11l - - enforced in this '4ntry: O 7 the contrary, f a majority of the. people do not desire the enactment of such a law, they should come " forward and say so. DEATH OF AN EDITRESS.-ATS. Ann Itbyal the well known editress of fl.; "Huntress," published in Washington city for many years died on Sunday last, at a very advanced age. VZ—The Connecticut papers say that po tatoes are the hest crop in that State this year, yielding three times the usual amount. gig - D r `' FRANKLIN'S name has been immor- Salized hi varicus ways, and it is connected with nume rous popular Institutions. Among thu mast popular places o ith which it is associated la Franklin Place. Philadelphia. on the corner of which. No. Ell Chesnut Street. is the Swot popular Clothing Establishment of Wilson, the largest, cheapest, best and most fashionnble in the country. I'alpitati of the heart, Nervous Diseases. Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, rostivencss and Piles. are all relieved and cured in an incredildy short spare of time. by Carter's Spanish Mixture, the groat tonic and purifier of the blood. It contains not a particle of Mer cury, Opium or any noxious drug; it Is perfectly harm less, and has cured more than five hundred cases of dig• ease. We call only refer the reader to the eortiflrates, a few Of which may be found lir another colunin,.and all of vvhich are„detailed in full around the bottle. It is the greatest of all Spring an Fall Medicines, and possesses. an influence over the blood truly remarkable. * 4 4 Sec Advertisement. ra- The circulation of the blond is justly esteemed the greatest ordlnatiod of Divine Providence; by that heating engine. the heart, it is driven to all parts of the system, giving , vigor and strength to the complicated machinery of nine. This living, flood. wht.ther we sleep or Wake sallies beskly through the arteries and returns softly through. the veins. 11,,w necessary that-it should be kept fri.e from all impurity, and yet how negligent many are reverting this great essential to the enjoy. meld of perfl.ct health. Derangement in the Liver and Nerves is generally the primary cause: and Jaundice, Indigestion, end all the harrassinig feelings attending Dyspepsia. which makes life n burthen result from it.— Suicide would rapidly follow suicide, if there was no cure. No one would suffer long, If he Is able to obtain a bottle of Midland's celebrated tferMan Bitters, pre pared by Dr. C. 31. Jackson, Philadelphia, they rarely fill in aireeting a permanent cure. • DYSPEPtit A.-11 has been the studs' of Ph v Arians. to discover cone remedy for this unisf distressiMr, ennpilint. Whether they have been succes.sfuli remains for the suffers to her. There are, to this country, hun dreds of thousands who are suffering from indigestion. —probably, In nicst races, mused by their own imprudence in.living. To these we would say try Myers' Extract of /lock Rose. It has cured. and will cure, the worst and most obstinate cases. of Dyspepsia. and all its concomi tants—Costiveness, Sick-hcrolache, ilcartburn, Flatulen cy, Acidity, ,tc. Sec the following rertiticaltes:-, Rev. A.R. h. Mvxas—Dear the winter of 1847-S. I suffered beyond description with Dyspepsia,and a train uf othee evils dependent on It. I had applied to various Doctor:, and a number of nostrums had been recommen ded to no purpose: I procured and used two bottles of your Extract of Rock Rose, and found almost immediate relief, so much so. that I have used no othe medicine since. and to fact, I can find no other, which in my deli berate opinion, can bear comparison to yours. And in all cases, when I have the opportunity, I re, commend your Extract, as standing first oh-or all-others. Let all who are thus afilicteth try it, and find what I have found. Truly Yours, 01p. LI—CONKLIN West Meriden, Conn. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE Aor.—Fartnorg, Families, Manufacturers and others, can purehuse no Remedy equal to Dr. TOIIIAS' Venetian Liniment, for Dysentery, Colic, Croup, Chronic. Rheuma tism, gainsey, Soar Throat, Toothache, Sea Sickness. Cuts, Burns, Swellings, Old SI /reS, Mosquito Bites, In mid Stings; Pains in the Limbs, Chest. Back, /tr. If it does not give relief, the money willbe refunded—all that is asked is a trial, and use it according to directions.— The article is an English remedy. and was used by Will. IV. King of England. and certified to by him as a cure fir Rheumatism. when everything else recommended by his physicians had failed, , OVer 10.000,000 bf bottles have been sold in the Unit ed States. without a single fidlure,; and families have stated that It Was worth $lO per bottle, they never would be without it. in rase of Croup. as it is as certain es it, is applied. It cures Toothache In three minutes: fiends:ie in half an hour, and Cholera, when first tak en. in a few hours. It is perfectly innocent to take In t :niftily, and has the recommendation of many of the most eminent Physicians in the United States. Price. 