Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 04, 1854, Image 6

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How to Provide against
We have argued, over and over, that
leep plowing is a protection against dry
veathet. A young man by the name of
I . EORGE E. WAuttiNci, j'r., who, by the
my, is said to be the author' of a good
wok, which we have never seen, writes
the Tribune, an article on (1 mirth wn
alp plowing, which hits both troth and
edson to commend it.
The.4ioi nts on which the farmer needs,
nd may easily obtain instruction, are very
, iinierous, and we propose to notice only
he point in question. It is not too bold
In assertion to say that no !I wo, imertical
iirmer will allow It isempsto sufFr large
• ,
front (/oath. The remedy is simple
nd natural. Subsoil plowing, acemnpa . -
ied by tiiiderdrainimr on wet lands, and
ven without it on those which are sufli
iently,dry, is a sure protection against
this famine producing scourge.
A feW moments reflection will convince
man that•this must Trove an infalli
'tle remedy, because we know that there
: al-ways the same touount of_water
Ind above the surface of the earth. In
xinter there, is more. in the soil than in
iummer ; while in summer that which
tas been dried out of the soil exists in
,he atmosphere, being maintained in a
:apptY condition by the heat resident a
acing its particles. Without this heat it
mist immediately contract and become
•iquid water; and for. this reason a cold
s )itcher• robs heat froino,goik,vapor of a
mauler atmosphere, and causes it to be
leposited in a liquid forin. The cold
airth, at night, is thus supplied with 'dew.
On the same principle Subsoiling pre
.cuts drouth. It opens the ~ m /poi( for a
•irculation of air. This subsoil,.from its
hadcd position, is always cool, and hence
t takes heat from the moisture of the air
termeating it. It acts the part of the
old pitcher. This is the simple, gatiiral
- .!ason for the whole action, and any far
ter in the world mfty-understand it. But
This may be called book : p rm(ng, so I will
I ,ive an example of its practirot charac
I yesterday visited the farm of Prof.
gapes. The whole country about Newark
rears a peculiarly burnt-up.appdarante,
:Id the dust on the roads was deep, even
, - )1' New Jersy. I had previously assert
' Ilhat I knew Mape's farm to be exempt
:out the ravages of drouth, and truly I
mad my predictions fully realized. Not ,
single plant seemed suffering for want
moisture ; and with their roots deeply
• wilted in the subsoil, they seemed fairly ,
) snap their fingers at the cloudless sky,
and rather to - rail at old Sol for trying to
nterfere with their private affairs.
One crop of Corn deserves especial no
ice from Its absolute magnificence Not
4ithstanding the fact that it is growl ig
n the ticrth-Weste'rn slope of a hill, and
tas not been visited by rain for weeks,
ct it stands, apparently regardless of all'
intoward circumstances; and, althpugh,
'rom its location and unfavorable sdation,
me would think forty bushels per acre a
arge yield,• it will, without doubt,--ber
__water one hundred bushels per
Mere is an instancewheriitruly scierailie
inowledge hits_ren - dered its possesSors en
irclykidcpendent of the greatesii draw-
Imo - 1i - to ordinary success, and enabled him .
to raise good crops in a bad season.
If this isootpeaetimifir rum bly, 1 would
„.itslc i smite feill - Olver.of the grandfather sys
tem to tell us
Let the devotee of National growth ask
himself which
_will priOuce the greatest
benefit to the country, doubling our com
merce, or inducing every farmer to .use
the subsoil plow and tkiininW-tile.
Rule for Raising Poultry.
We find the following in the papers
without credit and alo not know its ori
gin :, •
1. All young chickens, ducks and tur
keys sionld be kept under cover of the
weather during rainy seasons.
2. Twice 'or three times a week, pep_
.per; shallots; shires, or garlic, should be
mixed up with their food. -
3. A small lump of assaft,etida should
be placed-in the pan in which their water
is given them to - drink. I,
4. Whenever they manifest disose,by
the dropping of their wings or any bther
outward, si!rns•of ill-health, a little as t:m
ftetida_brol'icn into lumps;
ed with their foOd. -°•
(!hic,lceluwytkiell arc 1;(Tt from the
dunghill. while young koldcfni have the
gaps; therefore it should be the object of
those who have the charge of them, so to
confine the -hens as to preelude_ their
young from the gauge of barn or stable
6. Should any chickens have the gaps,
mic up small portions of assaftetida, rhu
barb .and pepper into fresh butter; and
give each chicken as mach of the mixture
as wilt lie on half the bowl of a small
tea ipo; n.
