Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 15, 1854, Image 5
117 LAST PILDALS, =I A.SSACHUSETTS ELECTION 1 Great American Triumph I 8,, ,, r05, Nov. 13.—The election for Cov ert,,:', :hate officers, member,: O f the l i ttisla• titre Congres3ional reprosentati es in this : , •tate takes irlace to -day. 17p to noon the ..iher has been very stormy aunt ceed.n. iv unfavorable for Go. bero•lt , rial eamlidates are :—For Governor t Bi 41101), 1101111)Crat,i Emery \Vasil ; Gardner, know-nothing ; 111111 11'ils m, lice-soil. For Liciltenaul Governor L'aieb Stetsen, democrat, and NV in. C. Plun kett, whig. BosvoN, 13.—Returns from nearly all the chief towns, as Car as received, are of one complexion—immense Know-Nothing majorities. Boston elects to the Legislature forty-fonr Know -Nothing Representatives six - Senators, being the fill ticket. Lowell elects ten Know-Nothing Revresentatives.— Lawrence gives Gardner, for * Governor, 1,135 majority, and all the other candidates ofAhe same party 312 majority. Daurell, Banks, Comings and Burlingame, all Know-Noth ings, itre•undoubtedty elected , to Congress. , The general opium is that the party have swept the State, and that Gardner is elected Governor.' 13os - rox, - Nov.. 13,10 cpci• is univeTs• ally conceded here. that the" Know- Nnthings have swept the State, In the Ninth. District, Dewitt ; in Second, Buffington; and in the Sixth, Davis, all Know-Nothings, are elected to Congress. An immense proceAsion of Know-Nothings is paraling Ilse streets, although his raining in torrents. Rockets aro being' set off from the Bee and Traveller offices, and the city is ttil ~with enthusiasm. Gardner, the Know- Nothing candidate inrAtuYernor,.has 9.00 y in the towns thus far beard from, and is undoubtedly elected by the people.. NEW YORK ELECTION A I.ILtNT, Nov. 13.—Claric, the whir can didate d'or,Goveruur, is probably elected. The Argus foots up the returns for to-morrow's issue as CI a itk, (whig•,) 129,10 H Set iii nu•, (dem.,) • -1 9 8,7.5 9 These returns do not include Clark's esti mated ajori tieS' in Fulton, I ram ikon: S'clutii ectaiiy and Tompkins counties, which added to tie above, give Clark a total majority of VIZ - Evergreen Cemetry, 'at Gettysburg., PIL.; W:LS 9pUlled lust Tuesday, with appro priate _ceremonies. Frstos seems to have had as much to do with the Late elections as confusion, o Welt hits been so wola talked about. We do-not know anything about Ixditio. but Redo know a good deal about clothing, and we eau Inform our readers that Rockhill & Wilson hate the 'Most, cheapest and most fashionable assoit gentlemen's garments to be round anywhere. ADVERTISEI ADV FAIT IS E! !—The Merchant, :%litaniacturer, Master Mechanic, Frofessikmal Man, in deed, every class of the community has or ought to have nywe or Ives to do with the advertisingeolumns of news papers. Now •Is the time for the trader particularly, to show his Niels. Everybody Is on the look-tut for in ter goods. Therefore, take advantage of the engine rea dy to spead you on to fortune:and advertise. !lave' you a House or Farm to Let or Sell? Advertise! Do you want a House or Farm? Advertise? In, you want Board or Boarders? Advertise! Have you Lost anything? Advertise! Have you Found ans thing? Advertise! UM anything gone Astray? Advertise!— Ito you wantllelp I Advertise! Do you want a Clerk ? Advertise! Do you Want a Situation? Advertise Dry' Heads Dealers, Tailors, Vlothiers, Shoe Mater, Fancy Oomis•Dealera, flatters, IFurnishing-Store Keepers, and every lady else, desirous of handling the nimble six pensu—do you want Customers? Advertise! Liz - - The circulation of the blood is justly esteemed the greatest ordination of Divine Prot idence: by that heating engine, the heart, it is tiri's en to all ports u 1• the system, giving vigor and strength to the complicated machinery of man. This living flood, whether we sleep or is Ake sallies briskly through the arteries and ryturns tently through the veins. lb,w necessary that it should, be kept free from all impurity, and yet how negligent many are respecting this great essential to time enjoy ment of perfect health. Derangement 111 the Liver and Nerves is generally the mintary eanse: anti ant.ntice, Indigestion, and .ell the harrassing feelings attending Dyspepsia, which makes life a burthen result frtm it.— liulehle would rapidly follow suicide, if there was no cure. No one would suffer long, if ho is able to obtain ; btittb, of lloolland's celebrated German Bitters, pro hy Dr. C. SI,. Jaclown, Philadelphia, they rarely fall to affecting a permanent cure. DrsPErslA.