Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 15, 1854, Image 8

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Q:oe illarlicto..
Piltr.imadquit, Monday, Nov. 1:1.
Flour—The market is dull and depressed
.to-day ; the late heavy' rains, in connection
with the ;nlvices hr the Atlantic, have in
duced buyers to 'hold off- for lower Iwinos,
and th, hole or nothing doing in the way
Of sales standard - brands are freely offered
witikott lit ling buyers, and only a few
:atoll lot ; have bee,' taken for home use with
in ittru,tre of half).-:;
brand, the latter for fancy lots. Rye Mont
i, scarce_ \‘itli litniied sales, and Corn Meal
without change but quiet, at p,rcvious quoted
rates. (halo--There is more Wheat of
to lay; bnyers C 01111! fOrward slowly and prices
at the (-lose were fully ,5e per hushal._ltia ;
oniy reach some 3a:k,000 bushels, at
1,-;;;e for good-Delaware Reds, and 195:1197c
for Penna White. mostly at the latter rate for
rime lots. Rye is scare, and wanted at 120
al'22e. Corn—The receipts are moderate,
1.;:t the inarisci. is not so active. nod only
7 5 .:4000 :-:sadhernl l .ow IVoro 111 -
of at s:ltt-: le for (-to, and for itrl'uto,
i o•ltitliog to , \., at 7.` , 1t7:-1...1; - 11. 114'1111p :11111 (Ify
()41174 . %11 . 1 . 1;1111 , 1T Sinai!
kir.i (11 S,11:'! •1'
\ ;i'.•: . v,
ad \ itos . nhcl
in. is d,
dueline C 37),
."•, h 1)!.. ir.ri Szont•ill
4tr0..1 lo•nn
()..; 1;11.. t!it: I...arkyt vict.
Htsl :11qt It , 11: 4 ; , t) , Ill m t r clol•t•atr
nfl n.f about •10:1 111,1,4 st. at 12 1 ,
lCc tiole a sale of :t.h..) 1 , 1)1-; Cit v
::1,5111 at $7 1;:-,"i
Cr:Ol l ,P MI . 0.11
not to
cver ,ti 7 sopplv of Flour
1. increnscil, bit it i- yot \Vc rjni to
liveFL,ur tit 12, ('urn Meal,
f, 4 1 50 'l l aid city iiiiwithAe,
Grain and Seeds.--The (Arain marlset
depr.ys..ed. There v,:LS a fall atii`lllllllll',. 1)11
. 1:11111120 1111)4 11101 ) 11111g, 11111 i ihe
cr. Wlteaf--.\ Imut ofF , red.
and in , t,i prim wltitt,_at-1.7 , 1 -(ti;;;I
(ti; ; ;I 7s, choiee 110., for . lantily ,Ilour at 1
or .4.31 ordinary to good In. at.l 71;
and good to piime. red at 1 I;sost
(I). 1 73(u $l - 75, ordinary to good do. 1 Go
(4,.51 67 .0 bushel. These prices sliow n flu
cline on the average or It) to 12 cents j t bus
;nice Friday 1.',111 steady—Almn 2r
-50.1 bushels offered, and sales or 01,1 whi', at
72( ri 75 cents, yellow di,. at 7SCii •$0
new white at 70(y73 cents, yellow do. at 7ti
0178 cents; a small sale at sO scuts—iniktil
and cut at tts(tr,o;s eeills
11 AC li Eli F.L. .4 . l,:ltit:tati . V MI 11111'i :UI
_Ltt_ coDIT:qt, • i
l'01:1C,.. t .1. lA!\} I,NI Eli. A. 0 ,
ii.UMS AND ; 4 1!1.!•:S, j
:•ti , I . i.iii:. 1 M 11. x: ij n; It' F 1 NI It ,1;1•,
I. k1:11 .kNIO'IlEI::-E. -
SA 1.)1.): , . S
01"1"ti P.Vri . .,'NT FARM ERN.'
801 l ', iii=ll 1,10 a.111111t.I.:0 ever nll
at hers in being' maitleaivith an taut shie Iron rising, Which
greatly economises fuelaud prevents ICSS or heat. They
ere mole of vorhne si res, from 10 to 11:10 gIIII.IIN. They
,paartable. anal may be sat in the hitehen far llamas,
hold 'ilk, or hlit of romvonlont t a the I aril, pig
pens, to., for l food far stork. For sale lay a
PASCII lA, 1,11: It IS & 6)
Azrletiltural Ware], and Seed st :re, N. E. is - wrier
rf 7th and Market streets. Philadelphia. deeCA
1) FIEN'E 1,. Ic-N Ili I.ll', ( -' , ll(•ce,;sor to
t, 11.artloy. 2.: K n i.J.t..) 11%1M1 NI 1 . AND 'CA I: I'I.T
NV At< El i )IlS'eL Nn. 1.1 ',nth 5t,0r..1 Ftreeti
rbave Sprtua..street. l'hila 1-101tia, %Own` he .eeps 40 11 -
tvirtly en h 111.1 a full ass Thaent “1 . every :tv lele in We
line of , e!...s. roallter , , Heather Bede.. Ilat / ent Spriaa
litt-tres,a,, Velvet Tare,t:T. Tapestry, lhat,l,•ls, limn,-
;lly . . In:a:Litt, I'e a‘tlan. 1.1,t. lia , ! and Ileali. carpot i.v-s,
(41 Cl.•the , .. l'ant,e l%lattlatan ('oe.,a and r'ikanlsll ‘l.ltt iv:.
11 ,,, i. a•al ..'t de Dial 1....0t,: 110 Olt Iltiv, I), r %lats., Tal.le
,A Pk ~. i m,l+. To. ,111.!: 11, illVitt'S lb!' attell!l.4.l of
pa , .•lia , er , l. et'
...r.,„ wh., 1.,N0n fully to,t,d
f , r three years. ordors sillelted as tin,
upytly%,lll ho limped. Ale L for Halo Peruvian Liu
vernment, lluano No. I.
.. Agricultural IVarehum.° and Sued Stoll', N. E l'Orner
7tll and Ftrects, f 4 rt'Sl
p . .!rsmis interested t hat the 11,110%4[1g ;wounds
have been in the Pndlionotary'a Wilco f examlnati. n
by the arr , untantaeherein named, and will hi pi% rmnt. d
to the Court of ciame..m Pleas of Cumberland r 'only
for confirmation and allow:tore on WhilN ESDA V, the
15th day of Novenilwr. A. lb, 1551.
