Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 06, 1854, Image 3
rittit J Iks. Two Noble-Hearted Children It is a beautiful Sight when children treat each other with kindness atlll love, .as is related in the following story: Last evening, says the narratorFnook supper. with Lydia; her parents and myself were sitting in the room together, and her brother Oliver was out in the yard draw ing his cart about. The mother went out and brought in some peaches a few of which were large red-checked rare ripes—the rest small ordinary peaches. The father handed me one of rare-ripes, gave one to the mother, and then one of he best to his little daughter, who was 'fight years old. He then took one of the nualler ones, and gave it to Lydia, and old her to go out and'-give it to her broth u. was four years old. Lydia went nit and was gone about ten minutes, and .3n came in. " give your brother the peach sent him rl asked the father. " Did you give your brother the peach sent him?" asked the father a little nom , sharply. " No, father" said she, I did not give tim that." " What did you do with itrhe asked. "I ate it," said Lidia., \\That ! Did you not give your brother ny ?",asked the father. " Ves, I did father," said she " I gaye tun mine. Why did von not give him the one told you to give him?" asked the father atlfin‘ sttn•nly. ‘• Boe,:tu-;e father" said she, " I thought e'would like Mine bet er." " But you ought not to disobey your Lther," said he. I did not mean to be disobedient., ether," said she; and her bosom began i heave; and her chin to quiver. But you were, my daughter," said e. • I thought. you would not be displeas -1 with me, father," said Lidia, "if I id give my brother the largest peach ;" id the tears began to roll down her peeks. " But I wanted you to have the larg it," said the father; "you are older and .rger than he is." " I want to give the best things to cother," said the noble girl. " Why?" asked the father, scarcely. )1e to eolitain-litnself. " Because" ansered the dear generous rl, " I love him so; I always feel best hen he gets the best things. " Your right, my precious daughter," id the father, as he fondly and You nbraced her in his arms. " are ght, and you may be certain your happy ther can never be displeased with you r desiring toroive up the best of every ing to your affectionate little brother. e is a dear and noble boy, and I am ad you love him so. Do you think he ves you as well as you love him ?" " Yes father," said the little girl, "I 'ink he does ; for when I offered him le largest peach he would not take it., ui desired me to take it; and it was a .god while before I could get-him to take pASTATE OF SAMUEL MU3IMA, DECEASED.—Notice is hereby given that letters administration on the estate of_Sainuel Mumma, late Eist Penusboro' township, Cumberland county, dee'd. we been issued by the Register of said county to the ibseriber. residing in Upper Allen township: All per ms knowing themselves indebted to said estate are piked to make immediate payment, and these having aims to present them for settlement to Te)BIAS MILLER, Upper Allen, Administrator. Nov. R, IRSI-6tpd ALTTENTION DYSPEPTICS—Those of 'you who have been afflicted for years with this ~,thersouto dituiae, and who have been using almost v.iry Nostrum.liefore the public without relief, we say o vim try Borchers Antidyspeptie" and you will soon ri.nivinced of its great superiority over every other reiaration. We could givo you many certificates corob rating our assertbms, but a single trial Is worth more . 111.11 all. This remedy is prepared and sold at the Drug toi oof D. KEIFVER, South Hanover street, a few ours south of the Court house, Car VEW GOODS.—The subscriber is just • •11 opening a frefili asgortment of 'eery CIIEAP OOOUS 7004 ht at ruiluoed prieog. Callan(' seo them. Aug. J. GEO. W. lIITNER. cOR H X R N•SELLERS.--ANDE'S PAT ENT r uns SIIEWIII. decidedly the best laid cheep. iow In use. Farmers are requested to call and ex.• amine It at the Carlkle Foundry and Machine Shop. of st, Saxton's Hardware Store. For sale at reasonabl e prices by A ug. nci ARPE NT E ItS and 13uilders are i nvi t - ) 0i t. : \amino tho atißurtmoti tof Lowlio. !Aldo, o t. 9. 111•1.!e.4, SONIIVS, G JUR, Putty, Oil, 1.:11111q, ,to.— All br sato chcap at March 13 SAVE YOUR OLD METAL—.Cash paid for OLD METAL, quell 1113 Copper, Brass and jean, at the Carlisle Foundry and Ma.•hlne tIARDN & WI4IW call the attention of the public to p N''T ‘111•0; OARDEN OR FIRE ENO INF:, Waterliil gardens or extinguishing area. An omerllont ar um, „,, A ,•11.1Zipal)11 convonlont. For aala at. nol/1-1354 SAXTON'S. )1,1 YARN.----A lot of very • ~‘Li.!L: ref, than t 1 1 ,3 vity .! 