Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 29, 1854, Image 8

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ALTIMORE, Monday, Nov. 27.
.FLortt"A'xo MoAt..=--rflie Flour market is
'lull ati;ler the Boltie's advicesf• This ill,nl-
ing wero aSiting $5.2.5 1 -0 bd. for How
.rd street brands, but fifinnl no huyei.s..M:t
ite 'change there WfIS very little di,iposit :L/11
10 operate. No soles reported, Itad nu buy
,v ,-;,121 for Iliovard street brands.
Athi n g done in City Mills—holders are
ypb lib!. We quote Itvo Flour at $7,
-. .)d Corn dual at .1,:11Q/„.$1,50 •1)b1. tbr
nintry and city manntacture.
URA's AN nEns,—Wheat--The receipts
day have been tnolorate. and the marl .et
wi hunt any special change in rates. The
pply continues fair. About 15,000 bushels
feral, and sales of good to prime white at
- - ,olsl.,tlit, eluded do., for family tlotir, at
1,92((/$1,9"/. and sales of rood to prime red
-;t1,1 .1 bushel. Lots of inferior
':t to 13 emits !- buihel less.-- I(.'t , ru
-The me -ipts ,to-day tvcre pretty large, and
,t market is nut quite so firm as at our last'
A1)0 , :t •10,0i)i) Ihl.-411 c 1 , ,, (ill',•red, ;Hal
ii of old while at 7:"(./ 7t 4 tents,
k;; ,, i ec.its, u?ti yollow at t-41';(y ) ,S2 eents,
yillnw at -a)(er:"Z vt.nts
12.000 of - Forosl, ales
'‘a cl,- • Iva at lt , (rt iU cunt;,
10/ 18 cents Intslicl. nye
utruruil;_;llt..3 of Prnn_
and of Irarvlail4 at $1 JO
;;;Wt,23ot ": 1 1;.51), 11S to 11111.11tV. and Ti,u
liy at 3,2,1@;53,:i0 hu.-;11e).
PIII t..t 1)10.PM a, Mondav, Nov. 27;
i. l'lietr there is little or nuthingdoing,
~e 1 the 13:Ale's ath ice; lime bad no ell'ect
the market. Standard and good straight
uremia arc ofkred 'at .s?, s o(!tii - 7Fi: - `,7 5
iiithimt finding lUiyers htr export, the de
h,•ing fined to the wauts of llie-elty
lealees, who limy spari4y at the :Wove rates,
extra within the range of 0, - di,
Huey brands at $10(1 ! $10,. - 10 - Lt
',ant anti iLve Flour are quiet, and pri
es about like same as last noticed. Grain--
is'very little Wheat offering or selling,
Ind prime lots are scarce and generally held
above the views of buyers; the only sales we
boa of are a few small lots good POuna. Reds
at $199&192 cents, and White at 200 cents.
Rye steady demand, :Mil 1000 buiihels
was taken by a distiller at $1,22 eta. Corn
,:•oniinues in good demand -iiirratCr bettiir
Mires, suleS reaching 16008,000 bushels,
mostly Southern Yellow. at,Bs Os. for prime
new, 87 cents for mixed, and 08 cts. for old,
including some lots taut), in the market,and
some at a price to be fixed. Oats are dull,
mid offired at 51 cents fur Southern; buyers
only bra 50 cents bushel.
A NovEL 'LAw suit at law, of
hewhat, a romantic tharacter, Ii as just
be..n terminated in Franklin county. It
''seems that one Julia Lesher, bacatne pierced
with the arrow of Cupid, and wishing to heal
the wound by the application of lawful wed
lock, he made proposals to the object of his
affections, which, it seems she recieved favor•
ably ; but the father Mr. Jacob. Wyant, be
a prudent man of much foresight, requir
ed, the said John hi enter into bonds o five
hundred dollars, conditioned - that the said
John Lesher should live with his wife and
treat her as a loving and affectionate hus
band should do. But the parties, after liv,ing
together some month:, separated and this
suit was bought to recover tie amount of
the bond. The case was first tried at the
la , t, April term of the Franklin Court, when'
Judge the bond to be inva
lid. The ease was tarried to the Supreme
Court, and it was there decided that the binill
was `good and valid, and in aecordance with
the policy of the law.' rhe case therefore
came up again in the Franklin county Courts.
when the Jury found for the Plaintiff for
$610,15. .
The. result of this suit may given valuable
suggestion,to ,anxions fathers whose daugh
ters are sought as partners at the Llyiheni
al altar ; and imitation of Mr. Wyant's fore
thought, would show a prudent concern for
the daughter's welfare.
.The soldiers of the war of 1812 held
a meeting' at Washington city on Tuesday,
fOr the purpose of responding to the call for
a National Convention, to be held there on
the Bth •of January next, and appointed a
committee of thirty three to make the neces
sary arrangements. The object of the Con
vention is' to take measures to procure an
i,perease itt the pension rates
'COL. BuNToN's timmic.-z-The veteran "Old
announced some months since, that
he would -not receive letters through the St,
Loui,3 Post Office; Reachi‘ng.that city lately,
he published in the Democrat of the 18th,
that he finds some quantity of letters there
addr.:46ed to him, which, be has returned to
the 01.1 ice, and ,ays that if the law is complied
with, (In.Twiil h;t sont, to the .I.)cs t . Lettett
nut otion.
Rif IPPHNSI:U lit:. P.'. L. a. 11");:a.s, I'mfqssor
~auttage, :-teiowes. fir.
D. A. L. LA :LitY r, ]attract iU :.Inth
ti s.
