New 3bpzttistments. cnounti txquons. A Lot of Choice 'LIQUORS, of 'various kinds,for 'sale on reasJsable terms. —Liquor Dealers nod tavern keepers will find it to their in erect to examinofhis stock. Apply to May 3] - OM* McCAR'r • Estate of .Jaynes Barton, dec.. - uonc E is hereby given that lettbrs of ad nunistration on the °slate of James Dar ton, late of Lower Alleactownship, Cumber -, • land county, deceased, have been.granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber. residintirr -the same township. All persona having claims against saicrestate are required to present Ahem for settlement, and those in debted to make immediate payment to ISAAC BARTON, , Adm'r. May 3-6 w Carlisle Gas -- ; and. Water-Company NOTIECE. rpHE subscribers to the stock of this Com- JL are required to pay on instalment of FIVE DOLLARS on each share subscribed, on or before the 15th of May, inst., to the Treasurer, dt the Carlisle Deposit Bank. Credit will be 'given for the sidereit on all' previous instalments paid. By order of the WM. M. BEciTENI, May !2,-3tv 'fp:lnsurer. .76.E1P PUB.LICATIOXS. ArBOOKS!: smn4 BOOKS! A Year in'Turkey, by Glade. Haps and Mishaps, by Grace Greenwood. Greenwood Leaves, do do The adventures of a Country Merchant, by the author of "Wild Western Scenes." The Two Roads—the Right and the Wrong— publishedtby Lippincott, Grambo & Co. The Lamplighter. Potiphar Papers ; or best Society in New Yo-k Downing on Fruit Trees of America, &c. Also, always on hand a.large assortment of School Rooks, Stationery, &n, for sale by May 3) A, 111. PIPER, Ag. Town Property For Sale. rinnE undersigned — OfFers'for sale thc/follow• lug property, situate the ugh of Carlisle, viz:— rotc,? IN°. I—A double 40 story t,t 4 ACE Stone D WELLING OUSE, 4. k.. 1 .1 14 g situate) on Bedford street, with ~r back building. wash home and cistern, adjoining. property of 'l'. Boater. The lot to 122 tee( deep, No. 2—ls n two story DWELLING HOUSE weatherboarded. with" n never-Iniling well of water noir the door." The two properties will ho sold seraraply or together as may suit' pur chasers. No. 3—A TOWN LOT containing Five Acros, on the Harrisburg timmike, opposite Foland's Point House. • For terms apply In May lid] WM. M. PENS USE. Spring '• *winter Clothing' ST.EI7.IIMR IMO'S dt. Co., ATtheir old stand ON MAIN ST., the corner store by the Market House, have just received their Spring and Summer supply of iteady•Made CLOTHING, and now ofle.• to the, public the largest and must calefully selected stock in this section of country. They have been very careful in making their selec tion to pay strict attention to the qualify of the materials , , and to the neatness, durability and fashion of the workmanship; and their entire stock they therefore can recommend.-s 7 It comprises „y„, Sack and Frock Dress and Business Coats, Oiereolus sad Pea Jackets, Also PANTS and VESTS of every desirable style and quality, together with a largo supply of - Gtntlemen's Furnishing, Goods, Shirts,. Undershirts, Prdwers, }lose. Fancy Stocks and Cravats, Handkerchiels. Suspen. tiers, Gloves, Umbrellas, &c. ir-rPersons in want of the above articles w ill do well to call soon and examine the quantity and prices of the goods The articles named aboVe will be sold astonishingly cheap; as we are determined to defy all competition; and those who are in, want of cheap and good clothing Will do well to call and examine the qualities and prices of opr goods before purchasing else where. May 3-4rn SEIADt AND HERRING ONSTANTLY on hand and for sale very I._) low for Cash. bacon taken in exchange at Apl 26,18'54 GEORGE LIMP, 3i., No. 56, NORTH WHARVES. PHILAD F.E.PHIA, Commission Arerchanr, For the sale of English und.Arnerican , Pig Scotch and American Pig, liar and Bloom Iron, Banco Tin and. meialsgendrally. Liberal advances made on consignments of merchandize generally. iKrAgent for the sale id Leßoy & Lettd,.&c. , Cast Iron %V met and Gas Pipes. 1,p1;261rn DAVE YOU A COLD? UIfALLO ER 'S ELIXIR has acquired a lust celebrity .for.the cure ut all diseases arising from severe colds, and ns -Iliracy has been attested and approved by hundreds of our most respectableg it izon s. . In every instance immediate relief like been given, us the folios - ing certificate Irom those have tried - it bears testimJny. Manufactured and for mile by JAMES GA LLOIIER, Agent "w o the undersigned do certify that we have used Gs loner's preparation for Consumption,. Colds, Diseases of the Lungs, Liver, &a.,and having experienced immediate relief therfrom would recommend it to all affliCted in that way, • Thou H Skiles, Mrs M • Gottidi It H. McCoy, E L Wolf,. • ..f" Peter I4lonyer s , S Haekett. Carlisle, April 25, 11354-1 y SEGAR DI A NUIP : At TO RY. John N. Armstrong, Informs the citizens of Carlisle that ho has opened an establishment tor the stile ot For eign and Daniestic SEG4ItS, on' West Main street,,diroctly opposite the IL R. Depot. where ho will keop constainly on baud SE GARS . TO 13 A C C - 0 , ANIi SNUFF • of the best varieties, Ills various brandsOf Imported Sugars cannot be surpassed in quality - Tie lavers fragrunt segars and chewers of .-tlie weed"' are invited to give him a call. Also large assortment Alf Canes, Umbrellas, Ste. LUMBER Drlie also continues the' Iminber Businees, on the corner of West mid Pomfret streets, shore may .always bo found n general variety of Lumber, at the lowest market prices. April 25. 1254. 73ANTCZZ'S New Olothing*Establishment I THE undersigned respectfully announces to ~is Mil friends and the public generally,that ho as recommenced the LLOTIHNG USI -IN.SSIn all ite vinious branches. and hos just ,penedi.fresh from the city, ut "Leonard's Cog tr." _North Hanover street, a selected ssortment-Of • READY MADE CLOTHING. 3hracing every variety,stylr and finish, and at hi, ices correspondi , to the times and quality. a has OHO on han a superior stock ot r , :LO'I'NS,'CAS 'INGRES. VESTINGS, :;.of every stylo suitable for Spring and Sum ir wear, and which he will make tp order Mt ins which cannot fail to please. ' Ilisistock o Ombreces a line :ot of Men'a ;Shirts, Col ~ Cravats, Gloves and, Hosiery; in abort. ry article pertaining to gentlemen's , Aienr.— • respectfully, ,invites the public to call and J mine his goodtb- .N. HANTCH ) ~,.' API 26,1854; 1 , - nappctor Brigadp FIN uniformed Militia ore hereby ordered made for Inspection as follows,: ra.l.lrandt's company will meet in Ctiorch . on MendaY':tha Bth day.of May. 1854, at ' cloak A: M. 