Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 15, 1854, Image 6

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2tgi EU Ii iittl I.
[Feolllti Farm Journal]
New Articles at the Late State Fair.
Among the many articles of great in
terest- to the farmer and gardener exhib
ited at the late State Fair, we have
prepared a short deseriptinn of those which
have either not been before exhibited, or
are but little known to Pennsylvania
Km use s tent' Portable. ('tiler u - nel
iliac 31 i .—An chgraving of this was
was given ,in the July number of the
Journal. •It received a silver medal over
llickok's and all other eider mills and is
believed to be tne best machine for the
purpose now out. One of the peculiar
features of this mill is the effective ar
rangme.nts of the reciprocating pistons,
which by their alternate action, will cause
quantity of apples or grapes continually
to advance with irresistible force against
the passing teeth of the rapidly revolving
cylinder, so that by the action of the
latter the whole fruit • will be at once
reduced to pulp and discharged into the
._The it/La //tut flea ,
and which is thus beautifully and effecl
ively reduced to practice, is that of ex
actly immitating the action of the human
hand in holding an apple against- the
teeth of a revolving cylinder until it
is entirely reduced- to -- pulp. Its simplic
ity and power attracted peat attention.
Spain's Paten I tmosphcr s.
These were exhibited. of twelve different
sizes, beautifully finished with both brass
and iron mountings, and attracted great
attention. The peculiar merit of this
churn consists in the constant admission of
atmospheric- air during the churning pro- .
eess, and the openii h , for the escape of
fetid gas, which is always generated at
such tunes, and in ordinary churl is-re
tained to the great disadvantage of the
butter and the loss of labor. It is be
lieved that more and better butter can be
-made in Spain's churn,
,from a given
cutyttlyi "£ cream, and in shorter time
d.zners aisti alkt i'lutmelrate,' and can be
'taken entirely out to render the elensing
easier and more thorough. There is also
a 'wide opening for pouring in the cream.
Dickey's Butter mould . —This is a
small square form of two sizes, for pound
and half pound prints, and such as are
used in the extensive dairies of the Messrs
Dickeys of Chester T eounty. It is made
to rest on a bloek, the face of which
has the impression or print to be-Ar;il:
fered to the butter. Into this formitis
pressed, after being weighed, by a small
square wooden spatula, made for the urp
pose. The doors of the butter form are
then opened by hinges, leavino- h the butter
on the print block, which is then turned
up leaving a good impression on its face.
The square is also a great .improvement
as regards convenience for packing for
market. :
Smith's Butter Worker.—This appears
to be a very simple and effective article
for the use of the dairyman. It consists
of a pan or box beneath which is placed
a drawer for ice of cold water, the inte
rior of which is the cooling of the bottom
of the pan or box, -- so as to.put it in fit
condition for the reception of the butter
to be worked. The butter is then worked
by means of a fluted lever. This useful
improvement is the invention of Miss
Lettie A. Smith, of Bucks county, and
is well worthy the attention of dairymen
(Yorn Shellers.—Amongst the many
excellent corn shellers, Davis' Patent
Hand and Horse . Shel!ors deservedly at
tracted the attention of the fanners. We
had not sufficient time to examine — this
sheller minutely enough to enable us to
descrfbc its peculiar arrangement. The
cobs are seperated from the corn in the
process of shelling, which is a decided
improvement upon most of the common►
style of shellers. But its principle merit
consists in 'the perfect manner in which
it shells the corn from the cob. Altlough
tested before the committee with corn of
the present"season's growth, not a grain
Was left upon the cob, nor could we ob
serve a single broken 'grain amongst the
shelled corn. It was awarded the first
Peckhams ,Cultivator, with reserved
teeth„ although somewhat known, has
not been extensively introduced. It does
not differ materially from other cultivators
except in the teeth. These are 'formed
of two pieces- 7 a plate of cast steel being
bolted firmly to a heavy cast iron shoulder
or support. This steel plate is reservable
so that when one , end is worn away, •it
May be turned, and the other end forms
another tooth as complete as new.
