1; iIC Markets UAL TIMOR NI .111AltICkiT 113. k LTI ()RE, Mee. •1. Pt,oun ANn•MAFT...-- 7 The Flour markrt is very quiet. Small sales of Howard si CCL brands at $5,12,1 bbl. I3nt little doing in City Mills, and the price nominal as last quc ted. We quote Rye Flour at $7, and Corn Mal at $1,310,54,51:re bbl.. fur country and city manufacture (;aAIX AND S heat —The receipts to-day have been moderate, the market shows" no special change and priet';s fitin. About 9,000 bushels offered, and sales of good to prime NNibite at $1,88(g51,95, choice do., for family flour, at sl,97—red is very sane and we quote good to prime at $1,85(« $1,90 70 bush. Lots of inferior qualitits sill at :1 to :15 cents jt. bushel less. Corti—The re ceipts to day are somewhat larger; the mar ket continues steady. About 27,000 bushels otrerekl, and sales of old and new white at 741 (,-;' 77 cents., old yellow 800 . t.il cents, new el low at 7 9(u SO cents, and nosed at, 73(p.7 tmslH-1. Rye—About 1,000 bushels auks of:Marrlawl at:;•:..1,10, Penn sy,lvania at $1,22 It bushel. 3iiiscciancotN E 31 S.l \V )11 LI, 111.;:r •. I umi•erli,,,t t, „.• n ply 1.1.0‘6116, t.f rilri6ivils. :6 1 CI, ,161 . 1 , 1 1 Ir/tire. and 6 61 i. Lunn. 1 6, ,,t • 116:11' r, it I l• 11311 di!, 11,1 1.1 E. II I 1.. 1 . 1.- prt a, 11, 6 6 6 . \I. 1 1 . S 6. %. .u.l - : o' \\ill 16 ii. u.j t y I t ... Feb. 22- ly i..., G ~ ,s t 1 . I.' - I T ' l l:l7 , N i ( . ; i,_,; \ . N 1 1) ,ii i:! :1 1 ., . i. )1 , 1 , -. 1 .; :, 4 )". .hthz,n, oh cohh.,hh. titht to, ha, hhoote :11.1111. 1,- nic . .ts t it..1.1.`0 ,- I'l'l7l \ti Aid 14.1 . 11t1Mi i.t ,Itot t t.t - tioe :old on reasonal , lo t,rnts. lie linr , en> n.. 4, dv the M• - ~,VI, O S 1 f a lirst mot.. !root frost Philadelphia. ar. , ti has ;1.. I - plied Itint,oll with apte,teivii,e I,..otti.oillt i.i . FIN tilt i:.:i. h hie! o 11l etia i. le hint I • till all t pats 1. iti•otni . i.i . . MI work will he warranted. Ibis stooloil.f Gas t ixturi - .; hill be found in the roost e%it , thy ipp. , Fite lilt 'I Ilitji , 4 l : ' odititlialunioot on North. !lawn or stret t More lie it:6ft:: 8. call. •••41- , ;1. :TOL it also prrpored furuish, or :nal... to I Tli• •I . • vv.:Ty art irk of TIN WARE used Ip it ots,,ropers and LA hers. ll.' u ill a 1 .,, :moor! SP.q"l't ELIA, II A.\ t. NO, and 1'1.1.31111S4:, h 011.ful 11 I. the pat.romv.: , with Islti 1, /1,6 ored, he resi.e.l.fully it.; a e• Nee or the C'ai'dhle, June 14, '7,1 1, 4 1 It O M CAI.I Ft )11 NI A .—C. (1N 111:11.Es respectfully Lill.rtns the eitiziois oft ar iiod ichtity, thut ju,t rat. nil is preitratlil large ii:Lsert flit: f ready-in:lde I, lint 'll, s. lion iOl • wLi. h he mill sell ii holenat or retail. Ile al , •• :11.1,•ndt, to I . .p.s.triitz i leer,. looks. •A clopvr anti, iron. Ile Lodes !bat by :Kriel alien t.. No:411o, and to ideas.., he o iii nit it a.ni i ‘,1•1“! 4.z) ' All 1,1t1.1- It Fire AMIN Made to (.1,11.1% April Q.P.L.ENI)I ILlll' H. inlay Jr', I en ts, tr 2 , 1 A S (U. Fie - „,.s, liorkhopp.. ' Hotel• tit, lisle, has .;11:4 I , - •e, vett eit the ,argest a nd 110 • elegant assortitao,r ( .t rior glowelry ever ollerod In Carlisle,. consistinlr 1,1 pn of Hold and Silver Watches, of every twit ty. and et prieus, eh:ht.-day CLOCKS. er table and.' tttl 5p, , ,0 alrver table f rho and butter knives. gold :1,01 wilt - spouttteles, ladies' and pentleintots'',gl.l,l pun and pot., gold ehaltis of every'deseription, mar end flop, t Ito Urcait phis. dc. , at all priees. Also'Are,,rde. 1.. and M. afal Boxes, with a root t ariety of Fattey .Artieit looted expressly for the Holidays. Perseus desiring . purchase are Inv : l a:A! to call and oxantlitethott,ottinei \Vo are prertrol to well at very reasonable prices.. ity of goods warranted to bo as flue as sold c..r. T18)31.k6 NVer:t st. MARTON HALL I)AGUERREAN KEETletving taken the Dague roan rooms in Illation Hall, known as A. li. Tubh's lory. drolres to.inform the Ladies and Oentionett.el lisle that he is prepared to take Likenesses in the 111( superior style of the art, soil/ as will fully sustain Li reputation of this powder establishment. ills roof are large, pleasantly situated and conithrtably fin tilt ed. Ile Is provided with the most powerful and perfe instrument for taking pletnres and tvarrants rgitisec non In all cases. A full supply,tif rases of every tarie - r of style and size. plain and ornamentel,kept constant on hand. Engravings. Paintings, tt.c., aecutately,vopi and duplicates taken of orlghail Ilkent ses. taken of sick or deceased persons. Prices moderate a satisfaction given in all eases. The public is inciied call at the Mtrion !101l Dap:wry:us liuoi,i a:d the 1111.11111,14/111,1,14. urns. Paoierreotypcs inserte.l In Lockets. Breast all ringer Rings, Pencil Heads, 6:c. Carlisle, June 14, 'lit 4.1 ADDLE AND "URN ESS li A. F . LNG. The , subseriber emtinues to carry (m il above business, In all its various branches. in North lit over street, Carlisle. two doors North of _Leonard's, eon where ho intends keeping on hand a general asSertine in his lino, consisting of all kinds of fitsblenabla sji I)I.CS, arldh.t., Alartingales Hirt' Circlngles and Haltens, also 'MILS h traveling and saddle t :"1.