1.:1.1.11;14,, Pi hie!i.ll it,strnettess ht Ole I'cutnlo Ur-
So...ii,LL of this liiitirishiug Itistattlion
Lill ICtia or inq. her n 0.11.--
A sirs• will c i oribrii,uts` L., the
liss ',wen orecLoa I. r or Ow
1,1 , 1 , wa:,11) . . Nt.a linv: 3,i,1 11'ritiug• $ 5 511
4 .1, ithia, , t,,, t;1..1,01:tr, th,•,9aittly, flist 1 1Y-11.11k1
' 11,110,4 , 1,11 y f; Su
170.,1 ,2:5.. i 5.1,1, y, Nlit.torie, 1'111'5t.,5 , 7y. &o. 10 c,ii
si.oh,-.1,ti. , ,t, (:red: :ma t.:,:lii Languages "1.2. 50
5 (10
11 . 11 , 40 nefl five P111 . 11(far l!irmth:
jilt . 1,110 or Ttial.lll. ‘‘ll,lllllg, 4r. (I ,t.;, nut.
Pupils Will 1,4, Lc t.11:4., fur a :.hurter
period than half a fif.Siiilf. A rnt•ilo!tuo
Iritt.l,!lliitfS, May I. Olt:tilled Irk nadreStilllg
D. A. T.'
Hmt,27 (1. U. 11 1 A 11N
I 1
)it , ,A IN 1,1 ) CLASSICAL ACAD
EM S. tomr The 17t h Sossion will emu
-111.1 ;11oNnir. No, ember ti, 1 Number i 4 tm
doni, lituite l and elin.tiiiit cir:rts, used t, their morld
al . ni in telloottinl improvement. 'forms. 1,11:i per so-sion.
i'ir,ulats with ruterenees wild ion furnish
ed, b)' R. K. IS -
PHllOl'l3l and mrietor,
ml;irsettoni,. New Pa.—The W INTER SE;,-
SI •N on Llp• 7th of
pit inn••lirr in Clirefill irliction giN cn
/..)* 1.1)11151 iLnit 41.1virtiliVnt, pr
•I.L•h••:•Lati•-•1 111111 eLlpemi .p,
'Cite whuh•o~-
tepee, t I tuition. anti.l all4llltr. nit!, n rant
j(.: per tern, 1:-i rirl'til,r pittii.llllll'S,
to either pr the 5a1'5...a1ai . ..4 at. New ville.
ll' it: ItT ‘lel I It P.N. Principal,
\V. R. 1.. N, A. M.,
l'r trie,e-rr.
t it Ir., • "
LLt ,
- • . -f LLL”I I:L.p.L.Li•siLL:pr.„_ll.l:•,dl•Lth•••L L i•L_•.••-•••-
~,,••• „ „ • • h • N.,‘•••••1.••• •.e•
••.• Pp, i•,.: the pre,,••••
C.r..1 .1,1.11 I i 1 , , 111:11i 1a it.
L t f'•ipeip.,i pill 1•••••,-
• • 1., a fp'l ‘..••)••••• •••• • pip.p,4••••L' and • ••••
•., '.••,•••• .•••.1 ..•••• • :1 ,t I.••••• pill I e )•31•1 L., the 1101411
Tlot i•. 11 in tit, F:ll , dlSil ilra'n•li
an.t 10,11 (5 tie,nt.ino
lui.trltettell an.l eaelt,
* Prete)) 111111 livelllllll - tr.llll
initrit(nental Stiv•ie. -
attentinn parentt. :LTA nirtita•lly
11l I l•qt tr this lustitnt,init. l'Ar..ulare NV it Lo furni , liell
tiol any inf Tin iti n will be given. on apolilleatinit,t•it,lier
p.a....mai llr by letter to
Cept, tit. larrialenrit, l'a.
It, t\l , It .I. howl:, A. M..
T":: \ lit er ..f 1 his, Ins! itntii .11 ts ill iipeti t:i
10.• •1. :el iii: a th • . The ivhi h
It i IL. till, ;list i tati hi:th I tuln
Oil .un uu. UrP.::,-1 it by it:ly hintilar
:tha taie
T:rielin•s. It Is 1 , ,1t04 In tin beautiful valley of :Cum
liertn nil, niisitristssiit fn' its healtliftitness i —neeit=sible
1, 7 1: 8 11 miles ills l i»it ri , lll
111, Int nlri•il Ind ;a:My An:lents hare liven in st
ten la no durinc the year.
T,E It )1 S:
Tuiti m. n•ul !Zoom Furnislio.l . per Segsion
of 2' 11 nt-!:,
1 . :-.4.-Cirlars and gut hest
I:ev. .10S. S. LOOS:1i.
McL•lwnic>t.urr, C.).,
.pt2l It
()17 LA.I)I ES SEI,ECT '
I I ( )()1.
l'a. Mill tertn of thisSch....l n 11l
.• men • are en :SION DA Y. the ttli of September. in con
tinuo OiOVOll u , •ok•.. 'l'ultiou troll Five to Ten
Pig t., th • pitrs.u...i. For further 1.1 tort te
Lion (motif re of tie. principal, Mrs. J. F. DOIVN I Nib
Carlisle. Amt. to--at.
f' V EE FEED CUTTEP.S. manufactured for
LIMIER A: ?ARGENT, N. 410 larltet struat, Philada
This cutter is sup,rior to any,mur in use, Mr Strength
lurdhillty, and shapli.dt eMistruction it cuts fast.
d. I. the only selfshdrpening Ihty. SilliNV and Omit
t Cuttor elm. matte. It has but ONE STRADDIT
Ni( FE. which .any porson 4 . 311 .2.rind and t'et with ease.
dal in Ordinary vase. isgrouul, s in the machine. 'Thou
+ old: have :t ready Loon Sold. a thi. &Mani' is daily
inore ni,t eaq-s oxamln tam is sufficiont
to rativinre ono , it' its sute No one after a slier)
Sri it woul.lli lt milk it for any other. All sizes of the
ilioN 0 I . ”llst.intly nil hand and fir sale by
.1. I'. IXNE,
Sole Agent f Comberhool eettoty.
