Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 29, 1854, Image 3

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Tittle rfolitri.
• "I do not want a new tippet this win
ter, or' anything new, dear mother,"
said a little girl when her motherbegan to
tell aboui, buying sonic new winter clothes;
'Clip mother, let me wear my old ones."—
The tope and manner of the child sur
prised her mother, especially as she found
it no sudden freak, for she had said the
same thing
. before, and repeated it now
inure earnestly than ever. "Not want a
new tippet, when all your cousins are to
have new ones ?" said the mother; "why
I never saw a child that did not like neWir
things." "I do not know as' "I do-exact
ly," said Janette. "And why do you
not" asked her mother; "why not?" •
'Because ,' said the little girl, hesita
"Because it makes me
ting a mom Ont,
feel real bad to be dressed .up so, when
there are so many children who liave no
-clothes to wear, or houses to live in, or
bread to eat; and there are ever so many
in heathen countries, who have no Bibles
and schools, and nothing as good as I have.
Oh, mother if instead of buying a new
tippet, you would only let me have the
money to help them with, then I Would
be as glad as 1 could be."
As the mother listened to all her dati"glij
ter said, tears came into her eyes, for she
was afraid she had thought more of dres
sing her little girl in fine clothes, than of
teaching her to love others, and of find
ing her the means of carrying out her
love. But this had been taught Jannett
by her heavenly parent,' who- is called the
God of love. And -what does Christian
love ask of you and me, and every Chris
tian child? That we must not live only,
to clothe and feed and improve and please
ourselves.- - 4, , 0h no for we have a treat
many brothers and sisters in the world,
who are destitute and wicked and sorrow
ful-; and the great God gives to us, that,
we'inay share with them. He might re
lieve them at once from his almighty hand
but lie sees fit to make us, yoU . ,,And me
his agents, `little agents and -*eat. -.ones,
in this good work.
And ndw, as winter apptoaches, how
many children who feel like giving a
beautiful new tippet's worth to help the
poor ? Perhaps you are not able to give
as much as that, but are you doing sonic
th i ay? As the November winds sweep a
round your snug little chamber, do you re
membJr the poor? As you offer your
evening prayer, and feel how sweet it is
to 'pray the lord your soul to keep," do
you remember the pooh children who are
bowing down to idol-gods and monster
gods ? - ••
-And did her mother give Janette the
tippets_ worth? asks some little girl per
haps. Yes she did. Janette wore her old
w.)ollen tippet,and 'the new tippets worth"
she gave away to do good to others ; and
never was a happier child than she : for
the Scripture says, 'lt is more blessed to
give than to receive, and the Scriptures
make true statements.
NEW GOODS.—The subscriber is just
a fresh assortment of very CHEAP HOODS
bon zht nt reduced prices. Call and see them.
u Exr inns silk:LTA*, decidedly the heat and cheap.
a.m. Farmers are reviested to call and ex
amine it at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, or
at s , :ixton's Hardware Store. For sale at reasonable
prices by
AIM 2-3 ml
1 ARPENTERS and Builders are invit
u I to examine the afisortiugut of Locka. Latches
11 , ,1t5, Hinges. tacrew{4, lilacs, Putty, OH, Paints, te.—
All for sale cheap at SAXTUNS,
!tlarch 13
? .... o t - ITRAY SHEEP.—Came to
~ ,• ~,..> Lat t ; l iihitTiTt n o l i N i e t. B oN`v' f lisTi e ,':,',l:'sjtreilioriii in
p October, 15 HEAD OF STRAY P SHEEP.—
• s , - ,,,,,,, The owner ie hereby notified to come for
ward, prove property, pay charges and take them away,
otherwise they will be disposed of according to law.
Nov 1,1854-3 t. EI,I,AS BRENNEMAN.
QAV E YOUR. OLD METAL-- - ---.Cash
paid for OLD METAL, such us Copper, limas and
.it .the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Flop.
call the attention of the public to
PoaT.taLu utl{ D OR FIRE CMiINE, fur
tvatn in; iraril.nis or extingtilnlilliir tlreN. Alt excellent
in•at, cheap nod convenient. For sale at
ii,el-1251 B.IXTON'S.'!
DE L I..A: „ Ln.—Notk o is herehy given that' letters
et .I,linivlistration on the estate of Samuel Mumma, late
of i•: ist,pontishoro' township, Cumberland county, dov'a.
iove been Issued by the Register of said county tip the
m ut,;eriber, residing in Upper Allen township. All per
pms knowing themselves Indebted to wild estate are
faired La make imiheillate payment, and those having
el minis to present them for settlement to
Nov. 8, 1851-040 Administrator.
r()IJS. 1)H BEGES.—Just received
another lot of Cheap Do 8e4 0 ;. - Dolaines and Par..
a l e th.:. Dievlsl U. \V.