-, bags. Ile also man- ~ '' - h ,, , , 4 ufactures the most. -.I T.. Il approved Se %Nis ff Sent N 41 SADDLES Over need 10 il country, sod thew wishing a Inn some, durable and pleasant sail(' will de well to call anti see therm I also manufactures Harness, Itriab Collars and Whips in all their vat ties, and confidently 1 , 43111,1'08 from the general appiol Lieu of his customers, that he makes the imatest a. boat gears, in all their variety of bretith, that is made - the country. Ile alsl makes all kinds of Matrasses order, viz: Strowillusk, curled Hair and Spring lib rases. All the above articles will be. matte of the be material and workmanship, and with the utmost 41i patch. 15'31, osiuut7,:. - \\ ( ) I ORN S II EL 14 1 4 3115.---XANDER' s PA' Per Voux Sunttgn, doddedly Mist and On% 66 now In Iwo. Minnows aro requested to call and 0 A mino It at the Carlisle Foundry end illauhine,Sliop, at Saxton's Hardware Store. For s o lo at roasonal prices by • Au g . 2--nin3 • . A RPENTERS and Builders are Iv' 4.041' to miditnine tho assnrtliont of Las: L3tell Pertvs, Putty, 011, Polite. Ail, Eli' Muhl elloap at SAXT(INS. Mach 1:1 LI AA' .1' 0 I Tit. •OL P:TAL 1:N1 .1 11 , r kVA L, sti;,ll Cippper, I:.ass un 11 , 7:i1;;at, C.irl Toun4r,y and Ztittelline ; GAItPNLIII 111t.AVS. 31 , )N1:111 . : (I,ARDNEIt & DROWN Q3Cmcottoil. I 1 IN'ENSI3UI{(4. INST T ki - sitti•Pwcsm.ito, it. IL IVF.T.i.s, Prt , fcssor ul Linzlzages. Nal urnt ticionees. I). A. L. LNVEIT, l uk. tractor In Eng 1,1,411 and lath °mat Mrs . : ra.i.ma, Principal Instructres:f In the Female partwent. The :Seventh of this irlihni• Institution II Li C , :1111110110. on Niniolity. the loth oft ;cT her` nett t:— A new Ilinhlihtr whi,•ll kill c•oltriblite to the comal. idea, tr of papa., has been ei,ia,l ice the use of ilLc Ymnale N T . on,: =I Ortliqgraphy, Pea (Inv: and IVrith. , $ Tei A Hillman.. ifraturnar, tJecezraphy,lllstory, and Plulos.phy , B'P.I 1 , 1 ..:y. tintany. Ithet , ,riv, l'hj. - :401. , gY• .t,'. 10 sii I, lolloonativg, l:reelt and Latin Languages 1.2 bo french 5 uo \I 11. j,! 110 (H) MIME Th e whale expo us: , for a sessl.iu of Vivo calontlac own the e ul 'f A.c. PIIIIIIN Win uut Lr tai.on for a .It irtor period, than half a .1 l'trhOq.,ve con talniug particulars, may he by addressing the pr tors. s.p 27 I)I,AIN' 1 , 1E1,1) (A,ASSI(..!A I, ACA 1)- EM V. near Calinle, Pa. The 17th Se,sreal mhi ee1e ppw..,...,,, NI ,Nietr, Novereher 1., 1! , .5.1. :\ titular of Stu .l4elt!: limited and vonatant .elt rt.; used fl_ tour m0r..1 and intelleettini iinprevetneetr. 'Penns. :;',111) per setsig,ii. l'iretthus with rolereures and full intlaanation furnish ed hr It I:. Ill' ENS. P11;1111111 l'o•prilt , r, sept 27 -IS.I 00. IA A SSI( 'AI, AN I) LITIM.\. l" sctio.L.N,,,,in., IN Win I. 111111,1, I , 101 I In'.lll Or NI,V(11111/,'1'. :Ind 1,111,1111 W •11t1IS. IZi rcful tho dep30,111,1“1., .11 - (.1 Aim!, 'rho wlrlif e\• i nl. 11 , :iniim: :1111 I ii.in M Hill aro Cnrninh ed. ; hwr For part it•UNI s, :1;1111,y, thcr of I ho.“ll,•rjhr , i, :It PO. I;•tti Lill' )IoCAI Ii It I'rin^i pill, N. A. M.', ' I jr.. it " )1 7 .- I r I'l' i , ', II .\ 1,1, .1( ‘_ \Au: ' , IV thLee I.•ii .. ‘s,•.t. • f I I,sr. i .!mr.z. - Th, ,i.. 1111: :'t , - , 1,1 ,f 1,:,,,. p pptilar :thcl II mrh.h!ws, I h , litut I n , ill ...I ~..,•• .:. 1 , u-1.L , . th.• , tll ~ i N•rvehil ..1. I,'" t, u.nlvr t Ih. .:1 ~ 1 f.,..r.t1 I, It 11 , 1.i,`,. lin: iii: tin. )W'a'nt yoar ,Ilcil iniiirlin e•iiii /It q .11111 34 , 1111,1e+ icii i• Fenn made ;c. ll', lii ~ .:1,h1.: patrtn, , demanded. The Principal NV ii i lie , n . ..1.1i.,1 I. 3 PIA .•,31., iii• Coliipinelit :Ilia c••). i ii-1.3•1 1 31101, iiiiii ilieci li iitictiiinil ii ill he paid to (hi. lic.iiiii 3114 ..,31111 It i'l tI, ~ i ii,i,,,,t, 8313/103% Vi ili•iiinif :lint Tiiiii,ill in ill: i.:iii2.1i...1i fir:-:.•h. ;,-s..upt 1 ~,,t1 N111.i,.. ii, Sr'',i 31. ii'i lii-11015) s.,:i, , sii lngt rm.