.E. BEATTY, 011.019tIETOILA.N,1) PVIILISTIEn TERMS in; rtuthibitTiotv,. (Lniasia: littitALD is published weekly,en B,lafgn 'sheet, containing l74 . .fti' cotemivs, and fdruislied to sill). ,vribers at the rate of V.:AM paid strictly •in advance; {,1t75 If paid within the year; or $2 in all eases whoa Ntyment Is th i ‘..layeti until after the exphation of,the year, No sot Iremtivod'fof A. leti period titan AK months, and none discontinued until all arroarages iiró Paid, unle4; at the•option of the robllshrt , . Papers to: 't'llhAeriburti living out of the cpunty 6iyuieut assxitued y Some responsible person ltrinff In enraberhind cohn ti, These terms will he rigidly antlered to in ail rases. ADVEIt I iqS EN TS. AdvertlsementS will be charged $l.OO per square of twelve lines for three Insertions, and 23 cents for each sabeequent insertion. All advertisements of less than t well.° lines enn,litcred as a swam. The following rates will be_charged for Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly atvertisiug 3 Months. 6 Months. 12 Months. 1 Square, (12 llnos,) $3,00 , $.5.00 $5.00 2 " 5.00 8.00 12.00 Column, - - 8.00 12.00 16.00 /4 - :1 " - - - 12.00 20.00 30.00 25.00 . 35,00 Coo Advertisennmts inserted before Marriages mild 112:41, 5 . a cents per Hue fur ilrat l'rie.tlen, and 4 cents per line for subsequent insertions. Communications on subjects pf limited or individual Interest will be charged 5 cents per lino. The Proprietor will not be respontlible in dam ages for errors In advertisements. Obituary notices not, exceeding tlie lines, will' be inserted without charge. JOB PRINTING. TIuvCAULISIX llEnAto 3011 PRINTING OFFICE is the largest and most complete establishment in the county. Throe good Presses, and a general variety of material suited fur Plain and Fancy work of every kind, enables as to do Job Printing at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Persons in want of Bills, Blanks or any thing in the Jobbing line, will find it their in terest to give us a &ill. 'Every variety of BLANKS con stantly on baud. ire- All letters on business must be post-paid to so= cure attention. fjeneraf too( tinformatiojt. V• S• GOVERNMENT• President—FßANKLlN '2 EEO& Vice President—(de faito), 1). R. Arcnr.son). • Secretary tof State—WM.-J. -MARCY. Secretary of Interii2n—ltOoEGT 111CCI.E1.1.AND. SOCEGYdrY of Tre.asuty—JANins GTHRIE. Seer* —.l EFFEUSON Seco 7—. IA». C. I)ouiaa. YostCAME/IEII. Atto —CALEB CUSHING. • Chief Justice of United States—lL 11. TANEY STAVE' GOVERNDQENT• Odverriori-Wu. Bunn.. Secretary of State—Cunats.3 W.. 111.ACR. Surveyor General—J. P. Ile.Avaxv. ' Auditor General—E. linn&x• • Treasurer-30mq! ItAn.Ey. Jgdgua of the Supreme Court—J. S. BIRCH, Tl Lmis, W. 13. LOWRIE, 0. W. WOODWARI , , J. C. linos. COUNTY OFFICERS. Presldont Judge—lion. JAMES If. GRAHAM. Associate Judges—lion. John Rupp, Samuel Wood- Tatra District-Attorney—J ehn-M-Shearer Prothonotary—Ocorge Zinn. Recorder, &e.—SsanueliAlartin. Register—Alfred h. Sponsler. High Sheriff—Joseph Mci)ormond; Deputy, James ‘Vidner._ County Treasurer—N. W. Woods. Coronor-L-Jasoith C. Thumps9n. County ConuMssioners-:-.lohn ttobb, James Armstrong, tioorgo Di. Graham. Clork — to ComMiolon9rs, William Ill Dir lo.. y octors of the Poor--Goorgo Sheaffer, George Brin -410, John C. Brown, superintundont of Poor 110 - use-- Joseph Lobach. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Virjot Burgess—Ca. Ansisrnorm Noma Assistant, Burgess—Charles Ogilby. 'town Council--Jelin B. Parker,(Prrnidout) Z. Beatty, Henry itlyerS, I. S. Egbert, DavidlioadS, Christian in hog', John atitshall, Peter Monger, Deo. Z. Bretz. Clerk to Council-4 Mes Mullin. Constables—Josepli • Stewart, High Constable; Robert McCartney, Ward ConstMila" , . extb•Rori ES. First Presbyterian Church,..northwost angle of Centre 5q1.121141. Rev. CONWAY WINO, Pastor.--Serrlcco ovary Sunday morning at 11. o'clock, A. Al.„and 7 o'clock, P. M. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of South Ttanor and Pomfret - streets. No pastor at present, putlßt tilled by Presbyterial appeintmehts. Services commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., and Vo'clock, P. M. St. Johns Church. (Prot. Episcopal) northeast. Angle of Centre Square. Rev. J:icesi it Moans, Rector. Services At 11 o'clock, A.M., and tt o'clock, P. M. English lAuthenin Church, Bedford between Main and Louthor streets. Rev. JACO)) Par, Pastor. Services at 1.1 o'clock, A. M., and fl) o'clock, P. M. German Reformed Churii, 'bootlick-, between Remover and Pitt streets. Rev. A. H. Pastor. Services at 103,1,, o'clock, A. M. Methodist E. Church, (finit Charge) corner of Mainand Pitt streets. Rev. R. L. M. Costani, Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 734' o'clock, P. 3L Methodist E. Church, (second Charge) Rev. J. M. Jostr.s,-Pa.stor. Services In 011ege Chapel, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 6 o'clock, P. AL Roman Catholic Church, Pamfret,.near Mist flied.— fiervioes by Ray. Mr. Detains>, every second Sunday.. , A German Lutheran Church to In course of erection on the corner of l'Omfret. and Bedford streets- Tire con gregation, which 'has yet no stated Pastor, hold 'their cervices in Education Hall. .04-Wheir changes In the abovmare necessary the pro per persons'are requested to notify us. DIOXINSON COLLEGE• Rev. Charles Collins, Preshleutand Professor of Moral Science. Rev- Kerman M. Johnson, Professor of PhilosOphy and English Lltoraturo. James W. Marshall, Professor of Ancient Languages, Itov. this 11. Tiffany, Professor of Islathematics. William M. Wilson, Lecturer on Ratural•&lonee and Curator of the Museum. Alexander &horn, Professor of Hebrew and Modern Language& Benjamin Arbogast, Tutor in Languages. 4arnuel D. liiiintan, Principal of the tirrunruar School. William A. Snively, Assistant in the tiranumnr School CORPORATIONS. CAIMIS4II DEPOSIT BANK.—P/oSkioDty Richard nurser; Wns.llrilnitem; - Clarkii;ltenrySTurgeon • ,40a. Darer, Directors , Richard Parker, William Kerr, :Zug, Hoary Saxton, Samuel Wherry, Jacob Lelby, 'B. fitarret, henry Logan, Robert Moore. 0314DERLAND VAI.LEY RAIL ROAD COMPANY.--Pio.sidont, Frederick Watts; Secretary and Treasnrer, Edward M. Diddle; Superlntendant, A. F. Smith, Passenger trains wiOe a day Eastward, leaving Carlisle at 10.15 o'clock, A.M. and 3AO Oclock,r. M. Two trains every day West ward, leaving Carlisle at S o'clock, A. M. and 2.20, P. M. OARLISLR, OAS AND WATER ColfPNY.—President, Prod- Mick Watts; 83crotary, Lemuel 'Todd; 'Treasurer, Wm. M.l3eetem ; Directors, F. Watts, Richard Parker, Lc-lanai Todd, Wm. M. Bootom, Ik. W. W.. Dale, Franklin Gard par„ Hoary Blass. E.S.T.ES or POSTAGE• Lest= PosTxot.—Postage hn all lott.ars of one-half ounce weight or under, 3.conts pro-paid, or 5 cents un psld, (oxcept to California and Oregon, which nto'6 cents 'polish], or 10 cents unpaid.) NWOMPATEIIB.—POStago on the Ilcuato—withlit' the qouOty, ti E& Within the State 13 mutt; per year. To lily part of the United States, 20'eents. Postage an all' ?transient papers - under 3 ounces In weight, 1 cent pro.paid or 2 cents niipaid: CAR ISLE HERALD BOOK, & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, • •IN - THE.REAR OF THE COURT HOUSE. • • EvQry ilosvrintion of Enolc and Job Printing osocutnl on treb aborteat not leo and on reasonaldo tortna . „ , .1 • , . -• t I \ • - a !it A. r - , le ~. ~ ~ • 11 0, z" A .., ".• -"' 1.. ~ .1" , 1 J; . , • .. - 1 1 - ' '1 .; , 1.c., .. . .. , •1 . -.,.? . --,.. 'sm , .. ‘.. . .. VOL. LV. STATE ELECTION-Oilielal Vote. 111)v Mt rA)lt, 1 - , n4ton t; ANV .13i9, • Ibt, Court/ice, Adams, ' 2086 2124 .1236 2584 Allegheny, 5115 10377 10031 3994 Armstrong, . 1940 2689 2323 1691 Beaver, 1458 2233 1935 1087 Bedfor, 2019 2157 1252 2361 Berks, 8493 5143 2611 10599 Blair, 1513 ' 2706 2253 - 1143 Bucks, 5089 5.198 3778 5879 Bradford, , 2369 •4811 4353 1672 Butler, 520 2301 2298 Cttmb *a n , 1739 1627 1292 1325 Carbon, • ; 1227 ' 1056 658 1072 Centre, , 2113 2774 567 Chester, . 4412 6514 .5508 3830 Clarion Clearfield, 1448 _1497 -364 Clinton, ,635 411 Columbia, 2180 1398 1016 1891 Crawford, 2867 3696 2184 21:15 ' Cumberland, 2581 3157 2326 • 3210 Dauphin, 2224 4061 2-176 3448 I)claware,",, 1576 2292 1722 1593 Elk, ~ 364 420 282 207 Erie 2526 3537 2767 1101 I4nyette, '2443 3188 3497 1107 . orest, [new co.) •Franklin, 279!) 3579 2539 3241 Fulton, 876 905 426 832 Greene, 2006. 1746 1186 1780 Huntingdon, 1500 2616 2169 1294 Indiana, 1264 3161 2361 1238 . Jefferson, • 370 Juniata, 1176 1170 1410 Lancaster, .. 44199 1096 5536 Lawrence, • 995 2576' 2259 Lebanon, 1751 2636 1091 Lehigh, • 3026 309-4 .770 Luzerne, 4368 4881 .1283 Lycomi ng, 2269 2799 2309 McKean — 66 Mercer, 2550 3031 2985 1846 Mifflin, 1287 1630 1398 982 Monroe 4917 525 57.1 1718 Montgomery, 5559 5114 3819 5789 Montour, 976 757 773 7:15 Northampton, 3685 3417 1411 5093 Northumberlcnd, 2182 2121 1524 2280 Perry, 1.112 2121 1297 1930 Philndelphin, 24936 28817 25330 20570 Pike, • 401 Pottir. Schuylkill, 5388 4252 2762 .5658 Somerset, 1259 2741 1740 1540 Susquehanna, 212 G '2819 .2640 1525 Sulhvan, 175 Tio g a, 1489 2448 455 Union, ,_ , 1913 2881 1440 2614 Venango, 1466 1679 1836 822 Warren, 1118 1400 1273 975 Washington, 750 1798 Wayne, 422 600 Westmoreland, 3803 3773 ' 3346 3236 Wyoming - 290 1100 York, 4707 4777, 2336 5604 Above we give the official vote of the State with the exceptions of a few small counties which cannot much vary the 'result. Mr. Pottbnes majority will be about 37,000, Mr. Blow's something like 150 7 000—and Judge BLACK will have nearly as many votes as both his competitors. The majority against a Pro hibitory Liquor Law is about 3000. CANAL COMMISSIONER In 44 counties from which official returns have been received The vote stands: Henry S. Mott, George Darsie, Majority, - SUPREME JUDGE. In 48 counties the aggregate vote is a follows : Jeremiah S. Black, Daniel Smyser, • - Thomas H. Baird, PENNSYLVANIA S'ENATJE. The Senate of Pennsylvania, says the N. American, has hitherto been in some doubt. One Democratic count makes it stand eight. cen DemOcrats to fifteen Whigs, while other Whig and independent journals make it sev enteen to sixteemo 'We believe the list which we herewith append to ho accurate, and from it the reader may at a glance ascertain the condition .of things. The names of Whigs ;and those who may he relied upon to net a, 'gainst the adminiitration are in italic, and administration Democrats in Roman. • 'l. Philadelphia K. Price, W. A erabb. , . 2. Philadeltia county--W. Goodwin, L FonHired, N. 13. Browne. 3. Montgomery—A - Frirk. • 4. Chester and Delaware—J. J. Laois. 5. perks—W. M. Heister. 6. Bucks—lL K. Sager. 7. Lancaster and , Lebanon:—..T. Nil inger, J. G. Shuman. 8. Norihntnlterland and. Dauphin—David Taggart. 9. Northampton and Lehigh—Wm. Fry. 10. 'Carbon, Monroe, Pike and W4ne- , J. -IL _Walton. 1L Main 4 and 'Ptauklin—B. Wiwi 16tilur fur fly c flintilti (girth. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1854. 13. Cumberland and I'erry—S:lml Jrbe,p Centro; Lycoming, Sullivan and Clin ton-L-J. IV. Quiggle. 15. Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon—J. Creswell, Jr. 16. Luzern°, Montour. and Columbia—C. Buelcalew. 17. Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming —ll'. M. Piatt. 18. Tioga, Potter, McKean, Elk, Clear field, Jefferson and Forest—B. 1). Hamlin. 19. *reel-. Venango and Warren ''l.'hos. .......... llogp. , 29,:i,,V 4 rte. and Cliiii , rfiiid=YonieJt ,Teinner. 21. llit lei, Beer and Lawrence—John Ferynsont 22. Allegheny— george Dai-sie, Jonas 11. McClintock. 23. Washington and Greene—John C. Flenniken. • ' 21. Somerset, Bedford, and Fulton-Fran cis Jordan. 25. Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion—S. S . Jamison, 26. uniata, Mifflin and. Union—James AL Sellers. 27. Westmoreland and Fayette, William E. Feozer. Schurlkill—John Hembiehs. Theditlerenee between the Whig and Dem ocratic statements consists in the fact that the „latter count the newly elated Senator from the? Fayette awl Westmoreland District. a Democrat, whereas he' NVi.S run by the Whigs and Americans, and by them elected itt opposition to the regular Democratic can didate., Moreover, he is .believed to be a man lier of the American order; and if so, of co - firse will act — with his brethren of - that party, Mr. Jamison, of the Armstrong, In diana and Clarion Distrig, was also elected a year ago by the Whigs and independents over a regular Democratic candidate.. How much hold the party . has on such gentlemen we know not, but they are, claimed as Demo crats. Mr. Piatt,- of the Bradford, SuSque hauna and Wyoming District, is 0. Free Suil Democrat, Anti-Nebraska, and opposed to the Pierce dynasty. As his district has just spoken out so distinctly, it seems Ititrilly probable that he will feel anxious to enroll 1 himself with the kOV.MIMeIIt party. 909 8969 727 2784 4'733 3265 1889 Adants--Moses McLean, D. dille*py*.l °hit Kirkpatrick, D. 4 A.; Jacob Guy, W.& A. John J. Muse, W. &"A.; David L. Smith, B. C. S. Eyster, A. Armstrong—O. 7 W. Zeigler, D.; Philip Clover, Ind. D.; Abner W. Lane, W. Bearer, StewiA, W.; B. B. Chamberlain, \V.; It. B. McCombs, W. Bedford, dv.—Wm. T. Dougherty, D.; G. S. King, W. - tz' Berke—Jererniali Mengle, 1).; Andrew M. Sallade, D. 3 John . F. Linderman, D,; Snail Sherer, D. Blair, (f.c.— Get rge W, Smith, \Y.3 Geo. Leap, D. & A. Bedford—B. Laporte, D.; Judson Hol combe, W.. Bucks—E. G. Harrison, W.; Watson P. Magill,W.; Samuel F. Gwinner, W. ,Carbon anct Lehigh—Herman Rupp l 1.); Thos. Craig, D. - Pentre,,--- - -D. C. Beale, I. D. &A. • ph-es/ex—Mark A; Hodgson, W.; M. J. Pennypaeker, W.; William TR: Downing, ;Br.". Clearfield; cf-c.—Alex. Caldwell, P. • • clinton, dr.—Tiles. Wood, ,W. t A.; Win Fearon, jr. W. & A. &c.-=Jas. G. Maxwel D. Cranford—A. B. Ross, \V.; Howell Pow- W. • Ciunberland—M. Donaldsim; W. & A.• 7 A. Criswell, W. & A. 225,746 67,882 157,864 145,541 61,7•38 106,66,3 Dauphin—John A. Stohley, D. & A.; L. Bergstresser. W. Delaware—Thos. S Maddock, W. Eric--James Thompson D.; G. W. ligyelte and - IVestmore/and—Samnel B. Page, D. & A.i, Jesse Weddell,, D. & A.; Clement Ilabbs, D & A.; James. Foster, D. A. Franktin—Janies R. Orr, D.; Jas..Adwe, W. arcene—j. M. Stockdale,,D, — lndiaita—Alex. McConnell W. .Lebanon—W. A. Barry, 1).•& A. , ' Laneaster—Hugh - North, D. tt J. L. Gross,,D. Sr; A.; Eh'kit •Fiankliti, W.; J. F. Herr, W.; D. W. Witmer, W. __LLuzerne—A, B. Dunning, D. & Gid. Palmer, W. • • , Mercer, dm.—S. P. MeCalmont, W,; Ralph Clapp, W.; Dahl. Lott, W. • ./Iftlgin , ---Elijah Morrison, W. . Monroe and Pike--kbr. :Edinger,. D. Montgomery—Jacob Fry, Jr.; D.; 11. N. Wickersham, W.; James Rittenhouse, W. Northampton—Philip Johnson, D.; • Moses Bush, D. • Norikuniberland-Gideon M. Yorks Owl, n. •`. //Try—Kirk Haines, A. • T hiladelphia City—M. V. Baker, D; IL 12; York—Jacob Si: Ilaldeman 110IIRE OF•REPRESE;CTATIVEH. • . • • • • • •I • 1 i • 'l. , 1 / 4 + • Sttong, A;; Wm. It. 'Morris, W. & A‘t Smith, W, & Phflatidpleitt Vo----.11. M. Carlisle, I).; R. L. Wright-, D.; A. Cummings, Temp. & A. Q, Waterhouse, W. & A-.; Nicholas Thorne, W. & A.; Chas. It. Allegnod, W. & A.; J. A. Simlison, W. & A.; Thos. C. Steele, WI & A.; It. M. Foust, A.; J. S. Fletcher, A.; 8,:11. Bowman, W. & A. .AS'ehrtytkill—itenj. Christ, D.; elms. Frei . ley, D. Sonterser—Jos.eph Cummins, \V. Susquehanna, &e.—B. T. Kathrop, D.; J. Sturdevant, W. 7Voya,—Thos. L. Baldwin, W. Union, eir.—Jas. W. Crawford, W. If r ambington—Samuel .J. Krepps, W.; Jas. McCullough, W. Ilnyne—G. A. Stark weather, I).; Thrk—Eli W. Free, Tetnii. V.; Win. Mc- Conkey, Temp. W.; Daniel Rutter, Temp. W. Democrats, 25'; American Dem., 12; In dependent Dem., 2; American Whigs, 15; IndependCnt Americans, 5; Whigs, 35; Tem : Amer., 1 - ; Teni. Whig, 2; 'Pemp. Dem., 1. CONGRATULATORY, VISIT TO JUDO/F. The Mundy Luminary states that a flue hand, accompanied by a delegation of citi zens of that Inbrough, I lughsville, and Muncv Creek, on the evening after the election, paid a visit to Macro for the purpOse of congrat ulating Judge Pollock upon the result of' the late 'election. Quite a large 'And enthusias tic concourse of the people of Milton gree ted the arrival of the visitors. At S &dock the - company repaired to the residence of -judge-Pollvekrwhere--they were - rt - wivid be the Goverrfor elect, in a ehaste-and appropri ate address. Ale appeavOa; of Judge Pol lock %vas greeted by three spontaneous hear ty cheers by the crowd assembled in the street, and all appeared Cager to grasp the hand of one who had so nobly borne the peoples standard through the late political' contest- Although his tultlrtuks lytts ithoguth r_ er. improustu, and latex - tcdly called forth, yet thelAranisuarzi sass 't had never listened to one of a similar nature breathing more lofty and patriotic sentiments, or more gen erous and noble reference to the victory a. thieved and the opposition vanquished. He said he o congratulated those who now appeared before him, and the people of Penn sylvania, upon. the result achieved by them, the people. We had just come out of a civ il contest, peculiar in its .prosecution and its and ' its results, to our own happy' and and her glorious institutions. Theyeople of Pennsylvania, exer ising the right to decide upon the great and m 'lemon's principles in volved in the late electi n, had given an ex pression of their sentiments. throUgh the "ballot box," and a majority had declared himself to be their choice. It. was tint the man whom the people chose or rejected but the P r inciple v which they advocate and sus tained. He wished it to be remembered, that, although he was now, and had been i dentified with the Whig party, yet 'he did not chain his election as a Whig victory, •nor did his Whig friends deem it such, but, em phatically a victory of the Proplc over the ad vocateS of the ,principles which they could not sanction or support.' To all alike, Whigs and Democrats, the victory was to be ascri bed as the result, of their own hands. In 'speaking of Gov, - Bigler he said in substance: reference to my opponent in the 'canvass proud to call Gov. Bigler my-Personal. friend. We hare been since the commence ment of the contest, and are now on terms of• intimate and pleasant personal friendship, no matter how widely we may . differ in our po-, litical views and opinions. No art of mine shall wantonly disturb that relationship)' ; He said he had been, charged with tieing . proscriptive in bis religious opinions. 8,0 far, far from, being so, he acknowledged no riglit'J in one,ritan to dictate toanother Ithat, should be .his,. belief or mode -, of. worship. Hob _ding,ieligion_as saered—thingoind—claii ing the privilege of worshiping God aceor 'ding to the dictates of MS own conseience L ltel granted the same right'to every living benig.; Believing the Constitution of our country Suf.: ficient to guard and protect - the rights' and privileges of all, lie desired that, all might receive the benefits 'of its. wise proVisionsas weommon blessing. 3 He ' paid an eloquent tribute to the intelligence and patriotism of the people in Weir repudiation of the iniqui, tons NebraSka bill; and the attempt to per putate the cause .of slavery-in our land, by congressiOnal Legislation, and 'said that free men ever were revolted nt the idea of exten ding:and perpetrating oppression, and that in the trial hour, the people true to their in stincts, and the leasons taught by - their fath ers, would be ibund im,the side of liherty,— In eonclusion ho thanked the people 'ot by coming for the renewed expression of their regard, attested by a majority in his favor in that stronghold of opposition, and the pres ence of thedelegatioo befbre hint. After the address the company partook of jefreshments r prepared in strict accordance witli t!TAii.inclplus of 'Prohibitions' and at NO. 8. -P()1.1.0c-K SUM/11*CW. OP NEWS Whiratitts Right k t'onyeol lOU —ltlaristiß Emlgrai lon—Sir John mnins—Snow Morin, li'ltibPs DiritsDAY, October 19 A National Wothan's Bights Citivention coththeneed its sessitths in Philad e lphi a y es . torday. Lucy Stone, Mrs, Itose, Lucretia Mutt, and all the other Well known female leaden; in the moyetnent were present, and 'pB rl ipi pa ted in the action. A series of strn'ag resolutions were tinder consideration. The Kentucky Trust Bank has failed, as also th7i Ohio Sayings Bank at Cincinnati, caused by n run on the institution, A run was also cominenced on one or two of the private banks, which will probably he renewed to day. One of these private bankers, P. B. Manchester, closed his docifl4.•yesterday. A despateh from Louisville says that the Bon nersville Bank suspended yesterday. Emi grants for Kansas are Still flocking westward, notwithstanding the advanced state of the' season. The fourth New England 'party started froth Worcester on Tuesday. It is the largest which has yet gone out from thence. Another party of thirty-two from Maryland has passed through Alexandria for Nebraska, as the tele, , rraPli says, but no doubt for Ktinzas. At Lulpepper, they were to be joined by another party.„- Thus the Massachusetts organization seeins to have stirred up a rivalry'at the South.— Smith O'Brien, the ,Irish Exile, has sailed from Australia for home; having been par doned by the Queen. The National Woman's Rights Convention continued i.tN sessions in Philadelphia on ThUrsday. The day was occupied pally in diseussing the "wrongs of women,. - the inoluids Of re.lre , sing them, and the ft), the cause ing the Act-noon there was a spirited discus sion of the great question of the equality or the sexes ; between Rev. Henry Grew and 'Airs. Trion- Cutler. In the evening, addresses were delivered by Lucy Stone nod Francis D. Gage. -'l•hi: New York Kansas League have sent between 600 and 700 persons to Kansas, and it is said that about 1000 more. are preparing to follow. The snow storm on Monday, Oct. pith, seems to have extended throughout Canada East, Maine, New Hamp shire, 'l 7 l.:rniont and the North' part of Mas sachusetts. Durnig the present year twenty homicides have licen- committed in New York. Captain 't.tice of the lost Arctic, is suffering severely from pains in the legs and ankles, resulting from undue exertion • and exposure. The New York Councilmen have adopted resolutions_ complinientary to Capt. Luce, and' providing for presenting him with a testimonial of their appreciation of his noble character The Ohio State Fair, now in full blast s 0-ttry, largely attended. The display in everydepartment; is very fine. It is said that a vita fight is soon to come off between Toni Ryder, of New York, and MC- Gowan, of St. Louis. The stake is WOO. SATuRDAY, October 21 A despatch from Pr, Rite, dated York Factory,' August 4th, has beetv.received by "Sir George Simpson, Governor of the Hud son Bay Territory, narrating the discovery of the remains of the long lost navigator, Sir John Franklin, and his company. They, perished of starvation, in the spring of 1850, to the northwest of Fox River. A large fire occurred last evening at the Hoboken Iron Works. The loss is very heavy. From Cuba. news received gat New Orleans says that Se nor 'Castend°, who betrayed and: arrested Lo , per., the leader of the filibusters, was assassi nated on the 12th inst., in a,coffee-house at Havana. It was rumored that 4 great con spiracy was brewing in ^Cuba. A Fire in Baltimore on Thursday night destroyed pro perty to the amount -of $200,000, covering two entire squares, and ;deluding two steam saw mills, an immense amount of limber in lumber yard, and a number of small houses. The lumber destroyed is estimAted pt $100,• 000 worth. MONDATi . act. 23. • Another Catholic Church difficulty is on the tattis. — At, Newport, K., the BishOp has been bnildingi a school - house on the church lot,, without the consent of the trustees, and the latter hay'e•applied for - a legal injunction against if which has been granted by the Court. , Nearly six thotietiail fereign — emi. grants arrived at New York yesterday. 'The Kennedy - Clock' Factory at Hartford,' Oina, destroyed-by fire yesterday. The yellinv fewer has.ntit yet, entirely abated in the:Sou th_ern_citiea.f' • , . • Tousimr, Oct.. Z 4. A news 'boy by the name of Cornelius Mo ran was killed- ypsterday by falling under an emigrant car • the rail road, corne4 of Third and Chesnut. streets, The N. Y. Tinnel says that after a eareful investigation it has 4emt diScovered that•nine tentbstof those - tionipesitiv^ the, crew Cif the Aretie‘We're Irishmen— One 6 murder and an. other desperate , attetapt to. take life cozettrred in N‘v Xork yestiartle,y,,_._A'fire at . Detroit, yesterday, hurtled J, W, Ingersoll's sash fac tory—Joss $15,000. The steamer Nominee was snagged tin the Mississippi lately, bat her passengers escaped safely, .• A riot took place in a colored church in St..,Louislatoly, It seems that the congregation were awned at - their Paster for habituallY addressing- In them all manner Of Offensive epithets, and on a given evening they allisolleeted; armed with pistols, sticks, ike„ and iaterrnpted• ono of his , harangues by a, general riot. Neat'- day the parson and a number ofilis Reek 'wore arrested. FRIDAY, October 20 OM