Eil •. PROPRIETOR AND PUELISHER TERDIS'O.,b" PUBLICATION, The CAithou.s lIIMALD is published weekly on a large ebeet, containing I',ORTY CULUMNii, and furnished to sub scribers at the rate of $1.50 if paid strictly In advance: 111.75 if paid within the year: or s2.' in all cases when ?tyanent is delayed until after the expiration of the Mar. No subscriptions received for a less period than six months, and none discontinued until all girrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Poke's vent to subscribers living out of Cumberland county Must ho paid for In advance: or the payment assumed by some respustbls person living in Cumberland coun t*, Those terms will be rigidly adhered to In all cases. ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements will be charged sl.lm per square of twelve lines Mr three illSertif.llA. And 3J (puts Ow each substhiuent iuncrtiou. All advertism ..... ItS of less than twelve linos considered As a s ware. 'l • he following rates will be charged Mr quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly advertising. 3 Months. 6 Months. 12 Months, 1 Munro. (12 Hues.) $3.60 , $5.00 $B.OO s.OO 8.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 12.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 t 3 ('ulnnui, ;x Advertisements inserted before Alneringes and Deaths, 8 ,ents per lino Pie first insertion, and t cents par line f wattle:el tient inscrtlonx. .Cominuuient inns on subjects of limited or individual futerest will be charged 5 cents per line. The Proprietor will not be responsible in dam azes errerli in advertisements. Obituary notices not evcctnaliug five lines, will be inserted without charge. , JOB PRINTING The CARLI , ,LF, HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE is the lar4eqt and most complete establishment in the county. Three goad Presses, and a general variety of material !Suited fir Phtin and Fancy work of every kind, enables US to II) Job Printing at the shorto..t .notice and on the most roaAmable teriziN. l'ers,ns in want, of gills. Blanks nr any thing in the .loblohig line, will find It their In terest to give us a call. En cry satiety of Brill\ von etantly ton hand. .1):,6- All letters on business must ha post-paid to se cure attention. &arra(' tt turn(' 3nformotion. U. S • G OVE RN ME NT. President —1 , 1) knfit.lS Tice President dc facto), 1). R. ATelle ' - ' 4O,C. accretary of S tette— W i. 1.. )111teY. Secretary of D terior--Itoatacr Secretary of 'Ereasu ry—.lt:s (.r Seeretery War—,l).rrEosev Secretary of Harr—,LAS. C. Dollela. Post )Last or Wrier:ll—J A tteroey (;etieral—Cm.).a o No. T %Nee ST ATE GOV.ERNIVIENT Governor•—A - ar. lieuxu. Peer.•t:u•t 4.1 State-4M IV. BLACK. Amliter General—E. Tremmrer—.loBEPH ISAII.I:V. cages of the Supreme Court—J. S. 'BLACK, E. Lewis W. B. Lott nu:, U. %V. 11'eouw.tnn, .1. 0. KNOX. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judzo-11. , n. .1,151R{ 11. R.Uf A ,3.),•1at 1.1 .112 , 1gns—lion. J..ba Samuel Wont' • Distriet .Ittmmer—John 11. Shearer. Protlemet Zion. lim.rder. &e.—Samuel Nlartin. 11e.:ister—.11fred L. Sp puler. 1114 h MeDernmnd: Deputy, .Jauu• Widner. County Treasurer—N. W. \Vodq. Coroner—.l,,s •ph Cminty CommiNsi Ih.l,ll..larles Armstrong Gvnrsc 11. l;rahaol. C1.q . 1: to Comini,si;ntert, irnotors of tho Poor—Ge.,rg,o Fhruffar, I corge Win die, Joh n Brow n. Suporln Omic et of Poor House Joseph Lobaell. B °ROUGH OFF/CERS. Ait.SI6TRON4/ N(1111.t. • ASFiStallt Burgel 4 s—CiVlTieti 00111. 'town eountil—John It. Parker, (President) K Beatty. Ilenry Myers. I. S.liert. David Rhoads. Christian In huff, John tiutsliall, Peter Mouver, Oco. Z. Bretz. Clerk to Council—James Mullin. Constables—Joseph Stewart, High Constable; Robert McCartney, Ward constable. CHVRCHEw. First Presbytcriati Church, northwest angle of C.ontro Square. Ccv. CON)11Y P. WINo, l'a.,tor.—Sen'ices every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, A. A. and 7 o'clock, P. M. - Second Presbyterian eitur.dt,eorner of South Hanover and Pomfret streets. No pastor at present, but pulpit filled by Presbytcrial ap4mintments. SL:ro ices commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, P. M. St..Tohns VimTch, (Peet. Episcopal . ) northeast angle of Centro Square. 