S Lijc ~~ltirtiet~. BA LT131011.11, Monday, Oct. 23. 'Moue zuil Meal.—The Flour Market flim, bat. quiet. ANTe note sales to-day of mut 5 . 00 bbls in all of Howard' street bran( it $t- t? some asking more. The gum) the receipts of Flour 'are light. )\ note City Mills at $7 S7, l r ltye Flour ad country Corn Meal s'4 37, city di) $1 4 bbl. Gra'n'and Seeds.--111eat. Supply fair at •ie2s advauejug. About 18,000 bushels ( red, and sales of from good to prime whi: 1 83(4:Ill 88, choice do. 190®$1 prime red at 165(01 75 V Nisbet. - II ridr qualities sto 10 cents less. The. ;tires show an average advance of 4 cent .orn—Receipts fair and market quiet at About 15,000 bushels offered; at. tics of white at 74 and 75 cents, yellow I 1a.78 cents and mixed and new at 65 11, cents'o bushel. (lats.—About 4,01 lshels offered ksales at 44(y}.18 . cts, Vbusl -ye—No sales this morning: Seeds quiet "e quote Clover at G 50(e'$6 75 and Tim •7 3 50 0 t $3 GS '0 bushel, 31eaf ffstate Safes. =EMMEMII •-• StiOseriber offers lib V.tlol 11.1. Pale. situated ~. i m pa,,ii 1,,,w lishlp, thiniLerlantl enmity on the tit: . to lea lin.t front Harrisburg to Clo.liMu. 4 miles fn J mealier and 1:1 from the latter plum, CoNTAI N I". ; Aill: V.:A edml 93 PEI:CUES, stmt measure. of fir , 0 1,1. 00 .4 , ne and Black Slate land, inferior t Immo •., r alit v. Aljelning the taliedoeuinet creek a - "l -- tris ‘.l . lir , 11. 1 41'Atang,lulm_Shidthalie,lit7 , 1.F41,r9 a l let jue.a. Ti,..re arc ahout 12 a , res i.i \Woodland e .• r• en title cleared nett ender gie',(l f e nc e and i n h Mete id .1110v:11i 'Il. There are a great many I •At trees .oi tar: farm ready t I b.• cut int, posts. Al• •-• 'dune tlll.l, lag Orchard with different kinds of fru ' ,ie improvements are a TlV‘i ST. illy Dill ''''ll'S K. e e 0.1.a-heard...l it Ali it hitclam , 41i7 p4 'cioll, , l :lad , ''hr under them : it ' first •se II IV d e It k NH: 11.11LN and ether net buildings II ! ii Ali a nover Luling will with ;mum near "...' ' I • .d kit qten d air. A further deseripti ni is -- ...mild 1111111'N , SA:try. lIS til,Se ii lii are tieStrUltS In ill JA,SI) W ill uric the propo.ly. Terms will be !tin noien by the subscriber lit lug on the pretnis'es. Au 2:1. tla. D.1'111) MARTIN.• VALUABLE REAL ESTATE A' PRI VATE SA foihinlng F A It M . a '.'-act of Woom. tsn. the property of Miss 311irtha Mlct . —44:arlisle,_will_bu_strliLat private sale. viz: All that certain Farm. situate In SontharniorFtwl 'umlierland county, hounded by lands of Rehm:Vs al lilt I's heirs. Francis Fulton. ilenjamin Kimmch Pe7 end etlvirs, einitlihing 1245 ACItt.S, strict measure. 'his Kum, which is situated on the Walnut Both riad, within two utiles of the tonal4h of Shippensbui of a, test rate quality of land, well culitivated a: teased. and nearly all cleared, with suit- diteMY.KIALN9 'ROUSE, BARN, and ,v 0 74 4ut-buntuao ;il , Thima is a fine young 11 j ltellAlto of well selected Apple Trees k. F,!,` the premlSNs t )gether with other ; Atit trees, AI.SA n Tart of. Woodland two miles frUni the Farr bounded by lands of Adam Warner, (leo. Clover's hob ard. Conrad Clover, containing about IA) Aell ii.nd Is well covered with young Chestnut Timber. Tin is ailnd on It n mintbrtable Tenant House and Carden, Pors.nis wishing t❑ examine these propertcs. onn do by calling on Mr. (ieorgo Mathews. who resides on 1.1 For torms and conditions of side windy to • ACM. . - „,*chaibecNbur i ; Whig publish t.w and send bill this °lnce. [Aug. 30. 1544 HousEANI) LOT FOR SAL E- The Two Story FRAME 110ITSE and Got of Oround in South Hanover 4, ..."‘ street, now' occupied by Charles Bars iie i - C Aar%t nitz, immediately opporite Bent M. z's ii f: Store, is o ff ered priiate sale. For # Num terms inquire of the subscriber, Attorney for the own.. Sop. 5, '541 B. M. HENDERSON. FAiXECUTORS SALE OF REAL EF ' 1 TAT K.— Will be sold at _public sale, on the prom! ea, on VIC RSDA V, the Pith of October, at l 2: o'cics:l r.oott, all that' certain PLANTATION or Tract of Lao situate in Newton township. Cumberland enmity, Pr late the property of Henry Baker. deceased, bounded t . lands of Alexander Sharp, Jacob Sawyer, Deorge• Atte 'asd others, containing 170 acres, more or less ; Th' Vann is Lime Stonti Land of superior quality. and is .a. cleared and in cultivation except some ton or twoh 4 acres of excellent timber Into!. it lies on the road from Wiville - to - Shippertsburg.-abont_ four_miles_ front :Um former place-aid three miles from it by the rail road, Which ruPk throttth the property. The improvements are a substantial, well built, double two - .. . atary DWI:LUNG HOUSE, with two ~;,-,P. - ', l' ?- . commodious Stone Kitchens attached. .l'y,7 , Aiarge Stme bank Barn, lately built. ''.::„.V.:, 1 ~1 [t with two thrashing floors. superior FM- : .'''.1.,....., .. •t. hies, graineries, and other conveniences. -'-''' *" .4 ', There are also wagon sheds, corn cribs and other out buildings. The'whole place is under good fences, and is divided into fields of a suitable size.- ThereAs a never failing well of water EL •se to the dwelling, and on the premises a large OlitllfAßD of superior apples, poaches and other fruit trees. On FIUDAY, the 2.th of October, at 1•2 o'clock, noon, will be sold, on Cho ground, :10 acres of 'WOODLAND, in Mlillin township. bounded by lands of 'W3lll.im Ramp, Samuel ileborhing 1111(1 heirs of John High, deceased, Le lug good timber land. This land will he sold in whole or in part as linty In &aired. 'Perms of .sale will he Latuleipww.o on day thereof by THOMAS A. 111eKINNEY, Exoe'r of dlenry Ilaker,.decoase.L &pt. 13, 18111, Eanea.star Examiner mid Ilarrishiug Tologkaph copy and ehnriii: this office, FARM AT PUBLIC SALE.--,Thit undersigned, ntiministnater with the will annexed nfacorgallaker;_•Meetil_ late of Silver Spinwtownship. Ouimitllriand county, will offer at buplle sale on NRIDAY -- DAY— the 2hth of 1864. on tiro premises, the VAltll. caaald deeetwed. situated In said township, two and a half miles from Iliougestown, on the 'State Road, leading from liarrisbArA to, Sterrett's (hip. howided by hinds . • Jacob i'Peoinli. William Noss, Samuol •• • 'llartner, Jacob Simmons and others con .v tabling 120 ACRES. The improvements- are DWELL/NG 1101151/ AND BARN, •,, • and other necesr,ary ounbuildings, with an excellent Spring of Water near the house. The land is slate, of a Brat rate quality, with limestpne on It nufficient"to burn a large quantity of Brie, which bp's - Mutable and limit; a ready salo'itythis neighborhood. /t will be sold together or in parts to suit purchasers._ Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., when terms will be made known by SAMUEL FillitititY. • Administrator. sept'2lbl --3. I ORN SIIELLERS.-XA SIDER ' 8 PAT ENT CORN SnEttEn, decidedly tho hest and eiteap os now itvuse. Farmers are requested to.call and ex wastes it at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, or at Saxten's ilertiwan) Store. Vor male at reasonable prices .by • . Aug..2-4ink} IQII M AC WANYED.—The highest pike will -b paid - in cash for Sumac in.large or itroall quantities, if 0„olivegl to the subserlbeeln East street, flollsie. , JACOB' Sllllo7lf. June 1 l, 'f)J-3m -,.. . ~ . 11:PIOCTIA •LONG Logy nuol Sintari• Ilrot.lll - U. '.I:N GARDNER & BROWN libtitOttoll. iH Hi. , PENBI3U R INSTITUTE, uptN BUM, PA. Rev. 11. W.Ht,hs, Profeßsoi of Iguggos, Natural ScicuceN, Ac. L. LAviavet, hthtiucto; In lia.fglish and Math I). A. email m Mrs, ELLIEs, Principal Instruetrera in fait, Fenn& Di,- part , nen t. Thu sevo.th s(.s.1011 of thls ilolill9lilti ,4 Institution will COMMIICI, on Monday, tile ACM of October next.-- A new I:Willing which will rout:libido to the conve nience of Intplly , hag been erected ibr the use a the Feina‘, ikTartaime. 1 . 1:1tISIS 81.VEOON arthogiaphy, Reading and Writing $ 5 50 A rithinet Ir. 0 rammar, Geography, ilistory and Philosophy - 850 neology, Botany. Blietorin, Physiology, &e.. 10 50 Matheinatlrs, Clreelt and laiin Languages 12 50 French 5 00 - . M usle 110 00 innwhig 0 00 The . , bolo expense f )r a session of five calendar months inclusive of Tuition, Boarding, ‘Vashinig. &e, does not exceed ... 4 155,011. Pupils will not be taken... Jim a sbortor period, than half a session. A Catalogue containing particulars, ;nay It, obtained by eddreming the tors. sopt27 "4 pLAINFIELD CLASSICAL AC A 1)- EAIY, near Carlisle, In. Tim litliSession wft com ntVnee ou MOND.tv,,Novembor 6, I 8 I. Nun , er of Stu dents limited and constant cif arts used f their moral and lutell,etual improvonent. Terms, $ll5 per session. Oraultas %MI references and full Information fuinisli cd, b., lt. K. BURNS, Principal and Propiintor, - Ftspt2i-1854. Plaint:old, Cumberland en. ro. fiLASSICA ti AN I) LIT14;11.A1{211 ittunscuthq„ SPIN will cnininence,E , ii Tucndny, 1.141 7lh of Niiveniber. and continuo 0 incattlis. careful iiistructi, , n Is given by clutpotont teachers the 41apartnientH of classical, IfatUniatieal and Etiglisli education. Tho ulinle ox penmen f r tuition, boarding aut1..1 , .41;;1ng. with n rn - an. j.".:1 per term. For fttalier particuiars, apply to either of the qubserihers at Sawvllle, Pa. . • 11011E11T MeCACII It EN, Principal, \V. It. I,'Nri, A. M., Professi..rs. 11..11eL,ACJI It EN, jr., A. H.. ITALL A.CAI)I4I3IY, three MileS West 1.4' iliirrisburit. The Aghtli :Ae:Lsiew 'I this p pular and 110116,41111 g Int:Mullen will inn illejtels uu Niondity, the ctli or November tlfv , t t. under the hltr - attspires, ri thil_prtisiatt_x_ear spelt improvements and additi uts have been libido as Its le ,•re entig. pat roliazu 410114:11141Ud. rriii.ipai will be RS 4St •Ly C' Tits of eompetept 111141 exporielly.e.l tea •hers nod speelai :Mention will be paid to the health and ennif rt ul the Students. Itaardiair, Wtodilmi and TuWon In Gle.Engllsli Branch -1,;. and Vocal Mmio,-per liessl .n. (5 nmntlis)•,?,:,s.oo instruction in Latin ami Utrek, each, - 5.00 ' Trench and Gorman - - 5.00 % 4, lmdruntental Music. ' - - 10.00 The attention of parents and guardians is earnestly invited to this Institution. Circulars will he furnished and au,v luf.rnnli will be given, on app:leatiou,either personal or by letter to D. - DENLINGER Sopt. 13. 1554. • -"••• ' Iltirrisburg•,• 1.3 U.M BE I:LAND 'V ALLEY INsTI.- TUTiI. Male and Female seperate and distinct.— . Itt - MteIhiNI.7SMAIO Loosjc, Principal, assisted by situ Teachers. The Winter 'Session of thhisinstitution will open to receive students on tilt, lot Nov. Thu facilities whieh are offered by this Institution to both sexes. for obtain ing n finished education arc unsurpassed by any similar eruit.ary In the Shite. The Buildings are now and commodious, and the gronuds ornamented. The PEM till RE PAHT M ENT is now entirely sepa rat 0, and condwted by New England Teachers, It is located In the beautiful valley of Cum berland. unsurpassed for its healthfulness—accessible by Rail Read--$ inlies.distant from Harrisburg. One hundred and twenty students have been in at tendance during the collegiate year. 'I E R Al g Marti. Tuition, and Room Furnished por Session or 21 %Vet, Vdi 00 l'or Circulars iind information address Rev. .111)8. 14. 1.001 4 1 K opt 'Mechanicsburg. Cumuli. Co., Pa. Y lINGr LADIES SE.LECIT SCIIOO PI Carlisle, Pa. The Feu term of this School s ill C.IIIII,IntICP on MONDAY, the DI of September„and con tinue eleven weeks. Tuition from rive to Tun dollars. according, to the studies pur trd. l'cir further Jur wins- Gun enquire of the principal, Mm. J. F. DOWNING. -- Carlisle. Aug. PATENT SELF-SHARPENING YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, manufactured fa ALDRICII4 SARGENT, No. 410 Market street, Philada This cutter is superior to any now iu uso,.for strength durability, and simpliaity of construction it cuts fast er. and is the only self sharpening nay, Straw and Corn St ilk Cutter ever made. it has but ONE STRAIGILT KN,IFE, which any parson Mrs grind and sot with ease, but In Ordinary case. is ground in theonachine. Thou s.•unds have already boon said, and tho demand Is daily Increasing. In most cases an examination is Sufficient to convince one of its superiority. No one after n•short trial would part with.lt for any otiMr. All sizes of the above constantly on hand and fbr•sale by oct El 3. I% IXNE, Sole, Agent for Cumberland eouuty • PUI3L S..A.LE OF REAI I ESTATE. The undersigned by virtue of an order issued out of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will pose to public sale by outcry, on the premises', on FRI DAY, the 20th day orOctober, A. P., 1851, at 2 o'clock, P. SL, the thllowing described valuahlo Real Estate, sit uate In Frankfurd township, to wit :--A Tract of Land, containing 53 etrict: measured arms and 10 porches, hay- Ink theraon erected ti,aorge stone /MERCHANT MILL, with thur run of stone, a S.lii'll/111,r1oVer 111.11, Plaster 511 D a. , now Distilloryt nuw flog-pen, three tenant nous es. SiTil/Piiiiiiiiirdeper Shop. Ale), at the seine Huse and .place, a tract of first rate' Slate Land, containing 157 acres and 12. i perches more or less, having thereon erected a MAN SION MUSE, Spring-house, bank Darn and a young Apple Orchard, included in this tract are 9 acres and 110 porches of first rate Bottom Land. ~)41.• Those properties aro situated on the • n orth ol d i e o f the Connadoguloct creek, about four miles west'of Carlisle. .They nine adjoin earb other, end have been occupied and used as one property; but they will be sold jointly or separately, as may best suit purchas ers: Me . will also sell at the Court House, in the lswough of Carlisle, on Saturday, the 21st of tktober, at 1 o'clock' P. M., a tract of Littlest me Land, in South Middleton' township, on the south Aide of the o Wninut Bottom road. Intiolning lands of IL A FL Wynn and othemeontalltillg 70 acres, more or less, having thereon erected a twdstory STONN MOUSE, and a neat, new hunk Baru. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOll5l STUART. . Sept. 13, 1854. . Adm'r of John Mays, decld. _ _ irIETRANS!' COURT SALE. -•Will ho Sold In pursuanco of an °Nor of the Orpluta Court of Cumberland enmity at public vondue or out cry, on the proubisos, on SATURDAY, the 28th of Ode= her next, at 11 o'clock In tho fononoorrof uild any, the balanca.of the IttlAl. ESTATIt of Robert IL Church, sr., dece11011(1,' situate In Now ,Cutuberlantl In, the county wesaid, consisting of LOTS 210. 89, 26, 29. and 41, In the general plan of soitt town. The terms and condi- I turns of sato, freeohly to tho 'Order of Court. will to. I,nov...n' er on tiro flay of polo by the eilibscril,i.r, 11.1- et ist ei• de bon It; non of :4..14 tteciAent. It. F. • poun T P , ll CItA-N A. 'l‘ the iitnlOrtlbto. JAhlEa aliA11A111; VMS (lent dodge of ro HevOral Colirts of 0 - Weldon Pita of the conniitm of Cu nheatiliTTOrry and diininta, fn Pennsylvania, and Jt stice of the several Codrts of Ovi.r and Terminer and endral Jail .Delivery in Raid cam ties and lion. Jon Rune and SApttn:l; Woonnuna .111(1140 of Lilo court of ()yet, and Tefuriner find Otineral Jitil Delivery for tile trial of fill eailital and other offenders, in the raid eoilnly af.Cliniburtdnd, by theft. precepts to me directed, boariog date the 28th day of August, DO, have ordered tho Co' rt of Oyer and 'Terminer and Deno rut Jail Delivery, to ;qv holden at Carlisle, on the :id IION DA Y of Novembe. (being the 13th day) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to L;2ntinue two weeks. NOTICE is therefore horoby Tun to tbo Coroner. ;twitters of the Pence nil/ Could:11110a of ahn wild County of Cumberland, that tipiy ere by tan 1.41 preMpt 1111111110 d to 110 tlttill not thorn In their proper poririne, with their mile; records, nomliittlorni, exiled notions 'tilt' nil otlior ronieinlirniirom, to de thoao th6tps which to their °Moos appertain to be time; null nll Mom that ay., bound by roeolodraiiron, to rr, „ „J„,.,0 alpinist the o r b, ovirwm art nre or then MOM /0 in tho.1:01 sold 1-01toty, are to IKS Chary, Lu provotto 4 108111'11 , 1k11.41A MON r), 1 4 1101 1:111orlfra °Mee, earibiltbl Solitonibor, 2,1. P. A. L. LAVERTY, G. U. lIARN, A CO. N - ty rt CH. At it taut tul l)r ir loino' Court I Lbegan on Tuesday, (doe intla day of August, A. ih, ri64, and hoiden rot Carlisle, in anal for Conshoo hoot 1 . 1), bOrlIA) the lion, •111111141 11. I iraltouno, President „lodge, and Samuel Woodburn, anal John Hupp, Enquires, Aneociate Judges, he., the following prOOOOlilligH worn had, 10 wit : Li the case Or the writ of Partitien and Vat!oration nn the meal estate of Robert litaliam, deceased., tiou amine hiving ionic confirmed by the Cowl, , Now, to wit. Ifoth. Antatuot,lB6.l.! route on the hobs 1 1 , 0 Persons interested, to wit:- Jtdm Stoma, niilllll4 , of Joseph (inflation, William lirroltrom and Isabella alealo o m, intermarried with itohert Itolowts, W Whom I. (iridium, 1 Eliza, iiiterfoarrical with. i. IV. IVarsharn, Bail A ruiPti to 1 .1. a I rnianon,, who has H. ti% IVao Own for hie gum ollan, .the said E. %V. NVarralotim and Eliza his %alio , haying sold their interest to will In 1 n (ileum) tau ehlialren or Marla linalmon, married to -- Fraxler, (talsomilea.lo (omit: Isabella Ann Strickler, Catharine, married 1. , qtorite Norio, the son of Nancy, intenntolled ot lily Arthur Ilare ciaman, dopeaspi), to wit: itillhiria Puclantrars, tool the, children of Jane Graham, deceased, intermarried wit lo tirler, to wit, three of the children, one married, the others unmarried, all of age,llve In Washington 1 county, Pa. To mono into Court an`i• TUPJADAY, the 7th day of leoveml er noUlt, and aceept 'or refuse to accept Lilo raid ('State at tow valuation, or show came why UP' vote,' should 11i kb, sold. Personal notice or by writing lift at their place cf abed° to be given to those living in tau county, or within forty tones ef•Carlism, 8 ,0 1, 3 publication for three weeks, In two newspapers in Co l , .11,4,.._f.jr_jdoese resident out of the coMitY prod loyond forty miles. - ItY - I`ll - P.-- el t PitTv---- 1,- ; .---,.) In testimony whereof, I hate hereunto set h. S. ' my hand. and oho seal of saki Court, at Carlisle I—.— . Jo n the 12th day of September, A. ii., 185 . 1 PIIILIP QIII(11.E V, -Deputy Clerk Orphans' Court. 21 sept 74-3 t UDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Account fennel Assignees. The creditors ra Samuel Bricher, of :Monroe- township, Cumberland coun ty. are her by notified that I have been, appointed an Auditor by the fletirt Common . Pleas of said county. to marshal' and distribute the, asgeta the hands of his assignees. I will attend to the duties 'bf the ap pointment at my Mike in the Borough of Carlisle, on WEDN P.SDAY. the loth day of October next, bcf+re or at which time the creditors of Samuel Bricker will please present their claims. , If this request be neglected, they will be cut out from the fund. • i_r , sept.2o W. 11. MILI.Ir;11, Auditor. OTICE.—The Ordina nee enacted the Li 17th day of June, Ifoal,requiting that all dogs running at large within the limits of the Itortmgh, be securely muzzled, will, by order of Council, stand slits ponded from the Ist of October of the present year, un til the Ist day of Ajay,lFss, at which time it will again he in full force and effect. JAMES MULLIN, Clerk to Council Council Chamber, Carlisle, r , rpternbor 20. 18:14. xToTicE is hereby given that the Cunt _Ll BERLAND WILEY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Located at CumbeiTlCP Hall, in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, will make application to the nest Legidat ttre of the Commonwealth of d'ennsy l vault+ fer run at of Ineorp,4ation, with a capital of nut less than rou nor more thou Thirty Thourand Dollars, for the pur- Isise of receiving depordts of money kith transitory and on interest, and of making loans and discounts, With such other privileges as are usually granted to Savings Institutions.. By order of the Directors. WM. GALBREATH, Tress. 1). L. IlsrmunS, [June 28-Ihnp NOTICE is hereby given that applica- Lion will be made to the next Legislature, agreea bly to the constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for an alteration to the Charter or the Carlisle Deposit Balkh, so as to confer upoh said Bank the rights - and privileges of it hank of issue, and to change the name to that of the CARLISLE BANK : also to Increase the capital stock Ono hundred anti fifty thousand del. lars. If practicable. By order - of the Board of Directors. W. M. BEETEn, J unc.23, IFSL-Cm] Cashier. VSTATE OF ANDREW FORBES 11LA IHXIEAS ED.—Letters Testamentary on the Estate ' of Andrew . Forbes, late of West Pennsboro township, Cumberland county, tined., have boon grunted iv the Register of said county, to W. M, Henderson and Parker. Persons Indebted are requested to make pay ment and those having claims to present them for settle ment. W. M. HENDERSON, RICHARD PARKER, Carlisle, Aug. :10,1853.--ft Executors. FSTAT„E OF GEOItOE. BAKER, A DECRISED.—NotIee is hereby given that letters of sultninistration. with the; will annexed. on the estate of George Baker, late of silver Spring township, Cum berland county, deceased,have been granted by the Reg ister of said county to the subscriber residing in Hamp den township. All persons knowing themseivtw indebt ed to said estate are required to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement to SAMUEL, EBERSY, Adtu'r. Sept. 13, 1854. ,STATE OF jOILN McCARTER, 4 DECEA:43).---Notice is hcleby given that letters o f Administration, with the Will annexed on the Es tate of John McCarter. late of the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland co., deconsod: have teen granted by the Register of said county; to the subscriber, residing in the same borough. All PtritollB knowing themselves in debted to said Estate are required to-snake Immediate payment, and these having claims will present thoui for settlement to Sep; 6 1851 ESTATE OF ROBERT VU.NBAR, ine , D.-Notim Is hereby given that letters of Ad minietration on the estate of Robert Dunbar, Into of Fast Pennsboro twp., Comb. co., dee'd, have been issued by the llegiste• in and for Said county, to the subscriber who resides In the township aft,ressid. • All retsoom hav l hoeing clams or demands against the estate of said der., are requested to make known the same without delay, and those indebted to make payment to • ' JACOB HUMMEL., Aug::i3—Ct• .... Adel r. 1 4 1 STAhiE 11,UnOI.PR KRYSIIER i DEC EASED.—Let texa l 'ostametttory on tin; estate of 'Rudolph liryshor, Into of ( hurchtown, Mouroo. twp., (toed., have bean granted by the Rogister of said com i ty to John Goodyear and Goorgo Wontlerlich, resfiling . In •tho samitownsblp. Portions Indebted are raistestotto make payment mid those having claims to present them for settlement to JOHN GOODYEAR, I.IEORGIE WUNDERLICH, Aug. 30,1354-04. ' • , Executors. • CIARPENI 4 ERS and Builders are inv it / ad to ,tocamlno tho assortment of Lochs. Latches Bolts, Binges, tiicrows, Glatis, Putty, OR, 'Paints ite.-- Alrfor sale cheap at X.11)N8. March 13 TUST RECEIVEI).—A prime lot of p tin rolo,l.latc‘l I'A'PENT f, Vn. C IV:omns. f.r. 'rills Lido fully malMnins, 110 1-p:tfr:.tl,ll , 4 -1:14 Hits 11{1 . 7:.14. • ; t ntli~l~ i CthLl'. 3Tottc,es. J!iSIES ISIce.kITTXR, Adnfr r 6tores nal 64005. FOB, THE MILLION • _ ,oa ,I am jitst receiving uty Fall • •floariClNG4 stork of PAPF.if iIAStIjNOS, which .i.ulai§s itylei tluallty • • 4 * and twice any - that have 'ever been exhibeted In Carlisle: I rer:jlestftilly 'Soil/ it Fall Oortanta want of Parer flanging.; if ally eserip lion, lie I 4111 eOrlifitellti.Y itslio . rthient far sneleassrs any In the Itorotiehi L61(1-111 style and prices has but few ri vals in the city. I only ask of the public to rill and ex amine my assortment before purebasing, as I ant coati dent my chaste designs cannot full to please the most fastidious. / IJOHN N West aide of North llnvever Street, AR (;, - ... : ....... 0- --..... n i N Ev GROCERY -- .... 1 r., .Av . . AND VARIETY STOlt E. Tito .bm.rtber would respectfully Inflirm his frien d s and the public generally , that he has just returned from the city with a large and varied assortment of ~,.,' 0 IIMI•iltil'IS, OLASS and QUEENS-WA - RE . -41::-WI NI SI I, ke., IL, which he offers for sale on till ' 11 " i ''' b' r r ..., reasonable terms, at his New Store.. sa . I ... ii,riier of North Hanover street and the Pub. , i 1 1 ,i t ,,,..._ lin Square, directly oppoolta the Carlisle Pe. posit Hank, Illsstock oinhinsee everything usttally In a ilroiery and Variety store. Thu public are Invited to call and examine his stock before I,llreliarlpig ehrewliere, ns he feels confident he can call Om bent go.rfo et the /09ht 'aloes. 4 J. p. IfALBERT. I, I A 1,1, HTYI,B (,)I? lIA'J'S fur 1854. 1 tilAlfttlt Ifiad KU rospectrolly announces to his pht,c,,i,s (11111 the 'Millie geltertilly ilia 110 lILIN just co "ht,.l.4tcelved the PAUL fiTYLE 01 1 iiENTLEMEN'S II ATS, sonoufactili..4 itt one of the best estobllsh. tn,ut in Plat&lI btu, to - which he Invites special lie has also constantly on hand a large rind Turfed are sat tthent of lila own manufacture rts well na city made I lats and raps, suitable for the serison, comprising every variety of II nssla, Beaver, Moleskin and' Silk HMO, fill -101141 fit the Intvtit style, together with a full asserttnent of ('A I'M of every shape mut description, and at every no particularly 111 itOR the public to tall and ex amine his VII IlhBnrtnifnit, in style, mate,. rlti and finish, cannot be surpassed by any •In market, fund whtrlt ht• IS 0110 M put at prices lower than ever. Remember his old stand on North Ilitsiorer street, 1,0- 0 , 11.1.11 Il tuner's and Foner'e•.&teres. 1 4 1 A LL STYLE OF BATS & CAI'S. IA M. It. TictorT, ditsir,,4 to inform his old friends that he has removed to his new establishment on Iligh street, near the Railroad Depot, anti is now opening a 2.,,t to large and elegant assortmentma of the FALL STILE F Ii AT S, just received from Philadelphia, uldeh the gentlenout of Carlisle are requested le neil anti "extunkm.---11e-hatt-also_a_lurge assortment etf Silk, Fur and Slouch Mats a, his own manufacture. ga — ulifirtlie best stj le mid at various prices, the excellence and finish oi nitieii he %illl warrant. llis stoek 'hods confident on ly needs to be examined to Le approved, Also, adarge supply of Men's. boy's and Cl!ildren's CAPS. of Clot]) and Fnr, rand of every- variety of_sty le and primp just Or ed from Philadehiltia. Let all he want a lint or Cap give him n calL'as they may be sure of Leing suit. ed to their own with:fact Mu. (ani LOTILIN ! CLOT 111 N . O The f scriber is now having made up a lot of Fashionable and Substantial Clothing which he will sell an cheap,if not cheapen than any estubliclunent in the borough.— The stock will consist of o E It C O'A T 8, Flaw ll It ESS COAT'S, PANTALOONS, —YESTINOS,Sre. The Clothing will he made out of none,but the blest finality of goeds; cut out by on experienced 1111(i rood cutter, and the work gpt up in the le•st -manner and by the best of hands. We have now on hand a lot of choice Clothing. and all we ask is for purchasers to give us a call and - they will be pleased with the work and pricey. At the old stand on East Main street. I Jan IS] CILAIMES OGILBY. 1) OS A ND as now on , an S .12 14.: a very x Tihe sjive d bsc b well so iecied stork Of 1.1 0 0 T 8 and S II 0 88, - which he will sell at urinsually low prie es. Purchased from wholesale dealers, at low rates, ho can offer such induce ments tip purchasers as will make it their Interest tovia. it his establishment.. He has every article in the Boot and Shoe line—f , , , r Ladies' or Gentlemens' wrar—.l3,, therefore deems it unnecessary to particularize. 4. - Z - Persons desiring good and cheap goods are invit ed to give him a call. IIIINA, (MASS AND QUEENS )) WARE—OId housekeepers and young, with those also who are expecting to become housekeepers. are ins it ed to call at lIA LitFill"S FA MI IN G ROCEIt I and ex amine his elegant assortment of China,tilass and queen s ware-aud other articles in the housekeeping line, such as French and English tea sets, heavy banded and plain, White Granite, gilded and blue plain, Miner tads of ev ery vori , Ay and price, howls and pit'elieFs, tureens, dish es, A.e. Mess-ware—centre table and mantel lamps. Candelataus anti other lamps, great rarity, table and bar tumblers, goldets,'&e. Fruit and preserve dishes, in va riety. Cedar-ware—tubs, buckets, churns, bowls, butter prints and ladles, meal - buckets, Ac. Brushes—sweeping,. white wash, scrubbing. hand and shoe brushes, dusters, brooms; Etc. Market. clothes and travelling baskets. Also a - choice assortment of Tobacco and Segars. Call ye who. are fond of choice brands of :ewers and try the Pri n C 4105, Itegalias, Stoffanonis anal other Cuba varieties, and you will find them of unimpeachable quality. Also half Spaniskand Common Segura, with choke snuff and chewing tobacco. 00 K OUT IN TIM E!—Cholera.' I morhus, Dysentery., Diarrhoea, kr., are mating their appertranc. You know the remady. If you have any regard for the wellfsre of yourself, your wife, or your children. Supply yourselves with DEFAMER'S MATCH LESS CORDIAL otherwise abide the consequence re sulting from a bigoted adherence to old quackery. This "Matchless Remedy" can be had at the Drug Store of . B. .1. KIEFFER. Sotith llatiover street, A few doors south of the Court Ilouse, Carlisle. . °BERT B. 5311L14.:Y, 'CABINET MAKERnmI UNDERTAKER ei•th Itanever'street, next doer to "? . . 9 1 :11?-g - Olashi's Hotel. lie would respewtfully Inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally; that he has now on hand a lark° and elegant rec;ortment of FUR INITURE,OOnsisting in part of NVardrobes,Card and &Ak er Tables, Sofas, Bureaux, 'Bedsteads, plain and fancy 'Sowing Rands, Ac.. manufactured of the best Material and quality warranted. Also a general assortment of ClAlltEl at the lowest prlces. VENITIAN BLINDS LUttdo to VW', and rerciring promptly attended to. ; - - .44" - -COFFINK-mado.at-the-shortest notice; and hat- Img a - Splendid hoarse ho will attend funerals In town 6r eottatry. Airir lb/member the stand—next door to e 11. Glass's Ilotel. It. 11. SNIII:EY. 1 -1 . 4 XTENSIVE FURNITURE llool‘l. .114 IAMI S lt. WEAVItIt won respecfeully call the attention of House-keepers and the public to his extensive stocic of ele-mtit UItNITU It it, ineludlng Sofas, Wardt:ohcs ' ,Contre and Tables. Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other article In his .branch *of business- Also now on hand, the largest assortment MAWS in Carlisle„ at the lowest Prices. At - INTIM made at the short est notice and a Hearse Wovided for funerals. Ho solicits n call at his establishment, on North Han over streel, near (Bosnia Hotel. . . - .443 - ruriiit um hired out by the month or year. . 4 c:t . ':?, 1 T ;('TORN OR NER of lian a g o l. .11‘ 5 :0 , , . , over and houtlon• sti: vs 'W I. U..1.",:i '0 ItLISIAI.--Thounderslgii:. ft .". ed has always on hand a large stork of, superior Cabinet Wore, In all the different styles, thigh ho is prepared ill sell nt thelowest prices. .n 4, invites attention molten lady to Oa PATI:ST SPRINti HOTTOI -01.1 , STIC0), a mast useful article, which entirely. obviates all ohjections.— The bottom can he attached, to oktiledstends. They hare given entire It/dist - action to pll who have them in use. .42:a • COFFINS made to,order at the shortest notice. ' JACOB FETTER. ACTT. IN EBY very surair,.... of Jl i. r. , r rreaslug wwitions.jui , t, re . r! : 1; el+ at H. HA NTON'i4. =I W. Sift:l.l)oN ,funtiture. "-}JtjiratiefpOin. 'l'/A E N - :v V} (i( l t Y s. —A fine assort ment: of the finest yindity, for 'sale at the , lowest cash prices, at AVM C. tIIAONIIE4DI.I, No. 154 South ect.m.d Street. between Pine . and Union, west side, Pidladelpidh',. The,ag.soritrient embritces a Mtge and select stock Of Fine Watclies,.leweiry, Silver Ware, Albata Ware, plated with fine silver, In Spoons. Forks, Ladles, 4t.c.---Jet , goods, Fans and, limey articles of a superior quality, deserving the examination of those who dmiro to procure the best goods at the lowest cash Miceli, "laving a practical knowledge of thicbusiness, and all available facill "'"' • • tieslor "importing and Illanullictur ing, the subscriber confidently invites purchasers, be lieving that he can impply them on terms as favorable us any .other establishment in either of the Atlantic Cities. All kinds of Diamonds and Pearl Jewelry and SilNer Ware manuilietured to urder,, within a reasonable time. Ilj)-Watehes, jewelry and silver ware faithfully ro• paired. WM. F. ELTONHEAD, No. IR4 South 2d St. a few doors above the 2.1. St. 31ar ket, West Side. the south window of the Store, may be seen the famous Bird Clock, which commands the admiration of the scientific and curious (Sept. 28,'64—]yr. IMPROVE.) SUPER iL5 1) 1" n A OF LIME ----n - um Chemical & Union 'Works, nude after the most.improved articles and verp superior. Prepared Anhydrite Manure, made after the English ar ticle, and most superior, being much lower than Guano, and fully equal. The attention_ of Dealers 414 Farmers is particularly called here fortrial.' , Alte. Pertn inn Gu ano, in large or small quantities. for salt ,- hy JUIIN L. P(SIEROY, 22 South Wharves, 31 door ;hove Chestnut St. Phila. Sept. 27, 185.1. Cll 1 148()N'S TEN TVENT 1: A - TING FUJIN ACE.—The subscriber would cell. the niientiolt of all parties requiring a desirable furnace to CIIII-YoN*B CELEIMATEDNVIRNINO eve VEMILATINO r.slbVi Vs. • The reputation of this furnace is now hnown r having been introduced during the past five years into about 1500 public buildings and more than 011011 private dwell ings; this together with the inunen.e , inerease of-sales every year is the best evidence that can be adduced of Its superiority over all other furnaces. by the use et Ohilson's Furnace, you secure the following advantages: Fate YENT/UTION PURE AlR—The heating surfaces being at a toaapera ture that a 11l not desiccate the air. EelaStakileAl. F.SE ear Fen, GK} T . DtitAni tin Y—Beinellifllle entirely of Cnst Iron, not 11111.1 e to rust, Nvlll require no reintirs during a lift , thne—it.l, easily managed, and will 11,4 t...spose the 1 Witt ing in w Welt It Is placed to daligvr "frcut lire, 111:e the other furnnoes. We have the testimonials of hundreds of the most Wtotititle - men - ticattest-to-the—ticutimit-thmalauva 4 State, ment, all of w hem pronounce it to lie decidedly the test furnace 3et invented fir producing a pure and healthy atmosphere. We heren ith annex the names of a low well known and eminent professors, e. ho have tised•them and kindly furnished us their names and references: - Prof. John S. tine. Prof. Pallor, Prof. Norton ' Preti W in. U. Alton, Prof. Paisons, Prof. Mind (Is; Prof.B.i , ll limn, Prof. Ripley. 'NINE SIZES. We linveintredueed this.season-ilve.new size's_ so that all_parties may avail themselves of this great improvo went at a very moderate cost. We are 110 W prepared to furnish an apparatus to warm a single room, or the larg est building to the country. No. } Portable. Complete, 2 do 4 do sdo Extra Radiator, (with Bars and FI eileb plates,) 3 do do 5 do do 6 do do This No. it Is the largest and mest p,werful Furnace made in this country, and is admiral ly adapted fee Chnrehes anti other large class buildings. We continue to sell the apparatus at the same prlee as when first introduced, five years ago. Alth(righ the present high price of iron has increased their cost 25 par cent, owing to their great weight still me are enabled by the great increase of sales to furnish the article attire lowest possible price: , One foundiy alone, slessrs. War nick & Leibenittit,inive contracted to furrish us w ith 500 tons of Furnaces this season, so that we'are now prof se ed to furnish them wholesale or retail. We sopa ihtentl the erection of all Furnaces, when required, and war rant them in all Coors. METROPOLITAN COOKING RAN(;E.—We have also the most complete Cooking Range that has yet I eon in troduced, to ahleh \re call the attention of all a ha may with to secure - the most perfect and det-irab:etamiting ap paratus ever invented. EMERSON'S l'ATv!''r \ - ExTrLAToit.—We are Ito " only Ager,G in Penns) Ivania for the manufacture aril sale of this Tentilator, which is acknowledged to la. the only perfe:t Ventilator ever made for tante, ting the draught in smoky , chimnies, and for centilathg tutirld logs of all kinds. As there are a great inhny in Rath.' a of this valuable article now offered for„sale, rarties Will be careful to examine that it has the Ftuerson Padge at tached. PATENT REOISTERS AND VENTILATORS.—We have the largest Ana mest complete ass,rtments of lh t Air Registers and Ventilators to be found in the tilted States. Parties alto wish to purchase. either fir private use or wholesale. will find it greatly to their uthautage to examine their 'deck. SLATE AND IRON MANTLES.—we hare always on hand an extenstre: assortment...AA these beautiful mant les, in exact Imitation of Egyptian,Spanish, Gale. ay and other rare marbles. OPEN tillATES.—For Anthracite and Bituminous Mal. Also an entire new pattern of the low down Grate, made from the English Patterns, and entirely new in this country. ' SOLE AtiENTS tier the Engibih Encaustic ?leering .Tlle,thirnklrkf`htmHeylYps, and Terra tht ta Ornaments; such as “ardent'We.s, - Persona about building would do well to examine our stock before Purchasing elsewhere. Visitors, whether purchasing or not, are cordially welcomed to our eaten sire Warensans, and where we should be happy to fur nish any information respecting any of our goods that may be desired. A book on Warming and Ventilating can helm,' gratuitously at our store, either personally or by letter., S. A. HARRISON, Warming and Ventilating Warehouse, Nil Walnut st., below Sixth, ?natal:no:lA. C=M • -) OLLARD, Premium Artiste in 1I air fitventor of the Celebrated Go4aiiiirr - Ven'tilating I Wig-, and Elatitic Band Toupees. Itistrto tictis to enaLle Ladies and lieotlioen to measure their heads with no ettraCy. _ ' Yuu Wrias, Inches.—\o. 1. The round of the head; No. 2. From forehead over the head to the neck; No. From ear to ear over the top; No. 4. From cur to oar round time forehead. 'louvres and scrawl, inches.—No, 1. From ford: wad 10 teak as far as fund; No. 2. Oi'er forehead as far as requir ed; No_ 3, Over the crown IS the head. It. DOLLARD has always ready for Salon , splendid stock of Lien& Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' Wigs, alf IVlge, Fagots, Braids, Curls, ,te4 - beautifully Manufactured and as cheap as any establishment In the Union. figthantitm Extractor Lustre& Hair Topic, prepared—freer South American herbsand Doetsohe,— , nuist suticesslttl article ever prbdueod Ihr preserving the hair hum falling out or changing color, restoring end 'preserving it in n healthy and luxuriant state:. AmOng ether reasons why 'Dollard's hair cutting saloon main tains Its Immense popularity is the Met that his Tonle is applied to' every bead of hair cut at his establisheag n t, eonsequently it is kept in better preservation than un der any•knewn application. It Icing thus ,practically tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of its Snld wholesale and tntail nt his Old , Estitbllshment.l77 Chektnut street opposite the State Douse, Philadelphia. ' It. Dollard has at least, discovered the 00 plus ultra of DAM DYi, and announces lt.for sale with perfert con fidence in tta surpassing every thing of the hind now in Use. It colors the hair either black or brown, (as may be desired) and is, used without Injury to the her or shin eitin4 by• stain or otherwise, can 110 washed off in ten Minutes after applle'atlmi: without detracting from Ita efficacy. Persons visiting the city are lnti Sled to tiro, Mtn a call Lottors toldrossoct to IL - DOLLARD; 177 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. trill twelve attention. Jan. 25-1 J T HAWlll4;l;.—Fritz & Ilooilry, Store, 29 North ad st. Philadelphia, 'Morocco Manufs.,Anr• ors. Curl - leis, Imparters, Commission and General Leath er huslness. 'WHOLESALE AND ITlZAlL—Manutartory 16 Mar gareitti stiipt. I Sep, '7-ly MAefitNES of the 1, 4 make,ll hand 811 11. x trtlr At Ow elliFlv 1 , 011:dry 811,1 nbilitg.)-1.-1,, El 2.5 -5 4Z, 48 I 0 =M