25 and 00 cents. - Dr. Tobias has also put up n tinily - font for biomes. in (dot bottles. which is warranted--cheaper and better han any other, for the cure of Colic, “alls. Swellings, old Sores. Cuts. Bruises, Scratches, Cracked Ilfel, Price, si) r e nts. Dr. Tobias could fill n dozen newspapers with the cer tificates and letters received. Mating t 4 the wonderful Cures accomplished by his Liniment, but considers that warranting it Is sufficient. n any person who tiot obtain ,rollef—need not pay for it. There has tleoplr+, I'6lol worthless medicine sold to the publie, thld 14 To bias wishes his article to rest on its own merits. and, if Le gin vs the vain', of the ;foamy received, then-le asks the , patvonage id the public, not otherwise. DII. TOBIAS' Office, 240 CiILEENWIt'II Street, New Vorlt. For sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut streets; Dyntt A:. Si, 132 N. Second street ;'l'. It. Callender, 85 tt. Third street, titid by the Druggists throughout the United States. MARRIED. On the with of A ugust..by the Rey. Gen. W. Showman, Mr. FREDERICK OOODYEAR to MiEs MARIA BRANDT nll bf this county. pimp, , At ihe residence of his mother-In-law, Mrs. Draham, in Allegheny county. on the Vt.h. inst., Mr. JAMES IiUSToN, son of John linsten, of Dickinson township, this counts, aged ;12 years and :1 months. The IkeenSt'll leaves a riff and one child to mourn his loss. At fine Glove Furnace, on the Pith pit., Mrs. MARY MARTIN, aked 7 - 4 years. fiITMBEIO,AND VALLEV 3hile and Female SPperate,ooll distinct.— At. Wen mcMai'uo. Vey. .10S. S. LOOSE, A. M., Principal ‘ assi,ted 'five Tea: hors. Thelciiifiir - Pcs,ion of this Institution will open hi receive students on the Ist-Nov. The facilities wliiih are offered by this Im,i,itution to both sexes, fir'obtain ing a finished edurAtion are unsurpassed by airy similar t:tetainary in the State. The Dui!dings aro new and commodious. and the grounds orimmeated. - The FEMALE DEPARTMENT Is now entirely scpAr.t . te. mud emidnetedby New England Teachers.. It is located in the heantiful v:lley of Cuto terland. unsurpassed for its healthfulneQs—accessille by Rn miles distant from Ilatrishm..4. One Infodred nod t wentystudents have liven ,in.pt tuudame during tho Collegiate year. T .it M S 11(iard. Ttiitlmi, and liount Furilfslirtl per Sessi , .n of 21 Wookti . For Circulars and Information addreF.4 11ov. 30:4. S. I. 4I nSE. :%11.1 . 1111111Cti1.111 . g. I Cn..lSa riptl2o-It 0 - )1,A1 FtF,l4l) ('l3 ,, siv:i I A ea(lenly, near C ,, r 1 1,51 0 , Mlle '4611 r, 111 r f'1111111(910e 1,i.. A 1 . 1..01,1 al.( bpi t 11(.11 t 11,1,11,111 111,t111 , t iz 01 NRlihilti 1/11411i110;114PC n 11.1, 1,:11 61' III! 8(1..11. -- , -11•11,1 II 11,1 'ruit i toOncr Fur Llttilogi!es %,.1.1.1i full illl;7(mat 14. lir 11NS, - • (Ina I'mprktor. ("tni,}berlitit 1 r , uutp , l'a. ----- NO.'S 2 and 3 7MA_CIi Mt KI„ of the now Crop jukt'rocelv(!d and Mr sal(' nt thy , rnmily frinenry of ° .1: IL 'WILIJAMS, July 2(*), ':5l. '. We:A Main btreut. . . New AbnertistmentsP Bacv ikTLTV BOOKS! MAtiAZINES, AND LATE PUBLICATIONS. Elements of Character, by" Chandler. - Chummy - Kik, by Alice Carey. A'ranford, by author of Mary Barton. Passion rind Prejudice, by Mrs. Gore. Henrietta Temple. by Disraeli. Redstone, or Historical Sketches of Western Presby terianism. &e., by Joseph Smith, B. 1). Village Sermons, by Rev. (leo: Border, containing one hundred and one plain short diseenrseion the princi pal doctrines of the ilospel. just published by 'Lippin cott, Orantho .t.Co., of Philadelphia. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, by Mrs. 11. B. Stowe. Splendid lift Books and Annuals for 1855. Harper's, Pittmun's, Oraharti's and Oodcy's Magazines for october. octl A. M. PIPER. B o A RG A INS IsuO EXTRAO R 1) IN A N 1 W. R I ! • The subscriber has just returned from the cities of N. York and Philadelphia with the Cheapest and most splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER over brought to Carlisle. Having purchased from several of the largest importing houses in New York for Cash, it will enable me to offer greater induomitents and give better barciains to my old customers and all who may tlicor me with a eall..than can be had at any other store in the town or county. . I have the cheapest Flannels, Sattinetts, Cloths. Ken tucky Jeans, lie loins, De lieges, Muslins, Ticklngs, &c. fie., ever offered in the borough. It is impossible to enumerate one-half the articles.— Come one and all In want of cheap goods and judge for yourselves. No trouble to show our goods. Recollect the old stand, East Main Street. , net.' '5l CAARLES 0611.11 Y. JUST (RECEIVED! FRESH GROCERIES!, Best Rio. Mocha and Roasted Coffees, Crushed, Pulverized and Loaf Sugar, hirto Rico, New Orleans and Cuba do, Gunpowder, Young Ilyson and Black. Tells, Best Syrups. N. 0. and Su car House Molasses, • Queensware, Cedar and Stoneware, Cheese. Fish. Salt, Soap and Starch, Cavendish. Natural Leaf, Fig and Congress To'stern, Pickles, Pine Apple and Tomato Preserves, Ketchup and Spices of everyvariety. Ac. My stock has been selected with strict reference to family use, for sale very low for cash wholesale or retail by WILLI AMS, oet4 74, Family Grocer. orrs PATENT FA It 111 E 115 ' BOILERS.