2 6¢ltrt (gale. A THRILLING , SEA STORY BY AN EYE WIT 'ESS.. It was at the close of a sto my due, in the rear )835, when the gallant frigate Con,lk •ution, under the command of Captain El :jot, having on board the late Edward Lit.- ngstop, then minister at the Court of France, tad fatuity, and manned by nearly five hull / !red souls, drew near the "chop" of English 'haniel. For four days she had been beat ,ug down from Plymouth, and on the fifth, t evening, she made her tack for the French oast. The watch was set at 8 P. M., the captain .one on deck soon after, and having aster tined the bearing of Scilly, gave orders to cep the ship "11111 and bye," remarking it le same time to the officer of the deck r -thAl e might make the light on the lee beam . : it, he stated, he tliongl!t it more than prob de that he would,pass it without seeing it, :e then 'turned in,''as did most of the idlers, ti-id the starboard watch.. At a quarter past nine, P. M.. the ship Qaded west by compass, when the call of .ight ho!` was heard from the fOretopsail -trd •Where away ?' asked the ollic•er of the vie •'.lChree points to the lee how,* replied the ilcout nom, which the unfmdessional reader ill—utplerstand-to-nleali -very nearly lead. kt this moment the captain appeared and wk the trumpet `Call all hands!' was his immediate order 'All handsr whistle,dthe boatswain, with ie long, shrill summons, familiar to the ars of all who have eve, been on board a lan-of-war `All hands!' sereii - iTeTtlie boatswain's mate,. nil ere the echo died away, all b« t the sick- vere on deck The ship was staggering through' a heavy ; well from the Bay of Biscay; the gale, which had been Miming several days, had . ncreased to a severity that was not to be made light of. The breakers, where Sir Cloudesly Shovel- and his fleet were destroyed n the days of Queen A nn, sang their song of death before, and the Dead Man's ledge rc ,plied in hoarser notes behind us. To go ahead, seemed to be death, and to go about Wits sure destruction. The first thing that caught the eye of the captain was the furled mainsail, whiclehe had ordered to be carried throughout the evening—that hauling up of which, contrary to the. last order he had given on leaving the deck,' had; caused the ship to fall AV leeward two points, and had thus led her it Cto a position on a 'lee shore,' upon which a strong gale was blowing her, in which the chance - of safiqy appeared to the stoutest nerves almost hopeless. That sole chance consisted in standing on, to carry us through the breakers of Scilly, or by a close graze along their outer edge. Was this de-gaily-to be the end of the gallant old ship, consecrated byLmany a prayer and blessing from the heart of a nation. ‘IVIIy is the mainsail up, when I ordered it set?' cried the captain, in a tremendous voice `Finding. that she pitched her bows under, I took it in, under your general order, sir, that the oilier of the deck should carry sail according to his discretion,' replied the lieu tenant in command. `Heave the log,' was the prompt command to the master's mate. The log *as thrown. `How fast does she go7' knots and a half, sir.' . 'Board the main tack, sir.' `She will not bear it, sir,' said o cheofficer of the deck. `Board the main tack!' thundered the cap tain, 'keep her full and bye, quarter-master!' 'Aye, aye, sii•L'i • The tack-was boarded. `Raul aft , the main sheet!' shouted the cap tain; and aft it went, like the spreading of a sea-bird's wing, giving the huge sail to the gale. • 'Give.her the lee helm when she goes into the seal' cried the captain. `Aye, aye, sirl she has it,' growled .out the old sea•dog at the binnacle. 'Right your helm; keep her full and'byer 'Aye, aye, sir, full and bye she is,' was the prompt answer from the helm., 'How, fast does she go? 'Nine knots and a half, sir.', 'How'bears the light ?' • 'Nearly abeam, sir.' 'Keep her away half a point.' qtow fast - does she go?' • ;'Nine.knots, sir.' . , 'Steady so!' returned the captain. . 