Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 29, 1854, Image 4
El C~~IV:Ci~Zc ~~j~l~~i,l_.~ g.l '4 19\714: ` ; !' :14,14; r CanLxsz • ' WrI)NtSDAI, ICOVIAW31:11 112, 1854. NE LARGEST AND. CHEAPEST NEWSPAPEF IN CU.if [Mt 1..AN1) COVNTY Terms—Two Dollars a.year, or One Dollar and Tiffs, Cenls. if p a id punctually il.Advatice. $1 75 if paid within, the telLThe publication of &44ress of Prof. TIFFANY bavinf , been solloitadly: a number of his audience on ThinitiaY : evening last, it will be given in our nest number. lEEE RECMCIAN ZINI 1.-Mr. Bonham an uounces himself ready fur action again,. in a call, which' is ,published in the Pcnn sylvanian of Saturday, for .a meeting of the Pennsylvania State Central Commit tee, on the 26th pros. "for the purpose" as the call says, " of organizing the dem ocratic party on a more perminent basis, cansolidating it against the secret and insidious assaults that have fur a time, impaired its usefulness and efficiency in carrying out our cherished principlcr, and to render it impregnable in the future against the approaches of the various and dangerons-isins and delusions of the day." Mr. P. has changed his tune. The. days of bombastic " defiance" of the Know Nothings are over now, and as Mr. Bonham looks hack at the awful wreck of the second Tuesday in ()etcher, imploring cry chines up from th'' depths of humiliation in an appeal to tl "friends of the rights of man," the od and ends of all nations, to come forwat: 7 in general "fusion" and save the Loco loco party from utter extinction ! But "Babylon is fallen" to rise no mote ! DEN - We deeply regret to learn the death of Mr. Henri Schumacher the young.and gifted Violinist who was for several years a resident of our borough, and whose Concerts and exquisite playing; will long be remembered by all who eve•.• heard him. Mr. S. has fallen in hi.l youth, at the very threshhold of a dis, tinguished professional career. He died last week, of consumptioryt the residence of Bishop McCoskrey in -I)*Troit. ‘l The President's Message which for some years past has been sent to thu Postmasters in advance, to be delivered to the newspaper offices as soon as read at Washington, will, it is said; be with, held this yearliutll it is.sent tv Congress, Qnr foreign relatious , i.,,it is hinted, wake this course necessary, ,as it is advisabll the President shall receive the laths) European intelligo' nee before.,l4is inessaggi is submitted. It makes but Alight differ anco, as there is very little anxiety W see the documek. SECRETARY OF 'TILE COMMONWEALTDri -.1.t is new generally understood - thai Col. Andrew G. Curtin, of Centre count) has been tendered the office of Secretor) of the Commonwealth by Gov. Pone*, and has accepted it. Col. Curtin is d gentleman of populartnanntiKenjoyS high and well deserved personal, pope, larity in the section of the State in which! ho resides, and, we doubt not, will mak an efficient and popular officer.. ARRIVIrs.ICI IN WASIIINUT9N.—TiI members — of Congress are beginning, congregate, and it is supposed that with. in a yelcnearly the whole of both bodit mill Wpresent. Congyess meets on Mon. day next. SMACKS OF THE INQIiI4I`I4/N-111, imprisonment and escape a jiinu is 'from the Catholic SisterhoOd E min itt, burg, 31d. an account of which found on the seventh page of to:44ayspa- BE I=l 1). 1)1'12KIIK, of York, t. od!:o or the , fer The Iron yorty.4 THE POITIVAL woypLuirioN. h. .• It . •is worth' while to compare the votes in ,the thaf,.,hava 'told- elections Within ,they'ea-twith the votes cast by them, at the I'repidentaretpctioa. of 1852. Such a comparisbii - we make up, iii the folhmlng tateinent; and it will be seen that for the sake of showinwall possibie fairness to Pierce.we haVe only.' given his majorities 0f.1852 over Scott and Rale combined: r• g in 's2:Tierce in '34. in 2 yearA Maine, 1,036 . • 24,900. 27,036 .N.l - 4ThipAirtt, 7,153 1 6,560 13,655 VettiiiSur: 13,800 4;t771 Rhodeqsland, 465 • 2,500 2,965 Connecticut, 5,600 4,730 lowa, 403 3,000 3,400 Wiana, 7,464 14,597 • 2:2,061 ;-V4oliva, 10,922 37,007 ' • 47,920 '., MO, , ..---- • 85,000 70,000 Illis;Sonri, 3,369 33,108 • 41,549 Now York, 1,872 90,000 . 