= El ~:5.Cu1i.4.1...(j)1.1..aT0, i ~ _,.~_~.__. ....'..*\., :II je.a. \ AN.. V , , ; 1 4 , ft ~,,,,,q,,, . ) k ''''''.‘ . ~,, .4117M-- .. ,:t,e' 1., ~: . ,' ,4 ' r.A.A. 1V.i , 41 , - , - 1.0 44..7.51; ').!i,•,....iVt‘7, 1' .. ..." V k15..4 CARLISLE, Pte;. WatiNEWY,AOY,F.IIIIII;III 1, 1864. THE iltrit4,7%.A4\lo CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER •." )1131Cit I.,AND COUNTY ± 4; tei,v,64:6 lo One Dollar and i j eltiaii,eiticiOji .: •ifp ,: 4luari cc. vfigid iiithin"llol/#14.0 graph degeription of the storm ivirt_ be, found onvbe , second Oge,:rif. way' s aiiaqin)n terestiog sketch of the recent battle of between the Allies a t ria "en. the seventh page. TUE UESULT Pollock, wko 'ottaizo r, Im elected nor of Pennsylvania, by a 37,007 niajori ty, received 24,1)61; more. votes than were cast for General .in 1 4 52 ; .26,054 more than were east for Coverner 011 - stun in 185 . 1, and It<,:3 TO more than were east for General 18.48.'. The 'total vote is the largest ever polled, eN eept that for President in 1N52, The Philadelphia in says that Governor Bigier has lost nearly twenty thousand of the friends who voted for bin] three years ago, 'Governor Polloch apparently theirs as well as some tltousands of now ' , voters. Judge Black; although re- ele=cted, by a very large majority over his highest competitor, is 31,558 behind' Pierce's vote in 1852, and 19,498 behind Bigler's vote in 1851. •Islis entire Tote is only 9 more than Bigl i er's•now is, and together the totes - fer -- 13aiTtl and- Smyser, lac is in an actual minority of 27,157. The proposition to'enact a Pro hibitory Liquor Law is defeated by 5,168 votes. , ; The whole number of votes poll ed on this question is but 321,852, or over fifty thousand less than were polka for Governor. lie — if the 'Volunteer does not know, that Mr. Bonham's speeches during the Congressional canvass abounded with ful some flattery,, of foroigners and exceeding ly offensive. comparisons of adopted with native 'citizens, all we have to say is that it is ignorant of what was very well known to almost every body else before the elec tion. We do not acknowledge, therefore, to any misrepresentation of M r. Boatun's course. At eVery place he spoke, as far as We heard of, be excited,. the indigna tiotf of hig audience, as the people of Nowvillc and Shippensburg can testifY; by his odious pandering to foreigners, while he fumed and frothed his impoteitt defiance of the Know Fothitigs. 1- Mr. Bonham has beenriaught the lesson that the day for that has gone by, and :.that the native spirit of the country means to assert its supremacy. • • THE VERDICT.--The three great States of Pennsylvania, Ohie . and.lndians hare. unsealed their verdict in the Nebraska case. The guilt of the accused was so plain that there was no chance; for any other decision with Men of fair minds and good.-judg,ment: Nebraskaism has no show for existence in any free State. If the elections that' have already taken„place -are-not satisfaetery-to-all-on—this,poititi— those yet to come will decide the contro versy. . 4 large majority of the,people of the:United States arc opposed.to the fur ther extension of _human Slavery. This is a fixed fact. WHAT DOES IT MEAN D mc rrati4rni, at Harrisburg anaiouidy in quires what the Washington 17nion means by its article, in favor of changing the Naturalization Laws, It says :—" we' give the.remarks of the' t(iton, 11,4 an in dieation-of the way the' wind-blows just now at Washington; but would prefer the voice of the party to that of the net on. on matters of such vast importance." evilcsgiv"nLt,..Noy'r 2:1(1, PROHIBITION LAW. The deteat of the proposed Prohibito ry Liquor Law being at length ascertain ed beyond doubt, a warm discussion is going on in the newspaper press as to what course shall be pursued on the sub ject. The majority is so small against the law, that while the opponents of Pro , Itibition claim that the expression of the popular will is literally and clearly against such a law; the frends of Prohibition with equal earnestness claim that under ,all the circumstances the triumph is essentially with them. Thus . it is .shown that while in the aggregate popular vote the majori ty against a 'Prohibitory liquor law is 5,- ' MN votes, the frit:tb - of Prohibition are in a decided majority in the largest num ber of Senatorial and Representative. dis tricts. In proof of this the number of Sonatorskfmnd to be representing, Anti- Prohibition districts is 14, while the number of Senators from Prohibition dis tricts is 'W. In' the House the number erireqen ta ti yes from Ant i- Prohi bit ion counties is 40, while those fr o m Prohibi tion counties number tiff. This contra dictory result t calculated to involve the question in greater difficulty, for while by the popular vote the members of the Leg- . jslature are instructed agaiirst the passage of such a law, they are by the voices of tii.Ar local districts equally instrut,:ted to enact it. HoW the Legislature shall act in view of this state Of things has become there fore a subject of earnest discussion with the press, That sonic vigorous and Oleo tive•measure shall be adopted to arrest the evils of intemperance is nodoubtedly the will of the People. Various suggestions are accordingly made as to the proper Legislative action. Various western jour nals are advocating a 'proposition to pass perutitiany county to e - stablisly the prohibitory law within its boundaries by a popular vote. Should this he done,. the !Treater part of the State would be under the operation of the hiw, as about thirty-five counties have given majorities for it at the recent election. To this the , Pittsburg Joiirao/ responds, that stich regulation would rise to, all manner of evasions, and would give the Common wealth too much of a .divided character. Situ of the advocates of prohibition are for continuing the 'effort until a popular ma j o rity in favor of the law Can he shown, While some of the morel ultra pitthibition journals eall upon the Legislat tire to pass the d es i re d prohobitory law at once. The Philadelphia rth ao rico urges a stringent license la w,'especiany f or th a t city. The /la rrisburg, Tacyroph - , an earnest advocate of prohibition before the elaction, - now satyr-- We have failed to carry the law, but we have strength enough iii the titre to pass 'a stringent restrictive law that will curtail, to great extent, the t raffle liquor and abolish entirely those plague spots, 'the lager beer shops. Public, sen timent is in favor of diminishing the number of mere ruin-shops, and largely increasing the cost of license would ef fectually close the doors of many of them. Some would, no doubt, attempt to sell li -porovithout a license; but, .tts. they would do this in violation of law and in danger of being subjected' to the penal ties, their operations would necessarily be much restrict etl,a ml their mischiefs there fore less wide-spread. 'I he evil of tin; licensed places of sale could , be check ed by making it a nt r'sde atcaner for a po lice ollieer not to report hay such house .when any one citizen complains to hint of its existence, so that the truth Of the charge could he ,Let its, them, ask the Legislature for a stringent law, making the license so high that none but first class hotels can afford to pay it. This plan has been adopted in other States with eminent success, resulting in thq closing up of all the low grogshops." 'Henry S. Mott, Democrat, who' was elected. Canal Commissioner of Pennsylvania, by the vote of the KnoWYothings, has published a letter in which he repudiates all connection or sympathy with 'that orghnization, thus kicking down the ladder upon which he has mounted to the gaol of his ambition. )lEk.9'he death of .oovernor Burt, of Ne braska, is reported by telegraph as lu oc curred on the 18th inst. Ile was a South Carolinian, and a brother of the Ilan. A rail deal Hurt, member of the last Coil cress. . yartisle fjcral. 'I% ILIA 13LEND •The Volunteer (IZ - et admit that the election of Pollock and Todd is'an Anti- Nebraska triumph. The Nebraska ques tion, says,. the Mawr()) had no weight whatever in producing the result. So VISO it might say' of the result in Ohio and Indiana I Well if the Volunteer is so wilf n lilly blind as that it would he diffi cult to convince it to the contrary. But the people don't rise' up in their might, and pitch a man out us they have done Bigler, or thrust back a great would-be /coder as they have Bonham, without mconiny something by it. Every body else thinks they= meant to condemn the Nebraska iniquity but the Volunteer, and it may as well be left in wilful blindness I THE . BEAL, PLATronm.—The N. Y. /Trait/ says:some of our country cam poraries, since the ehietions, app Vey ' de sirims to learn the exact position of the Admihistration on the Nebraska question Minoe thelateelections. Is it "Nthltter sovereignty }nit dect rine is repudiated by the democracy of the Stotth. Is it the introduction of slavery into Kansas and Nehrtiska?—that idea is scouted by all the democracy of the North, Cass and Den lass ineluded. • Is it that free Jabor nry ex pal slave labottfroin the newl - serritotics south of :3U all ?—this vii 4 of the sub- ject agrees with the Scarlet Letter; but the Cabinet, or! , an is silent upnn it. A far as we can figure it out, the platform of thezPresident and Cabinet at Wash in ton nn the Nelwasl;:t bill is that of the Soft Shell Syracuse Convention—to wit, that the bill -:}vas unwi:.e, uncalled for, and inexpedient, and yet a proper iind salutary measure ; adifgtrOus outrage, but a great act of public justice. This covers both sides of the line, and may be considered The n:1 ti - i 1 Fro u o raidli i s - tion, till otherwise ordered. U. S. Sf:NATE.—The members already elected to the Senate are politically 27 DenweratA, 17 Whip, one Free Seiler, There remains fo be elected eight of Democratic L.,gislatures already chosen, Jiiusi:4Ting of those of Alaba Ma, A rii4lll.9ll ' S California, Florida, Lousiona, North ear . - Ana and South Carolina ; three by oppo sition Legislatures alre:,dy elected in In diana, lowa. and l'e»nsvh." - ania; one by the Missouri Legislature, doubtful as to polities, and liv e by legislatures not yet elected in llliuvis, New Iliimpshire, New York and Wisconin. PEN NSYLVA NIA LEGISLATURU.—Ii, is said that 2 •• Pizerinctums" are elected to the Pennsylvania Legislature. The term is . intendm desig nate to desieltate a class 6f politicians who are not to be relied It is supposed the "Pizerinettuns" will h o ld the balance of power, it' they can agree among themselves— ibikimore "We must, go athy from home to Itear news." The above is an illustration,fer here in Pennsylvania - ire did not know anything Of the "Pizerinetums" lieYond the borders of Perry county. The Mem ber elect frotu that county we believe is classed as a. Pizerinctum, te - -The Lancaster intelliyencer and the Votunteer are showing very strdng'symptoms of a belligerent spirit towards each other, and we suspect our old friend Capt. Sanderson can't be counted upon to second . the motion to make Bonham Governor. Axll-13A.NR.-=The . Varrett, Pa, Mail in limns us that Gov: Bigler:lms signed_the bill tc incorporate a lnink at that place—since the electum. The bill was passed.last wintery and has been in His Excellency's pocket eve since. It would not do to,sign it while he and his party were crying out against banks and professing hostility to all such institutions; but now that the eloction is over, and nothing eurther is to be gained by pl4ing false, the bank charter is signed, and the good citi zens of Pennsylvania have one more "rag milrin their midst. ' 1111:=111E1 " EARTHQUAKES INUATEHA LA,-7-Seyenty three..slipeks of earthquake.have, occurred in the citirtif Guatemala, commencing on the 11th ol` July, and continuing with increasing violence and frequency thfouglt ahont a week. At the latest dates they had net ceased, and Were was great. alarm fblt lest the whole city should lie destroyed. The old fissures in the earth made by the great shock of 1830, .had been reopened; and new ones mule, and great damage to - tmildings, several being shaken down, and )urge cracks being made in till the clirehesi, . •• .• . • Town unit Q.:ounto 31ialters. - - - INSTALLATION. - - - --The services connect ca with the lnatallation of the Rev. JAet'm Val', as pasta of the riNt, Lutheran Church of thin borimgh", will take place on next Sab bath morning. Rev, COA ntxs MARTIN, of York is expected to deliver - the charge td the pastor, and Rev. W. F. EvsT;;lt, of Nam berslmrp-,, the charge to the congregation. Services will commence at VP, o.clock. • I[ELANc44OI.I - eAsITALTY.—We learn with deep regret that El.us KuintEß, a fine hid about twelve years old, son of Her. A. H. Kremer, of this borough was sluteking.ly in jured by falling frdm a baleony on his tittli• er's dwelling on North Hanover street, on Monday evening. lie fell about twelve feet on to the brick pavement 'below, his Mend striking first. Ile was taken up in a state of insensibility and medical 'aid immediately 1)n e‘camination it was found that although his injuries internally mid external ly were very severe there was no fr.icttire of the skull. lie remains in a preearious situ ation. DreKINsoN Cot.LEGF..— The endow molt systent of the College commenced with the present session, and, as we are truly grat ititql to learn, the institution has attained a point of prosperity unknown in its jasL annals. The number of 'students in the-4 lege and gratiltnar Scholl) COM biped is now 'nearly tN%o hundred and filly, art increase of one lininlred on the average attendatiee of fl:dlner'ymivs, - Thes'evesiilfS'sfii•! - Tal; \Veil loCutie , administration of the College, and show the institution to be mot °illy firmly established but rapidly . atlvancing in prosperity and ,usoful• reds. We chronicle with feelingsof pride I. ond pleasure the healthy condition of affairs lin this ancient seat oflearning. gr feints been discovered that for the generality of flowers, and More especially lOr geraniums and the most delicate speci moms'of the lily , tribe, rwitmun glue, diluted _snflit:ieut portion of Water forms fit much richer manure than guano or any other vet discovered. Ladies taking up their flow ers and housing them fur the -Winter, will bear this in mind and--and—send us an oc casional 1)(911R -during the cold time coming, for the hint. Cry^This is the:season t:9l- plan t ingfruit and ornamental tret,s; and who that has the ground would he without either? _What is so profitable to the pocket as a tree laden with good fruit, or what is so beautiful to the ere or so grateful to the sweltering hrtyw iu mid-sumnoir as the 'silver.tongued and wide-spreading braneltej of tt le map l e , or some other tree of ornament and shade? Nothing. See to it, then, and plant them— , immediate! v. PY" 111 e season for putting up 'stoves Las arrived, and it becomes housekeepers and others to look well to their chimneys, and see that everything iisafe and right.., Stoves and store ; Pipes ar dangerous 'articles when tatrrounding coilibustiMes - are not properly secured, pike care of your ash barrels, too, or you mayklie turned shivering oat of house and home some cold night, and lance the eon_ solution of knowing that your insurance ha:; `gone tr.ttP . Mr. tiorgas, street,Ad vertises a beautiful assortment - Of parlor and (Alter stoves. - RAIN our lost there bare been several refreshing showers of rain, which we hope have had the effect to start the growth of the newt}.sown grain, thongh they have not raised the streams. Tut: MASS ACRUtiETTS KNO W-NOTR IN STATE CONY ENTION.—The Know Nothings of Mass achusetts held their State Convention at Bos- • totcon — the 18th inst. About 1500 delegates :were_present l On the fourth—ballot,ll4mtY 3. OannNEtt was declared the candidate of the Convention for Oorernor. StAmtN BROWN, of Concord, was then chosen the candidate for Lieutenant Governor, without opposition. - He:los oFF.---The Lane ster Trbig says Shut Mr. Baker, the Superintentlant of the Philadelphia and Columbia railroad, has raised the tomahawk over the heads of the •Know Nothings, and dismissed eight or ten of the Workmen at. the Parksbnrg shops, who noted for Pollock.---Samnel Cooper, Derao pratie Know Nothing, Postmaster at Attic borongh has also been removed, since the election, by Postmaster Campbell, and. Al. fred Marple appointed in his steed. ",PizGhti lily a another more will be served in the same way. Read Ihe.adveriising culuninis STATE ELECTlON—Official Vote. GOVERNOR. LIQUOR LAW, Big. Ad. For Ag 2080 212-1 1236 258.4 5115 10377 10031 3994 1949 2089 2323 10:41 1-158 2233 1935 10.-7 2019 21.7+7 1252 i:301 N 493 5143 261 1 10599 1513 27011 2253 1143 5089 5498 3778 5879 2309 4811 /1172 C./ft/ties. A Hog 1 wily, r.oug, Beaver, Berk's, Blair, Backs, Bradtla.(l, Bader, Carbon, Cheater, (la n'ujn Clinton, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, fh•tawarc, • Elk, Eat•et.te, ForOst, ( nun• co rcon v, IBM ;47(3 ;W.; 2(10(3 17-10 1500 2;1i3 12134 3161. ti 1.59 11713 1170 -1699 10962 ”0:, 2570 1751 21336 3302(3 309.1 •FiGS :I; , s 22(39 2799 11111/1 in . , tlUll, 111'111111n, Jvirors(iut I ucLutta, I,ancastor, Lawrpilev, Lebanon, I,mzt.rile t I.l:roni in r , Scefivan, Mcreer, 5(12 4(15 415 , 2f C,() 295.5 12.7 1(;39 1!I1 i 't,7 1 5 - .17; - 9 --- - 51 - 11 -- .11 - 9 -- 97(; 75; Morligorner'y, Nordiumbc:ilentl, 3 i; ?7 , 5 3417 '21;.-2 2121 1412 2121 24931; 2s'-17 621 1)0-7 748 63SS 42;52 12: , 9 2741 2120; 2.1-19 417 329 I•Th9 24-1 S 1913 2;- , 1 1114; 11;79 • 11 . 18 1100 3 , 157 -1276 1577 1.10 4 33 3;7:3 -z!.1:1 117-1 4707 4777 Pt•rrc, Philadelphia, Puttor, Cllll% !kill, Sxrnor.svt, ~ulliVan, ioga, 1-111101 Venango, rre [l, Wwiltingt War Wt..; t morolaltd, IVytatiing Y,xlc, 1671001 203008 15.43121 163310 .47;b07 5,168 ,Majority, - - - Alajority itgain t Prohibition, - CANAL COMMISSIONER Ikury S. Mott, - O - eorixe - - - .Majoriiy, - • SUPREME JUDCE Jeremiah S. Black, - Sinvser, - - - Thomas - - LATER FROAI EI:IIOPE Prepo.rat.totto for the Eloiatttirttottra of Sobtothopol. Th, stettinshlp Niagra has NrthiAl at Hal ifax, ringingh news from EuriThe three days later. At Seliatittliol, Meitthieolf tains his position on the north, and Ivaii expecting some reinfiireements. lu conse quence of the energetic notes from England and Franee, Prussia is sitid td have expressed its willingness to ai.t. with Austria., Ihe bombardment of Scliastopul is reported to have commenced owt the th, and the regu lar asi:alt was expected on the Sth. The trenches of the allies were within MO yards` - 'of the walls, and they had already mounted fifty guns. The country north of Sebastopol has been abandoned . by the allies. At the battle of A lina„the Russiatts.,lad but 35,000 'nen, and Afensciiicolf, thutigh sigh, sat on the /lights and directed the operations. Since the death of Marshal.St-Stliaml, Lord Rag lan has taken commatO of the allied forces. In Asia Sehamd, the CircaSsian chief has been defeated by the Russian General Prince Andronitufr. The recent. hoax hbout the taking of Sebastopol, has been traced to the Pa.ris VOVE BATS LATER. The steamship Pacific, nt New York from Liverpool, brings Liverpool dates to the 18th. There is no news of interest front the Crimea. On the 4th a cannonade took place afOdessa, between the English steaniers and the quart antine fort. The Russian trobps continue to concentrate on the Austrian frontier. 30,' 000 Russian troops are at' Bahcbeserni, and by the middle of October Wiir artny' will amount ,to (0,000, besideS the garrison of Se baStopol, 30,000 men, making. in all 90,000. The allies have ate titime number of-troops there, and a 'rakish force of 8000 men is to be added, as also the Egyptian colitingent of 7000 men. it is again sold that the Turk ish General, Omar Paella, Was preparing to assume the ofren s ive itt littsSAtrabl(l, COlll/11C41 - einghis operation.! : ; - iiil?-4-Rll7O l , the IN). Imalschrt, and the sea. t The whole r French fleet itt the T al:ic is said to be nu its ww,' back to France, at.d the smaller English EMI Vls.' 2301 129'2 614; ME 1072 2138 1: - )67 1 , 72 1;•./1 21.ri ~210 :11.1s ME ''o7 1101 1101 3 ) ( ,1 :,241 17-0 1991 ME 12 k 103 !WI) L;lt,9 2;t'4 L 731 :LA6 I‘ 6 "'2 I i I 1111 1;21 o I:rtu ko.";70 sti :1"W 212 61) '47(i2 565 S 15 10 I.i'2i :', 19 2( 1 I -'....2 ME ,-)<• fqo-, 3236 3:'11 ." 60 2.; ,t; 274,1)1'4 S'tSal •13 le7 I:10 ..11.:)‘ , ti