El Tittle folio. God's Care of a Little Boy During the winter of 1819, in the Thuringian forest, a little boy four years of age, one evening, clad only in a stout shirt, while a deep snow lay on the grund, met a number of wood-cutters outside of the village, who were return ing home froni - their work. The little rosy-eheeked fellow, whose curly hair Was whitened by the hoar-frost on that bitter cold evening, wanted to go to his father, who had gone into the woods.— The woodcutters, after telling him that his father had probably retutued home by this time, brought him home to hiS mother, although much .against his will. She being engaged, gave him Huebner's Pictorial Bible Stories to amuse him; but soon he had again stole out into the snow. The mother called hint, and nei ther seeing or hearing any thing of him, she became anxious about him still, she consoled herself by the thought that he would return with his fajter; but the father returned and had not seen his lit tle'boy. Not finding the child anywhere in the village, the anxious mother, by her fer vent entreaties, prevailed upon her neigh bUrs to turn out with lanterns into the 'dark forest, in quest of him. The mother, gra , ipjnz the hand of her eldest son, lest she intAt - Te'Se him too, led The way, cal ling at the top of her voice. The men . w. of in different direetions, hUnting and ealliug; but when, at Midnight; they met again, no trace of the child had been discovered. 'Oh,' 'died his brother', 'if he had only had hisThobnail shoes on we could have traCked uiiii in the snow.' --L Or his new Christmas pants,' rejoined the mother; 'indeed he must have been frotento death, this dreadful cold night.' While all were shivering with cold the mother alone sweltered in a glow of heat. 'Well,' cried one of the men, 'although we. all know that he must be dead if •he is still in the woods, we won't forsake the mother, who is running across the crackling snow into every ravine and de shouting until she is hoarse.' With that theyalltdafresh e quest of him. All at once the eldes brother, having entered one of the deei Taylors, shouted, " Here he is lying dead" His mother, on coming up, threw' hersel upon her little Benjaman, who was lying on the snow. Now the little fellow awoke and looking around, was surprised to see so many men and lights; ho never complain ed of the cold, and joyfully embraced his mother. What were her emotions those mothers only can concieve that have ever been placed in similar circumstances. The child having recognised all his friends, related that he had gone in search of his father, continually calling him by name; but that when he could not find' him and o began to feel chilly, he concluded to return home:to his mother. However not knowing ivhieh wad to go, he began to weep bitterly; then, like.little Salim; in his pictorial Bible, he knelt down and called on God to help him. Finding himself in i gully, where the wind did not blow, he thought he would stay till his mother should emne.• thal to whom he prayed kept him from death, he slept until his mother waked him up. ESTATE OP SA3IUEL MUMMA, DamksEn. 7-Notiee le herehy.given that letters of administration on the estate of Samuel .!Intutna, lato of E,, , t l'onn±dmia'Armuship, Cumberland county, dee'd. have been issued by the Register of said county to the MOS 2rlbor, rpsitling in Upper Allen township. Al! per sons kiedhig themsolveti indebted to said estate are en uired to make immediate payment. and - those havitig clahm. to &N, ont them fur settlement to • TOBIAS MILLER, Upper Allen,. Nov. N, Administrator NOTIOE.—An Election for -Directors „I , the eirrNe nmik will be hold on NIONDA Y. the •20th Of November next, at the oilive of the Presi dent. in Carlisle, between the hours of 1U A.M., nnd 2 I'. M. GEORGE A. LYON, Pres't Octoller 26 , itisl-te. • Ew (;001)S.—The subscriber is just iTelting a fetish It cttortment, of vory ell EA 1' GOollti I,an,ltt at redneott prices. Cull and two them. An :. G EO. W. lIITNEIt. I 1( )liN SI-I ELLERS.---Xn torfm's I'AT- C ) ,:NT cowl :41113.14:11, decidedly the 11.4 and cheap est wor In tise. Fanners are requested to call and I.IX-' &Mtn° ii at the Carlisle Foundry and Ilachine Shop ,wr at Saxton's Hardware Store. For tale at reason:llde prig oh by A ~.. .2,-3nd 11.41t1INEli A: IIItOIVN. .... ~._ • ( - IA RPENTERS and Builders are in vit.- k_ OM11111111(1 thn assortment of Lochs, Latches Dolts, Ilingcs, Screws, Glass, rutty, Oil, Paints, &c.— sal , : cheap at SA XI'ONS. ;March In 81114,'Ell.—e a me to b ). 7 the 111_• , 111 . 1.41.ri (Itohnlvi(lor. N 1,411 110 , 111. T. 15 is111:11'. g.... ' .=.4.......1'1'1“.1.wi t 0r Is Itiwol , y 11 ,7 111.1 Prlv" e11ar..! . ..s anti talii! t h ou' awa}. ..t.loww will :tri,rtlill.4 to I,IW. .1. 