Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 23, 1854, Image 3

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    Nett) 3bucrtiscutent.s.
1 V AN.T E D .—A , good 'expOrienced .
manlo'rtin a circular Saw, to whom a immanent
ituation - and goad wages will be given. Also a 001.
river for a leans of mules. A inan with a small family
referrel. Enquire at this office: , • Aug. 23.
AL Carlisle, PA.- Tho Fall term , of this School wIIF
wimples on MONDAY, tho 4th of September, and cob
nue sloven weeks. Tuition from Five to Ton dollars,
wording to the studies pursued. For further intim:mt.
on enquire of the pribcipal, Dire. d. F. DOWNING.
Carlisle, Aug.:23-43.
CAMP MEETING.:—The ChOrch of
:God will hold a Caummooting at Mechanical:Um,.
nmborland candy, Pa., on the land of 800. Y. COovor,
.mmoncing on MONDAY, the 11th of Soptember. Inst.
Iluistere and people generally are invited. By order of
Co Committee. (Aug. 23.
PATIIIO PIII7SIOIAN.—Off Ica and residonee on
author Street, one door, east of the German Reformed Dr. Blumenthal respoctf ally- offers this profes.
mat services to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity.
croons from a distance laboring under chronic diseases
may oo:mit by letter. Odle° limns from 7 to OA. M.,
ad 2 to'ml P. 21. •'
.and Fora :Female retchers will ho wanted, in the
ifferent Free Schools, in 1110101 , er borough, during the
asuing winter session, which will last 0 months. The
,hools to commence on the Ist of October next. Appli
along will ho received till the loth of September. Lib
cal wages will be given. For further information apply
❑nnower Aug. 23-3 t
OTICE.—Tho Teachers of Common
Schools in Cumberland county, aro requested to
met in convention, at On-lisle. on SATURDAY, tho 2d
September; at 9 o'clock, A. Id. School Directors, and
A le friends of education in general, are respectfully in
,311 ted donitoud. DAN SI LELIA,
o Aug. 21. Co. Sup. of Com u.Schools.
J R - A DECD.—Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of Robert Punbar, late of
East Pennsboro tap.. Dumb. co., deed, have been issued
by tile liegister'in end for mild county, to the subscriber
lest Ung lit the same township. All persons indebted
to said estate ore required to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them for settlement
Aug '23-044
LiESH• ARRIVAL !—A full supply
of Baker's and hotucepathlc Chocolate, Cocoa. Fart
oa. Corn Starch, Rice, Flour. cull 'ens, Barley. km. ke.
Good Store Immediately. All applications, (to re
zatentlou) must be made In purse. Apply to
A nig. 21 G EO. W. lIITN ER.
NEW GOODS.—The subscriber is just
opening a fresh assortment of very CHEAP GOODS
bought at reduced prices. Call and see them.
' Aug. 2J. GEO. W.
L .I.CK SILK L AC ES.—Just opened,
" Black Silk Lices of superior quality. and different
Nvidths. Alon, BLACK SILK TRIMMINGS, Gimps and
otner trimmings. GiG). lIITNItII.
VThe subscriber olTors at private solo A F A lON.
situ:HM . lh Silver Spring - township; Cum lieriamteounty._
about a mile from Kingstown, on the Trhullo Spring
woad. containing 00 acres of Limestone Lind, nino acres
of a inch ate thriving Woodland. and the remainder in
a good state of cultivation. The improve
nents are a good •Ing .DW.ELLING ROSE, t"•••
NEW DARN, ke.ovith a good well of orator. • a a
Terms Cash. Persons desirous to examine it,
are requested to call ou Emanuel Line, liv lug 4 •
on the premises.
Aug_ 23.
1: expose to public sale on the premises, on FRIDAY,
the 15th of September, 1854, at 11 o'clock. A. M., by vit.-
tne of au order of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland
county, a valuable tract of first rate LISIESTONE LAND
in Upper Allen township, Cumberland co.. containing
lai acres 156 porches, about 70 aerosol which are cleared
and In a fine state of cultivation, and the residue in
go, , d Timber. The land is situated alma two miles from
Mechanicsburg and to considered about the best part of
Cumberland Valley: it adjoins John Houser, the widow
Eicholts, John Garrett and others. The title to the said
land is good, and the terms will ho made known on the
day oLsale_bY_ JACOB MUSIMA,
aug. 7.8,'54, Guardian of Thinjamin Garrett.
virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Comb.
county, I will sell at public sale on the - premises, at 1
o'clock, A. M.,
en SATURDAY, tho 234 of September,
1854, a (lOUSS and LOT 01+ GROUND, situate• in the
village: of Kingstown, and late the property of Daniel
Hinkle, deceased. The lot has a front of 35 feet on the
Sterrett's Gap road andextends back 10 feet to an alloy.
Tho Louse is a ono story and a half frame building re•
gently built. Terms will be made known on day of sale
by . W ILLTAM I I EAGY - ,
aug 23,1654. Guardian of Wm. 11. !tinkle.
subscriber offers his FAIt3I for Oslo, situated In
Hampden township, Cumberland county. on the turn
pike leading from Harrisburg to Carlisle, .1 tulles from
the former and 13 from tho latter place, CONTAINING
128 ACRES and 913 PERCIIKS, strict measure, of first
rata 1.4111;14one nod Black Slate land. Inferior to none In
the county. Adjoining the Canedoguinet crook - and
lands of Dr. R. O. Young, John Sherbnlin, Geo. Shorloihn
and others. There, are about 12 acres of Woodlaiid and
the rennOnder cleared and under good fence and In a
nigh state of cultivation. Thorn are a great ninny Lo
oust trees on the farm ready to ho cut into posts. Also,
I. young thriving Orchard with different kinds of fruit.
1 he-improvements area TWO STORY LOG
wentherboarded with 'a Kitchen • "i
atachod anti cellar under them; n first a• • •
ate BANK BARN and other nut buildings •
with a never tilling well, with pump near
lie kitchen door. A furiber'clescriptiOn Is
Incised unnecessary, as those who are desirous to pur
•hace will view the property. Terms will he made
(Hewn by the subscriber living on the premises.
Aug. 53. D
the fib of October, 1854, by virtue of a voluntiry
Iced of assignment by John Ilarlaherand his wife Eliza,
.ho subscriber will sell, on the above named day, on the
,remises, the following described tract of land and im
r ,vements, vie: A Tract of first rata L I M ES TUNE
AND, containing 23 acres and 25 perches neat measnre,
it totted in Sliver Spring township. Cuniberland county,
boot one mile and a half north of liingstoWn and the
uropike. The improvements ale a stone aud frame
IItIST MILL, with an'oxcellent Water-Power, not our
assed by any in the Canodegulnet creek: a large dou
and FRAME BARN. Also, a thriv
t4 young Orchard and other fruit trees, and ; Aj
well of water near the house.,
The above described property Is a very do- "
rable one, and capitalists would do well to. • -
:tend the sale or call upon the subscriber, who lives
tar Mechanicsburg, or ou Mr. Waggoner, the miller,
h., has it rented; Either will show the property or
eslribe particulars relating to the same, before the day
f sale. Further description is deemed Unnecessary I
he property and its advantages and location,
minuend itself to all who may call to see it. Smile to
onnuence at 10 o'clock A. M. on said day, when the
until will be made known by ' C. TITZEL.
afig..23, 1854. . Assignee of John Ilarlaher.
F THURSDAY, tho 28th of September, 1854, by order
tho Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will be
Id at public solo on the premises, on tho above namod
iv, the' following teal estate; lute the property of peter
taiesley,' , ln SJlror Spring township, in Said county,
,ceased, to rite . , 1
All that certain plantation nr tract of land, situate in
Id tory., bounded by lands of Henry Orissinger, John
Abraham ilonniman and others, containing
33 and 3-4 acres, strict measure. Who Improvements
a two story LOO ,HOUSE, LOU BARN,
inlANTllol.lBllStablo,lllachsmith Shop t• "
id a new Limo Kiln. There is a good al." •
ell of Wateb.atithe mansion farm Immo,. !!
id there Is running water on thelplaco. •
le portion of the land is Limestone, and ;.
otheriihrtion atilt is Slate land. About throorourths
Aids land In cleared And in I;filtivation, the other
trash le well ttillboMd. The fences are good. Tho prii.
