Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 05, 1854, Image 4

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„ -The .following communicatio' from Mr. li."
V.13'88.08, of Akron, to the ':Ohio Farmer and
Meolianios' Assistant," 171). would commend to
the attention of our Farmers!
Most of our farmers are in the habit of us
ing lime, but from the Misappropriation of it,
or manner of applioation.or.state of the lime;
do not realize one half the benefit they ought
to from its use. Ong part of a farm may need
it, the other not. Experfinents should be
made by every farmer on difforen -‘ olelds, to
ascertain its effects. General rules
given—suoli as that lime should, be used lib-.
orally where the soil is sour clay or peat, and
sparingly used on sandy, gravelly or thin soils,
unless they contain a considerable amo `tit of
Sulphuric acid, indicated by iron in the 8.1
or stone.
Take a field composed of catswampe and
graielly knobs, as is often the case, and treat
the whole alike would be as inappropriate as
to give the same food to your children — and
horses. Put lime on the swamps, andleach
ed ashes on the knobs.
The -condition of the lime, antrthe manner
of applying it, are also of great importance in'
calculating the results to be . derived from it.
In ite natural state it is usually a carbonate—
that Is; it consists, of 507, and 437} of carbonic
acid to 100 parts of the mineral,
The attraction of these parts for each other
is what gives hardness to limestone: Burn it
end the acid escapee, when it is called quick
limo. Let it remain unexposed to the atmo
sphere, and it will absorb water, slack, fall
into an apparent dry powder, and is then call
ed the hydrate of lime. In this forni 41 is used
for agricultural purposes: The acid must be
expelled before it can be used to advantage
fr for agricultural purposes. It should be used
as soon as it slacks, as its strength will soon
escape. .
The best way to apply it is to sow it on n
field of clover that le about plowed in
Acting upon the clover it produms the petit
which give life and vigor to the soil. If it is
required to give body to the wheat kernel, sow
it with the wheat, and harrow both in togeth
er. It should never be combined with ma
nure, unless it is to be plowed in immediate
ly. as it sets free the ammonia, which is the
source of fertility, land it is-wasted in the air.
Particularly necelisary is lime on peat muck
or body awamps. This kind contains resinous
matter, which tuns as *an anticeptic, or preset -
ling principle to the vegetable matter. To
aid nature in digesting this vegetable matter,
lime is an important agent. It combines with
the resin, and forms °cap, and tho fibre then
decays as fast as anY — OrEif - iefettible Matter.
If lime cannot be had, deep sub-soil plowing
will answer for a few years nearly as ivellf' as
it fringe up the native lime which nature has
liberally distributed throughout the whole
earth. When exhausted on the aurface, it
must be eupplied from abroad, or brought from
below, where vegetation has not yet reuobed it.
.But soils also require other preparations of
lime. If sulphuric acid bo absent, it wants
sulphate Mae, or plaster. Then put on a
bushel of plaster to the. acre. If it has be
come eihausted by raising eteqk on• it, it
needs - pliosphateof lime, to furnish material
for bones. Save all the old bones that can be
procured, reduce theta to powder, and give
your land at least ttiree bushels to the acre,
One now takes as much phosphate ()Clime from
the soil, in a year, as is supplied by eighty-'
two pounds of bone dust. A farmer, then to
. keep-his cows-and-land in good order, must
,spread eighty-two'pounds of bone - dust to,eve
xy cow, on his pastures. The want of this is
'the reason why milk men, living near cities,
have to thicken their milk with chalk—it lacks '
,phosphate of lime. Ii every twenty gallons
of good milk there is an ounce of phosphate
of lime, and if cows are kept in stables whqie
they cannot get It, or on land . Where it hue
become exhausted the milk is but water filter
ed through a cow. Children raised on it leek
the material for bones, which„ is the cause of
the puny rape of young ones in our cities.
From the Lewistown Gazette
Tin Eerron:-1 have liebrd'a groat:Many
persons complain for the last couple of years
that they 'could not make any use of them. I
think,that most-people are very careless about
their orchards,, which is one reason for it;
there are a great many who have very good
orchards if they would only take oare of them.
Our orohartl is not better than most f our
neighbors, yet, we have more apples than any
around us. We have for the last two or three
years been in the habit of putting, our corn
eobtrrnbout the roots of the apple trees, and
turning in the pigs to lot them get what corn
they could, and root among the cobs; the pigs
reoting_loosenedthe-ground about the ro4s.
which keep it moist, and ever since we leize
done eo we have more aepleii, and better,
think, than ever: If farmers would just put
the corn-cobs around their apple trees, instead
of throwing them In the barnyard, they would'
find, it pay better ;_und as it is not much more
trouble to throw them Around the trees than
it is to throw them into the barnyard, I would
advise all to give it a trial. -After we had
turned our pigs in a couple of weeks, our or
chard looked as If it had bt:en ploughed.
HisbacoWilas valley;-Feb. 4, 1854,
Crystal Palace directors haie agreed to apply
to the legislature for an extension of its char
ter. The committee of investigation have re
ported that the association owes about $170,-
000 that the loss by the exhibition' this.
year, is over $119,000; about $384 per day.
4appeare,that the company has sunk lie whole
capital;• $489,000. all its receipts, about $l,-
039,000, and is in debt sl7o,ooo—total $l,- 1
N 139,000.
W1 - 11011 eurpasses in quantity quality and
ythat s ever yet boon opened
In Cori i i r s ie l c e, s acon ha
nsisting of the greatest variety
of all kinds of Hardware, such as, Shoo Fin
slings, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings,- Paints
Oils, Varnish, Glass, Nails, Files, Anvils,
Vices, Bellows, Springs, Artois, Bows, Felloes,
'.Vetteers Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar
and Rolled Iron, Steel, &0., with a thousand
more articles unmentionable. •
Having, Purchased largely of Heavy Goods
previous to the advance in prices, I am enabled
to sell goods at old prices. Positrons in w ant o
Hardware are invited to call end examine my
goods and hear my prices, and you will be sat
isfied whore the, Cheap Hardware is to bo had.
tri.My stock of WALL PAPER is snap
preached by any in the Borough.
• Thankful for the former liberal patronage, a
Asoutinusnee•ofihe same is solicited by '',-
Weal Side of North Hanover Street,
DIRE suhseriber intermit the
He. that he has. constantly on
hand.* Sanety or choice young 1,0-
. CUBT Tite.Es, rrom • ten to tilteen
feet.. high, which were • raised from
the ilieod. they are all of the yellow locus,. 'He
offers them at Moderate prices, at hie nureory,
situated in Hampden township,l.Camb. comity,
about 0 miles weet of Harriibtirion the turn
pike. Call and examine foe y"itrPelvea.
THE subscriber having returned frorn'the
, city would - call the attention of his friends and
the nubile gnerallY to the large and well se•
looted assortment of Hardware which he has
just received. consisting in part of '
nails, scrws, bingos, looks, bolts;
g ass, putty, paints, foils, fie. TOOLS— ,
edge tools; saws and planes of every desCrip
tam, with file, rasps, hammer anvils; &c.
A general aesortmont 0 , 1
together with morocco. lining and binding
skins, shoo thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness
mounting, saddletrees, late.
COACH TRlMMlNG—canvass tplain, en
amelled, figured and ernbossoda patent and en-
Esmelled leather, 'axles, springs,labs, spoke;
felloce, shafts, &c, &c. 3
Cabinet Makers will find a large assorment
of varnishes, mahogany and. walnut veneers,
moulding. roabttos, hair cloth, curled hair, &'e.
Ire stock of IRON is large and:well solac
ed, comprising all the kinds in general use, as
hammered and Tolled tire of all sizes, fist bar
horseand band iron, round, square and ov al
horse shoo iron and nail rods, with a large lot
of cast and spring stool, English and„Amarietin
blister. steel, &o.
Housekeepers and , those about commencing
will find i: to their 'aivantage to callfand exam
ine our cutlery, bribania and plated ware
pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, &c.
In addition to the above we have received a
splendid assortment of WALL' PAPER, ma
king the stock complete, and nt sudi prices as
cannot fail to give sotisft.ction. We invite all
friends to call, knowing it will be to their own
advantage. Remember the old stand, East
High Street, Car.isle, P,
Oct. 12, 1853. HENRY SAXTON.
Great ✓lttraction!
TritlSS KINGLE'S OLD HAW., is now
NIL and will continue to be supplied with the
greatest novelties up to the close of the season,
comprising in part
of thiphoicest varieties, such as Fine Cand
Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bone, Gum Cordial
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, 'hose
Vanilla and But tit Almonds; French and ex
plading Secrets. Also all the common vorie•
ties, all of which will be sold whalesal,, an(
retail at low rates. WeFave just received
of the latest importations such as Oranges,
Lemons. Raisins, Figs, Pruens.Citron, Cur
rants, soft and paper shelled Almonds, Fil
berts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Ntirs. In
connection with the above .th, largest assort
ment of
of ovary kind from all parts of Europe, man
ufactured of wood, glass, bine, papier mache,
tin and India rubber, zinc, &c., such as Fine
Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card
Baskets, Work and ,Fancy Boxes, Flower
Vases, Motto Cups, Ton Setts, Music Boxes,
Port Monnies, Battle Doors, Grace stoops,
Masks, Drums, Gung, Trumpets, Dominoes,
lotto and other gainer, &c. • Fancy Soaps ana
Hair Oita of every variety. In connection
will - P .- the above a large stock of
such as pulverized, crushed and brown Su•
gars. of every grade, Coffee, Molasses. Starch,
(3 mon and Black Teas, Spices, - Butter, soda.
Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese, &c.
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks
to a generous public for the patronage hereto
fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire
to please, to merit a continuance of the same.
Cnrlisle. December 7,.1853
s t ,o u
CPO • W • C ' "
C., rner of Hanover ana Louther sts.,
rintig undersigned has - always on hand a large
1 stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the
different styles, which ho is prepared to sell at
the lowest prices.. He invite? attention nartic•
ularlyto the Pat e nt Spring Bottom Bedstead,a
m ast useful article, which ent!rely Obviates all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They have given entire Bans ac•
non to all who have them in use.
inri.:OFFINS made to order attho ahortes
earthlo Jon'y. 1851.—1 y
or mercury in
.4n infallible remedy for Scrofula ,King'sEvi.
Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutanerus Eruptions,
Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, .
Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tet—
ter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the
Bones and Joists, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic
Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints aud all
Diseases arising limn an injudicious use of Met..
cury, Imprudence In Life, or Impurity of the
Blood, G
This valuable Medicine, which has become
celebrated for the number of extraordintn,
cures effected through its agtnay, has induced
the proprietors, at the urgent request of their
friends,.to offer it to the public, which the) do
with the..otmost - confidence in its virtues and
wonderful curative properties. The following
,certificates selected train a large.mumber, are
however. stronger testimony than the mere
word of the proprietors ; and are all from gen—
tlemen well known in their locitlitins and of.the
highest respectability, many of them residing in
the city of Richmond, Va.
.F. BOYDEN, Esq., of the ExeLsmge Hotel,
Richmond, known' every where,etys he has seen
the Medicine Caned UARTEIt'I3 SPANISH Mix.
TORE administered in over a hundred cases, in
nearly all the diseases for which It is reconnect'.
,led with the most astonishingly good results.—
He nays it is the most extraordinary medicine
lie_ has ever seen.
AGUE AND FEVER-,Grent Cure.—l here
by •certify that. for three years I had Ague and
Fever of The most violent description. I had
several Physicians, took large quantities& Qui
nine, Mercury, and I believe alt the Tonics ad
vertised, but all without any permanent relief.
• at last 'I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two
' bottles-of which effectually cured me and lam
felony to say I have bail neither Chillffer Never
- since, I consider it, the best Tonle in the world'
and the only medicine that ever reached my case.
Beaver dam near'llichmond Va.
G II LUCK Esq now in the city of Richmond
and for many yeal•s in the Post Office, has such
confidence in the astonishing cflicaoy of Carter's
• Spaniith Mixture; that he has bought onwards of
60 bottles which has given away to the afflicted.
Mr Luck.tiays he has never known it to fall when
taken according to directions _
Ur MINCE it practising physicaniand former
ly - of the City 'lintel in the'city of Richmond,
says he has Iv 'messed in a number of instance,'
,the effects of Carter's • Spaniels Mixture which
were most truly - surprising, . nays in a case
of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the
good effects WereYwonderful indeed.
SAMUEL M DRINKER of the firm Drink.
& Morrie, Richmond, was cured of Liver
_ Complaint of 8 years standing by the use of two
'bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture.
tors of the, Richmond Republican hail a servant
employed In their press room cured of violent
Scrofula combined with Rlnchmatism, which en.
tlrely disabled him-from wok. Two botthe of
Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perflat cure of
• him, and the editors in a public notice soy' they
"cheerfully recommend It to all, who are afflicted
with any disease of the blood ' 4 • . 'I -
LA—I hail a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula
by Carter's Spanish Mixture: I consider It truly
a valuable medicine': Ji111:1611 1 4 1 nylor Conductor
on the 11 F dr...8 It' R Co Richmond Va
Mr:John Thompson residing in the city of
Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carters
Spanish - Mixture.of Salt Riteutn, which belied
nearly 4o Ye•ra. and which all the physician - cot
the city would not cure. Mr Thompson lea well
known merchant - In the city of 'Richmond, Va,,
• and his cure Is most remarkable. •
Principal 'Depots at'M. WARD, cLosr bt
CO, No 83, Maiden Lane, New York
• 7r, lr nvoirr SONB,"-hio IN, North '2(l
greet, Philadelphia.
' ' BENNE PT ft BEERS,No 1(216 Math, e t
And for sale hi 8 Elliott, 8' W
Carlislat ItaiDay,lllochardethuref Jr' Ittlarroh,
Newvillet.i.o Aldo, Shippesburg, arid by deft•
resli n mad Icinee everywhere',
First Arrival of Fall Dry Goods,
At the IV y and Cheap Store.
urfO•U L D respectfully announce to their
V V • friends and the public, that they have
just recaiyed from New York and Philadelphia
a large ail handsome assortment of '' -• •
consisting of, the latest styles Of Dress Goods,
Frenchylaids;casnmeres; moue de lames,
, all wool, mous de beges, Persian cloth,
plaid, brocade and black sake
paean; and Mourning Goods. '
Bleached and unbleached muslin, cheeks;
Gitigharns, tickinge,,wht and 'cl'd Canton
Flannels, table linen,table cloths,Napkins
Damask _towels, wool flannels &g., &c.
cambric and Swiss ruffling, edgine and insert
ing, lisle mochlin and florentine laces, collars,
undereleeeves. spencers, culls, Ste• • •
Silk, cashmere - and Saxony hose; merino half
hose, white and black silk hose, black, white
and mixed cotton' hose, Jadies and gents silk,
kid, fleecy lined silk and cotton gloves
A large assortment of cloths, cassimeres, sati
nets, Lentucky jeans, merino, satin and black
silk - vestinge,
A large ass .rtment. of ladies and gentlemona
shoes, slippers and boots, childrens shoes, from
the beetmanufacturers. •
Rio and Java Coffees, New Orlean , Cuba and
refined sugars; Levering's, Syrup Molasses:-
Cuba do., and Spices of all kinds, •
Their goods have all been selected with groat
care from the-beat„New York and Philadelphia
houses, and cannot fail to suit purchasers both
in quality and price. sepl4
South Barlow Streei, Near Me Court House.
J. KIEFFER, druggist, would respect.
Mi. folly inform the citizens of Carlisle and
vicinity that he has opened a new
ills stook is entirely new, and has been selec
ted with 'great care. As many of the articles
in daily use by physicians and families deteri
orate by age and exposure, areat . care will be
taken not to allow such articles to accumulate
in each quantities.
Attention is especially invited to his stock of
Medicines, Esser.tial Oils, Oils, Tinctures ,
Wines, hlx . tractE, Contections, Chemicals,
&e. Together witlethe above he has a lull
assortment of Feints,. Varnishes, Dye—Stuffs,
Paint and Varnish Brushes,and • '
of every variety. Ho has also On hand a splen
did assortment of .`
Perfumeries, Soaps,
Extracts, Fancy, Hair,
Clothes and Flesh Brushes, Simporters,
Br, set Exhausters, Nipple Shields,
Too,h Washes and Pastes; also
of thillieetquality. SEGA RS, from the best
Havana and Spanish houses, of every flavor,
front one cent upwards.
In order to ensure his customers against
mistakes during any temporarny absence of
the proprietor, the services of an experienced
and competent assistant have been secured,
which will be felt to he important, in view of
theresponsibilities which are known to devolve
upon the druggist:
will be faithfully and promptly attended to.—
Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the
'country will be filled - with care, and at prices
which must prove satisfactory.
N 13.—A1l officinal preparations made in
strict accordance with"the directions of the U.
S. Pharmacopoeia.
A liberal share of public patronage is rut
peettully solicited. Terms Cnah.
Moy I I. 1853. B. J. KIEFFER.
At the Store of N. .11; WOODS.
Second Arrival of Winter Dry'—Goode.
TI - lllt subscriber respectfully 1 / 1 10/1118 Ins
friends and numerous cusiomete. that he has
returned from Philadelphia with a large assort;
ment of Fall and . I.V inter Goods, consisting 01
Cloths, Cessimeres, V.:3Brings. Muslitia. t i ck.
logs, checks, flannels, linsey, cravats, suspen•
dera, gloves, Ito.
Silks. bombazines, merinoes, coburg cloths,
fig'4 plain and changeriblb poplins, gingliams,
calicoes, alpacas,_shawfs,,hosiery-&c..
Men's and Boys, —n very large assortment, al.
so Sonnets and Ribbons.
A large assortment of Men's Women's and
Childrema Boots and Shoes, Jenny Lind ,ani
Buskin Shoes at very low prices.
Colored and White CARPE' CHAIN ,
A large assortment of GROCERIES, such
as Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &c.
'Alf who vieif our establishMent aro free to
acknowledge that we ern selling Frrrign and
Domestic buy Goods, Boots. Shoes, &c, at as
tonishingly-low-pricesi' Our low prices have
already attracted a large number of people. -
The attention of all who wish good unrgains
.is solicited. as great inducements can be offered
to purchasers. .
Don't forget the old stand, Humerich's cor
ner, North Hanover Street,
Butter, Eggs, Rags and Soap taken at market
prices. N. W. WOODS.
Her 29 IRS 9
WOULD inform the public that he has now
on hand at his establishment, on Main
Street, next door to Marion Hall, the largos;
nd most-complete assortment
to be found in this county, which will he sold
at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit.
His stock consists of a large assortment 01 slow
and highly approved - •
-Finished in the most complete manner, and
calculated for either wood or cod. or both. All
the old standard patterns, which have stood the
test of experience, may be found at his estab
lishment. Aloe o great variety of the most ap
proved and beautiful . •
Including trnumber of new Altjles, possessing
very superior advantages over those-heretofore
in use. Families and housekeepers are respect
fully invited to give him call • before purcha
sing elsewhere. &oyes delivered to any part
of the comity and put up at the shortest mince.
He continues to do al, kinds of
and Copper work, and has constantly on. hand
or will make to order every article required by
houeekeepers or mhos in this line. Dis.atock
of Tin and,Copper•ware embraces every kind
of household and kitchen utensil, warranted
equal to the best manufactured. Persontilin
went of articles in hie line .may always be sure
of being accomodated to their satislaction by
giving him a [Octl9
subscriber continues'to carry cin the
above bUsiness, in all itsvartous branches,
in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors
North of Leonard's corner, whor e
, ho intends
keeping on hand sgensral assortment inhir line,
ponbisti i n g of all kinds of frisk
tenable... SADDLES, Bridles
martingales, - Oirthe,Circingle s
and lieltere, also
TRUNKS, tray. ?Ole,
ti e ing and saddle - itints4
N ll tt 11111 1. matfaciu:?es u t i s te ° mOit approved
Spattish. Sprms , Saddler, ever
used in this. country, those
wishing a handsome, durableand pleasant sad
dle-will do well to call and see them, He also
'manufactures Harneee, Bridles, 'Collars and
Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be
lieves from the general approbntion,of his cue
tomers, that he make.' the neatest and best
geark,in all-their variety of breadth, that is
mode in the country. Ho also makes all kinds
of Matrasees to order, Oar Straw, Husk; Curl
ed Hair and Spring Matrassee. All the above
artleleorwill be made of the best material and
workmanship, and with the utmost despatch.
ittnl4-iv • WM,OSBORN.
/3 . eoohersa Sato:Mesa Cordial.
/MIS medicine bee neve, known to fail In
curing Cholera Morbue, in from 10. to 15
minutes; Cholera Infontumor summer Com
plaints of children, Dysentery, Diarrhea, &c,,
In from rto 24 hours. It is certain and safe
under -all circumstances,having been 'fairly;
tested in upwards (of four hundred eases with.
out a Ideate failure. Let every faniily provide
itself with at least one bottle of this invaluable
remedy. ',Try it, and it will recommend melt.
UM prepared onAmrely ecientiiic principles,
and cannot rte .ustly termed a gnarl, medirme,
uttlese science e quackery. For sale by
~• B..J.KIEFFEII, Druggiei.,
• -! South Hanover Street,'
• A few doors south or the Court klouitei
June 32. 1833.
3i6' . '''7e,i,'".' . oiiiiiii'..
. • lASEASEs • ARlsligO •FißoAl - • •
. .
Such do. Constipation, inward pilee, fbinoes
of blood to AD head, aoidiiy of thu.stomach,
•nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fulness or
weight in the stomach, sour oructatiune, siiik
lug ,or fluttering at the pilot the stomach,
swimming Of the head, hurried and difficult
breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or
suffocating sensations when in a lying 'posture,
dimness of vision, dots. or webs .before the
sight, fever and dull pain In the head,. defic
iency 'of perspiration, yellowness of Alm skin
and eyes, pain in the. side, back, chest', limbs,
etc.; sudden' flushes cf heat,. burning in the
flesh, constant imaginings of:ovil, and grey
depression of spirits,
Prepared by
No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia, 3
Their power over the above diseases, is not
excelled, it equalled, by any • other preparation
In the United States, as the cures attest, in
ninny cases alter skilful physiclanii had failed.
--T40.49 Bitters are worthy_ the attention of
invalids. Possessiag great virtueein the rec
tification of diseases of. the'Liver and lesser
glands, exercising the most searching powers
in weakness and affections of the digestive or.
guns, they are withal safe, certain and pleas
ant. 3,0
Testimony of the highest character! HON.
GEO STROOP, Judge of the District Court in
Perry county, Pa., Nov. Ihth, 1852-said: "your
•Hootland's German Bitters' has been in use in
our place over a year past, and to the astonish
ment of many 'has . performed 'wonders.. We
may notice a few instances that have come
under own itionediato notice:—almost every
person who has stopped at the hotel of Win.
Lackey.-one year since, predicted ,rom his e.
maciated coumenance and debility, that hs
could nut live much longer. He was unable
te.attbod to his buiness, and for the greater
part of the time confined to his room. Ve rec•
ommended him to try the German Bittern; he
did; and to the surprise of all his friends he is
now able to attend to his usual business and
perforin- manual labor. The case - of Henry
Asper a stone mason, whom no one supposed
would ever recover from the debility of his
system; but was looked upon as fast approach
log the grave, took eight or nine bottles of the
Bitters during the last winter, and this sum.
mar lie has been Ito the surprise of all who
knew his case] following hie trade. The case
of William Murphy is no less astonishing.—
He too was so far reduced as to induce the
general belief that the grave alone would he
his only remedy. Mr. Lackey recommended
him to try the Hoofland's• German Bitters; lie
is now apparently a well man, and able to do
a hard day's work. Wo could mention many
other cases of a similar character. if it were
necessary. I myself derived much benefit from
their use. , I hove given considerable of it a
way, not for your benefit alone, boot° relieve
suffering humanity, and lot mu assure you I
am pleased to see the happy result.' To 'the
afflicted we say, try them fairly and I will
warrant relief."
These Bitters are worthy the attention of
ii.valids, possessing great power in-the resto
ration of a healthy action of the liver and the
—lesser glands, giving tone to the stomach and
nervous syctern, and bringing the system gon
orally to a high stale o, health.
Far sale by S. W. Elaverstiek and,S. Elliott;
Curlislet - Ifa - Day. Mecltanicsliiirg•; J. H. Her
ron, Newville; J. S. Attic, ShippensbUrg, and
by dealers in mediein - Ja every where.
THE subserlbors, in addition to their eaten-
Div. -Grocery' ' , have connected therewith -en
SEED STORE,- 110, Market street-, near the
railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and aro prepared to
fill all orders,.by wholesald and retail, of all
kinds of Agricultural Implem nts, Vegetable
and-Flower--Seeds,-dre: -Country merchants
with reasonable discounts to sell again.
Horse-powers and threshers, wheat-drillls
and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva
tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter , grain fans
corn shellen4, vegetable cutters, hand grain
mills, clove' shellers, horse rakes, churns,grind
stones and improved hangings, hay, straw and
manor forks, farmer's boilers, OK yokes and
bow, patent bow pins, now chains, spades, hoes
and rakes, pest - ! Aiggers, wheelbarrows, grain
cradles, soythesand seythestones, potatoe dregs
Obit augura,-astes7.2ruid , -batehets,-grain,-Lags,
g'rain measures, garden trow Is, pruning and
bud ling knives, grass and grain sickles,
wrenches, pincers and gimbleta, rat and mole
,traps, cattle cords and horse brushes, curry
combs, garden reds, cow bells, whiffle trees,
guano, plaster, poudretto, bone dukjime, gar
den, field and flower seeds.
leo, a lame and fresh assortment of GR 0
CE R I ES, TEAS, &c., oil cheap for cash.
Grain and produce of all kinds received
n exchange for implements.
Freshet Spring Supply!
fi v jeer. rocoaved a fresh stock ofMed
icines, Pai n ts, Glass, Oil, &c., which
having Oen- purchased with great care at the
best city houses, I can cotitidontly — recomanend
Fainlioa, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, as being fresh and pare. --•
sPatent Medicines, llerbeand Extracts, • •
• Fine herni eels, - Spices,ground.and whol
I nstruments, ,Essences,
Pure Essen". Oils Perfumery, &o.
Cod Liver Oii—lYarranted Genui e.
D Y &SY U FFS: ' '
hog and Cam W oda,
I OilrVitricd,
I Copperas,
I Lac Dye'
PAINTS. , ,_ . _
Wotherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jorsby Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpon
tine, .Copel and - coach Tarnish, and' Red Lead.
All of which will be sold at the very. lowest
msrkethirice, Aleoo fresn and. splendid as
adrtment of
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
'olleulated for use and ornament, all of 'wLich
aro effortid at the lowoat cash prices, at the
cheap Drug. Book and Fancy Store of the sub•
scriber on North Hanover strain.
May , 2B. 1851.
The Allen and Emil Penneborough Mutual
Fire Insurance Company of Cumiterland aun
ty, incorporated by an 4ot of Asaembly, is
now fully organized, and in operation under
the management of the following commission
ors, viz: •
.. Jacob Shelly,. Wm,. R. Gorgon, MA_
Conklin, Ma'choir Brenneman, Christ OSiay.
man, Christian nisei, JaCob 1 - 1..C00v LOWI6
flyer, flonry Logan,' Benjamin H. M,onr, Jai
sob Kirlr.,.Samuol Proven, Joseph Wicker
' The rates of insurance are as row and favor.
able as any Company of the kind in the State.
Persons wishing - to become members are in
vited,to make application to tho agentaof the
company; who are , willing to wait Ilion thorn
at any time. • .
BENJ. IT. MOS3ER., President.
Homy Loparr, Vice Preeident •
Lewis flyer ; Secretary.
Michael Cocklin, Treasurer.
. Cumberland County.—Rudolph, Martin, N.
Cumberland ; C. B. Herman, Kingstown., Ben
gt,' Varing, Shiremanstown; Charles 8011.
~orllele; Dr. J. 'Ahl, Churehtown ; Mimuel
Graham, West Penneborough; Janina McDow.
Frankford ; Mode Griffith, South' Middle.
ton; Samuel Coovar,' Benjamin Heveratick,
Mechanicsburg ; .John %crack, Lisburn; Da.
vid Conine, Shephordstern.
.'.. •
York County.—Julnk,flownien, Dillaburg
. pot er wolford; Franklini'John Smith,
Washington; W. 13. Picking, Dover; Daniel
Raffensberger, J W. Craft, Paradigm •
.liarrisbura..--Houser & Lachman. '
Member, of lb company having . Indictee
admit. to expire can - have them renewed by
making application to any ofthe agents.
Nov. 24, ly."
Aeived 4 few Long and Squire arocha
Out) :.itouctitscmcitiv.
Various Sizes i to- fade Fatnilies; Bparaing
:11outerand Hotels. want"of a superior Cooking.Ais.
peewee aro invited to call at out Ware •
house and examine this Range. For durability
economy and simplicity in operation, it stands
unrivaled. It has a perfect hut air ventilation
—and meats baked in.this oven will retain Rush
jetiee rind flavor equal to that roasted.betore an
open five. Meats and pastry cooked at the
same time without: one affecting the other. It
will supply' sufficient heated auto heat addi
tional rooms for the coldest weather, It has
no dericending or return,flues,,and is eqbally
well adapted to bituminous 'or common hard
coal. The steam valve over the boiling part of
Life Range the steam and scent of
Evoking, as well as heat in summer.
• Every Range sold warranted to give satisfac
tion, or no expense to the purchaser.
Patented October, 1848,
For Public Halls, Factories, Railroad Cars,
Clumnies, Flues, Ships, Steamers, 45-c.
Pure air is a subject claiming the attention
el every individual, tied all buildingeshould be
provided with the proper means of ventilation.
Also, a powerful
Warming -and Ventilating 'F,Rmace,
'For Dwellings, School Rouses, Churehes, Rails,
'Stores, Factories, ().c.
A large assortment 61011 Me, Hall and Cook
ing Stoves, Parlor Grates, Registers,'&e.—
Wholesale and Retail.
82 North Sixth street ) Bella
WrPerannal attention given to warming an
evntilating both public and private buildings,
DAvrs & CULIN,
Dealers in
Lamps, Mu .terns and Chandeliers.
NE Corner Fourth and Cherry sea., Phila.
AVING enlarged art improved their store,
Iland having the largest assortment of lamps
in Philadelphia, they are now prepared to tar
nish Camphine, Pine Oil,
Ethel:EMl Oil, Phosgene Gas and Lard Oil.—
Lamps. Lanterns of all paterns, Fancy Hotel
aid Ball Lamps, Chandeliees, Gientidoles and
Candelabras, and Bripania Lamps,at the man..
ulacturers lowest prices- Glass Lamps by the
package, mil small advance over auction 'vi
ces. Being large MA N UFATUR EIRS'-of
Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil: Atm,.
hol and Ohs only true) Phosgene Gas, they can
furnish these' articles at such prices that Mer
chants will find it to,tbeir advantage to buy.—
Call beioregohig, elsewhere, if you went bar
gains. _ Also the Safety Fluid Lamp for sale.
October 5 4 1/353-1y
Cheap Watches 1r Jewelry.
at the '. Philadelphia Watch
/ ,-- -- ‘ - ';‘,\ Aara t and Jewelry Store," Number
'96 North Second Street, comer
et,W). of Quarry, l'htladelphia. '
„ . 5.F.,,,,,-!•.';',_s. Gold Lever Watches, lull
'i•CfrifillCA-U j ewelled, 18 carat cases, $20,00
Gold Lepi. - .e, 18 carat cases, 624 00
Silver do jewels, 9 00
Silver Lover, full j welled, 12 00
Superior Quartiers 7 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 00
• Fine Silver Spedtacles, 1 50
Gold Bracelets,' 3 00
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1 00 •
Silver Ten" Spoons, set,— 5 00
Gold-Rena-witli-11snail and Silver Holder, 1 00
Gold Finger Rings 373 cents Id $l3; Watch
Glasses, Plain, 12k cents; Patent, HI ; Lonet,
25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
sept7ly Successors to Q. Conrad.
On ,nand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepines,still lower than auDOVI• prices.
CW)/L' ' d?‘.; /
Located No 127 Baltimore'Street, Baltimore, Nil.
The ostensible object of this Institution is to
niece in the reach 01 individuals proper •.lacili
ties.lor obtaining u thorough and practical
Mercantile Education. • Nothing indeed has
been omitted that is calculated to produce the
desired result.
The rooms of the College are well fitted up,
conveniently arranged, and situated in the
most desirable part of the City. Connected
thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in
connection with familiar Lectures on Commer.
cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter
of the highest importance to all who desire to
become_Xecountants of the first order, and oc
cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A
young man can here obtain 'a more coy eel
knowledge of general business .matters in a
Jew weeks Than can be acquired in as many
years in any ono Counting Room.
-- —T-lie-course-of study -e mbn,ces - Double-Entry
Book keeping, and its adaptation to miens
departments of Commerce and Trade. Mercan
tile calculations taught according to the most
approved me'thods. Practical Penmanship, com
bining. rapidity of execution with beauty of
construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law,
upon various important Mercantile subjects
beside many other points necessary for a book.
keeper or business man to understand. The
time' necessary- for en- industrious-student-to
complete the, -, course Vbries•from 5 to 8 weeks.
There being no 'vacation, applicants can enter
at any time,and attend both day and evening.
Examinations are held at stated periods and
Diplomas mharded- to those who g nduate.
For-terms, &c., write and have a Circular for.
'warded by mail.
March', 23. 1853. 1Y•
3. E. QOULD,
No. 164 - phesitiut Se; Swaim's suilding, Phila.
WIXNENSIVE Music Publisher, and Deal
er in Musical instruments of every de•
Exclusiie'aient for t to sele - Ofilallet, Davis
Co'ef!atent Suspension Bridge .lEolian find
other 1
tin's Guitars, llarps, Violins, Slieei'lllusic,
Music Books, &c. I
.4 Residents °like country will be supplied by
mail or otherwise with music they may wish,
as low as if purchased in person. Having one
of the largest stocks in .The United States, It
feel confident of satisfying all who may;favor
me with a call or order.,
Dealers in Musie.kopplied on themes' libera
terms. Pianos to let. .. - Second-hand Mhos for
sale... .mar 20 1853 ly)'.
For the Cure of Sahriteum, Chilblains, Com
mon Sores, Chopped or Cracked Hands; Burns
or Scalds, Cute or Wounds; Piles, Inflammation
.01 the Breast, bites of insects I Sore Lips, Pim
ples on the fitce and Breaking. Out and Sores
on Children ; anti nil diseases of the Skin.
This Ointment will cure the Saltrheum and
Burns, or Chapped hands. quicker and surer
then any other medicines of the kind, before the
puldm. ' _ '
TO substantiate the above, I can give hundreds
of certificates, but I consider it no use, as (any
person can do the same, It they have friends, for
even a worthless article) I r ly solely on the
merits of the Ointment for the publle'palronage.
lI.—A single box of this Ointment will
keep any Riacksmith's• Fernier's, Sailor's, or
Mechanic's bands, let ;hem chap or crack ever
so bad, sound and in good working order all
whiter Prepared end sold by •• '
Nituietitoic l Conn,
Sold also by the principal Druggssfe, end
Country Merchants. Price '26 cents per bor
Nov. 10, 1853-17 •
North- Nanovie Street, and nest duar,Sa Mateo
TSI undersigned would respectfully inform
tile citizens of Carlisle and the public goner,
ally. that he now bne on hard a large and ele.
gout assortment' elhEl RV IT I! Rl, roneisting
in part of .Wardrobee; Card and 'other. Tables,
Sofas, ,Bureaus. Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Rewind Stands, &o. manufactured of the best
material end - qual,lly warranted. ,
Also% general. assortment 'er CRA, IRS at
the lowest - prices.. Podium ininda Made Co
order, and repairing promptly attended to, '
OrCoEfins maclo at the.ehottest notice, and
Wing% splendid hearse ho ;will attend funer.'
els in town or country,
Vlrltememberothe stand—. negi.doOr to. IL'
Glsss'sylot.L t nov24 R. B. SMILEY.
An Invaluable. Remedy for all Scrofulous Dia
eases, Ihdigeslion, Salt Rheum, Sick Read
, ache, Cancer, Nursing Sore Mouth;
.• ! and ,General Debility, and as a -
Purifier of the Blood it is
, • Unequalled, ,
, - The.'Rock Rose has gained a reputation at
home ; and abroad, which ne'ether medicine
has ever done in Ma same 'length of time.
AcLording to the opinions of eminent Phyoi
clans, the Rock Retie flint is unequalled irt
• 0
Curing. Scrofula In Its Various Format
(Pastor of the 2d Baptist Church,Now London.
Ct. ) relatiire to Myers' Extract.. Rose.
• To The Americah Public.
As my name has been used in connection
ith recommendations or Mr., Myers' Rock
Rose, Syrup, in verities advertisements by the
manufacturer, I beg leave to make the follow
ing statement with reference to my acquaint.
once with the remedy and tests to which I have
subjected it.. and the reasons .for having, intro
duced it to the notice al privele Melt& in the
cemmunity iu which I reside, long bef o re the
medicine was advertised. I wake this state
ment freely, because I have, as o principle,
withheld my nameifrom all patent medicines,
and sedulously abstained from recommending
them to the public, believing them frequently
Oro spawn of quackery and humbeg,and as
'tending to IfoCICUSC, instead of less'eningluman
disease and Buffering. Such, I lear, , is the
. character of, a large portion pith() patent pane
ceas of this medicine making age. "Their
name is legion," and train • their influence, se
from the demoniacal spirits, we Italie reason
to pray for a suit; deliverance.
The First Test.-1 had myself Banned oc
casionally with sudden attache oi n Sick Head
ache, and Billious Diiirrhea, misfiled sought
a great variety of curative agents to•but.little
purpose; and suffering from this disease (diar
rhea) at this time, I determined to tent the new
Syrup first upon myself. - The resultiwere be
yond my expectations. It was a powerful
alterative, and the morbid action of the seam
.was changed, and the i'unetions of secretion
were restored to a healthy state. It gave tone
arid elasticity to my system, and corrected the
derangement of the digestive nrgans, and gave
me that inestimable blessing—health. This
test was not determined in a week, nr a month;
but I took four or five, bottles in perhaps as
many months. Since that time I have'suffer—
ed but slightly from these derangements, My
Sick Headache is entirely Cured;
Other Tests.—Finding this medicine so use
ful to myseit.l at once gave itto several invu
lid friends; About this time, I was earnestly
solicited to give advice in reference to a child,
some eight years of age. This child was
severely afflicted with a Scrofula humor, of a
very saves type, the humor showing itself on
all parte of the surface, and thee suddenly dis
appearing. The child was very sick, and it
was thought doubtful whether she would live,
The humor resembled Mack speck,of mortified
flesh. In addition ;to some other remedies, a
gave the child this Syrup for about six weeks,
when she had sufficient strength to go ant to
school occasionally. The swelling of tier limbs
ceased, and she was restored . to health. The
family feel that they owe her life, with GJe.'ir
blessing, to"my remedies.
This test eatirfied me flint. the Rock Ruse
possessed specific power., for Scrofuloue hu
mors. I . then tested it in cases of Cutaneo a
Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox, Cane iv,
Sore Mouth, BryeipelaF,Salt Rheum, Piles, Fts
In all these cases with perfect success. Alb,
testing this Syrup for more titan a year, I
wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) enthusi•,
ashen not expecting my letter would he
publistied, that his Syrup was a " Pankorite,"
all.healing, and I gave him the result of its
operations in several instances. I stated in
that letter that ?tit was invaluable as a remedy
in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt
Rheum. and ether disorders, , included in the
varied family of diseases known as Scrofula,
&e.: that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder—
fay( fficacy." My opinion of its value for the
ab-ve named diseases, remain unchanged, and
the same - as 'when I Wrote Mr Myers in Oct.
1860. Ido not recommend it for all the ills
of our suffering humanity ; but 1 unhesitating
ly say, that as a remedy .for Scrofulous affec
tions, I believe it superior to any known cura
tive agent.
It has been sofficrently, tested by d.itriestic
practice to establish its adoption to extensive
usefulness in mitigating human suffering and
realm, ing diseases.
But What is the Rook Rose?
The 'follbwing history of the Rock Rose
qijant and its medicinal properties, we take
i fOim the„New Haven Palladium, March 1852:
•. The increased interest manifested in the
Rack Rose plant,•in comiequence of the many
wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound
Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for a brief history
of it,. in..urder to currect'any critic I$ opin.
ion,that may have been entertained'. oncern..
ing-it ; and also to set in a true light the - nii;
ture of a plant which promisee to be univer
sally beneficial.
"We are indebted In the United 'States Die
pensatory of 1897, for the following deaotip
lion of tl :
". It is entirely different from the common
Rose. Lis a red-stemmed, oblong loaf plant,
having a bitter taste. In addition to remark
able peculiarity of the plant, of hearing two
crops of flowers in one season, it also has'ann
titer interesting and bountiful propeily.
Dr. Eaton says t , that in the months of Nos
vember and December, he live seen hundred
of these plums, sending out near their roots,
broad, thin, curved ico-eiystals, about an inch
in breadth: which incited doting the day, and
were renewed in the meillifi'4P: For . a more
minute and ain bonded description -of it, the
reader is referred to Toney 'and Gray's &tam
ioa I works. •
Its Medical History and Properties
Are far the Inoel important, since upon these
depends its value to the community. Dr, Lou.
don says that in 1799, it was so valuable in
Englanti,_tb d it it was cultivated from seeds.
Ever since'lBo6, Professor Ives Di Yalff'o.3l
- has habitually used it with groat success
n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, one through
him its virtues wore made known, until, as Dr.
Tyler says, it is now In thin section (Natal
Haven) u common article in domestic practice
for the cure of Scrofula' and Cutaneous—dis-'
Dr. Whitlaw. a Scotch Butaniet of notoriety,
while trnvulling in America in 1814, learned
its use in Canada. Returning to,,England, he
employed it in medicating his bathe, which
became greatly celebrated for the cure of simi
`ler diseases. . •
Dr. J. H. Thompson, of the same, place, pre•
scribed it .in had cases of Scrofulous patients
at .W ills' Hospital. His success attracted the
attention of senior physicians. He reports the
following remarkable care of white swelling of
the hip, in February, 1614:—The led was
seven years old, and had the disease three
years. Tho bone was dislocated both upward
end outward. There was a large opening in
the hip leading to the bone; into which I could
thrust my finger. I counted three ulcers. He
had been under. several physicians, who had
-given him up. I ordered a decoction 'of Reck
Rots. In two, treys Gls night ewents.ceased
I then ordered a teaspoon fbl of Rock Rose three
times a :day. Thirty.nine days after he was
entirety well.
• Dr. Webb, of Madison, Ct., testifies to the
value of Rock Rose, as evinced In the cure 41.
"numerous eases of the Scrofula, cpFeekt . i ., lly in
_Children. •
Manufactured by VV'm Fran Min.& Co.; Now
}Nyco, Ct.
• Mr.'Weiren,though a minister of the Goa
pel, has for a period of 15 yours, given Wen.
Lion to the subject of, medical science, tistprival•
ify Mtn to administer thelick, in cormcciien
With his pastoral duties. -
. . WAitBEN,
New London. April P., 18$3. .
Agents In Cumber/arid County.-41. W. Ms
eratick, S. Elliott and W. ;whale;
navoratick & Stiut•
un Kingctowri; J. wldher,
Mechanicsburg; M.;Bitner, Simemianstown ;
Eppley & ErnateCedar Spring; J. .ifighsa
Sterrett's Gap; Therrien Granson. Plainfield
Aernn, ; J. 11. Wiley; Greet;
Spring; Wherry ISCEisenhower, Newburg ;W.
D. E..1 - Taya o . ShiPpensburg i Russel & Dice;
Dialtidanh ; Me:Sande) & Mullen ; Papertown.
Dr:L, Al Lanhei; Church; own.:
Lake's- Vegetable., Compound.
4yOR THE carnm 07 -
7 •
Is performing more wonderful eyes than any
other meth:e s t:lleyet known or before the pubhc..
The prcPrietor has in his possession numerous
certifibutes,.niirrating the
Astonishing and Miraculous cures
Hret4el by This medicine, and directs nttention to
the following only, to assure those who are so tin.
fortunate to be afflicted with the terrible disease
heretofore regarded iikeurkble, that LAKE'S pre-.
_ -
From MrS; Brooks, widow eelVirda4. Brooks,
'late of Conneaut, O.
CONNEAUT, Feb. 3,1853.
Mr. Z. Liam—Sire Please send me another
bottle;of Fit Medicine; as I do not like to he
without it on hand. When I commenced giving
the medicine to my son Edgar, be bad from one
to three per day. He has milt , takeii the Me
dicine over live months, and bat laid. I think, but
two fits in that t me , and those very light. His
body and mind are very 'muck improved; and by
the blessing of God, I feel that the medicine will
restore his body and mind tolheir wonted activi
ty. lie is 28 years old, and has had fits over 12
years, which have been very frequent, and very
destructim to his constitution and mind Hun,
dreds of dollars have been expended for medicine
to "curse errs," but nothingluis relieved hum un
til 6e used your medicine. Respectfully yours,
From Judson Landon, County Superiniendent o
the Aehtabulat'Coutti; Infirmary
19.NG0VILI.Ei Feb. 4, 1853.
Mr Z. LAKE—Sir: Pleude send a, few more
bottles or your Fit Medicine ;'I may not need
it, but think safer to keep it on hand. Your me
dicine has done wonders. I gave it to Mint Jane
Delano ; she has Lad fits for 26 years,, brought on
by having the measles when but four y estri old,
which could not behrought out to the surface.--
After taking the medicine a few 45) 5, SHE 11AD A
PINE CROP OF MCA 51,E9, and bus had no fits since.
She had fits or symptoms almost daily. She and
her father concur with me in saving that we be -
lieve the medicine has or will works perfect cure.
I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane Bender
son and Aria' Corby, who, have had fits almost
daily, form number of years. Their fits have
ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the
desired ehect. Much money:has been expended
by the friends of the above patients for doctoring,
all to no purpose. This cure wale l eft for your
medicine to perform onul I eon cheerfully recom
mend it as a valuable dieccivery. Respectfully -
yours. - JUIASON LAN PON., ,
Superintendent A stadmla Co. jnfirmalcv
Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LAKE,
Conneaut, Ohio:
_ _ _
E F WELLER, traveling agent.
Sold by S W 'Es verstick , Carlisle ; E H
Thomas, Mechanicsburg ; D - W Gross,, Harris
burg. oct
, for.., cents, by means
PIUS, or, Every One
Che- thirty.sixth
i,.withbrie hundred en
clogs, showing Private
leases and Malforma
as of the Generative
dem, in 'every shape
Ii rrn to which in ad-
les only (see pale 190),
being of the highest impOrtince to married peo
plu, or those contemplating marriage. fly '% M.
YOUNG, M. D., Graduate 'Mille University of
Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, London, acid Honorary Member of the
Hhiladelphia Ns dietta society. The various
forms of Secret' Diseases, Seminal.W,eakness,
Di seaseQ of the.Prnstrate Gland, Impotency, soli.
tory habits of yduth, are faithfully described, and
all the recipes given in plain language. The
chapter on selfsaliusc and Seminal Weakness is
worthy of prrticular attention, and should be rend
by every one. Young men who have been unfor
tunate in contracting disease, previous to placing
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no may.
ter what his pretensiotta - may be, get-w:copy of
of this truly valuable work.
Sea Captains and persons going to sea, should
possess Dr. Yoraig's Treatise on Marriage, the
Pocket .lEsculapius, dr Every one His own Phy
irr Let no father be ashamed to preibut
eopy of the /Esculapitta to his cl ild. It may
save him from an -early grave. Let no young
man on woman enter into the ocelot oblications
of married life, reading the
. pocket-.7Ess
culapius. Let no ong suffixing from a liacknied
cough, pain ire the, side restless nights, nervous
feelings, and the wimle . train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions,-and given itp by their physician, be an.
other moment without consulting the .7Escula
dins. Have the married or those about to he
married any impediment, read this int. useful
Book, as-it has been the means of saving thou
sands of unfortunate creatures from the very
jaws of death. Upwards of MILLION copies
of this celebrated work has been sold in this
- Country_ and Europe since 1838, when the first
edition was
Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE
cents enclosed in a leiter, will receive'one copy
of this book by mail ; or five copies NV ill he seat
for '9l. Address Dr., ILLIAM YOUNG,
No. 152- Spruce Street, Philadelphia,"' Post
Twenty years practice in the city of Philadel
phia certainly.entitler Dr. Young to the confi
dence of the afflicted, and he may be consulted
on any oft he diseases deseribettin his ditto cot
tiblientions, nt his office 15'2 Spruce Siteei,
every day between 9 and S o'clock, (Sunda:" ex..
opted) and persons at any distance can consult
Dr. Yonne by letter. roar PAID
Ho ! Ye upon whose sinking frames
Disease his hand bas Placed t""
Upnq whose sunken, care worn cheeks
Cousumption'S rose is traced ;
Come, freely quaff, from ont the fount,
Where health (loth overflow;
At Shrinees find this glorious gilt.z—
Then say, will not you go
Why suffer 7neath the lacking pain ,
With which you are upplesse.d,
Why; why complain of weariness
And soreness of the breast?
When Suntriett's SYRUP heals all pain,
- And to thee - hi:J.lth will hringt ,
Will cause disease to dihappear
Like snow drops in the spring.
No tongue any speak the wridoltedness,
No language con convey
The g •eat amount of sulfcriag
Occasioned by delay : •
A little cold or trifling couch
Afitv lead one to the grave,
But gliriner's Syrup taken in time,
POBlCtilleSpOWer to save.
Yes, his Elstsotto SYRUP rare
'Contains tlin mighty power:
And mothers speak in loniser praise
And bless ttle,very hour,
'For w heii - ttioty little ones are-rackech
With Who6ping Cough severe,
They fly ut once to Shrioers Fount, •
_ And' find a solace there.
It is a sovereign, speedy cure
' For Quinsy i want of breath
For Asthma, and Throat Diseases,
Which ellen eivl in death; •
When othet•s fail, this will effect .
A tierinanent relief,
Wialring_the.snalireithaok to health,
And cheat old Death—the thief.
'Jan. e5,.2.w.
Better testinmal than was evrr ()tiered in Fa
vor or any other Verenfuge
We, the. subscribers Medical Practionerse
having been made acquainted with the composi.
(inn of .•• Slriner's mlian Vermilugo," hike
pleasure in recommending it to the public as a
valuible remedy for -the expulsion of Worms,
it being both Safe and effectual..
Sa mnel Swope, M. D. ? Taneytown ,
John Swope, U, .• S Carrel eo., Md.
J 'J. Weaver, M. D. ?.
Jno.` Llgget, , S Middleburg.;
.• Liberty, Frederick en., Nld.—Thomas Sim.
M. D. M D Thos., Sappingtua, -
Ml 3 Sidney Sappington, M D. .
James M Cloyer,llll3 Woodsboro,Al(l. 4 m
6 Sappington,"M D, 31 , 11
Wm A Mathias, M D, Westminster, Md
Be partionlarla ask for for SHRINER'S IN.
DI A.N YE amtruGE, and . take no, other -
Price 2S ' Cents per Bottle'.'
Prepared lity_W-1..1 Shriner,,Truigiat and Cho. :
mist,Weettninrter, MA.
And onld by all storekeepers. '
Jan 25-, , '
Limobtirnor's Coal.
1000 TONS Lirnetiarner's .Coal of the: hes
't,uality . joat receiving and, for gale by E. IDI
IThE,Jr., Only $2,401p0r ton.,',
Maroh 16, 1663.
ease: of remales, in