—TheSe possess an advantage over all others in being made with an outside Iron casing, which gritty emtioinlses fuel pre Vel iN Ibe Onleat. They are made of various sizes, frofn 10 to IV tuitions. They are portable. and may be set in the kitchen for h0n.... halt use, or out of doors convenient to the barn, pig pens, So., for boiling food Sro stock. For sale by PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, N. E. corner of ith and Market streets, Philadelphia. Hort-54 WINE L. KNIGHT, (Successor, to ilartley BEDINNO AND CARPET AREHOUSE, No. 145 South Second Street. fern doors above Spruce street, Philadelphia. where he keeps con stantly.on hanit a full assortment of every nettle In his line of business. Feathers, Feather Beds, Patent ,Spring Mattresses, Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry. Brussels:Three- Ply., Ingrain, Venetian. List, Rag and lictup Carpetings. Oil Cloths, Canton Matthias, COC6II and Spanish Matthias Floor and Stair Druaacts. Ilearth Rugs. Door Mats.Talde and Piano Corers. To which he Invites the attention of purchasers. r•lnerfi.l `.PATH'S TN'S PATENT ATMOSPHERIC CIIIIIINS.—The demand Pir these churns the past spring having greatly. exceeded the supply, the subscrib ers have I•nnipleted arrangements for their manufacture on a much larger scale.lind have now on hand ail the different from No. 1 to No. 7. They also adapt them to horse power. Spain's churn, It Is belleved, - will make more butter. and of a better quality, and in a shorter time, fmnia given amount of cream than any churn In the market. PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., N. E. Center of Ttli and Market Streets. role zmettts for manufacturer. fnikt '54 Al A PEA' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF i i 1.1 M E.—The subscribers aim Agents In Philadel phia fot the above fertilizer. which has been fully tested Mr the last three years. Early orders selielted as the supply will be limited. Also, for sale best Peruvian Ilo vernment (Immo No. 1. Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, N. N. corner 7th and :Market streets, Philadelphia. rtoeCl,4 FjSTATE OF JTIN. WONI)ERLY, --% Deccased.—Notiee is 1 ereby given that letters trs. tamentary on the estate of ohn Wonderly, late,of South Middleton township, C Berland county deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to the sub scribers, one residing In Carlisle and the other in South Middleton township, In said county. All persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate are required to make Immediate payment; and those having claims to present them for settlement to . DAN I EL WON Catlislo, ILLIAM WISE, South Middloton. Exc'utors l)et. 4.—(t pd I 4 71 STATE OF CHRISTIAN 'WOLF ' - . - ., 4 DECt:A SPA).— Sot.h . .e is hereity , given that letters testamentary on VIT. est:ate of Christian Wolf We of S. Middleton township, Cumber :141 county, deed.. have been granted by the Resister of taid county to the sub wribers, one residing in LaucaSter leity, Pa.. and the other in Vrauhlill munty. All persons knout lug Omni solves indebted to said estate are required to make laii mediate payment, and those having elaima to present them for settlement to , ADAM WOLF, Lancaster City. tt EOM E WOLF, Flunklin county, Executors Oct. 4, ft STATE OF PHI LIP - RITO A1)8, DEcEnsil).—Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of. Phillip' It hoads. late of the Borough of Carlisle. Cumberland county, dee'd., Leon granted by the Register of said county to tini scriber residing In Carlisle. All persons knowing them sq4l eh„hylt9itia to said estate atil•inuired to nialie im mediate payment, and those having claims to present them fur settlement to - • Ovt. 4 I tpd 1-IsTATE OF JOAN DIALER, DE _ _,4 cv,..tsED.—Notiee is hero) y given ' . - that letters of :niministrat Mu on the estate of Jelin Dixler, late of Ka.t. Penuslawe' township.cumberland vounty, traceried have been ginntsil lly the Register of said eou n ty t o the , a d,_ seriber residing in the mom township. All — perS,llS knowing theilltiel vCS indebted to k SAlt estate are request -cal to make immediate payment, and those hating claims to present them tor settlement to ELIZA 131XLIiit. Ilst Pen ti sl oro, Administratrix Or , 4-plijit FSTATE (ii? DAVID 111'1 LEI ENN V, DECEASElk—Notiee is hereby given that letters umninistnstion on the estate of David Memenoy, late of Shepherdstown, Upper Allen township. Cumber land outlay. dee'd.. hove been granted by the liegis.ter of said county - to the subserlhssr residite,..; in the . Nttuo place. All persons knowing: theteselves.indelded to said mstate are required to snake immediate paysuMst, and thme having claims to present them Mr settlement to ALEX. UATIICART, Shephertistown, Administrator OEM 00 V( W:\o LAI)I - ES SELECT SCIIOOI4 R. 0,9 The Ftill trrm of this School *HI conininin , on 310 N DA Y. Ihe tit. of Septi.nider. and cOti: odrViFil Turtion front HI t , to Toil dolLtrh, ni•OrrAltr.:: t tidies pprridoil. For fart hoi h , fortila- I 101 l 1.11(illir0 of Ulc prindoi, 3115..1. VNI Cal lido. . FiAP ;' I ;,ni 11,,w o~ac 1111 ~, , , 1 . 1-11Tert II t k s, A I 1„7 . -- : ; ) ,, i tk 1,1,44:it.111 VA1,14 Ww.tp. 0 t 4',1 ~, f , B Li( )1 D I.: li. .—T I ESlio I:ll.2est, and ~. A I . lll' , lrilot4 /INWlTintl'llt •I,l' Nobirle )1'611041 tr', ) ll, l l-s., linnill:crelilvfs, U111111104 ,- , - i:tider Sleovrs. 154;1111:s, l'ii i,:o..lllll7S, LIWI'S, i... 1 .., 1& lit.llling !It till` 1 . 