Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 11, 1854, Image 1

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The CARLISI: I lEn.ll,n is. published, weekly on a large
Ahet , t, COTltailling FORTY COLVNINS. athbfurnlshed to sub-
S.iribers nt tho- rate of $1.50 if paid strictly in advance;
i 1.73 If paid within the year; ei• in all cases when
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nix months, and none diventinurd until all arrearagos
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Sent to subscribers living out of Cumberland county
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Advertisements will ' bo eharged $l.OO per square of
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A 6Luare, („1:2 )lug,) 0.00 $.5.00 $9.00
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The r,kR. that JOB Pit INTIM; OFFICE Ia tho
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i riencral Cool anionnation.
Presldeitt—FrlkNFLlN PLERce.
Prosideut-01. fitoto), D. ft. ATenusox.
lieerotary of Ft ate--Wm. 1.. IklAnry.
- Seciettiry of I tstorior—Roma on.ELLAND.
-Secretary of l'roasitr . )—J ANI KS aUT 1111116.
Seeeetary of War--.l4:ffk - AvoN 11.vv -
--2---‘4 , crotar-y-01--Nxr
rust 31:LstCr (;en 31 Ls 341.11F.L1.
,asttorne.f Gon, , ral--1 I,ES
Ci4ierJustion ,, f St..tes-11.. It. TANF.Y
Uovernor—lVNl. Ttnn.En.
:-'erretary of State— W. lihkcs.
:.iurvoyor General—J. 1.,
Auditor Genornl-1111 , 0igs.
Treas BA11.1:1".
Judgo:: of the Supreme Court—J. 8, 'I3I.AcK, E. Lear's',
NV, .B. Lorium, U. NV. 11o9DwAltn, J. q. ICNo.K.
COUNTY orrzczais.
l'rmi den t Judge--lion. .1 ssms IL (;It knAM.
Assoc...late Juries—lieu. John ltupp, Samuel IVootl
District Att.orney—juhn M. Sleetrer.
IrOthonotziry--11rorgo Zinn.
lter.orter, - Martin.
Degister—A icrea, L., Spunsler.
Sheriff--46sepb MeDermond; Deputy, James
County Treasurer—N. W, IVa9ds.
Coroner— C. Thompson,• -
County Commihsioners-3,,huillohh,James Armstrong,
Cleor4e Mr-Ciraham.. Clerk td 'Columl.f:Fieners,
- •
hlro e ters of the Poor—George Sheerer, °entire Brin
dle. John C. Brown. :Superintendent of Poor House--
Joseph botch.
13011OUGH °Prim:ins.
Chief llur,o-.oss—Col. A TONTRONG NOBLE.
- Assistant )111ms.:4—Clin ^ rIvs Ogilbv.
Town. Council—John IL ['ark.% (Nesidont) E. Beatty,
lloury 7,lyers, I. S. 141,ert. Dl k
vill Rhoads, Christian In
holt, John Ontshall, Peter 910 * Ot'.1.1oa, Z. Ilmtz.
Clark to Cour:Nl—James 41 . 1 111 n.
Constaliteg--Joseph ~ St ewart, 111,;11 Constable; R,4)ort
V cehrtney, Warkostal,le,
:; i lyst Presbyterian Vhurch, uc,ribwest angle of Centre
luny Her. Co Ay P. 4 lVim), his:ton—Seri Ices every
Sund takEntri!.; at 11 o'clock, A. M., :tad 7 o'clock,
P. M. j
F,,lohliPeeSbyterian Church, cit'ner of South Han o ve r
gni Pomfret stivets. No pastor at present, but pulpit
fat,' by presby terial appointments. Sery ices continence
at II o'clock, A. 71.. and 7 o'clock, I'. M,
St. Johns Church, ((V.A. Episcopal) northeast angle hf
Centre S.riare. Jit:on it. Muss, Rector. Services
ut t 1 o'clock, A.M., and 3 o'clock. P. M.