—l, The aremineof Henry Rupp !ysignee under a floe tt
of voluntary lissl.cunient dolln 8. Snavely t, Litt
dated day of A. .
2. The acrouiit of 11,11..1011u Stuart. Committee of
Martha Mark, (now dmod.) under a commission of In
3. A , ..tnunt cif vhlnuol Wrodburn. SequeNtrat• r of the
11 - anov'e'r and Carlisle Turnpike liond Company fr. in lot
AuA. 1553 tolst Aug. 1851
octll (1110. ZINN, Prothonotary,
Prahonotary's Office, 1
October 10, 185!. f •
pRooLA MAT 10 N.—Whereas the
ttim..Limeg H. Gruhstu, President Jud,,,, of the
s3vernl Courts of CommomPletes lii the ecountl“s of Cum
berieud, Perry nod Juntas, mei Samuel Woo,lhorn and
John Rupp. A"elato duagos of the cud Court, to the
gaid., , ,,eety of r lt un l, by their )17, , r ejot to rue di
rectml, tintod tin) loth Augti,t. here ordered not
Curt of Cwilmon 1 , 16,04.t0
hiAe, on the t,ltlt n'eto,l. In
tho t r . oitio W. .1.0 •
Slt e v
L II 11P1'
of lA:t4u.igcs, Scioncos, &c.
D. A. b. Lm'EIIVT, instructor in English :old 3latk
_• .
Mrs. • Ettisa, Principal Instruetcess In the F . etriule
The Seventh Session of this flourishing
111 r autnenee on )lonilay, the lith of i)el,,lw:*
iluw Building which will- etintrittito to the eolive
•ietire of pupil, lints Leon creeted for the tivo of the
'entitio Iloptu t moo t.
, Ith ,graphy, Ilea ling and
ritlinietiv, Oral:mar. lien . 4raphy, Ills( t ry and
eolagy, l'hyshingT. .te
lAthomatks, (;reek and Latin Laitgut4ea;
i tisk lin no
era lug 11 01
wirlo oxpensof ir a of firs sit:tomtit . months
le!uslie Hoarding, IVasliing. Av. not
•xenolt I'llol will list I s fallen fIT 1 :,Laster
'orbs! than half a sessiiiii. A Catalortio containing
..ndisulars; may Iw iildained by addressing the minds
a'pt••27 '54
I 1 , : near Owlish , . Pri. Tito 17th St.sslrwi will 1 , 1111-
111, em I Vllllll' (1. 14:4. Nunil er of 1 - 111-
~.,t, Ifmßrd nild its I•s the:r (mom t..
ir , lll:laS Wi :1111,1 full ha rivd riiraiistr
It. K. 111.11LNS.
ept2 - -1':,
tl 1 , 1 , 1 Vr.,1114 - mor.
Pl. Intivid. Cmilberland
lI,A SS ( I , N' 1) I ' ITE4tA
It wit St II ) 11 1. - The 4 5E; 4 ,-
..)S will V , 7111111.111 l• 1 , 11 . 1 ' 11., lay. 1110 ; lit
limo ill I' 111 111 l':1,0r111 i 7 Ft I . llCtioll IN 0, 011
I i I. ' • 111 .
En, 11.-11 eatt-nti .I'. Tile wlml'rx
Y r t nr ling and I. wit!' a ri ,
; ; rt•l' t01:11. arid)
“10101. or the ,nl , • l`nr, it Nvnlille, l'n.
It )111111IT )10". \t
W. IL I. N\'. A. )1.,
prt.fes , ,
11. 1 4 111: EN.,1141. IL.
\V11111.; 11.11.1, .1.C.11)1.:11 V, tlin.e
o,f 1 1a.1.1-litir.r. Tlll. ol_loll Sens)
: tlm p 1.111.1 r gild gill ego
twice ni I he r N , N1.•111 , 0, 12.•,t ttptior
•st ft% littri...2 tin prr.t.t....t
• p 01,111, .I. , pppploti. , ill 1,,
: t o I
ht it fill! •.,.rits 3,111
.1 ., ;1,1 itt..llti•.ll will I.t• pirPl t the Itealt It
,P 1 1.1 ,t the sta lents.
it 11.1 t. in (11..1 , AI:ill-it !triple),
• 1 , 011 • p..
Inst.liet.l“ll ',Alit :nil each, -
rrelldi :lilt! I ter.ll3ll • -
lust - -
- The irireitte le (.1111W-a 1)
tclted ti, thi lust Will lie
alll II:F.1113a n Vt 111.111.! 011:1111 . 1,:iti in. either
mai Orly let ter t•i
11, I)EN LI No; EN. I'rinripal.
11 .N 1 1; Er, 1,.1. ) 1,1, 1 , ; N' 1N ST
rr I't' . Fe: ialo •,, , ••rito and
lt )1 . .0 l'A. PUN'. .11 IS. It. I,OiISE, A. 11.
: 1 ,i ; W. 0 ,.15• h., IIN
NVIII thi, nt ',ill ”pen t
inLitt.• , n I-t . The
!Fore! I.N tlii I Ilsi RAO i a to 5t“....5.
I'•r uhtSiu
utt a till'S)llst Y. 11 1 .1 1ti. , 11 aro unsurp by any similar
...mina-) in 111- :-dat
• The are new and o dinwilli-ns. and the
"rim n , tut it. The 1/EI'AIITAIENT
• new ontirol, - sop irato, and e maul •to.I I.y NOW Eilgl3llll
' o3elll.M. It is loolted itt the honutititl valley or Cuni
•••rlainl, 'n'lSlllll.lsS sl I'4' its 11 , Alttlf..111,Ss--i1...,....111/IA ,
(tail miles distant front '
And tit onto' stn.lontm hat, Loon In at
ondainv tlio r..lleAluto par.
1' E is M $:
ctrl .11, and Itit ii Vtirnislied prr Sesslcul
of 21 Weeks -
hi11.r111.16,.11 address
, opt In -It
)ITNI 1.1 1)1 S('11( )(
2_ l'ari4N4e. l'a. The Fall torn' of this Srlt ud will
o ...n )ION:141 tho 4th Sow otither. and o , it.
is tto 'rid I hal trout Ft, i• t . / Tl , ll , l,11 1 1 • ¢
Ho, putto4.fur fart/111.r ill 14ata
-101 on pike 4 tho aoipal, Mrs. .1. F. 14 )IV N I t.