Hy Lion about 3 talcs north-west of Ilogoetown.
Solo to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Ltd Hoy, whoa
tern 011 be an to known by
Adver..of Peter Kldeploy, deed..
en4c. ,'64
41.•'Great 13argEdn Offered.
111 E subscriber an consequence if
offers hiji crake 8 I'OCK 'OF HARI).
ARK, to uny. persons wishing to
er into the Hardware pastiness,. Ho having
resolved in-quitting the business,. will give it
r• gain, besides his influence and custom. Any
a.destrous of getting into this business, wdl
avell,to cull soon, und,if not Aisposed et by
s dan of October, next die will t commence
ling off at cost at the old and! well known'
ind,,Nortit Hanover St., next door to' Cliptlds
, •
!STORE PROI'ETY now, occupied
,byme la also, for sale. Any per'
.wishing to .purehase n Orin Ituto
;wkly., and one of the liest cr N■ '
s Stands in the Wormigli I '
t ebance. lf aboiT proper
not. sold at, by"the , lnt'Tues.
in January. (snort 'week) It will Iliinrba 431.
I at.puldin sale on that day,'and possession
a on , the Is: defer April .For
ler information inquile of die' sot/scriber,
yAll ,thnt:are indebied ,to Ike subserikfr
o.t by , note,, book necounts. will Poll - and
°, l , l .'9 l l,itrwritutirp.efy. . J SEN CM'
. ,
lislii;Gateaiiit Water C om p any..
eighth irettehiteriti fiVe..4°llP" par
Otero is posodsettrui peytthie, pied!,
meet; of , fiv,o.dolistsiier,,,shere is gnyeble
tolOth,drii of ,A;egeet,Tis, *4,• ihp 'de
Is mein the, Company ariV L ireey - heaVY,
t holders are toOtieulsrlyieeitested to call
take tirimilliirelY It.' • '
0fi;113154.''. ' M. fitra":ll; . Tri
nientorn :Vid. , Builideke- eve invited :to
'online the essorimilnt el :Lovks, , Lateh.
' Ite;'trrewe , ';G1 use, Putty„ Oil,
66 0.. l'oitale,choup at,
.) ,:f . ' SAXITIN'S,
New Munciistmcnt.
!al 'PRI.DAT" the 15th it" September, 1.1354.
VlTlLtvbe sold tit ptiblib solo at thelate "re
ri;••• sidence o[ John ,Chittnell,ilecease'd,rn
Dickinson twp,i (;timberland coontY. by virtue
of ilie.latit will and testamelit'of said deceased,
the MANSION S.FAICVI, COntainingM.acres,
strict measure, oG first cafe Limestone Land,
lying yucistly on he on the north side !lthe
Yellow Breaches Crook. The int- ,
irfriverrients twi, story Log
D WELLING ROUSE, weathpc. nv
boar and plastired Weide, Log gg j
Barn, coin crib and 'wagon shed
Boring house, &c., with a,never foiling 'well of
watlir at the door. ..
Also, at the same time and place will be sold
Three Lots of MOUNTAIN LAND, two of
15 acres and one ono of 5 acres' well covered.
with first rate Chestnut Timber, These lots
are easy Of access, and within two miles of the
Earm• 1 sane of sale, onelialf on the first day
of April, 1855, and the balance in two equal,'
annii hl payinenrs without interest.' Sale to cote'
mencont 10' o'clock, A. M., on said day, when
attendance will be given by .
augIGI JOHN T.' GREEN, Ear. '
oYrLancaster Examiner: copy and, spud bill
•in this office. . .
subscriber offers for sale his' Farm,
A., situated in Shoot Sp Mg toivtiship, Cumb.
county, about two miles north cast of the vil
lane of Ilogestown, and about five miles north
of Mechanicsburg, on the north side of the
Cairmodugumet creek, adjoing lands pf [teary
E volt and the said creek on the south, Benja
min Eberly on the east, Jacob Demmy on the
north and west. It contains 129 k acres neat
measure of the black slate kind ; about 160
acres are cleared and in a high state of culti
vation. 0 ver,3030 loshelii of lime have been
piton the laud in a low years past, and about
400 pannel of ne nod rail fence ha, beep
made; the _Pivot is well supplied , a,ith water.
It is an excellent faun to raise stock, and well !
:Owed for all kinds of Graln ; the remainder
is well timbered, itt,d may nearly all be cleared
I. tultiva.el. klso, a great number of locust
t-eos dispersed through the fields. ' •
The improvements .tro a good t wo;p15.1; -
weather boarded
boarded and painted. 4
new flan [tarn, with wagon sked
and corn evil; attached, a new Tenant flnuse,
amid other out-bedding+ There is also a spring
of excellent neater near the house, and a good
. bearing orchard of various kinds of fruit.
Parsons desirous of purchasing a Farm of
this kiln!, will do well to call upon the subsrri•
her; residing near the Fairetese Iron works,two
mile above the Ifarrishorm bridge, near the
river. or upon Samuel Eshelman residing on
the Farm.
f' i , t Firm wit he off•rod at privatesate un
til Smile lay, the 16th of September, and if not
will then be exposed to pa dic sale on,
that tile, at one o'clock in the afternoon.
nag. t6-st. FREDERICK MAY.
rri LE subscriber desires tojnlorm his old eus
1. toJners and the public that he nasJempora•
nit rein.iveil his estabilll !lent lour doors south
of his old stand, all Nash II 111 'Vs r street, who re
he It to lust opened a large ,assortment of
800 f'S, SHOES, CA'AITERS, &c.
witch cannot be surpassed in style, quality and
price. and to which he invites the attention 61
the public.
For 'Mies and Misses his stock is well se;
lected and complete; comprising the most ineh•
ionaMe styles of Congress, Silk Gaiters, color•
ed French Goiters, Moloeio Boots, foxed with
patent leather, of all colors and qualities, to•
ge her with .11. sses Gaut rs, and a full supply of
every destription of Boots Shoes and Gaiters
for Ladies, Misses and Childrens• wear,at all
Calf, ICip and -Coarse Boots of different qualities
and prices; black and drab Congress Gaiters ;
patent leather Sultan Walking Shoe(' Mtaite .
ray 'lies and Pumps, patent lea.her and cloth
fancy 'Vella Slippers, bce. A lull assortment
of -the above etyfee of Boys' wear. Also a
general assortment of Cult, Kip and coarse
Mimeos and Shoes at all prices.
This extensive meet of new and fashionable
styles has been selected with great care and the
qualitoy is warranted. They only need to be
examined to he approved. - He also continues
to manufacture all kinds of work as before.
Irr fairs . will be repaired gratis. Feeling
confident lain assortment will give entire. satis
faction, both as regards quality and price, lie
respect fully solicits public aotronage.
THE subscriber is now having made up a lot
of Fashionable and Substantial,Clothing winch
he will sell as cheap if not cheaper than anyes
tablisliment in the borough. The stock will
gonelei or
The Clothing will ho, made out of none but
the best quality of goods; cut out by an expe
rienced and good cutter, nod tne - work grn up
n the best moaner and by the best of hands—
We have now on hued a lot of choice Clothing,
and all we ask is for purchasers to give us a
call and they will he pleased with the work and
prices, At the old stand no gsst %lain Street,
TlEs,inicrt oar has IR) on hand a very ex—
tensive and well selected sun k 13'0 OTS
and SI - If/ES, which he will sefl
at unusually low prices. Purehas
eil'froin wholesale realers,at low
ni 04, he eon offer such inducements to ner,its—
sera ns Will make it their interest to visit his
establishment. Ile has every article in the
13 tot and Stirte!ine—for Ladies' or Gentlemen's
wenr—ho therefore deems it unnecessary to
pantie darice. (o — Persons . Jointing good and
cheap .tends aro invited- to give him n call.
‘nril•l2 . W. SLIP.ILDON:. : .
1.141 RD MIRE.
WHICI.I surpasses in quantity quality and
prices any that has ever yet been imbued
in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety
,_ of all kinds of Hardware, such as Shoe Fin.
dings, Saddlery,' Coiteii . Trimmings, - Paints •
(Ills, Varnish, Glass. Nails, Files, ,Anvils,
Vices, Bellows, Springs, Axels,,Bow's, Fellons,
Codnrwere, Farming Utensils, Bar
and Rolled Iron, Steel, &c., with a thousand
• more or tidos unmentionable.