110:111 ht. , IT or 0,14 '5l 011A111.1.::- t.,1"11.):V. 1' ASCII& LI. MOllllll-1 & IIENIIY Exe,utor ('IIAIII,I , 01;11.11) earlislc i)cralb. Dr!) .finotts. 185 •W n e --T r ) Pu;nC(l from Philadelphia and aro now unpacking. a .complete assortment of FALL AND wivrvit utms. • riA full assortment of Cloths. A full assortment of Cassitneres. • • A full assortitiolit of Cnssinets. A full assortment of Vestings. A full assortment of Ladies' Dress floods. A full assortment of Domestle Goods. A full ass nitnent of Fill:s and Alpacas. A full assortment of i illt,Thilwt.(Cewhan:re Shawls. A full assortment of tiro...cries. • A full assortment of (Invent:ware. ' With a full ussortinent of Miscellaneous art Ivies' dent , rally kept In Stores. Purchasers will find It greatly to their interest to call and VX.8.11111113 our stock Wore tom ehaslinr, as itrwols ha‘o materially depreciated. and is ill be sold accordingly. Color one, come all, and judire yourselves. l pt2O 7.VD RY COOR S, „ E 1.1. have just re- Tived nt their Store.. in N. llMun er stre,t. Carlisl”. itrgo” handsome and cheap stock of VALLI:1)01/S, whieh we will sell rill:W/31 I'll•kN svEn. (live us a call. Carlisle, Sept. 13, 1554. , BLACK SILK LAX ES.—just opened, I N--1 " Black Silk 1.2e0S of superior qualltr. and different widths. Also, 11LACIC SILK Till MMI NOS. I/Imps and other trimmings. GEO. W. MTN Aug. 2.3. 1 / 1 A LL AND WINTER CLOTHING. The largest stock of Clothing ever brought to Car lisle, has just Wen reeeivudhy ARNOLD& LIVINGS7ITON at their cheap and extensive CLOTHLNU HOUSE, in NerthNeever street,: The prices of clothing at thlshouse have been reduced to such a very low standard that it is now in the power of all who a ish, to wear gol4l clothes. The assortment consists of Overcoats of every descrip tion, Dress, Fnek.and Sark Coats, a great variety of Box coats. Monkey coats, lc. Superfine Cassimere PANTS, black and fitnev. Silk and. Satin VESTS, and a fine a ria:: of Valencia and other vests. Also, shirts, collars st , cks. pocket handkerchiefs, suspenders,giove , ' , h , sterY• and all other articles generally kept in this. line of business. All articles sold at this establishment war ranted what they are represented to Als.), a splendid assortment of goods in the piece.— Superfine French and English C LOT 11 S and CA S SIMERES of every line and shade, satin, silk, and Vale via vestings, satinetts, fir., all of which will be . made to Order at tine shortest notice. and Inn the neatest and best mat a 4. All garments warranted to ht. BOYS IN° always on hand. The pubic are respectfully incited to can 'and 'exam ine the supeth , r its.:,ortinent of clothing at this estitl,ll,ll - nest door to Lyini's Hardware store, opposite t. Magian:Ailin's hotel. Sept. 27-41 in. ARNOLD LIVINOSTON. Thttrotion lIIPPENSBURG INSTITUTE. sill PPENSBURG, l'A. Rev. It. It. Wri.is, Professor oClangunges, Natural Srienees, Ac. D. A. L. IAVERVT, Instructor In English and Math °mattes. Mrs. ELLius, Principal Instrnetress in the Female De partment. The Seventh Session of thin fieurishind Institution will commence on Monday. the 14th of Iletober A new Building which will contribute to the conve.- nienee of pupils. has been erected for tho use of the ['plait! Department. I= Orthography, Reading and Writing $ 6 50 Arithmetic., Grammar, Geography, 111s - tory and Philosophy F. 50 Geology, IMtatiy, Rhetoric. Physic,logy..te. 10 50 Mathematics, Greek and I.atin Languages - 12 50 Fnmehs 00 Music )0 00 Draseing 0 00 The %%ade expense for a sessioirof five calendar months Inclusive of 'fnition. Boarding, Washing: Ac. does not exceed $55,00. Pupils will not be taken far a shorter period than ilia a session. A Catalogue cmitaining particulars, may be obtained by addressing the pn,prie tors. w.p 27 'f4 I)LAINFIELI) CLASSICAL ACA 1)- EMI', near Carlisle, Pa. 'file 17th Session frill min mence on MONDAY, November 6, 1t51.. Number of Sdii dents limited and constant elf...rte; used for their moral and intelleetnal improvement. 'l'ernis...itit. per session. Circulars with references amid full information furnish ed, by It. K. IldlltNtfz, Principal and Proßrietor, Plainfield, Cumberland en. Pa. 131)ifatiefpfjin. A I'CLIES, JEWELY R, SILVEIt- AV wAum and FANCY IitWIDS.—A fine assort ment of the finest quality, for sale at the lowest cash prices, at Wm. C.. ELTON II liAi D'S, No. IS-1 South Second Street, ilween Pine and Union, west side, Ph I ladelph ia. Tht- ass. rtment embraces a large and select stock of Fine Watehes..lewelry, silver WWl'. Albata Ware. plated a Ith'fine sllver . ,lll Sisson, Forks, Ladles...ke.—Jet goods Fails'ainirlis articles Of a superior" quality, deserving the examl intim' of those who desire tailivoeure the h e ,,i. .........___ joi 40 t.: ' 1‘ . gt Ti d . s at i , the lowest i . c . irl k i prir i es i., r lit the • Pw. l .iii,,: i s.l l :l7d i‘ i' ell '3 B%Bl ' i:lTh ', ' ti " ,. ' i li -Ck -.-. ....'•` 4l ties fbrlmporting and Manufitetur lug, the subscriber coufildently in . a Iles' pumhaseis, be lies-Mg that ha van supply them on terms as favorable as any' other establishment In either of this Atlantic Cities. All kinds of Diamonds and Pearl Jewelry and Silver Ware manufactured to order, within a nem amble time, u.s,..Watebes,jewylry and silver 'rare 'Willfully re paired. < W M F. ELTU\IIIiAD, sm 184 Soutti 2d st. n few doors above the 24.1 St. Mar- . Itet, West Fide. •13.