Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 04, 1854, Image 4

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''''S Atoi, ' !2 •,,,,..,., 'ZS
Terms—Two DOnays a year, or One Dollar and
Fifty Cents, if paid punctually in Advance.
$1 75 if paid withiu 11ee year.
GEORGE W. CRISW ELL, Est rennbboro
WILLIAM D. SHOOP, Lower Allen.
(71erk of, Courts.
WILLIAM' BAUGHMAN, Shippe'neburi.
'JOSEPH WEIBLEY. Car (I yer!r.)_
WILLIAM IV.FRAZEK, ILipeviell, ( 3yeare
Director of the Poor.
GEORGE V. COMER, Silver Spring.
To the -Voters of Cumberland, Perry and
fork Counties:---Fellow-Citizens—At the
request of very many friends, I offer myself
to you as an Independent Candidate for eke
-WTl:num& anir-icarrenfT trnyvitarge'slittititiV vs. fiC) . :
in advocating and sustaining the intrests, the
freedom, the honor and integrity of Mir
Common Country against the encroachments
of both foreign and domestic enemies. On
principle, I am utterly opposed to that policy ;
which sacrifices. home interests to foreign in
fluence, and that \would darken Our National'
escutcheon by permitting and aiding in ihe
extension of slavery over teri tory now free,and
that would overthrow those principle s of free
dom, which the fitthers of the country so ably
promulgated and entbrced and which rest at
the basis of all true liberty,
Very respectfidty, your obt. servant,
Carlisle, September 8085.1.
Rally Again To-Night ! Boys !
The Whigs of Carlisle will meet again T(
marry afriflinnan's Hotel, to tnake fart he
arrangements for tife election. Let ever
Whig be there. The :sties are bright, ant
CEO"" In a fierce onslaught upon ourneigh
bor of- the Vo/un-teer the l' ( -Irry_
styles its editor John Bedini Bratton. Keep
cool, gehtlemen."—Carlisle He/wh y ,. j
Perhaps the editor of the .Herald - rmght be
rarious to know what Mr. Tont), his candi
date for 'Congress, styles hire. It. is lint a
very short time since that Mr. T. applied
sonic of his choicest - epithets,"totOur neighbor
of the Herald. With such utter contempt
and scorching severity (lid he speak of Th.
_BEATTY, that those who heard ,hint._, felt not
only shocked lint ashamed. We have too
much respect for our readers to repeat Mr.
Todd's language, at present,.but still we will
ask their indulgen ce to permit—us, to du so,
provided.our neighbor . requeSts it.— .
It - is very kind, tbe sure, - of the edi,
for of the Votantecrto withhold this ter,'
rible Publication until our assent is ob;
• tabled. But we aSk no favors of him.
We have assurances, satisfactory to our,
self, that there is no more truth in it than
n in the l'auitteer's statements (re entity,
His effort to disturb friendly relations will
not suet:cod.. We would kindly , intimat ;
,; • •
to him, too, thatn
ho u ? quite enough tc;
•do in taking care of his own standing.—;
The editor; of the rob/we/v. has.latcly
Whited - .a spirit of malevolence, intoler
ance -and dictatorial, arrogance, which ln-
tit,: l rit,ted,cort‘s or tho lust 111C11 in hi
own potly„ - Iffiti if reporting privato col
verslitions is to lie. die (inter of the tini
it not Lo dillit : ult to ;;Low thi; "talc
contempt athi Korthing ;A:verity"
which he is frNitievtly :Token of by lead
ing democrats.
of Northuinberlaod
of Allegheny
Of. Montgomery
_ .
gt2Yr.4ee to these things, friends, with
vigilance, energy, and you may await the
close of your labors with all confidence of a
triumphant result.
Witins, ‘•otr 'OnALINIY,ED ?-pave
yon,kyour Committee:: appointed, and have
you, gone Over your pull lists ? Itave you
made provisions to bring out your,Whole
Vote, and especially that part of it which,
uu idl occasions, is backward and luke-:
warm If you have not (10110 f 4 o, it i
lino to go to work . Delay no longer.
;ere will be vn tunistuil mtilibev of noised
tekets circulated this fall, it. gill be roll
L 'or ori,r friends to be 011 thelit'glthra. LA .
every niiut examine ticket. flow bL-
ginning to . end', before he depositsthe iballot-box,
* FRIENDS- OF POLLOCK ! The time to
strike is at hand The electlim takes
place next Tuesday. Are you ready ?
Have you yout forces marshaled to strike
a bold ands ffective blow ? If. not lose rio
time in doing so. A glorious VICTORY
awaits us if we are active and vigilant,
but we' may be disappointed if we are
slothful and indifferent. ~ Act, then, with
the energy of true, men—as Americans
and Whigs who are proud of our country
and determined to preserve its noble in
stitutions !
