Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 07, 1854, Image 3

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" • I,
In Carlisle, on Monday Juno 5 by, the Rev.
A. IL Kremer, E. C..STiLis Esq. of San Fret-
Olaf)°, to Mrs. ELIZADETII CAMPBELL, daughtet
of the !ate Dr. Chile. Lewis of Virginia.
On the let by the Roe. A. Owen, Mr , HENRY
R. KiNnlft to Ming MART ANN WAGNER, both
offtbie county. •
- In Carlisle, on Thursday evening, June Ist,
by tho Rev. M. E.'Johnston Mr. HENRY J.
BIDDLE, of Philadelphia, to Mice 'MARY D.
daughter of the late Samuel Baird, Beg, of
Reading, Pa.
On the 11th of May, Mr. ANDREW SENSEDIAN.
of East Pensboro township, aged 26, years. 7
.months and 14 days.
On the 11th of May, in Tusearwas co. Ohio,
Mr. HENRY ALTER, aged about 70 years. The
deceased wan born in Cumberland co. and re
sided for ma- , y years in Washington co. Pa.
MS Was - the father of eleven children, all of
whom were living at the time of l t erfletteaso.
In Bucyrus, Ohio, on the 27,u1COusravos
REICHELM, youngest child ef4. A. and Annie
J. Craver, aged 2 years;"2 months and 12
days. •
)-'<le Markets.
MONDAY, Juno 5, 1854.
FLOUR AND MEAL.—The Flour market is
firm, and prices maintained. Sales early this
-at $9 11 bbl. 0u late change 2000 bbls How
ard street sold at $B, and 1100 bbls City
Mills at $8 75 i 1 bbl. The market closing
firm. The supply of flour on band very
and-receipts-moderate. - Rye Flour.s6,_coun
try Corn Meal $3 60, and City do $4 121
GRAIN AND SEEDS.—Tho supply of grain
is fair, and priceshave materially advanced.
About 6,500 busliels—ef Wheat offered, and
mostly sold at 2 09052 13-for good to prime
red, and white do. at 2 12052 20, and fami
ly flour white at $2 75 11 bushel—a decided
advance. Inferior lots 2to 16 cents lower.—
Corn tinsels° advanced. About 9600 bushels
offered, and sales of white at 75®7 cents,
yellow 80 cents,.and mixed 73 cents "t 1 bushel.
Rye—sales of 300 bushels Pennsylvania Rye
at $1 14 bushel. Oats--about 2200 bush
els offered, and sales of Maryland and Virgin
ia, ordinary to prime, nt 55061 cents, Penn•
sylvania do. 62 cents 1 1 1 bushel. Seeds are
quiet—We quote Clover at $1 G 2, Timothy
2‘76a53, and Mince $1 40 13 bushel.
Carlisle Gas and Water Company.
subscribers to tho stock of this C OM
irttly are required to pay an instalment M
FIVE DOLLARS on ert.:ll share subscribed,
on or before the .15th of June, inst., to the
Treasurer, at the Carlisle Deposit Bank.
That subscriberi should' be punctual in their
payments is absolutely necessary, as the prog
ress of the work requires it.
By order of the Board, -
'Estate of Andrew Senseman, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters -if ad.
tninistratien on the estate of Andrew Sea
roman, lice of East Pennsboro twp, Cumb co.,
deceased,, have ,bosh granted by the Register
of said county to the subscriber, residing in
Mechanicsburg. All persons indebted te said
estate are remiredjto make immediate payment
and those haying claims to present them to
June 7tiw Administrator,
Patent Ventilating Furnace.
rrIHE subscriber would call the attention of
all parties requiring a desirable Furnace
to Chilson's Celebrated Warming and
Ventilating ApPara'.us. •
The reputation to this turnaco is now known,
having been introduced durii.g the past five
years into übout 1500 public buildings and more
than 8000 private divedings ; this togettpir with
the immense increase of sales every year to the
beet evidence that can be adduced of its supe
riority over all other furnaces. By the use at
Unison's Furnace, you secure the tullowing ad
Puns Ata—Tne heating surfaces being,:nt
terhperature that will not disseeate the air.
hL Economtem. USE OF FOEL.
GREAT DAIRAI3ILITY—Being made entirely of
Cast fron, not liable to rust, will require no
repairs during a lifetime—it is easily managed,
and will not expose the building in'whirh 0 is
placed to dangepromfire, like the -other Mr
We have the testimonials of, hundreds of the
most scientific men toatteg to ttie trlill itif
above statement; all ot whom pronounce it to
be deciondly the best furnace yet ;nye oed for
producing a pure and healthy atmosphere. We
herewith annex the names ut a few well known
and eminent professors, who have used them.
and kindly furnished us their names as refer
Prof John S !fart Prof Parker Prof Norton
Pres Win 11 Allen Prof Parsons Prof Dana
Prof 13 Sillitnan Prof Ripley
We have intioduced ... 9thoeason five new
shoe, so that all partirnsy avtiittlmmeelveaol
this great i.nprevet ent at a very moderate
cost. We are now rewired to furnish-an ap
paratus to warm a single room, or the largest
building in the country. ..i.. ...
No. I Portah O. Complete,
- 3 do ' i '` do
4 do for brickwork 40
5 do .do ' „ 60
3 Extra Radiator, (with Bars and
French Plates,) : 70
3 do do do " BO
5 ' do do ' do , 107
6 'do do ''' do , .. 133
This N 0.6 is the largest and most pOwerful
Furnaceimade in.this country, and is admirably
adapted for Churches and other taiga clas,
We continue to sell , he oppsrattis at the same
price as whin first introduced, five years ago.
Although the present high price of iron lies in.
moused their cost 15 per sent, owing to their
great weight, still we are enabled by the great
increase of sales to furnish the article at the
lowest possible price. Ono foundry alone,
Messrs Warrick & Leihrandt, have connected
to furnish us with 500 tons of Furnaces this
season, so that we are now prepared to furnish
them wholesa!e or retail. Wo superintend the
-erection of all Furnaces. when required. and'
warrant them in all cases.
Wo have also the most complete Cooking
Range that has yet' been introduced; to which
we call the attention of all wh3 may . wish to
secure the most perfect and desirable cooking
apparatus mitt. invenied.
We 'tire the only Agents in Pennsylvania for
the manufacture and sale of this Ventilator,
which is acknowledged to be the only perfect
Ventilator ever made for correcting the draught
in sinoky chimnice, and for ventilating buildings
of all kinds. As there are a great many imita
tMne of this valuable article now offered for
sale, parties will be careful to examine that it,
than the' Emerson Badge attached.
We hove the targeat and most completc,ae.
Bortmoos o f H o t Ale Registers. and Ventilators
to be found in the United States. Parties who
wish to pureatise, either for private use or
wholesale, will - find it greatly to their advan
lege to examine their stock.
We have always on handriti extenaive assort
ment of these beautiful maniles, in exact imi
tation of Egyptian, Spanish, Galway, andother
rare marbles.
For Anthracite and [Numinous coal. Also tin
entire now pattern of the low down,G rate, mail°
from the English Patterns, and entirely now in
this country.
For the English Encauitio Flooring Tile, daYn
kirk Chimney Tops. and Terra Cotta Orna
ments, such as ,Tops.
Vases, 6te•
Persona about building would do well to
amino our stuck before purchasing elsewhere.