- '
___E•::: -,•,N
~ 17ct6% r-i ' ;;; ; . _ • '-.- .. )
i'l , ‘i.
1 i tkpr \ s---
•••..--- • .
_ _, _ .ez 1 4 ,
Mr--.'. -,..--f---IC-4_.
'l4lll-1..W "";tlt
I) A T 14', N T 514',1,1?-SIIA1{1 1 14.1NIN(;
j_ YA N
NK N FEND lIIITTTAIS. maitut.wt anal Mr
. SARA; xs.r, N 0.410 Market street. Phlbula
This cutter is miinnior to.any new in use. strength
fur:Mil its. :MI 0:11p11.4tV of : it cuts fast
and is the only seiTslMrponing Ilay, :4traw na.l
t ilk Cuttor erwr mate. It has but ONE
which an; lers.lit sat Lrrin.l :Oil set with ease.
mt in orthiar; cAse. is ground 1,1 tho machine. Then
an Is have airealy . boon sn it'. and the demand Is dilly
1101'0.1,111.4. In 111 -at 1-35'S an ommlnation is stiltiviont
emirince nY itr supori wity. No ono after a Arent
dial iv still p net n ith it Mr any othrr. All sines of the
‘1, ...Instantly on hand and Mr stla by •
.1. 1.. - I,YSE,
A..ont fu• Cumberlati4l oontsty
DA & CULLN, Dealeis in Lamps,
'mirth and Cherry sts., Philadelphla.-11avingomlarod
.nd Improved their sbire, and haring the largest assort,'
t mist of I. 'ups 111 t h ey iuv ri.N prepared
0 furnish Camphlne, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid. Ethereal
OM and Lard Oil. LatapS, Lan torus of
all pattirns, Fancy Hotel and .11:01 Lamps. Chandeliers,
idiranibiles and Candelabras. and Brittania Lamps, at
the manufaeturees lowest prices. Wass Lamps by the
patitage. at a smolt advance over auction prices. Being
large MAN UFACriIItERS of Nue OIL !turning Flidd,
Ethereal Oil. Alcohol and (the only true) Phosgene tins,
they can furnish.theso articles at such price:: that Mer
chants wlll find It t e their navants;ii to buy. fall be
fire itiilng els.iivhere, If you want bargains. Also, the
Safety Fluid 111111 p fir sale.
Oeteber 5, 1:453-ly
ed m o 3lll I4A, 'Surgeons' 13widagc,
streot, sl xtli sturo :kbovo' Market., li, e.
EVERETT'S PntAit l;ra,luothig Pressure TIZI , SS, f the
our.) llopt ttro; Shoulder Brares. Sitppotors, Elastic
Atooldivzs, Susmnsary, told - for
~I'f trinities. Jan. 11-Iy.
it 1; (.IEI V D. —A prime lot of
cr the eolvbratod I'ATEN'f 1 VII EEL lilt KASE, 11,(':w
-in...tom, Curs, 11'w_ro . us, &o. This nytiolo fully tunintulr.s
)1 " I ""lttiktl , Pri of being the host artful() for the purl 4No
sm. niiored. Nor 411iC at SA Vrt S.
14 1 11 ES I JHMIsAN I) 1)111.E BEEF.
I p,.. nv A, , f ,7 sl :.„ l , Lr e i : l v v.ll of Sx:..r t v Cum' lIA MS and Dill El)
w l from (l apt' for side at
11_111S12_ u roct.r.) In e 4 Main streut
BROCIIM SIIAWLS.—A. lot of ...onEt
too Kamm, Broom Sllewhi. Also, 111:micet Sinovis
;list rereive,rfrotn New Yuri; and selling very low AVt.lie
heap , gtore of 1..
rims • el 1 A 5.,.. WI fl.liV.
I F/ T - 1T UTE . . -
H. WELLS, ProfeSsor
NTOTIOPI is lereby Oven that, the Clllll
lootted et Cumberland Ilan, in Dleitintlon township.
Cumberland enmity, will- make appileation to the ,next
Legislature of the l'ommon wealth of Pponsy I vania for
an art of Ineorporatinn, with a capital nr not less than
Ton nor more thou Thirty Thousand Dollars. for the pur
poSe of receiving delu.sits of money lu , th transitory and
on interest. and of making loans and discounts, With
s 101 other priVilegOS n 9 ant usually graoted to ma vings
Wltutions. Ily order of the Dire. tore. I
1S M. li.lldtlt EATII, Tries.
D. 1,. DEETAt See'y - pone 2N--! mp
" V(Y.FICE is hereby given that applien
ti in will he in t • the next Legislature. tigretxt
lily to onnstittitiiin and itt%l/4 of 41).• i'ounu•ariveait li
4,lfir an alteration In the charter of 'the
Carlisle Dept - it:lt Ranh, so Its•to confer up in Raid Bank the
rights and privllegus of a bank ol Immo, change
the 'mule t•i that or tin. ( 4 ,nttm.i: 11m; ale, to illvt,ltte
the eltpital stock One hundred nd fifty thousand dol
lars If prietiraton.
Bs order of the Marl of Directors
31. - IIEt:TEr,
June enAlier.
OP - CIL 111 4' l ' l A N () LF;
..A DEr9 , ..ksEll.—Notiee is hereby given that letter.:
tc.tanientary nn the e.tate of Chrititlan Wolf late of R.
Middleton fen ritniiirriand way, f o ist'
been granti (Illy the Ilegister of said counts tii the cut.
si•ril•ers. one residing in Lancaster city. wic-the
ether in Fratildin county. All person. :•thein
sell PS itlilebtvd in S:11:I estate lire required to 111:1 1 / 4 t• till
11111ttlatt. t. and them having eliiims t., 111 et-Ont.
• •
them btr Itattl'lllellt tit
AItA NI 'WOLF. Lancast el- City,
• NVOLF, Franklin e••unty,
()A. 4. rt, Execut.,l-4.
