, Nth . 2kbuirti9tmcnts. SHANGHAI CHICKENS, A Fine Lot foroale Cheat). -Apply ro Febls4o • E. M. BIDELE. jr Valuable Lot foe• Sale or Rent. riviE _WARE-1-10 USE PROPERTY, for. marl> , occupied.by E. M. Diddle, Jr., na a Coal Yard, for Sale or Rent. For terms apply to WM. M. DIDDLE,; Eng. [Feblsll . Estate of Mrs. Ann Eberly, .deed. ivoncE is thereby given littit letters of ad• 111 ministration on tho estate of 61r4 Ann Eh erl), lato•of West Pennshoro township, dec'd., have been granted by the Register of said conn fy to tho subscriber, residing in Mechanicsburg kil persons having - claims against said estate are requested to present them for settlement, and those indebted kto make immediate' pay ment to JOHN EBE R LY, FebtsGtpd Ad'm. Drug Store at Public Sale, Ott SATURDAY the 4th of March, 1854, The subscriber •Will oiler at public sale the STOCK and FIXTURES of the Drug Store on fhe corner of Mairt - and Pitt itreetuopposite the Railroad Depot, consisting of a enmplete as. eortnient of Drugs, Fancy Goods, Jars, Miner al %%inter Apparatus, complete, Counters, Win dow Shelves, an Iron Sale and other 'articles, all of which will be sold without reserve, Sale to commence nt I o'clock. P. M., when terms will be made known by • _ _ W. M. PENROSE, Agent for the Owner. ROBERT MCCARTIVEY, Auctioneer. foblste ORPHANS' COURSE SALE. On SATURDAY the 11th day of March, 1854. In pursuance clan order of the Orphans Court of Cumberland county„the subscriber will offer at public sale, on the premises, THE FARM, late the estate of Joseph Itunsha, deed. situate in Southainmon township, Comb. county, con taining 20 ACR ES, 'atriiit measure, adjoining lands.of John Pilgrim, Moons Hemphill and Joel!, • Fmelsonger, ' - It is first•rate limestone land and under good oultivation. The improve ments area two story DWELLING 110 USE. .TERMS—Cash. Silo to oommence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when attendance will be given by MARY A.NN RUNSHA," Feblste . Adm'x. CROSS-TXES WANTED. Cutnoerland Valley Railroad Company will pay Cash for CROSS-TICS deliver ed at any point on their road previous, to the Ist day of June, 1854. For good, sound White. Rock or Chestnut Oak. and Walnut Ties, 8 feet in length, (ex clusive of kerle.) well hewn on two opposite and parallel sides, with faces not less then 9 inches in width, and 6 inches in thickness between faces, Thiety.three cents each will he paid. For 'Pies of seine length and quality as a bove, with from 7 to 9 inches face and. 5 inches n thickness, 'l'wenty•sight cents will be peid.i And roll good. sound Chestnut Ties, same dimensions as above. the price will be Four ~Cents less. each. 0:3 - Persons wishing to fur nish Ties on the above conditions, will please give early notice to the undersigned. A. F-SMITI-I, Sup't. R. R. Office. Chambersberg, fehls4t 1000 TOWS Mo. 1 SUPER PHOSPHATE DER UR.G'S Original and Genuine warranted of superior quality, the cheapest manure in the world. Farmers and dealers supplied at low prices, GX I'RA QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5000 barrels extra quali,y Laud Plaster, so leetod expressly for to tertilizing quality. to,oud bushels of same in bulk. 1,000 barrels-Caleinea Plaster. - SOO do ,Cast ing. WO do Dentist. PERUVIAN GUANO, This article we offer flizcon tide nee to our cus joiners as equal to any imported, and Far supo rior to. most in the nmrltet• - • 5000 bags or this superior Guano for sale at the lowest market Yates. Also, Patagonian Guano, Poudrette, Ground Charcoal, &e. &c, C. FRENCR & Co At the Steam Plaster Mills junction of York Avenue,lCrown"rinil Callowhill streets, Phila. Court Proclamation. WIIEREAS the Honorable J. H. GILA] HAM, President Judge of - the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties o- Cumborland, Pei Ty and Juniata ; in Pennsylva nia, and Fit - Wee ortlie several Courts al Oyer and 'Porminer and General Jail Delivery in said countieft. ar d Hon. John Itupp and Sam uel Woodburn, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders', in the said county of Cumberland,by their precept§ to me directed, dated the 10th of January, 1854, have ordered thetourt of byer and Terminer' and GoneraliailDelivery , to be hoiden at Car lisle, on the Sd MONDAY of' April, 1854, (being the 10th day) at 10 o'clock in the file nobn, to continue two weeks. NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner. Justices of the Pence and Constables of - the said 'County of Combed sod: that they are by the said precept commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records. inquisitions, examinatione and all other remembrances, to de those things which to their offices appertain to be done,and all those that' are buund by recognizances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then .shall be in the Jail of said county, aro to be there to prosecute them us shall he just. JOSEPH McDARNIOND,,.ShefIIF• SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Carlisle, Fobs 15, 1854. FOR SALE OR RENT, • A Two and n half story !BRICK !lOUS on South-West street.— 411! Foe further particulnrs enquire of N. ARMSTRONG. orracm ron REINTL OFFICE_ now .occupied by Edward Showers, in Main Street, opposite the new prison, is offered for rent front the Ist day of April next. . . MARTHA C. D UNCAN, Feb 14t Carlisle, Gas, and Water Company • NOTICE. - rif Mantigers of this Compony 'have celled - 1117 - for -- the - paymentof - the - .lllcand - 51hinstut= Inent of one dollar upon each share, to be paid , 1 to the TrOastirer on the 15th of J'ebruary Ltd 15th March, 1854. Subscribers to the stock are requested to be punctual. By order oh the Board. FRFarK WA'I'TS, Paint) • Presidont. PJZONMY WANTED, ALLpersons indebted to the subscriber are desired to settle Without delay, so that he may do likewise to his creditors. Attention to this maim) is earnestly.solicited. y° Jan Ho •0; W. HITHER. Great Rush for Bargains AT the New and Cheap Store of INV,ISE CAMPBELL \Ve are .belling off it largo ne sortment of Cstahmeros . and Moue do Lame at greatly reduced prices. Call und see! Jan 25, 1854. STRAW' zzrzrEn. . 