I.othoran Church, Bedford between Main and
1. rather streets. Ilev. Env. Pastor. Services
at i 1 o'clock, A. 31., and 7 o!cloek, P. 31.
tierman Iterdtned Church, Loather. between linnover
and Pitt streets. "Rot. A. it. Pastor. Service,
at loll; ~'clork, A. 71___
7lethodi•t E.Chureh. (lirst ('large) corner of 3lain and
Pitt, streets. Bev. ....FL, 1.. 71. Collis, Pastor. Services at
I O'clock. A— M., and 7 1 ,,.;; o'clock. P. 31.
:Methodist E. Church, (second Chapel Rev. 3. M.
Past , r. Services in College Chapel, at 11 o'clock.
A.i71.. and 3 o'cl,ck, P. NI.
thann Church. Pomfret, hoar Fast stroet.—
Se:vices hy;ltev, Mr. Doman°, every second Sunday.
'A 'Jarman iditherau Church is In ,aurae of erection
on the corner of Pomfret and Bedford streets. The con -I
gregati9n, which has yet no stated Pastor, hold their
servicoa in Ed u^titlnn '
44...ii-Whenclianstw in tbo aboTo are uecosPary the pm
iter•vorsuns ars rsquested to notify us.
Rev. Charles Collins, president and Professor of 31iiral
Rev. llerman M. Johnson, Professor of Philosophy
init.-11:44 , k1i Literal uro,
. Marshall. PrifoSsor of Ancient LrOIgOIIkTIL
11. TilLimy, Profcss)r Of Mathematics.
M. 11yls.m, Lecturer on Natural Science and
Curator of the Museum. ,
Alexander Schein, Profilssor ;Of Hebrew and ,Modern
Benj:iinla A rbomid.,.Tutor in Laniznagos.
Samuel 1). 11111inam Principal of the Grammar School.
, William A. tinlrely, Assistant in the Grammar School
CAlitinl: DEPOSIT BANF.—Piesident, Itrdliti'd Parker,
Cashier, Win. M. Diadem ;.Clerks, Henry Sturgeon„ 30s.
lIMTer. Directors, Diehard Parlair, William Kerr, John.
Zug, I tenry y.t tan, tt(turoul Wherry, Jacob DOI, John
Sterrot: Henry Logan, Hobert Moore.
Frederick Watts; t , ecrotary. and Treasurer, Edward M.
Diddle; Salmi-Intendant, A. F. Smith.: Pm:song - cc trains
tmivt) a day Eastward, loirring Carlisle ut 7 o'clock, A: M.
and 6 o'clock, P. M. Two trains every (lay Westward,
Catii-le alO o'clock, A, 31. and o'clock, M.
;Cantina U to allo Wapat Comet:Y.—President, Fred
(trick 'iSratls; Secretary, Lemuel' Todd; Treasurec, Wm.
Borten( ; Directors, F. Watts, Richard Parker, Lemuel
Toad. Wm. M. Doctem, Dr. W.W. Dale, Franklin.Oard
nor; dionry Ohms.
..terr-a PosTAGE.—Prostago on all letters .of one-half
dunce weight or 'wider, 3 nuts propod, - or 6 repel un
paid, (except eni ifarn in and Oregoni:iviiicli'ltre Ulents ,
• pre-paid, or 10 cents unpaid.) •
,IsitArdt , terits.—Postage On the• IlmAtn—within the
cattaty, reoc. Within the State 13 cents per year. 'To
p,ny.part, of the United StApi.„2f3 cents.
Postage 011 all tranhlinit papers, under 3 ounces 11/
weight, 1 retic pre-paid or 2 cents unpaid. '
c",uptszp EMISALD
IN .'l'llE RI:Alt OF VIE COURT 1101'til•
Every Book and Job Printing w:e7uted
op t.:te osf, m,Ci.•t: ;tut] On riv: tors. •
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fur flit jrninilli Cirrit.
Know Nothing Victoricki—Riillyorol Ac
citients—Agricitititral Faire—Stcwn►-
bont Bitrillug—Holicir Vxplofilon . , doe.
- IVEDNEsDAY, Oct. 4.
