Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 18, 1854, Image 3

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Little folito.
Here is a little story, with a moral to it.—
It is for that and for its natural history that
we copy it. We know not for what latitude
it wfm originally designed, but like the alma
nacs it seems adapted to all: If our young
readers especially will take to heart the les
son which it inculeates, , we shall not grudge
the space which it occupies in our columns.
"William you were to tell me how you
managed the alligators when you were in Af
rica, and you may us well tell me' now."
" Very 'well, Master Frank," said old Wil
liam, (William {VAS a shoemaker in the vil
lage, but in early life had been a servant to
a gentleman and had attended him in his
travels in many parts of the world) "you
shall know all about it; and then, if you ev
er go to Africa yourself, you can act on the
same plan."
"But first tell me how big they are."
" Oh, they are of all sizes, from a dozen
inches to a dozen feet; but,-by my method,
I can manage the - biggest amongst'them, let
him be itt the water or let him be out."
(C J alll glad of diat for,,perhaps, I slia
I)4am:tit/ to manage them toti."
"You would like to see an alligator nest,
dare say i and, perhaps, to treat yourself
with au, egg-or two."
"What! do alligators make nests and lay
eggs ?"
"To be sure they do. Wifen 1 first ii-ent
abroad to Cape Coast Ca.4tle, in WestM 4 n Af
rica, servfait At), NQUI _fitthei . j.nrriembm
finding an alligator's nest, made of decayed
grass, leaves and weeds, closely matted to
gether; and, when I put my hand into it, it
was almost, as hot as a baker's oven."
" How large was the nest? and how big
were the eggs ?" ll
"The - nest was made of as much as two
or three esrt loads of rubbish of one sort or
other; and the eggs were white in color; and
perhaps they are four times the size of a
goose's egg. Alligators are cunning crea-
‘" What do they live upon ?"
" Why, to tell you the truth, they are not
over particular; for they take up with just
what they can get—whether it be a mouthful.
of flies, a waterfowl, a monkey, a young an
telope, or a sailor in his check shirt, blue
jacket and white trowsers. In short, Master
Frank, they would eat you, if they could get.
hold of nu, without so much as asking the
questionit`lbether it would be pleasant to you
or not.
dI dare say they would, William ; but I
will take pits.tty good care they do not. Now
tell me how_xoll manage them."
"I manage them just the same way as I
do.a'raCtlesnake, when I hear his rattle and
see hiM just ready to spring upon me."
"What, can you manage a rattlesnake,
tob - ?" •
"Yes, that I can ; or a cobra capello, or a
boa constripor, or any other kind of a snake,
even thong' to big enough to swallow a
"I never heard of Such a thing i I should
hat'e thought they would have clung around
your neck, and stuck their poisoned fitngs
into you in a minute."
"And so be would, if I did not know how
to manage him. There is nothing like going
the right way to work, Master Prank. If I
knew at this moment that a savage tiger was
in Carey Wood, or that a cruel Turk with a
drawn sabre was waiting for me on the Hill
Common, I would sally out directly and man
age 'them both.", . •
"You would ? Why, I would not go near
them for=all l the money you could give me.—
Do tell me, William, how you manage them?
Do you take a blunderbuss with you 7"
"Nothing of the, sort. I might, perhaps,
have a thin walkilig4itick in my baud, Or a
lioiitch but, I'could do without either
of them."
"Now then; my plan ifi,,this,; when I see
an allikater, ten or a, dozen feet long, .dispos
e,d_tn do me mischief, let him open his moutl,
wi4de as' he will, the very first thing that
dirls:l-to get out of his way."
"Oh, William l William 1 that is too bad."
"Too bad, Master Frank 1 how can it be
too had'when its the very best way in the
w6iitl?" • • ' N,
. .
' Wliado'or be the danger, by„n Ight or by day,
':larkoko, tiger or Tork-11gotottl+444ho way.
"But if you can ttegnaint one with an
ogier, a safer, or a bettor method, then I will,
give, uimmine and adopt yours."
I thought that you had some wonderful
ptap that required a great deal of courage."
Couragehian excellent quality, no doutT;-
but wisdom aqd prudence are much more so.
Depend 'upon it that, in all eases 'of danger,
wmptatiou and 'sin, to get out of the wa,Lizi
the best thing we can do.",
Lead us not into temptation, is nn owe],
lent prayer! and to fly away from tempta
tion is an excellent practice. Oh, what mis
ery and ,remorse, what repentance and dis
pair, have been brought on mankind by their
going to meet evil, instead of running away
'roin it.
Think over what I have said, quietly, Mas
ter Frank.; and then, very likely, you., will be
retitlo acknowledge that my plan is well
worthy `your attention.
What il'er be the danger, by night or by day,
Or the sin, or temptation, get out et its way.
