Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 06, 1854, Image 6
6 El ^2t.grit:ulfnrnl. rum the Nevv England Fanner • TILIF,q, ACRE FARM; Or, a Cure for Ilard Times. 'how much land have you got here in ,our lot, Mr. Briggs?' 4 have one acre.' 'One acre I and here you are taking the %rem , England Farmer, the Cultivator, 'lorry's Magazin. and the Hortiollturist, .nd all beca you have one acre of ;round w many such papers would ou have to take if ,you had a hundred, :ores shouldn't probably need any more ihan, I take now ; you know, Mr. ('hap tan, one can 'go through with all the Lotions' on one acre, as well as on a hun ired.' 'A man can throw away money with .mt any, if le has a mind to. For all .he good you get front such periodicals, you might as well,,probably, throw the money they cost into the fire; they are bothing but humbugs.' pay two dollars for the Yew Englund Frtritter f ---onc—dollar for the Culthwtor, three dollars fur the Horticulturist, mill :wig dollars for Hocey's Magazine—in all, eight dollars.' - 'Eight. dollars! enough to buy a tip top barrel of flour and a leg of bacon ; and then if you read t tese periodicals, there is twice the ammukof money spent in time reading them.' do actually read or hear read almost every word there is ill them. My boys and I take turns in reading, and one reads aloud while the rest work.' 'Complete nonsensc,l No wonder your l i shop don't turn out any more boots in a day than it does !' 'Perhaps we don't 'do as great days' works, some days, as some of our neigh: bors, but-I-guess that in the-course-of-the--- year we turn out as many, according to the hands at work, as most do.' suppose it' is out of these publica tions you get your foolish notions about , w many kinds of fruit trees. One of my boys came home a while ago, and said Hr. Briggs had got lots and lots of fruit trees and such things, that cost Ldon't know how much, and wanted me to buy ;tune grape vines, pear trees,. and so on. E. told him it was all foolishness; and not to let me hear him say anything about spending money so foolishly. You have, I dare say, laid' out ten - or fifteen dollars this spring.' ' Yes,' nearly as much again; I have laid out twenty-five dollars for trees and gar den fruits.' 'Twenty-five dollars ! I wonder you are not on the town, or iu jail, at least, before n o w . ' 'l'm not afraid of either ; l'll bet you, the twenty-five dollars selryou. that amount of fruit from those things for which I paid the twenty-five dollur.4, iu five years.' illone! I'll stand, you; so your trees will cost you fifty dollars, sure, in money, besides the time thrown away in setting them out and taking care of them.' 'As for the time spent in setting them out or taking care of them, it is as good exercise as playing ball, wicket or any thing else. While we were setting them out, one of your boys came to get my boys _ to go over to Mr. Moody's, where, he said there was to be a great time playing ball; and I have no tleubt your boys spend just just as much time playing, as-mine do• with our trees, and so forth; and then something is done, - -hut its playing the strength is all, laid oustfor itothingt 'Well, it don't cost anything - to play ball, but trees cost money:: 'Pie foregoing conversation occurred in the shop, between two neighbors, Loth boot-makers, in a town not more 'Utah thirty miles from Boston. • Mr. Briggs, in whose shop the conver [4-Jahn took place, was 4 man of more than ordinary intelligence_for oue of his ad vantages and cirounistances in life. 119 had been a poor bby, and by industry, ob nervation and economy, had worked his way on in life, and reared and well edu 'eated a family of children, who, like hi n self;were industrious and steady. For the few years 'past lie had become inter ested in horticiAure, and both for exer eise and amusothent, had turhed his at tention to cultivating his 'one acre farm.' Ilis attention was first called to this by !howls • of a 'back number' of