Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 15, 1854, Image 1

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    E. BEATTV4
PiiontrETbii, A NI) Sil Ent
The CAULISLN iLERALD is published weekly on a
nhetd, -, eiintaining FORTY ootexnqs, and furnished t sure
eeribers at the rate of " if paid serictly in advance;
if paid within the year: or?_' In alrreses when
ik..tyment le delayed -until after the expiration of the
year. 'No subscriptions received fora less period than
itlx meat hue, and none •discontlutiod until all arrear9gos
are paid, 'unless at the option of the publisher. .I'fipers
sent to subseribers living out of Cumberland comity
must, be paid for In advance, or the payment assumed
S . JII/0 ruse ondble person leving In Cumberland mus
ty, Those terms will L o u rigidly adhered to in MI cases,
Advertisements will be charged i'la./0 per SqUATO of
tiVtiltn /1110 V Pe: Hires" insertions. and '25 rents for each
sahsolaimt insertion, All advertisements or les s than
twirlle lines considered nE: a square. The fidion lug lutes
Will be enarged for Quarterly, Hail . Yearly nod Yearly
MolithS. G Months.. 12 )(mai l s,
1 Square, (12 IlneP.,) $5,00 s'+.oo
5.00 x.1)0, .12,00
, .
... , . .
1 4 - Col uin n, - - - B.uo 12 , 00 10.00
i 4 •• • - - 12;00 90,00 .30:0 1 1
V. - L ?5 , 00 . 350 Y 45.00
A I tri+rtkente , nts inverted been-1, , linpringeßernt poid.hs,
8 cottb+ per lino for firm insortion, awl 4 et,nts por lino
hwsubsoquent insertions. Conununicntlons oh kitdert.s
of lialited or individual interetit will :", roots
per line. Tho Propriet.w will not by resjenniihlein (lam::
ttT,es f•ir orriirs in tolvortisoments., (11iil•unry notices not
oxeootlip.4; live lines, will ha Insc.rted without chargo.
largeet and most, complete the etunity.
Three good Presses, and 11 general variety of material
suited IT Plain and Faney tiorl, of every kind, eind,les
Us to do Jolt Printing at the shortest notice !unroll the
most'reisonalile tilrins. Persons in want o f Bills. Ma l ik::
rir any thing in the line. will find it their in
terest to give us a call. Every variety of BLANKS rou
st:ltaly ou liood.
Ott ; Fr : All lettees ou busineys must be post-paid to se.-
cure attention..
(mimic 6., Coed Thifornintion
siden NRLIN P11:11r1 . ..
11. it. ATCIIESON.
t-4.!•rot..trY of :• , 'lnto . ---11 N. L. )lAl:cr.
I. l e •rotAry of In tprior—llmtEivr
Svort•Lary or Treahlary---.1 t 111101:.
IS.;•roCiry 1/1 War—.l;Trllt,oN 11%1.
~..rotary of N a s. I'. Polim
- 11 -, 4 -1 111 ,- zt ra ri,sll,ll'2ET
:- •..‘r oy /one
.1 us Cov 11 it od I , tat;•s-11. k‘I.Y,
(7 - yrornor—lV3r. llummt. •
Secretary et SL:itt.—Cll UtI.F.S
Eurcc~er Mnoral—,,l. P. nu MIMI'.
Tr,emrer—Josueu BUM V.
.lu.l,ms 'the Supremo Court.--.T. S. Lt:wi
IV. LI. Lou utr, 11. IV. \V mum nnn . J. C. liN.,x.
Pro,idont 3 mlze—llnn. 3.t711ES 11. Oa \MADE.
he .lu.l,„;vs—llvn. John It upp, Samuel W0r..1
bh,l Het Att c.rnoy —Job II )1. Shearer.
l'r tloolot Le) eor,zo Zinn.
Ile,order. not )lartio.
,):RA..ister—Alnet 1,. Sp oteler.
1110 i Sheriff —.1,:0.p11. Xleporniontl; Deputy,
County Tronsurel—N.
Qt.r,ntee—Jos •ph C. Th,uni,s,n.