3 -It is impracticable In so short a space as this to give an adequate idea of the varlets' of subject, and the ex tent of research which this Volume rental TM The whole field has been carefully explored. AM] no de pArtment boo ever hitriiate has been passed over, but treated no tit 1110 MO tject• has liven made perfectly clear - and - intelligible to the simplestniln - C - Indeed — one --- of the great peculiarities of the hook is its freedom from dry detail, and statistics, (so common to works of this character.) which no doubt is elle of the causes of its very great popularity. The Agriculture of the State is it prominent topic in the work, and all-its parts receives his earnest attention, not merely speculrting on the results of huskindry, lint searching and finding how the greatest advantage can be gained from the best sources. Every Farmer should read and study his remarks, and also those who depend on the Former for the necessaries of Ito llto f r all should . understand something of the means by which those necessaries are produced. Cities, Towns and Villages are described and dwelt upon, the charactoristies of the people pointed out. and the various improvements in progress or projected no ticed;--orie of the, deeply interesting sketches in the work is that on the Wyoming Valley; the vivid and startling interest thrown around that devoted spot, is dwelt upon with beautiful pathos and feeling, and the leading events in the tragic part enacted there in revo lutionary times, painted out by a master hand. Added to this is Campbell's alWays beautiful Ilertruile of Wyo• ming, the merit of which' it is unnecessary to speak about. A vivid and truthful .description of the grand and majestic SAOiery of the Old Keystone State. is also a promiuont•4Uiject in the Volume. Nothing can exceed the grandeur and beauty of Pennsylvania's Itntuan tie Hills, and well does the author understand the subject with which ho deals. The Press . throughmt the State have, with united voice, pronounced it the Best Popular hook ever written on the State, and without a elude exception have re commended the work in the highest terms. The many Clattering notices bestowed upon it will be collected to gether and published, in a future elreular. Aevempany ing every volume Is Barne's Large Map of the State, c arefully colored,—the latest anti best Map published, and which retails seperately at One Dollar, and Is un doubtedly the only correct one issued. 'the price of the Book Is placed at the lowest rate for which It could be manufactured, and the execution of it iii every respect is alike beautiful and sultqtantial.-- Independently of the fine map, it is a remarkably cheap work; but that accompanying It. the publisher has no hesitation in pronouncing it the cheapest Book publish ed! The Publisher has gone to groat expenle In publishing the Book in proper style. The engravings are beauti fully executed; the typo large and clear; and the paper of a fine texture; while the binding is nt the same time tasty, and durable, and having done his part well, he submits the work to the examination of the people. confidently recommending it to the attention of those, interested In the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Reading Railroad Company, Sunbury, and Erie Railroad Company, Norristown and other railroads in the State, in the S'ohayikill and Lehigh Navigation Companie, in the Lehigh and all other Coal Companies, throughout Pennsylvania, to all engaged In soloing and manufitr t tiring Coal :tlldl Iron, to every Farni';,i and every citizen of the great State of Pennsylvania, he submits this splendid.9volnme, and respectfully solicits their prtnai age. Agents will call upon the citizens far nick subscrip tion, It hil in eases where no agent has called. any pertioll wishing it, will have it sent free of expense, by remit ting the amount to the Publisher. Embossed Muslin,- - • $,2 00 - " gilt edges and side - ' 2 r,i, .4 Morocco, marbled edge - 2 25 .. Turkey Morocco, extra- 4 Uo - tch - -.Agents wanted In every county In the Sta,tq,— Any piimen desiring an Agency please address the Pub lisher Immediately. - M . M. WHITE SMITIt. Publisher, septr-54 105 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. It %..1011N A. IIEAGY, Kingstown, is Agent for the above work In Cumberland county. , OABBNER A: BROWN ‘AxToms VuOfications. VOLUME„TEN OF TI-lE . " SCIENTI FIC AIII,IIIIOAN' coutinences on the lath of Sep tember. It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of the interests of mEeimmes, ItiVtINTORS, MANUFACTURERS As o FmtmEltS, And is edited by men practically skilled in the arts and sciences. .Prolcilily no other Journal of the same chmucter is so extensively circulated, or sO gener ally esteemed for its practical ability. Nearly all the Valuable Patents which issue