FIC AMERICAN". commences on the ltiat of Sep.
tember. It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of the
FARMERS, nod is edited by men practically skilled in the
arts and sciences. Probably no other Journal of the
same character is so extensively circulated, or so gener
ally esteemed for its practical ability. Nearly all the
Valuable Patents which issue weekly from the Patent
Office are Illustrated with Engravings, and the claims
of' nil the Patents are published regularly in its columns
as they are issued, thus making it a perfect Set ENTIFIC
AND MECIIANICAL .ENCYCLOPEDIA of information upon the
subjects of Mechanical Improvements, Chemistry, Engl.
neeering and the Sciences generally. It Is published
weekly iu quarto form_spithlas for binding, and each
volume contains Four Hundred and Sixteen Pages of
Reading Matter, Several Rundred Engravings, with a
full and complete Index. Its circulation on the last
Volume exceeded 23,000 copies per week, and the practi
cal ieceipts in one volume are worth ttrany family much
more than the subscription price.
The'lbllowing CASH PRICES are offered by the Publish
ers for the fourteen largest lists of subscribers sent in
by the Ist of January, 1555: $lOO will be given for the
largest list; $75 fir the second ; $ O 5 for the third; $O 5
for the fourth; $5O fir the fifth : $45 for the sixth; $4O
seventh; $35 for the eighth: $3O ibr the ninth: $25 for
the tenth: $2O for the eleventh: $l5 for the twelfth ;
$lO for the thirteenth; ■nd $5 fin• the fourteenth. The
cash will be paid to the order of the successful competi
tor immediately alter the lot of January 1850.
TERMS :—One copy, one year, $2 ; one enpy.six months,
$1 : five copies, six months, $4 : ten copies. six months,
$0: ten copies, twelve months, $l5; fifteen copies.
twelve mouths. $22; twenty copies, twelve months. $2O
in advance.
No number of subscriptions above twenty can be to
ken at less than $1..10 each. Names can he sent In a
different timeS and from different Post Offices.
-S4lutheim_antLAVesthrn_inattey..takeni'Dr_EOfeript 1
. 4111
Letters should Ix directed, to MUNN A: Co
2S Fulton o f N. Y
.0 -. MOSsirS. MUNN k CO. are eXtettsively engaged ill
procuring patent for new inventions nod will ailvl,e
Inventors, without charge, In regard to the novelty of
their Improvements. IA tie. 30, 1R 5d.-3w
SYL\'ANIA. No Pennsylvanian should, be without
it. Eight thousand copies sold! Every Farmer and
every citizen should ,have- a copy. Bow EN'S Pirront+t.
SEL:TeII Boos or PENNSYLV NI 1 : Or, its Scenery, Internal
Improvements. Resources and Agriculture._ popularly
describcd. Illvstrnted with over 200 Ileautiftd Engrair
logs, and areompanied by ilat'nes' large Map of the
State. carefully colored. Eighth Edition, Revised, ('or
reeled and linprOed. One Volume. eve., with over 500
pages and handsomely bound. „Sent by untli.t_g_free of
itrimpracticable in so short a spare as this to give
an adequate idea of the variety of sub.jeet, and the ex
tent of research which this Volume contains. The
whole field has been earefully explored. Anil no de
partment however intricate has been passed over. but
treated until the sulject has been made perfectly clear
and Intelligible to the simplest mind; indeed one of
the great peculiarities of the Book Is its freedom from
dry detail, and statistics, tso core nom to Works of this
character,) which no doubt Is one of the muses of its
very great popularity.
The Agriculture of the State is a prominent topic in
the work, and all Its parts receives his earnest attention.
not merely speculrting on the results of husbandry, but
searching and finding how the greatest advantage can
Ire gained from the best sources. Every Farmer should
read and Study his riuna, and also those who depend
'on the Farmer for the necessaries of life; for all should
understand something of the means by which those
necessaries are produced.
Cities. Towns and Villages are described and dwelt
upon, the charectaristies of the people pointed out, and
the various improvements In progress or projected f
f. kelt :—ono of the deeply Interesting sketches in the
work is that on the NVytaning Valley; the vivid and
startling interest thrown around that devoted spot, is
dwelt upon with beautiful pathos and feeling, and the
leading events in the tragic part enacted there in revo
lutionary times, pointed out by a master hand. Added
to this is Campbell's always beautiful tiertrude of AVya
ming, the merit of which it is unnecessary to sneak
.A vivid and truthful description of the grand and
majestic Scenery of the Old heystone State, is also a
prominent subject In the Volume. ' Nothing cah exceed
the grandeur end beauty of Pennsylvanbi'S Itontantic
Mills, and well does the author understand the subject
ith which be deals.