An old ir;an whose land was crossed by the
Providence and Worcester railway, being diS
conten'ted with the price allowed him by the
Commissioners, yesterday erected .a frame
shanty, completely covering both tracks of
the road, placed a - keg 4,powder inside. and,
nailed him sell within, swore that if the trains.
attempted to, run through thC baildiug, he
AN;onld blow all to 'atoms. The passage of
the trains being thus obstructed for two hours
a mob of a thousand persons gathered, tore
down the house, and dragged the man to
jail.—Know Nothing victories have occurred
in local elections held in Portsmouth, Va.,
for a magistrate, and in. Wilmington, Del.,
for election officers,
On Friday last, near •Michigan Cuty, :t col
lision occurred - on the Michigan Central Hail
-roadr:bet-ween_. a_passonge tra in _an _a_fs'ood_
train, in Which the haggage-mater Ivaslllditn
gerously injured and lour others Badly bruis
ed, the eug,ine and can.; 'being considerably
shati s ered.—We have further and far worse
accounts of the effects of. the recent dreadful
tornado on the coast of Texas. Many VPs
sell have been beached or wrecked, and, in
not a few instances, all on hoard perhdied,
and on shore several lives were lost, At
Matagorda the destruction was terrific, most
Of'the buildings in the town either
prostrated or unroofed.—A Know Nothimi ,
convention, composed Of 00 delegates. met
in New York yesterday, and will probithlv
contirthe in session several days.—The stone].
ship Arctic now fifteen days out from Liver
pool, has not yet arrived, and fuars are ex•
cited that some accident ItaLAtitii'pened to
Judge Pollock, the Whig - ..._eandidate for
Governor, arrived in l'hiladelithia . on Wed
nesday, and delivered a speech last evening
at a 'meeting in Spring Gardon.—The num
ber of 'emigrants who arrived at New York
from foreign countries during the month of
Septewher wag 2s,K)6.—Countl'Agricultural
Fairs took place yesterday nt Itcading mul
Allentown, each of which drew immense
crowds.—The yellow, fever cases in Savannah
and Charleston have now got do,'W II two and
three a day.—A dreadful accident oecurred
on the railroad near Lynclibutlg,, Va., yester
day. Just as the train was approaching the
bridge, it was discovered that the draw was
up, and the locomotivti da.died.over. There
were three men killed, all of whom were
hands connected with the train. The Pas
sengers 'suffered no injury.
A dispatch from Danville, I'll, says that
about eight o'clock yesterday morning, one
of the boilers of the Montour Iron Works.
at that
. place, exploded with tremendous
force, doing great damage, and, hiusing the
death of several persons. The fragments of
the boiler were blown to a distance of nearlY
one huadred feet, destroying, in its course, a
frame dwelling and a stable in the rear of
the lot, besides tearing away a portion of Ole'
mill house, in the ruins lir which several per=
sons were buried. ItO the. dwelling-house
there were two families:— The family of John
Farley, lived up-stairs, and one of his two
childrCn was instantly lAlled, and the other,
a • littl e girl, was dangerously it' not fatally
woUnded. In the lower story three children
of Barney McGuire were hurt.. McGuire and
Peter Monaghan, who were also in-tbiltratise
was somewhat injured. A boy 'mined Cha's
Search has diva of injuries reeeired, and
John 'Priest, John Dessinger, John Adam s ,
-A I e-saud Pr Wands, v,lsaaeltines
William Bader, and Joseph 'Shui.,: , gart are
badly wOutided and scalded, sqpie seriously.
Robert Woods, Bryan Dentin, John Miller,
and Samuel Deity are slightly hurt. rtis.
apprehended that others may be .buried be
neatltthe,ruius, and, persons are actively en
gaged in searching. The boiler, it is stated
was empty of water, Which fact., if correct,
explains the neciaent.—On Thursday night,
about 7 o'clock, a man named William Ca
sey, a resident N. J., whilst 're
turning to his home, from Philadelphia, on
funto t tid within' One mile Of ltillvsile, was
attacked by two men, shot down and roblatd,
and left lying on the road, where he. was
tinned sonic time afterwards, His wound is
considered mortal. lie says he think;i the
persons who attacked him were Frenchmen,
One, he says, had on a cap, and the other a
low hat. •
'MoNn.ti, pet. 9.