1 . a? ,...,,, j C.:le to the premises of the sub ;r, scriber, on the Harrisburg pike, about tWu miles east of Carlisle. ....e- A - . , ?.k.. , , on Or about the 14th Met, TW 0 Qtcrut.'tt- (HEIFERS-one of them a dark brown 'color, with a white stripe down the buck Tho Mime is of a yellowish colour. with a spook of white on the heed . Any person proving properly. and paying charges can take them a way. Jan 25] STkPIIEN PJFV.ti J6"ot,iCe ,to Sierveyoi•i. TEI E undersigned' Comm' iesioners of Cumber land county hereby give funi:ceto, the.soVoral Burvoyers residing within said county, that they have, in conformity to the act of Assembly, passed'railt of April, lasd, erected a Moridinr, lino on the properly °wiled by the ,county, knywn as the Poor House property, and the measure for iho two or four polo chain is mark, ed laid down at the Court 'House in the borough of Carlisle I soil by vaid'act it is made the duty of ovary land surveyor in said courtly, in the month of April in ouch year, to adjust and verily his compfthe by said lines, had twoore min tha vat - Wien of - its nendlo front the. Owl meridian, nod his chain by' one Of ihe said measures of the sold standard, two or tottryole` tthoine, slid, mt having ntljested chain and "iiipuBs aforesaid; shall cruel., the Varittilmis in a book .kept for that' purpo'se,in the Conimis= sinners office-of said" county. by said act dirowed. s Harcin fall'nut undo!' the penult itof stfid aet provided. ()PAM cntsstEß.„ ..11: FIN 1 1011(3, • • J. ARMSTRONG'. •'Crhifinfseiotieeei Coime're. Office, hp. *ltitittUtt*lt ocif tlyr Sl3lo,l4Cti FROM, THE let OF. JANUARY TO THE 31st OF DECEMBER, 1853; INCLUSIVE, . , . . , Made by the: Commissioners in compliance With the requisitions contained in'tbe:22(l-tind 234 seetibus vrthe Ain of Assembly-of this Comminiwoulth, pussedithe 1511 day of — A - 011, - 1884. And also In Conformity with the 37th section.of the Burk) act, which requires • the County Treasurer, once in every year. to state•his account and produce his vouchers to the Conimis sioners, which after' examination by the ssid'COrninissioners, shall ho by them laid before. the the County Auditors, for settlement according "to law.. .: . . In nimeedance :with whioh William S. Cohean. Esq . ., Treasurer of Cuinberland county, submits the folltiwing as a correct exhibit of his Receipts and Expenditures for the past year, ending t..ealet day of. December, A. D., 1858. , , . . :• • • . . To balance in hands of Treasurer at last settlement; as per Auditorlt statement, To amount of outstanding taxes at last settlement, do County tax assessed for 1853, do State abatement on payment of $25,500, . do' Loans obtained-oncounty-bonds from-various persons, 2 do Fines and verdict fees received of J., IWllermond, Esq., sheriff, do J. B. Porter, on acOount of Simon Oyster's forfoituro to Com'tb, do Verdict foes reclaim' of Wm. H. Miller, Esq., district attorney, do of a. W. Hitner, reo'd on confirmation of sale of property to him, do received on miscellaneous receipts from various persons, ' Schedule of County Taxes outstanding on the Ist day of January, A. D., 1854, subject to Ezoner atiom and Commissions. . „ %roughs. 4- Townships % , ienrue .Neat Penneboro, hipponeburg, lonroe, :ow Cumberland, ewer Allen 'u aisle /ieltinsou . luut Penneboro 'rank ford fampden lope well teellameeburg • •fonree "orkon few Cumberland ewville forth Middleton dyer Spring uuthimpton hippensburg township utith Middleton rest Ponnsboro 82,178 12 NOTE—Those Marked with a star [o] have since paid 'in full. Those marked with a dagger 11 have paid in part. :rand Jurors for services in 1853: 'reverse Jorge for services in 1853 leery L Burkholder, for furnishiqg meals to jurors. by order of court •ours Crier and Tipstaves' pay for the year 18b3 OF LIM ‘, William 11. Miller, Esq., fees in Commonwealth cases Witted Bartram and oihere, embracing 133 bills Abraham Hostetter and other justices, fees in Cotnnionwealth'easos Robert McCartney and other constables, fees in Commonwealth cases County Auditors and Clark, for auditing necounispf 1852 105 00 Philip Quigley, for auditing necounteht Prothonotary, Recorder and Register' - 750 James Loudon, for dockets in 1853 Samuel Martin, Esq., fees in Commonwealth eases, and recording roads and drafts 919 231 James Loudon, for dockets 28 00 James London, for' stritionery,daplictite's, binding, &c, Wm. H. Trout, Esq., for services us Commissioner from Jan 1 to Nov 14,1853, Josenh 'G• CreSsler, Esq, • " "Dec 31, ..John Bubb, Esq. • u ii, , [4l 0 James Armstrong, Esq, ' " Nov 14 to Dee 31 „Domuel Todd, Elul, one year's salary as attorney to commissioners 'Win. Riley. one yottesistilury us clerk and delivering duplicates, wa.rantall&c, T Dockerk & Co., for publishing bridge notices Alas K. McClure, John B. Bretton, for ['Olin printing E. Beatty, •' E. Cullman, " Eastern Penitontiary, for support of convicts, fur 1852, Myers & Gutslrall;on account of contract for the erection of new pristm, T.homas Symington, on account of contract for brown sandsuine for prison. Edward Hariland. for superintendence of erection of new prison, Aldred & Richards, for extra work on brown sandstone, as per contract, J. T. Wilson, keeper of Dauphin county prison, for support of pristine's; Dr. C. Seiler. for medicine and attendance of do Joseph McDAmond, Esq., sheriff, for fees, support end cOnveying of prisoners, Joules Gallagher, agent,. and others, for clotltieg rind oilier articles furniilied vieonexe, John D. Gurgas, for painting 2,100 feet of tin flues for prison, John Dillon . Ot. Gillinore, for filling collars of old prison, Joseph 8011, Esti, sheriffor Juniata, and others, on sundry bills, • Squier, Esq., Treasurer of Pooi and House of Employment for sup't Df 1853, birentore of 'ho Poor, thoir salaries Mr the .your_ 1883, _ 111. G. Ege . , , fienry Saxton, visitors' pay for the year 1851, - - ROAD OItOBRS AND DAMAGES AWARDED Jacob Mumma,- (guarilan-ofmlnor childrem)'antlMbers per damages awarded by Court, 344. 