Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 18, 1854, Image 5

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FRANKLIN'I3 name has bed] ,immor
talized in various ways, and it is connected with name-,
tons popular Institutions. Among tiro Most popular
places •with which It id associated is Franklin Place,
Ph ihnielph ia, on the corner of which, No. 111 Chesil u t
litreet. Is tint great popular Clothing Establishment of
Rocklin' & the largest, cheapest, best and most
'fashionable in the country.
dar,,—Farmers, Families, Manufacturers and others., can
purchase no Remedy equal to Dr. T4IIIIAS' Venetian
Liniment, for Dysentery, Colic, Croup. Chronic Rheuma
tism, Quinsey, Soar Throat. Toothache, Sea Sicknes's,
Burns, SNYellingS, Old Soros, MUSuUltu IliteM, m
meet Stings. Palms In the Lhubs, Chest. Back, .tc. If it
does not give relief, the Money will he refunded—all that
is asked is is trial, and non It acedroling to directions.—
The article Is an English remedy, and was used by Wm.
IV. Kiug of England, and certified to by him as a cure
fo'r Rheumatism. when everything else recommended by
his physicians had tilled.
Over 10,000,000 of bottles haveiamn sold in the Unit
ed States, without a single failure, and families have
stated that it was worth $lO per bottle, they never
would be without It. In case of Croup, as is as certain
as it Is applied. It cures Toothache in "three minutes;
Ileadarho in half an hour, and Cholera, when first tak
en, ih a row hours. It Is perfectly Innocent to take in
ternally, and has the recommondutini of inn ny of the
Most eminent Physicians In the United :totes. ['rice,
25 and 50 rents.
. ,
Dr. Tobias has also put up a Linio u fir Horses. In
pint patois, which is warranted—eheaper and Leiter
than any other, for the cure of Colic. Calls, swellings.
ohl Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Scratches, Cracked Heel, ..11e.—
Price, Cal cents. .
Dr. Toblae could fill a dozen newspapers with the cer
tifieates and hitters received, relatim; to the wonderful
cures accomplished by hie Wilmot. hut chnsiders that
warranting it is sufficient, as any person who does n t
obtain relief, need not pay for it. There has been a,
much worthless medicine sold to the public, that Dr. To
bias wishes his article to rest on its own merits. and if
ho gives the value of the money reifived, then he asks
the patronage of the public, not otherwise.
DR.. TOBIAS' °Mee, 240 (11tEEN Wien Street, New
Jro sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut streets;
Dyett & Son, 132 N. Second street; T. N. Callender, 85.1
S. Third street, and by the t)ruggists throughout the
United States.
berind county.
At Croton Falls, N. Y.. on the 10th Inst., by the Rev.
T. S. Bradner, DAVID F. FETTER, M. D., of Carlisle, to
MA ItY It., youngest daughter of the late John Owen, Esq.
Of the former. place.
Near Churchtnwn. on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Ono.
W. Showman, JOSEPH Sfll A W of Dauphin county to
/SABET,LA lIENDSIIItE of Cumberland county.
On the . 10th Inst., by the Ilev. A. 11. Kramer, Mr.
the Crttl isle Barracks.
On the 17th inst., by the same. Mr. LEWIS MEYERS
of Frankford township to Miss MARIA LAND - IS, of
Mifflin township, all of this county.
On the same day, by the same. Mr. .101 IN MEYERS
to Miss MAMA INS3III,I,ER, both of Frankford town
ship, this county.
- On the 17th host:, at ifelser's Hotel. In this Borough,
by the Rev. J. C. Burlier, Mr. .1011 N E. SW ANOEIi to
)lass NANCY, daughter of Jacob Shambaugh, of Mon
roe townsll a. this county.
At the residence of her B.
Esq., in the Borough- of Bloomfield, lon - Thursday„fdli
inst., JANE E. THOMPSON, daughter of the Into Jas.
Thompson of Carlisle.
On Tuesday morning last. Mr. HOODEN HENDER
SON, of Carroll township, Perry county, aged fifty-seven
New Atmertisemetits
ARENA CIRCUS, superbly Equipped And Ap
pointed for the Travelling Stauion of ISZA.-
MANAGER, .- - -
The unbounded patronage and immense popularity
enjoyed by the Grecian Circus of Rivers & Derlous, iu
41 parts of the United States wherever the Company •
has appeared, emboldens the proprietors to still further
enterprise and exertion for the amusement and gratifi
cation of a magnanimous and generous public. They
have, therefore augmented their hitherto unrivalled
-Troupe with Fresh and Brilliant Athactionsi Consist
ing of the Finest Stock of RUNNING HORSES, the
Most thaceful and Daring EQUESTRIAN ARTISTES!
And the - roost accomplished ACROBATIC AND GYM
NASTIC Performers, with Urotesqueand Original Scenes,
Fairy Pantomime. Rustic Ballet, &e. Being the most
Novel, Elegant. Refined and Original Entertainment
ever given in the Circle.