'Bee. JAColl 11. MORSS, 'teeter. Services at 11 o'clock. A.M., and 3 o'clock, P. M. English Lutheran Church, Redford between Main and Lowther streets. Rev. .lAron Far, Pastor. 'Services at 11 o'clock, A. 31., and o'clock, P. 31. German Ref wined Church, Louther. between Hanover and Pitt streets. Rev. A. 11. KREMER, l'at4or. Set", ices to 1.1 V ., O'clock. A. M. 31ethodkt E. Church, (first Charge) corner of Slain a Lid Pitt streets. Rev. S. 1.. 31. CON:4EII, faster. Services:it 11 o'eloc , A. M., and 7 - o'clock. P. M. odist E. Church. second Char.;ol Rev. JOS . Lq, 'aster. Services in C.,11e,t0 Chapel, at 11 o'clock. A. M., and 5 o'clock. P. 51. Roman 4:lntone Church, Pomfret, near East street.— Services by Rev. Mr. DoNAltoe, itvery second Sunday. A Geruutn Luthenui Churvh Is in ~,tirso of erection nu the corner of Pomfret and Bedford streett. The con gre:ation, has yet no stated Pastor, hold their hien lees in Ettwationitall. Zli — Whon changes in the above are necessary the pin par persons aro requested to notify us. ,DICKINSON COLLEGE ROW. Charles Collins, President and Professor of Moral Rev. Herman M. .lohnson; Professor of Philosophy arnyugllsh Literature. James W. Marshall, Professor of Ancient Languages. Huy. Otis 11. Tiffany, Professiir of Matheinatles. - William M. Wilson, Lecturer on Natural Science and Curator or the Museum. Alexander Sellout, Prof.amar of Hebrew and Modern Languages. Benjamin Arbogast, Tutor In Languages. Sunuol 1). Hillman, Principal of the lirammar William A. Snively, Assistant in the llrataniar School CORPORATIONS. CARLTSLE DEPO'4IT DANK.—Piesidont, ltrchard Parke•: Cashier, Wm. M. Deetem ; Clerks, lion ry Sturgeon; Jos.. Directors, Diehard Parker, William Kerr, John Zug, Henry Saxton, Samuel Wherry, Jacob Leiby, John B. Sterret. Henry Logan, Robert Moore.. CUMniau.tsi, VALLEY RAIL Ito I.n Coirmsr,—President, Frederick ]Putts; Secretary and Treasurer, Edward M. Bid lie ; Superintendent, A. F. Smith. Passenger trains t Wien a day Eastward, leaving Carlisle at 10.15 o'clock, A. M. and :1,10 n'elock, P. M. Two trains every day West ward, leaving Carlisle at 0 o'clock, A. M. and 2.20, P, 11. Cutusi.K OAS AND WATEIt COMPSY.—Prosident, Fred erick Watts; Secretary. Lemuel Todd; Treasurer, Wm. M. Beaten'; Directors, F. Watts. Richard Parker. Lemuel Tmid. Wtn. M. Ilueteni, Dr, W. W. Dale, Franklin (lard nor, Henry Wass. BATES or POSTAGE- LRTTER NiTtor..—Postage on all letters of one.half entice weight or under, :3 cents prepaid, or 5 ce nt s uu p (except to Calit•rnia and Oregon, whi••11 are 6 cents . pre•paid, or II) cents unpaid.) NaWt:rAPllS.—POSta:ai on the IlEn.o.o—withlit the crquty, FREE. the State 13 cents per year. To arty part of the United States, 26 cents. • Postage on all transient papers under 3 ounces in Wight; 1 cent pre-paid or 2 cents unpaid. CARLISLE 11E13.11.LD 3300 K & JOB. _MINTING OFFICE, IN Till.; III:AllOF Till: Co eirf „.: 1 0-,:,, 71 of II 40..; oxen, tell :t ,tl.• :MI 1,1 row. 11Lt.61,2 • AL. • ',. ‘,..,' ''' *.•.,.. it.' & ..•' 11 .. ..., ~ 4. ir; :•4 P . t : ' ... , 'i-'r• , Z . .. 1,. ' 1 1 .), y t , ~. • ~. r • , " •:::.A..,,,,..- - . '... . VOL. LV. HELAiii,) ,- A,NIJ EiiOrECI. eOlOll (lilt) (follitto Matters • TUANKS(IIVIN“ DAY.—But two of our churches, the Lutheran and Methodist, "will be open for religious services to-morrow.— Rey. Mr. Coxsrur will preach in the formei, and Rev. Mr. WINO in the latter. We pre sume the day will be marked with the pro priety which has usually characterized its observance in our lmrough. In the evening Prof. TIFFANY ' S Lecture, ,,, the first of the U nion Fire Company's cou'rse, will be deliv ered in Marion Hall. . FATAL. ACCIDENT.