The Press throughout the State have. with united
vol e. pronounced it the itest Popular Book over written
on the State, and. without a single exceptibn have re
tornmended the work in the highest terms. The many
flattering notices bestowed upon it will Inc odlected to
gether and published, in a future circular. Accompany.
ing every volume Is Bartle's Large Map of the State.
carefully colored.—the latest and best Map published.
and which retails seperately at One Dollar, and Is un
doubtedly the only correct ono issued. '
The price of the Rook Is placed at the lowek rate Air
which It could be manufactured. and the execution Of
it In every respect is alike beautiful and substantial.—
Independently of the fine map. it Is a remarkably clump
work; but that accompanying it, the publisher has no
beSitation In pronouncing, It the cheapest Book publish.
ThelPublisherhas gone to great ex penle in publishing
no Book in proper style. The engravings are licaniti
fully executed; the typo large and clear; end the paper
of a fine texture; while the binding is at the same time
tasty and durable, mid having done his part well, he
submits the work to the exrunination of the people,
confidently- recommending-it to the attention of 'those
interested in the Pennsylvania liallnutd Cow any,
Reading Railroad CoMpany, Sunbury and Erie nu !road
Company, Norristown and other ntilroads in the State,
in the Schuylkill and Lehigh Navigation Companle, Inn
the Lehigh and till other Coal Companies, throughout
Pennsylvania, to all engaged in mining and manufac
turing Coal and iron, to every Farmer and every citizen
of the groat 'State of Pennsylvania, be submits this
splendid vuluwo, and respectfully solicits their prtrom
Agents will call upon the citizens for their subscrlp
lien, and In cases where-no agent has calledrany-person
wishing It, will have It sent freenf expense, by remit
ting the amount to the Publisher.
Invallable Price of the Work:
, •
Embossed Muslin„- - --•— ;$2 00,
,Filt edges and side _ 2 50
co Morocco,: marbled edge - 225
" Turkey Morocco, extra 4 00
sap , ~ A gents wanted in every County In -the State.—
Any parson desiring an Agency Mew° address the Pith-
Esher Immediately.
WM. WHITE SMITH, Publisher,
1.95 Chesnut Street, Philedelphln
r Droll Stores. •
. I
111 'lt TO S 1 1)11'11G S ! DRUGS ! _Fresh
SIMPLY I I have just received a fresh stock of
I i Moitielnes, Paints, Muss, Oil, ke., which, Luring
~F* been purchased with great care at the host, city
11, houses, I canconedently recommend to Families.i Pliyaicians, country llorchants and Doislora, lie Lc.-
' Wash Add pure.
IltlitlS-.-Patent, Me Cbernicala, Instru
'nita, pure Essential Mils, ITerbs end Extracts, Sykes,
. .
. .
gl.Aind 1111 d 111111111, Isseneel4 . , Perfumery, &c.
COll Liver Oil—warranted gentilne. ,
IWE-STUFFS—lndigoes„, i'tladders, Stunae„ Alum, Log
and Cain Woods. Oil V itrinl. Cnpperas, Lao nye,
PAlNTlVetherill A t nralier!s Pure - Lead, Chrome
Orem, and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Drushes..lersey
Window Cilium, Unwed Oil, Turpentine, Coital and emel t
Varnish, and he'd Lead.. All t.,f 'n Idyll 11111 be said at the
very Inwest market price, •
, ,11,,,, a fresh and splendid asFortnumt of FANCY
(100115, Fritilq, Confeetionary, end innumerable ntli:lr
articles ,calculateSl 1 . .. r We Witi 01 . 161111•11 t. all of mlll , ll
are ou t'r.'4 at the 10% emt: rash prico.c. at the rheap'lPl'llg.
111101111171 Palley l'ture 44' the subscriber 011 Nt.l'lll Mill
,ver street. ' 8. W. 11.11.111iSTICK.
rill 0 0 '1" WASIL-3eautiful White
• Toub Healthy Gums and it,Swe'et lirentlt—All who
are desirous of obtaining these benefits should use %Mt-
article combines so many 'meritorious, qualities that It
has min. become a standard favorite with the citizens of
New York. Philadelphia and - Baltimore. Dentists pre
scribe it in their practice most successfully. and front
°Very suture the most Mattering la'udations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are immediately I,enetit
ted by its use; itft action upon , them is mild, soothing
and elley;tive. It tleallSeS the teeth so thoroughly, that
they aro made to rival pearl in whiteness, knd-diffuses
through the mouth such a delightful freshness that the
breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinteets those
impurities which tend to ptvxlui•e decay, and. as a con
sequence. when these are removed the teeth Must al
ways remain sound. Read the rillowing from Dr. .1. A.
- Mr. F. Zermatt—Sir: Having used and recommended
VOUr Tooth Wash in toy practice for some time, I find It
ihp most effect nal Deo trines In use, and therefore recom
mend it to the public.
- Dr. J. A. CARMAN: DelltiStO
Harrisburg, Pa.
Bead the following testimony:
Mn. ZIMMAN—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the merits
of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita
tion'. recommend it as the best that has come 1111der my
notice during all experience as'Pentist of more than six
teen .years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hiudetm.
irritated (rums, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the
Breath. Fn an the mouths of those who make use of it.
however, it.will certainly speak for itself.