weakly from the Patent Odiee are Illustrated with Em.ttavings, and the claims of all the Patents are pithlished regularly in its columns as they are issued, thus making it a perfect Stacwritle AND Mecu.tslCct. Exexci.oesem of information upon the subjects of Meatanleal Improvements, Chemistry, Engi 'wearing and the Scienees generally. It is published weekly in quarto form suitable for binding, and each volume contains Four Hundred and Sixteen Pages of Reading Matter, Several Hundred lEngraving,s, with a full and complete Index. Its circulation on the last Volume exceeded 23,000 copies per week. and the practi cal receipts in one volume are worth to any family much more ,than- the subscription price. The following CABII Pincus are offered by the Publish ers for the fourteen largest lists of Falb:wailers sent lit by the Ist of January. 1855: $lOO will be given for the largest list; $75 for 'the second: $O5 for the third; $55 for the fourth; $5O fur the fifth. $45 for the sixth ; $4O seventh; $35 fir the eighth; $3O for the ninth: $25 for the tenth ; $2O for the eleventh. $l5 for the twelfth; $lO for the thirteenth: and $5 for the fourteenth. The rash will be paid to the order of the successful competi tor immediately alteP the Ist of January 1555. Tt:mMd:—Ono copy, one year, $2; one copy, sir months, $1 ; five copiek.'sla months, $1; ten copies, six months, $5; ten copies, twelve mouths, $10; fifteen copies. twelve months, $22; twenty copies, twelve months,•s2B iu advanco, No number of subscriptions above twenty ran be ta ken at less than $1,40 each. Names ran lei sent in at different times and from different Post Offices. Southern and Western money taken for suhferlptions. Letters should be directed, pust•pald, to MUNN .5: Co., 128 Fulton street N. Y. .0 - 5-Mesers. Muto; A: Co. are extensively engaged in procuring patent for new Inventions. and will advise inventorr., withodt charge, in regard to the novelty of their ijnprovomen to.]Aug. 30, 18i:t4,,,r3w IMPORTANT WORK ON PENN , - SYLVANIA. No Pennsylvanian slionld'he without It. Eight thousamf copies sold! Every Farmer and every citizen should have a cOpy. BOWEN'S PICTORIAL SKl:von Ibleu OF PENN , YLV ASIA Or, its Scenery, Internal Improvements, liesourees and Agrieult Ore, popularly des , ribed. Illvstrated with over '2OO Beautiful Engrav- Illps , and by Barnes' Large Map of the State, carefully colored. Eighth Edition, lievised, Cor rected and Improved. One Volinne, rive., with over :MO pages and handsomely- bound. Sent by mail, tti) of ex pen se. Invariable Prke of the Work Dm) Stores .DRUGS ! DRUGS ! DRUGS! Fresh SUPPLY] I have just received a fresh stock - of Medicines, Paints, Mass, I 111, S r., which, having been purchased with great rare at the best HO houses, I canconfidently recommend to Families Physicians, country Merchants amt. Dealers, as be ing fresh and pure. DRUGS—Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Instru ments, pure Essential Oils, Herbs and Extracts, Spices. 4round and whole, ESsollet , S, PerfUln (TY, it C. . Cod Liver Oil—warranted genuine. DYE-STUFFS—Ladigca•s, Madders, Sumac, Alum, Log and Cam Woods, Oil Vitriol, Copperas, Lae Dye. PAlNTS—Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed 011. Turpentine, Copal and conch Varnish, and Red Lend. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price. Also, a fresh and splendid assortment of FANCY MODS, Fruits. Collfoetionary, and innumerable other Irtleles calculated for use and ornament, nil of which ire o:Fero,' at the lowest, eash'prices. at the cheap Drug, :took and Fancy Sta're of the subscriber on North Ilam , ver street. S. .‘" HAVER ST ICK. F R.,. &c. just received from Philadelphia and Now York very 'extensive 20 , 11tions to my ~ b onier stock, embracing nearly every article ---., of Medicine ram in use, together with Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ,Turpentine, Perfn— mory. Soaps, Stationary, Fine Cutlery, Fish -11-1 111er/wide, Breslow of almost every descrip hm, with An endless variety of other articles. milk% I tin determined to at the ruur LOWEST prices. All Physicians. Qoppyy, Merchants, Pedlars and oth• , re, are respectfully• rdUnested-oet to pass the Old) :PANT), as the y may rout assured that oVl`lv article will w.sold of .3 good quality, and upon reasonlL•lo torms. =EI done at tlii _ . r ip 00 T II IV AS IL—Beautiful W lite j_ wen. Healthy o mils and n Sweet Breath-- 1 who ma desirous of obtaining these benefits should use 4EII- MAN'S CIEI.BBRATII,B TOOTH IV, Sll. 