I: I Igtcultural. LIME .WATER FOR LENS. During the lest season, Mr, Joseph Wilcox, of this town having occasion to administer Bate water to:a sick horse, ho inadvertently left a pail of the preparation in his barn, which remained there for some months, serving:iik favorite drink for his hens. Ho soon after•, wards found that the laying of 1141 hens w as apparently increased to a considerable extent. Being convicted of the importance of the new discovery, he has during: . the present season kept his hens constantly supplied with .lime water, placed in troughs within their conven ient access; and the result was an increase in eggs of nearly lour fold, as compared with any previous experienee. •He Is willing to share the benefits of the experiment with his neighbors, if they chose to try it, and hence this publication. • The newness of the discovery is claimed on ly as applicable to the mode of imparting the lime In this case—its use in any other form for the•same purpose having been previously understood by many.— Wayne Sentinel. autatiou. Carlisle Female Seminary. ISSES PAINE will commence the M SUMMER SESSION of iheir Seminary on the. second Monday in April, in a now and commodious school room, next door to Mr. Leonard's, North Hanover street.' _lnstruction to the languages ant street., no extra charge. Music cleglit by n experienced toather,at en extra charge. (eept3tf) Plainfield Classical Academy Near Carlisle; Pa. rpHE 16th Session will commence MAY lit. 1 A retired and healthful location, with tiler. ouch instruction in the various departments of Classical or Mercantile education. - Terms—Board and 'Tuition (per session), . - - - - • 060 00 For Catalogues with full information address R. K. BURNS, Principal & Proprietor. ,Plainfield, Cumb, Co.. Pa. WHITE! HALL ACADEMY. Three miles West of Harrisburg, Pa. THE SEVENTH SESSION of this flour -11 lolling Institution will commence on MONDAY, the lot du, of MA Y next, The ad vantages whickit allords, it is believed; are of a •. superior character, and parents and guardians are solicited to inquire into its merits before sending their sons or wards elsewhere. It'is favorably situaled; the instructors are all cons pc?ent and experienced melt; the course of in . stt action is.extensive and thorough, and special attention is paid to the comfort and health of the students. Terms Boarding, Washing, Lodging, and Tuition in English, and 'Vodal Mu sic, per session (5 months), Instruction in Ancient or Modern Languages, each, Instrumental Music, 10 00 For Cireulara and other infortnatiori-address • p DENIA N GER, Harrialitirg. Pa. Mar 8 Young Ladies Select School. CARLISLE, PA, TEE summer term of this school Will com mance on Monday, May lst, The patro nage of the citizens is again respectfully soli cited, and parents in the vicinity who contem- plate lending their daughters away for educa tion, are invited to make inquiries concerning ___Xhommrits of thiemehool. The . tuition ranges from $5,00 to $B,OO per quarter not including Drawing, Painting and Fancy Needlework, which ore charged, each, $2,00 extra. A few scholars can be accommodated with board in the family of the Principal. References in Carlisle.—Judge Watts, Judge Hepburn, E. M. Biddle, Esq., Sec. W. Hither, Dr. T. C. Stevenson. Mrs. J. F. DOWNING, Principa April 6, 1.854. CUM'D. VALLEY INSTITUTE (MALE AND FEMALE:) At IVlechanipsburg, Pa. REV. JOS. S. LOOSE, A. le, Rev. W. H. SUPER, A tr., Principals; assisted by ex perience,/ i Teachers. This Institution opens its sniumer session on the Ist of MAY. The buildings are new and commodious, the rooms large'and well ventllated.l, Parents and Guar dians are invited to come and see this Institu tion, and inquire into its merits, (as rare ad vantages are afforded,)'bfore sending. their, eons and daughters elsewhere. Besides the reviler literary and classical course of the Institution, instruction is given on the various musical instruments,Such as Piano, Melodeon, ,Sco.„ as well as on Brass, Stringed and Wind Instruments. TERMS: Board Room and Tuition in English branches & vocal musio per session ' $55,00 Latin, Greek, French & German each, 5,00 Music—on Piano or Melodeon, 12,00 For circular address JOS. S. LOOSE. Meobaoleeburg, Cumberland Co., Penn'a _march 29-2m.' Olarbs. DB. GEO. W. NELDIGEE DENTIST, carefully a•tends to all operations upon'tho teeth and adjacent parts that dis co(' 0.1 irregularity may requaa, Ile wit also insert Arti fi cial Teeth of eVliim, description. such as Pivot, Single and Block teeth, and teeth with "Continuous Guma ;" and will con struct Artificial Palates, Obturators, - Regula ting Neese, and every appliance used in the Dental Art.—,Operating noon) at thi repidenco of Dr, Samuel Elliott, Piet High St. Carlisle Di. GEORGE Z. BRETZ. ' WILL perform al V3 t 11 1114, 1m .. t operations upon the teeth that may he re required for their prebervation.. Artificial teeth inserted, from a sin& tooth to anentire set, of the' must scientific principles: Diseases of the month and irregularies carefully treated. .01 flee at•the residenc of his brother,. on North Pitt Street. Carlisle DR. Z. C. LOOMIS, SWILL perform all OVeratione upon the Teeth that are requi red for their preaervation, such as Scaling,Eiling Plugging, &c,or will *restore thosloss of them, by inserting Artificial Teeth from &Angle tooth to a full sett. iirr Office on - Pitt Bowel, ohm diors south of tho Railroad Hotel. Ur. L. is alb ant from. Carlisle the kat ton days of every month. F. N. ROSENSMVII, HCUSS, Sign, Panay and. ..Ornamental Painter, Irvin'a (lormerly44rer's) How next ddlrr to Trout's Hat Store.: at• tend promptly to all tire above descriptions of painting, at reasonable :,prices. The various kinds of graining attended to, such as mahog, any, 'oak, walnut, &c., in the Improved atyles: Carlisle July 14, 1414/.—ly. • • ZEATITER. •FRI,TZ-& HENDRY, • . ),Store, 29 N. &rat., Phi la. ,Motoocci Munulacturers, - Curriere, Importers, COmmission and General Leather Business, WHOLESALE & RETAiL. Manufactory 15 Margaretta idea WIN W. BELL, .TORN W. MUM dr.00., TiFIIMK3DIVS;32. • AND ' dENERAL • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HOW4l11) coppoaite C 6109, r,. 1. lv P:i%.,T11 TWO R • • Wrlkil*Alll. WALW .. :NLIVILi • , *„ NEAR PAlTATO*;;Ontsii::Co.'„, iuunrEnra. .& arreitgoult— griONTllV.UE: sutiplii ! Laintie l : all kips . IL/ -at the ahoripet Immo, and an terms . lower than can be hnd elsewhere. .4.111 ordain , direated co p HAsKELL„ Papertown: of Sr/1410U% will he 'promptly siiended w. IFttb24 IF ' Dollard, Pieminm ;Artiste tullair. Inventor of Me Celebrated Gossamer Ventilating Wig and Elastic Band Toupaces. Instructions to enable Ladies - and Gentlemen to measure their heads with accuracy For Wigs, inches Toupees bt scalps; inches No 1 The t amid of No I From forehead to the head - - back as for as bald 2 From forehead -2 Over forehead as far over the head to as required - • the neck 3 Overihe crown of the 3.From ear to ea r , • head over the top - .. 