7. For the pip the following treatment
,indidions : Take off the indurated cov
ering on the point of the tongue, and give
twice a day, for two orthree days a piece
of garlic the size of a pea ; if garlic can
not be obtained, onion, shallot or Olives
will am:wer, and if neither of these be
convenient, two grains of black pepper,
given in fresh butter will answer.
R. For the snueffles, the same remedy
as for the gaps will be highly curative,
but in addition' to them it will be neces
sary to melt a, little assafeettda in fresh
Imam., take care to clean them out.
9. Grown up ducks are sometimes ta
ken off rapidly by convulsions. In such
cases four drachms of rhubarb and fOur
grains of Cayenne pepper, mixed in fresh
butter should be administered. Last year
we , lost , several by this disease, and this
year the,seme symptoms manifested them
selves among them; but we arrested the
malady without loosing a single duck, by
a dose of the above medicine to such as
were ill. "One of the ducks - Was at that
time paralyzed, but was thus'seved.
Ever Bearing. Strawberries ,
_ Ai l ook entitled ,‘‘ A Complete Manuel
for the cultivation of the Strawberry,•by
R. (l, Pardee," kits just been placed in
our hands, which gives, among other
things, the following in reference to Pea
. body's Ever-Bearing Strawberries:
On the 20th December last, Mr. Pea
body took up a few plants in fruit from
h-s garden, and placed them, with the
soil attached, in a basket, and sent them
by express to ,:%lessrs. J. M. Thorsburn
& Co., 13 John street, New York. On
I their arrival, on Christmas day, they were
well loaded with large, ripe noveys and
Early Starlets—unmistakably so—togeth
er witrip large variety of green fruit, of
all sizes, from that of a pea upwards to
full grown berries. They remained on
exhibition in their windows some two or
three weeks,when they were politely hand
•ed to us, and We had them potted in a
green house, with soil composed mostly of
sand. The plants all grew finely; in
; March they came into blossom, and in
May into ripe fruit. The foliage was
I very small, but healthy. They continu
ed in blossom and bearing during the
months of May,
June and July, without
sending out a single runner. and some of
the plants at the present time (the 4th of
August) are in blossom, and have not
started' a runner. On one of the pots
which had no runners started, we placed
a very little rich soil, and in a week the
plant threw up vigorous runners, caused
by the slight addition to the richness of
the soil.
The inferenee we draw from all this is,
that no variety is ever-Venting under our•
usual manner of treatment, but the most
kinds can be so trained, that with a soil
reduced largely enough with sand, and
only vegetable manures applied, and' 'll .
plenty of water, and mulching when need
ed, they will continue to produce fruit
.until the approach of frost.' The whole
tendency our experiments in strai'Vber
,riesis in this direction. Professor Page
has,/ in Washington city, it is stated, in
duced the . A lice Maude to adopt the ever
bearing habit.
There is many a small patch in the
garden, that may be sown - bm Turniiis, so
late as September. The Red Strap Leaf
is the best variety fur late sowing, and the
Red Top. is the nextlbest. The turnip
will grow Aintil late in November; until
the ground. begins to 'freeze.. Last yOar
we sowed where we had early , Cabliages,
and in some other spots, and had over
twenty bushels of beautiful bulbs, where
nothing would have grown without them.
•ie - 0
ound should be hoed over, and
dr4ed with sulpher-phosphate of lime,
or a Tittle guano, and then rake in the
seed. If the fall should be wet, yoq,..will
have turnips enough for your table dim'
the winter, on a very small piece of land.
Squash and cucumber vines arelegin
ning to die, the early beets are gone, and
the onions are already gathered. Sow
the vacant spot with the Strap Leaf 'Tur
nip, and see what collies of it.—.,fin)ricun
1)A nor SMatvir.-1-lave ready two pans
in boiling., Water, and6ii the milk coming
to the dairy, take the but pans out of the
Water, put the milk in one, of them, and
cover it with the other. This will"cause
a great • increase in the thicknosq and
quantity of erettin.:•--;= ef.wPo,pem , (k
Late Turnips
Froressiond Q--arbs.
N. GREEN, Attoroy ;at lay?, has
A • settled In Ificelmniesburg, for titti pructireof la's
profession. All Mods of Logali , Wrlting, Collections,
Court business, &c.. promptly attended to. Office oppo
site Dr. Long's residence.
