of Christian welrlate of F.
3ild.tiet.,ll towl,ship, cunoweland emtnty, de...d., bay'.
Iwo, q.,.10.,,,i by the Iloglster of said eminty to the 1-411,-
5evii,,,,,..i., residing in Latino:ter city, i'll., a n d tho
other In Frani:ll7r mainly. All persms knowing them
selves indebted to said oktate tire required to mats im
lite,liatv payment. Mid those having claims to present
them Inc settlement to
ADA , I4I WI)LF, Lin cgster City, ~
Ii1::01taE IVOI.P. Frtinlilin comity,
ort. 4. lit , Executors.
- 15'.1%),1'14,' 014` 31 Aft V- .1i 1,
is that let term tepitzunentary on
tlw Mary Ithwk, hay of Lower Allen township,
Rolla.' land eouniy, deceased, have heeit granted to the
snl , set 'Lee, residing In linlititx towltship, I.aopl in count
t;. All persons knowing thentsolves ituleh 41 to intiil
e are n4inired to ionise immediate .p went, and
th , se having are requested to . Trri,T lA-thorn for
i..ttlomont to JOHN nactigeur.R,
$lOO slo,noo
S7' A 'll'. ()I , ' )11(11 AEL It'ISS.I4.:JJ,
1);:ci).--N.Alt, is hovel.) . given that letters of ad.
mintstlation nn ti n.est.tte r.f Lots (11 - te-hip. I u lithrland eotnlty, ileeeased, haa
14./1 grr.t.-.1 by the of said e. way t,. the s al,-
•,iding in the sane ti.e.nship. All per-tuns
I.nowing t hetaselves 10 saig estate :WV U • i nest.
errtry make fm rae.liate- payment, :nut-tines: having claims
to proaent them for settlement t..
seat 271..11.,1 Vull I: 1:17,
- •
4 1 ST .Vl' )1 4 ' .1( )11N 131 N. I,E It , 1
t•EAsEi).--Noti•-•• I. Iv•reby given that littv..s.•l
a , hunri•l rat ten nu the estate 01 301 th diiyler, late of Last
1.,,,,...d" r „.t 0w .,00 1 ,.( - . 0 . 0 1. er 1 a0 .1.- may, 1,4,••••1,1•11 1.1:0 i•
heen grahtsa hy the h,.,. , ,kter Of ',till ....may to the auk
seriber residing in lho ti,lll.llip. All pers.a.•
Islam in;; thoth,..l von i ntlel.te.t la aattesta_te_are request
ist to wake Immediate these Ica ing
t 0 present theta for settlement lt. ,
ELIZA SI X F.KII,- Vast Pen w•borv,
1-10 Q, ti is.t rat 1-1.•:.
I, I STI'I'E OF I).N.V I I) 1
DEvEASED.—Notiee i, hereby {:ken Hint letter.
administrathiti 1111 the estate tifillaritl
late tit`t'lttlilterastim ti, ppm. Allen 1,,m tkiiip. Cum' er
land vomit been granted Ity the lle,:i•ter
of said eiittl i ty—tm the sulis, re-Mills,' in the cant,
,Lice. All iitirsims tea 1, said
estate are I . o_otirett t a male immeill.ite molt. mit
In present Omni Mr settlement to
Oct. 1.-rt Admhti~4'at ,r
1A1.4 5T.1.1 . E. (IF Pll ILI P‘i,, li II()A I }S.