'this (*Wham article combines so many meritorus •qualities that it has now become a standard ith:vorkt ll with the citizens of i , New Xortrz-fthiladelphia and 114Stimore. Dentists pro scribe it-ln .... thelr practice most shecessfully. and from every source the most flattering laudations are awarded it. Intlathed and bleeding gums are inimediatel • 1 °tient ted lay Ibruse; ins action - upon theta is n ' , and effhative. It cleanses the teeth so tl rough 5. hat they are made to rival 'marl in whlton anal diffuses through the mouth such a delightful fr .Nauss that the breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. t disinfects those impurities which tend to produce der ay, and. ns a con sequence, when these are 1111110VCII tl u teeth must al ways remain hound. Read the follow ig from nr. .1. A. : 11Ir Zerman—Sin: used and recommended yrill'F'footh 11'8,43 in my practice far some time, I find IL the most effectual Dentrilice In use, anal therefore reroni ueud It to the public. Dr. .1. A.CARMANT. DelAist, Harrisburg, Pa. Bead the follow Dig testimony: MR. ZERMAN—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the merits of your sidnable Tooth Wash, anti ron, without hesita tion, ferommend it as the best that has mime under my notice during an experience as Dentist of imre than six teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and Lindens irritated Gums, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the Breath. From the mouths of those who make use of It, however,lt will certainly speak, f..r Heat: (lee. P. SenivrtY, Surgeon Dentist. 270, South Tenth st.., Philndelplda. It Is used and re f unmended by all the eminent Dent ists in Now I' orl6,' l' lillatielphin. Baltimore. and other cities where it MOT ieen Introduced. All should give It a trial. - Prepared only by Francis 'Lerman. Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia. and !..1111 wbnlesali and retail by. Samuel Dorshel n Mechanicsburg. .1: Herron, New vine, .1. C. Williams. Shippensburg, and by all Druggists at only 25 cents per bottle. lIPILEPSY Can be Cured. Lake's EU ET A BLE 0_011'01:ND. riir tho cure of EN or PITS I is portimmlng more wonderful rural than any other medicine vet known or before the publlc... PRICE FIVE Al-BOTTLE. The propr,ietor has iu hie 11USSPSSi011 numerous eolith catcpi. narrating the astonishing and miraculous en es effected by this medicine. and direets attention to the following only, tic assure tin Se who are so uniortllnate / ISo atiljeted xith the terrible dise+ve , heretofore regard ed incurable, that LAKE'S preparation IS .AI.I.IIOST IN FA 1.I• TILE IN ITS ( USK From Mrs. w flow of Maj. Jas. Iltooh s, late of Coo n cant, 0. Mr. Z. LAKE—Sir: Please send me another bottle of lit MAI, Ine, as I do not like to he; nitheut it on hand. 11 114.11 ,1 enionieneed giving the medicine to my son Ed .fmr.ll4.llad frotmom, to_Chree_lits-per-.L.ty taken the medicine over five months, and has had, 1 think. but two fits in that time, 11.114 those very li::ht— llls body and mind are Ivry much Improved.; and by the-blessing of Ged, I feel that the medivine will restore his lady and mind to their wonted aeth ity. Ile is b 1 years old, and has had fits over 12- years, Which have been very frequent, and very destructive to his constl tution and mind. Ilmodreds of dollars have been ex pended for mudielne to -CURE F r ) TO." but nothing has relieved him until he used your medicine. Respectfully yours.' POLLY Wit 14 /KS. From Judson Landon, Ceunt v Superhitendentae the Ashtabula County Infirmary. Mr. Z. Los r— Sir: T h oselo send a few more bottles of your .' Fit Medicine;" 1 may not need it. but think sof , er to keep It on hoed. Your medicine has done wond,Ts. I gave It to Miss Jane Delano; she has had fits far 251 years. Ivnyught on by hat big the measels wizen but four years old, which could not be lavvngbt out to the surface. After taking the medieine it few dots, sax non A FINE otter or mr.ssims, and has had no fits since. She had fits or symptoms althost daily. She and her father mncur with me in 1 ; )• log that we believe the medicine luz.s or will work a 1 idea cure. cure. I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane II ndomm avid Aris Carby, Do , who have !i ILL, almost (t all for a number of yearn. Their fits have ceased, and I lvelie% e the medicine will have the desired effect. Noe money has been expended by the friend's of the above patients for doctoring, all to no purpose.— The cure was left for your medicine to perform and I eon cheerfully recommend It ins a Valli:Ode silica, ory.— Itesrectfully yours.. JUDSoN LAND IN, Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary. Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LAKE, Conneaut Ohio. E. F. WELLE.R., travollng to4olit. Sold by S. W. linverstick—CarlLsle; E. U. Thomas. Mo = 011 N P. LYN E—Wholesale and He t tail dealer i t American, ratglish and tierman j II AHEM ARE, U is. l'aintv. &c., th. Mechanics. builders and the public ge .endly, ii ho are in want of Hardware 9eF••f any kind, are invited to call In and . -. .. 