111 .•1
5 100
G. U. WARN & Co.
I - 4 1 STA T E ()V :)1 A H Y 8.14 A C l'-.—No
. A give is hereby given that letters tlktankentary tut
the l'Atnte of Mart 'Biked:. late of Dm yr Allen tkm:knklikp
Cumberland county, kik4,,eki. have been gratit,‘.l ti the
,Illseriber. rkk , iklinv i:k I btlifax t kiil.,lllll. D:114.1611 4 , 111
tr. All pors , :ils ktp:wlll:f themselves Indebted to suikl
kAate are re l'kdrekt tk: ke:Onk Immediate ika,t men). and
these having vlaims lire 10•01v , :toil to present them 11,r
sottlemeni to
Fo lit 20—r t
1 0 ;-7ATE ()F :\ll( 1 11AEL FISSEL.
I)l: , ':'Sven that 1 ..11 , r.. fa,t I
lyinlstrati , m rn the 4,411. ~1- .A livlta..l 1.1!.5,1, 1,111. I
Cu...1,11:1nd baN t.
boon izrar.t ea by tbo I:1• 'ltor
till. 11 pel son,
111,11z. - 51V - Fr. - .1 - r.17.11 -
011 t., 11101, inrin.diatt. Ira. wont.:nrdth. ha,
I..thlan r I:.
.a , i.t.f;11,1 , N101:11E17, .lalit•r.
sII . ‘TE ()iv
. 1()1111,1 131xLim.
(1.:A5E11.—N , .11,0 is in•rehy given t ha t 1.. t tor , ,
rutin the r.l rtn ~t ler. Into I , l,:ist
Pi11111.1",..11"11°1111,1•1111111iirhynle,.tility. It ts et
liven grant.,l hl Lit tty - i•ter of ti1.,1 rtanity t-i the sill.
111.1. r te , -I , ling in I Ito )wirrAtip. .111 •• •
theieselTesindelited ,t,ttg aro r, , ,,net.t•
oil t mak,. i.anie lute l rrylit , •tit. and 11u.,t• h.n Ing , elhiiiit
tilnrnaut 01 , •!11 fir sot tlrwrnt to
E1, 1 %.1 11111,1:11 7 Erti-t
(let •I-1,111,
' \.1.1 , : ()I , 1).1 X' I I ) )I''l,ll N
ft 1):TI:.% SF:D.—Not I L iiven Clint let tor.
pstiitti it pa, id
Intl.! n. Uppor Alien t um! ..r_
land have 1,0011 granted by 11,
0• , 111•i:1 in t iilllll.
phi,. All per, ins knowing ill Pp
e.tate ILle ri! ,t,i make ha., .1i Ile nr.,l
tilos,. h..% t o ptei.rnt them Inr tkinent to
11.1:X. CATIICAIVP. It..
j I STArC.L: )1.: 1'11 . 11,11' Itli IDS,
11 T.A —Nk•LICI• hen.hy divan that lotto',
t , , , tamoutary on the estate or - Philip Rhoads. the
lt ,, n.ugh of encli..le, (Itluherland county. d.<'4l., have
heist grotto:l hy the lto,tister of aid r , nutt.t to the ~,ths
eriher trailing in Carlisle. All per%—tts I,le,witnt t hem
,olt 1-s ilerrhted to, :::11,1 est.neore requireit
(ma Ow., lint tug elaints to proset.t
Cheat for .Itletnent
111:N1tY I:110.14S. Cal
nut. 3
4 herebS 2. 6i6 , n that lvttele. or A d.
nitokt raft , " on the estnte or Eomotiol if:trill:oi. ol
b,wl;:hln l'Aunb. rn.. d ee 'd hav e b e en
11). the Ite_•ister In and f .r ,abt r, mill, V. the sillo.criLer
who ro'shies lu tho [owlishly /tf. , ret-aid. All persons ha -
ine cl. Linn. 4 rile:WM& :1Z:1111,4011V °State berboilt
Are re ,,l , Inal,o known the ?Elute without bela)',
unit floret. indebtoil pa3mont to
RICH Plokins
n Adint'r.
14 1 E )1' .1N 1)11E11' )1111ES,
A i)xvEASEI). —Lot tors l'oht.unont3ry oil the Estsll.
.k late of West l'eanshoro.4,o, mldp,
Cumberland , ounty, dor'll., but o boon grautoll by t h e .r said t . lll/ /LY Li Nt, limiders,.l, and Illeli'd.
Parker. Persons Imlebtod aro rednosted tr , umhe pay-
Mont 411111 th.: 4 411131111g present Litton for
Must. IV. 31. 11.1.1.N1,11.:1114131,
ILICIIIA111) IA 121( hit,
Carl Is!“. Aug. all. 15::.3.-6t Extleuturs.
FSTATE OF 1114.101tGE• 13-AKER
DECEASED.:—N,.tive , Is himehy given that letter.
of miministration, ‘vltli the will mineNetl. on the estate
Of Into of :" , ilvor Spring, township, Cum
berland musty. IMeeaseil. have hem] granted lie the Peg
Inter or said (sanity to the stil,..riher residing in Haim.
All psis ins knowivm themselves holuld
to said estate aro -required to make immediate lonI o n
meta, and th..“. haling In presei.t them fear set
00111011 t to SAyIUEI. LB ERSY, A:MCI%
Sept. 13, 1 St. I.
OF .1( )IIN A LITE It.
hereby given loiter.
of .\dmini~trnti , u. with the NS ill annexed on t Ito Es
tut of .10lin Mot:trtur. late of Lin boom :h
f1,, , ,,,01„11:1%e loon oronte , l l,y tli
lie,,,lster r.uhl ....linty, to the sul.seribt r. rosidio!:: in
ti soolo , reii;:h. All I,er , vits kiinee, log t lielosel% es in
dot tett to till Estate uro required to mule liumoull u tc
paynioht. thoso hut lug :Jahns will pi esont them hi
NI.U11.1110!It to
Sr): 6, Mit.
CEASED.—Notice Is hereby given that letters of
administration on the estate of George Carl, deeapsed, of
tipper Allen township. Cumberland , county, (who re
cently-died Lt the city of Pittsburg) bavedhis day been
issued by the IleglAter in and 19r said mury of COM
-1.01.1:111d. the subscriber, who ye:quips I rth bier Allen
township Idle-es:dd. All persons having claims or
Mands a- lllthe estate of the said dee'd are - Tequested
to make known the :Wile without delay. andlthese In
debted to make paiment to
Oct. 4th. 1545.
j beceased.—Notice is hereby given that letters
tamentary on the WitateofJohn Wonderly. Into of South
'Middleton township, Cumberland Muni y deeca.sed. have
been granted by the liezisterld . said county to thesub-
SellherS, one residing In Carlisle and the (Aher hi South
Allddlot , m township in suit county. All persons know
ing themselves I till ltd to SOIll estate are required to
111211 w immediate payment. anti those having rl.tiihs to
present them for satlemont to
Oct. tpil
1,-IsTArrE CAT1IAII1Nli: .Alls B——
BotAN, Imi l ).--,Nottyp Is hereby given that.
