Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 01, 1854, Image 8

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.1)c .flliltjuts.
13A Afwttlay, Oct. 30
FLOtilt AND MEAL—The flour market this
accruing was very dull, and prices further
declinkl.37 to 50 cents. j.. blil since Saturday.
Sales on early 'change of 700 bbls ILoward
street brands at, 50, and 200 bids do. at
$8 137!,, clogng.4ll,.huyers not willing 1 9
ocfer more than $8 25 tobbl. Sales oho of
5'19 hbls City Mills at--$6 bbl, : 111,1 closing
lull, with inure disposition to sell than to
mv. Rye Flour $7 25, and Corn :Meal
G 2 i bbl. The advises by the steamer
came to band about l o'clock and
vcre made public, showing an advance of 3s
:1 flour and Gto 9d. bushel in wheat. This
,live a decided buoyancy and firmness on the
,iart of holders, but tlte,market.wasunserfled
no sales reported. 'l4olders were asking
dents bbl advance on the prices which
.irevailed during the morning.„ -The supply
cift I.IN AND SE'EDS.—Thrt receipts of
;re fair and large supplies exPeCiAc,,Tlet
naicket, was-depressed supplies
prices declined 5
i 7 cents. About 20,000 bushels offered,
.nd s:des of' good to prime white at I 700'
it _Bl, choice do., for fitutily floor, 1
good to prime red at 1 Ciso , $1 7,3
Inferior lotS 5 - to 10 cents less No
„Iles after the trews. but an advance asked.
'urn—Receipts are fair_ and the market not
firm. Aboat, 7 000 bushels ofTere.d. and
, d es 0 1' whil e act 70(0 71 vents, yellow at 73
'I 73 cents, itiiNt•tl 70 cents, and new :.t 1;5
_I . H7 cents E) hnslhl. Onts—.ibottt.
itt,lte!s 011 . t.tri•tit ;.alt--; of :\faryland at -1;( , : 16
!t—Vie quote Clovcr at 6 5,60 $6 6'2, Elul
inmtln at 3 :50(9 $:; 75 - 0
31vaf (state, Safes
-AT PRI V Al' 141 'SA LE.—The
offers hi.; FAILA for fctle, si landed N
'.l tuffehm I.ownshlP. Collided:lmi con aLy on the tili
:like leading front liarris‘forg to Carlisle. 4 miles front
f Tater and 13 from'ilio CV'CA'AINI Al l
!ma Atrkt pi , nqure, of fh , t-
Ate l.imaatoun and :slate land, inferior to mom in,
county. Adjoining the Catietiotodoet creel: nag
into of Dr. R. O. Young, John Sherbahn,
tu•l , d hers. are about 12 tteres of Woodland:ant
the remainder dip:trod anti under good fore and
iti;4ll state of cultivution. There and a great ninny 1.,
oust trei! , on the Ton ready to he cut Into peas. •.
youlig thriving Orchard with different kinds of fruit
'No improvement," are It TWD f_rolty 1. )ti
1101...K-weatherbnarilvd With a Kitchen
:tate:lied and cellar under them; a first
rate BAN BARN anti other Ont. intildiltoe
With a never failing well with pump near
—the kitchen door; .2. Waller description Is
deemed unnecessary. of: those who' are desirous to tou
ch:l;e will vied the property- _Terms Avi11 4 1,13 made
ikpown by the fiubscaddnir. living on the promises.
it tl :. '33. DAVID MARTI N
- I ; fI.I.V.ATE following V A It M nod
Tract of WoothAtin, the property of Miss Martha Outman
of t'tirlislc,;'pill be sMd at pril ate sale, s is:
All that certain Yarn. situate la Scuthampton twp..
' Cumbeiltind county, hounded by lands of Beintek's and
Ifunte,r' s heirs. Francis Fulton. Benjamin Himmel. Pelt/.
and othrs, containing ltiCi MIMS, strict measure.—
This num, which is situated on the Walnut Ihdtom
road, within two miles of the borough of Shipp,msbutrg,
is of a first rate quality of mull, well culltivateil and
, fenoed. and nearly till cleared, with snit- . •
out, , buildings. There is a find young "t.
uncitAßD of welrselectod Apple Trees
on t h e promises, together with other 4..ty: •
fruit trees. .
Also, a Trott . of Woodland two miles from the Farm.
bounded by lands of Adam Warner (100. rlever's
and Conrad Clever, containing. ahout O 0 Aril Et+. This
and is well c tverett with young Chest nut Timber.
gtIA.3 on it a comfortable Tenant !louse and Carden,
Persons wishing to P.l3lllille these prot-mte, can ii sr
by calling on Mr. licorge Mathews. who resides on thi
-Farm. For terms and conditions of sale appl, to
WM. M.
** 4 i.tiimbersbuts , Whig publish Goa 111111 send bill to
111:41:111VO. .
I 4 lltEl-;,II 11.01 S AND -.BRIE DBEE
A fresh arrivni ef tititar enrod Vtiii nod DRIED
just recelvei from Charlnnati and for Salo nt
WIL,I.LANIW Family Airocery Store, in West \lain strert
AnvERTIs ! A in•EnTisF.:!l—The Merchant t
Manxifacturer,• Nho.ter Mechanic, Professional Man, in
dthq, every elasg of the c.nnuittnity has or ought to hat
more or lii, to ds IvWl the advertising columns of news
papers. Now is the time f the trader ra:tivularly, In
show his etdors. I , :verykxly ,is on the look-out (4 win
ter goods, 'Ph, lake advanLige of the engine rot
- tIY t • spcl;lyou on t) f,rtuite, and advertise..
y. ,, u a lI ,use lir Farm to Let or `.'ell? Advertise!
Do you want n' II :us,, or Farm? Advertise? Ds you
want Board or 1.1 - iard:N.;:i? Advertise! have ytel 10 , t
anything-!. Advertise! - Have you Found anything ?
A 11-.n.tiso! Ills anything gene Astray? Advi4 tiso :
Do you want help? Advertkei iii you want a Cierl, ?
Ad ertls:l! , you want 0 situ:tam ? Al! verth.o Dry.