( i.") in i,•ifin “11,11 - ;:vel , .. 'Null, - rtnitio•ii'lliiii ki , rittan f,,,•11 " i iii , i it/air:Jill 1\ I ask,- - 1,1,..n Th. nttonti. , l),sr letrepts and I;.firtr.ll:l7l. 1 , 4 rnest h ho R e a t,. tide. I r,-tit (leetibirs will In tle.l ,Ind kir 41,01 .11 will be given, Oil 1,11, t porti 11.11 or by let t.t tt. P. DENLINIIFIII. 13, 1;.'4. •rishurg, -41 - N D NT NST I - k TrTE. \lido 1,1 Female Apt kvV. ..1011.., A. ti W.O TOllElll'll, The • 1% inter raa.e.i v ref thi4 upon 1., ro , oll,.hut tti Ist \ The I.l.•titt 1 , 1,131,11 Ail, 1.11 , 2 re I by this.; naitnit nr to tutul fir übtain ley; 41 till,ll h 4. t`,111,3t1,11. am unsure o,ed I.y any siinllar the 'tat Tn. 111111 , 1i1.... 31.0 uric 11.1111 M.llllll ni tr , uw, all,' the I_.ewnuls twineurnted. F 101.5. ii,;) , ANTNIEvr Olt irk•lv sep mite, and conduetud by Now I.:Light:l,l l'eaeherl -1 1 ; I:.r.1 1 sal in the beautiful valley of • 'bra, nn that:slit temn Oise I:IF:Anal ale! us entr slit-lents have Fenn In at t endanne during the 'l' I'. S: Board Tuiti m. 11.14 HO , M, Furijished per of 2I It'neks For Ciretilar, and Illf , rniati,rn 21111rNo: , Pt 1 1 4t 11( l Ol' N( L.11)1 EI,E("I' II( )( Carlkle. Pa. The Fall tcrin'4,l' thiq n ill 1 1111110:1Ce ori MoNlht the 4th of Septitittlier. and [hint, I , levels troclin. from rive to Toit itco , ralng. the touts lairstt.t. Pair fart licr 1'1641:m -ann enquic c nf the principal, :qrs. .1. P. Dolt NINI I. , i m4.., 3 , - -. 41.. vr,:k• t', d ...r 'i _-_, • ' F4* 1 1 4 .4 f M. . .. s t!l - - --;----" . 1 20.• A T E N T SELF-BHAIIPENING FEED CUTT 1111allutheturnd for A ,DRICII rANJCEN S.k ROLM`, N 0.410 E 7da RS; rket street, P dada This euttor Is sup.,rl , ,r to any new hl use, for strength durability, and simpliAty of construction ; it cuts fast er, and is the only selfsharponing Hay, Straw and Corn ttlkCutter ever made. It has hut ONE 6TRAIMIT KNIFE, which any person can grind and set with ease. but in ordinary,CaSe, is ground In the /1111.01111 e. Thou sands have already boon s Ad, Mild the demand is daily incrotsin In tri-st „CaSeS 5111 examinstimi Is sufficient to convince Ono of Its superiority. No one after n Flwrt trial would part with 11 ta• soy ether. All skes of tho ablve constantly oil hand and for sale by J. TYNE, oct Sole .%gent for Cumberland county. vrOTT'S PATENT F, A it, 31 E It ti ' I T BM Ens.—TrieHo possAoss an 7111VILTIL71g11 (73 . 11" 7111 1/tllllrll In hoing math) with an outside Iron casing, 1r bleb Aroatly.economises fund and prevents hiss or bunt. They aro made of varlmts sizes , Crumb) to 120 gallons. They arn/Prtal.le,.and may be sot In the kitchen Jra house ld use, or out .of &mall ' convenient to tim t irn, pig ens, to,, for hailing food for stock.. For sale by PASCUAL'. Ml/111118 S (XL, Agricultural 'Warehouse 7/1111 S(l4 i 41.7.1•13, N. H. corner 7thof and Market streets.. 11)11mIelphla. f4nct'f4 __ . 1 UST ItECEIVED! FRESTI (41104.11i111F41 Best Mocha and Boasted Coffees, ,Prusitd, Pulverized mid Loaf Sitgar ' PurtO Rico, New Orleans and Cilha dup• Ounpowder, Toting ilyson - end Mack Teal; Host Syrups, N. O. and Sugar House Molasses, . Coder- and Stoneware," Cheese, Fish. Salt, Soap and Starch, Cavendish, Natural Leaf, Fi:t and Congress Totowa, Plekles, Pine Apple and Tomato Preserves, Ketchup rind Spices of every vary4y, My stlek has been Relented with stria referimeW to family use, for sale very low for cash wholesale or retail by WILLIAMS, , ort4 '54 Family (Irony. i T ' l 1 4 PIE V. 1 13 L. KNIGIII, (Successor to Ifiltiluy & Knight.) IIIiDDINO AND CAMI.EI' AVA ttillinitlii N 0.1.18 south Second :3treet, live doers itinvn Spruce Area, Philadelphia, whore be lineim, row Atrintly en hand a full assortment of every article in Ids line lA' busint'Sti. Feathery, Feather 11(.41,4, Patent Staltiii Mattresses, Velvet Taiwatry,,Tapestry. itrussAs.'l'llret , Ply, ingrain, Venetian. Idat,'ltag and ileum Carpeting's, oft Cloths, (`eaten Alatt Imrs, llocountid Spanish 'Mat t logs Floor. and Stair Druggeta, !lentil' ituvs. Doer M,,t v,Talde' tad Plano covers. To which lie Invitees the at tvilOori of pureliasers. Hoel':',4 --- 7 ---- , -- ,411270. Sur cony' liandage „A_ Azcs,TxTuru 1m:11in-1r:rot, oth aiNtla .st.oro l. It. 0, .011iitlYPT'S l'otont flrwilti it Ing 1 'rel;tamTI:11:-S, I: .1. Ow cur , of ituoturo;Flthoildor Ifracra, Soriaa-tors Stocldnaa, Suifinaary, Ilornorrhoitlalood odages fo lirr dermltloa. Jan. 111-Iy. D. A. L. LA V ERl'l' 1 1 , A!:N & CO. Hey. .It I. S. iS M o , llanics6lll.;:. ( 'um h. 