—A man named John Mnyhcw, employed at Mount Ilolly Iron Works, in . tiouth Middleton township, was killed on the evening of the kith inst. Mayhew hat been with his son out to a coal• ing for a load of coal, and in returning to the Fail4i - ce rode on the off-wheel mule; in endeavoring to get off the node on to n pile oi ore, a TtAinpi'il thi - e orp•pranldy gave way under his foot and he was thrown under the wheels of the wagon, which passed over his body. Ile lived Ina about an . hoor after the accident. The wagon was driven by his son. The unfortunate man was intoxicated when the accident haPpcned. An inquest was held by the Coroner, Mr. Thompson, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the cir- ctimAtanees B,A D ACCIDENT.—An accident hap pened to one of the burden trains on the rail road as it was entering town on Thurs day, which resulted in serious though forth. !lately not fatal injuries . to two of the con ductors. It seems that a large piece of wood. a piece of a 'romper - or platform, Ivhich had fallen from a car in a preceding train was lying across the track, which the En gineer was preventedfrom seeing in time to hold up, owing to the curve in the track at that point. The engine run against it with a tremendous crash and the severity of the concussion was felt and caused a panic throughout the whole train. Most of the condi - iCtors however remained steadfast in their places, but two of them, Jesse Brown, of Carlisle, and a Mr. Paige, of Shippens burg, leaped front the train, thinking proba bly that it would be inevitably thrown off the track and turned over the embankment which is not less than twenty feet at that point. As a 'consequence teley were both severely injured. Mr. Paige was stunned and munch bruised, but was soon afterwards able to walk. Mr. Brown was more serious ly injured, having one of his legs broken in two places mid one of his arms broken, while his body wits also much bruised. Ile was carried to his residence and medical treatnient immediately procured. - we are glad to hear that he is now in a fair tray of re ovary. NOVEMBER Comm—The Court was occupied during the whole of• last week in the trial of criminal eases. The three first cases tried were noticed in our last piper.— The eases afrerwardss tried are as follows: Ponanonweafth vs. -4aro Otto. Charge— Horse-stealing. Some months since a mare was stolen from Mr. Ernst, of Frankford township. This man was seen in company with. a colored man named McCurdy, who resided with Mr. Ernst, taking the mare from the field, with which the negro made his es cape, and has not yet been arrested. The 'defence was that Otto was a very weak-mind ed man; and assisted McCurdy under the he lief that ho merely intended to take a short ride and return. Verdict—not guilty. Sheaer for Commonwealth ; Miller, for defendant. Com monwealth r.. John 'bung. Indict ment—Burglary. In July last a serieg of burglarieS r -were committed in Carlisle and Newville. Three men, of whom the defend ant was one, were traced from Carlisle to Newville and from thence to Shippensburg. Their conduct excited the suspicions of a number of per Sons, who followed them to he latter place and kept a watch upon them. About Midnight-they were, seen in that' place, walking in their stockings and carrying their boots. As soon . as they tbund hat they were discovered they emitter -4 . siting, and being punitied one of ov, , rtdken. On M.-. peil.io olifritruht 'nun- (it lhptt fur Hy WED.NESDAV, NOVEMBER 22, 611. , Commonwealth ty. TriWain if. Parsons. Chargt —Assault and Battery. Verdict—not guilty, and county for costs. Shearer and Biddle for Commonwealth; Miller and Hep burn for defendant. In pursuance of notice previously given, the committee appointed at the late "Coun ty Convention of the friends of education," met at the public house of C. Sttugh, in the borough of Carlisle, on Saturday the 18th inst., for the purpose of taking into consider ation, and adopting plans for the permanent organi'zation of a County Teachers Institute. W. H. GoanAs, Esq., was called to the chair, and 'l'. IV..slAunicE appointed Secreta ry. Oti motion i' • Resolved. That a committee be appoin ted to prepare a constitution for the associa tion; and to report the same for ratification at the next county convention. -- At the suggestion of the Chairman it was decided that the collimate should be elected.' Whereupon the following persons were elec ted,.viz; D. Eckels, D. Shelly, J. F. Down ing, G. W. Leidich, T. W. Maurice, M. Mor rett, W,. M. Laughlin. On motion : Resolved. That all the teachers and friends of education, generally, are invited to assemble at Education Hall, in the borough of Carlisle, on the 21st day of December, at 10 o'clock A. M. On motion : • Resolved. 'net the Fneulty of Dickinson College, 10,7 , - t-lret•—'N‘ith the Prineireils anti her of articles usually carried by burglars.— ,There was no. positive testimony that these Men committed the burglarici4m,the Com monwealth relied upon a chain of eircum• stances to convict. Verdict—guilty. Sen tenced to four years and four months impris onment. Shearer for Commonwealth ; Watts for Defendant.. Com ma weal h ns. JH nes G ;wham. In dictment—Larceny. The defendant was charged with stealing a gold watch-oliain froth the jewelry store of Mr. Conlyth Plead guilty. Sentenced to sixty days imprison ment in the County Jail.. Shearer for Cotn mon wealth ; More for defendant. Coin mon weal //r c.v. John lb; man. 111divt meta fin- selling liquor . to several tr. S. Sol diers whikt intoxicateil. The defence was that the soldiers were sober. Verdi et—not and that the defendant pay the costs of prosecution. Todd and Shearer for Corn monwealth; Watts fir dekndant. epl II n ire(' If rs. Jahn -,''h,rrrr. —Fornication and 13a , tady, on oath of Mar\ Flowal:tcr. I'lea - d" guilty, and sentencvd to imy the venal allowance and posts, and in do fault was, conunithi.d. ,Shearcr f0e...42mm monwealth ; Todd fur defendant. • Ownmanwealtle rs. Simon Oyster. Qharge . —Assault and Battery, on oath of Mrs. Ste. venson. The allegation was that the prose. color had rented from and lived in a house of .the defendant, and that she was forcibly ejected therefrom - by him. Verdict—not guilty. and the county to pny the cost's.— Shearer and Smith fur Commonwealth; Todd for defendant. • Coin immwerath rs. John Dumbauyh. In dic•trneut—ltiut. The delenilitas charged with others, who have not been arrested, with a Out, and cop inkling a .violent Assault neon , at 'Shippensburg. 'Verdict—not guilty, and county to pay the costs. Shearer and Minor fur Coi e ninonwealth ; Penrose for defendant. Commonwealth nv. John O rreck. Charge —Libel. The bill of indictment in this case was defective, and on motion of Common wealth, quashed: Shearer and Todd for Commonwealth; Hepburn for defendant. Commonwealth tv. Frederick R. Moop.— Charge—Assault and Battery, on oath of Mrs. Grist. Verdict—guilty. Commonwealth re. Henry Peters. Charge —Keeping an Oyster Saloon without a B een:4e. Verdict—guilty, and—Motion in al-- rest of judgment. Shearer for reorninGn• wealth ; Henderson for defendant. Commonwealth rs. haae Parson.q. Charge —Selling liquor to minors. Plead guilty.— Sentence, postponed. Sentence wrs also postponed in the ease of C. G. Stough. Commonwealth. ra. Matilda Charge —Assault and Buttery, on oath of Frederick R. Shoop. Ignored, and prosecutor to pay the costs. For the Herald Teacher.; of the different A eiVomies through Out the county, be likewise invited to attem the nicotine , : It was then stated, that several distin guished friends of education would be pres eat to address the meeting. On,motion Res6lved. That the proceedings of this mee ting be published in all the county papers. Adjourned to meet at Education Hall on the evening of the 20th of December. W. I?. 0011(lAS, Pres . t. T. W. 11LicalcE, Sec'y, County papers please mpy, gc,- - Ifaving given '' A Sergeant" a place in our columns and admitted a rejuin der by a friend or thi! "Gleaner- last, we intended the controversy should there close. But as it appears a lengthy reply has appeared in the last Glellll , l', c ' opy r f which w e have not seem) it seems only an act of justice to p u bli s h the second, colu mn . nication of — .l Sergeant, which must be the last." f•Wr tLo I lera;tl. QUIT MAN GUARDS. - The Editor of that "Ilmous sheet, the Gleaner, has seen proper to reply at great le•gth to an article in the Herald signed by A Sergeant; and fir the benefit of the edi tor, and the information of his numerous readers, we submit the following. The Quitman Guards, who, are composed principally of new membrs, who make no pretensions to any great Military skill, went to 'Mechanicsburg, nut to make a display, but merely for the encouragement of its members. 