= BM 'ilgxirtzttur~il. Keeping Winter Apples. - A great many persons lose their winter apples, not because they will not keep, but because they do not know how to keep them. We commend the following to the attention of all. Recollect that too much importance cannot be attached to keeping apples in a cool place, but where they will not freeze. The keeping of apples and other fruits depends very much upon the care with which they are gathered, and the place in which they are deposited ; hence a few hints on the subject will not be valueless to the orchardist and gardener. Late autumn and winter apples belong to that class of fruits which are gathered before maturity, and ripened in the fruit l'ooth or cellar ; and they should be picked when they have received from the tree all the valuable elements the season will al low it to give them. English gardeners have a rule that no fruit should be suf fered to remain on the trees after they cease to vegetate, and this is in general a good one. The apples above spoken of, as well as pears of the same class, may . remain - uOthered until there is garrti.er f injurpfrom frost, as the sun and air, and the still remaining vigor of the tree seems necessary to their perfection and maturity. A pples designed 'for long preservation should as far as practicable be picked by hand, carefully and separated, and when they are not wet by dew or rain. 'l - hey should be handled so as not to bruise thein in the least, as carefully almost as eggs or glass ware. Lay them gently up on the floor of a cool dry room, a foot deep, to sweat and season for two or three weeks; — and then, — on a clear -- dry day, sort and pack the apples in clean dry bar rels, filling them so full that the-al hies cannot move after being headed in. '1 he very best, which will keep longest, may be wrapped up separately in soft paper before. packing, or they mayle_placed in layers with dry chaff around and between them. Most cellars and ground floors are too damp for the perfect keeping of apples through the winter and spring, and also H of too variable - a temperature—the latter should not vary much from forty degrees. If an upper room can be so prepared as to retain about the same degree of. heat, dryness, and darkness, it is a very dehira ide locality for the preservation of ft uit, not only apples, but pears, grapes, &e.— To the preservation of the two lest named, considerable attention has recently been paid.—Nete Eirkcr. Bearing years Of Fruit Trees. 'We have ever been strongly inclined to the belief that, if fruit trees are pro perly managed, they bear fruit everryear. • It is strange that it should he'otherwise, and numerous facts distinctly point to the difficulty in the way of Securing this re sult. We accidentally came across a statament of the Hon. J. W. Proctor, of Danverse, Mass., on this subject, which we here transcribe. Mr. P: says : " will state certain facts, that, have come within my own observation.—l know a Baldwin apple tree; that has been in bear ing condition about thirty years, which uniformly bears from five to ten barrels each year. It stands about one ,hundred feet westerly of a ~,large barn, and about thirty feet from the road. Directly op- • posite the tree, is a gutter, that takes the • wash - of the road. The proximity of the barn-yard and the highway, affords all the nutriment to the tree that can be desired. Whether these are the causes of its eon -stant-productiveness,-I-will - 'not-sayi but presume they are. If they are, the fact has a, tenderidy..tp Show, that in good po sitions, with good culture, trees may be made to be. constant • bearersi and that their intermission in bearing is to be at tributed-63-th° exhaustion of their quali ties and not to any general law that for bids their bearing every year. I know another tree that bears .a superior fall Harvey, that has borne constantly, for .more than , twenty years. *. * * by culture and attention trees can be made to produce every other year, it is a fact important to be established."' From published accounts of Mr. R. L. Pell's orchard management, (and he is . the owner of the largest and most pro ductive apple orchard in the country,) he h4esta' (dished the Act, that apple trees Gan be made to bear every year, by* sup +lying,the necessary food for the trees and fruit. The compost he manures his orchard lands with, is not made by guess, but is compounded with reference to the kinds and quantities of elementary sub stances composing the wood, bark, leaf and fruit of the• trees, as deduced from analysis. A plant can be fed with its ap propriate food', as well as arr .- animal. , Use 'of Lime Quick lime should never be used in combination with animal manure. When in contact with them, it sets the ammonia free, and impairs, nay, destroys the. eili eacy of such manure. Mild lime, or lime that has reabsorbed the carbonic acid, which has been driven off in the process burning—marls, shells, marl and shell sand, being carbonates, do not exert the baneful influence of quick lime, and there fore may, very advantageously be used in connection with organic Manures. Marls, in every form, may also be used with barn yard and stable manures, or any other kind containing anunoniacal compounds, as the lime in them, being carbonate, cannot ex ert, any injurious influence-upon Ahem.— Marl might even be used with, guano, the most 'concentrated of all animal manures, and no ill effects would flow from its ap plication", whereas, if fresh lime were used all the nitrogenOus parts of the guano would be driven off and lost to vegeta tion, while nothing would be left but the mineral portions. Persons having marl deposits could not' make a more profitable disposition of their marl than by covering their barn-yards and stable flours with it., to act as an ab sorbent, and retainer of the liquid uuun ures• of -their stock. Preserving Butter. . The farmers of. Aberdeen, Scotland, are said to practice the; following method of curing. their butter, which gives it a great superiority over that of their neigh bors: Take two quarts of the best com mon salt, one ounce of sugar, and one ounce of common saltpeter : take one ounce of this composition for one pound of baiter, work it well into the.massoind close it up fur use. The butter cured with this mixture appears of a rich mar rowy cansisteney - aad fine color, and nev er acquires a brittle hardness or tastes salty. Dr. Anderson says : I have eat en butter cured with the' above composi tion that has been kept for three. years, and it was as sweet as at first. It must be noted, however, that butter thus cured requires to stand three weeks or a month before it is used. If it is sooner opened, the salts are not sufficiently blended with it, and sometiMes the coolness of the ni tre will be perceived, which totally disap pears afterwards.'' Profits of Shade Trees Let a farmer plant out by the road side 100 trees, at a cost of $5O, (and this is a liberal estimate, ) in ten years' time that farm will sell for $5OO more than it would without them ; and I venture the asser tion, the owner would not have them re moved for that sum. Whatever adds to the value of real estate, and has an in creasing route, "must be profitable. It cannot \ be otherwise. Now, if shadetrees do this; question is settled. Will any sane man contend that the shade trees in Cleveland, Rochester and New Haven, or any other city where numerously planted„ have not done much to add to the value of real estate in those places? What is true of the city would be equally true of the country. Management of Manure Heaps One of our foreign exchanges, has a communication froth Mr. Robert Austin, Manchester, who says that upwards of a ton' of horse dung is made in his stable daily, and the usual offensive odor and evaporation from it entirely prevented by sprinkling over :the diing2licap by means of an ordinary water . can, a solution of a pound of copperas in a gallon of water. "The value of this chemical agent im fixing ammoni, and strengthening; manure has long_b_e_en known, but Mr. • A.uStin.-„%; practical application may be considered simple, elfil'etive'iiiid easily adopted in similar cases." . Blgek Knot on Plum Trees. A writer in the Cultivator says that Mr. Mr. Wm. Smith, of Ballston Centre, this season " removed all the diseased Aranch es from his trees, and around atiion of them set out the tomato plant, leaving a part uncared for. Those with tomatoes at the roots have no kit whatever, while those not treated in thA way, were full of black bunches the same as last year." BUYING GRAIN By WEIMIT,—Since the practice of buying oats vy weight has prevailed, great frauds have been detect ed in them. In one lot of 7000 bushels,. 250 bags of chaff and sand were found; weighing about a ton.---Prop. Jo urnal. tartisle fjcnitb. I Frofessiond Turns. N GREEN, Attorney at ,law, has A„ settled In I%lerhaniefurg, for the practice of his profession. All hinds of Legal 'Writing, Collections, Court business. &c., promptly attended to. Office oppo site Dr. Long's residence. SURVEYING in all its dlife. rent brandies promptly attended to. GB. COLE Attorney at Law, will at tond promptly to all business outrusted 0 him. Mitre in the room f i'incrly occupied by William Irvine, Ksq., North Hanover street. Carlisle. , . A prlf 20, 1852. 1111. C. E. 13 [ATM ENTFIAL,'IIO -511 El YSICI AN. Office and , residence on Louther street. ono door rant of the (7erman Ito funned Chung'. Dr. Ithimen'thal respeetfully offers has professional services to the citthens of Carlisle and iltir-Persons from a distance laboring under chrOnlc diseases may consult by letter. Office hours. from 7 to A. M., and 2 to 4 P. 3f. septiVailtt I) B. C. H. BAKER respectfully offers his prot,ssimatseer leer to the yitizens of Carlisle :odd surrounding cc:tic:try. - Office and residence In South Hanover street, directly ITPl•slte to the "Volunteer Office.' Carlisle. April 20, 1853. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North naniover street two doors from Weise CampLell's st me. Office hours. more particularly from 7 o n o'clock. A. M., and front 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. G EO., W. N if DENTIST carefully attends to all operations upon the teeth and adjacent parts that disease or ifregularity may require. Ile will also insert Artificial Teeth Of every deseription. such as Pivot. Single and Block teeth. and teeth with -Contin uous (ruins.'' and will construct Artificial Palates, 06- turators, Regulating Pieces. and every appliance used in the Dental Art. '—Operathig room at the residence of Dr. Samuel 1:111 tt, East High street, Carlisle. TR . CI C 14:08 .— a., -I) Z. BE ETV. w p •r -them any operations upon the teeth that may lie required for their preservation.— Artificial teeth inserted, from a single tooth hi an entire set, on the most s.:lentifie principles. Diseases of the mouth and irregularities carefully treated. offi c e at th'e residence of Iris 'brother, on North l'itt street, Carlisle. R. j • LOO- 1 y t4z-71".1., ' • - NHS will perform all operations upon the I Vali that nre.reanired fur their_preservittion,'such ss or will restore the loss of them by inserting Attilielal Teeth. from a single toLth to n full sett. Atri - Office on lilt street, a few doors south of the linilrpad Hotel. Dr. 1.. Is absent from Car lisle the last ten days of every mouth. FN. ROSENSTEM., House Simri • Fancy and Ornamental l'aqtter, 1 rvin's (formerly I larpeeb) how, near Hither's Dry Goodi Store. lie will attend promptly to all the ahoye descriptions 4,4 lug, at retumnahle prices. 'flee carton. k hods Of graining attended to. such no male tgany, cak, uttinut. &v., in the Improved sty le MA P B OF CUMERLAND couN_ A ' TV.--From entirely original Surveys. by actual measurement throughout the whole comity, by 11. F. BIM/GENF, The subscriber is nilw engaged In making Surveys preparatory to publishitig a new and complete Map of Cumberland County, upon a large scale. Every Public Road and Stream, with the locations of all Mills: Stores, Dwellings. and Public Buildings, will be accurately laid down. All the Public Buildings In the County mill be distinctl) indicated. a n d the 'mines of ownerB.4 proper ty gene, inserted In their prouct positions on the Map. - A 'nide of distances, Statistics of the County, en larged plans of the principal Villages, and a few of the most attractive lows in the County. will be inserted in the margin ; thus giving every Fat kr:talon, and render ing the Map valuable to the Owners of Property. Merchants. Tres okra, Conveyancers, anti the inhabitants generally, of the region delineated In as 1111101 (Ls this work is to be rondo up of actual ours cys made upon the ground. It will require time to accomplish it; it is net expected. theretbre, that it will be rettly for publication much tinder the period Of Two Years. The size of the Wisp will to about. use feet by four. and will mot five dollars. 11. F. MUM:ENS, Publisher. N. F: corner of 31arshall and Wood St. Philadelphia. Sept. 'V I"I'ENTMN DYSPE PTI ( ,'S---1 hose ~r - i you who have been afflicted for years with this lsdherseno disease, and who have been using almost et cry Nostrum before the public without relief, we say to you try 4. Becalms Antidysiieptle" and you will soon be tam, ineed of Its great superiority over every other preparatfon. We Muhl gi Ve l yi , tl many certificates comas , orating our assertions. but a single trial Is worth more than all. Th I , remedy Is prepared and sold nt the Drug Stoie i f It. J. litillitli. South linnot or street, a few doors south of the Court House, Carlisle. - ~....., ;Insurance. ... I i IIRE - INSURANCE.- THE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN istiliA NCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo rated by an net of Assembly, In now fully organized, and In operation undue the management of the following commissioners, viz: , Daniel Dailey, William It. Dorgan, Michael Cocklin, Meichoir Driinneman, Christian Stayman..lebn C. Dun lap, Jacob 11. Coiner, Lewis Dyer, Ilenry Lotlam Benja min 11. Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph IVickersham. Alexander Cat,heart. "The rates of insurance areas low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishiug to become members are imited to Make application tai the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. TIEN.Y. 11. •310SSE11, PreAdent. HENRY LIMA'S, Vire President. LEWIS lIYEIt, Secretary MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. ok(4l'N'ls CUMBERLAND et - RlNlV.—Rudolph Martin. N.Cum berland; C. 11. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Z.a•ing, Shiremanktown ; Charles Bell, Carlisle ; Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown ; Samuel Ciraham. West , Pennsborcmgla ; Jues. Me-Dowel. Frankford: 3lode Drlffith, South Mid dleton: Samuel Coover, Benjamin Ilas erstiek, s,-iu ; :Joint Fherriek, Lisburn; David Coovur, Shen herdstnuv. YORK COUNTY.—John Bowman, DUlfinirtr; Puter Wolford,'Frankiln; John Smith, Esq., W11111110.01'; W. S. Picking. Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradisii. 1141tit1S11111{0.—Ilonser k !Richman Mombers of the company bating policies about to ex pire can havo them ronewcd by making application to any of the agents. , • DRUG STORE FOR SALE.—The, subscriber offers at private sate the stock and tures of a Drug Store, Into the property of. Michael Fis doe'd, in Churchtowu, Cumberland county. There Is no other Drug Store In the place, and a fine opportu nity Is now presented to any„,young man uishing to commence this business. For terms enquire of MOSES MORRETT, Amdt. 0 C E R TrEAs, oFFEE- - --- l'ho sub o scriber has just added to his forma stock a gonerul selection of CHOICE 01,ROCERIES, as well as all the other 'variety of articles i nat , y i•=todlnimant S green—a im a t 1 , 71(. 11 11 elute A,per lb_ Orleans. Clarified, Cruslosf and l'ulverlzod 'Sngart, of film ;nullities; Chocolates, Spices, Dairy Salt. and a varloty of Fancy articles, all of with h aro of fvoil at the lowest cash prieos. Wo aro thankful for the (brow support given us, and invite a further call from our friends and customers. . W. Marlon Hall, Carlisle. / UST RECEIVED AT TUE VIM ," STORROf the subscriber, in Ma- Hun nail, A now supply of fresh Water Cluehem Soda, Butter. Pie rCte and Sugar Itulsenit, Patina, corn Stareh, Tapioca, Situ, Pearl Matey. Extract of Collet, Mee Flour, Baking Powt4r, A new lot of auperior Table OH, Pickles,- Tomato lietehup, French Mustard. Bay Ituut..te. • ' J. W. Jlitscefatteous. r•QTEAM SAW MILL, near 1 ; ,. rapertown, Cumberland county: 7 — r HASKELL it SEYMOUR continue ta sup till4l I „„A , ply Lumber of all,lthnis, at the, shortest —notice. and on terms lower than ran lie had elsewhere. All orders directed to E. HASKELL, Pa pertnwn; or WM. 36. SETMOVII., Jr.,Carlisle, will be prompt, ly attended to. Feb. 22—ly , G AS FITTING AND PLl7lklß •ii I NO.--1 lie undersigned would inform the citizens of Carlisle that he. has sonde arrange- Hien ts to do (IA S F ITTI NO and i•l.ll>iltlNfi at shoot no tice, and on reasonable terms. Ile line emtaged the ser vices of. a first rate band flub' Philadelphia. and has sup , lolled himself with an extensile assortment of Ft XT• Ult ES. abide will enal.le to fill all orders promptly. All cork will I.e warranted. Ilis stock of 1; as Fixture', will his found In the romp exact]) opposite his Timsinil 'eStahlishment on North Hamner street, a here he iti% itch a cull. TINNING, SPOUTING. is also prepaied to furnish. i r make to order. every article of TIN WARE used by housekeepers and .dheis. Ile will also attend to SPOUTING, HOUSE-ROOFING, BELL IIANOING; and PLI'M 11l NO. Thant; ful for the,patronnge ith which be linsnlready been l h s ored. he respectfully Solicits a contlnunnee of the Faille. Carlisk..7une 14. '5-I rR 0 M CALIFORNIA.—C. VON 1 . lIEILEN respectfully Informs the citizens of Car -- >l,,t lisle and vii initv, that he has just return „...--- ed from Califin ilia, and is prepared toes is. • . . mite all kinds of work ismnortrd with his Ilhe of Lusiorss. lie has always on hand ''''• a large assortment of roqy-made It Kies, Guns. Pistols, Locks, Keys. (Jun Trimmings. &e...a1l of Which he will sell w holesalc or retail. lie also attends to repairing lions, clocks. locks, it• c: engraves on brass. copper ard iron. Ile hopes that by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, he will merit and ieceive public patronage. - -Area • All kinds r.f. Fire Arum made to order. Carlisle, April 26,1564.-1 y Q 1) LEN 1)1 D / EL,1:1"! lio,lidttv Pres , 0 :WA S CON , Ix 2 LYN, West !Ugh street. few 9 3ilOurs west of Durkholtier's 8 ' 11.140, Carlisle, has gustre -7 6 . ecived the largest and most elegant lISSOI tment of supe rior Jewelry In err offered 'in Carlisle.. consisting In part t4' 061 d and Silver Watches of every variety. and at all prices. eight.day CLOCKS, SIAN er table ar , l tea 1 , 1101.n0. silver table f o rks and butter knives. cold and er spectacles. ladies' and goolemetis . I.en and pencil. gold chains of ct ery description, ear and finger i ipgs. breast (61S, Sr.. at all prices. Also A eeerdeeus and Mu sical NI MI II c reat variety of limey Articles, se- Meted es r.ressly f r the Holidays. Pm sons desiring to !um hale are Ins ited to call and examine the assortment. c are prepared to sell at very rensemtlile pi Ices. qual ity of gocalls warranted to be as fi ue ns sold h r. THOM A$ Ci iN LYN. West thigh st. A-1 A RION HA 1,1, REA N Rooms.—A. G. K 471 having taken the Vaguer rean rooms to Marion hail. knoW - fi'lls A. It. Jere. desires to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Car lise that he Is prepared to take LikenesSes in the most superior sty Ic of the art. such as n ill fully sustain the reputation of this popular estal moms are large.,pleasantly Situated and comfintably furnish ed. Ile is provided a ith the most Inwcrfni null perfect Instrument for taking pictures and warrants satisfac thin In cases. A full supply of cases of every variety of style and slue,plain and ornamental, kept co nstantly nit Engravings, Paintings, kr., avenrately copied and duplicates taken of original likenescs. Liken roes trait en of sick or deceased persons. Prices mederate and satisfaction given in all eases. The public Is imt {led to call at the 31ari.n Ihail Daguervenn 'towns and examine the numerous specimens. ly • Daguerreotypes inserted in Lockets, lireaSt Plus, FingenlLings, Pencil Ileads, Carlisle, June 14, '54. ANTCIFS',New Clothing Establish llENT—The Undersigned rvotiiertfully announces to his old friends and the public generally that he has ro.commenced the CLOTHING BUSINESS imall its va rleus branches, and has just opened, fresh from the city, at "Leonard's Corner, - North ilanever street• a well se lected assortment of REAM' MADE CLOTHING, em bracing every nriety, style and linish.:ibd at pliers cur resoodlng to the times and quality. Ile has also on hand a superior sb , ck of Cloths. Cassi mores, Vestings, S:•.. of el cry style sultni le for 'Spring and Summer wear. and which he si ill make to order on terms which cannot fall to please. Ills ~L el, also embraces n tine let of lien's Shirts. Col• Cravats, (I los es and lll.ldery ; in short every article pertaining to gentleman's wear. Ile respectfully invites the public to call and CX MIAMI his goods. April Ul, WA. N. HA NTCH. QADDLE AND 1-1 AENEFS MAK k 7 IND. Thu subscriber continues to tarry .tot the abio e business, in all its Eariour brandies, in North Ha ii.. orer street, Cal lisle. two tiers North of Leonard's corner where he intends keeping on hand a general assortment in his line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD DLES, Bridles, Martingales, Girths. firelngles and Betters, also TRUNKS, ,v.„ N.,......4 0 I l itl. traveling and saddle . " , 11 1 •';, \1 A 'age. no also man -11,,,i c,. , i ; n u i fiA , c ro t x ‘ i .t. re ,dt a s t p h t e a il; rt. JIM IRO ((( i 1 ilil \ W , ti P It 1 Ii a - S.lobl-Es ever used in this f i ' i u n i e l tr.) ll . E;r i s i Tlo t I :E . n s t e l l ' l ' l i e s a i . t s i a l iTt a Lau d -l e Mill Ito well to call and see them Ho a also manufactures Harness, Bridles, Cella, I, and \\hips in all their carte, ties. and contdently believes from the general appreba tion of his customers, that he makes the neatest and best gears, In all their rarlety of bredth. that is made lie the country. Ile also makes all bands of Matrasses to order. vii: Straw, Ilusk. Curled Ilair and Spring Mat misses. All the !thole articles will be made of the'best material and workmanship, and with the 'utmost dee watch.. WM. OSBORN. , ICILOTHINO At COST—The subserib ) or has an assortment of thahlunable and well made CLOTIiI NO, which will he sold oil at post forrash. The Stock consists of ('loth and ,Cash waren Coat's. Lin en and tlinghatu Coats, Tweed and Jean ('oats; Morsellls Silk and Satin Vesting; Cassimers, Jean's and Cord pan taloons, Linen and Cottonade pantaloons. with all kinds of Clothing usually found inn clothing store. Intending to relinquish flits branch of any businem, great, bargains ran be had by caning soon at the cheap store of Cif AII LES Oa I,IIY. -CAIIPETINH.—'A few pieces just received from nuctien and selling very Imo. Juno 21,'51. CHAS. OCIILIIY. 4 1. E4 S I :1 1: 0 I II G I-h rr a lC' v ) 11; g t a ken lOiT tl il e I —C " W - r ton peteh" lately kept by.. Mr. 11. h. Ihirkhol d4.ls prepared to accommodate his friends and the pub lie generally. livery circa will l made to give full sat isfaction to such as may Timmer him with tlieirpatronagt. Terms moderate. • [Carlisle, May 10, 1,514./ • Q,,AFE---SI ) I4:IEDY--SURE!—S o e- Ly TinNo "PA YOUR OWN 111:NEFIT11! A 'Medi. vine adapted to general - Awe, kreatly: - pinperlor to other, and within the means of every individual. 100 PILLS for twenty-five cents!' No extortion Li "price -no CaliiucI — no mineral poison whatever. Tolvxsssn's.lluvrii PILLS fully merit the - great 'reputation they have acquired. -They Are called for from all parts of the land, because TIIIA ALL aIiAT THEY CLAIM To 'BE. IVII AVTHEY WILL AO—Thee purify the blood, tlooy clense the System of Humors, they cute DyspePile and Indigestion, they mato an Appetite, they are Sick Ifeadache, Dizziness and Low Spirits, they arrest Fevers, ,they promote a healthy action of the Liver, they are a sure cure for Costiveness and Habitual Constipation, they are highly Mikado s In Female Complaints, they' strengthen and give tote to the System. They are the best Family Medicine kn wn. .. 1 • • It is an obvious Inquiry, how one medicine can cures() many different complaints. ; however, ire so compounded of curatfyo materials that persons have on ly to Th1"111131 and the answer Ns ill be found In a re stored body and an'lnvlgorated constitution. Each Box contains 100 fills, at the astonishingly low price of :IS cents. Every 'lndividual should have them- For sale by the Druggh.ts and l4threheepers genoTally • •. F. A., l'Atmta, general..Ager.t ; Stonington, Ct. VATCUES, JEWELRY, SILVER WAIU and FANCY GOODS:—A fine Nola nient of the finest quality, for wile at the lowest rash prices, at Win. ELTON HEAD'S, No. 184 South See( nel Street, between Meant, Union, west side.Philndelphia. The assortment embraces a. large and I•Cif Et Si. k of Fine Watches,Jeu clry., Silver Ware, AlLata Ware, plated with fine silver, in Spoons, Forks. Ladles, ke.—.lct garde, Funs and fane3 articles of a superior quality. deserving the examination 01 those who desire to procure the best ....,: i .s4 „ ...„; 1 1 1 . goods a, a h t , g ti the I ,p o . N .n v i. ,, , t s i t o t:a l t. i h u i i ( . , r ‘ i s. c l u e s d . g, ..1. ..., TV .., e.l ibm but:ince:amid all IlVallabill fliCili. • , "ties for Impot tine' and Mauldin Lur ing, the subscriber conliidently Invites purchasers. 1 Y- Ile%ing that be can supply them on terms IN fm orable as any other establishment in either of the Atlantic Cities. All kinds of Ithimonds and Pearl Jewelry and Silver Mare manufactured to order, within a reasonalle time. Tlo),lVatches jeuelry and tiller ware faithfully te.. pain d. NI M. F. I.I.TONIIEAD, N 0.184 South 2d St. a few doors above the 2.1 St. Mar ket, West Fide. 111 1 )-19 Ow south window of the Store. may I.e semi the Gimmes 11h•d Clock, which commands the admiration of the seluntille and curious. (Sept. 28, 'l4-Iyr. I M _PROVED SUPER PHOSPII A T OF LIME.—From City Chernleal & Vniou Works, made after the most improved ai•tieltrand verpsUperior. Prepared Anhydrite 3latiure, made after the alglish ar tide. and most superior, being mu,ll lower t nm Guano, 'Ant fully equal. The attention of Peale . abd Fat MCI is, particularly ca lied here for trial. • A.1f,0, rerll lanGu ano, in large or small quat.titles 7 for sale by MONROE 3101t1tIS • :JOHN L. lOMP:1101% 22 South Wharves, :Id door taut e Chestnut 1-:t. Phila. Kept. 27, 1+ , : 1 , „ LIMLSON'S PATENT VENTILA- TtNu I , III:NACE.--ne styl(scriter would cull the attention of all parties requying desirable Furoar to (liiit.uolc•u CEI.I.IIIIATLD I%4oa:if; AND VENTILtI IM, At. r.Atetcx. The reputation of this furnace is now known, having been hat-mimed during the past fivo.,yeius into al.t ut 1500 public buildings and more than 0000 mil ate dwell togs; this together with the imniellSe Inca CAM, of sales every year is the best evidence that ran Le adduced of its superiority oi Cr afl taller furnaces. Ily the use .of Cbilson's Fu ri of a )ou set ure the following advantages-. Fart; VI.N111..11111N: Pros heating surfaces Lying at a ttinpera tore that will et t desiccate the air. Ei. ,, N0311i Al. Ut.t: et Ft 61Zr..a DeIIAUILII matte entirely of Cast Iron, not liable to rust. mill require no repairs (luring a lift time—it Is easily namaged.anil m ill tott expo', the ',did. log In mhirh it ie placed to dlangei• fn m toe, iihe the other furinnes. He h a te the testimonials of humiveds of the nu st scientific men to attest to t truth ;acne...state,_ meld. all of is Man pronouns e it to lie decniedl:, the I est furnace yet invented f produeing it put e and healthy . uUm ,phere. lierewitlx annex the mimes" of a few well known anii=eminent pri fssors, who basis. used thew and kindly turn fished us their twines and references: Jelin S. Hart. Prof. Parker., Pi of. \u: ton. Pies. \V in. 11. Allen. Prnf Patheus, hof. lianulds, Pref. 11. SU- Pnl. Illpley. We have introduced this seusou fit e time sizes. SI , that all um ties wily it‘ nil Menisci% 01 this ( rent improve /Relit at a Nei y inetierlite ale I,OtV pi ei :acid to furulah ~n walla a :Angle n ota, it the big cat building in the muntry. No. - 1 Portnliie. ni e, Platk , ) • This No. l 0 Js the largest and most powerful4veri arc wade in this country. and Is admital ad k alit - 0.4.1 for Churches And other large Oars buildings. \ti, continue to sell the apparatus at the saibi piirio as alien first, introduced. five years ago. Altbraigralik , present high price of iron has ince easi d their rest 21, per owing to their great w eight, still we are-enabledi the great increase of sales to furnish the article at the lowest possible price. One foundry alone, Messrs. ar hick S Leibrandt, have mutt acted to forhish us with:CO tons of Furnaces this SOnSOII, so that we are raw prepar ed to furnish them wholesale or retail. We Rigel intend the erection of all Furnaces, when required, :RA war rant twin in all cages. METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE.—Wei have also the most complete Caning Range that has .) et I eon in trodneed. to Sc hit we 'call the attention a ail ache icily wish tic secure the most Verfect and desirable etching ap pal at us ever Invented. LMERF.ON'S PATENT VENT! LATOR.-4Ve are the only Agents in Penusyls cola for tlw ninnufacture ar el sale of this Ventilator. w 'Mb is itekuowledged to be the only perfe:t Ventilator mer made for our re. Ong the draught in smoky chimnies, and for vent Rath g 1 Mid- Rigs of all kinds. As there are a great many in hatless of thi• valuable article now , ffered for sale. 1 al ties will be careful to examine that it has the Inn rson I ridge at tached. PATENT AND VENTILATOBS.—We have the largest and ttnait`i4ouplete riat,rtalet. ts of Hit Air Registers and Ventilators to be found in the 121,ited States. Parties who wish to porch:lsis-either for prit ate UtC or wholesale, will find it grtatlyltu their advautaim to examine their stork. SLATE AND WON MANTLES.—We have always on hand an extensive assortment of these Leatitiful tnaiitV les. in exact inanition of Egyptian, Spanish,Galway alyd other Tare marbles. OPEN GIiATES.—For Anthracite and I:ituminms mat. Also nn entire new path Fit of the low down (hate. made from the Englibh -Patterns, and entirely new in this country. SOLE At; EN TS fir the Engli,h Encaustic Flaring Tile.Oarnkirk l Winne) ps, and Tvrra Cottn Orman nts, such as Darden YaFcs. Ac. Perron* , about building would do well to examine cur stock before purchasing elsewhere. Visitors, whether purchasing 4,r not. are cordially welc , rued to our exten sive Warw.), Ins, and where we should be.bappy to fur nish any Information respecting any of our goods that maw be desired. A bock on Warming and Ventilating ran be had gratuitously at our store. either p,rsenally by letter. ti. A. Warming and Ventilating Warehouse, 1.1!3 Walnut st., below 'Sixth, Slny 31-7 ml POLLARD, Premium Artiste in Ilair Inventor cif the relet rated Gossamer Yentilatibg kc and Elastic Hand Tout CS. I ustrtktions to enable Ladies and tientlenien to uieasure their heads with OC. curacy. • Vol indies.—No. 1. The round of the head; No. 2. From forehead over the head to the neck No. 8. From ear to ear. over the top; No. 4. From ear to ear round the forehead. Toupee!, and scalps, Inches.—No. 1. From fl , rebead to hack as far as laid; No. 2. Over forehead as far as rtqulrr ed: No. a. Over the crown of the head. B. IliltiLAltll has always reedy for sale a splendid stock of (lents Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' Wigs. half Wigs, Frizots, Braids, Curls, Acs, beautifully manufacturedand as cheap us any establishment in the Union. Bollards Herbanium Extractor Lustrorii4 Hair Torte, prepared frank Saab American Hait , and Boots—the most sucheS - sful 'article ever Produced for preserving iha hair from falling rut or changing color. restoring and preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant slate. Amon; other reasons why Bollard's hair cutting saloon main. tains its liemense popularity Is the fact that - his Tonic Is applied to every head of hair cut at his establiFlament, consequentlY it is kept In better preservation than un der any known application.. It being thus practically, tested by. thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of it 4 efficacy. Sold wholesale and retail at his Old Establishment Chestnut street opposite thelF tato I louse, Philadelphia. li. Bollard has nt least' diseo%ered the no plus ultra of HAIR BYE, and announces it !hr sole m lib perfect con fidence In its surnaming every thing of the kind noWlei use., It colors the hair either-black, or trrown, fax May be desired) and is 'liked without injury to the hair (le skin either by stairs or otherwise, can be washe'd off' Ar ten minutes eller application, without detracting how Its efficacy. Persons visiting the city are invited to Ova him a Lettera addressed to It. DOLLAIIII, 177 Chestnut Ft, Philadelphia, trill receive attention. Jan. 2:-ly T I:ATI - TER.—Fritz & 'Hendry, 'Store, 2t) North 3d st, Philadelphia, 31oroeco Nianttracttre• era, Ctirriers,ltnik.rters, 6)1111'11s:don and General Leath er business. .. • WHOLESALE' AND RET.III--)bnmfitctory 15 Mar• garetta stnet. Sop. 7-ly riitiTASILING NACIIINES• of the best make eonfdantly on band find for stile at the Onrilsle Foundry and iklnchine Shop. (1,1111)S1111 4& . 111101 V NA"' 1./Oifaheflif)in. NINE 1,,17.1.S for hi irk ork 4 do do 3 Extra Itadhavr. (with Thus ai.d French' 3 do do 5 do do 6 do do MI 1