' Farmers and Tax-Payers
Rally for POLLOCK and the whole
IV 1110 TICKET! The enormous abuses
of the Bigler administration—the glaring
corruption, waste and extravagance 'of
the Canal Commissioners—arc such that
our oppnerits attempt no longer to defend
them, but Whigs and Democrats alike
join loudly in time cry for A CilAlsold
Rally, then, and aid them in this change,
or no longer complain of oppressive Taxes
and extravagan‘expenditures ! 'The Pub
lic Works can be sold and the State Debt
Reduced, if we secure• the selection of
POLLOCK and .a Wino I,IiaisLATURE.
Let every Farmer and Tai-Payer bear
this in milid and vote accordingly;
Rally ! Whigs All! .
Rally to the support of POLLOCK,
Our candidates, from the highest to',the
lowest on our State and County,' Tickets,
are upright, honest and capable men, who
will ably and conscientiously , discharge
their duties if elected. Our candidate
for. Governor,. JUDGE POLLOCK., : is .
one of the noblest and purest men in the
State. Our Congressional and ....egisla
tive candidates are gentlemen in whose
talents and integrity you can have the
fullest - confidence: Rally, then, to their
to aid you in their election f' :Yo l- i - r -- u - e.
Whig can be so recreant to duty.: A
glorious opportunity is now offered to re 4
deem the State. Let it not . be thrown
idly away. let every Whig, ever/ op
ponent of Pierce and Bigler, give one day
.to his country and come out to the dee
tiop. Come out and L'ete yonrselves—
see that your neighbors vote also4—be
active and energetic, and the triumph of
sound principles will assuredly follow !
A. dozen vot es—o-u e rote e VCII---1/7 ay
decide the election of our ticket. What
would the wigs of one of our townships
think—how would they feel—if those
votes were lost, through their neglect to
see that every whig voter in their district
was urged out ! And yet such an event
in iyht 'happen. See to it, therefore. On,
rote is of vast importance.) It may `se_
curethe election of our candidates. See
that eyeu vote is polled !
...on. Tuesday' 'text let every Whig
&-J - 13e at.the Polls early !
"stay at theq'olls all day!
Pa' . ll"atch all illegal voters!
tmr - I , lxtunin e the tickets Ctreffilly!
te,)`-Semi after old and infirm voters !
9,~ ~-- --
T~ti :ti 11 _V:(~'
Qnrlislc o Ifjetnla.
"There is a weapon surer set
And firmer than the bayonet,
A weapon that comes down as still
• As snow-flakes frill upon the sod,
But executes a Freeman's will
As lightning does the will of God! ,
And from its force, nor bars nor locks
Can save them—'tis the BALEoT Box l'
1 , ,When Pierce, Douglass and their pur
chased minions were forcing the infamous
Nebraska-Kansas bill through Congress,
they gave no heed - to the wishes of: the
People. They laughed their renionstran-,
ees to scorn ! That bill demolished the
work of Jefferson,, and opened the whole
area of American soil to Africa Slavery.
The Missouri Compromise embodied the
principle applied to the North 'Western
Territory by Jefferson. It recognized the
power of the People of the United States
to make such "rules and regulations" for
the government of their own soil, as they
might deem wise. Accordingly it declar:
ed that Slavery should not extend north
of the parallel of 36 30. What Jeffer
son thus declared to be constitutional these
demagogues, calling themselves Jefferso
nian democrats, ruthlessly destroyed.
So the iniquitous bill was passed. But
the omnipotent BALLOT-BOX is still
with. the People, and they can effect with
its peaceful but giant power, what their
petitions could not. Let the Ballot-Box
therefore declare the People's will on_
Tuesday next! Through the ballot-box
the people of New Hampshire, of Maine,
of Connecticut, of Vermont and of lowa
have already spoken their condemnation
of Pierce and Nebraska, and the time for
Pennsylvania to declare her will is at
hand. Voters of Cumberland county, if
you would unite your voice with theirs,
and make yoUr indignation felt at Wash
ington, vote for LEMITEL TODD,' the
Independent candidate for Congress!
Farmers, think of your Taxes, and say
whether it is not high time to oust Big
' appropriation from the Legislature, of
meet his exorbitantly extravagant expen
ses; and another fact is equally well
known, and that is that the floating debt
of the State, under l3igler, amounts to
.millions moe. •Besides this, look at the
actual LOANS he has made, as is proved
by the records of the . State. Ilis 'first
loan was for three hundred thousand. dol
lars, his seemul loan' was for eight lin n
rlred and fifty thousa,,dl dollars, and his
third loan Was for fire in illionsqf dolla
That he has muide' these loans since he
came into office will nut .be denied;. and I
yet in the face of this these Locofoco ed
itors would make the People believe that
ho 1:4 redueing the State debt ! It is true
that the Sinking Fund law, which M'as
dm ., ised and carried out underTrOv.J.obn
by tliese Lucofoco „editors, does rescue
something from. the general squandering
of the people's' money taking place by
these Locofiico officials, but to claim eredi
for Bigler for that oasis in the desert
_ .