(in ids Dealers, Tailor,, riot lifers, Shoo Ma:wr, Fan,)'
Holds Dealer:;,
Ll4ters, Furnishing-644 , 0 keepers, nod
every body else, dsi:drolis of handllng the nimble nix.
penise—do you waft. Customers? Advertise!
Ao•:,--FarmerS. FatnilieS,,Nbirtufacturers'and others. ran
lArchuse' no Remedy tqual to Dr. 'lOlll As' Venetian
uiniment, for Dysentery, Volic,-Croup, Chrt,nlc khenta. .
taut, Quinsoy. Sear Thr,,at,hache, Sel Sickness,
Cuts, Burns, Swellings, Old SerA. Mus,„tuit DiteS, In
-sect Stings, Pains in the , Lintbs;Chest, Bark, &e. If It
does not dye - relief, the money will be refunded.--all that
ialuik,tai-iftu trial, Lind use- it-aceordingto-directions.--
. The article Is an English remeir, and was used 'by 'iVm.
IV. King of England. and minted to by hint as it cure
f. , r Rheumatism, when everything else recommended by
his physicians had failed.
Over 10,900,000 of-bottles have been sold In the linit
e I Stales, without a single failure; and 'families have
stetted that it was worth $lO per bottle, they never
would ire without it, in case of Croup, tts It is sts certain
. as it is applied. It cures Toothache in three minutes;
lloads:he iaholf_tuif.,Lour, and Cholera, when first talc
: en, in a few hews. 'lt Is perfectly innocent to take in
ternally, and has the. recommendation of many of the
'inist, eminent - Physicians In the United States. Price,
27;ittiti - 80 cents.
Dr.. Tobias has also put .up a Lit/intent for Diorites. In
pint bottles, which in warrantai—eheaper and bettor
. than any other, Mr the cure of Colic, Swellings,
old Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Scratches, Cracked li e d.
fries, 80 cents.
. Dr. Tobias could fill a dozen newspapers with the cer
tificates and letters received, relating to the wonderful
curve accomplished by' his Liniment, but considers that
warranting it Is sufficient, its any person who does not
obtain relief, nowt not pay for. it. There /1118 I,ooli1 , 001i Ha
Much WOrthluss medicine sold to the public. that IV. To
,• bins WiEllafi his article to Pont nu its own merits. and if
he gives the value of the money rereivedAhen he asks
the patronage of the public, not otherwise.
ToAs' Wire, 219 GREEN Street, New
,Far a4ila by A. Smith, n Cliestmit.
Ilya( t 1:32 N. Far t. Strut: T. IC Call,a(l4, CM
Third Ftro.t, and byg the threursbout the
' Lla; t;al;itates.
L i flip] >EN'S B HU 1N ST
suippwssßultli, PA. Roy. H. H. Wtics, Profoss,,r
41.311gilagt.S. Nallllll Seknees, ;;,",
p.. 1. 1.. LA vlntyT, luntruutvr iu English and Math
.mitl 14.
Mrs. ELLIEs, Principal Instructress In the Pnnle De
The Seventh. Session of this flourishing. Institntion
e 111 eenntiont , nn. 3lowlay, the 11 th of Oct,ber xrtt,—
new, Building which trill contribute to the e,eve
ntince of )pupils, been ureetea for the use of tfi
Female tiepa, t teen
Orthography, Read awl Writing
annum.. tie•o - aphy. 11i4nry and
Philosophy ZZ 6()
"I ,, gy• nt t•ln v. Rhetoric. Physiology, Sze, 10 Ln
3lathematles, 11reek and. Lath Languages 13 Lu
Muele • 1,10 nn
Drawing 6 iin
_ _
The Wh..10 ex Pens" for v,ssl. in of If VP 1.:11P11 , 1.1.1:4111 , 11tIls
liTinsive of Tuition, llriartling, Washing. &e. do, not
e.:eee , l Pupils will not to taken fin. n F.ll ,11,r
period than half a session. APa tqlozno
to Olat..lillna aildrussing the
EN; V, near Pe. The 17th FCexi, Uti ill role
inenrci Me:Neil% Noveinleir ii, IF.II. Number ii
:ma f .r their meet
and lrrl 11,1 Terilts ¢Ui per sc-si n.
( . 11 , 11:111'S Mitt' releretices fnil
sopt:27-IK+ I
ILASS I (!i1 I; .N I) 1,11.14; It ARV
V.": II IL 1I L :4'114/Jl4, NL:w-L illo. l'a.-11144 WI NTER
Tffi , s.hy..t he TII, NflVC:lll.t.r.
and 11‘ rooolits. l'arefol Instruction is'rio
oonipet+olt t+..t , hers the 41.11:11.(1111011.: 1.1 lassi++++l,
1:411 . 14.44tiat 101 l and Engll4 , ll valleati at. The whole it-,L
frolso, I r tuitin. IrLirallo,; nod I ilLting, with a nook.
furni,llo4l. pro term. , For'fortber partkulais. apply
to either of Lll4+ 501,,,•ri1.44r, at New le ill,. Pa.
11.)BEIZT ‘t . 111{EN,1'11:1C.11,:ll.
W. It. I.R; N. A. M-
Pr••l4 rs.
t . I;. jr...k. It., I " •
- --- - • _ . .. ___ .. - -- lay of Noveml or lIPN t.. and :il'rept or refill,' t.. 0 , 0 0 14
AT 111 T E 111 1,1, A( I A 1)E 31 l', t ilree 1 the said estate at the la! nation, tir show cause why the
; ',mi.. sh 'Mit not he sold. l'i'rs.inal notice or 1 , 3. 0 fitly
V milsA V:. , t. 01 Ilan isi 011. A. l'i. el.:l3th i'M'sts * Pili i ti•ft at their phue of abode to liii vivo" to tin's,. tlitln.; in
•if tills P"1"il"" 1111 / I'' ""I'lltttz I til'ttt ott 'il " 14 041, the 1 , -:dc, or within flirty tidies of Carthdo. and I'y
mimeo 00 1..11.13v, the 40 It .0 . November next. under the I I'm fir three weeks, in two newsprpers in Pan
" 151 i•tv"iii' I"' itt ls l•l''"'• 'twill": t II" Pl'"`eltt• Year , • 111.11 li-le. fir t.hose resident out i.f the runty a lid leyciiii
linpr,voinclits and ailiillions hats liven nt,le a., Its iu- , ,
n,rty Mllos. EV TIIE t'Ol . llT.
''''•' ' in- ,"'''''-'" , 1" , H ., "0.-a- Tiil . Pritt'llttil "111 l'' is' i ( —•- ) In testimony whereof, I be3l , hereunto set
't - t"'t tl:v 3 f'tU ' '' . l. , "r ~. .lup..tent nod”xi , .ll"" ,, ;d - 1.. S. -nn' lt,ttql. and the .seal of saill I ',,tt-t. :ti 1 nruhle
4.-4,4-,-lett 1,-,-41.1.1-+1,..--1.11.1i-L,14.1.-al--11.111-61--paiLLILI-thell.,llL--1.-......--,,-.4-ofl-011,12th-tiliy_llf_t,uptelllLY....A._D..l—
I , .n, r•i-r ,“' the Slll tents. Pllll,ll' QUIIII.X.V.•
, -
Itmrding,l%asbing :out Ttlif 1,0 ill (110 1 . :11g11,11111 . 0001i. .21s,Tt';',4 '...t, l'imuts Civil. ( frphans' Court
es ilil Vocal 'dud,. p •i• :•tt• i 5 Months)....l It ,
I tistructi,m in loth' and tireek,'each, -. ii.on
Primrli and "ierniau - - f..iiii
.. Instrumental Mmic. " - . - 1 i•ii i ,
The atteotion of parent. and guardtintLis oarm•Stly
Invited to this Inst lino iiin. Al-mil:yrs will be thillisllcil
and ally 10110,11110 . 01 0111 1.0 1.4'11;011. 011app.10.3t.101‘. either
porsoihsl IA• by - letter t.)
Sept:. la, 1954
(1 t')1131 , ,'11.14A N 1) VA 141.14:V.
TI'T .Nhile and Female seperate 311(1 AiAll.el
A 6 Ml3ll ,V1114101`.1, I.t. iII3V. .11 /S. S. 1./OSF.. A. M.
:issisted I s five Tihliers,
The Winter-lieesi • ai of this Institution hill Open t
reeohe students on the let Nov. '1 he nullities width
are 1., loth seers. fur
int: it hitt,ht• t t oduention are unsurpassed hy /my Sitiliilll*
Seminary in the :shit..
Thr ittlihntws are 'new 1111i1 I,TH 31111 the
tfrt/I.IIIIIS 1Pr113111e11(1..i. Thu FEMALE 14.1..‘icrm ENT
is 11" \‘' vntiroly rop.irato. tel condi l eted Nee; England
Tealiers. It is bleated in the beautiful valley of Cantu
I,el land. unsurpassed for its healthfuluess--aceessiide
hp tuilbs distant. frill (lamb:hurl!.
11111 hundred and twenty students bate been in at
tentlaneo during the Cellegiate year.
1 lir/■1 .7
I I 1:4;'
Diard, Tditinn. and Rnum Furnished per F:ession
of 21 NVeelts -- - - . $55 00
P , 'l' Circulars and inform:lll.n address
Rev. JOS. S. I,iinSP.
31ctilauksburg, Clunk Co., Pa.
`,/it.. , )-It
)11N( LA 111 1:5 SF, I, H("1 . Sell( )() 1,
Ja- Carlisle. Pa. The F u ll terni of this : 4 111./Iti e lll
1 ... M11110110e 4.n 111/N hS V. the. 4 - th of Septettiter. avid cop_
tin W. ,'Cerra M fr.ern rive to Tee dollars
a .t.ortlintr 4t oak: pursued. For fort ht•r ittf.•rtun.
tlott tolq titre .1f t h e principal, DONS-NI:NU.
'arlit+ll.. \
YANKEE, FEED 'CUTTERS. manufactured for
At.Ellloll k t5Altl,l ENT, No. 410 Market strest, l'hilada
fhis cutter Is superior to any now in use, for strength
durability, and simpli.iity nt (-austral:thin ; it ruts fast
er, and Is the only self sharpening flay, Straw and Corn.
`'talk Cutts!. over It has but (IN STRAIKRT
whieh any psrson ran grind and set with ease,
but In ordinary rnSfi is ground iu the i:whiny. Thou
sands hays already beon sold, and the demand is daily
illereASinit. rases ;In triantinati in Is sufficient
to vonrinee one of its sm-ri•irlty. No ime after a short
trial a ,old part %%WI it tor any other.. All st--s of the
above constantly no- :militant! fir sale by ' L I .
.1. P. 'NNE,
Sole Agont for rututerland eounty.
)1 ' 131 1( .11 OF IiEAIA ESTATE.
The undersigned... by virtue of On order issued out
of he Orphans' Court of Cumberland county. will ex
pose to public sale by outcry, on the premises. on FRI
DAY, tho 2.lth thy of October. A. I)., !MI, :it 2 o'cleek,
P. 31., , the following described valuable Reid Estate, sit
uate In Frank flat township, to wit:—A Tract of Land, -
vont:lining 53 strict nr•asured acres and 10 perches, hav
ing thereon erected a largo stone 311.3{,cttANT V ILL.
with !bur run of stone, tr SAW Mill, Clover 31111, Plaster
11111, a now DEstillery,.nert Ilitten, three tenant Hous
es. Stables and a Cooper Shop,
- Also, at the Kline time and place, a tract of first rote
Slate Land, containing LW acres and 123 perches more or
less, hart'' , therein erected a MAN
SION 1 itiCTSI, Sitring-ItoUP, bank Itarn .
and a young Apple Orchard. Iluiluded Ia a
111 this tract, toe 0 acres and lit perches :.%rt , ,t; I -
of first rate Bottom Land. 141 c, vroti
These properties RINI situated on the "-- -
n. , rth side of the Cenntalogulnet creek, about four miles
west of Carlisle. They ul5 adjoin each tither, and have
boon occupied and used as one property: hut they will
bn said jointly or separately, us may Lest suit purebes•
lfe w 111 also sell at the Court House. In the borough
of Carlisle, on t , attirday, the 21st 'Of October, at 1 o'elhrk
P. ?At., a tract of Limestone Land. In South SliddlrtelL
township, On the s,outh side Of the Walnut Bottom road,
adjoining lands of It, & S. laten and others, containing
70 arm:. morh or less, having thereon erected a two-story
sToN Ii 11011.6 E, and a neat, now hank Barn.
Terms rondo known on the day of sale.
.TOIIN sru.tur,
Sept. 13, 1554. ' A thu'r of John Ilays,
ORPHANS' COURT SA .1./K. -11111
be sold in puraumice of an Order of the Orrhmof
Court of Cumberland 'county, at public I . L.nilue or out
cry, (Ai the promises, on SATURDAY, the '2Bth of Octo
ber next, ht 11 Oeleelt In the forenoon of said day, the
balance of the 1111A.1, lITVATII of Robert It. Chuieh, or.;
SILIIIItM in Ne'is- Cumberland in the county
aforesaid. consisting of LOTS 210. MI, 2.11, 29 and 41;1n
tbu geeerai plan of said town. The - terms and coluil.
tiotim of rale. agreoubly to the order of Conti, will Le
:mole known on the day of Bale by the subscriber,
•ni t ;dor do bonib nun of mall decedent.
septnts • ° B. F. LEV,
Priliciril and Triet )r.
Mal:11'1°1d. Illiat , orland CO. Pil
I larrisljurg,
tarliste iijeratb.
CI 011 RT P 110 CLA - Al TION
Whereas the flammable .lAm rs IL. GRAHAM, Presi
dent Judge of the several Courts of Common pleas of
the counties of Cumberland, Perry - and Juniata, In
Pennsylvania, 711111 .1 nstice of the 'several Courts of Oyer
and Terminer and tfeneral Jail Delivery In said •conn
ties, and nom Jon:: and Status, WOODIIUnti Judges
of the Court of Dyer and Terminer, and liencral
Delivery for the trial of all capital and other of enders.
hi the said coinity of Cumberland, by their precepts to
me directed, hearing date the 28th any of A (trust, L
ordered the Court of I iyer awl Terminer and lien,
ral Imllvery. to la holden at Carlisle, on the '2(I
A Y of November, (being the tali day) at 10
11 eh lek iu the forentoi, to continue two
NitTitit: is therefore herehy gls'ett t' the C'erener.
tu , tiros ‘d the and l'o'nstaldes of the said count ) .
Citaiheriond. that they ore by the soi 1 prompt o,nn
nuuuled to then awl there in their prp..r persons.
with their ells, records, ingnisitions, exam . ' MI aWs nod
all other remembrances, to do th , s, things which tr
their Itillees Nell:till Li, be d.lllO, and al I th , P,O t. :tee
NMI./ l , yrerognizanees, to pr , lseente gt-rainst tit, pris
oners that are or then shall he in the Jail of sold eettoty,
ore to be there to in,soente them Ins shell be just.
Sheriff's OiFlee. Carlisle.l
Seliteilil.rr. 21. IsJ4. )
Ni-r % oi ft, lii .
i. At a stated Orphans' Court
.I_l bi , gB , l "a 'Tuesday, thr• 15n, day of August, A. 11..
1);54, and Imideu,at Cmlsle, in and for Cutni et land co.,
Itof tre the llon..lames IL llraimm. President .1 utlgti, and
1 4 :m1nel Wt.milturn. and John Rupp. Esquires, Ass.triate
.1 titl,4es, t(e., the following proceedillFs were bad. t 0 wit:
In the C:l , l` of tiro writ of Partition and Va!nation 1 0 .
the, re; t
l i co
tate of Robert Graham. deceased, the same
ha s 1 1 1 , 1-- '`n Notfirmed I,y the Court.
NtAv, a ,11,...tiftth August, 11154. IZuht, 011 t.llO heirs
anti persons interested, to a it: John J'ttfart. tiiiol'ell of
Joseph ilraliam. William Graham and Isabella Itralittm,
intermarxied with Robert Roberts, William K thatham.
171170. Intermarried with . E. W. IVarsham, mild A.ndrew
.1. Graham. 'Willi has 17. W. Warshaw for his an.
t , he said 17, w. Warsham anti Eliza his wife haling,sold
their interest. to William (Venn,) the children of '7slr,in
11 rahtun. married to -- Frazier. Mist) dead.) to alt:
Isabella Ann Strict:ler, Catharine. married to 4:porgy
N ogle, the son of Nancy. intermarried with Arthur ilti- •
rhatinii. arreased, to wit: Wiiilaiii Buell:man, Red t h e
children of Jane Grab:nit, (ler0:1S0(1 ‘ intermarried with
-- Grier, to wit. three of the C1111(11'011, 0110 iivirrieit,
the others unmarried. all of age, live in Washington
county, 1)a. To came into Court on T I;i:sp.( V. the 7th
O'l'l('is liertby given that. the
AND : 4 1VINCS iss'n'reTno.
located at erland Ilan. In Dirt:insult tot, reship
unty: will matte apiilkation to the hest
Legislature of the Cornmon wealth of Pon nFy I van In jr.
an' net of Iniairporati ii, x tilt x capital of not less tllOl - 1
Ton nor more. t lion 'thirty Tlvairtityl Dollars, fOr the lair
isise of rely hod - tlepotita tit !nuttily both transitory and
on interest. and of In4t;ln i r loans and dise , unts, s. it li
Ineli other pric ileges as aro' usually granted to Hat Ingo
Institutions. By order of the Directors.
D. L. ItEvt.t.t AN, See'y
VOTIOE is hereby ;liven that
ha 'node t the next Lerislature, agree;-
l iv t„ the constitution and laws of the Canunanwealth
Pennsylvania. for an alteration 110 the rharter of the
Carlisle Deposit Bank, SO 09 to minter up o n said hank th e
id _OIL: and privileges of a bank Itf issue, and to vintage
the name to that of thOlantista Bkat also to ineretra.
the capital stork One hundred and fifty thousand d.d.
tars if prarti , alde.
By artier of the Board of Directors.
June 23, I , sl—ildl Cashier.
A DECEASE - D.—Let ters TOStfUllelltary 011 the Estate
eC d ad o ,. F,.o,es, late of Nest Pen rnhurn tow nship.
Ontel.orland county, derld.. have Leen,.gradted by the
lie.zister of said eaunty, to W. M. Henderson and
Parker. Persons inlet tell are requested to make kiy
molt t and those having claims to present them far settl...-
W. M. II I.:NM:tit:ON,
Carlisle, Au;
• 1 4 .1 S'ir A 1 , ;( )11( ; 1; A li:
IJECEASED.—Notiee is hereby given that letters
ot with the will annexed, on the rst.i Le
of th'llrgl) Baker, late of Filver Spring township, ruin
herland eotinty. deeeased ha VO boon granted by the
isterof said county to the sul•svilher residing In I lamp
den township. All persons knowing themselves Indeht
ed to said estate are require:l to make immediate pay
1111.11t. 1g0.% in;; thi'lll for set•
tlenient to
s6tt. 13, 1554
I. 4 I STATE OF JOIIN )10 1 :111TE1i.
j—DECEASED.—Not leo Is hereby given that letters
1 Adittiiiktratlion, kith the Will mule: fl ed on the Es
tate of John McCarter. late of the borough, of Carlisle,
Cumberland re.. deceased, have been granted by the
Iteghter of said county ' to the subseriber, residing In
millnabill'oTrirpersons - ltrintrlng - themsebresin.
&Idea to said Estate are required to make Immediate
payment, and those hating clarets will present them for
settlement to
Sep. 0,
4/ DECEASED.—Letters Testamentary On the estate
of Rini dpit liryslter, late of I - hurehtow n. Altonia, twp.,
e'd., hat e been granted by the Register of said e, way
to John Goodyear and George Wonderitch, residing in
the same township. Persons indebted are requested to
make plyinent and those having claims to present them
for settlement to .19 lIN GOODY F . % it,
Aug. 30, 1831—ft. Execut.,rs.
1 - r 1 ST A'l ` OF G Milt GE CARL,
cp:AsED.—Notice Is hereby given that letters of
administration on the estate of George Carl, decea;zeti. of
upper Alien twnship. Cumberland
.rounty, who re
cently died In the city of Pittsburg., have this day bomt,
issued by the Register 111 and ter said musts 11f CUM-,
theDerinnd, to Subscriber. Who resides in ,Upper .Men
township aforesaid. All persons haring claims or de
mands against the estate of the said dee'dpare requested
t, make known Um same 'Without delay, and those in
debted to make payment to -
Oct. 4th, 1845
tweast.d.—Notice ix hereb:,.. - glien that letters t es
te e n tary on the estate of John Wonderly, late of Synth
Middleton township, Cumberland county deeez6ed. have,
been granted by the Register of said county to the sub
scribers' one residing Carlisle and the other in South
Middleton blwnship,ln said county. All persons know-,
ing themselves hniebted to did estate are required to
maks immediate payment, and those harlng claims to
present thou -11T settlement to
WILLIAM WISH, South Middleton.
Out. 4.—Upd. • Exeoutors.'
sEumAN, DEuD.,vs;(4l,,, Is hereby given that
Inners of Administration on the 'estate of Cutivithic.
Massulnmu, late ( - 4 . Upper Allen township, climbed:lnd
county. deed., have. been granted by the Ite!4h.ter of
said county, to the subscriber reOding lo the same,towu
ship. Ali - persons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are required to make immediate payment. and
th,:se 'having claims to present them the settlement to
JACOB 1,. ZOOK, Upper. Allen, ' '
Oct. 25, Administrator.
-NOTICE. ---An Election for Directors
of tho Owns% Dank rtII be held cm MONDAY,
aio 20th of November next, nt the office of the Presi
dent, In earlis s le, between the hours of 10. A.M., and
2 P.M.
' • • GEORGE A. IXON , '; Presl.
0...t0b0r 25, 1g54-4,,,
.! 1: 00 11 A LON 0- SIIW A. I
n'olvel a few Ltrug' and
Aral for sate U. W. IL IN HR.
'3iotic es.
Wlll. (4 A 1,11:( EA T if, Trens.
I Jim I) p
RIC11.11U) I' A Itli Elt.
s 31?_
stores, nob SUops.
. t' P
I am just receiving my Fall
••0 4 fMICANCS stoelt of PA P I LIAM iI IN
'r e fitp which surpass In style, quality
and price any that have
been ex hilatted in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a call
front perrams In want of Paper Hangings of any descrip
tion, us I ant confidant by assortment far surpasses any
in the Borough; and in style and pokes has but few ii
vals In the city. I only ash of the public to eallotntl I!.X.
amine my assortmant before purchasing. 218 I 11111 confi
dent my chaste designs'cannot fall to please the most
fastidious. AMIN P. 1.1 NN..,
. IVest side of North linnet er Street,
r.p d7rt,Ci - c - 14 - .. - ,--C- XT ENV li It()CEICY.
.......„,- - ---.li_____
J l l _ E S_:''' I_ll AN I) VA 111 i'll' STillt E.
Tho subsoriher would rescisyetfully inform his friends nod
the puler genet-idly. that he lots just returned frrcu the
elty with it large rind varied re.l,rtmer:t of
IIIIIWI.:1:1ES, (ILA :.;.3:111(1 Ql'Et.l.:--IVAIII 0. t r .
,i ,
11:sil. kr.. &.. ii 1
bleb he offers Tor sale on the " 1 " il
most' rensonahle terms, nt Lis .New Stor: . % .
~ ,
rorner of North Hanover street and the l'ul - ,i,isis.:o'
lie I-I:inare. directly I piy.vito the Carlisle Pe.
posit Bank. IliS stork enitrases everything usually
in :t (Irocery and Variety store.
The public 21r0 lit itO , I to ( . .1/1 and OK:1111111C hi , stm.k
hefore ely.eivhern. as he fells voilf.deht he enll
sell Ulu hest 1..;,x.dr at the low cst =
.1. D. IIA1.111.:1:T.
i+A LI, STYLI': OF lIA'rS for I`sll-.-
orxiloir. K ELIEIt respectfully annonnres to 111 S
Ohl Patl'l , 7lS :11111 t h e public goner:illy that ho hop: just le-
S:!4i - aceiieil the 1 , ,k1.1,'Y Li: or GENTLF2 , II,N'S
At .11ATS. manufactured at one of lite tei,t ostaldish
inents in 1 hilatlelphia. to %Odell he his Itos spef.hil
Tie has also constantly on liaml a lame anil varied as
sortment of his own manidliottne Zto well as city made
'hats and Caps, snit:dile L r Lice seasim, comprising every
variety of ltni:F111, Pt . :lVet. M{.loS.l.lill ftl
islied in the lati-St'Stylo, tOgetller W 101.3 foil
of CAI'S of every shape and di•scliption. and Ut Ul,l y
price. fle tir ( liiitilittly invites th e - Odd ir roll and es.-
111111110 1! is eXt• 11SiVi! IVSOrttrt.:ll, S1111( . 11 to , tyleiorato
ritl and tinhilt, cannot he sumo:soul by any in marki L.
and \chid) 1141 is la IV tk , rill at price, Lrn er than e,.er.
Ilemember his ell stand oci NOT tll - 111111. , 1 er Strert, Le
tWeell 111{11101's 111:.1 Fener's stores.
Al. 11. 'I'ROUT, desires h, Infirm his old filer tin
litrltas 1111111 , Ved heir Vet:ll/WO:Veil MII IlL.h
street. near the Ilitilrenti Pepot and is unit penint.- II
j 41'1 large and elegant assort.inent, , t t ho FALL ;••TY 1,1.;
/deed l'hiltolvlidtia, i•i ,
gelltiPlilell Or , t'arlislo are requ,sted to a, 11
examine. llt• hat, then a large assn I talent ol Silt. tur
taut Slouch I lats no his own itthntiiitettitt., gat tip lit the
Lest sty le and at t arious prices. the and P. 1,1•11
stladi he Is eent!dert in
ly Inn I, examined to UV approved. liTttnn, l'ar,•t•
supply of Melt's. lloy's and 'Wren's 1.1..111
and fur. in eV el!; ea I y i.r an.,l 1 ,1 i,•,. j„, t
Philadelphia. Let till \i'lto cult a lint r
flip give him a rail. Its they' nuty Lu cure I,eing suit
ed to their rtth sat iofavt
IIA)'I'II IN ! CIA )1 . 11 IN(1 : 'The sub
seriber having niLie up a lot of Fashional lu
and Bul, , dantial el,d Mug' which he will sell as ohopp if
not elivapor than any ~tablishutont in,t1,1d1;‘,41,,u1411.
'fbe ennoiXof
'OV lil:COAT8,
Fine 11 1 1 , , 88 COATS,
SACK (7 (7),A s ,
p AN T.A I, 0 0 S S, ••• '
V 8 'l' I N ,
The Clothing W 111 1.0 made out of none Cut the hest
quality of goods: cut ONV`rioll,d and good
mitten and the work got up in the list MU niter and by
the hest of hands. We hare now on hmid it lot i f choice
Clothing, and all we ask. is for pureha , ers to-give us a
call and they will be pleased with 110 work and prices.
At the old stand on Last 31ain etroet.
Jan 181 CHARLES NuLny.
ur hun now on , 8 `HOES. The subsc r nsi v o and iib
leeted stock of 13 U 0 'l' N and S 11 U 1::',
which he will sell at unusually low pric-*
es. Purchased from wholesale dealers, • •
nt In rates, he can offer such induce- -,:-"...
tnents . to purchasers as will make It their interest to vis
it his establishment. Ile has every article in the Rout
and Shoe Ladles' or tientlemens' wear—he
theref re deems it unnecessary to particularize.
Persens desiring good and cheap gwals are in vit
ed to give him a
v; ARE—Old housekeepers anti young. with these
luso at, ho aro expecting to become housekeepers are ins R
ed to call at HALBERTS FAMILY tiltOrEllY and ex
amine his elegant assortment of China, Mass andQUoVes
wan, and other articles In the housekeeping ii ne, such
as French and English tea sets, heavy banded and plain,
White tiranite, gilded and I 11141:Ii n. Dinner sets of ev
ery.yariety anti price, bowls and pitchers, tureens, dish
es. Sc. tilass,a Are—centre table and mantol lamps,
Calutel.abta, and other lamps. groat vanity, tulle Itiml 1 :tr•
tumblers, olbiets, ke. Fruit and preserve dishes. in ~a-riety
riety Cedar-warts—t übs, buckets, chinas, Low It, but ter
prints and ladh.s, meal buckets. to. Brushes—sweeping,
white wash. s,rubbilw., hand and clue dusters,
brooms, Sat. Market. clothes and travelling baskets.
Also a choice ass..rtment of Tobacco mad Segel's. Call
vo hits are fond ofi choice brands of Sugars and try the
Principe% Began/as. Reif/monis and other Cuba c inlet
and you will find them of unimpeachable quality. Also
_half_pauhaand Common Segars,wlth choice snuff and
chewing tehaeco, •
TOOK OUT IN Tl,ME!—Cllolera-
J morlous, Dysentery, Dinriluea, tic., nro malting
their appear:me. You know the remedy— If you luta 0
any regard for tile wellfaro of yourself. your wife, or your
chilthen. supply yourselves with DiIECIIEICS MAtCIII
- CORDIAL. othom iso abide the consequence re
sulting front a bigoted adherence to old quttekery.
Matchless Remedy" eau be had at the Drug t , tttre of
it. .1.
South Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court
lloutte. Carlisle;
j - ) 013 E 11T 13. SMILEY,. ( 1 .1131 . N Wl`
~. orth Hanover street, neat doer to , .
Glass's 11.40.
110 Ivi.uld respectfully Inform the
ritiLens of Carlisle and the 'addle generally, that ho
has now on hand a largo :nul eleßantassortinent of I'UR
MTUItE. consisting In part. of Wardrohes.Card and oth
er Tattles, Sofas. Bureaus, lintistaads,:-plain. and fancy
Sewing t 4 tands. ice., manufactured of the hest nuiterlid
an d' qual ty warnma tad.
Alsd a general asSortment of CIIAIRS at the lowest
priers. .VENuttAN Ih.mva-tande to order, and, repairing
promptly attended to.
41z • t.. r. (111 , 1NS the shortest notice; and hay.
lot a elendid hearse ho a lit. attend funerals In town 'Or
Romembor tho stand—next door to IT. Tllnsg'R
4 ). . R. B. SMILEY:
—JAMES It. \VESA' ER would respeefeully call
/-_,,,0: - .-the attention of Ilnuse-leepers and the piddle ids ex tor sive steel. of elegant FURNITURE,
tneluding Sofas, Wardrols.s Cent re a nil Tahles,
Dressing and Plain Bureaus, find every other
:irtiele In his branch of.landness- Also now on hnd,
the-largos, assortment of CHAIRS in Owlish), at
the lowest prim:. AuFFI NS made, at t h e short
est native and a Ileum , Jr' Idea Ihr funerals. Ito
sill hit N a edit at his estalaisliment, on Northltan
over strotl. near tilasse's lintid. ' ,
over and Louther sts.
f k C. IMMIX—The underrlgi
od has always on.handa la . rgo stock of superior Nbinet
Ware, iii ail the different styles, which ho IN prepared to
sell at the lowest prices. Ale Invites attention partirue
larlv"0 the PATENT 81'141'0) BOTTOM Ily.nsrr.An, a most
nserni article, Which entirely obviates all objevtions.—
The bottom rattle attached to old Ilvdatends. They have
given entire satisfaction to - all who have them in use.
I/I)- COFFINS Wadi, to'order nt the shortest notice. ,
, , Fl/1"11fit.
• •
r AMTIN ERN ()! J.--Aver} - Nu per ,
241 or azt fOll. Pa• greasing mutehlills, just re
forsale cheap at It. SANTONS.
silent efi , the finest quality for side at Um lowest eitall
privus, at Wm. ('. ELTOMIEAD S. Na. IS-I Fouth Seeend
Street, between Pine arid Video, west aide, Philadelphia.
The assortment einiraces a large and eel. et stiek of
Fine Watehes.Jew elry. Silver Ware. Alluta 11 are. plated
with fine silver, In Spoons. Forks, Ladles. k,:.—.let gr,. ds,
Fans and fancy artlelps of II „superior quality, desei %bag
the extuninatlidi el thrise who, desire to pro, nee the best
• goods at the lowest rash prices.
!laving a pt . :ad - iv:LI hilt.aledge of
the bllidlll`Mi.and all avail:dile fcili-
, 'Of I F
. --
z , -tles for lipporting and Mannfac,tur
lug', the stil,serihor ront.ttlently Invitee purcl•asr 1%, 1 1. ,
'Hering that he can sni•ply thew oil terms 2u , fa% oratle
as H uy other estal•lishment in either of the Atlantic
kitds of Plainehag nod Pearl :low elry and Silver
Ilan 11131.11f:14 (MA Lu order. wit in a reakenal(;• time.
Len jewelry and ,Ilver ware faithfully re
paired. WIII. F. ELTON 111..A1),
No. IS-I South 2d ft. a few doors atone ti n tlt. Mar
ket, We, :dile.
the )))).nth wiudow of the Store, 111:9 be seen
fano J us whirl) ci.nnutuult4 the admiration
A.f . the ,iontif,r awl curious. (Sept. Di, '54-Iyr.
of LINE —From City ( • hontival & Union Works,
wade after the in.)st 11111 rov,dl nt ticks and verpollpalor.
Prepared A nhyth Ito Nlauure. made after the Eugli,4l Hr.
Ih - le. and most superior. loing 11.11,1) lower than ti nano,
and fully equal, The attentlon of 1), alone and fan ners
is rartioularly ealhal l o re for trial. Also Tel-1111ml
ano, I), huge or lquall quabtities. for Nile by
'22 South Wharves, 3d (lir>or above Chestilut St. l'htla.
111 IL17:•()N'S PATENT
Tl:stl IT N.ACK.,r-'1 he ev ull tbo
lit to ht ion of all patties requiringn desirall b win e
to ( CLIA-I,IIATEL tIIM. AND V 4.N111..11 1,•.0
r ii .11-Y.
'the reputation of this tUrunee is now k7:owu , haling
I 1.011 it to I.ll:reti !luting the past ytar , into about
ligu puha, I tkihii rigs :mil more than MAW ta .
i Ott,. her eith the nruiense ia4 tease 1.1 StlleS
ory year is the lest VA Wnul e that tan le adduced ~ f
ity . c,i er all (.thar`i s. by the ore of
Chilson's Utifpni v. you secure the thilowitur advantages:
l't nr. r--The heating surfaees hring at a teint.era-
Cure that 11 ill let desseeate the air.
,f: ue Ft I.L.
I:VI:1131M Y—lteing made entirely of Cyst
114 t 1k i 4-- requife lu, repair:: dud: a life
time— it i. ent fly TIN11111;111.:11,11Viii 11 , 1 t t.Np,Se the 11111,1-
ing in srl:h h it is piactsd fr‘iii fait, hist, tho
4.1.1 0 r furnn, t S.
6111 r t of hundred, f the in, a t
a , lont if.r 1-a-n U , atlo , t to the truth f the al.,ne>l:ae
uttnt. all it a ht to,1 it Li , be tholdetlly the 1 o- t
ji.tcnt , d f r pr , during a put t-'1 . 9,1
attn, siTirtV: e hertTirfflf - frrine., - the -- nifmrs - -1 - rf - ft-fra- - -
, II Is n and elnit out
11111 i kindly fUrrialuol to- tholr vatacs and refeiehoo,:
l'rt I. .I‘. t. lii I'. Pal her, Inof. In, a.
Wm.' It. Allen. Ilrof. I al a",..1 a. 144. Da i . a hl a , 11,1 .
- t}o have introduced this season Ilto new sues. se Una
all panics may aVtlt t/1011,1 . 1%, of this great'ingert_}o
at a very moderate viol. We are mar prepared to
I'mothh appmalua to a :angle rom, or the larg
est I uildiug In the court ry
do do
do do
Tliis No. i; i.. tLe largt st' and nu st ful Yuma. it
made in Ilda cOnn try, and is admirably adapted t. r
bun• Les and ii . or 14,1,3 class
We continue to sell .the apparatus at the same price
as it hen trid intim:need. live years ago.' A lthi ugh the
present high lo ice of iron lotS'inercasi d their runt '.!L p er
cent, owing to their great weight. still we are entailed by
the great increase of nodes to furnish the earth le td the
lowest pt collie price. One .biundry aliiiii7AMlFfs . ." War
nick t Leilirandt, have contracted to furnish us with roe
tons A)1 Furnaces this season, so that we ate nor prepar
ed to furnish them wholesale or retail. \le supci intend
the ell, lie tt 1 , 1 :dl Furnaces, when required, libel war
rant them in all cases.
the most complete fitting lunge that has yet 1041. ill
tr..duerd, to ci hich at tall the attention of till Mini may
ee hit ti els lire the most pt rfect nod desirahle cot king :kV
parat us et or ills ltrited.
I•:111•; u. IN • S PATENT VENTILAToIt.—We me the
only Agents in I'eunsylc finite for 010 taco titAct,ure and
salt t his 1 e• w Lich is orient v h-dp, d l 0 1 e the
only pert . .. 't Ventilator over made fur nn re. time the
thauglit In „ bitunies, and for ecutiliithig
r As there nee a great itarh 1 , 3
if thin taltictldeiutiele now viTtireil Mr sale. 'teeth,. s ill
eareful4di es albino that it has. tie hat ru a Lad; e at
1..v1'f....T I!! (0F . T1 . 1.: AND VENTILATeI.S.—IIe
have the hireei.t ned no St LS 11.111.1 e 11,S• rtioni ti of lh t
Air Ile; lit et, andent to Iv. found the I tiled
who v (si t to purrhai 4. either frt pt is
use er with sale. n llnd it grintl3 to then its antage
Gt eviiniiiie th, it rMI 1•1:.
AND I IlviN :%IANT.IXS.—We have tilway,, ~n
liana MM.t
les.ltt wart imitation of Egypthin.islanish,flaln ay and
other tale 13:80'4, s.
OPEN it It AT p.... 4 .—Par A othini ite and Pitt:win. us
coal. Also an entire tress' putti en of the lots densn that.,
nunle — freer the EnFli - sh - Patterns, and - entirely neirin
this cruntry.
SOLE AiIENT) fly the ISutliih Eneaui-itie Hog
'file,(larohlaChinineyTrps, and TerraCotta Ot nano lits;
out h as 141111011 &V.
Persons at. nt 1.1111(11re; Wruld do well to ex:noble ur
stock boltre purchasing elsewhere. Visitors. oludlier
Porebasiog or not, are cordially welcomed to our exten
sive - 1‘ nreroonis. and.vvhere . V 4 sliculd to happy to fur
tti,h any htf volution r-rspecting any of t tar got do that
umy to desired. A tool. on IVnroting and -I et:Midi:lg
earl he had gratuitously at our store, eithei persoutily er
I.y letter. S. A. II Alt
Warming and Ventilating Warchonite,
Lin Walnut at., lolow
l'un,Al- Ott 1!I
May :11-7mi
NI 10111i.A1:1), Premium Artiste in hair / Invont”r of tho ( ulot.ratot floisamer Ventilating
1 ,) il: and !io,tie Band Tolpt es. lustrurth ns to mat , lo
I.laili , s and iierthintrritu incacuru Unir heads with in. ,
curacy - 2.. , _
. For. 111t18, (pc)inn.—No. 1. The 1 - 011111 i of the
From forehead over the head to the lieeKt . No. 3.
From ear to ear over the top; No. 4 - ..FretiVe ar to ear
round the forehead.
Toupees and scalps, inches.—No. I. From to
luck as far as bald; No. 2. Over Ili reheadas far as requir
ed: No. :1. liver the crown of the head.
It., DOLL'Altll has always ready for sale a sptemild
stock of tam& Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' Wigs. half , Wigs,
Frizas, earls. Se., beautifully - matullicturcd and
as cheap as any establishment in the Unica,
Dollards Herb:llllam fix,tmet, r Lustrous Hair Tor le,
prepared from South American Herbs and Roots, the
nest successful article over preduced for presert lug the
hair from filling out or elmneing...calor. restcring and
preserving It in a healthy and luxuriant state. Among
ether reasons why •Dellardrs hair cutting saloon main.
Tains its Immense popularity is the filet that his 'ro»iels
applied to every head of hair cut at his estaldlslutant,
.consequently It is kept in butter preservation then un
der any known application. it being thus practkuilly
tested by thousands, Mims the greatest guarantee of its
Sold wholesale and retail nt 116 Old Estaldisiummt 177
Chestnut street tpuosite the :lath House yhilatitlidtin.
Itollard at least' discovered the In) , plini ultra k vf
liAl it Mil?, end announces it for sale ivith perfect et n.
lidenco In its ;urpassine every thing of the bind non:
use. It colors tint hair either bineit or brown, (no may
let desired) and is used without injury to the lutir cr
skin either by stain or otherult , e. can be wznitt , ti (Vitt
ten minutes after applicatitm. without ,detracting from
Its ellicaey. l'ersons visiting the city are invited to.givo
him a call.
Letters addressed to B. POLLARD, 177 Chestnut st.,
Philadelphia. will reeel% t+ attenth 41, Jan. 2t•-•ly
lEATITER.—Fritz & Tiendry, Store, .
..4 :29 North Id st.. Philadelphia, norriceo ISlanufhttmr.
or, Curriers, Importers; Commission and General 1.4341-
er business.
garetth str, FIT.
r 'll El M ('TUNES -of tlio
it b.., t!v t.n, bar.(l 411:0 yilo nt tlio
I , 4tanLy and
CA,IZI)NI3It. nrowN.
lifitfab e fp Oia.
Comi It te,
fi,; 1: hI. IA k
Extra Enda llr. 01 ILL Buis aLtl 1.1.41/d1
L' j
1 :.~