91,872 New Jersey, 5,399 6,975 ' 13,374 Illinois, 5,697 20.000 20,697 Ai ichig - no, 743 15 ; 000 15,745 Wisconsin, 2,604 .8,000 10,604 The annexed table shows the result of the congressional elections in these States. In sixteen 'States 137 members to the next Congress have bemi chosen. One hundred and eight, of these are nvtwcd, opponents of the administration, and twen ty-nine only are committed to its support. The', following table will exhibit the relative changes which have already taken place. . 33d Congress. 34th Congress Adm'n: Opp. Adm'n. Opp Maine, 3' 3 1 5 V erlnont, 3 3 Pennsylvania, 1G 9 • 6 20 (Air:, 12 9 . 21 Lelinna, . 10 1 - 2 9 1 own, • 1 1 ' -,. 1 Callornia, ; , 'loridn, ' 1 1 South Carolina, 6 6 Arkansas, 2 Missouri, - 3 4 • 1 '')6 Now York, 23 10 5 28 New Jersey, 4 1 .1 4 - Illinois, ' .5 4 *1 6 Michigan, ro • 4 - . 4 Wisconsin, 3 *1 1 Total, 95 45 29 108 In the above States the AdminiStra= tion elected two - years - ago a majority of 50 members. In the same States-now-1/w , y are in the min.)rittof 79, a change of 129 in less than two-thirds of the whole House. POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY VIOLATED.- The Detioit Free l'ress intimates that there will be no election of Senator at the coining sessions, either in Illinois or Wisconsin.. This opinion is based upon the supposition that the democrats have a majority in the Senate of each State and will tale advantage of this to prevent the wishes of the people from being re garded. This shows how much that party of demagogues values popular sov ereignty ! SENATORS To E LECT. —A t the ap proaching session of the respective Le gislatures, there will be Senators of the United States to elect in Illinois, lowa IVisconsin, Arkansas, Missouri, Louisi ana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, Maine, aid California. New liainpshire will elect-two in May qtre-The Lancaster Inaeligrnerr (Loco) seems to be anxious to defer a sale of the Public Works by having the question submitted ti) a vute of the people. It was submitted once, and a sale ordered by 20,000 majority. No sane man can doubt the will of the people on the subject. „The election of a United States Senator by our Legislature wilinot take place until the second Tuesday of Febru ary. The law formerly appointed the second Tuesdhy of Jiat i m6 as the time, but as this did not allow time fur the s ettle,: tat of contescd eh et 1(;lif; to the Lt isl t et,d, '.‘l.tirr NONE BUT AmEaro vs ON UAR 1.) TO-N r l G I IT.' Boston this califs atttontion to the fact that our coun try is represented abroad by *Frenchman iu Spain, by an Italian in Italy; by Germ:l4,7m the t liagne, by a Se6teh- For Pierce gaihst Pierce loss oganigle Arralb. THE KNOW NOTHING PAItTY. ( . • The fee iiig whiCh has Owe birth to this new, order of politics, has-41 with such rapidity over the country as has no . parallel. The key touched a chord which responded over the .whole country. Other parties have planted their standard and risen up in a comparatively short period,' and have carried township, bor ough, and in eourse f time, even county and State elections. (Such were the Anti- Masonic, Abolition, Anti-Renywd—sinne other parties'; but they were local or sec tional in their operations; they lacked breadth and scope—they were restricted by sectional lines. They caused great agitation without accorplishing any grand resuly — Where shall \Vt.!" find another par ty that has been horn and attained the full stature of manhood, in a day, as it were— in a single campaign—a party confined to no party, no locality ; which is bounded by no sectional lines; 'which knows " no north, no south, no east, no west;" which has swept over states and tumbled down all' the old and eatablished dynasties ; 1 which baS taken possession 'of Whole states, big and little,----of the mighty "Keystone!' and of the " little sister" Delaware; which yesterday ',conquered in the Bay State, to-morrow will triumph in the Old Dominion, and next day . will plant its standards upon the Capitol at Wash :inpiton ? Where before---has- -been- esta— blished a party not less popular at the east than in- the west, and that seems destined to be as strong milting slave holders of the South as among the free soilers of the North—which assimilat with all political elements and. finds a responSive feeling in men of all political parties. and persuasions ?