Michigan Sod mid Subsoil Swivcl
Plough.—The increased attention which
the merits of the Michigan Double or
Sod and Subsoil }blow has attracted, has
called forth the inventive genius of our
Yankee agicultural brethren, And the re
sult is a new double swivel plow, which
appears adtnirably adapted to the purpose
for which if is intended. The day has
arrived when farmers are beginning to
question the policy of the system of plow
ing.; by lands. The)unsightly appearance
of fields thus plowe'd, the absolute loss of
ground and labor,l and the necessitybf
havnig the 'ground in a proper condition
for inowing'and reaping machines, all cry
aloud for reform. This plow is one step
in this desirable direction, find we shall
be pleased to hear that upon trial it, will
serve the design of the ingenious inventor,
Mr. Knox, of BoSton. We cannot tin
deri,tand Why some notice of this new
plow was not made by the committee on
Deep Titter Ntee/p/mrs.--These beau
tiful plows are intended for winking rich
sticky soils. Being less porous than iron,
the steel mould boards and points are
susceptible of a higher polish, thus form
ing a plow of decidedly lighter drought
in adhesive soils than the cast iron plow.
Th....y are betiutifully finished, though not
any better than all plows turned out from
the establishment of the enterprising
firm of Itug,des, NOurse, Mason & Co.
.:1 1 1ra's Nrir-reuper mid mower.. This
is a combined machine, which has been
practically tried during the past season
and with marked success. It has all the
appearance of a machine calculated to do
good work, and 'we have no doubt that
actual trial will prove that the combined
nuichilie of Mr. Allen iS equally good as
the mower of his invent on, so many of
whiCh were sold during the past season,
and which, when properly made gave en
tire satisfaction. The price of this ma
chine in I.'hitadelphiawill - he $135. It
was awarded a silver medal.
The Pcansylraniu Reaper and Raker.
—This is another new candidate for pub
lic favor in this section, although a great
favorite, in some parts of the west. It
is remarkably simple in its construetior,
particularly, the raking . apparatus, - Which
is one of t he arena king
At first sight the P
arrangement il :
0 4 ;coluVie xery apt to be questioned,. but
we are assured on the best authority that
it performs admirably. The simplicity
of this machine is not confined• to the
raker. In other respects it is equally sim
ple and strong, and- what is. more, the
price at Which it can be furnished will
commend it to the attention or the.larm
ing community. The price is sl2b. It
was awarded a premium of $10.,-
Millenhurk's ..lkrcr is a very simple
machine in regard to the merits of which
there is a variety of opinions. Its prin
ciple merits appear to consist in the fact
that it is operated by single cog gearing.
We shall advise our readers of its merits
more fully when we have had anoportu
nity of seeing it work in a Ilea
&now' s Reitimr un4l Afower, for which
a premium of $2O was awarded by the
committee, may have merits of high-order,
but from a pretty carefill inspection,. of
its parts, we were not led to
,think very
highly of it., nor have we been able to
learn that it has ever been successfully
tested in the field.
vett' s Reaper
machine differs materially from any One
exhibited in the peculiar construction of
the cutting apparatus. It has a doable
set of knives, which opperate upon the
principle of a pair of shears. It is said
to be a most excellent machine. Several
practiCal ;judges have informed us that
during the past season its success has
been very marked. A premium awarded.
Ilussrw's and Me' Corgirk' s Reapers were
on the ground, but these veterans are
sufficiently well known to require no fur
ther notice; we,pass on to
Manning's Arorth Amerie r a Reaper
and Jfinver, a machine which attracted as
much attention asany other on the ground;
whether this attention is to be attributed
to its merits, or to the novelty of its con
struction, we cannot say. The knives
have a rotary motion, and are operated
by small cog wheels and rope pullies.—
The horse walks behind the knives, push
ing the machine before - hint. We are
not dispo4d to think the principle sus
ceptible 'of • practical application the ro
tary. motion in mowing machine knives
have long since been laid aside as worth,
Moss' Cal f . Sucker.-LWe were very
much pleased with thisartiele;and think
it will be highly useful. It is merely a
tin vessel, holding perhaps five or six
quarts ofloilk,,at the bottwil of which is
attached an exact counterpane of a cow's
tartiolc ticralb.
bag and teat of India rubber. Ve tried
it with the pleasure of that hand, as in
milking and were surprised at the exact
imitation of the milking process, which
the inventor has succeeded in making:
All that is necessary in raising a calf is
merely to hang it on a hook in the stable
or barnyard fill it with milk, or hay tea,
&c.; and let the calf go to it at pleasure.