Letters of Ailittlnlsfration 4)11' the estate of
"Mustteltnnit, late of Upper Allen Ittwneltip, C Iterland
eottnty. dett'd.. have been granted lty the Iteakt or of
said county, to the sttbseriher reslditnt• In the game town.
ship. Ali porimits{:nowlng thenmel‘ es boll:bled to sold
estate are required to make Ltintivilinto p:tyinen.t. nt:d
these hat log claltnn to present Iltent for , 1 , 1,t1/.11.•1tt 10
JACtili 1.. V.O di. ml eu ,
'.1%; 1": r. ,
earlieic tjerni.
1.1,1Cli1:\ 4;'
WI LEIA3I %VISE, South 3Jl4dlukm.
0.4.1 0 .;.1:11.,E 011'11 for 1 '. 4 5.4.----
:1 .
GEORGE 'LLI.EIt respect fully It111).1.1111 . 11 , to hit
old Patr o n ctlnt io pttblle geoentlly that he has just re.
i:d yed the FALL. ti'.l:ll.E Ur tiJWILI.:3 , II,7S'S
II A'ES, nut nnfitetniett at (11IP of the Imst nstahlish.
men ts In Fltilattelplth, to which he Incites spy. 10l
Ile lets also rimidantly nn halal n larpi and varied ns.
rim tilient Of has OWII ninntifai turn as M.. 11 ns'eity made
lints and Caps, sallatila fnr thaseason, er;,'
variety of Russia, heaver. Shilaskin and Silk Aces. lin
islaed in the latest sty lii, t tagether Ishii a full ilhe ,, lll.llt
ot CAPS4ll•Olery shape and thianrirtion, and at ra m
pi fro. Invites the pit lie to colt and W(-
111'11110 ilk 0)(1411124i - 1, IlkSt , rtillCllt, trl l lc ill 5i.31,1.
till and finish. cannot surpassed ley Imy is u•erl:et.
and as Idols he Is able to put at wdeeti roam than iicer.
l(01111.1111101 . his old stand en North thllor or street. I.e
tweon Ilumer'k storos.
IVM. 11. TROUT. (tyska., to Inform his old ft 11'11(iS
1111 has removed to his new iottaltllslonvitt
street, near the Depot. and i -now t peeing
43t 4. a b larm , and eiegant as . soitnient of tho FALL I.E
- OF 1 ITS. just rt.l.lllA loan Philitlll.llllllll, which
the rontleinen of radish, /Ire rejiie ie l toaril and
OXIITniIIO. 11) a largq aggrttliwnt !Ins
and Slouch flats tit , Ilia awn maintinkftAirr. tti, to the
Lost st hi and at ,iumus firietai, the tPs.:( niol
.111.41 he .111 ((arrant. Ills stock he Is eOl/1 dent Il
ly ina , tls to 1.1 , oxatnlmol to I e appon ed. Also. it lari:o
sn'. l Y and I idtdl.4l . , A of CI, tit
Hod For. :ilia of every variety r r style and prtre just re ,
Yolved from l'ltikklelphla. Let all ti ho ilia)' a that 1 , 1
( . 311 ;11% I. hill) a c a ll., as toy 11,55 Le sore of being. suit
ed to their lor h satisfaction.
d i'l IIN .A , U 11,A SS A \ NI) (1( - EF,NS
-,.. , v - -
k . ,, , v, All E-01,1 Inotterkeerers ;nal young.. \\tilt th• ••••
ai s ., ii 6, iiii• expecting Lii Isie1•111.• heitselseeptiiit are list it
ed tr; call ;It II .11.11Eit'l"S I- ANI ILI. (IIIOCIAIN: ..:,
anti!, ills elezant tiscorttnent it I liir,ti illtit:sandt;neet s-
i.ti., i i ,
I/111, 111111 ~tier a articles, ill the hi 11,01...ening line. Sill II e , N
I.f.' 1,1 , 111:1 I t 11 l.f this furiatee is note I 1: ow
as tirench and EnizliFli tea sel...,, Leah' 1 ItI.tIVII ill il l•Iltil , .
liven II•11.. Illlt i".I llill nit!, the I :IA P.II. 3 (ILI 5 I
NVIIIII• (illtlltte. illicit 11111 l I.lm. pilin. 111::! s•-ti. et' VY- . i 5 , , ,,, ,
iii.l , I iiihiiii , ii
iii, . v i iiiiti
. i , iii ,
. ini
or) varlet) ''''' i 1 " 1 " . ' 1- ' l ' ' ti ' d P its lit. ' ' I " re " v * "i-ii- in k.: I 111, ti.getl„ I''
„ tilt (Ill` il„ill11(4. lllL i tc.
cs. 'ke. Wass-ware—centre Laid,. .1.•.1 ilsal,tel lamp,. . .
5. , i.,
is the i . ,
i , , i,ii
i „ iivi,to„iiin 1 v
Candelal•ra, and other laiiiiis.i.ireat earl t\: tab.,- /II il 1.111, . ' o ' , ,
I, I rII 'lts I st all ~ that furi.avis. l'y 01
tumblers, ..!..I•liits..le. Fruit aitil,rts-ery.• 411 , 11( ...
, , in .." - : Cliil.-. I'. I. I' 11l 1.3 t C. 5. II r. 1... lil e IL, ii•l/I.NIIIII. MIA
11..1.V. I'Vlllll , Wlile —t 111 14, lillrhet S. 1.11(11.11,. 1., ,1..1.111ter • i . I i ~ iii „ ii .
pill:Is/tett laittes, ineal I.neliets...te. I.rtn•ll. 5--
''" li• l' i '" : ' : Pt I, .11;.--'111.• le,tre _ ,111'rail, lug lit a I
iillite iinsit; set ill:i•ing. liatill and sh , c Entries. • jii,t. e s. : t
„iv. i .
ii i i.i.
I.r.slies, Xe. Marl' in.. ekt hes :Intl traii ili•ii_t 1 a-1.. t•-•
I• • it l et II l I ....
A Is '' a l h “ l ''' l. " 4 ' rt "'"" " I' T. l ' n ''''' l '' .l '..-"''' tall t.t: •i • lit s ii.llol l'.. 0.4 i. li.c eittirely ti l:
3'e w)," are l'illii "r clad, o 10.311,1, "r . ."'" , ' , "' ,1, • ,1 I') lii " i e .% , •:• 1 le 1.. 11,•1 i.•:. 1,-,-nee Li Ninths dust!
prii ic ipi... Ite ; Oh s si e naploffin 01111 ..111., 1.10 ,I I lll'it.ll. ,
(1111( - Is I. (•«..I`, I. 4: ~, . II :. 1.11 II ill El.t. MAK,. It
and y•.ii ii ill I;I (I them ••f liiiirepti:• , hal lc .01:•:it 5:. Al- ii. iii
i t 1. i i
....1 t..
.ii.i,;_i.i. fi..
Hi I
halt Spanish and i ' , mini , ti Segill". %Sit II l 11. it ( ~•Ili-Ltlll.L. rri - 1 ,-,-,..,,, ~,.‘,,
TTiii - Wil v..: t:.! a • r.,
I\l- 1.8, e 111•• I. -1 iite.t.i. ii. .1 I, 111,10 •I, I 1 i
. ...
(I (-) I i
lI\A , , 'lit ' ~,,i, . •• i,•10 IN Illelt It :.11. • I I . 11, (.• litli LI 1..t.e :.);
It 1 I ' l (1. II iIN( " !
.• it''' i' U.'s. lusts i';;-;Thu.l.' ni. , Fi "f 1';;sili , 11:1 1 le ; Owl ;it. tel ii;pl•l;t4 tl 1 i 1-r r ift;; hug :I little Ili ..
:Ind Siihstivetiai II• thile4 iiin, li he ii ill sell ••!. <heap it '„• ••• ,', 1 1,,, e . II c le •• 1. Irl i li - iii•'ili.... tien Laiiii,
le t elle:wet' Ilia. a•i> cstal.lisliniel.t in tie: Lyre till.—l , i , II I,,icis I , 1.11,1 t. 1.111,1.1 1., I; •,, i . It All. ,Lll, , I
'Eh, ,ti el: is 11l efinsit•t • I s I and lii 11, fini.i,li,l i.s ILIII I 1.11.0, al.(1 ti I: 1.
0 i F. It l' It A 'l' S . '- : • l'i• 1 .1, lin s. Hai I. 1'5..1. I 111 i, cr. l WI, ”, ii
1.111 l• Ii ll I.IS S (' I) ..1 'l' S. . \ I 111. 11. 'Allen, l•r• 1.1 al ts.i.s. I'd lA. lal at,: 4I k
, ,
S Al' is i I 0 .1 'l' it . lite:ol. I net. 1.11 0 ...)•
1.`.1 li; 'l' AI.OII N P, I ',, I:\ t., s.iF s„ ...
• • - -- i" .t.; ;± 'l' 1N(IS- 4; .• ! -Ni . ,,i,„.,, , ,•,,i r , d t , „I :Li' . ~:- , , ,. .11'11,- , iTewl-iy.,
, „
The (1 , .thi,,,,.. will is' IlThai• tut of Ill,Ill• l•Ilt the . , 4,4 I
a.,1 paints lice). 11, 3 i! 11., « •( 11,.. fit MIS. t fent
'Outlay ill
. getlls : flit nut by 1111 ,XIIITII.I/(•ell arid vo , tt 11..1,1, at a pery iii,lierate •••••-t. Nt I , 111 e I.ll\\ l I
cutter. and the iverk tie) tip in the I twiniwr At ,I I' : fliriosh an limo:until, to ii: rip a sii.;2l.• ',tau.. I
the ts st ..I' W elm °ruin- on h_•4l a li.ttlf dicier : est I wilding in 1.1. e ts uhlr3
i'lethinit. :11101 all xi° ti-l: is 1.. r pills hasi:eS 1,, VIA •• 111, II , N o. 1 I'. • tal.le
cell alid Ih.•\ Ii ill Is. 1.1r.:1,..•.1 II il II till- II(-1.1, aril prices.
At the Inn, stand et i I,u-I M a in 5t.t.5.1. •
1 Jai; 11 , j . ("11.11' LES I 11l LEY
PA PEW,. - • .
,r• og , I niri just rerit, in,: lac I nil
id lONCIN.SIr. t vt, of l'.11'1..1:•
"..11 1 .% Mob surpitss in st . Ir. 41w:illy
Mutt have cv...1
110,11 e> hil [toll In Carlisle. I respectful!) SI It, it II Tali
in 11l pi rsolis•iti m tut llntit:ings of ally dos, rip
tiny'. as 1 rim riml dent by iissiirtinent far surf aSOen any
hi nett: and in styli It tans I utter. ri
‘iiis in the ity. I only ask it tin 'intik to tail mid
assortintitit I.u:chasing, as I ant rout',
di•i i t iiiy ratini t fail to pit the WI St
• Jl'llN
'Vent Ath•of North !Limit or t‘trilt,
() 1) 1.7 )1 E
J 111 , , 1 1 \ settlory. tiarrlotta. c.. art. uuttitt
I arty :typo:lc:tor V. , 11 hoofs' t hi. reintaly. lI pat Itto
att) rt,artl wol:ft mi d : , o u r s e lf Sant e ifi.
Ititirtot. supply
. sourst•lms milli lif:I:t 111.1:'S
CtlitttlAL. othorwiso the un t o n,--
.suiting front a 1•il :I,llll , rvitcs It, .1,1 ,Inavhor). Thi•
••Matellivss notatalyr Call Is hill at the 14'11:4 t•ti•l'e of '
it. .1, 1...11.1. - 1 , 1.1!.
South Ilnn r er street, a few d , ors s.utlt the c o urt
rarli , le. •
ooTs AN 11 Sl-10ES'.
),e, has hand a
,t,vk of B 0 S 31141 S •
%%111.11 by v. ill mill at till u , vuih I pi lc..
t•q. PurrltaNed fr. ni m dr•al4.l,
at. Inw ratt , %, Ile van ullrt ,11111
t ptiroltaselli t\ ill Mal, It 01,11 T,s
It his I,tabiklinwitt. I 1 has of too' art in the
and lino-- 7 T•a• hadivs' r tient,'
ttn•rof rn 'deems it 1111111..0, ,,, ar3 t.• i , alari4e.
nio • l'orawks and cbc•ap t;, its are Ili%lt
to give 14in a call
: - .1tE1.1)()N.
eiti Li
x 7 - 1 , , , ,A v 4; it 041 , :ity
tRI AND VAlt lETV SToltr..
'rho tnaltserlbar wnn d resprrtfully Inform his frlonds and
the public: genorally, that he has just returned from the
city with a lar-to mot varied ac:. fitment I I
0101(31:RIES, CI ltt:i awl QI•EENS-W.trx
which h,e offers Sr. sale on lb.
most reasonable terms, at hi.
eornor ut N.,rth nano* er !"treet and the
Ile Square. directly eptr site the Carlisle I:e.
I int. Ili, .Cork entlwases et erything
in a (Ironer . N'and ariety st,re.
The publin nro ins t. call cud r‘ntoine
I•ofi re piirelorshig hore, toi ho reolg eloilldellt he al;
sell the Lost goody. at the lower r
m and l'N RT.% I: Ell
.‘. , rth Ihuu , v er street, no.ct LMor to V:"
tilass•s 11 , tel.
Ile would i'espeetfully inform the
eitkens of Carlisle and the 'midi,. genemlly, that he
hm now on imml a large and ilezlitit.l,sl•lt me!.t,
NITU It E. emmist ing in part of %1;m1r...1 , e5, Card and Mit
er Sofas. Bureaus. Lle.h.tends, plain :Ind Mney
Sewing Stands. Av., inamnfactured et the best Material
and quality uarraided.
Alsl a general assortment of CIII,VIIIS at the la west
prices. N ' 11. , -order„ repah:lng_
pr.miptly - iittended
IA COFFINIi made at the shortest indict,: and hav
ing a splendid hearse he a Ili attend ftinurals in tol‘3l or
114 • ItentotnUer the stand—next door to 11. C; l a ss's
It. 11. S)IILLY.
. 4 —JAMES P. WEAVER would refawelbull ' y rd;
, . . '... the attention of lieuse-bee - pers and the public
1.....,•.- 1.... to hisextensiVestoek of elegatet NI , RNITU.IZE.
...,...„.4. including:A:fag: Wardrob,m Centre and 'fables.
....r.r..7 Dressing and Plain I:ureans. and every l4thcr
liable in his braneh of landuess-' Also nets on hand,
the largest a..s;.rtment of CHAIR:4 In Carlisle. at ~
the lowest iwires. .10111\N made at the sin rt.•
est uotke lunt a hearse provided tar funerals, ill; '^'-
s.-hells a call at 111 s e!..tablisinnent. ou Nertlyllani„.
over itreel, near t;ltuH , 's I hotel.
.t.ti.) -Furniture tired out by the month or year.
r.---"'Et -'iitil , . 1011Nli;11 of Ihm
-‘14,-ri,..::1 ,
. 0 ~r?......, c _re ~,,r . ,:;,, , 'OVVI. and Loutbor F t s .;
Cbl 9 ' 0 . 1?.., 'sl77' C itiA Si. N.-111.• ithdersig.n
ett-has alwayti On haud a large'st'wlc of superior Cal,hiet
S'nre, in all thedifferent styles. which he is pr<iatred to
sell at the loixest prlreq, Ho lin ites attetotlon particu
larly to the PATENT SP:11NO IIPTT0)1 ill.:1,4t1:11,, a na.,:t
awful article. testes entirely• obviates all objections.—
The bott , ln can p o attaehed to old Iledstr.nd4. The . ‘ have
given eat ha. Sat Israel 1..11 to all olio 111 IN, them In Use.
;p , t,- I' )1 , 1:1N; 4 made to ~ r der at t he shortest notice.
11 , 0 , i e in ,
W I I : 0 n 4j yit; II ;
1 11 t I' .
went of the fi, ......lits 1 t:1142 I.t the 14 to
p 1 .1 1, 1•11, 111. H 111.1... ili.A ishl, I s,
beta Pei firs and West:Pik/rt. VI. it:
Tla , a...01'1411.11A I'llll 1 1.111.1 1 1 '14 et
Fitw taLt•llt.H.,ll,melr3 , ror Abstt.
will, lit, N111;01'. in SI. 11111. Fllll2ll. 1.111111',. tCle
Fllll, 111).1 1111. 1 1 y 1111: 1. 11.1S 111 11 1•111' . 4.11,1r 4141,0j1:,, 4
1.1:1' 4 \1111.11.1111 a 1/1 1.111 tr '4 h.. 0 11,2-1/ VAS' PIY II . II T
' at th.....,west lash l.ti
ale Ila. 4 . 11 , 111.1.(1 1 111 iii s;
tha ;
.1 t t
hut. .11+ stit.,lll..r ri of Idrr.ll~ iu'ltt_s pure lea
lint iu;, that he c'llll /11111. b 1111111 1111 1.11111,
..titer stal lisliturtt is I.lthr. Of
t itirs.
All Ida& dom,dry nt
%%RI, 1111‘1111f/Ictllll ni der. nitl in a rt olad
It \ at, hos jem elry and Oih et - 34 , diro• fait I,
paired. ‘1 •P.l.'lidN I
No. It 4 goutb '2(l St. a ft l% do, rs ate 2.1
ket. \t I•St Side.
the v 111 h of the Store. inn)
the ram, us Lirut I. lock. %lib h-e tuarAttch, the IL I
of the sei.•utitir 11011 roil -too (Srpt. '4l
M 11' ED ;-:1. - .1'1411. 111( )t=l
in, I NIE.--Iroin City tilitinliettl - / Unirn
ninth , after the newt impez)it,tl-al tivhe,ulei,..l p
epanel A tillydi Ite Yet. ur.. maxii4 niter the
Utile. and ne t 1. supil , •r. I ringi - tiniii , h 10mA-than
and tally egnnl. Ihe attention of lhaleis
is partirularly I)) re for trial. Also. I eilIN
in largo or t.lnai I 4, tvi, t.ltb s rmr f,14,. Lt
antiN .L. I umEi
I 22 VeN, ad door al 0‘c.C1t4. 1 4,t1,11t.
: , (I.t. 27.1 •
111 I ()IN ' A '
TIN ti Ice 1.,
at tention Mail tastier; leif-9ii)!p! .dtaital h
to ilia:A ILI , N 1 I.I(NING 1...N111.
l• tit.
tli.' :11 , t1 no st fu!
wadyin this tie r) Litt, tratly
Linz 1,1% and I r::--t ulhtirq
11e rnl. tit it, L. , svil the apparatus at tbc•
:salt, fir, I dared. Ilia galako. Alt Is
p ,-ret prirt•ef tit rrytist It their •
cit ruin ii their Ail, We tif. ii
r t ...All, to. 1111111,1/ ilit• tie
I. , NVt st p , eeit-lv pi i,,,. uta few city :11,•11e.
uII I, i futi•O. es
t , us id' I urravee t hie SOU:, It therSt e nil It
...A ti. furl !NI! t It , lo w 10 , lenala•4l . rktuil, V, t , 1.1
the i•re. 11 , 11 cf all r w , acts, .hen re'lutn ii
,i1.c0.11 t;
~,,, • l-ti flint
lr l•• nit tit.ttAttit.ll I.r ell
st u 11 tteelltre the 1, t.t poi It el It I 1.1 tit Firer. t•
Ore t 01
I, N II . I :S , ' • S PATENT . 1 VI !LAT OI : --
.1,•1 t, il. 1 1, nil in I. r the Lwit.rt
1 , 0.. t t, 11111.1t , .1 rtt r u tithi f r 11 no
1 111111 1 :111 i l l 'llll /,3 L 1111111 1 11" 111111 fir ti
:ink :I - t.11 , :k. there a peat inal:3
(I,k Ia; nal is.n t Itrya d r Ift
I i• 1 1 31 1 • fill tr111 1 %1111111.1 1 that. it has the
P.ATEN'r 111'1;!S9'1 is A\l) VFNI'II...\
:mi. ill, :11 , 4: , .1 r 11.4 I
i.tcl • 11111 t ilUtt r; Le fnitJ 1u tl
i St:itcS. Earth.. It hi. I. t... pu re Lau t l itl
r it richt!) Li. tilt
t:: i,:itnine their steek.
vrE. AND I li4 MANTLE:S.—Nye have a
hand rtirt,nitn 0....,1(11 VII( of these Lr.: r.ti
the, ill ttml. I knit:l6ln of Egylititithliptni.isli.ii.l
tither rare inarl.les.
OVEN till ATI:S.—For •
tin& 1 it
Oral. .tie. rut ctrl 111. new Nittprn Gf th.•
(I rata. math. fratu the English PatternA, and
neu to this AIII.NTS for the English Encaustic
'li`e tuiroAirl.ChiuutryTapsantiTerraCufta In
, us ate,iit 1 uniting iveniti ex:i
stork h e l'ore eLsot here.. .11sit, I ti,
intrehrtsing or not, are cordially weiromed . ti,
site NI areret•lpti, :111 , 1 hire tru ShOtlllt 1.1.) hap
tespcttirg 1111 p enr
may I,i it VII. A honk . I . ;tt \t arming llpli Vt.
gr:ItIllt , usly nt onr.,store, either 1 ,
or ht letter. S. A.'ll.l,lilllS4oN,
I. D. II A I.llElrr
ny 11 -7 III)
. .
11(11,14.11i 11, Pren . mun A rti;. , te i
7 lilvent.r of the Colel rat...A' 41..gFarnt.i. \
N% ig :u .d EI:o.tio• Gard '
. ...11.1..stron:f it li.i
LadieS :11.1i t:‘ootteitien to meilksiirai I . ll .,
.• ... . -
Poti Wios. fmites.—No. 1. The rental of the]
2. prom il.l 01.1i1 1 , 1 or the hi•tot .to the I .1
Fmni ear to 'ear over the top; No. 4. nom 0
round the ti t:liend.
Toupees and st•alpr, 1. From fv
lack as for as I•alit; . 4"orerfoliliCad tit far •
ea; No. 3: Over the crown of tho head.
It. DOLLARD has always ready for sale a
sturh of Gents NVigs, Toupees,.}..Tulles'
Vrlmd - s. Ilralds..etti , K . F.tliiattitifully-inzir faet
lit; cheap as any estahlishinent itt the Bair it.
Dullards MTh:nitwit Exttactor Lustrous !let
prepared Man South Anierican Ilerhs sad 1,.
uu nt successful article ever produeed fi.r plc,cr
Laic from falling out or changing rotor. rent( r
present tog it in a healthy Etrd - fthNuriant state.
...titer reasons uhy Pollard's hair cutting
talon its Immense peptilailtygs the fact that his
applied to every head of hair yet at his rstal 11,
e,usetittehtly It is kept in Fetter preser% nth n t
der any linnwo application.. It 'wing thus pet
tested by thousauds, oilers the•greatest guarat.t
.Full ‘vholesalo and retail at his Ohl
l'hestnut street ci.pcsite the Ftnte House, 1 Gila
It. 11..11ard has at leasr .11:44...rered the no plus
HAIR and ananunces It for nude witb.pei
fidelity in Its soil assingyvt ry thing of the hit .1
use. It e , I. rs the hair elth. r black or I , n:wit.
be desired) al d is to-ed without ii.jury to the either by stain or other w 61', can he wash,.
t. n minutes aftur application. without . 11,11711 th
its edienty. Persons visiting thu'elty aru int itril
him a rail.
twttors ruttlres_kril to It. DOLLA 10), 177 CIIPI4
Phlittib.ll/11i11, 111 1 , 6 , 1.411` nttontlnn. • On
TE ATI I E li..— Fri tz & II endr . v,
•,4 N.q.111 2t1, - st. Plillttdvlrbity, Nloroce,, .11iir
..s., '.20
Cur: fors, ImpArtcrs, Couiiiii,l. ti itnd tleue.t
AV 11 , 1,1':• A 1.1: .1N1) . 111:T.1 IT.--:Valitlfa , ton'
4rivri.t to :A r. , et. {t.,
1, 1 ii lcte,,
r. d I rc,i
%Vat mini; awl Ventilat in •
1:0 1 Volt .• '
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