the Neu' T. :110111d FlMller, which was put around oe things bought .nt the rtere. Mr. Ht. a found this ho that lie ~ -' -\ . -..., .. purchased anothet' übtaber at. the period-, (cal depot, and then lii - i . became a 'regular Hubscriber.' His sons soon became inter_ ested in the same direction, and the in terest of the father and sons increased to the pitch indicated in the foregoing eon versationS In .titr, every i of that acre of c,. \111. ground wts 'brought tint er. tbe-,,,spade,' and almost everb i .st' va • . y of' fruits liad'a place there, and the father and sons found pleasure and profit tf it le garden, r --- after being cooped up—iii 1 to shop until the 'stout' was done, and the ex:erci. 'AIL' far more profitable than the spasm i , violent exercise taken i i games. 11Ir. Chapman, the of er neighbor, was a man of the 'commons imp.' lie looked upon everything new, Or mcommon, as 'folly' and 'nonsense,' am was ready to sneer at every one who steppe aside from the common track. It looked simply silly to him to sec a ujan stay at home from 'muster' or 'training,' or 'shows,', and spend his time in cultivating a gar den ; or, instead of loitering away the evening at the store, smoking and hearing or telling a deal of nothing, or worse, to spend the evenings at home, reading such 'nonsense' as the Farmer and the Bora, cOm ri'st afford. .. , Years pass, and ,3lr. Briggs' 'one acre farm' shows that hound his buys have not read 'the papers' in vain. They had. Jeanie(' how to 'set out a tree, and how to take care of it after it was set out.— Everything showed it teceived the right kind of food, and care, and straightway' began to bring forth fruits meet for good cultivation. In a short time the wants of the family were more than supplied, and the surphis found tt—rq-dy--market—with the neighbors at good prices. Those early apples, so rich and tempt ing, when all other. apple were so green and hard and then such pears ! they went as fast as the sun and house could ripen them, at three, four or five cents a piece. Then' such clusters of rich, ripe grapes—too tempting for the coldest to, pass -without a watering month. Mr. Chapman' were among the best customers . for the tempting---ftltitkr t havin , learned their excellence by this liberality of Mr. Briggs, who never failed to send a specimen of his best to his neighbor. The fifth season came. It was a fruit ch,_p_lum, and ,all other trees were loaded with fruit.,-- Keeping in mind his conversation with Mr: Chapman, Mr. Briggs had directed his family to set down every cents--worth of fruit sold to Mr. Chapthan, or his fam ily. This year, as it happened, was a year of'extreme hard times. The huot business was at its lowest ebb ; little work and very low wages—and yet the prices of every kind of provisions Up to the 'highest notch,' and money extreme ly ' But there was one family that did not seem to be in the least affected by the hard. times, low prices of labor, high prices of provisions or the scarcity of money; Mr. Briggs and his two oldest sins, all of them had a little 'spare change' to let on short time 'with inter est,' to their needy neighbors. One day Mr. Chapman, who was short, applied to Mr. Briggs for a 'half' for a 'quarter,' meaning fifty dollars for three months. _ said Mr. Briggs, 'I have a half or a whole, just as you like." 'What, a hundred dollars by you these times ? I don't sec how it conies. You and your boys d(in't work any harder than I and my boys do, and we can hardly get along. We are as saving and -pinchin , * as can be, too; times are so dreadful hard, and everything a family has 'to buy is so dreadful- high, and wages so low. Pota toes a dollar a bushel, beef fifteen cents a poifml, pork sixteen cents, eggs twenty five cents a dozen, mid flour ten or twelve dollars a barrel. How can a man live Y' 'lt won't be hardly fair for me to ask you fur that twenty-five dollars now, will it?' 'Twenty-five dollars ! What do you mean ? 