444.PZe4 •xamlue my unusually larg st,a4: of ,roods, which] mu selling at very low pr es. Just stop in: it will only detain you a very few minutes to be coal lucid that what everybody says —that Ityleß Is decidedly the plact , to get good go do at law prices—must be true. LYNE'S Hardware t tore, • West Side North Hanover street. I 0 0 Ic I I 14: LP WA R _4 T 11ACUAIN OF ! FERED A , The sul.serilier in eonslituenve lll.heaith, offers Jill en tire stiadt or Ir A IM A ILE to any persrin or poisons w jolt ing to cuter into the Hardware 1 / 1 1,411068. 110 !Hiving s" re:soll'od lii 111111.1,1114 the busiiie s, 11 ill*civil a 'bargain. besides his inn itenee and custom. Mg/mm deNIr;MS of getting into this I , IISIIIOS, will do' well to call scion, and If not disposed of by the Ist of October next. ho will then lannuoineo selling off of root at the old and well known stand, in North Hanover street, next door to Charles !ffttAlringhlin's !hotel. JACOB SENER. ~HARDARRIVAL ! WAREJIi lIENYR SAXTON. The subscriber having returned front the city would call the attention of his friends and the public generally to the large and well soloetetins,ortinent of Hardware.which he lots just received, consisting in part of HUI IDINII 31A TEEIA nails, screws, hinges, locks, bolts, glass. putty, paints. oils. &c. TOOLS—edge tools; saws and planes every description, with files, rasps, hamment, anvils, Ac, A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD DLERS TOOLS. together with morocen, lining anti bind ing skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount ing. saddletrees, fie. COACII Tbli3l CI I NO—canvass (plain, enamelled, fig ured and entboss,L) . patent and enamelled loather, axles, springs; hubs, spokes, felloes, shoots, &c.. Ac. Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment of vent -I:4ltesonahogany and walnut veneers, nouldibg, rosettes, hair cloth. curled hair, Ac. The stork of Iron is large and well selected. compris ing all the kinds in general use, AS hammered and rolled iron of all sizes. fiat, har and band Iron, round, square and oval iron, horse-shoe Iron and nail rods. with a large lot of cast and spring steel, English and American blis ter steel, &e. Housekeepers and those about commeneing will fled it to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery, brit tania and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets. &e. In addition to the above we have received a splendid assortment of WALL PAPER, making the stock com plete, and at such prices as cannot fall to give satisfac tim. We invite all friends to call, knowing It will het() their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East WA Street. Carlisle, Pa. Oct 12.0553. UENRY SAXTON. FIR ESII ARRIVAL OF II A R IT 11' A It E.—The suhscril.or having returned from the city has just opened for tlui Fall trade a large and .well selected stock of foreign npill 4 tlonArstlt• 'Hardware, muhrteing everything usunll3, 4 7bunti In Ova line of lm sincss..The attention of friends and the public generally is respectfully directed to the assortment on hand, as• multi); them that goods of all kinds will ho sold for cash at a very small advance on manufacturers prices: Re momhor the old stand, East Main Sfreet, Carlisle. Pa. Aug 30, 1854. IL SAXTON. AT APES' SITPERPITOSPITATI43 OF kvi m E.—Tho subscribers aro Agents to pills for the shove fortiliver. which has hcon fully tested I.r the last titres years. 'Earls - orders sollri trd ns tits sirtittly will ho Iliiiltist, Alto, nil. (t, (111311'. No. 1. s. E1,1,101r, )1;il❑ strvet. rarlislo eartiste L)cral6. alithicines. li.txusvit.l.F., Feb. 4, 1F.,3 41arhware .1.71 i.• 111 nr:ol Wnroh• ! I lu •,if 31/etticittes. cillEATfqT DISCO Y _ 1711 1 1 4 1 AG E — Farme ' r k' s, Families and :divers:can Pus ci,,,sc no remedy equal to Ivr. 'nib! AS' l'enellihn Lini ment, for Dysehtery, Colic, Croup. Chronic Ii homunt Crit yttz., Sore Throat, Toothache, Sea SiekneSav Cute, m hus, Swellings, Old Sores. Mosquito URrs, lmmet Stings, Pains in the lAmts, Chest, lived:: Sc. 11 it dors not give relief, the money will Le refunded—all that is asked, is a trial; and 111 4 0 it armarding to " ' The article is an Litglich remedy, avid wv King* of England; and certified to 1. aentnatisnr, when everything else pl*sicianOti oVer 10,000A100 of hatleS litiVe ed :Antes, without a sing]. tnih tre. , stated that it uas earth $lO pep' would he without k. etot - ervt, ns it is applied. Inuresthatehe . . . . Headache in half at tone. a n d (ho tnk on. In n few hours. It\ isperfectl.s in tem:ally. and has the raommentint. ....y of the most eminent Ph.) Fiehint; In the United Males. Price, 25 and 50 CO:kg. Dr. Tobias hats also put up,a Liniment f r litabeS pint. bottles, is' warranted—cheaper and better than any other. for the cure of Colic. Si old Sores. Pots. Bruises, Scratches, Cracl.ed Duel, .te.