'o., (Yr I C.F. is licreby given tita '11:e ( 111.111,.1\ :-Avimis , Tri . t . Tins. cat,d nt cmni I,l,•kin. l'untLerlanti onitt.ty, tt ill Dinka applientik it In the itt..t islat tiro of the l'enttnon weali it r nn not of netnitnrutinn, with a hil t 1 mit 1 %: lithn Ten inn. ittnre Inuit 'rhirt3 Thottsatel ii t larv. ter the pill" I ose of reeviving tlerssits of 111..111.y both it ancjh.,.3. nod oil htterrst, ;Mt' .) making loan, and ttle,unts, ttilh unit ether 11111liegOo its are 11511 . ..t1y t.. ;• , ,t v I ostitatiooo. °aloe of the Dir,,tors, A Lit!:l , :.kTll. 'frens. 1,1 tiro° U. 1,. Fetoy XTOTIYI - 4.1 is hereby given that Lion will be made il, t ho nest Lezislaturt. au:revel lily to the con n t t thin anil laws pit thii coin 111.101 Peonsylvaida. altoratl.iii in the charter of the Carlisle tiepin-it Mink, sit as to confer upon said Hank the rights land privllies of it bank of Issue. iind to ,liango till , IMMO to that of the ()All LIM.): WO : also to inervase the capital stock Ono hundred and fifty thousand dol lars If puictloalile. `By' order it the lii aid of Idreetorin OM June 23, 1 $5 3-nat F sTATK ()I? (1.111118 T) AN AN' ( LF, _ DE(..EAsED.—Notice is hereby given that letters 'testannoittiry on the estate or Christian Wolf late of S. 1. - M(1111am' to vi hfll. t'ainherlatlit counts, itee'd., have lass', granted by * the Ile:Aster or nui.t count, to the Nlll , .110 1 . 11411 ha:in Litletister elty, tool the other in Franklin wants. All } - 101 - Sollt. 1:111.1%/11.,; 1110110 401 N 0, hob-NOII b. 1,11.1 pobite are sluiced to u:..' hie [testi:a. payment. not those having elaints to present 'Ansi? lie settlement. to • AD.\ NI \VOLT , . Lanen , tor City, Dl W 111, 1 ,, Fraiipliii =EI -I, I ST E()R.\ I A 111' 131,.1C'K.--No -1.4 1- 6rrri r .ziv . o,l that ktters teshmeiltAry tbe e.4tele Nhol, lot° of Lower 'Allen t. , Os t•hip. 'ttioL , deer:-e.1.. h:%,• 1,141 tl It the Seelhee. l'eSitll/11.. 111 Ilttlith.‘ 101 , :: F1111), MlllOllll colt,- t,. k leo, in.: then...lN . ., 111.1,14,41 Eqt.ale no• ,'.viii ~l•met"o loooecliel loyeleht. nud th..se leivio elattllS e I etille•teol to peeSt'll t hellt :1•11!.• I t 5.01.42 C-, L 1,1 thi• .•-t.ht • Alldincl I i-st`l. luti• t 1111 .11021 1, CII:11 1 .., land ...1 111 , t • it ,,,,,1• 11. In' ''S ,•“ti,,t . In I..wt •htt. .111 t;tt.o.. inl t hettn..l%., . 5,1'. ... :.t 1,1 th t them hi" wttlt.m..nt. 'I =1 r \loft It EIT. .I.ltn'r • F , -z:r .1(,f1 N. FA, Is.; . 1 1:1%.•ti that h It. 1.1 .Y-litt Iti %. I, r. I t.lt% . 11115 y. hr t11(' nll , l 1 . . 11,12. t • I h.• "11l rt•Shltillg in Ihr ',two tov. ,ship. .111 per...... 1.• ;s,,slitt.!Un•atdel, , 's in. - I-1.0 , 1 to ..,id rd to 1 , 111,41,1 , 11f11 , diat.• I.:13'11101a. ailii LIP'S° hits ing 0 - lithin , to prc..t,t them Jr.. cot tlontent to 1 0 .1.1ZA Pennsl Atimini,t nit; I I Il• 1)1 , 1):\111) :Nl.' 11,11 EN N Y. k livrebs p.iven tin:: lot to, oi Oal4•ltAtion on tho •i-tat.. of Dal `lt I Ilo•uoy, Lae i.I •:••hoplaortio , twn, .%11,11 ••••41 t. the AubscriLer r,..1,111.1.; lu IL, .tit lot-, in,: 111,111,1, ••in.ll ti• 11 , • tll 4••tnti. r(!.ittirtA ffiak., p:,% !it .tl.l t 1.,f.,•nt them lor N ,•l to A 1. , : x c.vr Irmrr. Oct. 4-4 t 4 .../ •t Arifll).—Notlm , is h,r.•by ylven tlt:•t I.•ttrr. v nil t lit ( . , , tato ~ 1 Philip I.ln nth.. 1,,i0 ..1 O w lA.roil entlislo. ('IIIIIIIOIIIIIII ,Ainty. d,,.".1. 1,,,, 11,0111 I 1.3 tilt' I{l . -riAer tPt said ',tint) L. tiu• -iil - cerll in in: In l'arlkle. All p.•r• , Y;C 1,1,,,Vin5.: th'.lJ)- ' , ld Ves .rd in said e.tnin ari• iviluiroil 1,. iii:il .• ilo. ra,,litlo 1.., Illf•lit. 31LII 1111,1. 1.3% illg cl:tilll. 1.. pr, root 111011 fir S.'t 01'1114.11( to 111:NEY P,ll(l.liS. Carli•le, 1 Old. 1 idl,,t. r-- I.:xecut.d. • i , I ST- I'l' F, ( )I.' 1: )1 .1 N I ' A I, 11.1 li NISI' 1 I j tw(-1).-N,41,... S. heri•by Oven that letter,: of Atl i duiMitrati ill oil the esta to or hinanuel HAI - Ili-al. luie 4 . 1 I 2) 10:111S011 L iirlichip I' milk co., dee .1, have hem, Issued l' the "Itegister in and hir Nutt ism a i ty, to the mdist ilher who redites iii the t.oi mhip ill .ri.,m1.1. .11! per, 11$ 11:11• tug violins or demands ;iiiiiiiist the t , tatoot sold ilei - deut are requested to !mike 1, ii di ii tlo• stir iiith 'ut di lay, :and tho.m Indebted to make payment to Mi.:11,4,1W WOOD:4, Diel:lll44mi, tiovl-i6r,1,14 Adni'r. I ST.k 'l' O 1 A\1)11,Ell' 1.7( )1113 ES, itd DEcE. I / 4 slnl.—lxtters Testatnentare on the I:st ale of Atntrow Forbes. Into of West Perinnia,n, township, ' Cutillsoland county, e keen granted Iy the Register of sold mind y. to IV. M. Henderson and Itieli'd r Parker. l'enions i n debted are. oil UeSted to tunku }J7= meet and those having elahns to present them for settle. anent. %V. M. .111iNDERSON, itiCil AHD l'A KKR, Carlisle, Aug.:lo, 185:1.