•)_111 the south windliv° of the Store, may he seen the fatuous Bird Clock, aII VeSinunimis the admiration of the scientitir and curious. , (Sept. 28, I311110ArEt) SITEIt OF I,l:llE.—Fran City Chemical & Union M'orl:s, blade after tho most improved articlosamd Teillsuerbtr. Prepared Anhydrite Manure. matle atteriliinArglish ar ticle. anti most superior, being much hover than tlllann. and fully equal. The attention" of--Pralers and Partners Is particularly rnllod here trill. Aisn. Peimvlan a anu, lit large or small ottlanCities, fir sale by .10IIN I. POMEROV, 22 South Wbarve, 3tl door above Chestnut tzt. Phila. : 4 ept. Iss-i. STATE OF MA' Rl' MA .—No tiro is hereby given d hat letters t.stamentary on theE,; , tate of Mary tilark, late of Lower Allen towrldp; (Motherland eounty ' (1100O211:0d, 11:1V0 been granted to the suhserlber, residing in Halifax township, Dauphin coun ty. it 11 - Versons limeeing themselves indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate pat meet, and there having' clahus urn requested to• present them for settlement to JOIIN FLICK IN4IEII, • " t•ept:2o-6t Executor. 1 - 4 1 ST A T t.l 01 , IM ECI I A lit; •VISS:I47,T, .) ~ _A DEci).—s.tico 1, I,,raby given that later); of ad. 1)111)1 , dr:16m VII 1111 1.'4:11 . 0 of 311,•hael 1.1,4.1, late of 31..nr0n tawo-hip. Cumberland roomy, dereased. have leen granted I , y the 11.);.ri•dr' of said ..sooty to the )...u1)- sorlber, residing lit the same to,witsliiin—Alk,.pffisons knowing themselves indebted to said taitate are rr,lorst ed I) waive immediate payment. and those h a ving ( .1 4 ,,i n ,.; to ir u) tzsent them for hettlement to J.:4;1/1'271)0w MOSES . 101t1Ill'11', Adni'r. Ni( iTll 'l , ' The unit c., , r-i , -ned to whom ~ was referred. by the Conti rf Common l'Ira"; of t'unil. , rland count v • the a-rount of ‘loses Morrett a)- 1.1);n.,• of .1..1)1) I). 'l,ll, fa. correct ) , )11: ).01l who was d -811,10,1al 111111 •1 to 1 o 1:4111 1 lit iii , fond anlool;i , ere. 111),.;. 17111 di) »1 ),. the thole. of rail alirdotn ent ) 1th1)014. in the 1.: novl-0' t'arfkle, on s,utTni AV. lto 21-I day of (Motor int, lit hi o',lock. A..M:, )hen and wiirra all pen . ,ns inteir)t.al ale lwaeby notillod to of tend. 27)41.1.*:}4. • J. F. Ctli,Vlll.l). i ju ;()01.)8.--T ,sil he bsuribo• s st ~,„.„,,, , 3 I're3ll ro..ortanelit of v!..iy elf E Al' (At w bought of ithittepl prlceA. Collmt 1111 . 111. A 2j. ' Euoy. , '. QMALL;,FARIM ;FOR 5A1,113.--;11Ti'll; kJ bo sold by the subscriber at public gale on TililltS- DAV. the sth 'Of Oetiiher next, at ls o'clfek on the premises. a small PAICM its West Pentishorowli town''. ship, about five miles west or Clit•11,410, on the Slit" Road near Plainfield. This tract contains ahout fie ACRE'S, of first rate Milo:Wine land.— 1 ; • d k .. % There nen two 01WII A Itli: Of 1, 3 11.11 CV 1 „.....St • I ' and Thrb l ug Fruit Trees upon it. .".9.. g; g ,-- 11,„ ir„ I'ov - eine/its are "INV,/ STOBY I .te• - V - ~‘ FIRA3I It: 1 ' USE, n Frame M fish lh use '‘ )A. " " ''' • 'There I. a ' II 1' 'it" i le nt. s- ~., ~.....,,,,,,.. Ar,oo 0 et,' We. Cistern both convenient' t the .h mse. Ale,, II go a l mini and' 'Wagon :lied, wi(h double l'l.rn Cr lbs. Tero. will 14, made Know 11..M1 day of Sale I,V eepe2l ts Jill IN F. 1.1 S:"BSEV. t iTA LI7.‘BLE FARM AT PRIVATIi ' 1 4 A1.E.—The undersi2ned offers at Private :._81..,! hi; valuable ' , ABM, situate in Iffel,ins• e , to w ~,„1,11 , Cumberland vountv. rotitninlmr, 11 5 ./ AIII ES of Pine Land, with a Limestone .111..; 11, and hay ''',/.1 4, int: tiler,: in erected a larze 'Mt/ ST /1:1' li a'.. FRAM E Ili iI'SE, we:ill/miss:la:deft a n d 00 1 0 t1: 1 : 4 , plastoroll. with a BUICK li I 1 Cli EN, 0 At : largo BA Nli BA TIN. 7fi by •fis feet. Wazoe ''` - --•''' Shed, Comi Crib a and other ne,s.sary 1 4, Out 11 mane:- and a never-falling well of watts . at the door. Ms.. a two Aary 11111Cli TENANT lII'SE. 22 I y 3. fort, and a large Stable 2i by no fet. T imp is on Jilts firm ll I , fm A Keollont young O III) of 1/1 ? i.eltellA frllit, aril ( 1. about. 15 ;owes of thriving young TIVISEII. This pr.- perty is bleated ihi'3l the Walnut Bottom Bond. about cold-way between Carlisle and Fhippensburg. and is ad tnleafdr calculated Mr farmine and g.tating WOl,. 4.4. For further partimlars and I elle! , VINIIIIII of the sub- Serll•er residing on the premises. supt2t/L:ff 4. 'WM. SI/ RIVER. Eisill& CAMP- VAI,ITAI3I.,E FA ICIIB Al' Puishic imrsttanee of MI order of the o . phans' li,urt ef Cumberland ermitty. will be 101111 i, 10111., at the late rei.lenee - ef William W0 , c0,.(10P . 