~'in)iii-.l7,l;tEtliatiott,..is;. i.;.i.r, • Young Xindies - 4,4104 -&11991.,: , 1 • „ CARLI44E,;, ; • TUB aumpiOr, tereof thlUe}libel will Om,. Mown 4:,n,llionday,.Abiy lat.., ,Tbnputto- Doge of OM citizens is.ogainsespeolfelly coil cited; mnd.pnionte•in• the•vicinity Who contem pluto•sending Weir dnightereeway for (Anon tik,nre-invited ki•muke.inquirlee'eoncerning thWtheritii of . th Wee hoot o tui tido' tongue from $5,00, to $8;00:par 'quartei not . Draw c ieg,,yatinting and TaneyNANDl:Turk. whichchargod,.ench, $2,00 (o, ere. ip d i ti Nw eoltelirs.oup • be aceeniniodetqlsith boal'a in'iliefutell.i of-the Ftinapt:l. References,in),Carlisla.—hulgo Wiwte, Judge •flophurn,:F. Dr. T. C. Stecenuon. . Mrs..J. F. DOWNING, Principal. April 5, 1854:. • • .SHCACT SCHOOL. ' 141 HE 'subscriber; at' titeardent solicitation of teeny of ; the patrons of his former school, will open a private school, ou Monday•the-10th April, at hie residepde. corner of Hanover and North ,streets, embracing the various grades of ilia Common Schools, The situation of the piemistA is retired, the room large end health. fed, and. the adjoining grounds . afford a de. lightful plebe for recrea lion and.amusemeet. The utme‘t regard will bo had to the morals of all pupils entrusted to his care, and every exertion 'made to render the. School pleasant and profitable. For further information as to terms, &o.,.apply to • W. MILES. Carlisle, April 5, 1854." P.'S. —A few scholars from the s country:wili be taken, end, if required, boarding will be furnished at moderate rates. 'Young men who, intend to devote themselves to teaching will also be received as scholars, to whom Lectures will• be given on the theory and practice of teaching. ' W. M. CUNT. VALI,EY INSTITUTE, (MALE AND FEMALE.) • At IVlechanicsburg, Pa. RJ.OB: S. LOOSE, A. 51., Rev. W. H. SUPER, A nt., Principals; assisted by ex. peyianced Teachers. This Institution opens its summer„session on the Ist of , MAY. The buildings are new and commodious, the rooms large and well ventilated. Parents nod Guar dians are invited to come and see this Institu tion, and inquire into its merits, (as rare ad vantages are afforded,) before sending their eons. and daughters elsewhere. Besides the .regulrir literary 'and classical course of the Institution,, instruction•is given on the various niuSicat instruments: Bubb as Platte, Melodeon, &d.. as tv‘il as on 'Brass, Stringed and Wind Instruments. TERMS: Board Room and Tuition in Roglb% branches & social music per session, $55,00 Latin, Greek; French & German each, 5,00 Music—on Piano or Melodeon, 12.,00 -For circular address- • • JOS. S. LOOSE, Mechanicsburg, Cumberland co., Penn'a march 29-2 th. - litaal2o7AZ 3 SPRING FASHIONS! THE subscriber desires to inform hisold Lug turners and the public that 119, has tempora• rilv removed his establishment lour doors south .of ‘ his old stand, on North Hanover street,where he has just opened a laige assortment of BOOTS, -SHOES. GAITERS, &c. which cannot be surpassed in style, quality and price. and to which ho invites the attention of the public. LADIES' WEAR For Ladies and Misses his stock is well se• lected and complete, comprising the most fash• ionable styles of Congress, Silk Gaiters, color• titf French Gaiters, Morocco Boots. foxed with patent leather, of.all colors and qualities, to. ge her with`Mtsbes Gait,rs, ond'a full eepply of every description of Boots Shoes and Gaiters for Ladies, Misses and Childrens• wear, at all GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Calf, Kip and Coarse Bocosof diflerent qualities end prices; black and drab Congress Gaiters ; patent leather Sultan Wqlking Shoes; Water , rey Ties and Pumps, patent lea,her „nnd cloth fancy Toilet Slippers, btc• A full assortment of • the above styles of Boys' wear. Also a general assortment of Calf Rip and coarse Monroes and Shoes at all prices. This extensive attic% of new and fashionable styles has been selected with great care and the quality is warranted, ,They only need to be examined to be approi , 'pd. lie also continues to manufacture all itindel'of work as before. oW - Rips will be repaired gratis. Feeling confident his assortment will give entire satis• facdon, both . as regards quality and price, he respectfully solicits public .Daironage. april 12. JONATHAN CORNMAN. J. H. WEISE, BARGAINS I BARGAINS ! ! At Wclso and Campbell's' -- *dui-and -Cheap- Stare,- S,-lic-corner—of-- Ilan vet. 4 Louther street.? • WE now-fcal a pleasure in announcing that , we have just received a sployalid and choice as. sorttnent of Spring, and•Stitifter Goods, whiolf we will, offer at such pride as cannot -fail to 'The.stock consist if of DRESS t ODS P „ Black Fancy Dress Silks, Foulards, Organdies, Brilliants. Lawns, Jaconetts,-Dareges. &c„ &c. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES A limulsome lot of Spencers, Underaleeves Collars, Ronne, Eddings,`lnsertinge, mourn Ind collars and ,undersleoves,embronlered linen cambric hankerehiefe. 413.; &c, • DOMESTIOS ginzhams . ,' checks, tickings, Musli', jeans; drill;, bag-stuff and flaniiels. C 01' S , &c., &c. a handsome lot oict r oths, cassiiners tind testing BONNETS. Icia!ge nesortmeut of Ladlea and Misses French gosaamers,. helgratle, tripoli. braid an 4 straw Bonnets , Misses handsome Flats' all of -which wilt be sold at unusually low prices, • Men',s and Boy's,canton, foghorn, china pearl, senate and palm leaf Hats. Parasols, Urn— brellas,and Looking:glasses very.eheap, BO TS AND SHOES:. We are selling a, large lot of• ladies' shoes and gaiters at grcafly'reduced prices, as we intend gliscbiltinuing ilia branch of our, .business. GROCERIES, Sto:;:;S,i c• Itioadd 'Java Coffee ,'roasted coffee, 'brawn and kite Sugar, Loverings Syrup Molasses, Teas - , • Our stock, for variety and cheapness, is cpr tainly.not surpassed by any in the country.— Itu'iters who wish to pashas° articiqa of supo - tor quality, ,at reasonable prices, should, not fail to give.ua a call: [OM 5,'54.] ' MARION BALL ! EB'i"S FAMILY'. GROCERY Java and Illaraeniha Caffeee, ,Green and -Roasied do., Orleane and Clarafied -• •Erewn :Sugars, .Puiveri zed„', e. ruehed.and Loaf do, Solt Ciushed(ireeerving) do. Aka, - Farina'•and. Corn iStarch. Brom. • Cocoa, Chocolate, Vanilla '. Citron, with Spices tif every kind& "Sjidrm, Monid, • AdOnaantitie Candles; °Henna and Sugar Syrup Molassea, Loveringls, flown (milli!) , Syrup. ifCr..:A. fresh assortment .011111 the above arti cles, and a general :supply . of other articles ueuallyi'kepr by; opened 'dad 'for stile Pt 00 COW stiare monis. •" ' ' •- • ,Tune 8.,1853. 7. W. MEW.' AIL PAitrt, tiED: 1111110/t •`. Ortitit'aftl*Eictiots.' ' t , FIAVF.' lust received, My Spripg, etogtC 01, PAP*O AN,GrlNprs,. which novena , tind. Pride ony that hen over - been oxiiibited in flarliste.,, reepectfultv 013-, Ileit,acotl ! from ti,treene in mint 'of Paper Hang., -hags of any description. an I am confident my Rgaprtmem far eurposeeermy: in tlie berouttit.t 'orndin stle' price 11,1111 but fewri,firle in thq ' city. ',Only hititlOPthe public fo'coll and ex . ! ' ,some ! my easortrnent before; purblurointwie :pin confident try chnate deeigii? cannot friiEto r,fricatao. the moat faatiditrue. , 1/, II 1 oroSyr,n I JOI - IN P. I,YnE, , Mrest;N,orth. litmo,ver.Street, Mtir2s) cortiele„ Pa. • I`l 1 ;'11414 triell, Flab. f:p q , 1 ' MI ra••;2 lie t AVA CICEREIV: iii;,ol,eti;; fin! vd leo lehrttiobwit, g chke , whive.tuk; tomb • 1 ' od'Oiti6 dbf S'ALIVION"Tr,tio IT Nirr i l •I I '3'titraili6ll'64 r°r"lllr'lli,ltit'itilithblllibir gag Ivet;fie, t'Orb fin& of e`Al by t _ in... u il le. • N. W. C9rPY Tllrd in". ERT • ~ , a ,1- e. 813 ~ !ROCA HZ ONG • .SHAWLS-I-JUot ~re. v , , ceived a 'few, Long , and. , Square Brooliii aw aisAdfithsala.lir , , ~,' , ) Go - 3V, ,LIIINCII • ... . i ARDWAii.E..