Gl3. COLE Attorney at Law,.will at
tend promptly to all Inrsinessentrusted to him.—
(Mire tip the room r.rmerly occupied hY , William Irvine,
Esq., North Hanover street, Carlisle.
April 29, 18.52.
11E. 13TADIENTITAL, 1 1 1()-
y m(EopArrlije PH YSICI AN. ' Oltleo and restolonvo
on Lunth o r street.. one ddtol• oast of the -Herman
formed Church. Ur. Illumetatlud rtaptuttfully Often:
Protest:Moat services to the citlions of Carlisle nod
-Persons from Ineo laboring; under ch runic
.lisua,o: roar 1. , 1151 or. 0111 cc 1111111 R, fir an 7 to
9 A. M., and 2, to .1 Ettntii,'C..4tf
1).1 1 1 :1,
and sumdsnding ranntry.
Met• :11'11i rt'iti;l , ll , o in . south - Hanover street, directly
(pp - site to the Volunteer Mike."
. Carlisle, April 20. Isf.3.
EAR. 'S. B. K I ETTER Office 'in North
lltrinover street tw Aonrs from Weise & Campbell's
Otllce hours, more partiramly from 7 to 11 o'clock,
A. M., and from 5 to 7 o'cloiik, P. M.
' 0,01 . , operations upon the teeth and adjacent
parts that disease or irregularity may require. lie''*
also insert Artificial Teeth of every description, such as
Pivot. Single and Block teeth. and teeth with "Contin
uous Gums," and will construct Artificial Palates. 'Oh
tunttors. Regulating Pieces, and every appliance used in
the Dental Art. —Operating room at the residence of
Dr. Samuel Elliott, East high street s Carlisle.
, - .
..: in
~., - - DR GI:011(1 E
• x i i,,,,,
z. BRETztvil: p.,r
form any operations tip m
the teeth thnt may he required Mr their preseryntion.—
Artificial teeth inserted. from a single tooth to an entire
sot, on the most scientifie principles. Diseases of the
month anti irregularitii?s earofully treated. Office at the
residence of his brother, on North Vitt street. Carlisle.
Ilt. e, 1,00-
r ),‘,/ w ill p'erfiiri
operations upon (.110
Teeth that are required for their preservatiun,mieli its
I ivg:llltrir. - Pliwing7 ,Le:l - iir—wi I I—reatere
them by inserting artificial Teeth. from of single to,th
to a full sett. (dire on Pitt street II few .1. ors
south of the Itallroad hotel. Pr. T.. Is ilsent frem-rar
lisle the last ten days of every month.
il,l N. (iSENST E E r 4,
' Vaney and Ornamental Painter. Iryha's (fonuerlv
larper'st Row, near It Dry Stem Ile u 111
attend promptly CO ell the above descriptions of paint
ing, at reasonable prices. Thlf kinds of graining
attended to, such as mahogany, oak. walnut, &c„ in the
improved styles..
iiiiiii:•zcilip)L.Newville, Pa.—The WINTER SES.-
: 4 1%0; will cidureence in Tuesday, the ith of November,
nd eon tio tie ft NA' tuentlei. Careful instruction hi given
by competent telichers in the „departments of Classical,
Mathematical and English education. The whole ex
penses f r tuition, boarding and lodging, with a room
furnished, ittitt per term. For further particulars, apply
to either of the subseribers nt \1 wt lite, I'a.
uulseirr McPACIIREN, Principal,
W. It. LINN, A. M.,
et • M 11.,
cCACIIItEN, Jr., A. 1 Pra "" s '
TuTE. Male and Female seperate and distinct.—
A M k:C11 kNICNIIUIIO, pt. Rcn . .l , 'S. S . L)osp,,
Principal. assisted by five Teachers.
The Winter SCSSIOII of this Institution will open to
revel. o students on. the Ist Nov. The facilities which
arc offered by tills Institution to both sexes, for obtain
ing' a finished education are unsurpassed by any similar
Seminary in the State. .
r Tho liMildhigs aro now and eommodinua, and the
grounds ornamotited. The BEM ALE l' A ETA! EN T
Is now entirely separate. and mndueted by Now England
Teachers. It is heated In the beautiful Talley of Cum
berland, unsurpassed for its healthfuhress—aoressible
by Hall Rend—ti miles distant from I larrlsttrg.
Ono hundred and twenty students have been in at
tendance during the Collegiate year.