1, ISSI-3‘.. l iliEN:'E l /.1 N. • • L -- 4.1 Nr1;: - YOUR 4 / 1 .4 - 1) r‘pr lAA) COppor MIS i % ti 4 Ulu 0:11i6h • ' OA k IIItONVN.SI; .Q;;11 he a' tNit ttlll or 111 u pitbric to r.iRT I ‘i PAW\ litthfications: VOL UNETEN OF THE "SCIENTI FIC AMERICAN" commences on the 11th of Sep tutu ber. It is chiefly dsvoted to the advancement of the oftcrests of Mscit.,NlCS, INVENTORS, MANUE.D TUTIERS AN I• 1 10S/ODi, cull is edited by men practically skilled in tin arts and scimices. Probably no other Journal of the same character Is so extensively circulated, or so IDDIVE aIIy esteemed for its practical nullity. Nearly all the Valuable patents which issue weekly from the Patent antics are Illustrated with Engravings, and tht , eLdms (,f all the Patents are published regdlarly in its columns as they are Issued. thus making it a perfect Sett:mill, AND MECHANICAL c:sevcf.orma.t of information upon the subjects of Mechanical Improvements, Chemistry. I..tigi imeoning and the Sciences generally. It is published weekly In quarto form suitable for binding. and emit volume contains Four Mandrel' and Sixteen Pages of Reading Matter. Several Hundred Engravings, with a full and complete Endex. circulation on the last. Volume exceeded 23,000 copies per week. and the practi cal receipts In one volume are worth to any family much more than Om subscription price. The following exsti Puts an, offered by the Publish. era for the fourteen largest lists, of subscribers sent In by the Ist of January. 18118: $lOO will be given for the largest list; $7B for the second; $l5 fr the third; $1,5 for the fourth: $5O for the fifth ; $l5 for the sixth ; $4O seventh; $35 for the eighth; $3O for the ninth: $25 for the tenth;, $2ll for the eleventh; $l5 for the twelfth,: $lO for the thirteenth; and $5 fur the fourteenth. The cash will be paid to the order of the successful competi tor immediately alter the Ist of January 1555. TERMS :—One copy, one year, $2 ; one ropy, six months. $1 ; five collies, six months, $1; ton copies, six months. $8; .ten copies, twelve months, $18: fifteen copies. twelve months. $22; twenty copies, twelve months, $25 in advance. No number of subscriptions above twenty can be ta ken at less than $1,40 meat) Names can be sent in at different times and from different Post Offices. Southern and WesteA money' taken for subferiptions. Letters should be directed, post-paid, to MuNX & CO.. 126 Fulton street N. V. 4:6-Messrs. MuNx Co. are extensively engaged in Iprocuring patent for new Inventions. and , will advise nventors, :without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. j A ug. 30, 1854.-3 w 0 MPO RTA NT AVOIIK ON PENN— SYLVANIA. No Pennsylvanian should lx' without it. Eight' thousand copies sold] Every Farmer and every citizen should have a ropy. BOWEN'S 1'1(.70111AI. I 4 KETCII M oo n or I't:7.OlSM ASIA Its :`emery, Internal improvements, Resources and Agriculture, popularly described. Illy:strafed with over sino Beautiful s'l-Mgra v fags. and slecompanied by Barnes' Large Map of the State. carefully isolomil. Flight!' Edition, Revised. Coe reetassiansHmproveib tine Volume: S'isii-With-over-1,4111 'lazes and handsolaely l irnd. Sent by mall. ti _free of expense. It Is impractisable in so short a slam as this to give nu ale ]ante ides' of the variety of suhjort, and the tent of research which this Volume contains. The whole field has been carefully' explored. And no de partment however shark-ate has been passed over. lint treated until the subject has been made perfectly elear and intelligible. to the, simplest. mind; indeed one of the groat peculiarities of the Book is its freedom from dry, detail, and statistics, iao common to works of this character.) which no doubt is one of the causes of its very great popularity. The Agriculture of this State Is a prominent topic In the work, and all its parts receives his earnest attention, not merely Speetil,rting On the results of husbandry. but searching andtinding- hew -the- greatest advantage can be gained from the best sources. Every Farmer should read and study his renmrks, and also thesis who depend" on the Farmer for the neeessaries of life: f,r all should understand something of the means by which those necessaries are primitivist --Cities, Towns and Villages - are - described — and — dwelt. - upon, the charnetaristies of the people pointed out, arid the various improvements In puniness or projected no ticed 2—eats of the deeply interesting sketches In this work is that on this Wyotnlng Vaity.