= 111 ~. ~~rclfuncun~. MN „)./.9*Arettltiarrs.-‘ 4 .t. gbod- looking husband, eight ohildioo ; anil a 'happy how. As those tigltte are. easily obtained, we. hope. tho sister ahia.them into oOnsidoratiou. This trill-pay bettor than holding offioe, or "sitting on a ,)'ur,3.4,,” — "RusetAN IDEA OF AN PGIEL.—PULIFI says Nicholas has calle d his brother-in-law; the kiieq Prussia, "an angel of pence." An an• . gal—after the Newnan view—has, of course, two wings—one of infantry, And and of ,ry. gglt.Farming is progressing rapidly in t!io Golcloci 'State.. The California Herald says that considerable—in fact very marked atten tion—is just now being attracted to the probable regult of the California giain crop of ]854, and to the facilities we enjoy for manu facturing our.viheat into flour. Abundant as the crop of this cereal is likely to be, Ivo bay° no doubt that wo will not _suffer for want o mills to-grind it. already have over 20 in the State, and others will be added during the spring and summer. At Jresent we believe but one of our city millathe Eureka—is, in full operation. This establishment turns out some two hundred and fifty barrels a.clay of flour, which will stand comparison, without suffering, with the beet brands of imported American. It commands a - heavy advance on Chili flour, and seem likely, when properly known, to challenge rates with Gallego and ItiverAcums.—These hairy decorations are rapidly growing into general favor. They are not, as in other days, confined•to any particu lar class, nor to people of'any particular ago, SuOh a rage for. hair.lips is certainly a feet worthy of notice. Some philosopher has ad vanced the theory that the extent of the beard is the measure of civilization; and ns there never was a theory too absurd to find disci plea, this capillary standard has been generally I adopted. A recent article in " Household Words," seemed to have increased the mania, as it recommended mustachios as conducive to health. They are now worn as lung-prescr• Tors, as well as ornaments. We have them of all colors, from a magnificent glossy black to a,ragged light drab; of all shapes and sizes exquisitely curled, or rigidly straight; cover ing the mouth to servo as filters, or ranged along the delicate line of the lip. Some of them are excellent musks for the expression which will play about the mouth ; others serve as agreeable reliefs when that orifice happens to be unusually large. We might dilate upon the advantages and disadvantages of mustach ios, but it .is sufficient here to remark that they form decidedly the most fashionable feature, at a time fashion seems to have "gone a bunting." • - • LIFE INSUP.ANCM. THE undersigned having been the agent o the Keystone Life Insurance Company, arrisburg. Vs., continues to act in that ea• pacity, by atithOrity of said Company. Ile would respectfully inform the community that Its will attend to such persons es may stgnily their desire to insure their lives, and thus'give some protection to their bereAved. fnmilic a nod friends, in ense of death. Office in West Porn fret Street', Carlisle. Mav2s tf J. WOR.THINGON. „ LEATHER FRITZ & HENDRY, Store, 29 et., Phila. Morocco Mqnuacturers, Corriere, Importers .Commission and General Leather Budiness, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Menufsetorf 15 Margaretta street. scp7ly Fresh Arrival - of Hardware. • THE, subscriber having retnrned from the City, has just opened for the Spring trade a large and well selected stock of 11A RD WARE, foreign rind domestic ' embracing ev• erything usually found in that line of business. The attention of friends and the public genet . . ally is respe'cilully directed to the asSortment on hand, assuring them that goods of all kinds will he sold for cash at a very small advance on manufacturers prizes. Remombor the old stand—East M nip at., Carlisle, Pa: mar 8 HENRY SAXTON" CLOVER SEED 200n1 ) : 41)11e,.. ED ;o n r d st r i ; e e n b n y a ylva BOYER & HALL, 'Agricultural Implement and Scad Store, - mart) • Harrisburg, Pa. Great Rush for Bargains AT the New and Cheap Store of WEISE & CAMPBELL. We aro selling off a largo as• sortment of Cashmeres and Alone do Lams at greatly reduced prices. I Call and see! ' Jan 25. 1854. , PAAOUG.TIS. URKEE S celebrated York Ploughs con' rA) stonily on hand, also Craighead's and oak's make for sale at . TO PARBOISIRS. • _ ►IIII.E. subscriber. itilbrms :be pub that he hint constantly - on hand n variety of choice young LO • CUST TREES, from ten to filteen _ felt high, which were raised Irorn the seed, tliey are all of the yellow locust. He offers thorn at moderato. riees, at his nursery, situated in Hampden township; enutity, about 5 miles west of Harrishiir,g,MY the tarn pike. Call and examine for yourselves. ' Feb 22 lOwpcb SAM'L EBERLY. 01IN W. lIP.LL, JOSH W.-BELL • & C?., • - eNP GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, o• HOWARD STREET, • : • ;OppoOto Como, lv ' -13 A-L T 'll , l 0 REA • FIRST ARRIVAL Or -- • SPRING" AND SUMMER GOODS, At CUABLES 0;31.BY/S, • In East 'High Street, Catlisle, Pd. , WE have just received a largo and hand. someasiortment al Spring nod Summer Goods, consisting of the latest styles of Ladies' DRESS GOODS, • • flange, mous debege, and outage - delains, lawns, black mid fancy silks of every descrip• tion and quality, black alpacas of . high lustre, blur bombazines of a superior quality, and a good assortment of Mourning Goods. • DOMESTICS, DOMESTICS,' - - - _ Bleached and undeached muslins„ shootings from 1 to 3 yds wide. checks, Glasgow and fine Fronch ginghems, tickings damask towels and table cloths, napkins, red, yellow and white" woollen flannels. shrouding flannel, &c. EIi,IBROIDERIES AND LACES, CaMbrie and Swiss ruffling, edging and ineeit ng, lisle, mechlirrand 'florentine lace, French worked ,collars, 4o ander 7 sleaves, , do 'spencer and cuffs, tifOurning collars,bhiek laced veils of all styles; A very handsome assortment of 'Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons. . . With a large and, handsome' variety of Pry - Goads and Groceries in general. always to be had on the lowest terms at"‘Ogiitty's Em{in• Tium." .Mar 22 • li4T hal 14 lON 7i1101.1. • /TRAIL PAPERTOWN, COMII. CO. rEASIEZILIA di SEYMOUR CONTINUE`, to supply Lumber of all tinds , ILrat the Rimiest. ntttco, and on terms lower than can be hnd elnewhet•in' '-All ordeie directed to E. HASKELL, l'apertown,' SEYMOUP., Jr., Carttsle,• will, he promptly attended to. •. • . '... •. • , . TA KE NO . pevsnrin about commencing•Housekoeping and oth• era% In want of thorn, can get :suppliedr.avith Knives and - Forks, Spoons, Ladles. Cofree• Mills, .Pans,:, Kettloai &c., at the lowest rates by - mar 13 . H SAXTON. 'HAIipWARE,,FRESH:AIiritrAf! THE subscriber having returned from' the city would cull the.atiention or his friends and the public gocrolly to the large and well se- Joined assortment of Haidware which ho has just received.,sonsisting in part.of . BUILDING MATERIALS, r serws, hinges, Locke, • ass, putty; 'paints, oils, Rm. ...TOOLS— edge fools; saws and ,platied of 'every descrip: 'lion, with file, rasps, hemmers, anvils, A general assortment.of , , SIMENIAKEAS & SADDLERS' TOOLS, together with morocco. lining and binding skins, shoo thread, wax,,pegs, lasts, harness mounting, saddletrees, l&e. COACEI TILIMMIN G.