County (Ne - itUllssl ArnUtAreug.
tieurzu C - ferkte Connuissiouers. IV illiern
Pire , t ,, i's of the l'ner--rev,rte FLnalibr, Genrre
debit C. Itrown. Stiporintendent of Peor Ifousv--
-- J(*41,11 Luttitrl
3ROUGH orrtomas:.
Chief Burgess—col. AnsisTßOS4l
Town Corinril—Jeltn 11. Parker, (President) E.
Henry :Myers. I. Ettbort, 1/41, Ite
tiolT, Jelin Onto:hall, Peter :Ilfinyer, Get.. 7.. Bretz.
c ous i, t bi e s_,l,.r. 'ph t=t :trt,)li 41i Con table; Robert
McCartney, IVartl. l'oestrtl,ll3.
First Presbyteridn Church, northwest angio of Centro
Square, Rev. Cusa w I'. 'Wtso, Pastor.—Sem ices e% cry .
Sunday morning . at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock.
P. 31.
Second Presbyterian Church, warner of South Hanover
and Pomfret streets. NO pastor at present, but pulpit
1111 ed by Presbyterial appoiytments. • , erviceseuthlneure
ut 11 Wehell. A. IL, and i o'clock, P. M.
SL Johns Church. (Prot. Episeopal) northeast anglo of
Centre Squaw. Rec.. 1.10011 11. Mouss, Rector. Services.
at 11 o'clock, A. 31.. anti 3 o'clock. P. M.
English Lutheran Church, Rolf .rd bet wean - Main and
Loather •streets. Rev. .1 WOll Fri', Pastor. Services
at It o'clock, A. M.. and fJ.:i o'elock, P. M.
German Ref allied Chure'li..Louther, between Hanover
alai Pitt strcetn. 11ev. A.. IL. 1(111:31Ell, Pastor. •Servives
'at 034 o'clock, A. M.
Methixtist E. Chureit, (firSt Charge) earner of Main and
Pitt streets. lieu. 5. L. 31. L'Jssku, Pastor. Son ices at
11 o'clock, A. 31.. ml%l 7, 1 6 o'clock, P. M.
Methodist E. Church, (second Charge) Rev. J. 31.
Joy es, Pastor. Services in College Chapel, at 11 o'clock.
• A. 51.,•and ti o'cltick. P. 31.
Roman Catholic Church, Pomfret, near East street.—
Serviees by Itev. Mr. WlNAllief, every second Sunday.
A German Lutheran Church is in coursteof erection
on the corner of Pomfret and ltedt"ord streets. The con
greTatlon. which has yet no stated Pastor,.hold their
ServieJs la' Education Ilall.
—e•ii — .lllion changes in the above are ite.reeSary the pro
per persons lire requested to notify us.
Ilev. Charles Collins, President and Professor of Moral
nor. Herman M. Johnson, Professor of Philosophy
and 14s Literature.
James W. Marshall, Profesl;,r of Ancient Languages.
Iter.'Otis IL Tiffany, Professor of Mathentath.s.
William M. Wils,m, Lecturer ou Natural Science and
Curator of the Museum.
Alexander &hem, Professor of Hebrew and Modern•
• Benjamin Arbogast, Tutor in Languages.
tialnuel D. Hillman, Priorinal of the ( Irammar School.
William A. Sulvely, Atisistant in the °rammer School
- •
C4LIRI.V. DEPOSIT llANE.—Piltrehtllileil '
Calk r, Will. M. Bean' ; Clerks, Henry Sturgeon ; Jos.
Under. Directors, I chard Parker, William Kerr, John
Henry Saxton, Samuel Wherry, Jacob JAdby, John
Sterret, floury Logan, Robert Moore.
Fredorick Watts; Secretary and Treasurer, Edward M.
Diddle; Superintendent, A.F. Smith. Passenger trains
twice a day Eastward, heaving Curfislo at 10.15 o'clock,
and 3.10 o'clock, P. M. Two trains every day West
leant, leaving Carlisle at ti o'clock, A. M. and 2:2.11,1'. M.
CARLIALI: O.tH AND' WArcit COMPNY.—Prosident, Fred.