—Ct Executers. 1::, 1 8 ' I'A !Ph ' (.)P 1;(,)110 14; BA K EH, - DEcuLtsiu).—N,tice is hereby given that lettens selnagikestion, nit!' the will 'annexed, MI the estate of tie ergo linker. late of Silver Spring township, Cum. berfand county, deredsed. Intro lawn granted by the 1:e;.:- toter of Kahl eouriiy to the sobseriber residing in 'lamp dot) township. All pers,ns knowing themselves 11'1104. ei to will estate are rotitilteil to make iniinediste pay. moult, and those liming elehns to present them fur set. tlethent to SAM VEL Sept. la, 185-1. ../TSTATI; OF .lOll\ ill ell A Wl' El{ , DIMEASED.—Notho I , hereby Flynn that letters UM Will 111411'Nea 1111 'tato of John ldt('Mdor. Isle of the Is(romdt ((f Cumberland co., deeessed, hate 10011 grmatrd by t ho llogister Or Raid 000 0ty, to the soloserlber. is slam: In the 01100 1 / 0 10I1:411. .411 persons hnowitig theuiscisua 111- (1014(A to said Egtnte tire required to matzo Immediate pavniunt, 111111 those Inning el4inn4 %%111 present thorn fur seitleutent to JAMES JICC•IRTEIt; After. Sop 0 IS'4 14ISTA Grl'T 1 , 1 CARL, D CEASED.—Notice Is hereby given that letters 44 ad Min istration On the estate of tleorge Cod, deceased, of Upper Allen township, Cumberland county, (nho re cently died In the city of Plttehurft) bare this day been issued by the Iteirister in and fur said county - of Cum lndau& to te subcribe. Who reides fn Upper Alen to a wnship afo h resaid. s All r persans s having claims or l de- Mathis nrains ; the estate of the said deed : an requested to make known the same without delay, and those ho. debted to make payment to JOIIN 11. COOVER, Ailtier • Oct. 101.1845. na-et - . )l STATE OF JOU N WONDERLY, • Deesst—Not ice hi ereby given that letters tea , taute A ntary on et t he esta to of Jhohn Wenderly, late o' Soot h Middleton township, Cumberland county deceased, horn been granted by the ilegister'of sold county to the sub scribers, one residing' In Carlisle -and the other In South Middleton township. in said county. All persons themselves indebted to said estate are vomit-ed to nuke Immediate Payment, and those having 11811118 to 'resent them for settlement to DAM ur, woxbmax, WILLIAM IVlS.l.l,.gouth Middleton. Out, ecutors. - ri STATE OP • CATHARINE - MUS— A 4 SELMAN, DECll.—Notb:e Is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of ("finial-Inv Husselman, late of Upper Allen tmruship. Cumberland vounty. deed., have, been granted by the Ileglster of !Mid county. to the subseriber.residing In filename town slap. -Ali persons knowing themselves Indebted to said' estate are required to mate Immediate payment, and Ilmse having claims to present henna for settlement to .1.10011 h. 7,00 g. Capper Oct. '25, I` 47, l—r.tpil d Alllllllll. trtt.T. 7% IMTIFFNETir,IL.4 , ,AAry pot, fi of MI , liar ( greasin g ' marithms. ,oyod and for to i•heap at 'IL SA 3lottre VV. M. BEETEM. ING • JlitFq-etativotis. 1 .4 1 11 1.14 ;•:1:1'1,1 , ;1./F fir i; K 1.1,1.1.1! :et pe t,utly lalut,u7A.N t, Lis old and th.• ti t thj vs manzirn•lorelt nL rnlo.•r II f• 14 . St entabllsh .rddif,, in Philadelphia. N 1 LICL Ile Ili% ill, 5p..1111 =I Ito hag on hand is largo and Varied 11,- ..1 - 0111,1t 1.111; 11s111111hIrtIlre as 1 , 01:1, City 111:1:10 ll its slid üble frr the .4.:15.011. 04111 , 1'1 , i:1g PlOl , , flu heir I.i 1,1% )11.11,1,111 sisal silk Hat,. rlt -101,1 In the 186. f t its 10. t.geillor is ills a full asnrtnivilt. of i'APF 1 n 4 ,1 ; ,t ~",s 3 pricy. lie pro invite, the pul•lie to call :11,1 vx• anilve List ex(mtishe nsaerhnent, 1,1,1,11 rill and lis i.h, val.nut Le SlirplL,,,i by :lily iu nuarki.t. :11:11 sible t'. put al pries a lesser ILnn seer. t , lll ink h er Street. i q twut.ii Iltiliwr's I:etipr's slortys. • I: 4 A i. 14 S'a LE 01. - . II Arl . & CA I'S. , wm. 11. 'nu Irf, desires to inf. rni his .1.1 friends Vnit hu has removed tin his new ertahlishinent ..i i nigh street, near the hail mall Repot, and is twin epiu.ing, a e f . .. i :sitr,...:ll.laluids,i. justll`..,l, 1 I,tv receive.( I 1 11 , 1 . :1 , 1 , t , I ; el' i t i i i l:: il l: , j A i 1; i i: , s , 1: ) 1 L: 1 1 , 1 ; 1 3 010 I:el:0,1111'11 of Carlisle :lir 11'111 , 114rd tin !Lill and examine. Ile lens also a large as s i,ri m el d, ..I rim. F ur and : 4 1..itch (hits i 0 his ill, II 111:1111.1fitct are. gc I up in the best sty la iip , l , :l. I firiiMs prices the excel Isere 311 , 1 lir. ••11 at Wllllll hi' in 111 Warr:Mt. Ili: , sleek he is reld.dent .pa ly needs 0,110 PI:111111111A 11. 