11 011 muits Y, the Ith clay of October, at o'clock. )1., the 1.,11..wing real estate.. sic: A tract , if excellent LIMESTONE LAND, in itiekin- SOB' township. In said county, bounil,l by lauds of .blin stiin Moore on the east, by part N.. 3 of the ori2infil trnA on the Sint.h. l v part No. of wont tract on the West. and by lands 0? Skills Worsiburn on the North. containing titi mores and 4 perchog, neat. 111 - 0:0411r1', of which about lull acres are eledred and under uksid fonoos and the LAIIIIO. is covered with the best quality of thn liers,having thereon eroeted a largo two I1o:S1 , .. with two ,4,lnoindlous liltotions. TWO BA RN:* wagon MINIS (-urn cribs. and nil ntlirr itervsstry out buildings Thgrt. pre two vt elle: of elrolloot untwr on ttin prorni, s. Otto 110,11 - tit , !elm and the other at the d , s.r.and large OltellAßP of various fruits 'if the hest quality. -. "Aka, K3lllO time and place, will Io 1.1, h tract of land adjoining and orMinallY part of the ahmo. run tatniut; lu:l 3vreA GS perches: strict metemre. bounded by the above traet on the East. on the South by lands of Samuel Carothers. on the West by lands of Samuel Ilrts ton. and on the North by lands of James Woodburn. of is Web about tal acres are cleared. and the remainder ervsi with excellent timber. The improvements on this tree t are a one and a hair st"ry HOUSE and STADIA:. and the quality of land and fences are the same tin these if the above tract. At the same time nod place Will lie s-dd a trout acres 4:i perches, neat lIWASIIII-0. originally react of the same tract.b.ounded on the East by lands of Daniel linger, ou the south by John et David Lefever, on the West by Samuel Caruthers. and on the North by part 1. - having thereon erected a two stlry DWELLING 110 EST. and Stable. There is on it an excellent young OltellA RD of choke grafted fruit. Of this tract about 45 arms are cleared and in a goad state of and under good fences, and the remainder hi Mused With excellent timber. At the urine time and place will be sold two tracts of MOUNTAIN LAND, adjoining each other, in the same -township. atiout In miles from the mansion traet,en the road from Mount Holly to Gettysburg., the one contain ing 16 acres 72 perches, the other 14 acres 47 percheii, c•wered with chestnut and pine timber. • Persons wishing to visit the premises will rail upon Dr. George D. Worels. - who resides In Centreville, or lie. briber' P. ll'oork residing on the premises . The terms of sale will be wade known on day of Fah , G Mita P. li. IVODS, Adm , 4 • n Ece.A P. WOODS, • = Lancaster Ind. Whig copy and send.l,lll to this office. ic 1 I XI CI ', TORS 1 4, A1, E (1F REAL ES- A __,/ TAT!.—Will' be sold at public sale, on the premis es. on TIUUI U S)AV, the lath of October. at 12 o'clock. norm, all that certain PLANTATION or Tract of Land. situate in Newton township. Cumberland county. Pa.. bite the property of Henry Baker, deceased, bounded by lands of Alexander Sharp, Jacob Sawyer, Ge , ,rge Allen and others, containing 171) acres. more or less. This Farm Is Limo Stone Land of superior quality, and Is all cleared and in cultivation except some ten or twelve acres of excellent timber land. It lies ou the road from Newville to 8 1 11 1 , 1. 915 bi11'ir, , about four miles froM.the thriller place rind three nines from it by the rail road. which rims through the property, The haproroments are a substantial, well built, d ou bl e t wo ft story DWELLING 110 PE S, with two ~ g 4i n - commodious Stone Kitchens attached. .i'lz -I 1 . : 1. A Largo stone bank Barn, lately Malt, :r-ze . . '. with two thrashing floors. superior stn- ,L5..;:,__,i ... .:„:..7.- Ides, grainerles, and other conveniences. - ` 4 " - T •." . r There me also wagon sheds. corn cribs and - other out buildnigs. The whoir.place is under good.tinces,...talls tic bird into fields of a suitable size. 'there is a never failing well of water (10140 bl the dwelling. and 011 the premises a lac to oltellAßD of suporiorli apples. peaches 1111 d other fruit trees.. I). A. 1.. LAVERTY, 0. U. 11ARN k CO. l lie FRIDAY, tlin 211th of Ilett , ber, nt 12 Wrlttek. noon. will le sold, in the ground. Ti): non, of 'Wt)(II)LA NI), in t , ,w'righip. bounded by lands of V. it Pang,. Samuel 11..114111:g and heirs of John II igh. hug god find.or This land will In gold In s. hide or in pint a.; may ho desired. 'terms of sale will him Made lillol.n on tflpthoreof by TlllOl AS A, M. KINNEY. I:seer of henry Baker, deceased. • Sept.. 13, Mt Lane:utter Examiner and Harrisburg Telegraph copy and rharge Vds office. ATALUAI3I.I4: 'FAII3I AT PITI3LIC sAl.b...—lly otder of Ow - Orphans Court of Cum berland eottntY will te exposed for mit*, on MO prominos. in : , outh 3littlleton township, at 12 &clock, on S.t"l'Ult- DA V, the 11th thy of October, that excellent 1.1M1:- STONE SA BM, Into tho property of James Moore. dee'd. Said 5 r111 . 1110,11t311114 IE2 arms of time hest limestone land. ry.li , ionnt lands of .Jacob hither, (albeit Searbtht. and 'lmictp formerly or Itobert Ornloon.'der'iltand altars.— TIM Itnimvements are a good tolt-st-ry - :- 1 , Der IbWKI.I.ING Ili/USE, Lttg Barn..tc.. ' O . l -t--- With II Melt 11 never faillum stator Rear . . , Z . I. 5. 5 , the house. The l'arm is fur miles from ' ~ ,,, i r. :j v t ; c.idish..h.tif a, niih, frouitin, ,:e11.0%,- q. 74., "t6,re Breech., reel., 11111 ill one ~ f Om HOW' ----'-'`....-- , 11 ", 1 , 1. - ' . Ovt sVitlyVllls ril Cum) erl and county, nil tilts 1 , rim' adynntat.ws to purchasers. AttmoinnvQ given nod terms mall,' known Os/ lilly . or oil, by '. 1 .1011 N Si'llirtllT, Trobteo, Sept. 18. 1854, J......—.... ITALITAI3I4E FARM FOR SA.I4E— / In pursuance of the last Will _and Testament 01 Abram Will/1111S. Iloe'd, late of Monroe township, Cum berland enmity. will Is.