— Price, to cents. Dr. Tobias could fill n dozen newspapers a ilia tl e cer tificates ;Ind letters re,el‘ml: relating to theuu nlei fnl flares a ,, complished by his liniment. lut c , r side's that warranting it Is sufficient, as any person la hn al, es net obtain relief need fr.t. pay ter it. There has I eon se much worthless medicine s , Id to the public. that I r 'ru bles wishes his article to rest on Its 1.-n ta tuerile, aid if be gives the value of the money received, then he 0 , ..ks the petropne of the public. not , (4,ltea who, PII. TOBIAS' (Mice, 240 GREENWICH Street. Neu York. For stile by A. Smith, Soyenth and Chestnut F-treet , =: I)yott S Sinn, 132 N. Seem.] street; I. Callender. 1 . I S: Third street. and by the Druggists tlii ought ut the Unltid States. I= TARTER'S SPA NISII TIIE OR EAT PURIFIED OF TIIE 111,00 D.—Not n particle of l'ilorcury In it. An inthilible remedy fiv Scrofula. King's Evil, lilteunintirdn.libstinale Cann,. us Eruptions. Pimples or Pustules on the Fare. 10.4A1., 14 dis,,Chmnie Sore Eyes, !ling Worm or 'fetter, Scald Tload. Eninraetuent and Poin'of th e Born, and Jnas. Stain rn Ulcers Syphilitic Disorders. Lumbago. Complaints and nil diseases. arising front use of :Mercury, Imprudence In life. or linpurify of the .This areal alterative medicine and Purifier lif the Blots], is now used in 0011E4111(1S of grateful patients in all parts of the Fulled States, who testify l aity to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medi cines, .-CARTER'S SPANISH MINI 1'11E." Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Scrofula. Eruptions on the Skin, Liverhis ease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidder s Diseases of the Threat, Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of- the' Bones and Joints, are verfslicedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all digeases of the itheßl, nothing Inn, yet 1 een found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of all lin purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kid neys. strengthens the ingestion,' gives tone tothe Stom ach, mattes. the skin clear and healthy. and restores the Constitution, en feebled by disease or broken d a wn by the excesses of your h. to its pristine vigor and strength. I'm' the Ladies Its is" Incenuxtrably hotter than all the oosmeiles ever used. A few deses of Cmerth's SP‘NISII MIXTURE will remove ttaiIioNVIICSS of VOIIIIOO3iOII, bring the roses mantling to the cheek. give elasticity to the step, and improve the general health in a remarkable de. gree beyond all the medicines over heard of. The large number of certificates which we lut‘t, resolv ed from from persons front all parts of the United States is the best evidenc(i that there IS no Ilunthug about It The press, hoteldseepers, magistrates,. physicians, at pithlle men, 1101 known to the commurity, all add Mt it testimony to the wonderful effects of this (1 idlaath PURIFIER. Call on the AoENT. and get a Circular atel Al titans'. and read the wonderful runes this truly ge 'at est of all Medicines has perk rued. Font. genuine unless signed BENNETT & nEnts. Pro prietors, No.:1, Pearl street, Richmond. VII. II) 'if hcill nil orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed. And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. liaverstick, Carlisle Ira Ray, Mechanicsburg; J. 11. Herron, Newvllle; 3, C. Attie, Shippensburg, and by dealers In medivines every where. • THEWONDER F THE AGE For tho W cure of IFiltrh O eum, Commori Soros. Chapped or Crack . ed,llands, Burns or `cads, Cols or Wounds, I'lles. Inflammation of the Breast, bites of insects. :lone Lips, Pimples on the Face, and Bre:alien Out Sores on Children. and all diseases of the skim This Ointment will etire - tlie Saltrheum and burns, Chapped hands, quicker and surer than any other medi eine: of the kind.before the' public. To , substaratinte the above, I can give hundreds of cer tificates, but I consider it DO use, as (any person eAll do the same. If they have friends. fir even a sort hbess ar ticle!) I rely solely or{ the merits of the Ointment fur the public patronage. lI.—A single box of this Ointrie .t will keep any Blacksmith's, Farmer's, SfailOr'F, or ' haute's hands. let them chap or crack ever 80 h a d, sou 0 and in good work ing order all winter. Prepared Silt /old by MO 'ROE TERIZET, Saugatuck, Conn. • 8)1d alt.