4 Frem ear to ear " round the forehead i It DOLLARD his always ready for sale a splendid stock of Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' Wigs, half Wigs, Tricots, Braids, CUrls ; &c, beautifully manufactured, and as. cheap as any establishment in the Union Dullards Ilerbanium extract or Lustrous Hair Tonic, prepared from South American Herbs and V ts, the moat successful article ever pro duced for preserving the hats from falling out or changing color, restaring and preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state Among other rea sons why Dollard's hair cutting saloon maintains its immense popti!iiritv is the fact that his To lie is apple(' to every head of hair cut at his estah lishment, consequently it is kept in better pres ervation than under any known applications It being thus practically tested bv.thimsands, olTers the greatest guarantee of its efficacy. Sold wholesale and retail at his Old , Establish mesh 177 Chestniit street appo.tite the State House, Philadelphia Dullard . has at least discovered the ne plus ultra of HAIR DYE and AIIIIOURCCEI it for sale with perfect confidence in its suritasstng every thing of the kind now In use It colors the hair eithertiltick Or brawn, Ins may he desired) ant, is used without injury to the hair or skin either by stain or otherwise, can he washed off in ten minutes after application, without detracting from its efficacy Persons visiting the city are Invited to give him a call Letters addressed to R DOLLARD 177.. Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive atten Lion. Jan 25, ly CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD. Not a Particle of Mercury in it. An infsl liblesemedy.cor Scrofula , King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate. Chtnnec us Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face. Blotches, Hods, Chronic Sore Eyes,•Ring Warm or-Tey ter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints a•rd all Diseases arising horn an injudicious use of Mer- - cury, Imprudence in Life, or IMpurity of the Blond. This valuable Medicine, nhich has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through. its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following certificates selected from a large member, are however. stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors ; and are all from gen tlemen well known in their localities and of the highest respectability many of them residing in the city of Richmond; Va. F. BOYDEN, Esq. of the Exchange Richmond, known every where, says lie ..as seen the Medicine called CARTER'S SPAVISH Mlx• TUE 1: administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the direasei for which ilia recommen ded with the most astonishingly good results.— He says it is the Most extraordinary medicine he has ever seen. I AGUE AND FEVER—Great Cure.—l here by certify that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most violent description. I had ses - eral Physicians, took large quamittesol Qui nine. Mereury r and I believe all the Tonics ad vertised. but all ar:thout any permanent relief. at last I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me and I am happy to say I have hail neither Chillkor Fever since. I consider it-the best Tonic in the world and the only medicine that ever reached my case. -JOHN LONGDEN. Beaver dam near Richmond Va. (. 8 LUCK Esq now in the city of Richmond and for many years in the Post Office, has such confidence in the astonishing Efficacy of Carier's Spanish Mixture,lhat he; has bought npwards of 50 I miles which hps given away to the afflicted. Mr Luck says he has never known 11 to fail when taken accord ing to directions Dr MINCE a phietisingphysican and formyt ly of the City Hotel in the city- of Richmond, says lie has witnessed - in a number of - instances the effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture which were most truly surt.rising. He says •iii a case of Consumption, dependent on the Liyerobe good effects were wonderful indeed. SAMUEL M DRINKER of the firm Drink -Morrii, Richmond, was cured of Liver Complaint or 8 years standing by the use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture. GREAT CURE 016 SCROFULA—The edi tors of the Richmond Republicara,tad a servant employed in their press room cured of violent Scrofula combined with Rheumatism, which tirely disabled him from work: Two !milks of Carter's - Spanish Mixture made a pea -et - cure of him, and the editors in a public node," say they "cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with any disease of the Mop! " 655 00 5 00 STILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFU LA—I had a very valuiable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mixture. I consider it truly a valuable medicine: James Ml aylor Conductor on the 11 F & P li Ii Co Richmond Vs ' Mr John' Thompson residing in the city.of Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carters Spanish Mixture.of Salt Rheum, Which he had nearly 20 ye-rs. and which all th physicians nt the city would not cure. Mr Thompson isa well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his cure is most remarkable. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSF & CO. No 93, Maiden Lane, New York ' T W DYOTT 5t 'SONS, 1%3132, North Dl etreet, Philadelphia. BENNE ET &REERS,No 125 Main street, 'Thchmond, Va. And for.sale by S Elliott , S w Haverstick Carlisle: Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; J H Herron NevAdlle; C Altio, Shippensburg; and by dew eves in medicines everywhere. • Corner of Hanover and Louther els., Carlisle, TIIE undersigned has always on hand a large stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all tile different styles, which ho is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. He invites attention partic ularly Willa Patent Spring. Bottom Bedstead, a most useful article, which. entirely obviates aft objections. The ottom can be attached to ofd Bedsteads. They have given .entire antis ac tion to all who have them in two. DtrCOFFIZI,S made to order milt) shortes notice. JACOB 1 , 13TT ER . . Ciirliele, Jan's , . 22 1851.—ty , FINHE subscriber informs the -pub lio that he has constantly on hand a vanety of choice young LO ( cusp TREES, from . ten to fifteen feet high,"which were raised from the seed, they are all of the yellow locust., He offers them at moderato prices, at his nursery, situated in flanden township, Cumb. county, about 5 miles west of flarriaburgon_the turn- . pike.: Call and examine for . yourselves: • Feb 2 tOwpdl . 51 A1iFL EBERLY. , ATT.ORN EY'AT - LAW, will snaf! promptly to all business entrusted ,to hit. Office in the room' formerly oqt/sled by Wil liam Irvine, Esq,,,North ilanoyer . St Carlisle . " • • April 20. 