_-. Whit is this new star that has risen upon us—ascend ing so suddenly from the horizon to the Zenitb—that commands the adoration of i our cbuntrymen'; which unite all hearts and hands—which brings together politi cal antipodes—which tames. the fiery democrat and the chavalrous Whig, and which unites in fond embrace the sons of the frigid north and' - the Sunny south ? Who can tell whence it cometh or whith er It goeth ? May its homes Slied a radi ance of holy light upon our social system, rendering immortal republican institu tions,— and germinating. an American feeling in eternal - hostility to . all that is alien to religious liberty or national inde pendence'. 3q9,291 THE P MOCIIACY NOT A UNIT ~InsSACHusETTS.—The whole country has heard of the election of the single democratic member of the Massachusetts Legislature. The press, ever since the election, has been declaring that the dem ocratic party in the nest Legislature of that State would be " a unit," but, lo and behold, Mr. Brown (that's the name of the member) is said now to be a Know Nothing, having defeated the democratic candidate! VIRGINIA Er j EClloN.—This event does not come off until the Thurs.- day fourth . of next May, when will be elected a Governor, a Lieut. Governor, and an At. torney General, to servo four years, meth hers of Congres and the Legislature. The Kanzns Conspiracy, to which we reli , rrud a few days ago, as now in process of incubation iu Missouri, under the intspices of 1 >avid It. Atchison., U. S. Senator, is also con firmed by the St.' Louis Democrat, which pa per directly says that "Scnator Atchison is at present engaged in the upper country, organ izing a secret society, to> consist of five thoti sand persons, pledged fo repair into Kanzas, im the first day of the election held there, to to slavery into that territory," The Demo crat declares drat it has authentic and relia ble information alum the subject, and that in a few days it will expoSe the whole scheme. reiy-l'iromAs P. Corti, for the last half cep fury oue of the lettiliti! , merchants ofThila (lelphia, (lied in ant city on IVednosilay. in 1 1 0 ; 1,1; 11,; orir.inaictl the tir , t p:o het Cho 1-or “f \vas hl or many lllltairlam ente,-In i P 9 ti s Pli;nftri inl vanee the commercial iinctests Ui 1'hil:L(1(1- 'IMo. - - (.ty Flizm.—The very en torprizing firm of 'Peeves,. Sr CO., iron fin ittititettnvi.,; in Philadelphia, it is aunbun- WediMstlay'stdppeil payments, their I:aidlitirs tieing varito.ndy ...1;11, - .11 at II•oin ititm immiri'd lu fomleen tiMnsiind BIM (olotoit nub (Ennio allatters. UNION FIRE COMPANY'S LECTURES.— The first lecture of the course was dclivered on Thursday eveninglaSt,by Prof. TIFFANY. Absence from town prevented our being pre sent, but we understand that a crowded audi once of ladies and gentlemen,graced the oc casion. The lecture was an elegant produc lion on a popular subject and was liStened to with great interest and sathilaction. The Carlisle Quartette Club also enlivened the oc tasion by singir g several appropriate songs. The second lecture_of the course will be delivered on Thursday: evening, Dec'r ith, by Rev. J. W. :s;Evix, f t Tmerly President of Marshall College, who has recently become a resident of our borough. Subject—" Self Education." A correspondent has furnished us a more particular notice of Prof. Tiffany's lecture, which we 'subjoin: , On, Thursday evening, the 23d inst., the Union Fire ompany gave 118 the first of their I ,series-o levtiaes for the season. The C lecturer - was Prof, W. H. TtreANY, of Pickin son - Colleg,d. His subject, "-America . and American Institutions:. The first half of the lecture showed - that the dcictrines of our Constitution and the genius of our government are derived from the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ. The Professor gave bold relief to Christianity— Pcolestend Christianity—as the very life of our institutions—as the spirit that moved our forefathers, and the light in which their great deeds were wrought. Regarding this as the great source of our stability and the great reliance of the people fur future welfare, he thought it a question of serious moment _whether---the-vast---immigration and rapid - nn= fitralizalinn et fiwei fpwrs, and especially of Human Catholics, floes not endanger the safety of Our institutions. The lecturer was very careful to as-ow that lie had no hostility to immigration and none to naturalizMion. provided it he notioo speedy. He would have foreigners become Americans inwardly lie fifre they are made so ordwardly. He alluded to seine recent revelations of — Startling im port. But as the lecture is to be published I forbear to speak further. - „. .The Union Fire Cfanpany may be congratulated not only upon so large an audience and large re ceipts, but especially npOil SQ happy a begin ' •••• fr their series of lectures. We thank that 'they arc helping themgelves to money but that while doing•this th 4 extend a real benefit to the community. Nov. 27, 164 -REAL ESTATE SALES.