(h.°. P. SCITIVELY, Surgeon Dentist,
279, South Tenth st., Philadelphia.
It is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent
ists in New York, Philadelphia, Balt Ignore, and other
cities where it has been introduced. All sunlit give it
a trial.
Prepared,anly by Francis Zerman, Druggist and
and sold wholesale and retail by
Samuel Elliott, CarHalm .1, Dorsheitimr,
J. Herron, Newrille..l. C. Williams, ShippensMirg, and
b • nil Druggists at only 25 cents per bottle.
`PILEPSY Can be Cured. Lake's
4 j VEO ETAIILE FONIPOUND,- for the cure of Eel
r or Fits! Is performing 1110111 wonderful cures. Ono
thcr medicine yet known or before the public.—
be proprietor has in his possession numerous certifi
cates. narrating the astonishing and miraculous cures
effected by this medicine. and directs attention to the
fi /now log only, tl, assure thoSu win .:tre unfcrtunate
br lw alliicCed n ith the terrible disease heretof wei-egard
ed incurable, that Ligifa preparation ni Al.3lw.rT INFII.I
- I ' S' ITS l'Ulttl!
FIN/111 lirtxlks, Widow of Maj. has. Tirooks, late of
Conneaut, O. •
Mr. Z. Lißk—Sir: Please send me another blade of
- Fit - IIMITIMK - itS - ritynot
When J commenced giving the medicine to toy son Ed
gar. he had trout 41111' to three fits per day. 11,. has now
Luken the medicine over itive months. and ,hits 111144 i.
think. lint two fits in that time, and those very light.—
Ilis body and mind are very much improved: and by
the blessing 41f (led. I feel that the medicine will restore
his Italy and mind to their wonted atilt ity. its is Ts
years odd, and has, had fits over 12_years. which Barre
been very frequent. and y ery destructive to his consti
tutiOn and ml id. Hundreds of dollars bare been ex
pended f: , r medicine 4t " FITS." hut nothing hits
relieved him until he used your medicine. Respectfully
pnirs, _ WA' Bin th' S.
Front .noon Landon. (`minty Superintendent of the
Ashtabula County Infirmary.
Mr. Z. I ; sio:—Sir: Phase send a few more bottles of
your '• Fit Medicine:" I may met need it. but think sad
Or to keep it on hand. Yourtnedivine has done n inter.
I gave it to Miss Jane Delano; sbe has had Ms for 26
years. brought on by basing the messels when but four
wears old. %bleb could. nut be brought out t, the surface.
After taking the medicine's' few days, sin: all, A fax
e'IP)O of 510F.M. and has had nit tits since. Shell:Ants
or %pulite:as almost daily. She and her father concur
with me ht saying that we believe the medicine has or
will work a perfect' cure. I also gave the medicine to
Miss Juno Ilenderson nod Anis Carlo. who base hut fits
almost daily, for a numbee - nf,years. Their fits have
eeased, and I believe the medicipeiwill has c Lhn desired
effect. Much money has lawn t•xpended by the friends
of the above patients for doctoring, all to no purpose.--
The cure Was loft fir your medicine to pet - firm. and I
can cheerfully reeounnend it as a valuable discovery.—
liespect fully yours, .1 DS' IN LA N
Superintendent Ashtabula C.o. Infirmary.
Prepared and adld at wholesale by Z. I. she:. Conneaut,
Sold by S. IV. 111rwerstiek. Carlisle; E. IL Tbraiias. \I
clianiosburgi lb W. Oross, Harrisburg. Oil. Is-ly*
()lIN P. LYN E—Wholesale and Re
f_ tail dealer In American, English and German
HAMM' AR E, Oils, Paints, Ac.. A. Mechanics. builders
'and the public generally, iiho are in want of I lard ware
• -,,..„.,.. of any kind, are invited to call in mid
- , 4041%-1 examine my unuirmilly kir); stork of
ti - :',3 -'.. '-- goods, which lain selling nt'very low.
prices. Just stop in; it will only detain you it very
few Minutes to ho convinced that what everybody says
—that LVICS is deridedly the place to get good goods at
law prices—must he tear. LYIIE'S ilardware Store,
West Side North Hanover street.
R -
Thu subscriber in consionence of ill-health. (diem his en
tire stock of lIARW ARE to any person or porsons wish
ing to enter into the !lard ware business. Ile haling se
resolved In quitting the business, will give a bargain.
besides his influence 1111(1 rustmn. Any OUP desirous of
getting into this business will do, well to call soon, and
if not disposed of by the TA October next, he will
then selling MT at cost at the old and m ell
known stand, In North Hanover street. next door to
Charles Maglaughlin's Hotel. JACOB SEN Eli.
H AR D - 1 4 - 1 :S II A ItH iVAL
VV A r" 11 EN Ylt SA XTON. The
subscriber having returned from the city would call - the
attention ,if his friends and the public generally to the
large and well seleeted assortment of Hardware which he
-has just received, cc isisting in part of 111:11,DINO MA
TERIALS, nails, Sere ws. hinges, locks, bolts. glass. putty,
paints, oils, Ac. Tons—edge tools; saws and planes of
every description, with tiles, rasps, liammem
A general ii;ssortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD
DLERS TOOLS, together with morocco, lining bind-
Jog skitrs, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount
ing,- saddletrees ' Ae.
COACH TIII3IM NO--ranvass (plain, enamelled, fig
ured and embossed.) patent- and enamelled leather,
axles, springs, hubs. spokes. felloes. shafts, Re., Re.
Ca . bint!t, .Makers ill find a largo assortlneut of varn
tidies, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding, rOsettes,
hair cloth, curled hair, Ac.
— The sthelf - frin large and well selected, zollilnifi
ing all the kinds In general use, as hamniered and rolled
iron of all sizes; flat, bar and band iron, round, squitre
and oral Iron, horse-shoe . Iron And nail rods, with a largo
lot of east and spring steel, English and American blis
ter steel; &c. -
housekeepers and those about commencing will fled It
to their advantage to call unit examine our cutlery, hilt
tania and plated ware pans, kettles, ceddr - WarOjanketS,
In addition to the above we hare rcceivtot a splendid
aSsortment of \VALI, PAPER, making the stork min
plots, and at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfac
tion. We invite nil friends to call, knowing it, will to to
their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East,
High Street, Carlisle, Pa.
Oct. 12. 053. HENRY SAXTON.
A l it E.—The subscriber having returned fmni
the it has just opened for the Fall trade n large and
well selected Adult of foreign and' domestic Ifiu•dware,
embracing.every thing usually found in that lino of hu
sineks;'flie attention of friends aiill the public generally
is respectfully'directed . to the assortment on hand, as
suring them that goods of all kinds will be field for'eash
at a very tolvanco on manufacturers prices. Be
naembetkthe old stand, East Blain Street; Carlisle. PA: '
.Aug 30; - 1S5t. • • 11. kAXToN,
NOTICK----Tbat all r persoafr,
about enniminemin g Housekeeping and other'S tin
want of 'then), ran get supplied with. knives nod Fortis,
Spouts, Ladles; Coln.. Mills, Tans, Kettles, • , :i6l-IroitS,'
timlowrst rates by, ' •
O.'S 2 and . 3 1i.1('..
~ the
I• bow . .!Fp j ilk, ioceived au 1 .
ti.i ly
(1 rocory of.l .
July '2oi '5l. ' Ct.
rri E .( J wRE AT E 1)1S(O\ ER V, (
AUE- 7 -Formers. Families Ad others, can]
,Itsse nu remedy (Noel to Dr. Ttllll.l6' Yerketien I. '
molt. for Dysentery, Colic, l'reut,„ Chronic lihietannti ;
QllillFey, Sore Threat, Tot.tlinthe, trn Flektiesii, 1 I r:
Burns. S‘vPilings, Ohl Foxes, )lusquito hites. Ito;'
Stings. Pairs In the st. Itnek. ,t e, If it , •
twf give relief, the uhiney will I e Oofttittled—ttll tht
ith . ysivians had talittd.
Over 10,000,n0u of bottles have been sold in the I
ed States. without a SIInJe tidily', and f .milies I .
stated that it was -Worth lo per l.dtle. they io
would Le without it. In 1115 v of Vroup. as it. is as
as it is applied. It cite TC,11.11:1014 , In till et, mine I :
Writhed.. in half an l u au. and I 11. fern w lien fastl
on. in a few hours. it Is perfectly inito«utt to MIA
ternally, and has the recommendation of ninny ml I ~
most eminent Physicians in the t Liter! States. Ft ie,
'25 and al cents.
Tobitts line also put up It Liniment f r ' in
pint bottles, which is warranted—the:ller and I t ,ter
than any other, for the cure OT Cone, (malls. SNII4II
old Sores. Cuts, Bruises, Scratches, Crnel.ed Heil. A )
Price, 50 cants.
Pr. Toldns (.mll,lllll tfrlozen newspapers with ft e
titivates and letters; reteived. relating to the w.
cures accomplished by his Liniment, I ut. c t
Warranting It is sufficient. MI tiny persiin who di et t
°Main teller, need not pay for it: Then, leis
much worthless medicine seld to the puldie,th tt Jr'
flue wishes his artlele to rest rartlts own uteri tt., n i it
CONNIIAVT, Pb. 1•4r,3
ri A r PI you: a.cold?—aalloher's K i ;ir
-11-.111-liiil-acqui red-aJust-colebrity_for_t he.. care____all.
diseases arising from severe colds. and Its officer: • has
bootiattested and approved by hundreds of our nu t re-
Tv-table.. citizens; In every instance immediate - lief
has been given, as the following ( , ertilleate from •cso
who have tried It bears testimony. c Mainufluditrod and
for sale by
J.A. 5111:S CALLOHER, Agc • t.
Wo the undersigned du certify that we have ustei'lab
lolwr's pre fation for Consumption, Colds, Disca ;s of
the Lungs Liver,&c.. and having experienced 1111 f eli l.
ate relief - herefrm would recomrend it to all aft I ted
In that was. ,
I Thos. 11. 8411 ex, Mrs. M. (loud,' R. IT. McCoy,' . L.
Wolf, Peter Monyer, U. S. Ilackett, Joseph Lobs; ~ N.
W. Woods. .
1 Carlisle, April Sii, 1854-1 y I
it , II Li III!, turd list , It nceoiditip. to direction•
is 1111 lotglish rcmctly, ni.d i ni. used I.t• W m
Ziur ,)1' Engl9l4l, and col tii'l•ll 1.1 I.y 1,11,,, n et ,
I; betmettism. st bon every') hing else t ekommetalull 1,3
he gives the value of the money roaelvell. tl.en .;
the patrooogo of the puttlie. not otherwi•e
DR, TOBIAS' Office, 240 tilt EENWICII Street, j.w
For min by A. Smith, Seventh mid Chestnut S Pun, IT? N. ... , econd street; T. 1:. Cellevide
S. Third street. and by the Drurgists thiotighctit t..
United Stat,,F.
C' iii) :. rumu.n. OF THE 111P01i:
a partielc of Meteor) . in it. An intallible rented' for
Sen fula. King's Evil. ilhetunatism.libstinate Cuts , ue
Eruption,. Pimples or Pustule?. on the Fare. !lb t
Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes. hiltt )loan or 'fetter. i.tld
Demi, Enlargement mid Pain of the
Shlherll Ulcers.' Syphilitk Disorder, Ltamlago,
Complaints anti ail diseases n t i.,c from - am iejttaitt
use of Mercury. Imprudence in Life, or I mien ity to' the
'rids valuable Medijne c .which lass become erlel bed
for the number of extraordinary cures
its ngenev, has induced the prc jwietors. ot the Ai -I 'ilt
request of their friends. to offer It to the public. '1 In h
they do with the titian st confidence in its Nintur,
wonderful curative properties. Thel 1 Inwingeertia t tee
selected from a large immber. ale Lewes Or. ,trongl • e s•
Aineony than the mere word ...I tile proprietors; rn
all frown gentlemen well known in their localia i l of
the hhtlleNt respectability, many of them residing I I the
rite of ltichunand, Vat.
P. IitIEDEN, Esq., of the Excliain,e lintel. Rhin ; nil.
',mown every where. saN s ha. seen the :Niedieine
Seksisil NlEtilltli administered in Ir 1 n
hundred eases, in nearly all the diseases for; whirl t is
reemumentlett with the mist astimishilurly roil re I is.
Ile - S) s it is the limit extraordinary medielne In has
ev;.r seen.
AGUE: AND FEVER—tire:it irV
that fa three years I hall Aizue and Fever on tile I st
violent description. I had seieral ; rge
i ' llatatittes of Quinine, 7liereliry. and I belie', e all the
'fdes advertised. but all n itlinut any permanent ; I l ef.
At hist I tried Varlet's Spanish )11‘tlire. two 1,0(1 “1'
which effeetually cured Inc and I stn happy to v I
have had neither Chills ;;r fi•ver since. I nn,... , 1.1er 1 lie
lint Tonle in the world, aird the only medirine thin ; rnr
reached - my 1,12“.. j(111.N LOMjI).
BeAver dam, near Eliinnond
It. LUCK, NEIL, now in the city of Itichmond.ind•
fir many years In the Peet Offie.•. has such ••••Mide• ' • in
the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish MI • re.
that he lutsloonght, upwards of lii bottles whiela I • has
gin en away to the afflicted. Mr. Lurk says he Mu ev
er known it to fairwhen taken secording to (Rifest ; s.
Dr. MINCE, a practising physician, soil fortut•il • of
the City Hotel In the city of Illeluitond, says he in fr Ait
nosmml, In a number of Instances, the effects of ;Car
ter's Spanish' Mixture, whfeh were most. truly-sr ris
ing. f lu sap: in a case of Consumption: depends l on
the Liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed. „f_ .
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm Drinker
ris, !Minnow!, was cured of !Aver Complaint of R 1 ars
standing by the use of two bottles of Cal ter's lip '
Mix ture. ' ,
OR EAT CURE OF SCROFULA—The ' Editors of the
ii lehutoud Republican had a servant cuiplmed eh
press rrsnu enr, 4 l of ylolent Fet. fala cola Wiled i ith
Itheumatisin, which entlnely disabled him from n,
Two bottlesul.earter's Spanish. Mhi tire made a p I het
mare of him; and the editors In a public iodic° wi a .toy
"cheerfully rmommend it to all who are afflicted ith
any disease of Om blood."
very valuably hoy curial of Scrofula by Carter's SIB ish
Mixture. 1 consider It truly a valunfile medicine.
3lt M 1.44 M. TA II;
Conductor on the B. N. & It. B. Co. Iliehmont
yir..lohu Thompson, residing in the city of ;Hi
mont!, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Sp.' isli
Mixture of Katt, Rheum, which ho had niserly 20 • irk
and n6hh all the physicians of the city would not ire,,
Mr. Thontmaii'is a well known merchant in thee '
Ilicluihd, Va.. and his cure is most remarkable.
Prlucipal Depots at •M. WARD, CLOSE & Co, N.% 33.
Mahlon Lune. Now York.
T. W. DYOTT & °,ONS, No. 132, North, 2d fit., 1 i Ha ,
BENNETT & BEERS, No. 125 Main st., Ithio • oil.
And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. llaverstlek. Car 1 de
Ira Day. Mechanicsburg: 11. Herron, Newyille: (
Altle, Shippensburg. and by dealers In modielnee •ry
For the cure of t 4 altrheum, Chilblaina, Col 'den
'Sores, Chapped or Cracked 'lands, Burns or Scalds- uts
or Wounds,, Piles, Inflammation of the Breast. 1.1 sof
Insects, ROW Lips, rimPles en the Fare, and - Tiret ing
Out and Sores on Children, and' ll diseases of the in.
This Ointment will cure the Saltrheum anti Itur
Chapped hands, quicker and surer than tuty - other cdt
eines of the kind' term° the public, dx
'ln suhstantiate the nhots, I.cau , fa" .11 ""d"g
tificates. but 1. consider it no nse. as (any person c do
the FlllllO, if they , have friends, for even a worthy' ST ,
tide) rely solely owthe Milks of the Ointment f.
piddle patronage.
N. IL—A single box of this Ointment y
Marl:smith's, FornMr's,lor's, Nleehanir'sliam -Tit
thepe ,hap ur crock eier nu lot], sound in p.0c1,• .r1;-
ing order gill IN inter, Prep:in:a and I.y
, I. •
by i.he prinolvd 11114 , 0,1 s; and c oi p, I ;
PI il.O 'ln rents pry Lox.
Nov. ~ IS -Iy' , .
lilt' icing.
`)putt ath ( fiappintSS
go Alp sons nub glaugljttro of fffidion
Mechanicsburg, Pa
Dr. Kga,t,rsta announces to the afflicted that 1
is a regttlitr graduate of Ono best Medical Collei• -
in the United States, and, during many years ,
very extensive, practice, has been familiar wi ,
every form of disease, and succeeded in curing #
most hopeless cases, even when abandoned by, 6
regular faculty. Ills perfect knowledge of the lo
man system enables him to adapt the means to
end, so as to produce the most astonishing result •
The alarming prevalence of disease, and the oft, -
imperfect:medical treatment of the present day, ha
induced him to Make known His
anunnures, that those that mourn may rejoice, ni
the afflicted leap for joy. ALL, no matter wl,.
their disease may be, can rest assured of findih,
relief, and therefore should not delay a moment.
Write disease and symptoms full and plain, a:.
you can receive an answer by i-'ettiru mail (fry.
stating the medicine required and the price of .
--Alldress,_C_L—..bau.ltstn,_l l l._D.,_Meell ante shut__
Cumberland county,- Pennsylvania. ,
N.-B.—The Doctor will attend patfents at ri
distance, when required.
I V E R 0))11)1,A r INT, Dyspi;psi
A Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous debility. Ikeme
the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a diortle.
Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inward pU
fulness of blood to the head. acidity Of the 14141111,1
hau.ea. heartburn, distrust fur food, fulness or -weight
the pit of the stomach, sn immims of the bead, burr
- anttAillicult breathing,-fluttering at-the-heart, filmki
or suffocating sensations when in a lying post urn di
miss of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever a
dull pain In the head, deficiency of perspiration. yelio
. ness of the stdn and eyes, pain in the stole, back. elle
limbs, kc., sudden flushes of heat, burnt g In the ties
c instant Imaginings of evil, and groat depression of sp
its. can be effectually cured by Dn. Hem...can's Ur.:
BRATED GERMAN fIITTEILS. prepared by Da. C. .
J IrES , IN, No. 1 - 20 Arch Street, Philaot dphia.
• Their power over the above dkeases is not excelled.
e twilled, by any other preparation in the United Stat.
rs the cures attest, in many cases after skilful phv
clans had failed.
These bitters are worthy the attention of invalid..