(mirk Watts; lieretary, Lemuel Todd ; Treasurer, Wm.
M. ile.doni ;' 'Directors; F. Watts, Richard Parlor, Lemuel
Todd. Win. M. lleatem, Dr. W. W.' Dale, Franklin (lard
nor, Henry Glass.
lArrit Pe , er.toE.—Postalin on all letters of one-half
onmw )vellelt or under, 3 cents Pro -paid, orb cents un
pod, (except 1.-1 California and Oregon, which are cents
tre-pald, or 10 cents unpaid.)
NsitssAszas.—Postage on .the the
*aunty, FREE. IYitLlu the :7 , t110 13 cents per year. To
any part•of the United 13tates, 20 cents.
Postage on all transient papers under 3 oinices In
weight, 1 cent prc-paid or 2 cents unpaid.
is 'PPE I Al ot•' THE rimer 'Torsos:, b!
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L 3) i " ITO TOR
ADvEltrisli LIBERALLY.---One of our
eNOlatig,epertinently''remailo that a man,
may sit in an obscure alley offering pearls
at two (Tilts a piece, and yet find no purcha
ser ; but if the same man was known to have
pearls for sale at reasonable prices, under
'the shade of- a rock in the deSert, caravans
woiihl be formed, and effinpanies would po
to buy his wares. So it is with a manufac
turer or retail staler. Ills wares may be ev
er so good, his prices ever so reasonable,liut
utiless lie employ proper means'of making
them known to the public, lie cannot expect
appreciation. And in what way can a man
let his business lie known near so well as by
adveHising in a newspaper, which
pored over by hundreds and thouson,ids who
never sec the sign a man 'nits above his store
door. In fact, all liflvertlsbment in a new,..
paper is really a sign Nyldeli, instead of heiiir
permanently-plueed-aliove-t-lie-th ittr, the- I'-viii
ter causes to he carried around the country
every week, and brought fair and square eve- / 1
ry few days before the eves of those whose
patronage the advertiser wants. A iii how
.many of our mechanics nail business , men
neglect to avail themsitives of this tror4lind,
lest it s h ould cost - them a few dollars.
Isx- The Pennsylvania Farm Journal,
fin• November came -T , romptly to hand on the
first of the month.... In addition to the 0:11:111
variety of agrienitural matter it - contains a
fall report of dielist of premiums awarded at
the Slate Fair, besides notices of the Borks,
.Bucks. Delaware, Fayette, Montgtenery, Mer
cer, Alle.gheny, SchUylkill, Union, Washing
ton and Irestmoreland-t'ounty Fairs. The
Journal is published by .1. Id. Meretlith &
Co., West Chester, Pa., at. $1 per 11110100 in
NA L, fir November, Contains a great alumna
,infiirmalion of a highly useful character
to Teachers and the friends of Education gim
'Perms—sl per annum, in rulvance. Ad
tires T. 11. Burrows, Editor, Lancaster, Pu
For tho Herald
MT, EDITOR-I WRS " not a little amnsed a
few days ago" to notice an article in th Car
lisle "Herald" bearing the signature of 'IA
Sergeant." I think be would better be a lit
tle more quiet about the visit to Mechanics
burg, and let as few persons know it as pos
sible. I must coincide with the
"Gleaner a little inomdrill l d4re
coming a be essentionally neces
sary for ti dvancement. And then
talking, about the style in which the "Glean
er" was printed. If he would consider his
own case first and reflect upon the
,style in
which they left 1091,4,, know he would , be
quiet about it. Whatever tray be 'the per
sonal feelings of the Sergeant, he should en
thmvor to be it little more courteous.
Mechanicsburg., Nov. 15, 1854.
A r )If t 'lT E f ) 1 , 11. n: 'l' IN, Anus A Lt..—
Dr. John 13. Phillips, of Kennett township,
Chester Co., who, on the eve of leaving Swit
zerland; about two months since, was rudely
arrested-and thrown into prison, on suspicion
of being Mazzini travelling in disguise, and
- detained, in consequence, Some seven or
eight dayitovas ettLotitiLfsAlihsime,_am,l_but
for his detention, would have_arrived in Liv
erpool just in time to have taken passage' for
New York in the ill fated Arctic. His un
expOted imprisonment in . Switzerland for
tunaitely prevented him from sharing the
fate of the passengers of that noble steamer.