T It NI St
Board. and Itoon.PllnliSbed per St.,;SiOn
or 21 Weeks •-
For Circulars alul information noolress
ropt2n--tt Mechanicsburg, Climb. Co., Pa.
W , 1 , 111 AC A
I Tl es ~lof 14T 1 1 ).14', N e
I e
ghth !litr
of this popular and flourishing Institution will com
mence on Monday, the nth of November next, under the
most favorable auspices. During the present year such
hOprovements and additions have been made as its in
creasing patronage demanded. The Principal will he as
sisted by a full corps of competent and experienced
teachers, and special attention will ho paid to health
and comfort of the Students.
114,ar11ng. NVashing and Tuition In the English Branch
es, and Vocal Music, per Session, (d months) `sts.oo
Instruction In Latin and Greek, each, - 5.00
French and German - - 5.00
" I nstrum en t, a I Music, - - 10,00
The attention of parents and guardians Is earnestly
Invited to this Institution. Circulars wlll hi , furnislmd
and any inf. .rmation will he given, on application, either
personal or by letter to
I). DENLINGEE, Principal.
Sept. 13, 1551. 14 IlarriSburg, l'n.
r3LAIN F1E1,1) ( 1.1(s:.ioal Academy, near
I Carlisle, Pa .The 1 , th Session will etninnenee 3LAV
Ist, A retinal and healthful loenthin, with thorough
instruction In the various departments of (I:Cl:if:Aral or
Nlerea atilt , education.
Turnis--hoard and Tuition (per res , 10;11 i.(10.00
For Catalogues with full Jurr:nation addroao;
, •
Principal 111111 Prnmietor.
Plainfield, Cumberland county, la.
Carlisle, Pa. The Fall term of this Sehoid will
eunnuenee on 3IONDAY, tho 4th tAeptember, and eon
thine eleven weeks. Tuition froni.EiN e to Ten dollars,
a,,ording to t h e studies moaned. For further ItitLrina
tion the prliwipal, F. DOWNING.
Carlisle, AuA.
1101tN S111'11:4 ERS.---NANDEIeti PAT-
V) ENT COEN 511E1.1.1.1t the boat mu, ph e a
out nnw In two. FaIIIIVES art , 11 , 111L , Sted to Call all PN;-
11111i110 Wilt 1110 01111,411. 1 .. .1111111'y 1111 , 1 Shop. pr
nt I , to.ton's 11nrdware ;. ,, b au. For 1,4/11. , nt reasq/lable
prices by
Au:, :2-4110 & BMWS.
U A(, \V AN:l'Ef).—The highest
ptt,ol,lll i pall In eal.ll for Sumac In largo br
small quantities, if doll; ered Ent
'street, Carlisle. JACOB
Juno 1.4,
A lIAS El ENG .MACII I NE,S of the
Lest nuitiu
etl,tai,tly im li.tad and for Fale at the
Foundry and 'Maeldae Shop.
• • OA Itl /NEI: k BIte.EWN.
AV E .1 1 11 4 71. ' A
!odd for 1)1,1) METAL. sln•h" Copilot ' IltaK, niul
It6n, RI lb° Carnsii , FI I IIIII.IQ 1111,1 11:11 . ( 1111 1 Sll,lll.
,1; UI')AVS.
fIESII 11.131 5 .1 NI ) i ) 1114 4 :1 1 1tEE
, om , r ,
Iri art ni-t.t • nit ntr euri•A II 1:1IS and 1)1;11:1?
1 1 .1%)•:F..inst e I (11 ,, 11 !•Inn,t; mid tln• Nuln nt.
A1'11,1.1 A NIS•' Pnnally
I. in 1 1:1111 , 11 ,,, t
IN ENV ( )(% )8.---Tlto ;-:tibsei•ilior
„ 1 .,•,.10.z.., p iut Kols
011,10. att tutilo
isj.t'apertown, Cumberland' county.—
erry,„l: I IAS .SEY Mra
colnuelo nu p
za !d
laFrizzp ply Lumber of all kinds, at the nhortest
--. , :a-notlce. and on terms lower than can be
had elsewhere. All orders dlrected to E. HASKELL, l'a
pertown or Wm. p. Smcntour.,Jr.,Carlisle,lvill be prompt
ly attended to.