'rile Carlisle , Light infantry neet iti'the borough of Carlisle, on Sault , . ie lath of May. at 10 o'clock A. M. The tegiment will moat in Shippensburg, on esday lb° Iptli day of May, at 10 o'clock • for rovlowl and.inspection. imanding pflicets of companies am hare. lulled, on or-before the 2d Monday in I) furnish 'a proper list of nit the undo! , tomhore, of hie i , onnaanY.-aod Aleo a list who have boon tixompt f um-fnilitary • hitytng served the 'proper Ake, with ip or company...and alo'a , list Of all'tho 1. other poblia ; , property the., State ij oi o in. possession or mold Company. Amin or flommandinlr . offiaor who' refuses tegurnfelr'enid.listorhall kr that year, lip a um anthor4ed pi be e' eornatinioe,•by'lho'r:lnth 'lloati on o f • 3 which this le tt stipPlement. ,r. SAMUSI,CIfOP, ,Brig. Inane,. let firig,;, lath Div., • InepOtor'S Oflieca • ale; Apl 6tlPsa, • •s',' I 11l "Big Spring Literary Institute" will hold anlndusirtal Fnir in,Newville, to open on the second Wuesday of Juno next, and eon none two weeks. II in intended particularly -. for fho encourage ment of the mechanical arts, bat contributions (i a articles for exhibifinn aro solicited from all classes. of persons interes , ed in the progress of the arts and toiences. A prominent place will be given to plijin and fancy needle work, artificial flowers, drawing, Ste, and the ladies are cordially invited to be me contributors to thisdepartmcnt. No charffe will 'be triode for articles for exhibition, and in nddition to thin the x hibitor is furnished with a ticket which will admit him Or her to the Fair tit any time during its continuance,' provided in all casos,that the exhibitor is the manufacturer. Persons desiring to exhibit any article most 'apply to -the-Secretary- or-President-of the Board - r ma l ingers on or hofore the first of June. The rooms will be open on Monday, Juno .sth. for the reception of goods,. and every article inten ded for exhibition must be received on or be fore the following Friday: Thu 'Judges who . are decide on the respective merits of articles on exhibition will be appointed by the Board of Managers. The circumstances of the Institute will not permit the awarding of premiums, hut certificates of excellence with the seal of the Society will he given to the cXhibitors of such ,articles fin the Judges may decide upon. Enterprising meet:aides, ithsiness men. and others, from amphbnrtne tows anti counties, are invited to send nu their contributions. JOSF,Pti FL HERRON, Pree't. FTENny S P En's, Sec' v. Tlnnrcl of Manngers—John Wrigonner. Geo. looknev, T rcvia R WiPinma, .Tncolv Zigler, George Brieker, James S er,lwnin ~Thomson Carlisle. Wm T,intr, Joh 1) Rondolph. Newville, A' g rii 20, 1854. Chin4-Glass .and.Queen,§ware. OLD housekeepers and young, with those also who aro expecting to 6eanne housekcep• ors, areitieited to call at, .lIALI3ER'F'S FAMILY GROCERY and examine his elegant assortment of China, Glass and Queonsware, and other articles in the housckeetring line., such as French and English ton sets, heavy/banded end plan, White Granite, gilded and blue do, Dinner acts of every variety and price, ‘. Bowls and pitchers, turreens. dishes, &c. Glass-wa -e--centre table and mantel lamps, Candelabras and other ,lamps. great variety, Table and liar tumblcrs. goblets, &e. Fruit and prase ye in variety. Cedar ware—tubs, hit (Act s, churns. bowls, Buitor prima and Indies, meal buckets, &e. 13ru , hes—sweeping. ndlite wash. scrubbing, I land and aline britches, di, t ers, broon &c. Nlarket, clothes and travelling baskets. Also a choice assortment of Tobacco and So ars. Call ye who are fond of choice brands of Segars and , try the Principes 14malias, Stet . - Imionis and other Cuha varieties, and you will find them of nnimprnchrthle quality. Also half Spnursh and Common Segars. With choice Sou:land chewing tobacco. .11p12.6 rtrIFIE subAcriber hasjost received from nits .d.dplita a *age assortment of D•R Y GOODS and GROCERIES, )vhich will be sold vary eheap at her new store, next door to Martin's Hotel and nearly opposite Mr. Ogil by's store. MARGARET SNODGRASS. The Sprilag of IIN 54, INILL be a memorable one in the annals of our Bordugh—lor ithe L A II G B S 'l' S T 0 C if, handsomest. and hest G 00D.S aro now selling ti rapidly at Ben Brothers cheap stort!ii. Our stock ennsiiitsof Silks, Baregcs, Tissues, Lawns,l Barege ti e Gingitams, Do lloges, - Alpitehas, Cali• noes, Alulins, Checks, 'Pickings. Diapers. Ste. Bonnets, Ribbon, Parasols. Hats for summer, Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Edgings, Spring Shawli, French Worked Collars, Sze.- Cloths, CasSimern; 4'i:stings and summer stulf.4 for Men and Boy's wear, thgother with a great many other Goods not mentioned here, but on examination our stuck will• he found to be the largestilin,Cumberland county and will April '54. RENTZ C. BROTBERS. rr HE subscriber has now on hand a•very ex— tensive and well selected stoek of BOOTS and SHOES, which he will sell l ib at unusually low prices.' Parches. a( odifrom wholesale renters, at low rates, he can oiler such inducements to purcha— sers as will make it their interest to visit his establishment. .11e has evBlice article in the Bootiind Slwe'ine—for Ladles' or Gentlemen's wear,—he therefore deems it unnecessary to parrieulari . ze. Kr - Persons desiring, good and cheap goods aro invited to give hint a call. WILLIA MS' Family Grocery April 13 l'"Storing.and Summer Millinery. I3ItYAN, MILLINER., announces 11 - 1 to the public that she has just opened a beautiful and extensive assortment of Spring ane:tummer Mtlifnery, at her stand opposite Arnoldsnturo,,amMeehmtieshurg—Sho—ismaw araallw prepared to suit the taste - . -"'+&. of ladies who may lavor , ~.,,% 6 , ..... . , : her with their 'custom as,i . .orp , her stock of Crape Bon ex.,. __.,....- _ nets and cheap Bonnets of " 4 0 - ''''' -- • -, ,'' ' 4 all kinds, Silk Ribbons, • ' Flowers, Trimmings, Si.e. cannot be excelled. She will also keep on hands cap . collars, under sleeves, hankerchiele and Mitts. 1 ler assort ment of fancy_ afticlos cannot tail to please her customers. Lades are invited to call and see for theinSejvas before buying elsewhere. Prices reasonable. • [seri! 12. GREAT ARRIVAL! SPRING Sc SUMMER DRY GOODS, the Great Mart for Dry Goode & Gioeeriee. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends md tumorous cusiomers. that he has ~, returne - Acorn ['M ia imiclph with a large and vs riedll,sl4 irtinent of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting in oart of ~a . LADIES' DEESS GOODS, such•as Mack and fancy silks,blaelt and change able °toecap. barages, berage de 'nines, mous• de bege, bombazines, Tian', figured and chang eable poplins, lawns, ginglecne, shawl4,calicoes, gloves, hosiery, Ste. GENTLE LEN'S DRESS GOODS sack as fine black and brown French Cloths •black'Doesit in and fancy CllB9lmeres, satin and fancy Vostings, blank and 'lndian fancy Cm _vats, auspondors_gloves, t.ce. FIATS AND CAPS, A large asstirrotent,' of Men's and Boys' flats and Cnps,embr a cing every style nad qua• lity. Also. a large and varied assortment of Parasols, [linnets and itibbons. - - - Bleached and unbleached Nuslins. Chocks, Ticking g, Jeans, Drills. Table•diupers, Bugging Osnaburga, towling, iablo•linons, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES. • 'A large assorttnent of Illeo•s %Vernon's and Children's Boots and Shoes, Jenny Lind .ant Buskin Shoes nt very low prices. - Colared. and lithite CARPET CHAIN, G R ,C C E -R I E A largo assort:non! of GROCERIES, tole! as Sugar; coti,o, Molasses, Rik Teas, &c. All who visit our estahlishmoot are free to acknowledge that we are telling • Foreign and Dorneatic Dry Goods. Boors, Shoes, &c, ut as• tunialthigly low - prices! Our low pricon have already attracted adores nullifier of people. 'Pito attention of all who wash good tin resins is solicited. as great inducements can be offered to purchasers. !. Don't forgot the old slant", Numerieles cor tler, North Unilever Street, Butter,Eggs, Rags arid Soap taken at market prices. N. W. WOODS, April 12, 1R54, name ARLIZVAL OF SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS, IMEZ Att CHARLES, 0:3L1110.% • In East High street Carlisle, Pa.' TOTE have just received, a large and hand y assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of the latest styles of Ladle's'. DRESS 'GOODS, . Sarno, mous (Mega, and outage "Mains, lawps, black arid fancy mike of, every destlip don and quality, block alpire os cu t bu g hri u , A k u, blue"; bombazines' of n superior • quality, dad a good assortment of Mourning Hoods • ' DOMESTICS;' DomEsTics, - . Blanched and unbleached niuslins,• sltsctings from t to 3 yds wide. 'checks, Glasgow and fine' Francis ginghams, ticking's. dannasktowals'and• table cloths., napkins,' red, yelloW and whim woollen flannels. shrouding,flannel, bre: , , FAILIROIDERIES AND LACES, 'Camlrrlc and Swisertifiling, edging 'and insert'. ng, liela, mbchlin and floresitine la,c'eu - Frenal, worked cellars, do taiderudeeves, do' spencer and eniffe, mourning collars,black laced veils of 'ail styles. very - handsome assortment of Honnets and Dormer Ribbons. • With a large and handeaine..variety of Dry Gonda and Groceries id tumoral. alway9lo be bad on the lowest ierans at `tOgliby's .Etrapn. gum'," • Mar 22 iiiiscciiancoug INEUSTRULL FAIR. . NEW GOODS .130CP'Z'S AND SIMMS W o SHELDON At the Store of N.. it WOODS. D M S'T C S NOTIOiI TO RETA.ZZERS, LIGT of Retailers et Goods, Wares and Mer chandise:within the County of Cumberland, and returned and WILLIAM Itle , PiIERION, Esq., 51ereantile Appraiser, in nc• oordanoo with the set4ral Aots of Assembly, as follows, vizi., ". J W Eli} , John G Williams Sponel Elliott,. Charles Ogilby, George W Hitner Bentz & Brothers Daniel Ecklos, liquor John faller, liquor J & D Rhoads W B . Murray, Agt: . . S W Haveritiek. Nock Thomas Conlyn • Henry Suxt in _ W Ild. Henderson & — Son , 13 10 01) John Hunter. hquor 12. 18 75 Feder Monyer 14 7 00 Jacob Wolf, liquor ' 14 10 50 J A. Lehn 14 7 00 Jacob Seiler . 3 10 00 C IAMB; Agt. liquor I 22 50 S M Hoover 4 7 00 \Vise & Campbell . ~, 3 10 00 T 11 Skilea 4 7 00 H M Rawlins 4 7 00 blond & Conner... 4 7 00 P Arnold 1 - 15 . 00 John N Armstrong , 4 - 7 00 W L Haller 4 7 00 II H Johnston Prof of D College 14 7 00 Henry Pete' a 4 7 00 Wood ward & Schmidt 3 -1000 John I' Lyon 2 12 50 Arnold & Livingston 4 7 CM John Keeney 4 7 00 N W Woods, Agt. i 3 10 00 Stiller & Brother 3 10 00 .W A Kelso 4 700 P Messersmiih . 5 7 ou AVAliam Shelden • 14 • 7 CO B J - Kieffer 4 7 oal Henry Harkness - 4 7 00 Julio Cooly ~.4 7 00 • James M'Grannhan 4 7 00 A M Piper, Agt. 14 7 00 Gecrge,Crnmer 14 7 00 George Leiby . 14 7 00 Joseph D Halbert 14 7 00 Jonathan Cornrium ^ 14 .7 HO Henry 'l , :auliman . - 14 7 00 .1 tech Hoover 14 7 00 Jacob Rheern 14 7 00 Dovid*Martin 14 7 00 . .John Frederick 14 7 00 James Cello 14 7 00 Charles Barnitz ' 14 10 00 Dayid Common 14' 7 00 Lauchhimer &BAithers 14 7 00 i East Pennsborough. • Jacob Iteninger, hum' 14 10 50 Andrew Eslinger ' 14 7 00 Kerr & Hummel . 14 . 700 Bucher & Son 14 7 0,1 I) & J By and 14 7 00 Joseph Banks, liquor 14 10 50 MeAlbright, liquor ' 15 - 10 50 John 11 ives, liquor . 14 10 50 Jacob Longenecker . . . ._ 14. 700 Michael Freeze 14 7 00 New Cumberland. John G Miller, liquor ' 14 10 50 John M Lain, liquor 14 lb 50 11 El Moseer & Co. 14 15 On Charles Oyster 13 10 00 Valentine Feeman . 14 7 00 John Born Lee & Ringland Liaue Barton liquor ErnAt & Haines Brower & Mortlitand. Henry Kneidig:liquor W Loyd Goawiller &. Co Smart &,.Liget _ Hampden. . G. tk, W 11 Eolcel's 14 7 CO liciiirjl--Rupp ' ' - 14 7 00 John Kum 14 10 50 Sheafler & Brother-- 14 7 00 Dr Rogers 14 7 00 Itudolphos White 14 7 00 Silver Spring. C II Whitecomb 14 7 00 . • John Coyle - 13 10 00 Jacob Sinrthne, liquor 19 10 50 J B Leidech, 13 10 00 George Singizer `l4 • 7 110 Strome & flaveratielc 13 10 00 Monroe. •-• Singizer Sr. Sanderson 13 10 00 George Geesaman & Co. 13 10. 00 Michael Fined 14 7 00 Mechanicsburg. • Simon Atkold, liquor 12 18 75 Ephraim 'Lug ' 13 1(1A0 . .1 Rdight 14 ••M) ' JII & A Singleer 14 • 700 Ira Day ' 14 7 00 J F Spahr 14 7 00 Melltson & Zacariah 14 7 00 George Siogisor 14 7 00 Jacob Doralielmer . 14 . 7 00 J Blizzard 14 7 00 John Swisher 14 7 50 George Webbert 14 7 00 1 - liii Shell George ?Mick 14 7 .0 Jo'hn flesh, liquor 14 It) 50 F A - 111nteer & Ce. 14 7 tto John 'l' Ayres - 'l4 700 Ettinger & Iteiele & Co. J 4 7 00 41etvaid & liuullhotti ' 14 7 00 Bale & Co Henry Least) J FI Herron. & J 111'Candish Jacob' Swoyor Bear & Cohaugh W Sharp Thomas Stough - Joseph Laughlin John M Davidson . , W. 141 Merton .1 H Herron W Benton, liquor Hopewell. Snider & W Lorry & hlblienhour, Jacob Au, livors, li Newton. J. H IViely, 1Cylo&-Warhinger, . 