D1: ,•, : ,,,1 1 . :1) ,__ N0ti , is liereliy elven that letters
testainelitar) bit the estate of Milli, Itheails. Into el the
Berllllgh of ( . 1111ihh!, ( 11111) , V1 . 1:11111 i.,%11,t5, ii, • ,1., I,:i, e
heel) granted by the Itegister . 4 said e ii mit) tii il lo sub.
srrile.r residing hi ('article. All pei mills 1.11. , e lila - them
selves Indebted to ',aid est.ite are required t, mate im
mediate pad %lieut. ;Ind these liar lug rlahas to present
then' for settlement to
pct. I ctpa
I, I STATE I:A I, H 1:-; I 1
Dr:(-t).—S,,tire is herol , ) ; Avon tlmt I , dlert, ,'f Ail
roinistrat ion on tile °State of tattannei Mu 11411. Lite of
townsitip.-rmsth..4l.. do.-'d. hat i•
the 111.. , ,ister in ,111Ili for said eous,h, to the subs,-,11,er
who resides in the township :lf.oreral,f. .‘ii 11:11%-
i ng , &an i s "r tile ez•Ltts. el ,11.1
aro requested to make knows, the saint, w ithout delay,
tun( tiro-, Indebted Os imam pa) Ilona to
m wl-I¢•4-(t
ISTAT E I , ' ANI)It E NV VI /1113 ES,
DEEASED.—Let ters Testamentary on the Estate
of Andrew Forbes, Into of West Pen ushoro township',
Cumberland county, doe'd,., have been granted by the
liegdster of said county, to \V. M. Henderson a n d Meted.
Parker, Persons indebted' are requested to make pay
ment-anitthose' has lug datum to present them for settle
went. W. M. ILENDEIttioN,
Carlisle, 30, 1853.—Gt Executors.
-I.„'IST AT F. 'OP- 14:01IGE BA K
DECEASED.—Notice Is hereby given that letters
of administration, with the will annexed, on the estate
of thamge Baker, late of Silver Spring township. CUM
berland county,docensed, have been granted by the eg
bder of said comity to the subscriber residing in !tulip
den township. Ali persons knowing,thetuselves indebt,
ed to iMitt ektate are required to make immediate pay:_
leant. and those having el:tintslm Present them fOr set=
dement to SAMUEL EliEltSV, Adm'r.
Sept. 13, 1814.,
DEcEnst:D.—Notko is hereby given that letters
of Administrathm with the Will annexed on the Es
tate of John MeCairter. late of the borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland co., deceased, have been granted by the
Register of said eounty, to the subsctils.r. residing in
the same Ismough. All persons hums ing themselves
debted to said Estate are required 1., make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present them for
settlement to
Sep.* Itis4
- ,lB' ' I.T E 4.)F GE' ORA i E CARL, W.-
_ _4 CEA.'i.ll).—Notieo is hereby given that letters of
adnonist rut on on the estate of tieorge earl, deceased, of
Upper Alle 1 tOW Iltilltp, CllMberblllit county, 1 , 0;h" re
'lota?", 111rttlitt city of Pittsburg') have this day been
issue or the lavister In and tor said county or Cunt.
beds] I, 1,1 the subscrOasr, who resides In 111,per Allen
tow osh aforesaid. All persons lowing claims or de
mands ag hist the estate of the mid dre'd are requested
to make li town' the mine without delay, tool those in
debted to audio payment. to
Oct. -11,) , is,ls,
< R)
, Jolis B. COOVplt, Adm'r ''
•• nli-td,
;1 ST ATE OF JOHN WON D14;111,Y,
T),,,,,awd.—N,,tihm Is hereby given that letters tot+.
Lunen tory nn the estatenfJohn Wonderly, lute of Smith
3thhileton township; Ciunberland county deceased, have
been granted by the Register of said county to Um sub
se•ribers, 0110 residing In Carlisle and the other In South
Middleton tmrtiship, In mid county. All persons know
ing thinnselves indebted to .said' estate my required to
make Immediate - payment, and those: having claims to
present them for settlement to
WI LLIA 51 WISE, South Middleton.
Oct. Executors.