-FRESII tat 1 ,1 BENR7 SAXTON. 'THE subscriber !Prying returned from the city would call the uttention'ot his friends•and the public guerally to the ler& , and well se• •lected assurtinetit of HardWaro which he has , just received. consisting, in Inure el G• ,Al A TERIALS, locks; bolts, dss,,putti,• paints, bre.' edge, tools,' snits Arid plabee of 'oreijr t.eit;'with file; rasps,' hkrnmers, &c. ' genolat assortment of S II01 7 .)1A E S's SADI)HERS' TOOLS,' together' with' 'mitrticen'. lining binding ,skind, „Shoe thread', Wee,, pegs, bitt's,iternesa . . Hemming, saddlefredS, fad. TitlMAlNG7Canvais tplain, awaited, liguked aria embossed,) patent' and en r; Easholled)leather, axles, .springs, hubs, spoke,. , • Cabinet, illakrirs will find a large nesorment of vornishes, mahogany and walnut VeneMS, moo (ding: rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair,- 846-. The stock Of IRON is large end:well seleg ad, comprising all the kinds. in general use, `as hammered and rolled fire of till Ifizes, flat, 'bar and band irdn, 'round, srj‘fartl' and oval iron, horse .alioe'iton alid nail 'rods, witlf a large lot of east and' spring steel, tight& and_American blittrort sibyl, &c: • - • Housekeepers rind those, about commencing will find it to their a ivantage to call Mid exam ine our cutlery, brittania-and,• plated ware pans, kettles, ceder, ware, baskets, &o In addition to die above we have received a epleddal nasertment of WA LL PAPER; , king the stock . complete, and at sur.h Prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. We invite all friends to call, knowing it will be to their own ndvantrige. Remember the old stand, East High Street, Cordele, P, Oct. 12, WO, HENRY SAXTON. TH.E_II.O_I 4 IDAYS: KPUS KINGLE'S OLD HALL is now and Will continuo to be supplied with the greatest novelties up. to the close,,of the season, -comprising in part. CON-FECTIONARIES of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Cand 'Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons, Gum Cordial Leine!), Chocolate and Fruit' Drßps, Rope Vanilla and Berm Almonds, French and 'ex plading Secrets. Also all the commdti vane. ties, all or which will ho sold wltolesal! ant retail at low rates. We haveMst.received of the latest importations such as Oranges Lemons. Raisins, Figs, Proem Citron, Cur, rants, soft and paper shelled ,Almonds, Fil harts, Cocoa, Cream,and Ground Nuts. I connection with the above thc largest assor meet of . TOYS AID NANCY GOODS pf every kind front all parts of Europe, man ufactured of wood, glass, Jdns, papier mache, tin and India rubber,-zinc, &c., such as Fine, Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card Baskets, Work and Fancy BC/MIN Flower Vases, Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Music Boxes, Port Menaies, Battle Doors, Grace [loops, Masks, Drums, Guns, Trumpets, Dominoes, lotto and other games, &c:, Farley Soaps ono Hair Oils of every variety. In connection with the above a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as pulverized,. crushed and brown Su. gars. of every grade. Coffee, Molasses, Starch, (.3reen and BIQA. Teas, Spices, Butter, soda. Sugar, Water and o.her Crackers, cheese, &c. The subscriber returns his sincere thanke to a generous public for the patronage - hereto• fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the same. P. MON YER. Carlisle, December 7, 1853. Cdrner of Hanover and Louther as., Cdr. rtritig undersigned has alvVays on hand a large stock of superior CahinerWare, in all the ditfcrent styles, which he to prepared to sell at the lowest prices. lie invite= attention partic ularly to the Patent Spring. Bottom Bedstead, a inost useful article, which entwely obviates all objections. The hottorn can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given ontire satisac. 'Den to all who•have them in use.. . IrrOOFFINS made to order atthe ehortee notice. JACOB FETTER Carl kin 22, 1851.—1 y. CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE =! IL Jlu i lible' remedy for Scrofula, King's Evit gleumatisin, Obstinate Culatierus Eruptions Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, c,hronio Sore Eyes,lting Worin or Pot ter, Scald I-lead. Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joii,ts,lStutiliorn Ulcers, .Syphilitic Diitorders„Liminaho,'Spinal Cnmlllaints WM nil Diseases arising Flom aii•inpulicious use of Mer. cury, Imprudence in Lifu, or Impurity of the Mood. This valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent' request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues .and wonderlit curativeaproperties. The following Certificates selecteil4om 'a large mumber, arc hOwever: stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors ; and are all from gen— tlemen Weltknowit in their localitias and of the highest respectability many of them residihg lU the city of Richmond, Va. ' F. , BOYDEN, .Esq. of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, knolvii every witere, he9sas seen the Medicine. called , CAlrrall'fi SPAPIBIi TURE administered in over a !Mildred cases, in nearly all the diumsesibr which it iu recommen. (led with the most nstonishingly good results.— He /IRS's , ' it is 'the most extraordinary medicine be has ever seen. • AGUE ./11.73 FEVEIV,--. Great Cure.—l here by . certify that for' three S , ears I had Ague and Fiver of the -most violent description.. I had several Physicians, took large ellltlfilitiCBok Qui— , niiir,Aleveury, and I believe alt the 'nudes ad— vertised, but all without any permanent . relief. hot I tried Cartel's •Spanish,lllixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me:und.l am happy to say' I have had neither Chills or Never since. I consider it the.beet Tonic in the world and the only medicine that ever reached my case., JOHN LONGIDEN. • .13eiver dam. near.llichmond -Va: . ' • • , , ''G B LUCK Esq flow in the city of' Richmond anti Ibr many'years in th Post Office, has such .confidence in the astonishing efficacy of ChKer's Spanish Mixture, that ho has bought upwards of 60 bottles which has given sway to diteafflicted. :Mr Luck Says hobas never known It to fail when :taken tnicnrding to directions ‘• . : • ' .- '/ , Dr MINCE: iv pratitishig physican and 'fernier • ly: of the City. lintel in the city of .Richmondl says ha has witnessed in , a number of itistancei .-- the efrectsosi ,parter's Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising, He, says. in a case or Consumptiottodeptudent, on the Liver, the good effects were wonderful. indeed... .1 SAMUEL M •DRINKER.ei the firm, Drink it,r &, Morris, Richmond, was cured 'or Liver 'Complaint 'or 8 yearatibintling• by the , use of two - botthrs'of Carter's SitanishAncture, .: , - GREAT t.URE-OP,SCROPULA—, The'cull7 tors of the Ilioltmend Republican hail a servant' •emploYeß' in their :pressroom cured ,of:vinlent Scrofula combined with Rheumatism, which -en. tirely disabled him from work.: Twa - bottles of Caster's Spanish Mixture made a pert /et cure or film, and the editors hi ' public notice say they •:"clieerfully recommend it. tit, nl I who ' are 011100 - , trith , nny! disease. of the blood." :-, ' , , • .. 