. , Having purehr.sed largely of Heavy Goods
prey Mite to the aevaneeM prices, I am enabled
to sell goods at old prices.s t l'et :sons in w ant o
' Hardware are invited 'to eu I ,and 'vatilitie my
goods ond.hear my prices, a id you Will be eat.
lolled where the Cheap Ilardware.i to be had,
Z"• My stock of WALL PAPER - is
. anal].
prom bed by any in the Borough.
Thankful fort h J e former liberal patronage, a
continuance 'of the same is stilielied by
Want Side of North Hanover Street.
_ enrlisl
Dealers in •
Lamps, Lai terns and Chandelie c rs.
N E Corner Forreh and erry ate:, Phila. •
ged and improved their store;
jj sad having ihu largest assortment of
iii Fliiladelphia, they urd.ttow prepared to tur. l
nisli Camphine, Pule Oil.
' Ethereal Oil, Phasg ne . : Gas and Lnrd
Lampe,,Lanterns of all patents, Fancy tiotel
ati4 Lampe, Chandeliros; Girin.dolesaad
Cantlelabraa,,and Grimaldi) Lamps,utthe man.
dlantarers, lowept 'Lige Lamps by the
,at a small advance .over an, non p i
-ces. 13ning largo 1%1 A NUFACTURERS'id
Pine Oil; Burning 'Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Ate°.
, Intl and ( the ' only true) Plump-no Gee, they can ,
furnish these.artielia aVsuelrprirce that
ebants.will find it to their advantage to buy.4j
Call before going , elsewhere, if , you•
gains. :Also 'the Safety Fluid Lamp for sale...
• ' October 5, 1653...ty .H
L 0 T 11.111TG'' AT .0 atil T. ,
. THE , subaaribao,hae an ,UIIIIOIIMOII . I . 4,60)-
lottable and, well ~ which
will be eeld• off at cost ,Iter
consists ol • 1;, „„
. .• .. • • „ , .
!.:- Clotli,rnid Cashinarcq.Coatsa.;,,. , '.'
'i • • ~ L inorr and.Ginglipin, • , • L __. , • ' '' '
, • .' Ttveed(and Jeun. , , 4 0 ,, .73 ,'," ‘•
•, 1U
. : .tt:ceilla Silk,and ,S.atin Yoiling.
.'' ''
, Caesimar , Jeaii:ri,ancl.Cord.pain4o9,o4.
~ . —Liden. an I Cattonatle•—i: . • Pio. •i. , i
with all kinds .0 nthi lig lisually,fnumnii 14 Ootli.
• Inc et.tre. , , latanii g i raliTinish Mils li,r, , iiicii,
of ' , coy Iniainess t izraat bargains; can' he hail,,4,
calling soon'at the cheap mare 0f„,.,
', • .. —,. , .. , ~ ~ , CIIAS. OGILBY..
~'• ~ , r -'
.•', • , lONRPFITING:' , -:',,, I'l I
' &jaw pi,eacitt,,jvist roeivoil . frcihi'iiiiciinn and'
'lolllag y,
• i3ry . lew., ' ' :' , ,01;'/q'.. 0 Glll
' ll3 X . `, ',
./,. ” ' '
atzm•ovax a
DAVIS J. curing.,
v ..iPATc*t4,--gbPll6,*:.,
• •
At c. II AIt.CES'O',47LBY O S,,
itn :fait High Street, Carlisle, .1"a.
- ATE:have just' received a•large and hand;
717 some assortment of Spring:and , Surhmer
'Gooila•—umy •iitecond supply for the' season— ,
•••11i4h•have Been bought for cash at aatenish
ingly low prices, • • •
' Woes de Bege . cants"worthlk
; Lawns, (fast color) 6 12,
, do .do • ' 20,
Borrego do Laines • 6 • ' • 121•
do . 12 25,
• Mullins' 1, 8, '
Barraizes 18 31,
Black Silkb 62 • . 87,
'do 100 •9. 1,25,
Stockings • 6 12,
'BIk Eassimero IPO 150, •
with a large and general assortment of ladies'
DarSge, mous debege, end (wage &loins,
lawns, black mid fancy silks of every descrip
tion'and quality, black alpacas of high lustre,
Lae: bombazines of a superior quality, find a
good assortment of Mourning. Goods
Bleached and unbleached ',Muslins, shootings
from I to 3 yds wide. checks, Glasgow and fine
- French ginghams, tiokings, damask time's and
table cloths, napkins, red, yellow and white
woolleh flannels, shrouding flannel, Ste.'
Cambric and Swisi ruffling. edging and insert
ng, lisle, nie.thlin and florentine lace, French
worked collars, d t under•sleeves, do spencer
and cuffs, n mmi tg coil irs,black laced veils of
all styles. A very handsonio assortment of
Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons.
Costs and .9 hee3 is little lower than ever.—
I aving now the largest oral cheapest stock'of
New floods in the county, I am determined to
give all! who will frivor us with it call, great
bargains, Oonr old friends and customers aro
invited to call. " • May 24, 1854.-
. Extensive Furniture Rooms.
TA NIES R.IVENVEIR would respectfully
call the attention of house Keepers and the
nubile to his e'xtensive stock of ELEGANT
FURNITURE:. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other. Tables. Dressing and plain
.Bureaus and every othle article in his branch of
business. Also, now on hood the largest as
sortment of CH , ' IRS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices, ligr Collins made nt the shortest not is
and a Hearse provided for lunerals. Ite solic•
its I call at his establishment on Nod] Hance
ver street. near Glass's I N. B.—Fur
attire hired out by the month or year
Carlisle. \larch 2n, IS9o.—fy
uNloav sz4trlir..
irtHE undersigaethhaving lately opetied the
Elliott Hotel. on %Vest Main street, next
door to Rhoad's warehome, invitee the publie
o , ‘LI travelie.e to give him a call. 'I he 11011se Is
perlemly new. and the r.mms large, airy mid
comfortable, Exery effiirt will be made to
please all who patronize the Union, and the
proprietor plelgrs himself tolenve nothing un
done to make his R 111.1119 enmteriable.
irr Stabling ior 40 head of horses,
3UST itmuluxv.Ert
opened a email invoice ni Cidldiefee S , raw
Flats, and mein and bays' Braid Halm.
LISLE TIIRE D flOSE.—dust received a
few &men L tints' Lisle Thread Stockings, a
very desirable article for hot weather, with a
general assortment of flos) and Half hose of
various kinds, also a 1011. assortment of Lisle
Thread, Cotton and Silk Gloves.
HAIR STOCKS.—Just received Black and
Colored Heir Stocks for emitter Wear, Lawn
Silk and Batiste Cravats, to which we invite
the tat-otitis of the gentlemen.
LINEN StIEE [IN G.—Linen end Cotton
Sheeting., Tniltia — fitui e,lect Ho Towels for the
bath, ilk) I 101 l :tsiortmont of linen towelltug,
table cloths, napkins, &e , for ante et I
my 13 1 45 1) GEL/ %V IRITNEWS. bi Law .a,
1000NNETS—Just received few English
1/..ll)adstsible - 13Onnets, also a small lot of Satin,
Straw Do and cake.' qualities, tot sale cheap. '
G. W, HI l'N ER.
- V VIRROIDERIES—Now opening -a very
hull asaronent of L tee and nin-din under
slams and collars of various qualities. Steil and•
Lam brie. Ed glag an d Insertings of all qualities
with a great vario.y of desirahle goods for the
season. G. W. H ITN ER.
LAC NTETS—A full A ssorinivnt of Black
Lace Mite, Gloves, Loco Points &c.,
received by G. W. [WI NEIt
EIANS Just Opened a great variety of hand-
L" some Spanish. Chinese and Ivor) Fans ,&c
Also 'Orsini trimmings in variety. _
el A LLOIIER'S ELIXIR has acquired n
(kJ lust celebrity for the cure of all`daseases
arising from severe colds, and its Akarcp line
been attested and approved by hundreds of our
noel respectable citizens. In every instance
immediate relief has been gi vdn, as the follow -
ing certificate from those have tried it bears
testimony. Manufactured and for sale by
W e the undersigned do certily that we have
used Ga Inher's preparation 'lot. Consumption,
Colds, Diseases of the Lungs. Liver, &e.. and
having experienced immediate relief therefrom
would recom ”end it to all a tfliet.:d in that way.