Visiten, whbiliWe purchasing or not. are
ve cordi..
ally elcotned' our extensive Wareroome,
mitt where we should be happy to furnish any
inlormation, resgocting' may of our geode that
rtiov ho 'desired - A
=bDok - On Worming mid
Ventilating can belied gratuitously at mir store,
either personally, mbar fitter,
sw,A.liikitnisoN, •
Warming and Veifillfrititte. ereheuee,'
M4v St 7m]
,• , ,
Irk lißtil3E 8 elobratenb York • Plonolio con!
targli , on ' hand,-oleo' Craiglioad'a and
'Plank' nuke for 'eat° AV
: Tim two Brick two stUry DUELLIA.-•
'. , a.0; •.. 00 IW., .with basemourstoriosti
ri m, ..:, elonging to and adjoining the M.
nit i • ". ._ *Church, near the Rail Rood De
_i,i p t, are for sale.. They will he
- • -
- offered at itrivate sale u oil the let
of August ntw., when if not sold they will Ito
offered 'at public sale on the prorMses, on or
before the let orSeptomber, not thereafter.
The property cm be seen and any other in
formation had, on reference to miner of the
undersigned. CHAR LES BELL,} C .
o .
.1 vt% 0 UTIJIN GTON,m..
Carlisle. May 24, 1854 1
To the Citiv n 3 of Carlisle.
A. L. HICKEY & C0.1N0.148
N U'l' Street, above;Sixth, Philadelphia, linen
now on hand one of the largest, cheapest, and
most varied assortment of their improved Steel
Sp log Sore Leather TRUNKS ever uttered to
,the public, with n fine article of Light Weight
Solo Leather Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags
for travelling in Europe. Also, a splendid as
sortment of Ladtes' Dregs Trunks. Bonnet Box
es, &c., ranging in price from Two to Thirty
dollars, with a fine variety of Hobby Horses,
Propeller , , Gigs, &c.
All of the a bove articles we will sell low for
cosh. Give us a call,
Prize Medal awarded at the World's Fair in
London in 1851. . [may 81 3m
bulimic SALE
• WILT, be sold at public sale at the Court
House, on Saturday the. 27th day, of
May, 1854, n
— in - rtra - borouglrof OnrlisleOteloint
state of Nllirgaret Gillmore, dec'd. This Lot
fronts on North street and adjoins on the east
a lot belonging to Mary Gillmore- and on the
west Iwo of Joan Noble. and 'entrains 60 feet
in from'and 240 feet in depth. The buildings
are a one story stone House with the alqiirie
intones It will be divided if desired by purch
asers. Terms made known on day of sale.
Attorney for heirs of Itelarg't Gilmore.
May 17, 1804—ta
North Hanover Street, and nest door to Glass's
Trig undersigned would respectfully inform
the citizens of Carlisle and the public gener
ally, that he now hns on hand a large and ele
gant assortment of FURNITURE, consisting
in part of Wardrobes, Card and other Tables,
Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sewing Stands, .ii.e• m mutactured of the best
m.tterial aid quality...warranted.
Also a general assortment of ('HAIRS at
the lowest prices. Volition Blinds made to
order, and repairing promptly attended to.
to-Cm - E l s auole at the shortest notice, and
having,*a splendid hearse Ile Will attend funer
als in town or country.
iltrßootronher the stand— next - door to FI.
atss 7 , Hotel. nov2l R. B. SMII.EY.
Wholesale and RPtail Dealer in Amer
ican, English and Gorman HARD
WARE, Oils, Paints. &c., &c.
11CC HAN ICS, builders and the public gen
"erally, who are in want of Hardware of
any hind, are invited to call in and examine my
unusually forge stock of gaol's, which I am
selling, at very low priers. Just stop in: it will
only detain you a very few minutes 'to he con
vinccd that whit everybody says—that Ly,ne's
is decidedly rho place to - got good goods at low
prices—must tie true.
LYN E'S Hardware Stare,
West Side North Hanover street,
May 10,1851. Carlisle.
\ RPF:NTEn, Cabinet !pokers, Waggon
' makers, Coach-makers, Sboo.mukers and
NfechanieSgenesally, who are in want r.f good
TOOLS. to call ht Lynn's, where yoCean al
ways be supplied with a lull Kitt of superior
Tools front the best monufactuftes- Warren
ten at ptices lower than ever was heard of at
Wo t Side North tlanover street.
Scythes, Scythes, Ocythes.
JUST,reeeived a large lot of SCYTHES, of
superior brands, to which the attention of
Cradle Makers and Farmers is invixed. '1 he
attention of ;Farmers is also solicited to the
great variety of Farming Utensils of the very
best make. Ploughs of all kinds furnished at
a a small advance on city prices, Home-makes
at manufacturers prices. Also a superior arti
cle of Churn, which I warrant to' make more
butter in less time than any other churn in use.
Try it. JOHN P. LYNE,
West Side North Hanover street
iriIIOLEHIA-MORBUS. Dysentery, Diar-
I.J rhea, &c. nre making their appearance.—
You know the, remedy. If you nave any re
gard for the welfare of yhurselves, your wife.
or your chit Iran, supply yourselves with
213eoChees 'Matchless Cordial,
oilturlvitienhTde the consmomicesresulring from
luigotel adherence to old quackery. This
"Matchless Itemedv" can be had at. the Drug
Store of • 'B. J ICIEFFER,
Sued' 11 mover F. Imo , a fOW doors solidi of
the Court House, Carlis:e. Ala). 17
CUE /LP 1141.11DWAR21
ATE arrival 01 the steamer "Old Stand,"
kJ North lianovec street, laden with a large
stook of HA It DW A RE. direct Irom the man
ufactories, Is now ready for sale, wholemle or
retail. Country merchants wall do well to call,
ns wo will sell them goods at a very
Vance on city wholesale prices, and we are
determined - to sell - at very small - profits. --Give
ns a call and I um persuaded you will not leave
Without - making a purchase, us you Will find
goods at the right, mark. Old Stand, North
Hanover street, Cut lisle.
May 171 JACrrSENER.
Nails, Iron, Paint, dt.c.
THE subscriber has just peceived 100 kegs
A. of NAILS, for sale at reduced prices.—
Alsolo tons of Hammered Bar Iron. Black
eoliths will s to well call. Also o large lot of
.White Lend, Zinc Paints, Oils, Turpentine,
Glass and Putty, Smith's Superior Copal Var
nish, Sr.o. Also just received a large stock of
Itoi4land's and New York make of Elliptic
Springs, all for sale cheap at the Old. Stand,
North Ilanovenstreet, Carlisle.
hasjust received from Philo
tl delphia a largo assortment of Dlt Y
GOODS,,and GROCEttIEIS, which will be
8014 .very , I .?lniap at her new store, nest door to
Martin's Hotel ilnd nearly opposite Mr. Ogil
by's attire. MA'RGA ItDT SNODGRISS.
A VERY large lot of WALL PA PER •o
t~ event shade and design, at, prices ranging
from 6 cents upwards. The stork consists 01
afull assortment of Common, Satin, 'Silvered
and Gilt Papers, all of which will he sold low
A FRESH arrival of Sugar Cured HAMS
and DRIED BEEF, Jost received front
nincinnati and for sale at WILLIAMS' Family.
Grocery Store, in West Main Street,
ALL those tinware indebted to the eubacri•
tR. ber, °Hier by book nr nive [madam, will
make immediate pnyihont, as no further judo!•
gonna con be•divon. •
Carponters and 13411ders aro invited to
1 11 examine the nesoritnent of Lolks, Latch
es; Bolts, Binge's, Screws, Glass, Putty, Oil,
Paints, &C. All for Bala cheap nt
mar 13 . SAXTON'S.