. •
irorr.3 PAT I,,'N'r FARME Its'
i 1 ... Boi ',rms.—Tht,. pii.CSS•3II atlYttlltlZO OVI.I. all
oln•rs hi being made with an outside iron ra•Mig, Will •I i
zrc ills econololsis fool and prevents hois of heat. They
are xnado of varl,n; :11/.oq. from I() to 120 gallons. 'rhey
are portal do, and may bo rot in the kitchen for house
hold use, or out of d..ors convenient to the barn,.plg
pros, ,to., for boiling f. , ,K1 Pr stock. no- sale by
PASO 1.11.1, MORRIS & CO.,
Alrieultural nlid Seed Store, N. E. roener
of 7th 11111 d 311111illt StrellS. 140(4'54
Best Rio, Mocha and Wasted Wirer,
Crushed, Pulverized and Leaf Sugar,
Port-. Now Orleans and Cola
Imperial, 0 unpowder, Young Ilyson and Black Teas,
hest Syrups, N. 0. and Sugar House-Molasses,
•• Qtaemtsware. cedar and Stonewatv,
Cheese. Fish Salt, Soap and Starch,
Cavendish. Natural 'Leaf. Fig and Congress Tohacog
Piet los, Pine Apple and Tomato Preserves,
Ketoliup nod Spices of every variety, &e.
My stock has heen selected with strict reference to
fluidly use, for sale very low for cash wholesale or retail
by W I,Lf .4 MS,
oct.4 'll4 • - Family Grocer.
D IUi3VE L. KNI(111T, (Successor to
4 It, !forth.). A; fini..cht.) EDDIE Nil AND CA
WA liElfOllISK ' No. 89uth Second Strout, ilre. doors
bovo Sprlicit'strect, Philadelphia, whom ho preps con.
liontiv on bolod a full assortment of over) , articlo in his
of busiitess. Feathers, Feather Beds. l'atont , SN.lng
dattrosses, Velvet Tapestry, ToPetdry, I(ru4sols, 'runt,.
Ingrain, Vonetion, I,lst, Hog and !lump 0,11)01;1 1 :N,
Cloth's, Canton Ma tlings, Cocoa and Spanish )lattl ago
Floor and Stair Drttiteili, Hearth INK.% Door Mats.Toldo
and Plano Covert. To wide] ho invitos tho attention of
purchasers. 4ortl:fl
Siiigeons' litindage
tssTruu.n.: itENTovEn t o No, 4. fllb
iilrrel„ t,f xt It Mori , nbovt. )1" r2. , •t. n It.
•ilt tiradelt Int , •111 . 0
I . lll' r {:1 ' 1; , !.111 r,jl,lf 11,
xi - UT LC E i t hereby given. Clint the ('utn
nt. cluni.nonna nnn.
t.ano‘noni,d ‘‘ ill mat)
in no 01 . ,ICOrptlllitilM, VS 'Ail It eitrithl of not le,s that
nee teet, thou 'nth Lc 'fltousand. Dollars the pie'
),ISO if rei oh 111,4 tiolu.sit.B of oloovy 10,111 trao. , lo,ry ;let
011 lilt vrt,t. :1114 (It 10:111., Ilitti ilis tuts. %, it
other iv! :1s tiro t-ttally Led t:, > , ..ivity,
I Its to der of tho llii e torn.
:,1. it A 1,1•, , ,t t;.4,Tit
I.ltvn. 1N -J it'
D. T. 11 - rI.M %N. ;-:ee'y
X.T( YNCE hereby given dint tipplie
Lion will to, to 1110 Ill•Kt ntITO,
1,1 lhr 0010,01,1ii , 01 aint LIN% C 1.1 1 ,1 i1.,11,“,11
1 . 01- ;In niter:ill min tlit• lilt Ler of t
1)01)0 , it 1111nk, 50 Ii In c0n103.111)011, , ,, 1itr%
ri.;:i(N Anti 1,10 1110, 01 1,,,n0. :0.,1 10 ,4
the 11,1011 W tliat. 11.1 N K: alts, t 0 in n
1120 capital stuck One hundro , l ,
Nil:. if N.:laic:lWe.
Ily on/r of Liu Board of 141.,....t01Q.
W. M. 111 , .F.T1311.
1 1 '41' ()1 4 ' CH h'ISTI AN W()LF,
4 "
DECEASED.—Notts is hereby elven that letters
to,tatnentary t he estate of Chri-dian late of s.
middh.t.on emmty. have
been granted the Ve . glider of halo' imnoty to lie mil.-
ecrilmts. etc ye.idintt in LallPioder. city. Va.. and the
other iii Franklin county. All per,mis I:tooting them
-0,1,4 Indebted to said. estati . . are required VI coal, im
mediate plynt..ta, and hating Odin:. to pri'Finit
them for settlement to
Or t. •I, ft
I / tioe liorol.v trivet] that letter.: t , ,lnineutary oil
the Est:,}lacy it ',over ..%Ilen too u..hip.
Cumberland c. imti. ttoo.oe,d. lebto been nmantod 1.. Iho
embseriher, reNiding in linMax lii Datryllln
ty. All tlonoselve , indebted to t,.1.1
I:.tate aro required to 111.01 immediate payment. and
those hat hit elaini, are rellio.ted to p? to•ltt. I iwl , l for
Pet 111 , 111 , tt t to ' .11)/IN F1.1C1i1S111:1:.
pr 142 , 4- t
)T1 ( FissE L.
4 i .1' IS h ri i i ••I, 011 that letter , . r
t, ttt• .1 \ti•-it:,l ...