It will soon bccomencenstomed to it, thus
saving all trouble. The manner of feed
ing by suction is more natural than drink
ing, and is more beneficial. •l'he price
of this useful little article is only ~a bout
iiroressiond lf,arbs
N. ULtEKN, Attorney at law, has
_Z - . settled in Mechanicsburg, fur the practice of his
profession. All hinds of Legal Writing, Collections,
Cella business, &e.. promptly attended to. Office oppo
site Dr. Long's residence. SURVEYING in all Its diffe
rent branches promptly attended to.
- ------ - - _
GB. COLE Attorney at Law, will at
tend promptly to all business entrusted to him.—
Dime in the room ramterly occupied by William Irvine,
Esq., North Ilanover street, Carlisle.
April 20, 1852.-
. .
1 - ) l A t it E o ( 1 1, T P l u 3 l l- N 0 12.! ‘ n
j r , rsi l trri
- e
on - Louther struet. one door east of the German Ile
formed Church. Dr. Blumenthal respectfully offers his
professional, services to the. citizens of Carlisle and vi
Atirl'ersons from a distance laboring undershronle
diseases may consult by letter. Mike hours, from 7 to
9 A. M., and 2 to 4 P. M. sept6;64tl
II Ilt„ C. S. 1 L ER respect rally offers
_/ his professional, serviecs to the eitiz •ns of Carlisle
andnthurroundhig country.
Office and residence in South Hanover stn 1., directly
opts,site to the Volunteer (Mice."
earl isle, A 20, ISSS. ^
LS. B. K I EH:ER llffice in North
kyllanover street two doors frtto Weise A Campbell's
store. - 'Mee hours, more particularly from 7 to n o'clock;
A. M., and from 5 to 7 o'cloet. P. M.
r • A I ill. Cm EO. Nyinwn
wg w 7- ' y DENTlST. e ‘trefully attends to all"
- ‘Terations Upon the teeth and adjacent
parts that disease or irregularity may require. lie will
also insert Artificial Teeth of mem' desci Intim), such as
Pivot, Single and Illoch teeth. and teeth c ith ••Contin
nous Omits, - and ,ill CMI street Artificial Palates. Oh
tarators, Ilegulating Pieces. and ea cry appliance used in
the Dental Art. —Operating room at the . rissidenee of
Dr. Samuel Elliott, Eat High street., Carlisle.
11116 - 1.:1,
term any operations upon
the teeth that may be required for their preservation.—
Artificial teeth inserted, from a single t.,..0th to an entire
set, on the nest scientific principles. Diseases of the
mouth and irregularities carefully treated. Ofliceat the
residence of his brother, on North l'itt street, Carlisle.
i0r.V.74: ) I L will perform
. 1 . 5 .1
all operations upina the
Teeth that are required for their preservation, such as
Scaling, Filing, Plugging. Ac., or will rostoro the loss of
than by Inserting Artificial Teeth. fr,„f;.ri a single tooth
ton full sett. Air Office on lit, " 4, a few doors
south'of the Railroad tiotel. Ur from Car
lisle the last ton days of e
1 , , 1 N. .110:!41 , .:Azil E. '
~..:: i3i14111,
Fancy and Ornamental Pain- -,, , rvi WI, (Mrinerly
It viper's) Row, near llititer'sftry 6 , .f . ,ix 6toro. Ile will
a end promptly to all the aliiive di criptions Of paint
in,„ . onal le prices. The varimis kin is of graining
;alma ed ti such as mahogany, oak, vralnut, S:e., in the
l inpro% , t 1 sty ..s. r 46
,oRA\I'F; £QVI'A]V ofttttnterland county. Incorpo
rated by an net of Assembly. is now folly organized. and
In operation under the mnimgement of the following
commissioners. de:
Daniel %Vllllain R. Oilcans. :Incline! Cockllm
Bch-link Brontionitn. Christ inn Stayinim, John Dun
hp. Jueol 11. CAxiver., Lewis flyer, Henry IA µram Iteuja
ntf❑ 11. Musser, Jactill }lemma, Joseph Wickersham,
Aliikander Cathcart
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any
Company of the kind in the state. Persons wishing to
become members an , invited to make application to the
a..tents of the o rompany, who are willing to wait upon
them at any time.