siptiriftlijring which characterizes his ud
ministration, is taring the credulity o
the people too severely. 47
311.. Bonham is indulging the delusive
exPeoatipn, as we see by the last 101 up
(('I •,' Of ketting Nv II ig sUpport—and par•
tieularly the ald-litie (?u / Whigs I What
deiniion ! To suppose that Whigs, and
above all CLAY Whigs, would" giv s e their
votes to a man who has traduced and vil
lifted 'the glorious party, of which Henry
Clay was 4,11 e "life, soul and perfect embo
diment," as J. Ellis Bonham has in his
address No. 4. NO sir.----neit her , : Clay
Whigs or any other kind are going to
rend thelnselve!,i to avert the tremendous
defeat which dip People have - in store for
.the abominable administrations Id' Bi.der
and Pierce on Tuo- , d;ly stn.xt. AV li.i , 's will
make their votes t , ll hy - givim f theni for
Lemuel Todd, the .fiat-tiierk:e, Douglass I
and Nebraska candidate'
LAKT 1V0it1),; 7 7-Tui-i i out to the;
Intelligence from all parts of . the dis
trict indicate the triumphant election of
LEMUEL TODD, the independent can
didate -for.
_Congress. In Cumberland,
county he will receiye the almost unani
mous Whig vote united with a very large
democratic support, and Will carry the
county by a Majority at least equal to that
of Judge Watts a few years ago. From
Perry the intelligence is equally decisive
in his favor. All reports concur in stat
ing that he is certain to carry Perry c_oun
ty by a rousing majority ! In York, upon
which Mr. Bonham we understand now
bases all his hopes, we have reason to be
lieve that Todd's prospects are as fair if
net fairer than I3onham's. The pxobabili
ty is that TODD Brill carry EVERY (mint e r/
in the district, which.was so handsomely
carved out to give Mr. Bonham a sure
seat in Congress.
Mr. Bonham is now traverisng the up
per districts of the county making speech
es to the faithful few who adhere to his
sinking fortunes. But as in his late
speeches foreigners are eulogized to the'
highest pitch and Americans are corres
pondingly cried down, the entertainment
is' not very cordially relished by the stur
dy_and intelligent citizens of ttib. upper
end, and it is said makes them gram/
awfully ! In Newville the other night,
as we are told, the groaning of the audi
ence told plainly that that kind of talk
would not be swallowed in that quarter.
The people are willing that due justice
shall be done to adopted citizens, but they
don't want to be insulted the way Bonl►am
piles it on. -
The last Volunteer has a string of let-
tors, purporting to come from various pla
ces in York county, but looking very
much as if they had all been written here,
chi Waideric
are lucre " whistling to keep the coura
up," as they were evidently written to
order. The information from York rela
tive to Todd's prospects is of the most
encouraging character, and next Tuesday
will confirm it. Bonhzun's majority in
York will be so near nothing that the dif
ference can't be tistd, • -
Remember, that James Pollock defilnls
and uphold s a SECUM, OA TH-Mit•ND PULITtC AI.
SOCIETY—a Society that shuns the light of
heaven, whose deeds are evil, and who seek
darkness rather than light, and who flee from
the face of honest uteri, as the srinthaFtfees
from justice! -,,
So says the Dem °era .7e I iibon , cue of
!Gov. Bigler's organs at - Harrisburg. Its,
statement must either be true or false
If it be true, then its editor must be guil
ty of an act, in supportin g Henry S. Mott,
the Loco Foe° "candidat6"for Canal Com
missioner, who is a Know Nothing, arid
'the candidate of the Order, which no
honest man could be/ Taking the editor
1 at his own word, it is clear that he is not
hottest in the objections which *A urges
against Judge Pollock 's election, or he
would notsupport Col. Mott, Arjio is known
to hint to boo Know . - ()(11ing. - -It is ti t
be hoped no Whigs wi,lll be thus gulled I
and humbuged by theartfultniagogne
ism of Loco Focoistn. When those Loco )
hiwho arc so elantorous against Know, I
Is\ Cthings once abtunlon of their can
didates belonging to the Order, it will be
time tmough 'for 'Whi g s to do the.same
thing. Until then let them remain to
their own organization; and not lend them
selves tit elect the Loco Foci) candidates,
know Not Ittri t 's and all.