1 don't iinderstand you!" 'Don't you recollect we have ,a bet be tween us about the price of some fruit trees 1 bought five years ago next spring?' 'Ah, 1 do remember something about it. You were to give me twenty-five dol lars if you didn't get your twenty-five dollars back from me for the products of - those trees and things. It will come very handy just now.' 'Don't be too fast, neighbor. I'm afraid it won't 'come very handy just now.' . That Was what I was,dunntng you for,— thit twenty-five dollars !' 'What? you don't pretend to say that we.have had . twenty-five dollars •worth of stuff from your garden ?' 'More than that from that very twen ty:five dollars worth of trees and other things. Here an account of•everything you have bouot and paid for; of course it don't include what I have sent you, ntl y‘,rt havo certainly not i,wen tiiJij \ &Wok fjeralb., Why, this bill amounts to thirty-seven dollars ! it is not possible !' 'it is just so ; you have had over twen ty bushels of apples and three bushels of pears ; and those, .alone, come to twenty five dollars.' 'I own,Rp the 'corn;' draw.the note for seventy-five.' (~,, 'No,I guess we will letahat twe ty-five go. only lentionf it t show tha . - ofire may be good sense ifil t il3f - thilus s.t(me times. Now I will be MI lwcnty-fi:e dollars over again, that my . e bill his not Ik4o*the past season, lujlf 'is large as yoursPilkugh I have had one the more in my family' 'lf I had not been so badly taken in before, I would staid -you ; but I guess it won't be safe.' . _ We have raised our own liotatoes, corn, peas, beans and all Other s:,irden vegeta bles. Our, eggs are alw)iys fresh and in abundance from the pest, and for more than two years we have not been without ripe fresh fruit.' 'now can that be?' 'Well,. by the first of June we, have strawberries ripe,' and soon after cherries; then raspberries, currants, gooseberries, and so forth ; and long before these are gone, the early apples; pears and peaches; thgp grapes, later pears and apples,-and tlige. continue all winter, and apples till July, when the early fruits again connect the luscious circle.' 'Well,. I declare that is something I never thought of. Bu', it takes so much time and bother to get these thingsstart ed—then it everlasting job to take care of them.' 'lt needs no more time and money than yott throw away on things that alnottiit to nothing at all, and with abundance of fruit you save the expense of a'• heavy meat bill, which is not healthy in hot weather. No doctor has been called to stop a foot into toy door for over four years past ! Fresh, ripe fruits are sure remedies for all ailments, and., they are not hard to take.' 'Mr. Chapman put th.e 'fifty' iiit(Phis weasel skin,' and left. with a 'flea in his • ' A.8.8- 'professional Taros N. ' KEN, Attorney at law, has A. settled fn) nian• h4d,earg. for the practice of his profession. All kinds of Legal Writing, Colleetions, Court business, kc. promptly attended to. Wave I pp , situ Dr. .ong 8 retiThilitTi). St It V EYINa In all its Wife= rent 'branches prvmptly attended to. GB. COLE Attorney tittti.w, will at tond promptly to all business entrusted to him.— °film in Ow room PlrilitTlY occupied by William Irvine, Esq., North Hanover streut, Carlisle. April 20, 452.:' "IR. C. E. MAT M ENTIIA 1., 110- mir,opArate Pi I AN. Office rind residence on Loather alert, ono Mau . east of the German Ile formed (ha rob. D r . Blumenthal respect fully otters his professional services to the citizens of Carlisle and vi cinity. 44ir1'ersona Bann a distance laboring nailer chronic diseases may consult by letter. 011iee hours. from i to A. M.. and 2 to 4 I'. M. septal,'s4t t ..„/pit. C. S. BAKER respectfully offers his professi on al seri Ices to the citizens of Carlisle ni.d surrounding country. Office and residence in South Ilanorer street, directly "PPoSite to the Volunteer Office." Carlisle, April Vii, 1558. I D i n t. n 5 e . 1. 13 „ . ,•, k 47, E 0 d"Flioors fß,Ofliee wi il € 1 ,,, N7 1 1 . 