A New York KOow N6thing State Cony on
lion has been held in, New. York eity r and
nominated for flovcroor Daniel Ullman, who
is tiot on aps other ticket. He ree6 N . Q .d 257,
TuritspAy, Oct. 5
SATI`it»AY, Oct. 7
ing, ;fudge 'Pollock spoke with great force
and effect, and was immensely cheered by
.his - delighted audience: Aftertouching oth
er point;, he alluded In:lefly to the , OoMmon
School Fund. Ile said he was an advocate
of universal education, and had no faith in
ignorance, as he Was satisfied that none lad'
-moral,--x-irtnous_penple en Id ..nlvinale the
principles of freedom: 'He was' in favor of
educating • all child fen alika—the high and
the low, the rich 'anilthe poor, the black and
white: Let all meetWi,the same thior,
letAis educate them ,to •be patriots' and men
—not tin sectarians and bigots.. lie \MR ,in
favor of the school fund remaining
ed, and was opposed .to any. appropriation,
ex-et - pt . :M(2li as was for elevating ihe (diame
ter of our vouth. wasin favor of every
Man worshipping his tjudin accordance with
'own will; in favor of freedom of.conscience,
not. only in this country, but everywhere un
der the Wide canopy of the heavens. Ile
concluded his remarks by an eloquen4ppeal
iu behalf" of religious freedom, and 'called
upon them to act freely Und indepeqentlY,
as men who. loved and revered their cpuntrv.
Said het "otter religion should he tbi.4-47notii
ing above it—our country, your country—
first—last—forever." • [Ore& applause.]
It is said that Itlessre. Pollock. 'and 'Bigler
were 'present together' at a private supper on-
Wednesday evening, and exchanged courte
sies 'as gentlemen should, no matter ,what
-their differences in politJir's.
• The mix turo'lof local tickets in this city
votes, though the convention was composed
of 953 members. The Rresident . refised to
receive the votes cast for the Whig candi=
date, Myron H. Clark, in consequence of
which his friends left the convention, declar,
ing their intention not to restrict tht.,issne of
the vole-.—The Know Nothing party have
carried the charter election at La Salle, )11.
A notbek railroad conspiracy to rob and mar
der, similar to the fathous case on the Mich
igan Central Road, has been detected on the
Southern Michigan Railroad, and one of 'the
conspirators, named Mcl)onald, has been
convicted in Lenawee county, Michigan, and
sentenced to'•iin prison me rit fbr Ca•
tawissa Railroad was opened Ibrmally to Mil
ton, on-Nriday, by an qx eursion and celebra-
Lion at the hitter place. The road is now
finished and in opeotion.--A murder at Cov
ington, Ky.,. of a little buy , by a German, fir
calling him.'" an old Dutchman, - has caused
a great excitement there, and threats SCe
made of mobbing the jail Where the Uerman
was confined,
. The steamer E. K. 'Collins, which left rii
iroiLlas.i. night With a large, munber. - of.Pas:
sen7ers 'from Saidt Ste Marie for,Cleycland,
took lire near Malden, on the Canada shore,
and was soon en mpletely enveloped in flames
Great consternation seized the passengers,
most of whom were aroused from their steep
by the dreadful calamity. Many plunged
into the water and were drowned:, while oth
ers pcl'islied amid the flames. Twenty-three
persons were either drowned or burnt.--Gov.
Ligon, of Maryland, has appointed the 23rd
of .Nove In her as, a day of thanksgiving,—
Two weeks later no its froi, Fort Lava ut ie
the War I h;partment, /ant PS" that
thirty-one of the troops were killed by the In
! /lions in the late fight. No subsequent at•
tack had been made on the Fort.—Wm. Dar
by, the American Sloth:lan and Geographer,
died in/Washington mitt- last night.—The A•
merieon party of -Delaware hove nominated
fbrtiovernor Peter P. (loosely, - and for Con• Ctillum.—The trial of I /r. Graham,
at New York, fur the inordet of Col. Loring,
took a sing ular turn esterday. EleN en of
(lie jurors signud anti rreseatcA, to the Court
In petition asking to be dis ‘ eharged, on the
ground that one of the jurors was n relative
of the pristinor*:4 Nv i le. The Court after coo
soltation d ec idol that the charge against the
juror had ,not been pres e nted in a proper
form, and therefore could not be considered
ns a tact, and that even it' it were,, it wits
doubtful whetbell.lbe ('unit had the power to
discharge the jor . Y, and put Lfr. Graham
again on his trial. 'lie counsel for the de
fence, however, said that Dr. Crahnto had
something more at stal":6 than his life,_ and
that it was the request of the prisoner and
his wife that the juror alluded to should be
discharged, and that the trial should, by eon
sent, proceed befbre the other eleven jurors.