'And the Editor of the Gleaner knowing these filets, we do think has' acted very unjustly and uncharitably in expOSing their want of experience to the whole coin- • umnity We think if the editor had the prudence which should characterize a man moving in his sphere, he would have"been mute on the subject, even 'admitting there was room for criticism, and every word which he said was "strictly true:" Again, the editor Should have come out and made an honorable defence relatilTto the charges preferred against the manner in which his paper is published. But instead of doing this he has most cowardly resorted to a paltry trick of sophistry by dodging the point at issue, and diverting the ,eader to his profound knowledge and shill in military tactics, and the nuincrous and mighty "cvo intim;s" which he has had ,the good fortune to witness. We do not presume to doubt that he knows a thousand times inore about drilling soldiery, than he dues about printing, judging from his weekly half shi'ds. But he does us the kindness to say that we are about as competent to judge of his qualifi cations as a printer, as we are to drill a com pany. As to this very ingenious remark we would simply reply, that any school boy a ' hove "tlu•'ee feet high," who has ever seen a newspaper in his life, would be amply quali fied to judge the merits of the Gleaner.— And we are confident that; if the question were put to tke community at large, whrther (he Gleaner tcas not. a disgrace to the Edikw, as well as to Mechanicsburg, they would an swer,ip.the affirmative ill thunder tones that would so deafen the Editor, that he would nut be able to hear his dinnnr bell fir a week hence. Anal finally, we would suggest that if the Editor cannot contain himself any longer, but must give vent to his superabundant store of military information, we extend to him a most cordial invitation to conic t 9 . Churchtowa on the. 25th tast y et which time the "Guards" will again turn out, and we will be most happy to have his much needed services on the occasion. Ourehtown, Abn. 1854 A Wnot.E FAMILY KILLED,—We stated 'at the time of the great accident on the Rock Island railroad that the wife and two children of Wm. C.,Laughlin, of ettysburg,.Pa., were. among the killed. Within a few days news has been received of the death of Mr. Laugh lin himself and his mother Catharine Laugh lin. His niece, Mary, the only one left oi`' the party, a bright little girl of some 6 or 7 .ettrs °l've, is also badly scalded, and at last accounts was not expected to survive.. Mr. Laughlin was on his way to lowa, where he had into:lded to purchase a property "and connm nee ~ . . :..,- . - ~ •, . .4 F 1' A SERGEANT LATER PROM EUROPE! Bombardment of Sebastopol continued! 'ATTACK krUSi§IANS The steam:ThipAsia arrived at New York on the Itith inst. froM Liverpoed, bringing news from the old world three days later.— The allies have met, with very serious rever ses at Sebastopol. Two ( oC their naval ves• sell have been badly injured in their attack upon the outer forts. The RasSiatts to the. number of thirty thousand, have also ilfade a desperate attack. upon their fortiOations at lialaklava, eapturedeveral flyts and eleven guns, and caused a loss of five NO. 12. to the English cavalry. Tl/0 battle took place on the The attack was made upon the Turks and Scotch. the tOrmer Of whom broke and„fled, leaving even their guns, which were seized by the Russians and turned against them. Accoi. ding to:the British accounts the Scotch re mained firm until other forces arrived, wh en the Russians were obliged to retire. The 5t1:11,2 accounts say the next day HOOO R us . sians attached the position, but were repulsed with gr i t slaughter, the scene brim tixol near lief atoria, instead of Balaklava. There is maid ,tr new Or nn authentic nature respec ting the Soule difficulty. She Paris corres pondent of the London Times alleges that Soule was voncehied in a vast con-tiraey to revolutionize Europe, and the diplomatic rot.