- 11 has been the study of Phy icians, to discover some remedy for this most distressing, e anplaint. Whether they have been successful, remains for the suffers to say. There are, In this country, hun dreds of thousands who are suffering from indigestion, prldahly, in most cases, alined by their own Imprudence in living. To these we Would say try Myers' Extract of Rock Rose. It has cured, and will cure, the worst, and most obstinate cases of Dyspepsia, and all Its concomb ' tants—Costiveness, Slek-headache, Heartburn, Flatulen cy, 'Acidity, &e. See the following certificates: flee. ]lams—Dear Sir—ln the winter of 7547-8, suill.redtheyOnd description with Dyspepsia, and n train o f e ther.evils dependent on It. 1 11m1 spy!! ed-te Vttrinus; Doctors, laid a number of nostrums had been recommell awl to no purpose. I procured and used two bottles of your V.4:troct of Rock lines and found almost Immediate relief, so much so, that I have - used no othe medicine since, and in fact, I ran find no other, which in my deli berate opinion, can bear comparison to yours. And In all eases, when I have the opportunity, counnemiyour Extract, as standing first overldi others. LA all who are thus afflicted try it, and find what I have found. Truly Yours, GEO. B. CONKLIN West MorWon, Conu. • MARRIED. —• • • on filo 211 iuet., by the Roy. A. °won Mr. WILLIAIS BOCK' to Miss MARY ANN BRANDT, 1.,0th of this co. TT NION AUK COMPANY'S LEC- TtinEs.—The first of a course of Leeturos f r,tho • benefit of the wrotoo Co mpauv." will --3.P 1 1 . t--. he delivered at MAU 11.11,I„ ot , Um:- nil Noveml , er fret', T I t , Tieketa, admitting three persons to the eto , o (of Eix Lek tures) - •- - Single Ticket for the Colum- - 61 Column 12 64 " 'to each Lecture - !?; Tor tie attlvo door on the tu ti evoninvd the I , cc.t two, Duane open at (1 1 „' i i dock, Lot ore to cortuniliee at 7. [tow 15 . . . _ _ TAK L N(Yrl(ll;;,—That aIL pprsthls enlnmmonowr, inid Ulm In ivant of than', van gtit supplied pith Rolvus and I..pllus, t.'offoi liv,•q.itdt , I; ' . . New Ilhoertisemeitts., pt,T B !AC SA 1,143.-1 n purtutricii a the m ill of .1 oma. Sellers. late of DiehillSell town ship. Cumberland vonnty, de,rused. 1 ,rill expose. to mildir sale at cEsTREVILLE on SATURDAY, the 'id day of DECEMBER, 1N54, A TR Alf 01 , LAND, late the property of the said .It,shuit Sellers. situate in Dick- Inson bur !Ishii). about V/. miles south , of Centreville. bounded by lands of - William .. , nriver, Tien net \\ carer. Thos. C. Miller and Samuel Cope, containing; ;ll ACRES more or less. all but :limit 4 acres ( which h . ~..,„ , arc covered with Cul, lag voim timber.) 444 k • being cleared and in a h 4. 1 ., state liflail. - 4 li - i• . N .,„ , 4 . ‘11.1013. 't ^,, , ''.... Tint improvements conSiSt lir im ex, 7 ,4- ;*-4,....:.4.4 ; .1. , Z.‘1, tr:' lent Two :-;tary 1, a! BOISE, with a well of water at the door, a FRAME BARN. M mtou Shed and (10111 Crib. together With a ithirkataith Sialp. WaSh House, and other out-buildings. all of which UM nearly new. There is also a fine ORCUA RD of thris ing young fruit treed adjoining the house. Any person desirous of viewing the premises ran hare an opportunity of doing so by calling on the subscriber at his residence in Mill Town, fl ou t when! any other in formation respecting the propel ty Call i.e had. , Sale toCalbllaltlVP at 1 Wehlirk, P. ..%I.„ of said day. when attendance will be . given and terms made known I, \ . DANIEL sELLERs. Nov. 11, ltif,itsn Executor of Joshua totters. --,, p u BLIC SALE 0P BEAL A- fATE—Under an order of stile fmw the Orphans Court of Cumberland county. the undersignoi ii ill ex pose ht public sale on tho premises on Tul'icsDAl, the th of December nex t. ul 11 oclock, A. M., the following described property, Lite part of the real estate nil ilenry Rienaliangh, dor'd. No. I.—A TRACI' OF LAND In Franitfora township, centaining TW ENTY-rii.X Et. 3 and eight perches, strict mearinie. ibounded by John Heiser, Jacob Carl, Leonard Min tacit end others. No. 2.—A TRAIT OF sLATE LAND in t h e same township, beiinded by other land ef Henry IticFabaugh, Frohabik Zeigler, David Bloser. and the above mention ed tract, containing Ft litTY-Fl Ai RES. nine or lean. *lda (met can conveniently be divided into two parts. one containing alsott 81) mei the Allier about 18 acres, ,and mill be add separaNr together to suit purcha semi. It is ail under fence; oti about two arms of it Is in timber. . 'l'vrins mode known on cloy of solo. SA NIDE!, DILLEn, Ex.r. of 11. Iticiarl nu h, dec'd Nov, 15, ISsntent STO E & --- 0 s 111 NEW GOODS un derdgned is now opening in the store mom of William lA.onivrd. on the corner of I lanorer and !outlier streets,• ip the Borough of Carlisle, a large and general assort ment of siTAVI.E AND FANCY 1/ItY•0001/8., embrac ing alinest every I:thd and variety of goods adaatod thls—market; - thgetherwith - ali -assortmont—ottlithi_7ll,_ It I ES. Ills stock having been nearly all purchased within the last two weAs. hovers will have the advantage of selecting from a Eft Elifl I"TI ('K. as well as of the late decline ha the price of many at tidos. Ile will be happy to exhllit his goods to nil tiltnuty favor loin with a call, and pledges himself to sell every article as buy, or lower than they can be purchased elsewhere. Carlisle, Nov. 15, 1554.' 1)1.11>LIU SA LE.—By virtuo of an (inter of the Orphans' Court, I win soli at the Court Homo in Carlisle. ouS the Pith day of 0,,,,mb0r next. at 2 oclocli, M..\ ritANIE with about (IS ACItI 7 . of grianal iittachod, late .1:lilt-he property of John ',optima. This property Iles about for miles west of (!iir qc, on the State Road. near Plainfield. Audis now in re occupancy 'Joseph Conner. 'OI.IIIS wishing to porch:not can examine the property ire the day of sale. Timms N 1 111 bo.neide known by ACOII It 11l 111,Eit. -Administrator. IF, 1854 ts, rrOWN PROPER'rY FOR BALI..