1852. • • MO 3 ! , MEN/. DA#I3Y 200„1):8ktgliesi"ItUrdiri:nt,";.i'va • . BOYER. & HAbL, Agricultural Implement end See Store, " • , marl j . Harrisburg, Pa.' 'FAKE NOTICE.--That all 'Persons -•• abuul cocitnencing;Housekeeping and nth , . era in. want of them, can get.. supplied with Knives and , fnritow-r3ppone... iadles. Coffee mid% Pane.--Kettles, Sad- Irons, &c., et the .kiwesuietss I ;, matitlt . „ ..Cereti Eli . ' Niw 'and Cheati:Stoie of WEISE & !c/C4IPBELL:;' Wo ►;rp'sellin ar a largo tl7 o,o,4merie of cislimeres itnd Moho do Laaiti toady 'atitrse•U i • - 3•11 . 25;1115i. _ iiiistciianrous I.tias:OF,g', V S" I TO TARDIEOIO, G. 33. COLE, iAriort: - Stores tnitt-elpps. liar • llardivare. /111 HE subseribisr Wishes to draw the attem ~ ..11 . tion of the public to-heti own-interests; - which tgei . May consult to good. advantage, by examining the elegant "and corn us: wont o( liardware of ever). doses, a . heis now, receiving at his old 81L North Hanoyor street. ~. To,c6AcHmAKEns. We have a large supply of springs bobs, laces, curtains, and floor oil cloths and drab cletheorl dillerent qUalities, in ladt ovety Mingle your line. . . ro CABINET-MAKERS We offer complete setts of vermeil), knobs and mouldings of walnut and mahogany, to. sui both the taste and the purse,. CARPENTERS EXAMINE to op lendid poser mein of tools in your line as also a complete stack of buildinCmaterials, such as locks, hinges, serous, larches, glass, paints, oils': varnishes, turpentine. &a. and va rious carpenters tools cheaper than ever, as has been acknowledged by a carpenter who has seen them. BLACKSMITHS enntiot,go wrongin giving us a call for a sup— ply of hammered, rolled, slit and toiler iron generally used, as also cast, shear American and English blister steel, &c. &c. OUR FARMER FRIENDS will also consult their interests by looking at our cheap shovels, forks, tr i ace Rhains, hunter, n and every other article .cradle to a plough,to suit them in price and quality. THE PUBLIC GENERALLY are also invited to examine the .quantity and quality mow on hand of cedar ware, tubs, _churns, buckets. pHs. such as fish, _sperm and flaxseed oils, which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. I would also call attention to my splendid assortment of WALL PAPERS, presenting a numberless variety of Patterns at prices from 6 cts. upwards. Remember there is no mistake hero, as all articles will be sold at the lowest cash prices at the old and well known stand cn North Hanover street. East sice, betweee McGlaughlin's Hotel and Kell er's Hat Store. JACOB SE3 ER. march 16 NEW DRUG STORE !!! Smith Hanover Street, Near the Court house. J. KIEFFER, druggist, would respect. ,J 3 .fnlly inform tan citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that he hits opened a new CHEILUCALIAND DRUG STORE. • His stock is entirely new, and hne been. selec ted with great care.- As many of the articles in daily use by physicians and families deteri orate by age and exposure, great care will be taken not to alloiesuch articles to- accumulate in such quantities. Attention is espeCinfly invited to his stock o " Medicines, Esser.tial Oils, Oils, Tinctures, Wines, Extracts, Conlections, Chemicals, &c.. Together with the shove ho has a full assosiant of Paints, •VarMshes, Dye-Stuffs, flitairid Varnish Brushes. find .CONFECTIONARIES of every variety. Ho has also on hand a splen did assortment of Perfumeries, Soaps, Extracts,_ Fancy, Hair, ClOtheii-arid Flesh Proslies, Supporters, Br, ant Exhausters, Nipple Shields, Tomb Washes and Pastes ; also ',MEDICINAL WIN AND BRANDIES, of the best quality. MEGA RS, from the best Havana and Spanish houses, of every flavor, from one cent upwards. In order to ensure his customers against mistakes during any rempormay absence of the proprietor, the services of, an experienced and competent assistant have been sec f, which will be (clew be important, in via Obfl theresponsibilitieswhich are known to devolve upon tiidruggist , - "PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfully and promptly attended to.— Orders from Physicians and Merehant.t in the country will be filled with care, and at prices which must prove satielactery. N B.—All officinal preparations made in strict accordance with the directions of the S. Pharmacopoeia. A-liberal—share-of-public-pbtrona*eitrresr peettully solicited. Terme Cash. May 11. 1853. 8.'3. KIEFFER. HARDWARE--FRESH ARRIVAL ! ! HENRY SAXTON. THE subscriber haying retucried_frern the city would call the attention of his friends and the public gnerally. to the large antlwell se lected assortment of Hardware which be has. jus eceived. consisting in part of BUILDING :MATERIALS, nails, scrws, hinges, locks, bolts, ass, putty, paints, oils,'Ace. TOOLS— edge tools; saws and planes of every descrip tion, with file, rasps, hammers, anvils, &c. A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS & SADDLERS TOOLS, together with morocco.' lining and binding skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, .lasts, harness mounting, saddletrees, i&e. COACH TRIM MIN G—canvass (plain, en amelled, figured and embossed,l patent and en- - Eamelled leather, axles, Springs, hubs, spoke, lellues, shafts, &c, &c. Cabinet Makers will glid.a large asebrnient of varnishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding. rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c. The stock of IRON is large and.well selec ed, comprising all the kinds in general use, as hammered and rolled tire of all sizes, flat, bar and band iron, round, square and ovul iron, horse shoe iron and nail rods, with a large/lot of mutt and spring steel, English arkitruerican blister steel, &c. Housekeepers and those about commencing will find i: to their a3vantage to callMnd exam ine our cutlery, brittania and plaied ware pans, kettles, cednr ware, baskets, &c. Jn addition to the above we have received a splendid assertment. of WALL. PAPER, ma- king the stocks complete, and at stmli 'niceties cannot fail to give satisketion. We invite all friends to call, knowing it will ho .to their own advantage. Rernem tier MO old stand, East High Street, Car.islc, Oct. 12, 1853. HENRY SAXTON. Dn. S c . B. inErrnix, OFFit, E. in north Hanoversir,eet adjoining 111 r. Wolf's store. Office hours, more par— ticularly from 7to 9 o'clock, A. M.,and from 5m 7 o'clock. P. M. • • flunelBes FIRE INSITRAI(IOE. • The Allan and East Pennaborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland coun ty, incorporated by an Act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the manageinent of the following commission- , era, viz: Dantelßailoy. Wallop) R. Gorges, Michael Cocklin, Mich.