Oull : , •r1,1t10 h
~r . r,te,11,, the he: 117 f c.: 7 1IWC:r11117 - ;• - iil , .. -
.;-:thor. the h All 1.4 •
111 , 111 , 14 N ., {1111144 t 1 1 . ,111.
4 la 111 p I\lll,ll and ii: 6.. 11 . 1 , IT,r
'1: I . ; ()V .1(111N 11I\ Ill . :-
/11111 , iliktraIII,114111 th.; .1,4111111\1e , - 1..t,.;,1c....1
1A.11'1,1141 1,11
he ,kter /11,i ( Y. Ihe
1,..1.161.4 . lII` All
tolovem: htdelltell e- Lair .!
it 1... nut!,' vtayinont. r 11,1 Lllose hay lug -
I.' po.,evit tbvlri ,ettletileilt In,
'Is•2' , 'F.VI'E OF 1.),V II) 3F ENNI
iLvielFy Lri%Lni tb L leto•
- .
the t,t.kto , 7‘1,1!),,
~ 1 M4;11 LoNI ”,111r , (
1:!ti 1•;'11;;;:...1 .,; 11. h. ,.u•h•,11.11.• ;;;I.•r
01 s, i , l I In , ,Itt,s•rill,7 rr.idl , In llns
~,,, AII ttn•tc-'I sr. itikklot .24 I. id
t 1 to 1/1,•1.0 Alllllll . lll'k pa% 1/11 . 1:1 .010
1, 4 % 0.6110.1 , , In•Ln ror ;.tionn , ‘ll t. O
I),t, 1-1;t,
r 4 ‘AT 1'1111.11) ItIIOADS.
DECIIAZ , I•.I).—NeLice I, le.relly given that. If•tterN
t,•stamentary ell the. estato Lae of the
of Oirlude. Cumberland (Ninety, (lewd.. hate
he.m t4r.iiited I) the liedster the
lee (lace)
,Ives ledi•lotell to I,:titl est:tte required to
p.iymeet, /led lhoso 1t... leg Oahu, to prec,et
them Ii r settlement to
CNA "tpd
1.! .I'l' E EMANE . _1 I f It NISII
J Dr.:cp.—Notice is lierel.y ;At en that let tern of Ad
ministration on the osiate of Lin:timid !tarnish Into id
Dickinson township. Climb. e have Isom 1,...5in0l
b. the Register in :mil for said county. to the subscriber
• •diles iu the tow To-hip of All persons li
denimots ii;:airod the estatecd
are r• !ne s ted t tu t u linoo the ..,,it sithout don..r.•
null those iiidelitts tintKo rivimmt to
tut ILA I;Ir ,n.
'• -1 ST I'l'E ()t ANI)ItE D'oirnEs,
i) rt' AsEl).-- Lt•ttvrs T 0111111.. r.,tato
Forbes, late of NVio4 t.mbAnip.
timtkorlaftil county. doe'Ll.. 6.tro l,cau s Pralit.wl ty ttAO
or of ictid yvmaxty, to W. M. Henderson mot
.trker. Pot sons indebted 41'e tl,itO . St . ti to Matte rly
ritt and thooo lutvfag elating to pre•wiat them for , :01t14.-
ont. W. 11. IfENDKIISt/N,
Carlisle, Aunt. ZO. 1853.—et
1 -1 / STAT E OP (3-,El)110i E 1;A I(Elf,
I)ccr..tsED.—N44l,o is hereby given that lette - s
ut adoo,ll,;nition, with the l% ill anlll•XPli Irdi the es 1,111:
of CeorAe Itoher, late of Silver Sprile; tov.mstii!%.
Lo Lit,' 0000..',fleeemsst have tomo:;•mited I.y the he,-
%Ave of taut (000ty to the sul•.eclivr rostdintr In wo ol
lii t o wnship. All persom. !snowing filmset %
od to ' , aid m,Late are ttsinired to m.the immediate par
meat add peso ha% iti3 claims to p. e ,e, o , them f o e -,4-
tiement to SAM L. EL EBEIISV,
Sept. 13. 1851.
.1 .4 1 S'l' A T ( JOI-IN c(I A itTEit.
is g iven tlr.t totter.
of .ktottittl,tration, tt ith tho Will atitlextql on the !•••
tnti. of .It+lirt Mrt'zltter. htte of the h0rt , 1t!.2.11 /If l';‘111 , 10
Ctitill , orlanii illIce:1. 4 11,1. 11:11"0 liven f11:111tod iry
;),1 0;11,111V, t.c t hey Hithseril cr. retiqi og lit
thr min.. 1 , , 11 11,11. MI p1`1 , ,,S 1:1101Villg 111(411/4.1,1 , 8 I,
11/1.1,11 to rolltire.l to malt`
p.tymeill. nuQ thi,tt Lnt itt4 claims t.lil pre , t.iit theta lot
f4.l,tloutetit L(1
CEASED.—Notice is hereby given that letterig of
administration on rho estatt• of (loorge earl, deceased, of
Upper Allen township, l'mnberland cunty, (who re
cently died In the city of I'lttsl , tn•gl have thic day le•en
issued by the Ite,dster In and Mr said county of Cum
herland, to the stahscrilier. who resides in Upper Anon
township aforewild. All persons having riahnc or de
umnds against the estate of the saidrilec'd are re•inrsted
to make known tho same without delay., and those In.