• offered nt rlltiiiV . S:oo MI TlM'', day the 12th of October, on' the preen es, the Dam of slid dressed, sit until in said township, two nod n half miles from I'hepherdstown and throe miles from (Tito -h-• bounded by bolds of 'Michael Cerblin.liellrV lien' John Brougher :did others:rontnining 217 iteres. The improvements aro two good hy ELL ii, INU 110 USES, two,llarns end all Del. , „ M:::: °.- essery out-houses? a — good sprint; of t i:47.j0 t e.....,1:2 ' . Water of ouch house. The Yellow 4.v a *f t 8.„..„,,..,,,,k rits,„s along Ono side pc LO. I - ..)..4 - , the farm. It will Le sold in one, two or throe rods.— Sal: , to commence et 12 ocleek', 11., o hen tertmi" will be ninth, known by . .. For. it. 1:=54.' Y. , 11: A.l VOllll,ll and Liliraster EY111111 , 14.1 . 1, , py Ana 1.111 -%,-,...\ Li TA 1;1 4 1,', FA 101 v()Iz ....\ 1,1,1 . ___ V 1:1,.:,0i..,1!..,.. f , ,,,, :1 1 ,-;,, , , ,a l' A 1' ..‘ 1: , 1 , • Aii.1.1:a1 . .1 ill 1 %. 111r1 SpyilW (11,11.lt:ii ( i1:10`01 i:el.o I , .1, 70,%, ill I'M :I 111 E, 1 . 1 , 1. i\ill:,,tl.,` 1 1, al 110 •1111 1, 11 ' ;"I.' iv" n'tol, mnl•ti:11no :0 0511, of I,hol , 1...i0 1,.‘10. II 1, 4 5i.,,• 1. , 11 \\l'M, 1511 1 011'1111W ~o In 111 d. 1110111 W 1 . 1 . 1110:1;ITIT'ill :I ;.1 , 0,1 It lt , 1./ 1 . 1112.i1 . 111 ,4 11. Till. itAprovo incrnt 4 aro a ya..al Lot; 1/ 11( /I':-E, etv i . - N LIN 11.‘11N, ,il., w ith a ~.,, q aal wvll of i..ater • S, , ~L IS P Pi '1'011)S ril , il. P..1 . , , 11 , 11 ,, 11,11ti 11l I`llllllblll . IL. ~ :11 . 1. requeNt,at 1,, ..sill on I.lllannol Lino, lklng 17,3 :,. 13' .u. the proull,e,. . .thv: 23. _ JONAS lit'lT. Men( tstntc Safes. •.,, ..4 ti-tl. • 41 lii i ,`,,'...i.-.-.%:.-,•-... MICILV,I, COCK LIN. 1 . AJ,EX ANDER C H ATCART. Rent Tstitte Safe. PROPETrr Y FOR' SA LE.-7-1- ,uable STORF: PROPER- •upied by me is also for , rF.1)11 WiKhlog c • purchase n lirht rote pcopertV. and one or t.11 . c httsinems stOutls in' the berough - of Carlbile, have a chani'f6. tholtbore.prpperty of s ,, ld prii ate sale by the 11114 Tneyday Januar) (..,;urt week) it will than• be olTered at that day, and p. agostilen the Ist furtber itiltrnlatbitt Inquire of or. . A tiv, JAC , t ! . 111 That are NEN ted tll,lle . aul:Feril ev. "(h..r by , a,v,u:41. , , will -call -and Fett.l.• ./. 1•11.11)1111. , :11 1 A it Ni .AT l'Ull. 1 C :7 4 A L E.---:, The . 1., ni1,d, , ,,izi11,(1. adtainistra.ter with Alt,. 0 i;1 :nnee , ed tit (" 11 , 1%, rllh.r. 1 1 04 . 11. later f Fill' er I:pi Inc t 0 1,14. Clottlerlaial e. titty. willt•ftet at Loplic s:4O , 11 I ' l ' l I'AY the 2, 11, 01 it '1 1. 111.L. if r 4. , i, .tho pre: i,e, 11 n. r A 1:31 , ~,11 ii,•••••,,,,t situated in :idol t it, slip. 100 and r 11113/ 11 ' 11. ' 10 111 11. 0,, ,4 ,,, )1. I II ' the stale 1 I rd. leatlini, Iron' l l'vrl ol Mg tn , nt, rrctt's Cap. l'etthiled I.y lands , f . 111,1 . h Deeply. IVlRiam Nt.ss, i'atnitol .. • ' , .11: itartner.Lnecll Silinripcs 31 Id 13)1•TS con. .2 . b 1 1 11 . 111, 11 t: 110 All: F.F. 'line iraproventents A. 1 pr ..2...'id. and t titer tiCci.s.s3CV I.lll:3 , l , iiiiiii. F. With •.. '. ...‘ " * "&e.r.i no excellent Spriit . ti 0! 'Water War the 11 , tiso. The land L. slate. tf a list rnte totality, wit'. liosestrnt, on it sot - V.(0..1a to loam a 150,0 liII Il 1 ltity W lithe, which is ‘3 l / l i3l In and Ennis in reads sale in thi lad id 'oh, rd. It .till In sold te.,„-ctlier or in prod.: t snit port lowers. .."310 i. , i COTII 1 1 / 1 •133. 3t 12 Ccltetli, M. NI hen to MIN will LC I I Ilitie I Mow in I.y .`'.1511.'.1:1. 11111111. Y, srpt2lts AdininiAnator. 1 )1 7 131,1 r SALE, OF RE A ; L ES'I'A Ti",. I 1 ),, und,•rsi,,,el In - '1 lento of' an ord , tr Issued tti of the . `rphlt s' Cr net or I nu 0 ,0.1 3 ,14 ~, .”1 : v. i!J ex 140.6 L; pitl.ll, ~ a le 10, , eutcry, on the prendse:. - n Flil 11. I'l the 2, tit clay 01' OA . 0 en .A. it.. 11,04. tit 2 0010,k I'. M. t'irt f 11,0,1 0.2 el , soil' on! villa:o,le Leal I :cute. sit ~,t, 11 trot I I rd t•nt nsilin t., wit •—.l,,,Tract- f Lana roLtai• it..g . - ,:l stria toensurel acres rt , d 10 per, hes.liaT Inn tit 're rat 0r,., t A a lac c store MEIO . II i \ I• 1111,1 . w tlt f or ran of stone n Saw MCI. LI, Ter :Mill 111,.10 Mlll a Lew histilleLy .mete 1110yr-peo. three tena - , I I I itili." CS f.t '. l it'S 31 it 3 l's p .nl-li:p. Al , ct• at the :law titan, and place 3 trot of tint rat, s,elt 1.,.• d 1 . 11 Lai. 111 I'7 s •r., nlvri 1 . 111,010 lie': It:ore of Its:. Intl hen thereon erect nil a 1 1A \- SI, \ 11 /Cm.. Nit los-it 0 , 10. , ,14111,1 , !taro ~ .. ' ' , e . , , 5:..1 aO, It e,.; Agile r. hard. I nellol.ol _ 43 ;, k. , 3 , t. Ii this Ira, I are 9 arm: az.,.1 110 portlier, 'rerF irik d , of 111 - St - tate IC tt , .nt lard. Th.— nr• terl let are Tit oiled t o, ti, %*l . i 1 't.. 4 .,.. 9' n oth Ad- , 0* the Om on 41 , .titipet creek. ahotit fur tallo %test nf '"arlit.le. The,' a's . :01 . 1 10 reel ether and hay, horn oeropitrl nod totc ll ,l as 013. prrpertv; Int tiIM — WIII I, . ',.1 ji.i./ii. err, !atria( In, 36 iii3y 1 Ci.i.. Still put. has et:: He . 7i also sell at the ['curt 11. use. the hoion,h, of Corli.l, ne :•intiirdas the . 