_A SELMAN, BEC'D.—Netiee is hereby givon that
Letters of Administration on the estate of Catharine
Mussolunan, late of Upper Allen township, Cumberland
county, dee.A., have helm granted by the Register of
lfllllltoy, to the subsiailier roxi.line; he thesame Mum
ship. Alvrorsons knowinp.,,q)unnselees Indebted to said
estate are required to maht Immediate I.33mfent.,ml
those haying claims to present them for settlement to
JACOB L. ZOOK, Upper AllOll,
Oct: 25, 185 t-Cdpd Adininistrator.
at LACK SILK LACES.—Just opened.
nhto: Silk I,u of tipc.rliw 'twilit:v:oo tlltivrout,
other trimmings. ' OEO. W. 'lt INNER,:
Litt:. 23. ki p a
11EN111" 1:110.111S,
BICHARI) IVOOD: 4 , I)lrkltrs , m.
JAM 1.:;4 Mt-CA Rrm, Adqr.
- 7 — =
(;Bolti.;I: KELLER respectfully no 1101111CeS to his
old Patrols end the public generally' that he has just re-
II AT0,,,, manufactured at one of the hest etitablish
•lients iu Philadelphia, to which he invitex special
;Mention., '
li e low also eongtantly on hand a large and varied as
sortment of his own manufacture as well as city Outdo
liats and Caps, snit:ll4e kr the season, comprising every
vnrletY of ntissia,.Theti er, Moleskin :I - Silk lints, fin
ished in the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CAPS of every Nitalw and description. and at every
prim lie 004(.1111111y in Sites the !milk to rail nod too
atnitte..his exoensive ass rttnentf, whit It in sty le, mate
ritl and iltdr , 9t, cannot be 141.111IRSHA by any in market.
and % at e ', h e i s a id e h. hut at mires lower than 01 rr.
Itemetabor his old stand on NnrlU Illmover Ntrecl. be
Vin, IS. TitouT, desires to inftwni his ohs friends
t hat he has remoi ed to his new estahliohment en High
street. near the Railroad Depot. and is now opening a
f large and elegant asSol fluent of the FALL STY hi:
''' tit: HATS. just receix oil from Philudelphia, • \ 1111.'11
' tint gentlemen of Carlisle are requosted to a 11 and
examine. thn has also a large assortment of silk. Fur
and Slouch I tat sue hi, own manufacture, ght up In the
host style and at carious m lees. the ex relive cc and finish
in whi ti he will warrant. Ili, stork he is confident on
ly Ilentb , ti i 1 , , CN:1111111,41 to I o npprovcd. Also, a large
supply of shin's. Mr.:, mid Children's CAPS. of cloth
and Cur, and of Os el y sal kty o f style all ' l rk ( ' j a : A re-.
reined front Philadelphia. Let till who want a Hat or
Cap rice him a call. no they may be sure of being suit
ed to their own satiofactim).
111 . 1 NA, (1.1.A88 AND (I('EE:NB
/ \I All housekt epert. 111111 you eg. a ith thus
also who are exporting to Ircel.HlCllollliCkucill•ro. ate rotor
cd to tall atA 1.1t1.:1; 1 , A)1I IS (11:(..11,1iY and ex
undue eiepattit ati,ortnient of iia. Hats mid Queen s-
Ware and tither article, In the housekeeping line. such
tts 'Frani:li nrd Eptdinli tea,. heavy handial and Idaho
'White Granite, gilded and WOO 111:1111, Mlllll'l'll, Of CV
cry Variety and price, boa Is :Ind t i usns. dirti
es, AT. and mantel lamp,.