+ Fey the principal Drugg.sts, mad Countir Mew (+limits. Price 25 cents per box. Nov, 1.6. ISEI-ly AVEII you a cold ? — Gallolier's Elixir has acquired a Just celebrity for the cure of all diseases arising from severe rold.v, and its efficacy has been attlisted and approved by hundreds of our most rt spectalde citizens. In every Instance immediate relief has been given, as the following certiticate from the se who have tried It bears testintony• Manufactured and for sale by • Wo the undersigned do certify that wo have 'W1.11(181. lohor's preparation for Consumption. Colds, Diseases of the Lungs, Liver, &e., and having experienced inunedi• ate roliof therefrom would recommend It to nil attleted In that way. Thos. IL Sidles, Mrs. M. Mudd, R. 11. McCoy. E. L. Wolf,.Petor Monyer, H.'S. Hackett, Joseph Lobach, N. W. Woods. Carlisle. April 25, 18,54—1 y MAP OF CUMBEHLAND Ty.—From entirely oriFinnl Surreys, by Aetna' measurement. throughout - "1Q whole reatuty, by 11. F. 'The subscriber is now engaged In making Surveys preparatory to publishing ai new and , complete Mop of Cumberland-County, upon a large wale. Every Public. Brad and Stream, m Rh the locatitins of all Stores, Dwe and Public Mai Wings, will he accurately Intl down: All the Public Buildings in the County hill Lo dititnlCtly indlated, and the names of owners of tonper ty generally, will hi inserted in their proper positions on the Mnp. A Table of distances, Statbdics -of the County, ell large(' plans of the principal Villages, and a few of the most attractive views ht the County, n ill he inserted in the margin ; thus giving every satisfaction, and render ing the Map most valuable to the Owners of Pivperty, Merchants, Travelers, Conveyancers, and the inbabilauts generally, of the region delineated In as much as this work Is to be made 'up of actual surveys made upon the ground, It will require time to. accomplish it; It Is not expected:' therefore, that It will be ready for publication much under the period of Two Years. Thu size of the Map, will be about five feet by four, and will vest five dollars. It. F. 111t111111ENS, NOM:item corner or Mut shall toll NVeett Sept. • 1 feud. 1 . ( D . — , lust roceircd !"1 A I , ,t , tcrl-P1 . 11 , Ie I op• . :t .1 l',i! 4.•• LTl' (I. 0/11: . .11.. .1 nit h Cr trv• JAMES CALLOHER. Agent 311ehicines.' saaL OR v:4O z)taltll arib Nappintss ito ti 2 t 1:111$ nob gintLobtrro of affliction. Dr. C. L. KELLING, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR, goohanicsbArg, Pia -4 • /t , ...., - Dr. Kr4.l.rsto announces to the afflicted that be is a regular graduate of the best Medical College In the United States, and„during many years of rery extensjve practice, has been familiar with 3Tery form of disease, and succeeded in curing the most hopjfflss cases, even when abandoned by the regular faculty. Ms perfect knowledge of the hu man system enables him to Mlapt the nrr us to the, end, so as, to produce ,the most astonishing results. The alarming prevalence of disease, and the often imperfect medical treatment of the present day, has. induced him to make known tits NF vF: It•r. 11.1 attatrautts,"that those that inborn may rejoice, and the afflicted leap for joy. ALL, no matter what their disease way be, can rest assured of finti.i.g relief, and therefore should not delay a moment. Write disease and symptoms full and plain, and you jail receive an answer by return (free' stating the morteine required and the price of it. Address. C. L. IitiLLINO, M. I)., Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. .N.l3.—The Doctor will attend patients r distance, when required. LVER COMPLAINT, Dyspepsia, Janialke. Chrinic or Nervous debility—Disease of the itidnevs, and all diseases arising from a dis, rdered UNIT or i:tomach, such as Constroation. Inns rd plleti fulttens of Mood to the head, aridity of the stomach. nausea, lwarthurn. disgust for food, fulness.or weight in. the stomach. altar ernetatlons, sinking or fluttering st the pit of the Stolllll,l. SS, limning of the head, huirrit4 rind diftlenit breathing. fluttering of the heart, choking or suffeeating sensations when In a lying posture, di m , nes...of Inc%ii. dots or Mobs befl4T tile sight, fever and dull pain In the head, deficient:y.of perspiration. yellow ness of the skin and eves . pain in the side. back. ebert sudden thistles of hoot, burning In the flesh., constant imazinings of evil, and great depressb n of spir- Its. I,{ll be effectually cured by 111)(1FLAND'd CELE, BRAM) inuotAN tuvrEns, prepared by flit. C. M. JICIiSON, No. 120 Arch tStreet, Philadelphia. Their pow or over the above diseastisis not excelled. if ,inalled. by-any other preparation In the United States., as the cures attest. in many eases after skilful physi einus had failed. These bitters are worthy the attention of invalids.