DE NJ. IL MOSSER, President.
•lIF.NItY LOCIAN, Vice PreAdent.
LEWIS HY ER, Secretary
CUMBERLAND COU NTV.—ltudelph Martin... Cum
berland; C. 11. Ilerman. Kingstown; Henry baring, ; Charles Bell, Carlisle ; Dr. J.' Ahl,
Charchtown ; Samuel llmham, West l'enishprough..;
James Me Ihnvel, Frankford; Mislo tiriffith. South Mid
dleton; Samuel Carver, Benjamin Ilaverstlek. ,Meehan
iesburg ; John Sherrick, Lisburn; David Carver, Sheer
YORK COUNTY.—John Bowman, Dillsburg; Peter
Wolford,Tranklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington; W.
S. Picking. Dover; .1. W. Craft. Paradise.
11ARRISBURO.-11ouser & Loeinnatt.
Members of the i•ompany having policies about to ex
pire can hare them renewed by making application to
any of the agents.
TV.---From entirely- original Surveys, by actual
measurement throughout the whole munty, by 11..1'.
The subscriber is now engaged In making Surveys
preparatory to publishing a new and oumplete Itlatp of
Cumberland County, upon a large scale. every Public
Road and Stream, with the locations of all Milk Stores,
Dwellings. and Public Buildings, will he accurately laid
down. All the Public Buildings in the County will be
distinctly indicated, and the names of owners of proper
ty generally, will be inserted In their proper positions on
the; :dap.
A - Table of distances, Statistics of the 'County, en
larged plans of the-'principal Villages, and a few of the
most attractive views in the County, will be Inserted in
the margin ; thus giving every satisfaction, and render
ing the Map most valuable to the Owners of Property,
Merchants, Travelers, Convuvancers, and the inhabitants
generally, of the region delineated
In as lunch as this wiiik is to be made up of actual
surveys made upon thogrouna, It will require time to
accomplish it; It is notMxpocted, therefore, that it will
be ready for publication much under the period of Two
Years. The size of the Map will be about fire foot by
four, and will cost 11km:dollars.
11. F. BRIDHENS, Publisher.
N. F.• corner of Marshall and Wood St. Philadelphia.
Sept. 27—Intpti.
of you who have been afflicted for years with this
Is.thersome dlseaso, and who' have boon using almost
every Nostrum before the public without. relief, we say
'to you try "Beechers Antitlyspeptie" and you will soon
ho convinced of' its great superiority over every other
preparation. We could give you ninny certificates coroh.
orating our assertions, but a singio trial Is worth more
than all. This reniedy is prepared and sold at the Drug
Store of 11. J. KHMER, - South Hanover street, a few
doorwsottth of the Court 11011M1, Carllslo.
11. OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO. finished In the
lateht anti, best styli, excellent quality
(,c tone, litiuLuvery wa . )• a ihystrablo instru
ment, wilt be sold a bargain If applied
for Immediately.
AI/EN rq
s ccfnnco u
. •g . .. -.. Papertown, Cuniberland county.—
„41,: : , • I ASK SEVItIOIT oh tlnue to I. up.
l itionl , ply Lumber of all kinds, at the shortest
- nntice, and oh terms lower than can be
had elsewhere.' All orders directed to P. lIACKKLL, Pa
pertow n, or Wm. I). SEYMOUR, Jr., Cariklc, will be prompt
ly attended to.
Feb. 22-ly
.,- k_A ING.—The undersigned would Inform the
C ,
."` citizens of Carlisle that he hns made arrange
ments to do GAS FITTING and PLU NMI Nblint short no
tice, and on reasoLable terms. Ile has engaged the ser
vices of a first rate hand from Philadelphia. and hes sup
plied himself With an ex tensh e assortment of FIXT
URES, which will enable hint to fill all orders promptly.
All work will be warranted. { llls stork of Ilan Fixtures
will lie found in the room exactly opp, site his Tinning
establishment on Not th 116110 \ er street, %hero he 'mites
a call.
TINNING, SPOUTING, Ac.-110 If , also prepared to
furnish. or make to order, every article of TIN WARE
used by hou - sekeepers and others. Ile will also attend
and PLU 31 BING.
Thankful for the patronage with which he hasalready
been favored. he rem)°, tfully solicits a mutinuance of
the same. .