0 1 STILL ANOTHER CURE OF , SCII.OkI. 11A. , L , if hittl it Very , valeable boy cured of Stii•ofula :byiCartissos.SpiiillstOlVliiture.:; I. onus' Ith r it truly is val u abl e- teed kit le :James M;1 ay Io r. eland new , onvtlie .11.1 , ..& IP. R. lt ,Go Riohmot i d Ark - Mr Jahn Thompson , residing in the city of '.itioionto,(l 4 :waCcurvil by,tirrpe bottles of,Carters I , spnilialvAlixturamf. Salt ; Rlicinri t whicji beitad nearly :0 ye-re. and which all thn p11Y4 10 4 1 1 ,3 , 0 l •the city would:not Core,' Mr,Thoppson inn well knownlmerpliiint,l 9 ,th e .clity, or 4,11!Apa11m,..v0.,, A Itnil taCtsilre, Is inost,ramarkablet. , r ; 0 , •+, i int Principal., Dettots ist , ,,M.,ITAPP,. '0 1 40 4 :gti sCOOIIo 83,1111tujila4nnp, torltoili,,, , '.,' • , /1,1,:a7 , iv,tivoin 4 tqcw#,:,l%.o. kq.9,l , o*'?il , Istmet. PiAbillolptli:k • 1 :. ' •• . :,: , „.' '' .• ' l ': '1 s wi liF4l.lrfitT; i* Agr.;o,9;l:ol9l:o";tiqkqi,) ' IrCPWßo.tYlkiY,4l#l,l: .. , J,,, •,,,,, • +.t,,•• ~.r ' • • ' • i . ' „101inkjeOrl 0 0 4Wlli,i li e l P.lCAli; 0. AxkiiViOt fp i ,CRitiolet iVetk.PaYiNFOs**Ulit;R:JlMlfqlo .' NOWVIIIIII,IRAIII9. PiUenPb.,F.14.."4.A113;1 exorig . snowsgil•veryr re. .. , L . • ,Greal atti•actiont FRUITS AND, NUTS * do • cp. , ' wt 69% ou 4t,titi,(Cliattqll9-r . . . - 1)ollard Premium Artiste -in 'Unix., Inv l intoi nflfie Celebrafrd (bummerentaaii ' V ng i'fig_cincPA"lazoiqf and, ,T,npcices. -:-:;'-,. .., • 'lnstructions tatlimable,Lotties, and'UenDeteeti M melistire . their Blade W will accuracy ~..-- . Vrt. For-Wigs; inches i'ill'ouPeccbt st-y . illti inches No 1 The round of No ; 1, Film forehead to •,, the , head . '. l,bacless far his -hald 2 '' V i kii - ,flirelteild' 2.' 'Over foreheinfaithr Over - thehead to ' " osi.V4ulred . ' ' . • ti. 4 meek ' ' ' '' 9 Otfqi."the crown' of the' ; 3 From ear to ear. ' ' ' head • ' oVertheili, ''• ". 4Frtni:eartoear ; . .„ .rOunil'the lik6lteiil • ' ' • It ''DOLLA'RDlias'alwas redly for 'lisle' s Aplendid stock of Gents' Wigs, Totmeet,Latifes' IN igs 'ldf 'N't!lgs; F197.0i.5. Wait's, Curls,, ki, beautifully manufiteeMed, Mid as cheap as' -all y osinblishment in the Union i ,; ( , , ,...,. , . Dollard s Ille'rbatiliiin :extract orLustrous -Hair Tonic, Prepared: from'i Soufli , ,Ainericair Herbs' and Ito ts, the most Successltd,arlicle ever pro duced for preserving the hair from falling,out Cr changing color,restoring and Prescrldok lefil a liettphy and Inituritint state Among other rim sons wliy . ,DollartPs hair Cutting - saloon maiiitsins its immense Poltu!nrity iii die GM that' his TO tic is appied to every head of !Mir cut at : his , estab lishincid,coniequently it is kept hi better pres ervation bum under any known application - Ili being thus practically tested he thousands, offer the greatest guarantee of 'its' efficacy. Sold wholesale and retailqn Ilia Old F.,stublisl merit '177 Chestnut. street oppm,ite the-Stat,. House, Philadelphia 1 . R Hulloed has al least discovered the 'no plu i ultra oflIA IR DVP. Mid announces it for sal.. with perlect confidence in its, surpassing ever thing of the kind now In use It colors the Ina• either black or brown,' (as may be desired) nit, js used without injury to the hair or skin Mike by stain or otherwise, csithe washed Off in to I minutes 'after application, without iletramin i from its efficacy Persons visiting the city at I invited to givehim a cull • , . Letters add - rustled to It DOLLARD 17.' Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive atter, lion.— ---- - NEW DRUG STORE I I I . . South Hanover Street, Sear the Court Rouse. - 0) J. KIEFFER, druggist, would respect . fully inform the citizens of Carlisle an vicinity that ho has opened a new CREMICALEAND DRUG STORE. His stock is entirely new, and has been selec, ted with great cure. As ninny of the article' in dully use . by physicituni and familieslletert orate by age and exposure, crest care Mill Li taken not to allow such articles to uecumnisi i in such quantities. - Attention is especially invited to his stock ti Medicines, is. Oils, Oils, Tinctures, Wines,"Extractr,, conlectionq, Chemicals, &e. "Together with the above he has a full assortment of Paints, Varnishes,.Dye—Stutfa, Paint and Varnish Brushes. and CONFECTIONARIES - - _ or every variety: lie has also on hand a plea iiiiraseoriment of Perfumeries, Soaps, Extracts, Fancy, Hair Clothes and Flesh Brut;liga, Supporters, . Breast Exhausters, Nipple Shields, Torch Washes and Pastes.;._ alto • MEDICINAL WINES AND BRANDIE:I .of the best quality. SEGA RS, from the bee 'Havana and Spanish houses; of every flavor from one cent upwards. In order to ensure his. customers agains mistakes during any temporaray absences the proprietor, the serVices of an experien - cs I and competent assistant have been secured which will be fSlt to be important, in view r theresponsibilities which are known to devolvi upon the drituaift. ;Or - PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION I will be faithfully and promptly attended to. , Orders from' Physicians and Mgrannts in ihi country. will be filled with care, and at pricer which Must prove sititalactory, • N B.—All officinal preparations Made it strict accordance with the directions of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A liberal' share of public patronage is res pectfully solicited. Terms Cash. May 11. !M. B. J. KIEFFER. Hardware, Hardware. TH E subscriber wishes to draw the alien lion of the public to heir own interest:- which they may consult to good advantage b 'examining the elegant and complete assort mem of hardware ot every description, whic he is now receiving - at his old stand on Non I Hanover street. TO COACHMARERS. We have a large supply of springs, hub I bands, laces, curtains, and flook oil cloths an I drab cloths, of different qualities, in fact eves thing in your line. PO CABINET-MAKERS We offer complete setts of veneers, knobs an mouldings of walnut and .mahogany, to sul both. the taste and the purse, CARPENTERS EXAMINE to splendid asses meat of tools in your linl as also a complete stock, of building materials such as locks, hinges, screws, latches, gloss paints, oils, varnishes, turpentine,,,Scc. and ve t mous carpenters tools cheaper than ever, e has been acknowledged by a carpenter wh t has seen them. BLACKSMITHS cannot go wrongiii giving us a call for a sup ply_ot._hummorod,,Tteliell._olu_nnd _other ilia. gencially used, a's ailso cast, -shear America' and English blister sled!, e.o. &c. OUR FARMER FRIENDS will also consult their interestst by looking a our chenpahovels, forko, trace chains, home! and every other artic'e trout a .crndle to plough,to suit 'them in price and /mina. THE PUBLIC GENERALLY are also invited to examine the 'quantity ant quality now on hand of cedar ware, tubSi churns, buckets, oils, 'such as fish, sperm .antl flaxseed oils,. which Will be sold at the lowest cash prices. I would also mill attention to my splendid assortment of WALL PAPERS, pro-outin g -a numberless variety of Patterns at prices Irons 6 eta. upwards. Remember there is no mistake hero, as all articles will be sob' at the lowest cash prices at the old and welt known