• The Publisher has gone to groat exponlo In publishing
the Rook in 'proper style. The engravings are beauti
fully executed; the type large and clear;. and the paper
of a fine texture; while the binding Is at the same time
tasty and durable, and having done his part well, he
submits the work to the examination of the people.
confidently recommending It to the attention of these
interested In the Pennsylvania Halimn! Company.
Reading Railroad C,ompany, Sunbury and Erie Railroad
Company, N4ristown and other railroads In the State,
in the Schuylkill and Lehigh Navlgatinn Companie, in
,the Lehigh and all `other Coal Companies, throughout
Pennsylvania, to all engaged In mining and manufac.
Wring Coal and Iron, to every Farmer and every citizen
SUPPLY! I have just received a fresh stock of
Medicines, Paints. Glass, Oil, &e., which, having
Leon pit chased with groat care at the hest city
' houses, I canconfidently recommend to Families.
• Physicians, country Merchants and Dealers, as her
ing fresh and pure.
DRUGS---Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Instru
ments, pure Essential Oils, Herbs anti Extracts, Spices,
ground and whole, Essences, Perfumery, Ac.
Coil Liver 011—warranted genuine.
DYE-STUFFS—lndigoem Madders, Sumac, Alum, Log
and Cam Woods, Oil Vitriol, Copperas, Lac Dye.
PAlNTll—Wetherill A Brethers Pure Lead, Climate
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Copal and coach
Varnish, and Red head. All of which will be sold at the
very lowest market price.
Also, as fresh and splendid assortment of P A N C
(10011 4 , Fruits, Confectionary, and honnuerablo other
articles calculated for use and (imminent, all of which
are offered at the lowest, rash oleos. ut tho cheap Drug;
Book mud I , lOleY Storo of the subscriber on North HMI
- ,
OVer St - 7 _ R. ItAvintsTicii.
have Just recelked from l'hiladelphia an d
Now York very extensive additions to my
formerstock, embracing nearly every article
of Medicine now in USS, together with
Paints. (lily, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perin
i mery, Soaps, Stationary, Fine Cutlery, Fish-
K•••• Ing Tackle, Druslio:4 of almost every &scrip.
lion, With nn endless variety of other articles, which I
fUll determined to Man RE Ul6l VERY LOWEST prices.
All Physicians, Country Merchants, I'edlan4 and oth
ers, aro respectfully requesto.l not to pass the OLD
STAND; es they may rest assured tilt every article will
FIC AM EItICAN" commences on, the 10th of Sep
tember. It Is chiefly devoted to the advancement of the
interests of MECHANICS, lxviwrons, MANUFACTURED!! .Ave
FAamnits, and is edited by men practically skilled in the
arts and sciences. Probably no other Journal of the
same eh:um-ter is so extensively circulated, or so gener
ally esteemed for its practical ability. Nearly 1111 the
Valuable Patents which issue weekly from the latent
Office are Illustrated witlr Engravings, and the claim •
of all the Patents are published regularly in Its colum
as they are issued, thus making it a per Met Set KvTIFIC
AND MECHANICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA of infbrinatlon upon the
subjects of Mechanical Improvements, Chemistry, Engi
neeering and the Sciences generally. It is published
weekly In quarto form suitable for Wilding, and each
volume cmtains Four Hundred and Sixteen Pages of
Tie:0111g Matter, Several Hundred Engravings, with a
full rind emnplete Index. Its circulation on the lust
Volume exceeded 23,000 copies per week, and tho practi
cal receipts in one volume are worth to any family,inuch
more than the subscription price. •
The Milowing, CAM! rulers are offered by the Publish
ers for the fourteen largest lists of subscribers sent hn
by the Ist of January, 1855: $lOO will be given for the
largest list: $75 for the second; $O5 for the third; $55
for the fourth; $5O for the fifth , $45 for the sixth; $4O
seventh; $B5 for the eighth: $3O for the ninth; $25 for
the tenth; $2O for the eleventh, $l5 for the twelfth
$lO Mr the thirteenth; and $5 for' the fourteenth. The
cash will be paid to the order of the successful competi
tor immediately alter the Ist of January 1855.
TERMS I—One copy. ,me year, $2; one cipy,six Months,
$1 ; five copies, six months. $4: ten °aphis. six mouths,
SS; ten copies, twelve months, $l5; fifteen collies,
twelve Months 422; twenty copies, twelve mouths, $2B
In advance.
No number of subscriptions above twenty can be La
ken at loss than $1.40 cavil. Names can tine sent In at
different times and free' different Post Offices.
Southern and Western money taken for subferiptions.
Letters should be directed, post-paid, to MUNN & Co.,
128 Fulton street N. Y.
44,3-Messrs. UNN tt: Co. are extensively engaged in
procuring patent for now inventions, and will advise
inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of
their improvements. ]Aug. 30. 1854.—0 w
it SYLVANIA. No Pennsylvanian timnld be without
It. Eight thousand copies sold! Every Farmer and
every citizen ' , should haven copy. BOWEN'S PICTOIII ti.
SKETCO ISJOK Or PLNNSYLV %NI ; W. its Scenery. Internal
Improvements, Resources and Agriculture. popularly'
described. illvstrated with over 100 Beautiful Engrav
ings, and accranpanied by Barnes' Large Map of the
State, carefully colored. Eight et Edition, Revised. Cor
reeted'and Impnwed. One Volume, S ye_ with over 500
pages ;mil handsomely bound. Sent by mail, of
ex p e ase.,
It is linpractirable In so ... short a. spare as
_this to give
an at:kin:lto idea of the variety of subject, and the ex
tent of research which this Volute.. contains. The
whole field has hoeii carefully explored. And no de
partment however intricate has been passed Over, but
tncited until the subject.has been made perfectly clear
and intelligible to the simplest mind; Indeed one of
the great peculiarities of the Book Is Its freedom from
dry detail. and statistics, (so common to-works of this
character,) which no doubt is one of the causes of its
very great popularity.
The Agriculture of the State is a prominent topic in
the work, aid all its parts receives his earnest attentibm
not merely speculrting on the - results of husbandry, but
searching and finding how the greatest advantage can
be gained front the bust sources. Every Farmer should
read and study his remarks, and also those who depend
lon the Fanner for the necessaries of life for all should
understand something of the means by which these
necesSaries are produced. •
Cities, Towns anti Villages are described and dwelt
upon. the characteristics of the people pointed nut, and
the various improvements in pry gross or projected no
tired ;—one of the deeply interesting sketches in the
work Is that on the Wyoming Valley; the vivid and
startling interest thrown around that devoted spot, is
dwelt upon with beautiful pathos and feeling, and thd
leading events in the tragic part enacted there in revo
lutionary times, pointed out by a master hand. Added
to this is Campbell's always bOnOtlful Gertrude of Wye-
Ming, the merit of which it is unnecessary to speak
A vivid and truthful description of the grand and
majestic Scenery of the Old Keystone State, Is Also a
prominent subject in the Volume. - - Nothing call exceed
the grandeur and beauty of Pennsylvania's Romantic
Hills, and well does the author understand the subject
with whirls lie deals. ,• '
The Press throughotit the State have, with united
voice, pronouneed . it the Pest Popular Book ever written
on the State; and, without a Made exception have re,
VOlllllO uded the work in the highest terms. The many
flattering notlees bestowed upon it will be collected to
gether and published, in a f attire, circular. deo - unruly.
Ink every volume Is Ilarne's Large Map of the tqate,
carefully colored,—the latest and hest Map published,
and which retails seperatoly at Ono Dollar, and is un
doubtedly the only correct ono issui.d.
The price of the Book Is placed teethe lowest rate for
which It could be manufactured. and the execution of
it in every respect is alike beautiful and substantial.—
Independently of the fine map, it Is a remarkably cheap
work; but that accompanying it, the publisher has no
hesitation in pronouncing it the cheapest.llook publish
of the State of Pennsylvania. he submits this
splendid volume, and respectfully solicits their prtron
Agents will rail upon the citizens for their subscriP
tion, and in cases where no agent has railed, any person
wishing it, will have it sent free of expense, by remit
ting the amount to the Publisher.
Invariable Price of the Work
Embossed Muslin,
gilt edges and side
Morocco, marbled edge
Turkey Morocco, extra
Jail" Agents wonted in every County In the State.—
Any person desiring nu Agency please nddress the Pub
WM% MIME SMITH, Publisher,
sept C-54 105 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia.
0n...1011N A. 11HAV, Kingstown, is Agent for the
above work in Cumberland county.
Dm Stores.
sold of It good ioallty, uud.upon r03,00t . 1d0 terms
Mi .10
Ala'...ii - Joh Printing done at this olive
Feb. 4,
Mr. Z. Liar- - Sir: Please send a few mom bottles 0
your Fit Medicine;" I may not need it. but think saf
er to keep it on hand. Your medicine hes done amlet*,
I gave it to Mica Jane Delano; she him had nts for 26
years, brought on by having the measels When hut four
years old, which could not be brought out t4l the aortae , .
' After taking the modirine a few clays, mac lIAD A FINE
OIIOP OP MEASELS, and has had no tits since, She had (its
or symptoms almost daily. She and her father concur
with me t I n saying that we believe the modielne Les or
will work a perfect cure. I also gave the medicine to
Miss Jane Henderson and Ar l ie Cm-by, who have had tits
almost daily, for a number bf years. Their fits "have
ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the desired
effort. Much money has been expended by the friends
of the above patiolita for doctoring, all to no purpose.—
The cure was—left- for your medicine to perform, and I'
can cheerfully recommoud It as a valuable discovery.—
itesiwetfully yours, ' - JUDSON LANDON,
Superintendent. Ashtabula Infirmary.
Prepared and sold at whulessh3 by Z, Conneaut,
Ohio. •
E. P. 'WELLER, traveling agent.
Sold by, S. W. Ma vennlek. Carlisle; 'ILI'', Thomas, M
ebanlaairg; D. W. tiros.% Ilarrisbnrg. • Oct. 6-Iy*
OHN P.. LYNE—Wholesale and Re
tail dealer in American, English and Gentian
HARI/WARE, Oils, Paints, ac., &. Mechanics, builders
and the public generally, who are in want of Hardware
q 4 ~.....;..... of any kind, are-itivitcst to call in and
- $4,R'• examine my unusually larg stock of
'3 7 . 4.7 --- goods, AV hlch Tam selling at very low
pc cus. Just stop in; it will only detain you a very
few minutes to be convinced that what everylsaly says
—that Lyn's is decidedly the pinoe to get good goods at
law prices—must be true. LYN VS Hardware Rove,
West tilde North Hanover street.
. 4 Glistr BABOAIN OITERro.
.The sul scriber in eon.lquence of ill-health, °lron: his en
the stock of HAI:WARE to any 1 , 111 4 011 or porsons wish
ing to enter Into the Ilardeq-Pe business. lie havin g se
resolved In quitting the business, will give a bargnin,
besides his 1111111011CA' and custom. Any one desirous of
getting into this business will do well to cell soon. and
if not disposed of by the Ist of October next. he.ii iii
then C-0111111CIICe selling off at cost ut the old' and well
known stand, In North Hanover sheet, next door to
Charles Maglaughlin's Hotel. JACOB SENER.
$2 00
2 50
2 2.,
4 00
. -
subscriber having returned from the city would call the
attention of his fi lends and the public generally to the
large and well selected assortment of Hardware which, he
lint Just received, consisting in part of BUILDING MA.
TERIA LS. nails, screws, hinges. locks, 'NIBS. glass, putty,
paints, ells, Ac. TOOLS—edge tools; ,stws and planes of
every description, with files, rasps, harinerii, anvils , Ac.
A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD.
FILERS TOOLS, together with nierem),,lining and bind
ing skins, shoe thread, was, pegs, lasts, harness mount
dug. saddletrees,
COACH TRlMMlNGLeativass (plain, enamelled, fig
ured and embossed,) patent and enamelled leather,
axles, springs, hubs, spokes. felines, taunts, Ac. , kc.
Othinet Makers will find a large assortment of varn
ishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding, reset tes,
hair cloth, curled hair, Ac.
The stock of Iron is large and well selected, compris
ing all the kinds In n mered and rolled
Iron Of all sizes, flat, bar'and band Iron, round, square
tint oval iron, horse-shoo Iron and nail mils, with a large
lot of cast and spring steel, English and American His
tar steel, km.
botsekeepers and those about commencing will fled I
to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery, brit
taiga and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets
In addition to the above we have received a splendid
assortment of WALL PAPER., making the stock com
plete, and at such prices as MIIIInt tail to give satistin
tion. \%o invite nil friends to call, knowing It will ho to
their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East
llich Street. Carlisle, Pa.
Oct. 12, 0853. HENRY SAXTON.
F 41
NV Alt I'—The subseribor hav log returned from
the city low just opened for the Fall timle it largo and
well :selected stock of f.rebin Mid domestic Hardware,
enitrachig everything usually found in that line of lal-
Tho attootion of Mends:lnd the public generally,
In respectfully directed to the assortment on hand, 11N
outing them that goods of nil kinds will he sold for rash
at a very small advance on manufitcturers prices. Re
member the old stand, East aGdn Street, Carlisle.
Aug 30, Mt 11. SAXTON.
subserlbere aro Agents In i l hiladel-
Olin Or the above fertilizer, which has been fully tested
Gm the last three years. ,Early orders cal lilted RS the
supply will be limited. Also,.for sale lent Peruvian (1,,w
vernmen t Ifoano No. 1.
• F. ELLIorr,
P.U 4 CIA T,I, It 1"-: k CO_
tOtiu• tl AVnrull,ll:‘, ,
h and 11.'11 Plilladol
eartiole fjcialb.
r i 0 0 TIT WASH.—Beautiful White
Teeth Ilealthy Gums and n Sweet Breath—All who
are deSiNilit; of obtaluing these benefits should use ZEE
article combines Cl many meritorious qualities that it
lots now become a standard favorite with the citizens of
New York, Philadelphia :HAI Baltimore. Dentists pre
scribe it in their Practice most successfully, and from
every source the most flattering laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are immediately beheflt
tell by its use; its action upon them Is mild, soothing
and effeetive. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly, that
they are made to rival pearl in whiteness, and diffuses
through the mouth such a delightful fresh eels that the
breath Is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinfects those
Impurities i‘hlch tend to posture dbray, and. an a eon
seq Ulf TIM when these are removed the truth roust
ways remain sound. head the following from lir. J. A.
Mr. F. Zerman—Sir: flaring used and ITCollll.llotlded
your Tooth IVash in my practice for some time, I find It
the most effectual Dmitrilice in use, and therefore recom
mend It to the public.
pr. J. A. CABMAN, Dentist,
Harrisburg, P.
Bead the following testimony.
7.ssmAN—Dear sir: 1 pace, fully tested the merits
of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without. hesita
tion. recommend it alit the best that has Conic under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six
teen years. It cleanse,: the Teeth, soothes and hat dens
irritated Gums, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the
Breath. From the mouths of those who make use of it,
however, it certainly speak for.itself.
(U.o. P. Senlvstr. Surgeon Dentist,
'279, South Tenth st., Philadelphia.
It is Used and recommended by all the eminent Dent
ists in Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other
cities whom it has beeWintrodueed. All should give it
a trial.
.oi,f• Prepared only by Francis Zern(fili, Druggist and
Chemist; Phillidulphia, and sold..Wjwb`Fale and retail by
Samuel Elliott. Carlisle. J. Dorsbefiner, Mechanicsburg.
.1. lEerron, Newville, J. C. Williams, Shippcimburg, and
by all Druggists at only 25 rents per babe.
EPILEPSY Can be Cured. Lake's
vEll ETA BLE COMPOUND, for the cure of Eel-
LEPt , V or FITS 1 is performing more wonderful cures than
any other medicine yet known or beforo the puhlic.—
The proprietor has in Ills possession utinierous certifi
cates. narrating the astonishing and infraculous cures
effected by this medicine, ii r,d directs attention to t 0
following only, t..) assure ,those who are so untl,rll; ate
to be afflicted w itli the terrible tlise4the heretefortriegard
ed incurable. that iAKE's prepaniti..n Ls ti.most INF \LI
From Mrs. Brooks, widow of Jas. Brooks, late
CWVNEAUT, Feb. 3, 1853.
• Mr. Z. LAKE—Sir: Please 'send me Wnother bottle of
Fit Medicine. as I do m t like to 11, It on hand.
When I commenced gis ing the itd‘divine to my son Ed
gar. he had from one to three fits per day. Ile has now
taken the medicine over five mouths, and has had, I
think, but two fits in that time, and those very light.—
His body and mind are very much improved: and by
the blessing of Ord, !Teel that the medicine is!!! restore
has bodY.and mind to their wonted activity. Ile Is 2.5
years bld.and - has had fits over J 2 years, which have
been very frequent, and very di , struetive - to his consti
tution and mind. hundreds of dollars have biam ex
pended for' nuttliciniito " rums rrs,' , hut nothing has
relieved him until hemsed your medicine. Ilespectfully ,
yours, _ POLLY IlltiniKS.
Vrx.n . o Judson Landon, County Superintendent of tho
Ashtabula County Infirmary...
E—Farmers, Farailids'and 'Others, eaniniv.
chase no remedy Lewd to Dr. TODIAS'
moot, for Dysentery, Colic, Croup , ChronieltheUMlAlFM.
Quinsey, Fore Threat, Toothache, dos Sioknosa, Cuts,
Swellings. Old' Sores, 211useuito Eftts, - Insect
Stings, Pains in the Limbs, Cheat ? ' heck. doe's'
not give relief ; - the money will be .'refurded--till that is
asked, Is a trial, and use ItAccording to directions. '1 he
artieleTs an English remeWand was used by R ni. IV.
King of England, and certitled to by him, as a cure for
Itheitanatiszn, alien everything else Tecommended by his
physicians had failed.
Over 10,1100.000 of bottles have been sold in tire Unit
ed States, without a single failure, and timilles have
stated that It was worth $lO per bottle. they never
would be without it. in rase of Croup, as It is as certain
as it is applied. It curiN Toothaehe In three minutes:
Headache hi half an hour, and Cholera. when first tak
en. In a few hours. It is perfectly,hiencent to tale' in
tern:illy. and has the recounnendatiOn of many of the
Most eminent Physicians in the United Elates. Price,
25 and 00 emits. ;
Dr. Tobias has also put up a Liniment rt‘.lle*ii,-dn,
pint bottles, which Is warranted—cheaper. gnu .Itietter ,
than any other, for the cure of Colic. (inns', Su
old Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Scratches, Cract.tat lies itc,—
Price, 00 rents.
Dr. Tohins could fill a ilozen newspapers with th cer
tificates and lettcas received, relating to the wi nde ful
cures accomplished by his Liniment. tut c n•sideas t at
warranting it is sufficient, m any person who dies noV
obtain relief, need not pay Pl. it. There has I een : Se.
much worthless Medicine to hi to the public, drat Tr To-
bias wishes Ids article to mt on its own merits, aid if
he gives the ialue of the money reedved, then lie asks
the patronage of the public. not othnrwho.
Dli. TOBIAS' Office, 240 OREENWICII Street, NOW
For sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut F t ree ts
Dyytt & Son, 132 N. Second greet: T. It. Unileodgr. FS.
S. Third street, and by tho Druggigs tlootighrut the
United States.
a particle of Mercury in R. An inEdllble re tedy tor
Serofuln. King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obsthutte Cutaneous
Eruptions, Pimples or, Pustules on the Face, Blotches.
Dolls, Chronic Sore 'Eyes, Ding Worm or 'fetter, Scald
Head. Enlargement anti Pain of the Bones and Joints,
Strilstrn Ulcers. Syphilitic DO :orders. Lumrago, ,Spinal
Complaints and all diseases arising front an injudicious
use of Mercury, imprudence in Life, or Imputity of the
This valuable Medicine. which has become celebrated
for the matter of extraordinary cures effected through
its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent
request of their friends, to offer It to the public, which
they do with the utmost 'confidence In its t blues and
wonderful curative properties. The folinsingeertiftentes,
selected front a large numbevt are however, stronger tee•
Ithuotty than the mere word of the proprletern; end are
from gentlemen well known in their localities and of '
t' highest rre
'respectability, Many of them siding in the
city Richmond, Va.
P. nu y DEN, Exq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond.
known every where. sap; ho has seen the Medicine call
hundred cases. In nearly nil the diseasem. for which it is
recommended with the most astonishingly gbod results.
lie ways It is the most 'extraordinary medicine he has
over seen,
AGUE Xls11) FEVER—Great Cure.—l hereby certify
that for three years I hail and Fever of the most
vhident description. I had several Physicians. took lance
quantities of Quinine. Mercury, and 1 believe all the
Tonics advertised, but all without any permanent relief.
At last I tried Corlett's Spanish Mixture. two bottles of
which etTectually cured not and I am happy to saY
have had neither Chills or Fever since. I consider it the
best Zeal- In the World,aud the only medkinethatever
reached my case. .1011 N LOMIDEN.
Beaver dam, near Richmond .Virginia.
0. IL LUCK, ESQ., now in tho city of Richmond. and
for many years in the Post Office, has such eltlllidellVe inn
the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish Mixture.
that he has bought upwards of 50 IsMies which lie has
glVen away to the afflicted. Mr. MIA 'says he has nev
er known it to fall when taken according to directions.
lir. MINCE, a practising physician. and formerly of
the City Hotel In the city of Richmond, says ho has wit-.
nessed. In a number of instances, the effects of Carr
tar's Spanish Mixture, Which were most truly- - surpris.,
frig. Ile says iii a case of Consumption, dependent on
the Liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed.
SAMUEL M. DRINKER. of the firm Thinker Mor
ris. Eielunond, was cured of Liver Conmlnint of 8 years
standinix by the use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish
(MEAT CURE OF SCROFULA—The Editors of the
Richmond Republimn had a servant employed in their
press p.m cured of violent Sen , fnla comhined with
Rheumatism. w Melt entirely disahhid him frem work.—
Two bottles of Carters Smilish Mixture made a perfect
cure of him. and the editors in n Tim floe oily , they
"cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with
any dis'ase of the Wood."
very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish
Mixture. 1 ofnsidar It truly a valuablemetlicini%
Conductor on the R. F. k P. It. R. Co. Richmond. Ya
Mr. John Thompson, residing. In the rity of Rich
mond, was mired by three bottles of Carter's Spanish
ilature of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years
and which all the physicians of The city would not cure,
Mr. Thompson is n well known merchant in the city 01
Richmond. Va.. and his cure ho 11104 remarkable.
rPlincipal Repots of M. WARD, CLoz-71: & Co, No. S 3.
Malden Line, New York.
'l'. W. I)YUTT & SONS, No. 132, North 2d et.,
BENNETT & 111:Eltik, No. 125 51alu ,t.. Mehmond
And for SIIIII by S. Elliott, S. W. Ilaverstiek, Carlisle
lit Day, dleehanle•sburg; 11. Herron, Vine ; C
Altle,,Shippensburg, and by dealers in medicines every
I'llE - IVONDER OF 'l'llE A(I K
a For the cure of laltrheutn, Chilblains, (Ammon
Sores. Chapped tr Cracked Ilands. hunts or Scalds. Cuts
Or WOUIIdS, files , In fltfilllnfttitill of the lutist, Liars of
inserts, Sore 'Lips, Pimples on the Face, atoty, 0:1)r &Aug
Out and Sores on Children. and all dinensrt i fliui in,
This Ointment will cure tla.Saltrhoinhand linrus, nr
Chapped hands, quicker and surer than.liny other flied!•
clues of the kind before the public.
'Pi substantiate the above, I NW 01'0 IlUtitiredS of eer
tilleates, but I consider it no ns (any person can do
the same, if they Intve friends, CT even a Avert hless nr
tick) I rely sAely on the merits of the (Ulm...tit fir the,
public. patronage.
N. B.—A single box of this ()frame' .t will keep any
Inineksmith's, Fanner's ; Killer's, or 1 le hanir's hands, let
them chap or crack ever so NO, sou .and in good work.
lug order all winter. Prepared awl sold by
flu , atnek, Conn. •
01s9 the Drugg,sts,t ± miCotinhy Sler
-0.1/3,US. PH,. 25 vents per box.
It AVE you n cold ?—ilalloli,er's Elixir
Nu r! just celebrity' 'for the ewe or all
rll/111 1 , 0V011.1 C(111114 ! 111111 it efficacy ban
been littl.titell 111111 1111 try , ,ve I by hundreds of our 111144 1 . ,
sport/04e eitizenn. In every Inntance Iminedlato relief
has been given, an thti following certifivate froggi
who have tried it begun tentitnony• Manufactured and
for salo by
We the undemigned do certify that ice have used OM
lolier's preparation Om Consumption, Colds. )btaeea of
the Lungs, Liver, &c., and having oxperianead luuni•di
ate relief therafrout would recommend It to all afflicted
in that Nt:ty.
Fidlos„ '-‘lr,".. M., 11..31,1',v. L
:+l,n,yer, 11, .S. N
Cml6le : A in il 21, I'ss I-1
and lijappint'ss
snts nob glangl2ters, of c‘,
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Dr. KEJ.T.IING nnnotincep to the afflicted that ho
is a regular graduate of the best Medical Colle g e
in the United States, and, dUring many years of
very extensive practice, has been familiar with
every form of disease, and succeeded in curing the
most hopeless cases, oven when abandoned by the
regular faculty. Ills perfect knowledge of the hu
man system enables him to adapt the menna to the
tad, so as to produce the mosti astonishing results.
The alarming prevalenCe of disease, and the often
imperfect medical treatment of the present slay, has
induced hint to snake known sits NEVER-PAN tNG
that those that mourn may rejoice,
the afflicted leap for joy. A LL, w. master a hat
their disease may be, can refit assured. oil finding
'Teller, and therefore should not delay a moment.
Write ilh=case and symptwins full and plain, and
you receive an any ver hy return man (fire)
stating the niedkine required 1111.1 Ow price of it.
Addrese, C. L. liurisiNn, M. D.. slechatarshurg,
Cumberland county, Pcunsylvania.
N. 13.—Itie Duetor will attend patients at my
distance, when required_ •
11 .
V II: R COM PLA I NT, 11vs1 , epz•ja,
Jauntily°, Chmilie or Nervous detillty, "1
the Kltlityys, and all diseases arising • from a dimo &red
Liver or Stomach, Filth as Constipathei. inward piles,
fulness of Hood to the latad. acidity of the ~stomach,
nausea, !wart burch.disgnst r tbd..fulness or aelght in
the stomach. sour eructations, sinking or fluttering at
the pit of the stomach. sw lousing of the head, hurried
and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking
or suffocating sensations 11")11•II ih a lying pi stun , . dim
1101.2, "r visi,m, dots woks Ler.n. sight, firer and
dull pain in the head, deficiency of icerspiration,
ness of the skin ll1111"1.yeS, pain in the Slllll. hack, rhrrt,
11111r8, the., sudden flushes of h e at, burning in the flesh,
conStantlinaginings of eNil. andin-eat depressh n of spir
its, MTh is CUM' by Da. lloeskoin's CELE
BRATED GERMAN 1111"11E1:14. prepared Icy Da. C. M.
JAcEseN, N. 120 Arch Street. Philadelphia. - `1
r ea
Their power over the ahoe dive Is not r) celled, If
equalled, by any other preparation in the Unitc}tStates,
as the cures attest, in Many cases after skiln phyri
clans had failed.
These bitters are' wo, thy the attention - of invalids.—
Possessing great virtues in the rmlification of diseases
of the Liver (1.114 i lesser glands. exercising ,the 11/. st
searching powers' In we 111,111,14 and affeetions of the di
gestive orzaus, they are withal safe, certain and pleas
J. P. SprCog, Lacey ville. April 6, 1554, stys, '•I
ran get you solos. grand eertiftentrs for your German Bit
ters in this vicinity If you wish them. A lady purchas
lug some of it this week, says that It Is by Ear the best
Medicine she ever knew, having done her and her
d.inghter mans good. A v.
