Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 22, 1854, Image 4
c2Xll~~l~Q15~v~~(~. ~~~0 SIiAIVOHAIS - ..'',Extriat'from a poem reoieved frokala young 'lady at A bording school, in arnmer to a pros " Int or baked Shanghai;!— Ou Shanghai-feathors may you 'roat - On Shanghai's hen's, eggs tread ; • • May Stiarighalsroase - youlrom vonr dieim 4ud hover o'er your head: . . • Nice old Shanghais, • " Longleggod Shanghais, ' Real kind old Shanghai hens. . ••• And if your'o ever left alone - By you'r companion true, -- • Ably 1; or some other handsomer., Cook Shanghiti-hens for you'; Wall rod Shanghais, - • Great fat Shanghais, Real Shanghai-hens for'you, We commend the following to monied men geuerally;. "Maus, bow is your buSinesa now," "0, so better ash it was." "How so?" "Sh_ui_y_uuroysis_andlietan do first night I opens der mon); I oounte der monies, and I find it nix right—vae tollar vas gone. Pell de next night I oountfaim, and der betwo tollars gone. Do tird night I count him , and tore be tree tollars gone; and vot doosyer tiuk I does den?" "I cant say—what?" " "Vy, I did not count him any more, and ho tookies out shoest right over sitae " gm_ "Don't act so, Isaac dear," said Mrs. Partingeon, as ,Ike was raising partioular djes sie" about the kitchen, and throwing:every.: thing into confusion in a vain attempt to find his ball. "People hy'n by will say you are non pompus mentis, as they did about popr Mr. Smith. The doctor says you are of the rebel lious sanguinary temperature, and Fleavon knows what you would do if you should have a tendency to the head ; perhaps you will die of a suggestion of the brain." Never judge the disposition of a man by hie looks. Many a foreboding exterior bides a kind, true heart. CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE, ._Not a Particle of- MerOury,in-it. 4ninf,illible remedy for Scrofula , Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutanecus .Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or 'Fet ter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones find Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal .Complaints awl all Diseases arising hom an injudicious use of Mer. cur' .Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blond. This valuable Medicine, which has become I celebrated for" the number of extraorrfina-v cures effected through its agthO'y has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their, _frit:n(l3,Jc_ offer. it _to the-publio r which -they-do with the utmost confidence. in its virtues an'l wonderful curative properties. The. following certificates selected from a large inumber, are 'however. stronger testimony than the mere word orthe oroprietors ; and are all from gen tlemen well known in their localities and of the highest respectability many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Va. E. BOYDEN, Esq. of the Exchange Holel, Richmond, known every where, says he has seen the Medicine called CARTER'S SPANISH TREE administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases for which it is recommem ded with the most astonishingly good 'results.— He says it is the most extraordinary medicine lie has ever seen. AGUE ANOSEVER—Great Cure.—l here by certify that for three years had Ague and Fever of the most violent description. I bail _several Physicians, took large quantities of .Qui nine. Mercury, and I believe all the Tonics ad vertised, but all w'thout any permanent relief. At last I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two bottles or which effectually cured. me and I am happy to say 1 have had neither Chills or fever since. I consider it the best Tonle in the world and the only medicine that ever reached my case. JOHN LONGDEN. Beaver dam near Richmond Va. G It LUCK F,sq now in the city of Richmond and for many years in the Post Office, has such confidence in the astonishing Efficacy of Carter's Spanish Mixture, that he has bought imwords of '5O bottles which hos given away to the afflicted. Mr Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken according to tlireetions Dr MINCE a practising physican and former ly of the City. Hotel. in the city of .Richmond, says he has witnessed in a number of instances .the effects CI Carter's Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the good' effects were wonderful indeed. • SAMUEL M DRINKER of the firm Drink.. er '4 Morris, Richmond, waal!Nured- - Of Liver Complaint of '8 years standing by the use of two bottles of Carter 's Spanish Mixture. , GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA—The edi tors of the Richmond Republican had a servant employed in their press room cured of violent Scrofula combined with .Rheumatism, which en. tirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perf!ct cure of him, and the editors in a public notice say they ,!'cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted wit 'any disease of the blood 'V • STILL ANOTHER CURE' OF SCROFH,- .LA—Lhatl a very-valuable boycured of-Scrofula by pa r tee. Spanish Mixture. 1 consider it truly a Valuable medicine: James M 7 aylor Conductor on the R F sb• P R R Co Richmond Va 51r John 'Thompson residing in the city of Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carters Spanish Mixture.of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly. 20 ye-re. and which all the physicians of the city would not cure Mr Tlukepson isa well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his core is most remarkable. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSF. & CO, No 83, Maiden Lane, New York T W 'won- bt SONS, 139, North 2d street,,Philatlelohia. IiEN•NP, rr & BEERS,No 125 Main street, Richmond, Va, And for sale by 8 Elliott, S W Hayeretiok, Carlisle: ten,Day. Meohnniceburg;. J H Herron, Newville; d C Altio, Shiplienaburg, and by Oat lent In ntedirinea evetywhel e. . RUGS DR UGS 1 DRUGS Freshet Spring Supply! -ir lIA VE just received a fresh stock of Med .'. lehees, Paints, Glass, Oil, &c., which having been purchased with groat care at the beet city houses, I can confidently recommend tO Fitmlies, Physicians, Country Merchants and• Dealers, as being fresh and prim .• DRUGS., Patent Medicines, Herheand Extracts, i • Fine homi cols, Spices,ground and whole . Instruments; Essences, Pure Reseal Oils Perfumery, &e. 1 Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine. DYESTUFFS. Log and Cam Woods,, I Oil Vitriol • . ; I INTS. Copperas, . PA • . . ' I Lac plye• • I , Wetherill & Brother's Pure Load, Chrome Green and ,Yellow, Paint and Varnish. Brushes, Jersey Window Glues, Linseed. Oil, Turpen tine, Copal ahri roach Varnish, end Red Lead. All of which will be .sold at the very lowest market, price, Altio,a freed and Splendid as 'ailment a. - • ' Indigoes, Madders, Sumac Alum. , FANCY GOODS "FRUITS 'Confectionary. and innunicrable Other articles ealculated•for use arid ornament, all of are reared at-tha lovicat cash' prices; Ai ,Fhe cheap Ding_ Book and Fancy Store of the bah, scriber on North Ilanovar street. , 1' - , S. W. HAVERStiCIC,', May.2B .1851. • • .-• - I[II.OOArvIJONC; SIIAWLI3-,-Juar , di ceived .a few Long and Square Broe B v: a, and for sale by • • • • • O . . . 41rat .5 e561 . e,.,..544. ': - ifiutrawAßZ4Rist ithium.l ~., ... 87ElN]Ei'~. ~3B~TOW, THE autism:filer. hav i ng APlttriMti from The city would call the ettention.oltiisAiends and the public gnerellY to the'lorge. and Well se. lowed assortment of Ilardwato - 4hich ho has just received. consisting hi ' •r--- JtIJILD,ING - NIAI'ERIAtS, • elks. nails,' strim,.. hingei,docke; g . als,'puttY, paints, oils, &c. TOOLS— _ edge:tools; tools;' and planes of eiterrdeserip:.' lion, with file, rasps,. hammerit, . &c. • • r A general assortment of , • AHOEMAICERS •& SADDLERS TOOLS; together; with morocco, • lining and - binding skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mounting, saddletrees, f&c. COACH TRlNlMlN.O—cariassiflain, en amelled, figurettatid emboasedtl. pat nt and mi- Eamelfed leather, axles , springs, h be, spoke, felloeti, shafts, &c, &c. , Cabinet Makers Will find 'a' !Urge rissorment of varnishes, mahogany and 'Walnut' 'veneers, moulding. rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c. The stock of IRONis large and:Woll sake-, ed, comprising'all the kitida in general use, as hammered and rolled tire oft all sizes, flat, bar and. land iron, round, square and octal' iron,' _horse shoe iron and nail rods, with a large lot armlet and spring steel, English and_Arnermairi blister-steed r &e. Hotisokeepers and those about commencing will find i: to their advantao to callrand exam ine our cutlery, brittania and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, &c.. In addition to the above 'we have received splendid assertment el WALL PAPER, ran king the stock complete, and at sto.h prices as cannot fail to give tottiall,etton. We invite all friends to call, knowing it will be to their owd advantage. Remember the old stand, East High Street, Cardsle, P, Oct. 12, 1853. - HENRY SAXTOIst. Great attrtzetionf HO! FOR THE HOLIDAYS. iritL-3,8 KINGLE'S OLD ,HA LL is now and will continue to be supplied with the kreatest novelties up to the close of the season, comprising in part CONFECTIONARIES , of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy Toys, Jolly,Bon Bons, Gum Cordial, Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose, Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French and ex ploding Secrete. A leo all the common Varie. ties, all of which will be sold wholesale and retail at low rates. We have just received FPUITS AND NUTS of the latest importations such as Oranges, I.Smons. Raisins, Figs, Pimens. Citron, Cur rants, soft and parer shelled Almonds, Fil berts, Cocoa, Cream and .Ground Nuts. In connection with the above the largest assort ment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of ()vary kind from all parts of Europe, man ufactured of wood, glass, L.hina, papier mache, tin and India robber, zinc, &c., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sowing and Card . Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases, Moto Cups, Tea Setts, Music Boxes, Pore Monaies, Battle Doors, Grace Hoops, Masks, Drums, Gurks, Trumpets, Dominoes; lotto and other games, &c. Fancy Soaps anti Hair Oils of every . variety.. In connection . with the above a largo stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, such aspulverized, crushed and brown Su gars, of every grade. Coffee, Molasses. Starch, Green and Black Teas, Spices, -Butter, soda. Sugar, Water and mher Crackers, cheese, &c. The sub Scriber returns hie sincere thanks to a generous public for the patronage hereto fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a,desire to please, merit.a. continuance..of, the same. P. AWN YER. Carlisle. December 7, Lan. . BLOOD PALL AND WINTER • Styles of Hats! EORGE KELLER respectfully- anna'un. Vices to his old Patrons and the public gen erally that he has just received the 'SPRING STYLE OF GENTLE— MEN'S HATS, manufactured at one of the best establishments' in Philadelphia, to whiCh he invites special attention.. Ho has also constantly on hand a large and laried - asserturient of his. own manufacture as veil as citymade HAWS AND CAPS. ; uitable foram season,comprislng every vari vl of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hate, Malted in the latest style, together with a lull ssortment of Cape of every shape and des• ription, and at every price He particularly ivites the pbblic to call and examine his eaten- We assortment, which in style, material and nish, cannot be surpassed by any in market, nd which he is ifble to put at prices lower than vor. 0:1 - Remember his old stand on North [allover street, between Humer's and Sener's tore. [June I] 2 .... CPS' WO' 64 orner of Banover and Loather 8 11., Carlisle, '1 it undersigned has always on hand a large IL stock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all the Ifferent styles, which he is prepared to sell at to lowest prices. He invites attention panic !arty to the Patent Spring. Bottom Bedstead, a lost useful article, which entirely obviates all bjections. The' ottom can be attached to old tedsteade. They have given ontire satie ac. ion to all who have them in use. oy-COFFINS made to.order attho ahortea notice. JACOB FLATTER Carlisle Jan'y. 2:2, 1851,—1y. CARLISLE 'OUNDRYBr.MAOHINE SHOP. PHE snbecriber continuesto manutacturefit 1 hit' Foundr# in East High street, having n hand a great variety of good patterns, andis refatred to furnish IRON AND BRASS 'ASTIN GS. which will be executed to order if not on hand,) atthe shortes' notice, such as 'ranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, hie., Plough Castings. Cutters, Point Shears. Wagon and Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, &c. Steam Engines built to order and ePaired. All kinde - of - machinery In Paper bills, Grist Mills and', Factories repaired at port notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. Aso, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, uch as Bevel Gear Four Horse power ; Hor zontal Goer , Four Horse Power' ; Horizontal ;oar Two florae Power, Ploughs Corn She and - Corn Crushers. Threshing machines nd Horse powers repaired and Job Work done t the shortest notice. Patterns of different tinds on band one made to order. He also has on hand a large supply of Phila. lelphia and Troy Cooking Stoves, and is con making Cooking Stoves of various irn roved patterns, for coal or wood. Ten Plate ;trivet', Grates, &c. ! Repairing done to all kinds of Machinery.— Ul kinds ofild Iron; Brass and Copper taken l'exchange rof work. Ilanr2l tf FRANKLIN GARDNER. ILIRDIIVIRE. A LARGE SPRING ARRIVAL! xxTHlCHeurpassea in quantity qualify and VT' prices any that has ever yell been opened in Carlisle, consisting of the' greatest - variety of all kinus of Hardwire, suches.- Shoe Fin dings, Saddlery, Coach Trimminge, - P ointe Oils, Varnish, Glass, Nails, Files, r Anvils; Vices, Bellows, Springs; Male, Bowe, Pollees, Veneers, .Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar and Rolled Iron, Steel, rStm-, with a thousand more articles unmenlionable. 0 ~ Having Piirchesed laFgely of Heavy Goods previous to tiro Vvanee in prices, T am enabled to sell goods at old prices. Persons in want o Hardware are invited to call and examine my y goods and hear m prices, and you will be sat , iefied where'the.Cheap Hardware is to be had. (1:7•MIt Stook 'of. WALL PAPER is nnap preached by any in the Borough. . • ' Thankful tor theforinerliberal patronage, a continuance of the same is solicited by . , • , JOHN P. LYNE„ • Vest Side of North Natiover' Street. Calla! L - • CARLISLE • 201t017011 'OAN rjik !fonds of the florough . of Carlialci, with ,"'coupon attached for tho payment or Inter net i half gnarly, on the-Ist,. days :Of July and 'January each year, at the Carlislo Detiosit flank, In sums of IMMO. $50 1 ) and $lOO, will be (tin posed Of at present 'to, the ammint of $12,419 to ;apPlidanti at par/. either that whole • gether4r, sock. sunlit via may' bewntatill'ln.' aestmOnts in this, loan by not 'of Assembl y will - not be subject to any borough. action! or comity tax., .Applbsation: to. be mad° at ,the Carlisle Dtirtlit 'blank' to WM. M. ,SEETRM. • Jan 2 OH • • ' Treolountr: OM ~,~rnr~& ; ~~ho~s,, ; . First Arriyal dt Fall Dry. Goode - At the ReiOnd Cheap Store. IPe i 8 e . Wu 1. D. respectfully announce to theik, friendi end the'litildic that 'they'lleie just received from New, York and I'hiladelpni t t a large and liandsome',assortenent of • ' • , - FALL AND ,W,LiTER, GOOD. •• consisting or the latest styles 01 Dress Goods,, . French plaids, cashmeres, mous de lames, _.- all wool, mous - de lieges, Persian cloth,--- plaid, brocade and black silks, ul . Tack:lB;l'nd Mourning Guodit• .•DomEsrles , • Bleached and unbleached imialin,.checks; Gitighans, tiekings, wht and cl'd Canton ,' Flannels', table linen,table cloths,Napkins Damask-.towels, wool flannels,Arc.,..&c.' ' E ' LAQES AND EMBROIRIES ' cambric and swiss, milling, edging - and-insert- - ing, lisle'inechlin Wird florentine laces, collars, undersleecres. spencers, culls,&c. • , I HOSIERY AND LOVES • ' Silk, 'cashimre and Saxony ;hose, merino half hose, white and black silk hose, black, white and mixed cotton. kose, ladies and gents silk, kid, fleecy lined silk and cotton' gloires CLOTHS AAD CASSIMERES ' ' A large Assortment of cloths, cassiineres, sati nets, Lientucky jeme, merino,'sathr• and black silk-vestings, _ _ • • BOOTS AND SHOES A large ass , rtment 'of ladies and gentlemen' shoes, slippers and boots, childrens Shoes, from the best manufacturers. FAMILY GROCERIES, Rio and lava Coffees; New 'Orlean , Cuba and refined sugars, Lowlring's, Syrup Molasses. Cubs do., and Spices of all kind". 'Their goods have all been selected with great care from the best New York and Philadelphia houses, and cannot fail to suitaitirchasers both idnitstlity and price. NEW DRUG STORE ! ! South Hanover Street, Near the Court Rouse. lull J. KIEFFER, druggist, would reepecti• VIIP • fully inform trio citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that ho, h!As opened a new CHEIIDUk.T.JAND DRUG STORE. -- • His stock is entirely now, and has been sales- . tod with great care. As many of the artieles in daily use by physicians and families deteri orate by age and exposure, !mat -care will be taken not to allow such articles to accumulate in such quantipics. Attention isatapecially invited to his stock of - Medicines, Essential Oils, Oils, Tinctures, Wines, Extracts, Conlections, Chemicals, 4c. Together with the abovelie has a full assortment of Paints, Varnishes, Dye—Stuffs, Paint and Varnish Brushes, and CoNFEC.TIONARIES ile . hae also on hand a Eplen of every variety, did assort meat of Perfumeries, Soaps,Extracts, Fancy, Hair ' Clothes and Fles Brushes, Supporters, Br, last Exhausters, Nipple Shields, Toed& Washes and Pastes; also MEDICINAL WINES AND BRANDIES, of the best quality. SEGA RS, from the best Havana and Spanish houses, of every flavor, from one cent upwards. In order to ensure his customers against mistakes during any temporaray absence of the proprietor, the services of an experienced and - competent assistant have been secured, which will be felt to be important, in view of theresponsibilities which are known to devolve upon the druggist. will PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfully and promptly attended to.— Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the country will be filled with-care, and at prices which must prove satisfactory. N B.—All officinal preparations made' in strict accordance with the directions of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A libe - ral siiiire of public pntron - a - fle is res pecttally solicited, Terms Cash. May H. 1853. , B. J. KIEFFER. • ANOTHER GREAT ARRIVAL! FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, At the Store of N. W, WOODS. Second Arrival of Winter Dry—Goods. THE subscriber respeetiully Intorma his friends and tiumorous customers. that he has returned from 'Philadelphia with a large assort• ment of Fall and Winter Goods, cOnsising . oi Clotbs, Cassimeres, Vesting's.- Mastitis, [wh inge, checks, flannels, linsey, cravats, suspen• dors, gloves, Bcc, LADIES' DRESS GOODS,. • Silks. bombazines, merinoes, coburg cloths fig'd plain and changeable poplins, gingliatne calicoes, alpacas, shawls. hosiery. &c. HATS AND CAPS, and Boys, —n very large assortment, al so Bonnets and Ribbons. MOTs AND SHOES. A large assortment of Alen's Weimon's and Children•s Boole and Shoes, Jenny Lind an] Buskin Shoes at very low prices. Colored and White CAR PET CHAIN, GROCERIES, /Marge assortment of GROCERIES, such as Sugar. Coffee, Aloltpes. Rice, Teas, &c. . All who visit our establishment are free to acknowledge that we are selling Foreign and Domestic &ry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c, at as• tonishingly low prices!' Our low prices have already attracted a large number of people. The,attention of all who wish good bargains is solicited. as great inducements can be offered to purchasers. Don't forget the old stand, Humerich's cor ner,North Hanover Street. Butter, Eggs, Rags and Soap taken at market prices.- N. W. WOODS. Der es MR STOVES! STOVE SI STOVES! JOHN D. GORGAS, WOULD inform the public that he has now on hand at his establishment, on Main street, next door to Marion flail, the- largest nd most complete assortment of COOK, OFFICE & PARLOUR STOVES to be found in thig,c r uunty, which will be sold at the,loweet pride for cash or approved credit. His stock consists of a large assortment:anew and highly approved PATENT COOKING STOVES, Finished in the most complete manner, and calculated for eitherlwood or coal, or-both. All the old standard patterns, which halve,steed the test of experience, may be found at hie estab• lishment. •Altto a groat variety of the most ap proved and beautiful -PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, -Including a number of new styles, posseesing very superior advantages over those heretofore in use. Families and housekeepersare respect. fully invited to give him a call before purcha. sing'elsewhere. Stoves delivered to any part of the-county - and put up at the shortest notice. continues to do al, kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE,- and Copper work, and has constantly on hand or will maku to order every article required by housekeepers or other sin this line. lifs stock of Timand Copper-ware embraces every kind of household and kittheu utensil, warranted equal to the best manufactured. - Persons in vt ant of articles in- his-line-may always be sure of being accomodated to their satistactia by .giving him a call. • [OOll9 SADDLE AND HARNESS NAHNG risHE subscriber continues to carry on the above business, in all itsvarious branches, in North, Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors Worth of Loonard'o coney, where he 'intends keeping on hand sgeneral assortment in hipline, Consisting of all kinds of fasll ionuble SAUDLhS, Bridles, martingales, Girths,Cir ciugles' and Halters, also TRUNKS, tray- I!•1i01311111. eling and 'saddle 14747ti51 tinge."' He also manufactures themotit approved ' Spanish Spilt's. Elad4lss, ever _ used in this country, those wishing a lt7indsome, - durableand_ pleugant,sed die will do won't° call and see them'. He diso inanufactures 'Harness; Bridlee, Coffers' and' Whips in all their varieties; and confidently be lieves from the general approbetion of his ens (comers, that he make., the neatest and best gears,in all their variety of 'breadth, that is muds in the country. He also makes all kinds of Matrasoes to order, viz: Straw, Husk, Curl. ad Hate and Spring Matranes. the above artiales will be made of the beat material and workmanship, and with the utmost despatch. innl4-ly WM. OSBORN.= ~.~ VX.4I.RION MUM! - J. W. EBY'S FAMILY GROCERY. ciao° and 'Maracaibo' Coffeeti, Green ands ßoosted do., Orleans and Clarafied Brown Sugars. Crushed:end • ' Loaf do, Soli Crushed (presorvingido. Rice, Farina and' Corn Starch; Bromo. • Cocoa, • Chocolate, Vanilla ..Bear, - ,_. - Mace; Ci(ron, with Spices. of every • Sperm, Mould; AdamOntine Candles, Orleans and :Sugar H. Syrup ' 1110 10seett; Lovering'a - finest quality Syrup, • ; WrA fresh assortment of all the eliovi arti, Mee:and. o general supply of other artielei 'windily kept by'utt.'ell'just opened and for sale et our newstoro room'. • - • , J4nto• ti t IBM . • '• I:, W. BB Val • , ittOteinci: .- • , MIN ) 1 , 1 , 1 ItER , 'C OM P LAIN , Dy5eEP.7:1A,0.1:1..4 DICE, URRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY DIS EASE OF THE,RIDNEYS, AND ALL ---:- DISEASES.. ARISING 'FRONI 11 DISORDERED LIVER ou • -• • ' '""STOAIAC II. Buall ttfl Constipotion, inward pulse; ftilness • Of, blood to Ihri'head;'aciiliiy of the strinutelii beetles, Neat:thorn, diegust for food. tininess. or - weight in the'titinnnelc . sabr eructutiens, *sink ing or fluttering, ut the pit of the' stoMuch, swimming of thehcad, hurried and.ditlieelt breathing s flutterfog at the heart, choking or :auffbesting sansatiodii when in a lying posture, 'dintnega of voion, data or Webs before' the. sight,Teeeriond dull pain in the head, defic iency. of perspiration, yellowness or the; skin • and oyes; pain in. the .sitio, buck, chest, flint's, 4te.. sudden thlshes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant. imaginings of evil, and gran depression of spirits, • , CAA'BE I.772OTUALLiIIi]) DY DR. HOODLAND'S ^ ELEBRATED GERMAN Di ERS i . - Prepared, by " • DR, .C: M. JACKSON, Theirpower over the above diseases is not eteelled, dogmaticl, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, iii many cases alter skilful physicians had failed. These . Bitters are worthy the attention of Poss*king great virtues in the rec. lification of diseases of the Liver and lesser . glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and,uffections of the digestive or. guns, they are withal safe, certain and pleas- ant. I READ AND BE CONVINCED. • Testimony of the highest character I HON. GEO STROOP, Judgo of the District Court in Perry county, Pa., Nov. 18th, 1862 said: "your 'Huoflond's German Bitters' has been in use in our place over a year past, and to the astonish ment of many line performed wonders. Ve may notice a few instances that have come under own homediate nonce:—almost every person whO has stooped at the hotel of ,Wni. Lackey, ono year nines, predicted ,rom his e. maaiated countenance and debility; 'that ha could hot live much longer. Ile was unable lb attend to his buiness, and for the grouter part of the time Confined to his room. Wo roe- ommended him to try-the German Bitters.. he did; and to the surprise of all his friends • now able to attend to his usual business and perform manual labor. The case of Henry -Asper a atone mason ' whoa] no ono supposed would ever recover from the debility of his system, but was looked upon as fastapproach ing the Olive, took eight or nine bottles of the Bitters during the last winter, and this sum. mer lie has been fto the surprise of all who knew his ease] following his trade. The Case of William Murphy is no less astonishing.— ihrloo was so far reduced as to induce the general belief that the grave alone would be hls only remedy: Mr. Lackey recommended him to try the Hoofland's German Bitters; ho is now apparently a well man, and_ able to do a hard day's work. We could mention many other cases of a similar character. if it, were necessary. I myself derived much benefit from their use. - I heve given considerable of it a way, not Air your benefit alone,.but to relieve suffering humanity, and let me assure you I am pleased to see the happy result.. To the afflicted we say, try them fairly and 1 will warrant relief:" These Bitters are worthy the attention of paassesing great power in the resto ration of a healthy action of the liver and the lesser glands, giving tone to the stomach and nervous eye tam, and bringing the system gen - orally to a high-state e, health. Far sale by S. ;IV.:..Haverstick and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Hay,Attshaniceburg;.-1. H. Her- ron, Nevvville;Shippensburg, and by- dealers ih.roOdieirOlf-everY where. AGIUOULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE. THE subscribers, in addition to their eaten. f.iye "Groc:rry;''have connected. therewith am ;AG RAC Luau RAL WAREHOUSE end (SEED S. YORE, 110, Market street, near the .- ailroad, Harrisburg, Fa., and are prepared to ill all orders, by wholesale and retail; •eall :finds of Agricultural Implcm nts, Vegetable I,nd Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants .vith reasonable discounts to sell again. Horse-powers and threshers, wheat-drillls , pnd seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva- I ors, fodder, hay, arid straw-cutter . grain tans 'urn shelters, vegetable cutters, hand grain 'alibi, clover shelters, horse rakes, churns,grind 1 tones and.improved hangings, bay, straw and loaner .forks, farmer's boilereox yokes and ,ow, patent bow pins, cow chains, spades, hoes 1 nd rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, orain 1 rattles, seythesand scythestones, potatoe thins 1 ost augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags, rain measures, garden trowls, pruning and adding knives, grass' and grain sickles, screw wrenches, pincers and gindets, rut and mole traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry -1 ombs, gaiden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, i tone, plaster, poudrette, bone dust, lime, gu t en, field and flower seeds. . . . A lan. a large and fresh assortment of GR 0 I;E,RJES, TEAS, Stc., all cheap for cash. BOYER lkt: HALL. titrßrain and produce of all kinda received li exchange for implements. Mi=il=l PRESEKVB YOUR TEETII BY USING l'erraans Celebrated Tooth Wash ri HIS valuable preparation has long been used ;IL 'in New York and Philadelphia, where it has twined an immense popularity; for eltinsing, I reserving and beautifyinh the teeth. It is an t seellent remedy for sore.soft or bleeding Gums. t also imparts a delightful freshness to the mouth ad agreeable odor to the breath. Readihe following from Dr. 211urray, 4. I can, with the 'utmost confidence, recom• s tend to the public , . Zerman's Anti-Soorbotic :Comb Wash as the best in use. In my ,pisietice tea Dentist, I have used and recommended it for lie last five years, and have found it to gibe (sat ,sfaction in every instance, as the' Wash dues not ;entail] acid, or anything injurious to the teeth or urns viutt, on the contrary, is the best antiseptic I' the practice,und therefore, would recommend e role of it, not only to those who wish to . pre terve t heir teeth and puns, and have a Wholesome breath, but also to those who have diseased gums ; The use of the Wash, fora short time, Pillinsure a return to their-healthy-slate, GEORGE - E. MURRAY, Dentist lo' ,S. Eleventh et.; below Chestnut Phil's,. lie. Heedeli ot Carlisle, 'says ;--.• Mr. Zer -1110, I am well pleased with your Tooth Wash : t not only cleanses and whitens the teeth without *ring thein,but it cures sore or bleeding gums. cheerfully recommend it to the professmn and mblic„ as the very best preparation that can be sed for, cleansing , mid preserving the teeth, eating tbe gurriNavl giving Sweetness to the • JOHN-W. 1 - IF I NDEL, Surgeon Dent Pet. Price 25 centif per bottle. Prepiirdil Pranuis Zerman, Druggist and Chemist, corner f Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia. • For elle by SAMUEL ELLIOTT Vutlisl octl3 • THE WONDER OF THE . AGE. For the Cure of Sa!talcum, Chilblains, Com mon Soros, Chapped or Cracked .Hands, Earns or Scalds, Cots or Wounds, Piles; Infla minnt ion oLtlid_Breist,bitba of 'inflects - I Sore Lips, Mm ples on. the /lice, and, Breaking- Out and Sores on. Children ; and all diSeseOS ol,tho Skin. This Ointment will cure the &In-Ileum and Burns, or Chapped hoods. quicker and , surer than any.other n3ediailies of the' kind. hefore.the public. • To substantiate the above, i can give,hundreda of certificate's, but I consider. itrno use, as (any person can do the same. it they have friends, lirr eyes' a ?roithless article) I rtly solely on the merint.of the Ointment for the public patronage. • N. 13.—k single box of 'this - Ointment - will keep anY Blacksmith's, Farmer's, Sailor's, or Meclinnle's hands, let theni chap or crack ever so bad, Sound and in gond working order all whiter , Prepared and sold by - r • . • , . MONROE TERIt EL, ••• Nangonnik,Coon, Sold also by the prinsipal,Droggistr,, and Country !Merchants.., Price 26 cents per Nos. NOY. 16..1859;--ly I , L , ' . ISegars and Tobacco. " : " , ril 00 Illt -feeling- thetneelvos disposed to_in ding intooti,segorer - are Miaowed to call at .the, rug, titers of B. J. ICIEFFER, where they, ny , cpbtaln /In article whildFliii hesitates not.' .reconimend as being the best in Carflele. Be one visitinrcsrlisle shoubt not leave be , fore tilting a gitinettat B.S. Kieffer's Drug.and .Chem al-Store:Neuth-flunover stieef.' Ite hes, on he d ii 'Variety el :fancy articles. each as 'heir, . i, elethea,.fierit,and truth'; brushes, co logne ottles; furniture dusters' portfolios; noie :piper. worked and card baikets t visiting. cards and 't see, 4 fine .vailetr.,of fine,. accerdeone, &e. ; he ledicsare invited tit unffpnd etantitte BHpa ii . a nus. Col,aopii, as he tadeterronied to sell arguing. H. J: HIEF.FKR.. • July 0,1 en.. ., - , 8. fdanovei et. • !MM. `..4l:ll)C:Clloilljet6. HAYES' PATENT TUBULAR OVEN HOT AM' RANGE Vatious &tit, to "alai:Reif/lilies: Boarding • Rouses and Holds. rilllOSEin want of a iupericir Cooking Ap 1. gamuts aro invited to volt ut. out Ware • houile exornino-this Ratige. Fordurebility economy anal' siiiiplieity in operation it stands 'earl +/tiled. It has purfeci but stir vomily lion —and meats baked in•this oven will retain th e i r juice and .flavor equal to that . roaStett before an open fire. Meats and pastry 'cooked at the sonie:ttino-without 'one affecting the other. It will supply sufficient heated air to heat addl... tienal roolits fur the coldest weather. It,haa uo descrnding or return flues, and is equally well adapted to bituminous or cutummenard coal. The steam valve over the boiling pall of the Range carries - off the , steam and nook of cooking, us well as heat in summer. Every Range sold warranted to give satisfac tion, or no expense to the purchaser. HAYES' VENTILATOR, • • Piiietited Octobor, 1848, • For Public Halls; Factories, Railroad cars Clumnies, Flues,Ships, Steamers, §•e.l Polo air is a subject claiming the attention of every individealOirid be provided with the preper ineane of ventilation. Also, a powerfut--------- Warming and Ventilating Furnace, For Dwelltngs : School Houses, Churches, Halls, 'Stores, Factories, 15v A large assortment of Office, Hall.and Cook. ing Stoves, Parlor Grates, Registers, &e.— Wholesale and Retail. RAND & HAYES, 82 North Eizth street, Phila. rrPer4onal attention given to warming an evntilating both' public anti private buildingf. DAVIS di. cuLnv, Dealers iu Lamps, Lai .terns and Chandeliers, N E Corner Pone!). and Clit es., Phila. HAVING enlarged and, imp oved their store, and having the largest assortment of lamps tit' Philadelphia, they are now prepared to fur nish Cam pine, Pine Oil,. BURNING FLUID, Ethereal Oil, Phosgene Gas and Lard Oil.— Lamps, Lanterns of all paternp, Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Cliandeliros Girandoles and ,Candelabras, and Brittania Latpps,at the man. ulacturers lowest prices. Glssi Lamps by the paaage, at a small advance o er auction pri ces. Being ldrge MAN UF. !::TUREILS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alco hol and (the only true), Phosgene Gas, they can furnish these articles at such prices that Mer chants will find it to their advantage to buy.— Call Wore going elsewhere, if you want bar gains. Also the Safety Fluid La - np for sale. October 5,1853-1 y Cheap IPa'cites 45 .. Jewelry. WHOLESALE and RETAIL ....k . k . \ at the " Philadelphia Watch ok and Jewelry Store,'' Number 96 North Second Street, coiner tlk, of Quarry, Pluladelphia. ----., -. 4 M._ • -1-. - i:s Gold Lever Watches lull v.-• ONTIi - . • jewelled, 18 carat cases, $ ' 20,00 - Gold . Lepine, 18 carat cases, - $24 00 Silver do jewels, 9 00 Silver Lever, full j welled, 12 60 Superior QU a rtiera 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 . Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 50 , Gold Bracelets, 3 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils, . 1 00 Silver Tea Spoons, set, 5 00 Gold Pens with Pencil and• Silver Holder, 1 00 Gold Finger-Rings-37i cents to $8; Watch Glasses, plain, 12f cents t Patent, 181 ; Luger, 25 ; other articles in . proportion. All 'goods , warranteid to he what they are sold for. .- ' STAUFFER Est HARLEY, ,sept7/v • Successors to Q. Conrail. On blind, some Gold and Silver ;Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices.. O' COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Located No 127 Bath :lore Street, Itoltimor e , Md. The ostensible object of this Institution is to place in the reach of inditiduals proper facili ties for obtaining a thorough - Mid "PrieTietil Mercantile Education. Is.othing indeed has been omitted that is calculated to produce the desired ret.ult. The rooms of the College are well fitted up, conveniently arranged, and situated in the most desirable part of the City. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in connection with familiar Lectures on Contract-. call - Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter of the highest importance to all who desire to become Accountants of the first order, and oc cupy stations of profit and responsibilit.y. A young man can here obtain a more con ect knowledge ut than business matters in a few weeks than can be acquired in as many years in any one Counting 'Room. The course of study embraces Double Entry Bookkeeping, and its adaptation to valleys departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercam tile calcultahms taught according to the most approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com bining rapidity 'of execution 'with beauty of construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects baside many other points necessary for a book. keeper or business man to understand. The time necessary for an industrious student to complete the course varies from A° 8 weeks. 'There being no vacation, applicantrcan enter at any time and attend both day and evening.. Examinations aro held at stated 'periods and Diplomas awarded to those who g - aduate.— For terms, &e:, write and'havc a Circular for. warded by mail. March, 23. 1853. ly. • T. M. GOULD, .. /Successors TO A. FIOT,] Na: 164 Chestnut St., Stvaitn's Building, Phila EXNENSI V E Music Publisher, end Deal er in Musical • Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive agent for t to sale of 'Ballet. Davis CI Co's Patent Suspension Bridge /Eolian and other- PIANOS, L. Gilbert'sßoudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Mar- tin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music Books, &c. - Residents of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise with music they may wish, as low as if purchased in person. Having one of the largest stocks in the United States, It leel,confident of satisfying all-who mayilavor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied on the most libers terms. Pianos to let. - Second-hand Pianos for sale. ,may 20 1853 1.10 ROBERT B. SIVECLEY, ABINETMAKERAND UNDERTAKER North *mom,' S'ircet L and next door to Glom' a. ErM THE 'undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public gener ally, that he now has on hand a large and ele gant assortment of FURNITURE, consisting in part of Wardrobes, Card and other _Tablet, Sofas, Bureaus, - Bedsteads. plain. and fancy Sowing Stands, &o. manufactured of the best materiarand quality warranted. Also a general assoriment of CHAIRS 'at the lowest prices:- Venitian Blind', made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. Ill'Cotfins made at the shorteit notice, and having a' splendid hearse he will attend fuehr als in town or country. Xr Remember the stand— next door H. Glass' c. Hotel, n 0144 .24R. B. SMILE. Y. _ Beecher s Matchless Cordial. • rr medicine has ne -1 vet known to fail in .11. curing Chblera Morbue, in from 10 to 15 minutes• ' Cholera Infantum, or summer cont. plaitits of , children, Dysentery, Diarrhea, &c. in from JP to 24 hours. It is certain and safe under all eircunnstan?es, having been fairly' tested in upwords;of four hundred cases,willt out a einsle failure. Let every familrprovide itself with at least one bottle of this invaluable remedy. Terit, and it wilt recommend- 08Q11 It Is :p repared upon purely scientifiittrineiti . les, and cannot beJtistly•termed o 'quark midiettlet unlivis atones ho quachorv, For sale by ';." Q. J.KlEFPER,•Debitstet, Sonde-Hemmer Street; ' '• A few - doore south, cf the Court-Ho gie,. June 32, 1833,• • LEATHER. . IT Z . 11E NUR Y,• Store, 29. N. 8d at., Phila.' Morose . ° M•nufariurers; Currigrs, Tinanitars, Cuiniiiission and GenerafdLeathar Business. • • WITOLBSALE Nihau Fa Jto ri_ls streot “PANKORITE.“ MYERS? 'EXTRACT OF SOCK HOSE; ; Qn Invaivalde Ilemady for all Scrofulous Di; ease), Adigostion,'Salt. Rheum, Sick ache; :Cancer, ..11 1 ursing Sore • .and Oeneral . Lability, and as a • Purifier of the . .1.1104, io - Unegnalkd. - . • • The Reek Rosa ,has 'gained o reputatinn ai honle. and abroad. which no' other iikedieike beef ever done in. the same length of tune. Actording to the opinions of eminent Physi entnti, t,he Reek Ruse PI nit is unequalled in burittg Sdrefula lit its Various Forms? :TATEIVIENT OF REV. E. R. WARREN! I Pastor of theild Baptist Churcl•,New London; Ct..) relativo to Myers' Extract Rose. i To The Aniedean Public': ' 1 As my ; name has, been used in connection With recommendations of Mr. Myers' R, c, psi Syrup; in various adverVsements by tlie i anufacterer, I beg leave to make the folio*- i tg statement vy_llll.4.eference-to-nty-veginrint.7 el ce with the remedy and-tests to which I hake- sejected it, and the reasons for having into d eed it to the notice,of private friends in the coMmunity in which 4 reside, long before the me mine was adverting. I wake this state-, '`met freely, because 7 have, as, a principle, ri • wit 'held toy name fro iti all patent medicines, and sedulously abstained, from recommending the to the public, believing tlieM frequently the spawn of quackery and humbug, and is landing to increase, instead of lessening human disease and suffering. Such, I tear, is time character of a largo pation of the patent pans r cous of this medicine malting age. "Their name is legion,' and from their influenceom . from the demoniacal spirits, we have reused to pray for a safe deliverance. The First Test.—l had inyselfsufferedoc casionally with sudden attacks of Sick Head ache, and Billions Diarrhea, and I had sought a great variety of curative agents to but little purpose; and suffering from this disease (diar.„ rheri) at this time, I determined to test the new Syrup first upon myself. Tho results were be yond my expectations. It was a powerful alterative, and the morbir„' action of the aystem i was changed, •and the functions of secretion were restored to a Ifealthy state. It gave tone and elasticity to my system, and corrected the derangement of the digestive organs, and gave me that inestimable blessing—health. This test was not determined in a Week, nr a month; but I took four or five bottles in perhaps as many months. Since that time I hove suffer ed but slightly from these derangements. My Sick Headache is entirely Cured. Other Tests.—Finding this medicine so use ful-to myself, lat once gave it to several inva lid friends'. About this time, I was earnestly - solicited to give advice in - rcierencit to a child, some 'eight years of ago. •This child was severely afflicted with a Scrofula humor, of a very severe typo, the humor showing itself on all parte of the surface, and then suddenly dis appearing., The child was very sick, and it was thought doubtful whether site would live, The humor resembled black specks of mortified flesh. In addition to some other remedies, a gave the child this - Syrup for about six weeks, when she had sufficient strength to go out to school occasionally. The swelling of her limbs ceased, and she was restored to health. The family feel that they owe her life, with GA's blessing, to my remedies. 'this test satisfied me that the Rock Ruse possessed specific powers for Scrofulous hu mors. I then tested it in.-eases of Cutaneous Eruptions, in Meaeles, Chicken Pox, Caner, Sure Mouth, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, Pile - S, ride In all these cases with perfect success. A flat testing this Syrup for more than o year, I wrote lir. this, (October 7th, 1850) entbusi• asticallyi not expecting toy letter would be . published, that his Syrup was a o Pankorite," all-healing, and I gave him the result of its operations in ifeverul instances. I. stated in that letter that "it was invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and ether disorders, included in the varied family of diseased known as Scrofula, &e.: that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder , . MI efficacy." My °pinto of its value for the ribrwe named diseases, rei ain unchanged, until the same as when I. wrut Mr Myers in Oct. l 1850. Ido riot rm.:entitle id it for all the ills of our suffering humunit y ; but I unhesitating ly say, that as a remedy for Seroculous affec tions I- believe it superto to any known cilia tive agent. -,, • if It has been sufficiently tmte by domestic PractiCe to establish its daption to extensive usefulness in mitigating umun suffering and removing diseases. But What is thi The following history of the Rock Rose plant and its medicine properties, we lake from the• New Haven P lladium, March 1852. " The increased into cot manifested in tlie Rock Rose plant, in eon •equence of the many wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' c Its for a brief history of it, in order to correct any mune . is opin. ion that may have -been entertainerir encern ing it ; and also to'set in l a true ligh the na ture of a plant which pro Mises Act bu.runiver sally beneficial. _ ' i .. "We are indebted to the United States Dia pensotory of 1847, for the Tollow,ing, descrip ticin of it : " ' It is entirely different from the common Rose. It is a red-stenimed, oblong leaf plant, having a bitter taste. In addition tt remark able peculiarity of the plant,nf bearing two crops of flowers in one season, It also has ano ther interesting and benntiful *petty. Dr. Eaton says, that in the Months of Nos vembor end December, he has seen hundred ot thebe plants, sending out near their route, broad, thin, curved icc-crystals, about an inch in breadth: which melted during the day, and were renewed in the morning. For a more minute and authentical description of it, the reader is referred to Toney and Gray's Butan. ical works. Its medical Histoi t y and Properties Are far the most important, since upon these depends Its valitcrto the community. -- Dr, Lou. don says that in 1799, it was so valuable in England, Ott it 'was cultivated from seeds. Ever since 1806, Professor Ives of Yule Col lege, has habitually used it with greafsuccess n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, iind.through hint its virtues were made knoW,h, until, as Dr. Tyler says, " it is now in that section (New Haven) a common article in domestic practice for the cure of_Burctfula and Cutaneous die. eases." . , Dr. Whitlow, a Sco'cb Dulaniat of notoriety, while-travelling in America in 1814, learned its use in Canada. Returning to England, he employed it in medicating hie bathe, which became greatly celebrated for the cure of simi lar discaeoa. Dr. J. H. Thompson. of the same place, pro se:l.lllrd it in, bud eases of Scrofulous patients ' at Wills' Hospital. His success attracted the ettention of senior physicians, Ile reports the following remarkable cane awhile swelling of "the 'hip, in February, 1814:—The lad was seven years old, and had the disease three yearp. The . Rine was dislocated both upward end outward. There was a large opening in the hip leading to the bone; into which I could thrust my finger. I counted three ulcers. Ile had ,been under several physicians, Wlio had given him up, ordered a'decnction nf.Reck Rage. In two days his night sweats ceased I ordered a teaspoonful of Rock Rose three tirriewa day. „Thirty : wine - days after 140 was entirety Wchh, of Madison, Cl.,' testifies fe the value of Rork Rose, as evinced in tire Cure of numerous eases of the &refold,' esFocially in children. Manufactured by IV'm & Co., Now Hoven, Ci. o. Mr. Warren, though nminlst# of the Gos pel, has for a period of 15 yesrs,"Elven. Won. Lion tirthe subject of medical seioneO,tolual ify binito adininhter to the sick, in'contieelion with duties. . ' . EDWIN it, WARREN. New London. April 2, 1853. :rigenre An Cumberland County,—S. W. U 417. erstick; S. Elliott-sod helm; soritsle; Haverstick & Strohm ' Kingstown; wisher. Mechanicsburg; Dither, Shiremtinstowd; Eppley, & Cruet, ..Ceriur Spring; J., Bigham litgriett's 'Thomas" Gressoo, J. 11.. Nevrvitle ;. J. H. Wiley, Green 'Spring; Wherry & Eisenhower, Newburg ; W. D. Shirmotoshurg Rust.el &• .Dice; Dickinson; Alesontlet .& Pspertoull. Dr. L. H Lenlicr, Churcht own. early 1 tti.orellaitell Rock Rose E Utirzuc, EPILEP Y CAN BE CURED. Lake's egetablo Coznppund, . FOR TRE CURE: OF • • • L ' h.l ) 6 . i ' 'OR' FITS ! Is perform, more wonderful cures than any ' other medallic yet known or befor e the lublu:. 'PRICE RIVE DOLLARS A BOTTLE. The pircprieton has in Ills possession numerous certificates, narratitik the. • An i ons:shiny and .11firizeulous Cure., effected I, this medicine, and (liege's attention to ,the following only, 10 assuie those a 51 on lorttinste to be afilieterl xith the territlo diseate heretofore regarded incurable, that Lint;'s, pee. purution IS ALMOST INFALLIBLE IN ITS From Mrs. Brooks; widow cif M n j . Jas. late or Conneaut, O. 0 rme1363. • Mr. 7.', LARE—SM: C Ple ienvr, ase sen F b.d noe 3, anntlier bottle of Fit Mediehoe, as 1 ro not like to Le without it on hand. It ben I cornmenesil gil hog the medicine to firy son Edgar, he hood freLa_moe— ta_limee-fds-petc-day. -- ffirtiai now mkt to the Me dicine miim, love months, and loss fuoll.l think, but • two fits in hint t Me, and (hose co ry light. Ilia body and mind are coy mud' improved; and by . the blessing of Coil, I )eel that die nu. (Heim, will restore Isis body and mind to their vonted'action ty. Ile is '26 Jeers old, mod has bail fits trier 12 years. which have been very frequent, sod ;cry destructive to lim constitution and mind lion dreils of dollars have been expended lire medicine to "CURE FlTs,'!bot nothing loss ieliesed him un til he used your inediLine.P Respectfully yours, . OLLY LiROOKS. From Judson Landon, Could,. Stoperitotendu n t o the A slotalotola County Infirimicy. hlncosvoLLE, Feb. d, 18a3. - Mr Z. LAJE— Sip: Please send a few more bottles of yon i• ". Fit Medicine ; ' *oily mot toed it, but think so fir to keep it on hand. Your me dicine loss dote'lvoloilers• I game if to Miss Jane Delano / she- I 1 Rebind fits for 26 years, brought i to by having the measles when but four 3 est s old, which enuld trot be brought out to doe surface. - A ft e r taking the ineilicioe it Moe days, OHS 11An A `PINE CROP OF'AtEnii.Es, and has haul oo fits since. She hail fits or syMploms alusestMa ly._ She and her father coucur with me in trafilic that we b e - lime the medicine has or will work: perfecc cure. ... I gave Elle medicine to Miss Jirme Hendee son moil Aria Cathy, wino lotiVe had fits slinest daily. for a inomber of years TlMie. fits fosse ' ceased, and Idielieve the medicine till have the desired ehecti Much money Inosbeen ex petaled _ by the frienilsvd - ilie lobos, patients ft r•' doemoi ng , all to no purpose. The cure was left tor 3 our medicine to perform; and I can cheerlully recom mend it as a valuable discovery. If especifully: yours. JUDSON LANDON, • Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infortnscv. Prepared limb sold at wholesale by Z. LAKE, COnneatit, Ohio. te, F WELLER, traveling agent. Sold by S W flaverstick, Carlisle • E II Thomas, Mechanicsburg ; 1) W Gross, 'Harris burg. net 5-13* bOZTOR YOUR sEttF-PRIVATE- -I..X . rkir 25 cents, by means of the POCKET JESC Li- LA PIUS, or, Every One Ills OWN PHYSIAN ! —The thirty-sixth r.itt - lion, with one hundred eit aravings, showing Private Diseases and Mafforma- Dons of -the Generatiie System, in every shape and form : to which is ad- Diseases of Females, in _..,inalest only (sec page 190), being of the highest inTortance to married pup- Ple or those contemplittilig marriage. By N% M. YOUNG, M. 1)., Graduate of the Universiis'ef Pennsylvania, filemlier of the Royal College of Surgeons, London,and Honorary iNten.ber ot the flbiladelphia- Me dices society. The serious forms of Sect et Diseases, Seininal Weakness, Diseases ot the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli tary habits of youth, are liaitbfully described, and all the realises given in plain language. The chapter on selesalitise and Seminal Weakness is worthy isf prrtieplar attention, nuiTsbould be read by every one. Young men who have beescunfor . Innate in contracting disease, previous to placing yourselves under the core of any'doctor, no mat ter what his pretensions may be, get a copy of of this truly valuable work. Sea Captains and Persons going to Ben, slioulti' possess Dr.'s Treswise on Ntarringe, the rocket .lEseulupius, or Every one Dia own Phy sician. 0::r Let no Wher he tisharned to present copy of the /Esau'aphis to his cl lid. It may save him from an enrlv grave. Let no young man or woman enter IMO the neck. oblitllllt us of married life, AV in,nnt mailing the picket Ails culnpius. Let no one sulferiog from a harktd.d cough, pain in, the side restless nights. venous feelings, nod the whole train of D 3 speptic it ova tions, and given up by their physician, be anJ' other moment without consulting the .7Escula dius. 'Have the rill:riled or those about to he married any impediment , read this useful . Book, its it has been the means of string thou sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. Ulm sods of a 111ILLION copies of this celebrated work has been sold in this country and Europe slime 'lB3B, a hen the first edition was issued. (0 .- An) person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this bunk by mail; or five copies will be si it for $l. Address I)i. WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce Street, _Philadelphia, — Post paid.. Twenty years practice in the city of Philadel phia certainly entitles Dr. Young to the emir, dence of the afflicted, and he may be consulted on any of t he diseases described in his (Mkt eta dublientions, at his office 15'2 Spruce Sti every day between 0 and 3 o'clock , (Sunday - ex. cepted) and persons ut any distance can consult Dr. Young by letter. r• et PAID. POETRY. BY A PHYSICIAN, Ho ! Ye upon whose sinking frames Disease_ his hand has placed Upon whose sunken, care worn checks Cousumplion's two in traced; Come, lively iMaff, from out thC fount, Where health, loth overflow; At Shriner's find this glorious gift-- Then say, will not you go ? IVIly suffer 'nenth the rucking ;loin 'With w kWh you ure opin eased, Why; yhy - complitin of Ivearinegi s And aorenees of the breast? When Surtinen's Syßur beide all pain, And to thee henith will bring; N Will cause IG T/Se. to dkappear Like.anow drops in thu:epring;------ No tongue can speak the wretchedness, No language can convey The g •eat amount of suffering Occasioned by delay: A little cold or trifling cough ?d;iv lead one to the grave, But Shriner's Syrup taken in - time, Possesses power to save. Yes, gis BALSAMIC SYnor rare Contains :Inv mighty nowep : And mothers speak in toles of piaise And hli•ss It every hour, , - For when then• little ones are racked With Whooping dough severe, ; They fly at once to - Shriners Fount, And Enid a solace there, It is a sovereign, speedy cure .For Quinsy; want of breath e•• • For Asthma, and 'Throat Diseases, 'Which often en' in death; ' • When others tail; this, will effect A permanent relief, Win bring the sufferer back to health, • And Obeid old Death—the thief. Jan. 25,.2w, SHRINER'S . .,VERMIFUGE.Is' Better.testiniony than wart cirri. 'altered in Fa- vor uf any,ether .Vermiftige - -•- RECONIMENDATIONS OF PHYSICIANS, We, the subscribm'a, Medical Practioneri, having been made acquainted with the composii lino of Shriner's Indian Vermilitge," take ' pleasure in recommending it to the, publiCan valuable remedy for the,expulsion of, Wdrina, it being both cafe and ellheititil. t. Samuel bwope, M.l), 'John Swope, - M I), 5 Carrot co„ Md. , J., J. IVeavrr,Al,U, ;Inn. E. IL Ligget. Middleburg. Liberty;"Frederick co., Md —.—Thontas. Situ, M. O. (l. It, (Iwings, M 1) Thos. Sappington, M I) Shine, Sappington, 111 • - Jaines,Ml'Geyer, M D VVoodsbnCo, ,G R Sappington, M D, Union% ille,.Mil Wel A Mathias, M I), Westminster,' 'Ma -11.11 I NDIAN to adc fin for SHE? IN RR 'S VP; ItMlrucE, and take no other . Prieto Y,5 Cents per Bottle '' • . • Prepared by W E Shrlier, DiugesCand . clie. - mist..Weatinincier; Muff And soul by till 'storekeeper's. . : • Jan 2.5, 4m. • • SttiftMON for .thd Times, by the Rey. ,Alex..:J. McGill, 1), received nod fur sale at , WII.I.IA!vIS' 104181 • • Family Grocery. 21