'nay!' aalwcred the helmsman, and all was silent as the grave _upon the crowded deck, ; except the howling of the storms, for the space of time that seemed II) the imagi nation almost an age. .It was a trying hour to us; unless we could carry sail, so as to - go at the rate of nine knots an hour, we mast of necessity dash Scilly; and who ever touched upon those rocks and lived during a storm? The sea ran very high, the rain fell in sheets, the sky Wits one black curtain, illumi nated only by the faint light - which was to mark our deliverance, or stand a monument of our destruction. The wind had 4ot shove whistling—it came in puffs that flattened the waves, and made our old frigate settle to her bearings while everything on board seemed to be cracking into pieces. At this moment the carpenter reported that the left bolt, of the fore shroud had drawn. - `Get on the lull's, and set them all on the weather shrouds. Reepner at small helm quartermaster, and case her in the sea,' were the orders of the captain. - The tuffs were soon put. upon . the -weatUi sWrouds, which of course relieved the chains and channels, lint many an anxious eye was !turned towards the remaibing bolts, for upon them depended OM masts) and' upon the masts depended the safety of the ship—for with one foot of canvass less she could not live fifteen minutes. Onward plunged the over-laden frigate. and at every surge she seemed Inuit upon making the deep. the s'ailor's grave, and her live.bak sides his coffin of glory. She had hrrn'tittrd-out floston -wherrthe-thermom- eter was below zero. Ifer shrouds of course, therefore, slackened at every strain, anti her unwieldy musts—tar she .had those designed for the frigate Cumberland, a much larger ship—seemed ready to jump out ocher. And now, while all was apprehension, an other bolt drew—aint then another—mntilat I last our whole- stay was placed upon a single bolt 1e: 1 3,4 than a man's wrist in circumference. Still the iron clung_to. the_solid__Avntid,_and_ bore us alongside the breakers,• though in a Most frightful proximity to them, This trilling incident has never, I believe, been noticed in public, but is the literal fact— which I make not the slightest attempt, to embellish. ' As we galloped on—for I Can comptu•e our vessels leaping to nothing else—the rocks seemed very near Us. j)ark was the night, the white foam scowled around their black heads, while the spray fell over us, anti the thunder of the dashing surge sounded like the awful kn - ell that ocean was singing for the victims it was eager to engulph. At length the light bore upon our quarter, and the bold Atlantic rolled its caps before us. During this time all was silent, each officer and man was nt his post, and the bearing and countenance of the captain seemed to give encouragement to every per son on board. With but a bare possibility of 'saving the ship anti those on• board, he relied on his nautical skill and courage, and by carrying the mainsail which in tiny other situation would have been considered a sui cidal act, ''he weathered the lee shore, and saved the Constitution!' The mainsail was now hauled up, by light hearts and strong hands, the jib and spanker taken in, and from the light of the Scilly, the gallant vessel, under close reefed lop sails, took her departure, and danced merri ly over the deep towards the United States. `Pipe down!' said the captain to the first lieutenant, 'and splice the main brace.' `Pipe down!' echoed the first lieutenant to the boatswain., `Pipe down!' whistled the boatswain to the crew, and 'pipe down' it was. 'How near the rocks - did we go?' said to one of the master's , mates, the next morning. He made n 6 reply, but takiiig down a chart showed me a pencil line between the outside shoal [aid the Lig& House .Island, which i!must have been a small strait for a fisherman to run his smack through in good weather by daylight.. For what is the noble and dear old frigate reserved I went upon deck; the sea was calm, a gentle breeze was dwelling our canvass fro'in our mainsail to royal, the isles of Scilly had sunk in the eastern waters, and the clouds of the dying storm were rolling off in broken masses to the northward, like the flying co lumns•of a beaten army. I have been in many a gale of wind, and lelye passed through seenes,of great danger, but never before norsinee, have I experienced an hour so terrible as that when the Consti• tution was laboeing, with the lives of five hundred men hanging On a single, small iron bolt, to weather Scilly on the night of. the 11th of May,, 1835. During tho4ale, Airs. Livingston enquired of the.captaiOir,we were in great danger, to 51.1lich he replied, ni