— Possessing groat virtues in the rectification of tilseiusee of the I,li er 11111.1 lesser glands, exercising the Incrt scandal - lg. powers In weakness and ntfectionsof tifs,di gestive organs, they are withal safe, certain and prime ant. TESTIMONY FROM PENNSY,INANIA. J. D. Spring. Lareysille, Pa., April 1854, says, .1 can get you waie good certificates for your 4ierniau litt t,r, in this s 'chitty if you eish them. *A lady mochas. log s • of It this week, says that it is by far the best she elver knew, having, alone her and her slaughter much good. &e. S. IL I„au son, Houdin-Ws Store, Somerset co. Pn., Aug. 1:., Is4:1, Pays, run much nttached to your Corman hitters..linving used two bottles of it, which I procured from S.liurts. your agent at Somerset, and found great relief from it in discaso of the Liver. .1 fund it hall great effect on my I (lugs, strengthening and inykornting thrum which, as 1 am n public speaker, is a grit help to lir. Giles. New ton Hamilton, Pa., May, MI, said: "I have used my self half a dozen bottles of yodr German , l )titters fir Liver Conni Mut and diseases of a nervous character, resulting f mthe abuse of mercury. I was l',Awned mid atilictet with spasms from the use of this atter, article. The twrman 'litters Is the first article Dom which I obtained any relief. I have also given the article to many dyspeptics, with the most salutary ru. suits. I think as mnnv more bottles will cure um." • . . J. C. Young, fisq., ot Dauphin, Pa., writes Mar 6. '•I u - As afflicted with tieneral Debility, Intestinal Weak ne.s murbnistiveness. for which I used niftily different remedies without relief. lat last used your Ileofland', tierman Hitters. I took a few bottles. Rewriting to di rections. and was completely cured: I have not been so healthy for ten years as I have been since I took your Litters, which is alvitt one year aim," These {tiers are LNTIIILLI vruri UU.e. always strength ening the system and never prostrating It. : , old by dealers in ineilivine and storekeepers ever). AI here. and by SUM 114 , 1 Elliott, S. W. Ilaverstlek and IL W. l'aufinatn. Carlisle; Eminger d, Pm„ Merhaniesburg; : 4 cyder 1: Diehl, Newburg, and by bhialers In Medleinea generally. Nov. ii 2, ti OCTOR OUR " SELF—IPRIVATEIN 26 cents, by means of the POCK :ESCULAPIDS. or Every One lIIS OWN PHYSICIAN I The thirty•sixth Edition, with one hundred engravings, show lug Private Diseases and tbrinations of the, Ocnoratire System, in every shape and form: to which la added a Treatise on the Diseases of Ye• males, intended for the use of females only, (see page 190) be. log of the highest importance to married people, or these eon: templating marriage. By. WM. Yot e, 111. 1)., Graduate of the, University of Pennsylvania, Member of the Noy. al Cc.llege of l 4 nrgcons. London. and Honorary Member of the 'Philadelphia Medical society. The various forum of Secivt. diseases. Seminal NVeaIZIIICSS. Diseases of the strate Gland. Impotency.solitary habits of youth. are faithfully described, and all *the receipts given in plain language. — "The chapters on self 111411 , 11 and Seminal Weakness ix worthy of particular attention, and should. be read by every one. Young men who bare been un• fortunate in contracting disease, previous to placing yourselves under the care of any doctor,nu matter what hisi pretenVens may ho, get a copy of this truly valuable' work. Sea Captains and persons going to sea should IXHIPCIIII Dr. , Young's Treatise on Niarriago. the Pochet }sculapl• rus. or Every one Ills own Physician. Stir Let no father be ashamed to pirsent a ropy of the .Esenlapius to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let 110 young mon or woman enter into the se. eret of married Ilfe without reading the poet. et .1 1 Noulaplus. Let no one sufferiir4 from a bark tdr4 roulli. pain In the ride. reNtivss nights, nervous feellm*, and the ‘rliole titan Dyqoeitt le Neil's:along, and giron up by their Phy siriso, he another moment without eort sulthlg tho Yseulaplus. Have the married or thee& about to I , e..nutrried any Impediment, rend this truly useful Ito ok, , as It Ints been the nwans of saving thou. Windt; Of unfortunate er6itures from the very Jaws et death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of• thlacelebrated work has IsSni sold In this country and Europe since laiN 3S, when the first edition u/18 Issued. Oa' Any porton F 01141111.7. TIVVNTY-IFIVE cents en closed In zi letter, will reeeive one copy of this book tie mall: or fire copies will Iv sont 'for ;11. Address NV11,1,1,1N1 VOUNG. NO]. 151: Sprure street, Philadelphia. Pest. paid. , TNVOIIty. .car! , practice In the city of Philatlelphla cor: sin lye entitire Dr. Young to the ebnfolence Writhe of. Meted at d Ile net,' I any of the AiiSi.9slo it hit: .11°010111. 1.11i11,10, his otlce. ••lilt. ,• f ••• el .1" 11 I, ,1)11 . 1 II . : I ' ,•o• 41; ::1!., 11.:,1;i \'.rl;ll. B]