Juno 14, '5-4
IMILEN respectfully informs the citizens of Car
,- ~. lisle and vicinity. that lie has just return
`,..,oed from ,Cati nia.; and is prepared toexe,
cute all kins of work connected with his
line of business. Ile has al‘Vays ou hand
a large assortment of ready-mode Miles.
unZVistols. Locks. Keys thin Trimmings. tic.. all of
which he will sell wholesale or retail. Ile also attends
to repairing (inns. clocks., locks, .te; engraves on brass.
copper and iron. Ile he; es that by strict attention to
business, and a desire to please. he will merit and receive
public patronage.
Ob . .A II kinds of Vire Arms made to order.
Carlisle, April 211,1851-1 y
„,akt. • QPLE N 1)1 1 ) . - I 11l \V
1 ..,:„ ki ELBY I Holiday Pres
,l2 , Z.:„ . .'- rots, &e.—T II 0M IS CON
'I' lo 2 --..... LYN, West High street. a few
9 <
. 3 ''.'"--1-4,7",, doors west of Burkholder's
..;c. .5 . 4 ~ . .,":•- s. lintel, Carlisle. has just re
_-' .7, A 4 .;,_,.# 4 .. celved the largest and most
-•---- '-‘.... - : ,. . , ! 7 ' . `e”! elegant assortment of supe
rior Jewelry ever offered in Carlisle,. consisting in part
of Gold and Silver Watches of every variety, and at all
prices, eight-day CLOCKS. Silver table and tea stition.
- sill - et — DM tr - forks - and -butter-k-nives,--gold- and_sil ver.
spectacles. ladies* and gentlemens' gold' pen and pencil,
gold chains of every description. ear and finger rings.
breast pies, Av., at all prices. Also Avenrdeons and Mu
sical Dozes. NI ith it great variety of Fancy Articles, se
lected expressly for the 11011,1113 - S. PerF,HIS desiring to
purl hope are invited to call and examine the assortment.
11e are prepared to cell at very reasonable p; ices. qual
ity of goods warranted to fine ts sold for.
T nom AS CoN LYN.
. \Vest high st.
_ _
IA, Ara - 0N HALL DMI 11 Ell II tA N
_ ItOOMS.—A. G. li EET having taken the Daguer
ream oxalis In Marion IDOL- known as A. 11. Tubb's Gal
lery. desires to inform-the Ladies and Gentlemen of Car
lisle that he Is prepared to -tak.t . tikenesses in the nu st
superior style of the art, such as will fully sustain the
'reputation of this p ot afar establishment. Ills rooms
are large, pleasantly situated and eomfortably furnish
ed. Ile Is providej with the most powerful and perfect
instrument for taking pictures and warrants satisfac
tion in all MVPs. A full supply of rases of every variety
of style and size, plain and ornamental, kept constantly
on hand. Engravings, Paintings, Ac., accurately copied
and duplicates taken of original likeneses. Likeneses
taken of sick or deceased persons. ' Pr ices moderate and
satisfaction given In all cases. The public is invited to
tall at the Marion Hall Daguerrean Roonurand examtnn
the numerousspechnenb. _
4 , 6 - Daguerreotypes inserted in Lockets, Breast l'ins,
Fitigmitings. Pencil lionds, Ac.
• . •r.. 1 . .
NTCH'S New Cloth ingEstablish
mENT—The undersigned respectfully announces
to us old friends and the public generally that he has
r,commenced the CLOTHING IIUSINk:SB in all its branches.nnd has Just opened. fresh flint the city.
at "Leonard's Corner." North Hanover street. a well se.
leeted assortu ent of HEADY MADE CLOTHING; em
bracing every varlets, style and tinish.and at prices cor
responding to the times and quality.
lie has also on hand a superior stock of ClMhs, Cassb
mores, Vestings. of every style suitable for Spring
and Summer wear, and which he will male to order on
terms which cannot fail ti) please.
His stock also embraces a tine h t of Men's Shirts.CoL
jars, Cravats, (I loves and 11( siery; in short carry artkle
pertaining to gentleman's wear. Ile respectfully MI Iles
the public to call and examine his goods.'