Candidata iir :UM other lamps. great I:irity, table and lar
trindilers. golde I
Fruit :int] preserve dirties. in Vil
reilar-Ni am— tnl•n, bucket, dimes, Loa Is. Latter
prints and tiller:. weal I neket eeping.
while nark, and shoe IAI , IICS. (1111.41,1 - 1,
11110111:, 1:11'1.1q...•/.'1111 , :111.1 travelling t
Als.i as:tern:lent it Tolim, and
to olio are kind ll'o 11. 1 , 1. I$llll.lS ~ r and i n the
'res. 'ie.:alias. isteilation I. and ft I t o r l'o}
nil toll hill 11,1 (11, 1 , 1 , 1 ~r un impe.vimblr
hall and ..'egar,. Nu ith choice mull and
C 1 L(-)7_ 11INI: ('l,(-)T I I _
scriber Is a .1v nuulv up n
and Sul •tantial ( I v ,ht• is Sell “, rlu•np If
nut , lu.oper Oulu lisly ranl,l kl, rural lb Ips.n.tigli.—
Tly.,:v Is II
( \', e It A T S.
.Fitie U A S ti A T S.
S A t' IL 1' 11 A T S
The Clothlia.; a 111 I e nyale oat of 111111 C 1111 t. tile 14,4
of eut out 1;y at; experieneed 11111 i good
10.1,1'. and the amt g. , t up in tllO Imst. manner and
the 1.,t of Minds. SS 1.1 haVo IIIIW On 11111111 n lot of Chaim
I lothilpg, turd ill NV(`,ll.O( I.IIIIIIISM, to yiVl.
Can they will I.e plent.ell tt lilt the wort; and
At- Ile . ; old Sl3llli Oil East Greet.
,lan IS) 111. ES 0011.11 y.
4 P 4 ani ju , t. rrrrh In" , my fall
stock of PAPER II
, :AM: 'NOS,
sot pass in ttyle. quality
and price any that 'MVO ever
been exhileted in Carlisle. 1 respectfully soli c it a roll
friun rors,,nw in want of Parer }hinging!: of any descrijs
am coufMent ....sortinent tar !Olt pt~ was any
in the !toroth:li; and in .ty le and pt i , es has but few H-
S alit In the rite. I unit ask of the pulilic to enll and ex
molt, my ..,::,(111:111L lefore pitrehasing. as I nun confi
dent lay chaste &shins' cannot fail to please the nu st
fastidious. .11.1lN P. 1.1 \I:.,
West side of North llniviver Street,
0 K 1)1' TTNTIM El.—tholura
monk', ,entery Plan la. a ,t e.. are mating
their aprealline. know the . you have
any re ford fur the wellfare of yourself. your uile. or y. ur
children, supply yourselves with BEECIILICH MATUII
LE,:s num A 1.. ether , he• nLide the etlamitllk lice rt.-
salting from n bigoted ndhoi once to old unaokery. This
.• Matchless Remedy" eau Iv had at the)), ug More of
B. .1. It 1 FT FI
South or sheet. a fen doors south of the Court
[louse, Carlisle.
113 OUTS ANDS 11l /ES. The subserib
) Cr has HO.' 011 !Milli n ,ery extensii e and pelt fy
eeted stud, of It tl it T S and II it E
NI Well he VIM sell nl 111111,11:111 . N ion pric
es. Purebased foul
at low rah,. he Inn offer saell Mains
meld, too purchasers Its 'l% ill make it their interest to hi
lt his establishment. Ile has every article to the Root
and :d , lint—for Ladies or lientlemens' wear—he
therer re deems It unnecessary In partieularire.
A t • Persons desirin g good and cheap goods are invit
ed to g ive him a call.
W. II E1.D0.N..
A ckEH EL , Constantly on, haul and
t ( t " t i g T „„". 1
N,„O, r street, next door to
Ile {Could retmootfull‘ Inform tho
citizen, of Carib.), :tint the publicgrnernlly, that he
ham sox h not n largo and ole; t -ortment ol FUJI
'st tRE 101 .4.1.1111 z In port of V. SI drol t .('aid and kali •
or 'l•aldt Rim Podsteads, phial and fancy
Sex Itie stands, te., In mutat turud of the bolt 'Patella)
and qualityart - anted
Also a eonoral att.ortment of ell AIRS at the lowest
prim s ism t‘ lit.txus made to ordui; and rt p thing
promptly attended to .
