Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 26, 1854, Image 3

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    Nal) "/ . ki:lifttl.s' il,}i-ut.
NrOS. 2 and 3 6tACEN'AtEL; of ilro now
L crop jusgroceived Hai (or ant , nt the
I'4mily Grovety of J. G
July %, '54. Nest Alnin
,Carlisle Gas and Water. Compply,
instalment of five dollars per
share 'snow due.and payable. 'rho ninth
insta meet Of five dollars per share is payable
on the 10th day of August, next. As the de
!wols upon the Comp'any are very heavy,
Stockholders are.pattleuhirly requested to call
and make payment immediately to
July '26, 1144. MP. M. BEETEM, Tr,
Estate of Christian Walfer,,dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of
administration on'the estate of Christirn
Walter, late of East . Pennaboro twp., Cumb.
co., dec'd , have been granted by the Register
of said county to the subscriber melding in the
mime township. All itersons indebted to said
estate are required to make iinmedinte payment
and those having claims to present them for
settlement to
July 26, '54-6t
11.1- TEacx-ztas WANTED.
rwitig Board of School Directors of Monroe
township will meet nt the 'School House
in Churchtown, the 21st of August, at 9 &clot It
A. 81., for the purpose of contracting with
Tent•,hers to take charge of the schools of said
district. All applicants for said schools are re.
quested to meet The Board on said d'ay. The
county Soperintiindimt will nrso he present for
tho purpose of examining Teachers.
By Order of the Board.
. Seci'y
THE subscriber having been appointed by
the Governor Sealer of Weights and
Measure's for Cumberland county, will attend
to OM dunes of said appointment. Persons
who buy or sell by weight o- measure will be
called upon to have their weights and measures
adjusted, and-Persons refusing to Ttave them
adjusted are notified not to use them under
penalty of the law. WM. M. M ATEER,
, Settler of Weights and Measures.
Lower Allen twp., July 26, '54-4tpd.
TILE two Story'FßANlEr HOUSE
and Lot of Ground in South Ilatio• a
ver street, now occupied by Charles pp
I3arnitz, immediately opnosite Bentz iftl-111
Store, ih offered at private sale. _For
ter - 14 en.tuite of the subscriber, Attorney fo
the owner.
On gATURDAY, .August 20, 1854:
WWILL be 'sold at public `sole on the preini-
V V sea. a Lot of Ground situated in Kings
town; Cumberland county, at present .in the
occupancy of W. Warnbough, containing 40 in-depth,-bounded-on
-the nertit by the Tuinpike, on the east by lot or
Daniel Shipdle, on thu south by an alley and
on the west hy - laraf - John - Cboper,
having thereon erected a T W 0- if :j a
large brick Shop, ,Carriage-house
and other out bilililjngs, nnll
Cistern An irtdisitutrible title wql be made
and - possession given on the first of A r eilil next -
Sale to commence at 2'ot:o'clock, A. M., on sell
day, when terms will he mode known by
July '26, ABRAHAM. M Y
For . the Cure of Hernia or Rupture.
ACI(1.10 WLNDGED by the highest inedi•
en) authorities of Philadelphia, incompa a •
bly superior to any other in use. Sullerers will
•be gra•ilied-to learn that the occasion now offers
to procure not only the lightest and moot easy,
but as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu pf
the Cumbrous and uncomfortable article usu
ally said. There is no difficulty attending the
fitting, and,when the padi is located,it will relent
its, position without change.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the
subscriber, can have the 'Trues sent to any ad
dress, by remitting live dollars_for the single
Truss, or ten for the double—with measure
round the hip, and stating side atfeet - cd. Ii
will be exehani!ed to suit it not fitting, by re
turning at once, unsoiled. For sale only by
the Importer, CALEB H. NEEDLES„ _
Cur. Twelfth hi Race Streets, Pbiladelphht,
irrLoirtici, requiring the•beneficol Mechan
ical Supports. owing to the derangement of the
Internal Organs,indveing ialling'ol the Womb.
Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and
Spi”al Weakness, are informed that a compe
tent and experienced LADY will he in attendance
at the RomnsJset apart for theirexclusive use)
No. 114. TWELFTH St. Ipt door below Race.
July 26 '54.
~ •
T an Orphan's Court began on Monday the
II 17th day of April, 1854, and holden at
Carlisle in and for Cumberland county, before
the lion. James 11. Graham, Prest. Judge, and
SamueNVoodburn and John 1.1.upp,, Esquires,
associate Judges, '&0, the following proceed
ings were hod, to wit:
The petition of Samuel Goodyear respect,
fully represents: That your petitioner is now
the owner of a tract of land in South Middle
. ton township, that was formerly the property
of a certain Adusi-Ititchey;-atid-which-said
piece of land after the death of the said Adam
was taken under proceedings in partition in
this Court the 18th September, 1811, by Ed
ward 0. Hail, since when the title by virtue
of divers good and sufficient assurances in law
Las vested in your petitioner and heirs. That
when said land was so taken by the said Ed
ward 0. Heil among other recognizatioes. he
entered into one in said. Court to James Ham
ilton, Esq. President of the Court of .Common
Pleas, and his euccessors, wherein Thomas
Carothers was , his security, which said recog
nizance was conditioned to pay to MathowiAg
new as tenant by the ourtesy (his wife late
Ntinay Ritchie being dead) the interest for his
on one hundred and forty ninety-four line
hundred' dollars; and the further interest on
seventy dollars at the death of Jane lirhito the
widow of the said Adam Ritchie, and at the
death of the said Mathew Agnew to 'pay to the
children of the said Mathew and Nancy:Agnew
the principal as follows, viz: To Thomas Ag
new $52 26: - to James Agnew $52126; to Eli
,zabeth Agnew $52 26, and to Margaret Agnew
$52 26 . . That after s rid r.cognizanoe was so
taken the said Edward Q. Hail paid to the said
Alathew Agnew, the father, the said principal
'sums of fifty two dollars and twenty six emits
coining respectively after Iris (the said Mathew)
death to -his said children, to wit—the said
Thomas, Janice,. Elizabeth and Nltirgaret.
That three of said children, that is to Hay,
Thomas, Juices and Eliiabetb, died in the life
time of their father, said-Mathew Agnew in
testate,unmarried and without issue, whereby
their said father, became entitled to their said
personuMmatrs. The lonrtt child, Margaret,
intermarried With a certain John IVyneltoop,
who survives the said Margaret who died in
testate,•aud to the said John Wyttdtoup the said
Mathew Again+ paid the whole of. the said
principal !honey received by him as aforesaid
from the said Edward 0. Hail, with thennder
standing that John Wynkoop -was , ft) pt rim
(Agnew) the interest thereon, so that In truth
and in fact the said before recited recognizime?
is fully paid, but there is no satisfaction en
tered of record: Mathew Agnew,is now dead,
and Andrew Agnew is his administrator, The.
nuts, James and Elizabeth Agnew have been
dead for more than ten years, and have no ad
ministrators. Margaret the wife of John
Wynkorp is also dead, and he, her sahl,hus
sand, is her administrator. The said Wynkoop
aotwithstanding his receipt of the prineipaLof
:he recognizance as aforesaid, by a paper da
.ed 27th September, 18.15. assigned the said
'eoognizango to James A. Dever, Esq. who has
o his Possession said transfer which is not re,
:orlerl, nor. any minute thereof made ;in the
,ffioe'of the Clerk of the Orphans Court. Your
.otilionnt'' therefore prays the Court to grant
.rule on said parties or their Tegai represen
_atives requiring them to appear
,a 6 the next
sated Orphan's Court an'd answer this petition,
.nd ho will pray, &o. ." • •
Wheroupon 20th April, ,1854,.Ru10 granted,
°tie° stating the foot eet forth in.the petition
be served on the legal representatives• or
elirosentatires it to be founti-in this county,
ad by publication as aforesaid •in one news
spur in Carlisle ()nee' a week, for four sums
re weeks prtor to the • next 6t4ted Orphans
t wit in olio() the parties' ntoroilitid oinnot bo
unpo this county. BY THE COURT.