—The store and dwelling house of Mr. Jacob Senor, on North. 'Hanover street, in this borough, was recent ly sold at public sale at a fraction less than $3.000, to Mr. George Grossman. On Saturday last the Washington Hotel property, now in the occupancy of C. G, Stough*, and owned by Mr. Charles Ogilby, was sold to Mr. J. S. Steiner fur $:.•1-00. These are regarded as good sales considering the state of the times.• The fitrm of David Martin in Hampden township, comprising 12S acres, recently ad vertised in our paper, has been sold at pri vate sale to Mr. Satimel Eberly, of the same township, for $1.1,000 cash, being at the rate of about $lO9 per'acre. The farm of Henry Baker, deceased, in Newton township, copiising 170 acres of limestone land, was recently sold by. Mr. Thomas A. McKinney, Executor, at $5l an ITIZi BURGLARY AND TIIEFT.—A young mail named James Stewart; was arrested by Sheriff M*Dermond, on Saturday laht, charged with entering the house of - Samuel Westhcf. fer, of Mifflin township, and taking from a drawer a sum of money amounting to :200. The burglary was committed lust Monday two weeks, while the fattniJy was absent at churn. Stewart was suspected at once, but no proof. being at Laud he was not. arrested. Subsequent developements however, point«l him out as the supposed perpetrator of the theft, and he has been committed to our county jail for trial. JonN.CLENDEimg, the newly .elected Director of the Poor, has been sworn into office, and entered upon the discharge of the duties appertaining thereto. Col. C. gill make a faithful and efficient Director. The Board of Directors now consist of Messrs. George Brindle, of North Middleton ; John C. Brown, of Frankford; and John Clenden in, of Silver,=,ls.d. THE INA1:111;rtA1 : 1(1N.--1Ve lenril flint tio• " Na;i, - ;nal C;:t!, ;.:,1,:p; ; ;,:.}„,, ;11 ,6 Coo ..N:,C;o:•;.1 of i‘ vino. are ma king arraol!Yolont. , . to join in tie liti!itary es cort of Gov. Pollock's inauguration. The Cutlets will be 11,Fconipatiiet1 by the Valley Saxe Mail. TlYe Carllslr Torant r . r ; Capt, Crop, will also' probably be-pre:Tat.. nfl.k n - Ales )!AnA71:11: tIzQ seal IFor OKI Ileralitl: MESE The December number opens with a fine Engraving of "The Oath at Valley Forge" illustrative of a memorable event, in our rev olutionary history, to accompany Headley's admirable Iteminisknees of Washington, which are contintOrivith unflagging jar' , est,. A g-raphie4ood-cut of "Mull Pitcher at Monmouth," and other well-executed wood engravings, are also given ; and the literary contents embrace a pleasing variety of poe try, tales, biography, c'ssays, ttc., by some o' our ,first writers. The •16th Volume will commence with the January number, when the publisUrs promise additional attractions that will Rxceed those of any former year, and maintain the - welbearneereputatiat of this favorite Magazine. Pltiladelphia: H. H. See & Co. $3 a year, including- a premiant en graving to every subscriber who nniits the cash. The Pictorial Brother Jonathan, for IChristmas and New Year, 1855, has been kreeeived at. Mr., Piper's. It. is filled with el- egant and amusing pictures, and contains fl variety of seasonable reading—all fo• only 121 cts. Also, Graham's, Godey's and other magazines, for December, with a large num ber of new publications. OAK 'TALL PICTORIAL—We ]lave re ceived this amusing advertisement; and if any of our readers'sliould visit Boston, and wish to purchase clothing, we would guise them to call at Oak Hall, 32 and North street. If some of our business men were as energetic in advertising they would do better. I'EC CO URT.'= - AIT trdiCRITITCII , Court of Common Pleas will commence on ..lotulay the 11th of Deceinimr, to ountioile or:y week: Judge Fisitmt, of York, will preside. The list of jurors is as follows, viz: eariisle.