Feb. 22-ly
(if r AS PIT
TING AND l'l,li3lß
tv vundorslgnetl would hifortn thy
e11,17.1`11$ of earliSk. )1111). )11) haa made arrange ,
manta totlott.V. PITTINIi and at Anat no
tire:. and on reasonahltrtertos.. Ile haN engaged the Far
-01.11 first rate hand from Philadelphia. aindliza , sup
liharrdf a ith 1111 t1.111.1V I.Ss.rtniet;t of FI.Vi
mill enalde hint In Idl all orders pr.mptly.
All work will he ‘varranted. lIuF sl, , rk of Caq Pis lure:-
I,IIMA , found in di le 11.1111 e3 , 11111y 011pliSi) , 2 Ii 'ltuuin4
VStalliSlllllelll on North /1111)f,111 . :4/1.14, V, hero 11, ,
TINNING, SPOUTING, Is also propared t.
furnish. rr make to order, every article of TIN W Al7l
used by. housekeepers and others. 110 will :luso aura(to :141171'E5,(1. 1101313E-ItOUYING, BELL HANGING
and RINCi.
'Thankful for the patronage with which - lie has alread3
been ta:orcal, he respectfully solicits n continuance o:
the same.
x Carlisie, June 14, '44
HEI I.IIN respetfully ferules the citizens of Car
..., - .., . - lisle and vicinity. that he has just return.
l i i,,'.. ,' „--- • ed fn an California, and 114 prepared toexe
-.11., - 1 / 4 cute all kinds of work eon fleeted with his
~-..'''.`""/ ••••• . DM! of laisiniwi. -Ile has al ways ou hand
.., , ~ a large assorttnent of ready-made Rifles,
Guns. Pistols, Locks, Keys, Gun Trimmings. &c.. all of
which' he will sell wholesale or retail, lie also attends
to repairing Guns, clocks, lock., fie; engraves en brass,
copper and Iron. Ile hopes that by strict attention to
business. and a desire to please, he will merit and receive
v aidic patronage. ..
.0v- All kinds of Fire Arnig Made to order.
Carlisle. April 26, 185.1-ly
..(I ,
4"" )3 I.'. N. y• - . est !Hell strt et, a few
• 3 west of Durl.hulder's
Hotel, Carlisle. has julit
'7 COI re,l the largi st amiLtrruk
elegant assortment of supe.
Hoe Jewelry over offered in Carlisle,. consisting in pan t
of Gold and Silvilr Nl'ntelies of es era verb ty. and at, all
prices,_ist„htylay CLOCKS, Silver table and ten terra s.
idlver - tatle - f - rks-and-liutter-knives_gahl...and silver
spectacles, ladles' and geritlemens' gold pen and pencil,
gold chains of every description, ear *and finger rings,
breast pins, Re.. at all prices. Also A mordeotim and Mu
sical Boxes, with a great variety of Fanry A rtielm
leetedoxpressly fir the holidays. Persons desiring to
purchase an• lirsited to call and exatidnetheitssiortment.
IV,• are prepared to sill at very reasonable prices. Qual
ity of goods warranted to be as fine as sold fi r.
Wisst High st.
. .
j ROOMS.—A. li. KEET having taken the Baguet'.
ream rooms In Marion Hall, known as A. It. Tubb's flat
tery. desires to Winn the Ladies and flentlemen of Car
lisle that he Is prepared to take Likenesses in the mist
superior style of the art. such ns will fully sustain the
reputation of this. popular establishment. ins robins
are large. pleasMitly situated and comfortably furnish
ed. Ile is pnivided witli the most powerful and perfect
instrument for taking pictures and warrants satisfac
tion in all cases. A full supply of cases of every variety
of style and size, plain and ornamental, kept constantly
on hand. Engnil hugs. Paintings, ,tc.,.accurattily copied
and duplicates taken, of original likeneses. Likeneses
taken of sick or deceased persons. Prices moderate and
satisfinition given in all rases. The- public is invited to
call at this Marion Hail Daguerrean Rooms and examine
the numerous specimens.
Daguerreotypes inserted du Lockets, Breast Pins,
Finger Rings, Pencil Heads,
Carlisle, June 1.011.
LIA NIT IFS New s Clothing Establish-
MENT—The undersigneded respectfully announces
to his old friends and the public generally' that he has
ressmmoneed• the CLOTHING BUSINESS in all Its a
ti.lus branches. anVints just opened. fresh from the city,
at •• Leonard's Corner," North Ilanov er street, a ,tell se-
Meted assortment ,f READY MADE ci.tyl'lnt:o, em
bracing, every variety, sty it, and finish, and at prices cor
responding to the times and quality.