S. B. Lan son, lionfard's Store, Somerset co. Pa.. Aug.
isfa says. ' • 1 ram !noels attached to sue liVrlnall
Hitters, has in used two bottles of it, which I proculed
from S. Kurtz, y.urtiv.ent at Somerset. and found great
relief from it In disease of the Liver. I find it. has
great effect ton soy lungs, strengthening and Ins Is:orating
them, n Islets, as I ant n public ISpeaker. is a grist help to
Pr. Giles, Newton ilamiltom Pa.. May, MIL raid: `•
have used myself half a dozen isttles of your tier mart
Hitter') for Liver Complaint and disease!, of a nen our
character, resulting from the abuse of Mercury. T was
p .Isoned and afflicted with spasms fmm the use of this
latter nrtielo. The tlernom bitters is the first article
Conn which I obtained any relief. 1 have also given the
article to many dyspeptics, with the most salutary re
suits. f think as many more bottles will cure ins."
r. Yllurv4, l'sq.. of Dauphin, Pa.. writes May 5. '5l:
was afflicted Nvith thmeral Pebilil y. Intestinal Weak
ness: amt Costiveness. for which I used many different
remedies without relief. lat last used your Iloonand's
tlennan hitters. I took a few ii.ttles according to di
rections, and was completely cured. I have not been so
healthy for ten yuors as I have been since 1 took your
I itters. a hick Is :theta one year ago."
'l'h IIItAVI'S an• iNTIItk.LY EUET %DU:. always strength
ening the system and never prostrating It.
Sold by dealers In medicine and storekeepers every:
where, and by'Samuel Elllcdt, S. W. llayerstick and IL
W. Ca'utlinan, Carlisle; Etninger l•n.. Mechanicsburg;
Snyder ,k Diehl, Newburg, and by Dealers In Medicines
Nov. 1i'2,1R54-ly
cents, by means of the POCK
ET 2EA`I'LAPIIIS, or Every
The thirty-M.(oi Editlon, with
.me hundred engravlngs,show.
ing Private Diseases and :dal
formations of the Generative
System, in eci•t'Y shape and
trot: to stitch is added •
Treatise on the Of Fe..
Males, intended for the nue of
females only, (see page 190 her
lug of the highest importance
to married iwOple,er those ei n-
_ Wm. YOUN .I).,llinate
of theAicaver,ity of Pounsylvanin. Member of the nil
al ('ollepe.r,f ...zurgeons, London, and Honorary Mendvr
of the - Philadelphia society. The various forms
of Faint diseases. Seminal WeaknesS., Diseases of the
Prostrate Wand. l m poteney. solitary habits of youth. cue
faithfully described, and all the receipts nil en in plain
language. The ihapteis en self abuse and S(111111111
\l'c_ekncss is 11 crthy of particular attention, and should
be read by every one. Young men who have been un•
fortunate in contincting disease. previous to placing
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no matter wind
his pretensions may be. get n copy of this truly valuable
work. _
Captains and persons going to sea should possess
Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, tho Pocket Etiltlap!.
us. or Every ono ills own Physielan. i.
,O'n • Let torfat her ho ashamed to present a ihe
:T.:seta:lplus to his child. It may save him froth an early
pair). Let no young man or woman enter into the FO.
end ..Idhmt ions of um: led life wlt ho utuuo o iing: the pock
et .I'sculapitts. Let no one sttifering from n haeloaled
cough. pain in the side, restless nights, ' le m o n s feelings
and the whole twain of It q.eptir sensations. and given
up by their Physician. be 11)1 , 1111T moment without con
sulting the Xseulapi us. !lave the married or those
about to I•o married any impediment, read this truly
useful Ihoit. es it has been tho means of saving thou.
sands of tinfortunnte 'creatures firm tile very Jaws of
death. Upwards of a. MI LIJCIN copies of this celebrated
work has Icon sold in this country and Europe Edney 18.
38, when the first edition was issued.
Aro'. Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE eonts en
closed in aletter. will re('‘eivo One copy of this book try
mail; or live espies will he sent for $l. Addrt:so Dr.
M No. 152 Spruce street, Philadelphleb
Post -paid.
Twenty Wart; practice iit the city of Philadelphia eer
tnitilv entitles Dr. Young, to the rootidence of the al.
Illeteir, and 110.1110 v. he connUlted on any of the diseases
des-rili,l in hi different pubileations. nt ills
‘V oince,rls2
••. , Jul. Letvell 11111111 3 41dt-ck, .t•un•
..t . C