&Med to make payment to
Oct. 4th, 1 15
. - ii STATE
.1 ,
:AlDeetNlNoll.—NOtiel)ll4 hereby given that letterstes
lamentary on the estnteef John Wonderly, late of South
31bldieton township, Cumberland county deveasod.inive
been granted by the 'Register of said county to the sub -
tol liters, ono residing in Carlislo and the other in South
NI iddleton township, hi said vottnt.y. All persons know
ing themselves Indebted to said estate are required In
make hunimilite payment. and 'those hawing elalnni to
pre,ellt them for settlement to
DAS I 1.1. WON I >Ell IN, Carlisle,
WILLIAM W 1 1 4.1%, South 3liddieton.
Ott. J.-1t
I sELm Ax. nEop.--:-Notim Is hereby- given that
Letters of Administration on the estate of Catharine
Mnsselman. late of Upper Allen townshlpXemberland
county, dec'd., (piper
granted by the Register of
slid county, to the subscriber residing in tie same tt u
ship, All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are 1 . 0.11111 rd to make Immediate payment. and
thoso having elaimslo present them Mr settlement to
.1 Aeon L. ZOOK, Upper Allen,
Oct. 185 t-fdpd Administrator.
. . .
cif vc)
ADAM WOLF, Lanensior City.
iVOLF, Fral)han cduut
} \l• la q'
7..c1:1 X LEII, Ei,t Pt111 , 11:o,.
lIENEX It110,11)S,
1 i l A 1.414 , 14 T YLE OF 11 AT S for 18.54.-
1 .
0 llollf II.: IiELLVIt respectfully annfaAres to his
nid l'alr,ms and I lic public rct.crall,i that he has just ri
gcelvtal the VALI. S'IN I.F. It'r: IihNTLEMEN'S
if ATS, man if fmt anal at ullP of the la2st establish
•u,mts in Philadolphla, to %%bleb Iminviten:sperivl
Ito has :tic° ( , )11Ftuiltly in hand a large Anil varied as
sortment m,u Mallilt : 8V( Ul . O ne Ml3ll an rily 111100
I:31 , Nititvlile for the i.einion. o'nipriAnt; it try
variety of lloaver, Moleskin mat hio
islie.: in thu Ltt^st le. titer wish a lull AS , A,ltlllelat
of I A I'S of every and ileiaTipfion, find at every
!wive. llc you thiiiinly hit its,. the iinklie to rail and ex , .
Amine his e e a« !Anima. kty inate
rill and finish. eitilliot In, surpassed by any in inarket.
and w6irlt ilk. is :11 di' ill put at iirit I's law rr titan et Cr.
Ittonrother on North Itanover :greet, Ile
tv.rroAlotorrs:, nrd t , en, r•s rts,
I, I A Lb hrl'l . LE OF lIA'I'S & CAI'S.
IN m. 11. Tit( It . T. desires to ill form his old picot's
t thit he has removed to his 1:I•W estahliFhl(jl•nt eta 1110 i
street. near tho hail's ad Depot. and is 111,1‘ .'pel.illg a
(. 1.1 ii, r , ,z, i , i zAt , , ,4 0 i 1, , , , • ; : t. ,1i n t: . ..(5 ,i 5 , .. ,, a ,, t i 1i f i r , , ..z i t i t i ,it; ti t i l i , : , , , ,i l: ..i t v l i , i l i,;. :• - i l i 'l h ' i l , ,l l - 1 :
.t lit root leteen of Carlisle are rept:steel to a, II and
extttuine. lie has also a large rissr I titoott, of Silk. for
and S lotiell leats t t. his non utanttfaet ure. got up in the
best style and :It t nri,,o. price,. the excellonee and finish
co eiliiell lie is ill V.:141-316t. ills stock he is coutitlet t on
ly needs t. I e to..ottined to 1 , apprfiVed. .tiro. it hire
supply of Vet's, ]toys aud l'hildrett's CA I'i, of t loth .
and rue. 31:1i o il . ~ or ) s,, i j.•ty of .1, !. n i p it pri,T j A t,t re
ceived hem I' it-cclFlphia. Let all oho et Ant n lint cr
Cap glue Ititu a ,all. as they Ina} to sure cf tying suit
ed to their eon sit Isl.tetion.
1111 NA, (; I,A SS N 1) (.21 S
s:.l }cln l.ithlll,
nre 4,pv.ti‘k!; - tt ,• Cll. In. It rt , iut it
\ tdoldrd S 1 1 ••.N.•
:thiirt, t
e I tdo ,, :. t • `Mit
Els,tllsll t , `,l 11011? 1,11.11e11 M 1111.1,111,
311 ft td pt.till t•I
cry 3v.i tll-
trlii, V:110—c.•1:tr. tally n,.( ii:oittel
:11.d of 11, `)ldti t.:1 1 t
t 1111111 , t , .lit ':ttai r pte , ervt.
„ n' -.‘ 'lllll ns. I, ~ ,1•-l wt,
, 1 1,1 pit,
r.tlt'i• :Ott, • it:t I ill ". d 'l, 1 I
1,1,. )1.1.1.vt I , tit 4, d
• I.t • ,11 . idt tti
1 . . i: a'..4 . 1 • ',hurt 10.;
, 1
h 1 , ~;•h ,r l .l ! A n, S••• c. l•
(11,() . 1 . 111N1; Cl.(11 . 111.N1; lic
t, t ,
1: •i tl, v. 111.14 11;. s• 111 , 1•11 1 ;
:t 4 ;.It. 41•••;- t 1, 4 ,1 ; -1:011•1;11;; 1. 111 1.11 t: r,
D li G C 0 T
I fi . A r.
The 1'1,41111%z ~11l 1v 1•t I.nt Owl
•11111ity vl ‘`l, ) , V •01(.1 :11:d
tit ter, null 1110 01 is p.. , t LIP ill thy i t,t timultwr utto
th.• I 1A 4' 011 11.1•01
I lot Iliuc. ht),l nil 1,0 u.k is liasors to gi,e o u ,
Alll a11,11.11, , ‘ 3.11., u.l %, v. , 11. kts.
t till. nl , l
.'..11 1' 11 lilf.t..S (4.; 11.1:Y.