April 2d, 1651, N. lIANTCII.
k I ISO. The sul.serllK , r continues to carry on the
lils . iv e business. in all its various brambes, in North Han
over street, Carlisle. two des•rs North of Leonard's corner
where he intends keeping 011 hand a general assortment
In his line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD
DLES. Bridles. Martingales, tilrths,
el mingles imd h lid ters, also TRUNKS,
traveling aud,saddle i.i....,,.. 1 77b
•- t i \\\\ ' bags. Ile 111641: mem ." -- 'LI . -- i r
ufactures the most ra tas' I
1 110 7i i -Ti n t; v :T i o B S e Allo N 4: i t ' ll - el used in tlds
some, durable and pleasant saddle
I ' . .eountry, and these wishing II hand
. will do well to calrand see them. Ile
a also manufactures Ilarness, Bridles,
'' • Collars and Whips in all their varie
ties. and confidently believes from the general approba
tion of his cuatomers, that lie makes the - neatest and
best gears, in all their variety of bredth, that Is made in
the country. Ile also makes all kinds of %grasses lin
order, viz: Straw. Husk, Curled Hair and Spring Mai
rasses. All the abirie articles will be made of the best
material and workmanship, and. with the utmost des
patch. WM. OSBORN. 1
ILOT MN( ; AT COST—The subscrib
k. er has an assortment of fashionable and well made
cliirrm Imo, which will be sold off at cost Mr cash.
"Trie stock consists of Cloth and Castunarett Cats, Lin
en and Gingham Coats. Tweed and Jean Coats: Marseitis
silk and Satin Vesting; Cassitners,jeun's and Cord pan
taloons. Linen and Cottorindo pantaloons. with all kinds
of Clothing usually found in a. clothing store.
Intending to relinquish ttils branch of nix business.
great bargains can las had by calling soon a! the chilli
store of CIIARI.F.S 0(111,111.
CA II MT! N few pieces junt'reeitived from auction
and selling very low. '''
.lune 21, '54. CHAS. 01:11.11Y.,
SAFE—SPEEDY,--Sr.1114;!-8 o In e-
eine adapted to general use, greatly superior to others.
and within the means of every individual.
100 11.11.L8 for twenty-live cents! No oxtortton In
price—no Calomel—no mineral poison whatever.
On. TOnSMEND'S !TEA Mil PILLS fully merit themat
reputation theylaveacquived. They are called for from
nll parts of the hood, because THEY AIM ALL THAT THEY
WHAT THEY WILL hO--They purify the Hood, they
elense the System of Humors, they cure Dyspepsia and
Indigestion, they create an Appetite, they .eure Sick
Headache, Dizziness and Low Spirits, they arrest Fevers,
they promote a healthy action of the Liver, they are a
sure core for CU:411'0110;S nud llnhitaol'Coustlpallen,
they are highly oilleaelons In Female roMplaints, they
strengthen and give tone to the System. They are the
best Family Medicine known.
It is an obvious Inquiry, how one medicine can cures°
many different complaints. These fills, however, are so
compounded of curative materials that persons have on
ly to TRY THEM and the answer will be found in a rv.
stored body and an invigorated constitution.
Each Pox contains 500 Pills. nt the astonishingly low
price of •l 5 cents. Every Individual should have them-
For sale by the Druggists and Storekeepers generally•
F. A. PALMI.R. general Ageet, Stonington, Ct.
_ subscriber offers at private sale tho stork and fix
tures of a Drug Store, late the property of Michael Fis
ted, decd, in tilturehtown, Cunitairland county. There
is no other Drug Store in the pines, and a line opportu
nity ld now presented to noryoung man wishing to
commence this business. rim terms enquire of
WARE . and FANCY (10011: 4 .—A line ass.) t
alent of th e fi nest quality, for sale at the lowest cash
prices, at Nln. C. ELTON II EAWS, No. 154 I , mtith Fecend
Street. between Pine and Union, west side. Philadelphia.
The assortment end races a large and select stink t f
Fine ,Watches, dem elry,, :inner VI are, All ata Ware. plated
Vr all line silver. in Spnons. Forks Ladles. &e.-..let gri Ids,
Fans and fancy articles of a superior quality, deserving
the examination of those w ho desire to pita ure the best
goods at the los est cnsh prices.
