Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 26, 1854, Image 4

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I love black eyes, those eyes of jet,
• That sparkle bright and clear,
They're full of roguery, and yet
The love in them I fear,
Thoyiie full of hope, they're full of joy,
Ae If no cloud could rise .
To rear ihq . ,lovo that they onjoy,
Those bright and sparkling oyes.
I love blue eyes, those meek blue eyes,
That spark of heaven above, ,
Although they're not with mischief filled,'
They beam with truth and love.'
And sweeter 'tis to gaze upon
The eyes of azure hue,
And know they light a joyous heart
That's beating there for you.
THE INDIA nunntrt Titian
Prom a veldt's') lately published in N:Ymk,
by R. P. Putnam, entitled "Scones and Ad
ventures on the Banks of the Amazon, we
take the following account of filet strange tro
pical production, the India rubber tree:
"A number of blacks bearing long poles on
their shoulders, thickly strung with India
rubber shoes, also attracted our attention.—
These are for the mesepart manufactured in
the interior, and are brought down the river
for sale by the natives. It has been estima
ted that at least two hundred and fifty thou
eland pair,of shoes aro annually exported from
the province, and the number is constantly on
the increase.
"A.few wordr'respeoting the tree itself, and
the manufacture of the shoes, may not be out
-of place...
"The tree (Sipnilla Elastics) is quite pecu
liar in its appearance, and soinetimes reaches
the - height of eighty and even a hundred feet.
The trunk is perfectly round, rather smooth,
and protected by a bark of a light color. Thy
leaves grow-in clusters of three together, are
thin, and of an ovate form, and are from ten
to fourteen inches in length. Tho.centro leaf
of the cluster is, always the longest.
"This remarkable tree bears a curious fruit,
of the size of a peach, which, although not
palatable, is eagerly sought after by
animals—it is separated into three lobes,
contain each a small bleak nut. The
• trees are tapped in the same manner that the
New Englanders tap maple trees. The trunk
having been perforated, a yelloWish.liquid. re
sembling cream, flows out, caught in
small clay cup:, fastened to the tree. When
these become full, their contents are emptied
into large earthen jars, in which the liquid is
kept until desired for use.
"The operation of making the shoes is as
simple as it is interesting. Imagine yourself,
dear reader, - in one of the tiering groves of
Brazil. Around you are a number of good
looking natives, of low•stature and olive com
plexions. All are variously engaged. One is
stirring with a long wooden stick the contents
of a cauldron, placed over a pile of blazing
embers. This is the liquid as it was taken
from the rubber tree.. Into this a wooden
"last," covered with clay, and having„a han
dle is plunged. A antics- of the liquid re
mains. You will perceive that another native
then takes the 'last,' and holds it in the smoke
arising from the ignition of. a species of palm
fruit, for the purpose of causing the glutinous
substance to assume a dark color. The 'last'
is then plunged again into the oauldron and
this procees is repeated, as in dipping candles,
until the coating is of the required thickness.
Yon will, moreover, notice h number of Indian
girls making various impressions, such as
flowers, &c., upon the soft surface of the rub
ber; by means of their.thurab nails, which are
especially pared and cultivated for this pur
pose. After the final operation, the shoes are
pliced in the sun to harden, 'and large num
bers of them may be seen laid out on mats in
exposed situations. The aboriginal name of
the rubber is cahuchu, from which the formi
dable word of caoulAottc is derived.—
A Now England paper recommends the fol
lowing' method to protect peach, pear, apple
and other fruit trees against the attacks of the
grub or worm at the roots:
TaltO a piece of canvass from six to ton in
ohiffiiiiiidth,and length iiuffielent to fold twice
around the trunk of the trees, at two inches .
beneath the surface of the ground; place a
string loosely around the middle of the belt,
and fill the top of the belt with soot, lime or
ashes. This should bo renewed every spring,
in the month of April. Trees treated in this
Jammer will not be attacked by the grub
The Germantotvn Telegraph has a batter
toed° than this, having used for some years
the canvass, alone, and have thus far found it
effectual; but then appiy it the latter part of
February, or the early part-of March, (as the
insects commence early to lay their eggs, some
ex inches above the soil;) and take it off about
the let of Juno. The constant bandage might
'Nur() the tree. An equally certain mode is
to bandage or not, but to bowl out the ground
about six inches in depth, round the trunk,
heaping the dirt up so as to make the top of
the "bowl" an inch or two higher than the
surface, and fill this with slackehime about
the consistency of mush. -It can't fail. We
apply it to our Mountain ash, and,we think it
le the only protection for them., When stoma
of young trace are bandaged / as before mon
doned, stiff paper, tied firmly in several pla
nes, and Ist run at least an inch into the ground
Will answer quite as well no canvass,-'
WONDERFUL CURE.—The following wonder-.
fill effect of ono of the cure all patent meal
tellies, advertised 00 extoneively in many of
the papers of the day, is about as won authen
ticated as moat of the remarkable oases which
are backed up by a long array of .hogua certi
"A boy bad swallowed a silver dollar. None
of the faculty could devise any alleviation,
whereupon the inventor of the cure all IlleCii-
Gine was sent for. , is 'evident,' said he,
'that so considerable's& coin can never be fore
led up by any emetic' known to science. How
ever, let him take this pill, and flattering con
sequences will be likely to ensue.' An hour
afterwards, the boy throw up the dollar, but
in small obange=principally five cent pieces '
nerd Rhode Island clergyman lately il
lustrated the necessity_of corporal punishment
for the correction .of 'juvenile depravity, with
the remark that "the child, wheh once started
in a Gnome of evil conduct, was like a locomo
tive on the wrong track—it take the switch to
get it eV' When the reverend gentleman de
livered himself of this piece of waggery, with
all becoming. gravity, a general smile , lit up
the countenance' of Many an attentive bearer.
Oarllale Verna% fleminary.
1111ESWI PAINE will commence the
1311114MPR SESSION of their Seminary
on the tiecond Monday in April, in a new and
commodiemk-achool , room, next door to Mr,
Leonard's, Ninth Hanover street.
Instruction in tlie languages ant 'retiring, no,
extra charge,
t.)lllustot:aegitt byx experiensed teaoher,at
en extra chargq,,, • (sept3S)
VIE subscriber having returned from the
city would cull the attention of his trionde and
the public grimily, to thelarge and well se
lected assortment of hiardware'which he has
just received. consiethig in part of
g nails, scrim hinges, locks - , bolts,
ass, puny', pniots, toils, &e. TOOLS• , —
etlge iuols.; , says and, planes of every descrip
tion, with , life, rasps, hammers, anvils, Sze-,
A genetsl assortment of .
together' with morocco. lining and' binding
skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness
mounting, saddletrees, j&c.
COACH THIMMIN G—canvass (plain, en
amelled, figured and embossed,) patent and en-
Eatnelled leather, axles, springs, hubs, spoke,
,lellecs, sh.tlts, &c, &c.