Ile has also uni hand a superior stock of CI. tbs. eassi
mores. Vestings, kr.. of every style suitable • for spring
and Summer wear, and W filch he will make to enter on
terms which cannot fail to please.
ins stock also embraces a iint9nt. of Men's Shirts,Col.
Mrs, Cravats, (Moves and Hosiery: in short ivory' article
pertaining to gentleman's wear. Ito respectfully invites
the call and examine his goods.
April •24 18.54. N. ii.tyren. •
L" I Nti. The subscriber continues -to carry. on the
ialstve business, In all Ito various branehes. in North Han
over street, Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard's corner
where ho Intends keeping on hand a 'general assortment
In his line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD
' 1/141iS, Bridles, Martingales, Ilirths.
~. .CI [Angles an d Hal ters, Idso T Ittl NHS,
v.,,.0 i ITvtl I wallsatl e
1 0 ~..r)rn.):.
a utii , c r, tt r i ri r x
the ilg l ot , :, i l l% mat
I ' , :‘,' i- B, i l l . lt ß i t l r7v, O and B n tlZe er 'ifTSl7ll;, (l, a il i l la t t l (i- l'
same, clurtlle nail pie:thvnt saddle
. . Will di) well to call and see them. Ile
also manufactures Harness. liritiks,
Collars and Whips In all their varie
ties., and conf:detitly believes from the general approba
Hon of hiseustoiners , that ho makes the neatest I id
best gears, ill all their 1 - trlety or bredth, that is ma
the country. Ile also makes all kinds of Matrasses it
order, viz: Straw. Husk, Curled Hair and Spring Mate
rasses. All the above articles Win i.e tondo Or the'best
material and workmanship, and with the. utmost des
patch. ' M M. °SHORN.
C ,
11,01'111NC; AT COST—The suhserib
,/rer has 1m assortment of fashionable and well made
Cl.ifrinNo. wiiich will inl sold off at cost tier rash.
'nit' stock consists of Cloth and Clothinarett Coats, Lin
en and ainginun Coats, Tweed and teat Coats; Marseills
Ilk and Satin Vesting; Cassimers Jean's zind Cord pan
taloons, Linen and Cottpnade pantalons, with all Linda
of Clothing'Zhililly'fouild in a clothing store.
intending to relinquish this branch of my business,
great bargains can be had by calling soon at the cheap
store of CIIA It LF.B 01111.11 Y. '"" ,
CA It PPM Ntl.—A few pieces just received from auction
and selling very le*.
.luno 21, 'A. .
(1. FTOtial❑ h: vine fal.en the ••IWashl 41,
ton H'Y • otel " lately kept by Mr. 11. L. Iturlshol- 11 2 ,1
der. is ptqlstred to accommodate his friends anit.the pub
lic generally. Every effort will to made I:M
-ist-log.1(ln to such as May favor him with their patronogo.
Terms moderao. (Carlisle. May 10,12454.
CI A PE—S I*, El )1' —S URE !—S o o—
• Lys • TIIINti FOR YOUR OWN nrAmprr!!! A' 3k:di
vine adapted to general use, greatly superior to others,
and wEthin the means of every individual.
RM. PILLS for twenty-the mute Ku .extortiou,,
prim--no Calimtel—no minemi poison m hatever, ,
Int..Towsu's URA mu PILLS fully merit thegreat;
reputation they havenequired. They am 'railed tbr from,
all parts of the land, bemuse vuty ALI: ALL THAT THEY
01,1111 TO HE.
ITAT lio—Thos purls)' tho blood • t bey.
clonso the System of limners, they cure Dyspepsia and
luilif:estifer, they create an Appetite, they cure jkLick
II eatlacho,ol:fzlncss and Low Spirits, they arrest I , e cis.
they Imamate a healthy art ion of the Liver, they are a
aura 1.111 . 0 ti , C( . 1,41)C114 , !:S altd Valdtlllll 1'1 111 , 411)M
thi.y highly efficacious In Female l'fatiplaints. they
,trefie, t hen mut give toile to the System. They are the
Lent I tnuily )ledleifie :known,
It is 2111 ltiVll,ll 4 .lll.jltiry,ll:llV nno I110(11 , 1111! Can 1•111 . 0f-0
many dilf,t,lit rotnpinlnis, These Pills. liowever, an, SO
1.1111pt , 1111111 . 1(,t , irm alive materials that persrMn My, 0
1, (a Tit TIII:At una tin. ziiii..wor will 1. I:mutt-tit a rat
a:faaraaal laaaaly :anal an Int ;gni - MA,' manatiantion,
oof,fm. 100 at
pfiv , of 27) cor.O. Evury It 111.1 bayt.
hy the t.'tee,l:eciives .:,000rttly•
(4: l +.uirxni
I''l >i na gt.tioral ;
--.1A31E8 R. WEAVER wont,' respeefeully call
~ ,,• -.;., 7 77.. the attention of llouse-keepers and the public
to his extensive stock of elegant FUR N 'TURF.,
including Sofas', Wardrobes Centre and Tal les.,
Dressing and Plain Bureaus. and es ery other
article in his branch of business- Also now on hand,
the largest assortment of CHAIRS In Carlisle. nt
the lowest prices. ACIFFINS made at the.shrrt
est notice'and a Hearse provided-for funerals. Ile
solicits a call at his establishment, on North Ilan- •
over streel. near Illasse's trotel.
Aro:Furniture hired out by the month or year.
„ a 4
;AI over and ',outlier sts,
,•d has always - on hand ft large strelf of superil r I 'al Met
Wan , : in all the ,lifferent styles. which he is !allured tO
sell at the lowest pokes. Ile ins Res attention pa rtiest•
larly to the Pt TENT Bortosl BEDsI r.%1), a most
useful article, Nvlllell entirely obviates all oljeetions.—
The hottoni can be attached to old Bedsteads. They Ilave
entire. satisfaetion to all who have thorn In lige.
4.t1,• COFFINS made to order at the shortest !mike.
Nt . • - •
. - rtli H _
Hanover street. next door to
Glasss Hotel.
iiP "would 'respectfully inform the
citizens of Carlisle and the public generally, that ho
has now on hand a large and elegantassortmebt of FUR-
N ITLItt E. consisting in part of Card and oth
er Tables. Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads. plain and fancy
Sewing Stands, Ace., manufattured of the best material
and quality warranted.
Also a general assortment of CIWIIS at the lowest
prices. VF.NITIAN MINDS made to order, and repairing
promptly attended to.
en - COFFINS made at the shortest notice; rind har
ing a splendid hearse he will attend funerals in town or
country. "
ail • Remember the stand=noxt door to H. GleFs'e
hotel. R. 'lt. SM)LEY.
Stork ,nn) ;flops.
• •
I am just receiving my Fall
•St ntock of l!A MI( 11.4:s Ci I,N l;
which' su Floss I n sty 10, quail ty
and prim any Ulla buy a ev er
been exhibeted in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a call
front persons in want .1' Paper Hangings of any deSerip-
Lion. as I am confident Ity assortment far snriaoses any
In the Itorangli; and iii ktyle tint, pricer: hits but few ri
vals in the city. I only ask of the public to call and ex
:Wine me ri.,olllltitt before mu chasing, as I alll
uesignS—Unillrefall - to Timm—the _Held
fastidious. 3011 N I'. I,V N E.,
West side of North Hanover Street,
The williserlbilr would respectfully inform his friend:Laud
the public gi.nerally, that he has jolt returned from the
city With a lame and varied assortment of
(11101 (1 idiSS and , Q 1;13 , .N S-NV AI;
FISIE, which ho offers for sale on Ur
most reasonable terms, at his Now Stun
corner of North lianover street and the I'M
lie Square, directly oppcsite the Carlisle he
pcsit Bank. If stock emlwases everything usually
in a tirocery and Variety sta re.
The pubfic are invitea to call and examine his stork
heil , repurchasing elsewhere.'as he feels vont dent he eau
sell the hest goods,at the lowest prices..
GEUIO HELLER rexpeetfully anntlllllCPH to WS
- .
old Patrons and the public generally that he bag just re
erived the FA 1.. h. STYLE OF GENTLEMEN'S
HATS, inanufacture_d at of of the hest estalaish
mentsiii Philadelphra, - toZehieh he Invites special
attent len.
He has also constantly on hand a large and varied 111.-
paranoia of his own manufacture as well as city made
Hats and Caps, suitable for the season, comprising every
variety of Russia, heater, Moleskin and t.'ilk Hats, fin
ished in the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CAI'S of every . shape and description, and at every
price. Ile particularly invites the public to call and ex
amine his execnsive assortment, which in style, mate,
rill and finish. cannot be surpassed by any in market,
and which he is able to put at prices lower than ever.