The Interior, which is of sufficient capacity for the
accommodation of 3000 persons, is brilliantly lighted by
means of portable OAS, manufactured on the ground,
with seated devotions around the entire space, for the
convenience of visitors. Vie' whole scene enlivened
with the popular airs and melodies of the day by the
entomb Grecian Cornopean Band, led hy . libr. - Chas. Poor.
Two -- dMldet — Enteetalnnients dnlTy,, A.feCrueen and—
To be exhibited at CARLISLE, on - YRIDAY, October
2ith. Boxes 25 cents. No half price. Doors open4irl
1 1 4 and 634 to commence half ad hour afterwards.
Oct. 18 C. W. FULLER, Agent.
.Subscriber offers at private sale the stock and fix
tures of a Drug Store, late the property of Michael
eel, dec'd, In Chumhtown, Cumberland county. There
to no other Drug Store in the place And a One oppertm
nity is now presented to any young man wishing to
vitinmence tins business. I.:ordering enquire of
'lrlttoziEs_,mptitErr, Amdl.•
4az- --2 > „MEAS COFFEE—
•, 0 ER ES .' 1 The subscriber has just
aided to Ws former stuck a,gencrall selection of CHOICE
OitOCERIES. as well as all the other variety of tirades
usually kept in a Grocery Store. embracing Rio
iffie—roastod and' green—at 12M and 14 rents
‘.. 4ocr lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverised
sugars, of fine quvlities; Chocolates, Spiees.Dalry
It, and a variety of Fancy articles. all of which are of
.f9rod at the lowest rash prices. - We are thankful for the
t o ll-al - ter support given us, and invite a further call from
o u r friends and customers.' - J. W. EIIY.
'Marion Hall, Carlislo.,-
At/. ITN GROCERY STORE of the subscriber, in Ma
't Mal,
Anew supply of fresh Water Crackers, •
Soda. Butter, Pie Mc and Sugar Bulama,
retina, Corn Starch, TaPlora, Sago, Pearl Barley,
• • . -Extract of Coffee, lllee Flour, Baking Powder,
A l new let of superior Table Oil. •
"Pleition. Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Bay
Ruin, ite. J. W. EBY;
( - IRAN 13 I E5..;.---A small lot. of eas
1, -,totirgrowtii, na also NEW 'ICICLES, TOMATOES,
Aa jug: re,lted and l,r rale by
-} 10 A 1 ). cIIA NON or I LOONS ! On and after
lit , IN DA Y, Octocer 1130, 1.5:4, l'a,songer
. trains will run
daily, as lidlows (Sundarii.i , u'ildra i
fenve Chamb..4 - rsharg,
" Shippi.ll.4l,llrg,
At Ilairfrawrg,
Leave Ibirr!shurg.
" Carlisle.
' Shippensburg, 10.31, (4 3.58, e
At Chambersimrg, 11,00, e 4,30, e
Trains leave Ifarrisburg for Philadelphia, at 12,30, 51.,
and 8.15, P. M.
For Ba ltimore, at 1.45, I'. M.
For Pitts, um at 12.50 Noon. and 5 P. 51.
For Pottsville, Reading, and ',Dints on the Dauphin
and nus,,nehanna Rail Road at 12.::0, M.
.41a-At all where Tickets are sold, Fares are
TEN ce.::,,;Ts LESS than ithen paid In the Cars.
•A. F. SMITH, Superintendent.
Rail Road Office. Chantbersburg, 1
October' 10, 1651.—0ct.1S
• are Wail ted tO alai charge of the public, schools
In 14(4: township. Junlata-connty, Pa. Salaries of from
Twenty to Twenty-Five Dollars per month will lie given
for competent Teachers. For Thrther Information call
at Peru Mills, or addre::s
octlB-3t W. A. fiINSIM, Sect'''.
ocrAvy. nosEWOOD PIANO, finished in the
latest and best style. excellent quality
tone, and pvery way a desirable instrm
uncut, will bo sold a bargain if applied
for immediately.
---;\l 7 -141\r — A - N - D - (11E -- .11' TOYS )OILS;
tench and German Fancy G. - sols,
Articles thr Confectioners. Druggists and Titbacconists
lower than ever and in, greater variety.
Fancy Bashets. plain embroidered and pinted,
Toys of wood, chins, lead. tin, &c., over lot) interns,
EH, wax. jointed, china. crying and dressed Dolls,
llnll Ileads with teeth. moving eyes, &c..
Ilarmonicas. Acc,lrde.ins, Violins, Jewsharns. Trumpets.
Fancy Boos. Cornets, Bonbon Papers, ac.. for Confec
Alabaster Jewelry Bpxes. Inkstands, Watchstands, Sc.,
Biscuit Figures. -Inks.-Jewelry Boxes.-Cultignes. &c. s , -
Toilet Bottles and Vases of china, Bohemian Ohms, '.llc ,
Druggists Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Teeth Brushes,
Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Sogur Cases, Tin Foil,
German Pipes of china, &.e., over 100 patents,
Marbles. Percussion Caps, Slates and Pencils,
Also Cases of Toys, well assorted, at sf) s , $lO, $2O anti, slu
per Case,
With an endless variety of newest styles of Fancy Goods
imported in the latest Packets and for sale at the very
lowest rates by - \V. TILLER, Importer, •
no—pd No. I Commerce st. Pidindelphir.
FAItEIItA, Importer, Manufacturer and Pealur
all kinds of FANCY FURS. fly Ladies and Children, at
284 3IA It li ET areetl-ahevmtlightli. Philadelphia.
Having now completed Illy large and beautiful assort
ment of all the different kinds of Fancy Furs, that will
ho worn by Ladies and Children -during-the-present sea
son: this assortment of Furs is equal to aity to be found
in this City, either for quality, variety or beauty. Hav
ing bought my Furs in Europe for cash, and have had
them manufactured by the most competent workmen
under my own supervision, with reasonable economy.—
I am determined to sell them at moll profits, and for
Cash only. a
21.4- STOREICI.:EPHICS would do well to give mu it
call before pureliming. .101 IN FA It Mit A.
254 MARH la Street, above Eighth, Philadelphia.
A e CKE F EL, constantly on Land and
putt K,
SS'IGNEES be sold
at public aale on the premises., in Dickinson town
ship. Cumberland county. nine miles from Carlisle, on
TUEtiDAY, the 318 t dry of October, lust, all that valua
ble property known as the Cumberland Furnace Estate,
1. "CUMBERLAND FURNACE," with near 201 X) acres
of mountain Mini, together with the 31111, Saw Mill and
a number of tenant houses: or if not sold together it
will ho divided to suit Purchasers.
2. .THE MANSION FARM," containing 100 acres of
gravel land, with STONE HOUSE. large Stone Barn,
excellent Apple Orchard, nover-lidling water. Ac,
1. -TILE BD; MEADOW," a tract of excelleut:meadow
Lund containing about 22 acres.
4. PEACH ORCHARD FARM," containing 170
acres. with Log House and Barn, and about 29 acres
des cultivation
5. A TitAcT OF LAND, west of John Thrush, Nu
tattling 11l acres.
0. A TRACT OF LAND, emit of said Thrush, contain
ing,loo acres.
7. "THE McEINNEY FARM," containing about 120
acres, with good log house, and land under cultivation.
H. A. tract of 50 guava' of excellent T.13111111t LAND,
intitahl e for farming purposes.
The above tracts are good tillable graverland. The
unimproved parts are CON °red with thriving Oglc, Chest
nut and Pine timber. The mountain land has a thick
growth of chestnut and pine, and if not sold with the
furnace will be sold in lots to suit farmers and others.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day, when atten
dance will be given and terms made known by
octll ~...Assignees of T. C.. Miller.
N. B. The title of this pnmerty Is Indisputable.
*. t .' o l'hiladelphia North American insert twice a week
teL - and - send bill to this oßiee for collection.
- C. l'OUlt.
IL: PUBLIC SALE,—The subscriber, Executor of the
listAlo of Daniel Dinkel, late of South Middleton town
shlo Cumberland cuunty.,.deetl,-will -offer at pilldic sale
'at t,ilCl Court House in the Bomugh of 'Carlisle, on
TIM RSDA Y. the 10th day of November next, a DESIR
ABLE FARM, known for many years by the 1161110 of
poppy Retreat, situate about half A mile west of Dick
inson College, and on the ShipPensburg Tilinpike and
'Cumberland Valley Railroad. Tim improvements are a
large three story stone and brick DWELLING lIQUBE,
a two story frame TENANT MUSE,
and a good BARN also, a carriage and •,e C'
.4 1 14
wagon house. with a variety of neces- o''' 2 t _ - I
Wiry .ut•buildlngs, a large ORCHARD t't Xdrk,
of choice fruit trees, also a never VA. -; .......U...
trig well of good wider, with pump, at the dive ing..:—
This farm is limestone land, in a good State of cultiva
tion, containing about 90 acres, and will be sold in the
wholo or In two parts, to snit purchasers. • -.,
Also, at the sumo thuo and place will be otfored'A tract
, of good TIMUNIt LAND, situate in Frankfurd township,
hr said orulaty,,eontalulug about twenty Six acres. Salo
hr commence at 2 o'clock, P. M,, on said , day. Terms
nuolo known at sale by ~,
• liti nonERTs RICHEY, Executor.
TATE,-;•Will be sold' nt public sato on
thepre 'hi
es on THURSDAY, the :1,1 of November, at. ono. o'clZk,
I'. i., all that certain PLANTATION, or tract of land,
situ:it() In Monroe township, Cumberland county,on the
Lisburn road. one mill) North of Chvirehtown, late the
property of John Baker, Sr., deceased, contathing 110
acres, more or loss, good quality of 11mo-stone land, and
In a good stnto of cultivation. There Is about 15 acres
qf excellent timber land on wild ram. The Improve•
monks are a largo MOCK 11011 SE, a ". ••
large BANK BARN, ands other out ,
bullilincs. There Is n noviir
well of water el as to thq, drvclling. !?„'
and n largo ORCII ARO uf clioieu fruit 's
truer. 'l'ocu's of sale will foi•or n ssid (lay
thereof OP. lilt Lxvotit: r
nil' Joint Sr.
J. , w. LUX
3leto, ,fll)nertigemeuts.
let Train. 24 TrBlo.
B,AO, A. 2.15. M
0,55, 8.20, "
" 11.50, "
11.04, " 4.2 A, "
11.30, 4.50, "
Ist Train. 241 Train:
8.15, A. M. ' 1.48, P.M
8.4.5, .• 2.1 a,
0.21), " • 2.49, .."
9,59, 4 ; 3.25, "
for sabl by
J. fq6lcift l .
& Co.,
dartieic fyralb.
3tetn, ',.llotter (tsentents.
all persentin interested that the filnOlt 1)1g accounts
have boon in the Protlionotary's Office for exatuinathin
by . the arc iuntantii therein named. and will he prisented
to the Court of Commit Pleas of Comi , erland crmnt,i
for confirmation and allowanre tin WEDNI.SDAY, the
llith day or Notember. A. h„ 1f54.
1. The account of Henry fluty. mg:4mm° under a deed,
of volUntary assigument by John S. Snavely to hint
dated - day of A. D., 15fi1. • ,
2. The acolMat of Ilon..lohu :quart, Committoe nl
ThartLi Black. dee'd.) limier a commission of
3. Account of Samuel Wa,kihurn,
Solu-strator thl.
ILIMOVOr and Carlisle Turnpike Bond Company from Ist
Aug. 145:1 to Ist Aug. ISM,.
octll (110. ZINN, Pr6thonotary.
Prothonotary's Office,
October 13,1851.
t EGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is
hereby given to all porcine Interested that the
following, accounts have beonAiled in this oillou by the
accountants.thoreln named for examination, and will lie
presented to the Orphan's Court of Cumberland county
for confirmation and allowance, on Ttl ESDAY, the 7th of
November, A. D. 18:4,
I. The account of John B. Corner, Esq., Adra'r of the
Estate of William Eulton, late of Upper Allen town
ship. dee'd.
2. The account of Michael 'Zeigler, Adrifr of the Es
tate of John iligh, late of 'Mifflin township, deed.
:1. The. account of H. 11. Grove. Adm'rpf the Estate
of Dr. Martin Musser, late of Shephordstown, Cumber
land county, deed.
3. The account of W. M. Echols, Adin'r of the. Estate
of James Ecliels, late of Upper Allen township, deed.
5. 'flit , a.,(...unt of Win. M. Mains, ExecutOr of Peter
Bowermost er, late of _;:zonthampton township, deed.
6, The account'of Robert' (', Sterrett, Esq., on of the
Executors of Thomas Urle, late of North Midaloton
'township. deed.
7. The account of Richard Parker, one of the Execu
tors of Thomas Uric, late of North Mid iletan township,
&c . d.
B'. The 2,1 and final account of David Demuth, Execu
tor of Samuel Demuth, late of Dickinson township,
9. The account of Wm. Duncan. Executor of Jacob
Kaufman, late of Wormloyaburg, Cumberland county.
10. The amount of It'chard Sturgeon, Executor of
Mrs: Frances Sturgeon, lato of the 11,,o.ughef
burg, ttee'd.
Arnrot (;‘,ltion. int o of Southampton township. der'il.
12. Tiv Im...taut of Gorwge (11tpuntn. AdoCr of tilt
liantr of Mrs. Ann Low, lair of Allen tow uship,
13. The areomit of John Brandt, Adin'r of the Esinte
of Geo. W. I^:litgiser, late of Chtirrhtown, roe t,4,w
ship, der',t.
14. The necount of Jacob High, Executor of George
%Vietclino. late of Newton township. (100.(1.
15. The account of John N. Mosser, Adm'r do lambi.
non of the Estate of (leo. linpley,-dee'd.
IS. The amount of IVa ;mart. Exeentor of Geo.
Lirhtuer, late of the Borough 6f Nowville. der d.
IT. The Guardianship account of Levi Merkel. Guard.
lan iirßenpunin Shireman, minor son of Dan Shine
man. late of Shiremanstown, (We'd.
Is. The iteeottut of Stephen Livh)gptiiii7 - Aant'r of the,
Estato of Michael I.lvingaton, late of East Peuusboro
Carlisle, Oct. 11th.
CEASED.—Notice is hereby given that letters of
administration no the estate of (;,corge Carl, deceased, of
upp e r Alien township, Cumberland rounty. i who r,
rentiv died in the city of Pittsburgi have-this day been
issued by the Register in and ._ter said county of cum
berland. to the subset iher, who resides In Upper Allen
township aforesaid. All pens ins hiving elaillUlur
mands against the estate of the said dee'd are requested
to make known the same without delay, and those in
debted to inake payment to
Jolts B. COOVER, Adia'r
Oct.. 4th, 1845
U! •
- Elements of Character. by Mks Chandler.
Clocornook, by Alke Carey.
('ranted, by author of Mary Ration.
Passion and Prejudice, by Mrs. (lore.
llPTltiett:i Temple. by f)'isnuill.
Old Redstone. or Historical Sketches of Western Prosby
terlanie*h. by Joseph Smith, D. 1).
Village Sermons, by Rev. (l co. Iturdec. containing oat
hundred and one plain short diseourses on the princl
pal doctrines of the Gospel, just published by Lippin
cott, Wands, & Co.. of Philadelphia.
Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, ht• Mrs. 11. B. Stowe.
Splendid Gift Books and Annuals for 0 , 55.
Jfarper's, Putnam's, Graham's and Gotley's Magazines
for October. •
A. 711. PIPEIL -1
r IJ ST 11,E0 IVED
Best bin, Mocha and Roasted Coffees,
Orushed. Pulverized and IA at Sugar,
Porto Rico, New tirleatis and Cuba do,
Imperial, Gunpowder, Young liyl.oll a nd Binrk Teas,
Best Syrups. N. 0. and Sugar House Mlasses,
Queeusware Cedar and Stoneware,
(live:4,, Fish, Salt, Soap and Starch.
Cavendish. Natural Leaf. Fig and Congress Tobacco,
pickles, Pine Apple earl Tornado Preser% es,
Ketchup anti Spires of every variety. dtc.
My stuck has been selected with strict reference to
fondly usd - for sale very low for cash wholesale ortretail
by W I LLI A MS,-
ecV4 '44 Family tiVetter.
A rrs PA TENT F Alt 31 E ItS'
noimms.—Theso pessess an advantage over all
others in being made with an out;;lde Irony:ming, whleb
greatly economises fnel and pre‘ note loss of heat. They
are made of yarions sizes, from 10 to 120 gallons. They
are portable. and may lie set In the kitchen for house-.
hold um, or out of doors convenient to the barn, pig
pens, to,r, r ixanng food fir stock. For sale by
. PASCHAI,L 11101t1t113
itt.triculturariVareheuse And Seed Mare, N. E. (weer,
of 701 and Market atreets, 140(4'54
) EEVE L.k
J. NIGIIT, (tilAccfNisor to
I 1k ) Hartley k HO/DINH AND CARPET
IV A HEM lUSII ' No. 144 South, Serunct Strout, five, doors
above Spruce street. Philadelphia, where he ite,eps. con
stantly on hantla fitli ajes;rttnent of every article in his
line of business. Feathers, Feather Hods, ratcut. Sp r lng
Mattresses, Velvet Tapestry. Tapestry. Brussels; Three-
Ply. Ingrain. Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetings,
Oil Cloths, Canton-Matt ings,Cocea and Spanish D at tings
Floorand Stair Druggetti, Hearth hugs, IhsvAlata, Table
and PiAno Covers. To which ha invites the attention of
purchasers. 140ct.:64
011 URNS.—The demand for these Aunts the past
spring having greatly exceeded the supply , the slam:rib.
ors hate completed arrangements fOr their manufacture
on a much larger scale, and have' now , on, hand all the
different from No. Ito No. 7. They also adapt them to
horse Owen' Spaln's churn, it is believed, will make
more butter, and of a hetier quality, and in a shorter
time, from a given amount of cream than any churn in
the market.. PASCHALL. MORRIS & CO.,
N. R. Corner ofitli and Market Streets, solo agents for
manufacturer. (pet I '54
_ • _
-I,TME.-The Subscribers aro Agents , hi Philtideb
ititta for the above fertillzer, which has bean fully tested
ir;the last three years. Early orders solicited as the
supply will ho IllnHod. Also, fur aide best - Peruvian tin.
verfirunnl Guano No, 1. •
PASCIIA .1110R11114 b. CO.,
,kgrieultural Warehouse and Seed Store, N. &corner
7th and Markot streets, Philadelphia. 1 - 44 ,a 7,4
Pore/med.—Notice is horel)y given that letters tes
tamentary on the estate of John Wonderly,, !attic( South
Idllldleten Owlishly, Cumberland WiliitY deceased, have
loon muted by the Register of said roonty to the sub
scribers, ono residing in Carlisle and the other in South
Middleton township, In said county. All persons know
ing themselves Indebted to sold estate are required to
make immediate payment, and those having claims to
present them for settlement to ,
• VI IbLIAM IS ISE L South Middleton.
Oct. 4.—etpd. Exeruters.
1k pdii,l•r .or,ll METAL, Knoll rum , r, IlraF:i and
71 . 41 at the F , :undry and Mn'!"in
PN Lit & BIZOW-;,
DECEASED.=-Notice is hereby given that letters
testamentary Pll the estate of 'Christian Wolf Into of, S.
Middleton township, Cumberland county, deed.. have
beau grantotilty the Register of said county to the sub
scribers, dno residing in - Lancaster city, l'a.,.and the
.0t her - In Pranklin leen nty. All pOriains
_Mooring thorn-_
solves IndSlited to said ostuto are required to make he-.
mediate payment, and those having claims to prebuilt
them for settlement to •
Jjle -
tICO K herobv given that letters testamentary on
Estate Marilllsek, late of hewer Allen township:
Cumberland county, deceased, have been grAnted to the
subscriber, residing In Halifax township, Jihniphin turns
ty. All persons ,knowing themselves -indebted to said
Estate are required to make limuedlate payment, and
those having claims arco requested to present them for
settlemenlU', JOILN FLICKINGER,.
nept.26-t , t
' •- . ' ' ~ ' .. Executor.
. .
! ~ _ ,I Dl , e'll 'Not' is hereby giV n that letters of id
m astmilon cin . 017 ektato of Alle c hael noel, late of
- 1
Monroo hiwnshli.T.uniberiand °aunty, deceased, have
been granted by the Register of rat& county tg the sub
scriber, residing. In the sAme township. All persons
knowing themselves Indebted to - tuild estate ore request
ed to realm Immediate payment, and those having claims
to present . them tbr settlement to
sept27pdaw . , MOSES AIORRETT, Adner.
NOTIOR—The undersigned, to whom
waa maimed, by tho Court /of Common Pions of
Cumberland county. the account of Moses Morrett as
signee of John 1). Zell, for correction and who was also
appointed an auditor to distribute the fund among the
creditors, will ;Mond to the dutioA of said appointment
nt his ofileo in the bi)rough.of Coldish), on SATURDAY,
the 21st day of October next, at 10 o'clock, when
and whore all porsons Interested are hereby notified
to attond. '
NO2S 2 and 3 I'vI'ACICE4IE4 of - the
new emp ju v t rueived zind for valr at the Fatally
Gleee.3 of W 11.1.1 . 115,
./oly •20. I),th.• •
Ott) floot),K--
A it . ( I NS O E . XTRAO D , IN !
The sub:4, has returned from The citiem of N.
York and l'hiladelphfa with the cheapest and intst
splendid awcwinient of TALL .tt ND WIN"TER 00!)Dsz
ever brought to Carlisle. Ifni big purchased from several
of the largest bnporting Nooses In New York for Cash.
it will enable 11112 to offer greater Inducements and gist
better bargains to my old customers ;ill who may
the r Mill call, than cad he had at any other st rc
in the town or county.
1 have the elleapesi Flannels, Sattinetts, Mt lei, Ken
tucky Jeans, It. Loins, De lieges, Muslins. &v.
Cc., ever offered in the borough.
It is impossible to enumerate one-half the articles.--
Como one and all in want of cheap goods and judge for
yourselves. No trouble to show our goods. ltecolith t.
the old stand, East Main Street.
nett '5l CA A RUN 00 11.111'.
• 1 ,.. 111„ Ai
I . 854 • — I I. IE 4: NT; k 1 - 1 - 11 4 1' 1 111:1 ( E3 l ( b i ttl ( . l o ) - I ret S u ;ied
from Philadelphia and Hri, 110 WUr ae!r iu2 a coniplete
assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS.
A full assortment of Cloths.
A full assertment of rasslmeres.
A full toNortment of Cassinets.
A full assortment of Vesting's.
A foil as.ortment of 1. du g s l)rest Goods.
A full assortmosit of Domestic Goods.
A full 'assortment of Silks atidsAlpacas.
A full assortment of Silk,'filibet S: Cashmere Shawls.
A full assortment of tirocerles.
A full assortment of Qiieenswaro.
With a full ass:lament of Mlteellaneous articles geno
rally tient in Store.. Puttbasers will find it greatly to
their interest to call and examine our stock before pur
ehasinu, as goods have materially depredated. and will
be sold accordingly. Come one. come all. and Judge for
9D.R GO- 0 6';
BELL has(' just re*
reived at their Store. In N. !laborer street. Carlisle.
large, hands.ane elieap stork M . w 12 1 ,11
we will sell (111-Al'l;R 111 ever,, (lice use call.
Sept. 1:i
ust opened,
Black haves of sitperi•ir quality% and ilifforeut
widths. - Also, BLACK SILK Gimps and
,dlier trimming ,
;The larrest stock of Clothing ever brought Car.
has jitst imen.reeeivial by ,11t NOLII 1.1 VI NI ISMS
cheap and extennil e CLOTHING HOUSE. he
North Ilan ,ver Street.
The prices clothing et tulle hellee have been eedn c e t i
to moil a cry low stand/n . 4 that it in now in the p , wer
of all wish, to wear zond clothes.
The tissortinent consists of Overcoats of every descrip
tion, Dress. Frock rind Seek t nats. n great' varlets of Bo
coats, Monkey coats. fir. Superfine I'm - sin:ere
black and Silk and Satin VESTS. and a fine 21.-
riety of--Valenclammi other costs.-, Also. shirts. collars -
stocks, poeket handkeretilers:suspenders,phaves, hosiery.
and all other articles generally kept hi this line a t
business. All art tries sold at this establishment war
ranted what they are represented to he.
Also, a nplendld ansortment of g.iods In the piece.—
Rulertiuo and . CLOT ITS nod CAS
SIyIF.ItES of every hue and 5113116.. sat in. Filk. r:thi
order at the Flwrtei4 notice, and in the neatest and best
mat n All garments warranted to tit. ROTS CLOTH.
INCAlways on hand. '
The puLlie are respect fully totted to call and mane
hie the superior assortment of elothing at thin establish
ment, !lon t .1011 r to Lynn's Hardware store, opposite to.
NlagiamililitCs hotel
t.4opt. Z7-43m.
111 EAX SILK S —I am now opening
I a largo rogortment of IILArK SI
ft4sortment of row style.; fashlon4ble FALL SILKS, very
hrl. 4 '54 CIIAILLF4I pI7ILIIY.
1 - 111 B R LEW It I ES.—The:Fir , egt and
cheapret inatortment of Needle Worked Collar
llanilkerrhirfs. Chlmizetts, Under Sleeves, 1.:(1,z1nI:t, Is
serantts. Laces, kr., now opening at the cheap st , ro efn
ort4 '5l A 111.1.: 0011.11 Y.
V . . .
EW GOODS.—The subscriber is just
opening n treat askortinent 1.1 . very CII KA P (u,R)I .t imitated prleei4. Call anti see them.
Aug. 23. .OEO. W. lIITNER.
er.AsEn.—Ni.tke is hereby given that letters of
administration on Atm estate of John Jlixlor, late of East
Pe n nsboro' township, Cumberland ro uu ty, peeensetl hat v
; been grmitsd he the Register of raid eounty to the sul
scriber residing in the some township. All person,.
knowing themselves indebted to said estate are request
ed to make ithmediatepa&ment,amt those luivlng claims
to Present them for settlement to.
ELIZA DIALER., East Penruibern,
tl't 1-mlet Administratrix.
DECEASED.—Notire is hereby given that letteie
of administration on the estate of David Mellhimny;
late of Shepherdstown, Upper Allen township, Cuml,er
land county. (We'd., have heel, granted by Ma Register
of said county to the sulo,criber residing In the k , oune
place. All ',Orma; knowing thenwelves Indebted to said
estate aro required to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them for settlement to
• ALEX. CATileAltT. rla.pherdstown.
Oct.. 4-4 Administrate r.
DECEASED.—Notire is hereby given that . leitery
iestanientary en the ettate of Philip Rhoads, late of the
ilorougli of Carlisle, Cumberland, county, deli d., 113 N ('
been granted by the Register of said county to the sub
scriber residing itt Carlisle.. All persons kneeing them
selves Indebted to said estate are required to make im
mediate payment, and those haling claims to present
them for settlement to
Ovt, 4 Ctpll
ADAM WOLF. Loncasier CUT.
' EtP.OE WOLF, Freulkiln county,
Oct. 4, ' Executory.-
portent.lm i 3 arl , :ews \ —Potar Battles in
t Oe Crimea. -4:4.11.1,lopol in Plant es.—
ri` h e Miss ISot•s 4ii or Sunk.—
Eighteen I ixou,uloo. itus.ians lost in
and VC mantled.--22,000 Prison.
en, Take —Great rejoicings in Eng.
NEw Y(laK, ()et•)lwr
steamship Bailie artivtql this evening:, nt V
o'clo,•k, \v.:4 Liverpool dates to 11 &liirstitt . ,
theith four days littcr.,
OF I' . .t
‘Ab,",;t (*.f
Jt1.11%.: Wa.; rel . e'Ved of a 1;1(.34
battle at ritor, in ti: (:ritnia.
tint 2lst ult ., the allied troops shame?!
(inf . It us .!ntro.:ltn.lenk. a nur !nor inure'
,The allie.i.lost 2800 in lolled ant
Ivounatril, :tad .11n: is reported
at GOOO,
fkspzltcli,.; slpply. the Oxtail
of the vietorie3 as folh,N‘s:
Tlio troop 4, tinder . .\fotir , ,•l,ikoff,
rallied on the Eivot. l‘iitsolia, and were t :tin
di•Coutvd: and driven to the eiltrencloi.ents,
.1notloo• r:,lly too); piaci
iind a thir.l liatili• fought 011 {lie
thii %%I TV fur iltr third
then fL l jilt() 5,.1:13t0p
which ‘va, Lc :1!,•1 land Lv the
1100-174-211;t th e t o t.
v, 7 .:•,1, :Ltt.l r
tjb.t.;:l 11.1‘
WO .11 up.
etileee, :heat
. Itoeelearele,l 110. t; v
Beet. 'reel 11 ,, ,ietre -Ileae were
barreed eleel ley flee leeeeelle: 're>tel the
fre t'; , and .!Ite r, sv •
On, 7tr:l•l' alic! lreri
,11.. H. .141111-ittti rri3Oners
wt illy vat ..iirildnhog.
liiss csii
i! at ii•s tliaa (.!
the .-.l,atk red r , maim
of Ids twee,. d into a poouion iii tlic
inner Inirbor, t‘ ich be barricaded and re
fit ,:t.!(1 to Rllrrendpr, tirrert ttm g• to the
and • blow up Alm remaining
besii the victors would grant him {mum-able
capitulations. The allied (ienerals demand
ed his unconditional surreudt•r, and in the
narn(! Of humanity gaA - e, Liin -six' hours fur
'1 latest despatch says that Igenschilwri
has sarreadereti, and that the French and
Ensglisli flags «•ate in triumph over Scbasto-
The entrenched camp of the Russians on
the heights of Alma, Where the first battle
took place, contained 50,000 including num
erous cavalry and artiller:. It -was carried
at the point of the bayonet; after four hours'
No British General officers are reported ft'
being wounded.
Marshrl St. Arnaud and Lord Raglan coin
mantled in person.
!General Thomasson, of the French army.
was " wounded, and it was feared fatally.—
General Canrobert was wounded in the shoal..
dcr. • •
The second engagement at KaMafia lasted
several hours, and was very sanguinary, end
ing in the total defeat of the Russians, why.
were pursued- to the entrenebments
Some despateh'es - state that the garrison of
Sebastopol was offered n free withdrawal, bun
surrendered as prisoners of war.
The despatches are very conflicting,. One.
dated Berlin, 3d, says that a teleg-raphic de
spatch had been received there direct from
St. Peters'hurg, to the effect that Menschikoff
hail telegraphed, under date of Sept. 25, that
he had withdrawn his troops unmolested from
before Sebastopol, towards Bauktchiserni,
where he will await reinforcements. The
despatch adds that Sebastopol had not been
attached up to.the I.6th of September.
The Russian accounts do not conceal thy
fact of severe. reverses liaVing, been experi
enced in the Crimea.
i The valuradO SWAM PROPIllf: .
Ty. now occupied by me Is also for ; - 7 - )
sttle. Any person wishing to purchase ''' • -- .. .. , 2
a first rate property. and ono Of the -:, . A-70 , 7
Lost business stomas in the berougl. /,..„,_ ~.., ......
of Carlisle, have a chance. ' If the above property is I 0
sold at private ludo by the first Tuesday An.Jantutr3
(court week) It will . then be offered at public saloon that
day, and prssession given en the Ist day of Apt 11 next
.1555. For further information inquire of the i.ubscribe,,.
. .
Aug. 9.. • JACOII SEI'Elt.
w)_A II thtit are intlel , ted to the aubscriber. olther_b,
not,' ..r batik accogets, will cull and settle them tin
dintely. .1. SENER°.'
1„) the sale on
DAY, the Rh or, October next. at Is &clock on
preinises,*a steltll - I , A,RAI in West Pennsix,rtandi towi
ship, about five miles west of Carlisle, on the Stat
Road near Plainfield. This tract contains about"l?
MIRES. of first ride limestone land.-
• There are two ORCIIA EDS of Choir.
_ and Thriving Ft nit Trees upon it. '
;.; The improvements ure a TWO tint?:
• FItA\IR HOUSE, a Frame Wash flour.
4 Se. There is a well of Water altd•lble.
Cistern ls'th convenlitht to the house. Also, a gore'
Ilarnfand Wagon Flied, with double Corn Crtha. Tare
will ho made known on day of sale by
SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private Pae
his valuable FAltsl, situate , in Dickinson toWnshi •
Cumberland county, isnitainlng 150 ACRES of PD.
• Land, 'with a Limestone subsoil, and Its
ing thereon erected a Igirsto TWO noit •
s • Ell A 511.1 .1 ICUSE, wratherboarded
PIN plastered, with a BRICK KITCHEN, •
large RANK DARN, Vi by 40 feet, Wad
,E•hed, Corn Crib, and other necessai ,
On Houses, and a never-failing well ofwater rit the does
Also; a two gtory 111(10K,TENANT 1101 SE, 22 by 1
'feet, and a large Sint•le 22'hy tiO feet. There IN on tit
flirm zurekeollent yoUng ORCHARD of chOloo fruit, al
about 15 acres'of thriving 4:ieing TIMILER. This pr
perty Is located near this p Mutt Bottom Road, clot'
acid-way between Carlisle and Ehlppouhburg, and is s
udrablv calculated for farming and paring purposes.
For ?wilier parileuinrs and terms enquire of the so
scriber residing oh the promises.
J. S. COLWLLL. I hept2o-5t • SHRIVEL
1 - 1 00 TS AND .$1.,119E5.--.—A. very Int)
n gvortmont. of Foots and, Shees ;of every deer
dolt jut r, , teived :ma Felling very rhea.
11110;1.1 S
Ned (Estate Safes.
5 i