This' Was assented to by the District Attor
ney, awl a Owin46agreement to that.efibet
was drawn up and signed by' the opposing
counSel and the prisoner. The juror was
then withdrawn.
- - -~
Pollooh rind 'Bigler on the Stump—So
clot :Courtesies—Confusion of Tickets,
ate. •
Gov. Bigler and lion. `James Pollock, the
rival eandidates for Governor, were both in
the city last week, each_ delivering addresses
rt different meetings. At the Whii): mass
cradling in Spring Garden, on Thursday even-
4' .
( .' , ; i.
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;f• . i -..-.'. ,
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4 •:
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, z.,= n- -, • k ' - k .'f' '. ; 1. ' .l'
' - 44
beyond comprehension. The lucky ones will
be known in time to send you next week,....,
The paintings known as the Peale Gallery
were sold at auction' orf Friday.' The first
choice was taken by Edward Ingersoll, who
bid 366 each. He selected the , original
portrait of Franklin, and the full length por
trait of Washington, taken after the battle
of Trenton, paying :SIM eaOh. The p(wtraits
ofiklurtha Washington, Boron envier, Mozart,
Col. Washington, Charles Wiltion Peale, Dr.
John 11 Godtnan :111(1 an Albiness, together
with the stair case, the naval battle betw e en
the Bon Homme Richard and Sera pis, were
taken .by Mr. Lewis IL Nowbold, at $175
each. The portraits of Generals 140. Fayette
and Wayne were bought by Mr. Wayne for
$165 en h. The ether pictures were sold to
other pasties at various prices, some being
as low as twenty InUarS.
On Suudsy tillertfoon Judge Pollock, I)S'
titat ' loll 7 attended the Subbud, School of
Dr. Wylie's Presb . tlkni'an c•hurch, and de:-
interesting address to the selifil:uts.
The interments in the city Cur the week
euding, Saturday were only 210—including
6 l'a , CS of chulcra. This is 22 less than last
TrrstAy, Oct. 9
Itlnt:fler T-1-1111- NC NV Stearn Vrignt e. S't e
Nothing DoingH,
• The trial of Dr. Graham for killing, ('ol.
Loring,i , xcites mall interest. The whole of
Wednesday was exhausted in` the effort to
procure a jury. The wife cif the prisoner
was in court, attended by several lady ac
qttintances. As she passed in the 'specta
tors\ nearly all rose, as a mark of respect.—
The lobbies and galleries were all crowded.
Graham looks very pale and sickly, and ex
hibits ample evidence externally of the care
and mixietv within.