1 1 1)li IHI MI 1,1,10 \
1111,0 t. •t rit.rt w. F
%lit it t Nt. •
tir e V e 11.4 ttt t in tilt.
tt tt • + I t
I ll I I r 1
II it a rail
fn in pr r ; t; t hart; II tit t; t 1, I t
:In ,. 11 , fi , te . kt
in the iterell:l: in St . ) le AN,/ p:L LA, !Mt
al, 1 , 1 Ow city. i.t 11,1,11 if; u::11 nod t. -
milioe my n.s.•rtmma 11 , . 1
(I,llt brti 1 ILIAC the 1111(.14
I'. Ir., I:.
\Vrtt sldoefNuitll I.
I 0001 () t 7 7 1 7 I N 'll M E!-- - -l'holera
. j ialwlttt.4. li . ,,.?lttury, - Itiltrrl. a. &c.. :try luit'..itrz
their :1111want:.c. lot: 1. ~.,), the loin. tl) . It 1, , li Il tie
laity r0z..401 1 , 4 t he wellftro of y ilut , ell..y.wr , in.. or), ilr
dint/roil, !..111$1 , 1) )011,••••int S , Ith 1.1.11. II t. WI) \l.\ . 1 . 1 11.
1.E . ..., COEN Ai.. ~ tik, • rwim.. al.ile the 1,1,...,01.. 7 , .. r.-
sultiit , ,r. 11...tts it bi,, , t.•.1 adtwretite'ti, ill ~,,,,•1..,•,) . lith,
Mittehli 5.4 Cent,•4l - tattle lad at the is u; :-:t. r . , ..f
- B. .1. 1%1E.F1. 1.1 Z...
South II:1114 , 10r street.. a fete,,..ut.1,.1 t h e (.'1 art
11,unse, ettrll,le. /
11-1-(1(YI'S .1N I ) Sit ()ES. Thu` il)
)• , h < nnm .1, ha ad a v.,, t.• tor ell s-V
e; B U .1 U 1. :
AN 1,4'11 11, r, ill •• :A. 11 0.00'1% 10W r. it
i 010 r. 1101,41i0 t 1 ,4 0 01 ),
101: • O. 0; II 0 , - , ortv.v..l
it 1 , 111 01. ha, et j,l the la of
and •••ttls Lull,: or Co.:leo:ens — m oar—he
deeta. it UnOff • 1.11/.0 r i,..4..
17 - :UV ill% it
ed w give tittli c all. . .
1 11., MAKER and ITNIIIIhT.tIiEII •„. , . -, -
N•rt i h IlattoN or stre..t. Lext door to ;') ,.. ..;: •
t;1:....•. 11. .t.l. ‘..;.4 .
------ .. -
flu would respo,tfolly int*..ritt the
eifizons or c:ii-ii,h 31.1 ill, milli: polerally. that Ito
has now on (Lola ; large ;Ind eiO4:ret a,tirtlilellt 4 Ft' I:-
N ITC!: I:. e.otsist htt in part „ f it .”ar, .ies. ''aril and oth
er Taide,. :•efa , , i: 110.ttls.. ited,te:ldS. ) data and ftiley
:"csviug Stninis, ;:e., toanutactureti of the heet material
and qtlftlity Niel eallt •d.
Alt , o a J.:clientl to.s ot tment of CHAINS nt the lowegt
pi .b.,. s. N tN oh AN 111.1. 16 !find& to order, and rhpalring
promptly attondod ta.
.4'6 ' COFFINS math at the shot test notice; and hav
itr; a splendid heart:elm will attend funerals In trzwp or
ti , ....5- Itententher the stand—next door to 11. (113,s's
Had. It. 11, 63i.11.F.T.
11. 4 1 4 XTENSIVE 141.11NITURE ROOM.
---JAMES 11.- W EAV Elt would manrefoully call
,-, -•- - •-i:...-.- too attention of I hinsheepers,and the othlie
to hisoatensive stock of elepint FURNITURE.
... v. ,.
._ in,lmiii t g`t , ...f a s. WO rilrAes, Cent ro and Tables,
.... _ Dressing. mot Plain !lumina, and every other
article in his branch of business- Also now on hand,
the Inrost assortment of Cl] Allt,t 4 in Carlisle, at
the lowest prices. AOFFINS made at *ho short
est notice anti ii Hears° prodded fiv funeral& Ho
solicits a call nt his i.stablislinnint. on North Han
over iit root. ntair tilasse's Hotel.
,404Y-Furtitture hired out by the month or ye:tr. •
. . ...._
--- t - I
4 'll l - !4 ti" 4
Y , V' d 'r . CA)%4 9 Ji ti i.trll;,T.„ft:
ea has always on hand a largo stock of taiperh,r catinet,
Wall., in all the kiKerent styles, which be is prvpartna to
sell at the loxes rives. Ito invite:3 attentlouvrtin
larly to the PATENT SPRINii Horton lIEDATEIO, a most
useful article, which entirely all:Ile?: all ollieetionkL—
The bottoni ran be attached to old Iled , teads. They InITO
Rican entire satisfaction to alaw Inn haVe them In use.
RIZ' C 4 )ITINti wade to order at the shortest notice.
I)DOTS ANDSIIO ES.—A very large.
) ants tow Shoes .‘f every
tiOlkitt received smut selling very (hea!i.
(11 1:7•
TO/NWII \ I,o\g: '2lllr,
IV. SI11:1
on hard nud
for ea e by
J. l'A LMER Co
.741. ,, t5ur siimer
Toupees and scalps. inches.—No. 1. From farehead to
b ar k a 4 tsr as bald; No. 2, Over forehead as far as requir.
ed: No. 1. Over the crown of the head.