Having a practieal knowledge of
the business. and all available MOH
dies for Importing and Manufactur•
mg, the subscriber confidently invites purchasers. 14-
Loving that he can - supply them on tetms its formal le
as any (Mier - establishment in either of the Vantic
• ela
All kinds of 'Diamonds and Pearl Jewelry and SUN er
Ware nianufartured order. Nu it liiu n relworal le tin e.
loy_Watches. jeii elry and rifer NN are faithfully to
paired. \1 31. F. ELTON
No. IR4 South 241 St. a few docre • al ore the •2d Ft. 3110
ket. West Side.
1:1044„.1111 the SoUth ,window, of the Store. may he trey'
Octillions Mot Clock, which o mirands the: admiration
of the scientific and curious. (t4ept.:2B;
OF Ll3llt.—From City Cliontviil Union IV( rks.
made after the most improved no tiele.sand verp superior.
Prepared A 'Myth its Manure. made after the English ar
ticle, and most super', r. being tou,h lower than Guano.
and fully equal. The attention of I), alert. and Palmyra
Is particularly called hero for trial. Also. Feral 'an ti n
ano. in large or sinall quaz,titivs. for sale by
.1011 N L. I OMIIIOY.
2.2. South Wharves, 3d door atone Chests ut ht. Phila.
Fept. 27, 11,54..
‘_} TIM/ ACE.—The p_ld f.l o
akten,tion of nll parties requiring n Furnace
The reputation of this; furnace is now known, baying
been introduced during tin' past file yea's into abs.ut
IWO piddle Lulldings and more than Win private dwell
ings; this together with the immense inerease.of sale*
every year is the-Lest evidence that can I.e adduced of
its superlorlty'uver all other furnaces. By the use s f
Chilson's Furnace. you secure the li.lloalng adt antagest
I'VRE Am—'fie heating surfaces being at a tem] rl a
ture that will not dessecate the air.
GREAT Mil IItILITY-13eilig made enthely I f Cast Iron.
not liable to rust, will require no repair s ilm hag n lit.
time—it Is easily managed. and a ill in t oils se the Lu
Mg , in whieli it is placed to danger fri.di tire. like the
other furnaces.
We have the testimonials of hundreds of the n (,t
scientific men to attest to the ti nth of the silove ste
went. all of whom pronounee
forint., yet ins enter' 11.. r pri during a purr end healthy .
atmosphere. 'We beers ith annex the 1 011. es of a f vr
well kilns n and eminent yrs lessors. Is ho Inas e in,
and kindly turnlshed us then names and references:
Prof. John S. Ilart. Prof. ParSer. riot., Prep
Win. 11. Allen, Pr. f. Parsons, Piot Danalds. Pre f. B.:U
llman, Prof. Ripley.
WV bave intrfAtored this season ii,e now i.izeg,.ftothat
all parties may avail tieuueltrs of this grunt implut 13-
111011 t 111 n c ery ui. (What . auto LOW prOVIII.4I
furnish an apparatus to tcarw a shingle n4•ut, er the 111rg•
est building in tine cruntry
No. 1 Pc rtabie
This No. II Is the largest and st Is -melba Fun sec
made its this country. and is admiral by adapted f r
Churches and other large chtssbuildings.
We continue to sell the apparatus at the same price
as when-first introduced, fine ys ms ago. Although ILr
lairient high priceof iron has increased their cost per
cent, owing to their great Weight, still ne arc enabled by
the great inerease of sales to furnish the article at the
lowest possible price. One foundry alone. Messrs. Mar
nick & contracted to furnish us with - MA)
tons of Furnaces this season, ro that we are now prepar
ed to furnish them wholesale or.retail. it esuperinteid
the erection of all Furnnees, ashen refinired, and war
rant them in all cases.
the most complete CcaLing Range that has het teen in•
troduced. to a Lich ne call the attention of all a ho may
wish to secure the mostiperfret and &strait-m(4,h g ap
parat us ever in vented. r`
knit:lt:Ai:vs PATENT \'ENTII ATOR.— We are the
only Agents in PC111114) hanin for the manufacture food
sale of this Ventilator. M hick ut.wledged to I e the
only perfect N'entilittor tiler ntade . for correcting the
draught in smoky ehitunies, and L.r lentilating 1 uild-
Ings of all kinds. As there are agt eat many itnitath hi
of this valuable at tide now olTi n d Ii r sale, 1 arties a lit
he careful to examine that It has the } on rson Badge at•
have the largest any most ecmplete 415m , rtaeht sf 11. t
Ai: Registers and Ventilators to le f,und in the United
States. Parties Who wish to purrhase either f,r to
UFO or nholesale, find It greatly to their edvanta. c e
to examine their stuck.
suATE-AixD IRON MANTLES.—We have always on
hand tin extiFfisive nstaortment of tbe,e beautiful ;imp
ties, in exact indtatitn of Egyptian, Spanish, (larva,' and .
other rare marbles.
OPEN NM-ATM—For Anthracite and Eitundnens
Coal. Also, an pntiro new pattern of the low di wll
Grata, made from the English Patterns; and entirely
new In Ibis country.
SOLE AGENTS fin. the English EneWnstic 'Flooring
Tile, I ;runt; irk Chimney Tops and Terra Cate Ornaments.
such as Harden Vases, ke,
persons about bnilding would do well to examine our
stock beibro purchasing elsewhere. l isiters, whether, or not, are cordially welcomed to our exten
sive Warerooni, and where we should i.e happy to fur
nish any Information respecting, any of our goods that
may be desired. A book on Warming and Ventilating
ran be had gratuitously at our store, either perm nally
or by letter. S. A. HARRISON,
Warming and Ventilating NVarehouse,
146 Walnut st., below Sixth, •
May .31-7 m)
)014LA11D, Pretnium Artiste in Hair
Inventdr of ilieCelebrated (I( ssamer Ventilating
ig and Elastic Band ToupeeA. lustructiens to eimilw
Ladies and Gentlemen to measure their heads with ne•
Fon: - Mon, Inches.—No. 1. The r9und of the head; No.
2. Fn m forehead over the head to the neck; No. 3.
From ear to ear over the top; No. 4. From ear to ear
round, the forehead.
Toupees and scalps, inches.—No. 1. :nom' forehead to
hark as tar ns bald; No. 2. Over (virile:Was fur ns requlr•
ed t No. 3. Orr the cruwu of the head,
R. DOLLARD has always ready for sale a rplendht
stock of Gents Wigs, Toupees. Ladies' Wigs. half Wigs.
Frizotil, Braids, Curls, Ay., beautifully manufactured mid
as cheap as any establishment In the Union.
Dullards Herb:lntim Extractor Lustrous Hair Tonle,
prepared from South American Herbs and• Roots:the
most -successful article ever produced Mr yt cserving the
hair from falling out or changivg eolor - , restoring and
preserving It In a healthy and Want:hint state. Among
other reasons wby Dollard's hair cutting saloon main
tains its immense popularity is the, diet that his Tonkin
applied to every, head of hair cut at his establishment,
consequently it Is kept in better - preservation than un
der any-known application. It being thus practically
'tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of Rs
efficacy. ly
wholesale and retail at his Old Establishment En
Chestnut street opposite the State lit use, thiladelphin.
11. Dollard has at least iii eovered Mu s' ne phis' ultra c f
HAIR DV E, and announces it tiOrcv It b perfect ion.
fidelity in its surpassing el., ry thing of the bind now in
use. It colors the hair either black or brown. (as may
ho desired) and Is used without injury to the hair cr
skin either by stain or otherwise, Can h. wis hed off in
ten minutes after application. without detracting front
its effieary. Persons visiting the city are invited to give
him a call.
Letters addressed to R. IDOLLAItI), 177 Chestnut Pt.,
will receive attention. Jan. :,A-I,r
TEATITER.—Fritz & Hendry , Stern, ,
/ 29 North :hi st. Philadelphia, 31oroeco Stanotact or.
ilrs. Corriere:, linporters,Cenounli•Aon and General Loath
er busliees.
WHOLESILE.AND HETAll—Matmfartory 15 Mint
garetta street. SET. 7-Iy
rt 1 1111ASItINC: MACIIINES or-'the
hest mnl ron , tattly nn.liand and * for 2.1110.% at t tio
Carlitdu Foundry and Marbine Ship,
1-. DROWN. •
C , 11 ph I( ,
for brit k Work
4 do
:1 Extra Radiator, (it itli Bois at.d en'
3 do do
6 do do
6 do do
r It MAD/I.l'lll n