Cabinet hialtdrs will find a large rtseorment
of varnishes, mahogany and walnut veneers,
moulding, casettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &e.
The stock of IRON is large and,well selec
ed, comprising all the kinds in general use,,ap
hammered an , d rolled tire of all sizes, flat, bar
and hand iron, round, square unit oval iron,
horse slum iron and nail rods, with a large lot
of cast and spring steel, English and-,American
blister steel, &c.
Housekeepers and those about commencing
will find is tc their advantage to call and exam
ine our cutlery, britrania arid plated ware
pane, kettles, cede; ware, baskets, &c:
In addition to the aim:e we have received a
splendid assertnieru of WALT, PAPER, ma
king the stock complete, and at stmh prices as
cannot WI to give satish,ctton• Wo invite all
friends to call, knowing it will he to r their own
advantage. Remember the old stand, East'
High Street, Car.isle, P,
Oct. 12, 1853. HENRY S A XTO N.
Great elltractionf
11 is now
and will continua to bo supplied with the
greatest novelties up to-the close of the season,
comprising in/part •
of the choicest varieties, such to Fine Cand'
Toys, icily Cakes, Bon Bone, Cum Curdle
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose
Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French and ex
plading Secrets'. Also all the common eerie.
ties, all of which will he sold wholesale am
retgil at low rates. We have just, received
of the" latest importations such ps Oranges
Lemons. Raisins, Figs, Pruens, Citron, Cur
rants, soft and paper shelled A ltnonds, hil
berts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. It
Connection with the above the. largest assort
ment of
of every kind front all parts of Europe, mnn
ufdctured of wood, glass, china, papier macho,
tin and India rubber, zinc, &c., such as Fine
Wnx; kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card
Baskets, Work ,und Fancy BoNes, Flower
Vases, Motto Guns,,Ten Setts. Mkisic fluxes,
Por , Mainline, Battle Doors, Grbtee iloons,
Planks, Drums, Guns, Trumpets, Dominoes,
lotto and other games, &c., Fancy Soaps and
Hair Oils of every variety. In connection
with the above a large stork of
such as pnlverizdd. crushed and brown Sn.
gars, of every grade, Coffee, Molasses. Starch,
(triton and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda.
Sugar, Water and o.ber,Crackers, cheese, &c.
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks
to a generous public for the patronage hereto
fore bestowed on him, sad hopes, by a desire
to please, to merit 3 continuance of the same,
tr 7,
~,_4 (.la/. * o trt)
P' 1110.9'
Cnrlisle, Dece
.her 7, 1F53
Corner of Hanover and Loather sts.,
/riff E undersigned has always on hand a large
stuck of superior Cabinet IVare, in all the
different styles, which he is prepared to sell at
the towestpriees. lie invites attention partic
ularly to the Putout Sprinp-Botitan Bedstead, a
most est:fur:article-, which ent!rely. obviates all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They have given entire salts ac
tion to all who have them in use.
CO-COFFINS made to order atthe' shortest
Not a Particlo or Mercury in it
rgninfsllible remedy for Scrofula, lL ing's Evil,
Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions,
Pimples- or Pustules on the. Face, Blotches,
Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worin or Tri
ter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the
Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic
Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaintsivid all
Diseases arising from an injudicious use Of Alm..
cury, imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the
This valuable Medicine, which ling become
celebrated or the numbeif_ of xtraorditiary
cures effected through its ngcncy, has induced
the proprietors, at tie urgent request of„ their
friends, to offer it to the public, which the) do
with the utmost confidtlice in its virtues HIM
wonderful curative properties. The. following
certificates selected from large miimber, are
however•: - stronger..--testimonytharr - the •mere
word or the proprietors ; and are all from gen—,
tlemen well-known in their - locklithts and or the
highest respectabilityliiany of them residing in
the city of Richmond, Va.
C. BOYDEN, Esq. of the Exchange lintel,
Richmond, known every where, says he %as Seen
tile Medicine called CARTER'S SPANISII
TURE administered in over a hundred cases, in
nearly all,the,diseases for nMeli it iu ITCOIIIIIICII
- witlmiio 'most astonishnigly good results.—
lie says it is the most extraordinary medicine
he has ever seen.
by certify unit for three years I. had Ague and
Fever of the most violent description. I had
Several Physicians, took large quantities of Qui
nine, Mercury, and I believe all the Tonics ad-,
vertised, but all without any permanent relief.
At hunt I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two
bottles, of which effectually cured me and I am
happy to say I have had neither Chills orb ever
since: I consider it thebest Tonic in the world
and the only medicine that ever renehed my case.
Beaver dam near Richmond
G B LUCK Esti now in the city of Richmond
alit for many years in the Post Office. has such
confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Caridrr's
Spanish-Mixture, that he has bought upwards o f
'5O bottles which has given nway to the nfilicted.
'Mr Luck says he has never known it to fail when
taken! accord ing to direetiohs
iii MANCE . o practising physican and former
ly of the City Hotel in the city of Richmond,
says be has witnessed in a number of instances
the effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture which
were most truly simprising, lie soya' in it ease
of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the
good effects were wonderful indeed:.
SAMUEL Al DRINKER of the firm Drink
er & Morris, Itichinond, was cured of Liver
Complaint of 8 years standing by tile use of two
bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture,
tors of the Richmond Republican had n servant
employed in their press room cured of .violent
Scrofula conibined with Rheumatism, which em.
tirely.disabled hinpfrom work. Two bottles of
Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perf-ct cure of
him, and the editors in a public notice say they
"hheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted
with any disease of tine blood "
LA—I bad a very, valuable boy cured of Scrofilla
by Carter's Spanish Mixture. leondiaer it truly
a valuable medicine; James nylon Condfictor
on the It P & 1' R R co Richmond Vs
Me John Thompson residing' iu the city of
Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carters
Spanish Mixture.of Salt Rheum, which he had
neitrir2o'yc•rs. and which all the physicians of
DM city would not eure.—Mr Thompson is n well
known merchant in the silty of Richmond, V ii ;,.•
and his cure is most remarkable.,,
PrincipalDepots' st •M. WARD, CLOSF &
. CO; No 83; Maiden Lone, New York • •
T W Di(OTT SONS;Zio-152,North
DONNE I'T & tWEßS,hi'co 125 Main street,
Tholimonti n .Va„ , ' •
And {'or solo liy $ S W Ilaveretick,
Carliilo; Ira Day4Mechanitisburg; d• ,H Herron,
N001110;1 C Shlnnensburg, and by dee.
.loresiin medicines everywhere.,
sz :
.Vreinium Artiste -in Hair.
Inventor of .th&Celebraiert Gossamer Yenta Ling
Ifiy rind Elastic Band Touiaces.
Instructions to enable Ladies and Gentle en
to measure their heads with accuracy '
For Wigs, incites Toupees, inches.
No'l The round of No 1 FrutmfOrellead to
the heath - back as litr ns bald
2 From forehead 2 Over lot-6mM us far
Sower the head to ns required
the neck 9 Over the crown of the
- 3 From ear to ear I heal
over the top"
- 4 Frcm eta• to ear
• round the forehead' .
It BOLLARD has always real ly for sale a
atilentlid stock of Gents' Wigs, Toupees,Ladies'
Wigs ' half Wigs, Frizots, Braids, Curls, &n,
beautifully manufactured, and RS cheap US any
,ostabliahment in the Mimi •
. Bollards Ilerhimium extract or Lustrous flair
Tonic, prepared -from South American herbs
and Bo ts, the most successful article ever pro-
I (laced for preserving the hair from falling out
or changing color,restoring and preserving it in
n healthy and luxuriant state Among other ma
sons why Dollard's hair cutting saloon maintains
LitsAmmense pops birity is the fact-that his To We
is appieetii'etery bead of hair cut at his estab
lishment, consequently it is kept in better pres
ervation than unite! , any known application 11
being dinspractically tested by thousands, offerl
the greatest guarantee of its efficacy.
Sold wholesale and temil at his Ohl Establish
most 177 Che'stout street oppoaite the state
.Roust', Yhilndelphin
IL Dollard bas at least discovered the ne plus
ultra of HAllt DYE stud nimounces it for sale
with perfect confidenco,tin its surpasstiug ever y
thing of the kind now ii - use it colors the hair
Dither black or brown, (as may be desired) anti
is used without injury to the heir or skin either
by stain or otherwise, can be washed•off is ten
minutes sifter application,, without detracting
fro in its efficacy' Persons visiting the city are
invited to give him us call
Letters itthlr.ssed to R. DOLLARD, 17.
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive atten
ties, ' Jan ly
South Hanover Street, Near the Court house.
1100 3. ICIEFFER, drup,gist, would respect..
ILO . fally inform tno citizens of Carlisle and
vicinity that he has opened a new
His stock is ci`kirely new, andhas been selec
ted with greld care. As litany of the articles
in daily use by physicians and Families deteri
oraje,by age and exposure, great care will be
taken not to allow such articles to accumulate
in ouch quantities.
Al ten lion is especially invited to his stook of
Medicines, Essential Oils, Oils, Tinciures, -
Wines, Extract.; Contections, Chemicals,
Together with the above ho has a 1 1 / 4 11
assortment of Paints, Vseti;shes, yo—Stutli3
Paint and Varnish Brushes, and
of every variety • He has also on hand aside)]
did assortment of
Perfumeries, Soups, Extracts, Fancy, Hair
Clothes and Flesh 13rushes Supporters,
13r,ast Exhumers, Nipple Shields,
l'oo,h Washes tend Pastes.; elso
of the best quality. SEGA RS, from the irst
Havana and Swinish houses, of every flavor,
front one coot upwards.'
In order to ensure big eustomera against
mistake's during any temporarily absence of
the proprietor, the services of an experienced
and competent assistant have been secured,
which will be felt to he important, in view of
theresponsibilities which are known to devolve
upon the drneuiFt.
will be faithfully and promptly attended is. —
Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the
country will be filled with care, and at prices
which must prove satisfactory.
N officinal preparations made in
strict accordance with the directions of the U.
S. Pharmacopoeia.
A liberal shore of public pntronaee is res•
peettully snitched. Terms Cash.
,May 11. 1853. BJ.KIEFFER.
WVOULD inform the public th at he has now
on hand at his establishment, on )lain
street, neat door to Marion flall , .the laigest
nd most complete assortment 01
to be found in this county, which will be sold
at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit.
His stock consists of a large assort Mont of um
and highly approved
Finished in the most complete manner; and
•alculatad for either wood or coal or both
the old standard patterns, which have stood the
test of eAperienee, they he bound at his estab
lishment. Also a great variety of the most ap
proved and beautiful
Including a number of new styles, possessing
very superior advantages over those heretofore
in use. Families and housekeepersare respect•
fully invited to give him a call before purcha
sing elsewhere. Stoves deliveAd to any part
of -the °minty and put up aulte.shortest notice.
Ho continues to do al, kinds of
and Copper work, and has constantly on hand
or will make to 90er every article required by
housekeepers or others in this line. Ills stock
of Pin nod Copper•ware embraces overy-kind
of household and kitch`Mi utensil, warranted
equal to the beet manufactured. Persons in
want of articles in his line may always be sure
of being accomodated,,to their . satisluction
giving him a call. 10019
North Hanove , Street, and ne,x (- door to--(Wrzoo.
THRundersigned would re i hßrntifillyinlorm
the eii ixens of •Earlisle-and--t he pu Irrlre-g
ally, that he now bus on head a large and ele.'
gant assortment of FURNITURE, consisting
in part of Wardrobeg, Card an other Tables,
Sofas, Bureaus, Beilsteadn — pkiin and fancy
Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured' of the best
material and quality warranted, .
Also a general_ assortment of CHAIRS at'
the__ lowest prices. Venition Illinds -mtnie-to
order, and repairing promptly attended to.
I* - CollinS made ut the shortest not ice,`,,and
having2a splendid hearse he will attend funer
als in town or cottry.
- WI - Remember' the stand— next door to H.
Glass'q Hotel. - nov24 R. B. SMILEY. .1
wHICH surpasses in quantity quality and
prices any thht has ever yet been opened
in Cartier°, consisting of the greatest variety
of aßtinus of hardware, ouch as, Shoe Fin
dings, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Taints
Oils, Varnish, Glass. Nails, Files, Anvils.,
Vices, Bellows, Springs, Axols, Bows, redoes,
V13146C111 Cedarwnre, Farming Utensils, Bar
and Ro lled Iron, Sloe with a thou and
more articles unmentionable.
Having purchased largely of Heavy Gods
previous to the advance in prices, Into enabled
to soil goods at old prices., Persons in .w ant o.
Hardware are invited to ell and examine my
goods and hear my prices, and you will Is sat
isfied where the. Cheap Hardware in to be had.
ga.My stock of WALL PAPER is linen
preached by any in the Borough.
Thankful for the former liberal patronage, a
continuance of the same is solicited by
Wool Side of North Hanover Street,
Beecher% Matchless Cordial,
Ip HIS medieino has never known to fail in
A_ curing Cholera Meanie, in from 10 to 15
minutes; bolero Infantum, or summer •com.
plants f children; Dysentery, Dierrhen,&c.,
in from le to 24 hours. It is errtnin luid safe
under all circumstances, having been fairly
tested in upwards tof four hundred canes with.
out it single failure. Let every family provide
itself Avid) at least one bottle of this invaluable
reni . ;ldi , ; - 'Fry It, and it will recommend itself.
It Is prepared upon'purely scientific principles,
and cannot he justly termed a rade medieme,
unless Beichert he quackery, or sale by
B. J• KIEFFER, Druggist,
—•Boutli Hanover Street,
A few doors south of .the Court House,
June 32, 1833, " Carlisle-
W4LLL rArmu.
.4: VERY largo lot of WALL PAPER of
tH. ovory shade and design, at prices ranging
from G cents upwards. The , stock consists of
a full assortment of Common, Satin, Silvered
and Gilt Papers, all of which will &a sold low
,11 SA - XTO NS.
Carpenters mid Builders' aro invited to
examine the assortment...of Ltmks, Latch.
pa, 130118, Hinges, Screws, Glass, Putty, Oil,
Paints, &c.. All for sale cheap at
mar 13 ' SAXTON'S: •
Ir . AKE NOTICE,—.That all,versont4
about commencing Housekeeping and oth:
era in , want of theta, can get supplied with
Knives end Forlts, ,Spoons, Ladles, Coffee-
Mills, ;Pans,
• Ketlles, Sad Irons, &ill; et the
mar 13!' ,
.St C
'Such on Consflrition, inward piles, fulness
of blood fo the head, acidify of the stomach,
nausea, heartboin, disgust for food, fulness or
weight in the stomach,' sour eructations, sink
ing or fluttdring at' the pilot the stomach,
swimming of the head, hurried and difficult
breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or
suffocating sensations when iu a lying posture,
dimness of vision, dots or webs before the
sight, fever and dull pain fn the head, defic
iency of perspiration, yellowness of the akin
apd eyes pain in the side, back, cliest,.limbs,
&c., sud denflushes of heat, burning in the
(leak, constant imaginings of evil, and grey
depression of spirits,
Prepu lud by
No. 120 Arch Strtetarlaludelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is not
excelled, tf equalled, by any other preparation
in the United States, as the cures attest, in
many cases alter skilfullThysicians had failed.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of
Possesaing gren t virtues in the rec..
tifieatiun of diseases of the Liver and lesser
glands, exercising the must searching powers
in weakness and affections of time digestive or.
guns, they are withal safe, certain and pleas
-reS[illlollll of the highest character! HON.
GliO STROUP, Judge of the - District Court in
Perry county, PC., NOV. lbllt, 18512 said: "you
`Huolland'sGesman Bitters' has been in use in
our phice over a year past, and to the astonish
ment of ninny has performed wonders. We
may notice ;a few instances that' have come
under own immediate notice:—almost every
person who has stopped at the hotel of Wm.
Lackey, one year since, predicted ,rum his e
maciated COUIll(1110110C and debility,' that Its
could not live much longer. He was unable
to attend to his buiness, and, for the greater
part of the time confined to his room. We rec
ommended lion to try the Herman Bitters; he
did, and to the surprise of all Iris friends he is
now able to attend to his usual business and
perform manual labor. The ruse of Henry
Asper a atone mason, whom no one supposed
would ever., recover from the debility of los
system, but•was looked upon as fast approach
lug the grave, took eight or nine bottles of the
'Bitters during the lust winter, and this sum.
mar Ire has been fto the surprise of all who
knew his case] following his trade. The ease
of William Murphy is no less astonishing.—
Ile too was so far reduced as 'to induce the
general belief that the grave alone would he
his only remedy, Mr. Lackey recommended
hint to try the 'foothold's German Bitters; lie
is now apparently a well man, and able to do
a hard da'y's work. We could triontiok rininy
other clues of a similar character. if it were
necessary. 1 myself derived much benefit from
their use, 1 lILVC given consigerable. of it a
way. noCfor your hem& alone, but to relieve
suffering humanity, and let me assure you 1
am pleremil to sea the happy result. To the
afflicted we say, try 'them fairly and I will
warrant relief."
These Bitters arc worthy the attention of
invalids, poesvvsurg a rent power in the resto
ration of a healthy action of the liver and the
lesser glands, giving tone to :lie stomach and
nervous ap tem, and bringing the systenigen
erally to a high state n, health.
Far sale by S. W. Haverstick and S. Elliott;
Carlisle; Ira Day, Meeltanimborg; J. 11, [ler
roe, Newvillm J. S. A Ilk, SliiprensbArg, arid
by dealers in medicine every where.
THE subscribers, in addition to their exten
sive Grocery, have connected therewith an
AGE/ GT L W A REll OUSE an d
SEED STORE, 110, Market street, near the
railroad, Harrisburg, Pn., and are prepared to
fill all orders, by w'holesale and retail, of all
kinds of Agricultural Implant MS, Vegetable
and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants
with reasonable discounts to sell again.
Horse-powers and threshers, wheat•d tints
and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva
tors, kulder. Ira p. pad straw-cutter,grain inns
corn shelters, veLtefable cutters, hand gr a in.
mills, clover shelters, horse rakes, churns,grind
stones and improvcsOrangings, hay, straw and
manor Milts, frmer's boilers, ox yokes and
bow, patent bow pins, caw chains, spades, hoes
and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, groin
SCYthetinaticythestones, potntoe drags
post augurs, aces and hatchets, grain bags,
. grain measures, garden trawls, pruning and
budding knives, grass and grain sickles, screw
wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole
traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry.
combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees,
gaanp,,pfasfer, poudieue..houe dust,-lime,
den, field and flower seeds.
Also, a large and fresh assoitmem of GRO
CERIES, TEAS, Btte.; nll cheap ti,r cash. •
130YE12 tv. HALL.
/*-Graill and produce of ail kinclalbedived
n exchange for implements.
April 1,3. 1;453.-1v
Freshet Spring Supply!
!FA YE just received a fresh stoca ofMed
icines, Yauna, Glass, Gil, hich
having hoon."purehased with great care nt the
best city houses,4 can. confidently -recoil - intend
to Falnlies, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, as being fresh and wire.
Is t
.Patent Meditines Herhsand Extracts,
11Fine hemi eats, .Spices - ,ground and whole
Blnstruments, Essences,
Pure Essen': Oils , Perlumery, &a.
Cod Liver Oil— Yarran.ted Gamine.
I Log mid Cam Woods,
I Oil ‘Vitriol
Copperas, •
Lac ,Dyo•
Wotherill &. Brothdr's - Pure Lend, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
loopy Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Tarpon
ine,,' Copal rind coach Varnish, and Red Lead.
All afAvhich will be sold at the very lowest
marlt4.:Peice, Also,a fresh and splendid as
eorttnett (if
.::„F eIC,N CY GOODS ,:F ft 1117 S,
Confection ry, and innumerable other articles
calculated or asp and ornament, all et wl.ich
, tre offered at the - lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub
ecriher on North Hanover street.
May 28 1851. I
virtHE subscriber eontinues to carry on the
above bueinees,l in all it svarious branches,
n North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors
\forth of Loonhrd's! cornorovhere he intendit
.eoping, on hand agoneral apoortment in hip lino,
• Consisting of all kinds of lash
losable SADDLES, ►3ridle
martingales, Girths,Circingle,
Spanish Spring Saddles, ever
used in this country, those
wishing Wham:some, durnbleend pleasant sati•
dlo will do well to call and soo them. He also
manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars and
Whips in all.their varieties, and confidently be
lieves from the general approbation of his cue
touters, that he malted the fleetest and hest
gears, in all their variety of breadth, that is
mud° in the souintry„ He also makes 411 kinds
0 1 Ntatrasses to order, viz I Straw, Husk, Curl
ed Hairand Spring natrosses. All the obeve
a rticles will be made of the beet material and
workmanship; OW with the utmost desnetch.
janl 4.11/ WM. OSBORN.
. THE subscriycf is' ow:having made up a lot,
of Fashionable and Substantial Clothing which
ha will sell as cheap if not Cheaper than any es
tablishment in the borough. - The stock will
consist of
TheClotlting'made out of none but,
, the best quality-of giide) cut nut -by an expo
tlnoed and good cutter, and the work got up
in iiia.bast manner and by Hi° best,6l hands—
"Viliflini,o now on band a lot °lobate° Clothing,
cand all wo ask ie ter purchasers to a
call' and they will baTicased with tbo workand.
prides; At the old:Stand on CastMoitt Stre,t,
R. Nooncamors
SEED sueoro3
and iialtore, also
'DRUNKS, trayL
sling and saddle ;AM
Ile also
manufactures themost approved
Ott)) rAijiic.ruslitCntoi.
Various Sizes, to suit Fella-Wes, Boarding
Rouses and Holds.
41110SE:in watt of a• superior Cooking Ap
ia, iterates are invited to cull at out Ware
house and examine this flange. For durability
economy and simplicity in operation it stands
unrivaled. It has a perfect hot air ventilation
—and inethibalted in this oven will retain their
juice and flavor equal to that roasted
,before an
open fire. Aleuts and pastry cooked at the
same tune without Otto. affecting the other. It
will supply sufficient heated air to haat addi
tional rooms for the coldest weather. It has
no descending or return flues, and is equally.
well adapted to bituminous •or common hard
coal. ' 'rue steam valve over the boiling part of
the Range carries oil' the steam and scent of
coolsing, as well as heat in summer.
Every Range sold warranted to give entisfac
tiod, or no expense to the purchaser.
Patented October, 16,18,
For Public Fudattes, Railroad Cars
011711111 CS, Flues, Slups, @emirs, cs.e.
Pure air is a aubioet claiming the attention
of every individual, and all huildimge should he
provided'with the proper means of ventilation.
Alio, a powerful .
✓armin g anL. „ entilating Furnace,
For 13wellooh, School Houses, Churches, flails,
'Stores, Factories, ‘).c.
lnrgo n.senriment of Office, Hall and Cook.
inn stoves, Parlor Grates, RegonOra,
Wholesale and Retail.
82 North, Sixth, street Philo
I,l7.7^Pernondl attention given to werroing nn
evntillting both' public and private buildings.
- Deniers in
amps, Lai Aims and Chanda'\,
N Conic:. Fourth and Chem) ets.,
HAVING enlarged and unproved thek stor-P,
and having the largest assortment uf lamps
in Philadelphia, they are now prepared to fur
nish Camphine, Pine Oil,
Fdberenl Oil, Phosgene Gas and Lard Oil.—
Lamps, Lanterns of all tiaterns, Fancy Hotel
and Hall Lamps, Chnndelitios, Girandoles and
Candelabras, and I3ri anin Lam ps,nt the maw
elect urecs lowest prices• Glass Lamps by the
package, at a small advance over nut lion pri
ces. using large MAN UF.V.rrI'REILS of
Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alco
hol and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, they can
furnish these articles nt such prices that
chants'will find it to their advantage to buy
Call Intern going elsewhere, if you wont bar
gains. Also the Safety Fluid Lamp for sale.
October 5, 1853—i y
Clwap Wie itches A' Jewelry.
at the " Philadelphia Watch
and Jewelry Store," Number
(.2 . / 'l l 913 North Second Street, corner
of trinnrryi
(told Lever Whtelles, lull
P.YlV^Yardiigiewelled, 18 carat cases, 820,00
.Gold Lepine, 18 carat cases, $2 , 1 00
Silver do jc«rls. 900
Silver Lever, Coll jAeHed, 12 00
Superior Quartiera w 7 00
(4old Spectacles, ' 7 00
Tine Silver Spcoacles, 1 rip
Biarclets, 2 00
Ladies' Pencils, , 100
Silver Ten Spoons, Eet, h 00
Gold Pens with Penni' and Silver Holder, 1 00
. . , .
Gold Pinner Rings 373 cools to 68 ; Writ;dl
Glosses,plam, 121 cents; Patent, 181 ,' Lunen,
, 25 ; mbar articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to he what they are sold for.
sept 74 Saccessorsto 0. Conrad.
On hand. some Gold and ;Silver Levers and
Lepines,sti4 lower 0m , ...., dnove prices.
. ,7-7ri •..--t-,t , - Th • 1: 1-,
E t ,
3. E. GOULD,
rS 12 CC ESSan T. , A. FLOT,]
:11i, 164 Chestnut St., ~Swaim's.lniittling, Phito
- EIXIVENt.:;IVii., Music Publisher, and Deal
er in Musienl Instruments of every de
Exclusive agent for t to sole of Ballet, Davis
& Co's Patent tittspension Bridge jl•'olian and
L. Gilbert'spoudoir P . 1111105, Alelndeons. 'Mar
tin's Guitars, Ilarps, Violins, Sliest
Music 13,,0k5, &e.
~. Residents of Lho country will be Supplied by
mail or otherwise with tousle they stay set6h,
as low DS li purcloo.ed in person. Il ti Ning one
of the largest — sto - As in tho Unqed States, It
feel confident of satisfying all who ninyifavot
nio with a call or order.
DealerA supplied-on the most !theta
term. Pianos to let. Second-band PintleE , tor
sale. .',,ntv '2O 1853 y)
ZINC PAIN 'r S, one third cheaper than
White Lend,. and tree front all poisonous
qualities--The New Jei•sy Uompanyfinv
ing greatly enlarged Their Works and in preyed
the quality of their products, me prepared' to
execute orders for their superior .Paints, Dry,
and grouiPl in Oil, in assorte d pacages horn
'25 to 500 pounds, AN Isii—dry, in barrels of t 2.00
pounds each. Their Witite Znoi, which is
sold dry or ground in oil, is warranted pure
and unsurpased fur body and unilorm 0.1/ hitt
nese. A titer had of „preparation has recently
been discovered which enables the Company to
warrant their Paints to keep fresh and soli in
the kegs for any reasona id% time. I I this to
spool, tneir Paints will ho siMerior to any other
in the market'. -. Finer Brown Zinc l'aim.
which irvbfdat a low price, and which can only
be made front the Zipc ores front New Jersey,
is now well known (Ur , its' protective qualities
when applied to iron or other malefic partners.
Their Stoneeolor Paints possesses all the pro•
perties of the Brown, and is of an agreeable
color for painting Cottages, Depots, Out-buil
dings, Bridges, etc.
Dealers stgliplieil on liberal terms by their
Wholesale Paint Deallrs and Importers,
a112.-5m."N \V cor. lOth k Illarket•sts., Phila.
?ICY, eubsmibars are now primed to exhibit
ji at their Splendid" ; Now Establishment just
completed on the alto of their former stand;
an entire now and beautiful stock of Straw,
Taney and Silk Bonnets and Mats, Flowers,
&c : and Panama, Paint and Summer Hats for
Gentlemen, which our old patrons, Merchants
and Milliners generally, are invited to examine
confidently promising them, in extent, to varie
ty, in novelty, and in styles, a stock uneimallia
(o•Orders carefully and promptly exemn ed.
m1:9.2-310. THOMAS WHITE & CO. •
The Allen and East Ponnsborough Mutual
Firo Insurance Company of Cuinberland anon
ty, incorporated by un Act of Aenembly, is
now fitly organized, and in operation under
the management of timfollowing commission
ers, viz: •
Daniel Bailey, William 12:Gorgos,lichnel
Cocklin, Ille!choir Brenneman, Christiall 'Stay
man, John O. Dunlap, Jacob 11. CUOVCr, Lowia
flyer, Henry Legan,litinjamin 11. Musser, Jn
cob Mumma, Joseph Wickersham. Alexander
The ratan ofinsurnnco aro as low and fhenr
able so any.Compuny ol the kind in the State.
Persons wishing to, become members Grit - in
cited to make application to tho agents mi the
company, who are willing•to wait upon them
at any limo.
MOSSP,IL President
Benny LOGA4 Vice President
Low is flyer; Secretary
n Michael Cocklin, T reasurer.'
Guntherland Comaty.—;-Rtidololl Martin, N.
Chinburland ; C. B. ilarman. Kingstown , Ilan.
ry . Zauring, Shiremanstown; Charles Ball,
;:nrllithe ; Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtnwn ; Samuel
Graham, Went Pcnnabormigh; James
el,Frunkford; ; Made (.4 riflith, Smith Middle:
ton; Samuel Cnovor, Benjamin Havorsticic,
lileohaninsburg; 30111 Shorrink, brawn; Da
vid Canner, Siumbercistown:
. York Counly.—John • Bowman, - Dlllsburg
Peter WiiKard, Fratililin; John Smith, Psu,,
VV,aillAngton ; W. S. licking, Dover JW,
Craft, Paradise.
ifiti-riaburg.---tiouser Br . . Loch man.
' Mambas of tho company having polioimi
idout to expire can have limn - -rimmed by
Witilung application to any of the agllnts.'
'"Nov. 24, ly. . •
An Invaluable Remedy fgr. all Scrofulous Lis.
eases, Indigestion, Salt Rheum, Sick Mad:.
ache, Cancer, Nursing Sore Mouth,
and General Debility,- - and as a
Purifier of the. Blood it is
- Unequalled,
Tim Rook Rose has gained it reputation at
home and abroad, which no other medicine
has ever. dnne in the 'same length of time.
According to the - opinions of eminent Physi
cians, the Rock Ruse Hint is unequalled in
Curing Scrofula in its Various Forms!
(Pastor of the 2d Baptist Church,New London.
Ct.,) relative to Myers' Extract Rose.
To The American Public.
As my name has been used in connection
with recommendations of Mr. Myers' Reek
Ruse Syrup, in various advertisements by the
manufacturer, r beg leave to make' tlic follow
ing statement with reference to my acquaint.
ance with the remedy and tests to which I have
subjected it, and the reasons for having intro
duced it to the notice of private friends in the
community in whieh I reside, long before the
medicine was advertised. I make this state
mint freely, becausd I have, 08 a principle,
withheld my name from'all patent medicines,
and sedulously abstained from recommending
them to tile public, believing them frequently
the spawn Ff . quackery and humbug, and as
fending to increase, instead of lessening human
disease and suffering. Such, I tear, is the
char actor of a large portion orate patent pana
ceas of this medicine' malting age. "Their
name is legion," and from their influence, en
from the demoniacal spirits; we have reason
to pray for a safe deliverance.
, The First Test.-1 had myself suffered cc
ensionally with sudden tittacits uf Sick Head
ache, and 13illions Diarrhea, and I had sought
a great variety of curative agents to but little
purpose ,
• and suffering from this disease (diar•
rhea) at this time, 1 determined to test the new
Syrup first upon myself. The results were be
yond ivy expectations.. It was a powerful
alterative, and the
action of the arstem
was - changed, and the functions of secretion
were restored to a healthy state. It gave tone
and elasticity to my systerivrand corrected the
derangement of the digestive organs, and gave
me that inestimable blessing—health. This
test was not determined in w week, or a month;
but 1 took lbur or five bottles in, perhaps us
many months. Since that time I have suffer—
ed but slightly from these derangements. Illy
Sick Headache is entirely eared.
Other Tesfs.—Finding this medicine so use
ful to myself; I at Once gave it to several
i nu
lid friends. About this time, I shoe earnestly
solicited to give advice in reference to a child,
sonic eight years of ego. This child was
severely afflicted Oh a Scrofula hornier, of a
very severe type, the humor showing itself on
all parts of thOsurface, end then suddenly dis
appearing. Tim-child was v eri t , sick, and it
was thought doubtful whether she would live,
The bunter resembled black specks of mortified
flesh. In addition to HOME! other remedies, a
gave the child this - Syrup for about six weeks,
whon she had sufficient to go out to
school occasionally. The s(volling of her limbs
ceased, and sbe was restored to health. The
family feel that they owe her life, with GA's
blessing, to my remedies, • .
This test satisfied me that the Rock Rate
possessed specific powers fur Scrofuldfis hu.
Mors. 1 then te'sted it in cases of Catena:l is
Eruptionsdn Measles, Chicken Pox. Cancer,
Sore Mouth, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Piles, ke,
Inarll these eases with perfect success. A Rat
testing this Syrup for more thug a year, I
wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) enthusi•
asheally, not expecting my letter would he
published, (hut his Syrup wets a " Pankdrito,"
althealing, and I gave him the result of its
operations in severs! instances. 1 stated in
that letter that it was invaluable as a remedy
in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt
Rheum, and ether disorders, included in' the
varied family of diseases known ne Scrofula,
Ste., that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder. -
fill efficacy." illy opinion of its value for the
above named diseases, remain unchanged, and
the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct.
1850. •11 do not recommend It for all the tils
of our suffering humanity.; but I unhesitating
ly say, that es a remedy for Scrofulous affec
tions 1 believe it superior to any known cura
tive agent.
It hue been sufficiently tested by domestic
practice to establish its adoption to extensive
usefulness in mitigating human suffering and
rcnimitig diseases.
But What Is the Rock Rose?
The following history of the Rock Rose
plani 'end its medicinal properties, we tulte
from the Nem Haven Palladium, March 1e52,
The increased interest manifested in the
Rod: Rose plant, in consequence of the many
wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound
Extract-of Roek - Ros4,' culls for a brief history'
of it, in order to correct any errusie is opin
ion that may have been ontertainede oncern-'
ing it; and also to, sot in a true light the na
ture of. plant which promises to be univer
sally berldficial.
"We are indebted to the United States Die
peneatory of 1847, for the following deserip
tion of it :
"`lt is entirely different trom the common
_Rose. Iris a red-stemmad, oblong fear plant,
having a bitter taste. le addition to remark
able peculiarity of the plant, of hearing two
crops of flowers in one season, it also has ano
,ther interesting end bountiful properly.
Dr. Eaton says, that in the months of Nos
vembor and December, lie Ines seen hundred
ot those plants, sending out bear their roots,
broad, thin, curved ine-crystals.' inch
in breadth: which melted during the day, and'
were renewed' , in the morning. For entere
minute and authentical deserin of it, the
reader is referred to Tort ey, an t Gray's Buten.
Mal works.
Its Modica! History and PrOperties
pre fur the most important, since upon these
depends its value to the community. Dr,Leti:
don says that in 1799, it was so valuable in
England, tit It it was cultivated train seeds.
Ever since 1806, Professor Ives of Yule Col
lege, has habitually used it with great success
n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, and through
hint its virtues were made known, until, as lie.
Tyler says, it is now in this section (New
Haven) a common article in domestic practice
for the cure of Scrofula and Cutaneous die.
Dr. Whitlaw. a Scotch Botanist of notoriety,
while travelling In,o marina in 1814, learned
its'use in Canada. Returning to England, lie
employed it in medicating• his bathe, which
becaniQgreatly eelebratild fur the cure of Mini
lar diseases.
Dr. J. H. Thomp , son,eitho same place, pre
scribed it. in Mid cases of Semfuloue 'patients
at Wills! llovpital. His success attracted the
attention of senior physicians, 110 reports the'
fidiowing remarkabfe eiWe of white dwelling of
the hip, in Vebruhry, 1814:—The lad was
seven yanrn old,- and had the .diseaso three
years. Tho lions .was dislocated both upWard
end outward. There won a large opening in
the [uploading to the bone; into which) I could
thrust my finger. I counted 'three ulcers. tie
had been under several' physicians,•who'had
given him bp, I ordered n: decoction of Rot
Rose.. In two days his night sweats ceased .
I than erderell a teaspoonful of Rock Rose three
times a day. Thirtymine cloys after - he was
entirely well.
Dr. Webb, of ... Madison, Ct., testifies to the
value of Reek Rose, ns evinced ; in the cu r e ta t
numerous canes of the Sorocuto, esFecially in
Manufactured by IV'm Trnnhlin & Co.. Now
Haven, Ct.
* Mr. Warren, thougka minlsior of the Goa
pal, has for a perlad 0 . 15 yoaiii,,givon atten
tion to the subject of medical anionce, to goal
ily him to the - sicli, in eennection
With hie pastoral duties.
New London. April ,2,1853..
Agents in .Ctiniberland County.-8..W. Day
cratick.. S. Elbutt and W. A. Nolen,. ;6 inhale;
liareratieb & Strohni,.Kingqlowni wiehar.
Machaniceburg f 'Mimic.. ShirernanatoWn ;
Eppley & Ernst, - Cedar . Spring; -Digbain
Sterrett'aeGap; Thomas Gr a nen n Pia iniield
J.ll. Minn, NowviUn; J. 11. Wilay..qicati
Spring; Wliarry & .ElaanbOwer, NoWburg ; W,
D. E. flays, silippenb!nii ; Ituaaol & Dice;
Djekinsuu ; Alaxandei & ullrar, Paßertown.
,Dr. L. A! 1 4 enhar, 011urchtown,
Makers Vegotaple Sompoinid,
Is performing more wonderful owes than any
other medicine vet known or iefore the pi/Mc.
proprietor has in his possession numerous
certificates, :larval; og the •
Astonihing and Afiraculoua Cures I
effected by this medicine, and directs attention to
the following only, to assure those win) tire so tin
t ortimate to lie afflicted with the terribic disease
heretolore regarded incurable, that LAKE'S pre
pa•atioa .
Frain Mrs. I.lranks, widow of .Maj. Jan. Brooks,
late of Conneaut, G.
CONNEAUT, Feb. 3,1853.
Air. Z. LAKE—Sir: Please 6CIIII me nnother
bottle of Fit•llledicine, as 1 do not like to be
without it on Imnd. CI ben I commcnee . (l giving
the medicine to my son Edgar, he had front one
to three hits per day. lie has now token the me
dicine over five mouths, and lots Intd.l think, but
two fits in that t rite, itod thoseAlbry light. His
hotly and mind are very much improved; and by
the blessing of God, I feel that the medicine will
restore his body and mind to their wonted (*cirri,
ty. Ile years old,and has had tits nver.l2
yeltrii, 81111811 Luxe hem, very fre q uent, nd very
destruct'', eto 1118 80114111111A 0 O and Enkd Hun
dreds tit 1011015 'lovelier.. expended for medicine
to "cone Firs," hutmalling has relieved hint un-(
tfl lie used your medicine. Ilespectfillly yours,
From Jtulson Landon, County Superintendent o
the Ashtabula County Infirmary.
Kttsumtimm, Feb. 4, 1853.
• Me Z. Lnic—Sir: Please send a few more
bottles of your Medicine •'' I may not need
it, but think safer to keep it on ' hand. Your me
dicine bon done wonders. I gave it to Alba Jane
Delano ; she has bad fits for etc years, brain
by having the tnessles when but four yea, me,
which could not he brought omit) the surface:—
A her taking the Me{liCille a few days, sill:: tint &
FINE cant' ur 101(AaLEs, mid has had no fits since,
Chu had fits or siopioms almost daily. She anti'
her father concur with me in saying that we be
lies e the medicine has or will work a petifect cure,
I also gave the medieine to Miss Jane H.-mkt--
son lint
Oarby, who ha ye had fits iiiiooSt
daily, for a number of years Their fits have
ceased, and I believe lye medisinCivill have the
desired eheet. Much money ha" been expended
113 the friends (Witte abOve'patientsfur doctoring,
all to no purpose. The cure ivua left for your
medicine to perform, ate I Van cheerfully recom
mend it as a valuable discovery. Respectfully
yours. .11.11/SON LAisd'ON,
SuperinleAfient Ashtabula Co. Intimacy.
Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LANE,
Conneaut, Ohio.
E F WELLER, traveling ngent.
Sol.rby S Haverstieli, Carlisle ; E II
Thomas, Dietlianicsburg, ; D W Gross, narris-•
net 5-ly*
(..... - FACTOR YOUR
, li .i" - . 'ig ' kJ ' SFAX—PRIVATE
t; ',.. LY, for •25 cents, by moms
71, 1 .. i sa, IA ; of the POCKET lESCU
.4./ ....;., , 11 . t') LANUS, or, Every One
i r, WS OWN PllY:-HAN !
''i 4, .„ . 1 ' . 4:T(Att ':t. —The thirty-sisi 4 1,411..
. , V . } .7 .1 6011, With one-hundied en
?: , , :', elt 4: ..a vi ngs, showing .Pilvdte
IA '., r r , Diseases and Alalfortun
'. `hli , ' ...' .
) i ,',) Dolls of the Generative
I' i " , ,.*,-,, 2J.- - System, in every shape
aud form : 10 which IS lid.
sled a Treatise on the Diseases ol Females, in
tended for the line ol ferhales only (see page 190),
being o 1 the highest importance to married peo•
pie or those contemplating marrinee. -By NN M.
YdUl:(1, NI. 1). , GllllilltalV of the University at*
Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, Londoa,nod Honorary itt Ember of the
Hhi ladelph in Ale diens society. The various
fnrins of Secret Diseases, Seiiiimil 'Weakness,
Diseases of ilfe.Prostrate Gland, impotency, soli
tary habits of youth, are faithfully.described, and
all the recipes given in plain language. The
chapter oh selfstibuse and Seminal Weakness IS
worthy of ',reticular attention, nod should be read
by every one. Young men who have been onfor-
Monte in contracting disease, previous to placing
Yourselves under the cure of any doctor, no mat
ter wluit his pretensions rosy be, - get a copy of
of this truly valtinble work.
Sea Captains and persons going to igen, should
possess Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the,
l'ocket lEscultipius, or Every one His own I'4- ,
siCian. .
ID - Let no father be ashamed td present a
copy of the lEsculapins to his cl ild. It muy
sat e him from an early grave. Let noy °mg
man or woman Clan' latp the send nblientions
of married lift!, witbont reading the pocket jEss
culapius. Let no one suffering from a ['Delded
cong,h, pain in the stile, restless nights. hers ous
feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given up by their physician, be all.
of her moment without consulting the 4;scilla
dim, Oa t c the married or those about to be
married any impediment, read this 'rely nseltil
Boob, as it 11,86 been the means of saving_thon
sands of unbirtininte creatures from the vt.ry*
jaws of death. Upwards 01 a MILLION copies
of this celebrated work has been sold in this
country and Europe since 1113 8 , xhen the first
'edition wits issued.
. .
(C . l. Any person sending. TWENTY-FIVE
cents enclosed in a letter. will receive tine-copy
of this book by ntsil ; or five copies will be sent
for ti 4 l. Address Dr. WILLIAM YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia," Post
paid. t 3 194
Twenty years practice in the city of Philadel
phia certainly entitles Dr. Young to the confi
dence of the afflicted, mid he niay he consulted
on any of the diseases described ill his Iliklent
dublieations, at his office 158 Spruce Sic Oct,
every tiny between 9 and S o'clock, (taundar
crpted) and persons at any distance can consult
Dr. Young by letter, POST PAID.
Better testimony than wa evrr allured in Fa
voi,:or any other Vertnifuge !!
We, the subscribers, illedicol Vractioners,
baying been made acquainted with the composi
tion of " Sbriner's lndiau Vel•MiNge " take
pleasure in recommending it to the public as a
valuable remedy for the expulsion orWorins,
it being both safe and effectual.
Samuel Swope, M.D.? Taneytown, •
.lolin Swope, NI 11, S Carol Co. Md.
J.. 1. \Vetiver, M.l). .
Middleburg. ;
.Ino. E. 11. Ligget,
Liberty, Preileriek co., Mil —Thomas Sim.
111. IL 0. Owings, MI) Thos. Sappington,
M I) Sidney Sappington, M 1). .
Jame's M Geyer; N 1 0 Woodshoro, Md. •
R Sappington, )I 0, Unionville,Mil
AVin A I \latldas,,Nl 1), Westmi n ster, Md
Be p , artieufar to ask for foesliltlNt..R'SlN.
Di AN VIORIIIFUGE, and taken° other
Prom , 25 • Cents per Bottle
Prepared by W Slirineti, Druggist and Che.
mist, AVesteninfter ' Md.
And sold by all Storekeepers,
Jap tq, 4m. •
For the Cure of Sahrhentn, Chai r , ln . , c on ,
di'mt Sores. Chopped or Cracked lianas, Barns
or Scalds, Cuts or 'Wounds , piles, inflammation
of the Breast, bites of insects ; Sore Lips, Pim
ples on the Face, anti Breaking Out anti Sores
on Children ; and all diseases of the Skin.
This Ointment will cure the SAitritemn and .
Burns, or Chapped hands : quicker (1111 i surer ,
than any other medieines id the kind, before the
nubile. •
To substantiate the above,'l can give hundreds
of certificates. but I conbidtV4it no' mi., AS (nlo —
can do the same, it they h u n•e friends, for
even a worthless„orticle) 1 rely solely on the
merits of the Ointment Tor the public pntrunnge.
N. B.—A single box of this Ointment will
keep any Illackninith's, Poynter's, Sailor's, or
Mechanic's Minds, let them chap or .craik ever •
no had, sound ntiti in good vouching order, all
winter• Prepared and sold by •
ONROF.. Tvaluv,L,
Is h ,,,intuck, con.,
sold - also by the principal brugglats, and,
Country !Merchants. Price 26 cents per bor
Nov. 36; . 1K597 -1y
1000 1201NTS.AVO.
Dim UR O'S Original and Genninii viiarramed
tho cheapest nuniura in the
FarmersowfoarlidP.cll°r quality,
Y and dealers eupplied at low
. ,
tidpp bowie extra quali,y Land Plaster, so
looted :exprosely for he fertilizing quality.
• 10,00 bushels of sane in bulb., •
lono barrels Calcined Plaster.
MO do Casting.
ICS do Dehli E t.
. .
:This article. wearer in onfidonco tcrour cus.
tonielii - iiii•onnal to anyitniortod;arid far liana-
Igor to mostitt rho thatiot z ' ••' . •,'
5000'bngo of this ouporloO-Gurua for solo of
the lowest market came.'- '. Also; • Patagonisti
Guano, Poudiotto, Grodnd Gliarconl,.&o. &c, -
C...FIZBACH itc Co..
At the Steam Vinsior Mills•junction of York
Avortuo;Crowifentl •Callot;41,11 streets, Phila.