Thus H Skilea, . P.lrs M Gould,
R 1.1 McCoy, E L W e ll',
Peter Alonyer, II S Duckett.
Joseph Lehuch, N. W. Woods.
Carlisle, Apyil 1551--I
4 ,7reic Grocery and !Variety
FOHE suh'seriber would respertlully inform
L his friends and the pulie generally that lii
has last returned from clue;
; •1 a Urge as
mid varied sortment of
GRucEit s, GLASS and
• which he offers tor` - eale on the moat
reasonable terms, a , his NEW STORE, ear
norofNutill flmover at. nail the ,
Public Squa,e, , direetly opposite 4, A,
the Carlisle Deposit Bank. • Ilia
steak everything 4"• J,
ally kepi in a Grocery and Va
riety store.
The public are invited' to cell and examine
his sleek before purchasing elan hcreos he feels
confid'ent he can sell the best goods at the-loW
eat prices.
April 5,
Corn Shelters.
LNI, decidedly iht belt and eboapest now in
ties. Fartner , are` requested to rail and e am
ino it at the Carlisle Foundry and Machinef hop,
or at Saxton's Hardware Stre. For aide at rea •
onatdo pelt es by .
Augtt--:,tmj .GARDNER Ai. BROWN.
cm 343.1. nnzezowArai.
LATE arrival of the steamer "Old Stand,"
North Hanover street, mike, with n large
stock of HA It OW Alt E. direct from t h e man.
Memories is now ready for sal6, wholesale or
retail,' &until , merchants won do men to tall,
as WO will sell them goods at a very small ad
vane° on 'oily wholesale prices, and we'nre
determined to sell a very small. profits. (live
us a 'call and ilarn persuaded yon will not leave
withentmakin , g n purchase', as you hind at ' the right mark. Old Staab 'Ninth'
Hanover street, Carlisle. ' '
nolrbrai B. SMILSY,
North iia4vel. Ntreet, and next door to Glaris' a
, . . . Hotel.
• THE undarsiguoduotild 'respectfully : inform
the 'eh iXonti of Carlisle and the public gaiter
ally;.i hat.lto now has on hand n largo and ele
gant assortment ,o 1 FUR NIT URE, consisting
io part of Wardrobes, Card and other Tables,
Sofas, :Bureaus, Bedsteads. plain 'and
Sowing' Stands,' &c. amtialactured elite best'
material and quality warranted. ' •
Also a general assortment of ERAIRS
the" lowest prices. Venitian 111 h. ,
ids made to
order, atufronairing promptly . attended 'to; t. '
•XrCollins made shortest: notice;, and
haying a splendid hear's° . ho Wilrattend funer
als in town or MiantrY.
Kr'ReUtomber the stand— next door to 11.
Waste.. Hotel.
Fres Diug5;,0
1. have j um, .rohowod from Philadol•., t
•,&••••!, tindt Nowltorlt! vary tottMv.9
• t aw:: tadditions , to my•fMmer ombrult
cinr,noittrly•pyorytsrticlo of ki edicine
now. in' ush,', toga, am with Paitatt,,
°Mit, Varniohne; TilitAntinerrertilmoiy,•Soaps,
Sintionory j Pinott l eutiory; Fihhingtt•Tacklhc
•al rh ma- 'eve rV• deticriptinni•Nittithtit d
oimeles yqriotty , 'Of'•ollitt,r artittles,.wlittAi Mil'
torrninechdtseit•nt.fifoolEnv LowEr• primm ;tt,
I 4.lrphyAlevo,,, country/ tMeroluinitf, ttFtetilttrit
hd'Aitirs,Aril rottmom.fullytrequomad., pnett
tin) (11 4 1)", S'r A Ttsff).,,,not floy, mrty,„ rem • ruteurptl,
t .evory Article wjll,ho fmld.of n•goo4.4tmlity,
.and toon•romannoblettprott„,..• : •
•' • • • ••t• t•t• t"
MAY 30 • ;;., • fllaiuptroot.
, ~ ;
.. _._.. . .
Spring Style prilfacs4VCaps
• • 1 •• 0 7 :,t ' , ---, a. - ....-, ... A.
. ',
I N' s " - t : 1 .- : , - . 7 "'''' 14 '''..... 6 C .- • --- - -',,, . 1 - ---z---'3 .
.. .
. • ~ ..."'"-^,..% ,
' 1 WM, EL TROUT; .-
ink Es taEs to. inibrm hie old friends Oat he
ILJI .h a 9 removed to 'fiiii new estaliliehinecit cid
ligli Street, near ihe Rail Road - Dop . c4, and , iri'
.ow °puling a large, arid' i3liigant aseoftinent . of
just received from Philadelphia, which the gen
tleinea of Carlie4:-are requested to call and ex
nine. He h is al 4.) a large assortment of Silk,
"ur and Slouelt ants of his own manufacture,
it up in the best style and at various prices,
to excellence and Finish of which he will war•.
.His stock.he is confident only needs to
examined to be approved: .IK7'A.Iso a large
ipaiy of ;Aim's, Boys' and Children's CAPS,
:f Cloth .and Fur and of every variety of style
tnl price, gist received from.Philadelphia.'Let
who want a Flat or Cap give him a call, as
hey mop ho sure of being suited to their own
Latisfaction. ~ • -Mar 2'2, 1854.
1851] Styles of' Hats! [1854
EORGE, KELLER respectfully announ.
Vrenti* to hie old Patrons and the public gem
orally that to has just received Ha
MEN'S HATS, =palm:tired at
ice_tnti of the hest estahlishments to
fits— • 'ailadelpaia, to which,' ho invites
special attention.
Ho has also constantly on hand a large and
warted assortment' of his own manufacture as
well as city made ,
Likable for lie seasofi,minprislng every yeti
t•yt of Russia, Beaver, AToles'tin and,Silk Hats,
linished in the latest style, together with a full
isortment of Cape of every sliape and des
i.ription, and at every price lie particularly
i tvites the public to call and examine his exten
t ive as.ortment, which in style, material and
•annot be surpassed by soy in market,
nd which to is able to pet at prices lower titan
,aver. 0:7 - 11.0•11011111er his old stood on North
Hanover street, between Homer's and tener'e
stn . f M .relt 9.2.. 1854
China, Glass and Queensware.
c h rAD housekeepers and young, with those also
i are expecting to become huusekcep•
ers, are invited to call at '
and examine his elegant,, assortment of China,
Glass and Qacensware, and other nrticles nt
the housekeeping line, such as French and
ten s ns, liekvy banded and pla.n,
%Your' Or mite, gilded and blue do,
Dinner sets of every variety and price,
111 , 0$ all pitifliera, 'urinous, dishes, &e.
0119:4 , VA e—centre table and mantel lamps,
C candelabras and other lamps, great variety,
l'atflit an I bar tumblers. goblets, &c.
Emit _end p_reie vo dishes, ill variety..
Ced iek
ntets,chitrus. howls,
Rutter prints and Indies. mend biuntets, &c.
rwaliou—sweepinl, white wash scrubbing,
Il can i and sh.ic breilteg, dusters, brooms, &c.
Moricnt, clothes nod 'ravelling bnolceter •
Alio t eh lice rinoortrnent Ol Tohnr no and Se
t:•try C 111 ye wit i ore fnn`•l of chorine tirandn of
Solaro no I trr the Prin.ripes. fZegniias, Stef-
Irrionte nod oilier Cohn varieties. nod yen will
lid them of onimornchnhlo quality. Also half
'lootirsh rind Common Segura. with clrbiee
Snuff rind Phowint. tnbnrrn. iapl26
Cheap . Watches N Jewelry.
R'' at the " Philadelphia Watch
and Jewelry Store," Number,
( .i , 9 0 C r ) is: 4 1o u r a t r I r t
y Second ia Z p e i eJ a , . corner
f.0.4%,...,.„%?zs Gold Lever Watches, lull
' , .0:. • (CRIMIE , jewelled, J 8 Carat cases, 82000
Uild Lein .a, 14 — Carat eases, 824 00
Silver do jewels, 9 00
Sl,', , er Lever, full jmolled, 12 00
Superior Qatirtiers 7 00
G ,Id Spectacles, 7 00
Flee StlverSimetacles, 1 50
Gold Bracelets, 3 00
Ladle.' Gold P enc il s , I po
Silver Tea Spoons, eel, 5 00
Gold Pens with Peneirind Silver Holder, 1 00
Gold Finger Rings 373 cents to $8 ; Watch
Glasses, plan, I 21.conts ; Patent, 181 ; Lunar,
25 ; other articles in proportion. Al goods
warranted to he what - they rtt'B - sold for.
sept7ly Successors to 0. Conrad.
'On hind. some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepines,.till lower thar.....: aeoveprices. - •
ere3li Arrival of. Hardware.
T"E ' subkriberhaving retnreed from the
Guy, has yizit opened for the Spring
tr ,de a large and well selected stock of HARD
.itrn and dome4tie, embracing ev •
erytaing usually found in that line of business.
The att onion) of friends and the public gener
ally is respectfully directed to the assortment
out hind, assuring them that goods of all kinds
will he s titi fir rash at a very small advance on
mantific , nrers prides.
00 lemainher the old stand—East Main Bt.,
Carlisle, Pa.
Great .Ittraction.
wII kV E bast received my Spring stock 01
P XPI, It II 1 V ,; I N NS. wine!' surtmes
Qu Oily and Priou any' that has eve.
been exaibiled in I:at-lisle. I respectfully so.
lien a call train persons in want 01 Paper (bang
lots of any description. (14 I am confident nit
assurtmen far stirpasses any in the borough.
and iii style aid rote It is hat few rivals in the
c i ty. • I only not ol' the pablic to call and ex
amine my tte tore purehnsing. no I
am ennlfdent my ciliate designs cannot •fail tI
please the most f istidions. •
..101IN P. LYNE,
West Side of North Hanover Street,
IMar9.2 • Earlioe, Pn.
- Jr On AT P. ZaVITII,
Wholesale en 11.1ail.D.Itler in Amer.,
ican, English end German EIAR,O-
.' ; w E
AR, oils. &c., "
I vy k. NI 11.;, bail lets nod too poldie gen•
iTJ ",er illy, kvl) ) are in, iv tot of I lard ware of
any sin I, ire i I to call In and examine ml
na t•ortllv fordo stook of goods, which 1 aiti
a‘:lli4l nt very liw Juste npini it will
only dniain von n very few min)i tee to.lie con•
vinned thtt wit it everybody says—tlint
In Hy .ce to gat good goods at low,
prices—must he irne. •
LY NE'S Minis/aro Store,,
West Side North Hanover street,
Mav , lo 1051. , "Cartislo. •
. ,
Agricultural I raplernent.k Seed StOre
rrl,l subscribers ,tier ':for sale a fared variety
,ol A , ,rrtemitural limp'eutoies, atnong whach
are 'the celobratod RAGL,R PLOW Prouty
Plhw, Rod eves Subsoil Plow Corn Shollery,.
Sira v and Hty (lit era, Corn'Fodder Cuttefe
and Gtinders,- Partners!-Bailors, apprriVed Cat
tivators, Road Scrapers. dte. '' -- ' . ,
, 139 yrjt St HALL,. ..
' Aricaltural INlpmani•ond Scud Scare, '
in,. '1 ' . : . finiy;nlmm: Pn. \
ou'r, IN TIME!
illlt)LEltAt.‘loltflU3; I)y,eutery, Diar—
, kJ•rlien; &e. nre•m'iltine their apeettrance,—
Yea ktinatille ro,nedly. If you. , nave any ro•
gar& for the welfire 'ol phireelyeet your - Wife.
or Your ellil ben, winply yourselves with
ilaecher's Matchless Cordial?
'othh'nviin tAlvtla the,: otiugoone , ta resulting from
a :)ic .t.. 4 a Ihiraohe to olcl quackery , , This
•.Vt ‘tchless Remedy" cad he hail at the, Drug
Sworn of
a:111th Ijiirver 'Qivoof , a raw iloora'south.oi
Fish, Fish, Fish.
, 140 c). t , . & 9.MAC•IiKILEL, in ,whole, hat(
till quarter Ithla, Lake While, Vish,,aism a
ifnei Starlet° of 'SAILMON,I I
.12.0 WV from ,tho
the Lakes and.far shn first, timo•broaght
market, in store and.f sr sale by, theashiarihnr,
N. W:'•CornotPlarket , Squaresormrlitles.,;•
,•, 1-.,• • 0 . .0. IL,‘ lAMB T:.., ,,
1 14, 11,?; largo. 'lqt: of :kV ; 4LL, .r PER . ; o
41t. Sunny ntinth awl, tinsigo; qt 0r10n.% ilingtfi'd
fr.iint, volt tt:nwrirdit. 'the' stork 'nOnsints of
nntj i gift.l!4por,, or,
nt eold
„ • „ .
I.Bbribetowilvtlnv , otimviidr STRAW
of uuu kind dulivore I ut
find !heir Mph' quiriaw
dud purulinso'othermultureiLc 1; ; ; . 7 - • -,1 "
2 • • • •'" ; r . ;'; ;• kLSI•II2YOCK:i
' '''nu;l4l9o) , •;; ;, ;;;; :•.: gen t ; ,;',
;, ;,i i iiraph4it,';*o#4.49q•• ;
.4(lkrithol 4111040, 'TOW 0113 c. 00.11,4!14 fung•
at:, 9ar10)10 1
. 4 1 11114 u und;,•Nct.,
chine Show.; • . • ••
Aug 2 6WR60,11,; ; &,. 4146Vii.t4,,; ;
1 11 W1, pq
Q.upper• ftS•Ple , Pnioole
141000tryuitd '
Aug2•••••••3aii;;;- ;GAILDN:EItiStAROWN,4,
t- /
Legal tulk,OHicr,,;)Z.tTgeif.
heiob'y given that the CUM..
TUTIO N, Ideated tit Ciltnberland Hall,in
Jason toviMshijv, Citinherlant county,' will make
application to the next legislature of the Corn.
Monwealth of Pennsylvania for an act of Incor
poration; with a capital'of not lees than Ten nor
'mold than Thirty Thousand Dollars, for the our
epee of receiving oesposns of money both tran
suoritmnd on interest, end Of 'making loans and
discounts, wit such other. privileges as are usu
ally, granted' to'Savinge Institutions. ' By order
of the Directors. ANAL GALBREATH, Treas.
D.- L. BEIELMAN Sec'y (jo 28 Gir.pd)
heleby given that spplicatiorr will be made
It to the next Legislature, agreeably, to the•
constitution and lawtrof the Commonw-aith of
Pennsylvania; for an alteration in the charter of
the Carlisle Deposit Bunk, so as to confer upon
said Batik the rights ard 'privileges of A bank
or woe, and to change the name to that of.the
CARLISLE' BANK: also to increase the capital
stock One hundred and fifty thoussnd dollars,
if practicable.
By order of the Board'of Directors,
June 23, 1854-6m] Cashier.
.Estate of Christian Walter;' dec'd.
OTIC.E ie. hereby giien 'that lettere of
administration on the estate of Clirititian
Walter, late of East Pennsboro twit: Cumb.
co:, deed ~h ave been granted by the ißegister
of said county to the subscriber residing in the
Same township ; All persons indebted to said
estate are required to make immediate payment
and those - having claims to present them for
settlement to
AS hereby given that an election mill beheld
Ji; on MON DAY, the 4111 day of September
next, at the public house of Jacob Redsecker,
Diekinben too [whip. CUM!). county, between
hours of 10 o'clock A M and 9 P M, for the
purpose, of electing Tie, RTEEN
TOSR to manage the business of the Cumber
land Valley Mutual Protection Company, for
the term - of one year.
Angnst Secretary.
Estate of Geo. Baker dec'd.
NTOTIch; is hereby given that Ict,er3
ittin.stration, with the will atm :zed, on
the estate .of 'George linker, late, of Silver
Spring township, Cent herk rid county, dee'd.,
hdre been granted by the Register ol;• said
count:: to the subeeriber residing in Hampden.
township All persons Itn•tiving themselves
indebted to said oetat are requited to make im •
mediate payment and those having cairns to
present them for rettlement to
tog 16-6.1 SAMUEL EBERLY, Adm'r
TO the Honorable the Judge of the Court
of Cieneral - Quarter SlTsgiun - af ilia Peace
of Cumberland comity, nt August Session, A.
D., 18,4. The petition of Joseph ..fierkel re
spectlully represents, that' your petitioner is
-provided with t necessu ry requisitesforkeep
utg n house of Public Entertatium•nt, m the
house lately occupied,us such by Jonathan Dif
lenderler, in E. W. Carlisle. Your petitioner,
therefore, prays ypur Honors to grant him a
I.icense for the same the emoting year, com
mencing on the fourth Al onday of August next,
as in duty bound he will ever pray, &.e..
We the undersigned citizens of the Borough
of Carlisle. East Ward, in the county of Cum
berland, do certify that we are well acquainted
witivihe above named Joseph Markel, that' he
is.of good reptile for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house room arid con•
vemenees for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers, aninhat eiielm limo of 'Cavern is
necessary t t accommodate the public and en—
twain strangers and travellers.
It. Mr. Janney, William Moudo, Pater Gut•
shall, Edward Showers, W tn. Barnitz, James
Whiner. ‘l. Holcomb, Charles [leaner. Jacob
Zug. Win. Alexander", John) Underwood. C.
I oh-olf;
Brigade Inspectors Orders,
„ .
The uniformed !numbers attached to each
company of organized volunteers, are hereby or
dered, to meet at their company quarters in the
bovnds of the hit Bri, 15th Reg. and on Mon
day the `'diet day of Aug. 1i354, between ten and
six o'clock to elect a Captain, First and Sec
ond Lieut. of each ompany. The Captain of
each comPuq."."'in two nill , , , rsunr mem
bers to hold said election who shat be severally
sworn or affirmed to conduct,said election hilly
and impart Tally and to make a true and correct
Return thereof to the undersigned within tett
days thereafter. SAM'L CROP
Aug 9. 00 Bri. Insp. let tlri. 15• h Reg.
Court Proclamation.
VVHEREAS the Honorable J. H. GRA.
LIAM, President Judge of the several
Celine of Coln mon- Pleas of the counties of,-Perry and Juniata', in . Pennsylvut
iiinond Justice of the several Courts of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery is
said counties. ar d [lout. John Rupp and Sam
uel ).Voodnurn,J edges of the Court olOyer and
Porminer and General Jail Delive•y for the
trial of all capital and other offenders, in the
said county of Cuinherlanif,by their precept, to
~tie di eeetcd, dated the 11th of .April, 1854,
have ordered the Court of dyer and Terminer
'old Genera Hai rnoivery, to be holden at Car.
isle, on the inn MONDA Y of August, 1854,
being the 2Bili day) at 10 o'clock in the fore
men, to Continue ono week.
NOTICE: is therefore hereby given,to the
:oroner. J.,ulicos ortho Pollee and Constables
If the said County of Coin herl .nd: that they
ire by the said precept coiniautided to be then
Ind there in their proper persons, with their
oils, records. ingoisitions, exatninAions' end
JI other reineinbr.inces, to de those things
vhi eh to their offic,s qv:rt.:tin t.. ta done, and
ill those that ore 'hew] by reenguirinces, to
Irilßec eta eiplieNt, the prisinierti that urß ~r•then
•bull .be in the, Juirof said county, ore to be
there to illogeente . thein ott Shall br just.
JOSEPH Mel)A It \IO'N LI, Sheriff.
Jun. 25, 1859.
Attention Dyspeptics
{e ui . 1 of Vol have been alllictetlt frit
ye ire with this bother:omo thecae°. aid
Who litive, 1)0°11,183.1g 'almost every Nostrum
before the publie l Withunt relief; we any to yob
try " !tiers .kritirlyede.itio" arid you will
vet in be convineed of its grout stipAitority •over
Avery other preparation, We could give you
many enrtifloatos corohorating our assertions,
lint a single trial is worth more than all, Thts
re netly iv or131)1‘.. , (1 end sold at the Drutt'Slit'il
of B. 'l., 1CE11 7 1 7 ,1n.,,S mth Hanover et at, a
few doors.sotith of the Court liouso, Carlisle.
• • •
Plainfield Olassicallkoademir
~! Nedr- Carliale,'Pa.
FIIIHE • tfith Segainn cotninence MAY Ist.
. A 'retired and healiiihil location, with titer,
°met, instruction in the varioue departmentkof
a Clnssical•m Alercalitile cduciinion.
Teims—finard and
sesshni), - . "Win aq
'or CatallegueaWith fait informiiiion address
• ' • 131 J II NS,,
Principal & Prhvrietdr.
Plainfield; Comb; co...PH. • '
! • D'iree !Vest of ilar'tisbarg, Pa.
, ;,
rn ioSEVEN"tli SESSION o'f flour
' JiL: • 4•liing litatitution ^ill commence on
'men) ; \ the 1.4 'do of MAV next,- The ad- 1
vantage which it aflaide, it is Are ore
superior '6lihreciel', , and pin-onto and...gettirdiatis.
are it•dieitetE to' ittiletre• Into-ite inetitslieferw
et ntling•their , sone wards elsewhere. , -it is'
invorahlv siteniad i, the instruetoie ate ell 'dein;
pe•ent and, exoetidneeci men,: the 'courser of in
lett oation is extensive and thernotth;andlspeeial:
attention is !paid to the, comfort-and health of
Pp?OinF. Wesiting,,Ledging, and
ire:ilium in Et019,11,,0nd . Vocal-Mu-
,io;'Per tienitiOn (5 inonthln, •' '1156 lid;
Instriution•in Ancient or Moderit"''''• '• " '
Instrussefal , • - •,- 10.40
. I .. For t Circa ars dtid,other , information address
' d !I'.l 1,1 1 o`h wiD; DLNLINGGIt
Mar ;• „ , c ..kiarrisbura,
V. FilEarl-orrival Of,Silitirc'eurlidllMOO'.
...11,, find „Pri.!,ED/,11,E.F.F. 101 l I:00.04450 from
iltinArital fitnd .far An I o ot , t ILI.' A m s.'.,F.µ qa ily
iGrmiqii,Btor'oo IVontolll in Strout, '."' ' "
Atl'iNtNEY /AT 'lll4'W' ',iimi:lspinii(l2;iii• i
`., &I ethoniVelf.'iti'd,il.'r'Og pinoliett 01 iii'lprir
es iiii.'"; 4 ; 11 Itifide ortiegm , Wl o 1110oliee•
ionts. emiti,bosinuo,.&,c.,.promptly.o!looded'
co l, , offi,moiplo94itt.o),t‘. Imog:oironiktuimo: . : -
1 a Auguil . t.ll(l/ 4853-lira. i , .,„ •:,i - , -. , 1,,t) .t..
:Pattif teiVIIRJE 0 71,71P'IST:
. . • ,OF
lIAS the pleasure toinform the Citizens of
Carlisle anklioinity, that he has taken rooms
over (the store of BEN-rz & linortikus, and is
prepared to execute COLORED DAGUERRE
to none other, superibr to any thing ever be
fore exhibited in this country. • By this pro
nets .pictured pbssess a depth of tone not-info
ierior to any in the world, 'and yet they pos
sess all the BEAUTY OF MGM AND SHADE that
can be found'in the finest steel engravings.
Mr. Davis . will remain in this place a few
weeks, during which time all who wish aperfect
likeness of themselves or family, will• do well
to improve the opportunity. The people of
this vicinity are come, one and. all,
THEMSELVES, and• see if -these things ere so.
This process, is original with Mr. D., arid,has
never before been offered-in this place.
Pictures put up' with preservers, and war
ranted never to fade. Miniatures set in lock
ets,. breast-pins, finger-rings, &c. Operating
hours, from 8 A. M. to 6 o'clock, P. M.
BErPictures taken in all kinds of wentlief.—Cva
Dark dresses are most suitable for iinguere
°types. "Children should be brought on a clear
day, between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock..
gerinetructions given in the art.
August 8,1854.