Rare Chance for Bargains.!
THE subscriber. nesign'eolof George Keeso•
IL mono! Churebtown,Cumb. county, offers
at private sale theriNE• AL@ of an excellent
stock of Store Goods ;• or'te will dispose of
them `either.nt wholeleaale o- retail, cheap for
Cash. Call and examinn feryourself.
andefilm —.Assignee.
, • Nam Goons.
9111 f: iniliecrilier ban 'into opened' an' niiprt
- 71;-"ookni Of SPRING SHAN\ LS, and a vario
ty of stitiNd•DpOns. •
ap'lo • -- '0 U.S*. lIITNER
, .
Wish, Fish,
No. 2& 9 MACKEREL in wholai half'
and (inflater hhin Litho White Fish, ninon.
fine antielo'nfiSALAiON;rTßOUT Iron, the
the .1 o alyncandlirr thit,first• timo,bronght In thin
marhitein.atore And fitr antla,hy 'the anhs'eriber.
N, liV, , Ccrnur Blanket bquary, Cralielc r
,„ ,
rri HE "Big Spring Literary Institnto" will
I hold an Industrial Fair in Nowiedle, to opon
on thu secuttd Tuesday of June next, and oun
unue INCAS. -
It is Iniehded particularly' for the encourage
ment of • tile mechanical arts, but contrieutions
e articles for exhibition.) are solicited from
all classes of pursuits interested in' the progress
of the arts and .i.eiences. prominent'place
will be given to plain. and fancy . needle work,
artificial flowers, drawing, &o, t nd the ladies
are.cordially invited to become contributors to
thiadepartment. 'No charge will be made Tor
articles I'm exhibition, and in addition to this
the exhiblior is furnished with a ticket which
Will admit him or her to the Fair at any time
during its continuance, provided in all ensue that
alb exhibitor is the mannfectmer. Poniona
d&airitig to exhibit any article must apply to
the secretary or President of the Board of
Managers on or before the first of June. The
rooms will be open on Monday, June sth, for
the reception- of goods, and every article inten
ded for exhibition must be received on or be
lore the follotidiq Friday. The Judges who
ore d;•cide,on therespective merits of articles on
exhibitieu will be appointed by the Board of
Managers. The eircumstiNces of the Institute
will not permit the awarding of premiums, but
certificates of excellence with the seal of Llftf
Society will be given to the exhibitors of catch
articles as the Judges' may decide upon.
Enterprising mechanics, business men land
others, iron , neighboring towns and counties,
are invited to send on their contributions.
HENRI' S H Ems, Sec's , .
Board of NI Imagers—John 'Waggoner. Geo.
Mankney, Lewis II Williams, Jacob Zigler.
George Bricker, James S MeElwain.),Thomson
Thritale, RAM Randolph.
Newville, A v rii '2O, 1854.
313 A INT T C IV S
New Clothing Establishment!
THEuncletS - AWrespectfulanoounces to
his old friends and the publii. generally, he
line recommenced the CLOTHING BUSI
NESS in all its vacious brunches. and line just
opened, fresh fromthe city, at "Leonard's Cor
ner :' North Hanover street, a well selected
assortment of
embracing every variety , at Or and finish, and at
mires corresponding , to the times and quality.
He has Omen hand r, superior stork of
sec, of every style suitable'for Spring and Sum
titer wear. and which he will make to order on
terms .v high cannot fail to please. Ilis stock
also embraces a line :in of Men's, Shirts, Col
lars. Cravats, Gloves and Hosiery.; in short.
every article pertaining to gentlemett'aimwear.—
Ile respectfully invites the piddle to call and
examine hilmroods. - N. HANTCH,
A pl 26,1854
Caledonia (sw cc ny 's) Cold Springs
grthese Springs. situated on the South Moun
tain; n short distance from the pike lending
from Chamberaburg to Gritty burg, Pa, will be
opened for visitors on the 15th of JUNE neat.
Large rind commodious buildings, inektling ex
tensive Bath Houses or hot and cold plunges,
lace been erected, The grounds have been
much improved and every effort made to ren•
der these springs a popular place of resort. An
efficient and obliging Manager will have.the
general superintendence, while the best ser
vants the country afiinds have been engaged--
'rite Table will be furnished with all the deli
cacies of the markets, and nothing lelf undone
ih render this 01. D FAVORITE RESORT worthy
the patronage of the public, Persons leaving
Washington, Baltimore or Philadelphia in the
morning, trains will arrive at Charnhershurg id
time to take the conches for tea. For further
particulars addicts
May el .1m Chambersl'urg. Pa,
In tast High Street, Carlisle, Pa.
vvElaye just received a large and hand
some escort moot of Spring:and Snootier
Goode—my second, supply for the sense:l—
!MVO been bought for cash at astonish
ingly low ,Prier S ...
MMus do Begs 12i conts" - U7brthl 11, .
Lawns, (fast color) ti 12,
do ' do 12 .. 20,
Borrego do Lemnos 6 .. 12,
do 12 tu 25, ..
.Mitslitis • 6 " 8, .
BarratAes IN '. 31,
Black Silks 62 " - - 87,
do • 100 " 1,25,
Stockings 6 .r, 12,
Bile Cassitnere Iro " 150,
with a large and general assortmen t of ladies'
Berne, areas debege, and mirage &loins,
lawns, black and fancy silks of every descrip
tion and quality, blnek„alpacas of high lustre,
Lilac: bombazines au superior quality, and a
good assortment of Mourning Goods
.DONIESTICS, D 0 mr.§-rics
Bleached and unbleached muslins, shertings
fil•orn I to 3 yds wide. checks, Glasgow and fine
Fcench giogliatus, tickings, damask towe's and
table cloths, napkins, red, yellow nod white
woollen- Ilipnele- sh rnutling-flatinel,- See.' -•
Cambric and Swiss ruffling, edging and insert•
tug, lisle, mechliti and floret/tine lace, French
worked collars. do bruder-sleeves, do sioneel
and eUtTs, inotoodog uollars,Fulack laced veils,of
all styles. A very handsome lissouttnent of
Bonnets and Bonnet iblots. .
Boots and Shoes s t _ii tie iowfr than ever.---
licgtotr. now the large t avd I cheapest stock of
lul'oist . Good's io the cOlinty, I turn determined to
give nll who will favor us with a cell, great
bargains, Oont• old friends and customers are
invited to call, • May 24, 1854.
Tlg TOV:=
ATO • - RG AS,
1:Xl/GULD inform thmpublic that he has now
'V on hand at his establishment, on Mein
street, next door to Marion Ha ll, the largest
nd roost complete assortment of
to be 'kilted in this county,,,which will basold
at the lowest prices for cash - or approved crAditi
ills stock consists ors large assortment olneW
and highly approved
[1114.110cl in the most complete manner, and
calculated for either.wood or cent or both. All
the old standard patterns, which have stood the
test of experience, may be found at his estab•
hell meat. Alho o greet variety of the most ap
proved nod beautiful
Including a number of now styles, possessing
very superior advantages over those heretofore
in use. Families and housekeepers are respect•
fully invited to give him a call before purcha
sing olsewhpre. Stoves delivered to any part
of the comity and put up stifle shortest notice.