stand en North Hanover agent:East Bice, hetweeeMcGlatlghlin's Hotel and Kell." er's flat Store. ni u ., 6 JACO33 SE3Eit.. • • march 16 STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! JOHN D: c!ogGits; 10117' . O ULD inform, this public that he has now VY, •'on hand,pt his cetablishmen!, on Main atreqt; , usixi, door to Marion, Hall; t h e .largest nd Most complete assortment Ot cpoK, OEFICE PARI.OUWSTO VES to.bn found in this county, wldch will' be sold at the lovimit prices for cash or approved credit. His stock consists of a large assortment of uew and highly approved , PATENT COOKING STOVES, • Piniflied in 'the most cpriiiiloid manner, and colculitted for. either,wcdd or 'cisatin,,botli.' the Old . staiklard patterns, which-lisle stpod the: test ef, ‘eiPerience, may be .foutul at his esttibl litihmenf, • Also ,a greet variety of tho,most pibved and beautiful' II'ATILOR. AND OFFICE STOVES,„ Including n number br netv styles ; poSiessing very superior advanniges over'theselteretolure: %Families slid housekeepers ore respect fully invited to give Mtn a coll. befOre'purcho sing olSowhero. '.Stoves delivered to any' parr,, of the connty , at.tne shortest notice. He continues to do al. kinds of ' TIN AND SHEIP,T !ROM • . and fiapper,work, and has CntletantlY On hand or .will,runheito order evt6ry,artiele re quired hOtisiikcepere or whet stiii.thiti line. mod a T in and COpper•ivere embreces every Of' hoessehold and kitchen. utensil, ivarrantet equal in ;the best manufactered. Persons it t yant'of articles in his line,may 'altvnys be intr.! oFhcing ,fiecomodated to their satistection giving him a call.. , 'loctl9 -, RIPMEAT • ABIN El' MAltElt AN D LINDERIAICIO' North ilipiOvdl'Alref I, and next door to Glasi' $ Vldlef; 1 1 ; a . ~; , • • unOgroismodzeiould respectfully inlorn tho citizens - of Carlielecond 'lb/ill:Ail:0, goner. ' be'nOw lihien•htiOß"'largo and : de kAn't Osier: eitent' ol FUR , pOri of Werdrbbes,•Cerd and oilier' Tablet ,' Sofas,' Bureaus; BedoViatto., Iploinfenalanc , Sewing Stands.' &c". ntatthiSetUrod of 'filo' bee' rtioterial:and ; qiiiilfit;weitronted. ; ; ; • Altid penernl 'aSsOrttbetit , of'CHAIRS o• the ;lowent"przeefi," Venieltni niefe,t: ; ?hlorPlind'yitfiaitlntt'itinipily ; 'at:elided to. • • • tro,,Coffine inhdo• at' the'ohortest no:Sce,, on ' Ithvlngta'eplendid beitreb bo'will intend Inner r ols luwn or countey'il. ; '•[ '; • ' t;i lltrlectniohiber IWO pext-ilopr . to qladet‘.ltit'et:"'.i 41'0424 R AMILE Y. „., .yoltr iorgit"Tot tr,.vrAir . eyory"OladO,dvid"do'ilid'n,lne,(prid iii.ranigjnjn frorri ti tenfannvolida. and Gilk Pap.ora %vitt tin , tseddilos: At N SAXTON , 9 r Ais No sitpE r -Til:1 1 (( ! ,.. All : j?e rpon • ' '''i -l atbtit coeiniondli* liquepkeephig Old qt . h, ii 'la" WI ' iif Ifietn l C,i,iniinitlipiißiled will wiii* *ii'li " yii+l4l4,'' ptloole. 1 11 1 1 it". ‘99g r ce( lyiiirb, 'Pli d,` Krityt4i - ba4' ik"? 1), ! ,:r.,' '4'lii‘ ~ .-, ~i • .i i 1 11 , 414 XTONt .r,i19 1 :9 1 t., H —, 4.i% liita iiiisreitancoua 1 1 I V E'irtPVIVIM .: NIi Dl(OPEP , 4l, ' ;[ : • l l4 l)l li i _et. ( , ; * '' , i , i• ~ 45.P , .i. f 41iii Llviirliu , e;•! •.,,' . , 7,7 71777 . . ..-- - tr.ln „Mr ~• ~ ,c DION It:: OR NV, 1,11,t0 Os •Dattiartit,'DlS, , j ! , ~rfkrop,, , Sizes, Co :s l . l , l , l 4 ,l Milkiti Boarding : ..PliiSk: 01,t 'Illft: 101,1N145,. AND AAA, .. l ' ~.-,, '.." Rowel and fluids. , ~, • ~I.)lBE4s' ES muouNto Eitpm 4 ~: , , i ral apE in wept rif/a• superior Cooking Ap . DISDRDEIIED. DlVEll.ritt,. , ~ : , A Parents aro mvited,to call at out Ware • S ',V DAS,IA (; 11, • . house and asinine turn ildrele. For durability •- of - blood its • Coneilpation,;lnViatid, ptlesifultotr eosin - only undliMPlicity in operation it stands. • to; 'pa lie - aul,acidily - .01 Itiliestolhaclis Onriveled. tit thas - a porleet - hut air - ventilatioit . nausea, heartburn, disgust ler food. feint:B4.er. -,•-and moats baked its this oven will retain their weight in the slomachose'tit•eruptatiens, sink. juice and flavor equal to that roasted betas° an Ing or fluttering ut the pit of the stemuch,. open fire. Meats and pastry cooked at the i' invimmlogl of the, head, hurried.. ainlidifficult sumo time without one affecting the other. It will supply sufficient he'ated air to heat addi , breathing,- flutteringiiitttliiiiiictiet, choking or ' a u ffo'catingaensalions when in wlylrig Portiere, ional Norris for the coldest. weather.. tlt has flues', dad is equally dimness of: vision, dole or wolis-butore'•the no descending or return well adapted! to bituminous or common hard clual. , ; The steam valve over the boiling part hi. ,'sight, faver',and dull pain hi the' head, ,defielt the Ittinge carries oil the steam .and scent of • teneY 01 . Retspirution, yellowness 0r the' ‘ liiiili oral eyes, Palo in the side, back, cilthiliPlObt'!' conking, as Well as heat in sum met% • Ste., sudden flushes, el • Itest, burning Il i'*the • Every Range suld warranted to gi.vo satiable , flesh, constant inffiginings of evil, end groci lion, or no expense to the purchaser: '. .. depression of spirits„ ' • 'HAYES' VENTILATOR ' CAMBE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY , ' ' ', ' Pfi ' lefitOd October, 1848, • DR. HoorLArawsr , ' For Public Bails, Factories.' Railreind'Cars, •- ' ' '. r e Flues, Ships, Stedmeis, .c. . ' "ELEGRATED • GERMAN BITTERS - Pure air is it subject - claiming' the attention ' Prepurcu by • ' of every indiVidual, and all buildings thoold he . •. DR,' C; M. JACKSON,, ~ . provided' with'the proper means of ventilation. No. 120 Arch Strect,_lffi'lladelphia,., Also, a powerful Their power over the .above diselises is not Warming and Ventilating Furnace, excelled, if equalled, by any other preparutiee For Bioellings. School Houses, Churches; Balls, in the United ,Stutes, asi the nitres attest, in ••, !Stores, Factories, 4 . c. . many cases alter skilful, physicians had failed. •i- A large assortment of Office, B all and Cook- These 8111 ,, f4 are worthy Alio uttention•oi . , ~. ~, , Grates; , tiives, rartor Reg isters,dite --' 'lnvalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec. 1 1,V g holesale and Retail. • ' Lilienthal of diseases of the' and lesser • RAND St STAYER, B exorcising the must searching , pinv,ers • 'lrrpiriionai a B tei l l ' i o i ' i l n /L :iv i t I n h t 4 n7v et itrm P i h n i g ia a • n in weakness and effections of the digestive or . guns, they/ are withal safe, certain and pleas- ant. . °vonMing both public and private builaings. . ----, READ AND DE CONVINCED. Testimony of the hiyhesa‘characier ! BON. GEO. STROOP, Judge of the District. Court in sofa: "your 'fluodund's German Bitters' has been In use in but Mime ever ayearpist,oed to the astonish ment of many has performed, wonders.' We may notice a few instances that have ..come under own infirm:little notice:—almost every 'poison who has slapped at the hotel of Wm. Lackey, one year since, predicted mon his ti niuciated. countenance rind 'debility, that Ira could nut live much longer. lie was unable to attend to his buiness, and for the greater Part of dm time confined to his room. We rec ommended him to try the German Bitters; he did, arid to the surprise ad] his blends he is now able to attend to his mind business and perform manual labor. The ease of Henry Asper a atone mason, whom nu one supposed would ever recover front the debility of his system, but was looked upon as fast approach Mg the glove, took eight ur nine b.,ttl o , of the Bitters during the lust winter, rind .this sum. mei- he has been flu the surp?ise of all who knew his case] following his trade. The cane of William Murphy is no less astonishing.— Ile too was so far reduced as to induce the general belief that the grave alone would be his only remedy. Mr,.Laclrey recommended hint to try the Ireofland's German Bitters; he is pow 'apparently, a welrman, and able to do a hard, day's work. We could mention malty other cures of a similar character. if it were necessary: I myself derived much benefit from their use. I lit.ve given considerable of it a way, trot for •your benefit alone, but to relieve: suffering humanity, end let mu assure yeti dm *used to see the happy result. To the afflicted we say, try them fairly and will warrant relief." These Bitters aro Worthy the attention of it.valida, poesess.ing great power in the recto-• ration of a healthy notion of the liver and the lesser glands, giving tone to the stomach end nervous syttem, nruViringing the sysiedt gen orally to a high.stutice, health. Fur sale by S. W. Ilitverstiek and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Duy, Mechanicsburg; J. H. Her ron. Newvillc; J. S. Altic, Shippensburg, and by dealers in medicine every where. AGRICULTURAL WAREROUB AND " SEED STORE THE subseribers, in addition to their exten sive - Grocery, have connected therewith an AG RIC: ULTU RAL WAREHOUSE and SEED STORE, 110, Market street, near the railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and ore ['revered to fill all orders, by wholesale-and retail, of all kinds of Agricultural Impleln me, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants with reasonable discounts to sell again. II orse-troWers and threshers, whent•d rill's and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter,; - grain fans corn shelters, vegetable_ cutters, hand grain mills, clover spellers, horse rakes, churns,g rind stones. and improved luignigs, hay, straw and martinr forks, farmer's boilers, on yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cow chains, spades, hoes and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, arain cradles, seythesand scythestones, potatiie grog's post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags, grain innavres, garden trowls; pruning had buddi i,g Itntives. grass and grain sickles, screw wrenches, pincers and gintidets, rot and mole traps. cattle cards and horse, brushes, curry• combs, garden reel. , , cow bells, whilfldtroes, guano, plaster, polldreljO, bone dust, limo, gar• den, field and flower seeds. , Alen, a largo and fresh assort mentmf GR GERMS, TEAS, &c., all cheap for cash. , BOY bt. HALL. Krtmain and preduce.of ail kinds . received n exchange for implements. Apra I 3, DRUGS DR UGS I DRUGS rreshe t Sprinz . Supply . ! I.itA VE jos: received a 'rest' stuck of Med• ici nes - , , Ili t a," Glass, 0i1,.& which having bl)-4)11 purchased with great care at the best e y ity houses, I can confidently recommend to Fainlies, Physicians, Country 'Merchants and Dealers, as being fre'sh and pore. Ant U.GS. Patent 'Medicines, Horbsand Extracts,• i , jli'ine homi eats,'Spicos,ground and whole i ;Filnstrumente, Essences, Pure Essen'; Oils Perfumery, &e,• Cod Livei• Oil—WarrantcdliGeTane. ~ DYE:STUFFS. Log and Cam Woods, . I Oil Vitriol Coppmes,„,, I Lac Dye' PAINTS. WotherilL ' & Brother's, Prof° Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes', Jersey' Window Glass, 'Linseed Oil, 'Tarpon-'_tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead, All of which will be sold at the very !owes' Market price, *1136,1% freehand, splendid as aortmont or• ~ Indl.loea, Sumue Alum, NCY CO.ODS,;FR CPUS . Confectionary. and innumerahle other articles eilculnted for vse and ornament, allot wl.ich are offered at the towed cash, prices, at tho cdterrprug , 13.e01r.99d Fancy Store of the sub scriber en North Hanovor street. S. IV,, tinvr,n§ricK. Mny 28 1851 ST:DDLD, AND kiII,RWE,SS NAKNG . ; • HI subscriher Ocifitinuca to carry on the ,Obove business, ite all it svartous branches, , Tit NOrth 'Hanover street, Carlisle, two' doors N,or,th of Veonard's' earner, where ho intends' keeping on hatid agetiertil'esoortmotit in his lino, Consietieg.dr nil kinds of 'ffish • r ionable 'BAUBLES; 'Bridle \ tiinithignies, Girt fli,C,lreifigle la\ , also .gioin" t(k\\lllohing and seddle VI o, , niantiffreintoo thernost apprcivod • ' p l iatiish,B•prtfig• - Saddle.i, ever ' . toed ',in th'dso' , wishing a handsome; duiablinand plptifinnt sad•:; die will do well to call and tied them. "Ile also _ntnniiineturee lierne.s% Bridles, Collnre find' Whips in till'their!varietiee r tit4eonfidenily be.: Heves front tho4oneral approbation of his cue touters. th at , l ie Take, menrest and hest . . gears',.in alt't re' 'variety 'of breadth; thni is Nadu in the aqt tatry:"' HO'ttlentnakett all hinds ‘lntraisen tot drder,' viKt Straw; Fluek;Curt tind'Spriegdlietrnsiett.' All the above! urtlblee will lib iNttlte of the Vent• matetittl , nfid on a With the utinant'definntrh. '"itrl44v' ' 'OBBOR'N. is , nbw %slide 'up ttlm of Fashionable and filltbatantial Clinbing wliiul he will sell as climitillnot cheaper than pay est tablislinient Thdietock will ;i, •1.7 • 'l, • oi ;•t ,, T , r 1 ;/ ~,,, r'r•J • r F'in'oIDRESSICOATSi , „ ' SACK I j• ' • . . 1 , 11 , 0 • • ,Thaelblhinglwilli tie made nut Mitotic-be .ctheJtest,quality of goods: cut out byraMexpe rienoed , and good -cutter- end-the work-got "..IVIII bounljuriaritMd;bist;l!petnsp:of,hapds— „ e l ate iitow'on . ,hend pi .01 orchoibeeldthlb g i, ableite'f6N mitchaegtia;ziargiatice ifibiweik. and fierreek- Actuloid.shind.ori East iNfaUtieet; , • 1,111)11.:i It IL elAlt.rfUli 439 y. • • ,• oitit.`Aoura,tounentv : . . HAYtlf PATENT OY,VDT` I I9I' # I R RANGP DAVIS di. CILLIBTI , Denlerp in -- Lampsi - liarterhs — and - Chundeliers. Corfier Fourth and Cherry . Bts., Phila. gg AV I N G enlarged and itnproved their store,' Rand having the largest nsbortnient of lamp, in . Philadelphia, they are now prepared to Mr ', nigh Camphine, Flue Oil, BURNING FLUID, Ethereal Oil, `Phos , „, ,, one Gas and Lard Lamp - s.tLanterns of all paterns, Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliros, G wand°les and .Gandelabrns,mnd Brittailin Lamps,at the man.. ulacitirers lowest iiriees. Glass Lamps by the package, ni a small advance over auction pri ced. Being large MA N UFATPUREItS of line Oil, Burning Fluid', Ethereal Oil, Alco hol and (the only lime) Phosgene. Gas, they can furnish these articles at such prima that Mer—i chains will find it-to their advantage to buy.— Call beim.° going elSewhere, if you went bar gains. Also the Safety Fluid Ba - np for sale. October 5. 1853—1 y WH DLESALE and RETAIL at the •• Philadelphia Watch . and Jewelry Store," Number 911 North Second Street, correr of Quarry, Pldadelphia. „.o._ • Gold Lever Watt hes, lull .7 7 , TrAtt.ol jewelled, 18 carat cases, 8:10,00 Gold Lepine, 18 carat cases, $24 00 Silver do jev els, 9 00 'Silver Lever, fitlljtvelled, 12 00 Superior Q outliers 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 90 Gold Bracelets, 3 00 Ladiee,' Gold Pencils, 1 00 Silver Tea Spoons, eel, 5 00 Gold Pros with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00 Gold Finger Rings 37i-cents io 88; Watch Glosses. plain, 121 cents ; Patent „Hi ; Lunet, 3 5 ; other articles. in' proportion:' All goods warranted to' he what they are sold for. STAII FFER. & HA RLEY, srpt7lv .Successors to 0 :Conrnd. On Innd.BolTlC Gold and Silver Levers and Lopines,Aill lower than wove prices. YU. 1' '; 3. E. GOUZD, [succEsson . TO A ~F 1 T.] No. 164 Chestnut St., Stoaim's Pia/ding, Phita rI.XN EN 81 VE Alusic Publisher, and Deal. er m Musical lnstrumenta of every de. scription. Exclusive agent for t le sale of Ilallet. Davis Eg' Co'd Patent Suspension Bridge JEohan and other PIANOS, L. Gilliert'sßoudoir Piunus. Milincle,ontt.'"Ainr• tin's, Guitare, Ilurps, l tolihs;4 Sher! Mosul, Music Bookt-, &c. Residents of the country will be i.upnlied by moil or _otherwise 0 itli ni,,usie they Willy wish, as low . bs if • purchased in person. I - laying one Of the largest stocks in the United States; i feel confident M. satii-lying-- all-who may k lavor me wits n call or order. Dealers in Music bupplied on the most littera terms. Pianos to let. • Second-hand Pianos for sale. .thav 20 1853 Iy) ZINC PAINTS. 7INC PAIN T'S, one third cheaper than 'Whitq Lead, and free from all 1;06%310as Tialities--'lle New Jersy ; inc Company Um/- mg greatly enlarged their Woults ana in preyed the quality of their . products, aid . ()tenured 'to execute orders for their superior Pahtts, Dry, and k Lon tid in Oil, in assorted - garages ()Hymn 25 t 0.500 pounds. A Isti — dry; . in.barrels of 200' pninids each. Their - White' - Ziuc, whi t is sold. dry or ground in 0i1,..i5. ‘lvorrant pure and.unsurpat.ed for body and Milton ness. A teethod of preptiratienJos recently, been discoyered which enables thoicompeny to , warrant their Paints to keep"„ireekand snit in. the keg.; for any reusoneble 'time,' In' this,re. specs, saute Paints will be superior to any oilier! . in Abe marker. Thier Brent' Zinc Paint.', which is sold at a low price, and which can MAY lie [nude froM the Zinc oroi front New Jersey, , is now well known Our its pratreliiie . qunlities when appli e d to trim or other metalie suilaces. Thdir Stonecolor Paints possesses all the pro. pertieeof the Ilioksni and is of nn agreeable color for painting Cottages, Depots, Out-bull dings, Bridges. etc. • . ' Drillers supplied on liberal terms by their NU:NCH - It RICHARDS, ' Wholesale Paint Deallrs and Imparters. alrl2-sm. N W cer. Inth & Market . sts.. Phila. STRAW 'GOODs.;-SPRILVG 1E154, rl'llilf.,,riubiwribersare now prvaredtitexhiblt tit their Splendid New PArteulishment•just coMpleted . rm the site of their fernier. stand, No. .41 SMITH StCoND'STREET, . • , PHILADE,LPHIA; an entire new - end beautiful stock of Straw, Fancy aturSilk Hornets, and Flare, Flhwers, , &c: and Panama, knltn'and Summer liars for Gentlemen, which our 'old petroritt; Merchants stpd MtllhMrs are invited to examine confidently pTomising them, in extent, in varie• ty, in nryeltY, and in styles. arstrtek pnenuallect. ~6r,oraera,eurefully and promptly.execut ed.' nifo22-3u, THOMAS & CO. ~ FIRE' INSURANCE, The Allen and gnat Ponnebornugh i Muttial Fir!) Inauruhee Company of Cumberlul] aoun-i tY.;ineorpoOted by an Aef`of Assembly; is, nMv, fully, wrgunizod, end An operation' under, the management of the following conintiaakin , . era, viz: ' , .. Daniel Bailey., William R. Golgoo; Michael Cocklin, fßolchoir Brenneman, Christian Stay. man, Jolint C. Dunlap, Jecolt H. Coovor, Levyt,.. flyer. Henry Logan, Benjamin H. Mueeer, la-, coliltlummk, Joeeph Wickcrehant, Alexander Cathcart. TIM rat of insurance nreme lOW 'end favor. u'ltla lie any, Company of the kind ,in'llip e Stale , Pe ! rfione , - %Well elm, pcouric;,'m'citibora are' irl ' vited to make application to Theingenta of the 6, • ompany, ',who are willink to, 'mitt 'upon llittM at any•tiele. ' . , ' • BENJ. II :ROSSER Presidint.' Henry LOGAN,. Vice. , ,,Prfaidene '' ' t., , , .-. _ .- 1 Limi la flyer, /Secretory.' : .. ilichaeiCocklin. 7reesercr.,„,.• , , , l l AGENTS. ~, , • , - , •'• ' ' ''' Otmberctind County.—liudnlph Milian., 'lt ;Curnherlan LC B. Herman: Ilingetawh'y flee- Ity .: &arm , Shirernanstown 13 v. Cluirlen •i,II, i yarDele ; 3 r. J. Ahl,' Bliprehtnivn i 'Samuel ,Grehom, West Pennehgrouglit JaeoeB SiteDotki. ml,,Franlcfred ; Node, tlr,111)0; p i ii,,4tli;j44lole. ton; Samuel Come, t Ilenjamlit Haveretick, .Meekaniciiburg I; rJolitt , Sherrick,liebern ; Dd. ilid Coovei ; Shepherdetorn. 0..,° 1 :;, ,-;,..•: ! "'"',fork lunry:—Jolin Elowmail, • .Dilleburg i ,rpter Wol rd, Fraleklfrit 'Jelin't Smith, , :Eviii, Washingcolt ; W. B.'Tickingy Doviiir tr.} W Pr,'ll . t, PaVylerb,,,, l i. ', • . . , .. .. ... ~ i l' ~ ,: i rfarre,o4t9,—Ermilr f & toclimni!i . •, .• . I .i 0 ~ Momhero of the ',company Itiqleg ', ppliiilep' •adnut toloxpiro ealt,ihave. there rititatved bjr Milking apPlieutiori litany ofthe agi!afp,,,,.;,- 1 „ " :Vuv. 24;151. ._...r1. ~1,,,,:,,:,,ii :;.• ~0 , ;,,f , C , ;k) 1; 1i( fit,ll4 l'it ' ,l; I) i . 4 r h 'Mt, A 10,...1.. 1/ I COirilier.l*' .! •• ".PANIKOIRITE,” ... . . MYERS' ~.E,XTRACT:. OF ~ .ROCK. ROSE An iiiabto :Remedy. for.:4l.ScrofulonS I Pu4 c . lit .d G i ; q u e n (lancer, .Pu i r t sl e ng A t m or V S Sl 4ctu il tr d. a and 'General' Dubility, and as a Purifier or the .Blood it is Uncqu4lleie. ' ' The .Rock Rena has 'gained o reputation at. hoine and abroad, which-no other medicine has ever'.•done • in the sonic lehgth of time. •Actiording 'to the opinions of eriiinent Phyeir crane; the Rock Itos6, Plant is mieqOalled in '• Curing ~ S crofula in Its Various FermOt STATEMENT OF REV. E. R.' WARREN, (PootOr'of the 2(1 Baptist Church,New London, reliative to Myers' Extinct Rose. • To The American Public. • As my name..hos been used, in connection with recommendations of Mr. Myers' Rock Rose Syrup, in various advertisements by the manufacturer, I beg leave to inks the follow ing Statement with reference tO my acquaint. acre with the remedy and tests to which I Imes subjected it, and the reasons for having intro. duced it to the notice of prime friends in the community in which I reside, long before the medicine was advertised.. I make 'this stete- . merit freely, because 1 have, es a principle, withheld any name from all. patent medicines, and sedulously abstained from carom memling them to.the public), believing them frequently the spawn of quackery and humbug,'ond en tending - to increase, instead of lessening huinuu disease, and suffeinig. Such, I Mar; in the character of a large portion of the patent pana ceas of this Medicine making ugri. '!Their name is legion," and from their influence, an fionr the — denumiaca s nirts, nave r \ coson to pray for a safe deliverance. The Firet Test. l had myself suffered oc- casionally with sudden attacks of Sick Head ache, and Bithous Diarrhea, and I had sought a great variety of curative agents to but little purpose; and suffering from 'this diseaSe (diar rhea) nt this time, I determined.to test the new Syrup first upon myself. The results were be• yond my expectations. was a powerful alterative, and the morbid action of the aystem was changed, and the functions of secretion were restored to a healthy state. It gave tone and elasticity to my system, and corrected the. derangement of the digestive organs, and gave me that inestimable blessing—health. This test was not determined in a week, or a month; but 1 took four or five battles in perhaps as many months. Since that time I have suffer ed but slightly from these derangements. Illy Sick Headache is entirely Cur ed. Other Tests.—Fiuding this medicine so use ful to myself, I. at once gave it to several inva lid friends. About this time, I was earnestly' solicited to give advice in reference to a child, some eight years if 'age. This child was severely afflicted with a, Scrofula humor, of a very severe typo, the humor showing itself on all parts of the surface, and then suddenly dis appearing.. The child was very sick, and it was thought dontit ra whether she would live, The humor resembled black - specks of mortified flesh. In addition to same other remedies, a gave the child this Syrup for about six weeks, when she hod sufficient strength to go oat to actiocil occasionally. The swelling of lA. limbs ceased, and sbe was restored to health. The family feel that they awe her life, with God's blessing, to my remedies. 'this test satisfied one that the Rock Ruse possessed specific powerq for Serofidens hu .. more. I then tested it in cases of Canine 3:s Eruptions, in Illeaslcii; Chicken Pox. Cane iv, Sure Mouth, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, Piles, Ike In all these cases with perfect success. Alta( testing this . Syrup for More than u year, I • wrote Mr. Myers (Okobrir 7th; 1850) enthuel• astic4lly, not expecting my letter would he published, that his Sy rup was a ..Pankorite all:hea/fiig, and I gave him the result of its operations in several instances. I sta'ed in that letter that it was invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous 'Eruptions, Erysipelas, • Salt Ithminn. and ether disorders, included in the viiried faintly of diseases known or Scrofula, &e.: that in Dyspepsia-it acted with wonder ful efficacy." My opinion of ifs value for - the above named diseases, remain unchanged, end the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct. 1850. Ido not recommend it for all the ills of our suffering humanity ; but I unhesitating.' ly soy, that as a remedy forScrofulowi race (inns I fielieveit superior to any known cura tive agent. • - It has been sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its adoption to extensive usefulness in mitigating_huniansuffering and removing diseirscsi. But Whdt is the Hock Rose? The following hilitory of the Rock Rose plant. and its medicinal properties, we Juke from the New Haven PalladiuM', Al,arch 11:152, "The increased interest manifested in the Rack Rose plant, in consequence of; the many wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for a brie!' history of it, in order to correct any cyrooe nvopin. ion that may have been entertained(' encere ing ; and nisei° set in o true light the na ture of a plant which promises to bu univer sally beneficial. "We are endebted In the "United Stales Die pensatory of 1847, for the following doevrip lion of it.: " It IS entirely different from tIM common Rose. It is a red.stemined, oblong lca: plant, buying a bitter taste. In addition to remark able peculiarity of the.Adant, of bearing two crops.of flinvers in one season, it also has 4110. ther interesting and beautiful propoity. Dr. Woo says, thatlin thP months of Nns vember. and December, he bus seen hundred pt these plants, sending out near their roots, broad, thin, curved ice-crystals, about an inch in.breudth: which melted during,the day, and were renewed in the morning.;': For a more Minute nnd uulhenliatl description of it,"the render is referred to Toney and Gray's Datan. Mai Worlte- Its IYledical History and Properties Aro far the mdat impditunt, since upon' didso deponkiti value to the community. Dr, Lou. don says 'that in 1799,11. Wus no 'valuablo in Englund, that it was cultivated ruin scede. Eior shwa 1806. Professor Ivue of • Yule Col lege. has habitunlry used it•with greutsuccuus‘ in Scrofula and Chronic diseases, min through hint its virtue+ were inuilo known; until, an Dr., Tyler soya, "it is' now in this:section(New 'Haven) u common article in domtetic uraatice fur the ouro of Scrofula end Cutaneous cis. 0814 VP:' • : Dr. Whitlow; n Sc&ch Botanist of notoriety, while trilielling in_ America in IRI4, Warned. Its usa in' eunuch. 'Returning to'England, he cinploycd it in medicating 'hie bathe, which become grently'colebratcd for the cure ofsimi lar disueses. Dr. J. H. Thompson, of the porno place, pre seribrd.it. in, had ousts . Sei9fuleus lintients Wilk' Hospital, Ills success' ottrecred rho attention of senior phySiblons, Ara,Sevorts the! 'following 'remarkable COSO id' white swefiing of the .hip, in February, 1614 we's , seven years ola; — ond had the disease 'lhree years. Tho'bone was dislocated both upward; end outward. ,Thera,,wss ,n,largo,npening in , the bin feuding to the tionei•intii,whieli I entail' I,l , ireill'iny finger. I congaed:three ulo,is',. lle • :bad, been Under' several _who lied. , given bier up., Y prriciedi'decoetien of _ Ross two days. his-nigh tsweetti eriaaed r.k then Arrived 9 teaspoonful 9 oc c too three; ti mes a day, Thirty•trine days after he was entirely. iislk •• ,• , • Del 'Weida,. of. Madison, CI;, tesillics• IO lira '3lll.l'o'er Rilek'Rose, as evinced in the cure of ,pinnorotie easel of the Scrofula, eaFeclallv in " - • binntifactured ic.Co., Novi, • Me:' Werra:lb : though a minister of the Goat pel, fora" period , of .15 'Years', giveivetten: thin' 6 the snhiCCt:df•iiiedieel 80106003 e vial. t 4 edininl?'tett i the siOt, In connection . with his nestoral duties.' ' • • • - , - EDWIN h. WAitXtEN. Nem LokititinAiiiil 0;4853:: .... 1 .400te•iii'euiribertand. 6nenty.6. , -S.Ar..illoi uritic!i, B:'.ttli.lt git•Mr..'et. !Le lai?, 1: Bnri i tile! , /A6,Yqrstich"4'4lrOWni; IC in i g6to*n ;•,b ' ' vkliihiirt, , Mr9llithicitli(o. ; ,14 ; 00 66 tl. i (ci pp ie ,r . 4 •44,p‘ 1 4,..0..,.,....q0,,:5ptinit4v,-,i,'"i i n 7 . Sterre ' 0 Opp; litiontasj;rentiod, Wirifier to, k 3..,11: on, 7.3111Wv1 Ile, i 4, lilt? Wiltiy; - Gt ea , flpri rip; !rtry, - .Si'E s ti7eillia.ti':i . ,"; ~T clyt.dirg_..,.lVi. 4 , D.,,Z, t 11,4 ti,,, Effijp'pclip . biliO,ltfiyiNal ' & •':Dicei ti Dickinohn . b.*.Muldek A, M 1 9 1 .511; piii?.*ritti• •,., D6 144,7311.1L0 r 1016 , 018irilit,oyp! , ~.., ~ • :),, ; ' ll . i I ' l i'li . '''i n"' , kisi , , I . ) M . , F; Ti ' l Nl . li - ii,l/1. P -4 (Yri: ii j 1 ,i , .11 1110ictitc, IR11: 1 0SY: „OS: 16i:.cuiioi: Lake's Vegetable • Compound; - FOR MR CURB, OR 0 EPILE?sY Qll' Is . performing_more• -wonderful- cut es -than any t3 „ ther medicine yet known or before the public. 'PRIOB' FIVE DOLLARS A BOTTLE. , The prcpyittor has in his possession neomycin' certilicater s inirrating the • , Astonishing and Miraculous Cures ! effeete(ll4 , this trieffleine, and directs :attention to the following only ; to aiitite those who ore so oil fOrtunate to be afflicted witli^the terrihie dinette heretolore regarded ineurable,'that pre paration • ' • IS ALMOST INFALLIBLE IN I±B cilttE! From Mrs. Bikks, widow of Maj. Jus. tiroAs, late or Conneaut, • • . CONNEAUT, Feb. 3,1853. W., Z. LAKE—Sir Piens(' send Me smother bottle of Fit Medicine, as I no lot like to be whiting it on bend. When I commenced giving the medicine to my son 'Edgar, he haul from ono to three his per day. Ele lies now talk.lll the me dicine over five months, and has had. I think, but two fits in that t me, and /loose rerV light. Ilia body and mind are very much' impritvedo and by the ulessing of God, I feel that Ilse 'medicine w ill • restore his hotly and mind to 11101.V.Olited activi ty. Ile is 24 years old, and hens hail fits over 1 . 