U. DULLARD has always ready- foe sale a splendid
stock of Cents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' Wigs, halt Wigs,
Frbots, linsi&. Curls, ke., tea ti fully mat ed and
as , heap as any establishment iu the Union. •
Pollards Ilerhanium Extractor Liistrims Tonic,
.prepared funs &ntth American Herbs and lice fs, the
most succes,ful article dyer produced for presen log the
hairftmufdling out or changing-enter, ct storing and
presersing it in a healthy and Invariant state. Among
other reasons why Pc:Mints hair rutting salcon main
tains its inunenso popularity is the fart that his Tonle Is
Writs! to ',eery head of hair rut la. 'his establishmont,
consequently it is kept In betteF preservation than un
der any known application. It being thus pnlotteally
tested by t housands, offers the greatest guarantee of its
e fficacy. a
Seta wholesale anti retail et his OldEstallishment 177
Chestnut street opposite the State Muse, Philadelphia.
It. Dollard has at least discovered the ne Pins ultra of
HAIR PTE, and announces ltfor sale with pet feet con.
Hence in it, surpassing every thing of the hind now' in
use. it odors the hair either blaelv or brown, (asinay
Le th...iied) and is used without inj ur y to the hair
skin either hy• stain or otherwbe. tan he mashed oft in
ten minutes:liter applicatin, without detracting liera
fts oak:by. Pen.ons s biting the city are iris Styli to gists
. Letters adthvssed to U. POLIAIiII, 177 Chestnut st.,
Pliihnielphla, unit remise atteuthnt., 125-)y
4 - EAT 1[1'.1:.-1 t z Ire vid ry, Store,
.29 North st. itoreceo Manufartmr :
ms. CuiTlers, Importers, Commission and Oeveral Leath
er business. '
NV I I OLE sA LE AND ETA TL—Alanufiictory Tti liar
glietta stscet. Ser. 7-1 y
Nr().',B 2 vnd 'MAC.rk . Ellll, n tho
7-l' EIA 4
A m
w -- tr. and
FANcy 11(1011:A.-LA faiw asst
intuit of tho tlnebt quality, for sale litttilut 11.v,rkt n trlt
prices, at Win. C. 1.1.1101\ taut
:greet, between Vine and Unirm west sidle, l'l,llalloi him
'l•h' , th.tatrtment otuirat es it larlm snit-,'t stt ch
Finn lititell,s.:loWelry. silver tt art. Aliata IN are. Oat,'
with t t•iher, hi rzrons. Forks. 1.:11111: ! ,. t
Mans and hut ry article, of a su p erior quality, tint ni ,i t „ g
tile extuttit alba, of tin so whit dot-ire In pita my lb, ft, t
" goads at the 111,“!:+t rash pt la
Having a ' , tactical his Int1 ; :e
busimennand all trvallal lt , In. ili
t•tt Mies for impair timt and Alattula. tut.
In• SUl.S , titer confidently 1111 it es purt ltt:t I e.
Mg that he ran supply them on toms as lust la llt
as any taller vstahliFhtnent In tit of the Ala
All lamb, of IM:montls and Frarlautl t r
W menu faetureti t i order, within a reason:A In time.
11 . , : „IN at. hes, jet\ airy anti silver wl.te ialthfully re•
W:11. F. E1.TOY1114A1).
No. IS-t K.uth 2.1 St. it few tlec•ra clove the 2,h§tinlar
het. Wert shim
up-1n the south wii'dtor of the Store. may I.e scen
the hatolti. Mid Clock, which el huhands the athuitation
( - 4' the scientific and curious. (Sept. '6d=ll r.
I.l7,lE.—From City Chemical it Voirn 11 , 41:s.
made fter the most itopmvetl altit leseittl vet p bur,' tor.
Prerared ite Mahon , . made after the
and no "-t Sllll1 1 1110% 1-eittg in. int.h 11,1.1, than
fully ',gush 11, /Itteia,Ml of ItiTtlers ami httmet
is Nutt, 'flatly called hero for trial. Perm hat 611-
;i41,,, it, lair,. to. 111111. till. s. r. l l - Snl, by
'22 South 1\ !tames, :id door ttl ul e Chest). ut. iii. 1 Win.
Sept. '27. 1 ,, 54.
d f lII] liS( ‘fN'S 1 VI t ' N Tll-1-
‘____ Timi I.I,I:NM:L.—The W 1 chi roll the
011111111 , 11 1 , 1 all pin ties ',Nutting It &Milli, 10 Pllll 1,11
1..1 C. , I `a CaELEATED NV.1.1:3;1:.;(1 VLYIII.2O 1111 i
'I he tel.uhttion of this now irg
Lt 0n irtn dead dining- the poi 4 flee years r it
t. i.o :',. I ttilcaups and morn than 8U,6 private'd,,‘
t , •Vlthyr with the Iteinel•m , increz:se t f rz:;cs
i, the I est eVidenke that can I,e nthltueu rd
It, snurri, ity vi er all oitGer furnaces. Ly the tee
411,:th t nth:A:T. I , ettat3 the fullt , ‘i tog tittitththL n:
i ' t I {. 'Ail:— 'I Le heating surfaCeS hying at g teu 1 cm
t t 11:.t t eeatetheair.