16 Was. Wilson, Wm. Moore and G. F. Carl, comm're marking southern county line, 134E60 Road and Fridge viewers' pay as per certificates of Clerk cif Quarter Sessions, 108.891 . . . John and Joseph Gutahall in full of contract for erection of bridge, 575 00 'Cliriatiati'Walt, on account Upon! f set for erection of bridge on Yellow Breeches creek,! 4 5 0 00 John F. Spahr anti 9thera for repairs of variumicounty bridgea, 336 92A . . . . . . . Robert McCartney, amount (ol roward'and costs) decreed by Court of Common Florio, 222 7R Appropriation to Union and Cnnibcriand fire onmpsnica, - 25 00 Henry Myers and othor assessors for services rendered for 1853, Vm. Row arnlotliar ctßaori of gorierti,ood township elections for 185$, Wm, Breeze for work and 'mate,rinla, fixing up' Lei in Court house, Junius Dunbar andtson for servic es as keeper of Public Buildirgs, J G Cressler, county bond ‘5140(.7-.--G mo 18 days jot., nt 5 por cent. par annum, ' • 1141TELl e A NE011:5: , . , , • F. Gardner & Co. for use of Hoisting Machie at Jail, . A A Lino for new , chhirsand repairing others for use OcAOUIIIVI .. Ephraim Steel then° yearn winding ot town clocki - •'; • • C Inho•ff for oil, candles, &c., for Mc orcounlY, ' ,• '• ' • •• ' ' A L Sponsler, Eeq 6 , kir rogieterina Mairiages, birdie und.denths, Wm • . . W 13 Malley for tone of coal for county, • • • ' S ill Hoover •: ~- " '• , .f! .. ~. . . . • Adam' &m flaer' for horse and carriage hire' 'cit cOuntt butanes - 9p ~ , • . ~ , -.-: W m Riley for the mmoutWof•CommiaSionerle. expOnsitslmlding.trlennial appeals, : J W Eby ter candles, broorrisi'llee;; fur useisf enmity,. ,' ; • • - '• , : : George Hilton.lor harse.unit carriage hire at appOttla•&e.,ln4 B s2r'3 . •• ' .. George Handel. •, " ~• , ..t• ~ on county Iti6sinese, • • • - ' N Hanteha 13 nd Jelin •13• tatton;'Poitnidetere. for tinatego of roupty . - Jacob Sabo; and, Wimp vambraaing.4o .varlaue checks ) for miscellaneous rnaltata,. ... I C Thi?nipson,.Caq., Caron r and Justiroe,cogra of inquisition, and Jurors' pay, ABAT4M_EN'I'S. ."•• • D Yoh P,ialca,and,othor oollettoreiimount of abaterronta•allowed tax payare, 1852-3, • 2.402,.:2q of the County of Cunzberlund; WM S. LOBE N, Escl, Treasurer. Total re'doipta for 1858, Years. Collectors' Names. 1848 . • Suinuel Bricker, 1850 Edward Phillips , 1851 James Bricker, 1852 Jacob Marvel, do Owen James, 1853 John G, Heck Samuel H. Gould Joseph A. Weakley IVin. Saddler * Win. Strohm ' ° Anderson Orr David Hoover f Henry F, Fells John Strock f ' Christian 'Mellinger Charles W..Delm John Gorier, jr Duvid Williams t Charles Shreiner (- Samuel Taylor • Jeremiah Allen Samuel Gleim Henry Boar 0 do Expenditures. BY PA Y NM' TS. DISTRICT ATTORNEY WITNESS FEES IN COMNIONWEALTEI CASES JUSTICES , FEES IN COMMONWEALTH CASES. CONSTABLES' FEES 'IN COMMONWEALTH CASES PROTHONTARI"S OFFICE RECORDER'S OFFICE COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE PUBLIC, PRINTING EASTERN STATE PENITENTIARY, JAIL AND COUNTY PENITENTIAKY POOR HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS ASSESSORS, ELECTIONS. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, LOAN AND INTEREST ON LOAN. ; Receipts: COURTS AUDITO RS 'BRIDGES. ;•Flonry Sidlo "on '4 'on' Ode tio of landescild--areac.enlii. ~;;; ;,,; oy 3 ?Tip E , • iE Amount paid- tiOdri iidracinu : FM;cattificataa of J uaticow—premium nn ' • • CONSTABLES URNS • Amount paid tiundry.conattiblnaloimturna to couq, da por cart ifibates ,of:Catirt . ~ By amount paid on CotomissiOnain''.Ordare, . , , do ' of Coanty Tranauter'a.comnsission, nt ti por.cant.; Al 'do'- - , utat4nifing:taxas unpaid by collectota, ~• , ' • -do Calloctora' loos at 5 par cent.,i , '' . : . •,,, do' , . , :oxotiorntion&allowett Collectors, •'' . . • •, do.. doprouinted fuuda.aoculnulating for soma yoare; - do balartaain•handa , ot County Troaauftir; . ' To amount of roecipts for A.D., 185 COMBERLAIVEI CdUSITV,Sd. , , . .. . , • ' fr y- n } ' WPo the Commissionors of Cumberland:County, do certify and submit the foregoing L.S. as a correct statement of tho receipts and expenditures of the county aforesaid; from' the -, :: - :• - •icx Ist oflarinary to-the — Met day Deco mber, 1853TticolinAve, as also aSeleirfUla sirfhe out- - standing countylaxes,unpaid•by the .several collectors in the Boroughs and Townships therein stated ; together with'a statement of expenditures under each head of appropHation made by the Commissioners in' compliance' wiith the requisitions Atained in the twenty-second midi went third sections of an act of Assembly of this Commonwealth. Passed the tfultdro of A pril,A. D.,1834. , Witness our, hands and seals, at Carlisle, Ibis 31st day of December, A. D. 1853. 'JOSEPH G. CRESSLERI . nut JOHN 8088, Commissioners. Test—Wm.