& Brenneman, Christian Stay man, John C. Thiplap, Jacob H. Coover, Lewis Hyer, Henry Ltiguin, Benjamin H, Musser, Ja cob Mamma, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. , „ The rates of insurance are as low and a obi° ea any Company of the kind in the Stale. Persons wishing to become' •members are in vited to make application to the agents of the company. who are willing to Wait upon them at any time. - BENJ. Ft. MOSSER, President. MENEM Lodem, Vice President • Lewis flyer, Secretary. Michael Cocklin, Treasurer. AGENTS. Cumber/4e 4 County.—Rudolph Martin, N Cumberland; C. B. Herman. Kingstown , Hen ry Zearing, Shiremanstown; Charles Bell ; Dr. J. Ahl, Churehtown ;NSamuel ,Graham, WesePennaborOtrgli; James McDovv, el, Frankford ; Mode Griffith, South Middle ton; Samuel Coeval., Benjamin Haverstiek, Mechanicsburg ; John SherrickiLisburn ; Da vid Coover,' Shephordatom. York County.—Juke Bowman, Dillsburg Peter Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington ; ' W,, S. Picking, Dover; 3 W. Craft, Paradise. Harrisburg.:-Souser & Lockman. Members • of. the company hiving policies adout to expire can have them! renewed by making application to any of the agents. Nov. 24, ly. MA. Fish, Fish. . NO.I. 2 dcSMACKES.EL. in whOle;balf and quartet'bbli, Lake White f",iih, alsoa lino auricle of SALMON. T,ROCV from the the Lakee and for , the first time brought -10 thin market, in store and for.sola by' tha.subscriber. N. W,.Cortier Market Square; Carlisle, J. U. HALPERT. . . . .. . ~... DR. O. B. RAZZ ESPECTFULLY ' offers hie • professions servir ea to thomitlsens Of Carlisle and ttur rounding'countrk. ' CllTiott and maidens° in South ilithoirer directly - opposite to the "Velunteerollieti."7:: Carlisle, Apt 20," 1853 . ' - ''FARMERS, MOH • HERE. RESIT and large supply of Gitlin Cradles, F Bar and Grain . . Rakes, My and Grain Forks, Scythe -Snatha awl a t utking Furks,•3o del Grain and GraStt Beythee.of the brat man israeldre. warranted good ' and 'very , cheap, at the 'Old Stantl.,Nort4 klandvei street. Cbrlialex - •Ma7a7, JACOB HEN ER. ,iattivrellaneouo. LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, • CHRONIC OP NERVOUS osmixry. ms- EASE-OF-THE-KIDNEYS—AND-ALL— . • DISEASES ARISING , FROM i - DISORDERED LIVER OIL - • S o AeC H . - Stich as Constipation, inward piles, fulness of blood to the head, aoidiiy of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fulness or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sink ipg or- fluttering at the pit of the stomach, awininiing of the .htiad, hurried and difficult breathing , guttering at the heart, choking or auffoeutiug sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs beipre the eight, fever and dull pain in the bead, deflc . lency of perspiration, ynyowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the , sidb, back, chest, limbs, &0., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and graft depression of spirits, u CAN DE EFFECTUALLY CCDEVDi DR. soorzakzurs "ELEBRATED' GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by • 'DR. C, M. JACKSON, • No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above dioceses is not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in ,many cases alter skilful physicians had failed. These 'litters are worthy the attention of invalid's. Possessing great virtues in the rec tification of diseases of the Liver and leaser glands, exercising the mostsearching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive or gans, they arc withal safe, certain and pleas ant. READ AND BE CONVINCED . Testimony of the highest character! HON. GEO. STRGOP, Judge of the District. Court in Perry county, Pa.. Nov. 18th, 1852 said: "your 'Hedlund's German Bitters' has been in use in our place over a year past, and to the astonish ment of many has performed wonders,. We may notice a few instances that have come under own immediate notice:—almost every person Who has stopped at the hotel of Wm. Lackey. one your since,, predicted ,iom his e. maciated countenance and debility, that he could not hue much longer. He was unable to attend to his buiness, and for the, greater part of the time confined to his room. We rec ommended him to try the German Bitters; he did; and to the surprise of all his friends he is now able to attend to his usual business and perform manual labor. The case dl' Henry Asper a stone mason, whom no one.supposed would ever recover from the debility of his system, but was looked upon as fast approach lug the grave, took eight or nine bottles of the Bitters during tbe last winter, and this Rum. mar lie has been fto the surprise of all who kfiew his case] , following his trade. The case of William Murphy is no less astonishing.—. He too was so fur reduced as to induce the .general belief that the grave alone would be his only remedy. Mr. Lackey recommended him to try the Hoofland's German Bitters; he is now apparently a well man, and able to do a hard 'day's work,'. We, eauld mention many other cases of a similar character. if-it were. necessary. I mySelfderived much,benefit from their use.' I hcvc given considerable of it a way. not.for, your benefit alone, but 10 . relieve suffering hulnanity, and let me 'assure you I ani pleased to see the happy result. To the afflicted we say, try them fairly and I will %arrant relief." These Bitters ens Worthy the attention of ii.valida, possessing great power in the resto ration of a healthy action of the liver and the lesser glands, giving tone to the stoinach and nervous system, and bringing the system gen erally to a high state o, health. ' Far sale by 'S. W. flaveratick and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Day. Mechanicsburg; J. a Her ---ron.-Newville; J. S. Attie, Shippensburg, and by dealers in medicimts every where. DRUGS : DR UG I DRUGS! rreshat Spring Supply! HAVE just received a fresh stock of Med• icinca, Paints, Glass, Oil, &.c., which having been purchased with great care ai the beat city houses, I can confidently recommend to Fainlies, Physicists, Country Merchants and Dealers, as beii , qfresh and pore. 1). U GS. .5 Patent Medicines 1 fierl;sand Extracts, 'Vino homi eats, Spices,ground and whole li . Instruments,. Essences, .... Pure Essen': Oils Perfumery", &e. Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Oak:tine. DYE•STUFFS. ILog atill Cam Wooda, .011 Vitriol Copperas ; I Lac Dye' PAINTS. , Indigoes, Maddess, Sumac Alum, Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome' Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Load. All of which will be sold at the t ery lowest market price, Also,a fresn and splendid as sortment of - FANCY GOODS4FR PITS, Confectionary. and innumerable other articles elleuinted for use and ornament, allot wl.ich are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub scriber on North Hanover street. S. W. HAVERSTICK. May 28 1851. riDDLE AND EIARNESS MAKRIG FINITE subscriber continues to carry on thc. AI • above business, in.all'itsvariptie branches, in North Hanover street, Carlisle,two doors North of Leonard's corner, where ho intends keeping on hand ageneral assortment in hip line, Consisting of all kinds of mash ionahle SADDLES, Bridle reaytjr,;:z!ce, Girths,Circingle X 111\~!; , ~~~ d~~~llllllol~lli~' and Hamra, also , _— TRUNKS, trail. ftelli cling and ,saddle II Ibags. lle also manufactures themost approved Spanish Spring Saddles, ever used in this country, those wishing a handsome, durableand pleasant ead• dle will do well to call and see thom. He also manufactures Hatness, Bridles, Collars and Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be lieves From the genetal approbation of his cus temers,,,tbat he make.