+4he vivid and startling interefit thrown around/rnat rovoted sled, is dwelt upon with beautiful-pathos 'and feeling. aid the leading events in the tragic part enacted there lu revo lutionary [lnnis, painted out bra master hand. Added 'to this is Campbell's always ixotutiful=tiortrude-of Wyo ming. the merit of which it Is unnecessary to speak about. A vivid and truthful description of this grand and majestic Scenery of the Old Keystone State, is also a prominent suldect in the Volume. Nothing can exceed the grandeur and beauty of Pennsylvania's Romantic , Hills, and well does the author understand the subject with which he deals. The Press throughout the State have, with united voice, pronounced it the Best Popular Rook over written on the State and without a single exception have re commended ihe 'cork In the highest terms. Thu many flattering notices bestowed upon it will be collected to gether and published, in a future circular. Arcompauy ing every volume is Nome's large Map of the State, carefully colored,—the latest and best Map published, and which retails seperntely at One Boller, and Is un doubtedly the only correct one issued. The price of the Book Is placed at. the lowest rate for widish it could be manufactured, and the execution of It in every respect is alike beautiful and substantial.— Independently of the fine map. It is a remarkably cheap work; but that accompanying it, the publisher has no I esitation hi pronouncing fettle cheapest Book publish ed I The Publisher has gone to great expenle in publishing the limit: in proper style. The engravings are beauti fully executed; the type large and clear•, and the paper of a fine texture; while the binding Is at the same time tasty and durable, and having done Ida part well, he submits the work to this examination of the people. confidently recommending it to the attention of these interested in the Pennsylvania Italln ail Company, Reading Railroad Company, Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company. Norristown and ether railroads In this State, in the Selmylkill and Lehigh Nnvigation Companie. In the Lehigh and sill other Pont Companies, throughout Pen liSy ivakda. to all engaged in .ittining anti fining Coal and Iron, to every Farmer and every elf izen of the great State of Pennsylvania, he submits this splendid "volume, and respectfully solicits thisir pstron asZe. Agelit,ti Van upon the citizens for their subscrip tion. 414 In cases Where no agent has rained, any perste' w baling It. o ill have it sent free of expense, by remit ting the amount to this Publisher. • I 'lnvariable Price of the Work Embossed Muslin gilt Piigl.R and side ''' )Inroven, marbled edge - ... , -'• Turkey Mertien,extrit - '' 4la - Agents wanted in iu ery County in the State. Any person desiring an Agency please address the I'u4 tidier immediately. \V M. witiTE SIIIITII, Publl.her, septe—f.4 195 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia. ift:4,..TOIIN 11EAlY, liii town, Is 41.9.1nt fur the jo.ova Work in Cumberland runufl•. Drill) Stores ,pituasl I)Euchs! imuus! Fresh SUPPLY! I have just reooll ed a fresh stork of Glahs, UII. &e.,- which. haviir.r 'been purchased with great rare at die host cit.) liooKos. 1 eittieottlitloidly rovotwolont try Ftonitios, e9U utry 31erehants and Dealers, an lai• Tsh and pure. RIM DEUUS—l'atent Medicines,. Fine Chemicals, imam. Dimaspure Essential Oils, lierhs and Extracts, Spices grounii anil Whale, rsseaties: Perrarnery, hr. . GO Liver 011—warranted genuine. DyE4aTiipys—l 1014- ms, Mutters, Suni.te, Alum, Log and Emu %Vmatii, 011 Vitriol. Copperas. Lae Dye. :Brother's Puro !avid, Chrome 11 1' 001 1 10 0 Y oll ' ,, v. Valid ;mil Varnish Ermines, Jersey lVindow Mass', Linseed (01, Turpentine, Cepliand eo:vd) VarniAll, and 111,1 Load: All tl trlllek 11;111 he Fold at the very le Wlll4 nu . tri:et. pries. . Alan, a fresh and splendid ,11qN 7 . 1t110111 Of F.A. N C ) Go(b1)5 , Fruits, eon fortionary. nod' Innumerable other ;widele4 rakuratt . .l P , r:us,. and. ornamont, all of niti , dx are 0ft.:11...11 at the d,west ezt , ll 'leos, at the nlotan Drit..t. 11,1ok !Mit Fltiley Stl.rt3 of the sukcyllr2.on - . Noah lbw. over .dro,t. S. 1 " 11 \ V! , :ltST1111i. ._................. _. 1, 1 l'il l' ,B I I Iri t I ."( ; ti, 3I F. DICINK'S, &i,.. 1 4 ...,.._ 1 1,.,," j,,... t ., ~....h. ~,.d I). ,:Il P:111:1 i•qpilin 311.1. 'to - l ' •ir l , vvri . I.,:tond vt , :id litho,: t„ my d'.11. , r,, viiv , f lII , r :•I. , tl:.(.lobravits-. to . nrly every:odd; lo 1 'C, ?6.; , '7 11 . / ••,1 i • lii now In U. ,, , ll•!•!thit'r With L ...,,,.. 4 '..i,t P:Tilltq. i 'H. VAr1111. , !1" ,4 . Till'ir•t, Um, rtylu_ i'„, ,-- 4".''' . 7.. own'. : 44 .9tp: l•tif inttty. flit , . !'ttt:or% , Ho,. ~',...-: log l'ailido, Itrordo , of al IA I.:t t•rorV c1i..4,,i, R .,- ,1/, With !ill Clitll4,-. %ariel:, of ollwr art iclot, , lijelt I nutdri.•..". , 111103 t' , .0 . !I :It (lit V");): 1, 4 111! • r 1,/. '-.. • •.117 I'lly.. 1 •141!)S. C.lltiltrV ! , .1••1•11•10,4 PC.K:I , I mil . th 1.' , . -:11••• 1 . ..,••111 . 