The last,' l'obtoccr gives each of the
•Ofuco candidates on ,the coupty ticket
a invi in regular Fttece:4ion. calliue up),
the dOlllol.Tat* to oive each and all a or
:nn] unit•ed ..tip,port. • And yet at
ihree ' l lo' 11 , ,t;1n have, not repialhlted Etn , \
Nol;1114"gini, a 5 they wiiro peremptoFil \
n. , lnireil to (lc)! Thiti . proves
ly, a's we have heretofore tiaicl, that the
Volunteer's clamour aghinst Know Noth
ingisna is all hundnity. So it turns out.,
The Beaver _A rips,alluding toa recent
mass meeting in that comity, and the im
pression produced by Judge Pollock, says
The good order that was preserved;
the harmony Chat prevailed; the entire
satisfaction which Judge Pollock gave,
upon points lutist interesting totthe peo
ple; the host ( - 4f friends that he made, by
his unaffected appearance, the simplicity
of his manners; the air of manliness,
honesty, sincerity, and purity of intention,
plainly shadowed in ever . ): lineament.of
his countenance; haie ; tieft -am impression
upon those who saw and heard hint, not
easily forgotten : and may- be set down as
somany.eheering indications of what we
may look fcir on the second Tuesday of.
October. It must be admitted that the
I,l'higs have been ,exceetlingly fortunate
in the Selection of cTndiklates for State
officers. With all their shill in the way
of raising false issues, 1/mlloer:tile politi
cians have not been able to present a sin.
gle item worthy of notice against. the
Ammeter or qualiticatioils 111 eh hor of the
candidates on the Whi". State ticket.
Do you condemn the black act
. of per
fidy and broken faith eomMitted by the
A din in istrati on of Franklin Pierce in the
Repeal of the N issauri noise
'rhen (O . TO TIIE
your condemnation fell by the men in
high places who have bt-ely betrayed
their trust. Stand by the early policy of
the Government, establb-bed by the fa
thers of the Republic, by tl . a.h:ngton,
Jefferson, Madisoit and their compatriots,
who struggled for and Iron our liberties.
Vote for
,LEmur.t. 'lons), for Congress,
and thus speak your abhorrence of• the
scheme of slavery-extension commenced
by Pierce and Pough-s.
The People of Penusylyania are in fa
vor of the Sale of the Public Works.—
There is no doubt of that. But their
vvtiNnem xurrc i l by Big
ler—and the Coital- Commissioners. Let
every Tax-Payer then vote next Tuesday
for POLLOCK' for (iov . ernor, and DoN'-
A LnsoN and CutswEi.i. for Assembly.
With Pollock and a \V ore the
sale of the Public Works is sure, , Voters
don't trustßigler ('o. !
The Volunteer is greatly/ distressed at_
the fusion of parties to elect Lennie!'
Todd: But the rdunf, • r wan(-, Bonhani
elected to sustain the Pierce Ailministra-i
tion, and whcu you talk of fir,i,,,t look atl
Ole fusion in Tierce's Cabitiet, which i.
dt i miposed of one Massachusetts A 1;0144)4
Voalitionist- 7 one New York Soft—on 1
Pennsylvania Catholic—on e Free AS '
3liehigan man-011 C Kentucky trnio -
filall— o ne North Carolina Old Line Den
ocrat, and pretty oldat that—and or ')
.Mississippi Fire Eater ! Was there ev e
such a specimen of fusion " in oi. .
land ?
By reference to Ilia Election ProelaznaCqn
mblished in another part of to day's pajr.
lievery voter may acquaint hitaself with ft.
Act passed by the last Leri,..lotare, referrhg
the question of a Prohibitory Liquor Luit o
the decisitM of the people at large. El,try
voter who desires the en fleini ' ent of a jru.
hibitory Liquor Law, must vote a ticket4it
ten or printed. on, the outside, when fofed,
" l'rohetutory Liquor Luw," and writt, or
printed ott the inside, : "B,r - i t PO di il , oi y
Liquor Law." If he is apposed to such law
he must vote a ticket written or print!! iu
the inside, "...I,uainsl the Prohihitary gli,r
Law." In this county however, all glidi
datei, except Supreme 4udge, are void for
on a single Slip of paper, and the prolkito
ry ticket along with the rest. They is w,
printed. ,
'! • . Editorially ive have not: (Aiken sideio f
rl o i•
in ftivor of or against a prohibitory ',ti. i . .: , .r
law . , but have preferred lenvin g • our eit . 'er ~, 4,
upon to the tlisun: , :io n (f the 1i10,1t;• , ,. :, : ,..
el a 1.01...G'1,..11t.4. It i; an harortant (r..i:,, i ',1
ttnll'‘ve triait ilw PoPuliir \,ill ilial'l'f"ii:t.
expyi , ,ssetl.,_,lf a. proliihiti)v\ litpan. 4, i, 141
IT„ontated it's:ll(mM he elearlT unirstood
that a pQwerial puldic rentiment exis in ittt • .
favor, N . ...411011i \Vllleb no law • !,...,,'