-a ILEY, Cleric, J. ARMSTRONG. • • $8,978 78 8,869 75 28,080 60 1,315 78 - 18,365-0 i 168 00 102 00 8 00 241 00 424 92 $62,448 73 CUM BERLAND; COUNTY. SS We the undersigned, Auditors of Cumberland county, met according to law, and having been sworn, proceeded t' examine the accounts and vouchers of Wm. S• Cobeon. Esq., Treaburer ol said county, from the la' day of January to the 31st day of December, 18.53, inclusive, do certify that we find the sum of two hundred and eleven dollars and three cenrs due by said Treasurer to the county aforesaid, as will , appear by the foregoing oxbioition of said account In testimony-4hereof, ,we . have hereunto set our hands at Carlisle, this 30th day of January: 1854. • SAMUEL MEGA W,. • } • ' • PHILIP CluloLKY Auditors. JOHN B. DHAwBHUGH Outstanding. $350 26 131 01 14 18 196 56 43 80 108'36 1,032 21 565 363 65 59 72 06 29 154 45 .173 113 1,120 15 271 27 .49 79 117 57 232 03 1,057 93 701 53 101 02 • 1,024 . 42 314 11 Will. S. GOBEAM TrOsurer, In cornormity with, the lOth sdelion of an act of Assembly, entitleil',an act to revise the Mil itia System, &c,, aassod the 30th day of A pril, 1853, exhibits the following account s ' DR. •,, Cash ree'd of Collect or Galbreath, $4O 00 do do Hamilton 69 35 do do J Hernminger,jr 75 52 do do' Loognecker .28 40 do do M L Hoover 73 j 5 do do , ' ~ Bricker . 40 00 do fiat' Frazier 6 65 do . • do Rolnick • 42 28' do , . do - Young 134 56 do do Thompson • 41 75 do do. PotTer 47 90 do - do Holtz 67 02 do do' Msors 20 45 do • do" Drawbaugh 47 50 do - clO" Miller 630 • do do •Swiler 42 75 do " do Monett 40 00 do do Weetholifer 37 05 do do Rhoads ' 18 53 do . do. - - - Hitch - 54 10 do do , Kast:,,- ; 56 95 do 4c, ' Pj,sleo 48 45 do do nichart. 52 72 do do Hoch ~:s '4 75 do de - Ijradley 50 75 do ' do 13 Wi.liams 57 95) do do Heck 36 00 do do Noell 1 42 75 do do Gould. - 120 00 do do NVenkloy , 50 (0 do do Saddler u 40 00 do do Strohm . 25 OU '- do do Orr . .45 00 do do I) Hoover 20 0 0 do ' do - - Pony 32 7 7 do d 0,.: Sim, It ' 50 00 do do .- Alelli gee ' 20 00 eo do D Ntiarns 42 00 di do Shreiner 46 00 do .. do -:- 'Sn'odgress 41 SO do do Glime 30 23 do do Bear 35 00 $ 411 30 1,94 u 871 10 50 49 00 112_oo 5e5 861 EiEM Total, ET] y OS T, on illondaY the 16th inst,, on the 1,4 public road betwee*Oarbaleand the CRVO Mips, a pair of (41.1) 'SPECTACLES, in n green morocco case. 1-"du tinder will he_Silita bly rewarded by leaving them at- this Mike. MEM Tf[J ROOM on. Centro Square, (Beetem's Row) now occupied by Mmor Line for tho man. demure or Chrtisre Cabinet Were, &e. Also two 0 FFiCESIin the same row. They are in the most public part of the borough, and the best locatiun for business. Possession given on the let al April, 1854. Jan IS] CHARLES OGILBY. Phil. Surgeons' -Paridage Institute - • BEM° VElYto No. 4 Ninth street, sixth store above Market. B C. EVERET'I"P'S Patent Gruduating Pressure TRUSS, for the cure of Rupture; She!der Braces, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Shmi - orfary, lientoPrlwid - Sl, - und Bandages for deformities. Jon. I t—iyr. 39 89i 34h 00 100 00 202 50 55 50 50 00 475 . --- 07 i Valita,ble Real Estate 54 4 JO 102 .51) ]99 50 :1.08 OU ',undersi g ned executors of the estate of R. B. Stevenson, dee'd, offer at private sale, the (allowing real (male, in West Pennsbero twp, Cumberland county, late the property of Richard B. Stevenson, late dl the borough of Carlisle, dee'd, viz: •••• All that FARM situate; in West Pennsbore township, aforesaid, about ono mile from the born gh of Nowville, bounded by lande . of:J. McCulloch..W Laughlin and others, and FREI CONTAINEN. 142 ACRES, 23,200 00 3,304 183?, 71.0 00 301 (.0 771 65 24 25 545 4.4 24 31 63 00.6 20 00 52 27 more or loss. The land is first role limestone land, in good cultivation and ; w" ell fenced, 95 acres Jt , which are clear and the rest in timber. The improVemonto are a largo double mono and brick Dwelling 1.1.0U5E,, two stories high, a largo nad• subatan , 4.4 tial ST 0 N E 'll - good well „r , - of Limestone Winer, and cisterns ..474-Q, for rain-Water. There is on the promises an orchard of well selected bruit trees. Also, a lot of. WOODLAND that has teen used with this farm, 'situate about-one-lourthhl a mile from the Doubling Gap Springs, and ea. joining that property, containing about 22 scree. Persona wishing • to examine the farm can do po colljng,,on..Alc..Long,rhatettantondhe place.-- i_Tertna-made easy tb pdtchasors.----Poaseslion and a good title will begiven .on the-lot of A pril,lB34. ' 6,000 00 90 00 T. COLLIN STEVENSON; JAMES . W. MA SHALL, Eters of It. B Stevenson December 7. 1854. FRESH 4),RHIVAL! nnlIE subs •rlbor hasjast r . oturnod from 'Phil. adelphin,.and is now °laming a large and elegant assortment of cheap,' WINTER GOODS, nonsrsting in part of cloths, •etiSsirners, cased nmts, flannels, hlanketeikiittis 'dtO: Goods—A epuliful assortment or do Latinos, French tourn!toos, paratnottas, saki, now style barred, caslimeros,riYous,lshawls„l Frnch worked ollars.'&6. —• • . . DemOstico- 7 131ouchtel and •uebt'd -meshes, chocks, tickings,"caMon fl:auncis, &c. • • • 900 91 . Boots Rad Shoos—A largo aseortmont of mon unit boys winter boots, Also en entire noiv stock .of Whoa' 'gaiters: morocco boots, bus• dins and slippore, chhdret's shoos in grunt vo rioty, gum over shoos al' all doseriotions. 838 97h • Grocories-,•A.• fresh lot of augurs, cetfoo, teas, molasses, spices; &o. Aa my winter assortment is new ,iind full, we cordially invite; ell our old' friends' and' custo mora, and the public in general to call amine our•stock before purehosing elsewhere, as we Will take pleasure in skewing our gothls,. and will sell as • cheap if not 'clieripor (huh:ally other store enemy, Recollect the old stand—EaerMain Street,- • • • ,„ (WAS.' 0 GILIW. •E 36 60 65 00 1.488 50 Noy , 16 '1853 91 85 20 P 5O, 30 00 25 73 .50 90 28 VI 27 OW 26 00 wrizrz lcursuitliPvcll. 