Remember his old stand on North Hanover street, be
tweeze limner's and toner's stores.
WM. 11. TROUT, desires to inform his old friends
that he has removed' to his new establishment on High
street, near the Railroad Depot, :MA is now opening
ill large and elegantlissortment of the FALL STYLE
..6.1 . 1 ‘ OF HATS, just received from Philadelphia, which
the gentlemen of Carlisle are•reit nested Wadi mot
examine. Ile has also a large assortment of Silk, Fu:
:toil Slouch hats oe his ow n mannfacture, get up in thti
best sty le and at various prices, the excellence and finis
un nhieh he will warrant. Ills stork he is confident on
ly needs to be examined to be approved. Also, a larger
Supply of lthelis, Boy's and CLibtren's CAPS, of tic,
and 1 ur,,and of every variety of style and price just INN
eel% eel Philadelphia. lot all who wait :t lint or
Cop !rho him a call. as Olga may be sure of being hutt
ed to their own satisfactfort.
fitOTHING! C.LOTIIING ! The .sub
kiserther la now having made up a lot of Fashionable
and Sul stantial Clothing which he will .soil ns ditonp if
not cheaper than any establishment in the hork,tigh,""
The stock will consist of
0 V E It C 0 A T 8,
The Clothing will be made out of none tut the Mgt
quality of goods; cut out by an esperienred and good
cutter, and the work got up in the best manner multi
the best of hands. We hat e now on ha n d a lot 4 chola,
Clothing. and all wo ask is 'for purchasers to give us a
call and they will be pleased with. the work and prtce4.
At the old stand ou East Main street.
1 OO'I'S AND Sri OES. The. subscrib
i F rr has now on hand a very extensive and
lected stork of 110 0 T S and S II O E 5.
which he M ill sell at unusually low pH,
es. Purchased from wholesale dealers,
at low rates. he can offer such induce
molts to purchasers es st ill make it their u.:terest to viss
it his establishment. Ile has every article in the BOtot .
and How. Ladies' or' flentlemens' tvear---Iro
therellve deems it unnecessary to particularize.
to- Persons desiring good and cheap goods are Invtt,
ed to give blur a call.
WA It Iti—Old honsckeepers and young, with th,qa, ,
also who are expecting to become housekeepers..areinTff
ed to eall at HALBERT'S FAMILY GROCEliVand ex
amino hi, elegant assortment oft Irina, Glass and IQ uremia.
ware and other sulkies in the housekeeping 11.. 0 , oth .t,
as French anti English tea sets, heavy batkiledaridpla'Ai,
White lira nite:gilded :mil blue plain. Dinner sets or V -
ory'Nariety and price. bowls and nitchers. tureens. dish
es, ' tilass-ware—centre table arid mantel burp.,
Candelabras and Other latups.great vanity, table and bar
tumblers. goblets, Se. -Fruit and preserve dishes. hi va
riety. Cedar-warts—tulis, buckets, churns. bowls. but tile
print:rand lo,dles, meal buckets. 4c.
white wash, serubbing. hand and sh o o brushes, dusters,
brooms, &c. Market, clothes and travelling baskets.
Also a choice assortment or Tohlre, and.Segars.. Call
ye who are fond a. choke brands of Se g ars nod try
Principe.. Regallas:StelfanriiN and otherCUl a
and you is 11l timid them of onhopenehatlo quality'. Also
half Spanish anti COllllllOll SlfgarS, tt its eb,,ke mutt mod
I'lloll'lllg totaveo.
T() () K °TIT Ti E
ji morbus„tholr , Dysentery, Dia m
rtia,, k.,• are Hulking.
Von bleu, the remedy. if
any regard for tits a el ilhroof your , elf, your wife t.ry..ur
children. supply yetir,olvrs ttith 111:1VIIEWS ATt 11-
1.1.r , S CAM Id .x
nultinF 11 . 1111 a 142:0.0 afitlO'r'on,... 1, 0 ~jd
".Nlatchloss 'Rowed)" call he had at the - Drug storo of
It. ./.. K I Elq It.
Smith 11,1111 , vvr street. a few tloots witt It of the t sari
1A C 1 LINE II 01 I'..—Avery- :miler,-
notol.• of oil. fi ,r Fro iv nm iIiOPA. jll,t,
01 ai
—('hol r