1111. ii iti...d.0 , 1 t:4 i 0.0,... 110 m.1.il .. '1',1,!;, : l ..... ~ , 1,. 1 1. ,. .• 10.,. 1.• .1 a , .0 , ..:1 l l i. , :t '.. ~v „; t 1, ..1.. ~ ill 1 1,. ill. , o 4, 1 , :ip.dity. nod t111 , !I I. . . •' ,• . • 1.,. eartipj c , 21*alb-. rill OUT H AVASII.-13eautiful White Teeth Healthy limns and a i 4 weet Ilrentli—All are desirous of obtaininVtlmse benefits should 'use MAI TOl,llll 11 ASII. tlelh•iuun article iMinbines so many merit.' lons qualities that it has now Ineunion.standard litvorite with the ritizolth Aew York. and in, seribe it I'll thiClr praetire most sue. ei , sfully, and feat every , souree the most flattering laudations are aw l arded It. Inflamed and'hleetlltig gums nye immediately I etiefit• led I.) its use: its anion upon then) is mild, soothing and offertive. It elenust‘s the teeth so Alton it:tidy. th a t. the:. are intuit: G, ri%al pearl in whiteness. and diffuses through theAnottlit such n delightful 111 , 511110,s thllt the breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinteetsthese Impurities wide]) tend to ;Wild ore deeny. an J. ns it rott sequenee. when these lire 1111111 is ell till!' t.0(.01 must O w/vs contain sound. Head the following ftsdn Dr... 1. A. Carman: )Ir. F. Zeman—SlM.: Ilam Ing usrd and recommended yommr Tontli %Vast' In my practice for some time, I lind It the most en - milt:II Dentrifiee In use. amid therefore recom mend It to the public. Bead the following testimony . zralnAN—thlar Sir: I have fully tested the merits of your valuable Tooth %Vasil. and can. without hesita tion. recommend it as the host that has come under my notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six teen years. It cleanses the Troth, F9OtheN and luudons Irritated limns. and Imparts a delirious fragrance to the Breath. From the mouths of those who make use of it, however, it will certainly speak for itself._ DEO. P. Scruvstv. Suet;ism - Dentist. 279, South Tenth Ft., Philadelphia. ' It is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent his In Now 'York, Philadelphia. Baltimore. and other vines wheri• it has been introduced. All should give It a trial. Sill' Prepared only by Eramis Zerman, Druggist and elifduist. Philadelphia, and sold wlndesale and retail by Samuel Elliott, Dorsheimer, Merhaniesturg ; .1. Iterrmi, Newville. J. C. Willhum Shippensburg, and by nil Druggists at only '2:5 rents per bottle. T 1 1 PI IA EIP J S Y Can be Cured'. Lake's -4 _~ VOi ETA BLE CIIMPoIiND, for the run. or EN i.i.P,r or FITtl I Is performing more wonderful cures than any caller nirdlcl no yet known or ladbre the nubile.— PRICE FIVE WILLA BS A BOTTLE. The proprietor has in his 1)11,0 , 004,M numerous certifi cates. intrutfing the astonishing and miraculous cures effected by this medicine. and directs attention to the following only. to assure the Nl' who are so untimtunate to be afflicted with the terrilde disease heretofore reward ed nru t t - Luc - es — pre tiara that Is ti..ti - ciF4 %LI MA: IN HS From Mrs. Brooks. widow of Maj. Jas. Brooks, late of Conneaut, 0. CoN vi: WT. Feb. a, ISM. Mr. Z. 1.% K Please send the 3.11.111er• bottle of Pit Medicine, as I 110 1114, like to be without It on band. When I isinuneored giVing the medicine to my bon Ed gar. he had from one to three fits jar diry. Ile has now taken the mod blue over five months, and has had, I think, but two fits in that time, and those very light._ Ills body and mind am! very ' much improved; and by the blessing 01 . 6011. 1 feel that the medicine will restore his body mid lniml to their wonted, activity. lie 1,9_28 years old. and ha. had tits over 12 years. which have been very- frequent,.and very destructive to his wont. tulbutaud mind. Hundreds of dollars have boon ex -vended- for medicine to "'Ming Firs," . but nothing has relieved him until he used your medicine. Itespealuily yours, POLLY BROOKS. From J udson litlficion, Comity :4 uperintendent of the Ashtabula County Infirmary. KINOSVII.I.P., Yeb.A, IS:',3, Mr. Z. LOtgz- - -Ffi'l - Please send a few more bottles of your - }lt Medicine:" I way not need it. but think saf er to keep it on hand, Your medicine has done wonden: , . I gave It to Miss Jane Delano; she has had tits for 26 years, brought on byhaving the weasels when but four years ..Id, which could not be brought out t,thesurface. After taking the medicine a few days; - stm lien A PINE rout' or 11(EANKis, and Inv had no fits shoo. RIO bad fits or symptoms almost daily. She and he{ father concur with me In saying that WU believe the medicine. has or will work a perfect cure. I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane Ilendemn and Arlo Corby, who have-hod fits almost daily, ftv a number of years. Their fits have mewed, and I Isdieve the medicine will bare the desired effect. Mach money has been expended by the friends of the above patients fur doctoring, all to no purpose.