'updorsigned. havinglwen'.o6 , .agent . „IL thS,Koyitons,..Life.lnsurattcoCompany, of llarriaburg, Pa., continuos.to_uCt in that Ca• pacify, by acthocny , of said Company, would.respectfully infocnt tho - community that at tend .ko such piirsons,ns .mAty signify thoer do§ire to insure Obit. lives, sad thus give siSfno•prmdmictl to,tioir boys:wed and triVids.!n moo( doath t WasiZont !rot §lKeer, hiciv2s t.ll J: AV 0 RTHIN N. 3813 19 , 67 i 116 50 10 29' r, 271 18, I!*.os,EirSztlpr., Fancil • and , ,Ornamental 4 Palutor, Irvinrs flortnerly•liarper*.4lol next dour.t9 Trouo4 'no Store . .. lit) will at. Jowl plomptly to nil tho -dosuriptions of, oaintin,T, at roanonablo prioos. Thjj' v a r i u m,", kind.) 01 iraining.oltuoduil to, cinch ,an nnahog, any, oa t lo , walnut, &0., in the improved ntylcu. qatliple, July 14, IBD2-Iy. 14 120 291 ME REFUNDEDtiO,g. - .. ‘- ' Total amount} $1694 37 V OR ZEN-T. AT I'IUVATE SALE FOX ,ORDERS IME:1 El DR . . CR. Paid.. Commissioners for services and ' • Duplicates. t Esls 12 Paid Assessors for services, L' '25 tl 5 Paid Brigade Inspector Crop's account 131 12 Paid Adamantine Guards for 1852.3, 150 00 Paid SpriC'gfielil Light InPy for 18521 50 00 Paid Quitman Guards for 1853 50 00 Paid National CadOta.for 1852-3 100 , 00 Pald Carlisle Liglr Infantry for 1853, 50 00 Paid Treasurer's Commission, 16 94 Balance in hand of Trimsurer, 1105 52 • CUMBERLAND COUNTY, SU. We the undersigned Auditors of Cumberland county, elected and sworn according to law, in accordance with the net of Assembly of the 30t,b . of April. 1853, having examined 'the above ac count of. Wm. S. Cobean. Esq., 'Treasurer of the county aforeaid in the matter of :Militia taxes, do and the some corredt as above staled. Witness our hands at Carlisle. this 30th day of January, 1854. SAMUEL MEGA W, QUIGLEY, JOHN Id , DItA WB A UGH. Auditors. STORE ROON TO RENT. TIM Large and Capacious STORE ROONI on East High street, lately occupied by Ale Carothers as a Grocery Store. Ills very elli gibly situatedjor business Possession - will b given at any time. For terms enquire of JACOB ZUG. Jan LE 18.54 FOR RENT THE large ROOM on the corner • of High and Pitistreets, now oceu -,;;„ {{.,,clod by Win. IL Bretz. us a Drug Store. Also the Blacksmith Seep, --24—= on Pitt, Street, now occupied by • Wm. Bitmze. Apply to dec7.ltl ROBERT NOBLE„ FOR RENT. A- Tw o Story BRICK HOUSE siluate On the north eau. corner of . Lowlier and Pitt. Streets, and Two Story Stone House on titer Street, no.iboccupied by the Rev Mr Kremer. Also several smaller thyq' lingo l'or rent. Enquire of A . nov9's3] JACOB SEN.ER.. HOUSE ALVD LOT FOR SALE. THE two Story FRAME HOUSE nit Lot of Ground in South !fano- ."*.• v e r street, now occupied by 'Charles silos' immedintelyopposito 13ent'a . 0 •II store; is offered at private' sale. For terms enquite of the subscriber, Attorney lot the owner. n0v9P53t13 IR. M. TIF;NDERSOIC Vestagble Town Property POR • SA LE IVILL. sell at private sale a I Two Story Brick HOUSE sod Lot of Ground; situated on 4 ' , !1:4,.▪ ; a a Northllanover - street•extendedi•-,Q4; in this borough. This, house is • •• 7 "`""'' doublefwith hack building, all in good condition. The Lot is 60 icier in front 6070 in depth. Od the promises is a stabl,p, and the whole proper ty is eligible' and condnient. Also, a small Two Story BRICK HOUSE and Lot of ;round, 15 feet front by 119 deep,- on islortli street near to Hanover ' It these properties are not sold by the let of January next. they will be rented for the ensu ing year, - JOU B. F'ARIiER. • Cat lielo r -Nov-g9, 1853., VAILIVE FOR SALE. The subscriber offers at private. sale hie FARM. sitdate about two miles north of Car, lisle, lying botwoen tito Canudoguinet Croo'.t and thp Sulphur Spring road. iris joined by farms of Wisu-and Natcher, and • CONTAINS 70 ACRES, 0.1 cleared huld,lthirty of which are meadow. It is well limed and in a high , state of cultiva tion. The improvemonts aro a Two Story ;m4--.% • FRAMS flu USE, a well of we. 0 A V 'it '.. 'ter with Pump at the door, funk , 10•1: • A Bunk Barn, Sec. There is also a ',—,,i. ;i1„.. - ?; young orchard of choico fruit 4r.. , -,- -.1 , v.•- • trees. Also, will be sold with the saw if desired, a tract of MOUNTAIN LAND. Persons wishinguo porrehavasawleartrternts by calling upon IL M Henderson, Esq., in Carlisle. JOHN SANDERSON. Novomber 1 1853--tl'A • To Builders Et lioaskeepers. TlOSE'who :are building, or about: coin.. manning lionsidieeping will be aure•to find at all times an lisiortment to select froht, Looks 'of oil sorts and sizes, with brass, argil lo, ininarat and white Itiinbe , with japanned ;or plated furinitnro, butfliingte; eget and wrought; window glass from Bxlo to 20:a8,bolts,earoivm C.4c; &a, You who ore about to homarriod and going to housokociiing, we linve.averything-lto 'dollop. such at fanny Wailers and trays, ivory bundled ,ItnivOu •And forks; in satts'orhy the fiOVlD,.common knaves and forks, butter knives with plated and iiiaty liandles•frjdne und'bichd patio, smoothing hods , ttibilleburnir, tS-a.„ •" - 1113DIRYSAXTON' • ' 'Car lisle ;,itiarch • ,•;'" , attoziotraix. ziatapt Bends or the Borough of Carlisle, whh osunon,altaginitllloo.dia.pajniont of inter est half yearly, 011 the lot days or - July - and, January ottah yoar f at thg Carliale4apoidt,Barik l , in aunnrel. slooo,'ssofrand 510 D, will he ap. .peset.l of nt present in I.lm ominntAf s l2 ; so otu applicants at par::either that whola'Oniatmt to.. gothernar finch autos as' may bowatitrall,' veatinouts in this loan by 'Ova( Msontlo gill not ho stablocflaany!berough, t eelioel cotithy lax. , ,A opliaatibn to , ho inade nt tho Curitolo rloooelt Bank to • • WAL BEETEM. Jan 9.1'8541, •,••,.,,- i•:••• f(• , ,Trealturer • „ • • ',...X.iniAblgAior:q Voal.:••-• IQOQ TO 14.4 ,Linlebunnerla ..Coal 01' the , boat. ranoiying•And t r ot nal m by • E, ji3 i p •. DU, Jr. Only :32;41.7 aeniou.L • I iato, Matult .• • 52 00 77-12 $ : 51,215 . 84} $51;215, 841 ' • 768 234 8,178 . 12 • 1'441 87 557 63' . 71 (10 211 03 $62,443 73 $62,443 73 Estate of Jacob Creamer, deseased: xroncE is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of Jacob, Creamer, late of Southampton township, Cumb• county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said 'county 'tn the subseriber,'residing in the the same) tocinehip. All persons indebted to Said estate are required to make immediate Rays ment, and those having claims to present them JACOB CREAMER, PETER CREMER, GEORGE CREAMER... Executors. 10691 37 Estate of John Baker, dec. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration, with the will annexei, on the estate of John Baker, late of Monroe twpidee. have been granted to the sqbscrlher, residing in the some township. All persons indebted to said estnto are required to make immediate pay men, and those havinr , claims to present them CATRISTIA,N BAKER, • ', SUPERIOR . JEWELRY ever offered in Carlisle, consisting in Part • f Gold and Silver %Vetches of every ifarierv, and at all prices, eight-day CLOCKS; Silver table and tea spoons, silver liable kirks and butter knives, gold and silver spectacles, ladies' and gent lemen's gold pen and pencil, gold rhuins•of cverydescription, ear and linger rings, breast pins, &e. at all prices. A Istr•Accurdeons and Ausical Boxes, with a great vitriciy of. Fancy Articles, selected expressly fur the Holidays. Persons desiring to purchase are invited to call and examine the assortment. We arc prepared to sell at very reasonable - pi iccs,-• Quality of all goods warranted to be as line:as stud for: THOMAS CONLYN, • West nigh Street• The above has been - selected with strict ref crones „to rurally use and lcr sale low. Alen TOBACCO— Fig Lead—mild and agreeable Yellow Bank Fine Cut, Cavendish—of fine quality. Congress, Crant's and Racepiciiie. Sin°long, Twist, &c.. SEIGAILS-- Yara, La bullion brands (inm'il) La Joseffitta and Plantation • Sixes, Half Spanish and Common, All the above articles on hand at the Family Grocery. J. G. WILLIAMS.. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! A UST Roceived an assortment o; first quail.), Gum Slides, also a an assortment of Wii lis' Ladies' winter Boots and Shoes . : Ala., fall assortment of ;len's And Boy's water nroo and line colt skin Also an assortment of elegant heed and fig!cl DELAINES AND CASEIAIERS,_i of the newest styles. A lot of tan French MERIN 0 gS, and l'aramettas, and other fashionable eidours. Also an tisurttnent of elegant nel:dle workekl Colhirs, Ohernizetts, thiaer&lcaves. nod Cuffs WMCARPETSA- CARPETS! ! • Some prime Carpets still on band., Intending to relinquish this branch of my business I will sell off the stock uncommonly low. _ CLOTHING! CLOTHING:I - ' T 1.0.1 subscriber is now having made up a lot of Pashionablo and Substantial Clothing which he will sell as cheap if not cheaper than any es tablishment in the borough. Tho stock will consist of OVERCOATS, . Fins DRESSICOA 74 i'i SACK COATS. - TANTA ' . . 'VESTINGS., The Clothing will ho made out of none but the best quality of goods; cut out 'by ha expe rienced and good cutter, and the work got up in the best moaner and by the best of hands— We hate now on hand a lot of eltoico Clothing, and all wo ask is for purchasers to give es a call and they will be.pleased , with the' work:and prices.. At the,old stand on Cast Main Street, Jan . l6] . • , :CIIAKI,P.S OGILHAT. • - ALL that valuable property situate on thti• north west corner of Centre Square, . . ' in the bojoughlof Carlisle, known as DeetetA Row The Main build- Mil • lug is now occupied by H. L.l3ark.. 1 1 11 1 0 1 . holdor.as a hotOl. The balance of --4- -' the proper'y lo rented for offices, shops, &c.. 4. This is one of the very best, properties for busi aces in the borough, and ' ,0 capitalists offers great inducements 4or Myi totem. • The p - meinif desired will be mad very easy. Also, a Awry comfortable live story 1)W EL , • LING ..1 - 101-1,9A%, on the east end of Main Sto adjoining property of And ro w. Holmes, I:7.sy Lane • now occupied 4 Mr. David Greer. The ,lot is 4,2-feet front liy 2•10, in depth;•and. e.ontains it number of choice fruit treas. The 'property i,a .4) gnya,order, aura has a cistern, smoke houN bake even, stalile,.&e.en : the lot. For pane. ular,u enquire 01 „ '.• .- . , • , • ' i hibB) . CHAR L ES OGILRY. TO FARMERS & ITOIISOIIEALERO . . , ,' • , •Irp OCTOR. AILIBERT, Voterinar,ti, Surgeon, has returned td:Dtaittle, and lot owed hit - molt ; normanontlY 101 , ,•tho purpose 0( • oporating upon .diseased hootps,,And; pledger] dutneeji the mostoasa&.lo'wluclt this nnblp anitnalie kulAtteb. Ho is shin to,.on r y ; Ri ng p o ne, 'root t! Bono and Bog Spaviii, anti ' woolt,ayoSttirbiab:ale Oolliblkedlo be affected twy blinks, without eutttne•the gland of the eyej, and all eyott summed to ho tiffeoted nth-- Wole 'Booth'i•,withrillt‘txtrattitig,„thifje - 011i'.,, He eon! ;40uro tr. oB b ra 41400 horse ',hotns;an sound a 4 nyer t , l . l etlros,ol tempor,l boor ultier . jams. string remove all collouti etattrgsnotor,lo uort.u.ntuill nvzietii,,nicrations Oat mitv , Pu'rqquivti of•ltim, eerannit.Ataving. tliseapod, horess; wimp, cannot , knityo Them with him, oar!, iol ' liPplied ith.lll " titti moficinoe and Airecticlsfor. .I.le char 1 : nos nothing for (main inittg,p Atom and -Inenting,t their distiases:t you r eripp'es Ifs may ha found at Henry 01,1 We Camber! 19 , 1 and perr yr, Iola!, Carliele w where ~hope! o cogsge hie scuvices 1:tro requested ty ' •• wilier.Xritices. , 'NOTIPIL, , j riiHt BOdili§ . Circl'- ‘ccounio. of Whlliam ' • fireosovtransferrod t o Hiiniiiolaiis,!aro in the betide of , Watts &I" rkor foroollocti&n• - • -' • --• MEN It Y •GLASS. d lan li, 1854 " '•' '' • i • . . ! --Estate-of JoeptilltitishaNV, ddc'E oTict is herehy.given that letters; of ad ,rninistratioiron. tho estate of Joseph Ran a ow. late of'Dokineon township, Cumberland . 11:4 county, deceased, have'lbeen granted by the ltegtt.ter. of said county to the ; 'eal.scribek, reed, ding - in the same township:. " All persons know ing Wetnoelves'indohted to sold estate Me re mo.,sted to make inamedirite Payment, and those 'laving elanne to present them tot` ,, t..r; ~ • . .... , MARY — ANN ReNSIIA, ,•, Jan '25 • • Adin x. Estate of William •Waidley,'4e'd. NT,QTICE is hereby given . that letters testes I.l.mentary.o3, the estate of Wm.. Waldley, late of East Ponnaboro township, :Cumberland tummy. deceased, have been granted hi the Register of said county to the subscriber: resi ding-la Al lon-towite to said estate aro required to make immediate payment; and those having claims to present them for settlement to Jan 25 pd DAVID ZOOK, Exec r . . Estate of Jos. S. Stevenson, dec. 116,1 - OTICE is hereby given that loiters of ad. 1.11 ministration on the estate of Joereph B Ste. venison, late of the borough of Carlisle, Con t i ) . county, Pa., have this day been issued by the Regiiiihr in and for said county, to the subscri ber, residing - said borough. All persons having claims against said estate aro required to present them for settlement, and those indebted to make immediate payment - to 'JAMES W. MARSHALL, Jan 11,1 1854 Adm'r, janll6tpd doc2B6w SPLENIII.I 4 .I Holiday Presmits, ,-0, , 'rIIf..NIAS CONLYN \Vest High street, a few ',...„"1a , k- - - ', - --„ doors west of Burkhol , '7o <2 .......:.der's Hotel, Carlisle, ? ,. ia 3 I.?e›..A ~:: ,' " :"linSi just received the 'fl" ->. largest titzd rnost elegant . ; : ".1 8 11:7; ' assortment ofql Dee 28, 1853 JUST RECEIVED, ncsn- Lake While Fisk, P, , lc led Ererring Haddock Mackerel, No. 1, '2, 3, Codfish. BOO'PS AND SHOES CHARLES OaILBY earlis!n Dee 21, 1853. • HOTEL" PROPtRTY FOR SALE) A .13AXLCrAIN I ' •- • • ._ Shrifi r er's I3alsainio Cough g TIfE GREAT COUGH.REM ERN ! Four yearto..'eXperlenceln-tilmdsf uvery form of Totlmonary - 1./isettse;• hits proved tO,,the un doubted satisfaction of nil who'fatvc become at (painted mith,tlii s great remedy, that: It is far superiorje nay tither.rQedy in the world It r all tliscases of the , 47," 1311EAS"I',•rn t. LUNGS, ihir.l3/a Vegetable tkinpourd. it is pleasant •to take, and miner does itdttl V. lint owhig th its Uurifying4thilifieti,Must do geed 'undcr.nny'cireimistatices. ' Its effects see truly wonderful, soothing. eO l mtug, aid alla)log the roost, violent coughs; purifying:' strengthening ,antlinvigeratittr, the whole system,' eniming and soothing the tiemes;siMibtr and facilitating pectorutiop, and beating the, . EASED LUNGS.. Thes'strlking at the root or "disi:nie nod driving it from the system.- ,11, properly and perseveringly used, it nee, finis to elore. Coughs mid Colds. - Consumption, Bronchitis ~ Actions, Spitting of Blond, Bleeding at tl.e Lutte:s ' Difficulty of Metalling, Fain • and Weakness of the Brost, Boars tiess -- WlatiaplTYt; READ CA REF 111 E FOLLOWING • EYWENCE. LitutterY , Frederick Co. 711 d. Oct I 6,1 BA 9. Mu. Slattery:a—At your requet.t. I have ea.tm ined the Clll7ll)Wiiliali of knowledge “Balsomic u g h Syrup," anal from my knowledge of the and having witnessed its good elrects,l coil recommend-it t the public, as ti Naltnible compound for Coughs, Colds, and all chi mile pulnionary'affecttons. . _ Read the'follosi, lag li terirom Rce H P UNlwcrowti , Dec 23, 1E52 • Mr NV E Sir-1 'Met 1.115 en your samic Gough ry rut)" a lair trial and nol ham)) to sat Ilia IlacelleveV tried any t That relieved MC SO WWI . . 1 have also given it in.my family with the souse good effect in emry in fiance. It is evil:duly a most excellent rem:_ dy, and august to Inc iu eve ry homily 'I he ex— ceeding low price at which it is sold places it within reach of all, Pardon the lib,:rty have taken in thus giv-. ing expm•ieuco ill the use of the Split, On' solicited It) you. Itespesthil/V y Vol • ii P JuitDON taamerr, Frederick Co Md., Nov 6th 1819. tMr StiniNEta —Deny Sir-1 have been allioded wilblugdisease of the throat ibr qa number of years, and for eighteen months 'pet have been uch troubled with a rough, during w Web time 1 have tried many of the •populatt remedit s or such disease s, without finding any lasting ben, fit. At roar suggestion I was induced to try your "Balsamic Cough fiyrit p," and I am hap py to inform you that I lied it to be superior to any 1 hare taken. Front my knowled,e of l's ingredient!, and my experiem e of its efficacy, I take pleasure.' a reconnnending 1010 the p ., 11b• lie, for the purposes specified in your circular. • W RUBY, Pastor INlethodist Protestant Church. Ad tri'r Lountri Co , Va, June 10th, IESO .111 r SORINF.R—D or Sir —I received tour Communication in due time after it wits nisi led and now take up my pen to reply to yofir en ' quiries in regard to the cliects of your "Bad '. sande rough Syrup." For fifteen months previous to lust March, 1. 'woo, irDlll.4ll with an affection of the throat, andch oricituted from severe cold and cough, trie caused me morli Mffienity in speaking. I died several preparations professing' to Lett me dics but tiny all flitted to produce the good de. sired. My 0 !mat grew worse and worse; so much so that my friends Lecatbe alarnied, and became fearful list it should terminate inliron— ehitis. While home last Sin 11;g to Trio. elpoin, I heard or moray astonishing eurei perlornied by, the use of your Lough Syrup" owl has lug overcrrne toy prejudices against potent medicine, resolved to try it, and Lied too bot tles; I found myself entirely cured. I feel pre pared to soy (hot I believe it to be u_supertor remedy to oily before diSeuvered: certain it is superior to any I have ever Yours respectfully - BUlt'l C,N Dltuislcr of Meth l'totestaut Clint eh For the Carrefloeinn 111 Editor—Tite.ttuptiralleled success which limo ilSe of "Shrines's 1 °ugh up' to all cases that have route ••lider lay 111. scnral 10n, and the very 4101111 ing ethicist of its use in illy own inutile induces ine,to othr this testimony in its fawn. About three- inenthitt since :11is Evans wits taken with n eery sesere cult], troiell in lime settled full lice lisenst , unitising the t st itist inessingt cough.. Ille b1e11.91. k , • Tl'e usual reined leS Siert, mode rite of, bill d,e vet, (hilted gross worse, Mall 10119 lire • dent 1.0 euill in the I'mntlp ithysicifin, who sett tided herfor some time without and apparent hem lit- Finally through the persuasion of trim ds, we were' induced to make n trial or "Shit er's Cough Syrup." I proem ed 11 110141 e, 11,1 dm commencen'tallog it on Sunday, and by "rhurs• day was entirely retie ett, Cho obstitatoy of the case, and the promptness of.the relief Warded, entiFeS me to thick I his one of the greatest reint.dies of the kind i n use. Yours, I,e„ __LEVIENrii S: AVestmluster,.thin 111, 1852- . 1 7 PRIOE-37 petits per Bottle, or three liot ties for Sl. Sold by all I)ruggists and ( wintry Stcontheepers,.. t 7' US'EFUL, FLAGRANT and GOODS MDJ. ICIPXFFIR has just reit rued front . ndelphin with an additional supply ofirc9li Dlt 11GS, which in connection with his Men cr stock tvlll make his et:tuldishment eanidete to this department. -• , - In addition to the above he has a'so curd a fresh supply or 'Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts, Pasets an d ' Fancy Articles ill every tien. The attention of the Ladies is eep,"eitilly invited .to his extensive nosortinent of, raney Auricles, Ladles 'Toilets', Itineyi Sent s and Perfumes tit every, variety. . Gentlemen' are';inViied to examine hit fine nOortinent or Fancy 'A, rtieles—egars rhiha and 'Porcelain 'Pipes_ t Tobacco of nle hi, (Is, au Shaving d 'rollout Soaps of mipeeior Canes, Riding and Oniringe -- Whies, ant! many miler articles which more, especially iitele t gentlemen. A number -or superior, Wtiellen Altuts.eit hand. Thd proprietor will he very happy I. have his friends cal , and catinline his goods whether they may wish to puirchOe or not:' , ' Jule 1853 • 13 .1 KIF:PrEr:. Dollard,i Premt ./nuento,r;_e4-ekt-,CcAI El ~/ ;Ely and asfic histroietiosieto,ennli O_IIICIIB ,, IT lbejr MI=J No A. Tim. I mold of the bead From forehead ovei• the head to the neck 3 From sat• to ear o% ei , t he top 4 From car to ear round ILO forelketal It DOLLAR lias always ready for: (fee a 'splendid Mock of Gents' igs, Toupee:4,l.l.i les' \ igs, half Wigs, Frizots i Braids, Curls, &a, tinitnitacitired, anti as algal', as any osiablislinnait in tin, Union • llullmdellerinium extract or Lustrous flair Tonic, prepared from Smith American fled s and Ito ts; the moat stireessful article-ever tinned for preserving the' hair from falling rut or changing color, restoring and preserkingd iu a healthy nut luxuriant state Among. other ',reit sons why Dollard's hair cutting saloon 11111illeail.11 its innuenxu pnptt!nrih is the filet that hie 1 I/ IC to to.e.cy. head of. hair cut-at his t;-tab lislmicnt,conNennend , rit,s kept in hetwr erv t oit, .1111110.. Illfy,klll‘Wh applacalicae It luring thou,nlids, .offers . - ttrotttestr;uabtittet , oG tie ' •• S old;shbiesulc nod retail nt his Old Estublith meld :477 , Chestnut :street orpoJitet the . Stote I.ktise, '1 xlissovertid die •no plus .ultrit , of .11A lit !Willoaid tuisibutiees it' for Mule unit - perteet ootililltlled- lasi sup,ittsitt ev. ry •lhiit of-the Lind tioly Ili tile- It cokes the . 11:ta. either [duck oritrottm, (os may , tie desired) lion is used without 41 , 1j1117 to the low' or skin - cilia r ' Jiy stain. Or. alle1460;:cou he-washed ten ' minutes , - Mt ' (kited ing " from its elliedey l'ersoits,,vistting, th e 01 , 3 „ :8 ". itivtled td Ball 13 Letters lithlrionetl,, DOI:LAIRD • i 177 Chestnut street, receive itiu. a:,•• ". , • JaillS; tv ttinilyllLE_Y 'IIINGLAND S' E S A 'DT ENO, t o ,, r , AND,I " . . • • r.F.,.'07. -1 1; o.6,l‘llllitSli' dcw,•s IPA'sl.ll. 3 l,pfirtVeVBithEi h tlC giflibhri and Pk ilic parties hi going.lo thr voifii3ryl..6r tidrr'443ll try -ortlibig :tit- th.r ,. ifhbiiii Droi l Stbr . 13, J. It iell'e r, ,w here they, colt ha au pri6cPAYStWor• tidos at triii liiwmt , riiir'll &Mit, • thi. Vrin glint. Pr.-' CA 14111P.StlittifflpriV0,....20 .ohliteper l intiml.::- A , toilurAl'atsii - Ittearitlif;Pittotitlivd• • dii.is ,onitaittlylnkliatid r , l' , '—' ' jsito Mil ~~ THOS SIM, Al 1) um Artiste in flair. prated-Gossamer Ventilating ale Ladies and Gentletneti Is with Itecuraey •• ' IToupees & suit us,.inelles Nod ' , rpm, forelierd to • back ns far as bald l'2 Over toreltead as .Ikr .as required . • ,' 3 Over the aro% n o';ilte, Goad