40^ CoF NS mode nt the duo notice • and hat
lug a splendid Mat • , e he Sr ill attend funerals In tux n or
ft Remember tho Et ind--next door to 11. (II 11 , :s
Hotel B. SMILEY.
—JAMES R. WEAVER would resuccfeully call
y;f7 the attention of I fellset. oepOre and
the puhlie
to oXteliSiV SOO( Of elonint EU RN 1 TUI:E.
including Sofas, Wardrotes,Centre and 'Mies.
Dressing nod Plain Bureaus, nod every other
article in WS . branch of business- Also now on hand,
the largest assortment of`(II.AIlIN In Carlisle, at
the lowest prkes. ACIFFINS made at the short
est notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. Ho
solicits it call nt ids establishment, On North Han
over Ntre ,4 l, near “lusso's lintel.
Ara - Pnrolture hired out•by the month or year.
b-3),, lc ORN It of Ila n
ovei• and !Anther tits.,
. . .
large stock of superior Cabinet
nt styles, which ho ie prepared to
sell :It the lowest prices. Ile_ Invites attention' particu
larly to the I'ATI:NT Sennvo BOTTOM BEDSTE..I D, a latest
useful article, which entirely obviates all objections.—
The hot tern can lie attached to old Redsteads. They have
given entire satigthetiou to all who have them In use.
Arn • CorriNti made to order at the shortest notice.
VIOOTS AND SIIOES.—A very la 4., , e
,kssortmoilt . of Boots rind Shoes of every deserip
tton just roodved and lolling very cheap.
po4 '54 ell Alt LES 01111.11 ti
ATACHLYEBY OlL.—Avery superi
or artlelo of 011, for groaAtnt inaklikos, jth.t
(Avila and, for palo °heap at jJ, SA VION ,
k j Whereas the Honorable J BIM 11. OVA II Am. Presi
dent Judge of the several Com tS of et/Inman Pleas of
the counties of Cumberland. ferry and Juniata, iu
Pennsylvania, and ,Instice of ihe several 0 carts of Oyer
and Tel miner and General Jail VellverY in said eon-
ties, 5%1111 111.111. Joliti ittre and Snot t r$ judges
of the Court of Oyer and Terwiner and General Jail
Delivery for the trial of all capital dad other offenders,
in the mid county of Curet erland, by their pvcepts to
me directed, bearing date the llith day or Nov'l.r.lf , f4,
have ordered thy Court of Oyer and Tetntiner and Gene
ral Jail Delivery. to be Sudden at Coltish', on the
:MONDAY of January, (htiioa' the WI day) at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two weeks.
NOTICE is thei eKme hereby ON en to the Coroner,
,l notices of the peace and Constables of the said County
of Coo nil ell:old. that , they are by the so id precept et 111-
filalitk'd to LC then and there in their plowr petarno,
with their roils, records, inquisitions, m nniinations and
all other remembrances. to do those thilats which to
their Maces appertain too be done, stwfrall those that aro
mind by recqgni7nnees, in p 1 ocvelite st the pHs•
oilers that are or thou shall to in the Jail of said county, •
are to be there to jiTOFC•vllte them as stall Le just.
offiee f'iti•llsle 1
Nov caber, 29,1851..
EGISTI4At'S NO'T'lCE.—Notice is
hereby given to all perfons interested. that the
following turotlntF helve I.ven tiled hi this ofilre by the
acroa ntnnlF therein named, ihr examination. ni,(l will be
pryzentird to the OrpilltllS (...1.11 . t of Cumberland rountK
for rot:se mntlnn 1111C1 alloiranre, on Tr.ESDAY, the 2C.1
of, A. D. 1F.6.4. iz :
1. The flevond supplemental :worm( of William Clark,
,A,ltu'r. of the estate of James Clark, late of Southampton
p. ileveased.
