Mioaattalmfomo. II 111 DIANAGEBIENT OP POULTRY POULTRY Honsxs.—The floor shohld . he • -cleaned at anYtrate once a week. It ‘should -be sprinkled wi% sawdust,hshes, peat, or, best of all,_peat. charcoal. The. nests .should be lined with moss, heath, or abort'straw; neith er long straw nor hay should be used—the_ darkest nests aro I referred by hens. A poul try yard should contain'i I. A grass plot; 2. Fine gravel; 8. Slacked lime or other colon ' cerous Matter; 4. Ashes kept dry by being. placed under cover; 6. Pure water. Eggs : Hens of .the beet variety will lay in shason. from 160'to 210 each, or an average of '1•85, wind, at the rate of even 11d..(22 ots.) per score, will realize Os. 10d. ($2,40) per hen.— Breed : Evidently the best are the Dorking, and "fowls which have black legs arc the beet for roasting, while those with white legs are the best for boiling." For laying, the Dutch every day layers or the Spanish are excellent. Sitting: Having observed that the earliest chicks in the neighborhood were every year in possession of the same person, we were in duced to ascertain the cause. We found that the eggs wore not taken from the nest, and as soon as she had about thirteen she commenced to sit. Fowls, indeed, in their native haunts, never lay more eggs in a season than they can batch. Those who keep Dutch every-day lay ers, or the Spanish hen, should keep three or four Dorking hens to do the hatching business. Remembering that no success can be expected from poultry keeping—lst. If their hduses be damp, cold, unclean, or badly ventilated; 2d. If the food they eat does not closely approxi mete to that which they get in a state of na ture, viz : a mixture of vegetable and animal food; Bd. If the water they drink : be stagnant, the drainage of the .manure, 4:4th. If the strongest and handsomest be not bred from --English paper, Tue DADMITER.—The early educaion of the daughter ought to be morn thorough, deeper. clearer, sounder, more extensive, and better - thou the education of the son ; • because the . daughter, early in life,'becomes a wife and mo they, retiree from the world to her own peculi ar empire—her home. The eon if not .tho-i -°ugh-Iy, educated for his calling at first, is com pelled by eircumPtances--by the world all a. round him—by rivals in business:--by his own shame and emulation, to educate himself. In deed be is always learning something - either by good or bad luck; useffil for him to know. It ie not so with the daughter. who must learn in early life or never learn. Be a woman ever so Wealthy in this country, she should know how to cook her food, to wash and iron her clothes and those of her f.mily, to nurse her children and teach her daughters to do the same. If she Las -servants, they .maybe igno. rent, lazy, and worthless, and there may 4 times when no.servant can be procured. She m ay be to poor to biro servants. So 'that av bouskeeper ahead know all these arts of house keeping. CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD. Note Particle of Mercury in it.. .11uinfallible remedy for Scrofuln, K ing'sEvil Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutanerus Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the - Face, Blotches, DIAN, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tet . _ ter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints uncial! • Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Her. eery, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blond. ,This valuable Medicine, which hap become celebrated for the number of extraordinary ._cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their • friends - to - offer - into the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues an-1 wonderful curative pimperties. The following certificates selected Irom a llargemiumber, are ,however. stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors ; and are all from gen tlemen well known in their localitks and of the highest respectability many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Va. • F. BOYDEN, Esq.' of the Exchange. Hotel,. Richmond, known every where, says lie has seen the Medicine called OASTF , R'IiI SPAN.I9II .TOR ' E administered in over li:hundred cases, in -nearly all the diseases for which it it recomnien. 'Sled with the most astonishingly good results.— He says it is the mostextraordinary medicine he has ever seen. •.", AGUE AND - FEVER—Great Cure.—l here by certify that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most 'violent description. I had several Physioians;took large quantities of Qui nine, Mercury, and I believe all the Tonics ad vertised, but all w.thout any permanent relief. At last I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me and lam happy to say I have hail neither Chills or never since. I consider it the best Tonic in the world. and the only Medicine that ever reached my ease. • • JOHN LONGDEN. beaver dam near Richmond Va, B LUCK Esq now in the city of Richmond -- and-for many years in -- the 'Poet Office:has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish Mixture, that lie has bought upwards of 50 bottles which has given away to the afflicted. ' Mr Luck says he has never known it to fail when - taken according to directions Dr MINCE a practising physican nod former • Iy of the City Hotel in the city of Richmond, says he has witnessed in a, number of instances .the effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising. He says in a 'ease of Consumption; dependent on the Livee,,the good effects were wonderful indeed. SAMUEL M DRINKER of the firm Drink er & Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver Complaint of 8 years standing by the use of two bottles - or - Carter's Spanish Mixture, - GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA—The edi tors of the Richmond Republican had a sell/ant • employed in their 'press room cured of violent Scrofula combined with Rheumatism, which eb. tlrely disabled him froni work. Two botth,s of Carter's Spanish Miiture made a perfect cure of biro, and the editors in a public maims soy they "cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted ' withany disease of tire blood "ii STILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFU. LA—I had a very, valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's SPanlsli Mixture. I consider it tritly a valuable medicine: James M 9 nylon Conductor on the 5 F & P It It Co Riot:mond Va . Mn' John Thompson residing is the city of Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carter's' Spanish Mixlure,of Salt Rheum, which lie had nearly 20 ye^ra. and whip!) all the physielans,ot thecity would'inOt cure. Mr Thompson isa well . • known merchant in tile city or Richthond, Va., andhiscam is• most remarkable. 7 • • . ' Principal Depots at IL WARD, CLOSE" & CO, No 82;'Maiden Lane,-New' York ' T 'W DYOTT. 192, North 2d ,street, Philadelphia. • HENNEFT & BEERS,No 125. Main street, yg . . • And for toile try 8 Elliott, S •W llarenulak. - Carlisle( Ira Dar. Mechanicsburg; J, li Herron, Newttllet C,Altio; Shippensburg,.and by dea ls In medicines er•etpthere. •• - •• . 14; RAM: %%IN' ,111.111 Li , . , , J., -/ 48 n P iWlßlPlvnt . Crilln, Co. ILABEZILL dr ELVVIVEOItric irIOI4TINTJE to supply tiniitieiof kinde et the nhortest. num°, and on feints. sower than eon be had oleenrhere. Allorderndirected to E. HASKELL, Papeiniwn, or Wl% D, SEYMOUR, Jr., Carlisle, will be promptly attended to. '. 1Feb22.1), Aral .o.6tate Salts. HARD WARE--FRESH ARRIVAL 1 - k , HENRY SAXTON. - THE aubsciitier having returned from the city would call the attention of -his friends, anti the public, gnerally to the largo,,and well se lected assortment of Hardware which lie has just received. consisting in pert of r • J :WILDING...MATERIALS, ._:. leha nails, sorry's, - hinges, locks, bolts, Wass, putty, paints, oils, rite, Toms— ' edge tools; save and planes of every descrip tion, with file, rasps, hammers, anvils, &c. A general asaortmont,ot SHOEMAKERS & SADDLERS TOOLS, together with morocco. lining and binding }duns, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness . mounting,,eaddletrees, Ore.. COACH. TRlMMlNG—canvass (plain, en amelled, figured and embossed,) patent and en- Eamelled leather, axles, springs, hubs, spoke, Mines, shafts, &c, &c. .1 Cabinet Makers will find a large assorinent of varnishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding, rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c. The stock of IRON is large and.well solac ed, comprising all the kinds in general use, as hammered apd rolled tire of all sizes, fat, bar and band iron, round, square and oval iron, horse shoo iron and nail rods, with a large lot of m cast and spring steel, English arid._ A ericen . - blister steel, &c. Housekeepers and those about commencing will find it to their tdvantage to calliand4exam ine our cutlery; - britiania and plated ware pane, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, &c. In - addition to the above we have received a splendid assertment of WALL PAPER, ma king the stock complete, and at sui.h prices as cannot fail to give satisft,etson. We invite all friends to call, knowing it will ho to their own advatitage.„__ Remember the old stand, East High Str - eat, t iir,isle, T, Oct 12, 1853, HENRY SAXTON. , a Great attraction! HO FOR THD HOLIDAYS. KRIPS KINGLE'S OLD .HALL is now and will continue to be supplied with the greatest novelties up to the close of the season, comprising in part , CONFECTIONARIES . • of the choicest' varieties, such as Fine Cand' Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons, Gum Cordial Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose Vanilla and tifirtirAlmonds, French and ex pluding Secrets.... Also ell the common varie• -ties, all of which will 'be sold • wholesale ant retail at low rates. We have just received FRUITS AND NUTS orals latest importations such as Oranges, Lemons. Raisins, Figs, P: wens. Citron, Cur rants, soft and paper shelled Almonds, Fil berts, Cocoa, Cream and Around Nut's. In connection with the above th c largest assort ment of • TOYS AND'FANCY GOODS of ovary kind from all parts of Europe, man ufactured of wood, glass, .hirtti, papier macho, tin and India rubber, zinc, &c., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases, Motto Cups, - Tpa Setts,• - Mnsicilokes, Port- Monaiesrßattle - Doorsir - Grace - Hoops, Masks, Drains, Guns, Trumpets, Dominoes, lotto and other games, &c. Fancy Soaps ono Hair Oils of every variety. In connection with the above a largo stock of FAMILY iItIOCERIES, such as pulverized, crushed and brown Su. gnrs, of every grade, Coffee, Molasses. Starcli, Omen and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda. Sugar, Water and o, her Crackers, cheese, So. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a generous-public for the patronage hereto• fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a-desire to please, to merit a continuance of the same. Y. MON YER. Carlisle, December 7, 1853. PALL AND WINTER Styles of Hats ! I EORGE KELLER respectfully announ. 1.31 f ces to his old Patrons and the public gen• orally that he has just received the IirSPRING STYLE OF GENTLE MEN'S HATS, manufactured at ono of the boat establishments in Philadelphia, to which ho invites special attention. He has also constantly on hand a large and vatted assortment Of his own manufacture as well as city made HATS AND CAPS, suitable fonhe season,comprising every vari• eyt of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats, finished in tile latest style, together with Oull assortmon.Vof Caps of every shape and des. cription, and at every price He particularly invites the public to call and examine hiaexten sive assortment, which in style, material and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market, and which ho -- is - able to put at-prices lower than ever. ;KY - Remember his old stand on North' Hanover street, between Homer's and Sener's store. [June Ij ‘t v'e 3 .. u •S' 4c w U Corner of Ilano' ver and Loather Bt B., Carlisle, iirlHF. undersigned has always on hand a large Jl stock of superior °abject Ware. in 'all tile different styles, which he is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. He invite 3 attention partic ularly to the Patent Spring. Bottom 1 1 0151ead , most useful article, which entirely obviates all objedtions. The bottom can be attached to old Redsteads. rhoy hnvo.given_AntiroLoatis ao— lion to all who have them in use. " O -COFFINS mado to order attho ehories nonce.• JACOB FETTER Carlisle Jan'y. 22, CARLISLE 'OUNDRY.4 , gt A OHINE SHOP. THE subscriber continuesto manuticture ut his. Foundry in East Highs street. having pn hand a grearvarietyof good patterns, and is .Itrepared to furnish IRON AND BRASS CASTlNG4',...which will bo executed toorder (if not on hand,) tittles shortest. , notice, such as Crank's and Mill Gearing, Spurs and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, lice., Plough Castings. Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car - Chairs, drio. Steam Engines built to Miler and. repaired. All kinds of machinery in Paper Mills, GristMillS and - Factories repaired at tdiort notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned, -Also, Home Powers and Threshing Machines; such. as Bevel Gear Four Horsepower; Hor izontal Gear Four llciitto Power ; horizontal Gear Two florae Power, Ploughs Corn Shel ters and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines and Horse powers repaired and Job Work-lone at the shortest notice.. PiMerris of different kinds on hand and made to .order. wifealso has on hand alarge supply of Phila delphia and Troy Cooking Stoves, and is con stan.ly making Cooking Stoves of various im proved pat.orns, for coal or wood.' Ten Plate Stoves, Grates, &c. Repairing done to all kinds of Machinery.— All-kinds ()fold Iron, Brass and Copper taken in exchange for worlc. • anr2ltf FRANKLIN GARDNF,IL Raid* vrtaßE. A. LARGE SPRING ARRIVAL! surpasses in quantity quality and prices any that lour ever yet been opened •in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety of all kinds or Hardware, such as, Shoe Fin dings, Saddlery; Coach Trimmings, Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass, Nails, Files, 'Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Springs, A xole, Bows, Veneers ' .t7edarware, Farming Utensils, Bar .end Roll ed. ron, Steel; &c., with a thousand more articles unmentionable. • Having purchesed, largely of Heavy Goode previous to the a'vtinee in prices. I am enabled to sell gonds'at eldpricee. Poisons in Want'o .Hardware are invited to eall and examine' my fr on d s and hear my prlcsii, and you will be sat— tailed where the Cheap Hardware is in be lied; q•My stock. , of WALL PAPER is mute proai.hed by any in the Borough. . . Thankful for tha fordierliberal pattonage, a continuance of the same isrsiolisited by JOHN P. LYNE. Wait Side of-NOrth Hanover.-Street: Carlisl oaxtviszia,nonovan LOAN nSHE Bonds of the Borough of Carlisle, with coupon attached forthe payment ormttfri. eat half yearly; CM the r lst days of July and January each year, at the Catlialebsposirilank, in sums of $lOOO , $5OO una:-.6100. will be dia.. posed of at present in the amount of -$12,500 to eflilitlents at Pars' 401 ; er:that; vhole..atriount to- :gether.or Sleek Bonito tie May bewahted. Tri• vestments:in'thialoen - by 'act of*A.sstimblY will not' hp subject M;tiny tiortnigh;l4Mil county tax. • Aoplieatio n , *p •rende'er the Carlisle Deposit Bani(to ' '1 WM.II..DEETEM.:•- Jan 1854451 ,Trinniurer. ME Piars St , .01)0Ps. _ . . First Arrival of Fall Dry Goods] At the Memand Cheap• Store. ire i t''' CanspbelV , wo U L respectfully announe6 to their friends-and the public 'that they Wm just-received frorri_New-.York and Philadelphia a large and handsome assortment of 'PALL AND WINTER GO,ODS,: consisting of the [stein styles of, DreseGoods, French plaids, cashmeres, mous de lattice,' all Wool - minis de lieges, Persian cloth, plaid, brocade and black: silka. sh pacas, and Mothming Goods, DOMESTICS.. Bleached and unbleached muslin, checks, Gingham, tickings, wht and cl'd Canton, Flannels, table.linen,table.cloths,Nspkins _ .-wool-flannels;-St.e.,-St.o— LACES AND EMBROIDERIES cambric and swiss ruflling,.edgine 'and insert. ing, lisle mechlin and florentine' laces, collars, undersleeeres.. spencers, curls sic. HOSIERY AND G LOVES Silk, cashimre and Saxony hose, merino half hose, white and black silk hose, black, white and mixed cotton hose.- ladies and gents silk, kid, fleecy lined silk and cotton gloves cLoTfts AM) CASSIMERES Ajar! assortment of cloths, cassimares, sati nets, entucky jeans, merino, satin and black silk - vestings, _ _ BOOTS AND SHOES A large ass irtment of ladies and •gentlemens shoes, slippers and boots, childrens shoes, from the best manufacturers. FAMILY GROCERIES, Rio and Jays Coflees, New Orlean , Cuba and refined sugars, Levering's, Syrup Molasses. Cuba do., and Spices of all kinds, Their goods have all been selected with great care from the best New York and Philadelphia houses, and cannot fail to suit purchasers both, in quality and price. . sepl 4 NEW DRUG STORE ! ! ! South Hanover Sired, Near the Court louse. J JCIEFF ER, druggist, would respect. . inform the eltizetis of Carlisle and vicinity that he has opened a new CUEMICALIVND DRUG STORE. His stock is entirely new, and has been selec ted with great care. As many of - the articles in daily use by physicians and families deteri orate by age and exposure, great care will be taken not to allow such articles to accumulate in such quantities. Attention is especially invited to his stock of Medicines, Essential Oils, Oils, Tinctures, Wines, Extracts, Conlectitins, Chemicals, &o. Together with the above he has a lull assortment of Paints. Varnishes, Dye—Stuffs, Paint and Varnish Brushes, and CONFECTIONARIES - - of every variety. Ho has also on hand a spice did assortment of Perfumeries, Soaps, " Extracts, Fancy, Hair Clothes and 1111 Brushes, Supporters, Br% net Exhumers Nip . ple • Shields, ' Tomh Washes Arid, Pastes; also MEDICINAL WINES 'AND BRANDIES, of the best quplity. SEGARS, from the best Havana and Spanish houses, of every Baiter, from ono cent upwards. -In order to ensure his customers against mistaken- during--any temporaray- absence o the pFoprietot, the services of an experienced and competent assistant have been secured, which will be felt to. be important, in view of theresponsibilitics which are known to devolve upon the druggist. _ oar - PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfully and promptly attended to.— Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the country will bo filled with care, and at prices which must prove satisfactory. N B.—All officinal preparation's made in strict accordance with the directions of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A liberal share of public patronage is rea• pecttully solicited. Terms Cash. May 11. 1853. B. 3,, KIEFFER. ANOTHER GREAT ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS At the Store of N. IV, WOODS. Second Arrival, of Winter Dry-Goods. THE subscriber respectlully inloints' his friends and numerous eustorrars. that he has returned from Philadelphia with a large assort. ment of Fall end Winter Goods; consisting of Clothe, Cassimeres, Vestings. Muslins, tick ings, chocks, flannels, limey, cravats, suspon• dors, gloves, Sze LADIES' MESS GOODS, Silks. born.batsines, niorinoes, coburg cloth's fig'd plain and changeable poplins, ginglanns calicoes, alptiens„sltawls, hosiery. &c. HATS AND CAPS, , Men's and Boys, —n very largo as sortment, al so Bonnets and Ribbons. - - -• BOOTS AND SHOES. A largo assortment of Men's Women's and Children's Boots and Shoes, Jenny_ Lind aril-- Buskin Slides at very low prices. Colered and White CARPET CHAIN. GROCERIES, Allarge assortment of GROCERIES, such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Tens, &c. All who visit our establishment are free to acknowledge that we are selling Foreign and Domestic &ry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c, at as,- tonishingly low priCes! Our low prices have already attracted a large number of people. The attention of all who wish good bargains is solicited, as great inducements cain bo offered topurchtiaers. Don't forget the old stand, Humericles cor ner,.North Hanover Street , atter, Eggs, Rags and Soap taken at market prices. N. W. WOODS. • _____Dee_2B 1853 STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! JOHN 1). GORGAS, WOULD inform the public that ho has now Am hand at his establishment, on Main ancet, next door to Marion Hall, the largest nd most complete assortment of COOIC,,OFFICE & PARLOUR STOVES to be - found in this county, which 'will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit, His stock consists of a large assortment of new and highly approved .PATENT COOKING, STOVES, , • . Finished- in the most complete manner, and calculated for eitheriwood or coal, or both. All the old standard - patterns, which &lye stood rho teat of 'experience, may be found at his estab lishment. Also a groat variety of the most op, I proved and beautiful PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, • - Including a number of new itylesi, possessing very superior advantages over those hematite' in use. Pomilies and housekeepers are respect fully invited to give hirit a call before purcha-. sing 61sexihbro. Stoves dafvered to any part of the comity and put-up at the shortest notice. He continues to' do el, kinds 01 TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, , and. Copper work, and has constantly on hand or Will make to order every article required by housekeepers or ethos in this line. His stock of Tin and Copper•wate embraces every kind of household 'and kitchen utensit, warranted equal to the best manufactured. - - -- Persons in want of articles in his line may always be sure of being accomodated to - their satisfaction kly giving him a call. . SADDLE AND HARNESS MARNG m ay, subscriber continues to carry on the above 'business, in all itevartous branches, in North Hanover Street, Carlisle, two doors North of Leonard's corner, where ho intends keeping on hand egeneral assortment in hirline, Consisting of all kinds of lash, ionublo SADDLES, Bridles martingales, Girths,Cireinglee and Halters, also TRUNK% tray- cling end saddle ka teal bags, lie also '77 manufactures themost aiProved Spanish Sjving Saddles, ever used in this' country, thine wishing o'huncleome, durableand pleasant sad dle wilt' do well Wean and eee them. He also numulactitres Harnesn; Bridles,, Collars and Whips in all their varieties, end confidently be lieves from ths•goneral approbation of his cue tomme, that he makol the neatest and beet gears, in all• their varieiy breadth', that is inside in the country, Ile alisinialces all kinds of Matrasses to order; viz eStraw,, Huak;Curl , ed Hair and Spring Matrassee- A t li:the above articles will be made of. the boat material and werkinanship, and with the utmost deapetrh. • innl4-1, , OSBORNI 4 -' 1 "1% 'lOll ' =Amon, *Atm; J. W.. 'MPS FAMILY , GROCpRY. Java and Meiraeniba Coffqes,, Green and Roasted do., Orleans 'and ClOrefied• Brown Sugars, Pulverized, Cruslied 'and Loaf del , Bolt Crushed oreservine do. . Rice, Flir . ifla and 'Cain 'Starch, Ornmo. Cocoa;,Choeoltilia, Vanilla :Seen, ; Mneo, Citron, with Spices , of oven , kind, +!, Sperm, Mould, Adomoatine;Condlea, • • Orleans and Boner, H., Syrup Molasses, Lovoring'e 6nogtqlroliii Syrup.' . WA fresh,aseortmo,ntof all the eltovo'ortil. doe, find a. malaria supply of other orticke uitidly kept by us;nilluat.epened and for ea 10: et eitr, now Otero rooms, • • • 1059. ME ' Illc4ichte3. LIVER C.OIIIIP I AfN T , DygfiveiA, -.I . AUA DICE,. . • .'CHRONIC ciu NF,IIVO_US DEBILITY;DIS -' ,EASE OF THE KIDNEYS,AND ALL, nisrtBr,s ARISINtI FROM -I ',DiSORDERED. LIVER — OIt • 'ST••oMACU. Such 4S Constipation, inward piles •fulness of blood to Ilia head; acidity of the stainuch, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food. fulness or • weight in tliq stomach, sour ortictations, sink ing or fluttering at the pit of the stomach. swimming- of, the head, hurried -and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or suiliraatiug sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the _ sight, fever and dull pain-in the head,-defier loony of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &a., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant imaginings of ovil,%and grea depression of spirits, r . PAN SE EFFECTUALLY nunTninr • ' DR.2IOOFLAINWS CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by • C. M. JACKSON, . • No; 120 Arch Street., Philadelphia. Their power over the shrive diseases is not eicellod, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physiciani had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of Invalids. • Possessing great virtues in, the rec tification of diseases of the Liver and leaser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive or gans, they are withal safe, certain and pleas ant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Testimony of the highest character! HON,. GEO. sTizooP, Judge of the District Court in 'Perry county, Pa., Nov. 18th, 1862 said: "your 'lluofland's German Bitters' has been in use in our place over a year past, and to the astonish ment of many has performed wonders. We s li may notice a few instances. that have co ' o under own. immediate nohow—almost ev ry person who has stopped at the hotel of m. Lackey, ono year since,- predicted .rom i iis e maciated countenance and debility; that ha Could not live much longer. He was unable • to attend to his . .buiness, and for the greater part of the time confined to his room. We rec ommended him to try the German Bitters; ho did; and to the surprise of all his friends lie is now able to attend to , his usual business and perform manual. labor. The castitmf Henry Asper ti stone mason ' whont no one supposed would ever" recover, from the debility of his system, but Was looked upon as fast approach ing the eave, took eight or nine bottles of the Bitters during the last winter, and thlesum. mar lie has been Ito the surprise of all who knew his easel following his trade. The case of William Murphy is no less astonishing.— He too was so far reduced ie to induce the general belief that thei'grove alone would be Ills only rerinffly. Mr. Leekey _recommended_ llim to try thillatiflinars Gorman Bitters; ho is now apparently a well man, and' able to do a hdrd day's work. We could mention many other cases of a similar character. if it were necessary, I myself derived much benefit from their use. I have given considerable of it a way.mot for you/ benefit alone, but to relieve suffering humanity, and -let me assure you I am pleased to see the happy result. To the afflicted we say. try them fairly and I,wi warrant relief." These Bitters are Worthy the attention of peasissing great power in the recta- ration ore healthy action of the liver and the leseer.glands, giving twin to the stomach and nervous syctem, and'bringiing the system gen orally to a high state o, health. Far sale by S. W. Haverstick and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; J. H. Her rOn, Newvillc; S.'Altie, Shippcneburg, and by dealers in mediehus every whore. .GRIOULTURAL WAREHOUSE SEED STORE• THE subscribers, in addition to their (wen siva • Grocery kave connected therewith an AGRICULT P URAL WAREHOUSE and _ STQRE, 110. Market street, near the - railroad, Itarriaburg, Pa., and are prepared to fill all orders l by wholesale end retail, 'of all kinds of Agricultural Implem ms, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Sec. Country merchants with reasonable discounts to sell again. Horse-powers and threshers, wheat-drillls and seed-planters, plows,harraws and cultiva tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter, grain fans corn shellers, vegetable cutters, hand grain -- mills;clover - shellers, horse rakes, — c hurns,grind stones and improved hangings„hay, straw and manor forks,'farmer's boilers,'os yokes and bow, patent bew pine, cow chains, spades, hoes and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain cradles, scythesand scythestones, potatee drags post augurs, aces and hatchets, grain bags, grain measures, garden trowls, pruning aid budding-knivesigrass-and grain sickles ' screw wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole traps, cattle cards and , horse brushes, ctirry . combs, garden Teals, cow bells, whi ffl e tiees, guano, Master, poudrette, bone dust, lime, gar. den, fi eld and.fMwer seeds. Alan, a large and fresh assortment of GRO CERIES, TEAS,_&c., till cheap for cash. . . ' ' BOYER & BALL. 0.1 - Nrain and_pioduce-of-all-kinda-recitved n exchange forimplementa. April 13, 1853.—1 v DRUGS I DR UGS 1 DRUGS ! Preshei Spring Supply! LHAVE julLseceived• a fresh stock ofilled • L icinos, Palate, Glass, Oil, &c., which eying bean purchased with great care at the eat city houses, I can confidently recommend i Fait - dies, l'hysicians, Country Merchants 4d Dealers, lis being fresh and prim. 17 - . . DRUGS. • Patent Medicines, Iferbeand Extracts, ' Fine he mi Gale, Spices,ground and whole 1 Instruments, Essences, Pure Essen% Oils Perfumery, &.o. Cod Liver 0 11—WarrantedsGenuine. DYE-STUFFS. . 1 I Lot , and Cam Woods, ,Oil Vitriol Copperas ; • Wetherill & El r l Ot A h l O L P: l'c O p u'r y d e:r L'and, CI;IoMe, %men and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, rsey - Window -- Ulass, Linseed Oil, Turpe-n -nei Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead. .II of which will be sold .at the very lowest, aarket prico,! - Also,a fresh and . splendid-ae 4rtment of , . Indrgoes, • Madders, Sumac • Aluni, • FANCY-1:40 OD9,:FRITITS,, , :onfectiotiary, tind innumerable other articles ilculated for uso'and ornament, all of wLich re offered at tho lowest cash prices, at -the 'leap Drug Borik and Fancy Store of tho sub miller on North Hanover ptreet. S. W. frAVERgTICK. May 28 1851. THE WONDER OF THE, AGE, For the Cure of Saltrheum, mon Sores, Chapped or Cracked Bands, Burns or Scalds, Cuts or Wounds, Piles, Inflammation of ihe 'Breast, lutes of insects; Sore Lips, Pim ples on the and Breaking .Out And Sores on Children; and all diseases ot the Skin. This Ointment will cure the Saltrheum and Burns. or I :hopped handd. quiCker and surer than any other medicines of the kind, before the To substantiate the above, I can give hundreds of certificates. but I consider It no use, as (any person can do the same, it they.have friends, for even a worthless article) I rtly Solely on the 'merits of the Ointment for the public, patronage. N. B.—; , A single box of- this Ointment will kecp'snylocksmith's, Farmer's, Sailor's; or Mechanic's htids, let theth chap or crack ever so bad; sound' and In good working order 'all winter Propared and sold by • . , • MONROE TRIDOIL,• • Naugatuck, Conn, Sold also by the principal Druggists, and Country Merchants. Price 26 cents per box Nov. 16, Segars arid Tobacco. Persona feeling themselves disposed to in dulge in gooti acgore are •requested to call at the Drug Store of 13. J. KIEFFER, where they, map obtain an article which he hesitates not to +recommend se being the best in Cnrlislo. Persons visiting Carlisle should net leave he. fore taking elbow° at S.J. Kieffer'n Drug and Chemical Store, South Hanover street. D e has on, innd a variety of fancy articles, such as hair, hat, clothe°, flesh and tooth bruslies, co lope bottles, furniture dusters, portiOlioe, note paper, worked and card baskets, 'Fishing cards and cases, a fine variety of fens, nocortleone, &a, The Indies are Invited focall and'extirnina euperine matte, Call seen, no he Istletermitted to sell bargains. :13. J. KIRFFER. July 20, lAN. S. Hanover at. « raimoburner's Coal. y,1660 TONS Limoburnor's Coal or 'tho beet ‘uality . jtlet receiving ond, for eat:. by nglii/ D. t9AO ton. • 10,1853 : - • , QIITfI ' RgUC . YIt~CIUi Ifl ~ PATENT TUBULAR OVEN HOT AIR RANGE Various Sizes, to suit families, Boarding Rouses and Hoists. !MO S D. ; in- want- of a- superior - Cooking AP- I. -pa int us aro invited to cill at out Ware house and examine this Hance. For durability economy and simplicity In operation•it stands unrivaled. It has a perfect hot air ventilation —anti meats baked in this oven retain their juice and flavor equal to that roasted before an open lire. Meats and pastry cooked ,at the same Lino wit limit one affecting the other. It will supply sufficient heated 'air to hiedt addi-' tional rooms fur the 'coldest weather. It has no , descending or return flues, and is equally well adapted to bituminous ,or_cominota- bard coal. The steam valve over the boiling part of the Range carries off the steam and scent of cooking, as well as beat in summer. Every Range.sdld warranted to give satisfac tion, or no expense to the purchaser. HAYES' VENTILATOR, Patentofl Octobor, 1898, For Public Halls, Factorfes, Railroad Cars, Chimmes, Flues, Alps, Sleai»ers,• Pure air is a subject claiming the attention of every individual, and all buildings thotlid be provided with the proper means of ventilation. Also, a powerful Warming and Ventilating Furnace For Dwellings, School Houses, Churches, Halls rStores,Vactories, A large assortment of Office, Hall and, Cook ing Stoves, Parlor Grates, Registers, &c. Wholesale and Retail. RAND & HAYES, 82 North Sixth street, Phila vrPerennal attention given to warming an evntileting both public and private buildings. DAVIS: eit. CUMIN, Dealers in Lamps, Lai . ..terns and Chandeliers, N B Corner Fourth and Cherry da., Philo. ITAVING enlarged and improved their store Iland having the largest assortment of lamps in Philadelphia, they are now prepared to lur nish Camphine, Pine Oil, BURNING FLUID, Ethereal Oil, Phosgene Gas and Lnrd Oil.— Lamps. Lanterns of all paterns, Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandoliros, thread°les and Candelabras, and Brittania Lamps,at the man. ulacturers lowest prices.' Glass Lamps by. the package, at a small advance over auction pri ces. Being large MANUFACTURERS of Pine Oil, burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alco hol and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, they can furnish these articles at such prices that Mer chants will find•it to iheir advantage to buy.— Call before going elsewhere, if you , want bar. gains. Also the Safety, Fluid Lamp for sale. October 5, 18.53—ty ' Cheap /Patches eV Jewelry. WHOLESALE and RETAIL .... 1. 4 .,,1\ at the •' Philadelphia Watch Itt- - --..., - T, and Jewelry Store," Number . : 1 6 . _ North uar 4Se t cc i d a lt i r p e l e ,i t a ,.. corner --).,, , -.....4.-..... Gold - Lever Watches,. lull ...:(naoNttAr. jewelled, 18 carat cases, $20,00 Gold Lepirie,-I8 carat cases, $24 00 Silver do jewels, 9 00 Silver Lever, full j welled, - 12 00 , ' Superior Quartiers ' ' 700 Gold Spectacles, . I - - 700 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 50 Gold Bracelets, 3 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils, . 1 00 Silver Tea Spoons, set, 5 00 Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00 Gold Finger Rings 37:3 cents to $8 ; Watch Glasses. plain, 121 'cents ; Patent, 181 ; Lune!, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY, sept7ly . Succrssorsto 0. Conroe/. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines,stilklow•er than the above prices. 1 z • COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Located No 127 ,flaltiero . re Prat, Baltimore, Md. The ostensible object of this Institution is to place in the roach of individuals proper facili. ties for obtaining a thorough 'and practical Mercantile Education. Nothing indeed has been omitted that is calculated to produce the desired result. The rooms of the College aro well fitted up, conveniently arranged, and situated in the most desirable part of the City. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in connection with familiar Lectures on Commer cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter of tlf , e highest imp_ortanee Jo all who desire-to beconie Accountants of the first order, and oc cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A young men can here obtain a more con ect knowledge of general business matters in a few weeks than can be acntiirml in as many years in any one Counting Roonr The course of study embraces Double Entry Book keeping, and its adaptation to minus departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercan tile calculations taught according to the most approved me'th'ods. Practictfi Penmanship, com rapidity of execution with beauty of construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects beside many other points necessary for a book keeper or business man to understand. The time necessary for an industrious student to complete -the--courservaTi - ee from f teB weeks. There being no vacation, applicants can enter at any time and attend both day and evening. Examinations are held at stated periods and Diplomas awarded to those who traduate.— For terms, &c.,write and have a Circular for warded by mai. March, 23. 1853. ly. IT. E. GOULD, rsuccEsson To A. PICT.] • ' No. 164 Chestnut St., Swohn's Building, Phil+ VIXNENSIVE Music Publisher, and Deal er in Musical Instruments or every de. acription. Exclusive agent for tie sale of flatlet. Davis F.I Co's Patent Suspension Bridge lEolian and other _ • , .1 3 lANO S , • L. 'Oilberealloudoir Pittgoe,'Aleliideons; Mar- tin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Shoot Music, Music Books, &c. . Residents of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise with music they may wish, as low as if purchased - in person. Haying ono of the •largest stocks in the United States, Il 'feel confident.of ,satisfying all who mityllavor me with a call or order. DealarS in Mdsichupplied on the Most libora terms: Pianos to ,lot. Second-hand Pianos for sale. .may '2O 1803 ly) ROBERT IL SIVEILEV,. ABIN ET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER North Rollover Street,. aod nest door to Glass's Hotel: THE undersignedl would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public gener ally, that lie-now line on hand o large and ele gant assortment of FERN containing in port of 'Wardrobes, Card and oilier Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy Sewing Stands, &c. Manufactured of the best material and quality warrantrd. Also a general assortment of CHAIRS at . the lowest prices.- Venition Blinds made to order, and-repairing promptly attended to: KrEollins..tnade nt the shortest notice, and 'having a splendid beams he will attendlaner Os in town or country. al - Hernernber the stand— next door t_q--11. Glass's Hotel. nev2-1 R . 11. SMILEY'. Becohers /liatchless Cordial. THIS 'bedlane has navel known to failln curing Cholera Morbus, In from 10 to 15 minutes; Cholera Infantum, or fiumnier plaints of children; Dysentery; Diarrhea, 6ce an from le to 24 hours. Jt le certain and stile under all ciretunstnnves, - hoVing been dhirly tested in upwnrds fol . four hundred MOB With out a ohmic failure. Let every fnmily provide itself with at least ono bottle of-thin invaluable renledy. Try lt,und it will recommend - nrell it Inprepared urtim pare!) , enientifie principles, and Cannot be justly termed a?Mirk medicine, unless science ha (Marken. 1. or sale by • - • •B. J.KINFVER, Druggist ; ' South .finnover , Strret, •A few doors south of , th o Court Blou se, Juno 33, 1833. ' • LEA'll3llm - 13, rr,z ri F 4 ND 11 . Y ; • ' "iore,' 29 '.lVt'l3d it., Phila. " • Alneseen tellsOlueluiere, Curriers, In - porters, Connuissien anti General !;ent her Business, WHOLESALE 'Mantifaciotj7s Margarett4 street. 'oep7ly -..tfitgroinnec us' • ".PANIK.ORITE.” . . . MYERS' 'EXTRACT OF HOCK ROSE,.. An Invaluable Remedly for all Scrofulous Die eases, -- Ddigestioti; Salr - Rhelan, - Siek Head ache, Cancer, Nursing Sore Mouth, and General Debility, and as a Purifier of the Blood it is Unequalled. The Rack Rose has gained a reputation at home and abroad. which no other- medicine - has ever done in the some length of .time. Ap,ording. to the opinions of oniinent Phyoi mono, the Rock Rose Plint is unequalled in --Curing-Scrofula In Its Various Forms STATEMENT OF REV. E. R. WARREN (Pastor of tho 2d Build ist Chureli,New London. ) relative to Myers! pxtruct Rose. • To The American Public. As my mune has been used in connection with recommendations of Mr. Myers' R. ck Rose Syrup, in vesicant advertisements by the manufacturer, I beg leave to make the folios's- Mg statement with reference to my acquaint. ands with the remedy and tests to which I have subjected it, and the reasons for having intro duced it to the notice,ol private friends in the community in w Melt I reside, long beffire the medicine was' advertised. I make this-state ment freely, because I have, as a principle, withheld my name from all patent medicines, and sedulously abstained from recommending them to the public, believing them frequently the spawn of quackery and humbug, and as tending to increase, iristeod of lessening human disease and , suffering. Such, I fear, is the character of a large portion elfin:: patent pana ceas of this medicine making age. 'Their name is legion," and from their influence, sa from thin demoniacal spirits, we have reason to pray for a safe deliverance. 77te First Test.—l had myself suffered oc casionally with sudden . attacks or Sick Head -eche, and Billious Diarrhea, and) had sought a great variety'of curative agents to but little purpose"; and suffering from this disease (diar rhea) at this time, I determined to test the new Syrup first ninth myself. The results were be yond my expectations. It Was . powerful alterative, and the morbid action of the system was changed, and the functions of secretion were restored to a healthy state. It gave tone and elasticity to, my eysteth, and corrected the 'derangement of the digestive organs, and gave me that inestimable blessing—health. This test was not determined in a week, or a month; .but 1 took four or five bottles in perhaps as many months. Since that time I have suffer ed but slightly from these derangements. My Sick Headache is entirely Cured. OtherTests.—Finding this medicine so use ful to myself, I at once gave if to several inva lid friends. About this time, I was earnestly solicited to give advice in reference to a child,- some eight years ofrage. _ This child was severely afflicted with a Scrofula hunter, of a very severe type,the humor showing itself on all parts of the surface, and Bien suddenly dis appearing. The child was very sick, and it was thought doubtful whether she would live, The humor resembled black specks of mortified flesh. hi addition to some other remadjes, gave the child this Syrup for about six Weeks, whan she had sufficient strength to go out to school occasionally. The swelling of her limbs ceased, and sbe was restored to health. The family feel that they awe her life, with Gati's blessing, to my remedies. • This rest satisfied me that the Rock Ruse possessed specific powers,fur Scrofulous hu mors. 1 then.tBsted it in Oases of Culane7::a Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox, Cenci!, Sure Month, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, Piles, Pste, In all these cases with perfect success. A flat testing-this Syrup for more than a year ? I wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1860). entliusi• lastically, not expecting my letter would be published, that'his Syrup was a a Paukorite," all.healing, and I gave him the result of its operations in several instances. I stated in . that letter that " it was invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and other disordersp-incladed in the varied faintly of diseases known, as Scrofula, &e,: that in Dyspepsia it acted with Wonder ful efficacy." My opinion of its value for the above named diseases, remain unchanged, and the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct. 1860. Ido not recommend it for all the ills of our suffering humanity ; but I unhesitating ly say, that as a remedy for Scrofulous affec tions I believe it Superior to any known-earn-- live agent. It has been sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its adoption to extensive usefulness in mitigating Inman suffering and remoVing diseases But What is the Rook Rose The - following history of the Rook . Rose plant and its medicinal properties, we take from the Nero Haven Palladium, March 1852. "The increased interest manifested in the Rock Rose plant, in consequence of the many wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for a brief history of it, in order to eStrreck any orrune opin ion that may have been entertained(' encern ing it ; and also to t 3 c t in a true light the na ture of a plant which promises to be univer sally beneficial. "We are indebted In the United States Dis pensatory of 1847, for the following descrip lion of it ' "' It is entirely differeni from the common Rose. It is a red-stemmed, oblong leaf plant, having a bitter taste. In addition to remark able peculiarity , of the plant, of bearing two crops of flowers in one season, it also has aim ther'intereating arid beautiful property. '- Dr. Eaton Buys, that in the months of Nos vember and December, ho him seen hundred of these plants, sending out near their roots, broad, thin, curved ice.crystals, about op inch in breadth: which melted during the day, and wore renewed in the morning. For a More minute and aulhentical description of it, the reader is referred to Torrey and Gray's Buten lea! works. -, Its Medical History and Properties Are far the moat important, eine° upon Ilteso depends its value to the community.' Dr, Lou don says ,that in 1799, it Was so valuable, in - Englandrthat it WWI cultivated from seeds. Ever since 1806, Profess& Ives of Yale Cal-' lege, has habitually used it with great success n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, and ihrough him its virtues wore 'nude known, until, as Dr. Tyler says, it is now In this section (Now Haven) a common article in clomestic•practice for the, cure of Scrofula and Cutaneous dis eases." . . Dr. Willem, a Scotch Botanist of notoriety, wink travelling in America in .11R14, learned its use in Canada: Returning In England, be employed it In medicating hie baths,. which became greatly celebrated for lito cure of simi lar diseases. Dr. J. H. ThoinPson, Of the same place, pre acrlbed it In bad cases of 4rofuloua patients at Wills' HoSpftel. His encl•eae attracted the, attention of senior physicians, Ile reports the . following remarkable case awhile swelling of the hip, in February, 1614:—The lad was seven• years old, and had the disease three years. Thu bond wee dislocated both upward end outward: There was a large opening in the hip leluling to the hone; into which I could thrust; my.finger. counted three ulcers. -He had been under several physicians, who had giveh bids up, I ordered a decoction of Reek Rove. In two , days his night, sweats calved I then ordered a teaspoonful of Rock Rose three times a day. Thirty•nine • days alter ho was etairely todl. '-- - 111r, Webb, or Madison, CI., teatifice to the value of Reels Mae, as evinced in tbo onto of numoroue casee of Sciefulu, eepicially in children. Manufactured by Irin Franltlin 4 Co., Now Haven, Ct. " •IMr. ,Warren, though s minister of the Gee. poi, hae for a period 0 1 15 yenta, given Wen. tine to the euhject of medical scions°, to qual ify him to administer to the sick, in connectton with ilia pant }al del lee. - • EDWIN . WARREN. New 'London. April 1853. • • • Agents en Cumberland County.—S. W. Rae ersiick,'p. Elliott and W. A• Role,, sarlielc; Raverstick:B; Stiohin, wisher, Mcchaniceturg . ; M. Spoor, Shiremanstown; .Eppley , &, Ernst, Spiing J. . Higher° Sterrett , " Gap; Thome -Gressoo, Plainfi e ld J:,II. Heron , - Newrille; 3:••11.• Wiley; Greet, Spring; Whore); &IlliennhonTr; Neivhurelly. D. E. Have,' Sillipponshiwg ; Resell & Dice; Dickinson; Atexantlet Papertewn: Dr. L. 11 Looker, Chtirohlown. - ---" • 111.0ichic, EPILEPSY -CAN BE CUBED. Lake's Vegetable Compound, ron TUE clung OP EPILEPSY "OR PITS! • Is' performing more wonderful ones than any other. medicine yet known or Wore' the public. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS A BOTTLE. The proprietor has in his possession numerous certificates, narrating the .48tonkhing and Iffiraculous Cure 4 effected by this medicine, and directs attentinn to the following only, to IiSSII re thOSC N lid nre so nn fOrtimate to be afflicted with the terrible - disease heretofore regarded incurable, that LAICE't3 pre paration • IS ALNOST INFALLIBLE IN ITS CUBE! rom Mrs..Brorks, wrkw MHJ. Jas. Brooks, • hue of Conneaut, (1„ CONNEAUT, Feb. 9,1853. Mr. Z. LAKE—Sir: Please send me another bottle of Fit Medicine, as 1 do not- like to be without it on band. 11 lien Leommenesd gis ing Abe medicine to my son Film, he had from one to three Ms per day. lie has now taken the me dicine over live months, andlnis Mid.l Mink, but two fits in that t me, rind those very light. Isis body and niind are verymyth improved; nnd by the,nlessing ol God,I,MO that the mi (Heine will restore his body nod mind to their is onted nctivi ty. Ite is 2s years old, and bins had fits over 12 years, winch have, been very frerment, nod very destructiscto and Mind Hun dreds of dollars have been expended for medicine to "cone FlTE,'b ut t nothing has relieved bins un til he used your medicine. Respectfully yours, FOLLY BROOKS, From Judson London, County Superintendent o the Ashtabula County Infirmary. Kiriosvuze, Feb. 4, 18s3. Mr Z. LAKE—Sir: Please scud a few more bottles of your' Tit Medicine •"'I may not need it, but think safer td keep ' it on hand. Your me dicine has done wonders. I gave it to Miss Jane .Delano; she has Mid fits-for, 26 years, brought on by having the measles when bin four years old, which could not lie brought out to the surface.— After taking die medicine a few days, SHE UAD A PINE COOP OF 3IEASI.Es, and has had so fits since.. She had fits or symptoms almost daily. She and her father concur with Inc in Baring Ilea w e lie - lieve die medicine has orwill work a perteCt cur e , ,I also gave the medicine to Alias Jane Bender 'son and Aris Corby, who have had fits almost daily, for at number of years. Their fits have ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the desired ehect. Much money has been expended by the friends of the above patients for doctoring, all to no purpose. The cure wits left for your medicine to perform, and I can cheerfully recom mend it Aunt valuta& discovery.. Respectfully yours. . n JUDSON LANKLIsi, Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmaev. Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LAKE, Conneaut, Ohio. E F WELLER, traveling agent. 'Sold by S W Huverstick, Carlisle; E Thomas, Mechanicsburg.; D W Gross, Harris burg. oct 5-Iy+ gy CVO ft If UR, SEE.F—PRIVATE LY, for 25 cents, by means if the POCKET lESC U LA PIUS, or, Every One HIS OWN TIYSIAN ! —The thirty.sisth Edi tion, with one hundred en cravings, showing Private Diseases and Alallbrma lions ' of the .Generative System, in, every shape lud form : to which is ad. Diseases of Females, in. isles only (see pnge 190), being of the highest importance to married peo. ple, or those contemplating marriage. By \\ M. YOUNG, M. 11., Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, and Honorary Member ot stir Hhiledelphin 111 e dieni, society. The Orion‘s forms of Secret DiSenses, Seminal Weakness, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, and all the recipes give:tin 'plain language. The chapter on selfsaliuse lad Seminal AN eakness is worthy of prrticular attention, and-should be-read- - by every„one. Young men who have been unfor. . . - tunate in contracting disease, previous to placing yourselves under the - care - a - aity -- deeter, no twit ter what his pretensions may be, get a copy of of this truly valuable Work. Sea Captasns and persons going to Ben, should possess Dr. Yohng's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket /Esculapius, or Every one II is own Phy sician. tc:r Let no father be ashamed to present a eopy of the .lEsculapius to ,his el ild. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the sect et oldie:Mons of married life, withont reading the pocket .tEss ontapius. Let no - one - suffering - from a luteknred cough, pain in the side, restless nights. errs OUS feeltngs, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, Inc an other moment without consulting the /Esenla dies. Have the married or those about to he married any' impoditnent, rend this trrly useful Book, as it has been the means of sinning thou sands of-unfortunate creature's from the very jaws,of death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of this celebrated work has been sold in this country and Europe since 11138, whreiitlie first edition was issued. 1 :0 - • Any person sending TWENTY-FWE cents enclosed hi n letter, will receive one copy of this book by. mail ; or five copies will be sent for $l. Address Dr. WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia," Post paid. Twenty years practice in the city of Philadel phia certainly entitles Dr. Young to the confi dence of- the afflicted, and lie may be consulted on any.of t lie diseases described in his differ tut dublicationa, at 'his office 152 Spruce Sheet, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sunday^ ex.. ceptcd) unit persons nt any distance oan consult Dr. Young by letter, POST PAID. POETRY. BY A PHYSICIAN, , • Ho ! Y e , up o n ' whose sinking frames Disease his hand Imo, placed s Upon whose smitten, care worn cheeks Gonsumption's rose is traced ; Come, freely' quaff, from out the fount, Whene health sloth overflow ;, At Shrinerto find this glorious gift-- Then say, will not y osi go ? IVity suffer 'neath the Tacking pain With which you are oppressed, • Why; why complain oforeariness - And soreness or the breast - ? -- When Snwsncn'a•sVßUP heals all pain, And to thee health will bring; Will cause disease-to-dkappear Likii snow drops in the spring, No tongue can speak the wretchedness, No language can convey The gent amount of-suffering Occasioned by delay : little'cold or trifling cough , Moe lead one to the grave, -But 6'briner's Syrup taken to time, Poaseesca power to sum, Yes, Ilia nALBAbIIC STRUr r11;0 'Con/nine 117.% mighty ,1 "" And mother° tumult in tones of rah° • And bleas It every hour; For when thetelittle ones are ritckeili. ,( -- - With Whooping Cough severe, . They thy at once to Shrinera Fount, • A;d Hada . It is st sovereign, 'speedy sure For Quinsy; want of breath 7 For 'Asthma, and Throat Diseases, • Which often en• , in death; When others fail, this will effect A permanent relief; WiLt bring the sufferer hack to health, And cheat old Dentir--the thief. Jan. 25,.2w. SHRINER'S VERMIFUSE. Better lestiMony.than was ever °tiered in, Fit vor of any other ,Vermifuge ! ! RECOMMENDATIONS .OF PHYSICIANS, - We,. the subscribers, Aledical Practioners, having been tondo acquainted s'e jib the C 0,1111061. tion of ‘` Shriner's 1101itin Vermibige," take pleasure in recommending; it to the publio as a valuable remedy for the expoliion of Worms, it being both safe and e ff ectual.. S a m n a !swop°, M.D. • Tatieytown, John Swope, : Carroll on., Md. J. J. Weaver, AI. I).. ' ~L., Mhtilleburg. Jno,,kl. H. Ligget, 11.0berty,'Prederlok co:, Md —Thomas Sim, AL - 0.11; ()wimp, M I), Time. Sappington, %l D . Sitlitey Sappington, Al 1); James Geyer; Al 1), Woodiboro, Al 0: It Sappington, M 1), Unionville, Mil Win 'A Aimthine, M D, iVeetroineitm, Ald Baparticulai• to ask for for SH R IN Eft Ps I N.; DIAN YE It MIFUGE, and take no Other. .Prlce 25 Cents per Bottle - Prepared by W Shriner,' Druggist and Cie. . tnist,,Westiniti•ter, Md. And sold by till storekeepers. • ' ISIVIR-IVION• for tho Times; the Rev . 11.1 ex. D,'D,. received m r and fe said • ' •• NVII,I,IAWt , . Family Grocery, 111 8 c‘ hll c.