% the neatest and best gears, in aft their variety of brendth, that is mude in the gountry. Ho also makes all kinds of Matrasses to order,...viz: Straw, Husk, Curl. ed, flair and Spring.Matrasseai All the above articles will be made of the best material and workmanship, and with the utmost despatch. ianl4-lv WM. OSBORN. CLOTHING: CLOTHING! IE - subscriber is now having made up a lo of ashionable and Substantial Clothing - whit:l he will sell as cheap if not cheaper than any es tablishment in the borough. The stock wil consist of OVERCOATS, Fine DRESS COATS SACK COAT'S, PAN TA L 0 NS, VESTINGS, &c. TheClothitig will be made out of none but the beat quality of goods; cut nut by an expe rienced and gond cutter, and the work got up n the best moaner and by the best of hada— We hose now on hand a lot of choice Clothing, and all we ask is for purchasers to give us a call and they will he pleased with the work and , prices ; At the old stand on East Main Street,' Jan 181 CHARLES OGILBY. LIFE IpTSURANCII. T ~ HE undersigned having bean the agent o the Keystone Life Insurance Company, of t arrisburg. Pa., condi - toes to act in that ca. pacity, by authority of said Company, Itei would'respeetfully inform thee communsty that he will,eittend to such persons as may signify their desire to insure their lives, and thus give ,'some proteeillon to their bereaved families and 'friends, jocose of death. Office in West POlll. ' fret Street,' Carlisle. ' • • . M11v 25. 1f . • , ,J. -W 0 KUHN GO N. Fresh Arrival ar Hardware: iIIHE, aubseriber having reinrned front the City: had just ;Opened - for the Spring Ira a r a large and well Selected mock of HA RD -W A R R.b.royeigti and dorriestic6embrachig ev';., erYthing asitally'found in that Imo or business , ' Therattemintief !friends and the pehlie gendr: A lly is respectfully directel to the assortment .on.hand, assuring them !That goods Mall kinds will be sold fur c ash: at a very small advance on . . rnanufnet ureri•proes. ' ' ' -, • " " Irr Remember' the old . stand- , Easti 11f el ricst.; CarlialeiPa, ,2;.: ~ ~ , • -- ••, , , • _, mars • • ' HENRY,' §AXTON STAALW, W4NWEID• The, subscriber will pit Cash for STRNIV , Of any kind delivered at. Middliiset. rainters Will find it to their interest to, sell Abair ettaw end purchase other m Dov3oin ”mti) r .ttor•crugeMClitv. . Household Glasoware. From. the Principal Factories and , late- Auction Sa Comprising a full and desirable' aseortnient at 25, percent below usual rates. Dealers and others will do well to•eall before purchasing elsewhere. 1000 packages on hand. Bow Ant? F. COIWIELD, 152 South Second street * above Spruce,) apll7 3m , Philadelphia. • ORNAMENTAL ••• - Shade &Fruit Trees •=• EVERGREEN • Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Vines, Roses; &c., in great variety and'size, suitable for planting the present season. Cultivated and for sale at the Nursery and Garden of the subectiber and at . his stand, in the City, In the Market, below Sixth St., • Philadelphia. in - All Orders carefully attended to and for warded with despatch. Catalogues furnished on application. S. MAUPAY, Risine Sun P. 0 . Philp npl 19 KEYSTONE DRY GOODS STORE, Ennuns d. LitarbELL, . Corner of 4th and Arch Streets, Phila. Have this season enlarged their establishment, which enables them to offer a much larger stock of DRY GOODS for the inapetion of Country Boyers. In the assortment always be found a full line of . Intel( Silks, Staple Linen Goods, I Fancy do do Cotton do India do do Muslin "do Black Goods, Dress Goods. Crape Shawls. Shawls, all kinds. Scared and desimblotGoods can always be obtained by applying to ,Eyi es At Lundell. Terms, Nett cash, and prices low according ly.: D7 - Good country money received. March 13,1854-3 m HAYES' PATENT TUBULAR OVEN HOT AIR RANGE Various Sizes, to suit Families, Boarding louses and Hotels. THOSE in want of a superior Cooking . A pparatus are invited to cull at out %Vero house and examine this Range. For durability economy and simplicity in operation it stands unrivaled. It has a perfect hot air ventilation —and meats baked in this oven will retain their juice and flavor equal to that roasted before an open fire. Meats and pastry cooked at the same time without one affecting the other. It will supply sufficient heated air to heat addi tional rooms for the coldegi weather. It has no descending or .seturn flues, and is equally well adapted to bituminous or commsop hard , coal. The steam valve over the.bejlifig,part of the Range carries off the srearpand scent of cooking, as well as heat in summer. Every - Range sold warranted to give satisfac tion, or no expense to the purchaser. HAYES' VENTILATOR; PFttented Octobor, 1848, For Public flails, Foctorzes. . Railroad Cars Chimmes„ Flues, Ships, Steamers, .5.c. Pure air is a subject °Waling the attention of every individual, and all buildings should be provided with the proper means of ventilation. Also, a powerful Warming and Ventilating Furnace For Dwellings, School HousesyChurchcs, Halls 'Stores, Factories, sc. A large nssortnient of Office, Hall and Cook in g Sloven, Parlor Orates, Registers, &n. Wholesald and Retail. • RAND & HAYES, 'B2 North Sixth street, Phila. Onr-Peraonal atten lion given to war ming on evntilating both public and private buildings, dit CIIZIN, Dealers in Lamps, Lai terns and Chandeliers, N .E Corner Fourth and Cherry ate., Phila. TwAvi N G enlarged and improved their store, and having the largest assortmimt of lamps in Philadelphia, they are now prepared to tar nish Camphine, Pine Oil, BURNING FLUID, `Ethereal.Oil,' Phosgene' Gns nail Lard Oil.— Lamps. Lanterns 01 all patents, Fancy hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandelires, Gil andoles and Candelabras, and litittanin Lami s,at the man ulacturers lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over suction pi cos. fining large MANUFACTURERS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alco hol and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, they can furnish these articles at such priers that Mer chants will find it to their advantage to buy.