— The cure was left for your UW4IIOIIIO to perform, add I can cheerfully recommend It as a valuable discovery.— Respectfully yours, JUDSON LAND{IN. Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary. Prepared and sold at WhOItIMIO by Z. fetid, Conneaut. Ohio. E. F. NV ELLER, trarellut; agent. Gold by S. W. Hayerstick. Carlisle; E. 11 . Thomas, 31 rbanlesburg; D. W. Gross, Harrisburg. Ott. 3-Iy. dartnuarc. JOliN P. LlNE—Wholesale and Ite tall dealer in American, English and ilerman HARMARK Oils, Paints. &e., &. 31echanies. builders and the public genendly, who are in want of Hardware • utility kiwi, Ilre Invited to call in and . . \ ty examine lily unusually larg stock of goods; which 1 am !tolling at very law prices. Just stop ill; it will only detain you a i cry few minutes to be convinced that what everylmmty says —that I.yo:r is ileeldotlly the place to got ginal gin dm at ,law prleem—must be true. 'NN E'S Hardware : tore. • West Side North Hanover street. ( 1( I I 14,'1t • • •-• CItE VT BAWL:AIN I PrAtfal The stil , serther in eniishi none. 1 , 1111-health, offers tils ell tho sLiielt of 11 Alt IN ARE to nit person or lioe m o o .. Lt inh log to enter into the Ilarilwitrii leix log n. resolved in quitting the husitiess, will give a I.argitlii. his Influence and ettut an. Any one desirous of getting into this litn.ineits tilil do doll to ..311 St 1111. :111(1 If nut of by the Ist of oetiilor net. lie iI 1 their continence or at caNt at the old and ti ell known stand, In North Ilatitiver sheet. to Charles Nlktlaughliiet /luta AllAls g4EN lilt. tißp WAR ES 1 / 1 it HSU ARRIVAL 11104 YR SAN'I NO. The suhscriher havinq returned front the city woultl call the attention of his friends and the piiblie penerally toi le large mul tyellseioetednss,aitnent of Ihirilwaro which he has jn:t received. consisting in part or lltlll,itlNti MA TED I A tit•rt , ti. hinges.leeks, holts.glass, putty. paints, oils. fie. Till/I.S—edge tools: sans and plane., c r every (h.Ywiption, with tiles. rasps, hannuer.;. All Viii, A. A genera) assortment of SIIDEM.IIiIiItS A N 1) SAI)- Dl.Mats 'folks, with nteroci., lining' and I Did. Ing skins. shoe thread, ryas, 107, lasts, harness nto.unt ing. saddletrees, fit. ' C^_ UI 2 lit 2 '" C /ACII Till M)II.NII—CaTIVISS (1.13j11, .1:11:11111.11(.(i. 11.g 'rod mid onthossod.) pab.ut and enamollod t4Dring,4:llul,s, sp.,hos• folloos, eataffs, Caldnet Makrrs find a largo ass.rtnient 'yarn shosonahogany !yid tcaluut V1.1104.1.r,, moulding, rosetters, lair cloth, curled The St of Iron is large and well selected, contliris , in; ill the kinds In .•eneral use. as hattintered and rolled nau of all .Ices, fiat ' : bar and hand hum, round. 'ware and oval iron, It ,ese..shoe Iron and 1116111111 S, With 13 large 31t or rail and ipriux steel, English and American }As tir steel, .ke. /Ilousokoeiters• thorn filkont commencing trill tied ft theft• :of ..outozo to roil and examine our cutlery. brit tufa and plated ware pmts. kettles. cedar ware, I,:ukets In tohlition to the nl,ortT Wl3 have peel vett a splendid s'ssrt insist of %VALI, PAPER. making the stock ewes leto, anti at RIIOI pricey an to give sittisfite ion. We ill vita all,frientis to rail, knowing it will Ito to heir own advantage. ltenteinlwr the ohl stand, East I1.;11 Street, Carlisle, Pa. Ost. ess3. •1 A I r lf, you It colti It is m l uitLsi a Just l'it'lllbritY for the mire ir all keases , nrkitik• front severe colds. anti Its sflicaey ha , °on attested and approrod by hundreds stir most - ri citizens. lit overy insLl nos 1111111(41i:it, r e li e f its 155.:10%,5.. n= tits ,ertinest,, iilMt th, so •lilth:ivo rie i it bears teNtiinony• Ilatitilk7titml :ot TI. by nod, n dgued do evrt Ify that wirliayu 11.4e,11 . 181. pripnwatlon dolooptlon. Polds, lii , casos cat tho I oinvi, I.lvt.r. itc., and lm, in* a • tprrlonei t d imniedl aU+reliof t1H.1.441,111 Woul(1 n ., .111111"1111 It to ,01 • . . Irg. M. .1 - 411.1 P. IL jblolo.l t N . .~.~.a s,~~ , MI aliebicines. Dr. .1. A. CAItM N, Detitist, Ilaryisburg, Pa. ME HENRI SAXTON' .1 All 1,;:i a A LlfillElt, Agent ~licaicine~. r ' I II E ; REA TEST 11)1 ( !,() AT' l';.l{X Ole Ti iis Ali I:—Farmen - . Fundlies and ~thin, can put gluing no remedy equal to Dr. 'l l / l il.th' l enetian 1/3 COI le, C1,111:.(VOliii• Quinney, Aire 'Mr. it. Tnntlan . g. (lift, Mll.lltit i I. Pltil.s in the Llml s, ('heal. Pagli..te. If it 11, . the mna,ry n ill Li, info, dad-1111 hint asked. in u lrinl, anti use it according 'I I articln in un' English rein. (13. and c,ar nned 1.3 Ni ii. I ' King Lnuland. and cat titied to by ns :1 my „. 1 et cryt Ling nine reclaimini 4, d i t L I si. in LS had ()IN. 11.1.