- ference at Ostend iliscussed the matter. ~. A Special election in the second Congm-• sional - district cf Kentucky, to aVa a caused by the death of Preslv Ewing, has resulted in the eleetiOn, of I?rewstot,. Whfr;llFeSiiiiVaffiiir engrosses Innih atteu tion. and, the leading (..:14 papers are calling On our povernment to resent the insult.-. WiWain North, an English Author, commit• ted suieide at New York a l'ew days silice, iu consequence of poverty. Two failures in the dry goods train occurred at New York yes turd:lV—names not n.entioned. The steam ship Asia arrived at "New Yo'•l. yesterday with later news from Europe. ,Se bastopol iv not vet taken. A despatch from Cincinnati says that a national Know-Kolb ing convention to settle a candidate for the PresideMw in 1856, is 'um in session in that city. The price of Hour advanced in the, Baltimore market yesterday 12. (eats a bar rel. One thousand laborers have been tii elifirged from the Mount savage Iron. works in Cumberland, Md. owing to the heavy de. cline in iron. The announcement from Washington yes terdny wan that the Soule ditli 4 culty was act tied. The money excitement itf Cincinnati i 3 gradually subsiding and affairn are assum ing a settled tone. One hundred and sixt d e ad bodies }p l c been picked tip from tit( wreck of the ship . Niq‘i Era. Clark was an nounced to he ahead yesterday fur Governor of New York. At length it is settled by the official raturns that Clark is elected Goveruor of New. York by about :300 majority. A fireiti•Nonfrose. Pa. on Friday the 19th,inst.. destroye,d 24 buildings. The Windham hank, of C4nec ticut, was' robbed of $20,f100 on Saturday night by robbers, who poisoned • thf. , .. watch dog aid _tked down, gagged and bound the watchman. Four persons have since been arrested as the suspected perpretrators. David Stewart and sun, extensive Is Imle sa!e groe t.s in 13a1timure have failed to,the amount of $300,000. A, duel took - place be tween two Philadelpi4ns..pames not mention ed, at Burlington N. Saturday, about an insult to a 11.mtiit. At the first fire one of the parties was v;plaled in the thigh and the other in the left arm, whereupon the yet - ialds interfered and stopped further proceed ing's. A'' great freshet has talion.place in New Brunswick, sweeping away mills, dams; Judson's Hotel,'on Broadway, N. Y. was yesteiday entirely destroyed by fire with its contents. The wall fell in with a great crash ald it .was feared that some persons had bet4'buried in the ruins, but so far as known no lives are lost. A train was thrown off the track on the .Columbia railroad, twenty. fair miles below Harrisburg yesterday, and one of the passenger cars rolled down an en- Lankment and was broken to pieces, but providentially no one was killed. Rev. W. Wheat, a Baptist minister was somewhat in jured. An explosion of two tons of gun , powder took place in the . drying house of -t Johnson's powder mill, in Montgomery co., Pa. yesterday. The building was entirely destroyed mid Henry Whistler and his son Joshua killed. CLERGYMEN IN TUE NEXT CONGRESS.— There will be a goOd sMinklink of clergy- Men in the Thirty-fonrth _Congress. James Meneliam, from First District of Vermont, is a clergyniaii, and so is Allvab of, from the Third District. 'Ebenezer Knowlton, from the Third District of Maine, is a Free Will Baptist preacher. John J. Pearce, elef, ted.in the Fifteenth District ofl'enusylvtnia; Ittibert B. HaThin the Fifth Di:Thict of :GA 1111d .:;111; Tra non in the Elever,th tbe.Cqo SUMMARY OF NEWS TurnsDAY Nov. 16 FRIDAY, Nov. 17 SATURDAY L NOV, 18. 11Io:,1).%Y, Nov.. 22 TUESDAY, Nov. 23 MEI