— will Lo di,,,,„ra or at Private sale those two well tlulolwd MOCK HOUSES Mutated In Louther street near Ikatford. They are in good repair, and every way worthy the attention of any person Wish ing to purchase a home. Also. a HOUSE to let. M:session given the first t t January. S. ELLIOTT. Carlisle, Nov. 13, Igf4-...1t ESTATE (llrJill' %I Iln— C - HlSED.—Notlec , Is 'tomb) , given that letters of administration with the will annexed, on the estate of Jahn Hale, late of Newton township, Cutulsorland eoun tv),--fdato of Pennsylvania. deceased, have this day Ismn sand by the Register In and fur said county, to the rnh. :enter who ropthles in Newton township all,lllSald. All persons having claims or demands against the (•state of the said decedent are requested t.,; make know a the same Without delay. and tin , se IndWebte ILLI d AM SM to make payment to 'I9III, A din'r• a Ith the Will linnexel. Nov. 15, 1f::4-1 rIIIANKSGIVING I)A.Y.—TIIO J_ hens of Cmlisle and vicinity aro respectfully s licied to attend Divineservice on Thursday, the 2.:id inst.. at 11 o'clock. A: M. It beinr tho day deshnitttod by Ills Excellency. liovernor Ithler, for public. ThanVO giv ing throughont this l'onitnonweafth. ;zorrices In the Methodist Episcr pal Church by Rev. Mr. WiNc, and In the Lutheran I•:eungelioal Church, by Rev. Mr. Comtt. lty order of the l'it. , ,tors of the Churches In Carils..e. r r 14.1 AC II F.ll S', NST IT U'l' 31 EET, _LI NO.—The Connnitteu niqeJluted to make arrange ments for tho permanent orzanizati rn of n Tettarni" I nstrinte, is requested t... 1 meet at the put ”IC. G. Stough. in the borough of Carlisle, on SATURDAY, the ISth of Nnvetnher, inst. at 10 o'cl,)ek. A. /.1. • 'rho following named pers.ins constitute tho Commit tee, vim: It. liorgns. J. 0. Hail, T. H. Uri son. IL 3. Williams, Jatne4 Laverty, J. P. Hummel, U. Swartz. J. Magi:m.l. V. It. Heber, A. ('athcart, 1). K. No el, .3: Moore. 11. G. hum,. .1. Maxi, W. MeLau.ll3ln, Morrett, S. Plank, F., Esq. 3. NIIISOIII3II, E.-Corn :owl, J. / 0 . Downing, I). Ecltels. A. Sosior. .1. IL ISlt'Cart ney, A. Lautherton, L. Mordort, It. .W1),..15; (I. 'N. Lot. dlgh, W. Cavanagh. T. Maurice, It. Boar, intnes, L. Williams,ll. J, AleCandlish, J. Oillasylo, J. I). Lackey, Oraeoy, C. Snoko, 0. V. Kelley, 11. Matter, J. M. Means.,3. P. Rhoads, 3. Kelso, J. P. Itebuck, T. P. Blair, W. It, P. S. Artz, 0. W. Reynolds, A. 31ellsralu, S. 3lctinw, S. NV. Sbuloubargor. TION .8 CARLISLE DEPO;iITE BANK. • NOTICE.—Tho annuaI'ELPAYTION of NINE' I) ItteTol.lB of thig illgtitution, will lie held on the TII,IR ItIONDAY, (20t11) NOVI:MBE:14 inst., at the Bankil [tome, between the hours of 10 A. M., and 2 P. M. Nov. 8,165 Ito WM. M. BEETEM. Cashier. FSTATE (IF MARY ANN 14; P - _A lilts, )Eci).—Notice is hereby given that letters of administration oa tho estate of Mary Ann, into of the borotr4li of Carlisle, Entula3rland county. deed. have boon granted b.y. the Ite_tister of said county to the attleteribor, residing tp the lii nth of Ilartisloutv. Dau phin county. All persons knowing themselves indebted to s.tid estate are requested to nut!, immediate pay= moat, and those boing elates to present them Gtr im mediate settlement to Nov K (It (IEO. BERGNER, liarrisiturg, Pa., Admr. ySTA'r F. OF CHRIS . r lAN FOR RER _A nEcinz,l.D.—Notice is hereby given that ladders 'estamentary on tho estate of Christian Forrer, bite of IlpPer"Allen to'rnship,Cumberland county, deed., have been granted by the Register of said county to the sub scribers residing In the same township. Verßons indebt ed to Said Mitittu are requested to make dimaildlate pay ment and those . haVing claims to present them for set tlement to ;1(MIN r 'cr/ N IM A ND, ) i EXOCUtOrfi. ' TON AS MI 1.1.111., ‘ - • Nov. t, 1555...4-It i o. . , , j - ) LAT I) C ASI.I IMEr , .I :*, &t.;.—'flie sub • h.,1.11 •I' 11+1,, jll !•t 0 1 1, !MA. rt vil..ioty of Plahlt; and at roluved prlees MEI iLOAK TICLINININGS.--:-Jurit opened great variety of Chalk alai Prva:i Alt*, Ch.vihlogs, with a variety of N\ Inivr iloods Nov, l . G, V. urrsEn.. • 1 - (l'rs, 13E(11 41S.—Just received amtltor'lo(uf Cho4l) 1 11egeti. 1).4“1 , :tm and Par amel I tiovl;,j O. W. WINER. 1)110(11A IA YNtiir SI lAW I,S—Just L MEM ,t A.'I"I'.ENTION ALL! 31.1T1'11,0P()L-, _iv AN til'EN(!lLEs,—Cheap—Spedy---itild ziatasfaetorv, , utility, rather than novelty, beim( the standard of excellence among t h e lIIVCIII.4.IIII'S of the day. I shall he Meased intrtaltam to the Know Nothings. &DOW lioniethings and Know the Metropolitan Stencil Plate, for marking Linen, Clothini ' , or Ml ois. with DaA,is Co's. SuperiorSuperior l iidel:tible Ink, in a' neat. expeditious and ehettp manner. sti , ,irtlier will wait upon the eitieetis of Tallish , the comitm; week to iiieeivo coders for the above useful mtielvs, w hidli have revel Vett the universal ;wpm , - had of of th awl heenine an OM- Vellig.llev wittainair introduced, 't II orthas tt arranted, and those who feel to 11,11" orders nt l'arsoit's Monsi in Mouse Mittel, e. ill meet with prompt attention Nov h, lsO4 Q I , ', 1 41,1 NI I ()FP ;Vl' ( 1 O 'T. 13 AR- k:7 (;AINS: I;.IIZGAINS!