2. The areoani of John Diller, A ain't , . Ivhh the nlll
annexed. of lienjanilit Diller, late of 'North t wp.
lb t1:.t.11
3. Tiw Out and final nerfaini of 11r. Wm. W. Nes in,
.timcutor id Davit/ t.. , ll.ields. late of Newton f w p., ilre'd.
4. 1 he tweet:nit Ilf .14 - 1111 Sttllenherger, A dui . r. of the es
tate of Ai lin linger, hate of et Fiiring, hrp. (leer nsed.
5. 1110 11e1,1171t of Joetil, Sinksl'llll•r and Win. Stole
-I:\eeutcors of :.'llthemillor, 'kite o f East
l'ennshon, twp. decent:ed.
11, the serofid and final-arcount of .1, ho Auld, Fsq
of the estate ~f;4 1 ,101.n•I :-I,eaffer, late of Ida,ll,Fon
7. The neeount of James Irwin, AilnCr. of the estate o
Peter liniseiy. In of Silver p. 111
s. The 11( . 1 . 111111 01 flu - Minn hotilherger. ;Wlll I% of the
estate of Christian Ztig, late of the Lomugh ut lllitg.ebs
hunt. devcasetl.
ti. aeo,uut of Ditvid Wherry. Esq. At of tho
cht;ite 1% Whim 11 liggoner, bac of tep.
A. L. SPONSLEIL Itegieter..
Carl is Ic. Nor. 'Huh ,1f4.74:
1)1t()('14A )1 Al' I (IN.—\l . lw4 :is the
Jaunts 11. (tralithat. Presidetit Jud ) : of the
en al arts of ft rumen Pleas in thee. uhlut sere u m.
lo t laud furry anti Juniata. nod Ntinuel R. tall urn and
Jolt it lUttep. AS,Oriate Judges f the >aid 1 ew t. 14 the
Kvid county of ( . 11Illberill1111. by I heir pre. Out Lu nue di
reeled. dated Lite filth of August. 15:.4, hat t•.adored ata
adjourned ('lairt of Continua flouts to I.l‘ hoiden at Car
lisle, en the II th day of Deouittlat,'las4, at It) ticket: In
the Itavut.tat. t etattitine one it eel:.
N 4 b. tlielt.l, , re. herull) gi‘egt to all pets( ns Su
(crested to Ie then and time iii att.6.l;,tai,r.
.11)SEPII AIcIIARMON lt. iberlff.
,t 1. 1)1'1011'S Nlfr I CE.—Tlie under
sig.ed to x how ILo ncn,ul.t oY ceo. t hautvati,
udminintt !Our of Aun 1.4. W. ilh the eXi (11110 PS
I hereto t.a• referred as Auditor. git es notice that . h e mill
attend to that dui:, at his tlhe l'at!is'e Nit . Nl)Y.
the "[silt .tay of Deeenther, 1554. The partite Intß•ft• ~ tt d
are hertd.) t t otihed to attest! 011 that 110).
No N . IS:4 A. H. ARP. A whitor.9
it.lA)rroirs soTic - E.—Notice is
Merely gh ell that the tirsdersirred. ar i . . int ed A ti
al it 4.- 1 ,), the Orphans' ('curt el rural ethu d el until. to
make IliStrilall hal of the 1 alalaa , In 'the ital.d , . f .Ichn
It. (borer. Esq.:administrator of the. estate 01 II illiana
Fallon. late of Upper Allen
„tow to•lint. dee'd.. to and a
inatezvt the creditors Of said decedent. a ill attend fur
that latrue.e at the public I,'o, of COO. Underwood,
in rdlepherdstown, on :Ott\ PAY. the loth day of !went
fer. P . (4. let N, eeil the how: , of to A. \I., and ' 2 P. M., at
w hi, ii till.' all persons hat ing elaints It). - nito , t the estAter
.0- V 1 [llium Fulton, det'd- pill please prosent them.
Nov '.11..1Cf.-Itad W. th C , llt a d', Auditor.
, NOTICE.---Notice is
herebv given that the undersigned. app. heed A
der n
flit Court of t'otnlnr,n PL as it l'und er:ard mon
t), to make itistrilmtion of the balance in hat.ds of Iho
I (OW `lllllllel ltt.malttint. t , equestrntor of ti m e Hancdt r
unit Carade Turnpike Compmiy, to and nun hn!st 'the
creditors of said Company, m ill attend at his Me in
for that purpose. on SATU IC DA V, the thth day
of Peeetnler, Itral, at 10 os,lock, A. M. at r altl, h
time till p0,..0t0, having claims lig:till:4 said inpany r, ill
present them. ca
nor till or
Deceased.—Notlee Is hereby given that letters of
administration on the estate of f.r. late of
West Dennstoro township. t'uudwrland eau Lily. dot-eas
ed, have been granted by the Register of said runty to
the sul.serit er. residing in the tsrtugh of Carlisle. All
persons lamming themselves indebted to said estate are
required to make Immediate payment, and these having
claims to present them to settlement to
DA D 11110 A Dl4, A d .
fa s,s't.Ly
(`EAsEU.—Nothr• is hereby given that letters of
administration with the Will annexed, on the estate of
John Hale, late of'Newto» tow»ship. Cumberland coun
ty, State of l'enusylvania,.deceased. Kate this day been
issued by the Register in and for said county. to the sub
scriber who resides In Newton township aibresaid. All
persons having claims or demands against the estate of
the said decedent are requested to make known the same
ithout delay, and those indebted to make pay went to
Nov 15, 185444 Adm . r• with the Will annexed.
_A bus, DECD.—Notice is hereby given that letters
of administration on the estate of Mary Anti Keepers,
late of the borough of Carlisle, Cum tlerla lid county, decd.
hate been granted by the Register of said the
subscriber, residing in the Nwough of Carlisle, ("timber
land county. All persons knowing,theutselves luttott cd
to said estate are requested to Aliar 11.11111ediatO M
1111110..11114 thOtie having elaints to present them for lu.v.
mediate .settlentent to
DEcEasED—Notice Is hereby given that letters
estainentary on the estate el Christian l."orrer, late of
Upper Allen township, Cumberland enmity. den d.. have
been granted by the Register Of said county to the sub.
scribers residing In the seine township. Persons indebt•
cal to said estate are requested to maw immediate pay ,
went and these timing claims to present them for set•
tlenteut to
Nor. 8, 18'54-Ctpd
fey my GROCERY STORE of the euheeriber, a Ma.
Hoe MU.
A vow supply of fresh Water Crachara,
S , .tla. Butter, Pic \lc anti Sugar Huiseult,
Harlon, Corn Starch, Tapioca, Sat.,,, Pearl Harley, '
Extrart of Cpffee, Rico
- 'A 11.INV let of superior Table Oil,
PM; Ttimatu • Ketchup, French .Nlustard, Taf
,te: .1. W. EHY.
Ucrl nuth• eons...alloy .11 ham) and for sale at the
Carlisle Foundry and Marhino Shop,
r ..V1 A hJNISti k BROW
pNC ING ACA1)101 Y.—Monsieur
)9' noNN.trFON respeel fully infidtus the ritirefis of
that he will open his F4'.lititil for the above Fe!.
cure. and all the Danres and l2undrllle,, n o w lit t-, gue,an
soon es thirty subseeihors uro eldalood.
LION I'M:TIES for the iniprovetnent of 111 , 1 - dtpils. Idu•
Hie 1.,y Meus. hlue•elf. Terms. FIVE 1101.1 AILS for
(melt tt,•ltolar, for a rour,ic of Strolse I,,sons, Addres,s
I.3neaster. vs)..tiubseviption list left ett 'at*
3ltitision ifouse, nos" 22
•Nat --7