Ile continues to do al. kinds of
and Copper ,warlt, and has constantly on hand
or will make to Order every article required by
housekeepers or ()theta in this line. Djus stock
of Tin and Coripur-ware embraces every kind
of household and kitchen 'utensil, warranted
equal to the best manufactured.. Persons in
want of articles in his line ruby always be sure
of being aecomodatod to their saiistactian by
giving him a call. [Octl9
wo` rAlt. !viral s.
IVIIE subscriber informs the pub,.
1, lie that ho tine copatautly on
hand a variety of choice yoting LO'•
CUSI"I'REES, from ten to fifteen
feet, high, which were raised trom
the seed, they are all of the yellow locust. He
tillers them at moderato prices, at hie nursery,
situated in Hampden township, Cumb. cout,ty,
sham 5 miles west of Harrisburg, on the turn
pike. Call and examine for yourselves.
Feb 22. lewpdt SAM'L EBERLY.
TTORNEY AT LAW, will niteind
promptly to ell business entrusted to him.
Oflioe in the room. formerly occupied by Will
,ham Irvine, Esq., North Hanover St, Carlfele.
April'2o, 1052. • .
CLOW= ea/MO- •
prime .Ohio and Penneylva
2flck lmehels
tri-Prits, CLO V Ell .ShED for sole by
- • • BOYER dr, HALL - ,
Agricultural Implement and Seed Store,.
Harrisburg, Pa;
grAKE. NO .nll persons
41 - nbout commencing' flousekooping•aml oth
ers In: want n ( them, can•get• supplied with
Knives add :•Forks, ,• Spoons, , Ladles, Cone-
M ills, Pans, Kettles, Sad..lrons, &c.. at t h e
loskett rates•by '' • - •
`mat 13 • • . •It SAXTON.%
Great Rush for Bargains;
• AT;tlid Nevian.lCheop'iorg'of-AVEISE
CA.!%IPBCLI.:'; We are ee l il* off a large as
nortmont. of
. Costimerea .and. Moos do [Alai at
greatly efuloced pricoki Call and nea!
Jan 25, 1854. •
calved, a • few .I,ong and: Sqoare Btaahn
Shaw Boandirot-malotby:— .. •
~lOrcs t: oI)0p5.
MBE subscriber has now band a very ex—
tensive (indwell selected Stook of BOOTS
—awl SHOES, which he will sell •
atundanally !owl:irises. Perches.
— ed•ftom - iVhbleilarClektaraiatTlots - --
rates. he ean.Offer such i'ndilt snoresue.parim
sera as will make it their interest le.
establishment. Ha .has every article in {he
Buot and Shoo lino—for Ladios' or Gentlemen's
wear7—he therefore' deems it unnecessary
particlariae.. 1r:1 - Persons Jesiring good and
ehcap goods are invited to, give hint a call.
April 12 ' AV. SHELDON,
At the StorPof N. W, WOODS.
the Great Mart For Dry Goode & Groceries
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends rind numerous customers. tharlicrims
returned from Fhiladelphis with a large and vu-
A , tied assortment of Spring and Summer Goods,
consisting in mart of
'such as black add fancy silles,black and change
able alpacas, Mirages, barage de laines, mous.,
de begs, bombazines, plain, figured and chang.
reAble poplins, lawns, ginglia ma, shawls,calicoes,
gloves, hosiery,. &c.
such as fine black and brown French Clothe,
black Doeskin and fancy Cassitneres, satin and
fancy Vestinga, black anditilian fancy Cra
vat; suspenders, gloves, &c.
A large assortment, of Men's and Boys'
'rits and Caps, embracing every style and qua
litY7—Mso. aIFFge and vaned assortment of
Parasols, Bonnets and Ribbons.
Bleached rind unbleached Maeline. Cheeks,
'ricking.. ? Jeans, Drills. Table -diapers, Bagging
Osniburg,s fowling, table:linens, &c.
A large assortment of Men's. Women's and
'Childreirs Boots and Shoes, Jenny Lind aril
Buskin Shoes nt very low prices.
Colored and White,,CA PF.T CHAIN,
A. large assortment of GROCERIES, such
as Sugar. Gars, Molasses, Hies, Teas, dec.
All who visit our establishment ere freo to
acknowledge that we are selling Foreign and
Duitestic Dry Goods. Boots, Simes, &c. nt as •
to•iishiugly low prices! Our low prices have
airs t ly attratned a Large imahor of people.
Tho attAnti m of all who wish good tnirosins
is solicit e d, as groat inducements can be offered
,to irtreFhasors.
Don't for••+et iho old stand, Humerich's cor
ner. North Hanover Street,
Batter, Eggs, Rags awl Soap taken at market
prices. N. W. WOODS,
' April 12. 1004. Agent.
Spring anti Summer Millinery.
MRS. BRYAN, MILLINE',R, announces
to the public that she has just opened a
beautiful and extensive assortinent.. of Spring
and Summer - Millinery, itt,her stand opposite
_Arnold , store, in Mechanicsburg. Site is now
prepared to suit the taste
of ladies who may favor
her y,44.-their custom. ns
her stock'-of Crape Bon•
nots.and cheap Bonnets - of
all kinds, Silk Ribbons,
Flowers, Trimmings, Ste.
cannot be .excelled. She
will also keep on hands cap . collars, .under
sleeves, haniterchiele and -Mitts.-,tier assort •
ment of fancy articles cannot tail to please her
customers. Ladies arty invited to call and see
for themselves before buyiiig elsewhere. Prices
reasonable. (april 2.
China, Glass and Queensware.
ink LD housekeepers and young, With those also
11.3 who are expecting to become housekeep
ers, are invited to call at-'
and examine iiis elegant assortment of Chinn,
Glass and Queenswnre, and other nrticles in
the housekeeping liee,4acit as French and
English tea sits, heavy banded and plan,
White Granite, gilded and blue do,
Dinner stets of every variety and price,
13 iwls and pitchers, turreens,' dishes, &c.
Glass-wA c—centre table and mantel lamps,
C indelabras an-I other-lamps, great variety,
Pablo all l bar inintilors, goblets, &c.
4 6,
Fruit arid preof en diN .in variety.
' Cedar-ware—tubs, bit yin, churns. bowls,
Baiter prints and lad p. meal buckets, &c.
Brushes—sWeeping', i , - late %%rai*, scrubbing,
Hair] and shoe brushes, dusters, brooms, &c.
Market, clothes and'irayblllne-baskets.
Also a ch - dee assortment of Tobarco and Se
gars. Call yo wha are fund of choice brands of
Segars and try the Principcs, R.egalins. Stet . -
lanonis and other Cuba varieties. and you will
(lad them of unimpeachable quality. Also half
Spanish and Common Segura. with choice
Snuff and chewing tobacco. upl2G
Tke..Spritig of ES 54
WILL boa memorable one in the annals of
our Borough—for the L A It G E S'l'
STOC It, h Inds unest. cheapest- and best
UO iTDS . nro now selling off rapidly at Bentz
Sr. d rothers cheap store. Our stock coital:Aso! .
Silks, II ireges, Totnues. Lawns.! Barege .le
L u:l3 (1111411:11111, Do Beget', A Ipanbas, Cali
coes:4f allies,. Checkti, Pickings. Diapers. Sze.
13 inn.ts, Ribbon, Parasols,,flH4 for sUminer,
Gloves, Ifasiory, Laces, Edgings, dyeing
Shawli, French Worked Collars, Trimmtngs,
Cloths, Cassitners,V.eidintl - s rind summer
st tat foe 41en n 1.1 13 ty's wear, tor h.;'r with
a great many other Goods nai l mentioned here,
but on examination our stock will Ito found to
be the largest in Cumberland county and will
be sold very low-. ---
April 1 , 2, '54. BEirTZ & BROTHERS..
-Spring . Style or Hats S Caps
• .
LPgsruus to inform hie old friends that he
has removed to his new establishment on
Eligiretroet, near the Rail Road Depot, and is
Inow opening a largeand elegant - assortment of
tat received from Philadelphia, which the gen
tlamou of Carlisl are requested to call and en•
ti•nine. fie his al at, a large - assortment of Silk,
Fur and Slouch fiats of his own manufacture,
gat up in the best style and at various prices,
the excelleaee and finish of which he will wit.
rant Ws sto dz. he is confident only needs to
he examine Ito be approved. irtAlso a largo
cup tly °Olen's. fluke and Childreli's CAPS,
of Cloth and Tor and of every varithy of style
end price just received from Philadelphia. Lot J
all who want a Flat or Cap give him a call,
they may be sure of being . suited to their
satisfaction. Mar 21.,
Fresh Drugs, Fiadicinesi ke.
I tiny() just received from Philadel•
phis and New York very extensive
ILA!! additions to my former stock, embra•
. Car_ cing nearly every article of Medicine
now in use, toge,,ter with Paints,
'Jae, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps,
Statioriery,_ Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,—
Bruhes of almost every description, with .'n
endales variety of other articles, whichl am di,
tormined to sell at the VERY cowsri- prices.'
All Phyaicians, Country Merchants. Pedlars
and others, are respectfully requested not to pass
the OLD STAND, as they may, rest assured
that every article will be sold of a good quality:
and upon reasonable tiume.
Mnin stroet.
114 av 30
AT, their old stand •ON MAIN ST., the
corner store by the. Market noose, haim
just received their Sprimeo niid Simmer supply
of Ready• Made cuoTtitr.;,•una how am
to the public the largest . and . must eareMity
selected stock in this aortic - in of country, They
have been very careful in nothing their selec
tion to pay- strict attenrio.n to the quality of
the materials, and to the neatness, durability
-and fashion of the workmanship; and their
entire stock they therefore can repommend.—
It comprises '' , 4.4
Sack and Froeic'Conts,
Dress and Business ContO,'
, • ' OirercontO and Pen intkets,•
Also PANTS Mid VESTS ' '
•of every,ilealrablia titylV,Ond quality, together
within largo sUPPIY I 6I .- -- . ' ' • • •
• Gtoilemen's Tyro ishiog Goods. ,
'shirts, Undershirts; Drawers. Hose,',Fonci.
Stocks ,auil..Ei'nvats, liaridkerchiefs.jSuspon,
ders,,Gloyes, Umbrella's, &e. .. .• r . ,• : ',l 1.
.. '' IP-I-Persons in want of the abilove_niiiiiies;WlP
.... 3301tictri EAT ,. . Jr A . „. I . ,io,well to ; eall scion and, examine the filwlnfitY
. . ..a - • • 1"7"1" ' • if ".: ~rir • I Mid ,prleen.oll,gonde, . TIM, articles Parotid
. no. 156„ ,Nonalit,l3ruAnves. ~ P etrtrikr.rern, above willbod I qstonishitiglyphortii. tie! we ern
.. COuttinission, . 7 G/enchant: - 11
.determined to cry competition,' n11(1111630
''' ' who arpilff'•Want• -4 of - chaapo4nd,good : , elot Wog
FM. the dale of Eng tab and American P.iS Lendi w ill Ita',Vell''eei Mill Mid il'imieriiie 'llie - , "'qualities
Scotch ; nd Ametinin Pig„iim , mid Bloom
, p .,., ~ Iron, Wince Tin and'mol'alegehMally. •' 1,,,,„1,, rd , “ r•-• i 1 . . ..: r r ••• .., Po, mrf l yt 3-.4 m
t anit'iirleas• itit obr'goa . ds before Peirehhiing itjaa I
Liberal advances'niade• on eonel,e‘mOnsts:ot • - . ' --.• . "-'-•' -• ' ''' • '
merchandise ~Inerelly. .14rAgentlor the enlo 11,1 ; g4e,rot 0 , -ntimP,•ichiline. ,so ur , irM),Weil
i : . 4 04 , 1 , e t Jlik,,o id FAitrui v North- Katiovor's , 4oo4
01 Le Rey' & Col't4 e isid, arid Tbi pipC. sb- ot 4:ll.,f,lurbs siosand ~ , voniiett ,'Pulkbing,leregii
Les 4. 1,&,e. s.Onet: jimi'VVatei 'and' Gas Pipes.
' ' .:.11ptgalni --- ;I: , 1 i:. 4 .. JACOB SDNUIt, i,
GAl+Lotiews ELIXIR has acquired a
ItiSt-C,Of Wily for *ltemise of all diseases
arisin from 'severs colds', and its ~I ftracy has
been attested and apprOved by hundruds of our
most respectable citizens., Inisevery instance
immediato relict . - has bOon given, as. the folloc—
tog certificate from thuds have tried it bears
teatim my. Vlanufsqurednntl for solo by
.3 AVMS 'GA LLOIIER, Agent.'
Wo the undersigned do'nortilir. that we have
used Ga,preparation for Consumption,
Col 6, Diseases'of the Lungs', Liver; '‘Ssa. and
having exparinnooillmmedinto reliof therefrom
would rocom , nond 4 to nil alllicted in that War.
'rhos IT Whitt, • M Genic!, ' •
R 11.' McCoy. F L'Wolf,' • •• ;
rd4pyor, Hadl,coft.
Carlislow•April 2(l; • '
Z .. .. .
I N C 'P A I N T S, one third cheaper than
White .Lead, and free from all poikonous
qualities--The New Jelly : inc. Company i.riy).
-mg greolly.enfoed their Works and in preyed '
the qtiality.of their products, arearenored te
utea for their superior Paints, Dry,
on.'gro in Oil, in otsorted of from
25 to 50 pounds. A Ise---dry, in barrels of 200
pounds each. Their White Zinc, which 19
sold dry or ground in oil, is 'warranted pure
and unsurposed for bodY and uniform ,W hiie
nese: A method of preparation hos - recenily
been discovered Which enables the Company to
warrant their Paints to keep ' mid sort in
the kegs for any reasonable time. In this re
Bocci, their Paints will be superior to any other
in the market. Thier Brown Zinc Paint.
which is sold at a low price, and which can only
be made from ihe Zinc.ores - from New Jersey,
is now well known for its, protective qualities
when applied to iron or other metallic ettrlnees.
Their Stonecolor Paints possesses all the pro.
potties of the Brown, find - is - of on agreeable
color for painting Cottages, Depots, Out-buil
dings, Bridges, etc.
Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their
Wholesale Paint Omaha and Importers.
all2-sm. N %V cor. 10th & Morket•sta.. Phila.
subseribere are now pr-pared to exhibit
■ at their Splendid New Establishment just
completed on the site of their former stand,
- - -
an entire now, and beautiful stock of Straw,
Fancy and Silk Bonnets and Flats, Flowers,
Sr,e: and Panama, Palm and Summer Hate for
Gentlemen, which our old_patrons, Merchants
and - Milliners gencrilly, are in vited to examine
confidently promising thorn, in extent,-in varie
ty, hi nxielfy, and in styles, astock unequalled.
eikOrders carefully and promptly executed.
mti22-3m. THOMAS WHITE & CO.
Agricultural Implement & Seed Store
'IRE subscribers offer for sale a large variety
of Agricultural lmp'emonts. among which
are the celebrated EAGLE PLOW. Prouty
Plow, Rodger's Subsoil Plow, Corn Shelters,
Stra and Hay Cutters, Cnrn Fodder Cutters
and Gritiders, Fat-niers' Boilers, approved Cul
tivators, Road Scrapers, &e.
Agricultural Implement and Seed Store,
mar I) • Harrisburg, Pa.
TFFE stibAeribers are prepared to receive or
ders for "FIELD, GARDEN and FLOWER
SEEDS, of the choicest varieties and warran—
ted to he pure and genuine. " %along which are
Golden Oregon Corn, Stowell Evegreen Corn,
Roanoke Mammoth Corn, Adams Early aid
White Flint, Orchard lierd Timothy and Clo•
ver Seed, and every variety of Flower and Gar
den Seeds. Catalogues ,fumished wen re
quested; BOYER & HA
Agricultural Implement and Seed 9 it
mac 11 Harrisburg, Pa.
113ELNG extensively engaged in the mane-,
rieture of paper, we. will - pay to Country
Merchants and others having Rags for sale,
more than the preselit market prire—CASH.
J EISSW & 0g E,
Mier Manufnotarers,
Philadelphia—Nos.24lm4:2s North Si, [let
street below Arch, botwoon sth and 6th. 40:2
Just Published—A new Discovery in Medicine)
Fl•l\V winds on the Rational Treatment,
IA: without Medicine, Spermatorrlica, or local
weoltsieoe, nervous debility, tow o3oirits, lassi•
mile, we iltness 01 - the limbs and, back, indispo
sitiOn and incapacity formtudy and labor, dull.
neon of apprehenson, loss rd memory, aversion
to soeie•y. love' of solitude. timidity, sell dib.
trust, dizziness. hea , lie;involuittary discharges,
pains in the side, (amnion oldie eyes, pimples
on'the lace, sexual and el her infirmities in man
From the French of Dr. 11. De Lancey.
'rho imaorta ,,, t;,et that t hi:se alarming corn ,
plaints may trr,• , .. .r.,noved wurnowr MEDI
CINE. is in thisVnl.4 ° clearly de ttttt nstra
ted, and the 4n_a..lS • treriir and highly successful
treatment. as sdopt,,a.l v the Author s fully ex
plained, by menstepi.wltioltievery oriels enabled
to cure - himself [ ! ..rialqly and at the least possi
ble cost, avoiding ilorceby all tho advertized
nostrums of the due.'
Sent to nny address, gratis and post Free, in
sealed onvelope,-hy 'remitting (poet naiil) . two
postage stemma to Dr, 16. Del,nney, or B 9
Broadway Post Office, New York. I
Phil. Surgeons' Bandage Institu e
• • REMO YEW Lo- No. 4 Ninth street.
sixth store above Market., B" , C.
EVE R E . I"FI"S Patent Graduating
Pressure 'TRUSS, for the euro of Rupture;
Shoider Braces, Supporters, Elastic Stockings,
Suspensary, Henforrhoidal, and Bandages for
deformities. - r Jan. ll—lyr.
The Largest and, 'Cheapest Clothing
Store in Carlisle!
RNOLO & LIVING TON have now at
their store thp largest and best assortment
or really made chlthlog - to - bo found inr.ailiele,
which they are able to dell at less than city pri
ces, and lower than the goods can be bought at
any other store in,ilie place , The clothing we
sell is all air own manufaclure and- not bought
ready-made. We never have to deal in dairta
gwl goods. We buy Goal. sound material and
. n otb ina else. We worrant every 'thing we sell
to be well made and to give entire satisfaction.
We'have now on hand
of all stiles and qualities, and nt prices to suit,
embracing blue, black and fancy broadelc4
and linen dress, frock and sack COATS,
cassimerp and linen pantaloons, eloth, satin And
fancy vests of nll sizes and descriptions, togeth
with a large teoortinent of Crevrits,Ties,'Stocks - , -
Shirts, llandkerchiefs,Gloyes,Sitspenders;'&c.
&c., hording a variety snch as is seldom of
fart. Measures taken and clothing minds to
Don't forget the wend in North.flnnover st.,
next dour to I.ysa's Herdward store, and di
reetly-o.pposite Magloughlir's hotel.
Carlisle A pri I 854.-3 m
Extensive Furniture -Rooms.
AEA MED R.WEAVER ' , would respectfully
call the attention of House Keepers and the
public to his extensive stock of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other Tablcs, Dressing and plain
Bureaus'and every odor article in his branch of
business. Also. now on hand the largest as.
"sortment of CII gt IRS m Carlisle, at the loWest
prices. IgfrCoffins made at the shoitest notic
and a Hearse pravicW Mr funerals. Ho
its a call at his establishnient on Nctth Hrlme
ver street, near Glass's la OTEL.. N. fl.—Fur
lred out by. the month or year
7ilisle.MarOt 29. IRM—ty
Great attraction.
if HAVE just' received my Spring stock of
d PAPER HANGINGS, which surpass in
Style. Quality find Prier+ any that has ever
been exhibited in Carlisle. Lrespectfulti. 86-
licit a call front 1.0110110 of l'aper Hang.
Inge of any destuiption. as I air, confident my
assortmen. far surpasses nitioin the borough ;
and in style and price has Itlnow rivals in the
city. I only ask of the public& call and ex
amino my assortment hefino purchasing, as I
nth confident tny chaste designs, cannot fail . to
please the most fastidious ' -
West Side of North Hanover Street,
Mar 22 Carlisle. Pn.
Spring 1G Summer Clothing
atib Sljops.
4‘ 1 4i4 ." 4 . .4411 re.
; .• Oh • .
11 0.1 1.
VON [YEMEN respectfully inferms the
citizens of - Carliple rind vicinity.\that he
has just returned from California, and is
red to execute all kinds of wnrk connected with
his line.or business. Ile has Malaya on hand a
larga assortment of -reedy made
Rifles, Guns, Pistols, Locks,
Keys,Gurt Trimminge,&e, all or which he will
sell wholesale or retail; Ho' oleo attends to re
pairing Guns, clocks locks; &mengruves on
brass, copper and iron.-Ile hopes that by strict
attention to business, and a desire to please; he
will merit and receive public patronage.
Residencd-- West Main street, opposite. Cro.
zier's . Hotel.
IkrA II Minds of Fire Arnie made to o
Carlisle. Apl 26, 1854-1 y
Sieroontlan 31711MELRY I !
' ' Holiday Present", Om.
!IX • • • West High street, a few
„. doors west of Burkhol
der's Hotel, Carlisle.
i,9 2 has `just received the
5 • ./ 14 N . , largest and most elegant
assortment ol
ever offered in Carlisle, consisting in part id
Gold and Silver Watches of every variety; and
at all prices,might-day CLOCKS, Silver table
and tea spoons, silver table forks and butter
knit/ - es, gold and - silver - spectacles; ladies' and
gentlemen's gold pen and pencil, gold chains of
everydoscription,.ear and finger rings, breast
pins, &c. at all prices. Also Accordeons and
Boxes, wfth a great variety of Fancy
Articlits ' -selected expressly_for the Holidays.
Persons desiring to purchase are invited to cal:.
and examine the assortment. We are prepared
to sell at very reasonable prices, Quality of
all goods warranted to be as fine as sold for.
Dec 28, 1853 West /filth Street--
aalraol"am a
TE subscriber desires to inform his old ens
touters and the public that he has tempora•
rill' removed his establishment lour doors south
of his old stand, on North Hanover street,wliere
he has just opened a large assortment of .
800 I'S, SHOES, GAITERS, &c.
which.connot be sufpassed in style, quality and
price, and to.which he invites the attention of
the public.
For Ladies and Misses his stock is well se•
lected.and complete, comprising the most faeh•
ionnble styles of Congress, Silk Gaiters, color•
ed French Gaiters, Moroceo Boots, foxed with
patent leather, or all colors and qualities, to•
ge her with Arlisses Goiters, and a full supply cif
overt/ description of Boots Shoes and Goiters
for Ladies. Misses and Children's' wear, at all
Calf, Kip and Coarse Boots of diflerent qualities
and prices; black and dik - 6 Congress Gaiters;
patetit leather Sultan Walking Shoes; .Mi.nte•
rey Ties and Pumps, patent limiter s and cloth
fancy Toilet Slippers, tte• A lull asprtment
of the above styles of Boys' wear. Also:a
general assortment of Calf Kip and coarse
Monroes and Shoes at all prices.
ThiS extensive sum% of new and fashionable
styles has been selected with great cure and the
qual:t y is warranted. They only need, to be_
examined to be approved. Ile also coritlituea
to manufacture all kinds of work as before.
o::TRips will be repaired gratis. Feeling
cnkifident his assortment will give-entire intis•
faction, both as regards quality and price, he
respectfully solicits pubic patronage. ,
• npril 12. JON A THAN CORNMAN.
At Weise and Campbell's
New and Cheap &ore, S. W. corner of Hano
ver S• Louther streets.
WE now feel a pleasure in announcing that
wo have just received a splendid and choice as•
sortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which
we will oft.q . ,at such prices as cannot tail to
filease. • The .tpelt consists of
Black Fancy Dress Silica, Foulard's', Organdies
Brilliants, Lawns, Jaconetts, Bareges. &c,, &c
- - - -
A handsome lot of B,ieneers. tindersleaves
.Collars, Rufflings, Edgings, Insertings, mourn
ing collars and unierslneves,embroidered linen
cambric hankorchiefs. Bta., &c,
ginghams, checks, tickiugs, Muslins, jeans,
drills, brie.-stuff and flannels.
a handsome tot of cloths, cassimers and seating
o large assortment of Ladies and Misses French
lace, gnsaamerl, loelgrade, tripoli, braid air ,
straw Bonnets; Misses handsome Flats all of
which will be sold at unusually low pripes.
Men's and Boy's, canton, leghorn, china pearl,
senate and palm tad Hum' - Parasols, Um
brellas and Looking-glasses very cheap.
We are . selling a lame WO ladies' shoes and
gaiter - sett greatly reduce 7 prigs,ns we inteno
diseuntinumg tins branch of our business. ,-
GROCERIES, &c., &c.
ltio and Java Coffee, roasted coffee, brown and
AbitO „Sugar, Loyerings Syrup Molasses, Teas,
ppices, . .
Our stocic.dor variety and cheapness; is cer
thinly nut surpassed by any in tho country..
Buyers who wish,to puchuse articies of. sups
rinr quality, at reasonable prices, should no
fail to vivo U 8 a call. (April 5, '54.1
itExT , HICH surpasSurin quantity quality and
, prices any flint has ever yet bean opened
in .Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety
of all kinus-of, Hardware, such as, , Shoe
dtngs, Saddlery, Coacthijrimnings, Paints
Oils, .Vig w nioh,..Ginss: Files, Anvils,
Viees;,ifieflos, Sprin g,
VjitiMers, Cedarware, , Farming Uiensils,.Bar
and Rolled Iron, Steel, &c., with a thousand
more reticles unmentionable.
Having purchased largely of Heavy Goods
previous to the advance in prices, I am enabled
to sell goods at cad prices . Persons in w ant o
Hardware are Invited io ball end examine my
goods and hear my prices, and you will he satt.
tidied where the Cheap Hardware is ho had.
co-Ntly stook of WALL .PAPER'is nnap
pronched by any in the Borough. •
Thankful for the former liberal patronage, a
continuance of theaamo is solicited, by_
• Waal Side of Norili Hanover Streel;..
oregv Grocery and "Malay
~3~.~C02 ;3~0
TILE subscriber. would respectlully inform
his friends and, the patio generally that he
_. has Nei returned from the Min.. With
4 , 4 ,„,„„,r a 'large and varied nesortment of
7% II „. QUEENS'W ARE, FISH, &6. &c.,
' which he offers lot side on the moat
reasoneble terms, a. his NEW STORE, cot'.
nor of North Hanover st. and the ,
Public Square, directly opposite . .0. ~ IZ - ,
the Carlisle Depotit Bank. His . tt.. \
,'Nk\\ Al
stock embraces everything use- ,!,,,;:l1*NO.A.•)",•
ally kept in a Grocery and Vii.• :. .',
, .
rimy. store. . •
Thepublic are invited to call: and examine
his ntosk before purchasing abtadiere,se he leele
egnfident . he can sell the best goodti•as the Wis
est pricea.- • •
April 5, t 54. • • • - a,•HALBERR'.
. •
SPRING' AND surmall T. 4- -
185 4] . ;.Styles ' Brat ! ,
Art EORGE , KELLER respectfully sinnoun.
Ulfees to his Sid Patrons antl•the •public.gen•
orally•tharhe iltlB just received the
' o MEN'S HATS, • mattufacarred" ,ot
no of thO beat estithlishmenta,m
Kit t — Philadelphia; to which he invites
epochal sttention.4 "
lie''hne' also aohitantly4n hand a' large nod
'varied assortment' 01 hip.mmi ,rianufacture:as
well ad city Made •-•
I 4P
attitablo for , he 'uoneoncompriainEr every Teri
eyi of Russia, lioncer; moletAiti nod Silk }lota:
'finiehed iif the latetit-etyle;toiether with °lull
aseortutont of, pops of every shape end dee
criptiOn, , Undit at overy•prico Ile particularly
invite 4 tho puhll4l6 calroodpxamine his eiden
sive nesarimenUovfliCh iri,ityleVtntitorinl and
finish. -,cannot „ha, qnrpainipd hy spy in, .mayltet,
,aud which he is gthlo to,p,tit prices lower
, Rein 0 In h (IT _Otis 411 Wow , 410, ATV'
llanovor utreot,bctinteon. Hunirr'n and NtheVe
gddrfi t , „._ " • MlPtdhPaP4f.'
tegat ctub Otlier Notictot
Estate of. Simon Augliinbaugh, dec.
MO ['ICE is hereby given that letters' of ac-
LI ministration on the estate of Simon Auer.
inbaugh, late ot:North Middleton :twp, Cumb
erland c unty, deceased, hove been granted tar
the Register of said county to' the subtle. iber,
siding in the some Township. All potions in
debted to said estate are required to, make im:
mediate payment, and those having claims to
pros9nt them for settlement to
may 80 .
_Estate oft Maria E. Smith, dec.
