Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 18, 1854, Image 4

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.Cu 11,511 aijeralb.
..'4-."; • " k
IVN.:i r ESDAY, OC FOBER 18, 1854
Terms—Tivo Dollari a year, or - . One Dollar and
Fifty Coy, if paid ptinctually in Advance.
,7 5 if paid u•ithiu the yea,.
TRltid P II
Themflwial returns of this Congresion
distriet,are as follows
Perry, '
7 .— X 8319
Todd's 45 153 !!
The wonder:ftil .revolution in publid
opinion shown 17 result will be I'll 4
appreciated, when we state that in the
Governor's election of 1851 Cumberland
county gaiql3igler 186 majority,—\ ork
1011 and Perry -17, making, an agregate
wajoritv of 20-1.4. A change trit-the ex =.
cent of n9arly yi re elmwand odeshashcen
wrought, therefoie, in the election of
Lemuel Todd 1 ln stub a distrirt has J
Ellis Bonham, the chairman of the Dem
oeratic State Central Committee, the pet
of Gov. Bigler, been thus signally routed!
"The bet Aelitnes o' mice and men.
Aft, gang itgle."
The eleetioil LENIUEL Tope, the
Independent mimic candidate, is a
magnificent triumph . , ; over which the
friends of sound prineixles may well re
joict man of acknowledged ability
and eloquence, he will take high personal
rank tunong the &Anent MCI% of the day
and reflect credit upon his constituency.
As a mcniber of Congress we may look
forward with confidence to his political
course. He will not be found among the
cringing adherents oNhe corrupt admin
istration of Franklin Pierce. He will at
all tittles, by his voice and his vote, op
pose the extension of Slavery over terri
tory now free. He will stand nobly up
for the ,protection of. American Nindustry
and will contend :with unyielding firm
ness for the only cafe American 1)011'4 , of
watching jealously cur free institutions,
and confining the rule of our
, country to
our own true citizens. The Independent
Anti Nebraska Democrats will rally a for-'
inidable party in the next Congress, and
conspicuous in their ranks will be our tal
ented relircsentAtiv, Lemuel Todd.
We deeply regret the defeat of our
candidates for county offices. Their fate
however ,was' beyond the control of the
Whigs. As we prodieted would 'be the
.ease before the election, tlM','Snecessful
candidates received not only : the deMo
cratic Vote proper but enough of the
American vote to give them:oVerwhelm.:
ing majorities. Our candidates we,ro good
men, - and as OA can't he cured must be
endured, we trust they will,beaitheir ad
. verse fortune philosophically,
Tile ertte4T , 13Arr LE s.—We publish.
.to-day full telegraphic details of the two
terrible engagements and frightful car
nage by which .
,tbe allied forces 05. the
English and Frea s ch hair° iiehiel;ekl the
oonquest of Sebastopol /uni the possessi
of the Crimea. This is, .ut lkist; a resin
Its importance is Manifestly Beery great,
but what its effect may be non the pCli7
uy of Ravish' we cannot surmise, The
loss of the Crimea is undoubtedly a se
vere blow to the Russians. It completely
destroys the power of Russia in the Black
Sea, and \ opens to the allies a, permanent
point.for the occupation of Russian tcni,
for .
wand of party is broken ! It used to be
that a nomination was eWvalent almost
io an'eleciion in same - of .tga: Democratic
distriets,tut now thowords brave an en
tirely different signification in the new .
t)ti/COll wbieb the people have; adopted. -
30,000 Majority. tor l'ollock.
kerlenn Tlitintler I... Pierce, Big &
0 ft Ntbrestra SWIn-
^ - i.
le Conde hinetli
Thc Whig . and,rlinn,ph iii
tli StatelA complete. Ont lietory of 1d
nl . have been more dileisitm, not, more
i I ian t, "We have with two or three ex-
)tions elected an entire Anti NebraAa
l'agation to the next Congress. We
re a majority oUjoint ballotAn the State
.7,islature which secures us the Uni6. - 41
.tes Senator. And lastly, JAII4i:B
ILLOCK is elected Governor a
r i ind majority of about thirty-threr th f,us
-61 1 . 'For once, we have witnessed the
,lime spectacle of the fri;enten of Penn-
vania rising in the majesty and power
) their strength to vindicate their rights,
1 to rebuke their unprincipled and eor
)t, rules - at Washington. President
I :ree has been taught a lesson by thew
I,eli he will not soon forget.
Bonita m .
We give the rolltiali ig official and reported
, 1 aras or ,the vote el the vote for Clovernor
111 Liquor Lao.
STATE ELECTlON—Official Vote.
a ms,
g lie ny,
ii st rong,
-il,t , r T
II ford,
:d ford,
LI( r,
n ton,
W ford,
In berland,
law a re,
vet te,
%ir re nee,
9!i reer, *lOO
1 Olin, 1287 - 1630
.)31r06 *l4OO
A iffitgomery, ' 5559 5144 3819 5780
.Vp ilitOUr, ' 976 757 7,73 735
N iwthaniptcin, *3OO *3682
\ wthumberlend, .2182 2121 1524 2280
1 rry, . 1412 2121 1297 1930
I iladelphia., 24936 28817 25330 20570
1 ';e, 500 .
' merset, •
squelitmg4, ''' ;2)0 '2BlO 2640 1525
S Rican, *)5O
1 )gn,
I. lion,
i mango,
\ arren,
\ ashington,
1 ayne,,l7 - *4OO
estmorelaa, 3083 3773 3236 33413
1 yoming *lOO
ork, *l5O
Pollock's majority, 33,310
* Reported majorities.
The following are the meMbers of Con
•yss elected in the variona districts of the
.ate—Whigs„and Anterican Democrats in
ca-vs,.—NebreMta Demodrats
litjadelphiai Thomas 11, Floi'ence,
2. Philadelphia, Jon li, TYSON, 1;029 maj.
3. Philadelphia, WM. MILWATtI), 739 maj,
4. Philadelphia, JACOB 131100 M, 7111 HMI,
5. Phil. & Montgom. J. Cadmalader, 8 mai.
6„..Chester & Del. J, M, BEOMALL, 508 Mal.
7. - Buelcs & Lehigh, 8. IlaAnsnAw, 400 maj.
8. Berks,' J. G. Jones, 2,000 maj.
9. Lancaster, A. E. Itonstcra, 1,200,maj.
10. Danphin o &e., J. C. KuNKEL,
.2,500 muj
-11. Schuylkill, &e., J. H. CAritrum,r,, 400 "(
12. Luzereeotc., 11. M. Ftlant, 2000 maj.
.13. Northampton, &c. Asa Packer, 1,500 'l,
,14, Bradford, &c, G. A - Gitow, no opposit'n.
15, Centre; &c., 1.. A. Aimaw, largeVj r
16, York, &e., LEMUEL TODD, 2000 ninj:l .
17. Adams, &e .,
. D. F. ROBINSON, 1,000119
18, Somerset, itc., JOHN R. EWE, 2,000 maj.
19, Armstrong, &e., JOHN COYODE, 1,000 "
20. `Fayette, &e.,,JoNA KNIGHT, 2,300 maj.
21. Allegheny, (part,) DAY.ltrremE, 2,500'
22. Do. & Butler, S. A. Punvinsce, 3,000 '
23. Beaver,/&c., lonm AI .IKON, 2,500 maj
21. Clarion, &C., CAIH.T'S B. CMITIA, prob
25. Erie &. Crawford, JOHN DicK, DO Nll/03
GovEßxon. moron LAW.
Big. IW. For
2086 2121 123C - 25:-1
5115 10377 100:11 399.
300 •
2019 2157 1252 2361
8192 . 54-13 2611 10599
1513- , 2706 2253 11.13
5089 5198 3778 5879
1739 1627 1292 1:125
500 ° •
4412 6341 550 S 3830
50 •
" 251 3157 2326 3210
2221 -1061 2-176 31.18
1576 2292 1722 1593
* lOOO -
2709- 3579 2539 3241
*3 0 0
1500 2616 2169 1294
4 t50
995 2576 2259 727
1751 26:16 1091 278.1
*7O *3957
.5338 4252 2762 5658
1913 2831 1110 261-1
*7OO *2OOO
J 3,789 127,099 8G,213 9,7689
Members Chosen
ftartiste Ozratb.
Total in flit; State, fieciitii:tim Whigs liitil
AtneritarNemoTats to four ridnglei;eS:
gaVe deven votes fOr tlea "Re
braslia bill in tile hitt congresS to' fourteen
agninst it, Net gain for freedom ftvelre.
./Trsii,ot 4 s #eirhre f'
to tippimitiao Majority toa Jetitt
'the returns of members elected to the
Senate and Ilotise of Representatives, leave
but little doubt that there will be a clear
Wbigand A merisan majority on joint ballot
in the ensuing Legislature. In the Senate
parties will smug thus—Whigs 16; Democrats
16 ; Independent Democrat,l. In the House,
5 opposition to 44 Demecrats and Indepen
dent Democrats, of which latter there arc 14,
from the counties of Armstrong, Centre, Fay
ette, G reene, Lancaster and Wayne.
The Cincinnati Gazelle gives majorities
from fifty-nine counties, showing an aggre
gate majority for the whig anclAmerican Can
didates On the State ticket of 65 7 772 ! 'Twenty
six Countids remain to. be heard from. The
Gazette says di:lg . /he Anti-Nebraska puny has
carried coil/ (!msyressionnl distrlel in Mr
Stale ! The entire delegation to the next Con
gress i composed of Fusionists, of whom 12
are 'Whigs,s nee SJile:s and 4 anti-Nebraska
Denmerats. "The present - delegation stands
7 \Vhhrs, 2 Free Soilers and 12 democrats',
four of whom Voted for the Nebraska
Thus has the young Buckeye State rt7iMai
rite(' the Nehrwilta iniquity and uttered its
condemnation of. Pierce, Douglass, 47 Co!
Returns from thirty Counties in Indiana
indicate that the Anti-Administration' can
slidates for State officers have been elected
by a rpajority of al least 10,000! The 1.;;J
-gislature will be overwhelmingly Whig and
Anti-Nelwaska, and the prospect is that every
Congressitatal district will be so also.
The election of Mavoi and City Council
took place on Wednesday:- .The Whigs had
no ticket—the contest being between the
regtthir Locofoco ticket and the Know .Noth
ings. Wm. G. Thomas was the candidate
of the former, and Samuel Ilinks the candi
date of the latter—both Pemoerats. The
contest was excited, and the American tri
umph was complete: LTheir candidate for
Mayor has 2,711 majority 7 -being a gain of
6,125 over the last Mayor's 'election. The
know Nothings have also elected a decided
majority in both brucches of the City Conn
- „„ _
Amid the general disaster iou,t, Locofoco
friends can pick up some crumbs 'o6, comfort
from Florida. , The • returns from this State
indicate the re-election of Maxwell, Democrat,
to Congress by an increased majority. His
majority two years ago, was only 22. :The Le
gislature 18 undobutedly Democratic, which
secures a Democratic U. S. Senator in plate
of Morton,'Whig.
The following is the result for members of
the next(34th) Congress, in the States where
elections have been - held, compared with the
present(33d) Congress:
34th Cultgras. 33e/ Congress.
Oppos, —Dem.
Arkansas - - 2 2 •
California . 2 9
Florida - • 1 1
Maine -- - 1
Vermont - - 3
Mi'ssottii - - 1 6
P,eplisylvania_ 1"? '__ 2o____
Ohio -- - 21
Indiana - - 11 1 10
lowa -- - - 1. 1 2
SoutliCarolind6 • 6
Total. - - - 19
Opposition majority, 48 ; democratic ma
"ority in Thirty-,third Congress, 70; anti-ad
ministratioa gain in 84 members elected, 58.
... There are 148 members yet to be elected
from twenty States'; an equal number, viz.
74 to be chosen front the slaveholding, and
the same from tits non-lavehelding States.
IB 1110117 KNOW -NOTIIINO.-'&
Trolunteer assured its readers, previous to
tho election that Nutt was not a Know-
Nothing. Its foreign allies believed its
- report. They have probably found out
b,y,this tittle that they were beautifully
'sold.' It is thought that Mott will have
ever one hundred thousand majority af
ter the votes arc countedat least half
of which were contributed by the "knew
Nothing" hating Democracy. 17/Ic4a
I •
• f°.-•
The defeat of J. Ellis Bonham, the
wholesale caltunniator of the AWhigs in
his series of voluminous addresges as
chairno of the Locofoco State Commit
tee, seems to afford the Most
factiott ro our friends iii other distriets.- , L
The. defeat of Bonham is the fihishing
stroke of the great triumph; and is a re
sult which will be fret at Washington.—
Although we have no disposition to exult
ewer a_ fallen foe, we must say that no
man more richly deserve defeat than
Bonham. Not satisfied with the vile
calumnies heaped Upon the Whigs in his
verbose addresses, his labored eulogies
and fulsome flattery of foreigners in his
public speeches during the canvass were
if any thing still more disgusting and out
rageous. But by this course he himself
was the greatest sufferer. ,So grossly did
lie outrage public opinion at every public
meeting he attended in both Cumberland
and Perry counties, by his offensive dis
paragement of American, citizens, that his
insulted auditors could not restrain their
expressions of indignation. To none
more than . himself, in fact, do we wife the
thorough rousing of that deep American
feeling, which by the Voice, of its om
,nipotent will has swept him and his co
_l:iboreis.iiito politicaLobliVictu._
throw is one to be remembered h
cal demagogues forever
From among many notices of
umph of 31r. Todd by the' press in other
counties, we take the following froin the
Itarri - ,burg Ttlegrfiph ;
TRICT.—The friends of Republicism and
Freedoth have gloriously triumphed in
this district. Bonham; the man who "de
fied the boasted power of the Know Noth
ings, and appealedfroin their secret coun
cils, traitorous machinations :end blasphe
mous oaths, to the masses of the people,"
has been overwhemingly defeated. TODD,
the American candidate, carries Cumber
land by one thousand and Perry by over
nine hundred, and is elected. A thous
and cheerg for the true-hearted sons of
"old Mother Cumberland" and her daugh
ter Perry. What a signal rebuke to the
National and State Administrations, and
what an emphatic
,con4emnation of the
demagogue who basely truckled to foreign
Burnish influence.
Among the astonishing results of Tues
day's contest, is the majority. of 7.09 for
Pollock, and of 888 for Todd, in Perry
county ! That is the. wonder among won
ders I The Bloomfield People's
a bold and efficient advocate of the elec
tion of Todd, rejoices in enthusiastic
strains over the result. We take the fol
lowing pithy notices from the last AI
e«te :
The defeat of Bigler in this County is
unprecedented, & the majority of 800 for
,will astWild every citizen of this
Commonwealth. Yet it is easily account
ed for. The old line Democrats have so
long tyranized over the masses, that in
breaking through they have carried their
excess of joy beyond all bounds. The
Perry county ./.kviorrat and the speeches
made by Bonham and his batch of rum
sucking orators, who devoted themselves
, to the abuse of the bone and sinew ()Nile
democrkic party hi the county, drove.
them to the support of Pollock.
We, doubt very much whether Mr.
Bonham was a candidate for Congress on
- last Tucsday--lle—run- -very- slow- as-fat
as heard from. There was about 12000
tickets printed with his name on in this
county, but there was 11990 not needed
-and-only-HlOOO-loutid.theit way into the_
bollot box. : Some of these we were in
formed before the election were to be Clay
Whigs. •
• Daughter Perry sends greeting to Moth
er Cumberland, 898 majority for Lemuel
Todd, and the, mother• responds, "we are
with you and send, 1077 majority for
Todd." What 'a sweet record that is to
3 4
16 9
12 9
vocates of foreign rule were land in their
denunciations of the K. N'ti. previous to
the oleation, whom they denounced as a
'secret band ormidriTight conspirators.'
The result of Tuesday's business, however,
shows that these ' midnight conspirators'
can work by day, as well ashy' night.—
The 'conspiracy' to defeat, Locefocoism
seems to have been pretty effectual every
Crionto nob &Wit) Matters.
Continentals had last evening ; as they neve t
Old to httro in egtliilt, an oveHlowing, house.
these g,onflorlanlyand hecrnrl,iishen Voeal
lsts :ire great fitvarltevt In ont comiiintiify and
deservedly no: They repeat their eoneett
this . evening, with a ehange of programme,
and we advise persons to go early.
Cnicus l—illessrs. Rivers and Derintts
Grecian Arima Circus, the last probably
that will be here this season, will perfura ors
Friday next. The company has a high rep
utation in its line.
On Monday last a change in the running of
Passenger Trains took place on the Cumber
land Valley Rail Road. The new schedule
will be found in our advertising columns.—
Hereafter the morning train to Harrisburg
will leave Carlisle at e 10.33 o'el2clc, and t 1 e.
afternoon train at tOG. The morning train
from Philadelphia will arrive in Carlisle at
9.20, and the afternoon train at 2.41 o'clock.
By the changes on other, roads, also. the
trains will hereafter leave Harrisburg for
Philadelphia at 12.30, M., and t-1.15, P. M.
For Baltimore at 1.45, P. M., and for Pitts
burg at 12.50, noon, and 5 o'clock, P. M.
Tin um AI, PROC ESS I N.—The friends
of LEMUEL TODD, .Esq., Congressman elect
Perry counties, formed a torch-liglit proces-
sion on Wednesday night lust, and act ompa
ilia by the tiarrison Baud, marched to Mr.
Todd's resilience on Main street. The Band
then played several appropriate airs, after
which loud `cries were made for Mr. Tudd.►
He appeared in compliance with the call anti
deliVered a short, but eloquent and" stirring
address, which elicited enthusiastic applause.
After duly ackuowlediug the distinguished
mark of popular friendship and confidence
evinced hy his triumphant election to Con
gress, he proceeded to touch briefly on seve
ral topics connected with the canvass. The
Nebraska bill, with its wanton violation of a
sacred compact betweelitle North and South
—the mischievous schemes of Slavery ex
tension, so openly proclaimed in the last ses
sion, and which threaten, if sucee'sJful, to es-
tabliSh the blighting curse of slaNlcry on the
vast expanse of our yet free territory—were
denounced in unmeasured terms, which left
no doubt of the speaker's feelings or opinions
on these subjects. Of that other great prin
ciple, dear to every AMerican heart,—the
right of mericans./0 rule America—he de
sired to say that he was with them heart and
soul ! As the speaker dwelt with fervid_ elo
quence upon the triumph, the principles and
the aims of the American party in the recent
contest, the enthusiasm of his audience was
excited to the highest pitch, and they gave
vent to their feelings by elteer tiller (icer of,„ ,
applause: At the conclusion of Mr. Team
speech three times three !rheers were given
for each of the gallant counties. of Perry,
York and Cumberland, and: thi:Wfor JAMa
PoLLOCK, next Governor of Pennsylvania.—
The procession next marched to the residence
of Prof. O. H. TIFF.OO% After 4 serenade
by the Rand, Prof. Tiffany was called out
by the crowd and responded in an eloquent
speech, which was rapturously applauded.--
The procession next marched to the residence
of the Rev. Mr. ltxEst; on Pomfret street,
...Where there elis again music and a SpeetfC,
from Mr. Reese, who exhorted •their to go
forward in the support of American princi
ples, in the full confidence of a permanent
triumph. The procession soon after quietly .
dispersed, the whole proceedings having been
conducted in an orderly manner.
GREAT - OLD Li N E hCTot Yl--:The-kw--
surviving friends of Bouhain were out in -
procession on Friday evening, with the life
and drum The object of the deuionstration
was difficiilt to conjecture, until the party
drew up in front of Stough's Hotel and gliCt
"three cheers for Graham." The extensity
majority of twenta 7 t4ree voleB received. by
that. gentleniatt as candidate for County Com
missioner, seemed to be the entire cause oT
this outburst of enthusiasm. Strange to arty
the pa'rty showed no disposition to shout over
the greater success of Noel, Gregg and
tle! '
1 :7 DEATH OE JUDGE KEDDER.—We learn 1
the IV ilkesbarr papers of the death of Lutin4
Kidder. Judge Kidder was a
lawyvr of northern Pennsylvania; and , wrjo
for sbme time a dtidge in the Schuylkill Litt-
FIRE AT Porrsvim.E.—The printingsollies
of the Miners' Journal, at Pottsville, owned
by B. Batman, Esq., was destroyed by fire on -„
1 nest'sy night, with all the materials. Mend
ing.a power-press anti engine," recently put
chased. Mr: Barman's loss is over $lO,OOO
on which here is but a partial insurance.