—The sul,s,ril,or 1110.11(1111 , 4 t.r,llll q ui:ilt business oilers his entire 'st,ek .1 - It, Il ITS, i ~. SI itiES ANDIi A IL:NS. .I'l' COST! Ms stock ?' t i is now. made of the best materials. and by the • ' host werhiti , :ii in the eities. Th ise cle,:initi, nf ;41'euring good bariains hail hotter not let tills opportunity slip. 8 they 1118 y 1114. again have the eininee of sec tring sin:ll bargains as m e now laer them. Nov ti W. Sli %LIMN. F,S- (1(1U ICI' f, E.-W ill ()It Pll A hy_tlrder of the -Orphans tort. nit HAT UItIIAY,thn 2/11;tlay of 1a.4.1 -7 17ti11 , r , -. 111.\ . I'S elelnek, noon of said ttt the ltlattstoti farm of the late Sam uel Muntina, tit then Pototshora t,4.tvileltip, Cunt land collitty, Pennsylvania, the fellowing real estate late the praperty ••f the said Samuel :llttettaa.: All that plant ttlert or traet of latia, sit alto lu Pernusltiro l t,nt liship afure.aitl. hatveleil Is: lands of Philip I.attt - t". heit•s, nkrtin ileititiger's heirs 'NI,VII)IIII..ti heir:;, Ills Imo' I.eria•zstoit mid , •there rout:timing about NINETY-P:IPR, tt A It %lA. ... . k 4 'f lie improvements rice IV Coed l 'lnv() 4 , , --,:'''), z-rinty 11 , aiSE. a new 11.1 N li 11.511 N. b i li . • • 1t.,,, z 0il sho.t, Corn Crib. Cider 31ill le,. it and Miler rent -Imibliiiirs. This farm .- ISAR excelent miltil talon. with sub stantbil ,e—es, nlitc2e Orchard of If rafted fruit, a stream of oater rues this..l2ll the p' and there Is an exeel lent Stone Spring House with never failiol sprin4 bo tween the !pulse and barn. This place is situate a little over fur milky, Irma liarrlaburtr. At the ~ 11110 thee rind place, two piers of Ili rITSTA IN I, s\r). rear the 'lid farm. 1.1 Nast Piwinsle.roivii town sbip, will i.e 50,1,1 the Otte beimiled be James White's h e irs, A u rs.l, lirctz..b.liti Brown. Almilmin Miller rind others 50 .11'll ES and 1311 rercheic The other by Ends tlemierly I.f Jelin Milt ./.. Wiley„,Lutn:- necher. Nel.le nut others. null 1 . 10-lining al out '2.5 :if'llES. I , i I ll'A S 5111,1.1., It. Nor 8,1851 ts Adiu'r, I.f S.liituel 511111111 M, Ikea. A.t.rf • IT.II-.lSbil 1-4 - 11;.7..rrt - i3ll ---, 1 - 1 , ti1 , 11 , t ,-1,1 . 14 i1 - ir ,111 : 4 hise:t till sale .lunl Selld Lill to tin. office f.r c..llection. t_I)JOVIINEI).SALE.—WiII lie sold public sale ab, the piddle house 01-.lolin in I'nn Ulu i l 10, lilrfansnu tow uship, Ctunlatcland. ty 111110 miles fr Carlisle. on FRIDAY, the 170 day of ' November. rout. ell that tal uda,l42 property know it as the Cumberland Furnace 1. • (T.ltrtunl.AN D FURNACE. - :With near 20110 acres of 1,1011111.1111 land. tlother with - the Mill. Saw Mill and a 'mini vr tenant hpoisiw: !Pr if net sold together it will Is. ilk Med to suit pun tutwors. 2. "Pill; MANSION FAI \L' cant:111On:: ICO acres of graN el land. with ST , iN E large 'Stone Mum, exceliOnt Apple Orehard. neverballing water, Sc. 3. ••TII F. Mit I EA DONV," - a tract of excellent meaPtom land eoutaibing utsiut 1. m-res. 4. 'VIE PEACti ORCHARD FARNI,' . containing 1711 acres. with 1,4.1 lIEMsu and I and about 30 acres un ties cultivation . A Tlticr (IF LAND, west of John Thrush, con taining 111 zu•ros. lb A Tam-r OF LAND, cant-as:lid Thrush, contain ing lira acres. 7. A tract of So acres of excellent' TIMBEiIt LAND, suitable tier farming purposes. The af , ove tracts are good tillable gravel land. The unithproved parts are .:, p dtereil with thriving O ak . Chest nut and Pine theilPorAi'pe mountain - land has a thick growth of chestr• 0. and if not sold with the furnace w El fartuisa and others. -• „,, whou :atom c i lAtE OF VALITARLE REAL -ES- L 7 TATN.—By virtum of an order of tau he Orphan' Court of Cumberland county, i will ‘,5 V tl , 11111Ine wale, ..II the premises, at 12 O'clockonoon. on 'HI l' It S-- DA I% the :midi of November. all that vol m - 0 , 1,1 i• situate in lii..kinson townsliip, Cumberland rototy. bounded by lands of Richard Woods, Jacob Sites mod Samuel Sowei, emit - Ailing 91 1 ACRES, late the pr iporty of Emanuid ilarnish. dee'd. 'fhe land Ls limestone et good quality, in an extullevit state of cultivation, well ..—, situatdslter water the Yellow Mycelia , Creels running thromth part of it, • ',l' —" — l, well fenced, and has many :Oran i lEiii.r lic., 132 e-s . ill `dt. 7i The Improvements aro a timid Two -- 0 ...„1. 4 ' ....,"-"`.. Story Double STONE HOUSE, with two Kitchens, well calculated for two familia:, or OEIOOI the Kitchens can be 1.114)(1 as a Wash !louse. It has a good d o uble 1.4.111 BARN, with two threshing thiors, an o'cci'dent It'a•rint Shed. Corn CI lb, carriage lions,, and other out -buildings. w Ith MI Vsesllent ;',t01141 Spring Ili•IIS, and a net yr-tailing s'pring. Also a that hug holm rd. Attendance will be given anlat'llAttd terms li ninde known by WI), iwt, Attar. of Mitanuel ll:tribal. DANIEL SHELLY, Clumty iiuperinUntlant u. 1Y..I111".t: 411,arti0le Pet-4: )Tew Iltmertiscilici(t: altlitlN, ufl R ' ARsigsnoos of T. C. Miller :C. 11. 'Elio thin of this proporty 4. indisputable. MEI / ...v. . CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAI li IL , Atom,. 