—canvass tplairiien7 . figured and embossed,) patent and en- Estnelled leather, axles, springs hubs, spoke, helloes, Omits, &c, &c. Cabinet Makers -will find a large assorment of varnishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding. rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c. Phe stook-of-IRON is large and:well selec t:id, compriSing all the kinds in general use, as hammered and rolled tire'of ell Sizes, fiat, bar and band iron, thundr square and oval horse shoo iron and nail rods, with a large lot of cast and spring steel, English and_Ameridan blister steel., &c. Housekeepers and those about cernmencing will find it to their advantage aa call and exam ine our cutlery, hrittania ,and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, &c In addition to thd abo've We have received n splendid asprtinent of WALL. PAPER, ma king the stock ccimpletC, and at stv.ll prices as cannot fail to give satish.etton. - We inVitd',a,ll friends to call, knowing it will he to their own advantage. • Reinember the old stand, last . High Street, Car.isle, Oct. 12, 1853. .111',NRY SAXTON.. HO . FOR THE HOLIDAYS. KUPS KINGLE ' S OLD HALL is now and will continue tg be supplied with the greatest novelties up to the close of the season, comprising in pert CONFECTIONARIES of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy Toys, Jelly . Cakes, Bon Bans, Gum Cordial, Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rosé, Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French and ex ploding Secrete. Also all the common vane. ties, all of which will be sold tokaies a / 3 and retail at low rates. ‘Ve have just received FRUITS' AND NUTS of the latest importations such as Oranges, Lemons. Raisins, Ftgs, Preens, Citron, Cur— rants, soft, and paper shelled Almonds, Fil berts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. In connection with the above 014 largest assort ment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of every kind front all parts or Europe, man ufactured of wood, glass, Lhina, papier macho, tin and India rubber, zinc, &c., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and card Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases, Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Music I3oxes, Port Monnies, Battle Doors, Grace Hoops, Masks, Drums, Guns, Trumpets, Dominoes, Intro and other pmes; &c . . - - Fancy Snaps ana Hair Oils of every variety. In connection with the above rt large,stork of FAMILY' GROCERIES, such as.p,ulverized, cruSlled and brown Sit.' gars. of evelY grade, Coffee, Molasses. Starch, Green and Black Teas; Spices, Butter, soda. Sugar, Water and o.hcr Crackers, cheese, &c. 'rho subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a generous public for the patronage hereto fora bestowed on hint, and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a, continuance of the some. P. MON YER. Carlisle. DeeeMher.7, 1853. Cqrner of Hanover and Loather ate., Carlisle, roil 0 undersigned has a ki.ays on hand a large IL stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all,the different styles, which he is'prepared to sell nt the lowest prices. Ile invites attention partic ularly to the Patent Spring.. Bottom Bedstead, a most useful article, winch ent:rely obviates all objections. The bottom can be attached to old 13edeteads. They have given .mtire antis ac tion-till-who have them in use. {g COFFINS made to order natio shortest notice. - JACOB li ETTER Carlisle. Jan'y. 22; 1851.-1 y CARTER'S SPANISH IVIIXIURE THE GREAT PURIFIER Of THE 'BLOOD Not a Partinlo of Mercury in it remedy for Scrolultt,King'sEvil, Rheum:6Bin, Obstinate Cu toner us Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chroniu Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or , 'Fet ter, Scald Fleitd, Enlargement. and Pain' of the Bones 111111 Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints 11411 all Diseases arising limn an injudicious use or Met , cull*, Imprudence in Lite, or Impurity of the Blend. This valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinnry cures effected through its ow. cloy , has induced the proprietors, at the urgent' request of their friends, _to offer lectattheAmblic, which they do with the utmost confidence its its virtues awl wonderful curative properties. •The following eertificatesielected froM'a large mumber, are however. stronger testimony than the mere - word - of - the - proprtetnrs_; and_are_all.fromp;en— tlemen well known in their localities and of the highest respectability many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Va. F. BOYDEN, Esq. of the Exchange Riehi - nond; known every where,says he Sas seen the Medicine called IART6IVR SPANISH MIX TURE administered in over a hundred caeca; in nearly all the diseasee'for which it is recommen. (led wills the moat astonishingly good results-- 11c says it ii - the_ most extraordinfiry medicine lie ,has ever-seen.. - SAXTON'S lIEN.T. DARBY AGUE ./iND FEVEII- 7 -Grent- - Cure.—l here by certify that for three years •1 'bad Ague and FiNer of the most violent deserlption, I had several Physicians, took large qintmitles ot Qui nine, Mercury, and I believe all the Tonics ad vertised,but nil withont any permanent relief.' At last I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me and I am happy to say 1 have had neither Chills.or I•ever since. I consider it the best Tonic in the world and the only medicine that ever reached my ease. JOHN LONGDhN.•• • Beaver dam near 'Richmond Va; - G 13 LUCK Esq, now in the city of Richmond and for many years in the post Office, has such confidence in the ustoffishing Efficacy of Carter's Spanish hi iiinroi'Mat lie has bought iipwarde of Si) bottles which has given away to the nfilicted, Mr Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken according idilireetions, Dr IVILNCE a practising physican and former • ly of the City lintel - in the city of Richmond, says lie liair'witnesseil in a number of itudances the effects of Carter's. Spanish Mixture Which, were most truly surmising. ~Ile says in a case o f Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the good ,effect s were wonderful Weed. • SAMUEL M 1)111NKER el the firm Drink er & Morris, ItichniOncl, was cured ,Of Liver Complaint of standing by'the Use of two, bottles of Carters Stinhisif Mixtiire. • GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA—Tic, edi tors of the Richmond. Republican had a Servant employed ill their press room cured of siolent: Scroll - OR combined with Rheumatism, which' en. tirely disabled hint froth work.: Two bottled of Carter's Spanish 'Mixture made a pert . .et care of . him, and the editors in a public, notice say they ' 'cheerfully recoinmend it to all who are afflicted with' any disease of the blood " .:STILL ANOTHER. CURE OF' SCROPLI: LA-1 hail a vpry valunhle:boy cured of Sarefilla by Cartel's Spanish Mfxture. I consider it truly a valuable medicine: James \ll nylorCondnvlor on the & P 1t R Co RicSmoud Vii Mr Thompson residing the eltY of 'Richmond, wits Cured by three bottles - of Corners Spanish Mixture.of - Salt Rheum, which he laid nearly 2Q ye-re:and witich all the physiciand„pt theeity woulchicit. cure Mr Thompson isa well known merclialit 'the city' a: Richmond, Vb.,' anithls einVidlttiosi resinirkable. ' PrincliniCl)Mirita 'tit 'M. WA CLOSF - 1k .00, 1 1 .1 0 83, Malden LanacNew , ,Vork . ' W.I3YOTI' • SONB, 132,Nnith 2d. '• ' . ItENNErv. BEERS,No 125 Main , stkeh , ' • • •. • ~. . • t.