(11.1i ct.o 14 (lig, huv, icon 1,1 to the 1t f , ed i•ttitt.s. t, itilout it 1,,,, that it nli w,•1111 S.:10 iwr thy:, I m.4.11111'1.. without It in ease of Crony,. to it ILS it is n 1,1111,11. It etn-o, T«,tinicin. in till., n j 1.1.114. Itrndnt•be in Ulf lin h o ur. Lind thokru.. thst ell. lu 21 It tip 0.1.0, cot t,, ternally, anti hits tho 10 , •onni,, , ,nintiidn of nun) of tl I most 101,1,140 A Physician,: ill the tinted Hat, s, Pric ni: , l 50 mi.ts. Dr. Tol , las has also put up a Liniment f r Hoist s i pint bottles. which Is warranted—t lion; I r and I ut:i t than any id her. for the cure of Colic. old Sous. Cut s, Druisos. Scratches, Crawled Hord An, c Price, MI rents. Dr. Tobias could fill a do;en newspapers with tl titivit es and letters re,ei r ed. relating to 'the w, ndet ft 1 cures aveomMishml I y his Liniment. tut cn shims the I warrafiliiiirlt Is suffirient, as any person ehe Is es n, obtain relief. need not pay lf,r It. Them has 1 11,51 much worthless medicine s to the 11111,11, t I r'l' bias wishes his article to rest on its oWn n erii s, at d I he gives the value of the money received, tl en he 351 1 the ',atm-mare of the piddle. not others% iso. MI. TOBIAS' Ofti,•,s, 2-10 OREEN111(11 Street, :cc , ' Yorlt. For sale by A. Smith, Seventh +yid Chestnut ttreet , ; Dyott k Son, 13'2 N. Seemot street: T.„R. Callender. ' 1 S, Third i•treet, and by the .1./ruggista thionglo ut United States. Tiff: GREAT PURIFIER IR; THE BLOOM—Not a particle of Mercury in It. An infallible remedy t'r Scn , fula.. King's Evil, Uhettinatism.Obstinntel'utane.dis Eruptions, Pimplea or Pustules on the Face, lib tch. s. Roils Chronic Sore Eyes. Bing Worm or TeXter. Scald I lead, Eularrement and I•ain of the Pones mid Joints. Stuborn Uleers. Syphilitic Olsordiers, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints and all di*eases arising fri.lll an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Illood. . This valuable-Medieinerwhieh-hrtalrecome-colchratrd 1* the number "44 extraordinary cures effeeted through its agency. has Induced the prokletors. at the urgent request of their friends. to offer It to the public, whii.b they do with the utmost confidence In its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following certificates selected from a large number, are however. stronger tes timony than the mere \V111 . .., of till. Ilrlpriet(111:: and ar.. all from gentlemen well known in their localities end, i the highest respectability, many of them residing In - the city of Richmond, %a, P. BOYDEN, Esq., of the Exchange llotel. Richmond. known every where, fetes ho him seen the Medicine ea:l - Srtsfsu Mixiunx administered in over e hundred ca.'on,ln nearly nil the diseases for which it is recommended with the Most astonishingly good rmuits, lln says it is the most extraordinary medicine ho has ever he r tlll. AMIE AM) FEVF:II--Great Cure.—l hereby certify that fur niece yearm I had Ague and Fever of the tinmt Tielent dearription., I had several l'hyFtelatie,t.x,klarge quantities of Quinine. Mereury, and I believe all the Tunics adrertised, but all without any permanent relief. At last I tried Cartel's Spanish fixture. two Imdties .of whielf effectually* cured me and I atn.rimppy to pay 1 have had hoith,r Chills or Fever 'phiCe. consider it the hest Toni: in the Nut Id, and the only medleinethat ever reachivd toy roar. JOHN LONtilit.N. Heaver dam, near Itichmond G. IL LUCK,,ESQ.. 110 W in the city of Richmond. and for m•uly years in tin Post Office, has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish Mixture. that he has bought upwards of 60 bettlex Which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has rev or known it to fall alien taken actamding to directions. Hr. MINCE. a practising physiellim and formerly of the City lintel in the city of Richmond, says be has IC it in a number of itisLuices, the effects of Car ter's Spanish, Mixture. which were most truly surpris ing. lie says in it rase of Consumption, dependent in the Liver, the go a d effects wore wonderful indeed. SAMUEL M. 11111N . K ER. Of the firm Thinker .t Mt r- W:1, rtired Liser C..mplaint of S year, L tan.hult l the thw of to" I. , ttles of Carter's Spaalsk IiREAT CURE (4' SCRIWULA—The EAU, f th e telintotal Republican had a servant vinplyed to thoig• racati 1 4 Inlent .I,faht tatml4ll l 4l is it hetonalism. o htrh eittin•ly ilkabled Win wo I,otth, ('rarter's SpzottiA Nlixture matte a 1•0.1 lect ;it'd ..ditors inn vlll , lle hoi• lhdy rlurrfulip it t.. all who all' Allhrted tt ith dlsran;• 4,f th o hh,od AN4 Vfll ER CURE i)Y „ very o:thtal Io boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's SpabiAt \li\ture. I ,•unsbler It truly a valnahlemellki 110. M. TA yl.Oll. C , Titinctar.on the IL F. d P. It. It. Co. Ithtmaa a l. Mr. Jahn That - lis(ti. lesidiugiii the city of Rich wastinirtl by three Is.ttlrs of Cat ter's •Flatidsi . , ?fixture of nit Rintuin, which. he had nearly 20 years. and which all the physicians I.f the eitt wanid nnecure. qtr. Thonipsan 1.. a well kina‘n merchant In the city Mainland. Va., and his cure is Inuat remaritatle. Principal Papas at :M. \VAUD, clAits}; Nc. fttl 3initlen Lane', NV.' York. 