Intsu 'Rum—There was a fearful riot at
Williamsburg, New York, last Tuesday af
ternoon, tlie day of the election, The. Irish
wouldn't. let the Americans vot(whe Sheri frs
Deputies interfered, and the Paddies armed
themselves with thillelahs, or whatever they
could find; and broke all the heads that
in their • way. Severiil shots were' fired in
the melee,Awo or three persons killed, and
a number Of others s3riottsly wounded.
• CIIs nousTox:—This gentleman - made a
political speech at Brenham, Texas,. lately
in defence aids speech against the Nebraska
bill, but according to -the Oalveston News
he tailed to convince 1111 V ethiSideralde p er .
'6, 11 friend , id' the 50und,,,..;,
.1k, ,_., :...t
~....„. i
7 177.L.t.:
lAtilitt fur f Cirri's.
Fore Ifot News.—The NolrettiCher Mee
lult«—N hiprecks—lrish Riots—Bank.
Filature h.
• 13nt few complete returns of the New York
election,have been received. The vote for
Governor shows that the contest is mainly
between Ullman and Seymour, and the re
turns favo - r the former. Returns from Illi
nois, Michigan, Wisconsin and New Jersey
indicate a complete triumph for the anti-Ne
liraska Fusionists. The Bank . Of Circleville
and the Clinton Bank, at Columbus. Ohio,
have both tailed causing great excitement.—
There is a great money paniclClneinnati,
and many, I:iures. Fredrick Getlgi. , ., the ac
ting President of the Covington and Lexing
ton rail-road (.0111116th-04%M:0e yesterday by
throwing himself across the track of• that
road at the time of the passing.of a train.—
II 23 head wits tevered 11o•n his body. V u ley
embarassinents are supposed to liat'u, been
the cause of the terrible deed.
• _FRIDAY, Nov. lc).
,„,, , wicl;'s„d.
vices from Earope, There-was al,o an ar
rival front California, with interesting inlet
ligetice, Which will he found in another col
umn. • The returns of the Yew York election
now indicate the election of Seymour. The
Whigs and Americans tiitimph - Li ever) thing
else however. In New .lersey the Whig and
American triumph is complete. A rrison,
the yudng man who is accused of waling the
infernal machine - to Allivun, the keel er of
the Hospital in Cincinnati, 'last summer and
by which both Allison and his wife were
10:d, has hen arVi:rsted iu .7qusentine, lowa.
The Canal bank of Cleveland, Ohio, has
tailed and Mader all assignment. There is
a la otIVN crisis in llutlalo, and the Ex
change flank of Hobert (odd, has stopped.
11fcMallin & co. Ellis Sturges and T. S. God
man & co., of Cincinnati, all prii•ate_ ban
kers, have - failed and there is intense excite
ment fitere iu conseilcenee.
_Hugh D. King,
a hanker in ,Pittsburg7lalli'iir and
there iN•as gitite a panic in the money mar
Later returns of the New York election
show an unexpected turn. Cou»tiA not
heard froM before have conic in withl Avy
majorities for. Clark, and the probabilii . • now
i 8 .that he is elected. Another serious riot
at Williamsburg, N. Y. took place on Thurs
day evening in consequence of the outrage
which toqk place at the polls there on elec
tion day. A proeession of live hundred men
gathered for the purpose of vengeance, mud
in the course or its march met With several
armed Irishmen. Earnest efforts to dissuade
the mob from its purimse were made- by the
,city authorities, but nevertheless an attack
was commenced on a Catholic shureli, and
sonic small damage done. At length the
mllyor and others succeeded iii persuading
the rioters to go home. At a liffor,liour an
other mob gathered to burn the church, the"
military turned out and . stopped IL Captain
.lames Smith, of the brig Julia Moulton, has
been minvieted in the U. S. Circuit Court, at . 1
Yew York of piracy in fitting out, & comman
ding that vessel in a
~voyage from New ?ark
to the slave coast, where she took on board
six hundred• slaves and sailed with them to
Cuba, where they were safely landed. The
offence is clearly proven. The punishment
by law is death. • A motion for a new trial
has been made. Dr. Graham, convi c t e d o f
innnslanghter at New York, in killing Col: .
boring, has been..sentenced to seven years
imprisonment at Sing. Sing, in the Sfate
prison, being the utmost limit of thelaw for
the grade of the offence
The New York election is Still itr doubt as
to the resift for Governor. The latest de-
spatch puts-Clark 1482,. ahead of Seymour.