„ And for sale by 8, Elliott,. filfW liaverstick e i Hr i d e , fen pay;Mechaniashairgv7J': If Herron. No vv ino3 C Aldo, ShirmensburgNnd 137.dea., "ores in medicines eserywhim. •:toi - i,:i:, , ,:5' ,, ,51i0v - p,._ HENR3r SAXTON. Great attraction! a s , kepv;;toi, ME • • . . .. . ~. 31:0,9yar ., 4„' -Pr mil iiAnt-Artisto _itill[air:. . . . . 10entor of the Celebtatcr4:67ottOnili:TeMilty(ng . Wisratid . .11aatic Bglici;,Totwoces. • :•:, ' - ~ ... • J nstrucijon a to enablh, Ladies, and .cientleineri !to 111'6411VC their heads 'With . :14 . ' '' in:Cur, •'• 1 . , . For Wigs, inches, "ToupeCa hz st.nlas, inches No 1 The round of .NO,l From forehead, to, . thelleati :•.- -.-, • . .back.-as faras haid--,- , r 2. Fri:lm forehead . :.2.-Over lorehead usfari , over the head to .... , as required-..:.. the neck. • , ~ S'Over the crown of the I 3 From car to ear . head 1, over'tlielop . ~. . ,J, • - I 4.Frem eac,to ear. . ..1.,• , . . round the foi•clieti.l • , R I)OLLA RD Ids always ready for sale a splendid stock cit ,Gents' Wigs, Toupets,batlies' Wigs; huff Wigs ,. Frizots, If rnids, Curls, Sc, beautifully'rtianutdclured, anti us' cheap us any ostahlishnteot flip Onion 1J ollards erbintionj ext V&A or Lustrous -Hair Tonic, prepared from t'fittift American Herbs rthilitmts, the most successful article ever pro duced for preserving Alte,plian• from faith% out or dluniging color,restorink and preseevitig a healthy and luxuriant 'state Among other rett sons why Dollard's hair Milting asloon maintoms its immense popuStrity i's the fact:that Itis,To is tippled to every head of hair cut at his estalt lishment, consequently it is kept in better pres et•vstio •than 'under- any katowngipplication It tieing thus proctically•tested by thousamis, offers the greatest - guarantee of'its Sold wholesale and retail at his Old Establish mesh E 77 Chestnut 'street opito.tite the State licitise, Philadelphia ' It Ualhu•d has fit least discovered the ne plus ultra ~f HAIR DYE tfonounces it for sole" with perteefooefitlence' in its surinitistng every thing of•the kind sow In use ]t colors the hair either black or brown, (as may be desired) aim is used without injoey to the hair or skin either by- stain 'or otherwise, can be washed off in ten minutes tiller application, without detracting from its efficacy Persoits visiting the city are Ipvited to give hitn avail I,(tHers atldrussed to R DOLLARD, 177 Cliestn uratretti.oii (ion. Jan ly NEW DRUG STORE ! H South Ilanolier,Street, Near the Court House. J. KIEFFER, druggitit, would respect . folly informlne citizens hi Carlisle and vicinity that he has opened a new CDEMICAL3AND DRUG STORE. His stock is entirely new, and has been, selec ted with great cure. As many of the articles in daily use by physicians and families deteri orate by oge and exposure, great care will be taken not to allow such articles to accumulate. in such quantities, tentton is esnecially invited to his stock o Medicines, Esset.tial Oils, Oils, Tinciurvh, Wines, Extracts, Confections, Chemicals, &o. Together with the shove he has a lull assortment of. Paints, Varnishes, D y e—Stufle, Paint and Vari,h.li Brushes. and CO Nr ECTI ON Al 2 LES - of every variety. Ho has also on hand a eplen did assortment of Perfumeries, Soaps, Extracts, Fancy, Hair, Clothes and Flesh Brushes, Supporters, Br. ast Exhatisters, - Nipple Shields, Washes and Posies; tilao MEDICINAL WINES AND BRANDIES, of the best quality— SEGA RS, from the best Havana and Spanish houses, of every flavor, from one cent upwards. • In order IS ensure his customers against mistakes during any tompormay absence of the proprietet, the services of an experienced and competent assistant have Mon secured, which will be feint) he importoni, in view of theresponsibilit les which ate known to devolve upon the drugalst: CLI - THYSICIANTS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfidly and promptly attended Orders from Physicians-and Merchants in - the country will be filled with care, and at prices which must prove satisfactory. N officinnl preparations made in . strict accordance with the directions of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A liberal share of public patronage is res• pecttully solicited. Terms Cash. May 11. 1853. B. J. KIEFFER. iffarthrfire, Harlin) are. TILE subscriber wishes to draw the atten tion of the public to heir own interests, which they may 'eonsult to good advantage by examining the elegant and complete assort meet of hardware of every description, which he is now feeciving at his old stand on North Hanover st7f:t-t. TO COACIIMAKEttS We have u large supply of springs, hubs, bands, laces, curtains, and flour oil cloths and drab cloths, of ddlurent qualifies, in 'net every thing iu your lino. FO CABINET-MAKERS We offer complete setts of veneers, knobs and mouldings of walnut and muhouany, to Sill both the taste NA the pulse, CARPENTERS EXAMINE to splendid assor went of tools in your line as also a complete stuck of building materials, curls as locks, hinges, screws, latches, glass, paints, oils, varnishes, tuipentine.&c. and va rious carpenters tools cheaper ihan ever, as has been acknowledged by a carpenter wlid has'secn them. BLACKSMITHS cannot go wrongin giving 118 a call for a _sup—_ - ply of hammered, rolled, slit and Oilier Lion generally usce,as also cast, shear American and English blister steel, &c. &c. OUR FARMER FRIENDS _ . ._ will also consult their interests by looking at our cheap shovels, forks, trace chains, burner, and every other article trum a .cradle to a plough,to suit them in price and quality, THE PUBLIC GENERALLY are also invited to examine the quantity 'and quality now on hand of cedar • ware, tube, churns, buckets, oils, such as fish, sperm and flaxseed oils, which will be sold at the lowest ensh prices. I would also call attention to my splodid assortment of WALL .PAPERS, pre•Liting a nuMberless variety of Patterns at prices from 6 cis. upwards. Remember there is no mistake here, as all articles will be sold at the low4st cash prices at the old and well known stand en North Hanover street, East 'siee, betw4e McGlaughlin's Hotel and Kell er's Hnt - gtoro. ft.' ,JACOB SE.3lik. march 16 STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! JOHN D. GORGAS, wOULD inform the pu6liathnt.he has now on hand at his' establishmem, on Main street, next door to Marion tho largest nd most complete assortment of COOK, OFFICE Sz.'T'ARI,OUR STOVES to ho found in this coupty, which will be sold at tho lowest prices for cash or approved credit. His stock cunsists of a large IlElbolllllollt of new and highly approved PATENT COOKING STOVES, Finished in the most complete =inner, and calculated for either,wood or coal, o,r both, All the old standard patterns,,which have stood.thc test of experienceonay be found at his estab• lishwent. _Also n great Variety of the most up )roved and beantifuL- 1 - - PARLOR AND cyFFICkI,STOVES, Including u:nutnber of new styles, possessing very superior advantages.nver those, heretofore in use. Families end lioniekeepers are respect• fully invited to give him s call before purclia. sing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to any part f the comity and•put Alp at the shortest notice. Ia continues to do nit kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE,' • and Copper work, and hasconstantly on hand or will make-to order every . article reunited by housekeepers or',Otlims in thislitte. His stock of Tin and Copper•ware embraces every ' , kind of household and kitchen utensil, warranted equallti the best manufactured. Persons' in wank9f articles in his line may alwaya be Sure ',of beteg scoomodated to their satisfaction by 'giving him a eqll.. fOctl9. ROBERT 8. sivxxLmr, MAKERAND UNDEIRTAKPR. North llano'veyStreel, and next door to Glan's WIZ THE andoisigneil wotild reppecifully infotta the citizens of. Carlisle and the public gener ally, that he now has on.hand a large and ele gant assortment ol- FUR NITURE, consiin ing I r , part of Waidrobes, Card.und other . Tubles, 'Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads. piniti and:fancy 'Sowing'Stands, &a.manufaclured.of tho ,best ,matertal and guiltily warranted. ' Also a general , assortment of CHAIRS at I t the lowa% prices. ,Venitian Blinds: mnila to -order, and repairing promptly atlantic's] to. i VT - Coffins mado at the,shortest notice,' and havingln splendid hadrao he will attendituter• als in sown or coianiryt . Xeßentembet:" thq,stand— next door 'to H. Glass's Item!. sinve4 R, B. SMILEY.• Ii arp co ters olAtt Bultddis tiro jilt/lead .to j'exa'otino,pie iiiisOrttitOnt or 10),,kil; Hirtgeti, Scroi+s ! Glattoi•rutty,•;oll, ,Paints; '&o. 'All rot toilo.che 'O p'ot ' "(: ••• • • toarl ' •' ' BAXTON't9, • Fish. Fish, Fish.' O. & , 3 MACKEREL, in whole, Mill atiti l e u rrta l A : ciist e l:Yireg is fr i m aiß i7, 4 o the Lakes ond for the first' time brought , to Hue market, in Stori nnd for sate by. the eubseriber. W 1 Corner Market Square. Carlisle, ' .J. 0. HALBERT. 71titSECILailCOU 4 1-14 . . . , :- „: L.- 1111 R. • C,ll MT LAI N T,:, 6ilßollifoYsoP:PE,ll'l'.4y'o46Asu.n-ti:LE-ri,y,.Dis ; ; EASO,OF THE ICIDNEYB,,,AND ALL, i t • o :. DISEASES AM 'ING EltOn.;„4 •. .'. pISORDER D LIVER OR. • _:_'. - . • ,S T 0, , 1 , ..A;(3.11.-. • : : . • Such aro Constipation, inwardlides, fulness ' of:,blood to:the head, ucidiiy nil the , stoinueli, nauses; . hdarthurnytlisgust ter food, fulness or 'weight irkhe stomach, sour eructiitlens, - Sink- - ing or fluttering ut the, pit or the steniucli, .swirnining of , the' head; urried. and, difficult 'breathing, fluttering eh the !Jena, dlinking 'or .iluffocuting sensations when inn:lying peSture, dininess :of vision, dote 'or webs ,boure. the sight, fever anti dull pain in . thes head,,.tlefie lency of perspiration, yellowness of, the, skin and eyes pain intho side, back; chest, limbs, &q., sud4eri flushes of heat, burning ,in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and grca , depression of spirits, . CAN DE EFFECTUALLY CURED DY ton. Eloonaua ars CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by DR, O.' M. JACKSON, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia Their power over the above diseases Is not excelled, ifeMialled, by any other preparation in tire United States, as the cures attes.t,in many cases niter skilful physicians had failed. These Balers are worMy the attention. of invalids.. Possessing great virtues in the rec tification of diseases of the Liver and hcfer glands, exercising the niost searching pavers in weakness and affections of the digestive or gans, they are within! safe, eertaln . and pleas ant. READ •AND BE CONVINCED Testimony of the highest character ! HON. - GEO - STROOP, - Judgirof - the Districeenurt - in Perry county, Pa., Nov. lhth, 1852 said: "your `lloolland's German [litters' has . bedn n' use i our place over a year past, tind•to the astonish anent of Many has performed wonders. We may notice u few instances . that have coon under own immediate outice:—almost every person who has stopped at the hotel of Wm. Lackey, one year since, predicted truin his o• maciated tcountenance and debility, that hs could nut live much longer. Ile was unable to attend to his htlioess, and for the greater part of the time confined to his room. We ree 7 ommendcd hint to try the German Bitters; he did, and to the surprise or all his friends lie is now able to all end to hisMstiol business and perform manual labor. Thu case of Henry Asper a Stono . in aeon,. w ham nu one supposed would ever recover from the debility of his system, but was looked upon as fast approach ing the g - rirve,•teolt eight or nine bottles of the Bitters during the last winter, and this aunt. mar lie has been Ito the surprise of all who knew his case] following his trdde. Thu ease of' William Murphy is no less ustonisking.— :Ile too was so far reduced as to induce the general belief that the grave alone would be his only remedy. Mr. Lackey recommended him to try,theJloollutid!s German hitters; he is now appareittly a well than, and able to do a hard day's work. We could ? mention many other Cases of a similar eharicter. it it were necessary. I myself derived much benefit from their use. 1 hii.vl given 'corisidcruble of it a way, not for your [Jonah alone, but to relieve buffering humanity, and let me assure you I am pleased to see the happy result.. To the afflicted we say, try them fairly and I will warrant relief." -These •llitters are worthy the attention'of ii.valids, possessing great poweTin the r e st.- ration of.a healthy action of the liver and the lesser Olinda, giving tone to the stomach and nervous syttem, and bringing the systeingen orally to u high stare o, health.• Fur sale by S. W. ❑oversticlt and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Day, Mechanic burg; J. IL ❑cr ron, Nowvillc; 'J. S. Altic, Shippemburg, and by dealers in medicines every where. AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE yi D SEED STOD.EI. THE subscribers, in addition to their exten sive Grocery, have connected t.herewith an AGRICULTURAL 'WAREHOUSE and SEED STORE, 110, Market street, near the railroad, Harrisburg, i'a., Mid are prepared - 10 till all orders, by wholesale and retail, el ail kinds of Agricultural lnipleto eta, Vegetable and Flower,,Seeds, &e. Country merchants with reasonable discounts to sell again. Horse-powers and threshers, wheaLdrillls and seed-planters, plovvs,harrowsentl. cultiva tors, fodder, hav, and straw-emu er, , emit inns corn shelters, vegetable 'cutters, band grain mills, clown shellors, horse rakes, ehurns,grind stones and improved hangings, bay, straw and manur forks, farmer's boilers, ox yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cow chains, s'Plides, hoes and rakes, post diggers, m heelbarrows, °rain cradles, seythesand seythestones, pntatoe drags post angia, axes and hatchets, grain bags grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and buddifig knives, grassatid grain sickles, screw wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rut and. mole traps, cattle - cards and imrse brushes, -curry combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano, plaster, poudrette, bone dust, limo, gar den, Sold and flower seeds. A leo. a largo and fresh assortment of GR 0 CE RIM; 'FBAS, fc'e all cheap for cash. Y BR & HALL. 0:7 - Grain and produce of all hinds received n exchange for impleniente. . April 1 3,1853.—1 v DRUGS! DR UGI DRUGS Freshet Spring Supplyl I Av E Just received u fresh stock p(Mod • _ ieines; Paints, Glass, 011, &c., which having been purchased with great care at the bout city houses, I can confidently recommend to Pantiles,. Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers, us being!lesp and pore. tUGS Eernsdnd Extracts, Spices,ground and whole Patont 111. , ine homi'cals, 'zitnstruments,, Puro Essen': Oils . Cod Liver' Oil— D YE• - Essences, Perfumery, Warranted Genuine. STUFF'S. Lwo and Caen Woods, , OirVitriol Coi'Mernei„ Lac Dye [NTS: . Indigoes, Madders, Sumac Alum, Wetherill & Brother's, Pure Lead, Chrome Greeriand Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Gloss, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and lied Lead. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price, Alsu,a frosts and splendid as sortsnent of FANCY GOODS,:FR PITS, Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated for use and ornament, all of wl.ich are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap,Drag Book rind Fancy Store of the sub scriber on North Hanover street. LIM= siny 25 1851 SADDLE AND HARNESS DIAIiNG nrillE subscriber continues to - curry on the above business, in all it svartous briiimbes, in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two detirs North of Leonard's corner, where he intends keeping on hand egeneral assortment inbis line, Consisting of all kinds of (ash limbic SADDLES, Bridle inartin;z!ce, Girths,Circingle tt-i ; atv. 41111 and (Inhere, ntso TRUNKS:tray-0171 cling and tiaddlo t bags. Ile also inatitifhet ores Ihemosrapproved Spanish Spring Saddles, ever ,used in tins country, those wishing' n'handsome, dial:dile:lnd-pleasant sad dle will do well to call and see them. Ho also manufacture's Harness, Bridles, Collars and Whips in all thelr'vrtrieties, and confidently be lieves from the gcneral approbation of his QAT. tom;ers, - that he makes time neatest and bdat gears; In 'all their .variety . nt breadth, that is made: in theleolintry: , Ho also makes nll.ltinds of Nlitrassas to order, viz: Straw, Husk, Curl , ed ;Hair and Spring Nletrasses. All the above articles will be made of the host material and workmanship . , and With - the utmost despatch. WM. OSBORN. CLOTHING CLOTHING I subserlher.is now having mode tip n lot of Fashionable and•Bubatnntinl Clothing whisk he will sell us cheap if not.alutaper tlian any es tablishment-in 'the borough. ..The stock will consist of ; OVERCOAT4, - . • Fine DRESS'COATF, ' ' SACR COATS, • • • ' • PAVTATOONS, • , , . -VESTING:S, &c ThnOldthirig,Willi be mode out of . none but the beef quality of geode/ out - out .by Ott :e'xite.: letioed eed.gene Gutter 'nod the work got up n ihe'betit tmeaner and byy,ihe heat of hands— We hhte now on hand a' ot or Ishoine and all'wo 'tisk ie for 4 purehheiwp to give ne cell htld they Will he pleased with the work end prices. At the old mend on Biqa Mithi Street, JunlBl CHAALES• 0011,BY. o.un,:adittu6.cmcniv. - . HAYES'.-PATE . NT TUBUlaitt OATEN 401' AIR, RANGE . . Various Sizes, to stilt I%amilies , hoarding, flouses nrid Hotels. ROSE itywant of y. superior Cooking Ap ,' paratu's are ailed to call at out We ar :Imo:se and examihe this flange. [for durability econolny add simplicity in operation it stands unriValed. 'lt has a perfect het air ventilation , —and inertia baked in title oven will retain their -juice-end flavor equal to that roasted betore an open-fire. -Meats and pastry cooked at the sathe time Without one of the other. - It' will supply Ithifficient heated tir to heat addi tional-counts for the coldest :weather. -. 4 has no descending or return flues, and' is equally well adapted to Ittiminous• or common hard coal. 'rho steam valve - over the boiling part of the Range carries off the steam and Doent of cookiitg, as well as heat in suiiimer. Every Range sold warranted to give' satisfac tion, or no expense to the phrehasor. HAYES' VENTILATOR, Putented Octobor, 1818, For Public Halls, Factories, Railroad Cars, Flues, Ships, &camel s, Pure air is n stilijeet claiming, the attention of every individual, and all buildings should be provided with the proper means of ventilation. Also, a powerful Warming and Ventilating Furnace, For. That ings. School Houses, Churches, h ails, (Stores,, Factories, A-large assortment of Office, Doll and Cook. ing Stovra r Parlor Grates, Registers, &e.— Wholesale and Retail. RAND Sz.. HAYES, 82 North Sixth stred, Pltila. VrPer.onnlitttemion given to warming nn evnt4ating both public and private Imilnings. XLIIVIS & CUIaN, Deulers in • Lamps,, Lai :terns and Chandeliers; N E Corner Ainrth and Cherry sts., e gri , l r a g %l ti assortment c o i f !. i lampsre and having in Philadelphia, they are now prepared to fur nish Camphine, Pine BURNING FLUID, Ethereal Oil, Phosgene Gas and Lard Oil.— Lamps. Lanterns of all paterns, Fancy Hotel and [fall Lamps, Chandelicos, Girandoles and Candelabras, and Brit t ania Lamps,at the man , utricturers lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over auction mi. ries. ' Bring large MANUFACTUBERS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Am°• hot and (the only tree) Phosgene Gas, they can furnish these articles tit such prices that Mer chants will find it In their advant'age to buy.— Call before going elsewhere, if you want bar gains. Also the Safety Fluid Lamp fa-sale. October 5,1553-1 y Cheap Watches N Jewelry W 11 o LES A LE nod RETAIL '.,.''' at the '' Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store," Number ...I': 95 North Second Street. corner 4 - •i 1 or Quarry, Philadelphia. ~',•-•'' Gold Lever NI/filches, lull hittsli".lll4Nlo - je welled ,IP ea - rat casettt. 220,00 Gold Lepfrie. IS carat cases, $24 00 Silver, tio jewels, 9 90 Silver Lever, 101 l j welled, 12 la Suretior - Quartiers . 7 00' Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, I 50 Gold Bracelets, 5 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils, • 1 00 Silver Jen .Spoons, set, 5 00 Gold Penn with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00 Vold ringer Rings 376 cents to eit'Y t Watch Glasses. plan, 18,5 cents ; Patent, 181 ; Lunet, 25 ; oilier articles in proportion. All gooda warranted to be what they are sold for. STAU FER Sr II ARI.F.Y, sept7ll , ` Surffssors to 0. Conrad. On hand. name Gold and Silver Levers and topinee,still lower than Loovepriees. ,gwirafa lj t •••• aelfiXIXP, rSvccEs.Oß To A. FIOT,] No. 164 Chestnut SI., Stuaint's Building, Phila XN EN SI V Nuaic üblisher, and Deal. er in Musical Instruments at every de• Exjlusive agent fort to sole• of Het, Davis & Co'.s Patent Sitspenstito Bridge /Eolian aid other PIANOS, L. Gillieri'sTioudoir Pinions, Alelndenns, ar. tin's Guitars, Harps, 4islins, Slicet Music, Music li,•nits, Residents of the'coVntry will be sephlied by mail or otherwise milli tousle they may wish, fis low as if purelia-ed in person. Ilaviog one of the largest stocks in the United States, It fece.conlident of satisfying all who may,favor me with a call or order. • Dealers in Music supplied on the meet libern terms. Pianos to let. second-lint d Pianos for sole. ,rnav 20 1853 ly) ZINC PAINTS Z . . , INC PAIN S. one third cheaper than T White Lead, and tree hem all poiionons qualities--The New Jet sy ; Me Company Inv ing greatly onlingtrl ilien Wei Its aura in preyed the quality of their products, ate ytensied to execute orders Or their kuperior Paints, Dry, and ground in Oil, in assorted paragon of It ant 25 to SOU pounds. A Ist.—dry, 111 barrels 011200 pounds each. 'Theta' lute Zinc, which is sold ilijtOr ground, oil, is warranted pure 1, and unsurptit.ed tar ItZt y and Uniform ,Wlnte ' netts. A IRwthod of pat parson has recently been discovered which enables the Company to warrant their Paints to keep mesh and soft in the kegs for any reasonable time. In this re' spew, men . Paints will to superior to any other 'rt_ilin e _nuniket. , 'I bier Brown Zinc Paint, which is soldirra - low price, acid whillt can only be. ninde Irom the 'Zinc ores from New Jersey, is now well known Mr its protective qualities when quilled to iron or other metalie surtaxes. Their Swot:color Paints possesses all the pro• perties of the Brow n, and is-el on agreeable color for pni n i ilia Cottages, Depots, Out-buil. dings, Bridges, etc. , Dealers supplied on liberal/terms by their Agents. PIIENCII & RICIIARDS, , Wholesale Paint Dealing rind Importers. all2- , ..5m. N W cox. 10th & Alarket•sts.. Phila. STRAW GOODS—SPRING 1854, r MIS alittsr:'iliers are now pr.pared to exhibit I at their Splendid New listunliehment just completed on the site of their former stand, No: 41 - .SOUTII SECOND STREET, IMILA DELP 111 A, an entire new and beautiful Bieck of Straw, Fancy and Silk Bonnets and Flats, Flowers, Sr.c i and Panama, and Stiminer Oats for Gentlemen, which our old patrons, Merchants and Milliners generally, are invited to examine confidently promising them, in extent, in varie ty, in novelty, and in styles a stock unequalled. er,;;() Mors cart htlly and promptly executed. m11'22-3111. TIIOMAti WHITE & CO. FIRE INSURANCE, The Allen and Elilli roam:4'ol.o4h Mutual Ira laaaronee Company of Cumberland court- y, incorporated by an Act of Aseembly, in tow fully orguniz , d, and in operation under lie management of the following commission- EIENZI Daniel Bailey. William 12 1 . Gorges, AI iebutil Cocklin, illeichoir Brenneman, Chrimiun Stuy. than, Ja hn C. BARN'', Jacob IL Coover, Lewis 11yer, (leery .Logan,Benjantin IL Mnsser. Ja cob 'Mumma,/ Joseph Wickersham. Alexander CatliCart,. th u ' l'lin Mamee aro as low and favor ntdo'us an Tireny M the kind in theßnite. PertilMS 'wishing to be"ndine members aro in 'kited to Italic appliemitm to the nook' ol ilia company, who •aro willing to wait upon them at any tinni;:".:", HENS. lIOMOESER, Pkilident HENRY LOCIpI, Vice .President Lewis flyer, Secretary Michael Coddle, 7rcusurer. • AGENTS: Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin, N., Colnharland,; C. B. Herman. Kin'gsionen., Hon-, 1 1. , y Zeurinr, ShireillOD.tOWn.; Charles Bel). ;, Dr. J. A• 111, 'Cliurchthvan Samuel Graham, West PennshorouglifJamell.MoD" - 61, Franlrford ; - Mode' Uriflith, South Middle-, ton; , Samuel Hoover; Benjamin Haverstiek, Melianicabprg ; John Fiborrioki Dishrovn ; Da. ;vid.Coovoe, •.• • '• .Fork Connty.—Jolno: Bowman, Dill'aburg Peter Wiilford, Franklin; John Smith, 'Washington.; w.,q. riohing, Dover ; JW. Croft, Paradise. , •, , •-•..- 17arrieburg.—Housen& Coelimoth• • • • ••'Members iof the company having., policies : adon; to iiniro can 'hove them 'renewed ;by uuahthg amltiontion to any of tho agent S— . 24, 1st:" • • • • • ~ Jl~lLiltCS, PA,.N1)1d.0411TE : 59 TAYERS'- EXTRACT OF. ROCK ROSE, 4,, bivalualde Remedy for all Scrofulous Dis ' :eases, Indigestion; Sall Rheum, Sick Bead ache, Cancer, ( Nursing Sore Mouth, " and General Dcbility r - ;Ind as a Purifier' of the Blood i,l is ,Unequalled. • =I • The Rook Rosa has gained a reputation tit home 1111 d bread, which 'no other medicine has ever done in the same length of time. According to the opinions of eminent' Physi cuing, the Rock Rose Plant is unequalled in Curing Scrofula in Its Various Fond's, STATEMENT IN' REV. E., R. IVARREN . (Nsiof of the 2(1 Baptist Chureli,New London. Ct..) relutivo to Itilyers; Extract Rose. To • The'Americcin Public. As my name has been used in connection. with recommendations of Mr. Myers' licch Rose Syrup, 'in various advertisements by the manufacturer, I beg - leave to make the follow ing Statement with. reference to my acquaint. ance with the remedy and tests to which I have subjected it, and the reasons for luiving,intro -duced• it to the notice of private filends in the emstritinily in which I reside, long before the medicine was advertised. I wake this state ment freely, because I have, as a principle, withheld my name front all patent medicines, and sedulously abstained front recommending them to the public, believing them frequently the spawn sf quackery and humbug, and as tending to Increase, instead of lesseniiig human disease and suffering. Such, I fear, is the chnrneter of a large portion (tithe patent pana ceas of this .medicine•malting age. "Their name.. is legion,"-and from their infliience, ea from the demoniacal spirits, wo have rewrite to pray fora safe deliverance. The. First nut.-1 had myself suffered oc casionally with sudden ut tacks of Sick Head ache, and Billions Diarrhea, and I had sought a great variety of curative agents to but little purpose; and suffering from this disease (diar rhea) nt this time, 1 determined to test the new Syrup first upon myself. The results were be yond my • expectations. It was a powerful alterative, and the morbid action of the system was changed, and the functions of secretion were restored to a healthy state.' It gave tone and elasticity to my system, and corrected the derangement of the digestive organs, and gave me that inestimable blessing—health. This lest was not determined in a week, or a month; but I took four or five bottles in perhaps as many (plinths. Since that time I hove suff ed but slightly horn derangements. Sick Headache is entirely Cured. Other Tests.—Finding this medicine so use ful to myself; I at once gave it to several inva lid friends. About this time, I was earnestly solicited to give advice in reference to a child, some eight years of age. This child was severely afflicted with a Scrofula humor, of a very severe typo, the humor showing itself on all parts of the surface, and then suddenly dis appearing. The child was very sick, and it was thought doubtful whether she would live, 'Pia humor resembled black specks of mortified flesh. In addition to name other remedies, a gave the child this sytup for about six weeks, what; she had sufficient strength to go tint to school occasionally. The swelling of her limbs ceased, and site was restored to health. The family feel that they owe her life, with G...at's bleSining, to my remedies. This test satisfied 'inn that the Rock Rune possessed,.speelfie powers far Scrofelona hu mors. I then tested it in cases of CUIOFICI Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox. Cane tr, Sore Mouth, Erisipellis,Salt Rheum, Piles, &A. In all these cases with perfect success. A fIN testing this Syrup for more than a year, wrote-Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) enthusi• flidictitly,.iint expecting my letter would lie' published, that his Syrup was a " Pankoritix," all.healine, and I gave him the result of its operations in several instances. I stated in that letter that " it wee invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous' Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and other disorders, included in the varied family of - diseases known as Scrofula, &e.: that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder ful efficacy." Ply opinion of its value 'tar the above named diseases, remain unchanged, and the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct." 1850. 1 do not recommend it fir all the ills of our suffering humanity ; but I unhesitating ly say, that ns a remedy for Scrofulous affec tions 1 believe it superior to say known emu live agent. It bus been sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its adoption to extensive usefulness in mitigating 'mimic suffering and resini,ing diseases. But What is the hock Rose? The following history of the /iodic - Rose plant and its medicinal properties, We take from the New haven Palladium, March 1852. The increased interest manifested in the Rock Rose plant, in consequence of the many wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for a brief history of it, in order le correct any emu° , is opin ion that may have been entertained, sneers ing it ; and also to set in a true light the na ture of a plant which ,promises to bu nniver eally beneficial. - "Wu are indebted to the United States Die pensatory of 1847, for the following descrip Lion of it': It is .entirely different from . the common Rose. It is a red-stemmed, oblong lout plant, having a bitter taste. In addition to remark able peculiarity of the plant, of bearing two crops of flowers in ono season, it also has ano ther interesting and beantifut propel ty. Dr. Eaton says, that in the months of Nos vemberond December, he hos seen hundred ot these plants, sending out near their roots, bread; thin, curved ice-crystals, about an inch in breadth: which melted during the day, and were renewed_ in the. morning. For 'a more minute and ant hentical' deacriptien. of it, the reader is referred to Toney and Gray's Botan ical works. Its Medical History and Properties Arc far the most important, since upon those depends Its value to the community. Dr, Lou. don Says that in 1799, it was so valuable in England, that it was cultividetf from semis. Ever since 1805, Professor lees of Yule Col lege:lmm habitually used it with grout success n Scrofula and Chronic 'diseases, ane through him its virtue,t were made known, until, as Dr. 'ryler says, " it is now In this section (New Haven) a common article in domestic practice for the cure of Scrofula and Culancotis uis cases." Dr. Whitlow. a Sco'cli Botanist of notoriety whtle travelling in America in 18 14,:leareed its 1190 iu Canada, Returning to England, he employed it in medicating his baths, which 'became greatly celebrated for the cure of simi lar diseases. Dr..l. 11. Thompson, of the same place,.pre scribed it in bad cases of Semfuloon patients at Wills' llostiita I. Ills success attracted the attention of senior physicians, Ile, reports the following remerliable case of white swelling of the hip, in February, 1814 :—The . lad was seven years old, end had the disease threei years. The bone was dislocated both upward 'end outward. -There was a largo opening in the hip leading to the bone; into, which I could thrust my finger. I counted three ulcers.' Ile had been 'under several physicist)+, who bad given him up. I ordered a decoction Irif Rrcle Rose. ..4n two ~clays his night sweats erased I then ordered a jcoopoonfol of Rock Rose three times :I day, •' Thiriy.nine days after he was entirely tied: ~ . Dr. ebb,nf Madison, CI., testifies to the wino of Rock Rose, es evinced in the cure ot mintorous oases of the , Sefittala,, i safecially in children. . • . . ~, • Manufactured by IV'm Franhlin & Co., New Haven, CI., , * Mr. Warren, though a minister of the Gos pel, tins for a period of 15 yours, given-atten. , tion subject of medical Science, to quid. fry him to admini.h.rto the sick, In connelAion with his pastoral duties. , , • k ED tlitlN R. WARR E N. New London. April 2, 15513. • , • "'gents to 'Ctitnberlarid,County.-S, W. Des errelelt, B. Elheti' and IV: A. Releit, Sat is Iloveretiek & Slrafile..Singelown; J. ,wibiler, Mechanicsburg,: Sheer*, .Sliiremattstowp Eppley. & Ernst. Qedue Bking.;4.- Bighorn, Sterrett's Gap; Tlinmoe • Greases, ..Plainfield; J. , ,lL.Deron; Newvillis; J. dl. WileyGreett t'Wllerry . & Eltfenliower,.Newbere; D. E., ITsyri,.Bl)kppeeebuit'; Ithimei Re Dicc; Alesantler 4 Mulls e ,Papertown,' Dr.L.-H5 Lenher, Chitrahlowp.. 41kñth1c, EPILEPSY CAN BE CURED: Take's Vegetable Compotuld FOR TILO ourch OF EPILEPSY OR FITS ! , Is performing more wonderful Cu::: than.any other medicine yet known or before the public. PRICE FIVE' DOLLARS .A BOTTLE. P The prepricior"bas in his possession numerous certificates, narrating the • 'Astonishing and Hiraenlbui Cure:l 'effected by this medicine; and directs attention to the following only, to assure those who are so un lurtunate to be afflicted with the terriClE disease heretofore regarded incurable, that LAKE'S pre 'oration 18 ALNOSF INFALLIBLE IN ITI ctritE! From Mrs. Brooks, widow of Maj. Jas. Brooke, late Of Conneaut, 0. \ CONNEAUT, Feb. 3,18,53. .1.7t1r. Z. LAICE—Sit, Please send me another bottle of Fit Medicine, as I do not 'like to be without it on Inind. NI lien' I commencnd gin ing the medicine to my son Edgar, lie had from one to three fits per t i ny Ile Juts now taken the me dicine over live months, and has had, I think, hut two fits in that t me, and hone Yet.y light. ills body end mind are ,very much improved; and by the blessing of God, I feel that the.mcdicine will restore his body and mind to their wonted activi ty. Ile is 211 years old, and lies liad fits over 12 years, whoa .have been 'very frequent; and' very . ilestructine Co his constitution Slid mind Bun (lreds of ( dollars have been extended for medicine Is "cult FITS," but nothingbas relieved him mi lli he used your medicine. Respectfully yours, • POLLY BROOKS. From Judson Landoll, County Superintendent o the Ashtabula County Infirmaty. KINGSVILLE, Feb:4, 1803, Zi_Lnce„.