1 s storm office boors, more particularly from 7to U clock, A. M., and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. It. G 1;O. PI DENTIST eartlfully attends to fill • -- operations upon the teeth and adjacent parts that dlstimie or Irregularity may require. lie Sill also insert Artificial Teeth of every description, such as Pivot, Single and Block teeth, snit teeth ,11th 0110,111- nous Gums," and construct Artificial Palates. Olf turators, Regulating Pieces, and every appliance used In the Dental Art. —Operating rum it the residence of Dr. Samuel Elliott, East lligh street, Carlisle. DR. 0 EOM; r. !Mir . form any operations 1111011 the teeth that may ho required for their preservation.— Artificial teeth inserted, from a single tooth to an entire set, on the most scientific prlnriples. Diseases of the mouth and IrriFgiilarities carefully treatedA Knee at the residence of his brother, on North Pitt street, Carlisle. t -; 1 IR. J. C. IMO ic4"Q vv . v a ,-- ;" . II I \114,1%111 perform all operations upon the Teeth that are requin.d for their preservation. such as Scaling, Filing, Plugging..t c., or ii ill restore the loss of them by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth to a full sett. 40 - .011 ice 1111 Pitt street, a feu doors south of the Railroad Hotel. Dr. 1,. is absent tmin Car lisle the last ten days of every month. 141 N. ROSENSITEL,. Itouie, Sign, 'Fancy and Ornamental.PainterArvba's (formerly It:times) How, hear lilt:lees Dry 00(44 Store. Ile will attend promptly to all the above descriptions of paint ing, at reasonable prices. The various HMO Of 'graining attended to, Sorb, as ntahoony, oak, walnut, &c., in the Improved styles. ryq A 11'14.1—S1'11E o m e k..3 I'm NO FOlt YOUR OWN DENEIFIT!!! A Medi cine adapted to goneral use, greatly superior to others. and within the means of every Individual. 100 PILLS for twenty-five cents! No extortion in calomet—no mineral in loon whatel er. • - Da. Ton ,N 6/ ND'S 11 LA LTII PILLS fully torch thegreat reputation they have arquired. They are called for from all part: of the land, teeause Tllk.l AIZE ALL MAT Oil EY CLAIM To nr. Wit AT TIIEY WILT, DO—They purify the blood. they elense the System 14 Demons, they cure Dyspepsia and Indigestion, thoy create an Appkite.,they cure Sick Headache, DiAtiness.and Low Spirits. they arrest Fevers, they promote a healthy action of the Liver, they are a sure extra for Costiveness and lialdtual Constipation, they aro Wily efficacious in Female Complaints. they strengthen and give tone to the System. They are 'the best Family Medicine known. - It is an obvious in how' ope medicine can cure so many different complaints. These howevercare rn ~m il o o nded of ettrative inaterhtls-thet persons have ttt ty to Tltli vium end the IiIISNI er n 11l he found In a rer stored body end an Ins h.toretell rens!. it nt , Eztelt Cox eot,t3inq 101 Ms, tit the :e..topiQlthi;fl) how ~r 1 1.,1t- 1 111;111,d F1 , 111‘11 , 0" , 111 , 11- 1.• 1 ,,, t • 0 •1 • r t 311isceftincous . . QTEAM SAW MILL, near l'aportown, Cumberland county.— I I A Sli A. SEYMOUR continue to sup row ply Lumber of all ltillliN, at tho shortest notice, and on Lomas lower than ran ho had olstere. All orders dtreeted to E. 11AsKEtt, Pa portow M. D. Sr:intone, I r., Carl Islo, be prompt ly attendek to. Fob. 22—ly o, & ‘, AS FITTING AND PLU.INII3- INO.-11. uinktri:ipied would intlom the elti/AAIR of lisle that he has made arrange moots todo GAS Firri MI rind PI,UNI BING at short EC lire, and on reasonalblo terms. Ile has ongnged the tier iron of it first rate hand from Philadelphia, nod Las oup plied himself with an ex tennis, assortment of Fl .Vl*- PIZ which will 011111,10 him to fill all orders promptly. All work will Le warranted. I lin stork of Gas Fixture will be found in the room exactly opposite his Tinning establishment on North Hanover ~treat, w here he invites a call. TINNING, SPOUTING, &c.—lle Is also prepared' to furni,h, or make to order. every article Of TIN IS Alt E used 1 housekeepers and others. Ile will also !Mend to SPOUTING, HOUSE-ROOFING, BELL BANGING, awl PLUMBING. Thankful 11,r the patronage with which he hasalrently been fat ored, ho respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, Carll4le, Juno 14, '54 Fll 0 M CALIFORNIA.-C. VON IIEILEN respectfully informs the citizens of Car lisle and vicinity, that, he inutjust ret urn et' front Unlifdrula, and is prepared toexe s4l rote all hinds of work connected with his ;;;;" lino of business. Ile line always on hand ff it large asgortment of ready-made Mlles, Guns, Plstoth, Locks, Keys„ Gun Trinunings, Ae., all of which lie will sell wholesale or retail. Ile also attends to repairing Guns, clocks, leeks, &c: engraves, on brass, e°ll)er and iron. lie hopes that by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, he will merit and receive public patronage. Xrip- All kinds of Fire Aril's made to order. • Carlirde, April 2d. 1554—1 y „41' . .,1 - '” cZ 'Mt:NM D J EW f , -- • k=3 FURY I Iloliday Pres . 12 ....„ • oat , . tx —T II ti 31 AS' CON . .1 i • „. • t t . c / o 2 .., ~.... IA N., West High street. a few i•S;C:‘,.. !.9 3 "; ''',.." (P.n . s V., bt of Iturhholder's "\'''':3''' • 8 4 . - • . Hotel. Carlisle, has just re ,s '..P.,' —.. '-'.? g .1..%;,, . - real ell the largest and most '-' '-,- • . -••• ..:-, .'-' ' - elegant assortment of supe rior Jewelry es cc oiler, d In Carlisle.. consisting in part of Bold and Silver Watches of es cry variety. al d at all prices, eight-day CLOCKS. Silver table and tv a sp,ons. oils er table forks and butter knives, gold and silver spectoeles..bulles'-anti- guuticmeus'_ilohl .pelf and Pend', writ' challis of every description. ear and finger rings, breast pins, ke.. at all prices. Also Arcerdeons and Mu sical Boxes, with a great N :Irkly of Fancy Articles, se- lected expressly 64. the Holidays. Persons desiring to purchase are invited (7, call and examine the assortment. We are prepared to sell at very reasonable pikes. Qual ity of goods warranted to Le 25 fine as sold ft r. THOMAS CON LYN. West High st. • . . ___--. . • _____. _ 1„1 All lON HALL DAG UERREAN ...i.V i hoo3lB4—A. O. KA :ET having taken the haguer man roems in Marion I known as A. B. Tubb's Oak lerv. desires to In foe in tlit• Ladle% and Oentlemeu of Car lisle that he Is prepared to take Likenesses in the most superi•w sty le 'id the art, such as will fully sustain the reputation of this popular establishment. lIIS rooms are large, pleasantly situated anti comfortolly furnish ed. Ile is pro idol ii ith the most poworful' zu.d perii.ct instrument for taking pictures and warrants satisfac tion in all eases. A full supply of cases oleverylariety of style and size, plain and ornamental, kept constantly on hand. Engral logs, Paintings ' &c.. accurately copied and duplicates taken of original likeneses. Likeneses taken of sick or deceased persons. Prices moderate and Sltti,factlon gi% en in all.cases. The public is hotted to call at the Nlarion Mil Daguerre IL au OODIb and examine --the-numeroustepool Mena. ' '2f if INZUOrrOCItypeS inserted-4n Lockets, Breast Pins, Finger Mugs, Pencil Heads, Ac. Carlisle, Juno 13,'61. QADDLE ' AND HARNESS NAN kj INO. The suLscrilxir continues to carry on the ahoy,/ business. in all its various branches, in North Han over street., Carlisle. tuo doors North of Leonard's corner 4 o here he Intends keeping on hand a general assortment in his line, consisting of all hinds of fitsiiidnulde t/ D . DLES. Bridles. Martingales, lii bs. Cireingles and Halters, also Th im 's, '' -... \\ \ %V, Ira:' . /.lll;it , a . ild saddle is ti y"%j F ,-'' ( 1 ' ull . 77..ittres . . H 7 t: T X.. 1 .1 . ia • 1 1 53 I .. ( i illi . approved S 1' A N I S II used In thi t i ' `• r II P it I SkPPLEP ever eosin fry, and those wishing n hand- Sntne, (Weakly and pbeasant saddle will do well to call and see them, lie also manufactures harness, Bridles. Collars and Whips in all their sante des, and confidently tel es, from the general approba tion of his customers , that he makes the neatest and hest gears, in all their variety of hredth, that is made In the country. lie als, makes all kinds of Mittrassesdo order, vin: - Straw, Husk. Curled Hair and Spring Mat rasses. All the abet e articles will be made of the best material and workmanship, and, with the utmost den 'Mob. WM. OSBORN. LOTIIING AT COST—The subserib _per has an assortmentof fashionable and well made CLOTIIINO, which .will be sold off at cost for cash. The stock insists of Cloth and Cashmurett Conts,Lim en and Ilinglaun - Coats„Tweed and Jean Coats; Marseills Sllk and r , atin Vtsthig .. ; Ca,siniers..lcan's and Cord pan taloons. Linen and eottonntle pantaloons. with all kinds of Clothing usually found in a clothing store: Intending to relinquish this brand' of my business. great bargains can lie—had by callkmi,soon at the cheap store of el IA It LES (a:ILI:Y. —'-4 CARPET! few pieces just received from nuctio ml !wiling very low. June 21.'54, CUAS. OGILTIY. ansurance. 11RE INSITRANCE.-THE ALLEN AND EAST DENNSBORG MUTUAL. FIRE IN ANCE CDMPANY of Cumberland county. incorpq. rated by an act of Assembly, Is now fully organized, and in operation under the iminagement of the following commissioners, viz: Daniel Bailey, William 11. Gorgas, Michael Cocklin. Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Sta)1111to, John C. Bum lap, Jacob IL Coover, Lewis liyer, floury Logan. Benja min 11. llinsser, Jacob Mumma, .h spills Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. The rates of IIIVIIM110(1 are as low and favorable as nay company of the kind. fn the State. POII4OIIIS wishing to become members are invited 'to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. BENJ. It. MOSSEII, President. HENRY LOOAN, Vice President. LEWIS nYED, Si•cretary. MICHAEL COUELIN, Treasurer., AtIENTS 'CUMBERLAND COUNTY.---Rudolph Martin, N. Cum berland ; 'V. IL Herman, Kingstown: Henry Venting, Shiremanstown ; Charles Dell. Carlisle ; Dr. J. Ahl. Churelitonwn ;.. Sanntel Graham, West_ l'ennsberourb ; James Me Dowel. Frankford; Mode Griffith, 'South Mid dleton; Samuel Coover, lienjamin Ha% erstlek, M Minn icsbunz ; John Sherrick, Lisburn; David Ceover, Shen. herdstown. 1:111t1C COIINTV.---joltn !Iranian, Dlllsburg; Pete NVolf•nt, Franklin: Jt bn I , lnltli, Esq., W Poor; J. \V. Craft. l'aradlse. Luebinan. Memhers of the eompany hating Hides .nhout to ex Ore can hove theta renewed by making; application t 4 any of tho,agents: • DRUG STORE.. FOR SALE.—The subscriber offers at private sato the stork and fix tures of a Druji[Store, late the prop6rty of Mlchirl Fis- Rel, decd, tri l'hurelitown; Cumberland-. munty. - There Is nomther Drtnr Store In the placeoand'a fine opportu nity IN now presented to any young man whaling to commence tills business. For terms enquire of . n 6 ".kICSKS MORICI:TT, Amd't. 11111001 IE 'bit of 4,01 N' an I Square ltrodw Shaw's. Planhet itt-t to...lye' from Nov Vorli. and ery 1,. st t 41, store of . S (ALAS. 00 I 1.1 1Y WA TOIL'S, JEWELRY, SILVER , '. WARE and FANCY GUODS.—A tine assort ment of the finest quality. for little at the Me est cash prices, at Wm. C. ELVIN HEAD'S, N 0.16.1 S,•idit See( nd i Street. beta eon l'i e and Union, west side, Philadelpfila. The zissortment eml races a, large and select bti etc of ' Fine Watches,... %'elry, Silver Ware. AR eta Ware, plated Aylth till9,Bla ye ill Sp ,, OHS, Forks. Ladles ; kc.•—Jet good; Fans and . fancy 'articles of a superior quality, deserving the exam had Stu of those who desire to procure the best - ...). goods at the lowest cash prices. , —4WIF Having' a practical lziodvf 5.LT4 A. „„ .2. .... ), the business,and all aver° luctlf` ' ties for Importing Inid 3 'infanta, i t tog, the subscriter conliidently invites pub 'tumors, Lc; • ,r, liming that he can supply them D -Wins as faverabh awn), other ,estahlislanent in e her of l'he Atlantic titles. All kinds of Diamonds and Pearl Jewelry and E 4 ilver Ware manufactured to order, wttliiim a rrasonal la time• lysy.Witt, hes, feu elry and silver ware faithfully re. paired. WM,F, 1:1110N BEAM No. 184 South Std St. a few iloorn zdoto the St. Mar ket. IVest ;41(lp frp.ln the south window of tho Store, may be aeon the tannins liird (loch, which ct mmands till• admiration of the scientlflc and curious. (Sept. 28. '5.1-Iyr. 1 P . ROY ED SUPER 1? HOSPH AT me LIME.-From Chemlial & Union Works, made after the most improved niticlesand p stiperior.. Prepared Ai,4iydrite Manure, made after the Lm2llsh ar title, and Most sum - aloe, lacing moth lower than It nano, and fully equal. The attention of 'hiders and Camera Is particularly called here for trial. Also. fermi inn Gu ano, in large of small quantities, for sale b.: JOAN 1,. I OMEROY, 2.2 South Wharves, :Id door tame Chestnut t.t. Sept. 27, Isl.l. MONROE MORRIS CIIILSON'S PATENT I'LNTII.A. TING .I•URNACE. — The subsuiber w, uld van the attention of all parties requiring a desirable Furnace to UHILIOUN'ti CELEUILATE.I. W ALMING ANL l L:011.Ally AV- I'A UAT LS. he reputation of this furnace is now tame n, having beemintrt.duced during the past five y yew. into about jam public buildings and mere than Re& pi is ate dwell ings; this together with the immense him ase of 'sakes every year is the Lest evidence that can be adduced of its superiority us or all other furnaces. ,fly the nee of thilson's h unlace, you secure the fidluu ing advantages: Iract V1.1%1 ILA, : Pllie he heating surfaces being at a tempera 'tine that will nit detonate the air. .LUONOMO AL 1'1 , 1.1 uF FUEL. • I.II;EAT DUIIAIOLVEY—Being made entirely,of Cast I ma, not HOMO to rust, will .requite no tiepins during a lila. time—it is easily numaged.and will ntt el,p, 1., the 1 nild. log in which it is placed to danger frtni tare. like the other furnaces. e have the testimonials of bundled:. of tie most scientibe men to attest to the truth of the al e state. molt. all of a ham monounce it to Le de ided ly the left Uritzu, yr,t. liivnitird — f,r - prcducing - nintrear l-I tealthy -- : atm. sphere. W e herewith annex the nun s ei a ley a ell k stall and eminent pre fesste s, vi ho has t used them and h holly furl) fished us th, it mimes and nth L'aces: . Pmf. J, ho Halt. Prof. Parlser,Plitf. Nl.l t,an, Pres Wm. 11. Allen, Prof. Pm sons, Prof. l m analds, Lad. B. 1.11 liman, Prof. Ripley. NINE :17.1.8- We have introduced this sensuu five ilea sizes. so that all parties Hill) avail themsele es of this Fruit improve ment at a very tuedet ate cod. t 1 e are LO.A. prepared to tirliU4l apparatus _to azure, a single rani, or the larg est buillifitg in the cm entry. No. 1 Portable. Cc mph. te. 2 do du 3 do do 4 do for Wick tiotk do - do A Extra Radiator, (with ' Ears and Mauch Plates,) 70 3 • do do do 5 do do 6 do do 'do This No. 6 is the Ito-gest' and 'nest le st el fill Fafnir. made in this country. and Is lidllskinl 13 adapted for Churches and other large class Luildh (s. e continue to sell the apparatus at the same price an when first introduced. fly e year*. ago. Although the present hig,h price of iron has int-teased their etst 25 per cent, owing to their great weight. still At e nTriliahted the great increase of sales to furnish the attiele at ti lowest possible price. Ono foundry alone. Messrs. War nick A: Leibrandt. have contracted to furl ish us withsoo tons of Furnaces this season, So that vi e ate tow prepae ed to furnish them wholesale or retail. We supet intend the erectieu of all Furnaces, when required. and war- rant them id all cases. METROPOLITAN COOKING II ANGE.-11 e have ntelb the meet complete Cooking It an gt that has y et leen in troduced, to which we call the attention ot all who may wish to secure the most pet feet and desiral le cooking ale 'parat us ever his voted. EMERSON'S PAIENT VENTI LAI - OIL—At e are the only Agents in Pennsylvania Sro the umoulacture and sale of this Ventilater, acloa legged to le the only perfeA Ventilator es Cu' It "de 1 r t t t r io ling the draught in smoky chimuics, at. 1.1 6 r tentilaliug build ings of all kinds. As there are a great mat., imitations of this valuable article now offered ti r sine. litrties will be curetul to exaMine that Whits the Emerson itadge at tat lied. i•AT ENT lIEOIi• , TERS AND VENTI LA TaRS.-04 have the largest atip most complete ass , rtment sf Ile' Al: Registers and Ventilators to 1 e ft mid in the I sited States. Parties Who wish to pun Lase elthei tor privets, use or Mlll:lLyStile, wi ll Lad It go:fitly to Go it Ldvautage to examine their stock. SLATE AND IRON MANTLES.—We hove, always ow hand an extensive astantment of these hentiltiftal man tles, in exact Itultatitn of Egyptian, Spanish. Galway and other rare marbles. ' OPEN GRATES.—For Anthracite and Eitumineus Coal. Also, an entire new pattern 01 the low' down Grata, made front the English I'attcrits, and mainly new In this country. SOLE AGENTS for the English Encaustic Fit °ring Tile, GarnhirliChimney Tc ps and Term Cotta Orumuente, such as (linden Vases, Ice. Persons :shout building would do well to examine errr stock beftwe purchasing elsewhere. Yhiteis, whether purchasing or not, are cordially %V VlCCllleli to our exten sive Wareroems, and where we slant,' he Lai py to fur nish any information respecting any of tur seeds that may be desired. A bock on Warming anti \ entilating can be had gratuitously at our stole. either perseualty or 'by letter. S. A. liditltil•t-N. Warming and Ventilating WariEnuse. 146 Walnut sh, below Sixth, . 1 , 1.11.41431' MS. 1 y i ) LI I N. Il f D t , he 1 :(, ) , Ir t e l Tin t li n o A . lt 2 ist . e l in 1 1 1 I ir rrooll ig and I,lastic Band Toupees. Instmoth os to enaks Ladies and Gentlemen to measure their Inztis with ais euraey. Felt Wins, Inches.—NO. 1. The round of the bead; No. 2. From forehead over the bead to the i• eel; ; No, Fr. m ear to or mer the top; No. 4. FrMn tar to ear semi the forehead. Toupees and scalps, Inehes.—No. 1. From forehead Is Leek as far as laid: No. 2. Over forehead as fur as requlr , ed; No. 3, Over the crown of the brad. It. DOLLAItI) has always ready for sale a splendid stock of Omits' Wigs, Toupees, ladies 111}s. half Wigs, Itraids, Curls,&c„ beautifully Inuonfact tired and no cheap as any establishment to the Callen. Dullards lierhanium Extractor Lustrous lluir Tanta. prepared front ti.outh American Nests nod Roots, thi finest successful article ever prtduced for pi es Ming Ib. hair from fulling out or changing color, tattering and preserNing It in a healthy' and luxuilant state. Among other reasons why Dullard's hair cutting saloon. malrw twins its immense popularity is the fart that hlsToulets applied to every head of hair cut at his establishmenk cousemiently it Is kept In Letter preservatlen than utt. der nny known implication. it -reing — thus practically tested by thousands, diem the greatest guniaLtee of ha efficacy. Sold v. holesale and retail at his Ohl Fstallishment diestnut street cppusite the l,tate ere me, I hiladelphia, R. Dollard has tat least discm d the ne plus ulti of ((Al It DYE, and announces it f r sale m Its perfect con fidence in its surpassing every thing of tbe Lind new in so. it colors the hair either' 1. lack or 1 at. u, at may is 11,1+01 .without lojury to the hair or I:in either by stain or oilier" Ise, can I e x,,shed off In t mminutes after applicatiam , et its, of Out nvtintr from it icacy. Persons visiting the a ity are 1111 itt4 to al* him a call. Letters addressed to It. DOM` Ill), 177 Chestnut-at, Philadel bla, will IrceiVe attention. 25-14 IllWatteipOin, 1113-y 31-7 ml T EATITER.--Tritz & 11e d y, Stott * c - ) 29 North &I st:Tbilad4ipli In. or coo nuin titer. ors. Curriers, Itrirulers, Cumin - and General I fall or business. • w 1101.1:zALE AND D.ETAII,-31a ufactury 15 Mu Fnrcttn street • NO 'ti 2 and TIACII L, of the • '!C u3t. torehcd Nati f ' • • 1 r.(l ry °f J. ti. WILLIAMS', July o: t Main ht; $ 46 41,