The new U. steam Nig,atAt, o belbuilt
at this port, and El) be named "Niagara," is
is to be larger than the rest, and, it is said,
the largest.ship ever built in this country.—
Iler extreme length will be 315 - li•pt : ( . 140) 1
or hold 31 feet ; 1 rendib of beam 55 feet ;
d r aught 'Allen tomli,l 2'2 {eel U inches;
plucemeat 3 7 500 tons. She has been anal
eled lty.and will he bi9ilt under the superin
tendence of Mr. George Steers, who aetptir
ed so 164 a repute the famous
\ acid . 1% 11 4 41 took the prize at the London
* World's Rail'. •
Th NviNither was very unpropitious for the
opening' of. the Agricultural Pair- Wednes
day, in Hamilton sqlnyre. _The attendance
of visitors was VUI'V sparse. The show of
neat cattle is very criTtalile. Orange, Greene'
Duchess, Columbia and Rens , placr counties
:are the principal contributors. A herd t -
Ayrshire cattle from JoGrion . , attract much
attention. , The sheep exhibition is large, but
the - horses 'do nut make us good a show as
'Two piekporkets were arrested at the Cat
tle :tdiow on Thursday turd by the order of
the Chief tl(ey were pijt, at once On exhibi
tion. They were each provided With a large
plaeard, attached with a string around their
neck, labelled "ifickpochets.' The rogues
were then walked around the Fair r under. an
escort of policemen, in order that the people
present might' lie gratified with the sight of
live pickpockets. This novel exhibition. taus
ed consideeable exciteMent, and hundreds Of
people followed after thein. They were kept
on exhibition, in that Manner, 'her several
The Know Nothings, ‘ who have been in
State convention -here or some days, have
finally announced the notnination of Daniel,
Ullman,. Esq., as their candidate fOi'llib-gtiV;-
erimpslop of New York. Mr. C. is en Orni.
rent " Silver Orey " It was
aloe resolved ft) support James W. Barker
for mayor of this - ‘eity . . Mr. Ulltnan has no.
eepted the neminatiukt, and pledged himself,
if elected, to carry out the principles of thd.
order. He received 257 votes out of 4P2.
A large manlier of the membcrs left - before
ll e nomination .was made; , -a.Olisis shown
from Sbe fact that only 482 lio0:s _ were east . 1
whilethe Council opened with tti:l members-
The session is said to have been, more boil,
teions than any other that has ever lieetras-`
sernbled in
,this city. These nominations
make the fourth State tieket2now in the field,
and may lessen the chances of the Whigs
carrying the State.
SuEPIIEIM Or THE VAI.LE . ,---This quondam
Roman Catholic journal, published at St.
Louis, being,deianet, the materials har been
purchased' 1) the members of the order of
"Know-Nothings," who now issue therewith
p'aper called "the True Sherherd of the
Valley, or the IS1)0W-NOalilig," It
is edited ,by 11ProteSt ant elergynian, - thefle::
Dr, J. if. High, and a Mr. J; Giltnan;.
Bask' . CANT4tt"—The Ifttrrisliurg tapers
Contain, applientions to be made to the nest
i,egishtture, of tout state for thirty•three now
hanky, covering a capital of nearly en
iniyhtus of dollar.;. • _
O. 6.
NEw VonK, Oct. 9.)
SEVEN DAYS LikTleat piton Eunorrc.
In Breatiminffe.—Ttumored Pa
cific PropoAli ions—The Crimea. Expe
dition-- Bombardment of Oddestm—De-.
(Anion of tile Otto regarding the at
tack on Sebastopol.
NEw Votti:, ()et. 6.---Tite aeamer Canada
arrlvol at 11;lr Wharf at ti o'clock this murn
in dates from Liverpool to tile
2:ir‘l ult.
The• .-dpatner Ari•tic sailed nn the 20th,
and the Canada brings no litrthor tidings of
The Crimea expedition had landed safely,
~,and. was inarehing on fielmstoPal The
Freaidi mid English governments had an
nouneed officially that 58,000 men had land
ed without opposition at Enpacorio, and
mediatoly mart:lied upon Sebastopol. Also.
that a portion of the transport slops had lefi
and gone to Vacua for 14 1 0 . 00 more of the
French troops.
There was a rumor, however,.that no at
tack would bei made on SebaltOpol this wit -
ter. The ltussian fleet had again run into
Sohaslopol on seeing a part of tlie -, allied
fleet on' that port.-
A report prevailed at Coniffil iti - RfplQ tint
the C
rlidd (111115 . 11 up a peace vropositio'n.
Also, that the C' e cr had asiented to the pro
-11,1;x,1 on-ins of t tilt. thur powers that he was
to witttain an armistice,' and that a
s ti, nwor had heon di spatehod'to pou.pone the
landing of the Crimea expedition ; lint at,
last adviees said steamer 1)(11 not reached
oho li cf. I'horr. w2re douhtc, however, of
this runini• and it wantkid continua ion teller
Awing entitled to much consequetneo. .
Th , ro was a current rop4,rt that the I)atte
ri('s of thles:a had a! , aiii bean Imaiharded.
At fait art•ounts the evaruation of waft,
chin a:Ad cotalik;te. 'bite I~ui
sina ~ ,i:nar.l had 4.1-,,5i0 , 1 the rlllr4.
h.• •ko(.1 this - , ason.
I;n•liuh I;Altie .
1 '1:01,1;!:::.; UN TI1F: WA It.
result•to the AliAtro-Pritsiian negotia
tions are expected until the capture 0 - 1 Se
.Prince_ _Mcii_sLli off_ las _e :t) - :414 4,4 ry
means 44) iniike f' , ...414a5t0p0l
The approacties are guarded by forts. and a .
portion of die roads »timid. -- A proclama
tion has been issued preparing, the citizens
fur resistance to the last extremity. If aw
enemy should ohtain the v l ictory. he says.
then let the. whole 04)re of powder go with
]tile and them into the air."
Other account stir that the nus.-dan works
aro to be extra Lid, to lie sucee.tsfully main
tained, and from the nature or the soil and
entrenehments inst constructed on the land
side cannot but be formidable.
Sehainyl has entered the northern part of
Georgia with IN,OOO men and advanced to
the kimrs. The• Russians were taken com
pletely ht- surprise, and retreated, after it
very feeble resistance, into the mountains.—
Sciminyl carried olf a great (plant booty
ninl made some prisoners of likt . h . rank.—
These movements have had the eltect to COM
pql the ltusiians to relinquish the idea of the
conquest of Turkish Armenia.
The advice.; froM l Madrid reprmull Spain
as quiet and progres3ing Mirly under the
new . govt?rnineut. Then.: had been no fur
ther outbreaks. Mr. Sonle's letter is viewed
with contempt. No further news from hiM.
\(.l tNI)
;!fhe wealhe'r throughout England was very
favnrahle and an abundant. harvest !noilered.
The cholera wad gradually subsiding. No
general news of Moment. "
I 11.% \ CI
Nothio, : ,.. of special importance. All trail
quiet. Abundant crops Ii It U,l)eett procured.
Austria an Prussia. still mai titain the satne
attitude timards llassia and the Allied l'ow-
die i.rup.i and lzarve:,t ii•ere abundant in
)3i 1.:.t1 1 4T1 - I , FS-LTlie'reL Las 1)0011 . fl,:-#00(1
Consumptive demand for AN'llat and Flom
throughout.. The week, nnlC the stock here h . qs,.
become somewhat reduced. Wheat has tack:
per lb.; Flour Is tlda2s pee
-1;b1.-, awl- InAlan "Corn is iu tuir request at
Is MI per quarier-nthMnee.
M 1:716E1i IN• 13.i1i1'1sloak3,-.-The
Sun notices a very shocking murder of Al 4;
INfr:4; Nohle, residing about five and a half
miles from haltiniore, near the Philadelphia •
road. . .
Sintio last Sunday, a Mrs. "Noble; residing
in the above vicinity, on :e little farm with
her It mdminl and three children, was missing,
Atial the children becoming somewhat alarm
ed at the absence of their mother, acquain
ted the neighbors of the filet,' Whou JuStice
Lewis Frankinberger was 116A .. .tiled of the
ease. He immediately set to work for the
purpose ofdi; s eoveriiig the missing woman,--
The body. of the )roman, mutilated in the
most horrible manner Was discovvred in a
.10, übon which nicer)' placed d
large stone, and across the top a plank. A
large another of persons were in search of
the nturdererorho, it is alleged, is the hus
band of the unfortunate wonmn.. His name
is Fredrick Noble, :and when hist' , awl Was
Walking along the road tionditetiax to Bala
einore, having a pack bundle on liiihtwik.
MD.:A(I4IND AND ' NACTIC . E.—The citizens
Ra., are to be edified thit4 week,
by a Miss Bradley, who propose's to lecture
~ou the elevation of woman, She.
tlelivent (our lectures and Bleu, proposes to
d r eam herself by making a Wham u t seension
from the 1? air Grounds.