111, approved. A 1...., a 1,41 . .. supply 1.1 Men's. 11.,)'s and l hildreirs ('Al's. of ri u ti i add 1. ur. arrd of crony t nriety r.f id) le and prin.. jt,t. re vels sty ri.,... I 'lkihitiel 1 ,1/ ix. but till I, by Inuit a I lot ll' Cali give litio a call. is they may 1.0 sure or I cling still id to their ewe sarh.Fution. I . 11 . 11 NA 6 I , A!* : S AN I ) FEN it I..uwhevpers aLti yr tit)g, loth ti. s 1, is, tit, to Is e: !lease), epeis.di r int it rd LI, ran al II 11.1:1.:1:1"S G1f(1(4.1,v unit amo•Titryl Chi' it. Wass:m.l l}uccrin uarc tad artleles la the le at , el:evi it. 11 t :Aided and I , lae ;.iain. Hefter set, er rc rry variety at,tl prieo, Ireo, It , 311C1 pit eta rS. Av. nitre curare and mai trl lamp,., 0:m1.1,1 :is 11111 i other hin.iv..0,40. 1:11 Ny. tui.it r ,it lar I oral ruit and prener‘e Het:, . etat are-- tal s 1 aohets l•1111r11 , Ili., 1,.! I/I tal. ill hit, , 111,11311f.5. in: at 1 11. c. 1 , 1 tt4ll, 01.11.1. a WI: t• ra hamt l• l !OOP, l•rtsaas..te.• 7 , !arket. eiVtlif'S 110(1 tin , 1,-i - I Is. ,•L.l _h• it rt ...I 3 . •• 11111..1F t S•.• 111, fl,, 1)111,4,, re...11i.0. ht., I ul•ncatl.th nn I tt4u Wl , l final I 11111111,•:1. 11,1 !I• . itll 111:iCt. ,1,111!I 11111 i II; ILU'I ('L( II Yi he FIJI .1) 1:1.3i1.. 1. a 1. 1141 he .11. J : 4 111 .0 al*t 1111 t I.4llitig m high t 11.•.11,1 the In t. o. 111 of If I' .1 A 5, 1 inc U 1: I.•A T S . S Al• I I' t 1 .% Tr. I'ANTAI,II u>, 11.5T1NG5,,te. The Clothing: mill Le made t.lit of nom, I.itt it.. I•est 01 plods: via t tit by :111 rape: cut tvr. nod tho morls ind up in tioo hest imilonor and L) the host of hands. but mina nu 11:111t1 n 1.. t I I r all wizi.mod. is fol 1.1 vivo 114 n gall and the) mill 1.0 pleased mitt: tin: Ibisld staiiil on East lluhr sticot. Jan 1;..1 1:1.1'S 01111.11 Y. • ''(111.\111.1,1()N PA just tug n.y I a!I VANGINCSjS ---r f - ;;. - ', kofPAPII, II A is.ti st, Mon F2tri.lt,S i s t 11- % ataal Mat Lai vi 12Xbilq1.111 inot- - zarlislaa. 1 raaalaral fan . iia it at roll front flOrS.illh 111 \‘Bllt of Patriot . lla Agin a.? atit thrin. as 1 ant oaativilealt ala.soaat anent no. i.adataan-,us 0,1a3 In the itotougit; :and in it) le and jaatea, tut, I.ut tot, ai anoint. to:, 11-aa-rtaantiat dent caniu,t fall to pinao-nt lb. uu st fastl,ll us. .h 'IIS I'. E., st r N.•rth 11.1111 t or .I.rt•t.t., I () OUT IN Tl3l E : m,•Not. Ue crnt.•ry. Pit. Hawn Ar. at, laaal.an,r hear 1. , 11 t ha. r.•111.•41 U. If pia 11:A e an) rettaril fur Liao want:tread p.tara.eli.y.atar.la llc. ur p tar rhiltheta, supply,,pairsel ars with 111 1.1 II LW,: .1! 111 LES: 4 (1 . 11i1)1.‘).. lilt` (nail a Mpg.' atatlarreaill' tl. .111fIrkli 1111, MfaCilleS , 1:01neal)" ran Lc hail at thi. Una: rte rr• a , f 11..1. I\ll4 1.11. S.•uth Ilnalavvr stred, a fear dr•rars sa.ut It IT the t Ilatasta, p)( )( Yl'S' AN I) SHOES. 'Th e sii h, e r ib or hits now on hand a very ea.tp1 , •11:4,41i - CVIV,II !C 01 toistool, of It aal l T mitt whieli h. will sell at tion,nally o r pa le- 1 3'i I'incha,..l hoot e 6. lap - ale Iltql 1 , 1 , 1 at low rates. he ran offer such ii..torei moults ha tittrrliaers as as ill make it their ioterest to shi ll hi. estalillAmilelit. Ile ha,. of or article lit Nip and i 4 hoe or (lentlenitns wean , — he theref,re . deems It ntinecesmry tau tit-situ, Ito. .t.ti.t• Person+ desiring I.timitt - trnd chwtp irviiits are ins-H -od to give him a pall. AI A (11.14; li EL, 1 Cow tantly on hand :ii i .tt ji i cot)Fl:44, 1 for Kaki by II EICHINO, .1. PORK. . I J. PA IMER .t Co,, 11A3IS AND SIDES, j SII ta• I,D1: II S. -MARELT SI ttI:KT Wl.Alti. LA 1:1) AND CI i EUSIE, k- SA !MONS, '. j riilLthil.pum. nr-ani , furniture 1)(11tEltT B. S1111,EY„ C'ABINET .!11.‘K 1111,1 13N DEI:TA li • • North Haim% ,treet, ioAt tl,wor to 4 . • S lass' s I mtel. • Ile is tild respertfally Inform the eitireems of rarliNle and the piddle generally, that he has to on halal a largo and vli.gant at±ortuient, I-1; It- N IA( conskt log in part of 11 as droLes, 11 1 / 1 1 or TaldcA. Soths, him eans, liedsteatts, plain and fancy Sewing Stands, S:c.. manufactured of the hest material and quality warranted. Also a general as.sprtment of CltAlltti at the lowest prires. VENITI Oi liiiMus made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. OlferlNS made at the shere s est !lake: tind Ing a splendid hearse lie will attend funerals in toetui or country. 4, Hemenibor the stand-next door to H. (IlaiNs's Intel. It. B. smiLii.y. IFXTENSIVE FURNITURE 1100. M: AI -mum It. WEAVEIt would reh - oecfeully call > , .':. , . ,, ,::,4 the attention of 1 lon.e:beepers and the public ~..., ,to his ea tenviv e stock ot elegant I , titNl I CLI , „ including Sofas, II ardrohcs, Centremnd Tables. I . ...... Dressing and Plain Bureaus, anti every other A article In his branch of business- Also now on hand, the largest ansort men t of CIIA 1118 in Carlisle, at the lowest prices, AONFI NS made at the short est notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. Ile solicits a call at his eNtablishmont, on North Ilan- oviir street, near ilbu,o•B lintel. . Ars,l••Purniture hired out by the 'mouth or year. . . rg% cIORNER of ILO . ti.‘t over and hoother sts., ;CAS 'FT C. - BLISLE.—The tmdet Sloal• I , d NM hand o large stock or superior Cabhmt Wars; In all the illfferent , etyles, which he is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. 110 invites atteption particm lolly to the PArmir SPRING BOTTOIe lIRTLITEO), It liit.st useful article, whielt ontirely obviates all oljeetlobs.— 'rho bottom can be(attaelted to old Bedsteads. They'll:ve t s vivoct maim satistUtion to all vim have theta Vic' COFFINS matte tOordiMict the shortest not Ire. iFOOTS AND SIIC)F.S.—A very large itysortment of Iloobt-and Show of ri'•e6' &seri!) lkm just, m; of vett and felll>tg Vl:ry A-heap, 1.4,{ Al;LI•g. oroLlly rr•t it InieWri L0.N1.1 811 AW o , l ' a few Long :Md. F , ltuan Pro elOl o - ]f aild fur sale by O. NV, IIITNEIL 1.1.1.:1 1 t 1• , L11.11, 111,11,1•11H11 1 1) 1:1 1 :•-• tf I list. %,111 11••0111•1 . n.. 101.1/, 11111.1 t11111: 11 Is 1..11-11, 11:111 Z 1 s. ,1 i.t 1.111 , t,. unt !...1 . 1 ft. 1.11 1:1t 11i• 1: 1111:1.10, S. tho• t..11111,1.i:,!, 4 I Inn dirt!. t•I ..4•11.r.t attost to the truth ttl El• , ut.tt ;in 1,1 I,• uh. t• h Itsids I tine arr p I 111,•1ti•II-1' r I,1114*:t1 •I I. \\ trill lih 1,. ~, ~s It, Li I.h. NI I. atj 0111 7 t jr, ,n! WIK I.:11, I •., .11111 1.1,1111•;IIIII.I n It I; lo I I f . 1 I• 11 r. lhart. 1111. Int ker. I II I. Nt I t h 11. AllEn, E. I :USIA 1111.1111. I'll I. itstralused this Lie lit N all p:u II S 1110 lIVZIO thelllSeihit of t hi , - f:tl,:t 15 Met. tat a t es) n:• dernte a , et. Vs e nits iseis 1.111, urssiels 41/i :11.1.:11tItIls ti. , 111111 s.ns, ss : 4. !Inkling us tl.c ecuLtE) :.o. I- I ! 3 do 4 sks 1'144 ' do (In t in tin This N". is the lar.Jest at.d most fu II i; until° in this enulitry, at 1 is inirtjli.l 12, i,:.1 t.• hurt hes and other litree dins Wi• init.., to sell the apparatus et. 1110 H;h pi i..t• 14 in.n has n.rrer.sed their cvlit :i,• t./ nl 11.0 !21 . 11ft 11.11,1 He t. , furri,h tilt. ;t/,I ;,• AVV:4I. p. price. all Ile, Nir !lick .1 halve I„1 t.. Ilrit i,l I. i.e 50115,.1 I. 'What 1,11: , ,t, le e are .1 t w 4 , 1101‘,..! . .t. t • I tail. .1: thy erenti, 1,1 all I 111 - INICVS. eLen n 40,0.1141. hull'. ill all -( ( COI\ I \ E ~‘ 1110 Mt i•t.lttplt•tlt l t 14, jug I: (t;,l Lrt t•,, ‘lll6 h %re nti. a l.t , WISII to 504,11 . .. the most perturt d dt-sirittit t.‘ I , tuat c> ot or Mx voted. I'ATEN'r ; 003 for it,tl Kyle. ttii. lentiUttr. %%Melt IS :I. 1.111. N% I. t I, I tILly perl ,, .:L viiti!titt , r errr wade Itr rou., lit dtx tO It Al' • 1111 , 1rhimt , ice, And 1.. r As there ale tl /treat teat, et this Nahialhe trered, t.r sale. hr careful to eantailie that it hit the 1. 1..1 1 . 4 . 11:N1' PI'iIIFTEUS AND VENTIL.V7. I have the large s t at,p most evmplete nevi rtm, It• Itevi•ters a),,1 1 et,tilhi. t. ti , I e I,.ut d Itt II `tai's. rattle.; IVIm t ish it, run lets° either urn er Im.letale, trill limt it gieatly tr. their i:dV:11 to vxtimli , t• their st, 'SLATE AND 11(ON )lANTLES.—We 1 / 1 11 . 1. hand an extensit e neon rtment of three he:mill:11i tlef4in motet Milligan of _Egyr,tian,EyanDirttaitt,, ) other rare marbles. OPEN CRATES.—For A nthratite and I. ('PaL Also. 41/ entire mlr patel 11 of the low t (1 rut., made from the EnglDh l'atterrm, mat Ile% in tht.rottntrv. W. SI11:1,1loN SOLE All I:NTts fer the English Entaust te II trztritli Irk 4., hhittley 'reps and 'rerm Cotta orn ai ,„ such :it. Garden Vanes. ke. Poidis about buildiuyt would do wall to exatoil stock 4efore purl hasiog elser.bero. \ ahr pureldisiug or not. are roidlany welemed to SiVe Warerooms. nod \Alert , we should It hallo 0 olsh :111 1 Information rg'Spo( tiog any of I ur ds not) ha desired. A book on \\ alining and \'rr. ilhr eau 4e had grutuitewdy ut our store, either poi s, u or by Totter, S. A. HAI:JUN(IN. \Vanning and litilat log Warehouse. , 1411 Walnut st, 1 (4 1 . 11 "1,1 Miy 31-in II)LLAItIY, Premium itiste iu 11 iiive.tt;r of therelehrated (1,4, n.o • N 1.1: WA' A - 1 h.:. and Y.lnstlr Hand Toupees.' Instluctfros t. Ladies and tlentletnou to nit.a..uro their heads N, curacy. FOR '.V/GS. 1. 't lie round of the bead. 2. From forehead over. the head to the nech ; Front oar to ear over tho top; No. 4. }rim ear round tho fondle/O. Toupros and scalps, Incite:4.—Na. 1: Front 11.1 t bead hark as Cu' as bald; No.' 2. Overforelwad as far as req etl: '.7CI). 3. Over the crown of the hend. 1)t LAID) has always ready fur FM. , a spiel stock of Gents' Wigs, 'retirees, Ladles' Wigs. half N i Frizets. Braids, Ciirls. &e., Ivantifnity uhic t tired a 75 c•hccp as any establishment In the ,Union. • Ifelivinium Extractor lamtrona Hair Ti prepared from Foul!) Amocluan 'leas nail J otn, most siteressful article ever prmlureil fir pro.ci t illg t hair ream idling out or changing enjor, rest tiring a preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant Ptate. At,, utttur reasons uhy Dollard's 'bale vutting. F:114 rn WS trail: , its 111111:W11fe popularity is the Mot that bls "rm,i applied to evory head of hair cut at - his estal•lis).,, ri _consequently it Is kept in hotter preservation than xi der any known application. ,it 1 ring tint's heretical tested hy tludnquids, offers the greatest guarantee ci efficacy. 011C.lol1 wholehale and retail nt his old Fatablishinent Chestnut street upposite the Rate rhiladc!pt.. It. PolTard has at lellkt diSCOVOITtI 010 ne pins ultra HAIR ONE, and 1111101,11110•6 sub with perfect,. 'fidence in its surphrsing overt' thing ef 4 .thy Riod w.w tI 0. It volilrs the hair either ' black or 111.wn, to desired) and is wed Ii Itll4 Tit injury to hair akin:either by stain or etherwh.e. can Fe wae.ht it etl i Ceti wino tes after application. without daily ting furl its efficiice.' l'ersonsvisiting the city ire WI Ord to vu him a call. . . te•ttere nddresselt to It. DOl LARD; 171 Chestnut i Plilltidol Oda, selil 111C1.1ye attention. ,i: 11. EATIIIOI.--,PlTitz j f , . t.ll,ll;td(qphin, Nl,orteeu tr. erv. Cm ri , rf , Itnporton ,, ,Tomiarit•ACll drd (Tortl7,l or 1 iisine,v. AC9II FEITER . . LP. AND is `rit tilro I to stn rt, N 70 . 1 8 2 and :1 NACK . ,51to, r r'.l - J. 0. 15.111,1.1 Y,, July 2ti, 'A. IVort Mail) ferret. IjifribefiHjia. WA TCILE,S, J Sll.l )% MI, and 1"0.1 1 (.0(11):- ) Meta of the ti nest (02)1113 , tor sale at the tom, In iron, lit I'. I 1,1 (V.`, II LAI) st, Sn. IS4 1 , 1 Street lad et))) Pine and 11. h n, went aide. rhino) '1 he assort nicht ). m t,iu.es a larr'e turd Fety t s Fine at I), Jett eh . Sits or Ware AII ata Wale NI it 111 u hill lee. ill :`)/s . ollb 11 holies t 111 , b :111 , 1 tilthe) til lee of /I superior gnnlify, d) F the t,attut l uttttl it of these who desi r e to pntru re tl ds at the 1),), est rash NJ, I Millie a practical hit) v the Intsin,s, and all tivailald) ties for Importing and Mat .0 t 111 II do utility) tl2, 1111 ire: putt loot leg tint he ran supply them on tat ins as fits other estahlohnieht In either of the At ) 11.1' All hinds 01 Mammals and Pearl Jewelry Mill N% tie 111 , 11111(1, turrd Li. order, it Ititia n rtnForil le n :Witt( lirp. jewel' y and silver ware Iltithru pairkl. r ,4 F. ELTON St. a few doors above the 2.11- bet, .•st ;Aid, tvp An the g•utli Wi11(10W of the Ston.. tuft) thl• f.1111(.11S Pint Cl,wit, which tr mtutttnis the: /hill Of the svietttilio- ftod cut lotw. - (Sept. 28, 'r.l I3IPROV ED SUPE4 \ 1 1 , PHOSPI (IF 1.1 ME.—From City Chen letd ..k. Unlrdi \ 111:1110 alter the moNt, impn.yedut (leg and veeprai I'lepar...l Anlll,lllte lAeure. made after the Litt..l tick. e. awl m,..1.. superior. 10 M R uth lOwer than f :l1.1.P*111.) equal. 1he:: tt 11i i .011 or Mitten, al.d Ft is p e , ,,,,,,i,:rly raped her e li • tibil. • mg., 1. 4 .,.„, h , :u:,,. in Mtge or small guar iiif , , fife iiiiii , by 0 JIIIIN I, 1-11M1.1:.. 22 : 4 .,uth Wharves,,:l(l. d<..4- aI.OV e Ult - eFt lout at. I Z'4..1 , t. '.:,.. 1`:.4. . _ )111 'S I'.ITENT 1' EN 'I v,"1.1:‘,6 } I he tuhsei 'her Ivotthl 811 pi.i t!e, rt,itiltmg n 411.ntr0.) h• I it!l:o•N't , lol‘ .41,N!INti A-m. It.NIH.AI The (111, forum, i i IiONV 1(11( ti 11, I.rett b. LIN 4hlcett 'thirint: the 1 nyt }suf.. SCUIS 11.1. 'l.l 11! , k1v.t 1.1 . 1 t ::1( 1:,-1h,r uilh 1111{11111SO Intl, )o+ir Ls tilt• last I•N ith•11.11• 1.11:11 1:10 Ia ,111 , 111 ler nil ti rim s. Ih tJ. , S I LI rtii“ O. 3 oti eta i:1 Ldlll i l't Lt. Alt—'lift • 11,,:tti1tg tturlitve, being at a tt hut' t 'nit] t•. tl.ntt• ilr. i 4 1 =TM 1 I . : ' kat/1,4 t 11h ' 1.1 rll It I L t =EINE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers