New 'Ourstisctneuts. Estate of Sinion Auglualatugh, dec. VOTICE is hereby, given that•leitt rs of ad -IA-,-ministratiott on-the estate-el-Simon Augh inbaugh, late ot•North Middleton tvt p, Cumb erland - 6 natty, de eased, been'grantell b - y the Register of seid (Mu• ty to the subsc aiding in the same township. All persons in &bled to said estate are required to make lin: mediate payment, and, thosti having claims to pres9nt them for settlement to 'ELIZABETH AUGHINBAUGH, may 81) Adm'x. To the Citizens of Carlisle, HICKEY & CO. Igo. 148 CHEST NUT Street, shove ,Sixth, Philadelphia, have now on hand one of the largest, cheapest, and most varied assortment of their improved Steel Sp ing Sole Leather TRUNKS ever, ()tiered to the public, with a fine article of Light Weight sole Leather Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags for travelling in Europe. Also, n splendid as sortment of Ladies' Dress Trunks, Bonnet Box es, &c., ranging in pries front Two a, Thirty dollars, with a fine variety of hobby Horses, Phipellers, Gigs, &e. 7 :53 All of the above articles N'T will sell low for cash. Give us tt call. Prize Medal a Narded at the World's Pair in ,London in 18.51, [may 81 3m HOUSES roxt SALE • THE two Brick two story" TM ELLIN(' USEI.=, with basement stories, belonging to and adjoining 'the M. -- f Fps! ^-; L. Church, near the Rail Road Be sossc .••• p ot, aro for sale. They will he • oflered at private sale until the Ist of August next, when if not sold theY will be ("tiered at public sale On the premises, on or before the fat of September, not thereafter. The property can be seen and any other in formation had, on either..ol..the undersigned. CHARLES BELL, •J ORTHINGTON,}Com. J W EBY'. Carlisle. May 24, 1854 PIIIIII#IC SALII WILL he sold ai public sale at the Court House, on Saturday the 271 h day c ot' May, 1954, a • LOT OF GROUND - - iiithe borough of Carlisle, belonging to the es. stale of Margaret Gil!more, dee'd. 'fins Lot fronts on North. , Street and adjoins on the east a lot belonging to Miry Gillmore and on the west lots of John Nobi.. and , ornains 60 feet in front and 240 feet in depth. The buildings are a one story stone House with the appurte nances It will be divided if desired by purch asers. Terms made knbwn on day of sale. \V. M. PEN ROSE. Attorney for heirs of Itlarg't Gilmore. Ally IT, 1854—ts CXXxxiSON'S Patent Ventilating Furnace. rigliHE subscriber would call the attention of all parties requiring a desirable Furnace to Chi'sou's Celebrated Warming and Ventilating Appara' us. The reputation al this furnace is now known, having been introdueed durit.g' the past five ye . iirs into about 15110 public buildings and more than 8000 private dwmlings ; this ttigetlvir with the immense increase of sales every year le the be-t evidence that can be 'adduced of its supe riority over all tithe, furnaces. By the use, of Chilson's Furnace, you secure the following ad vantages FREE VENTILATION. Puke Ain—The heating surfaces being at a temperature that will not disseeate the air. ECONOMICAL ÜBE OR U EL• GaeA•r DURABILITY—Being made entirely of Cast ironoot liable to rust, will require no repairs during a liletiane—it is easily managed, and will not expose the building in which it is placed to danger from fire, like .the other tar s-laces. Wo have the testimonials of hundreds of the most scientific men to attest to the truth of the above statement, all of whomn pronounce it to be decidedly the best furnace yet inve'led for JiTifdlian,s - a - pure and healthy atmosphere. We herewith annex the names of a few well known and eminent professors, who have used them and kindly lurnished us their names as refer- cocoa: Prof John S Hart Prof Parker Prof Norton pres tVm If AIICTI Prof Parsons Prof Dana Prof B Sillimun Prof Ripley NINE SIZES. We. have inttoduced this season five ' dew sizes," so that all parties may avail themselves of this great improvement at a very moderato coat. We are now prepared to furnish an ap• paratus to warm assingle room, or the largest building in the country. ' . isi 0: I Portab.e. Complete, 6.25 ' I 2 do do 35 3 do do- 45 4 ao for brickwork 48 5 do do 60 3 Extra Radiator, (with Bars and French Plates,) 70 3 do do do 80 5 do do do . 107 6 du This N 0.6 is the largest and most powerlul _FurnimeJmatle in this country, and is admirably adapted for .Churchoe. and other large class buildings. W e e continue to sell the apparat us at the same urine an when first introduced, five years ago. Although the present high price of iron has in. cosased their cost :15 per cent, owing to their great weight, still wo are enabled by . the great increase of sales .to furnish the article at the lowest possible price. Otte foundry gone,. Messrs NVarnick & Leibrandt, have si6ltttaried to furnish us with 500 tons of Furnicees this • season, so that we are now prepared th — ltireith them wholesa'e or retail. We superintend the erection of all Furnaces. when required, and warrant thertrin all cases. IVIKTROPOLITAN LOOKING RANGE. We have also thir most complete Cooking Range illtrit Imayet been introduced, which we call the attention of 1111-tvli) may wish to secure the most perfect and desirable co.okip apparatus ever invonied. EMERSON'S PAT. VENTILATOR. We are the only Agents in Pennsylvim la for tiroeanufacture and sale of this`fVentilatur, which is aeknowledged to be the only perfect • Ventilatorever made ler correcting the draught in smoky cliimnies, and for ventilating buildings of all kinds. AS there are a great man) Unita lions of this valuable article 1,0.0 °tiered for sale, parties will be careful to examine that it .has the' Emerson Badge attach.. d. PAT; REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS We have the ingest and most cdniplete as. sort Mens of Hot Air Registers and Ventilators to be found in the United States. Parties who wish to purchase, - either for private use or wholesale, will find it greatly' iii Their advan tagalcrexamine-their stock:. SLATE 'A ND !RUN MA NI LES We !n ye always on hand an extensiveassort • moat of these beautiful mantles, in exact init. 'intim' of Egyptian, Spapish, Galwait, and other .rare marbles. • . O.P_EN_GRATES For Antlinicite and•Bitkininous cold. Also an entire new pattern of the lowdown Grate, made from the English Patterns, and entirely now in this detintry. SOLE AGENTS -For the,English Encaustic Flooring Tile,Gam kirk Chimney 'rope, and Terra Gotta Orna ments, such as Garden Vases,•Scc,•• =; Persons abom building would de well to ox [Milne our stock before purchasing elsewhere, Visitors, whether purchasing or, not, are cordi. 'ally welcomed to our crtlonehio ~,Varerooms, and *hero we should be' happy ,to furnish any infinlnntion. revocting • eny of our goods that mart be desiiVd. — A book on .Warming and Vontilating'ean be had gratuitously at our store, either personally or by letter. S. A. HARRISON, • Warming and Ventilating AA nrehottee, • 146 Wainer. eit,.bolow" Sixth, PuMoar,rurA- May 31 7m] TO MERCHANT'S. AND O'rU,EilS. Ohance for Bargains . . HE subsoiAber. assignee of Gensgo litoesdlk T man,ol Churchtown,Cumb. county, elrere private sale. the ONE „ALF of on excellent ..stack of Store Goods; or he'will dispose of Motif .oitherat wholelesalo n- retail cheap for Cash. Call'and examino for youreelf. IthilIARD-.ANDERSON. Assignee. opl °film maw GOODS: Bubseriberhna-titat- opened an . . apart 'moot of SPRING SIIAWL,S, and a. varie 17.0 SPRUNG . ; GooDF 5 '64' •. ,Ogg4W. .. .. „ . , !: i - .., • . • • ribOUGEl'Err,, : ,":. - ' • . . I) Uitt EE S solobrato&York 'Ploughs con Mandy an ' , hand': also . Craighwurs and ank's make for sale af•• •.'.. • • .. , • • ~• ' '. ' • ' ' ''''','•:'',-, SAXT&N'S. la Alt .*A.77VCIIIIIIEILt ••• " NEAD.,PAPEILTqI424, ,g1;11011f CO.. ItalS1(141111 . ',& • ' ‘,! , Popply, Lomfi , or „ of off kiioffi , at the shortest riktice p tool on'terine IJwOr, than can be had elsewhere. All order9 . threcied 'to PePertoWn. 'or WM; , D. SPYMl)ll,f4,'Jr.,,Cittliale, will be promptly , ~attertded,'!.o.,tlH " ! IFeb22 I y Otqcs nub Sliopg. NEW - DRUG STORE ! ' South lianover Street, Near the Court Rouse. Mil .1, RIEEFER, druggist, would respect. folly mftwui the citizens of Carlisle - and —vicinity that-lie has opined a new . • CREMICALIAND DRUG STORE. ' His stock . is entirely new. Mill has been selec ted with great dare. As many el the articien in daily use by physicians and families deteri orate by age and exposure, great care will be taken not to allbw suph articles to accumulate in such quantities. A.trnuuii is especially invited to his stock . o Medielnol3, ESSenlial OHS, Oils,'l inctures, %Vines, Extrude:, ConleCtions, Chemicals, &o. Together with the above ho has a lull as sortment of Paints, Varnishes, Dye7Stulls, Paint and Varnish and . •CONFECTIONARIES of ovary variety. Ho has also on hand a splen did assortment of • Perfatneries,,,Sonps, Extra - cm,' Fancy, Hair, Glothes.and Flesh Brushes,. Supporters, Exltausters, Nipple Shields, 'Tooth Washes and PIIEIII3B f 1160 MEDICINAL WINES AND BRANDIES, of the best quality. SEGA RS, front the best Havana and Spanislt houses; of every flavor, front one cent upwards. In order to ensure his customers against mistakes during any temporaray libsettceof the proprietor, the eery fTEI of nn experienced and competent assistant have been secured, which will be felt to beimpertant, in view of theresponsiltilities which are knowoto devolve upon the drttgaist. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfully and promptly attended to.— Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the country will be filled with care, and at prices which must prove satisfactory. N officinal preparations made in strict accordance with the directions of the U. S. - Pharmacopoeia= A liberal share of public patronage is res pectfully solicited. Terms Cash. May it. 1853. • B. J. KIEFFER. ROBERT B. SIVIIL'Ear, ABIN ET 11 , 1*AtiERAND UNDERTAKER North Hanover Street, and next d6or to Glass' Illotel THE undersigned would respectfully inform the'cittoeno of Carlisle and the puhlm gener ally, that he now has on hand a large and ele gant assortment of 1. i.'IiNITURE, consisting in port nf , VKaldrobxs, Card and other Tables, Sofas, Bureaus,-' liedstends, plain and fancy Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured of the beat 'material and quality warranted. Also a general assortment of CHAIRS at the loWest prices. Yenitian Blinds made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. 10-Coffins tondo at the shortest notice, and having a splendid hearse he will attend. funer• ills in town or country. nrftemember the stand— next door to II Glnss'c Hotel. nov24 R. B. SMII,EY. 303E1N P. LITNM, Wholesale an.l Retail Dealer in Amer ican, Englisli'-and German HARD- WAR, - Oils, Paint - ., &c., &c: fur KC f I AN ICS, buiiders and the public gen. iTll,7erally who are in want of Hardware of any kind, a% invited to call in and examine my unusually !urge stork of gum's, which I am selling nt very low prices. Just mop int it will only detain you a very few minutes to be con• vinced that what everybody says—that Lyne's is decidedly , he;place to get good goods at low prices—must be true. LYiNF,'S 'Hardware Store, West Side North Hanover 6001.' Nay 10, 1851. WANTED. ARPENTERS, Cabinet makers, Waggon- V i J makers; Coach-makers, Shoe•makers and Mechanics generally, whn are in want el good TOOLS, to•vall nt Lyne's, where yoecan al. ways be supplied with a full kitt of superior Tools from the best manufactories. Warren ten at pikes lower than ever was heard of at JOHN P. LYNE. W e Sido—Nurrh—limmover-street. Scythes, Scythes, acythes. ',UST received a largo lot of SCYTHES, of superior brands, to which the attention of Cradle Makers and Farmers is invited. '.I he attention, of iFarmers is also solicited to the great variety of Farming Utensils of the very . best make. Ploughs of all kinds furnished at a a small advance on city prices, Home-makes at manufacturers prices. Also a superior arti cle of Churn, which I warrant to make more butter in less time than any other churn in use. Try it. JOHN P. LYNE, West Side ,North Hanover street LOOK OUP KT TIME: (ItiOLERA44OR.BUS. Dysentery, Mar 'kJ rhea, &c. are malting their npoearance.— You know the remedy, IF you nave any re gard for the welfare of yourselves, your wile, or your.eltildren, supply yourselves with. -Moocher's Matchless Cordial, otherwise [ude the consequences resulting from a bigoted adherence to old quackery. This •'Matchless Remedy" can be had at the Drug Store of 11.,J KIEFFER, South Hanover street, a ,few doors south at the Court House, Carlis:e. May 17 cirtap izAnnwilnit LATE arrival of the steamer "Old Stand," North Hanovec street, laden with a large stock of HARDWARE, direct from the man ufactories, is now ready for sale, wholesale or retail. Country merchants wall do,well to call, as we will sell them goods at a very small ad• Vance on city wholesale prices, and we are determined to sell at very small profits, Give us a call and t sin persuaded you will not leave without making a purchase, as,,you will find goods at the right mark.. Old. Stand, North Hanover street,'Carlisle.. , May 17) JACOB SENER f . --Nails, Iron, Paint, dLc. TIIE subscriber has just peeeived 100 kegs of NAILS, for' sale at reduced prices.— Also 10 tons of Hammered Bar Iron. Blacle. smiths will do well call. Also a large lot of White Lend, Zinc Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Glass and Putty, Smith's Superior Copal Var• nish, 61. e. Also just rceeived a large stock of Ito Allud's and Now York make of Elliptic Swings, all for sale eheap nt the Old Stand, North Hanover street, Carlisle, Map 17 JACOB SENER. . - rmicaEas, LOOK HERE 1 2F,51.1 and largo supply of Giain Cradles, Hay and- Grain Rakes, Nay and Grain Forks, Sey.tho . Snath4 and shaking' Forks', 30 doz Grain,and G'rass Scythes of the best man ufacture,..iyarranted good and ,very_ cheap ? at the Old Stand; North Hanover - sOCet, - C4rlisle. May 17 JACOB SF: N NEW GOODS. anbserlber hasjustreimived from Philip d , ilphia a large assortment of I) R Y GOODS" and GROGRILISS, which by sold very cheap at her new .storo, next door to .51.arrin's Hotel - and nearly opposite - Mr. Ogil by'a store,. ROA SN ODG R ASS. WALL PAPER. A VERY :large lot of, WALL PAPER o A evory!sliado and design, at prices ranging from ft rents upwards. The stock consists o_ dull assortment of COMmon, Satin, Silvers( and Gilt Papers, all of which • will ho sold low at ----- SAX'PONS. , . . . . 113 ROCA El, LON G SII A W LS , --.List ro 1) colved a, few Long and Square proch Shaw e I 'and :fur 'sale by . , • .., ' w" 111TN.F32. FRESH HAMS AND DRIED , BEEF, A Vamil arrival of Sugar Cored ilkmp 11, and DRIED BEEF, jut romiivod from ,oinclimati and for Halo at WILLIAMS' FO'rnily GroaOry Store,in 'West. Main Streat, • STRAW WANTED. Thsi subscriber:will pay Chat for STRAW Cli any kind tteliv,ared at irtiddleoex. Farmers :74111 tirittit to their intoreV ‘ , to sell - their strew and' porehtioo other nninures,t • ' " E. SHRYOCK, , , nov3otfl.• - • • . . Agent. (mom= LXQUOES. - A* Lociathnie o LIQUORS, Of various ltinde,cor sale on ratoweable terms. Liquor Dealeretind - Ityiern heepore!will' fin& it to their Iptereet to examine this stook. Apply to may :33 t,, • ••• 'JOHN, .NInCA ItTN ALI. tlioso that. amandebted , to.the oubseri ber, ()Hier by, book or pone - o e u a nat .,„ii make, untnedate : payment, on no farther indul genre ruin given,. m ay 171 ' • JACOWSENER... • , 3---- . . . . ~ I ~ xTEW. lot prjfeerap, „Chaine;, coed . fr onlitroll 1.11 (turtle. zineand Wooden Tubtetng, (operate ,cheep ne, the 0 td,Seeend,, Nor,ele Hanover etiest. ' , ' "' •• 'JACO 'IFI Eft. ~ •• , „ irictiepenters-;stud Buildefe , ord:liwita'd to, oxamino Iho aisOritnotit of I,Olks; Latch.. Bolt, liinkes,7Bcre'ws,' G.lnea,,Ptittyi,`oll, 'Paints; &. c. All f or so l o cheop'at.: i tairl3. '"i • ~ ,SAXTON'S. • E[=lM IN.:. US TRULL ' . " '.‘Big. Spring Literary Institute" will T , hold an Induatrzal Fair in N °Amite, to open on -the second Tuouday of Juno next, and con tinue two wei ft - is trueracd particularly - - for the-encourage mentor tile mechatiteat arts, li - iii - contrinutions e articles Itir are...,solicited,frum all classes of persons interested in the progiess of the arts and .eiences. A prominent place, will he given to plain and fancy needle wprk,_ hrtificial flowers, drawing; dcr., end . the ladies are cordially invited to become contributors to this department. No charge will lie made for articles for lexhibition, and in addition to this the exhib i tor is furnished with a ticket which will admit him or her to the. Fair at any time during its continuance, provided in all casoslhat the exhibitor is the manitlitottuer. Pereonsl desiring to exhibit any article must apply to the Secretary or President of the Board of Managers on or before the first of June. The rooms will be open on Monday, June sth, for the reception of goods, and every article inten ded for exhibition must be i.ecetved on or be fore the lollpwing Friday. The Judges who are decide tin the respective merits or articles on exhibition will be appointed by the Hoard of Managers. 'l'he eircunnstroiens of the Institute will not permit the awarding of premiums, but certificates of excellence with the seal of the Society will he given to the exhibitors of such articles 'lathe Judges may decide upon. Enterprising mechanics, Inisiness men,rand others, from neighboring. towns and counties, aro invited to send on their contributions. JOSEPH H.HERRON. Prat HENRY' S PERIN Sedy. Board or Managers—John Waggoner. Geo. MallkoeV, Lewis H Williams, Jacob Zigler. George Bricker, James S Mehllwain.l,Thonown Carlisle, Wm It Linn, Job I) Randolph. Newville, A 'prii '2O, 1854. lIAATTCH'S _ New Clothing Establishment THE undersigned respectfully announces to hiaolt: friends and the public• generally, that he has re-commenced the CLOTHING BUSI .NESS in all its em ions branches and has Just opened, fresh from the city, at "Leonard's Cor ner." Nerth HertenYer street, a well selected assortment of READY MADE CLOTHTNG. embracing every variety,styhtand finish; and at prices corresponding to the times and quality. He has also onliand a superior stork of CLOTHS, CASSIIVIERES, VESTINGS, &c, of every style suitable for Spring and Sum mer wear. and which lie will make to order o n terms which cannot fail to please.. His stock also embraces a line :.ot of Men's Shirts, Col Mrs, Cravats, Gloves and Hosiery; in short. every article pertaining to gentlemen's. wear.— He respectfully invites the pubic to call and examine his goods. N. HANTCH, Apl '26,1854, Caledonia (Sweeny's) Cold Springs ADAMS CO., PA. Those Springs. situated on the South Moan tainqushort distance from the pike lending from Chnmhershurg to - Gottyaburg, Pa, will be opened lor visitors no the 15th of JUNE next. Large and commodious buildings, ineli.ding ex tenstve Bathilouses for hot and cold plunges, been been erected, 'The grounds have been much improved and every effort made to, ren• der these springs a popular place of resort. An efficient and obliging Manager will' have the general superintendence, while the best ser vants the country alThrds have been engaged.— The Table will be furnished with all the deli cacies of the markets, and nothing 1011 in c -the to render this tll.ll FAVORITE RESORT worthy the patronage of the public. Persons leaving Washington, Baltimore or Philadelphia in the morning trains will arrive nt Chamhersburg in time to take the coaches for tea. For further particulars adds ess C RIOHARDS, May 24 3m Chambershurg, Pn, NEW GOODS - - - -PRIC ES REDUCED At CHARLES 0;-.111LBY , S, In East I.ligli Streetr"Carlisle, Pa. I'v - E have just received a large and hand l' sonic assortment of Spring:and, Summer Goods—my second' supply for the season— have been bought for cash at astonish ingly low prices. - • Mous de Bege 123 conts"WOrthlB, Lawns,(fast color) 6 " 12, do. do I'4 " , 20, Barrego de Laines 6 - 12, do 12 25, ' Muslims Ii 8, Barrnizes ' 18 31., Black Silks 62 87, do led " 1,25," Stockings 6, 12, Blk Cassimere tro " • 150, with a largo-and general sssnrtmen t of ladies' DRESS GOODS, Barage, mous 'dcbege, and mirage detains, lawns, black mid fancy silks of every descrip tion and qualits,' Week alpacas of high lustre, bluer bombazines of a superior quality,.and a good assortment of Mourning Goods D OM ESTI CS, omEsTlcs Bleached and unbleached muslins, shectings l'corn I to 3 yds wide, checks, Glasgow and fine -Fcritich-gingliarns, tickings ' damask towels and table cloths, oat:tains, red, yellow and white woollen flannels. shrouding flannel, bee EMBROIDERIES AND LACES., Cambric - and Swiss ruffling, edging'and insert lig, lisle, meehlin and llorentine lace, French worked collars, do under•sleeves, do spencer and mars, Tomo-Mug collars,blaelc laced veilsof all styles. A vesy handsome assortment of Bonnets and Bonnet Ritibons. Boots and Shoes a little, lower than ever.— Having now the largest sod cheapest stock of New Good,s in the county, I am determined to give all who will favor us with u call, great bargains, Oour old friends and customers are invited to call,' May 24,1854. HARDWARE-FRESH ARRIVAL ! MEE NM!' SAXTON. THE subscriber having returned from the city would call the attention of his friends and tile public gnerally to the large and well se• looted assortment of Dardwato which ho has just receivddkumsf sting" in part of B ILD1,1;l•G NI A TERIA LS, nails, serWii; ' - hinges, lucks, bolts, . ass, putty, ,paints, .oils, c. TOOLS— edge too.* saws sad planes of every descrip tion, with file, rasps, hammers, - anvils. &o. A gonoritl - oasortmont of SHOEMAKERS & SADDLERS TOOLS, together with morocco. lining and binding shins, shoe !Moto, was, pegs, lasts, tairness mounting, saddletrees, f&e, COACH TitiNlNllNG'—canvuen'tplain, en amelled, figured and embtiesed,) patent,mid en- Rimeßed leather: axlear-sPrings, hubs, spoke, felines, starts, &c,lsr.c. Cabinet Mutters Will find d laige 'assorment of varnishes, • mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding. - rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c. The atoek of IRO N is large and,well Beier od, comprising till the kinds in general use, as hammered and rolled tire of all sizes, flat, bar and band iron, round, square And oval iron, hdrse:ahoo,iren and nail rode, with a largo lot of cast and spring steel,.Onglish and American blister steel, &A. . Housekeepers and those about commencing wit Hind is to their a ivantage to call nnd exam. inei par cutlery; brinania and plated ware pane, kettles,'cednr.ware,htiskets, &.c In addition to the above we have received a splendid assortment of WALL PA PER, nta• king the sleek complete, and at moil pt ices as cannot fail to give satiskiction. We invite all friends to cull, knowing it.will ho to their own advantage. - , Remember the old ittins.l, poet High Hiyeet, ' SAX A JON. 'Oct P/,' 1£163. STOVES ! STOVES! • STOVES i JOINT). GORG,AS, WOULD inform the pubic that helms now, on band at hialstablishafeutf;kn Main at rest; next • door to Marion Hull, the largest ntl, mo . st ifornitleie assort meneof & PARLOUR' STOVES to be found in this county, which will be, sold at the lowest prices for, casp,o; approved credit. Ilia stock cpasists of a largo assortment of now und . highly approved S t iOYES, Finielted in' the moot oomplete. manner,. and talmilated, fur either wood ormonl • or boll. All the old standard paiterns,:whish have stood the teat of experianco, may be found at hirf estah lishment. Alsii a great-variety of the most ap proved and beautiful • • • • • PARLOR AND CiEFICE STOVES IneltiOing. a number 'of new etyles;poismising 'very superior advantages'over 'those herobilore -in asp: - Pandifes told housekeeperphretmeprict ; fully invited to give 'him ri cull •before wain: eing'itlaeWbere , Stoves delivered to-anypart ol'•the cdnnty and put - ,up et the shoriestmetico. So continuos to do al. kinds of •, •-. •. , 'l, ; 'TIN ANY SHEET IRON -VV - A. RE, - anti Popper ,work, tind hanconetaritlymn link& 'cir,wilt Moire to-order "otpiry,artiale l'oduired tryy hopseltekpers'or Hfs - stnek of Tilt find'CopPortvtrnte•embraoes 'every Mini of • housohold and kitchen utensil, warranted eqUal to• the; bese,thanufactured. Persons in want of articles imbis linuirmy c urs of being ltecomedated to their.-antishiction -hy giviog,hirp,Apalt. , •• - 1014 [Qctl9 • ,tor,cs & 040/39. BOOTS AND SIZOES. TIM subscriber' has now on Mind' ri.veri ex - tansies' and well selected afpcle of notyrs , and SHOES, which he willeoll at unusitally f low prices. -Parches; ed •wholesale.realers, at low' rates, he d'art offer, ii4ell'inducement.,-tiirlurcau sMe a; will' make it'their ititcreei re , visit his establmhment. :has every article in' 'the Bent and Shoe line—for Ladies' or Gentlemen's. wear -she therefore deems it unneteariary to particularize. IrrPtireone desiring good and cheap goods aro invited to give him a cell!:. • April 12 . W. sugLpoisi..: ANOTHER 011E.4T ARRIVAL! •• SIqUAT4 & SIIDI,BiIER DRY .q1:100, Al the Store of N. TV,, , WOODS. tho'Great Mart for Dry GOodec&'Grcicerice THE subscriber respecilully informs his friends and numerous customers. chat he has returned from Philadelphia with's, large and va ried assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consts:ingin oart.of LA:DIE'S' DRESS GOODS, such na black and fancy silks,blWck and change able alpacas. barnges, -berage de,laines,, mous. do bego, bombazines, plain, figured and "chang ean-do poplins, lawns, ginglia ns,,shawls,calicooa, gloves; hosiery, &c. GENTLENIEN'S DRESS GOODS. such as fine. piaci( and brown French Gloats, black. Doeskin and fancy Cassimeres, satin and lanerVe-nings, black and Italian (alley Cm vats, suspenders, gloves, &c. HATS AND CAPS,. . . A largo 'assortment, of Mon's and Boys' litate and Caps, em bracing every style and qua• y. Also. a large and varied: assortment of Parasols, Bonnets and Ribbons'. D 0 NIES T ICS Bleache - d arid "unbleached Choelte, Ticking+, Jeans, Dril is. Table-diapers, Bagging Osnaburgs, cowling, tabledineps. &C. BOOTS AND SHOES A. large assortment of Men's Women's and Children•s Boote and Shoes, Jenny Lind an] Buskin Shoes at very low prices. Colored and Whit() CARPET CHAIN; ' GROCERLES,.. A large assortment,ol GROCERIES, such as Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &e. All who visit our establishment are free to adinawled g e that we are 'selling Foreign and nestic Dry GoodA, Boots, Shoes, &e, at as tonishingly low . prices! Our low 'prices have alrea ly attracted a !are: number of people. • The attention of all who wish good nertrains is solicited. as great inducements can be offered to li trelinsers. Don't loront the old stand, liumerich's cor ner. North Hanover Street., . . Batter, Eggs, Etna an , l Sunp taken at market priees.N. W. WOODS, April t 2, '01.54„ Agent. Spring and Summer It AIR IB S. BRYAN, ELLlNER,'lnn . outices t the public that she line just opened a' beautiful and extensive assortmenta Spring and Summer Millinery, at her stand opposite Arnolds store, in Mechanicsburg. She is now prepared to suit the taste of ladies who may laver. her with their custom. as ri her stock of Crape Bon , nets - and cheap Bonnets of • all kinds, Silk Ribbons, Flowers, Trimmings, Stc. cannot 'be excelled. She will also keep on hands cap . collars,' under sleeves, hankerehiels and Mitts. Her assort ment of fandY articles cannot tail to please her customers. Lades are invited to call end see for themselves before buying elsewhere. Prices reasonable, [sprit 2. China, Glass and Queensware. Ohousekeepers and young, with those also who are expecting to' become housekeep ers, are invited to call at BALBKRT'S FAMILY G ROCERY . and examine his elegant assortment of Glass and Queensware, and other articles in the housekeeping line, such as French and Dognail teasels, heavy banded and plan, Walte.(Aranite,. gilded and blue do,, Dottier sets of every variety and price, Bawls and pitchers, turreens, dishes, &e. Glans-wa e=centre table and mantel lamps, Candelabras and other lainpav great variety, Table and bar tumblers. goblets, &c. Fruit and prese• no dislms, in variety. Cedar ware—tubs, buckets, churns. bowls, Batter prints and ladles, meal buckets, &c. Brushes—sweeping, white wash, scrubbing, Hand and shoe brushes, dusters, brooms, &c. Market, clothes and travelling baskets. Also a choice assortment of Tubarco and Se gars. Coil ye who are fond of choice brands of Sugars and try thn Principes. Regalias, Stef tanonis and other Cohn varieties, vnd you will find them of unimpeachable quality. Also half Spamsh and Common Sugars. with choice Snuff and chewing tobacco. npl26 The Spring of 1854 WILL be a memorable one in the annals of our Borough- 7 MT . . the li It G E T S T 0 C K, handsimest, chatimst and best GOOD') are now selling IF rapidly at Bentz Sr. Brothers cheap store. Our\stock tonal isof -Silks, B..roges, TINBIIO9, Lawns.' Barege de 1,1111.1, Gingllama, Da Bemis, Alpachas, Cali coes, Maihos, Checks, 'ricking'. Diapers. bee. B toilets, Ribbon, Parasols. Hits for summer, Gloves, ELisiory, Laces, Edgings, 'Spring Shawl', French Worked Collars, Trimmitgs, Cassimers, Vestings and slimmer /Mai for Mall mid Boy's wear, together with a great many other Goods not mentioned here, but on examination our stock will 'be found to be the largest in Cumberland county; and, will be gold very lov-. April 12,'54. BI NTZ 1311.0TIIER.S Spring . Style of lints AT Caps 134'0 WWI, U. TROUT, De.3.IRE., to inform his old friends, that he has removed to his now ostahlishment on fligif stroot, near the 'Roil Road Depot, nod is now opening a largo and elegant assorpnont of the 'SPRING STYLE OF' BATS, Fist received from Philadelphia, which the gen tlemoti of Carlisle are requested to call and ex a nine. fie hto also a. large assortment of Silk, Pue'and Slouch Hata of his own manufacitire got up in the bust style and 'ht various prides, the excellence and finish of which he will war. rant flit meek ho is confident only needs to be examine' to be approved. (KrAlso a large: sanity:of Men's, Boys' and Children's CAPS,' of Cloth and 'Per and of every variety of style an•l price .just received finm,Philadelphin. Let all ivlto want a flat or Cap give hinrin call, as, they may be sure of being suited to theirown satis action, ' ';. — Mara% 1R54. Fresh' Drags, Iliadiclnes! E 6. • / • I havo just' received from,Thiladel: phia. and New York veviiixtensive additions to my former stockembra ring, nearly every. article or , - now in use, togoiaer with Paints, Ms, V arnishes, Turperitble, Paifumery; Sdapri, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing, Tackle,— Bruhes .of Monist every description, with . andulas variety of other artieles,.which I am cli.• termined to sell at the NARY Lowir- prices;', All Physicians, Country Merchants,, Pedlars, and others, are respectfully requested not inputs the OLD STAND, as they may ,rest assured that every article will be sold of, a good quolity,, and upon reasonable terms. . , . I S. ELLOTT • . May 30 . ' Main street. 71IAVE :V01r.„W.019P.7,1 GALLOIIER.'S . ELIXII{ . Inns. acgulCod a lust colu brity for OM mire, or all.dimiasoo arising. Atom severe colds, and Da Iti enc y has been attested and apnroyed by fiundrode of our most, respeotable . !cilizens. - In, tivery,ipatance imoncilioto relief hoe boon given,,aa the follovi • ing. certificate from,those hove. tried: it beare tostim any. .Vinnu (octavo(' and for side by , , ' .. , 3 AMES, GALLO twit, Agent. , Wo the twdereigpqd do rprtiiy, tha wihave used GIL itiber's• preperat4n' 'forCutiaumption, ;Colds, Diseases of .the and Anving!experieneed, immediate relief the)!e ' erotti :would recommend hit)ol44 }v,ay. •! Thos li 810 Np, • • MreMlll,Gotild, il 14 U. ItileCoy,,- ArAilf t ; i . Peter Kotler, . 4 . H ,§ .14640. ! April 25, , 1 §5 4 +1 • • . • ••• ~,;:'..'..:;0g0*,0*;..1 . 1 4 1 : 1 . ;'':.4r.:,,:'::: . . . No. 66, N °aim W neavies....P,nuLsoar.ynri,,* 6"'otrinsigsien'' . 4l.lerchisnty • • P4r.thwetthi;olßniilieti and American Pig tead, Scotch and American Pig, Bar _ and Bloom I Iron, Hanoi Tierand metals generally.. , adirio'coe' made, 'On 'eonsignmente . df MerchandlinPlrkaant fOrtini•ealli el Ler.Roy "& Go' alJaad and "I'ln 'Pipe; Shalt Pead,'&c. ~Cast Irony Water and Gas Pipes. . \ • Otto, 'Aottcruzeinctuv. , . ORNAMENTAL . , 'Shade & Fruit Trees • - 4. 1 ? , .VeII.GIBEEN • ''Flowring Shrub's,' - Plano Vines; - . in great variety and size, suitable, for planting the present season.. Cultivated and for sale at the Nursery. and Garden of the subscriber, and at his stands in the. City, . • In thu'Alarket, below Sixth St., .. Philadelphia. • 111:7 - All Order's carefully attended to and for warded with despatch. Clatalogues furnished on application apl —S, MAUPAY, Rising Sun P. 0.. Philn • Hofiselioid' Glaosware, From the Principal Factories and late `Aticuon Sales, Comprising a lull Orid'deeirahle assortment at .1 • 25 per 0.64Q1.11 0 Dealersand others will dO'well to call before' purchasing else Where. 1000 paelitiges on haiid. EDWARD F. cottPIELD, mAoutli Second street above Spruce,) npl l {"3m Philadelphia.' KEYSTONE DRY GOODS STORE, ,IirRES di, LANDELL, Corner of 4th and Arch Streets, Phila. Have this season enlarged their establishment, which enables thorn to offer n much larger stock - of DRY GOODS for the inspetion of Country Buyers. In the assortment alwayahe foand a. full lino of . Black Sir\ 1 Ataplo Linen Goods, Fancy o I yrio Cotton do I'mlin p • . , do' ; A uslin, ,do Black Gooks,- ' Dress Goode. Crape-Shawls: .. ' Shaivls, all.lcinde.- Scarce and deskable Goods can always be obtained by applying to Gyres & Londell. 'terms, Nett cash, and prices low according ly:; Int-Gotni country money received. March 13, 1554-311) Agricultural Implement & Seed Store f,F, subscribers offer for sale aldrge variety lof Agrica:tural Implements, among'which are the celebrated EAGLE PLOW. Prouty Plow, Rodger's-Subsoil Plow, •Corn Shollers, Stri and Hay Cutters, Corn Fodder Cohere and Grinders, Farmers' Boilers, approved Cul tivators, Road Scrapers, &c. BOYER Sr. HALL, , Agricultural Implement and Seed Store, ' mar ) Harrisburg, Pa. FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS TEI E subscribers are prepared , to recoil/Por tiere for FIELD, GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS, of the choicest varieties and warran— ted to be pure and gentfko. %mong,which are Golden Oregon Corn, Stowell Evegreeh Corn, Roanoke Mammoth Corn, Adams Early arid White Flint, Orchard Herd. Timothy and Clo• ver . Seed, and every variety of Flower and Gar den Seeds. Catalogues,lit•mished when re• quested, BOYER -- & - HALL,, . Agricultural Implement and Seed Store, mar II Harrisburg, Pn. RAGS, WANMEID. 13 ELNQ extensively .engaged in the menu flicturo of paper, we will pay to Country Merchants and others having Rags for sale, more than the preseid market price—CASH. JESSUP & MOORE,. Paper Menufamorees, Philadelphia—Nos.24 and 25 North St. [let Street below Arch, between sth and 6th. m 22 GRATIS! Just Published—A new Discovery in Medioinej A FEW winds on the Rational Trbatment, ill without Spermatorrhea, or local weakness, nervous debility. law 'spirits, Inssi. tude, weakness of the limbs and hack, indispo sition and incapacity for study and labor, dull ness of apprehenson, loss of memory, aversion to sociwy, love of solitude, timidity, self din. trust, dizziness. hetwhe, involuntary discharges. pains in the side, affection of the eyes, pimples on the face, sexual and 'other infirmities in man Froat the French of Dr. B. DeLancey. Tho important fact that these alarming corn• plaints may easily he removed urrruoux 41.61),1‘ CINE, is in this small tract, clearly demon-tra ted, and the entirelynew end hiti'yfet. ,,,, e.. ll,l treatment. as adopted by the Au thor, lolly ex plained, by means of whiehlevery tine is enabled to core himself perfectly and at the least possi lile cost, avoiding thereby all the advertized nostrums, ot the day. Sent (3any address, gratis and post free, iti s sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postag,e stamps to Dr, B. DeLaney; or Bps 10b Broadway POst Office, New York. (Marl ty Phil. Sur#eons' Band a ge Institute umioVED to N. 4 Ninth street,. rsixth sore above Market. 13 C. F.,V RETTVS Potent Graduating Pressure':TßllSS, for the cure of Rupture; Shakier Braces, Supporters, Elastki Stockings, Suspensory, Hemorrhoidal, and Bandages tor determines. . • Jan. It --tyr. CLOTHING! _CLOVE/3=G! !'he Largest and Cheapest Clothing Siore iii Carlisle ! A RNOLO & LIVING TON have now at Mi. their store the largest and best assortment of ready made Clothing to be found in Carlisle, which they are able to sell at le4l than city pri ces, and lower than the goods can ho bought at any other store io the place. The clothing we dell is air our own manufacture nail not bought ready-made. We never haven' deal in dama ged godds We buy good. sound material and nothing else. We warrant every !thing we sell to bo well made and to give entire satisfaction. We have now on hand SPRING Sc; SUNIIIIP,R. CLOTHING of all stiles" and qualities; tend' at prices to suit', embracing him), black and fancy broadcloth and linen dress. frock and stMlr .0 OATS. cloth cassimore sod linen panitiloons,'cloth, satin and fancy. vests oral' sixes and descriptions, tageth with a large at,artmant of Cravate,Ties, Stocks,. Shirts, Hand Iterchicfs,Gloves, Suspenders, &c. &.c., affording a variety snail as is seldom of farad. Measures Taken and clothing made to order. -c-• Don't, forget the ettind in North Hnnoyer tit,; nlxt-door to Lyric's finrdward store, end di rectly opposito Maglnughlin's hotel. AIOLD k LI VIN GSTO N. , Carlinle, April ' Extensive' FurnituTe Rooms. RAVEAVER •Wotidd . -.-respectfully dif call the.attention of House Keepers and the public:to hie. extensive stock- of 'ELEGANT FURNITURE. irieladlncSofne;• Wardrobes.: Centre and other I Tables,: Dressing and plain: Bureaus and every othar article in his branch of business. .Also, now on hand the. argest as .sort rnent pf CHn IRE ,in Carlisle, at the lowest prices, , IP - Coffins made ixt the,shortest ,notie .and a Hearso provided for funernlß...)-le—solic i!sa.caß at his tnuablishm . ent on Netth . Dance ver street, near Glass's OTEL. N ~ 4.-7Ftir. niture- hirad.out,by the month or i yattx .Carliale.MarCh 20, 1850.—ty ' 'WALL PAPER FaR THE BUILION4 . - Great dittractimi. _ HAVE just received' my Spring stook of PA PER. •HANG INGS, which surpass in Style, quality find Price any .that tag ever been:exhibited. in Carlisle... Ilespegthiliv. so ! licit a call from persons' in want n of Paner,Caog. mgri cd any . description, tiff 'confident my atirmitme'm fat surpasses anyjn thd borough; 'and itf Style and price has ltinfety OMB fn the ciiy:, I ordir . rialt . of the public to call' and tt,6 amine my ' aristirtrnent . before purchasirig., no I am confident' my cite* designs chfinbt fail to 'please tiro most fartildibuit. • '• ' • • '• • • JOHN LYNS,• •' • -West Side of North Hanotler Sireeti , ~,,.Carlisle, Pa. ' SpritagilV:Summer Clofhpsil Sueitingtat, #Ettvs,..dr."Co:;... A T their old,stand ON. MAIN St: . ,the 'A"iornei. store 4'y thO Market:lldued, t' h,ave juat received their' Spring and Sitrnmershpg,lY of !toady-Made o to tlid. puhlio,,,the ',largest end meat caraulty, selected. stock in this attrition of country,; . They' have'hettri voryeniithil in:making, thett thin to' pay striet'attenihnt to..the quality of, the matpriele',. and ' neatness:, difrahtlity . 'and. faslAo ll , of 00 werlctna'ashipr find' - their: entire stoole they thev,eforo; ,vecornmend.: It compileite - ' sack end,Frocle dente; ' ' • ' • ' Drdse sail Iltittitietes Conte, "''' . Overcoats and P ' OO jaCk:(l64 ; `PA'N'TS and - -",, of every dealeable style-and qttality';togietheri with n largo supply ,of I . q a'afit; Stocks' and •Crayate,,,fituftlicey FanC kidefel.;Pun'enl ders4 Gloves,t•Umbrelltia,.&i. r•t ; •. • 1 wancof the above aritcide ..„ do well to eallatooittentlitxatniuo,l the quantity] end Rriceit flopirft,' ;rh(i" itrticles.luterkod, above gill bo Sold ititiAltshinklY dfloap fi tta ihre are determined to derst•eWpamyptitiba r and thottei, Who ate fh want •of 'cheap 'aid:goild• clothin do Well le eall,add exarnine 'ctualjthi9 . 1' 0, 'at a ai..goo4a baro .e,"paretigai n Qi9l•; ; " :• • May 8--4ni Jittiscalancouo rite= aammeaunizt, -Aar; CVON,' HEILEN respectfally infoi'mithe . citizene or Carlisle and 'vicinity: that he has iderreturned from Californit4 and is prepa iedlo (meanie all kinds ot werk connected with 'hii line'of bitainess.. - -He has always on hand a' ,lards assortmencol ready inao. 'Wes. Guns, Pistols, Locks, • Keye, Unp Triintniitge. &o, all of which he will sell wholesale or retail. He also attends' to re pairing Gans, clocks; locks, &e; engraves on brass, copper and iron: lie'liopee that by strict attentiop to business, and 'a,desire to please, he will naerisand receive pnblic patronage. Residence— West Mein street, opposite Cro zier's -0::r It inde,of Fire,'Arme.made to, order. 4pl 26, 1/354--1y SPLENDID ITEVITELEY ! ! , nollday Presents", , . , . , -,. ~,,-ct. . THOMAS CONLYN M , • i,./ 1 -- ., . West High aireet, a feW dr:i't ta t 'k- doors west of Burithol .. el .. tt < 2 ....:::.der's Hotel, ' Carlisle. :7 g,.,U 4 ... •..... has just received the ..'2?.... 7 , .., ?mi. largest awl moat ologaut .- .....-. - .. 'tf assortment of 'SUPERIOR JEWELRY - - ever offered: in Carlisle, consisting in part of Gold and Silver Watches of every variety, and at all prices, eight -day CLOCKS, Silver table and tea snoons, silver table forks and butter knives, gold and silver apsotaeiss, Indies' and. gentlemen's gold pen and pencil; gold chains of everyduscription, ear and finger rings, breast. pins v & Also Accordeons and Musical Boxes, with a great Variety of Fancy Articles ' : selected. expressly for the Holidays. Persons desiring to purchase are invited to call and examine the assortment. We are prepared to sell at_ very reasonable priees, • Quality of all goods warranted to lie a@ fine as sold for. THOMAS CONLYN, Dec 28; 1853 West High Street• atlzw.ov,az a SPRENG s !EU 0 N S.! %VIE subscriber desires to inform his old cue tomers and the public that he has tempora• nit removed his establishment lour doors south or his old stand, on North Hanover stroet,where he has just opened- a largo assortment of 800 rs, SHOES. GAITERS, &c. which cannot be surpassed in btyla ' quality and price. and to which he invites MO attention of tho public. L.kDIRS' WEAR For Ladies and Misses his stock is well so' lected and complete, comprising the most lash* ionnble styles of Congress. Silk Gaiters, color• ed French Gaiters, "Moroceo Boots, limed with patent leather, of all colors and qualities, to• ge her with Misses Gaiters, and a full" supply of every description of Boots Shoes and Gaiters for Ladies, Misses and Childrens• wear,aiV all prices.' GENTLEMEN'S W EAR Calf, Kip and-Coarse Boots of different qualities and prines; black and drab Congress Gaiters;' patent leather Sultan Walking Shoes; Mtmte• rey Ties and Vamps, patent leit.her s and cloth fancy Toilet Slippers, &c. A full assortment a the above styles of Soya' wear. Also a general assortment of Calf Kip -and coarse MonrOes and Shoes at all prices. • This extensive stoc't a new and fashionable styles has been selected with great care and the quality is warranted: They only need to be examined to be approved. Ile also continues to Manulacture all kinds of work as before. O& Rips will be rspaired gratis. Feeling confident his assortment will give entire aatis• (action, both se regards quality and price, he respect fully solicits public natronage. , april 12. JON Vrilit COCINMAN. J. L II. WEISE, - W. K. CAMPBELL BARG/L=4M ! BARGAINS At WelSe and Campbell's New and Cheap Store, S. W. corner of Sono- ver i t Lduther greets - WE now feel a pleasiircin announcinglhat wo Loo juot ru,csi•Cal a MAI3OIIIII 1.9 ,- 8011111ent of Spring and SIDI/then Gdods, which we will offer at Such prices as cannot- fail to please. The stock consists of DRESS GOODS, ; Black Fancy Dress Silks, Foulards, OrVandies. Brilliants. Lawns, Jacotietts,lßareges..&c:, Bto. LACKS, AND ,KIVIIIROIDPRIP.S A handsome lot of S leers, Uodersleeviis Collars, Rufflings, Edgings, Insertings, mourn ing collars and underslei3ves,embroidered linen cambric hankercbiefs. &Le., Ste, DOMESTICS gingham, checks, tickings, Niueline, jeans, drills, haq-stair aud'ilannals. CLOTHS, &c., &c. a handsome lot cloths, cassinieisant - i Nesting BONNIT.S, a lute assortment of Ladies and 'Misses French lace, gosaamers, bolgratle, tripoli, braid air' straw, Bonnets, Misses handsome Flats all of which will be sold at unusually low prices. • 'RATS, • Men's and Boy's, canton, leghorn, china pearl, senate and palm leaf Hats. 'Pkratiols, Um— brellas and Looking-glasses very-cheap. BOOTS AND SHOES. We nre selling a large lot of ladies' sho . es and gaiters at greatly minced prices, as we intend discontinuing this branch of out business. GROCERIES, &c., &c Rio and Java Coffee, roasted coffee, brown and while' Sugar, Lovering& Syrup Molasses, Teas, Spices, hcc. •• Our stock, torwariety and cheapness, is cer tainly not surpassed by any in tho , country.— `Buyer; who puchaso artlaies of supe, rior quality,, at reasonable- prices, should. not faillo Sive' us a call. [April 5,'54:1 BIAILDTWIRE. A LARGE .SPRING ARRIVAL! irwrinefi quantity , quality and V prices any that hits ever yorbeeit opened in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety, of all bitted' of hardware, such as, Shoe Fin• dings, Saddlery, Conch Trimmings, Faints Oils, Varnish, Class, Nails,, Files, Anvils, Belluws, Springs, Axels, ITOWs, Felloqs, Voneers, Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar and Rolled Iron, Steal; &c:, with a thousand more articles unmentionable. 'Having purchaseollarzely of 'Neatly. Goode ! previous to the ao.vanco in prices, Lam enabled to sell.goodo, at eld prices, • Personain w ant o Hardware ore invited to call and examine my goods and 'hear my priceriomd :you will be.sat isfied whercr the Cheep Nardware.isio bo had. 00 -My atockAof .WALL PAPER is miap proached by any in the Borough, Thankful for the, lamer liheral . patvonage; a continuance of the eamo is • - 4 -JOHN P,`.I.,YNE• • ! Woes Side Of ;North Hanover Streei, sllVw GrOeciey abut liAtiriety . P31 1 EVCD 5 a2.1..W4 Subsciillet would respectfulfi'iliform .1. his, friends arid the genetully 'thot he j'estireturced froni,thc, etties with a large' and varid , 10flortment 'of IiIt',GROCERIES., GLASS. and am.. QUEEN SWARk., PISfL &c. • ' , which he'offers kir side, on ibe, Most terme; ai' hie' NEW STOR E ' cor. nor of HiprbHanoVei et. mid the • Publfe Srjuare, ()meetly op . pOsile • the'Carlisle'Depa)it 'Bunk.,' Hie kv,, ok l stock e'mkiliceseirorythfrig ally kept ilt ' a Gioaatll'llp4'Va rioly:qt'ore. • • : •' The public ars to nart nssthine befare purchssingalstHierif,titi r keiddls esinfidetit he can Sell the boil:104 iie.ilrefok , cat - Aptil 5:'54, . ' J V -Da L•nrALT. „ arictwa Arca t 2l O o.otint` 'lBsl] Styles , of . Hats! 0854 i.... 4 o 9l io E :g t oxga rospe'ctfully mineUn: ,Urce,a to . hie eld - gat'N'int and' the 'pnblic.ten• aridly that he ilas Just' redeived the t sp il ti r j_§Ty t ik: pF, GEN,TLE, 1147%5, , ntimuracrined . at. Aga the, ,44.:Mitablishmeinii PhiNdelPflint , io.,whioy, ipilto. special attention, has also constantlyon;,hond'ik lbt~g and i ar od 'assortment., ol his own ; rainufnetare se elty made' „ILItTg;..A.NA . suitable for j ..he;sesson,comprlsing eiery eyr ituestaid3eaver,Moleakin and Silk flats; I finished in thelatest sty la, together. with .11 tun asiortinent..of!Cang ;of nverx shape and.; des. cription, and at every pries., .;110, particulayly inuites , the'puldieto,eall and OXIIMIRC hisexten.; vivo neeortment,which in style, nl pterini en d finish,;eannot ;be..autpassed by; artylin. -market; and which he is able to put at prices lower than irjor,,, • ,p - Itrimeather.. hie old stand , en North Hanoirei.sireeti listween.Humer's,and ,Sener'S store.' 'ITILMarChgg, 1844, 4cgal - nub QDrner Noihrs. ~.,•. , . . , Estate of. Maria E. Smith, dee. N OTICE is hereby•givSn that letters of ad . ministration, with, the will annexed, of Maria E SnOth, late of Hampden Imp, Cumb. county, deceased, _ have been granted by the Register' of said:cotinty to the subscriber. resi ding in the same towrohip, All persons having claims against said est, to are required to pre-• sent them fur edition - IWO; and those indelited io' make immediate payment to • ' I: , DAVID 'SHOPP, -•-, Ex'. r. May 24 6 t 1 . Estate of 'John Hays, dee . . - . ATOTICE is hereby, given that loiters ollpd -11 ministration on the estate o( John Hays, late or Prank! ord township, dec.. have been granted to the subscriber, residing •in South Middleton township, Cumberland county. All persons , indebted to stud tistutt are required to make inimediMe payment, and those having claims to present them to May 10 JOHN' STUART, Administrator. • `Estate of James Barton, dec., NTOTICE•is hereby given that letters of 1.11 ministration on the estate of James Bar ton, late of LoWer Allen township, Cumber, land county, deceased, have been granted by the. Register of said county to the subscriber, reeidlng in the same township. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them for settlement, and those in- debted to make immediate payment to ISAAC BA ft'l'ON. A dm 'r, May 3-6 w Carlisle Gas and Water CompEtny. T r d C . • rirlf - IE subscribers to the "stock of this CM.- I_ party are required to 'lay On instalment of FIVE -LOLL" S on earl' shore subscribed, on or. before life 15th of May. test., to due Treasurer, at the Carlisle Deposit Bank. Credit will be given for the, teterest on all previous instalments paid. By order of the Bard. WM. M May d--3w Trtasurer. BRIGADE INSPECTORS ORDERS. jo Am, IN conformity with the Iftt section of act A. of April 17th, 181.9, 1 Iterch l order l a lerent . Uniformed Companies d to t h e Ist Brigade, 15th Div.. 10511.11 ( 1 ni Ili -ir com pany headquarters, on N1.,151ay ih- a.II day 1.1 June, 1851 between 10 o'clock, A, 'I., and 6 o'clock, P. ner.,.of said day, to elect ono Briga dier General, and one firigadc In-pumnr und such Fiel 1 Offlrers as the Ist regittamt re quire. 'The Contain or Commanding officers of each company skull superintend said ,lest ion and take to his as:isiance Vein nr mo c who shall he severally sworn or affirmed 10 conduct said bled:ion fairly and impartially, and make a correct. return thereof, snmuEr. cßop Bo a , Inspeot. Is' BRISADE INSPECTOR'S qr,FlaE, Carlisle, 111ny 1F54. • Town Property For Sale, rrIFIE undersigned offers for side the inilnw• 1. Lug ipronerty, situate in the toroiili of Carlisle, viz:— INo. I—A double hvn story Stone D NW:J.I.IN G 1101.-E, situate on Bedford buret, with hack' building. wash hotr..e and cistern, adjoining prepr.i•ly of 'P. Bosler. The lot is 12 - 2 tort civil,. N0..2—1s n - two story DWELL] NU riOLTSF. weatherboarded, with a never-fading well of water netr the door. The two proporttes mill be sold seraratoly or together an may suit pur chasers. No. 3—A TOWN LOT , containing Five Acres, on the Ilarrisburf4 turnpike, opposite Foland's Point House.. For terms apply to May 3t.11 IiVM M. PRNI:O1-4.1. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE two Story FRAME 1101JSE and Lot of Ground .in South ver street, now oeetipini (,y Charlwi -4 r, o Barnitz, immediately opposite Bent /.1411 7 , 6 Store, is offered at private eel°. Feu. terms ebonite of the subs'eriber„N!lorhey for the owner. . mov9's3tfl R. M. HENDERSON.. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE 313.0X-Cr.6.1 - AT I ALL that valuable proio,•rty sitit.,l,, on the north west corner of Centre Square, in the horoughlof Carinle. known as BCOIOIII . B 110 W The Main ing is now occupied by 11. 1.. liiirl4- , 11 [.4 , ,,tf holder as a hotel. ' File 11111141 C, the prope.r.y is rented lOr ttitopb, Tins i 4 one of the w,ev best pi op, for ness• 1;1 the borough, and to ~pliol,ts r lleis great inducements lor investment. The pay ment if desired will he ItIIIIIC very easy. Also, a very condor' ibis; Iwo store 14 EL.- L7Nr, ITO USK. on tit^ ens, end ot adjoining property of Andrew Mil toss, Esq.alin now occupied by-tits.David-tlreor, The tot is 42 feet front. ty 2.40 it, death, and conlaM, a number of those tre , s. The property is in good order, and hoe a cistern, smoke. house bake oven, stable, &e. on:the let. For partic ulars enquire of 101,8) CU A 111,E8 01111,43 y._ SEGAR MANUFACTORY, John N. Armstruag, Infoims the citizens of Catil.Slc—tll4. he has opened an establishment ler Inc sale of For eign and llmtiestic,,SEGA US, on Wcs[ Muni street, street, directly oppositetl,6 It. le..llepot. tt here ho willlteop constantly on nand SEGARS. To ANIi SNUFF of the beet. varieties, His various brands of .I . iiii3otted Sugars cannot be aurpasbed in ounlity The lovers of fragrant segars and eiiewci, o f .I)te weed" are inuiird givellini a call: Alqo sit-largo assortment of Cones, Umbrellas; LUMBER irrilo also omninue's the Lumber Business, on the earner of West mid Poll - Met streets, where may always be found It g,eneral:variety of Lumber, at the lowest market pikes. April 26. 1854.. T9OT InstIALITIFUL White Teeth, Healthy Gums 'JD and n Sweet Breath —All who ate dosi:ous of obtaining tnesto bcnefill c 11.111 1 ,1 use 2.NR MAN',S,CF,LEBRA•I•ED OTII \\ .1511. This delicious tinkle combines an many Meri torious qualities that it has - now beetede ii rills lard favorite. with the citizens of New Vora, Philadelphia 'and lialtunote. Denti.ts pre.. scrub it in'the.r practice most sthe.;stuil),totti - from ovary source the must Ilattdmg laudations 'aro awarded ••••• , •„ • 'lnflamed antd - blitediritektinigAro immediate ly benefitted by, its use; its notion. upon them is mild, seething and effective-. tltjeleanties the teeth so thoroughlY., Jinn they aremtado to 11- 'vat pearl in whiteness', and 11111M,e$.through the, mouth such a , delightful - freslinessf.fhaf„thq , ' breath is rendered exquismely sweet. It feats those ittiptfrifles tohicfi fend to prodU.o.- • docayould, as a consequeoce, , when thc;se are. removed the teeth must alwayi.retitaiii stead. Read the, hallowing, fronftDr'. - J . fi. Carman ; Mr. - F. Zertnan—Sir e Havittg mud and ro cornmendoil your Too thWnsll iii miv pmetice fat '•soMe tirne,l find it the moat ellitotual:Deetifrke in use, rind thurefoiv recommend it to the put?. tic. Ds. J. A. CARMAN, Harrisburg Pa . Reed the following toad:Tinny. - • • 'Mitt Zurtainti—Door Sir i F•linve the merits of your valuable Tootli'.,Wasli',-and cn'n•i'without 'hesitation, recommend it ne,..'the "blist. that 'has come under inyduring' notice - dn en eiPerience - as "Deiniit,•Ohniore :111(111.'sbdeon 'Oast's. It eleliSes rho Teeth...seethes and • •aens irritated Gdms, •nnd - imparts • 4ingrance to !bit Breath. •From the inouths•of 'those who melts use of it; however it will cot - , tainly,spealc for-itself. • • • : ' „• • • 'Gyn. P. Sony/raw, Surg„erer, Dentist, • • '079-South-Tenth tdroet Plan. . It is used nnd rettom monde& hy , alt the nest Dentists in New Nork,,;Philadelpflio, It+ timai'd. Sod ether' aties'where 411;111Th:en , t rod need:....A.lfehotild fi-j rie _ - TO -Prepared only Francis Zeitium, Drug : ria and. Chemist, and,sold. wlkole - attlennd Nlll ,, tti " Dorsheimei...Moclinnicsloirg,•;li Herron. New'. iville:J W,illintos,iShippo , seribur , , mid by., all , Druggist!' nt eni t e,t2lS , ,,eenta per I ot,t/e. ..• •"' r V. - oots 800 lc sr. . A.'.'ll'ear in Tur,ltoy i .,hy„alwie, • • ' H a p s. an d imat t ope, (irai.l.l.3r • Cenwaod:. Greenwood Loaves, ; do • . do; . ; ~ , tThn adventure** of-a Country • • the author,ot:cWiltl,\Veatt.rwsenakift., ) , The Two Roads—the Iriczlit puhliehed'bg LipplueOtt, G O. .The Irraptighter: Potiphar, papers tot beet '6 : pelt:min Yo; It PoWniiyig, 'ruit ;;Atsl. always - 46,11E60 11.10 . . 4 . 1 eli : i'eollnkah03f , :sohontl3oelce,heitWery, re'r May 3 ) Df• U