011.15111: OF ti.imnts! tki, and after MO ' NDAY, Octant . liAlt,lgs.l, Passenger trains will run . tinily, It.ti ikollOWS (Sh 1)1 - Jars excepted: , FOIL ILAILIIISBURO : Ist Tiaht. Tklllill Chahlbellibllrg, KW, A. M ' " Sliippensburg, 9.23, " Newrille; t 1,55, Carlisle, - 10,33, " Mechanicsburg, 11.01,' " At IlArrhibur, . 11.J0, " FOIL C11.1.311310:3111.11(0. Ist Train. 2d Tral 71: Loave Ilarrislmrg, 8.15, A. M. ' 1.45. P. 31: • " Mtwhanksburs, 8,45, " 2.15, '•Carlisle, - 0-20, •4 2.49, " " Nov vi11a.0.59, ‘4 3.25, .e 44 ~Shiprnslitirg, 10,31, 44 3.:,8, At Chaniburshurg, Moo, 44 4.30, " Trains lento liarriilairs fur Philadelphia, at 12.30, M., and 5.15, I'. M. Fur Ilaltinniru, at 1.15, P. M.• . Fur Pithibuty, at 12.50 NOWI 7 and 5 P.M. For Platt:NMl', Rivaling, and •poltiti; an the Dauphin, and nusquohanna Hail Road at 12.30, 31. Ail 'At all Stations when! 'Mei:AY...aro wild, Faros are Tus CIINT.i LESS than %Olen paid lit thu 0' irs. A. F.' SMITH, Stiperititeinient.. nail 8440 Wilco, Chaniburshurg,} October 10, 1854.--4)Vt.18 „ _ EW 1300K.5! MAOAZINES, AND • itbr!;!‘!" - . - , • • LATE PUBLICATIONS. Elottiouts of Character, by 1111, , f; Clumillor." • no% ernoolc. by ".tliro Carey. Cranford, by author of Mary Barton: Pas,ton and Prejadiro, by Mr, Mr.). Ileorlotta Tempb., Ip Ir(sr;u•Il. obi P...d.t0m , , or 1111, , ball'II HM , •lies 01.1Vestcrn Prehl,y trorianiim, 1;y Josapb.Swilb, (). by Rev. Buraer, vont:titling one hawlrod and ow , plain ,IlbwoUrsi. , : nn the p r j net -1,11 a,,toues u 1 tha (;,,:pojpst, publlslwd by I.lmrin ' colt, 6rambo & Co., or phiimmoo. Funny 'Memories of Foreign I.ands, by 31riL,I1, B. fitoSve. Spb..nald (lift BofAcsimd Annuals for 18M.', Barnor's, Putnam's, thalmi's told Oodey's Magazlno fur October octl WA .I'll'E I).—Ni N E :PEA(!t. :- E]Z S . ,re w nntot to tllcv .:111tr'4'e of tlus p,tl , li , : elo oN in 1.,...11t tmioship, Juniata , ' , ln:ly, f"; 1. ga: ..,1, , • •• !lion Twonifwor.ty I , lvp Doli.:r. , p'..r month .., iil 'v. )'tat f r xtm,o , nt T.: , 11 ,, T...., jr.. rl4 Ll/11' ilkr (.:Ii I 'll enn .0, P.:11 ' , Uri,. "I ...1.i . ! l • , Stores . ant blions. . . . 3iettl- - ,),jorft • v • . . • ,_ .., ,) ..:. _ ._ Q'rovii:s ! srr()ArFc I , c.,T )Nr - rq ,,, _ ; ''t MEllti' %N.; xiwi'l'l''" l'Nftyll- 1- ' -1_ ~ :Of ..:ftr t • .4',. it >E UNioN, SfIll . .(1 resrplytelll:y K .. , '3;),IN P. 4.1 , 31tG.ts would inform - tiro public. tiro 1. _ Th ha has note on hand at hls i.stalilishinc.itt, ou Main : 1 1 a.o. mr..r t.• tit . o lh, United Stales tool rho next door to Madan H a w t h e 1,,,,.. 0 4 and no st e,.h. 1 Catm.bts that fur the pip. ,t, •10 I • ti:t1 sa t i :ty. a hots I. r - . Plato assort:omit of Car bK. OFFICE 6. PA lb the fivn• art: thrmi,li ot, the / ao ll w ith a ,i a , .t." , - 1.111 FT )\ Lo ho ii niiii l i n Thi s r y,.aa, ty I ..1 et.-il .in., crew todi'y tu . l2 , t; r eonr ,i n i. r 4 ... r 1. ... 4 55 , ..i . r e t i t i ttay:?- 7 4 4: , % . s , - , l , t , i:;l , l ,r t;;: i l ‘ l pr l:;: t , I . .l rei a i t t. the in , I . 0n t, •1:2 . 4 k t: , pri , .-4. st fur / , .t . i f t... l: ' " ift; :,s l i . *:l ' t .' •l t :. r l . 0 1 i . i i!..1 . ta t '. l '. .ribir . t .. f tO_,;t , ; :111 Ottfl3P; V . e . . .. ..„, 'I large as... , irtment of lIMV and 111 . 111% ap ' Kik; id" their. I.lrign, tags. arid tints flit only Oro en, 1 , ...__., droved PAI`BIsIT (IN)KINti S - r,IVI , t, fi l lb.hed . p tat aunt 1..1 Lir_e mailer of It: tists and .•thers. tut in Alt on st complete manner. antk,ealate,at,l 1, 4 - sith,•:- , i,..s,dro a-li n.. 7 ,or c•oti.trymen a tdt.b. L. ;1.1...v, rld, or art. wood or enal.-or lidtli. All the ff fl standard tatter', I • i.foS:ffi t. f!, pan Etch f .1' tildr migravllno4 011 , • I W Melt hat fl- I,tof Id the tett Of experienen. may Is. (mom • . 1 .... •I^` , hi Is am 15-4 239,006 tEr I', of the act o A at his ~5t31,114.114.1:t. Also a great ‘aristy ~ .r. t h.. ‘,.....t ' c, >:. c .-..•:., .. ~. . ...ppm ved mil lioNotffull PA Piellt. OFFler: SINIVES. h.- ' 11.-, li imr 1 3,-o-of to One Dollar Erse, ing. theref r .. flaclifig, a number of new 5t;.1...5• it,.tisu-si...ig very sop, i v.,. iv,. ~ .: ..,, .I.;ll,:r.tViLig , •l th Oa Ilion, , ri ,, r Illtahtfe,ips over timso hernt.o o:i• ill tae. raniii,•. I tat Aa. A ti is •, whkh rarities him tO one 01 the oi, t, and lousw.( respectfully to‘ . ited t.-) AN a him a a h , -a tit.. a.. • call before pond g altos here. mes 'loll 1,r,..1 1.. . i" 'a I 1... Ii I ...m.: a hbilly thlistivi raigraN iwr, I 0-1- . op Ft any part of the a Puntry and pnt up at the Abort,4 re , - 1 tifu , :y p-u,t.• i i o Ili!. am' Ft VE GIFT 'l'll'h".l,l'S ,i I t 1.,. ill CJlltilltliOf to 110 all kinds of TIN IND:MEET i Is. ss. d ...- eI., 1).r...., ~•rtli of Sp'foilif , i Elaf ra• in_ s 1110 N WARE. and Copper Work. and has tin ovary MI . raff I. ; s• " t , ..1 1 . ...0.1 tit, ( ft:fllogUlf mil he sent 1 : ....- hand or .will make to order mrry article mspaired ty ! turn. mail ...... 1 ,„.,,,,. .. liouselienpers 0, others iu this late. Ms Tin; At' 9•'s ' 4 11l 1 ''''..!..,! 1 .0 t '••;ell/' r In 111 l 33 1 n. haw' ' l. and Cupper 'Ware embraces every hind of lroisnh.'.ld nod t. nna •'l- the ... 3 .1r 3, l las .34 I.ln soon at;the dike ut' this kitelion utensil. erarratitod equal ti rho best matinfrrTh---1. 3 1 33 ••• turgid. Pers ms in want of articles in his lire ma , a '. I Fm-edeh DMlar all Pmg :I, i I;actual!} - wurtli thAt , he sore of lining aeccouniodatrd V. their satistri• ti. it ' 1; ,.. and a liin Ticket, v ill inninaliatoly lie boron:shah by giving him a gall. • i row I—: ...lq ' AklEr.'l7: : W. 1).1\-1:). _ — . ~, . Tie` t - ,•: - ..tait tee lsfii.tting that the success of this Le I'l • Eft 1 (beat p It. E l'Xit E FOlt WTI\ 1 . . ~..);:tti nal thidertal:i or nl'l to aerially promntszd PARLOR AND Csnifil•s(; srovEs. , by the e,..orze and e•st trprize of I italizteet and .pc:••e -j 'ilin stil,sscriher at.shi4Atfill stand or. \• rah Hanover st.. , verisst Agents have is. IN el to Is •tat e ith such 03 the i'Arlisid.'i.lie skis of the "Mammoth Vest CMlcse l's t: •11- . ett,t IiI•e7.1I terms. sires le call the attention of the tinl.lic to his lar•_•-... as- ! A ~y p,s.n , i , ),ity.:r t- ) e. - • me an Agent. hy 5.,,,,,5,,, g sortmeut of STs sV ES. of the newest and 111,4 Itsiliora : il.'“ Lint I SI- will /"."'is.- I. 1 . 1 .,, 1 a of Mail. II Due fls I ble styles, from the lea - 4 lIIIIMIttart.” - ie , : in the i lar i.sigrat j'it: a • (:rts TI, k ...L . a Pr. spect us a Cat ...l. . counter. and at v all pri:eo from Al t.. , itl!li. al.s_m•,aa 13 t t.thet• ins ess try Mr •rot.:ti oh 'Among his DAltr,stlt & ClIAMBEI: : , TOVE.' ttn th.• Mat' ezoineortion ~r 0,.. st i r , the ,iill., wil ia• c....., k,.. , : . . iks . t. , t i li t s: t. M i i , r „ r i o , 1 . . 3, 5 . t , c , t a .... i t .t h5 , 5 ,, A r t : . c r . , h h e t , e t re i.. . , S t f , a , r ., : • 1.: 5 .t• ; , ,, - ... .1 „ . ...n ,, the ,. .: a d ^±... •: -. : i s i ..` , , 7.7 1 , 13 t: -' I t 0 1 , ., t i .l , l i e l e s t IO iv o . 1`::. , ::' t. - 1 , xith alter Kitten , . which he has of all sites oat. tit, t. .t.' i: t. tt , t and the t'airol.ts. f r parlors sir chanthers.onslesfindatest thrtsttrniutz eithet; I."ST Id,' 6irr.-.. trued . 1 ' roll. A's.., the .Etna. thole Astor, AII•311V. . , L *" AI ..3•, . ••••:13.15:. ••: lla %in tt ti at Flat-ton and lias•dit , v or p oo r y;.,,:'.. ~ M I ~11; 4 .: 01 , 11 - ' I 21 - l %ay, - - IND ttiTol - HS, onnisrising the httcst imie - sarment , ii ; i,,„it •lot-r - - kitchen stoves. and intended for either Woe.ll or' e•ai-- I j - ' ... -- Also:tits, Dining, Doom Cooking F 1.1113-3 13,e std eh,' ... ••• • •• • ; . le . Irani, article. to which he invites the part:sat:4r :Wen- , •"'-' i ''`' it . ' l..- ` .3 .•i'i" -l'l it '•:ti'••liiill gilt tine of families. His csiOlsing stars vs te.l. in p rim from ! 1, ,, , , '''' ...i. ,' ~...-",'‘. f ' i-i- , li , ~ iln to 25,,0 ith the fi xtures csnaphste. Also, :tine Plate i - „ ' -i.-: ',` - ,'','.''' "',' - ;`',., i :' i eaii , • .c... 1 st c. •• ts • ..s•grt s ,-, EU - O.:Alit, t. o• Stoves of various patterns and dilfs rent 1.1-I,ses_ Also. ENAMELLED AND TINNED M. AUK flee Cook- I .4,1 to oil, ri h ;:i t tram o 2tx.its in • lug stows, Brass Kettles, A.e. Also. every article in the : , :', " 4 6 4 11 e, -., . ij , I ,- lIIIe •.;f Tin and Copper Ware. Ti, e public. ai•,, restr-vt.- l ... --- i - ' • ,'''' ''," r,' 't . lan-.8 ` ..- ' ''.„".''- . or., tn,aos, too St as.m.i.:Co. aiolo fully invited to rail s at he is con fi dent, With' his latcgt;) , StoCII, entc and ciscapnee•l. of being aide to giro en- t ~,- ii ',"' . i ' ."..-"' ra tt le.. i. ' i li v- - v s ' / _:,„,-. c: ..t: tst pam sm.. rat im.s, from 1,19 tire satisfactison to every purchater. Call artd ~ee. I/Ct. 2.7., 1 tics I. .31.: 3.l.,lltitliz: .-- di 1., i' , •!.l. r ... , ; . , i,, p ~,,,j II .1 4 . t . r..1 ~ .4 . i 1., 0: • Arli ., l , t . / . .i ..‘, ........-..,--.----__ _ ___ . Of th : , og.rlNet v ,i. a.-.. ::. an ;JO cts. - ;IAJA, AND \\INTER PISHIONS. 11...5.1-1114w 1.,,, 1 4._;,,At ref limed term the :es 111111 IS 111,W lip, ill': at 111 , Stoll 2 . r,.111. 1)e‘l. •140 r L. , AP' i null & i•ivimstoo's clothing ctorel a ver lan:, , t , ,k .11 fsi •_ ..BOOT. AND SII,ES, Ithich cannot I.c. -cur It i t: : :. s i " n ' :•i i t ' :::[l. l (! .. .i ' t i t t . L t ' l l it7in a' j& r . l .7Xi• l •- 1 ' l . li l ; j a r ... l' : _ sortmvnt tYII ,t 1 1 1t1, , in part all ~, 11l ti r. f . 0 I.4;dl,Titil Midas SEINE (S. I:.IITEDS ar! :-111)E 4 : of the late4t itylk,S, and of snperlor nualit::: Gent], men'kealf Kip and t'oar,, I;• , ' 1 , ~f the Lest c• •ri,aan ,•hil,• an'l ft tito iosco , t prim o, l't,ntii' , . Dos' and Met, ilungarian itoot,-; I,l‘lll', 111111 iietalt,llll'll . , 1 ,111:11 t - ii.,,, 2 i. 1, it , .11,.. a I.t. of ( . 111,01 1%1,- .114 Trnnk.. ' This extonsho stork of net, ant fishionaLle <l,lO, has 6.4.11 solect,l Stilt great care. and tare , ; ,:iii:. is o. r raot.A. lit , al•r, mllllllllll's t , tnanuf•vt.ry oil kiva!, of work 11:Z )1061,.. 1111 ~ , li.. its a . 1 toll lii patr,n- be'r.ns• in relac-1 t , Ili- Esti Estate. F. d. Vi-- ..ti t'o. {led f.stlt•• Brke,. New York. Ortb,rs. , i, ~ s. I t-aid. l with el.tue.... eurb.sed. to de addressed. dctIINATIItItT.OII:VIIAN. ? .1. Si'. II iLIIIIOIIkE, Secr.•tarv. - -. I/ ~., . . -•-..- , (003 lirtodway.:\ .V. pIi:NIPS.--IT uillt reCei yeti :tilt ft't...l zi, ,,, ort- ' t ` ) _The En' r.iviags in the Catalogue are 'i.e.- r,.01v r- - moot ~f 1 , 1 , 111 , s of erers iariety in ,:en-ral :1,.. ; I ''' .I ' .liS erv- [nets-cm embracing lmo 11,111 Brass t 'stern and l' i,tern Side 1 ilillw Pumps. Also, out-doer Pump., ~, regir l ,,te-i ,-,,, 0. I to . 1.. c sut.jort to freezing. in winter. Theso pumps a,- .Z. , t I up in the very best style in of quality and isorls- : `-- . - _ maitship. The itiantiEtcturers has in.: had pnet.iale. . - „ - awarded for their pampa at several State Fairs, where i A 1 1 N 11ET111': A T I?AR3I AT they have !wen tu exhihition. Alen, cerst-mtli on hard •, IFIILIA' SA I.E.—Tlie sriloeril;er, Executor ef the a full assortment of Iron Well Curls and Chain Pumps ' r--1-ate ..1 Vat: id Dint el, late of-South 311.1dieten t•ovn- Fer sale low at . I ship. Cumberland county,.deed, will offer at public sale noon-IsA4 lIENRY SANTi4N - S. i at the IN.urt lions." in the Ilert.ugit of eurliole, on 7111.71:Siiii V. the Itlth day of November next, a It ESIE- I AI:LE FARA!. tuown for many Penni by the name of ___ : _ 060. _ _ - 15.__ OM , nappy I:etreat. situate about-half a mile West of hick lARGAINS F, XI Li A l.t irt i e ! ........- . -. i T: n r i ti e gi t k q e . v , I . . .., N kiNV 110)01): , ! NEV tit.elll:. - . at • .i.... it -' -- ......,:-t. ta' r, . 4 ,......._.,,,....,..... 'flie subscriber has just returned frt-u. the eities of N. ! ,cot e a good 'LAWS also, a carriage and . t • York and l'hilatlelphLw with the cheapest and m.t t o a .a.n b u ns,. with a variety of neves- ..i, Ear ,,, , ~...:"! splendid assortment. of PALL AND 1i INTE-1: titroin: ! wiry ont-bultdimas a largo ORCHARD ..,.. Afira In er ltoutglit tot:aril:4e. 11.1, log purchased from sevcra: ''r 11 of --,i,e fruit trees, als t a never fail , 4 Oise.. ff. • _ of tho laexest importing trms , s in New York for Cash. I, welt ...f L-... 0.1 water. is ith pinup, at the deelniti,— it will enable me to offer great..r inducements and ;ire . y his farm ishomstone land, in a good state of cultiva letter bargains to my old customers and . tall who 1 --".7' I tint- c••/..L.i.it1:: about !Al acres, and will lat sold in the fa,r itrtsltit-ti, call, than ciw i.e had at any other s.t.i.". ! 0:11 , 10 , or in tin.. parts. to suit per, leasers. In the two or rountY.' - • - I ilia.. at the same time and place will be otTered a tract 1 have the Cheapest Hall:101S. SEttillettS. Cloths... Ke- . of R,. - . lTitlltEit I.ANI), situate in Frankford township. tuck} Jeans, Le' I.ains. De lieges, M uslios, Ticl;d1:11;6, 1 ." I in county. containing about twenty six acres. :ale Ac.. is er offered In the horough. I,t scouutieuee at 2 tit-11...k, I'. 31., on said day. Terms It is litip,ssitie Li enumerate one-half the ar . tiatts-- ! evade known at ,cile by Come ' and all in want of cheap ;:oods . anti judge e 4, : rig 11011E11T. lIICIIEY, Executor. Iy. urseives. :so trouble to show our gu - sts. Itccoaect 1 _— the old scold, East Main 1-...treet. _ oat I 'lst ^,, or t?.' . ICn4 : VA 111 AT Plt IV AT E s_l4l:.—The CARL AES 001ERY. i -a: stit,..:ril.ervffrrs Ids FARM fur sale, situated in __- __ . Liaanslon township. Cumberland county, on the turn- I . k.. 2 r- % „11 _N ENV FAL 1, GI 00 1) ....S.--• 1 •i* e It-3M0. , from liarrbchu. % to(' •l' 4 il • • front 1 i i :' • E rut r '', 1 1 1- f tli tTt. . ''''''"; N IP ' Al": ( A c, e _ . BENTZ & !MOTHERS hear retain:a-3 t ,i.t,"- -1 1a 1-" " .1 - J '' S r• I ''!' 1 1 I[ll4' latter place, "). 1' ' ' ' -_, . 1 -Is 3n . • , r. st. ... striet measure, of first fo.m i•liiladelphia and are now unparkinc a cm:l , lA. t 3,tortilletit .4 FALL AND NVINTEtt t...001,--$: r.:_te Liatestone and Mark Slate land, inferior to none in i t 1.! ..• , L1:,t2.. Adjoining the Catietlogninet creek nod Afull ass.irtaient .4 Cloths. i ii....,,,t, of Dr. R.l;. Young. John Sherlahmilleit.:Zheri atm A run lei , eto tor Casttitneeer, I ..,..t1 others. 'Cher. are about 12 acres of Wo. dlatid ar.d A full assortment of 1'a.,i.,et,.. et.. rotu,..lnder cleared and under good fence and in a A. fit!! as,ortment of Vest logs. ((zit state of eultic a ti..n. There are a great many !Al .( full ass runotit .d Ladies Inc.. , C. cds. . , rt:st tn. , -Ewa ti... Linn rota. t lw cut into posts, .11F•u, A lull 3-sort:vent of It tile t: ~ ~t.:. I a;-orirt-_ , •!ttt-is it itrehard ',Rh different hinds of fruit- A lull as:Al-Wilt it Sinte and Alplcz.s. A full aoi linen tof Silt., Ththe: a C.....tninme Flmul, . -1-11 - 1 1. 111 M 1.1.1,1 " ,,ts an' a'l WO STt 'RV Li al . . , 1 II re•...._ v....ti11er , . inlet m ith a Eitelom ~.-,....5jtat~e,. A full z oo,rtment of I:rwerie, . at':.v.itest and cellar tilitier ti u litst •a•t ..- A full assortaim it of Qui.t• ett•• rki.A . ;.K It.tllN and other out ; .; : t, . _\ With 3 full assortment of Misrelllne.nsitrti.-1,-: :mt..- ' rally kept in Stores. Pureitaserg will ftud it ;Amity t-• i ...ith a n .. er, tailing troll with pump near . ~,,,..., the kitchen .1 ...r. A further description is - tintir int:west to cull and examine Mir ' , LT.:: 1...-3-Pc put'. , chasing, as oxhis have materially depree:.•ted, and ,Mill ; .1 .eir..: 1 uaneces-ary. as th so who ate desirous to Ton. be sold accordingly. Come one, nuns. all. and Jud_nt.for /. ehase a: ill s ;ow the property. Terms will he made yourselves. _ „,. r .ryi . ...teterlt by the sul scriber living on the prenilses. __:__ I ,lugsl2A. . 1/ AV ID 31A lITIN. _ _ ..._ _ tt:VMANT El S 1. : k i t- 7 - 1 . 31 P - 1 3 i-sT PLEC EIVED ! .-..0 BELL 11,0.0 Just re. , , __.,.._' -•• ,- ' 'FRESH (1119f111111.S I I•eiveti'at their Stom, in N. Hanover Carlisle_ a Ektst Rio, 3toclia and Roasted Coffers, larm. hattilsome and cheap stork of FAL.l....ol..s_iichizh i • Crushed, Pulverized and Loaf Stwar, • we will sell CHEAPER THAN EVitt. gran its a call. •Carlisle, Sept. 13, laM. - 1.1 - trtt,l4ico. New Ramon. and Cubit do, i • . imperial:ll tinponder. Young llyson and Black Tons, '- - .=--.......-. - -, i Pct Syrup.._tt. ~ 0 and Sugar House l• , • BriAcK SILK 1, ACES.—Just openea. I Qu - e,mstctn ii:uda . :e and Stoneware,' Al' "s ' "' MIA Stith Laces of mperior quality. and dLierent I Claok‘e. dish * . Sall, Soup and Starch. widths. Alit, BLACK 51.1. K I'illltiMlNG:,(.llimps and Cavendish. Natural Leaf. Fig and Congress Tobacco, other trimmings. 6,E,1:. ty_ itcr:(ElL,, Pieldes. line .tpplo and Tomato Preserves, ~ i lietchirt aml Staves of every variety. de, Aug. 23. My stc;A: has loon selected with stria referen..e. t'. `t -i . 1 ALL AND WI NT Ell (71.01'11ING. ' The largest stork I,f l'll.thiwz et,. I.r ii.. - .1:1. I... Ca r - - ham rec. , ' volt yA it Ni.t.,,( Lib 1 9 7.:( ; sic, -",.. l isle. f i a ,:c ndly me., fa' c.d.+ very low for cash w holesale or ot t 1 '.-,t ... • W I LLIAM S, le. li Fanilly Oraaer. at their cheap and extensile CU 'l'!!l\t. littUSL, in I iL; ST it Et !.E.LAT El) AT TILE 1T? A.,X1.. North lieltiAer Street. c iLb tillOCE111( STORE of the aub- f ekiter, in „Ma- The priers of clothing at thishouce Lave been int-lac.l ..,. 0,,,,, ti„li . , t • such a N err: low standard th.ttit.i ,ll, ` , il ll OA' 1 1 -. 1. .er ; t nett supply of fresh Water Cruelsers, of all wha wish. to wear tropirelot hes. :• I •Aa. Rutter, Pic Nit' and Suior Buisrult. The ass rtmont emsirts of Overc...uts of 4 , vi,ty (1.- , 34Thi - t Parina. Corn Shard), Toph.ra, ga. , ...t. Pena. Harley, , Hon, Press. Truck and Sack O.:As, a greet varktv 4 i11.+3. Extract a Coffee, tutee nottr, Belting Nutter, Ste„ coats, dlottki4 coats. Sc, Superfine Ca , -imere I.Avr.s.! A r.ew let of superior Table Oil. Marl: mail fancy. Sill: and Satin YKSTS. at , tl a hile vr, Pickles. Tomato Ketchup, F TA Muutar.l, Bay riety of 'Valencia and other vestg. Also , dint.. collars i „,._. Rum. •te. 3, W. _EBY. stneki.l. v.e.:kut li:thtilsenbJefg,en.petid,ri.,o6ve-s..lutAery. ;. tic- and all ot tor articles generally kept, in this line of t busitieSS. ' -- Al articles sold at this etztaLlitb• ment war- I i " N t „....r.,.,,,....„,.. 'cc - tt l_rtit / t n.—rhe subscriber is just ratitcd what hey are represented. tube- , opeuidg a, fresh assortment of v tary CHEAP GOODS AlsO. it mplondlchgortmout of goods in' the pb.....n...- I, how...iht at reduced prices. Cali and sett them. Suporfilte Frintrit' 111111 Itilttliflll ()LOT iii , and C.A.:: , - 1 AMP.- '.13. 11110, W. 111'C\ EEL Si .:',I Eli ES. of (•ver . lino and shada,satin, ril- al.d Vate- 1 (7,,ii-uriso.•-11...,..- ••••;•...,..,-----,,,. •••.----- ---, - - kilt To4Slll , , , ,t‘i:Lillott , . :ie.. all or %smelt t. 1.11 be try.!. , it,. , %.fre 1-N 0 , Li r.t.13 r, Itt-.i.---AANDER s t AT olvi. 3t tho: , ll,at , :bt dr:tit.e, .1.1-d itt fie: tll,/ , ,.. et. 11. -,.. -,, :aN r C. rti„, 41A•11,1€411v tLo Bert and wheal" mat n •r. MI gt:rmetlts It:m.B3l'Ra L.,. 1:1. 1:0'S . :- tl. - .lil- •••,t t:.04 in 11,e,' . ElliAcri tire tailleteti to Cell Ilea e(- INil 11111ttV-0,11 htltlll. ',. -:u':.l ,- it at th.; Carlisle Foundry anti llarlilno....i , liop. or Thu : void h. aro recpeetfully ins it. 1 1 , .• call tit,1.. , -.,• at 'tat - it's Hardware Store. . For sale at reasonable hie the curet i•lr tlF.,ortment 1 , f,-1 , I !:!!•: ,-.1 t Sic . -.... , 1'-t-l- l'' r -- .... " e nt, i...t thar to Lyne's Ilarttt'mc stor,-, 4 :•j , ,it , I, t An:...t- tall._-_ . ' (1.1111)N1111 el PltOW N. w Mazlatmlilin's hotel. - t j!,:ild._27-. :tait. AIES;nI,II S. LiVINCSToN..._ t ( iAItI'ENTF,II,S and Bui4lers tire invit ,.... I IE A T) .si- L KS . ___T too now op , In , -, ~, e.l to examine the aseortuient of Lateks. Latches ,) a large assortadoit of PIA 11( f-11.1(S. .2 - 1 . ...:. ac. r, b C l A lll l l.t;,. , l , ll: l no c t „ rz t rt, Wass, Putty, Oil, Paints, c---. SAXTON& too .rt that of now st,tli , fashion:lllc FALL Si LES_ t.,:t.2. i Marsh 11 L.1).•81.. , -,_---,--„.,... ---,-- ---- ' oet.l 'i,l CliAlii.iS .0:111.1:V. t N( y r[c p _. , , ... ~..---..t _ . _ , _ 7.Ntintra-Dits,ll.lEZ:74.--ITlie I::r_,'.e., , i :t119:1! • it, :„.41ttt (4 - : , ;,:7T - elltl..or nest, at 'the (111...0 of the Pond , 13.tweett the 1 111 ' , .' '''' It ..‘: Me :WO. 11.,...1 ...•t t. t'.. CI: , . ;... ',-- tt._ . 2 it. 3-i. , . 2tl Tra3ll. '2.15, 111 2.45, • 3.20, " 3,56, " 4.'24i, 4 , 4.50, " 4 A. U. PIPET, MEE MEI V. : ity ,•1.. iAtt • t" ViA.l. City a tiri.ti i.•sc I vial at p..ritetti L! I. Is ill e;<11, witiv,iit i n t, rv.i.t. or Ke, u 1 ity, --- of e.tch 1 On 50 ryl— " EEO 'a 1' I \'.f'i•v n •L of Otc hi‘or told 'Amy Is )ten( estate. Sores. .-. ~ ~ , ] MI “..., „) 100 0 1 •.) 10;0.0 :I .1) . ; 'U MEE ME li=iliallil =I 11,1 l'll .)) 1;1 . 1101 =I r.'t