1.1.1 Al Lk.: . 0 .11 1-1441 , 1, Ct.thu!) .. of Cni4 in ti;
t !o t• • (1, in ti
t it 1-• ill net 11• N 11, Sc till, I
I Hf. -,hiNS__l
A nil t..
t• ,11/, e I, I` t I` , titt:t`t` tali` ilitttllttliS f the l•
tz, lei. tit, tne,, ntte,t, t. , the t:t,th rt the al ~‘t
~f r . 1,1,111 1411111 o.lll`e it to I.l:llel'idt`d/Y lh, 1 ` t
rear yet invented f...r Ouril.: it pulvtL dI 4 t
``l`iii`tt`. - WU hu tnt itii atiVl`X nit italitett ul 11 w
tt, 11 1. VI .1 .11'11 ent 14.4.fe,e, etttzt ti Ut
;tn./ Littdl) ' ft/11.1,-111'd us their I.lolllli altd ref e reert.,%
re,,f. .1, ht, Netttn. I tea
It 11 but sect. hrt.f. 1'rc.11 . 1.1.
Itt:l;tit, I it :.
NVe Istcr Intl, dt:it•d that. ng v,( u new sizes. !AL IL:It
:11 I:110 t 0.,, thtuutitc.. ut this in , at s:
11:01.t at a %cry nt iterate eu,t7, 11e al 0 tom prel:nt .! to
urtlis4/ au apl aratlte to mann a t-1t..,;1e m, t r the larg.
eot Imilding w Iln• t °Mary
No. 1" Pt I to! it,
; 11 a L:u:i.t• r. iv ith 1L and Ft is h
U at
This No. Is the •Inrne!.t NIA nn p .ttt t nil Ftt, o
matte in this.; muntr.*, anti is / o
and other l m go chis!...
We continue to sill the appal:Um; nt the slime i r ire
as when ft ,t-iuta_l2tiuma, lit tt 3Nais ai.o. Althotty. t 1: ts
rresettt h 4711 prltenf Iron hits ii eastAi th, ti a% it 41'
rout, utt II.N 1.. their gittit %% :4.111 e Are Ptal by
the extut incet'aseci salts to ttithii.ti the at tick at the
lowest terssiloie l.iiet. Oho touhilry
Id, tit . have ashirst 1. a I. furhh.ll un ttllh .
1.1111 .it Ittrneern thlg 1 , 1 115011. SO that I' , I' al I' Li pl pa r
ed to 1 th , la 1 , 1101ta , SIC or iet til. ) tllla I 'ht. I t.l
the ervetic,ll t Viiritates. toluir. (1, :o A 51,r
-rat.t thtu, in ull t anus.
‘11.111.1411,11'.1N C(4 , lilNt; E.-1N e 1 , 0 e,tht,
the let qt 1,1131..1ite rti,kinet itall rt. that. 111, l't tVI j,
.1. t.. aLi, hwe Ctlti the ul all tt II ay
t he itice4 - 1. pet C•et nud thsital feet t Lit g,p.
ino:tt 11, eit t tta cut! Li.
t.m p_vrENT VE:\ Ti
only Ageot, In Pamhzelhalittl for the 11111111.1fuettirt 41
f this \ eut 1 , high it Istit,o It t 1;.., .1 I , 1,
,Illy' et.tilitter e. er 'finite for ere I ert tv
drought lin so ol. ) tie I
Lelr Of all i., Ah the re Cr , a t fat 10:11,3 Irsil. ti
‘ , l tLI ;4.14 Ile w tint it G r sale. ttulie, e ill
I e .•areful to , isitfitke that It hit, the I nit t,ou 1 I.tfio t
fit, hod.
I'ATYNT 1:1 . (;Z:T1'i:S AND Vt.N MAT( I
h+ie the Inrcribt imp wra r, I,ll,lrte rttert t t
I d let; tit:At , rz. to 1 r it %ma ii iLr l t it.
:-tates. I':utb•n 111,16141 to p,,rrl::•.•t 11
use ,r it Iola>:d,•, it lA, ently to lU, it VeN I:syli
fo r:,:tmint. tin ir sh, k.
SLATE AND 11.(I\ MANILE:4.-IWe tin% t• ahrn)s rn
Lard to extrrsh ri•S , l - 1111Clit ,Jr there 1 v.alut jlOl u vr-
Ct S, in eat t ilUitalitU ul Fryptinn,: ,;nlr,k, .1
otiwr (tin warbfes.
OPEN (3 ItAT ES.—For Anthracite and l'itutc n*
(Nal. Alse, nn tiiitirti lit w p;:ttern of the lon d. e n
drat;, nue!o from the Et gli,ll Patti'i tn., and xi,
few fu INS c.O litly.
SOLE Atl 1A1':••• fi r the l'Anzlisli Encaustic 1-1. till;
The, Carnhirk Chimney ps and Tel ruCot.tu OrLair,, L t o ,
sort, as I:archon a•es. &e.
NI hot, ali. ut building, to 'to ex:1111111e yr
1 intreliasing chew bet e. tritorr., 0 b e t lire
r e.t t, ale cordially tteUawed In i lir
are riteins, :ilia where vie rill Wit be happy to tor
tint Linn re:Teri ing any el t lir IL:4
may be derireil. A boOtt on %Vanning anti Veil lilat ii.g
can be huit grit ultuu., - Iy at our stor e , either p er sn lowy
er by letter. S. A. 11.‘111:1StiN,
Warming nod Vtiotilating
116 NValtiut rt., below rlxth,
Pllll..nin rtn 1.
May . 31 : 710
AUL U, Premium Artiste in 1 hur
7 ( inveht. , r ,pf the l'elebrati,l ro ss•arnt'r Volt tilli t iiitt
'll I : - anti I.lm.tic` It:Illti T.111 , t,5. '°l I;St : Ili ti , . lt, t'i. l'plible,
'Atli. , Mid to measure thtir lo.:ols Nt Itli ne
eurty. :
roti ., Inebes.—No. I. The round of the bend: Fa.
2. From forehead over the head to the neck; 3.
Fs , lat ear to ear over the top; to. 4. From ear to ear
mum! the f4,rehead.
c L. 2 It to,