— Call before going elsewhere. if you want bar gains. Also the Safety Flaihf Lamp for sale.' October 5; 16.53-1 y AV II OLESALE and RETAIL at the " Philadelphia WatO and Jewelry Store," Number 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, l'lnladelphia. • Gold Lever Watches, lull jewelled, 18 carat cases, 520,00 Gold Lupine, 18 carat cases, $24 00 Silver do .jewele, 9 00 Silver Lever, full j welled, 12 CO Superior Quartiers 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 50 dii;d Bracelets, 3 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1 00 0. eiVAM, Silver Ten Spoons, set, 5 OQ Gold Pens with Pencil and• Silver Holder, 1 00 Gold Finger Rings 37} cents to $8 ; Watch Glasses, pltun,-121 cents ; Patent, 181 • l i nnet, .251 other articles proportion. All goods warranted to be what they ate soldfor. STAUFFER & HARLEY, eepeny Successorsto 0. Conrad. On hand. some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepinee.still lower Allan anoveprices. • J. E. GOULD, [Successor To A. Fl OT.] No. 164 Chesinui St., Swaitn's Building , Phila ICIXN EN SI V E Music POlieber, and Dee!. er in Alusical Instruments 6t every de. eeripLion: Ex'elusive agent for t id sale of Ballet, Davis Ea CO . B Patent Suspension Bridge "Dollen and other PIANOS,i L. Gilbert'sßoudoir Pianos, Melodcons,-Alsr tin's' Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sliest Music, Music Books, ' ~ Residents ape country will be tiipplied by mail or otherwise with music they may wish, tuf low as if purchased in.person. Having one of the largest stocks in , the. Uriited 'Stales, It feel confident Of satisfying all who ineyiftwor ma. with a call or order. Dealers in Musk supplied on tbemost)ibera tome. Pianos to let. Second-hand PionOs for sale. .may 20 PM Iy) ZINC PiLIMITS. ZI N C PAINT S, one third cheaper, than White Lead, and free from all poisonous qualities--The Now Jere) , inc Company hav ing greatly enlarged their Works and itrproved the qUality of their products, are prepared to - execute orders for their superior Paints, Dry, and grOund in Oil, in nsadrtcd paenges of f'aoni 25 tes.o6'pounde. Also—dryon barrels ol 200 pounds each. Their White Zinc, which is sold dry or ground in oil, is warranted pure and unsitypeeed for body and uniform ,W bite nese. A method of preparation has recomly been discovered which enables the Conti-tally to warrant their Paints to keep fresh and edit in the kegs for any reasonable time. Id this re sport, their Paints will be superior to any other in the market. Thier •Brown Zinc Paint, •which is sold at a low price, and which can only , be made from the•Zino ores from New Jersey, is now well known fur its protective qualities when applied to iron or :other malefic , surfaces. TheirStodecolor Paints possesses ,all the pro., ponies of the Brown, and is' of , an agreeable color for painting Cottages, Depots, Out-buil dings, Bridges Ate. Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their, ,Agente. -„ • FRENCH & RICHARDS, • • Wholerutle Paint Deallre and Importers. 111112-srp. N W'cor. 10th & Itlarket•sta.. Phila. , . STRAW GOODS=-SPRING 1854,- rnE nuttartlliere ere now primed io exhibit t their Splendid New Establishment just completed on the site brtheir former.stand, . No: 41 SOUTH SECOND 'STREET,. PHILAOELPHi.ik, ' an entire new and beautiful Stock of Straw, Fancy and Silk J3ornets and Flats, Flowers, &et e nd rename, PArn and Summer Hats for. Gentlemen, which our old patrons, Merchanta apd'Milliners generally,'are invited to oXomine confidently promising thorn, in extent, in 'Mae.' ty, in nnvolly, and in styles. At smelt unequalled.i "Q$ Orders carefully and promptly miaowed. , noh22-3m. THOMAS WHITE . && CO. Altbitineo. "rANIELORITE.' • 'MYERV_ , EXTRACV-OF-ROCK-ROSE, An Invaluable Reniedy for, all Scrafulatts eases, I,digestioh, Salt Rheum, Sick head ache, CanCer, Nursing Sore Mouth, • and General Debility, and as a " Purifier of the :Blood it is "Unequalled. The Rock Rose hap gained a reputation at home and • abroad. which no other medicine has ever dime iu the some length of time. AeLording to the opiniona of eminent Phyei ,cians; the Reek Rose Flint is "unequalled in Curing t":crofula in its Various Formst STATEMENT OF REV. E. R. WARREN (Pastor of the 2d Baptist Church,Now London. 0t..1.-relative to Myers' Extinct Rose. To The American Public. An my name has been used in connection -with recommendations of Mr. Myers' Rock Rose Syrup, in various edvertisements by the manufacturer, I bog leave to make tbe follow ing statement with reference to my acquaint. sacs with the remedy and tests to which I have subjected it, and thol, reasons for having intro duced it to the notice,of private friends in the community iu which I reside, long before the medicine was advertised. I make this state ment freely, because I have, as a principle, withheld 'my name emeriti' patent medicines, and sedulously abstamed from recommending them to the public, believing them frequently' the spawn of quackery and humbug, and as landing to increase, instead otlessening human disease and suffering. Such, I leer,. is the character of a large portion of the patent pana ceas of this medicine•maltlng ago. "Their name is legion," and from their influence, sa front, the demoniacal spirits, we have• reason to pray for a safe deliverance. The First Teat.-1 had myself suffered oc casionally with sudden attacks urSidit Head ache, and Billious Diarrhea, and I had sought a great variety of curative agents to but little,. purpose; and suffering from this disease (diar rhea) at this time, I determined td test the new Syrup first 'upon myself. The results were be yond my expectations. It was a powerful alterative, and the morbid action of the iTstern was changed, and the functions of secretion were restored to a healthy state. It gave tone and elasticity to my system, and corrected the derangement of the digestive organs, and gave me that inestimable blessing..--heaith. This test woe not determined in a week, or a month; but I took four or five bottles in perhaps us many months. Since that time I have suffer ed hut slightlyrfrom these derangements. My' Sick Headache is entirely Cured. Other Tests.