110 OTICE is hereby given that lettere of ad.
:ministration, whh the 'will annexed, of
Maria E. Smith, late of Hampden twp, Comb.
county, deceased, have been granted by the
Register of mini:county to the subscriber, recd•
ding in the same township. All persona having
claims against said estate are required to pre
sent them for settlement, and those indebted to
make immediate payment to
May 24 6t
slate of John flays, dec. •
NTOTICE ,y given that letters of yd
lll minis! the estate of John Ilaye,
late of F'rt iwnship, dec., have been
granted to scriber, residing in South
Middleton township, Cumberland county. All
iersons indebted to said -.tame are required to
irrilte immediate payment, and those having
Mims to present them to
301 - IN STUART.
May 10
Estate of James Barton, dec.
xTOTICF, is hereby given that icitlrs or ad
-1.11 ministration on the estate of James Bar
ton, late of Lower . Allen township; Cumber
land county, deceased, have been granted by
the Register of said county to the subscriber.
residing in the enure township; Ad persons
having claims- against are - required
to present them for settlement, and those in
debted to make immediate payment to
May 3,-6w
IN conformity with the 13th section of the act
A of April 17th, 1849, I hereby order the dif
ferent Uniformed Companies attached to the
let Brigade, 15th Div.. to attend at their com—
pany headquarters, on Monday the 5111 day of
June, 1854. between 10 o'clock, A. Nl., and 6
o' l och, P. M., of said day. to elect one ftriga•
diYr General. and one Brigade Inspector. rind
such Field Officers as the Ist regiment may re
quire. ~The Captain or Commanding officers
of each .company shall superintend sten election
end take to his as:Amami° one or more who
shall he severally sworn or affirmed to conduct
said election fairly and impartially, and make a
correct return therrof.
Brig, Inspect. Ist. Brig.lsth Div
Carlisle, May 11, 1854.
Town Property For Sale.
mum unclersigned
,oifers for sale ihe follow
' lug properly, situate in the liorough 4 of
Carlisle, viz:—
:No. I—A double - two story
~.04,9tru , Stone DWELLING lIOUr , E,
.1' situate on Bedford street, with
~jl l back buildina wnsli house and
cistern, adjoini ng property of T.
Bosler. The lot is 122 Idet deep,
No. 2—ls a two story DWELLING HOUSE
wentherboarded, with n never-falling well of
water nor the door. The two properties will
be sold serarutoly or together as may suit pur
chase! s.
Nn. 3—A TOWN LOT 'Vontaining Five
Acres, on the Harrisburg turnpike, opposito
F . ('land's Point House. For terms apply to
Miy 3in WM. M. PENTOBE. ,
'nntrUil GI-mind in South Hano• .
ver street, now occupied by Charles : • ■ •
Barnitz, immediately opposite Bent'z 111
Store, is offered at private sale. For -
terms enquire of the subscriber, Attorney for
the owner.
ALL that valuable property situate...a the
north west corner or Centre
in the boroughjef Carlisle, Itirnwtilis
Beetent's Row The Main build- :Mg•
ing is now occupied by ILL. Burk- a I Lg.:
holder as a hotel. The balance of
the property is rented for offices, shops, &c.—
This is one of the very best properties the busi
ness in the ItorOugh, and to enriitalists offers
great inducements for investment.
meat if desired will be made very. easy.
Also, a very comfortable two story 'MEL.
LING HO USK. on the east end of Mato - 9t.,
adjoining property 'of Andrew Holmes,
now occupied by Mr. David Greer. The lot is
42 feet front by Etilo in depth, and contents a
number of choice fruit trees. The prope i rty is
in good order, and has a cistern, sinoke houso
bako peen, stable, &c. on:the lot. For partic
ulars enquire of
• ,Arohn N. Armstrong,
Informs the citizens of Caclisle that he has
opened an establishment for the sale of For
eign and D roacatie 'SEGA RS, on West Main
at reel, directly opposite the R. R. Depot..whero
ho will keep constantly on hand
of thd -beet. variance, Ilia various brands of
Imported &Tars Cannot he surpassed in quality
The lovers vf fragrant aegara and eitewer of
vtlte tvued" are invited to give Min a call. Also
a large assortment of Canes, Unitirellus, &c.
L O'ltt ER
O::THe also continues the Lumber Business,
on the corner of West inid-Tninfret sirceis,
whero may always be found a general varipty
'of Lumber;at i lip lowest market prices. ,
April 26. ow.. 4 ,
BEACTI F U L White Teeth,•lfealthy Gems
and 'a Sweet Breath 1 -All who are desirous
of obtaining these benefits should use Z.b3lt.
_This delicious artielA combines go many ineri.
torious qualities that-it has now bat onie a stan
dard favorite With the eitikenti of New's•Yorh•,
Philadelphia Mid-Baltimore., Dentists 'pre.
scribe it in the,r preemie , tenet successful ly,and
from every source the mussilatteringlaudations
are awarded it., • r?„..„
Inflamed and bleedingenns aro immediate
ly benefitted by its use; its action upon them
is mild. soothing, and ofibetive. It cleanses the
teeth so thoroughly, tlint. they are made to ri
val pdtri in whiteness, and diffuses through the
mouth such a „delightful freslisees that the
breath is renciered'exquisitely, sweet. It disitr ,
facts those iinpuritioev.hieli'tenil'to, prodere
i''deeity - , - and, as ast . ustemenee, when these are
remove„ the tditt7 react always remain sound.
'Redd the folloasii*fritni Dr. J. A. Carmen
Mr. F. Zerniati—Siiis Ilevine. 'Acid and re.
coninten4eilayeur TOotliWash in my prectiee for
some time, I find it the moat effectual Dentifrice'
in use, and tfiefefore recommend it to the pub
lic:: • • y 4 ' Di. PA.,CARMAk.
* tX. I • Harrisburg, Pa.
Rend the following testimony:
Mn. Ztaalltiv--Dbar Sir t I have fully tested
the merits* Your valuable Tooth !Wash, and
can, withoist yliesitatioti, recommend it as the
best that haliceine uneer-iny notice during en
espstionctqp'es Dentist, of more threststeen
;years. It idenees the Teeth, soothes and her
done irritfitod end imparts ia delicious
fragrance to-the Breath.. From the Months of
thoite tilitioneke nee of it; however fwill cer
* .
tuinly speak for.itselgy_
G. P.4bn !MN, Surg_son, Dentist,- -
21 . 9 'Saint; Tentb;sirect Phil's.
kis used and reannimendeti by ell the cmi.
nee{ Dentists in Nesse•York,Pfillatlelphin,
timory4..ond ether cities where it hes been In'
troilimeg, All slufuld give it a trial. •
Oir Prepared only by Francis Zernenn; Drug
..gist and Chemist, Philadelphia, and sold whole
sale and retail h.. Samuel Elliott, Carlisle, J
Doreheimor. iNfoolianitisluire, .1 Herron. New.
ville. I C Williams, Shippenshurii, and by all
Dinkel:tie 4.1 ()tilt! Feinn per bottle:
A :Tenth' Tneltei, hy Made': •
!Taps and Mishap's, ity.'Grnee'O'reenwood'. •
Gree:p wend', leavea,t • ido , dh,.` .
.The, adventures cif 'a Cauntry
;he author oII , AN Westeen
,S(Tno(3, 'l , 44 -
' l i lieTwq'ttonds = the . Right. end Wirinai
nthtishii'd.hy'Liiteineott; Grahthit . & Co.
The Larsrelighter..; ' •
Po i)her l'epersi• o'r.tiest Ni4Arcrk
Downini'pin Frnit:V'ree,i'ef Aine"rieti,Ae
• Alsfi. al ways.on hand' a.latinsasserrtmenr
~',. Art rigo itAkt; .