—tinninel Holliday, David Rhorida., James Waggoner, Joseph W. Patton, Juhu Fa-git Pirk 60.0 n David A. Willinno , on. John King, Henry Line, Sterrett W. Weeds, Samuel Coel: Repcicell.—John - Itelimek, James Sharp, Ro bert Elliott, W. W. Frazer. Ifueipdcu.—John Wise. Lower Al tem —J ac ob Comfort, Wili , am Ctorgas . John Kaufman, sem, JytWiLoiT : oh n I)a v i son . • lftdta n ic.y4rg.—George Bobb. Mitt' Cumber/a Willet. Nu/Hon.—Christopher - Au, Abraham Grove, William McClure. Xi/Di/He: 7 -Jan J. Diller, Peter A. Ahl. Cornmaii, Solo-, mon ARPOgl4t, Joseph Wetzel. Shippensty4'—:-Samuel Dewalt, Samuel Ne vin, C. K. Hinkle, Win. Hubley. Si!er Spring.—Williams Parker. Soulleanipton.—George Walters, Christopher • Bomberger. Upper Allen.—James Eckels, jr. We s t t'ennsbr,rough.—Williain G. Davidson, John Crider. • ADVERTISE! ADVI.:RTISF.II—The Merchard, lirirtfitettirer, Master Meetanic, Profe.s.,l•lnal Mari, 3N d, every class of theeommunity has or ought have, more or loss to do with the advertising columns of news iNapers. Now is the time ?.r the trader particularly, to 4thow his colors. Everybody is on the look-eat for win ter goods. Therefilv, take advantage of the engine rea. dy to spend you on to fortune, and advorti,e. • Ila‘o you a House or r:11111 to Let iT :e•II' Advertise! D you want a I !mower Farm Advertise Do you want Board or Murders Advertise: Day u you Lost anything? Advertise! Have you Found an 3 thing • Advertise! Has anytitiog gone Astray ? Adrvrtisel— Pa you want Help: Adu ertisel Po 3ou want a Clerk ! Advertise! 1)o you want a Situation'! Advertise Pry thuida Dealers, Tailors, Clothierli, Shoe Maker, Fancy goods Dealers, Hatters, Furnishing-Store Keetiers,'und every body else, desirous of handling the nimble six vms,....--do you want Customers? Advertise! , FUSION seems to-have had as much to do with tin- late elections as confusion, which has been so much talked about. Wu de not knew anything about polities. but we do ktinw a g. et deal about Vl. , thing, and we can Wenn our readers that Itnekhill Love the finest, cheapest and fashionable tti, , ertuniat or gentlemen's garments to be found anywhere, ==l The circulation of the Flee d Is justly esteemed the greatest ordination of Lth ine Providenv:" by that Ie: Wag engine, the heart. it is driven to all parts of the system, giving Viga r awl strength tl the romplicated machinery of limn. This living thsal, a hailer we. sleep or wake. sallies briskly through the :triodes and returns softly through the veins. How necessary that it should be kept free from all impurity, and yet . ne,:iigent Many are respecting this g t essential to the enjoy ment of perfect, health. Derangement in tio. 1.1%er and orb es is generally the primary cause; and Jaundice, Indigestion, and all the lnuaas,ing feelines attending Dyspepsia, whisk makes life a burthen result from it would rapidly- follow suicide, if there was no mire. No one would wailer hanr. If he is Mlle to obtain bottle of 11 ...tag's celebrated tonal Bitters, pre pared by Dr. C. )I. Jackson. Philadelphia, they rarely full Inaffecting a permanent cure. Palpitation of the heart, Nervoilia Diseates, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Ilvspopsia, Ce,then e ,x are all relieved and CUrea Lt 1111 lneredildy short sp,tre,w c.c. by Carter's Spanish Mixture, the greet tonic anti purifier of the blood. It eraitalus tit pliable of Mer cury. Opium or tiny noxious drug; it he perfectly harnt les,, anti hits cured more than five hundred eases of diK- CaSe. iVe can only mfor tho roalw ti the certll.lo.ltes: a feNt• of ichieli oily 1 , 0 fund 111 another column, mot all of whlrh ;try detallo,l lit full around do It I, Hit) Hpritiv anti Fall I,k.sse!•st!,i an influence over the 1,1,,,,(1 ten!). ivniarhal:kt, M MEM 17Ilk IZov. A. 11. Kr..tnor. !! i.. - r •.0 ,- IEI • ott l.v H of r•irlide. flA1:1. , t t'VN, 41 iti liter of No. Stiow , lleetr, th0...r. , ( 1 inqtaid, Lyihc • 31. w 11:; 4 111 - : r;aliN t of Nett)] 7tli4Lllttott b..., to :NIL ANN 1'0m.40 0 ,, u „h top., thir. On 010 ¬: ti4e solve Ter .1;,;',41 1,114141,:ttp, 0fP.L.14414•141. to Slits I;t:Sili•llAN,ofiltitterDie!:-. i•o•or,. 1,411)41 !hi, •,tmiy. S:4l Le ;th„fxs•tititt. v 1=1:4/It(II! I.!Ni4. to I N Certt I =I