—Finding this medicine so use ful to myself; I at ogee-gave it to several inva lid friends. About this timm. I was earneritly solicited to give advice in reference to a child, soma eight years of age. This child was severely afflicted with ,a Scrofula hunter, of a very severe typo, the humor rilie_viring•itself on all parts of the surface, and then suddenly dis appearing. The child was very sick, and it was thought doubtful whether she would live, • 'rho humor resembled black specks of mortified flesh. In addition tu,some other remedies, a gave the child this Syrup for : about sik - weeks„ when she had aufficient 'strength to go out to school occasionally. The swellin g of her limbs ceased, and obo was restored to health. The family feel dint. they owe her life, with GA's . bleising, to my remedies. This test satisfied me that the Rock possessed. specific powers for Scrofulous ,ht more. then tested it in cases of Cutanents Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox. Cancu, Sure Mouth, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, Piles, Peg. In all these cases with perfect success. Attu testing this Syrup for more than a year, I wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) enthurd. astically, not avecting ..my letter would' be published, that but Syrup was a "Parikorite," all-healing,. and I gave him the - result of its operations in several instances. I stated in that letter that "it wen invaluable as a,reinedy in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and other disorders, included in the varied family of diseases known' ae Scrofula, &c.: that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder ful efficacy." lily opinion of its value for the above named diseases, remain unchanged, end the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct. 1860. 1 do not recommend it for ell the ills of our suffering humanity ; but I unhesitating. ly say, that as a remedy for Scrofulous affec tions, I believe it superior to any known curs-' live agent. It has been sufficiently tested by domestic practice to 'establish its adoption to extensive usefulness in mitigating human suffering and roast log diseases. But What Is the Mak Rose? The following history of fire Rock Rose plant and its medicinal properties, we take from the New Haven Palladium. March 11:152. _ "The increased interest manifested in the Rock Rose plantgin consequence of thynatly wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for a brief history of it, in order to correct any errime ' is opin. ion that may have been entertained(' Docent ing it; and also to set in a true light the na ture of a plant which promises to be univer sally beneficial. "We are indebted to the United States Die ponsatory of 1847, for the following dosorip lion of it: " It is entirely different from the common Rose. It is a red-stemmed, oblong lest plant, having a bitter taste. In add4ion to remark able peculiarity of the: plantkof bearing two crops of flowers in one season, it also has ano ther interesting end beautiful property. Dr. Eaton says, that in the months of Nos, vember and December, he hos seen hundred ot these plants, sending out near their roots, broad, thin, curved ice-crystals, about an inch in breadth:-which incited durineThe day, and were renewed in the morning. :For a more minute and authentical deseripaon of it, the reader is referred to Toney and Grey's Satan. foal works. Its Iledical History and 'Are far the most importanLeince upon these depends its value to the community. Dr, Lou. don says tharin 1799, it was so valuable in -England, that it was cultivated from seeds. Ever since 1806, Professor Ives of Pala Col lege, has, habitually used it with great BUCCW3B n Scrofula and Chronic- diseases, snit through him its virtues were made known, until, as Dr. Tyler says, "it is now in "this section New Brien) a common article in domestic practice I for the cure of Serefulteand Cutaneous diti. oases." ' Dr. Mt!Vow. q gco'cli Botanist of notoriety while truyellino in America in 1814, learned RS "use in Canada. Returning to England, lie employed it in medicating hie bathe, whie become greatly celebrated for the cure of elm lar diseasee. Dr. J. H. Thompson, of.the same place, pre scribed it in bud eases of Scrofulous patients at Wills' Hospital. His fiuccess attracted the attention of senior physicians, lie repeits the following remarlcnblo case of white swelling of the hip, in February, 1814 The lad was seven years old, and bad the' disease "three years. The bone Was dislocated both upward end outward. There was a largo opening in the hip leading to the bone; into which I could thrust my finger. I counted threo.ulcers. Ho had been under several physicians, who had given him up, I ordered a dandelion of Rick Rose. In two days his night sweats ceased I then ordered ateesnoonful of Reek Ruse three times a day. entirely wet Dr. Webb, of Madison, Ct., testifies to the value' of Rock Rose, as evinced In the cure of Thiriy.nine day+ after ho was numerous cases of UM Scrofula, esFecially it children. Manufactured by 'Win Franfilin& Co., Now Raven, Cl.. .e. • * Mr. Warren,though a minister of the Gee pel, hoe for a period of 15 yours, given alien. lion to the subject of medical science, to qual. ify him to administer to the sick, in connection With his pastoral duties. - EDWIN R. WARREN. New London. April 2, 1853. Agents tn'Cumberlan d Cotinfy.—S. W. Hay erstick, S. Elliott end 3 . A. Kelso, Sorlisle; Haversilek & Strohm, Icngctown; J. • wisher, Mechanicsburg; M. Dit er, Shiremanstown; Eppley & Ernst, Cedar Spring; J. Rifilioni Sterrelt's Cap`; Thomas Gramm. PluinfielJ `3.•,,R. Hejtun, ;NMI, vllie 03.: II . Wi l eY.Greeri Spring; Wherry & Risenficiii4r, Newburg ;IV: D. E. "him, Shippeushurk; Russel .&' Dice; • Nekintion-; Aleiandei -& MullSn,Pupertowni. )r. L. H' Limber, Churehtown. • • •• ,• - -- . - CRO/OR:.LIQUORS: ,. • Lot' OrchniceLl;QUOllS, or Noricm, •'" lode:far solo , os reosajtablit't , litrms. —Liquor • looters OriB...tivorn keepers will•fitoi it"to thoir imoiost to illumine this stoqlc. Apply to ;* Mn; 3] .. 2 .111 I I OUN/McCARTki EY. ,il~TYDicii~e,~ '~ EPILEPSY CAN BE CURED. Lake's Vegetable) Compound, icin 'run cung on EPILEPSY on FITS! Ia performing more wonderful curea than any other medicine yet known or LejoreNcp». PRICE FIVE DOLLARS A BOTTLE. The preprielor basin Itiapossession numerous . certificates, narrating the Aetaniehing and Miraculous Cures! effected by this medicine, and directs attention to the following only, to assure those who are an un fortunate to be afflicted with the terribh disease heretofore regarded incurable, that LAKE'S pre—. partition IS ALMOST INFALLIBLE IN ITS CORE! ' From Mrs; Brooks, widow of Mnj. Jac Brooks, late of Conneaut, 0. • , ONN; Feb. 3,133. Mr. Z. LASE-Bir C : Men E ne AUT send me another bottle of Fit Medicine, at I do not like to be without it on hand. When I commenced giving the medicine to my son Edgar, he had from one to three fits per duty. Ile has now taken the me dicine over five months, and fins had, I think,but two fits in that t me, and those very light. His body and mind are very much improved; and by the blessing of God, I feel that the medicine will restore his body and mind to their wonted activi ty. He is et yenrs old, and has bad fits over 12 years, which hove Leen very frequent, and very destructive to his constitution and mind Hun dreds of dollars have been expended for - Medicine to "CURE corn,'' but nothing has relieved him un- a til•he used your medicine. Respectfully yours, MOLLY BROOKS. From Judson Landon, County Superintendent o the Ashtabula County Infirmary. , • KINGSVILLE, Feb. 4, 1803. Mr Z. LAKE—Sirs Please send a few more bottles of your "Fn Medicine ;" I may not need it, but think safer to keep it on hand. Your me dicine has done wonders. I gave it to Miss Jane Delano; she has had fits for 26 years, brought on by Tinting the measles when but fume yenta old; which could not be brought out to the anytime.