soon as lye had passed eartiele ijrralb. Scilly, 'You are as safe us yOu would ,be in the aisle of a church.' .It is singular that the frigate-Boston, Cap tain MeNeal„abont the elose.of the Ite'vOlu / tion, escaped a similar danger while employ ! ed in carrying out to France Chancellor Liv ingston, a relative of Edward's, and also Minister to the Court of St. Clouds lie like wise had his wife on board, and while the vessel was weathering a lee shore, Mrs. Liv• ingston asked the Captain—a rough but gal lant old fire eater—if they were not in great danger ; to-which he repliedL---'You had bet ter, madam, get down upon your knees, and pray Goa to forgive your numerous sins, for if we do not carry by this point, we shall go down in five minutes.' r6umuroug. A GHOST STORY. "'faUm' of sperits reminds me of my ex perience in that line," said' Sutler, gravely shakitig the ashes from his pipe. • "Let us hear it," I said. "With the greatest pleasure, Cap'en. father, you see, had been under the turf for a good many years. He wasn't a bad man, by no means ; 4 a kinder heart never beat Ina his; but he was uncommon fond terbaker. Fle'd smoke the day out and the day in. He hadn't an equal In that way except old Sam Flint. our nearest neighbor, and he was just about his match ; and they wpuld tell their tough stories_42.veteia'_after evedit.C. _but,:that was afore my father died. "My natural susceptibilities twin' fine, .1 felt rather bad when the old gontli!men'step.- pedout. I used to lay awake night arter night and think on't - . - One night in the lust of the evenin',arter I had turned in, I heard a-strang knocking on the winder sill,- and didn't know what on earth to make on't. "Who's there?' says "Your father," says a voice.., mil lie possible,'' says 7. "It's nothin' shorter," says he. "how do - you like as fur as you've got'?" says I. "Fin nut over and above pleased," says he. "I'm sorry to hear it," says L "What's the trouble ?" "It's o'enamost impossible to get any good smoking terbaker," says be, in. , a dejected voice. "That's melanehully," says I. "Cant Ido anything for ye ?" "Nuthin . to brag on," says he ; "but you will oblige me by layin' a good piece.of pig tail on the winder-sil nights when you go to bed." "I'll do it, says I. "I'll feel obleeged," says lie "Not at all;" says 1; but if it's a fair ques tion, like to know how you pass yOur time there r "It's no offence at all sonny. I set upon a sunbeam most, of the time playing on the jerwsharp." "It-Must be Very amusin'," says I. ‘.llave you got the old thing with ye ?" "I aint got nothin' elke," says he. "Play us up a tune then," I continued. "With pleasure," says he and so he struck "That:s rather welanehully," says' I. "I know it," says he ; "but it's all on ne &mint of the terbacker." "I'll get ye some of the raal pigtail," says I. , Y "So do, and I'll give ye something livelier "next time. --IA ood sonny," he added hi a More cheerful tone. "Come again," says I. "You may rely on't," says he. "Good night, then," says I. "Don't hurt youiTelf doing the miscellaneous work, and I would recoinend you to bring a better instru ment when you come again." And with that the old gentleman !tarried away. 'Wid you place the pigtail on the window sill?" I asked. "In course I did , tho rant ginewine. " "And did ho conic after it?" • "As, regular as night came. I never knew him to fail, and an uncommon sight of the stuff he made way with. If all my relations had come back, and used asJuuch of the weed as he did, I should have been dead broke." "And what kind of tobaco did Sam Flint smoke at that time?" I continued. "Pigtail—nothing but pigtail, just like that used by the old gentleman," said Sutlet; with a look' irresistibly/comical. "How was it lout his father's ghost?" I said one day to Satlei•, as we were alone. "The' facto' 'the case was," he replied, "I found it took off the change like all nettle fo keep my father in terbaelier so I told Flint all abont,it,, and fixed him if lie could n't supply the old gentlemen with a pig or two occasionally for old acquaintance sake." "I couldn't think .of it," said he, "Pve•got a large family to i 3 uppoW, and I use an aw ful sprinklin' of the weed' myself. But I've got a good pound or two that I'll .sell you cheap." . "What kind is•it ?" I asked said he. • "Brir,g.it over," says I "With yleasure," says he. And so the next day lie brt tight it over and I bought it. Well when I conic to look it over, I found some of the identical plugs which I had laid on the winder sill for the old gentlem3m.