14 Miller & 111cCay,-..- • 14 Woods & Gritecy. 14 .MeCoy & 14 West Pennaborough, John lloOd,. 13 Thomas G-eason. 13 Woodward & Schmidt, 14 J. W, D, Gilleland, !ignore, 13 Joseph Smith, 14 Prankford. Grooniliquors, 14' South Middleton, A. W. Leidich, , S. N. Diven, 14 Mien & Alexander, 13 Robert Given 4r, _Co., .14 Samuel Wolf;14 North Middleton. Elias Light, 14 • Henry Snyder, Shippensburg. Samuel Swanzo.), John Gish. C. F. Kunkle, Kunkie & Steviok, John Stambaugh, Peter S Ariz, agent, J. C. Altick, Jacob Pogue, liquors, Arnold & Sun, - Joseph Williams, J• B, Dencan. agent,' Nevin &.. Ridings, Jahn Wduderlielf.- Mury , Miller, ' N. A. Cornelius, John Bridges, Medinger K Brothers, J. U. Criswell, W. D. A. Nagle, Heck, Hui.ley &. Co„ Peitrieh, liquors, Samuel Sugars. Christian Shade, _ k Agent Southampton Conrad F'austnaugh.t, J F. Baughman John W. Clover, William Hauck, • Dickinson Russel & Dice, D. L. Beelmon, F• WilHoman, .Wenkly 5c Shritmr, William Wads. Benjamin ,Plonlo, Joseph L.,Stinei, Joseph Doris. liquors, • 14 Hays tic Palm, 14 Barnhart Gardener. liquors, S -- 14' Jr. B. Bryson 'Olivet S • pring,): , 11. 15 on Shonbe4 - .do • 14 . 700 George H. Bucher, do.. -19 „ 10 00 .John Hallacher, . do 14 700 David Hoover, . .do 14 700 Swiler,, 2. • .14' no (3. Eberly, (Lotter 'lt 15:00 Samuel Bitner. • . do . 13 10 00 John Dotillition; , ' 46 . 15 . 7,00 C. Rued', • ' 14 7 00 Aaron McClore, 'do . • • .19 .10.00 Jacob M• lloldernon, , do . 11... 15.00 Jacob Oooyer, jr*.- 0 - (Upper Allen.)l4 -7 00. MERCHANTS. Carliale. Class: $ cis 14 , 10 Ou 12,, 12 50 14 10 50 11 15 00 113 5U 10 20 Ou 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 / 00 14 7 00 13 15 00 14 700 12 12 50 1 00 12 12 50 Lower Allen 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 1 , 0 50 7 00 .Upper Allen 13 10 00 14 7 00 El]iill]] BEM ALwville 7 00 10 00 7 OU 7 00 12 50 7 On 10 00 7 00 7 OU 10 51 10 00 `lO 00 10 50 e 7 00 7 00 ,7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 10 50 10 90 7 00 '7 (JO 7 00 70 7 00 AfjOiin, 7 00 12 50 7 00 7 (10 14 ° 14 14 7 00 7 00 10 50 1•L SO 7 00 7 10 15 00 7'oo 7 00 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 , 700 13 10 00 14 10 50 14 -- ICO 14 ' 10 09 14 7 00. 14 7 00 , 14 700 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 50 George Mabel!, • jdo John Bowmnnd, do 14 , J. D. Sheaffor,(Sonth Micidieton)l4 Bossier &'Son, .do . W.L.& 'l'. B. Craighead,de 14 Davin Sterrett,- (Mifflin) 14 David Voglesong, (Monroe) _•. 13 A. &G. W. Mil, do V 13 Benjumin Gibler; do • - 13 J. W.. Leidieh. do 14 .Yorth Middleton.- W, M. Henderson & Son, 12 Gabriel Hatcher, ' 13 John Hoys;.. ii Dickinson John Moore, J.- E• Barnitz, •Wese Pennabord , ugh Marshall James, John Laughlin, Jarob'Shellabarger. Diller & Griller/ Samuel Riper, John Diller, —Hampden. Henry Rupp. Newton. Inane Mnrkward, 14 Christiqn Au, 14 John Eckert, 14 Southampton. George Cleve., 14 , East Pennaborough. J. S. Ilaldeman, 1 , 1 . dohn.Heek, Shippensburg Township Jt B. Blair, - DISTILLERS AND 13:REVIltaS Carlisle. Edward Showers, C. Initoff, agent, William Alemnaler, Barnitz, John floillnan, 3. W. Brandt, Henry Glass, Upper Allen, John Bowman, North Middleton Henderson & Son • John Hays, South Middleton. Robert Given & Co., . 7 on Oi Boss!er & Son, , 8 •{ll 51 Henry Glass, e;:,. 1J 500 Monroe AI: G. IleUzi - mover," J. A. Sz, C. Aid, Southamploh, Martin eoover, . • . 10 5 00 • . Ilopewell. Robert Quigley, 9 8 00 J nth'', Rump, ' 8 , F 00 John Ferguson, . 14 '7 0., ',' • Newton. P. A & J. A. Ahl 8 12 50. . • Frankford. Snmtiel , Grisinger, i 10 • f 00 DEER, OYST ERS, EATING HOUSE AND ItEsTA u RAN CS Carlisle. Jae-41 , Low, 7 10 00 Joseph Markel, _ - 8 5 00 3 ;1,,01) stratezl, till 8 5 00 Gutlief) Switzer ) 8 5 00 .lohu Lee,' i.,.,-9 8 5 00 rtlargaret .Miller,. • 8 5 00 .. lfeiir? Warner, 0 00 New Cumberland. Whitesel, Gordon Smith, Lower Allen SAinucl R. Grove, 8 5 00 S.rmtel Shireinan, 8 5 00 William Lloyd, 8 ,7 500 East Pennsborough. Abraham Coble, ~-:s 8 500 William Phillips 8 5 00 Joseph Bunks, 8 5 00 Silver Spring. John W Martin, 8 500 , Geor g ,. f r filthy, • 8 ,8 00 Isaac Furnbaucli, 8 5 00 Upper Allen. _ David D. Rinderknecht, 8 5 05 Moses Bargot, v. ••' "'" 8 ''.s 00 no K Shippensburg. R ...- James Spoosler,i• Samuel zveise, 7 10 00 Ihcwville. George Nitimb.Y. 8 5 00 Juno Is:-ershaw, 8 5 U 0 West Pennsborough . , William Winholtz, 8 5 00 . n e arriat Wson, 8 5 00 Jacob Ilixler, 8 5 00 Jacob Golden, 8 5 00 Southanipt9n, - Jacob UM - Hinges', " s 8 5 00 John ililinich. 8 s'oo Newton George Miller, Mechanicsburg Peter'Baker, BILLIARD-ROOM James Dixon, 3000 TEN-PIN ALLEY. Carlisle. . Jacob Low, (two alleys,) 40 00 Jacob Dillenderfer, 30 00 Mechan'iesburg. David Long, 30 00 North Middleton. Jacob I - if:nem:in,3o 00 • Nocton.4i.--awon, _3l) Ilell in. Scott Coyle, ' 30 oo • South Middleton. Matthew Moore, • 3o 00 CUMBERLAND COUNTY, 88. Lilo hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct hrt in the dealet'n iq Merchandize, in Guntherbind county'. no returned to Ole by \Via McPherson. Eon., Mereantile Appieaiser Al: persons 'returned and classified under the Act al 1849. relating. to Distilleries. IlreWer kB, Patent Eating Houses, ,Stc.. and Gall Alerchants and others returned and clasm tied as above, are notified tcheall and take nut their respediive licensee on o!' • before the first day of July next. _ _ _ W WOODS, County Treue May 3,54-4 t I Spring' .Style of Efate eV Caps 1 d'A*l4:.--,. , , 7,!,".• , S- % 4-4'• • ' :.-;:-: g' :_:, • .%1A Wra. tIR97T, DESIRE to inform ton olifirionds th a t he has removed to hie new eetnnlishment on Digit Street, near the Rail Rond Depot, and ie now opening a large and Olepat atlao/11110111. of the SPIiTNG STYLE Or HATS, jest received from Philadelphia', which the gen tlemou of Cerlist.2 are requested to call.and ex amine. .11, hia ofso alarge assortment of Silk, Fur and Slouch flats of his own manufacture, gat up in the best style and at various prices, the excellentio and finish of which lie will war rant His stook he is confident only needs to be examined to he approved: irtAlso a large sill»lY.orMon . v. Boys' and Children's, CAPS, .or Cloth and Fur and of every variety of style and price just received from Philadelphia. Let all who wain n flat or Cap give him a call, as they tatty Ito sure of being suited to their own satisfaction. Mar 22, 11354. Classical and Literary High. School NEWVILLE, PA. ririfeE Summer Session, of this Institution wal k. • commence on TUIDAY the V day of May. The enures of oductitiori pursued in this InstitutiOn is thorough in ilecharacter, embra an careful instruction in the ancient langua ges, and in all braublies of ticidnce, which are requisito to qualify students well for College, and practical business in life. Terms—For Tuition, Boarding and • Ledging, (per Session 5 months,) $5O 00 One hall of which is to be paid - in advance and the remainder nt the - (lo - se of the Session. Per further particulars, application can be made to the subscriber nt NoWyllie. Pa. ' ROBERT MeCACiIREN, Principal.' April 121-4 w WUITE'NALL A.CADMItire.. Three mites West of Harrisburg, Pa. ; THP, SEVENTH SESSION of this dour felling Institution will commence on MONDAY, the let tiny of MAY Mixt, The ad , vantages which 'it allottin, it is believed, are ofa superior character, and parants guardiAtur ' are .solicited to inquire into its merits before sending their dons or wards olsefylicre. It is favorably situated; the instructors are all corn pencrit and experienced men; the course. °fin er action Is extensive rind thortmuh, and special ,ationtion is paid to, the 'comfort and health of the students.- , . . • • UMW* Boarding, Washing,'Lmlging,.ond ' Tuition in .Einglish, and Vocal Mu. sie, per session 15 months), - 855.00 1 Instruction in Ancient or. Modern Languages. each. . °. • - • 500 Instrumental-Music, . . ' 10 00 FoeCirculare and other information dilutes D. DENLIN (.1. R, klarylobtirg, Pa., Mar 8 FRESH , HANS AND DUET BEEF. , A EBESII 'arrival, of SiJkar,',Clurod - HAMS AL and , DRIED , BEEF, juat retaivad from ninoinnati and for oalo at WILLIAMS' Family Oiooary Eitariii, in West Main Streat, r -et 0/3CIII9CIIICIIj.w. 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 00 10 00 10,00 'lOOO _.7.00 ORNAMENTAL 4430 u. .; Shade & Fruit Trees EVERGREEN FloweOneoShrubs, Plants; ViOes, • Roses, er.n., in great variety and size, suitable for planting the present season. Cultivated and for sale at the Nursery and Garden of the subscriber and et his stanch in the City, —ln the Market, below Sixth St., Philadelphia. KrAll Orders carefully attended to and for warded with despatch. Catalogues furnished on application apt 19 12'50 30 00 7 00 7 OQ 7 00 10 00 700 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 Household Glassware, -Fratn — the — Principal Factories and late 7 00 Auction Sales, Comprising a full and desirable assortment at 25 per cent below usual rates. 7 00 7 0• 7 00 Dealers and others will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. 1000 packages on hand. EDWARD F. CORPIELD, 152 Sown Second street above Spruce,) apt 17 Sin Philadelphia. 7 On 7 00 SPRING NILLINERY GOODS. John Stone ds Sons, No. 45 South Second Street Philadelphia, Have now in Store, of their own importation, a large ant, handsome assortment of RIBBONS, S I.L IC 5 , 'FLOWERS, CRAPES, and evrry article' suitable' to t h e Millinery Trade. to which constant addition will be made throughout the season, thereby enabling them to our the largest and most desirable selection of-articles in their line to be found in the City.< Phila. March 13, 1854-2 m 8 le 50 9 8 00 10 500 00 10 5 00 10 5 00 14 7 au 9 SOU 7 20Od 9 n 00 KEYSTONE DRY GOODS STORE. 4), EZRES tic LANDELL, Corner of 4th and Arch Streets, Phila. Have this season enlarged their establishment, which enables them to offer a much larger stoelt of DRY GOODS for the insertion of Courittty Itaysra. In the assortment always be found a tall line of 8 12 50 8 12 50 Black Silks, I Staple Linen Goods, Fariey do - do Cotton do InMa do Ido Muslin do Black Goods, Dress Goods: Crape Silas, 1 , , Shawls, all kinds. Scarce and desirablo Goods can always be obtained by applying to Ey! Landell. Terms, Nett cash, and priceS low according- Irl-Good country mosey received. March 13,1054-3 m Agricultural Implement & Seed Store rtruy, subscribers (der for sale a large variety of Agricultural Implements, among which are the celebrated EAGLE PLOW, Prouty Nosy, RedttOr's Subsoil Plo;v, Corn Shellers, Str a w and Ilay Cutters, Corn Fodder Cotters and Cinders, farmers' Boilers, approved Cul tivators, Road Sdraperl, &c. 8 SUO 8 SUO 130Y(•:R C HALL, • - Aarieuftural Implement and Seed Store, mar I) Harrisburg, Pa. FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS • THE suli9criliers are prepared to receive or ders for lASI, D, GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS, of the choicest varieties and warran— ted to be pure and genuine. lmong which are Golden Oregon Corn, Stowell Evegreen Corn, Ro s o o he ,'Vraminoth Corn, Adams Early and White Flint, Orchard Hertf Timothy and Clo• ver Seed, and every variety of Flower and Gar den Seeds. Catalogues ,fu.nished when re• quested. IS ER & HA LL, 'Agricultural Implement and Seed Store, mai. II Harrisburg, Pa. . P.. AGS WANTM.D. E NG extensively engaged in the mane- L eture of paper, we will pay to Country Merchants and others having Rags for sale, more titan the presetd market prime—CASll, JESSUP & MOORE, Paper Ma nufauturers, P - hiladelphin—dos. 24 and 25 North Si, flat street below Arch. betweon,4o.and.iffh.T-inth: GB.AT XS! Just Publis tit hed—A new Discovery in Medioine3 AFEW wcitds-on the Rational Treatment, without Medicine, Spermatorrhea, or local weakness, nervOns debility, lowispirits, lassi tude, welltness 01 the limbs and back, indispo sition and incapacity for study and labor, dull ness ot apprehenson, loss of motnory, aversion to sock' y,•love of solitude. timidity, self &b. trust, dtv. zioess. hem•he, involuntary discharges, pains in the side, affection of the eyes, pimples on the fare, sexual and et her infirmities in man From the French of Dr. IL. DeLancey. 8 500 8 5 00 Tho important face.that - these alarming corns plaints ronp easily be removed wrritoux !item els 0, in i.thi1i.5.441,111. -774114, olofirly•i<lentomqra ted. and theeent.tely new and enevesstal tritiment. as adopted bv the Author, hilly ex plained, by melds ofxvlliehleveryone to enabled to fore himsell perfectly and ar the heist possi ble cost, avoiding thereby all the advertized nostrums et the day. ' f ry ) Sdllt to any ad kens, gratis and post free, in s sealed envelnpii, by remitting (pest paid) two postage stamps to Dr,B. I).fiLailev c er Box 109 Broadway Post Oflice, New' York. (mar Ity Surgeens' 313andag - e Znstitute fir,lll) VED to N0..1 Ninth street. sixth store above Market. B C. E V 1;', E T1"1"S Patent Graduating Pressure TR.11365, for the cure .sof Rupture; Sim!der Braves - . -- Supporters, I . ;lastie'Stoeltings, Sitsponsary, Hemorrhoidal, stud Bandages for deformities,— Jan. 11—.iyr. CLOVIZZITCr ! CLOTHXNG The Largest and Cheapest Clothing Store in Carlisle! A RNOLD &' LIVING TON have now at tn. their store the:largest and best tosurtment of ready made Clothing to be bound in Carlisle, which they are able to sell at less Mau city pri ces, and louler than the goods can be bought at any other store la the place. ThoC'dlothing wo sell is all our own manufacture and not bought ready-made. We never have to deal in dama ged goods We buy good. sound material and nothing else. ' We warrant every [thing we sell to be well made and to give entire satiSfaiition. %Vo have now on hand SPRIHG& SUMMER CLOTHING of all qualities, and at prices to suit, embracing bloc, black and funny broadcloth and linen' dress, l'rock and - stick COATS, cloth cassimere and linen pantaloons, cloth.; satin and fancy vests °fall - sizes and descriptions, togeth with &large ttb , artlllfint of Cravtits,Ties, Sto c ks, Shirts, I I and kerchic fs, G loves. Suspendero 4 ,&c. &c., affording a variety snch as is seldom of- Mired. Measures taken and clothing made to order. Don't. forget thri stand in North annoyer st., n.'xt door to Lyso's litirdward siore, and di rectly opposite Maglanahlir's hotel. AR N OLD . 1 / 4 LITINGSTON Carlisle, April 19 1854.—ant r 0 etv Grocersrapa • Pititety TIIE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the pulic generally that he has not returned from 'the Mlle.' with large and varied'. nssortmrat of 'l4lll Li GROCE RI E end 'SW' I &e., " Il which he olibrs for sale on the moat reasonaule terms, at his NEW STORE, cur nor of North Hanover et. anti the 'Public Square, directly opposile •A. the Carlisle Deposit Bonk. His .wmmiol" stock embraces everything usu- • ally kept in a Grocery and Va riety store. The Miblic aro invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elswherit,aa he Mole confident ho can null the best goodi at the low est prices. April 5,'54, SPRING AND . SUMMER' 1854] . Styles of Hats! 11854 CORGg KU LLER respoctfulfii-atinoun. 'tacos to his old Patrons and the pytblic gen. • orally that he has just received the SPRING STYLE OF GENTLE MEN'S„ Fuvrs, manufactured at one - of: the best establishments in Philadoinnin, to Which ho invites spacial attention. .'ti":,' " He has also constantly on hand a large and varied asio4mont of his own manufacture ea' Well aii city hind° • • ' -. HATS AND CAPS,, - , ' cuitablo for. lie soasonmomprising ovary varij opt ofttussia, Beavoe, Moleskin and Silk Hats, finished in the/atoot style, togeilior lull assortment of Caps of oyory ;shape, and deo cription, and at every Mice Ho particularly I invites the public to call and examinq his WOW. 'sive assortmenOvisich'in/itylo, material, and finish, cannot bo eurpassed by - any in market, and which ha is able to put at prices lower than river. .0:7 - Remember Ins old. stand on North HanoVor etrea,t, hatwiidn flumer'e and Sonor's store. . I.March:22 ' S. MAAJPAY, Rioing Sim P. 0 , Min a lame assortment of Ladies and Misses French lace, gosaunnirs, leiletado, tripoli. braid an' straw Bonnets, Misses handsome Flats all of which will be sold at unusually low prices. Man's ant! nay's, canton, leghorn, china pearl, senate and palm leaf flats. Parasols, Um brellas and Looking-glasses very cheap. BOOTS AND SHOES. We are selling a lirge lot of ladles' shoes and gaiters at g,rently reduced prices, as wo intend discontinuing this branch of our holiness.. GROCERIES, &c., &c. Rio and Java Cofliee, roasted coffee, brown and white Sugar, Lovernigs Syrup Mulassn, 'Peas, Spices, tee. Our stock, for variety and cheapness, is cer tainly not rsurpassed by any in the emint ry.— B aver; w hot Wish to ptlvilaSe art ices of supe rior cluality, at reasonable prices, should not tail to give us a call. 1 April 5, '54.1 iVICILRZON HALL in — A,lresh assortment of till the above arti cles, and a general supply of ether articles usually kept by us, - all just opened and, for solo et our new store rooms. ." Juno S. 1553. J. W. 8 B WALL PAPER FOR THE BULLION. Great attraction. r HAVE just received my Spring stock of It PAPER HANGINGS, which surpass in Style, Quality and Pried•-any that has ever been exhibited in Carlisle. I - respectfulcy so licit a call front persons in want of Paper Hang ings of any description, as I am confident my assortme riL. fa Loormse_s_any. in I horongh,r and in style and price has but few rivals in the city. I only asklof the public to call mid ex• amino my assortment before purchasing. DOI ant confident toy chaste designs cannot fail to please the most listidions. • I, THomAscoNLyN r ./ .., ,:_., \Vest lligh street, a few : ~.. •,:-.'..„. :: deers we t o 131111001- ‘,„.,..,,, .., < 2 „, 44. T . *, , , ,, d . or's , hostel, : Carlisle. 4:: „ ..iv„. , ),. 4: ., , ,,,nas just received the .4 . , , .?, 7 , 'i , . ~ largest mid 1,t,..:_f. Sy r , „, _most elegant 7 ~..qt-70C assortment oh • SUP.EII.IOR JEWELRY` ever offered in Carlisle, consisting in part Gold'and,Silver IVatehes of every variety, and at all prices, eight-day CLOCKS. Silver table and tea spoons, silver table lbrks and butter knives, gold and silver spectacles, ladies' and gentlemen's gold . pen and pencil,,gold chains of everytiescription,.ear and linger rings, breast pins, &e. at all prices. Also Accurdeons and Musical 13oxes, wfth a great variety of Fancy Articles, selected expressly for the Holidays. Persons desiring to purchase are invited to cal: and examine the assortment. We are prepared to sell at very reasonable prices, Quality of till goods warranted to be as fine as sold for. THOMAS CONLYN, Dec 28, 1853 West High Street• TAMES R.WEAV ER would respectfully fr.P, call the attontion.of House Keepers and the public to hie extensive stock of ELE:GANT FURNITURE. including Sofas, Waforobes, Centre and other 'fables; Dressing , anti plain Bureaus and ()Very odor article in his branch of business. Also, now on hand the largest as sortment ef CH A IRS in Curlisle, at the lowest prices. Kr Collins made at the shortest mode and a Hoarse provided for funerals. ,-1-1, 3 solic itsa call at his establishment on Narth Home ver street, near- Glass's lIOTEL. N. B.—Fur niture hired out by the- month or year --- -Carlisle, March 20. 1850.—1 y ALT. that valuable property situate on the north west corner of Centre Square, in the beroughlof known as . Bcotenes Row The Main build- v 3; ing is now occupied by 11. E. Burk. n l 4l l f e t holder as . e hotel. Tile balance of the proporiy is rented for offices, shops, &c./ This of the very best properties for bust flees in :thb borough, and to capitalista (dere great inducements for investment. 'The pay-' merit if desired will Ile Made very easy. • Also, tyvery comidtable two store DVEL. 'LING HOUSE. on thefeast end of Main St., adjoining property.,oCAndrew Holmes, Esq. and now occupied by Mr. David Greer. . The lot is 42 feet front by 240Sin' depth, and bargains a number of choice fruit trees. The property' is in good order, and lies a Cistern, smoke house bake oven, stable, &c. on:the lot. For partic ulars enquire of . leb8) CHARLES 0G11.13 t. 3. D. 114 LB EMT HOUSE JIM LOT .FOR SALE. THE two Storj, FRAME ItpusE nd Lot of Grtiond. to South Hutto: or afflict., now oticupieti by Charles , ray Stwriitz, immediately opposite Bent's a Storo, fa offered at private sale. For, fawns enquito of the, subscriber, Attorrniy for tife.owner.• • n0v9'.53t1) • R.M. HENDERSON% 'PTO. 1, & MACKFIRE.I4 in whole, hnlf iNand (limiter bble, Ltike White Fish; Eileen fine Redolent SALMCIN '•TROU'r • from the tho Lakes and lei the firth time bretight to thin mnrket, in store, and for gaiety the subscriber. , pt. W.; Corner Market genie. Coil'sle, IiALBEItT. 113 ROCA LONG_ L _ AWLS—Jnet ro• ,11 cowed a few on and Square'Brooha Shaw 13, and for sato by ; • " , !TN qR 1: -- -;utivrcitaticous. Is=ovataa. SPR±NG r.aszucoNst rti LIE subscriber desires to inform hisold ens „AL tomere.and the'publie that he has tempora• lily removed his establishment lour doors SQL” of hisold stand, on North Hanover streaming° he husiust opened a . largo assortmenvof • BOOTS, SHOES. GAITERS, &c. which cannot be surpassedin style, quality and price. and to which he invites the attention of the public. L WEAR For Ladies and Misses his stock is well so• looted and 'complete, comprising the most lash• ionable styles of Congress, silk Gaiters, 'color.. ed French Goiters, Mums .° Boots. foxed with potent leather, 91 all colors and qualities, to• go her with Misses Gaiters, and a full supply of every-description-of—Boots—Shoes—and-Gaitersfor Ladids, Misses and Childress' wear, at all _ _ _ GENTLEIAIEN'S WEAR Calf, Kip and Coarse Boots of different qualities and prices; black and drab Congress Gaiters ; patent lOW herthan Walking Shoes; Mi.nte• ray Ties and .i. 11111p13, patent lea.her ,and cloth fancy Toilet SlippurA &c. A lull assortment of the above styles of Boys' wear. Also a general assortment of Call' Kip and coarse Maureen rind Shoes at all prices: This extensive stoc'c'bf new and fashionable styles has been selected with great care and the qualtt yis warranted. They only need to be ceratiiined to be approved. lie also continues to manufacture all kinds of work as before. Krßipe will be repaired gratis. Feeling confident his assortment will give entire satis faction, both as regards quality and price,lea respectfully solicits public Dotronnee. .-april 12. JONATHAN CORNMAN. J. 11. wElsp, 231ARGAINS ! BARGAINS 1! . At Weise and Campbell's New std-" Cheap Store, S. W. corner of Llano - ver S• Loather erects. WE now feel a pleasure in announcing that we have just received a splendid and choice as. sortment of Spring and Summer Gonds, which we will offer at such prices as cannot fail to please. The stock denBlatB of DRESS GOODS, Black Fancy Dress Silks, Foulards, Organdies, Brilliants, Lawns, Jaconetts, Gareees, &c„Sic. LACE. AND ENIIIROIDERIES A. handSoni, int of S,,,,,icers, Underaleeves Collars, (tailings, Edgings, Insertinge, mourn ing collars and undersleuves,Mnbroidered linen cambric. lianleerchiefs. Rrx., D ONIES'FICS ginghams, cheelcs, tickings, Musli”s,.. jeans, drills, baT,-stulraia flannels - CLOTHS, &e.,&e. a handsome lot of cloihs, cassimers and N esting BO N N FITS, MIME J. W. EBY'S FAMILY GROCERY lava and Maracaiba Coffees, Green and Roasted do., Orleans and Clarafied Brown Socars. Pulverized. Crushed and Loaf d0,..501t, Crushed (preserving) do. Rice, Patina and Corn Starch. Broma. Cocoa, Chocolate, Vanilla Bean, Mace, Citron, with Spices of every Aci.ndo.l Suerm, Mould, Adamantine Candle's, Orleans and Sugar 11. Syrup Molasses, =IIEIII I.UHN P. LYNE, VS,llst . side of North Hanover Slreot, Mar 29. • Cur:isle, Pa. SPLENDID 3EWEL3:SI!: Holiday Presents, Ltc:. Extensive Furniture Rooms. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE A NA.RGAINI Fish, Pits , Fish. ,CO•ai nub., Oilier 'Notices. eIPIP'ESILS FOR, k ! 1 8 54. TILL Commissioners of Cumberland county will bold the:Appeals 'foil. the respective borough and township, at the Commissioners Office, in Carlisle, ae follows: For Lower Allen, East Pennsboro, Hampden and New Cumberland, on Friday, April 28th, 1864. For Upper Allen; Monroe and :Mechanics burg, on Saturday, April . 2fflh. For Frankford, Mifflin and Silver Spring, • on Monday, May Ist. For Hopewell, Islewville, Shippensburg bo rough and Shippensburg township, on Tues day, May 2d. For . Nowton, Southampton and West Penns hero, on IVednesday,_May 3d,_ For Diolchmon and South Middleton, on Thursday, May 4th. .1 For Carlisle and North :Ntiddloton, on Friday, May 6th. JOSEPH" G. CRESSLER, JOHN ROBB, - Comma's JAMES ARMSTRONG, Test, WM. RILEY, Mc. Commissianers Office,Carliale, .Ap,l. 6 '54 Estate of John Buser, dec. , uOTILF, is hereby given that letters of ad• ministration on the estate of John Buser, late of Silver Spring two, dee, have been grant ed to the suocriber, residing in the same twp. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them for settlement, and these indebted to make imrded late payment to JOHN SO LLENB E RGE R. Achit'r. npl i 9 7t =2! ASSIGNEE'S rairincE. IVOTIC El is hereby given that George. Kees , I_ll amen And Wile, of Gharchkown, Monroe township, f . umb. county, having. on the Bth day or April, 1854, made a vomidary assign ME nt. or their property to the undersigned. for the bene fit of their creditors, all persons having claims or demands againat said George Keeseman are requested to make them known without delay, and those i , dcbted.:to make payment immedcc ately to the subscriber. RICIIARD ANDERSON, Cliurclitown. Apl 19 3t Estate of Elizabeth Siiebk, dec'd iiKrOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad- IN ministration on the eat ate of Elizabeth Shenk, late of Dickinson township, Cumber• hind comity, dec'd, have been granted by the Register of said county, to the subscriber. resi ding tit the same township. All persons having clanno against said estate are requested to pre sent them fur settlement, and those indebted to make immediate payment to ap'l.l2—titpdj HENRY SHENK, Adm'r,l Estate of Dorothey Frochey, dec'd. OT[C E is hereby given that letters testa mentavy on the estate of Dorm he v Frltch ey, lam of South Middleton township, Cumber landmounty, dee'd. have been granted by the Register tit said county, to the subscriber, resi ding in Taneytown, Carrot county, Md. All persons having claims against said estate are re quested to present them for settlement, and those indebted to make immediat pnymente to april le-9tpd] .1. G. FLLITCHEY, Ex'r. Estate of John Paul, dec'd. N",C ff. is hereby given that letters of ad miaistration on the estate of John Paul, late of West Pennsboro township, dec'd., have been granted by the Regraier of sai . d county., to the subscriber residing in the seine - township. All persons having claims against suid estate are requested to present them for settlement, and Orme tndebted to make immediate pay ment to HENRY PAUL, April 12-6 t Estate of Jas. Carothers, - deed. xi-oricE to.lhere b y given that letters of ad. .1.31 1 ministration on the estate of James Ca. mailers. late of Shippensburg, Cumberland co. deceased, have been .granted by the Register al said county, to the subscriber, residing in in NewviLe. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate payment, and those haviirg'elaims to present them for settlement to CHARLES T. McLAUGFILIN. April 51 Adm'r Estate of Wm. Woods, dec'd NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on the estate of William Woods, late of Dickinson tounship,Cumberland county deceased, have been granted by the 'lt egister of said county to the sultecOlters, residing in, the same townsh p. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are required to make immediate 'laymen!, and those having claims to present them for settlement to ... REBECCA OODS, Adm'x, GEO. I). WOODS, Adm'r. - 1- Anti] 5, 's4—Gt-pd. STRAW WANTED ' The subscriber will pay Cash for STRAW -of any kind delivered at Middlesex. Turmeric Mid is to their interest to sell their , straw and purchase other manures. , , li. SHRYOCK, Agent: tiov3ot I) STOVES: STOVES!') STOVES! W O O U tr, i d tto t riLthe es p u u th b i l i t s e h t n h . ho now street, next door to Marion Hall, the largest nd roost complete assort tnent of COOK, OFFICE & PARLOUR STOVES to he found in this county, which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit. His stock consists of a large assortment of new and highly• approved PATENT COOKING STOVES, Finished in the 'nee complete manner, and calculated for eitbeewciiidor coal: or both. All the old standardipatterns, which have stood tiro test of experience, may be found at his estab lishment. Also n great variety of the most ap proved and beautiful PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, Including a number of new styles, possessing very superior advantages over those herciefore i n use . Families and housekeepers are respect. fully invited to give him a call before purcha sing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to any purr of the comity and put up at the shortest notice. He conlinues to do al, kinds of TIN AND - SHEET - IRON WARE, and Copper work, and has constantly on hand or will make to order every article required by, housekcepee dr whet Bin this line. His stock of Tin and 'opper•ware einbrace's every kind of household aitd kitchen utensil; warranted equal to the' best manufactured. Persons in wont oterticleti in his line may always be sure of being accomodated to their ,satialuction by 'giving him a call. fOctl9, --- ROBERT S. sxvuLvir, ABIN ET mmiER AND UNDERTAKER North JlisnoverStreet, and nest door to Wage* THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citUens of Carlisle and the public gener airy, that he now hes on hand a large and ele gant assortment of 'FURNITURE', consisting in part of Wardrobes, Card and other Tables, Sofas, Bureaus,' Bedsteads, plain and fancy Sewing Stands, &e. manufactured of the be s t material and quality warranted. • ' Also a general assortment of C,HAIRS:at the lowest prices. [initial+ Blinds made to , order, and repairing promptly attended to. ii:rCoflins made at the shortest notice, Itavingra,splundid hearse he attend funer als in town or country. Romombar tho stand— next door to 11. Glass cliOtel. nov24 R. B. SMILEY: A LARGE APRIETG ARRIVAL! Vjsurpasees in quarititY., quality and V V prices any that line ever 'yet been opened in-Curlisle, consisting of the 'greatest variety of all kiniis of Ilurdweire,•su6 as, Shoe Fin dings, Saddlery, 'condi Trimmings, Paints; Oils, Varnish, Glass, Mils, Files, :Anvils.' _Vices, lielleWs, Springs, A Kola, Bowe, Felloes, Veneers, Cederware, Farming Utensils, Bar and Rolled Iron, Steel, &e., with a thousand more articles einnentionable. , Having., Purchased largely of Heavy Goods previous to the advance in inlet's, I am enabled to sell goods at old prices. Persons in w ant o Hardware are Invited to.eall and examine my gooda'and hear my pricee,'and you will be sat. LOW where the Cheap Hardware is to be had. :ocyMy stock ,of WALL PAPER ia - nnap• proached by any in the Borough. • . r Thankful for the former liberal patron*, a continuance of the same is solicited by ' JOHN-P. LYNE, • Wait Side of Nottli Hanover Street. Ggrlisl " • . Carpenters and ItullOors are. invitad. to examino.tlta astior a t riOni of Lolka, Let , eFf, ElpItH A Hingeo t Scr dwe, we, Gla4e, Puttlev dzq., All IpF,i . alo qtitapot - tuatl3,*;', ' • SAXTPtra, JOHN H. GORGAS, UM I 1 1111911111 M. II Adm r
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