=Sir: Please send a few more_ bottles-of your ''Fit r•' I may not need it, but think surer to keep it on hand. Your me ' (Heine bits done WOOING'S. I gave it to Miss Orme Darin° ; she has lead fits for 2fi years, brought en hr having the measles when but four ) cars old, which could not be brought out to the surface.— . After taking the tnedicine a few days, sue lino A FINE CROP OF ERA St.E5, tad has Juid no fits since. She had fits or symptoms almost tinily. She and bee father concur with me in saying that we be= lieVe the 'medicine has or will woi.k.'n perfeci cure. I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane I.l.4itler sonciind Aris Carby, who have had fits almost doily, for it lIIIITIIIer 01 year's Their fits have sensed, and I believe the inetlisine will hav e the desired effect, Much money has been expended by the friends of the above patients for doctoring, all to no purpose: The cure wan left for ydur medicine to perliwm, and I can cheerfully t-econi mend it, as it valuable discovery. Respectfully yours. JUDSON LANDON, Superintendent A sfita bula Co. Infirmnev. Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LAKE, Conneaut, Olin. C WELLER, traveling agent. Sold by S W Havel-stick, Carlisle '•E II g- ; p W Gross ; Thomas, MechanicsburHarris burg. oct 5-ty. OCTOR YOUR ' SFAX—PRIVATE . for 25 centa, by means the POCKE , i' /ESC U PIUS, or ' Every One S . OWN PHYSIAN ! Vile thirty-sixth Emil 1, with one hundred en-, vings, showing Private leases and Maffei-ma as of the Generative item, in every' shape I farm to which is ad seases of Females, in. ies only (see page 190), being of the highest importsuce to married peo ple, or those contemplating marriage. By MM. YOUNG, M. D., Graduate (lithe University of Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of Sturgeons, Loudon, and Honorary Member of the llhilndelphia Me'dieas society. The various forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, impotency, soli tiiry habits of youth, arc Mithinlly described, rind all the recipes given in • plain language. The chapter on selfsalinse and Seminal Weakness is worthy of pri:ticular attention, and should be read by every one. Young men who have been nnfor . tinutte in contract ing disease, prey ions to placing yourselves under the care of any doctor, no mas ter what his pretensions may he, get a copy of of this truly t'altinble work. Sea Cattitan4 and persons going to sen, should possess Dr. Yonng's Treatise on Marrialge, tho Pocket JEsculapius, or Every one llis - own sichrn. Kr Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the lEsculnphis to his vl ild. -(Lanny attic him from an curly grave. Let no young man or woman eater into the acct et oblientii ns of married life, w iibont rending the poci.et culapitts. Let no ohe suffering from n linchnied cough, pain in .the side restless nights. tiers one feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sewn- Hans, and given op by their physichin. be moment without consulting die /E.sculn- thus. Bat e the married or those about to lie married any impediment, trail this trrly useful Book, as , ..E'lnis,,beett the means of saving thou sands of unfortnitate creatures from the vt.ry . . jaw - g - of death. reards of a MILLION copies celebrated ,work hos been sold in this o nn uy and Enrolif'3 since I h3B, when the first edition was issued. co , Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed in a letter. will receive one copy of this bunk by moil; or five copies will be sent. for 51. Address 11r. WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce Street, Philudelphia, — .Post piaci. • 1241+ Twenty years practice in the city of Philadel phia cerutinly entitles Dr. Young to the eonfi deuce of the afflicted, and he rimy he consulted on any bf t he diseases described in bin ditto ent dublications, nt hie dike 152 Spruce Stliset, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundae'• ex_ cepted)und persons at any distance can consult Dr. Young by letter, rosT PAID, SHRINER'S VERMIFUGE, Better testimony, than was evrr oflered in Fa .yor or any other Vermilitge !I ItS6O:IISIENDA,TIONS OF PHYSICIANS, We, the subscribers, Medical Practioners, having been made acquainted nith the composi tion of .` Shritter's lodian 'Vermifoge," take 'pleasure in recommending it to the public se a valuable remedy for-the expulsion of Worm*, t being both safe end effdetual. ~• • • • Samuel Swope, M. D.Taneytown, John Swope, M I),. . - ? Carrel co., 111 d . Weaver, M.D. . Middleburg.. Liggel, Liberty, Frederick co.; Md —4Thomns Sim. M. D, O. 11,, Owings, M 1) 'rhos. Sappington NI 1) Sidney Sappington, AI I); • • James M 'Go er, M D Woodsboro,Md.• GR. Sappington, M 1), Utitohs , Wm A IVll,ljons, M 1), Westminster. Md Be partiettlar to ark for tor Sli BIN I IN MAN VPI itIIIIIWGE, and take no other • Price 25 Cent's per. Bottle Prepared by W 1s Shriner, Druggist andelie. mkt , WV B lnlin'tert And sold by till storekeepers. Jan 25. 4m. • THE WONDER OF HI AGE For die Cure of Sahrheum Chilblains, Com • nom s ores , ch o pped or Cradled - Hands, Burns or.Seulda, Cuts or. Wounds, Piles, Intlamination of the biles of insects ; Sore Lips, Tint ides on the Pace and Breaking Out and So, es on CI ildre.); nod all diseases ot 'the Skin. This Oinunent will cure the Saltrlteum .1111{1 or, Chapped hands, quicker and surer than any other ntedichies of the kind, before the -I, l 6'Sultstautiate theahove, I can give,hundreds of certificates, but I;eimsitier it no use,lts (any, person.cau do the,some.'it,they have•triends, for even NVOl'Ol69B artialleYl ray solelv out the ;melts or the Ointment for the itublle; poirunkge. N. .I).—A , Moats. box • of th s ,Ointmeet wit; keep any . Farmer's, Sailor's, or - Mechatile's hands, let thent:Chapnr crack ever so laid, Soiled and in gOod.,,working Order all whiter - . Prepared and solaby MONROE TERUEL, • Na4attick,tolin, - „ Sold tits° by the principal Druggists, and Country Merchants. Price II cents per bore Nov. 16, 185.9"—1y • 100,0 TONS. No. 1 SUPER' PIIGSPHATE OF LIME, DEB U RG'S Originkl r ond Genuine warranted of superior quality, the cheapest manure in the world. Farmers Mid-dealers supplied at low prices. , EXTRA QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5000 barrels 'extra quali,y Land Plaster,se• ladled expressly for iteltertilising lmalny.• • 1,0,Q0,) bushel's arsenic in bulk. *- • , 1,000 barrels Calcined Miter. NO do ,CriSting. • •- IfO ' do • "PERUVIAN .GUANO;• . , , This sr! joie •ive offer in confidenoe ro-ntircne tOniors as equal to soy iruitarted, and for sopa, rior to mast in the market. ' • ,5000 brighof:Odi suporioe ankno For,sore iho 'lm:vost Viisrket' rotor: - A leo[Pntogo`ninot ii . suO,Toudrotte, Ground-Quiff old, di n . ENGII. & AI the Statirif‘Plastoi.Mills junitiorief York yrinue,'Crotytt and Callowhlll streets, nits,
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