— upon careful inquiry, I found lie had sold several pounds of the stuff to the neighbors, and scented to have platy of the same sort although, afore that, he used to be, hard up on terbacker, fin• he was as poor as Job and An oneommon smoker. Arter that time I didn't lay any more terbacker on the winder sill, thinking it best to let the old gentleman depend upon his own exertions for asupply o' pigtail." • , SPOON FASHION. Nearly a dozen years ago I was ou my re turn to• the old homestead, in the good State ofConnecticuit, having just completed my studies as a student of medicine. In com pany with a goodly number of people, I stop. ped for the night at a country inn in the town of 13 ", not being — able to resume my I journey until a late hour the next day. liar- L ing always been an adniirer of the country, L the arrange ! meat, and my pleasure was enhanced by find ing, at the well laid supper table, two )(ing ; ladies of surpassihg Loveliness, the, younger of whom 1 thought the most bewitching little creature in existence—±a,lad 4.±; were ac e qnpanied by a young gentleman about my own twe ' •with whom I could nut but feel con siderably annoyed. Ile not only engrossed all their attention, but, lucky dog, as he was,. seemed determined that no other person should participate in tlie amusement. An offer of some little delicacy by myself to the ' yiunger of the two ladies•was frustrated by a Ma sort of politeness on his part that effect ually chilled any further attempfs at intima cy.• r soon left the table, but I could not drive the image of the lovely being from my mind. 'Something whispered that we should become acquainted'at some future time, but in the interval I felt more than usually un easy. I longed to be not only an intimate acquaintance, but an accepted lover, and had posSessed the wealth of Croesius, I would unhesitatingly have poured it into her lap. In the ekcitementunder which I was then laboring, I thought a walk might do me good, but on opening the door fbr that putpoac, found the nignt had set in as dark as Erebus, and being an entire stranger, there was -no knowing what mischief I might encounter; so I made up mind.to compromise the mut : ter by taking up my candle and going to bed. -I retired, but for a long time I rolled and tossed about sadly ; now, one plan by %%Ilia I might make the acquaintance of the'young lady would suggest itself, and then another, until at last I found myself in a state of drea my languor, neither fairly asleep, nor quite awake. I fancied I had heard for the last few mo ments a sort of light bustle going on near my bed, but it gave me no uneasiness until some one sprang into the bed, and clasping her arms about me, whispered : Ugh 1 how dreadful cold it is, to be sure, I say, Julia, we shall have to lay spoon fash ion, or else we shall freeze!" llcre was an incident. What to say, dr how to act was a question not easily solved. At lust y must° ed courage enough to ejacu• late : "Dear madam, here is some mistake, 111—' The lady did not wait for me to say more. With a sharp, quick scream, she sprang from the bed and bolted from the apartment. I was, Wondering what, the deuce it could all mean, when a servant brought a lamp into my room and Picked up ,what, ladies' appal.- rel she could find about the premises, and left the apartment. You can well believe, gen tlemen, that my slumbers for that evening were far from quiet. In, the morning, I know not how it was, but I was viiidly impressed with the idea that my nocturnal visitor was one of the two la dies who lad supped with me the evening previous, but which, I could not conjecture. I resolved, however, to ascertain on the first favorable opportunity which might present itself, and satisfy myself beyond a doubt. o n t a ki n g my set 4. at the breakfast le the next morning, I plaeed myself opMsito the ladies, aad WAS revolving in my min The incident of the previous evening, when the younger of the two passed her plate and beg ged me to favor her with the oysters near • < me. ' Certainly, said I, an.' ns the thought sprang into my mind that she might be the lady in tinestion, I added, "will you 'take them spoon fashion ?" Eureka what an explosion. The lady's face instanAy assumed the hue_of the mini- . son dahlia, while her companion's seemed as cold and passionless as I could desire. I was satisfied that she had kept her own counsel— I scraped an acquaintance—fell deeply in love—and when I reached home, I lad the pleasure of presenting to the old folks my es timable lady, the presffit Mrs. Maddox. ,f •A young elergical gentleman relates the following anecdote of one of his Dutch brethere. The old fellow was about cot mencing his spiritual exercises one evening, when to his being a little near sighted was added the diM light of the country chttßeb. After clearing his throat and giving out the hymn, prefacing it with the apology— The light ish bad, mine eyes ish dim, I scarce can see to read dish hymn. The clerk supposing it was the first stanza of the hymn, struck up the tune in Common metre Thu'old fellow taken somewhat aback by this turn of :auks, corrected his mistake by say i lig I didn't mean to sing dish hymn, 1 only meant mine oyes ish dim. The clerk still thinking it a conitinfNa . of the couplet, finished in the preceditlf /221121 The old man at this, waxed wroth and ex claimed at the-top of his voice : Tifink" file tletnrs - in yon all, Dat varli nu hymn to sing at all ROL At tr show down East, the audience were suddenly involved in total darkness by an accidental putting out of, the lights.— Among the rest teas a newly married coun , try Jonathan and his pretty bride; and on the same bench—a stranger to both-- t -sat gentleman, who profiting by the darkness. L fell to kissing the bride. Liihc whispered to her husband—'John,, John ! this ere a kiSsin' on me 'Tell him- to quit,' sail John; fOJohn, it seems probable, stood a -.little in awe of the philosopher from the city, and found himself, therefore, in perplelxitig circumstances. 'No, I can't,' whispered the bride, 'you can tell him.' Make him quit!! said John, now getting quite excited. 'I don't like to,' whispered the bride, 'fic's jwz/'et stranger to !' Day Cr.orns —Two boys among the black berry bushes, some mile or two out of town saw a cloud rising and heard a sound like thunder. One who was a Tittle timid, said to the other, 'come Fred, let's go_horne—it then dent.' The other not wishing to return hoMe so soon, denied that it thundered at all. the rumbling noise was again Lorne on thefresbnig breeze. 'What's that then'' inquired the other. 'Why, Fred. don't you know what that is ? If you don't I 11 tell you. You know it has been dry weather for a king time. What clouds thre'are floating about ' are' as dry as old sheepskins, and when the wind blows it rattles them.' • A WEAK S•roat.lcu.-1n Gunning's Re miniscences; we find the following: On one occasion the ,ViceAlaneellor, Dean said to me very abruptly, 'You have been looking at me some time, I know what you are thinking on ; you think I cat a confound ed deal 'No, sir,' I said ; am surprised that you eat of such a variety of dishes:— `The truth is,' said be, have a very weak sumach, and when it has digested as much as it can of one kind of food, it will go to work and digest some other.' I observed to lain, 'That the weakness of: his stomach re• sembled that of Dr. Topping, a physician at Colchester, who, when agentleinan with whom he, was dining expresred sti* dissatisfat tion at his not taking claret; which ; had It en pro vided expressly for him, answered, have no objection to take a bottle, or a couple, of claret, but I have so weak a stomach, I am obliged to drink a bottle of port first A PitEcoctooh NATIVE.—The Hartford Times furnishes the following, striking OE . Irish Mother—'Arrah, Johnny, rind where have yees bin, so long?' _Native Son—Why, me and the rest of the boys have been licking an Irishman.' Mother—'lVait, yeNpalpeen, till per daddy gets home—you'll be father catching it Son—!011,. , yon - be blowed t Mies tba man we've licked!' [ Exit Mother, with upraised eyes and hand's; and half-amotbered ‘Qeh hone Job. ny stalks off whistling 'Hail Columbia 1) • HEAVY PeNISIIMENT.—An editor became imlrtial and was created a captain. On pd rade instead of 'two paces in frontadvance,' he unconsciously exclaimed ' Cash—two dollars a year in advance,' .He was court• martialed and sentonc6l to read his own pa • per. -