'l'. W. DY YIT li' , )Nri. No. 132, North 2d 1.4.. delphia. BENNET?' 4'. DEERS, No. in 3t/tiu st.. lliebroond .‘llll for salit by S. 14. \V. !Invert:tick. CArlis'll , is Day, Nledinniesl,ltt..,:: .1, 11, IleITllll. .N 1,1% J. ( Slllppeitsburg, and by tle:ilerb.iii ut 4b Ine evor) 'here. H E \V( )N 1) E )1 , ".111 E' Ad 1 , , , I . the cure of Saltrlieutit„ rhiltdains, 01.1111/../ 5111 . 1`.. (1131.1/...1 r ent,Le I Ilands, Iturn. ~r Scalds Cut nr )Viltitufr, luthiminatl nt of the lircast, I ltes SAM , r•I Pg. Pimples on the Pace, and p re m s i n , Oat and Sores on Children', and all ilheases of the : 4 1.1ti Thi% Ointment will cure tho Sa't rheum and Burns, o: ( , : k happed hands, hoick - or 1111/1 surer than any uther medi eine: of the kind before the puldle. sulista hit e the :II I cit giro h mi d t „d s „f titivates, hut I cmi , J,ler it no use, as olty per t ,of d, the S:111111, if flleV II:11'e olend., for it 11 a worthless ar tiele) 1 r ly Sdety on thi),merits of the Ointment fir th,, patronage, N, sitptle box,of thlg Obitrie .t will keep any Farnmeit, Sallor'S. or ; 4.111.11 .' N)1:111.L.; let hem chap Or crack over S./ Lad, sou J And In good ,ng tinder all winter. Prepared till' I add ity MC 'NOE TElt B FL. Atittg,itl4els. Coml. , 5,.14 ILy roxiitr,s 11, - Prive (Tilts per box. Noy. 111 1 ,. 1.11 A 1111.1 V AL. OF 11 All 1► - ' I_ IV Alt I . :.—'llll.•"t4tlsrrlf...l. Itnvintr II the r:tv ltnn,lnst t 11.3 fla‘l4• lat, s• ;mt. wolf s-lf :;111 f‘relttri unit Os , •)I•.yl.lling , tutlly tputtil in hl.at ltt 6 , d hif TIT ttlf , ft of tll•linfN and the ptit , l).• i. rotoi•trtilfr di, list ti, tit r n band, ,1:.• uriitr thoff hint of ft 1'17641 I tt 't Or) s111:01 Yttt'Clit un Illt{llllfitt ~, •I •1 , Ntlmf t•flt•l•i.t Ca; , f• :10, • 71( is- 7 4 N • N A ( , j, JlieDitinef . pant), anb yjappintss fte sons nnb . I:ingl_lttrs of -,3ffliction Dr. .C: L. K ELLIN G, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR. Mechanicsburg, Pa. Dr. KEI.I.INO announcc3 to•the afflicted that he is a regular graduate of the best Medical College II the United States, and, during many years of rery extensive practice, has been familiar 'With 3vcry form of disease, and succeeded in curing the most hopeless cases, even when abandoned by the regular faculty. Hie perfect knowledge of the hu man system enables him to adapt the means to the mil, so as to produce the most, astonishing resulti. The alarming prevaltinee,oTdisease, and the often imperfect medical treatment of_the present day, has indueed him to. make known HIS SrvEtz•ll ING REMEDIES. that those that mourn may rejoice, and 'the afflicted leap for joy. ALL, no matter what their du — Wl - Ilse may be, can resrikstoficif — finding relief, and therefore should not delay a moment. Write disease and symptoms full and plain, and you can receive an answer by return until (free) !tilting the medicine required and the price of it. Address. C. L. KELLUM, M. D.. 'Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. N. B.—The Doctor will atom.' patients at Coy distance, when required. 1 V 14 It COMPLAINT, Dyspepsia, .lamotice. Chronic or Nervous del ility, Disease of the Kidneys, and all diNellSrti_ arising from a disordered Liver or f-tritnach, such asi s 'onstipation, lunard fuhress of hired to the head, aridity of the FtOIIIRCh, heartburn; - disgust f r food; fairies!: or weight in the stoom eh, sour eructations, sinking. or fluttering Ist the pit of the stomach. so limning of the head, hunted arid difficult breathing, fluttering nt the heart, choking or sulfirentinx sem-ethers when in a Icing posture, d tin Ines of vision, dots or webs befre the siAt, brilr and Tull pain - 1n thehead. deficiency of perspiration. yellow ness of the skin' and eyes, pain in the side. track, chest, limbs, &e., sudden flushes of heat, burnii g in the flesh, c instant 11112112illingS of evil, and great depression of spir its, carr - tureffmrtually cured by Dur lirrorirtsn's CELE BRATED GERMAN BITTERS. prepared by lie. C. M. .I.icssoy, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases la not excelled. If equalled. by any other preparation In the United !quiet:. as the cures attest, in many rases after skilful physi cians hnd failed. These bitters are, worthy the attention of irivailds.