Possesiing great virtues in the rectitieat kit o f disc,
of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising (the n
searching powers in weakness and tdrections'of tho'
gestivu - organs, they are withal safe, certain and pit
Bead and be eonvinced. Testimony of the Itigl
ehara 'ter! lion. Stneor. Judge of the Dist ,
Court in Perry county. Nov. IStll,l/Yri?.. 'said:
" Your " flootland ern ri Bitters ' has been lu
in our place over a year past, and to the astonishmenl
many In perf,e-m6l wonders. We may notice a few
stanees that haver 0011111 under our own BeetledOtte 1
tiro:-'-almost PA cry person \.h , . has stopped at the
of Win. Lackey. ono year siner, predicted from his er
rioted countemenee and debility, that he remill'int. 1
intich longer. Ile was unable to attend to his bush.
and ft r the greater part of the time confined to his n 4
' ICe reeammencied hint to try the Oerman Bitters: he
and to the surprise of all his friends he is now old,
attend to his usual fondness and perform manual hal of 11,4,6* Ssissr, a stone mason. whom no
supposed would ever recover from the debility of hiss
tern, but tins 101114.011 upon as fast approaching the gin
took eight or nine bottles of the Bitters during. the I.
winter, and this summer be has lien (to the surprise
all who knave his case) following his trade. The case
Willianek.Mnrphy is no less astonishing,. Ile teo NTIL,
flirredueed as to induce the general belief that the gr.
alone would be his owls remedy, Mr. Lackey reel
.numded . him to try the lloonaas therman 'Bitters:
is now apparently a well man, and abletodoa hardda
work. We could incliner' 'ninny other cases
character, if it were nece.resary. I myself derived tin
. benefit from their nse. 1 hare given considerable o'
away, not for your benefit alOllO, hut to relieve stiffed
humanity, and let me assure you I am pleased to see
happy result. To the afflicted we say, try them fat
and 1 will warrant relief."
These Bitters :Ire worthy the attention of in vali
posqessing great power in the restoration of a heart'
action of the liver and the lesser glands, giving tone
theistomaeh and nervous system, and bringing the s
tan generally to a high state of health.
For sale by ff. W. Ilaverstick and S. earth.
Ira Day,'Mechanlesburg; J. IL Herron, Newville; J.
Altie, Shippensburg, nod by dealers in medicines el'.
ants. by means of the
iT .iESCULAPI I7S, or Ey.
he•thirty-sixth Edition, e
le hundred en gray I n gs. eh
Lg. Private Diseases and It
, rmations of the Oenerai
;stem, in every shape
Em: to' which is add&
reatiso on the Diseases of
:ales; intended for the us.
mutles'Ouly, (see page 190,
ut of the highest imports
married people, or those
!Yourm, M. D., Grath,.
unsylvania, Member of the I ,
al Coii of Surgeons, London, and Honorary Mend
of the 'Philadelphia Medical society. The varhms fox
of tenet diseases, Seminal Weakness. Diseases of .
Prostrate Wand. Impotency, solitary habits of 'youth.
faithfully. described. and all the receipts given in-pi
language. Tia• chapters on self abuse and Semi
Weakness Is worthy of particular attention, and sine
-.-bo - „rend by every one. Young men :who - hare been '
fortunate in contracting disease, previous to pin
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no fattier e
hit pretensions may be, get a oopy of this truly vale:
' work.
. Sea Captains and persons going to sea should pos
Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket .;Escul
11S, or Every one His own Physician, • •
• Lai - Let no father be asbanied to present n copy 01
2Escu!filthy; Um his chil4V It may save him from an v.
grave. Let no young man or woman_ enter into tlo
crot obligations of married life without reading the
et Alicelapins. Let no one suffering from n hitcti
• cough. pain in the slde,•restiesa nights, nervous feel:
mitt the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and e.
up by their physician, be another moment without 4
milting the .14:sculaplus. linve the 'married or t:
about to he Married any impediment, read this ti•
useful Book, as it bits been the recalls of saving 11
santls'of Unfortunate creatures • from the very Jar
death. Upwards of it MlLLlON ' eoples of thlsreleta,
work has Len sold in this country and Europe sing.
itS. when the first edition true issued.
Aril . Any, paten sending, TWENTY-FIVE cent:
in a letter. 4 ill receive one copy of this hoc ';
mall; qr tiro eoples will. lu sent h.r $l. Address
1V11.11.1M - I * (ll 7 Stf. Ni.. 1G: spruce .
'l'w only yeitrs pro flee in . the rimy
tsiitly entitieS 1/r. Aottinr to the eolifi.l.4tre of II
Chilli, Mid 111. M e n I.l.ollllnlllilA en ally I i the 015,
de...06A in his' different pokiest hall, at hi , : fdl'r.,
Spruce strait., ek ;Ty day' and (
day 0,0041 nod iternons at :111 . % to it
. . Dr. - Yuan; by let tvr, pocy 1'‘,7,.