— After taking the medicine a few tlyS, SHE HAD A 'FINE CROP OF MEASLES, and has haul no litn sonic. Site had fits or symptoms almost daily. ' She and her father concur with me in saving that we be lieve the medicine has or will work a perfectcrwe. I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane li‘tuder son mid A ris Corby, who have had fits almost daily, for n. number of years Their fits have ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the desired ehect. Much money has been expgnded by the friends of the above patients for doctoring, all to no purpose. The cure was left for your medicine to peefonm, stud I can cheerfully'recom mend it as a valuable discovery. Respectfully Yours. , JUDSON LANDON. _ _ Superintendent Ashttibuln Co. Intimacy. Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LAKE, Conneaut, Ohio. E F WELLER, traveling agent. Sold by S W •Flaverstielt, Carlisle ; E Thomas, Mechanicsburg ; D W Gross, Harris burg,- - . - Oct S-IY'., DOCTOR YOUR SELF-PRIVATE- LY, for 25 cents, by means of the POOKE' JESC U LA PIUS, or, Every One WS OWN PHYSIAN ! —The thiety.sixtb with.one hundred en aravings, showing- Private Diseases and _Malforma tions of the Generative System, in every shape and form: to which is ad. Diseases of Females, in. !males only (see page 190), prig of the higt, _pporbuice to married peo• pie, or those contemplating marriage. By M. YOUNG, M. D., Graduate oldie University of Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London,and Honorary Member of the Hhiladelphia Me diens society. The various forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness„ Diseases of the Prostrate_ land, Impotency, soli. tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, and all the recipes given in plain language. The chapter on selfsabuse and Seminal Weakness is worthy of prrtieular attention, and should be read by every ode. Young men who have been unfor. tunnte in contracting disease, 'previous to placing yourselves under the care of any-doctor, no may. ter what his- pretensions may be, get a copy of of this traly , viduable work. Sea Captains and persons going to sea, should possess l)r. Yonng's Trentise_on Marriage; the Pocket .iEsculapius, or Every one His sician. fr Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the JEsculapius to his chid. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the sect et oblications of married life, ‘v ithont reading the pocket /Eel, colapius. Let no one suffering from a hackhied cough, pain in the side, restless nights. nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their phy melon, be an. other moment without consulting the ./Escida. dius. Have the married or those about to he Married any impediment, read this trrly useful Book, as it has been the muffle of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of this celebrated work has lice,, sold in this country and Europe since itt9B, when the firit editiOn was issued. tn". Any personeending TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed in a letter, will receive one,copy of this busk by mail ; or five copies will be seta for , $l. Address Dr. WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia," Post. paid. .• Twenty years practice in the city of Philadel plika certainly entitles Dr. Voting to the coon -4160 of the afflicted, and he may lie consulted on any of the diseases described in his dills! Col tlnblications, at his office 152, Spruce Sit ...et, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundur'. ex. cepted) and palmy nt any distance can consult Dr. Young by lette PAID. r‘.SHRINER'S VERMIFUGE, Better testimony than was evrr altered in Fa vor of any other V9.mtflige !,! • RECOMMENDATIONS OF PHYSICIANS, We,, the subscribers, Medical Prartioners, having been made acquainted with the composi. tion Sitriber's lndian Vermifi , ge," take ,pleasure, in recommending it to the public. us valuable' remedy for the expulsion of Worms, t being both safe and effectual. • Samuel Swope, M.D. • Taneytown, John Swope, M. D, S CO., J. J. Weaver, AL D. Middleburg. ,Ina. E. 11. Ligget, . Liberty, Frederick coy, Md —Thomas Sim. M, D, 0. 11, Owings, M.)) Thos. Sappington M 1) Sidney Sappington, M D. Jaines M.Geyer, Woodsboro,Md. G Sappington, Al 1), Unionxille,Md Wm A Mathias, M D , Westminster. Md Beparticular to ask for lor SH HINER'S IN. AN V P,R MIFUGE, and take no other Price 2,5 Cents per Bottle Prepared by W E Shriner, . Druggint and Lite. mist, 'Westmintter, Md. , Lax: And soho by all storekeepers, 1 - • Jan 25, 4m. THE WONDER Q THE AGE, For the Cure of ,Saltrheum, Chilblains, Com mon Sores, Chapped or Crocked Hands, Burns or Scalds, Cuts or Wounds, Piles, Inflammation of the Brener, bites of inseetg3 Sore Lips, pies on the Film, and Breaking Out, and Sores on Child rea ; and all diseases of the Skin. This Ointment will cure the Saltrheum nod Burns, or Chapped halide quicker and sorer than tiny other medicines oldie kind, before the puhbe. To substantiate the above,l can give Imndreds of certificates. but I consider it no use, as (any person can do the same, it they have friends, for. even a worthless article) 1 ri.lsolely on the merits or the Ointment for the p u dic pairunage. N. 11.—A single box of thivOintment keep any Blacksmith's, Farmerls, Sailor's, or Mechanic's hands, let 11)ent chap or crack ever so bad, sound and in good working order a ll *infer* Prepared and sold by MONROE TERUEL, • • , Naugatuck,Conn, Sold also by the principal Druggists, anti Country Merchants. Price 26 cents per boy ta Nqv. 16, 1853-1 y 1000 TONS No. 1 SUPER PHOSPHATE ' OF LIME,. DEBURG'S Original and Genuine warranted (4'Boocl-tor quality, the chenpostinanure in the world. Farmers and dealers supplied at low prices. • • . • r • • EXTRA QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5000 barrels extra quali,y Lritid ,Phister p looted expressly kir its fertilizing stialny.,- 10,000 bushels of same in bulk; , • - 1,000 barrels Calelned , Plitater. • ..500 .do . Casting. -• 1 , , • 100 do :Dentist. ' • ' . „*.• Gu'A'No. '• . • This article NV:O Oferlu,confiderwe to pur ens miners as mutate erty importisdi,and fur sum. tier to mostin the, intirket- : -- 5000 bags of-. hjvAti parlor 7,,Guaner for sale at the lowest initial • roles- Ala° , Pata g onian CO untie: Petidret to; Greend•Charronl,:tkm.- deo , , C.,. F tgIIJH , 4c Co;) rAt the Steam Plastet•Millzjoaction Ye venge,:Cioyt and . Callowbil streets, k r s •