— Pose:cm:kin! great virtues In the rectification of dist:anew of the Liver rind leaser glands. exercising the Duet searching unworn in weakness and affections of the di gestive trgaus, they nro withal safe, certain nud piton alit. Read and be convinced. Testimony of the highest chary, ter! Hon. Gro. firrtoor. Judirti of the District Courtin Perry county, Pa.. Nov. It‘th, said: "Your "Itoefland's Merman Bitters" has been in use In our place over a year )nst. and to the astonishment of many has perfirmed wonders. We may notice a few in stances that hate mine under our own immediate no t In.:—almost every lierson who has stopped nt the hotel if Wm.' Laekey, one year since. predicted from his ema ciated countciunneelland debility, that he is old nit liv much longer: Ile was Unable to attend to 116 bush:rail. nod for the greaterTeta 'of the time confined to Idsissim, co We temmentled hint to try the German hitters; be did and to the surprise of all his friends he is now abl e st, attend to his usual Lusinegii and perform manual lal or. The 0:11+0 of Henry Asper, a stone mason, whom no ene supposed would over recover from thedebility of his sys tem, but was looked upon as fast npmeaching the grave, took eight or nine IKittlem of the hitters during tho last winter, and this nlollllol' be has been (to the surprise of all who knew his case) following his trade. The case of I)torphy is no less astoiiistiing. Ile too was so for red need as to induce the general belief that the prase alone. would be his only renusii. Mr. Laekey• recom mended bin: to try the Moorland a German Bitters: he is now apparently n well loan. mid allot° do a hau l wirk. could mention ninny other rases of n similar character. If it were IleVl, , Hry. self derived ounds tentenchfrom their use. I hat e en corsiderable allay. not fl,! your Ismet:t whine. t ut to relies.e slid . ..ling humanity. and let me iissureyou I not plc awed to see the happy result. To tin aillieted we say. try them fairly a:. d I will n Intent relief.- Th,•"• ritters v, id thy the att.•nt ion of ll.ValidS. p , ltlirr iu the 11,11 t a n.•ti w , Pi the liver and the le , ser hill.; tone the .tottutrh and nowt, u. system. nt..l I ringlm: the I)►- t p•114.1,111y tii n hick date heali h. Vnr by' S. IV. 113% ITSVICh 1111t1 : 4 . HI ell) I ; Ira Day. .1. 11. Ilermn. N , NVII:Ie: . 1 . S. A 1 Ile, Slilpiwnsburg. and 1 y dealer, iu modi, it o. rt t•tyr %%hen% I 1 ( ITOlt Y )1 It- P.l coots. by Meal*:df tho K. I.T I'l r Pi ety . nte IIIN•OWN thirt.y•.b th 1. iltiou. ulth 'HO lintnined eincrwcings. show, ing Private 1./Nra: , i, and .Mnl ft.nnations of the (liineratlre systeni, In crory Slitll/1: miiivrt Treat 1,0 Oil the•llisentcs of Fr thßleA. Ititontleil for the use 11 female~ 11' 11:1;_10 1901 I itnt of the bb_ , lirst howl hurt, to married pc , ple.t r toarria:le. V. D.. Gl:taunt* , of the of Poinisylvanla. )lent) rr i f the y. al ( . 110:• • of 51ir,....1 , 110. 1.1.11111 M, and llonitary .Nhatbct• of the Atelltral sooltv.• The tint. us liqll/!1 of i'n..sCrat Glal3ll 11111,140111'y. lif.ary hull (.P ycnt.D.:.re f itthitilly att.:4ll.M, and :111 the rorelpts giro) In 11:.111 thaptvrs on teat nl uto nut ; , ,nilical 1 r 14.111 , 1118 r :Mont lon. and uld I'nri l I.y every 1, I)e. YOllll.-r men Who bar, poen mi. f . rtunille in (71 ntrin•tinf: pverii.toi to ll:win," yottnelvfrunflor, the .rite aoy dc,,t, 1% no !Satter it hat his viet..r.siffloin:ny I r rrt a copy t,f thlii . trul3 V 4114 1 .1,10 work. c ul itA us I.T:4ms p,ohil.; to Na. 11rS8CIIN Dr. Yelin:es Trt , :tt 1.0 lot tho Pocket .I ,, ellinjoi• us.. r Pry ollt. Ilis I ern 1113411.1:111. • 1.41 11.. fat 11 , r Iv 4,lr.iilutl to prvSellt a rl pp of I.llt , .I•"•..ti!nikiN to hfv 111111. "nay 51iVellt111 171,111 41 7, e:11 Let lit. yolit),.. 1111111 • r m 1,111411 etl:er IW° I hlg 1 . 4 . ill tharrivd I)fe witlu•nt 100,1111!: et .1, illapiwz. Let. qor stilrel iwr 1404111 a 1111 1. Wee 11/ ILi ,101 14.4 , 11101 l lI 1.4.111. p. iil It tlll' S. 11 11'1171 1 1 1 1910.1 it 1./4 111 I'S. :I 1 ! i 1.01. ill, 1 , :11 11 1.11 01.11111 1 e :111, 11..1 11,11 tNI 111, ill .1.11 N.lllllile' till .I'r, u l :llQva. 1111 Te !Le twirl 4.. 4 1 :11 , 11 I ,14. 1 1 11'1111 11 , 1 11 11 4 iu I,e4lllilel.t, 111111 t, :fly INefel I: tit , it 1:;, , 1 it, wow; 14' 111.11- 5.411,1, 1 f 1114:.1 c..tomtur'e , iu the Ivry .1111 VA or I :1111.1 1 - 1:. .'t i.ies id this 1,14.1 111t 0 .11 7100 1 1141$ 1101.11 .1,11(1 iti 11111 , 11111 o , lvy And titrow 01111'0 18- :IA v. twit 111111111 • . I , 2;,, , .?...% ?Iv v0,f ,, ,t F., , ,,,1it T 1.1% - uvrv-rivr eentq , II ~ „ „ , ei, c• ,1 1,. :I .:(I , l'. 11111 1,,,,•1r,1 one,opy of this 1.(0, by ;'1: II iivi , •: 1 bog' ulti I v., ~ , ,f. lig. :"1. iiii,ir.',4 'Dr. ‘‘ !I.r.f.s 11 v,l. - sm - 5..,..v ., .11 , 1•rii '..t. 14 6 , 0. I liiiiith•iphik. I'. -I p i,I. ' • T , ,,•1 ' v ~,- i..i - pmt tics in tlik , iriiy of 1 1 .it'' , ' If 11!!1 ..41, B 3