21st of October :it 1 o'slck I. M.. a [rapt of Liine.dllo Land. in Ssiith Middleton township. on the smith side 0)1" the IVttbolt road, adjoining lands of 11. A: S. Miren and others, ,snitaining iU 3.111.8, more or less. basing thereon erested a two-story STONE HOUSE. and a neat, new bank Barn. Terms 111:010 known on the day of sale. - Sept. 13, 1554 yyi PHA NS' COURT BALE. —Will e sold in pursuance of an order of the Orphan? Court of CuMberland county. at public vendee or ou4 cry, on the premises. on SATURDAY. the 25th of Octo ber next, at II o'clock in the forenoon of saiti day, the balance of the REAL ESTATE of Robert R. Church. sr., deceased, situate In New Cumberland In the county aforesaid, consisting of LOTS 210. 59, 25, 29 and 41. In the general plan of said town. The terms and condi tions- of sale. agreeably to the order of Court, will be made known on the day of sale Jy the sul.seriber, ad rolnlstentor de honk non of said decedent. sept:lts 11. F. LET_ rXECT I TOR'‘4 SALE.—WiII be sold at public sale on the premises, on THURSDAY. the bth of rietober next, a small TRAI 'T OF LAND, situate in West. Pennsboro township, late the property of An drew Forbes. deoeaseoL it lies about four miles west on Carlisle. on the State Road. near Plainfield, and contalm about 3:1 arresof first rate Limestone Land. Men/ is u urn of water on the place, but no buildings. Sale to continence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. when terms is ill be made known by W. M. HENDERSON. t RICHARD PARKER. Sep. b. 1854. Democrftt enipy j -i _ NAP OF CUMBERLAND COUN ik T]'.—From tntirely original Sul-1 - Q g, Ey a‘tuni tuensurcment throughout the whole county, by 11. E. EMMA ENS. . . The subscriber Is nose engaged In making Sttryeys preparatory to publishing a new and complete Map 0, Cumberlatid County,-upon a large scale. Es - cry Public ltdad and Stream. with the locations of all Mills. Stores Dwelling , and'Public buildings, will ho accurately. laid d awn. All the Public Buildings in the Count, as ill he distinctly Indicated, and the names of owners of proper ty generally, will be inserted in their proper positions on the Mop. - A Table of dist . ances, Statistics of the County, en larged plans of the principal Villages, nud a few of the most attractive views. in the County, will be inserted the margin: thus giving every satisfaction, and render lag th e map most valuable to the Owners of Property. Mervhants Trm elers, Conveyancers, and the inhabitants generally, of the region delineated Li as 1111101 thk work Is to la• - made up of actual surrey s made mum the ground, It a•Il1 require time to accomplish it: it is not cxploded, therotbre, that it Mill be ready for publication much under the 'period of Two Years. The size of the Map will ibo about five feet by fur, and %lilt ccst fire dollars. li. F. HRH/fa:NS, Publisber. N. ti• eoruer of Marshall and 1% lit. Philadelphia. Kept. 27-lintol. IVAINTION DYSPEPTICS—'('hose ft .. of you who have been afflicted for years with Mi. I,thersomd disease. and who have leen. using at MOS every Nostrum Lefore the public without. elict we sae to you try •• lieecliers Antidyspeptie" and-you will sots 1:e eonvinced of its great superiority over every settee preparation. We could give yOu many rertitleatecurel orating our assertions. but a single trial is , Vii 7 tAr mor than tell. This remedy is prepared and solAt the Wu St•de f,ll. J. KEIFFER, South Hanover street, a fee doors south of the Court 'louse, Carlisle. obt l6 - , ilif, •-• 1 Ir: .. ' 0 rho subscriber lees ju, ( addcd'to his former kttielt a gent:ant soleetlan of Cllolc • ti War Ma 1k:4;1N - troll 11. all 010 hither viirietyof 4rtiel, F. • ,3, - 7,.. uslin I ly: kept In a Gnsery - Store, (.1111)1Thii,g It j ~ K P O :Cido---I T hasti. t l and green—at 12 1 .4 and 14 conl F.. ,_,: . :l!per lh., Orleans, Chu 111okt:rushed and l'ulverin 14- ,2 ?;:iN:su,Ntr , . of line gnallt ies: Choeniates, Spices Dah .cs' tit. and at variety of Fancy articles, li I I of a hich are f,e, , ,d at the lowest cash primag: II a aro thankful frr tl `f...riney support gluon us, and lin Ito a further mall fro] our friends and enstomees. J. W. ERY. liari•m Mil, Carlisle. TEST :RECEIVED AT Tilt: FAi)l filo I Ly lIROCEItV nom.: of the subsertlx.r, In 31. (v.vn Thal: -'•r • A now . Ailppl,y of freslrWater Crackers. Soda, Butter, Pie Nie and Su;:or ituisoult Purina'. Corn St,krelt, Tapioca, t , a , .r.0. Pearl Parley, Pottract of Coth',e, Moo Flour, !taking Powder, &c.. . A TIOW let of Attperlor “11, PlM,les. 'l'otattto lietelv9p, French ` , 3lastartl. Itz .I • W. 1.111. liN Coal sin i.r•rn. atrcidvdly the hest Rail elle: ca 110 , 1' in use. Partacts aro roitte,tetl to rill and t 01:11IIV It at the Carlisle Foundry and. Machina t.:ltop. nl :.'aNtoit's Ila>•dw - ara • - .'For -- Falti at - reason:ll pri. , os A it 2.. 1 4, 1'•11 A pll,l - 111. fly Funigh•ln lame ir . 0) t II:, ,Iikt"011 SI .lono 1 I ril%it .)IA(.IIIN.ES of ti lust innho coil , lantl3 - On hand nut for : ;1 1,. Vonnilrparnl III:L..11hp , Shop. - I/AM/NEIL 111:015'N i 1 'I OCY,TS • AN 1) 8 T 10E S.--A ,very ha . .) RSSltr.tn.nt of ilots• and Slioes ortToy disc 4)11 just" received And Pelting very ellotp .--- ix-CI '54 v ' -011.1 it I,ES OGILIII, El JOIIN SWART, Adra'r of Jbhn I (I.IIMNEII 4 ItizOWN 1