2 years, which have been very frequent, and very destt•uetito to his constitution and mind fl ton &ells of dollars have been expended for medicine to "cunt: FITS," bill timid n g Lau eel iCV6II biro Mt til he used your medicine. itesiiretflillt }ours, POLIA I . I ILOOKS. From Judson London, County Shperintentleht the Asia:quite County, Infirmary. •KtNosvibbu, Feb. 4, 1853. 11,1 r Z. 'LANE—Sir: Please send, few_more Ttottles ot your TYlt - 114 - editTiite_ Inuiy mini need it, lint thin . k safer to keep it on hand. Your inc . - (Heine lets done wonders. 1 gave it to Miss Jane Deltion / she has had fits tor '26 years, brought on bv louring the measles when but four 'ears old, which could not be brought out to the surface.— After taking the medicine a few days, SUS BAD A FINE CE OP OF MEASLES, Mid bite had 110 fits since. She had fits or symptoms almost daily. She and bet. father COliCllr with lite in saving that we be lieve the medicine lons or will wdloklt pettect cure. I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane klender son and Aris Carity, who have had fits almost daily, for a number of years. Their fits have ceased, and I believe the medicine will hare the desired effect. Much money his been expended Lt the friends orate above patients for doctoring, all to no purpose. The cure was lett for your medicine to perform, and I mut cheerfully recom mend It us a valuable discovet y. Itespectt s ully yours. .TIJDSON LANDON, Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infironocv. Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LANE, Conneaut, Ohio. EF WELLER, traveling ngent. Sold by S W Hpverstiek, Carlisle ; E H Thomas, Mechanicsburg ; D W Gross, Harris burg. opt 5-Iy• FVOTOR YOUR- S ELF—P R IVA T E LY, for''2 ectits, bymeuto of the POCKET .X.SC LA PIUS, or, Every One DIS OWN PI-Y:SIAN ! —The thirty-sixth Edi tion, with one hundred en• aravinga, showing Private Diseases and Multurma-. tions of the Generative System, in every shape and Form : to which td ad- Diseases of Females t in. females only (see page 190),, -being of the highest importance to married pee. plc, or those contemplating marriage. M. YOUNG~ - University of Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of. Surgeons, London, end Honorary Alt:I - ober ot the Ilbiladelphia M divas timely. The various forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal Wc i itkiiess, Dizienses of the-Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli-, Wry habits of youth, are faithfully described, and all the recipes given in 'plain language. The chapter on selfenhnse and Seininal Weakness is worthy of prrtieitlar attention and should be rend by every one. Young Inert who have been unfor tunste in contracting disease, previous to placing yourselves under the care of any doctor, no mart ter what his pretensions [pay be, get a copy of of this truly valuable work. , Sea Captains and persons going to sett, should possess Dr. Young's Treatise 'the Pocket .E.Esculapius, or EveFy one His own Phy sician. _ _ Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the /Esculopius to his el lid, It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man-or. woman-enter-into The-acct et ohlicationti of married life, withont reading the pocket /Esti Embolus. Let no one suflitring from n bachnied cough, pain in the side restless nights. bemoan feelings, and the whole train of ID) spcptic sensa• firms, and given up by their phj slam). he an. other moment without consulting the .lEsetila. dins. Dave the married or those shoot to he married any impediment, read this trrly useful Book, as it has been the means of soling thou sands of unfortunate creatures from the ',Ley jaws of death. Upwards of n MIL' LION copies of this celebrated _work has been sold in this country and Europe' since I H3B, nbenlhe first edition was issued. . co , Any person sending. TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed in a letter. will receive one copy of this book in ontil4' or fire copies will he sent for Si. Address Dr. WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, — Post paid. ' • fXr... Twenty year's practice in the city of Philadel phia cerhottly entitles 1)1.. Young tb the cooli donee of the Afflicted, 'and he rosy lie eel solt«I on soy of t heAseases described in his cultist cot doblications, at his olllec 152 Spruce St«-et, every day between 9 and .4 o'clock, (Sundtr. - cooed) and persons at any distance can el/Drain Dr. Young by letter, sour PAID, .SHRINER'S VEINIFUGE. • Miter testimony tban'Wits ever altered in Fa vor of any other Wm!fuge ! RECOMMENDATIONS OF PHYSICIANS, We, the subtle, Medical Pritetioners, having, been made uainted with the conipmi. tion of "' Yermihige," take pleasure in recommending it to Ilie public as a valuable remedy for the expulsion of Worms, it being both sialkaniteffectual. Samuel Swope, M.D. Tanevtown, John Swope, M 5 Carrot co., Md. , J.:.1. Weaver, M. D. Aliddleburg. Jim. E. 11/ Ligget, „ )..ibertY, Frederick co., Mil —Thomni Sim. D, 0; Owings, II1,1) Ti cni.,§appingtun M D Sidney Sappington, Janes M Geyer, b 1 1),Woodsboro,111(1. G WSeppington M D, 'Wm Alathins,V D; Westtninster. - Mil Be mimic:Wee to nik.fon tor SHRINER'S IN DI AN V M 1 F UGE, Itiike no other Price '25 Cents per Bottle ~; Prepared by IV 15'Sltriner, Beuggist ptni mist, Westinialiter, • • Ana. Sold by 'utl storekeepers.. : , THE WONDER OFTHE AGE. For ilurCure of Salirlieinn, Chilblains, Com mon Sores. Chapped or Cracked bands, Burns or Scalds, Cuts or AVounds,-Piles,;Billamitinticii of The Breast, bites of insects ; Sore Line, Vim- tiles on the File° and Breaking Ont add Sores on Childre J ; diseases of the Skin.. • This Ointment will, cure Abe Salirlietim and Borth, or Cluipped bands, quicker and surer thou any oilier medicines of the kitid,before the public. • : • ,• To substantiate thenbovo, I can give hundi•dds of certificates. but .1 consider it. no me, as, (unr person can (lathe sante. it they. have friends, Inc aren't% worthless article) 1, r , ly solely On the merits of the Ointiinem for the public pntrunagn• N 13,—A single box or t h is oinun6nt , keep any Blocktuuth's, Farmers,: Esher's, or Meehttnte's liaOds, let them chop.or crank, ever an had; sound and in good working order 0 1 winter' • Prepared end sold by 1110NP.UE"TEllitEL,..' •• ••''• . . ..„ NaugatnektConn, • Sold als'o, 'lrr the Principal ,Croggistr, „and Country Merchants.. ,Price t 26 centa.perhor. Nov. 16,11853-'%1y , ;., , • i —, 1000 TONS,No:-1. , SUPER' + PHOSPNAF ;' OF .itME. OEIIO rto.s Origintirand of superior cintility,rheroll'espestnionnW; in , the world. Formers and dealers supplied at low 9,CALITY 5U )0 .locied expressly,jor itSv.loi „10,0fUl ' ,1,000 barralsgtiel!ldll • Silo do ~ • , ;4jo ; ,do DeNtlat, .` • • • Pe.RUYTAN_„qUitD IO, TpulTariti,copficlopeo to itur ens. ,oarters.,nuentni to An'y. puriktrid;rid'fii `dor 'to h'efrirstkbte" jipoO i brigs ofitkis nntinri'lor'entiibt the_ , jouurit InPrhP# ..rotes. Also, Patagonian qiinjuo,,,polniro!let.Grtouril pitirrolll."4"O!&b, , ,•••••• &. Co. -rAtithestenin'Naiter.Milh , junctional York ikvinitliscgown 4treatai Phila. • ,'.fr 1.1.1 I • . • .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers