Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 26, 1854, Image 3
Nctv '3 bmrtiiirincut.s., SHAH AND HEARING . ONSTAN TLY otr hand and for sole very ILJ low for Gash. Bacon taken in exchange ut WI LLI A MS'? Faintly Grocery. Ap1_26,0354 GEORGE 331%.RP, No. 56. NORTII • Conntission Merchant, For the sale of English and American Pig Lead; Scoter, nod Aim:nem , Pig, Bar and Bloom Iran, Bence Tin arid metalsgeneralry. Liberi,, advances made on consignments of morchandize generally. V...rAgent tor the sale 411 Le Roy & Go's Lead and Tin Pipe, Sheet Lead, &r. Cast Iron Water and Gas Pipes. I 1.26 Fm HATE YOU A COLD? GALIZtIIER'S ELIXIR has acquired a lust ce.ebrity for the cure of all diseases pitsute Irons severe colds, and is iffiracy has beep attested and -approved by hundreds of our most respectable citizens. In every instance iromethitja relief has boon given, as the folio". ing certificate from those • have tried it bears testim ;fly. .thniutactuved and for sale by GALLOIIER, Agent. W e the undertigned do certify that we have used Ga loher'';eparation for Consumption, Colds, Diseusee of the Lungs, Liver, &a., and having experienecd immediate - renalberefr o m would recomn•.nend it to all afflicted in that way. Thos H Skilett, Men NI Gould, 12 II McCoy, E L Wolf, Peter Monyer, II •S Hackett. Carlisle. April tltrt, 1 154--1 V . SEGAR IYIANUFAC TORY. .Tohn N. Armstrong, Informs the citizens of Carlisle that he has opened an establishment for the sale of For eign and D 9n) est c SEGA RS, on West Alain street, directly opposite th&R. R. Depot. where he wlll keep constantly on hand bIiGARS. OBACCO, AN b SNUFF of the- host varieties, His •various brands of Imported Segaro cannot be surpassed in quality Thu lovers ot• fragrant segars and chewers al "the weed" ma invited to give him a call. Also a largo ti*;soruziout at Canes, Umbrellas, &c. LUMBER VC 'He also continues the Lninher Business, „on the corner of Wesk.iprd - Pomfret streets; may always be found n general variety of Lumber, ut the lowest market prices. April 211, 1551, arANTcn , E. New Clothing Establishment ! THE tinderiiigned respectfully announcer to hiy oh: friatl. and the pubic , generally,that - he has ro-corntnoneed the CLOTHING BUSI NESS in all its vutiollB branches. and hits Just opened, fresh trout the city, et "Leonard's Cor ner " North Hanover street, a well selected ascp,rttncr q READY NI i.DE .CLOTIIING. embracing .very variety, stylr and finish , and n prices corresponding to the times and qua lity Ile has also on hand g superior 'eforfic of CLOTHS, C,‘S*EVIERK,s, v EsTlN(;s, &c, of evety style suitable for Spring and Sum mar wear. mid which he will make to order on terms which cannot fail to please. His sleek Mao embraces n line :in of Men's .S.birts, Col are, Cravats, f7l4ves and flosiery in short. every artlele pertaining to gentlemen's wear.— He'reapectfulty invites tile public to call 9nd examine his croode. N. HA NTCH, ,_Apt '26,1854, rigade Zuspegictr's o;de—rs - - - THE uniformed Militia are hereby ordered to parade for iospet?.tiou : .Copt Brdodt's company will meet in Chinch town. on Monday the Nth duty of hut'. 1654, at I() o'clock A. Al. The Carlisle Licht Infantry will meet in the borough 01 rot hide, on Sam). 41.iy the 13th of flinty. at 10 o'clock A. M. The first Regiment will meet in Shippensborg. on NVednenday the 10th day of May, at 10 o'clock A M., for review and inspection. Cottoncpcling„Oilicers of companies-nre here• by required, on or before the °,l Monday in May, to furnish a proper jot of all the unifor• tired members of his company, and also a list of those who have been exempt hem military duty, by hartog served the proper time with said troop or company, and also a list of all the arms and other pui; : of the State which may be in possession of said Company. Any Captain or Comrnsmline---orfLureir--who-ne--- glects or refuses to furnish said list, shall be de. priced, for that.yea•, the sum nuthor;zed to he paid to the companies. by the Inds section of the Act, to which this is n supplement. ELANIVEL CHOP. 16t Itri‘f., 15th Div rinide Inspeet,'s Oft ? Carlisle. AT i Cih '54. 5 2:1 OMO VG.II ACC 017147'2, DANIEL I',CKLES, TREASURER Ln account with the borough of Ourliole. R EC CIPTS, ,Of former Treasurer:• MI Collector for '52 or I do '53 Of J If Blair, Chief Burgeon, for flues and licensee Of Wu II Miller, for stone Of Jos Stuart, High Constable, for water rent and lieenses For routs of outer stalls at Market House ; For rent of inner stalls at Market o 3 Balance duo the Borough $376 Q 9. PAYMENTS. 3 Beatty, for printing, lu 1802, L Todd, Esti,. Agt, interest on borough bond 9 45 Simon Smith, fur blookamith work for borough '" Gt) Jos Collie, Jr, John Thompson and others eleotion exp's Jacob Bretz, for idaoltamithMg J 11 Moir Chf Bur, for having the pOor children of •the borough vaccinated 80 00 M Biddle, Esq, for prof. services 10 00 11 liratton for printing 20 76. ,'; 11 Mathews his salary for 'O2 20 00 Kerr, Street Commissioner 895 30 I .Stuart. salary.aa high constable 105 00 I Stuart for removing nuis Lucca 8 70 I K Boyer for printing ' !, ob Lures Uunbar and Son salary as Jhnitor to Council 1 S Soaright salary as clerk to • Council'' 1 S SCaright for extra services loorgo Ritinehart for repairs done Market House, 2 50 McKean for ereoting haysoales 83 00 r& Mateer for paving North street 430 00 Riley for duplicate of '53 10 00 1 Mullen for laying pavement around Market louse Square, 410 07 ' Beatty fort Printing 41 50 oho Hannon{ for supper to patrol 2 00 E Bonham, Esq, for prof services 10 09 totes .London for stational), .2"46` S Bitter, tress of Comb Firs Co 40 00 i tobert-MoCartney for serving warrant anti mavens Wet Miller for repairing pumps Monyer, 'lrons of Union Fire. Co 11 W Shearer interest ou bor bOnd W 11 Miller, Esq fir prof. seriicee flriluol Elliott tbr Ethereal oil olin N Armstrong for lumber ' ihief,l .diselnirge_thecosts of',a orindlial prosecution against Peter & IYtlt Spahr . . inc blue, street regulator • Itilidtr for sundries for urn of Council 4 76 enry,Class for lumber ,' • - 8 25 mob Spseigler, street regulator • 400 . tinuelLidartin for taxing bill 55 enri toixton, sandries for borough:gee 9.07 Watts for getting bor. bonds printed . 10 00 W Ilaveratiak for stationary 1 , 181 illation Stayman for steno 18 00 in Parks for stone l5 79 /Indy Commissioners two yearsF ; • ' . room rent and fuel 14 00 ,niel Eoltels salary as Treasurer 60 00 n'iMateer for stOvo, • 4 00 :lornman for printing 18 001 .sob Flannel one quarters salary as Janitor - - id on borough,Jzotea ledeenilid $2lBB 88. . • he ahoraand foregoing: account of, Defilel y.ele t Borough Trooeurer,• having been ox . !tie d , by. gindloUnd to be correct and 0, t wo kayo ,passed and approved%of the le, and find a balanoo due tho •borough of ,O 39/r, A: H. BENTZ, ' 'G. B. COLE, ' ' ,Borough Auditors. 17, 1854] xur W USTRI'AL SIAM. H'Big Spring Literitry - Institute" will hold an Indusmal Fair in Newville, to open. on the second Tuesday of Juno next, and con tinue two weeks.. ' It is intended particularly for the encourage. moot of the mechnnient arts, but contributions 0 0 articles for exhibition I are solicited from: all classes of persons interested in the progress of the arts and sciences. A prominent place will be given to plain and fancy needle werk, artificial flowers, drawin s g, &o, and the Indies nro cdrdinlly invited to become contributors to thiedepartment. No charge will be made for articles for exhibition, and in addition In thin the ex hib i t or is furnished with n ticket which will admit him or her to the Fair at any time &Ming lie continuance, provided in all canes that the exhibitor is the manufacturer. Persons desiring to exhibit any article most npply to the Secretary or President of the Board 01 Managers on or before "the first of June. The rooms will be open on Monday, June sth, for the reception of goods, and every article inten ded for exhibition must lie received on or be fore the folloWing Friday. The Judges who are deride on the respective merits of oriielos on exhibition will be appointed by the Bonrd of Managers. The cireumstnnees of the Institute will not permitthe nwarding of reem i it ma. but certitientes of excellence with th e sent e l th e Society will be given to the exhibitors of such articles as the Judges mny decide upon. . Enterprising meelmnies, lutsiness memPend others, from netch boring towns rind counties, aro invited to sKirl no their contributions. -O EPFJ H. HERRON, Pres't.''' TTENtIVS Kr,llN, S . ert'tt. B oar d o r min-mews—John Waggoner, Geo. Rlanknev, T,ewis Tf Willinmc. Jacob Zigler fleruce Brieker..lameS S IreF,lwnin ~ Thomson Carlisle, Wm R , Z.inn, JohD Randolph. , I `2ll Newvilie, A forii , 1F51.2 China, Glass and Queens*axp. (ILL) housekeepers and young, with ihose MY who urn expecting to become housekeep ers, are invited to coil at HALBERTS FAMILY - GROCERY and examine his elegant assortment of Chinn, Glass and Queensware, and other articles in the housekeeping line, such as Frentli and English tea acts, heavy handed and plain, White Granite, gilded and blue do, . , Dinner sots at every variety and price, Bowls and pitchers, turret - n - Is, dishes, &c. Glass-wa•c—centre table andonantel lamps. Candelabras and other lamps, great variety, Table and bar tumliPirs. goblets, &c. F art and press ye dislris, in variety. Cedar•ware—tabs, backera, churns. bowls, Hurter prints and Indict, meal buckets, &c. 13 rushes—sweeping to hit It wash. scrubbing, I land and shoe bru.lies, dusters, brooms, &c. Market, clothes and travelling baskets. Alto a choir(' assortment of 'robot co and Ste uarts. Call ye who are hind of choiee branch of Seirars try•tho Prineines Regalia:3, Si cf lantinis tiLvs her Colin varieties. end you will flog them of imiroprachable qunlitr. Al , . hall Spanish and Common Snare. with choice Sou if and chewimunbacco._ n 026 TuE subscriber hnsjust received from Phiii &lobo ! a InrgeOftillellt of ld IL Y cot - M6' mid GILOCEItIES, which will b e sold very elielip at her new store, next door to Martin's Hotel and nearly opposite Mr. Ogil by's store. MARi:ARET SNODGRASS. The. Spring of 18541. IITILL be a memorable one in the annals of VV' our Borouall—tor the LAItG E ST S T 0 C R., handsomest, cheapest and best CO ttl)S are new selling ll' rapidly at Bentz lirothers cheap stare. Our stock conetets at liareges, nestles, Lawns,t Borege de hams Giughums, De Loges, Alpitehas,,Calt. c.c.s, usims, Checks, 'Fickings. Diapers. toe. Bonnets, Ribbon, Parasols, hats tar summer, Cloves, Hosiery, Laces, lid outgo, .miring Std.+, French \Varked Collars,. Trimmings, ke. Cloths., Cassiotors, Vestings and summer stuffs for .Olen and Boy's 'wear, togothor with a great many caller C'tettle. not mentioned here, but no examination our cluck will be found to be the largest in Cumberland county and 'Will be sold very Mx-. April 18,'54. 131 ill N - TZ & ROTIIERS MOOTS AND SIIODS., THE SllbAcribei has now on hand a very o h - "teiwtive and well seleettal stork of flours and SllO bIS, which hr, will sell' nt unusually Ittw prices. Perches- il k etHroni wholesale realers, at low rates, he can offer sock inducements to pumea— ears as will in ales 1t their interest to visit his establishment. Ile has every article in the Boot and Shoe !inc—for Ladies' or Gentlemen's wear—lie therefore deems tt unnecpssary In particularize. TrPorsons iestring good and cheap avods are invited to give him' a call., April Id • W. S ELDO N. Spring and Summer Inillinery 41 It S. ItRYA N, MILLINER, announces IVA to the public that she has just evened beautiful and extensive assortment of Spring stud Summer Millinery, rut her stanil opposite Arnolds store, ill Mechanicsburg. S he la now .prepared to suit the taste ofladies who unity laver A4l4e un her with their eustoin, as her sick of Crape Bon tv.r. nets and cheap 8011110151 01 all kinds, Silk Ribbons, Flowers, Trimmings, Ste . cannot be excelled. Sim will also keep on hands cap . collars, under sleeves. haul:ere/ mid Mitts. I ler assort niumr of fancy articles .eons! tail to please her rvishnuerri. Lilies are invited To tall and see for themselves helium buying. elsewhere I'llu-es rerismialule. .lapril g 104 85 600 00 158 9 55 73 00 5 00 10 30 IBM 132 741 $2565 3 2188 VU A N ()1:111.11.? :Glilil7Kl L .SPRING & SUMMER „DRY GOODS Al theStiiieAf WOODS. the Gent Mart for Dry Goods Si, Groceries $l2 00 THE subscriber respecilully informs his friends And .111111erOUS elision-A is. dint he line reinnied 'rein Flidadehan .. willl a larva and va ried ii4soriinent of Spring unit ..rrmilicr Goods, coneisdng in nail of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, 22 00 60 alai an black and fancy sillts,b lack and clnnge. able ttlpachs,' burners, bacadede latnes, molls. de be4e, bombazines. plain, tigitced and (tilting.: gingloa ns,thliatvls,calicoes, gloves, hosiery, &v. GENTLEM.EN'S DRESS GOODS. such as liau bkack and brawn French Clstbs, black I)ueskiq and fancy Cassi nieces, satin and fancy VOStillati, black and I tt.lian fancy Cra vats, suspenders. glnves. buc. HATS ~ANt) CAPS, A 'ante assortment; of Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps, am bracing every style and q nu lity. Also, a large and varied assortment or Parasols, Bonnets arid Ribbons. 13 30 80 00 600 DOMESTICS Blanched and+ iniblenehed IVlmilidu. Checks, 'ricking J onus, 1)6118. Tdhle•dinpafi;i3l 6t p - i7 g Osnahurge, topOing, tubledhone,:gee, BOOTS• 'AND SHOlifS' •' A large sissorttnent of Men's -lVemen's'and (Andrews Bpots and Shoes, Jenny Lind, sal Buskin Shoes at very low priers. " Colored and %Wine CA lIPET CHAIN, GROCERIES, A large assortment of GROCERIES, Such as Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rive, Teas, &c. All who visit our estoulailnnetit are Trod to acknowledge tlikit we are selling Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Boots. Shoes, 4c, at as. tomonitingllow prices! Otir low prices have ulruitly at tra'ct ed a largo rntinbcv of pitpfe. 'rho Mitiminn of all who wink geud bargains is solicited, as groat inducements can lm.ollerod to purchasers. 2 76 p 00 40 00 120 00 6,00 6 76 4 80 Don't forget the old stand, Hu mo ric tee cor ner, North !hoover Street, Batter, Eggs, Rags and Soap taken at martin prices. N. W. WOODS, April 0, 18'4, Agent. 45 15 6 00 rzasizi .kui. rit.a.t . OX' SPRING lUD. SIIIEYIER GOADS, _ At elltAlt.LlEs In East Bigh,Streot,..Parlisle, Pa./ hove just roceiviid a largo and hapd• 99 V someasourtment of Spring and Summer Goods, conoisting of die lutost etylea of Laditts'• DRESS pOODS, Barna, moue debego, nett baregn dr - dialle r luwils, black sod fancy silks of every descriP-- don and quality, black alpacas of high lustre, bloc: bombazines of it superior quality, and -a good assortment of Mourning Gonne. DoNmsups, DOMESTIC S, BIeachod and unbleached musline, shootings • from. id 3.yds wide, chocks, Glasgow - and line , Frond' gingliains, tickinga, damask town's and rabic cloths, •napaino, red, yolloWn-and white woollen litinnels, shrouding Buono!, &c. • EMB ROI ()EWES AND LACES, • • Cambrie and Swiss rufilag, edging and insert. ngi lisle, tneehlin and florentine tace,'French worked collars, do - undar•sleoves, dq sponger end antis, manning edllars,hlack laced veils of all styles, - A very handsome assortment.of Bonnets slid Bonnet .Ribbons. 4 GO 17 22 ..,Vl,lifta large j and handsome variety of Dry Gooda and Groherios Ik general. alwoya to be had' on the lowest thyme dt t*Ogilby'fi Bruhn— riunx." Mar 22 • I= iiiireifancous IVMV.7 GOODS LIST or GOODS; Wares and Merchandise, Also, tut Millors, Distillers,Lumber Men, &0., with in the county of Cumberland, returned and classified, in accordance with the several Acts of Assembly, as follows, viz: MERC HANTS. Carlisle. • Class. $ cts. S AV Eby John UrWilliaMs 111111C1 Elliott, Chalks Ogilby, , . 14 10 00 12 12 50 4 14 10.50 11 15 01) George W Hurler 112' 12 50 Bontz & Brothers 10 20 011 Daniel Ecklos,Jiquor-- 14_--10-50 John Faller, liquor . 14 10 50 J & D Rhoads 14 7 CO WL3 Murray, Agt. 14 •7 00 S W Haverstick, liquor . 13 15 00 Thomas Conlyn 14 7 00 Henry Saxtn 12 .12 50 \V Al Henderson & Son 13 ' 10 0(1 John Hunter. liquor 12 18 75 , Peter Alonyer 14 7 00 A- ' Jacob Woll, liquor J 4 - 10 50 J A Lobs 14 17 00 Jacob Seiler 3 '. 10 Ott C Inhoft, Agt, liquoro I 22 50 S Al Hoover 4 7 00 Wise & Campbell 3 10 00 'l'll Slides 4 7 00 II M Rawlins 4 7 o 0 Wood & Conner 4 - 700 P Arnold I 15 00 John N Armstrong -1 7 011 W,1., Huller 4 7 ell 11 11 Johnston Prof of D College 4 7 00 Henry Peters 4 7 00 Woodward & Schmidt :3 10 00 John I' Lynn 2 12 50 Aim dd ,x, Livingston • .•• 4 7 00 John Keeney 4 7.00 N W \V nods, Act. i 3 10 nu Simmer ,'e. Brother • •• 3 111 00 \V A Kelso 4 7 00 , I' ;Nlessersarlii , 5 - 7 11 0 •NV;;lliain Slieldep 14 7 00 11 J Kieffer i , 4 700 Henry Harkness,' 4 • 7 00 John Cenly ' 4 7 00 JanMs,AUGranalian 4 • 7 00 A :il Piper, Agt. 14 7 00 George Cramer, •7 00 George Leib) , --,, - 14 7 Ott Joseph D 'Halbert l4 .7 on Jonathan Common 14 , 7 001 lletiry • Kaufrinan,, . 14 7on Jacob Hooter 14 7 (1(1 Jacob Rhermi 14 , 700 David Marlin • 14 . 700 John Frederick. 14 7 00 James Collo 14 7 nit Clpirles Barnitz 14 10 00 David Coniman 14 7 no Lauchhirner & Brothers 14 7 00 I East Pennaborouo, Jacob Reninger, liquor Andrew Eshtiger Kerr & Hummel Burlier &Son • I) &. J Ity ard j,,scoh Banks, liquor Mc A lin ieht, liquor Jon Il R Ives, liqurrr Jacoli.l,oliimiecher Michael Freeze ,Yelv Cumberland. John r. 'Atillor, li q uor John AI I,niu, l i g lor B II Nlomser & Co. Charles 0 ioer Valentino Feenian John Horn' Lee t Throgland Lower Allen Jenne Barton. liquor I , ,rnut & Ilnmey Brower t fllwt hland leery Kneulig, liquor \V Loyd Upper Allen. Cuswiller & Co. 13 10 Ott Smart & Liget 7 Diu _ - Hampden. G ktz. \V II Eakolal4 - 700 Heitry Rupp - 14 7 en t .I.let liutz 14 JO 00 Sleet(ler & Brother - 14 7 00 Dr I; ogers 14 7 01.1 Itudolphos White_ _ l4 7 00 Silver Spring. Clf Whitecomb -' 14 7'oo .101111 Coyle. .. l3 10 00 Jacob Simmons, liquor 14 10• 50 i 13 Leitlech • 13 10 00 George Singrzer , 14 7 00 6trotne & Haveretielc 13 10 Ou Monroe. S'ingizer & Sundereon Ueorge.,“remiOnlill & Co Michael Fired Meelianicaburg.„ Simon Arnold, liquor _ 13 18 75 Ephraim Zug 13 1 . 0 )5) .1 111,11alis • ........ 14 7 00 1 II & A Singlser 14 7 on Ira Day 14 7 05 J F Spahr 14 7 00 \ lelheiiii & Zacariali ll 7 11.1 llvorge,Singiber 14 7 Ott Jacob Dorf-fit:oller 14 7 iio J Blizzard ii . 14 7 00 John Swisher 11 7 50 1 . ,; co rge Webber . t 14 7 00 Levi Snell II 7 Chi George Attick' 14 s, 7 1 0 John Mesh, liiihor '"- 14 10 50 F A Mareer & Co. 14 - 7 00 - John T Ayres 14 7 00 Ening/el' & Ratak & Co. 14 7 00 Oqwaid & lirtuffninn Bale & Co Henry Luuoo Netiwilfe. J fl iferr'on 14 '7 o M'Candish /3 10 01 Sivoyer Baur & Cobaugh .1 \V Sharp Thomas Stough Joseph Laughlin .7 3 _ John Al Davidson WBI Marten • .1 II tiaras W Benton, liquor Ilopewell, .ni , tvr,& Dial'', V , ..erry & Gshonl our s deol,) Au, liq.urs: .Newton F. FI IViely, • \Varhinger, Nlo.Cay, Woods 2.: Grucoy. McCoy & Cu, West Permsborough John Hood, Thomas G-ensen. Woodward & Schmidt, J. NV, IJAiillelsod, liquors, Joseph Smith, Prankford... V. & J. Green, liquors. South Illiddleton A. W. [ddle'', • S. N. Dien, • v &!Aigxander, Robert Givn & Co., )- Samuel Wolf, ' North Middleton Elias Light, NOlin Hepry Snyder, Shippensburg. Samuel Swanzey, Jolla Gish, C. F. Kunkle, Kunkle &•Stevielc, Jolla Stambaugh, Peter S Ariz, agent, 1. C. Allick, J7Moh Pogue, liquors, Arnold & Son, Joseph Williams, ~, J• B, Duncan. agent', Nevin & Itidinge, Wunderlich. .., Mary Miller, N. A. Cornelius, Jelin Bridges, Medintrer 4-B rot hors, t' J. U. t;riswell, • W. D. A Nagle, •• Beek, Hil'4ley & Co„ Philip Deilrieh, liquors, Samuel Sugars; Christian Shade, ;• 14 7 i 0 12 .1; 1 1 34 7 (.41 1 4 • 700 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 141 -10-50 7(014 14 10 09.1 • • Southqmpton Conrad Foostnaeght, J F., Bangtenon John W. Clever, Williunt Hauck, Dickinson. !Wesel & Dice, I). L. licalman, F. - Williamson, Weakly Sc Shriver, Wads, Benjamin Plank, Joseph L.Stiner, . Joseph Hoyle. liquors, Hays Sc Palm, • Barnhart Gardener, - liquors, MILLS. T. B. Bryson, (Silver Spring,) 11 John Shaffner, do .• •14 George H. Buclior k do 13 John Hallacher, do 14 David Hoover, do 14 D. Swiler, 14 C. Eberly, • (Lower Allen) II Sarnuel.Bitner. • do• 13' JolinCauffnian, J .do' • r 16 C. Rupp,.. do 14 Aaron McClure. do 13 IVI. Haldeman. do J acob'Coover, jr., Wpm' Allpn.)l4- 14 - 700 13 10 00 ~1 4 7 00 ./3 10 00 14 700 S 14 700 14 7 00 14 10 00 14 - 7 00 14 10 50 George Mahe 'id° 14 NO 14 7 oci John nowmand, •, 7 00 S. 1). Sheallbr,(South Middletosn)l4 ,„. 7 00 Hessler '& son, do 14 7 00 W.L.84 T. B. Graighood,do 14 7 , on David Sterrett,' (Mifflin) 14: 7 Ou David Voglesong, (Monroe) . 13 10 mr • A. & U. W. Abl, 13 10 on' Benjamin Gibler, do • 13 10 00 J. W. Leidiel,. -do 14 7 00 North Atiddleton. W. M. Henderson k Son, Gabriel Natchor, John Hays, . - . John Moore, ' . '. • J. 1j• Barnitz, . . Mat Pennsborough.- Marshall James, John Laughlin, Jaboh Shellabarger, Dillon & Crider/ • . Samuel Riper, John Diller, Ilampden Henry Riipp, Inane Alorkward, Christinn Au, John Eckert, Southampton. Gook° Cleve•. Rant Peunaborough, J. 9. Flnldemtin, John licck; Shipponshurg Township. J. B. RlnSr , 14 700 DISTILLERS A NI) BREWERS. Edward Showers, C. Inlinfr, alma, I,VilHam Alexander, IlarnitX • John Hannon, J. Iv. Brook, Henry Glass, Uppgr Allen, John Bowman, ( Nor th Middleton Henderson & Sont , John Hays, South Middleton Robert Given & Co. Doss!er & Son, Heory Glass, Monroe. G, Beltzhoover, .1. A. & C. Ahl,. Southampton M:u•lin COMM', • Ilopewell Robert goigley, Jutenb Romp, Jobe! Ferguson, Newt° O. P. A &J. A. All Samuel rißillgor, 500 BEER, OYSTERS, ti.:ATrNa FIOUSE AND 10 50 7 OU 7 00 7 no 7 nu 10 5, 10 50 10 50 7 NI 7 00 Jaenli Low. lnseph Thrkel, Jacino Siratrm, Gorky!) S‘vitur, John Lee, Moreover Miller, lieery Wormer, .V err Cumberland. IVilliam. Whiresel, Gordon Smith, JO 5o 10 :)0 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 1" 50 Lower Allen, Samunl R. Grove, • N B V 4 llTiYun Lloyd, lBhi re“sir, '''''' . :;,,,,,,,.,,,,glin. rint:,:,: / 1, 1•:,:st PennBborough. te:t.....' ..8 5 00 IVilliato Phillips 8 5 00 Joseph Banks, 8 5 00 Silver Spring. . 10 'm IV )lercie, 8 500 8 5 00 Ivaar. Furehanel), 8 5 0 ) Upper Allen. David 11. Ithrie r k eee ht, - - -8 • 501 Mosel 13argu6 8 5 01) 14 10 50 14 7 00 700 14 111 50 14 7 00 Shippenxburg. Junius Sponsler, p 5 00 Samuel Jpeise, • 7 ]OllO wville. Grorze Num',l3,,__' 8 5 00 Juun - Kershaw, 8 5 00 li - Pentßborough W illiltu 'Winlioliz, Harriet Wn•son, 8 500 _ 8 - 5 00 Jamb IliKler, 8 5 00 Jacob Golden, 8 , 5 00 SouiAeimplon. Jacob I kflillibger, John llinic. 8 5 08 ' h 8 5 00 13 10 Oil 13 . 10 00 14 7 00 George Miller, 8 5 00 Mechanicsburg. Peter Baker, 8 5 00 BILLIARD-ROOM. Curtiste. James Dixon, 30:00 inrob Low., (Iwo - - Jacob Ddlenderfor, if erhanie.rhu David Ldog, Wirth Middleton Jacob lienemno, Norton & Owen, SCOLL Coyle, Manhew llnore . ,3n no Nilircinint., and all nth - en; concerned in the ~1 14 7 • • above elro:Aliewitkh, :ire hereby muffled they ein have nu oppoergei.y of making apimai by ralltn7, WI Illy :II Carlisle, Oil he •.:Tt or 2 , 4111 of A;wil, lit - miffed they consider themtotivcs egg] ieved by the above rlaseilication. V AIePHERSON, 'Mercantile Appraiser. EMI AWI 5'54-St ECU 12 5U 7.0 U 10 00 7 00 7 OU 10 50 Spring' Style ofiffats L Caps 7 _...... _. • '-' Z ~ ...z....m., . . tS::'-g.f- - i 'r iA' :,-., . ---,__ 4 -p. -tT., 10 TIO Eli! no FRi 11d, IS. TROUT, 1 '.'31 . 11,ES to inform his old friends that he jlrate removed to hie new esialilisliment on High street, near the grail gond Depot, tad is now open og a large and elegant assortineot of the . JO .:)0 14 7 14 7 11 7 vo 7 Ou SPRING STYLE , : OF HATS, just received from Philadelphia,whlelithe gen ; tlemea of tjarlish,aie rmiaesied to Aall and ex• amino. Igo his of u, a large assortinunt of Silk, Fur and Slouch 'fats of his own manufacture, got up in the best' style anti n't various prices, the oxeelleaue and finish of which he will war• rant Ills ho is confident only needs to be examipeldio be approved. Ki''Also a large gea,ly of Men's, Boys' and Children's CAPS, of Cloth sad Fur mid of every variety of style and price. just' rneeivad Irina Philadelphia. Let all who wtun a Hat or Cap' glee hint call, as they may be sure boing suited to their urn satisfactionl - , ll Mar 83,1A51, 13 10 0 13 10 01 13 15 II 14 7 01 13 15 41 13 10 0 14 7 0 13 7 0( 14, 7 0: 14' 7 0 Classical and Ltterag High Schoo 7 00 NEIVVILI4I, Itig skimmerthislnstittition will commune° 0.11 1 11E,:;1:DA y the 2tl day of May. The course - ol education pursued in this Institution is thlrough in its character, e.,tuhru cing.eAreftil instruclion in the ancient langua ges; and in all branches of scien.te, %%kelt are requisite to qualify students well for College, and practical liwnnece in life. 14 700 P 2 12 30 14 ,7 00 14 06 ' l3 10 00 --IA 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14: 10 30 12 - 12311 14• '- -7 00 • Tornis—For Boarding and Lodging, (per Sas.don ktnonihs,) $5001) Ono Mao( whi.ilt is to he paid in advmico end the remainder nt the clone of the &Beim). For further particulars, application can be made to the subscriber nt ROBERT AIcCAEHREN, April 12-4 w Principal. WIEME,II maxim ACADEIVZ3Z". Three mile. Ir'esl of Ilarrisburg, Pa. MHE SEVENTE SESSION of this flour _ll_ • 'lilting Instituden u ill- commenee 'on MONI)AY, the Ist day Of MAY next, The ad vantages which it affords, it is believed, aro ors supertor clutter:ter, mid parents and guardious are snlicitcd in. inquire into its merits before sending their Rolls or wards elsewhere, It is lavoiablt, situated; the instructors are all corn 'pe'ent nnd experienced men; the course of in au tuition is extensive mid thorough, and special attention. is paid to' the comfort and health of 'the students. 14 7 00 14 7 0(1 14 1.. 700 14 7 00 ' , • Terms. Boarding, Wnahing, Lodging, and Tuition in Brin n disi' and Vocal M. sic, per session (s'montlno, 'lnatruction` in Ancient or Modern Languages. each. ' 5 00 Instrumental Mimic, 10 00 For Circulars and other information address N GER, fiarrishurg, Pa. CM 15 09 7 00 10 00 7 00 FRESH HAMS AND DRIED. BEEF, A Prilsi arrival of Sugar Cored 'HAMS and DRIED BEEF, jeat received Boni olnonnati uifd for Baia at WILLIAMS' Family Grocery Store,' n ylreat. Main Street, 7 00 7 no 15 00 10 00 7 CQ 7 00 10 00 15 00 7 00 - . • • DiEIIIV . - GOODS. .._.%, THE subscriltor' lion just opened an apart, i rant of SPRING SHAWLS, and a vatic. ti of SPRING 'GO 01)s. : 1 t t p'l, 6't4 HEO, t IV. HITNER /2 12 30 13 30 00 14 ' 700 J)iekinson 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14' , 700 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 • 700 13 , luoo 19 700 Newton 14 7 00 14 7 0. 14 7 00 14 700 1a 700 14 7 00 Carlisle. 8 - 12 50 9 800 10 5 09 9 800 10 5 00 10 500 14 7 ou 9 800 7 f.'n nn 9 800 7 20 00 8 B un 10 ,s. 00 8 12 50 8. 12 50 10 '5 00 9 B 00 '9 81(11 14 -70, i' 8 12. 50 Fran/ford. EsT A I' NTI —.a 8 X 5500 5 00 8 5 00 00 8 .:Zl, 5 00 8 60 5 on ....,d 500 Newton TEN-PEN ALLEY Carlige. 10 00 :n 00 30 on AVlin South .7lhhlletou e 55 00 lotto ducrnocinentv. .• o•BNAsTENTA;. pt- Shade & Fruit Trees • - .:EVERGREEN Flowering Shrubs, Plants, ' Vines, , Roses, &d., in'gretit vaidetrand size, suitable for planting the present season: , Cultivated and for sale nt the Nursery and Gar:den of the subscriber and at his stun& in the City,' - In the Market,' below sixth St., Philadelphia. A(1, Orders carefully attentled_to and for.. i6er et ?frith despatch. Catalogues to niched ou applioation. FL MAP enly . , ' Mining Sur, P. 0 , Phila IMEI Household Glasswarar" From the ,Principal Factories and late CESIECE Comprising a full and desirable assortment at 25 per cent below usual rotes, Dealers and tiller's will do well to call before purchasing, elsewhere. 1000 paelcartes on hand. EDWARD F. CORFIELD, 152 South Second street ,sbove Spruce,) apl 17 9m Philadelphia. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. Sohn Stone 84 Sons, • No. 45 South Second Street Philadelphia, liare now in Store, of their own importation, a large and handsome assortment of RIBBONS, SILIiS, FLOWERS, CRAPES, and evcry 'article suitable to tier Millinery Trade. to which constant addition will be made throughout the season, thereby' enabling them to ofl ,, t't he largost,and most desirable selection of articles in their Into lo he found in the City. Phila. Month 13, 18154-2 m II *PO ifin INVIIMIOMIMIOA LeINDELL, Corner. of 4th and Arch Streets, Phila. 'Have this season enlarged their establishment, which enables .them to offer n much larger stock of DR Y GOODS for the inspetion el Cot ry Buyers. In the assortment aiways he found a Mil line of . . . , Meek 8111:4, I Staple Linea Goods, Faney do f do Cotton do Ini.iiii do Ido Al uslin do Black Goods., mresa Goods. Crape Shawls. Shawls, all kinds. Scares nod dosirablb Goods eau always be obtained be applying to Byres Fsr. Laudell. Terms, Nett cash, nod prices low according ly.a 1)1-Iloiirt country mosey received. iThreh 13, 1 ti3.l-3m OM Agricultural Implement & Seed Store IWillE subscribers offer for sale a large variety of Agricultural Implements, bong Wjlieh are ilie eelettrated EAGLE PLOW Proittv Plow, liodeer's Subset! Plow, Corn Sheller", s'er s w awl Lily Cutters, Corn Fodder Ctttters and G eiders, Vartners' fkilors, approved Cul anJad Scrapers. 110 Y HAI 1, Agricultural Implement and Seed Store, Mar I) liarrishurg, Pa. FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS l'IlE sitbQiiriliera aro prepared to rI3CI3IVI, or der, for FIELD, Olk.11.1)EN and FLU VEIt SEED'S, of tho choicest varieties and warran ted to tut porn and gamine. lmoeg which are t)r,,,en Corn, Stowell Evegr,een Cern, Itwmulie :11 minim!) Cunt. Adams Early and lVinte hliut, flreliiird Herd. Timothy and Clo• ver Send, and every vamp or Flower and Oar den4* .eds. Candogue.,,ln•niahed when re• pieH:ed. Ii,CY,V ER & HA 1.1., Agrieultural Implement and Sear] Store, Harrisburg, Pa. 1U era tiT.Are747ll3D. g) Et NG extensively engaged in the manu - J), I .ettu e tol paper, we %%di p:iv 10 roan! ry Alat'ellants and ushers baying Raga for sale, MON 01011 the lqebel.l pure—C A Sil. ilisSIT & mooltE. • Paper Malin fa•anrens, Philarielphin—Nos. 24 and 25 'Nerill St, [I ,dreet below Are.h, between Sth and f;t11. rn22 'CI' , al, 1L 'l' I ! Just Published—A new Discovery in Medicine; 4.& FENV words on the Rational Treatment, ilk_ without 9lodictne., ..;perilinlorrhea, or local weakness, nervous debility, lOW iSpirlig, 1100, WelkrlCSB 01 the limbs and brick, 1111119:10- stlioll and incapacity lor study and.hiboh dull: nef.s et appreliensoti, loss oi inetn.a.v, aversion ter socie•y, Inve of selidas trust. dizziness. Ilea' hr, nivolliwary pains. in 111 e Side. affection of CV('9, pimples onthe have, sexual and other 1111;1.111 . 111es in mail From the French; ill Dr. 11. De Laneey. Thu 1111! , 01 . 111111 fact that these-alarming, coins pinuna nine easily be removed wcriimiT MEDI eiNE, is in this am ill irhet, clearly demon.tra ic,l, a n e l the entirety new (1/1,1 highly Bileuessllll it - eminent. us adapted by the Author, lully ex plained, by inicins whi,hl,ory one IS enabled to sure himself pericetly and at Ow 1,10 east, avonline. thereby all 'the advertized nostritnis 01 the ilay. AO On 30 (ro 10 01 Sent to any nddross, gratis and post Ben, in s :waled °nyelope, by remit!' ou mosl nab]) two Pnstaee Sun pa 10 Dr, B. Dr hooey, or B oa 109 Broadway Bon; ()Bice, New York. poor! ty Phf AI. Surgeons' Bandage Institute REM 0 V ED to N 9. 4 Ninilt street, store ntiovc Market. B C. E V E ft ErPT'S Pn en t Grodnoting Pcesstire - qTRUSS:for; the curd or Ito pinre ; Sholder Braces. Supporters, Klasiie Stockings. sti.pern,ary, Hemorrhoidal, nod IS:99lages for ticforniitles. Inn. I,l—l yr. CLOTZEING! CLOTHiCNG ! The Largest and Cheapest Clothing ,Siore in Carlisle! ItisfOLD & LIVINGSTON have now a; their store the largest and hest ipsortment a road, made Cloint4lg to be found in Ca; lisle, which they are nate to ve.l at less thameity pri ces, and lower than the goods van be bought at ally other store is the pluee. The. clothing we Cell to all oar own manufacture nod not bought ready-Ydade. We never have to deal in dama• ged goods We bey good. sound material and eat being. We warrant everything we sell to be well aide and to give entire satisfaction. We have now on hand 'SPRING & SUMAIER CLOTHING of nil stiino nod qualities, and nt prices to suit, embracing bloc, black and' fancy broadcloth antPlinen d i ceo, frock and slick COATS. cloth coAntere nipd linen patina - mins, cloth, satin and fancy v,est.;t Of all sizes and descriptions, togeth with.a large ro , artment of Cravats,Ttes Storks, ' Shirts I I andlterehic fa, Gloves. Suspenders. &c., alfording ti variety such as to seldom or feted. Measures taken and clothing made to order. , Don't forget the stand tII NiiCtli Hanover at., n-xt door to Lysti's Hardward store, and di rectly opposite Maglatighlic's hotel. AR OLD ,k r.rriNcis To Iv. Carlisle, April 19 1854.-3 m. &Vete Grocery tznd Pariety rinHE'subscriber would, respeetlully inform iL his friends and the . Italie generally that Ile has lust returned front the' eltie, with -a 1A.6, and varied assortment Of ~it'N G C LE 5, G A s a nd QUEENS WARE, FISH, &c.. 1 I 111 • whielChe offers Mr sale on the most venal - maul° terms, at his NEW .STOR.E. -kor ner of Nor th Hanover st, aunt the Public Square, directly - opposite ti• the Carlisle Depont Bunk. is .0 , v.,, FA. stock embraces everything usu - ally item in a Grocery and Vu.. rimy store.' • The public 'aro invited to call- and examine before purchasing els.vhere,as he tools canfident he can sell the best - goods itt - the low. eel prices. . April 5,'54, SPRING AND Strranann 18511 Styles of Hats! ' [1854 ItIORGE KELLER respectfully' announ. giNces to his old Patrons and the public gom orally that he has just received the SPRING STYLE OF GENTLE -74,1V MEN'S HATS, manufactured at ono of the boat establishments in A.> Philadelpitia, to which, ho invitee special attention.. • Ho has also constantly on hand a large and varied assortmcint of his own manulketure as well us city made HATS AND CAPS, • , suitable for. he .tscason,comprising every vat+. eyt of Husain, Beaver, 'Moleskin, mid Silk'ata: finished . in the 'moat mile, together lull asSortariont of Caps of every; shape and dos. oription, and at every Prico Ho particularly, .invitee the public to coal - trio:le/ramble his exten sive .assortment, which in style;. inntorial and finilM,natinet be surpassed by any in I,uarket, add which ha la able, put at prices fower than ever. 0 -, Romember his old stand on North Hanover street, bot Ween Hunter's and Setter's store. . " (March 22, 1854., Calf, Ilk') and Coarse Boots of diderent 'qualities and prices; black and drub Congress Gaiters patent leather. Sultan Walking Shoes/ Mi.nto• icy Ties ,ond Pumps, patent lea,her oind cloth fancy Toilet Slippers, &e• A lull ussurtmeot of the above styles isf Boys' wear. Also a general assortment of Calf ICip and coarse Monrees and Shoes at all prices. This extensive stoat of new and fashionable styles line been seleutod with great care and the quality is warranted. They only need to be examined to be approved. lie also continues to manufacture all kinds of work as before, . .. . _ W'rtips will he rnpairod gratis. Feeling chifideeri his li sortment will give entire .atis• faction, Innll,, s regards quality and price, ho reEkeifulls elicits public hitrennee. april 12: JONATHAN COIWMAN. J., 11. VI. K. OAMP111 , 11;14 lIIARGAWNS ! BARGAINS I ! MI Weise and Campbell's New and Cheap Stare, S. IV. corner of Ilano- Wl's now feel a pleasure in min ouncidg !hot 1111VH hat received n splendid and cfloico . as. sortinent 3d• Spring. rind Summer Goods, which we will oiler at such prices as cannot fail to nlense. The stork consists of S 8 GGOD S, Black Fancy Dress Silks, Foulards, Organdies, Brilliants. Law us, Jaconetks, Bareges, &c. A handsome lot of tiocouors, Undoraleevas Collars, it utflinvs, Edgiggs, tosertings, mourn• ing collars and anderso.toiws.embronlored Intern munbric, hankorchnls &c, gingaains, cheelcq, aelcings, Alaslila, jeans, drills, ban-slidl: a,nd flannl;le. ' C I.o'l' IFS . , '&e., &c. \ . a handsome lot ol cloths, eassimers and H eating a largo a4sart went of Ladies and Theses French posaamers, helgrade, tripnb. lrrnid anl straw Bonnets, NI issos handsome Flats -all or which be sold at unusually low prices; Alen's am! Boy's, canton, leghorn, china pearl, senate awl palm loaf !lois. Parasol 6, um— brellas mul Conking-gIISS,3 very cheap., BOO'PS AND SHOES. Ve nre selling a large Int of I lilies.' shoes and gaiters at greatly induced prices, as we intend discontinuing this branch our liminess. GROCERIES. &c., &c. Rio and Java Collie, roasted enWee, brown and while. Sugar, Luverings Syrup Molasses, Teas, Salves, tv.e. Our stork, for variety and cheapness, is cer tainly not surpassed by any in the coot Bnyers who wish to pticibise articles of tirie nor quality, at reasonable prices, should net fail io nine us a call: (April 5, '51.1 J. NV. EBY'S FAMILY GROCERY. Java and Marne:Oh(' Coffees, Green and Roasted do., Orleans and Cfaratied Brown Sugars. Pulverized. Crushed and Loaf do, Solt Cran.hed (preserving) tin, 1i re Farina and Corn Starch. Broma.' , Cocoa, Chin . ..late, Vlllllllll Bean, Marie, Citron, with Spices of every Itindit,ig Sperm, Mould, Adamantine Candles, Orleans and Sugar 11. Syrup Molasses, e . . Lovering s nie , n quality Syrup. Kr.l fresh rissortment of all the oboeo arti cles, and a general supply of oilier articles usually kept by us, all Just opened and for sale at our new score rooms. June 8. WALL PAPER P Great attraction. WHAVE just received my Spring stock of PA Ph; It HANGINGS, which surpass in Style, Qullity rind Price any - that has ever bean exhibited in Earlisle. I rrispectlitliv so licit a call from persons in want of Paper Hang ings of any description, us I art; confident my assortmen. far surpasses any in• the borough; and in style and price has but few rivals in the mtv. I only asktel the public to call and ex• amine my assortment before purchasing. asH am confident lily chaste designs cannot fail to please the most fistidiens. _ JOHN - P. LYNE, West Side ,of North Uanever Street, lliar22 Cur isle.. Pa. . . . • SPLEATZ7.II. ! Holiday Presents, "iv; Tilt/MA: CONLYN West High street, a few • is doors west of Btu - kilo!- , 6 <2 • - - `al hasjust received the .largest and most elegant .7 ,4 " -assortment of SUPERIOR JEWELRY ever °tiered in Carlisle, consisting in part Gold and Silver Watches of evety variety, and, at ail prices, eight-stay CLOCI‘S. Silver table 'and tea ooas, silver' table faints null butter kinse.;, gold and silver spectacle's, ladies' and gentlemen's gold.pen and pencil, gold chains of , verydeseripoon, ear and linger rings, breast pins, &e. at all prices. Also Accurdeons and ,Qusical Boxes, with a great variety of Fancy Articles, selected expressly Mr' the Holidays. Persons desiring to purchase are invited to all and examine the assortment. We are prepared to sell nt very reasonable prices, Quality of 11l goods warranted to be no line its sold for., THOMAS - CONLYN. West High Street• Dec, 28, 1953 TAMES 12,1,V1IA.VER would respectfully a call the attention (Arrange Keepers and the public to his extensive, stocic of ELEGANT' FURNITURR. I -ineluding Sofas, Warorobes, Comm and other Tablas, Dressing and plain Bureaus and eve ry othlr article in his branch of liminess. Also, now on hand the largest as sortment of CII A MS - in:Carlisle, at the lowest prices. VrCofrilis rondo ar the shortest notie and a !retiree provided for funerals. lie golje• its roll at' his establishment on North Ham a tier street, near Glass's I.OTEL. N. .13.-Fur nitnre hired out by the month or year Carlisle, VI grch - 40. 1850.-1 y HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. ALL that valuable property situat e on t h e north west corner of Centre Square, , in tl4 buretighl.if Carlisle, known as " V .Beatem's Row ' The Main builds tinil .. i r_ in is nbwoecttpied by H. L. Burst..:_ II a • c'''" holders a hotel. The heli "r. m° of "- - '''' the property is rented for offices, shops, '&c.= This is one of the very best properties for !it'll . . floss in the'.borough, and to capitalists offers great inducements for investment. The pay moat if dcsired will be made very easy. Also, a very comfortable two atery DWEL• LING 110 USE. on the east find of Main St., adjoining property of Andrew Ilelmcs,Esti.and now occupied by Mr. David Greer. The lot to 42 feet front by 240 (in doptil,i and contains a Aumber of choice fruit trees. The:property is , in g'ood order, and has a cistern, amok's- house bake oven; stable, &c. on:the ,le). For portic ularo'coquirc of lob 8) CIIA liLtS °GILD Y. J. D. lIALYERT HOUSE AND LOT . FOR 'SALE. THE two Story FitAME HOUSE nal Lot of Grotto& in South Hano• 4 * -- or street, now ttocupied by Charles tt s ■ Buena, hnmetliately opposito'Bont's '/Nto Store, is OiTOl . O at privitte sale. For terms °noune of the subscriber, Attornoy for the owner. ' nov9's3tll CTO. 1,2& .9 MACKEREL, in whole, half j and quarter Ithls, Lake White Fish, also a fine aaticile of SALNION Tlio UT from ,the rho Lakes and for the-first time brought to ',th s market, in store atid for solo by the subscriber. Corner Market Square, Carlisle, • , U, IiALBEST•i D ROCA LT LONG SETA-WLS- I —Juat ro. 14 111 , coived o tow Lofig and Square Broeho Shows, and. fur auk by .torri 8L Ohcip. 12134 1 :07,412. a • AI 3E O 11:x INT G JE' A S M - 01. rriflE subscribor cosiroc to inform hiculd cos. totnersiand the pubtio that he has tellaloia' hit roitiovoil Ids ocumisbuiciit lour doors south Lit his uld stand, on North lienever Street i wltera he homiest (wooed a large -assortment of Boars, SEIOES. GAVI'ERS, &o. which cannot be surpassed in style, quality and prise, tied to , which ho invites the 'attention of the public. LADIES' WEAR For Ladino and- Misses his stocicis wet sh y I , k:it'd and complets. comprising the most iash• killable stylus of Congress. Silk-Gaiters, color. ed French (;niters, Mortice° 1300 ts. foxed wish palish 'ilier, of all colors and qualities, -to. her with Misses Gaiters, and a full supply of -every description of Boots Shoes and Goners for Ladies, Misses and Childrens' Wear, at all prices. GENTLMI EN'S WEAR ver Louthar streets LACES AND EMBROIDERIES DOMES 'l' I C S BONNETS, DM IVLARZON ILB. LLI Extensive Fyrniture Rooms pILELGAIN! R. M. HENDERSON risk. Pish, MIGINIMI fegal alto . Notices. 42,P.ArkEeLENS 15154. lifiE Commie - 41°110ra- or Cumberland county will hold the Appartla for tho real:motive borough and tewneldp, at the Commisolonata Offloo, in Caillelo, ae .followa blur LOWOP Allen, /that Ponnaboro, itatrindatt and New Cumberland, OH 'Friday, April 28th, 1854. For Upper Allen, Monroe and ItWnda burg, on Saturday, April 29th. For Frnnkford, Mifflin and Savoy Spying. •n- on ay, May For Ilopowoll, Nowvillo, Shipponsburg bo. rough and Shipponsburg township, on TUO2. day, May ~d, For Ne'w ton, Southampton and Wont POOPS. bore, on Wednesday, May Bd. For Dickinson and South Middloton, OD TIOD'OdIty. May Bth.' For Carlisle and North Middleton, on Friday; May Lth. JOSEPH' . GEWSLER, r JOHN 1.311, Comma's, JAMES A ItMSTRONG, Toot, WM. lt LLE V, Oa. Commissianers Ogico,(7arlials, Ap,l, 6 '64 Estate pf Juhn Buser 'dee RQ - OTLGE is hereby given that letters of ad. 1..111 ministration on the estate of John 13user, late of Silver Spring oi), dee, have been grant ed to the sunuerilier, residing in the same twp. All persons having claims against said estate are required to. present them for settlement, and those.indebted to make immediate payment to JOHN SOLLENBERGER, Adm'r. npl .9 7t asszaremvs 11102 1 .T.CE1. ITOTICE is hereby given that George Kees. ainariland \Vtfeeuf l Churehtuwn, Monroe rurrinship,Cumb. county, tracing on the Bth day of April, 1851, made a cortmtary assignment of their prbperty to the undersigned. ler the bene. fit of their creditors, all persons tracing claimer or demands against stud George Neesernon are requested to make them known without delay, and those indebted to make payment immedi• ately to the subscriber. Apl 19 3t Estate of Elizabeth Shenk, dee'd. - worms is hereby gislen that letters of nil -11 ministration on the eatate of Elizabeth Shenk, lime of Dickinson township, Cumber• land county, dee'd, hove been granted 'by the Register of said county, to the eubscriber.resi• t'ding in the same townshlp. All personshaving lanna against-said estate are requested to pre ent them for settlement, and those indebted to make immediate payment to ap'l.l2—Gtpd HEN R SHENK, Adm'O E: ;state. of Dorothey Fritchey, dee'd. m - OTI:CE is ht3reby..,given that letters tests tnentary en the estate of Dorothov laze of South tddleton taw,nship, Cumber land.coonty, dec'd. have been granted by the R.:sister ,it said county, to the subscriber, resi ding in Tanoytown, Carrot county, Md. All persons having claims against 'sant estate are re unested to present ihi.uti lor settlement, and thoseindebled to make immediat pnytnente to . april td—Utpd] .11' G. FRITCH - EY, Ex'r. Estate of John Paul, dec'd. vraTt CE liet . eby given that letters of ad. £' ministration on the estaie id Joh n 1 5 t ul, late of 'West l'ennshero township, dee'd., have been granted by the Register of said county, to the subscriber residing it: the same township. All persons having claims against said estate ate requested to present them for settlement. tad th indghted to make immediate pay ment to HENRY PAUL, April 12-6 t Adm r. ATOTZOM TO CONTZACTORS, riE Board of School Directors of South •rt Middleton District, will meet (It the Cen ral Selmol llouse,; on SATURDAY, April !till', to receive proposals for the erectioh of a SC ItOOE'HOUSE, oiror near the farm of Mr -tamael Goode ur, of the following materials old dimensiott.:, viz: either Brick. or Frame Weather-hoarded and filed in with brick, to be covered oith white pine shingles, celled and plastered. and supplied with desks and benches ready far school; 22 by 24 feet long, and ceiling ?3.lret high, By order of the Board. April NI DANIEL KA U FFMA Sec'y. Estate al Jas. Carothers, clee'd. - wo I:10E is hereSy given that letters of ad. • ministrainlil on the estate of Jam en Cam -rotlier.slaie of Shippenaharg, Chinlierlend,co. deceased, have butt granted bv the Regiiter I -aid eounty, to the allbseri . ber, reaiding in in Newvide. All persons knowing themselves indebted to &aid estate are required to make im mediate and those having claims to present them tar settlement to IMES 'l'. AIcLAUGUILIN. April 5, 's4—ht Adm'r. J. W. EB i , Estate of IVm. Woods, dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration On the estate of William Woods, late o`f Dickinson townallip,Cumherland county deceased, have been granted by the Registeiof said county to the subsdriliers, residing in. the same towundi p. All persons knowing them selves indebted to, said estate - are required to make immediate intytnent, and those having claims to pre,ent them for settlement to REBECCA %I DODS, Adm's, I:Ett. D. WOODS, Adm'r. April 5, '54-61-pd. Estate of. - Daniel Leelcey, ATOTICE is hereby given that letters testa. mentary po the - estate or Daniel Lackey, Ito of Frankford township, Cumberland coon. EY. deceased, have Ueen granted by the Regis. ter of said county to the subscriber, residir . in the same township. All persons kno 'mg themselves indebted to said estate ate requited to make irn Mediate payment, and those having claims to present them,for settlement to marriat Estate of Mary A. Bitner, dec'd, .IVOTIOE is hereby given that Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Mary A. Bitner, late of Lower Allen township, Cumberland co. dee,d., have been granted by the Register of said county, to the subscriber, residing in the same township. Al'l , persons knowing them selves indebted to hid estate are required to make inimenium paymert and those having claims to present them for settlenieficti) MATTHIAR , BITNER,. March 8.-6 w • Exec r. Esfahe of Peter— .1 ecohy , dec'd. ivroTicE i N hereby given tharLetters Testa- Mentor:, to the estate of Peter Jacoby, to Of Mifflin township, Comberland county, deceased, hove been granted by the Register of . , sold county to the subscriber, residing' in the Fiona township. All persons knowing tirerh delves indebted to said estate ere required to, make immediate pepthent and those having claims to present them for settlement fto 111aroli 8-6 w... Estate of Christian Wisler, sr., dad. NOTICI is hereby given that letters el ad ministration on the estate of Christian Wider; late of Ilampddri township, Cumber. land county. dec., have-been ibsued by the Register of said county Th — the - stihscriber, resi• ding in the samcKtownship. \ All persons buy- Mg claims against Said estate Me requested to present them for settlement, and those indebod to make immediate payment to • CHRISTIAN WISLER. mnr22fit Adm'r Estate of Jacob Spangler, dee NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa. mentary on the estate of !tomb Spangler.lato of SoutirMiddleton township, dee , have been granted to the sithheriber,,reslding in the same township; All persons indebted to sold estate are required to make* immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settle ment to • 44C011 RITNER , MEM Estate of Henry Baker, deo'd NOTICE is hereby giv,en that lettere testa--• •metitary on the estste, „ of Henry Baker, late of, 'Newton township, Cumberland county, dec'd, • have been granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing in Islewville • itruoid county, All persons knowing 'them- selves indebted to _said estate are required to make . .iinmed•itte payment, and those having claims to presdtit them ,loesettlement to THOMAS A • McRINNEY, • . ; mar22fitell • • , Ser. , 'STRAW WANTED. Thn'sutie6her will pay' Cnah fOi STRAW " 4-4 "^' of nny kind delivered at Middlesex. Fanners ""'" will find it to their interest' to sell their etre*. 4. and pneehnee other owners,. 81 - 11WOCK: .40°0. nov3Oth RICHARD ANDF:RSON, Churchtown JAS. B. LEBIKEY, Ex'r PETER JACORY, Eer 13111