I do certify that titeCohoee'rind'fo'rego'in g is
,true etract token" frem.tse recordsof the
rhan'sCnurt:, In testimony whereofT,boii
remit() set my fiend and sent of •eni4 Court
Carlisle, this 25th day of 4 pi4l. A. 114 - 1854.
8:1A1'L.,4C1'k. 0: V.
'July 12, 1851.-4 t.
. ~ .
Neu) ZbutttizEments.
IN the boroughs nod townships where it will
* bo inconvenient r.f. thu School Dirretors to
m 'e,l " heusos or, tho exurnination of
to.teners t they eon or a favor by ormitring
filaek Board. I)43N:L. SHELLY,
Jrhl 260 (31 un.y 01' Com. r.4ohouls.
Pam phlet, "Laws
IPINHE rat pith! Laws of t t'e teseioa of th
Legadat tt . a of 1:54; !wee !teat' received ti
the Prothemotat ye Otii. e, and, pro reedy for de
Evan, to thdect to receive them. • ,
Jul; GEO.- Z 1 N N, Proth'y
Z a later Wanted
A.FEMALE reacher to take charge or the
Female I igh Bchool borough of
Ntiwville. Thu Board of 1/hectors will re
e ve applica , tons until the Ist of August.—
Too session w ill commence near the last of
Aagust, arid be continued nice months.
Ncwville, July 19, 'M.]
ROF. WENTWORTH tillers for sale, at
$175, n gond PIA N O. second hand, New
York make. French action, iron plate, rose
wood=cass, iii pe feet order. A ruro chance
to Way a good instrument of n low price. Re
fer., itr further inlormat4n,, to Plot. J. K.
S'l'A YM AN. It can be seen nt No. 2 Grum
met &hoot. pelt , 19, '54.
Town Property For Sale.
MEM undersigned will offer,nt public sale,
at the Court !louse, on S I:I'I.3I:DAY the
Mit 01 August, at '2 o'clock, P. M 0 the follow
tug property, situate in the borough of Car
lisle, viz:—
No. I—A double two story
4 It. gri Stone DWELLING HO usn,
I.? situate 'on Bedford street, with
VP . • back building. wash hou.:e and
•" cistern, adjoining property ol T.
Beeler. • The lot to NO lest deep,
No. 2— two story DWELLING HOUSE
weatherbo.trdetl, with a never-failing well ol
wuter ne,r the door. The two properties will
be sold separately or together as may suit pur•
Terms will, be made known on said day by
July 131 Wkl, M. PENUOSE.
TEIE subscriber offers'at private sale two
tracts of Land adjetanig;',dtitated in Lift
gen two., Franklin co„ 6 miles north of Ships
pensburg and 3 west of Newburg. Said tract
- consists of !Macros each, Slate land under a
high state of cultivation The imporvements
are a Two Story LOG 110 USE
bog Barn on each farm, oleo a .A9.
Corn-crib and the necessanv out. WY; g
buildings and excellent Orchard
on etch farm, and water conveni•
ent to the dwel ings. Both farms are covered
with young thriving Timber.
Also a tract of TIMBUR LAND, contain
ing 16 acres, shoaled in Letterkenny twp,
Franklin co., within one mile of Roxbury
S tid 'Timber is of n superior quality. The
farms will be sold'low, as the subscriber
leavieg for-the-west, , - "For--further
nariculars, call on the Subscriber residing on
the premises.
my - I 9,-'5 t-4wl - PETE'R. - CLIP Plkagli.
Y virtue or spndry writs of Venditiani-Ex•
ponas issued not of the Court of Common
Pleas of Cumberland county, nod to me direct
edd will ex po,e to sale by public vendee or out
cry, at the Court flonse in the Borough of
Cut-lisle, on THURSDAY, the 17th day of
August, 1854. at 10 o'clock, A. M.. the follow.
ing deseribdd Real Estate, viz:
A Lot of Ground, Situate in the borough of
Carlisle, containing 201 feet in !Vont and 149
feet in depth more or less, bounded on the east
by William Sellers, and on the north by Wil
liam Sellers, on the south by Chapel Alley and
on the west by Hanover Street,:hriving.thereon
erected 2 two nary Brick [louses. Stu. Seized
and taken in execution us the property of Geo
A Leiclig.
Also, a tract of Land, situate in Mifflin tp.,
Gmbh. county. containing 8 acres more or less,
bounded on ttte north by lands ofJolin Dunlee.
on the west by lands of Robert Middleton,
on the east ~by T. C. Schuler, on the south by
James Harlin, having thareon erected a two
story frame woojherboarded House two story
backbuilding, shop, log barn. &c. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of William
'NV Wield.
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in the borough
of Carlisle. containing fio feet in, front and 140
feet in depth inure or less, bouuded on the west
by East Street, on the south by an alley, on the
east 'by Edward' Showers ant on the north by
Robert S. Alcorn, having thereon erected a
two story frame House, frame back building,
Wash house, frame stable, and other out bowi
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in borough of
Curlisle, containing 30 fret in trout 140 in
depth more or loss, bounded on the south by
S.Jotn street, on the ea ht by lot of Peter Spahr.
on t te.west by lot of William R. Gorges and
dace Nlorrow, on the north by Chapel alley.
having thereon erected a two Beery frame wen
tluwouarded Efonse,fram back budding, frame
stable and other out buildings, &c. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of William
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in Shiremans
town, in the township of liamptien, county - of
Cumberland, containing 180 tem in front and
168 feet in depth more or less, bounded on the
west by. Catharine Rupp, 'on the north by
Strock,s alley, Ott the east by Warner's alley,
on the south-. LX Mn Street, having thereon
erected a two story ai
y brick and frame weather
boarded (louse, and n two story frame womb
orboartled shop, frame barn, and °Oleg, out
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in Shire
manstown, Lower Allen township, containing
one-fourth of an mere more ordeals, bounded on
rho north by Mai:, Street, on the west by"hr
alley, on the sontliby Oak alley, on the east
by lot of W. 1.1 Shoop, Esq.
Also, n Lot of Ground situate in Shire
manstown, Lower Alien township, containing
three•Merths of an acre more or leen, blooded
en tho south by Second Street, on the west by
an alley, on the north by Oak alley, Oti the
east by lot of Elizabeth \l. Smith, &e. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Geo.
Also, a , Lot of Ground situate in East Penns
bin o to ten ship, in the town of Fairview, con
taining 51 feet in front and leB feerin - dentli
more or less, bounded on the north by lot of
William Banks ' cm the west by Main Street,
on the - smith by an alloy or street 60 feet
wide and on the east by an alley, haying,
thereon erected a two story frame weather-'
boarded House, frame back building, Irani°
stable and other out houses.
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in East Penns
born towit;litp, in the town of Fairview, eon.
wit - tine 51 feet in front and 108 feet in depth
more nr tess, • bounded on the north by road
leading to - Pratts' Mill, on the west by en al
ley, on, ,he south by Pat riek 4 ,,Ryne, on the
east by Main S,reet. haying — air:root - 1 ereeted.n
two story frame weatberboarded Nouse, (roar
back building, {ruins stable and other out
hoatios. Seized and taker, in execution no the
property of George lifoltz,and Jacob ilfolti.,-
virtrmitice to tenants in possession.
. Also, a Lot of Ground situate in the bdroug'i
of Slopounsburg, part of a lot No.• 80; in the
enoeral ptnn acid borough, bounded on he
north tie Ktig Street, on [tic east by a lot of
John Gish, on tiro south by an alley, on the
wont by lot of the,heirs of Win. Russo!, dee'd
containing 41 loot in front nod 157 It. in depth
mgr.) or lean, having thereon °rooted o two
story Brick House; brick back building."wash
honie, stable and other out It moos. Seized
end taken in execution as the property of An
thony F. Well,
. Also, a Lot of droiip I situate in West Penns
bot.o township, Cumberiznd county, containing
three-fourths of an sere morn or lass bonntind
on the oast "by Jacob Beltchoover, on the
south by Wm. Welsh. on the west by Mira.
Jacobs and on the north by auorgo Zinii Jr..
having thereon ereeee,l trolou'Ae two story
llouse,part brick anti part log weatherboarded
a blacksmith' shop, frame stable, and other out
Also, a Lot of Grodnd situate In Whet Penns
boro towoship, Oumb. county, contnitiin,g ono
Bore more or leas.hounded on the cast by Mrs,
Jacobs, on the south by Wm Welsh. on The
west by Wm Pergosno, nittl:morth by. George
Zinn, Jr. Seiz d and token ,iii,cxecution as.
the property of Victor Shannon.
Also, a tract of Lond situate in Bast Penns
born township, Bomb. county, containing 24
soros m 'fro or Ines, b 011111,10,1 nn tic n trtb by
:lobo Lentz. no the west by John nod
Lei tz, on the Booth by lands of Benjarnip
Bow Mao and on the east by public road, hiving
k,..thercoo'.‘reoted a two story frame weather—
_ boarded liaise,- (rain° barn, &tc. Seized and
token in ,:xtieutiontho property of Barnard
Gloss,. • •
Also, a Lot of Groood situate in .
the bar;
onzl, of:Carlisle, containing 140 feet in front,
not 10'Na( it" depth more or lep1: boundiffi nn
the ow. by lot of iselb Z 14., on the south by
lot of Wm. Breese, no the nor It 'by 511 in
Street, no the • weal
.);Ist Stfriet having
thereo t created a two story stone UlattEfo, Mace
baalc b iildin2. loty'ataida,,Trnmr ten pin alley,
log hla Otl'nll l l stop, &a., Boizetrand,ta.
kt t in eve fotiornir thn 'property orgobiiiii:
Alcorn, an i all to me„ ; • •''
• .; • .1931 7 1Pfl morPutmovi),
03 soce, 7 Caticter.s &tariff.
t- , _•July 19, 1851,
. . •. ••.
School Examinations:
TiIII ,undereignetl.will meet with the several
boards, of e , ( moot Directory of Cumborland
a.unty, for the examination of teachers, on
the, following 'days, viz:
Ale . ohanicsbu'rg, July 21. at 12 o'clecic, •
New Cutubennud, 44 29, " 3 .44 P. 1K
S. Middleton, 'Aug. 9 " 4.01
Frankrord, 44 7, 12 "
511fflin, 44 8, 10 m.
Hopewell," , 9, 10 4 .
Shippensburg tp., 44 10, 10 " 44
Sea inmpten, . 44 11, 10. " • " •
Newton, - -44 12, 9 44 "
Shippensburg bor., 4 4 14, 10 " •• "
Neweillo, 4 4 15, • 10 '"
West I'ennsboro', 44 16, 10 •
Dickinson, 44 17, 9 11
N. Middleton, ‘• 18 , 9 It
Silverspriug, .; 19 , 9
Monroe, 1, 21. 9 • 44 .14
Upper Allen, 44 22, 10 , 44 "
Lower Allen, '• 23, 12 "
East Penusboro, •' 25, 12 "
Hampden, " 20, 1 " r. M.
Walnut Grove, 4 4 28, 8 " "
County Supt. Com. Schools.
N. 13.--The several Boards of Directors will
please appoint the place of meeting; and noti
fy the Superintendent in due time.
Shiremanstown, July 10, 1854.
TIIE Board of School Directors of West
Pennsbnro twp., will meet at Alt. Rock, on
WEDNESDAY, the 16th of August, at 9 o'clock
A. M , for the purpose of oontraoting with
Teachers to take abarge of the schools of said
district. All applicants fer / said schools, ne
requested tot meet the Board on said day. The
county Superintending will also be present for
,Ife purpose of examining teachers
By order of the Board.
July 16, '64-3t
York, Dlllsburg & Greencastle Rail
VIE commissioners named in the act incor
porating the York, Dillsburg and Greencastle
Railroad Company give notice that they will
open books tor the puipooe of receiving sub
scriptions to the capital stok of said Railroad
Company, in accordance with the provisions
of the general act.regulating rail roads, at the
following named times and places: In York
at the public house of Thomas Aletzel, on the
Ist, 'bland 3d, of August; at Dillsburg on the
4"th, sth and 7th; at Papertown on the Bth,
9th and 10th; at Centreville on the 14th, 15th
and 16111; at Shippensburg on the 17th, 18th
and 10th; and nt Greencastle on the 21st, 22d
and 23d of August. By order of the Commis
•Dillsburg, July 19, 1854
. SCHOOL TAX---185 1 1.
A ni N SATURDAY the sth at August next,
vjr the Scholl - District Timesaver dl Carli'e'o
will meet at the County Commissioner's office
to receive school taxes. All paying on or be•
I,,eu chat day will he allowed 5 per cent.—
Prompt payment is necessary, and will benefit
hifult taxables and district.
July 12-4 t Trensurrt.
it graduate of some Methodist College, who
understands teaching, is wanted to fake charge
of a school for boys, at VVrighton, Rhode lion,
Anne Artiode! county, Md. Salary $3OO per
annum, aid hJard. Address 'l' B Lemon,
Arent for Dickinson College , or Dr. W. G.
Deal, residing at Wrighton, Rhode Run, Md.
Julyl2, 31
11HE undersigned !roving lately opened the
g Union Hotel, on West. Main street, next,
door to Ithond'a warehow.e, invitee the public
and travel travelra's to give Into a call. The 1/011.013 rs
perfectly new. and the rooms large, airy and
comfortable, Exery effort still be .made to
please all who patronize the - Union, end the
proprietor pledges himself ioleave nothing on
done to, make his guests comfortable
1 1- Stabling ior 40 head of horses
July 12-3mpd
THE Board cif School Directors of South
Middleton township will meet a. the public
house of 4r. Stough, in the borough of Carlisle,
on SATUICD A Y tht- sth of August next, at 9
o'clock, A. 51 , for the purpose of contracting
with teachers to take charge, or the schools of
Said district.sll All applicants for said schools
are requested to meet the
,board on said day.
The County Superintendent will also by pres
ent for the pa rposo or examining teachers. By
order of the Boat d,
.1111:y 12-4 t Secretary
NN E I'S—List received II few En4liel
MOODanstable Bonnets, also a small lot of Satin
Straw Do and other qualities, for sale cheap,
G. W.
yl a MBROIDERIE3—Now opening a v^ry
27A full asortinent of Lica and muslin
sleVes al'id collars of various quiliiies, Swis Had
u thi b r i u u g , ng itnd Insertnigs of all qualities
with a great varie.y of desirable goods for the
season. G. W. 111TINl ER.
r ". MIDS—A full Assortment of' Black
Miss, Gloves, Lice Points just
received by G. W. lIITN
CIA NS— Just opened a great variety of hand
le some Spanish. Chinese and Ivory Fans ,&c
Also Dress trimmings in variety.
oprened a small invoice of Children's Straw
Flats. and mans and boys' Braid fiats:
LISLE TU . RE kl) HOSE.--Just received a
few d•>aen L 'lies' Lisle 'Thread Stockings, a
veil , desirable article ior hot weather, with a
general assortment of 11081 and Half Hose of
various kinds, also a hill assortment of Lisle
Thread, Cotton and Silk Gloves.
HAIR STOCKS.—Jost received Black and
Colored flair Stocks for evinmer wear, Lawn
Silk and Batiste Cravats, to which wo invite
the att:ntion of the gentlemen.
LINEN SEIM!: PlNG.—Linen and Cotton
S'oeeting, Turkish and e;lectrie Towels for the
htth, also., lull assortment of linen towelling,
table cloths, napkins, &c for seleat
July 13 185,0 GEO W lIETNER'S.
I,,,ToTICE is hereby given that the CUM-
locatoda Cumberland Ilall,in Ilick.'
inson Cumberlani. county, will matte
application to lira next Legislature of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania - lora - tract of-Incor
poration, with n capio grtiol less than Ten nor
more than Thirty Thousand Dollars, for the ',ar
ose or receiving desposits of moony both trait.
si tory 2kn on interns., and of making loans and
discounts, wit such other privileges, as - are usu
ally granted to Savings Institiniond: By. order
of the Directors. Wll. GALHIMATII, Tress.
D. L. BEE.I...NIAN See'y
,(ici 28 Gm pd)
(10 13.111 , 1 of Setreet - Dircreturr of the bor
r )444 of f• Afeelinioshnre, - , will receive
, vriltoll opplication4 front Tehehers, until the
15th of .filly; for thoir Sehools,.,No. 1,.2, 9,4,
for di.' eee+ion commencing on the let of Sep
.tem')cr, and to continue nine months, except
School No, 2, which will he (or 6 months.
SA TAM No. I,sll per month; No. 3 ,
$ 12; No 3, '25, and No. 4 SY%
Juno 21, '54
State mil Oounty-TA for 1854.
A N abatement of five per cont., will he al• on State and County Tax, if paid to the
otidorgigned on or borore the 17th July, 18.51.
after th it time the whale amount will he ro
intro I, an I all parsons are hereby notified .to
p ty th nr time en or before thelith day 01 Sep
ta ober nox., al the law requires the Collector
to pay thi fall a mOutit of his Duplicate within
three months from the date thereof.
elms!, 21. ' , Cotlector.
1 1 . 0 the 1-leirs and. Legal liepresenta-
lives of Robert Graham, late of
• ' ti r o county of Cumberland d6C'd.
'JAKE 'NOTICE that by virtue of a.writ of
Pariitioit a lid Valuation iesund o u t of the
Orphans Court of Cumberland County, and to
me• directed, Litrill hold an inquest to, divide,
part or vain° the real estate of said deceased,
oh the pearniens,oe TUF3DAY, the Bar thy
of Auvpit, A. D. 11351:,at. 10 o'clock, A. M.,
when and4here VOL may attend. You think
Proper. - - JOSHP.U . IticIIARMOND,
Stlonffe Off; , n; , :arlisle. ? limo pt, '54 —it s -
UZIO/CTI L1Q17011,13.
orehoiCif LIQUORS, .of val. nue
Iclrqll,farslite' "on reiis.mabla ferule.' Ligirr:
Dtißlois'and Tavern I :eptire.4lll rod 11.1011104.
ritem4lomxtkipipe'llunstrink: "A'pfilY lo . .
Summer Et ei.Qtts
The4o .Springs .are'ib Cumberland County,
12 miles west •of Carlisle, and are now open
for the reooption of 'Visitors. The valuable
improvements which have been 'Made since
hist sea'son ' and 'the 'recent ilisoovery of the
ChalybmitsSpring, add greatly 'to thelndueb
nients presented for the present season.
. .
_ .
, The odor of Sulphuretted Hydrogen, per.;
ceived at some distance from, the Springs, im
parts to this water the peculiar properties of
Sulphur Springs. Beside this ingredient,ll
find that the water contains Carbonate of So
da and of Alagnesia, Glauber's Salt,, Epsom
Salt, and Common Salt; ingredients which
give it nn increased value. Afzer.removing
tile excess of carbonic sold which it contains,
it gives an alkaline reaction. .
The Clutlybeate water readily yields a pre
cipitate after ebullition or contioued.exposure
has expelled the excess of carbonic acid. Be
nd° the bicarbonate gf Iron, which is its chief
characteristic, it also contains Epsom Salt,
Common Salt, and Carbonate of Magnesia.
Respectfully Yours,
Having examined the elements that enter
into the'composition of the White Sulphur and
Chnlybeato Springs, of Doubling Gap, as ex
hibited in theik• analysis by Prof. Beath. o,f_the
Mint, a practised and competent chemfst, are
authorized to say, that they possess all the
sanative prdperties of similar medical waters
in the various diseases for the relief of which
their use has been recommendea by Physic
ians. N. L. HATFIELD, M. D.
Philad'n, Mar. 28, 1854. [June 7,2 m
WHEIrIS to,inform his former Visitors, and
the Pu'alic in general, that he will be ready to
receive - Visitors on and alter the sth of June.—
lie desires also to ssY, that he has largely im
proved his House, and the Grounds around.— ;
lle has erected an additional Bathing House,
separate from the other Bathing !louse, connect
ed with which there is a large Plunge Pool,
expressly Mr : the use of Ladies. With these,
nod the other improvemeons made thi., Seven,
he feels satisfied that he can give more general
satisfaction and comfort to hie Visitors than any
Season hitherto: and hopes to receive a share
of the Public Patronage, By moderate charges
and strict' Intention to business, it will be his
eft trt to please those who will favor him with a
Ho would recommend all those who desire
to spend the season nt tho Srarmus, to call upon
the References whose names accompany this_
- Ciretilar. There is to place" iu the State that
affords such delightful 13eillings as the Water
whielt_flows :pinusly..frorn _the. We r. et
,Sraians, which is at the foot of Quaker Hill:
and for its tried:Man:ll qualities, 110110 are equal
to it except the Warm Springs of Virginia.—
Thorn are several other Springs close by, no
two of which are alike in The iernuern:urn of
their water. Sherman's Creek is deliglit fuller
sailing upon, having a tine Island near, covered
with the tall oaks of the forest. A Summer—
House is erected upon the Island. Pisgah
Moitnittin.some four or five hundred feet high,is
in 1. ont- of the house, with Sherman's Creek
flowing at its base. From the summit of this.
mountain there is commanded an extensive
view of rich and varied scenery; the surround
ing country tieing among the most pi -tit .esque
in the State. A mong,the many attractions of
the Worm Springs, there are numerous shady
had romantic summer nulls. making very plea
sant drives. Horses and Vehicles are always
on hard,
4 Persons leaving Philadelphia, or Baltimore,
in the moraing train to I)tincannon, on the Cen
tral Railroad,ll miles northwest of
. and there taking n coach, which is always in
readiness, will arrive at the Springs aloud 4 o'-
clock—the, fare hotng hut ST.OO The ellscli
leaves the gprlngs every morning for Duncan
ono se.that permns can reach either of the above
Cit;es in the evening.
411 eom.nitotcations for the prings should he
addressed, LINCkNX.IN P.O.for the Spring
aid they will arrive daily, on and after the lerli
of June.
Otr 13 ntliin tr free of charge-to Boarders
Jane 14:9854.
Caledonia (Sweeny's) Cold Springs
rri;lose Springs. situated on the South Moun
t Maio, a abort distance from the pike leading
from Chambersburg to Gettysburg, PR, will be
opened for visitors oil the 15th of JUNE next.
Largo and commodious buildtngs, including llX
leosive Bath Houses for hot and cold e lun g es,
ham) been erected. The grounds have been
much improved and every effort made to ren•
der these springs it popular place of resort. An
efficient arid obliging ‘I Onager will havie-t he
general superintendence, while the beet-ser•
yams the country affords have been engaged.—
Thu ruble will be throislied with all the deli•
cacies of the markets, and nothing led' undone
to render tlus OLD FAVORITE RESORT worthy
the patronage of the public. Persons leaving
Va•thington, Baltimore or Pnilndelphia iff the
morning trains will arrive at Chainhersburg in'
time to take the coaches for -tea. For further
particulars adds ess
May 2r 3m
A G. ICE.EI', having taken the Da
fie guerretin rooms in Alarion flail,' known
as A. B. Tu , th's G.illery.desires inform-the
Ladies and •Gentletnen of Carlisle that he is
prqdared to take Likenesses in the moat super
rior Style of the art, such an will fully sustain
.he reputation of th.s popular establishment.
Ills rooms are large. pleasantly situated and
comfortably furnished. lie is pr3vided with
the mart powerful and perfect instrument for
taking pictures and warrants satisfaction in'
all C.ISPS. A Nil supply of cases or eyety l va-t.
riety of style and size, plain and ernaniental,
kept constantly on hand. Engravings, Paint
ines, &c., accurately copied and duplicates tar
huts of original likoneses. Likeneses taken of
sick or deceased 11319011 R. Prices moaerate a nd,
satisfaction given in all cases. The public is
invited to call is the Marion Hill Daguerrean
Rooms and examine the numeral's specimens.
I KI - Dig torremypes inserted in, Lockets,
Breast Pins. Plug.' Rings, Pencil Hands, &c.
Carlisle, Juno 14, '54.
Spring Style of 'flats Caps
--s• -••-• - - --Tr--%
.-4. -.-- ~
.., . . - 1! -50
~ ..F.
, r 7--,-•-• o '-' 7 '
~ -',-'''.•';-
I --------- wmr, - Ix.
P,S HZ ES to inform his old friends thnt he
11,33 removed to his new establishment on
Iligit'stroet, nntr the Roil Road Depot, and is
no w,opening a large and elegant assortment of
jest. received from Philadelphia, which the gun.
Heated of Carlisls aro requested to call and ex.
amino. He Ins also a hrsa assortment of Silk,
Fur and Slouch Hats of his pwn manufacture,
got up in the host style and at various prices,
the excellence 'and finish of which ha will war
rant Ilis stock ho is nonfldent only needs to
be examined to ho approved.... IKY•AIso a large
saintly offen's, Stlys' and Children's CAPS,
of Cloth. and Fur and of every variety of style
and price just received from Philadelphia. Lot
all who want a Hat or Cap give him a call, as
they may ho sure of being suited to their own
satisfaction. • . Mar 22,
rwillOSl , d of you who havo bean afflicted for
11: years with this bothenome fitsease,.und
Who have been using almost every Nostrum
before the public, without relief; we say to you
try " no,ochers Antidyspeptie ' and you will
soon beorinvinced of itsgreat superiority over
every oilier preparation. We could' give you r.
many certificates corithiirating our assertions,
but a:single trial is worth more titan all: This
remedy is prepared and SOIll at the Drug Sto
of B. J. ICEIPFER, South Hanover street, a
tow doors south of the .Court tfouso, Carlisle.
June >5.1,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer to
jean, English and German HARD
•WARE, Oils. Paints. &c., &c. .'•
air g'C II AMOS, builders autttlic public gen,
IVA :Arany, who or llaitheute
any kind, are invited, to ball bland examine my.
unusually ad.drOpes, which I am
selling nt very low pages, •Just'alopint it will
ondit detain you a very few minutes to he eon,
•,vtiteed lbw ? , whit everybody Lyne's
it deetiadly thn price to'dot.good goods at low ,
.price# , -Inustbe tene..,l
North liasktier. gtrat.
May 10 1854. Carlisle.
I. tiroprietor,
Ch imhershurg, Pn
Attention Dyspeptics i
,0111) r -ItOU cruscinciir Li;
IN C P,A I N T S, one-third cheat* than
GI; White Lead;-and free from all pohmitous
qualities--The New Jersy inc l 0111,1,1011) lAV -
lug greatly enlarged their Works and in preyed
the quality of their, products', are prepared 10,
execute orders for their superior Taint's, Dry,
and ground in Oil, in assorted lineages of 110111
25 to 500 pound's. Also—dry, in barrels of fi.4)o
pounds each. Their:White Zinc, which is
soltr.d . ry or grmind in oil, is warranted pure
u tieur ee d for body and uniform W hite
'nese. A tafethod of preparation has recently
been discovered which enables the Company to .
warrant their Paints to
,iteep 'resit and sat in l
the kegs for any reasonable time. •In this re
sped, their Paints will be superior to any. othet]
ill the • market: Thier Brown 'Zinc Paint.T
which soldat a low-price, and Winch can only.
be made from tho Zinc ores from New Jersey,
is now well knownfor its protective qualified
when applied to iron or other metalic eurbtees.
Their Stonecolor Paints possesses all the pm.
perties of the Brown, and is of an agreeable
color for it - timing Cottages, Depots, ut-biiil
dines, Bridges, etc
Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their
- Wholesale Paint Deallrs and Importers.
slit-sm. N W cur. 10th & Market•sts.. Phila.
Agricultural Implement & Seed Store
%VELE subscribers offer for sale a large variety
j_ of Agricultural Implements, among which
are the celebrated 'EAGLE PLOW. Prouty
Plow, Badger's Subsoil Plow, Coo Shelters,
Stria , and Hay Cutters, Corn Fodder Celle
and Grinders, 'Partners' Boilers, approved 7111-
tivators, Road Scrapers, &c.
BOYER. 1 1 / 4 .
' Agricultural Implement and Seed Store, I
may I) Harrisburg. Pa.
Just Published—A new Discovery in Medicine ,
AFEW winds on the Rational Treatment,
without Medicine, Spernintorrhea, or local
weakness, nervous debility, low spirits, lassi
tude, weakness of the limbs and back, indispo:
sition and incapacity for study and labor, dull•
nese of apprehenson, loss of memory, aversion
-1 0 souie . Y, love of solitude. timidity, sell' dib
trust, dtzziuess, hea , •he, involuntary discharges.
pains in the side, affection of the eyes, pimples
on the lace, sexual and other infirmities in man
From the French of Dr. If. DeLancey.
Thojmeortant fact that these Manning com•
plaints may easily he removed wrruoux MEDI
CINE, is in this amall .tract, clearly demon-tro
led, and the entirely new and highly successful
treatment. as adorned by the Author, fully ex
plained, by molos of whichjevery one is enabled
to cure himself perfectly and at the least possi
ble cost, avoiding thereby all the advertized
unstrings of the day.
Sent to any ad !rens, gratis and post free, in
s sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two
postage slams to Dr, B. DeLaney, 17 Liven:lrd
Street, New York. (mnrl I y
Phil. Surgeons' Bandage Institute
uEltovED to No. 4 Ninth street,
.6ixth _store . above C
RV ERE 1"r1"S Patent Graduating
Pressure TRUSS, fur the cure of Rupture;
Sooliter Brace 4, Suppoeters,-glastie Stockings,
nu4pensAry, Ilent.rahoidal, end Bandages for
deformwos. Jan. i.t--1)r.
Extensive Furniture Rooms
irAm R.WEAVER would respectfully
eV call the attention of House Keepers and the
public to his extensive ;rock of ELF:I.4A NT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wararolies,
Centre and other Titbits, Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every otlor article in his branch of
busipess. • Also. now on inn rid the-largest as:
arm ment of CIIaISIS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. Ilf.TCollitts made at the shortest 'mule
and a Hearse provided for Inners's, He solic•
itsi call at his establishment on North Hance
vcr street. near Glass's I OTEL. N. 8.-Fur
'titana hired out by the month or year
Carlisle. Tara 20. I 850.—1 y
Great .Ittraction.
aHAVE just received my Spring ,stock of
PAPER. II AN GS, which surplas in
Stile, Quality and Pries any that hasj ever
been exhibited in Earlisle. I respectfultv so
licit a call from peramis in want of Paper Hang.
itige of any description, as I am confident my
assorttuen. far surpasses any in the borough;
and in styletind price has but few rivalsin the
city., I only nab of tho public to cull and ex
amine my assortment before purchasing. as I
am confident my chaste designs cannot fail to
please the most fastidious.
-West Side of North Hanover Street,
Mar2° Uarlisle. Pa.
Cheap Watcheti ~' Jewelry
. 1 ,1 4 .,,,,'''' .. at the " Philadelphia Watch
.- ''', and Jewelry Store:" Number
4 -- - )
0 9 1 0 ' (. llo u r a t r l r a - S y tin t n i dj e t i r p e l e ,
i t a , coiner .
~,_,..,...,, ~.._...,,_ Gold Lever %Vetches, lull
~07tcilitritS.A!.; jewelled, 18 carat cases ' 520,00
• Gold Lept•te, 18 carat cases, 824 00
Silver do jewels, 9 00
Silver Lover, (till jwellod, • 12 00
Superior goartiera 7 Ott
Gold Spi.ctitcles, -'' 700
Fine Sillier:inc.:tacks, 1 50
Gold Bracelets., 300
Ladies' fold Pencils, - ,1 nO
Silver Tea Spoons, set, (.• ' 5 00
Gold Pens with Pencil god Silver Holder, 100
Gold Finger Rings 371 cents to 68 ; Watch
Glasses. plain, 121 cents ; Patent, 181 •, Lunet,
25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted loge what they are sold for.
sept7lr Successors to 0. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepines,.oill lower than ....; aoove prices ?
-- -
Fresh Matra' of Hardw are.
T FIE, subscriber having retnrncd from the
Guy, has just opened for the Spring
, r.tcle a largeand well selected stock of HA RD
W ARE', fore ign and domestic, embracing ev•
qrything usually found in that lino of busimss•
rim attention of friends and the public goner.
ally is respectfully climatal to the assortment
hind, assuring thorn that goods of all kinds
will be sold Gtr (wilt at a very small advance on
manufacturers priass.
Krßetnemberuhe old stand—East Main tt.,
Carlisle, Pa.,-" °.
3.000 TOWS No. 1
DER U RG'S Original and Genuine warranted
of superior quality, the cheapest manure in the
world. Faders and dealers pupplied at low
prices. ~ _
5000 barrels extra qual ityy Land Plaster, se
sated expressly for its, fertilizing qualtty.3
10,000 bushels Of same in bulk.
1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster.
500 do'? Casting..
100 do Dentist.-
--This article-wooffer in-conlidenceAti itureas.
tomers as equal to any imported, and far supo
ilor to mast ill the market•
5000 hags Of his superior Guano for salo
the lowest maiketl'retes. Also, - Patagonian
Guano, Poudrette, Ground Charveal. &c,
c. rttF;,vcft &
Al the Steam Fleeter Mills junction of York
venue, Crown and Callowhill streets, Phila.
Plainfield Classical Academy .
Near Carlisle, Pa.
rani Sesaion will commence MAY Tat.
A rot 'red and bealilipil Mention. with Ihcr•
a n ilia . o io
r p
x r i l e i r e et t u l: t e v ;ie a f r l i j o t i l i c e n i t lz art ment of
Terms—Board and Tuitiorrwer
sesidid, • - . . - • $60 . 00
For Catalogues with hill information address
Principal & Proprielor.
Mimi,, Co., Pa:
Three miles West of ',Harrisburg, Pa.
THE SEVENTH SESSION of, this flour
ishing Institution will commence on
MONDAY, the Ist day of,MAY next, The ad
vantages which it AMA, it - ia - believed, Are ora
appertor character. and- paranis and guardiaus
are solicited to inquire into its'lfierlls befoie
atilding.their eons or wards olservhere. It is
lavorably situaiedt the instructora' are all enm
pe'ent and experienced meni, the course el M
att action is extensive nod thoroMili, and special
attention is paid to the comfort and health of
the students...,
Boarding. Washing, ',ridging, and
Tuition in English, and . Vocal Mu.. •
sic, per - session (5 months), qs $55. 00
Instruction in Anuiont or Illodor .
Languages. each, • .5
. 00
Instrumental' Itluaio,' 00
For - Cironlaro and - other 7infol : iinillioP a " M "
' l., •D: DENLIMiEIt,
' .Harrish4e; Po•
\eirival of - auger Cured 'TAMS'
} 'l' and PRIED. DEER, just received' front
Dineninnti tUd for sale at WILLIAMS' homily
Grocery, Lit.nro, iii West Main Street.-
o otAL OR pz.,
yitait4 inttr Nappiness
sra Wye anb , ginu o 4itra of R.faittion.
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Dr. XELLING, announces to the afflicted that ho
Is a regular graduate of the best Medical College
In the United States, and, during many years of
very extensive practice, has boon familiar with
every form of disease, and succeeded in curing the
most hopeless cases, even when abandoned by the
regular faculty. His perfect knowledge of the hu
man system enables him to the means to the
end, so as to produce the most astonishing results.
The alarming prevalence of disease, and the often
Imperfect medical treatment of the present day, has
induced him to make known me NEVER-FAILING
REMEDIES, that those that mourn may rejoice, and
the afflicted leap for joy. ALL, no matter what
their disease may be, can rest assured of finding
relief, and therefore should not delay a moment.
Write disease and symptoms full and plain, and
you can receive an answer by return mail (free)
stating the medicine required and the -price of it.
Address, C. L. KraJana, hi. D., Mechanicsburg,
Cumberland county, Pennsylvania.
N. B.—The Doctor will attend patients at tiny
distance, when required.
New Clothing Establishment 1
THE undersigned respectfully announces to
his old friends and the public• generally, that he
hoe re-commenced the. WAIT HIN G B USI
NESS in.all yak ions branjhes. and has :Mat
opened, fresh from the city, at "Leonard's Cor
tier.'! North Nendver street; a well selected
assortment of
embracing every variety , stylr and finish, and at
nrices correspondin , to the times and quality.
Eie hai also on hand% superior stock of
&c, of every style Suitable for Spring end Stun
mer wear. and which he will make to order of
terms which' cannot fail "topleitao;' - His smelt
also embraces n tine iot of Men's Shirts, Col
lass, Cravats, Gloves and Hosiery; in short
every article ri`?taining to gentleinen's wear.
lie respectfully invites the . public to call nut
examine his gonds. N. HANTCH,
Apl 26,3854
At civanLts o•ALmPs,
In East High Street, Carlisle, Pa.
WE have just received a large and hand
some assortment of Spring:and Summer
Goods—my second supply for the season.
mhich have been bought for, cash at astonis.
ingly low prices,
Mous de Bege 123 conts"worthlll,
Lawns, (fast color) 6 12,
do • do 12 2n,
Barrege do Laines 6
do 12
Mastitis 1,
Black Silks 62
' do 100
Stockings fi
Blk Cassimere : iro - - " 150,
with a large and general assortmen t of ladies'
Barage, - moos debege, and Mirage Mains,
lawns, black and 'fancy silks of every descrip
tion and quality, black alpacas of high lustre,
bombazities.of a superior quality, and a
good assortment of Mourning Goods
Blenched and unbleached muslins, shootings
front I to 3 yds wide. checks, Glasgow and fine
French gingliams;tickings, damask towe's and
table cloths, napkins, red, -yellow and white
woollen flannels shrouding flannel, Sec.'
Cambric and Swiss rolling. edhing:iand insert
mechlin and Werentine lace, French
workad collars, do ander•sleeves, do spencer
and dlttia,ns tarni:tg coll - trs,b lack laced veils,,of
all styles. A very handsome—assortinent of
Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons.
Boots and Shoes a little lower than ever.—
Having now the largest sod chropest stock of
New Gonda in the enanty, C alb determined to
give all] who wilt favor ua with ri call, great
bargains, Dour old friends and custSMers are
invited to call. May 24,1654,
1854] Styles of Hats! [1854
EORGE KELLEIt respectfully announ.
cos to his old Patrons and the public gen•
orally that he has just received ,the
MEN'S HATS, manufactured at
one of the best establishments in
Philadelphia; to whieN he invites
special attention.
He has also constantly on hand a large and
varied assortment of his own manufacture as
woll as city made
suitable for he senson,comprislnsi every vari
eyt of Russia, Beaver, Illoles!tin and Silk Hots,
finished in the latest style.togethor with a lull
assortment of Caps of every- shape and des
cription, and at every price He particularly
invites the public to cull and examine his exten
sive assortment - ,which in style, material, and
finitM,cannot be surpassed by any in market,
and which he is able to put at prices lower than
ever. . ttlr•Rernetnber' his old stand on North
Hanover stieet, between Humer's and Server's
store. [Morel) '2'2,1854
- Nails, Iron, Paint, Etc. ,
IHE subscriber has just peceived 100 kegs
of NAILS, for sale at reduced prices.—
Also 10 tons of Hammered Bar Iron. Black
smiths will do well call. Also a large lot of
While Lead, Zinc Paints, Oils, Tiirpentine,
Glasd , tund rutty, Smitll'w Superior Copal Var.
nish, &u. .Alsiiinst received a large stuck of
RoA-land's stud Now York make of Elliptic
Springs, all for sale cheap at the Old Stand,
North Hanover street, Carlisle.
A - 1110LEILA.MORRUS, Dysentery, Diiir-
U,then, &c. aro making their apuearance.—
You know tho remedy. 11 you nave any ro
.gard for the wellare_nLyeurselves,your-- . wile,
or your childi en, supply yourselves . with
Beecher's Matchless Cordial.
otherwise abide the eonscrenees resulting from
a bigoted adherence to old quackery. This
“Matchless Remedy" can be had ut the - Drug
Store of 13..1 KIEFFER,
South Irannvir street, a few doors south of
the Court House, Carlisle. . May 17
■S hereby given that opplieution will be mile
to the next Legislature, agreeably to the
constitution and laws of the Comnionwatith of
Pennsylvania, for en elteration in the charter of
the Carlisle Depoait Bank, so as to confer upon
mild Bank the rights and privileges of a hank
of issue, and to eldingc the name to that of the
CARLISLE BA NE: 11180 to inccense the capitol
stock One hundred and fifty" thaukand:dollara.
if practicable.
By order of the Board of Direetsre.
W, 111..BEETEM,
June 23 1854-6rril
Estate of Andrew Nonsernitn,
NOTICE is hereby given that letters "foot:
1.11 ministration on the shone of Andrew Sen
semen, late of East Pennpboro twp, Ciumb co.,
deSeased, hare been, granted by the 'Register
of acid . county to the snbseriher, residing in
ittechattiesbmv - Ali personszioAebted- to snid
estate are rearmed to make irnniediato payment
and those having claims in present atom io
Juno 76w• • r I Administrator,
riESPECTFULLY o ff ers profintona
services to the citfpne of Carlisle and our.
rounding coantry.'
Moe. and residence in South Flinoi3Or anitet,
Wooly opposite to the" VOlunto.t. Office." .;
Unrlisle, Apl 20 1 . 853 ,
. . -
• • • Sumac , Warnted..
lIE highest price will be pnld i cash for
Sumca in larro or small
.qiiiintities, if de
Ive x red•ot be subscriber In Hest st., Carlisle.
• June 14,'44.—sin] JACOB SHR OM. _
caived a reW Lorig and Siluara:BroChn
Show e,an.l fur auto by'
fl W! lITTNI9,
gegal cutb'. ,Nbitces.
AT an,Orphone Court, begun on Monday
ihe,l7th dny of April, A. 1) 1854, and holden
at•Clirliele in end for ACumberland county, be-
fore the lion. JAMES 11. GRAIIAM, President
Judge, and SAMUEL. WOonnuus and Jowl
RUPP, E , q ' Associate Judges, Sm.', the follow-.
ing proceed ings . wore ha, , •
. The .petition of John Wickline, ndm'r. and
' heir of John Wiekline, deceased, respectfully
represents; that George WMkline, late or-New
ton township in eaid county, dec., by hieing(
will. and testament, dated 7 July 1838, and
proved after hie death before the Register of
slid county, the 18th November of said year,
did (after directing the payment of, his debts)
give and bequeath tolls widow Catharine all
his estate real and personal during her life,
and after her death, did allow his executor to
sell the said estate andAivide the proceeds
arising therefrom equally among his children,
viz: John Malabo: (the above named intes
v tate,) Stephen, Wateun and Susan his wife
Catharine, McKinley, Rebecca Meixel, Eve
Meisel, and :Sarah Wickline, share and share
alike, bringing in of their advancements; and
of his said will appointed Jacob High the ex.
maw., to whom the letters testamentary were
issued at the time of the, probate of the will:
That Catharine Wickliffe, the widow aforesaid,
is now dead, and Jacob High ..the executor of
the will is not in the State of Pennsylvania, he
having removed to California more thaw two
years since. Your petitioner therefore prays
the Court to award a citation to the said Jaf oh
High, returnable to the next stated Orphans
Court, to appear and show cause. why .said
Court shall not make a decree vacating said
letters testamentary, and award new letters to
be granted in such form as the case may ye
quire, bi•the Register, upon 'such security as
the Court shall think proper, and he will pray,
Whereupon, 19 April 1854, the said Jacob
High is cited to appear at the next stated Or
phans Court, to be held at Carlisle,on the 15th
August next, and show cause why the prayer
of the petitioner shall not be grunted Notice
to be given by publication in ono newspaper
in Carlisle for three weeks and by leaving a
copy with hie wife at her residence in this
county.__ By the Court.
IN testimony whereof I have hereun-
L. S. to set my hand and the seal of said
----, Court at Carlisle, this 24th day of
April, 11i54. SAII'L. MA ItTIN„
July,l9-Bw] ' , Clerk 0. C.
Oil otto:9lialiClDOCOlfteil
NOTICE is hereby given to all peredns in-
terested that the following accounts have been
- Veil in this_office by the accountants therein
named for examination, and will be presented
to the Orphans Court of Cumberland county
for confirmation and allowance on TUESDAY,
the 15th day of AUgust,, A. D., 1854, viz:
I. The account Of Cherledßiewster, Odin. Of
the estate of Henry Ruth, late of Newton twp.,-
2, The account of M. P. Dill, ex'r of John
S. Miller, late of Lower Allen twp., dec.
3. The account of Jacob Lantz, adm. of the
estate of Philip Lantz, Jatp,of East Pennalmro
twp., deceased.
4. The account of Richard Parker, adm. of
the estate of Mrs. Susan Blaine, late of the
borough of Carlisle, deo.
5. The account of Christian Titzel, adm. of
the estate of Henry Mater, late of Lower Allen ,
VAT., deceased. ,
6. The account of Christian Titzel, ex'r, of
David Shooter, late of Upper Allen twp., dec.
7. The account of Jacob Eshelman, adm of..
the estate of George Renningor, late of East
Penneboro twp., deo.
S. The account of Samuel Diller, adm. of the ,
estate of Elizabeth Bowman,
.late" of West
Pennoboro twp,„ dec.
0. The account of Capt. George Miller, adm.
of the estate of Thomas H. Knight, late of
Weiti - Peiiiffilffiiii - township, deo.
10. The account of Daniel Wonderly; ex'r.
of John Wonderly, late of South Middleton
twp., deo.
11. The account of Jacob Shrom, one of the
executors of David S. Forney, late of the bo
rough of Carlisle, dec.
12. The account of Michael Gochinauer,
adm. of the estate William Coffey, late, of
Southampton twp., deo.
13. The account of the ion. John Lefever,
adm. of the estate of flinty Shearer, late of
Dickinson township, deo.
14. The account of William McKinsey, adm.
of the estate of Deborah .McKinsey, late of
Lower Allen twp., deo.
16, The.acoount of George Noggle, ndm. of
the estate of Sarah Noggle, late of South Mid
dleton twp., deo.
16. The account of Levi E. Martin, adm. of,
the estate of Anna Eberly, late of Silver Spring
twp., deo.
17: The account of Robert R. Church, jr.,
deceased, adm. cf the estate of Henry Church,
late of East Peonsboro twp., deceased—settled
by his Executor, Henry Smith.
18. The final Account of Hon. John Rupp,
ex'r of John Snavely, late of Hampden twp.,
19. The account of Samuel Martin, ndm. of
Thomas M. Stewart,•late of Mifflin twp, dec.
20. The account of James W. Marshall,
ndm. of tho estate of Joseph B. Stevenson, late
of the borough of Carlisle, dec.
21. The account of William R. Gorgno, Esq.
adm. with the will annexed of the estate of
Alexander Wills, Esq., late of Lower Allen
twp , deo.
22. The guardianship account of William
R. Gorges, guardian of John Church, minor
son of Robert R. Church, late of East Penns
hOr-o twp, deo. •
23. The guardianship account of Jos.'Cul
ver, guardian of John 0. Saxton, Minor eon of
John Saxton, lato of North Middleton town
ship, deo. '
21. Tho guardianship account of Dr. Jos.
Ilanan, guardian of Agnes Woodburn, minor
child of James C. Woodburn, dec.
CArminn, July 19-4ar Register
Cowl . IPrklamation.
HEREAS the Honorable J. H. GRA
HAM. President Judge of the several
Courts of Common Pleas' 'of the counties of
Cainbe-land, Perry and Juniata, in Peonsylval
nia, and Justice of the several Courts Of Oyer
end Terminer and General Jail Delivery Pa,
said counties. and Lion. John Rupp and 'Sam
uel Woodburn, Judgesof the Coiirt of Oyer and
'Perminer and General Jail Delivery' . for the.
trialmf alrcapital and other offenders, in the
said county of Cumborland,by their
me directed, dated the 11th of April, 1854,
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and GeneralJailDelivery,to be holdenmt ter
lisle, on the sth MONDAY of August, 1854,
(being' the 28th day) at 10 o'clock In the tore"
noon, to continuo one week.
1 , NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner. Justices of the Pence and Constables
of the said County of cumberl.nd: that they
are by the said precept commanded to be then
and there in their proper persons, with their
1011 s, records. Inquisitions, examinations and
all other remembrances, to da those things -
which to their offices appertliffi to be done, and
all those that are bound 11 recognizances, to
prosecute against the prisoners that are or then
shall be in the Jail of said county, are to be.
there to prosecute them as shall be just.
SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Carlisle, 0 •
Jun. 26, 1854. ( •
jir'N 'pursuance of the last Will and Testament
X eif Jacob Knisley, dec'd, late of Soinhamp ..
tun township, Franklin county, will he offered •
at private sale, the Farm; of the yard dcti'd.
situated in said township, four mice west of
Shippeniburg and ono mile enst of Orretown.
The norm contains about 112 acres of the
- besequalityof - limestone land; egood:propora
trim of thriving timber,, end the balance iii a
high state of cultivation. ' ' .. •
The improvements area large • ..„.. t .
DWELLING HOUSE , Stone •'T.i.t. ' : ,:' •
Bank Barn. Wagon Shed and - !,...' ', '
Corn Cribs, &c.; all in good re';','''''''''''•
'pair, a well of neverfailing water anda isteinf
at the door. Mao, two Orchards' of tunic°
fruit, &o. . This faivi Is pleasantly situ led one
mile frObi the thriving village'))
of• rrugnin,
where good stores and mechanics of till kinds
arc located. For pleasantness of •location nod'
rtchnees of, the veil, the ,farm is halleved '
one of the beet in ihe`ritistergehd of Franklin
criunty. If-it• shouldgutt be. sold .belore the
20th day of September. next,it will then be sold
at public outcry at I. o'clock, P. 111. ... - --, - • .
Portions wiohink to 'view .the _properly will .•
please call on this , .svhscriher living near the'
FeicocutorWfiiiemb Knirley. dec'd.
Branch-Mille, Juno 14,'54