vessels have, also left, for England, The re establishment of Poland as a kingdom is said to be contemplated by Pratitte and'Eng land, In England, a national subscription has been opened for the iyoturded and sick of the army of the East.. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. We have news from Calirornia two weeks 'later, being to September 30th, by the nrri val of the steamers George I,aw and Star of the West. The (brume'. brings $1,082,600 in gold aud the latter $BOO,OOO. , Several par ties of overland elnigral is from Texas .by the way of the Colorado have beon attaeke:d iw Indians, who carried ow six hundred bead of cattle, killed one man near Tueson, and filly persons in an other party, seine of the wo- Illeti and children beimg reserved for a more horrible fate. From this massacre several 'persons who were in the rear of the party es i.aped on fleet horses, and bore the sews to California. On the Tinigatta trail, twenty five emigrants had perished-for want of Wa ter, among them. being a man from l'ennsvl - name unknown. In Oregon a still noire horrible massacre has been perpetra ted by the Indians On Boise river. Elmeoun tering a party of emigrants they killed some twenty persons, men, winnen and children, butchering them horribly, practicing the most shocking barbarities to the women with hot irons, so that they expired in excratia ting agony. Three ehilitren they burned to death before the eves of the mother, and then tortured her to death. A body of troops has been sent in pursuit of the savagr;s, hut from the strength of their tribe and strongholds, a ted ions' war is apprehended. M GIIIIIED. flu ihnr . da} - . the 2:411 lest.. by the Rev. Alex. Sharp, Dr. A. : 4 1lAlt t Mist. 31.ALTILA.,lette:11- t .r el' of Dlekitistet township, 1.116: .uety. In Me. on the 2lth lust. lag. SI. thoolenton, MICH.% FL Dr.unorin , to mAiso.k Nur /11,/• i'oThe same day. liTiVe LIES, of IV . est 0 4,cm - lac, to "Alias )1 It ET 1), 1 le,ll - Norville. • • - cln tho 26th ult., by the Rev. A, 11. linime . r. Mr. Bit A 11.‘ NI BRADLEY, of South Middleton township. to 11 ins .tMAN DA, daughter of Mr. Jab Wolf, of North "Aliddlel township. this muuty. On the :Hot ult.. by the name. at, Mr.. 11rtilaughliii's Htel, Mr. (I Ei)la:l'. LAY to Miso II E I .1.11 Elt, 'hoth of South Middleton township, this county. . . t. Mo , llaiighlin's Hotel. Carlisle. P 4.. on Ow 22d of C1et.,1.. , r. 1, Kev..l. C. 11A BROUGHER 71N E ANN. clatv.; of .1. lin 11. }(lino, ~f 'Monahan township, l'orh co. (York ppet's cop) .1 Nn the 4lth ult... by the sane , . :it the he tet of Mr. in Carlisle. Va., Mr. .101lN ENSE3IAN to lli.n M.lll Y. dae •ht.or of I. o th of lip e r Allen township. this en. DIED At 1115 resiaenee In Theliinsun Owlishly. on the 11th ult.. alter a protracted illness, Mr. EMANt 151. IIARNI: 4 11 aged als.ut .15 years. In Philadelphia, on the 1:41) Oetoher. )Ir. .10IIN W. NO LILE, formerly of this place, in the .}ad yonr of his New ithnerlisements 1A BR( )1 DER Y.-M !SS 1 . 'AV ILSON A - would respeetfully Inform the bielies ,d* rarlin l e that In in now giving lustructlous In the SILK EM BM DERN', at Mr. 31.wtin's, and purp,sen remaining a few dayF or a week. Tto,se wishing - imtrm Lions to that franell. would Ito well to give her a call. Terms for lour days instruction ST OA' ES ! ST 0 'ES ! ! sTovEs .101 IN 11. 1.101“1 AS would infirm the nubile that he has now on hand at his estahliAnnotit, on. )lain next door to Marlon llail, the largest rind nut aFsortment ii OFFICE k pmt_ int fAllt. ST YVES to be found in this county, sthich will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or appmved credit: Ills stork emit:lets of a largo assortment of now and highly op r".-.llllrtwod PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished in the most complete manner, Mid enleulated for either won t ] or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns which have stood the test of experience, may he found at his establishment. Also, a great variety of She most approved and beautiful PARLOR OFFICE SrIVES, In cluding a number of now styles. poss.•ssin4. very SllrO rtor advantages over those heretofore in use. Panttlies nod housAteepers are reqieettnity Invited in give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to any part. of the reentry and put up at the shortest no tice. ll.' continues to do all kinds of TIN AND Sit EET lilt IN WARE, and Copper Work, and h is emointly nn hand or will make to order every article required I) housekeepers or others In this lino. His stYg-k of 'My and Copper Ware embraces every kind of household ann kitchen utenSll, warranted equal to the host manuthd Lured. In want of articles in his line may ae ways ho sure of being accommodated to their satisfitetiob by giving him a call. [noel-IS5n PUMPS.—Ji I et received a large assort- I meet of PUMPS of every variety in general met, i . rill Jrneing Iron and Brass Cistern and Cistern tilde - 'Pumps. Also. out-door Pumps, so regulated as not to be sultjuot to freezing in winter. Thesepumps are got up in the very best stria in paint of quality and work manship. The mantitheturers having had premiums Nwarded for their pumps at several State Fairs, where they have been on exhibition. Also. constantly on hand a full assorNent of Iron %Veil Curbs nud Chain Pumps. For sale low at novl-1851 1741 ST ATE OF F., NI A N LT A I. H H ARNIS DEC'D.—Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad- Ministration on the estate of Emanuel Ilarnish, late of piemeson township, Comb. co., deed, have been issued by the Register in and for said county, to the subscriber who resides In the township aforesaid. All persons hav ing claims or demands against the estate of said.deedent I me requested to make known the same without delay> and those Indebted to make payment to RICHARD IVool.fli„Dickititiqn, novl-IRu 1-6 t 1' .1.1 call the attention of the public to I'ORTABI.E. 0 ARDEN OR 111112: ENOINE, fur watering, gardens or extinguishing fires. An excellent er:Aele, nca', c'..cap and conven!unl. F. r sale at novl-1351 SAXTON'S. TRAY SIIEEP.—Camo to. 11 4\4 - the premises of the sulwrriber, In North Middleton tow nsillp. on the 10th of 4 . 111111) October, 15 IM AD OF SrfillAY SHEEP.- - Tho owner is hereby notified to enmo for wird, prove property, pay charges and, take., them away, otherwise they will be disposed of Iteerirding to law. Nov 1, MA—a. BRESNEMAN. 1T APES'. SUPERPHOSPHATE OF k Li M subscribers aro Agents in Philadel pbia f>r tho above fel-Mixer, which bas /keen fully tested t;kr the last three years.. Earlv orders solicited as the supply will be limited. Also, for sale best Pervvian Go vernment Guano No. 1. • PASCHALL 'MORRIS & CO., Agrj nral IVni.,•houst, and Seed Stnro, N. 1.. [...Artier 7th an i Marhnt streutg, Philndorilia, [-Loct'f,i V E YOUR OLD 31 ETA L—.(lasli aid 11 , r OLD 'METAL, Each na Coppor, Itrtiss and t tl4O C rlialo Foundry and rdiwlllino (iAilll\Llt S BROWN. r. 2 A P .1 I on, n 1 . IAI,I, AN I) WINTER . .F.kSITIONS. . 1 Th., subscriber has just returned from the Cities and is now opalling at his store room, next door to Ar nold A LiviturstaiCs clothing store. :t very large stock of L - 110:4.S AND Sib IEB, which cannot ho :am- .• passed in style, utiality and mire. and to which he invites the :atm:Lb - at of the public. lid:: al-l sort:neat compri , es in part. all descriptions tf Ladies and • Mis.:os SUPPERS-, Ii .t ITEIIS and SHOES, of the latest styles. and of superior totality ; (bttle mons Calf. Rip and Colt roe Boots, of the best workman ship. and aCtlie lowest priers; Youth's, Boys' and Mons ilungarian Boots: Ladies and Gentlemen's limn : , lrles,, Ac. Ac. Also, a lot, of Carpet Bags and Triyol:;.:. This ex tonsiVe stork of hew aml fashionable styles has hems Fldo . l l tad with alqat Van., 1111 d 010 qualify 1$ WIll c IT/11011, Zit' also aolltdllllllS tOllllllllllladlll.o all Linda nif work itS hoMre. lie solieits a share of public patron age. 0ct25101 R 54 ' JoitsATHAN CORNMA N. pit p.: PA 11. I'l FOIL \NT I N'l' I'l it ! • PA RLOR •A N D Ci fiII:IND STOVES. 'Pile sufmerilier at, his old stand 1111 North Ilatinver st., Carlisle, the sign of the -Mammoth That Coffee Pot,'' tie- Ori.. to roll the attention of the public to his large as -1 s ortminit of ST. iv ES. of the newest and most fashiona ble styles. from the bext mail ill:let...ries in the li., 0111116'S. :1 . 141 :It all prices front ::•',"; to ill'il. ~ ....,. Among Ids PAM.' fit S. CHAMBER STOVES -..r .'1 --- : are the Ai irror ::navy, the A retie. Revere. Star, ~;*-tly :li i'io r siaii. Union and .Piton Air Ti !ht. together C . 4-:... , ii 11,1, ether rit t 4• 1 .1. ii 1,1 , 11 110 lists of all sizes ~ . , , , ~ , r r parlors or (11,11111 WI S, :1111l CaP:IiIaLC , II ,I I - ,a 1 ru mg, int•uor w•iiiil er coal. Also, thin ;Etna. Globe., Actor, Albany, 'Plift-tsp find Bandbox. or Poor Alan's. with other COOK, IN II S'l'd V EA. eimprising the latest impriveittents in kitehen stoves. and intend 'd Il.r either wood or coal.— Also. the Dining'. Room Cooking Stove—a Heir and ele nint art iele, to which lie in, ices the partieular atton tpm of families, Ills rotating' it ives range in price from ;lin Pi 2, - ). is ith the fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plate Staves of void ins patterns and different prices. Alen, IiNAMEI.I.I.fI) AND TINSEL) Al ARE for Cook ing SI. nes, Wass Kettles. dc. A Is , , evert• art isle In the line if Tin and Coppsr %Vitro. The public - are respeed• folly invited to van as lie is chiliblent with his large stock. C:lt loty and cheapness. of being able to gii in en tiro patisfa.if iin ti every pier. laiser. Call ;mil se'. Oet.-lla. ISaL • - l'il. ALDIRIS. "t . f 11 7 1131 , 11-{. LA N1) - A T A LI,EY It AI L' ‘_, lIOA D. C 0.% NO H OF II , OO:S! On and-after :11 , ;SPAY. Ortorer 16th. IC:A. I , :ts?4,tnger trains ruu : as I.ll"ws.(Sti 11,18 t s uxcepted : 1 PM: 11AillliS1;UI10: letTr,in. 1." , 1 Train. (11111111,.I.rulthrg, 1•.511, A. M `2.16. P. )1. '2.4ti ••_ Nvw‘ille„ 9.50. " " " Illeeltanksburg. 11.01, . 4,2(i' Ilarri,iarg, •• 4,1,0, FOR IIIM111:11S111.:1111. Ist 'train. 2d Train: Leave liarrisluirg, S.:O, A. M. 1.45, P. M. •• 31t•clianichlairg, 14.15. •• 0 - 20, •• 2.49. 7‘,•w vine, 9,09, " , 6" '• 10.411, •' 3:SS, " .1t ('lianillershur4, ' 112)n, e 42111, Traitie leave Harrisburg far Philadelphia, at 12.30, 31., ;n , l 8.16, P. M. Por ( 14 :It 1.15..1'. M. Ferl'ittsburg, at 12.50 Noun, and 5 P. M. Fur Pottsville, Reading. and p,dnt,rou the Dauphin and mien:wham:a Pail (lead at 12.30, 51, , t 6,4" At all Stations w hurt+ Tickets are sold, Fares are TEN CENTS LESS than when paid in the ('are. A. F. SNIITII, Supuriutendent. Brad t'ltaulherslourg. Orteirer 1R Iss4.—occ.ig I'; - TEA C If E .‘ „, :\ :, ' , l f n l i . :' t . ll ., l l ' t „ t :\ al t j N el r i l l ' r l in , of the publle .a‘bool. in Lark t n. 1, hip, .Inniattt MUT) ty. ,lariOS of frrui eiltyt. Twenty•Fhe Uollars per month will he given fir e.ak)petent Te,rhers. Fur further ittrornutti n t call at Peru Milk. or addrePP; ortls-3t W. AI ti I N Seery. 1) IA NO FOR S,A E.. 7 -A SEVEN ocrAvE uosEWOOD PIANO, finished In the latest, and best style, oxeellent quality if tone, and every way a desirable instru ment, will be sold n bargain if applied for immediately. septdl JOHN K. STAYMAN. VOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given by the Court of Common Pleas of retained:m i d enmi ty, that an iss'ne has been directed by the coil Court. to try the validity of the last will and testament of Abra ham Williams. dee'd . lately nr tipper Allen township, Comb. co. in whirls said issue Michael Coeltiln and Ale‘.- ande'i *, Cathcart, the rCAIMIT.OI a in the sold will 11111110(i, areplaintKi, and James Williamsand .1. W. Horner, are defendants.' All persons interestetrin the estate of the said Abraham Williams. deed., as helm lily, claim ad versely to the previs,fens of the ard hereby me titled that they mac come 111 t.O the said Court to Inc held 'on MONDAY, the 13th day of November neat. and make themselves parties to the said issue. otherwise the de termination thereof will be conclusive upon them. Hy the Court, • JOSEPH MeDA 11.110 ND, Sheriff. Carlisle October '.;5, 1,51. 1 1 7/:S.:; N ENV 130 S :.1 Ad AZI N I.:S. AND Aglii . LATE PUBLICATIONS I , :leniants of Character. by 3ligri Clianctler. Clovertioek, by Alice Corey. Cranford. by author of :Mary Barton Passion and Prejudice. by Mrs. (lore. lienriet ta Temple. by Wisraell. Old Redstone. or Historical Sketchec of 'Western Presby terianism. etc., by Joseph Smith, D. D, 'Village Sermons, by.lter. Geo. harder, containing one hundred 111111 0110 plain short discourses on the princi pal doctrines of 'the Ow:TO, jnst, published by ,Lippin cott,,nrambn d I`ll,, of ,l'hiladelphia. Sunny Memories of FOITIgIi Lands, by Mrs. 11. fl. Stowe. Splendid (lift l b wks and Annuabi for 1 fiss. Harper's. Putnam's, tirahrtm's and Oodey's Magazines for October. octi A. M. PIPER. IJ ST RECEIVED! FRESH GROCERIES! Best Rio, Mocha and Roasted Coffees, ('rushed. Pub orized and Loaf Sugar Porto Rico, New Orleans and Cuba do, Imperial, Gunpowder, Young ilyson and Black MIS, Rest, Syrups. N. 0. and Sugar 'louse Molasses, QueensW:ll.o. Cedar anti Stoneware, Cheese, Fish, Stilt, Soap and Starch, Cavendish. Natural. Leaf Fig and l'ongrosii Tobacco, Pickles, flue Apple and Tomato Preserves, Ketchup avid Spices of livery variety, .t.c. My stock has been selected n itli strict refi•rence funnily uSe, for solo very low for eaillil'aliolOrliror retail by . WI I. LI • HENS{' SA XTON',S. v", ITOUSP: AND LOST`, FOB SALE- The Two Story FRAME I I 01181.: and Lot of Ground in South. Hanover street, now ocenpied by Charles' nay- 47 nit; inunediately opporito Bun II" Store, is offered' at private salo. For '4 terms ingnire of the stibscriber, Attorney for the owner. sop. 6, 741 It. M. lIENDERAIN.. JUST RECEIVED AT TILE FAM ILY GROCEItT STOKE of the subscriber, lu Ma- Win Hall, A new supply of fresh Witter Crackers, Soda, nutter, Pie Nir and Sugar huiscuit, ' Purina, Corn Starch, Tapioca, Sago, Pearl Barley, tract of Coffee, hire Flour. Baking. Powder, &c., A new let of superior Table 1111, Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Day hum. &c. . 1. W. s a w. . , CARPENTERS and Builders are invit oa to extmitno Ow nsimrlownt of Lolis, lAtellies Aloha, Illogo:, Screws, Muss, Polly,- Oil, ['Mots. ,tc,— An 1 i F,04, chi•iip march 1; DOOTS• AN U 0 ES.—A ypy large. ) assAlownt of Bools 1111 d hoes if (ivory des,rlp-. Lion .104 welt cd and - selliug Very icap. oet,i 1 ' , OGILDY. 3int) Jihnertisements. kEartis le Ocrall XT1)11,0117; fl 111111113 G EN, To k tin the f•dlowlng a •counts have hero r in the Prothonotary s ()like f r examination by the nee ?untanl, , ,titeroin named, and will lo pr..s.mted to the Court of Cinntinm Pleas of Cumberland ,iouoty for confirmation and 11110WlitICe on 'WEDNESDAY, the lab day of Ntt,vember. A. I)., 18:4. 1. The aPtlolifit of Henry Rupp, assignee tinder a tired of voluntary assignment by John S. Suavely to lalm dated - day of - A. I).. 1 S 5 I. '2.. Tim ave , ,not of I John tit uart,—Cfromittee' or Martha Marl:, olow der'cl..) under u .... ,,Anwission of In nary. a: Account of Samuol Vlootiburn,'gr.inestraMr of the Ilanovor and Carlisle Turnpike Itoad Company fr , in Aug. IS5a to Ist Aug. 184.1. nctil 01 , : 1). ZINN, Prothonotary. Prothimetary's Office. 1 oetolior lit, lsm. 5 ) IST S NOT [GE. —Not ice is t i hereby given to all persons interested that the Itillon Ina; accounts hale been (lied is this °Mee-I,y the Tn.:mud:tuts therein named fir examination, and will lie presented t' the Orphan's Contd. of Cutnl erland county finr confirmation and alliieranee, an TUESDAY, the 7th of November, A. 11.6 . 1145 1. The aiasiuntibf John 11. Coaxer, Esl.. Adm'r of the state of Fulton, late of Upper Allen town ship. c li TIM 111,011111 t of 511.1 tel 7.ehrter, A , ltMr of _ he Es. tat 11 rd John Ili,M, late of 511111 in todeer . nship, de :t. The account or It. 11. lino e. Adm'r of the ',state of Dr. Marthr Mnaser, lota of Shepherd:4,mm, e lather land county, ,ler',l. 4. Th. err nit of W. M. Eekels, Adtrer of the Estate of Jame: Eekels. late of Ulmer All, n tow halm). thafd. 1. The 411,111,111 t of WM. M. Mnitii, Exeouttr nt Peter Bowman:l:La', ha to of South:ll4Mo tow n:l4. dee'd. 11. The iiveount of Raert C. Sterrett. Esq.. on of the Exeret 'IA of Thomas Erie, late of North Middleton tow-1104. doe',l, 7. The .ace,nnt of Richard Parker, 0110 of the Ex eee . tor. of Thomas Uric, late of North MhUlleton Griot:l4. dee'd. s. The 21 and final account of David Demuth, Exero for of smolt,' Demuth, Into of Dickinson tovinship ¶l. Tho nrv•ount of Wm. Ihnienn. Ex.erut,,r of Jernh Fnuinin n, Into ,d Wormlephurg, UumLerland county, Jor d. a 10. Tho nerntutt of Itirhard Sturgenn. Executor rf 111. s. Eranees l•lturigettn. late of the Borough of 1-hippens -1•ir•. 11. The rwroutit of Daniel Guidon. ExPrtitor Of ward Golden. late of Sonthanipton t ontship. dor'd. L. 'no, of iirsirge Chapnisn. ArinCr of the Est•tte of Mts. Ann Low, late of Allen township,dee'il. acenunt of John Brandt. .Witir of the Estate of Cleo. W. ill.,lser, late of el,nlebtown, Monroe town ship, derod. 14. The nerount of Jar& 11igh, Executor of George 11 . 1 , 1;11110. 1-ate of NeWtOTI t deof.l. Th. The' twenunt of &tin N. Mrsrset, AdEn'r de - lonls ifiqfirrifiTFE F tVe 01 - • in. The a,•,•ount,f .1 iii Exeenthr of Geo. Lliht oer. late of the !toroth:11 of 's e w% d 0 ,..d. • 17. The lluarditnehlii art-runt of Levi Merl T. Guard ian Benjamin Sidman:in, minor son of Daniel Shirt loam Into of Shiremanstown. den•d, IS. 'Flo. account of ;:tophon Livingston, Adnfr of the I?L•dr of Michrod Livingston, late' of Itost l'onnsl?ori townsldp, doet. Car!lslo. Oct. 11th, IS:y4 p110('1,.1 )1 AT 1( ) N.-11' itt.!t•oits the 11011. ittflleq It. Ortha.:ll. Pro , l,lont Of the ...overal Courts of Common the voinitiesoi Cum berland. Porey Jonlita. and Santo,' Woodhorn and ink). 1:11f1p.A,..4.1,1t, .Itid , zen. of the said Court. in the of Coniberld.mi. 1,, their precept to ine di eted, doted the Idtil of Ainriist. i& 5 4. hate °hie/ n, ail milled Court of Common Pleas to he holden lit l'ar nun thu 11th day of December. ISM. at in the forenoon. to volition° untie Notice ts, thoref .ro. horelky givon to nII 41(7.011g In tk•restQO to ho then and there in nl tondan-0. . .1i Nr.l'll Mr 1).1.1i:%1.0.>. 1), Sheriff. Oct..ber VEIAT AND CHEAP TOYS, POLLS, ke. hy.ti,•ll :Ind German Fanry. 004:11S, Articles for Confectionct,:. Druggists and Tab:Levant:its loner than ever and iwgroatec v ardety. Fancy Iltiskets, plain embroidered and paint Tdys et wod,l, china, lad, Ac., ever Ma !harms, wax. johlt.M. china, crying and drettNed lt, Ils, It'll Ilcatis with teeth. Iwoving Aeeor.lemp, .11 , wsh:trps. Trumpets Fancy Boxes, Cornets, Bonbon Papers, for C”le iAlinl.ter dtnr9lry ltnsl•x. Inkstaitits. \Vateli,tnnils, ,t 4.., 1111-i.,uit Vizli N'S. Ink., .14.virotry Itwces, (I•b,rn,•.s .tr.. l'''ilt't 11'1t.1i t •s and VaSOF 01 chitin, it , li%:nlail (:I.tsK. ,t, , Drtig;zkts Mdn,•y Artir)•. Perfuntory, Troth Itrushoz+. Toktero and Snuff Bases, Casts:, Tin Foil, th.rtSlan Pipes of chitin, lie .. , over WO paters n, Ilarbles, , Pereussien Caps; Slates and Vomits. Also Cases of 71`..y, well a'ssorted. at $5. $lO. s'2o melt per Ca.s.t, With ail 011(11,‘Fll variety of newest styles of FaneyCloods IMOtted In the latest htelt ets and for sale at the %cry lowet rates by, T 11,1,118. Importer. ' No. 1 Cuunnevre at. A 1)1 ES 1' Nisi" A F 1 11. S Jllll N Ijj FA Imparter. Statinfaeturre :1,14 healer in all lin& of FANCY FURS. for Ladles and Children, at 'll AMU:I' Streetlahove Eighth, I laving flour completed toy large and beautiful sic .st tof all the different kinds Fancy Furs that will I.e worn be and t 'llildrvn during the !.aunt noa wna:llf Furs ul5, nal t" any 1.0 011.11111 ill this City, either .r qualitY,,varletv t la" beauty, flar ing hought my Furs In EuroptfObr Ciasb, and have hat them manttfaeturod by the moat entnpetent workmen tinder Inv own supervision. whit reasonable wontunv.- 1 ain determined to sell them at small profits, sod fur Cash only, Ara - sTottExEraq:mi would do well In give ute a call before purchasing. , JOH N F. It RA. MAItIiET Street, above kf Lth. Philadelphia. ACKEItEL, Icnnectanty on 'Mild and CODFISH, for t, HER R I ND, PORK, !ALM E. AM S AND SIDES, 11013 :ra STREET -- LARD•ANI) CHEESE, ' • SALMONS, ) nC-tn I 0 1"1" s PATENT F \1 I', it S' ivnLiute.—These possess an advent:l y over all . otheis in being made with an outside iron , cesang. which greatly economises fuel and prevents loss of heat. They are made of various sines, from 10 to 120 gallons. They. ! are portable. and may be set in the kitchen for hous« hold use, or, out of doors convenient to the barn, pig pens, A:c., for boiling food for stock. For sale by PASCIIILL 1101tIl1S (10., • kgrb - mitUrAlVarehense and Sciell"Store, N. E. corner - I of 7th and IliTarket-Atimts, pEEVE L. .KNIGHT, (Successor to RAthaw ) , rimight,) BEDDIND AND CARPET U:11013SE No. 14 8 South Second Street, five doors above Spruce Aroot, Philadelphia, where hir.itreps con stantly ow hand a full ItSS"rtMent of every article in 1140 liho of business. , , Feathers, Feather 1106, Ptitent.Spri T 1 e. MattreSses, Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry; Brussels, TIUw. Ply, Ingrain. Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp carpotings:l Oil Cloths. Canton Matting s. Silaßt§llsifittillgk Floor and Stair Druggets, hearth Bugs, hour Mats, MAW. and Piano Covers. To which he Invites.the attention of purdiaNers. Floct`hi cIPAIN'S PATENTATIOSPITERIC eittlitNS.—The demand for these' churns the pact spring having greatly exceeded the supply, the subsea), Ore have completed arrangembuts for their manufacture on a much larger . scale, and have not, on hand all the different from No. 1 to No. 7. They also adapt them to horse pimer. churn, it is believed, will make more butter, and or &better quality, and In a elmetor titia4 from a given amount of cream than any churn in the market. I'ASCIIA LL .1101:1tTh & OR, FAXTuNS N. E. Cornrr of 7th mid :11arket .Strort.s, stile agents for ntanufa,turer. [OO,l CRAN I lEEE lES.—A ,mall hit of eas j te,,III:VIVAII, ax u!sa NEW PICK US', Toi ATOES, S.e.,jiiiit iTceivo.l and fur ralu by (Alai J. W. ELY. Notices. A. L. SPONSLER, 11fjifthc1pfjin for salo by J. PALNI Elt Co., MAIMET STRECT WIARP, Drq ..... , 1. ) A .1.1.(1.1i NS ENTRA (.)11,91 N A 11): ! ' I 1) , NEW (1)01)81 NE W 1/0010$!! 'l'im sobs:Tiber 11115 j 5t it returned from the viLivs of N,... , Vurit and pilindelithlif with Jim viirmadst aild amid aiiMmlig aaamtrion.t. of FALL AND WEVI'EIi liotlfis: ' - over bubugill. Lo Carlisle. Slating wircinised Irian st^Nl`lill Or the I:IrgIISL II111101.illIg: 111 illtieS ill NOW 'York for Cash. it will enable me to Mbar greater induremaints and give I better bargains to my old costume:a anti all ii lit, onty tlicur no with a 1•All, than van be had iii :any of MT star 111 the I two or contaltV. I have the cheapest Flannels. Fattinetts. Ken tucky Jeans, IM Lains. •11,.L . 1„ 1 „ . c'r uttered fu the 6,1,11101. t Iv liar tO enumerate one half the art s.— Como ono and nII in want of cheap gin j Ea. y ,, tirs6 VI'S. . trot 1 0 1W our 1:0; , ,l tho old stand, LaNt Mai% Stroet, cwt 4'E,l EIV I.' A I, I, II 00 1) ; 4 . • 604 - 1 - . I\ II,IiNTZ A: Bill 11 1111 havr roturno4,..l I u arul are Imo t completo • assortmOut of FALL AND. STill( (akin:. A full ass: a l:no:it : I. 0, 4 1 ip. A full ass.a (inept or Cassllnert.k. A roll as , :truent of Cassineta. A full assortment or Veritiugs. A full nss•nrin u •nt ol Ladies Ilrosg • A full assortment' of Dome:4k (loorls. A full ass-rtm.ukt of mut Alp.eas. A full assortment of Silk, Thilaq. A rkshmere A full ns,a-tuteot of lirocorioa. A full as:;-rtment of If (won SW:111`. nil tIl :iFsnrtan;nt ,4* ides (fOr,o ' rally held hi St“rers. l'urella..-rrn will find it greatly to tlicir'llit,•reFt to call and rxaniiiiii mar .tork piar• eliriNing:, a. 1:04.11:1 havo uvrtrrially dopreciatod. and 11111 he .snit wie, Nano all, and jiid...711 y.lirs,l% es. {,...1,1•211 WEISE& CA AI BELL Late just r 0 (Tired at 1.11.dr Stern. in N. Hanoi i• • (t•li,le. a large. haudsoine and cheap sisie s 1) we n ill sell eurAerit TII IN EVI a. WVII us a tall. Caclisl, Sept'. 13, 1554 sILI( LACES.-111,4 opta?.(l, , 11 - 4 .lRark Milk Lie es qualit .1111 , rolit BLACK SILK t and • trimmi • 6 1. 11. Ell. Aut. 2:;. FLT; NI) WINT E ft ('l,( H lN1; Th,l,,,est stew!: Ititrx cr I r.•11 , 11t t Car 10-tc. Inn- just lhpoti rceolveti by-4 iiN,il,l l * LI VI\(I-L')\ I at their etwal, and extet,i ve ,T111::k: 1 It11..;: - .1;, North flairto cr 11 root. 'rho pri , 1 •• "f clot hing at I Id , lion,o hato• hem, rc.hiletl fii'Rtl4l . ,a .. v low stain!ani t hat it ic now in IN- .ts ei• of all whn h. t r wear ni l clot • __ll,c_asstkantumt_tL, ticlltt of t , N I rt•oat, of c•I ert ti.m. Dress. ;'reek and Saik iNits. a groat variety eant,. Nienkey Fup.•rtin.• pv NT:4 . h1.•r.1: and fines% Silk and Satin t• bsTS, and a line la ri-ty other vests. Alt., ,sdia r r stocks,lr , c-Lot laindkerchiets suspian (ten, gb livtler'v and all 1411er artielns g.•uerally k.•pt in thi. lite of I usiness. All articles s ,- .111 at. this i•marlislnhent war rantoit wird th.•v art' ultpriwnt.4lt „Ake, a sp'..•nd'td ltssprt inorlt nl zond, in the Fr , •uoit ('I.IIT 11S anal 'AS SI NI Eltt:s fir et ery hue :Ind steels sail:, silk. and Vale. Oa tertt[ll3 rdthietts. Sze.. ail all which si iil be made t•, "r•IfT at the shorty', la•tic . l, :laid it, t i i 11.0.1• St 111111 14-.4 ula , n ,V,l ,:.trito•uts ii iriai t d 1 • Lt. it.Jl'7 , .. rill- IN(; ~iway"."ll , hana. Th e ru m' • nee re.p,tfully inxit,tl to rnll nud eY.ani iilo (Ito p:uperi•m ru.s..rtmityt lit C 1.411114; tli this In Iqi i 8 lir:1111,ml. F,l••re, lifiasiti t" Sept. 27—:;111 ARNOLD IsTnN AIIEAP.SILKS.—I :in now opening Vi a him., ~s•rtu4 n nt of KLACii A6n. nu a,slrtment of now stYles 111AILihaLle FALL 57 L 6 cry ehe3p. tt'sl. F)113R( )1 I)1';1.1 Es.—The largest and ownp—t. nt vn tlnellt Workel Itatvnerelliefs. Chltia.rtts, Ut1.1..r Nerves 1:4;111: - s. Ir Laces, ie.. tww oponillg nt rtwap t 41,1..• , wt I ':,4 .1,, NIEIV (;l)O I /S.—The subscriber is just oreninz frt.:ll talent t , ftery (II E.k GO' :tt tcduco.t ptir*s. 211 - ttl r;••• 1, 1 Z 4 '1'.1 . 1'1.: ( /I.' .1(111N MN I.Elt, 111:- ,) cF: \ si.D.—N,,tic,. Is lierrio, , i.;1%., that blurt.. t 3.lwiiii,t rati .t. on the et.tate of John Ithler, hito rd t a , Penn:it...F.' I owl.•hip eittohorland o.,itity. 1,1,•••..u. , .1 /I.lll' 1,..12 Lti.,,1...11..11) IIII• 111',•1•It•I . 1 , 1 . ',III r, , uul2 1. , I Ill• ~li, • wrther residing in the sail, to, to•litp. •All 114• I ,11, IC lloV lII,t t11.•111Neh 4,., indel•te.l U. ',OA 021,1 , . ar , r , "00,4- 4.4 t i maize Immediate p.0111..0 t, Mill lIIOSV hal log eh.itti... to pr.r.01,1, tl..ui for ~I.ltlemilut Pt ELI'/.A 111'N I.EIZ, E,.t I t v.itilsh , ro.. tlot . 1 .-114( t A. , lttlittistratrix. 1 1 1 V1'1 , 7, OF DAVID M'll.ll 1:\N1". I),:orAsEt).—N.tke fa coven '.that letter, :elilifstetttleit tlu eNtate David, met)lion..s. Errs Allen ten:: hip, t'timhet -11,1 o , llflty. have been eruntl..l by the IleziNter 1 . FAH V , lllkty to the sul.e..•riber the some place. All I...r...te , hteming,them,..ll.,il..lehte.l t. said e.-tatt. arve 11,11111Y:a t , ! Mike 111111,0111:110 tiPtSe rtuitn, te 1,11.,ent t I'M Net lielnellt ALEX. VATlic.tivr. F,44,, Ti. Aattni:astritter. irt. 1 I STA ' IT OF I'll I I, l l' 110A11S, I DV EASED.- , -Nollee is hereby given that letters testamentary meth. , estate of Philip' :lo late.of the Ilerongh of Carlhae. CumberlatM county, der'd., have gninted by the Register of said .ounty to Lilo !hilt,' scilber residing hi Carlisle. All pm sons_hotoi log them selves indolettal to F411(1 estate ire regOlool to multe'lm metllMe payment. and these har lug claims to pivsent thou% 11,r settlement to HENRY lIIIOADS, Oct. d ftpl. Executor. -I STATE OF CHRISTIAN WOLF, WOLF, 1 j DEcEmw.D.-- , 4,fk. Is hereby given that letters testamentary tin the 'estate of Christian Wolf late of F. Middleton township, Cumberland county, deed., have been J 411'0141 1w the Itexister or said county to the Sul.- scribers, one reslding Laueaster city, Pa.. .and the other in Franklin county. All persons knowing the, itidebtod to told jatate are regaired to make iho mediate P:1:4'111143, and those having dilute to present thetit 14 settlement to ADAM WOLF. Lancaster City, 11.1i0D.Oli WOLF. Franklin runty. Eareulers. Oct. 4. et , STATE OF MARY: 111:ACIC..-No-. -1 . ~.4 the is hereby given that letters testamentary on the I:stato ofeNlitry Marl:. late of Lower Allen township Cumberland county, demised, haye been mauted to the subseriber, residing, In Ibtlifitx township, Ilauphin coon tv,, All porous 'l:flowing themselves indebted to said I F :sUitT, are required — t , r - make immediete7paymenti - and these Inivintr claims are requested to present them f,,r settlement to JOIr—W.,CKINtiEII, sept2o-Ct • - - '', •Executor. --__ IA .. i.A ,STATI: OP' MICHAEL .' FISSEL, _ .4, : , A ." 4):Eo . l).—NOtiVelk hereby given that letters of a,' te,,tilittrzition on the estate of Michael Fissol, late . Monroe township, Cumberland county, deeelteed. hav been granted by the - Register of said county to the sat scriber, reAdlng• in the sone township, All persont l ttiinwing themselves indebted to sold estate are re,ine,t J ed to main, immediate payment, and those having cla Im A to present them for m: t 4 lum to t t to sePt2.7pdt;tr MOSES moiatErr, Atim'r. 1 • rICE.—The undersigned, to whop WAR referred, by the Court of Common Pleas - Cumberland mturity, the noptiot of Moscis (Morrelt a slew.° of John I). Vt•II, for corrcriton; ninl who nal. ol appointed nn'.ntulltur to livtrihntT the fluid nin , ng tt crolitors, will attend to tho dntiev of Enid !qv at Ills lifilve 1u tho It rough of 0.401%10, on llt 1 ' time '2lst dity of Ortohor lit 10 •o'cloeh, Will Al hero all persons IntereFted ale hereby month to attend. kept',",}. eoI.AVELL.' NTO.',S. 2 and 3 .11EACK.Elt EL,' of thc 1. acre crop ilvtle,..t.ivvd and f rt.:de at Ow FataiL J. 11. 1V11.1.1ANI: 4 , 11041, Mehl kat cut.. :RI, 5.1 . _ VA Ll' A 131. E 1,1.11 GS1'(): L.LND F. 11.1•: IN .Tilt. ‘ALLLY /1.1 CI VS IINI A. hat usta us 1.00011 as — CI:11'13117A 1.E." lit 11, n,t.‘vithin 'fur mjjo, Lh • 1 . :1, 'I'UIUI. 1:0111,,nti. ttpwlmls of It - 0(1 A. Es will I,r It on thelsth. tiny t t'.)l BEI( 1,..xt (it fcir not ,tho nrst fdr iln y, an( Ins sal., twill Itt“ crititi .114,1 f.vnu ditv t t filly instil' Tht. ltd will tr,t, ttiet:..(l Hs a whole, but fitiiin,.; In it Way it till Ist, nfl'crrd it, I sttrvsi..s ti i t . tip Iti I , t.• thy of mile. '{hire Jir o ititt,to li ii .11 11 . 11 ., .(1 huid, ItiVided into 0l It H i ; n1;,!.1,11.• I' o at kit td rsti In ncm st . phi Iris ill I or it, g; ' I ,•.• Thar thy. 31,1 tht , 15... •sihti.... a 11 ittlttilt - tt;tly ittl.rt:tirt I =MEE gr• 0.01..1 r.•i t. er. a.' , f I, !tr . 1 ,, " 01 . 11 : . :1 ficv• r n 'llr. '! I :re i•. " I= „ l'i i ..,1 1.. it 1.1 1 1 1 .•oll th .11 :1 , . ,{ ” t •.. rut, 1,---' 4 I.n .i .11. ii , ,, F,irith Pdi- p -.. , , „NI. , _.. • ...., i ~.i.i ~ rit II 41,•- , ti1!...1 I.- '-i•. ri I :11,- 7-0 1 iittr i zy . ,.l--7 3 .. li is A i.iiiiiiii di tt, ltillt'N 11 - 70 '7\ 1 1111 ,1 . 1 4,siqeal - :..."1 . A Uhl,. 1110 lat.t-tir sttilleimitiv liti-wi- 4...44; T r.' k . :7•2_ fir t si•iiity-i•-i• 11. i, is. 'l 7 llO 1 . , , ! 1, 17 , 1. 11 :t 5.,, eiir.- .I.ii.P. tan name with fay' pia .i• I.ti:ii,c, z t lil l u r y mi d e , -liiipidi 'U- St. Iv 1 — .111,4. X.c•.. 30, 21r,. n tr f. CT,' I,•rt, i,f %VII :it. I lie g"'.d. ho 1-at;v: attd t. t•ls ii it l 1., hotter 11:3n 11sun', Thorp hr.• upon itretni,o , t mit.. I..4l:tilts static ar:; 11:I; 1 . 1••• .• .1. 11.,0y I'w9 -nit. :ma t rs 1.7 • al, nt .!•!:1 11, , 11.1 .4 - 11 VS. or 111.1 I. r r II ,rs,s m hi, h Ili lc. ft.untl • .10t. II IN , : ~t ' 3 .1 it 1,3.1 I 1'3111.• %11 ,11 1.1.1', 11, , 1“-: d (sit v'io, Intl! •Iso. At -.1 .1 • t u • 3'o 111511... 1 n 'll .4.11 nlgsl Mini PI - r • ~,1 , -nw 11:1,, littiop“ ii: tJm hna"-. t4l:ii , 11 , ,Aby • . • a 1,. t.t • Ili 1 , 11,11 1 r me ilia. II 11, v ha.i , f. • CI.. h,* I' I t lo „i,t or; r. F ;1:1•• ;It,. :1,1 1; si i.j t.; t.. 1 %LI I. , • !;.,, 1, P.l •tif f r Till i, •• , !! ~ • .1,,!,:i f-, 111 ••• .1”.1 i .11 , t • I ll.' • .4 • t.. I :I El g - I;l,ll'ti.c N ill .;f liite of 101(.1.11 tow ~.•11111N. .1.-Fs•ase , l. I nOl NIti•111• 011 Tilt' 1,,t-I,Ay. Ito t!Lt day of NoN s i.Mlit•llt. Tlt At 'I (I LA N to, 1.1,1,,,ty said .1, slum sitontv los .11 :11, , ut mil's of t''ntrt' illy. boun.i.sll , y t•liriver, ItvoYtol NVlqvuel, 'llll.O. I'. 11 , 111 : 2 :1111;11.1 (It pe, isrotaioing lat•reta 11 ., . an but ntatut 4 penes (whirl acir.cos et olt With I 1.1.1wa . tliati and in a if-tte of cril. i t I t The hi, lir', 4 , 111011 t ea iltSkt ~ fan eve I •P:.? _, lont Two i , tol-n ill) a melt of water at the door, a F1V.1.11.: St.' Cyril haftith,t• With a Itlnot,,iidth M:1,11 l:uso. and t titer out littililiotts, all of which heal 'I here is ‘11, ,, n One 01:111,t1;1) of thrit liu 3oung PriYit tryt•tt adjtiining the lit u.'e. • . Any pers, , tt'av,irt,tts ,f‘it.wing the pretniges ran hove' nn I.ll , llunity of th my so hy i-n the i..tihstrit•ei a t h a . n •ahh. ta , In Y. ill lawn. te.,tn_ whrya Rt.} , t.thet in (' hilt h n re,n, tisC Ow perty ~an Iw , had. CTI A ELES ocll.llY t i comalaara at 10 o'clock. A. M., of said dmy. It hen attend:lntl) ‘N in 1M and terms lllints• DANIEL : , EIA,LItS, iif Avon Selle r. ssiGNEEs ill b e so ld ~t puldie rate un the livedliso:. in Dieldnson t4.wr,- (,f C p owi er , atroi county, ?line 111111• F from Carlisle. the 1; ill day of all that raisin. properly its the Cuntl'etland Furuaeo Eslade, NIY:— 00111',Y MINIEZEIIM 1. • CUM LA ND ri - RNArr," with hear 2.1 . 410 rer, of inowitaln land, together with the Mill. r.d a hood er. f tonaht hou,es; or if not scdd together it will he al:. !doll to twit loirelinserg. NIA:NI-40N t.\ f, scree t.l grai.•l hoof. with ft:USE. large :• , totio eseelioht Apple 1ii1 . 1131,1. pet taPr: • .F 111: lilt; tract of steepest v. , 111,611 Inn stout 2: sores. 4. • Tlir: Willi MI6 F.111)1," containing he Sere,, w ith Log 111 usentalgrgurn, Mout 30 It• (In 's 1111tiVnlIdTh- ACT D, west of John Thrth.ll, r. .t Tit.liT L.A.Np. oast or said Tbrusli, contain lira: 1. , al,. . - 1 II E INN EV FAI:11. - edtdnining nLeut 1 . 20 erre, mnh Innn.e. and Lind under t ulti% t, A trlo t acme of cm... Aleut TIMILER stlita I I. for carnal:h.: paepakes. The a 1..% 0 traits lite I,old tillable graTel hind. The nhio , pro , od pant. aro I,vered with Owls lug hett-, out and I ine tinil•er. The int untaln land boo n •tho k grkwt ilt Mid 1 , 1 , 10, aitif if not. sow wilt. tie furnaoo a ill I, • ! , l i 4 1.. t Sto ,nit fanner:, and other,. :sal e t nanhieltre at lo o'clook of Fold day. about utter. dato o t. ill I v II :41,1i trlllls mad.. kn,As n by I) \ '.7%let'll.t.t .1011 N 1' tiItEEN, oetll ,ssigni•os T. C. \filler. Tlie title Of ‘thio pl , .operty I' littli , putal , le. ' , ,tl_lliladrlilia North twivu a ts, and sond tan to this Olive tot: soneLtiom, ARM' RETRE'AT FAIOI A'l' PUlll.l5' r l ALlll.—The subscriber.Executo•rcf tie I:state of Daniel Dinkel, late of Smith Middleton Cnoiherland county - . tlee'd, mill offer at public tale at the Court House in the Itorough of Carlisle, en Ti t• b SPAY, the 11th day I,f November next. a, DESIII- . ABLE FARM. known9 ,, r many years by the name of 11, 4 W netrsat situate nil a mile west of Dick inson College,,,and on the Shipponshurg Turnpike um' Oumberland Valley naiiread. Thu haprovethents are a large three story st•me and brick invELLrmi nocsE, a two story frame TIiNANT.' 11C/1131 , 1, and a good BARN also, a carriage and 'agon house., with a variety of taws sary out-buildings, a large tinCRAILD ' sal, • irr? k of choe fruit trees, also a never fill- ria* lag moll of good water, with pump. at the :dweittrig.— This farneis line-stone land, iu a good state of cultiva tim, emitaiqing about 90 acres, and will be sold lu the whole ur In two parts. to suit purchasers. Also, at the Kamp time and plain mill be offered a tract Of good TIMBER LAND, situate In I:raid:ford township, in said county, oontaluing about twenty SI.X acres. I=ale to continence at 2 o'clock, P. M., on said day. Toms made known at sale by • . ul}„ • ROBEIiT.SICIIES. Executor. X ECU TO IV 8 SALE — OF REAL ES inn at imbue ' , ale on the prtinh• es on THURSDAY, the lid of November, at ono o'clock. -P. M., all that certain PLANTATION, or tract of land, situate ip Nlonrne tewilbhip, Cumberland county.on the I,l4urn road. one mile 'Noah of Churchtewn, late the property of Mil) (taker, Sr., deceased, containing 110 iwres. more or loss. govd quality of limn stone land, and In a good state of cultivation- f , There is about 15 acre,. of excellent thither land 100 said firm The imprott• ments are . a large BRICK HOUSE, a lar;ee BANK BARN, and other Out , ;Ulm) is amover failing 4:: well of water close to the dwelling, •': to ftl and a lat,2:e uItCIIAIIII of choice fruit • 10,; t:' s. Te . rnts of sale\.will made known en wild day there•if ; 'IIIIINPLE, lixecuttr Sr.• Mr' , of John Palter, . SHELLERS.---XANIDErt'S PAT -1„,) ENT (":”IN ath•hiCtllY tbo beet and cheap. est 1101 V iu ute. Parliflnni aro reqUCWICd to sail Rita &X -lOnilin It at the Carlisle Mundry and Marl ina F.h0p,44 at Sa‘ton'a Ilardwaro etflre. For.tala at reasonabk prb:es by, • L 11 M N . O WANTED.—The hiffltesi 1.71 will be paid In cu) 1 - for t'umar in large siit4ll..jant ales ; If delivered to the sul ;•erilier in Ea, street, • J Al:011 SIII:031 June ',sl—:7m .)leaf_ T:sinfe Safes. reps BM I .11 .1..• .•.. A Ilt•II NI 111 Iv r dor, n.o.t lonm. i~J It I iff ,•• t , -oar , di • II I:N P`'l . I, I \ t:jl =IN =EI M • =I =I omaisEn k BitowN