On Saturday 1500 emigrants arrived at New
York.. The ship Cantoit arrived at New York
on Saturday froM Antwerp, lost 20 passes-.
hers by cholera, and the ship Coesawattee,
from Bremen, lost 23. Ship Carolina Tuck
er, from Havre, had. three deaths on the
passage. The steamship Jewess„ from Ha
vana.for New York, stranded on Brigantine
Ileach, near Atlantic City, on Stitiirday mor
sing, and _went to pieces half an hour after
ii ardv: She is a total loss, with her valua
ble cargo,'consisting of sugar, oranges, se
gars, &e. lirretirgo was'valued at one hun
dred thousand' dollars, arid the - vessel .at
eighty thousand dollars. Two very de.trne
tiye tiros ocetirrtd at Kingston, C. W.,mi the
morning of the 11th do;troying St
Mil's cluncl~, aol many valuably
.. . .
C"IV 1
7•.: ; - 6 ... 1 :it
7 . : -
7, ,
~,. ,.•-• '-,
'brat:Yard - mut of Sebastopol Continued!
4 4
BR - Fixcit Iry ri , lit.: ALLIES.
- '
.7.- ~. Succe s sful Si;ttic/ by the Russians.
Tnumnir Nov. 9
SATURDAY, N - Dx : . 11
IiONDAY, - .: "
on Saturday came in collision with the pat.
senger traits .from Toledo,smashiag, the 101.,,
motive, baggage and passenger ears, and so
vereiy injuring several of the passengers.—
A fire brok6 out about eight o'clock on Ff. ,
day evening in Norristown, destroving tl I
stables three horses and harness of by. \Vn,
Corson. on I,alitvette street. Despatch , i
front the West st,tte that it was rani
steadily on S ttarday and Suinlay, and theit
were hopes of a rise in the Ohio. A renewal
of disturbances. was.threatenetl,on Fridtiv
the'lrish population of Williamsburg, N.
on account. oftheir exasperation at iii :Ina, I
upon the Catholic church. In revenge hi
this offence it was generally reported that
they intended to tear down the Alethodi
church in,Fifth street, and protect their ot I
churches hylilacing a strong guard of arm-1
men in them: In auticipation of this the: ,
hi WitiVS had oat too military eompani r
nil thus succeeded in preventing a dist,
halice. 1 hi! city has been ever since g
ded in this manner.
isast crons Shipwreck—Ml(le on t 7
The 2\;(11111 Star has nrrii cd
Yurk from .\:4l+itiwall pith $1,700,0( I
and the Francisco 1111111.4 to the 19th al..
two weeks later.
The steamer IfIllba'(• Blade, I.olllld fort'
uama was wrecked When one day out fri
San Frahei,co. She hind un hoard son p:
sengers. her crew and firemen. Fifteen lie
Were host, bOtiideS all the specie, alma:nth
to $153,0110, and in a day or so after
struck, she was was wa s hed
_to_ pi cces , '
fog and mistaken reeL(Wing cai•std-the d
aster. The passengers Iv( re rescued ti •
steamer Goliah. terrible scene took fil:u,.
previous thereto. When the passengers
hack to San Francisco, they held, a ineetil 1.
:111(1 threatened to lvneh the agent
Once was not aflOrdyl „thew in getting,'" •
New York. .
4 -
• A British and French fleet of six vess;
attacked the Russian port 'of Petropaula wsl ,
on the Pacific coast, on the 12th of Aught
but the place was so well fortified and , ; •
fended that the fleet, after a seVe'relattle,
tired: - The 'statements of the killed at I
wounded on eac•h side vary. Two llussit
naval vessels were in part at the time. `II; •
.allied fleet eapturt-d - several Russian vt:ss,
The bombardment lasted Gan• days, and tl •
allied fleet was much cut up. The place 1; •
defended by eight forts, one hundred !vet
guns, twelve hundred men, and two llussit
frigates. The ships left on account of rt •
nifig short of provisions.
A stupendous series of frauds anti forg,
ies have taken place. in San Francisco, a I
the perpetrators have got off' safely with th •
plunder in an armed vessel fitted up by the -
selves. The principal swindler is hut
Meiggs, one of the leading Aldermen•of t
city, and the other is his brother, John I ., City Comptroller. • Henry Meip;
failed in business fbr $BOO,OOO, and. aft 1 •
the two had absconded, it was found tl
-$1,(100,000 of Comptroller's warrants h I
10'011 forged and put in circulation, besi;
.tit2so,ootl of the stock of the Califitrnia it. ; -
her Company, and 5.50,000 of forged not ;
011 business houses, making an aggregate. ;
frzuv's of over two minima.; of dollars. ; ;
semi as these l facts- became' known, soar. I
was made for the brothers, when it was ; •
cortai tied that they hail fitted Out, provision; .
armed, and sailed secretly in thmdiarti ;
American for "ports in the Pacific,' with tl e
avails of their plunder. The steamer A eth
had been fitted out and sailed in pursuit.
tine has received a letter from Mimes();
fits( g that n'secret organization in all tl . •
upper counties of that. State, thj oltject
‘vinch is to carry slavery - loto'Kansas at ;
JOrztu•ds. Men 'are pledged to repair to tl,
Territilry on the night preceding the e!cetio
preiient themselves at the pulls the next rli
and 'cast their suffrages for slavery . nod i
candidates. The Society is said to numb, •
several housand members already. Sento ,
- ATelirs'Onliiiilhe credit of originating it, at
the Rev. Thomas Johnson, late de.e; , ate
Congress from Nebraska, is employing it to
foist himself into the same position fro
likuu as.
DEATHS FROM Finn-mots,Mr. Cyrus Iran:
of he firm of flare Ciebo, at Reading,,
was killed last week by The accidental d
Charge of his gun. 'rho Bedford (Pa) Chro
icle also records the death of Mr. Pets,
Fisher, a respectable eitizba. of that plat
from a sbaar accident. By; the sail c
charge Mr. Win. Kelley 'had a fore-lingt
shot off.
Catholic Vicar-General of New York, havi
announced that henceforth the Freeman s
Journal is tvrbe rmigililed as the " cad
paper,' of Archbishop Hughes, tl o mho •,
in relining to the announcement, intimatt
that it' imp,oses corMin restraint& upon hi , t
to which he Gasat length aceed\ d.
, another Catholic leper, s
DECLINE IN Bli l',lt D4'l'l'FFs,
The steamship America arrived ut Hal i•
fax on 'Fharsday bringiagnews from Rit7ope
one week later than previous advices., -At
the latest dates Sebastopol was being bom
barded, but had nut yet been taken. A to•-
tria and Russia seemed on the point ( factu
al wa-. Mr. Soule the American ministt rtc
Spain, has been prohibited from entering
F :vice ! As regards the seige of &has
topol, twc"tv days elapsed between the de•
!maitre of the allied armies from Balklalll
and the ripening of their fire upon Sebasto
pol. The latter event coalmen ('d 011 the
17th, on xvhich day 300 km.siatis were kille
and wounded, Admiral Korkilotr being 11
feting the dead. Toe fortifications suffered
but little. tr,
No. 11,
In Au-aria a grand eonneil of war
been held nt•Viennn, at ehir•h the Em p. rot
prosidml :ind it was th..terniined that Ev.,:-..ns
should he summoned i withdra‘v from th,
frontier or GalHeim The - Whole Austria-. ar
mt• has !wen rda'eed on a war footing. AT.,
'trim has made 200.000,800 trances ht• trah-
Verlag Imr railroadd to a eompany, of capimi
ists. Mr. Sotde's rcturn to Jla.'iricl_hvs
eat and chtmor.
.111,A VEIC. .
Nov. 12.—The sti:a44taltip
kWh', rapt. 11'e.o, s!ii.pel into ],el, aI t
tli: fa - rrorm, -- e - n - threl•Y 11)11111110:1IIC
11:1V111g. 1):1-0.‘1 v Hurl;
served• the i(.rt
early on I.Velauslay .maraine-,
anil brings i n r n hundred pa-,:eager , .
The I.,pachm Tithes justifies ille.tylaaal t.
the Friuli goyernateat tv :Wow
to through France. That, pnlyer
says that Alesirs. linelattina and )la - At - et rt
the insult to Mr. Snide flti a 11:111i,1
matter. It is moored that Mr..l.t.o;ott
demataled an, which
Times says will aT,t 131' eimeeilel. Th'e :1•.•
fair has-given ri.: to mach r
nail the belief is !. - .rettet"..lix- ent , yla,i,
el that it will entatte a serioa
tween the French and .\r•...ttricati y r . •
sievo of ••!fflinstop o l
A small breach has been made he the tin. ~•
the allies, and two dn• outworks silencf
On the other band, the 11:15:iians during
sortie succeeded in spiking gulls if, :f
French battery.
The Frynch steamer which loci the Friffif :
_oa the 21st, reports that thy alliA land fiff f ;
had effected a breach, but not vet practif
to storm. .
The Russian official • report, titalcr da u
the 2:14l, says tliat the garrkrui hod :Had,
saccessitil sortie and llestroved -71Frent h :,t
(cry, sixtrca Fret:vll ruus, :11111 t •.1
pri , oncr Lord I,Junliclivil, an English 114,! .t
The progress of affairS is,,thusvanintst2i
by the London Times lie latest
graphic intelligenceiwhicb has bet n r. c
by the French English !port:l-Limnos, i.
dated from the Crimea, on the 29th of
her. At that time the siege was goin g
favorably; filo bombardment from tit
trenches of the besieging arniies had heel
resumed on the 19th, with itlfect ; but iht
enemy is not reported to Rare sustained tin
loss of any essential part of the fortress.—
From the moment that it was clearly as, t r
mined that Sebastopol could. not be reduccit
even from the South side, and by land, with
out the operations of a regular siege, tit. rt
ceased to be reason to be surprised at 11;t
length of the proet ridings.
The details of the recent attempt upon tl t
life of the Emperor Napoleon, despite
efforts to keep them conct2aled, have obtain
edpubl'icity.lie had contemplated a slot
visit to Paris, and on his way from Ibilogne
arranged' to stop at a village and - receive ihe
addresses of its fumitionaries in the evening
Providentially for lihn, however, if not fie
France, the i yisit was dhandoned„and tLc
visit was abandoned, and the next morning
the officers of the railroad found the earl!•
around the sleepers disturbed ; it wasting up,
and a quantity of powder attached to a y
was discovered • whore the royal carriage
yruuld have stopped. it is m mt doubted that
the train was to be fired by electricity, mid
.the whole eortego . destroyed.
Since the departure of tho America, tla
produce markets were nitwit depressed and
prices lower. Fkotrhad_declined liCark
two shillings, and - 11 7 ,1mM and Corn were alst
EtTEST FROM KA NtiAS.— DatOS from Kan-
Hai are to October 25. th The MisBcuiria!th
have Made repeated attempts to
away the New Englanders, but having thiled
have taken to burning their cabins and tenu
during. their absence ; Thoy endeavored tc
get troops fr'oul Fort Leavenworth to aid it
driving thenr away from the disputed - claim
but without effect,
terrible affair occurred rtar
horn, Ohio. • A Mr.'Wnr. Ricketts hn' Jrf
his family to seek his fortune in Califer - ilia •
About 7 months since Mrs. Ricketts was in
formed of the death of he ! IntslAtai, an.:
she was induced to marry her informant, \VII
T. Ottylorp. ;i
,pprized of these ev en t f e,
Rickets suddenly returned, - -and surprisitu,
GarlOrd and his wife, stabbed them 1)(4,1
with akni le. Ile made good his escape,