C. E. R. DAVIS. ,
Davis' new and beautiful Daguerrenn sa
loon, No. 14 Fifth street, over Leslie's store,
was opened yesterday for the first time. Hun
dreds of ladies and gentlemen visited the sa•
loon, and were delighted with the convenient
arrangements throughout. The fact is, this
establishment is the most convenient and fine
ly furnished in the Union, while Mr. Davis'
pictures are the admiration of the art. We
advise our friends to call and examine the
specimens nt the gallery without delay.—Cia.
DAGUERREAR ROOMI3.—The art of transfer.
ring the Features in the shortest possible
space of time, through the tnedium•ot the da
guerreotype, hos'been brought to great perfec
tion Ilt the present time, and we presume the
art has reached to no higher degree of excel
lence titan in oureity. We were 50 impressed
yesterday,' upon 'visiting Davis' Daguerrean
rooms, on the upper side of Filth,street, a lbw
doors from Main street, which are fitted up in
the most luxuriant style. There we saw quite
a variety of the.specimens of the art suspend
ed against the walls, among which we recog
nized familiar faces; looking as natural and
life•like almost as the originals. Now a hen
duplicates •of one's self are so easily supplied,
it would seem to be a duty ,we owe our friends,
should we leave them, to present them with
our semblance, for then we should be sure to
be - remembered—it-would—be unpleasant to
think we should be forgotten. We would,
therefore, reo .mmend Aose who contemplate
absenting themselves to the kind services of
Mr. -Davis, .of Fifth4treet.—Cin. Enquirer.
We had the Pjeakure of inspecting one of the
moat beautiful family groops we have ever
seen, tit Davis' Daguerreati gallery, No. 14
Firth street, yesterday. Mr. D. gives pectic
tiler attention to the taking groups and
children, and in these, as in fact in ell his pie
tures; is eminently successful. 11.6 time is
wholly devoted to his beautiful art, and by
close attention and study, he has been able to
make many improvements. Give him a call.—
Citt. Nonpareil, ,
"Leaves have.tlieir time . to fall,'
And flowers to wither at the north winds
'And stars to set ;' but all—
. Thou halt all seasons for thy own, 0 death !"
How soon some"loved one may be snatched
away you know not Get a daguerreotype
from that excellent artist, 'Dash-, No. 14 Fifth
street—it will be a life like, almost a living
memorial.—Cin. Son.
There is much talk again about Hillotype
and other projected improvements in Photog
.Ylol4, but the simple fact is, that nothing has
been brought to light as yet, which cense,
pare with hi, Davis' beautifut - deguerreot es,
in clearness of outline, accuracy of oxpre on,
or delicacy of tone and color. Call at No. 14
Fifth street, and see hisspecimens and judge
for yourselves.—CM Times.
Is in n well-known fact, that Mr. Davis'
guerreotypes are equal to hay in the world,
the beautiful specimens exhibited in his galle
ry are evidences of his skill in the art. We
were present and witnessed the operation of
taking the likeness at' a child, performed by
Mr. Davis, at his gallery, No. 14 Fifth street.
Parents anxious to secure a good likeness of
their children will find Mr. Davis an excellent
hand to take them ; he always succeeds admi
rably.— 071. Ci 11.711
All who visit Davis' splendid gallery, en
Fifth street, No. 14, are inclined to repeat
their visits. We'd() not wonder at this, Mr.
Davis knows how to give a courteous reception
to visitors, as well as to give them good pic•
tutee.—C"in. Gazette.
1E1;1(3111'CH LESS THAN 23 OUNCEq.
For the Cure of Hernia or ItuWure.
CKNtIWL ti ED by the highest meth
:A. cal authorities of nil:McMinn, incompa
hiy sup e ri o r to any other tit use, Stifierers tall
be grmilied to that the uernsion nowollers
to procure not only tee ligli•cit Mid mom easy,
but as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of
the Cumbrous and Internet.' table article usu
ally said. There /5 no difficulty. attending 1119
fit mtg. ancludien the pad is ha.ted,it ttili retain
its posit ton without change. a instance unable to call on the
subberiber coq !layp Tina Truss sent tl auy ad
dress, by remitting five d dines for the single
Truss, or ton tor the douttle with measure
round the hips, and stating side affected. L
will he ex.•hanged to suit it not titling, bv re
turning al once, unsoiled. For sale only by
the Importer, CALEB 11, N EEDLE,: 4 ,
'Twelfth Eg Itare,Sl'rects, Philadelphln.
O I,Amel, requiring the benefit ill Mechan
ical Supports, owing to the derangement of the
Internal Organs,indveing ,alling of the Womb.
V oca l, Pul ,munry,
D yspeptie, Nervous and
Spi”al Weakness, are iniormed flint a comp°
tont and experienced IrAnv will be in attendance
nt the Itooms,(‘-et apart for theirexeltisive use)
No. I 14. 'l' IV ELFTII St. tat door below Race:
July 9.(i.
Just Published—A new Discovery in Medicine s
Frew winds on the Rational Treatment,
without Medicine, SPerimitorrlica. or local
weakness; nervous debility, low
tudo, weakness (whs . limbs sail hack, kudispo
eition and incapacity for study and labor, "dull :
11005 in iMpiehenson, loss of memory, eversion
to socie.y, love of solitude. timidity, sellAtt,
trust. dizziness, hovhoonvolitniuty, discharges,
pains in the side,. allectioh of din eyes, pimples
.on the face, seinal and, other infirmities in man
Ftoon'the French of Dr.fl:DuLnticey
Thin im;tortant fact that these alarming com
plaints may Deily he removed wiritonT MEDI
CINR. is in this small tract, clearly detitun•tra•
ted, and the ontjrely new and highly suc.•essntl
trent Meat: as adopted by the Awhor„tully
plained, by means of which every one is enabled
to intro himself perfectly and at the boast pnssi
ble ensi, avoiding thereby all the advertizod
'unstrums•ot the day. :.•
float to any ad tress, grittie and post free, in
it sealed envelopoi by remitting (post paid) two
postage stamps to Dr,li.llebaney,l7 Lispenard
Sveet. Nevi , ,York: (mnrl"ty
Phil. •Surgeons Bandage Inatitute
. < y jcs itEm ov ED to No. 4 Ninth aireet.
sixth aidie above Market., - 13 C.
• FIVE a. ETTT'S Patent Graduating
TRUSS, for the: our° d,lttijiture ;
Slinkier Braces. Sapportera e bliaatinStookinge.
,Suftioneary, 'Hemorrhoidal. find Binidegee for
defortnit:ea. ' Jan: lt—tir;
• • • _
. - DR. C. S. nemka
D ESPECTFuLt.r. offore hie professiona
eski 0;9 c 4; lions of Carlisle andltur•
Offloo in South Ilanoyen'ltroet,
Airectly,olol,6sitO to titfi " Voluotbor UfficO."
• Carlisle; AO 20; 1893 ." •
~C,}: B.: 1.70tX1.,
4T. ZO. 11,N Y. AI . W;' , will mined
A lii!irntiiil+ to- - 1111 h6ineFth entrotted 1n him
Offinb iti.the ','itioliififirfnerl,v, — eFoAllstrliy
liam Irvino;*.Esa., Nortlillaeover Carlisle.
April SO, Vis4:lk,
• ' xxxxirtma. "
firr r E orl;hro reef ildjn,iptrig
NVoit Rtore. t (Ti er 11(,
from ;7, r 9 9 f!'fl tog 1 , . — ll,l d s fr - 111
0 . n vic 1).• r ; 5
trildri ACK EP EL, of the - new
r 1111Yeton rek•Sivoll iind. for: prtle. , .ntiz the
GYrwriek , uP..); rl 1 .t,l A AtS..
7 &trot.;
deal (Estate ,0ct17g4,..
Public Sale.
On, SATURDAY, the 2d of September, '54.
EWill expose to public sale, at the late resi
dence of Henry Itichebaugh, deceased,
Franktord' township, In pursuahee' of the
iroctione of his will, a carted' Tract orland.
djoining the Mansion farm of the said
rentainmg about 26 acres, be the same, mere
'74 loss, nearly all of which is, cleared and unr
Tier fence but without buildings.
K.Altio, at the same - time and . place, a LOT
lE GROUND in the same township ot Frank , .
ird. containing about Two acres, be the same,
core or lea,, and which also adjoins the eamo
HansiOn Farm Terms will 'be made known
• m day cif sale by SAMUEL DILLER.
August 9, 1854. , •
Town Property For Sale
THE subscriber offers at private sale a LOT
!if GROUND situate en Pitt street, between . ..
Alain and Pomfret streets in this borough, con
-27, loot front, and 70 feet,iu depth.—•
There is a cellar on the lot, the !dwelling house
having been destroyed in the lire of last full,—
For terms enquire of thNtidersigned.
Aug. 9, '54. - J PHILLIPS.
On TUESDAY, the 26th of September, 1854.
WILL be sold at Alai sale a first rate
SLATE {VARA, late the property 'of
'Michael Miller, deed., situate to Nook Mid
dleton township, Cumb. co., near /Middlesex,
im the road from Middlesex to Sterret's Gap,
iMuut three miles east of Carlisle and hall a
mild north of the Harrisburg turnpike. It lies the Canedoguinet Creek and adjoins
tarots of Sam'l. Sadler, Sam'l. Bear and others.
This Farm ,ontaini. about ONE-HUNDRED
AND FIE TEEN. acres, of which . about filtems
acres are Timber' Land. and part of I , is fine
Meadow Land for hay arid pasture.. There' is
also upon the farm a "young' thriving Orchard.
Tho improvements are a good
two story LOG HOUSE and
Kitchen with a pump ar - the dooi. ° a
a now Bank Burn, &c.
AL,o, at the same [into and place '
a 'Tract of MOUN TA IPT LAND, containing
about 3& acres, situate in Carroll two., Perry
county. Fur further information inquile.of the
undersigned, living in North Middleton town;
ship. Terms made known on day of sale by
Aug 9, 1854
At Public Sale,
On FRIDAY, the Isl. of September, 1851.
TI I E. Heirs of Joseph Witmer, late of Norte
Middleton twp. dee'd„ will sell at public side,
on the premix s, at ID o'clock, A'. M.:a first
rate LI tIESTONE FARM, in Southampton
township, Cumberland county. This nlllll'l9 .
shinned on the Carlisle and Chambersbnig
tot spike, about two miles eni.t of ShippiMsbn rg
'and was formerly the o open y nt Johrion Wil
liamson. It contains 11413 acres, about es of
whi , •ll is very fine timber Land. The whole
tract is under good fence and 111 a high state of
ca , tivation. Teem is also an Orchard of choice
thrivingand Iron trees. The irn- ... 2 „,,,..
pr•iVeiTlPTlttl are n largo two stotv ;
rt RACK 110 USE, with tmckbuil- : P
ding, b-ick wash house, a good,—
Brick Barn. Also a Tenant'
fLity;c end stable.- The.a itietu 7 ci We- -
ter convenient to the buildings
Ch r %vidc,v's low , r can remain in the property
or will be released, as the porcbaser May - omit.
For further information call upon Joscpli Wit
leer, who resides 011 the premies. Terms will
be made known on day of snle by
And other Hairs of Joseph Winner, deed.
Aug 9;1854,
Kr Carlisle Voluriteer and ShiPpensburg
News copy 01 sale,
• Town Property For Sale. .
rFHC_undersigned_will_ofer at public sale,.
at the Courthouse ,on S U RDA Y the
2fith of August, at 2 o'clock, P. M 0 the folloni
iug property, situate in the borough of Car
lisle, viz:—
• NO. I—A double two story
Nt=' situate on Bedford strcet. with
~741,e; back building. wash hou,e and
cistern, adjoining property of T.
Bugler. The lot is 120 feet deep.
No. 2—ls a two story DWELLI N C. [MUSE:
--4.—.-tmarueu, %vim a never...failing well of
Water northe door. '(he two propvrties will
be sold separately or together as may suit por
t Terms will be made known on said tiny by
July 13) WM. M. PEN I/ OSE.
Y pursuance of the' last %VIII and Testatherit
it Jaeub ((Maley, dec'd, late of Sumitomo
ton township, Franklin county, will be offered
at private sate, the Perm of the sa.d
situated in said township, four miles west of
tiapensburg and•one mile east of . Orrstown.
'rhe Form contains about 112 acres of the
best quality of limestone land, a good propor
tion of thriving limber, and the balance in a
high state of cultivation. .
'Pule improvements area large'
DWELLING HOUSE, Stone lll' .
Bank pant. Wagon Shed and ~/tv g . 4
Corn Cribs, &c., all in good -
hair, i well ofnever failing water and a cistern
it the door. Also, two ,-Drchtirds of choice
fruit, &c. This fa'rm is pledsmitly situated one
mile Fri it the thriving vflage of Orrstown,
where good stores add inei haloes of .011 kinds
ire In4ated For pleasantness of locution and
richness of the coil, the farm is beliet•ed to be
one of the best inlhe eastern end of Franklin
county. If it should not lie sold before the
80th day of ieptember next,it will then be sold
at medic outcry at I o'clock, P. M.
moan wishing to view the, proOrty will
! dense call on the svbseriher. living near the
Executer of Jecol) Knitley. dce'd
Tirrin-h lune'l4. '54. '
PiIiVATZ 1361+E.
•101 - F. •ribar tilTtri at private sale two
•$ tracts of Land adjoining, situated in bur
win twp , tf nnitlm co., 6 tnilesatoth of Ship-.
pm:shoe; and 3 weal of 'Newburg. Said -tract
o 14191 A of 13 t 'toms each, Slate land under a
MO state of cultivation The imporvemente
are a Two Story LUG 110 USE, ;
1,04 Barn on each farm. niso a . ; tottp
Gera-crib and the nocessany out ..`Ol ;
buildingsand.excellent Orchard ,a0t 1 ,,„
.lA,. •
on etch farm and water conveni• ..
eat to the dwel inqs. Both /arms are covered
witli young thriving Tin:her.
A tso a train of TIM 13 ER LAND; eomain
big 16 .tores, situated in Letterkenny twp,
Franklie co., within one mile of ftrixliorr,--i
S >er is of a superior quality. (he
farms wi!l he sold low, as the pubseiilier in
tends le ivioe fn the went. ;r:j'Por further.
parieu'uro, oallin the subscriber residing 90
the premises.
On SATUROAY,,.August 20, 1854
gxr; LL be sold at pulibc sale on the Ken+.
VV acs. a L9l. '4l Grannd siinatad'in
town, Cumberland Minim t et present in the'
oecupaney of W. Wambough, containieu 40
test in front and 180 feet in depth; bounded•on
the north byahe Tdrunike, on the east by lot of
D.inial Shiedle, 'on. the south . by an alley and'
on the west by lot of John Cooper,
having thereon greeted IS T W 0- s c
STORY FRAME.'HOUSE, a la gr , •
large brick Shop, Catringe 7 house •
and other. Out—buildings, arid a.
C , stern •An.iadieputable title will be made'
and possession given on the first of April heat.
Sale. to commenee el 2 o'clock; A. M., on mill
daY, when terms will he made known by • , •
July. 26. '5%. ABRAHAM MYER.
THE two Story F HAME 4101.15 E.
and Lot of Ground in ,Bouth Moo.
vor street, now occupied byCharlos
Beretta, immodiatelyepprisite BonCz g
Store, is offered at private gale,. Fru'.
foram) enquite of. the, subscriber ,' Attorney for
the owner. ,
nov9's3tf.i IL, AL HENDNRSON.,'
',VHF, subscriber haying boon appointed by
the Odsertior 'Sealer 'of 'Weights and
illeseuree for CUmberhind tw
enty, Will 'attend.
.toi the duties .Of eald apPointment. Persons ,
who buy or sell hy. weight 'or meatture Will tie
called upon to have their weights and measures
ddjuited, and persons ref:timing , to hate them r
adjusted are notified not to use them under
penalty, of 0,0 104. wm..Al4. 1%1 A TEM; •
SaidertUf Weight!' - rind 'Measures.
LoWer. , A.llen 6701. '3Cily*q6
' •
E. NE W LAND . 4' ,
• el
' .
Lopking,;Glass, Pleture-,Frame
•po. 126 ARCH.
ST. :oppotke Ilie-;,Thealer;t
i.2.yEiiN,^6s 'Co: foamed the only •Prise Medal,
hwairded at 'the Crystal PalncereiclihAlnn;,N.Vis'
ilBsB;in. diet 84"fehaill;sPenorated4felantsdt
fend . Lego.
to to coin, t, (.!sr,' :