lIM Nau /21Ittrti5tmaitc, Pon SAME OIL anivis. in . i ., , A 'rwa arid d half'siory 11l RICK ip I!OUSE: on Souill-Wi bt ort..el.— . , : ...? I.' or (tallier pitrliculgrs ci tiv ire .c i ," tljno .',,, .4% ' J I C .A P.m sT It OIN G. _'—...,,.. ---.-:1/ 4%---- Feblit. orric r on" R ZET rpriE oFFiaE tiow ',ceopied by Eilwnrd Showers, in Al ni n , oppo.ite the tn. w if•on, is „ollerd'd for relit lIUIII the Ist day of April next. _ _ MARTHA C. DUNCAN, Feb 14t Carllela Gas and Water Company NOTICE. Y RIDE Mating ers of this Company hive called .11 for the pityruert of the 4,11 ned sth instil ment of one dollar upon each shale. tp Le pa d to the Tri.asurer on the 15th of ihrunmy u d 15th March, 11 1 54. Subectibers to the t .teik are requested to be punctual. By order al t 1 o Board. RED • WA 1 18, President. MILL ron RENT. • THE undersigned offers his Merchant Mill, nt the Cnrli'sle Irai,, Works,' for rent from tho let of April next Jan certify that for three years I had Ague 'and Fever of the most violent descriptioa. I had several Physicians, took large quantities of qui nine, Mercury, and I believe alt the Tonics ad vertised, but all yedlimit any permanent. relief. ..'it last I tried Carter ' s Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me and I am Inivpy loaayllm_voimiLnililher_Chills or Peva since. I consider it the best Tunic, in the world and the only medicine that ever reached my case. JOIIN`LONGDIW. Beaver dam near Richmond vat. G li LUCE Esq now in the city of Richmond :mil for many :tears in the Post Office, has such confidence in the astonishing :money at „Darter's Spanish Mixture, that he has bought nj,nnn•ds of 50 bottles which has given awly to the afflicted. Mr Luck tin), lie has never known it to fail when taken according to directions Dr MINCE a practising physican and former ly of the City lintel in the city of Richmond, says he lion witnessed in a number of instances the effects of. Carter's Spanish Nlixture which were most truly sort,rising. Ile s•tys. in a case of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the good elects Were wonderful indeed. • SAMUEL it DRINKER. of the firm Drink u• & Morris. Richmond, was euced of Liver Complitint of,B 3 corn standing by the use of two betties cif Clirter's Spanish Mixture. GREAT t.uftr, OP scrtoPul,A—The edi tors of the Richmond Republican n servant employed in Ilichilivess. room cured of violent Scrofula eouiliMMlNvith Rhein - 11366m, which en, tfrely disabled him from work. Two botilcs of Carter's Spanish Ntixture made a peel-et cure of him, and the editors in 9.l'y they r'clieerfully recommend it to till who are afflicted wit.t any iltscase. or time blood ANoTimit cultp, OF scrtoPti. LA-1 had a very valuable boy cored of Seroluln by Carter's Spanish Mixture. .1 consider it truly valuable medicine: James M aylor Conductor on the It & P It It Co Mo . :mond Vn Nle ./iilin Thompson residing in the city of Richniond, was cured be three bottles of Carters Sp:lois!) lixture.of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly t.lo ye-vs. and which all the physicians of the city would not circa \ir Thitimistiols a well known merchant in the v,ity of Iticlimond, Va„ and his cure•is most remarkable. Ermeipal Depots at Nl. \V A RD, CLOSE & CO, No R 3, Alaiden Lane, Nets 1 ork I w iwoTT & SONS, iso 133, North 2d street„Phil add] tibia . BENNE CT & BEERS, No 126 Main street, It:ehmnnd, Nn. And for sale by S Elliott, S NV Ilaverstiek, Carlisle; list Day, illeelmnicsi,r;i J Illieeinn, Nessyille; Alio, Shippensinteg, and by des• le is in medicines ecetTwltece, W GOO DS ! NE VW GOODS ! ! UST Received an assortment o: first teP Gont-Slioes, , also a an asaorimant Of Wil lis' Ladies' winter Boots and Shoes. Also s full tiswnrt•nont of Men's and Buy's water proof and line call skin BOOTS AND SHOES. --Also an aviorunent of ologant:bar'd and fled MILAINES AND CASIINIERS, (Atha nuiveat styles, A Int of ton col'd Franc; ' AIERINOES, • and Pararnettas, and othor fashionable colours. Also tin usortinent of elegant ncedle.worked Collars, Chemizetts, Undordeevos and,Culfs CARPETS! CARPETS!! Some prime Carpets still on, hand. Intending' t o r e li d onish this branch of irly.lbusiness 1 will sell olltho stock uncommonly lew. CHARLES OGILBY• Carlisbn Doc 21, 1853. 1 CLOTHING I , CLOTHING 1 . TLIK subsMber is now having rnado tip a lo of Fashionable and iSubstantitil Clothing whirl hr will-sell as cheap if not cheaper thanitny, es tablishinent in the borwtzh. The stocit,wil consist of - 'St. °VIII? C OATS, . Fine D111::5S COAT?,' BACIC COATS, - ' PA N TA L 0 ON 5, . , . . • V ESTIN G:4, .&c Theelething will bo _made out of 1161113 but', the best quality or golds; eat out by nu Nifie- - lienced and good' cotter, nod tee work got ne in the best roa.mer end by the best of hands— lute nom on hand a lot or choice Clothing,' and'all we for mach:niers to give ea .a esll ninl they will,be'pleased with the work and, prices ; At the old stand ou Seat Main Street, .Jan 18] CHARLES 06111,11 Y. -VT AL 1.--r A P Pras. suliieriber is just now 'receiving' and n . opening 'an- unparalleled assortment of WALL PA P BS: ThOde desirous" of trans forming ,theLinteriors' of their' did dwellings into ,new ones, and' giving a dditional embek sliroonts to their new onesi'ut comparativo y trilling cost, will do well to call and examine for I enn sell thorn front °Vela upwartle..lte membro the old stand, East Main at opposite Ogilby's Stare.. By the' way. r wciuld say to those whit also want to itoprovo the exterior of their houses, that I can tarnish them u'ith Wet Its rill's pure and fresh ground W hitelead, toga her with. various other coluura,, blue, or, yellow; various shades of green, &e., in shotirevery'thing calculated' to adortPund• doe • orate your, mansions.. ma 14 • : -, i•86001icr3 . • fild.tchhAs. ,l ooidiaL:c.. ' iret ikfai!:ln 'X (tiding .Clidlitirdlllarbire,in frinfiflif.te Inlnntittn, intUrner C6in• Eltantii cif childi•en, Dysentery, Dlarrlien,ldre!, tn4•ront . lo tp I haute:. It 4i-certain and dole under; .nil cdeCtitneintictii , ,• ItaVititt ' , been faith!. tested in , nrvartl feur nd ,' Cuttes Lev every family.provido itself with. nb lonst,one bottle el Aldo invaluable rnmedy, nnt!,it'will recommend atttql,t, Iol},orrvitruct utkin purely„selentilie,prinetujett, tine ,cnuppi„Pd.iindiy, termed 9nack tnedieitp, nulhos ' 1 ,cIOIIC9 beAttnChery. or val . ° by , .. :Ai, J. WlEFFEft;'Drupvist, • -" ' Smith. ilanover t•ltreet, A ;few'rfool s ioUth , df•tbb Court , Jindre, June 32, 1833. Carlisle. .• ~J Ye~lT[lltC, _ . Shriner's Bals amic Cough Syrup. 'THE GREAT-COUGUREMEDY! - -- - Four years' experience In almost-every form of Pulmonary Disease, has proved to the un doubted Satistitatlon of'all-who , haVe become tic• gemmed with this great 'remedy, that it is far _supeijor_te any other remetlyin_Lthe_w_orld_for all diseases of the BREAST, TIIROAT & LUNGS, This syrup is put`-ly is Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant to tithe, 111111.111:VCr does Miner. But owing to its purifying mialities, good under any circumitances. Its effects are truly wonderful, soothing, calming, soil allaying the most violent .coughs; purdylng, strengthening and invigorating the whole system, calming and soothing the nerves, iding and , facilitating pectoration, and healing the • EASED LUNGS. Thus striking at the root of disease and driving it from the system. , c If properly and perseveringly used, it never fails to cure Coughs mid Odds. Consumption, Bronchitis Asthma, Spitting of Broad, Bleeding at tile Lungs Difficulty of Pain antl4Vetikness of the Ileerst, Doors miss, Whooping Cough, READ CAREFULLY TILE ,FOLLOWING EVIDENCE. Linswrir, Frederick Co. Mil, Oct 16, 1140• your request I have ex a m. lned the composition of your "ItAlsainie Cough S, rup,r and frtim my knowledge of the ;ogre. (Lents, and having witnessed its good effects, I can recommend it t • the public as a ialtiable Compound for Coughs, Colds, and all chronic pulmonary affections. Tilos M I) Head the lollop ihg 101c:11min Rtt• it P., ordcn Us lONTOWN, Dee 23, 1852 Mr W r Siraitstia—Dear ..Sir—l have given Your "Balsamic Cough Syrup"a tint• trial anti am happy to say that L have never tried anything that relieved me so soon 1 have also given It 11.1 - ay testily with the sat nte good effect in every in tantie. It is certainly a mon excellent mime dy, and ought to be in ev,ry family 'rho ex— ceeding low price at which it is sold places it within resell of all. Pardon the liberty .1 lutvo taken in thus giv ing my experieneJ in the use of the Syrup un solicited by you. Respectfully yours Il P JORDON Ltneirry, Frederick Co Md., Nov 6th 1849 Mr SimiNcrs—Dear Sir-1 Lave be'eil afflicted with a disease of the throat fur a number of years, and fur eighteen mouths past have been much troubled with a cough, during which time have tried [nanny 9 r the popular ruineilies for such diseases, without finding any tasting bene fit. At your suggestion 1 was indueed .to try yoUr "B.tlsainieGotigli Syrup," and / 11111 bap py to inform you thAt I find it to be superior to any I have taken. Prom my knowleil,e of I.s ingredients, and my experience of Its efliclity,'l take pleasure in recommending it to to the pub• lie for the purposes specified in your circular. 12015 Y, Pastor Methodist Protestant Church. LOWER Co, Va, June lot I), 1850 Suittrtml-Duir —1 received your communication in doe time alter it woo :nailed and now take up iny pen to reply to your en quiries in regard to effects of your "Bal samic. (lough Syrup." Fur fifteen monßrs previous to last March, I was tro u bled with an affection of the throat, and el: originated from severe' cold and cough, trio caused me much difficulty in site:A*lg. stied' several preparations prolosing to he reme dies, but they all failed to produce tite,good sired. My ftroat grew worse and scorns, so notch so that my friends become alarmed, and 1 became fearful lest it should terminate in Bron chitis. While home last Spring in Triadelpnia, 1 heard of many astonishing cures performed 1:3 1 .:`, the use of your ':Balsamic Cough Syrup" mid having"overceme my prejudices against mitent medicine, resolved to try it, and Lsml two hot. ties ; 1 found myself entirely cured. 1 feel pre pared to say that I believe it to be a superior remedy to any before discovered: certain it Is superior to any 1 hoe ever used. Yours respectfully TIIEOPIITLUS BURTON, Minister at Meth Ptotestant Church For the en rpoltoni an Mr Editor—The unpsralleled success -whi c h has attentled!the one of l'iihritter's tough Slip up" in all esti), that have come totter my ob. servattonc and the very gratilying clients of its use in my own family: induces me to Direr this testimony in its favor. About three mentlis - lainee - Ws — Evans was takenvery severe cold, svnieh in a short ) ttledson her breast, caustog the most ilia. tres mg) cough, pain in the breast, btu. The usual remedies were made use of, 11111 ' she COO , . firmed to grow worse, Imp it wn* deemed pru• dent to call in the family physician, who attended her for some time without and app3retit benefit ; the persuasion dl friends, we were induced to make a trial of "sl/1111Cr'S i procured a bottle, and she conyuenzed taking i on Sunday, and by Thurs-;. Clay was entirely relieeed. TIM ;list 11:114 Or the ease, and the promptness of the relief iifilirded, 11011813.3 1110 to think this one of the greatest remedies of the kind it) use. Yours, Sec, LEI VI 1)1 VA I%ISI Weilmilviter, Jan 10, 135'2. [3m, RI.11.1111:-37 1-‘2 ocots pm Bottle, or throe Hot ties for .51.. Sold by all Druggists and Countu Storekeepers, POlE'rlitftr • BY A PHYSICIAN, Ito ! Ye ,upon whose sinking,frarnes,•=- i : - • Diseasb hand has placed Upon whose' sunken, Cole worn cheeks Consumption's rose is traced ; Come, freely Oaf, from out the fount, Where health Both overflow; At Shriner's find this glorious gift—:. ,Then say, will trot you go 1 I Why suffer 'neath the racking phi W which you are opt)* essect, Why; why complain of. weneinesa And soreness of the breast? When SIMMER'S SvauP heals all pain, And to thee health will bring; d will cause disease to disappear Like allow drope:in t!invring. No tongue can speak the wretchedness, No language can convey , , . ,Thez :eat amount of suffering. Occasioned by delay .... A llittle cold or trilling_congh ~....... Aiav lead one to the grave, But S'lleiner , aSyriip taken in time; Possesses pOwer to save. ~ . , . Yes, his 13ALRATIIC SYRUP rare Contains 1.1113 ;nighty power V And mothers speak in tones of praise And bless It every hour, For when their little ones are racked 'With Whooping Cough severe, They fly at once to Shriner's Fount, eiasAnd find a solace there. It. is a sovereign, speedy cure For Quinsy; want of-breath t For Asthma, and Throat Diseases, %Via& often tail i,, Ilenth; Wheal others Tail, this will effoot „,""•• A permanent relief, Wi!l bring the sufferer back to health; And cheat old Death—the thief. .lan. 25, 2w. • SHRINER'S VERMIFUGE, MMIIMMM=I vin• 6ruity other Vextiiiifuge !! .RE'CONIMILNDATIONS OF. PIIYSICIANS, _We,' the subscribers . , Medical Preetioners,. having been rondo acquainted with the composi tion or" , Shriner'sVermifuttc,". take pleasure in recomminidhig . it publio;as valuable remedy for the expulsion of Worms,. it being both sitib and effectual. • Samuel Swope, 111. D. ? Taneytown, John Swope, 91; I), S 'Carrot co., D7d. . 4. J. Weaver, I. D. 2 Middleburg .Jno. E . 11. Ligget, Liberty, Frederick en.,.M.ll.—'rliontas M, I), Ol 11, ()mugs, A 1) Thus. Sappington ; ' 1l I) Sidney'Sappiegton, ill D. Jaines NI. Goyor,-N1 1) Woodsbero,Ald. G R Sappington, M U, Unionville, NI wm A Mathias, M Westminster; Mt! •,; ; • Be- partieular dbask for lot EIVS VER. MIFPCE, and take no . other • -Price 25 ~16111spiii. • Bottle • Prepared by AV E . Shriner; Druggistlind Clic. 'relst,AVestinmeteri MAW And told by all storekeepers. , I • ; ..301r2,5, 410. '; ;• , . . 0 11.0 'S ii :'11:10,11:-..S.:ilf.c.. .., , . Mat Brand' cirrus; Giitert,and ', Black; in:mottillifljiaelogria, 'also in .befle and iti Original 'ttaoltagrta.•,_ A Inrgro 'aftd general as. aorttitant oliltoteai 'WIIITE - IR ON STONE' ,A Rill 'GRANITE WARE, %vitt ! a Variety of Glasfl•Wiire, and Cbtorittan Ware of every do- In' aetta'or'alhonvisa id fiur ettaaer,,fogratlior with ' ' '6i/)AR' WARE, WILLOW WARE, ."111 . 1a WVariel3i of Fnics , • Wtiro' alwake in sioro awl', for gale JO 'the "Family Grocery" of • Jima 8,1833. • .I,•' W. EBY. acal Oetati 6TORE Ri2bla TO RENT. - THE Large and Capacious STORE ROOM on East High streets, lately occupied by Mr. Carothers pa a Grceary Store. It is very elk gibly situated fordaisiness Possession will be at any limo. Fur terms enquire of •• Ja IT-11354 JALOB ZUG. POR RENT. . . _,,,... . TIM large ROOM on the corner 11 1 of High and Pitt streets, now'occu iMitk pied by kVin, U. Bretz, as a Drug "II ...VP Store. Also tho Blaekiinith Snop, ---'-"---- on Pitt Street, now occupied .by %Vm: (Imes°. Apply to .deo74 tl ROBERT NOBLE FOR RENT. A Two Story BRICK HOUSE . - . i ., situtito on the north ens' corner of 441, t Loather and Pitt Streets, and a Itri isi , Two Story Stone House on Lott•Als l / 4 A titer Street, no.' occupied by the .. " 4 .• ' Rev Mr Kromer. Alpo several smaller dwel lings for rent, Enquire of' snov9's:3l • JACOB SENBR. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. two Story FRAME HOUSE and Lot of Ground in South flano- • ver street, now occupied by Charles "-mug l3arnitz, immediately opposite Bent's „ Store, is oftorett nt private stile. For " terms enquito of the subscriber, Attorney for the owner. nov9's3tft 1 IL M. 'HENDERSON. Pi - affable Town Properly FOR SALE. IWILL sell at privatl3 sale a Two Story Brick HOUSE I S4O!" io nod Los of Ground, situated on . .V. N • North Hanover street extended, 1 6.,,,14 ../ 1 in this borough. This house is - I.''' . tloublelwith bitch baildmg, all in good condition. The Lot is SO icet in front by 170 in depth. Od the premises is a stable, and the whole proper ty is eligible and convenient. Also, a small Two Story BRICK HOUSE and Lot of Ground, 15 feet front by 119 deep, on North Atruot near to Hanover, It these p'ropenies are not sold by the Ist of next. they will be rented for the ensu• iug-year. JOIIN .13. PAR4FII. Cat lisle, Nov 99, F.AILIVIC FOR SALE. Thu subscriber offers at private' sale hic FARM, situate about two miles north al Car• lisle, lying between the Canoduguinet Cree't ancithe Sulphur Spring road. It is joined by farms of Wise and N atelier, and CONTAINS 70 ACRES, all cleared limd,lthirty of which are meadow. It is well limed and in a high state of cultiva tion. The improvements ore is Two Story FRAME 11011 SE, a well of wa n ter with pump at the door, frame ~14 ~.;' Bank Ii arn,4e. There is also-n ~..1 0 Akt .41.....,,.A young orchard of choice • fruit ''''''''''''' ' ' trees. • Also, will be sold with the same if dewed, retract 01 MO UN rAIN LANo. Persons wishing to purchase can loom farms by calling upon it Itl llendorstm. Ksq.,'iti Carlisle. 10 il N SAN UF,ItSON. November 1. 11153--ti . l'Wtstable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE. Th° ' undersigned executors of the estate of R. B. Stevenson, dee'd, offer ntorivate sale, the following real estate, in . West l'ennsbuo twp, county, hue the property of Richard R. Stevenson, late of the borough of Carlisle,'dec'd, viz: All that FA RAI situate in West Pennsboro township, aforesaid, [Wont one ludo from the boro gh of Nowville, bounded by lands of J. McCulloch, W Laughlin and others, and CONTAINING 142 ACRES, more re: less. The load is first ride limestone land, in good cultivation and :well -lenced, 95 acre's of whiLih are clear and the rest in timber. The improvements are a large double stone and !nick Dwelling 110 USE, two stories high, a large and substan , ...VI • ual sToNE BAR N, a good well W. ; r of Limestone Water, and cisterns ,7 4t" for rain water. There is on the premises all orchard of well selected fruit trees. Also, a lot eI—WOODLAND that has neon used with this farm, situate about one-fourth et a mile trout the Doubling Gap Springs, and ad• Joining that property, containing about 22 acres. Persons wishing fa examine the farm can do so. .by calling on tepant on the place. 'I emits made easy to purchasers. Possession am _a gdod_title will be given on therlat of A pril, 1854. • I'. COLLIN STEVENSON, JAMES W. MARSHALL, Ex'rs of IL B Stevenson. D-cember7. 1854. USEFUL, FRAGRANT and GOOD, • • .01 J. KIEFFER has Jun returned from Phil,. EDP adclphia with an additional supply of fresh Dis.Ll GS, which in connection with his hornier stock will make his establishment emplete in this- department. In addition to the above ho has also opened a fresh supply of Confectioneries, Fruit, Nate, Pasets and Fancy Articles of every descrip tion. The attentinET.d . the Ladies is especially invited to his extensive assortment n 1 Fancy Auricles, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and Perfumes of every variety. Gentlemen are invited to examine his fine assortment of Fancy A rtieles—Segars, China and Porcelain Pipes, Tobacco of all hinds, Shavin,t and Tolima Soap of superior quality. Cancs,Riding and Carriage Whips, and many other articles which more especially Micro gentlemen. • A number 'of superior 'Woollen Matts on hand. . • . The proprietor will he very happy to have his friends call and examine his goods whether they may wish to purchase or not. Jule 61853 B a K I , Elt.. AIIEAD 01? ALL UOIIIPLITIr I N ! ` , Saxton. Leads the Column." FTEllt days and nights of unceasing toil rIL and trouble 1 have suet:ceded in marking aad arranging toy now stock of II Alt D• 4V A R.E,And,almough . thero haS_been n Ire• _ mendous rush of custotnort who know,whcra to deal on reasonable terms, and who' appre ciate my ,old habit of selling cheap without :asking much fuss about the matter. lam constantly making room for now:customers to drop in and examine - what - is - undoubtedly the LARGEST AV D BEST assortment of goods over ofkrcd , west cf Philadelphia, and embra cing everything usually found in a Hardware Storo, front a needle to an anchor, all of which aro of the best quality and will be sold at prices which 'Cannot fail to give satisfaction. . TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS, I would say that, my stock of cross cut. hand, panel ripping und 4 back saws, bright, black and blue augurs, , chisels. planes, locks, hatchets:, hinges, screws, straiglit.necked,ond_liar oohs; broad, pointing' and chopping axes, iron and steel squares, rules, tape measures, levels, Ad.'. cannot Mil to please the most fastidious. FARMERS •, Can lie accomniodated on the 'most reasonable 'Myths with Durkee's celebrated rork plows at $5 37. Also Plank's, Craighead's and others' at manufacturers' prices; spades, rakes, forks, shovels", grasamid - grain'scythes. (Dunn -; Dar ling,and make.) Patent and,common smiths of half a doxen different kinds. Grain Cradles, (Grogor's, Craighead's and ,„ CraWbach's malted at reduced rates. Alfo grindstones, cutting boxes, chain cistern and force pumps, halter, breast.and log chains, sin -06 and double traces'and spreads Cedar ware such 'lts tubs, buckets, bowls. water kegs, to gether-with-titiverlasting assortment of table and. pocket cutlery,. spoons, sheltie and scis• sors, candlesticks, snuffers, shovels and tongs. kettles, pans, sad kens, waiters, brushes. &c, which will be sold by the wagon load, ton yard buShel or in the ordinary way, . Thbit :podia ;friendS, give us a call and see foi yourSolVos. We'll wait on yon with pleas. ate, and give you bargains of which van can't complain. Remember Ms place .;East High Street, opposite Ogilbv's Juno 1, 1853. HENRY SAXTON.' noximna , B. sAmmr.; .• ABINET MA tiIt:RAND UNDERTAKER North IlanovorSircet, aqd nest door 4o.Glass's . 'Thal* ' • . • 'rriF,niiiloreigited would respectfully inform the:pitisens:of• cntlisle and ohopoldie:gaiter— ally; tiniyhd how has on' hood a large tind'elo gent assortment of ; FURNITURE:, consisting in paii•of Card stud othe'r Tables, Sofas, Bureaus Bedsteads, plain and fancy Sowing Steads,. manufactored•of the best inotorml and quality , iforronted , •• Also a general as •of (HAIRS at the ,lowest prices, Veld/ion - Inn/dm ; tq order, end repairing 'proirptli attended „ • 14r - Collins made at, the shortest nefive,• and having a splendiditearcia attend fuser.: initown,oi oistiotly. ; , • aW - itentarahor •tho.sinntl7- i•exi door toll. p0y2.1;., tiftObitA ;LONG SHAWL h S—et Ira.; cok , oil..s. row. Long, orni Sqlwro. Broolin Shaw n, and. kir. 80,0.,13%; 6 .f;z- ,51)opo. ANOTHER GREAT ARRIVAL! FALL AND WINTER DRY GOOM I Al the Store 1Iv", 33 t 'OODS. Second Arrival of Whiter Dry—Goode. • 1' Fl sabseriber restive! wlotma lok friends and oumerons etistornt ta. dolt lie Jim entnniiirlit7m Philadernhut niith a far e II I' SO I • men[ of Fnll and AV inter Goods, n 1 Cloths, Cansitneres, Ventinge. Muslims, tick. inks, cheeks, flannels, linqejt, cravats, suspen• dors, gloves, &e. • LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Silks. bombazines, merinoes, voburg cloths, fig'd plain and changeable poplins, gingliams, calicoes, alpacas, shawts, hosiery, &e. HATS AND CAPS, Men's and Boys, —a very laree assortment, al so Bonnets and Ribbons. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Men's Women's and Children•s Boots and Shoes, Jenny Lind ant Buskin Shoes at very low prices. Colered and White CA RPI T CHAIN, 'GROCERIES, _ A large assortment of GROCERIES, such as Sugar. Gaffe°, life Pusses, Rice, Teas, &c. All who visit antiestablishment are free to acknowledge that wlti are selling Foreign and Domestic Stry Goo Is, Boots, Shoes, &c, at as tonishingly low 'prices! Our low .prices have already attracted a laro number of people. The attention of all who wish good bargains is solicited. ns great inducements can be offered to purchasers. Don't forget the old &tend, Humerieh's cor ner. North Hanover Street, 13ni ter, Eggs, Raze and Soap taken at market prices. N. \V. WOODS. 0. , .23 1 853 AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STOICEI THE subscribers, in addition to their exten. sive Grocery, have connected therewith on AG RIC 1.1 LT II RAH W AREH 0 USE and SEED STORE, 110, Market street, :tear the railroad, Harrisburg, Da., and are }prepared to fill nll orders, by wholesale and retail, of all kinds of Agricultural Implem nts, Vegetable and Flower 'Seeds, &c. Country Merchants with reasonable discounts to sell again. Horse-powers and threshers, whent-drillls rind seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter , grain;lnns corn shelters, vegetable cutters, hand grain mills, dorm' shelters, horse rakes, churns,grtnd stones and improved hangings, lay, straw mid manor forks, farmer's boilers, ox yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cow chums, spades, hoes and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain cradles, seythesSmrscyt hestones, pow no d rags - post augurs, aces and Matehrts, grain bags, grain treasures, garden trowls, pruning and budding knives, grass 'and grain sickles, screw wrenches, pincers and gimitlets, rot and 'mole traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano, plaster, poudrette, bone dust, limo, pr• den„ field . and flower seeds. A lan, a largo and fresh assortment of GRO CERIES, TEAS, &e., all cheap for cash. 13 OYER be lIALL. ;)j-Grain and produce of ail kinds received , n exchange for implements. April I :t, 105:{.—Iv JUST RECEIVED, I°3Sll-- Lake White Fish, Fie•kled Herring Iladdock Mackerel, No. I, 2,3, Codfish. Thcaboi'e hael.teen selected wii.h strict ref erence to family uee and for sale . low. Also TOBACCO-- Fig Leaf—mild and agreeable Yellow Bank Fine Cut, • Cavendish—ol fine qualify, Congress, Grant's and Race Horse. . Smoking, TWISt, Yara, La Lupien brands (imp'd) La Jost:Mini and Plantation Sixes, IlalfSpanish and Common, 701 the above articles on hand at the Fend!) Grocery. J. G. WILLIAM S. prLtNzan .T.MATELE.Ir I Iloliday Presents, .Sc.; 1110',NIAS CONLYN West High strnet, n kw , doors west of <1: der's Hotel, Carlisle. just received the • , '....lntgeat and most elegant ,7''''' , C. 4 5.a:,!!:, -( 4OOS r ' , assortment of • SUPERIOR JEWELRY ever offered in Carlisle, consisting 'in Part Gold and Silver Watches of every variety, and at all prices, eight-day CLOCKS, Silver table and tea spoons, silver table forks and butter knives, gold and silver - spectacles, ladies' and gentlemen's gold pen and pencil, gold chains of everydescription, nar and finger rings, breast pins, &v. at all prices. Also Aceordeons and Musical Boxes, with a great variety of Fancy Articles, selected expressly for tine Holidays. Persons desiring to purchase are invited to call and examine the assortment. Wo aro prepared to sell at very reasonable pt ices, Quality of all goods warranted to be an fine as sold for. THOAIAS CONLYN, Dec 29, l9:1'1 -West !Ugh Street• st, SILK STORE THE EIGHTH No. 4, North Ti: r V. DE PU Y retort morons eustomen for their liberal patron sun, and is now prop reasonable prices, wi Fancy Dry Goods. 11 assortment of Rich Plaid Silks Fine French Merinoes Brocade do Rich Plaid Cashmeres Plain do Paris Mons do Laines Changeable do Plain, nil Wool do Satins and Flo rem c Cheap de Kaines Paris do Beges Imported Gin'hams Embroidered Collars Chintzes Musiins Flan- Sleoves Chemizettes nhls and Sackings. • AiNi, n 101 l lino of All widths of the BEST BLACK SILKS, with Shawls, Mantillab, Rib bons, Cloaks, Yelvtits, Cloaking Cloths, in ereat variety, His goods-are bought low, in large lots, from first -hands. ighth Street, Phila es his thanks to his nu• a in Cumhcrland county age duriug the lIIEt But tered to supply them at th every description of I is stock comprises a full J. V. DEPUY, 41 • nun eep73in ELEGANT GIFT BOOKS 1 !! • 111ERSONS wishing to purchase CHRIST: MAS PRESENTS, such as Annuals, Gift Illustrated Ports, Standard Winks, Bibles, 4. Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Juveniles, Miscellaneous. Port Nionaies, Port Folios,"FancY Stationery and Fancy Articles generally, will find ,a litre assortment at the Chop Bo ok Store of A. M. PIPE'R. SOLIS, lIII,OIIIIIMRS, EMI Importers and hlanufaetnrers of every kind o LADIES' FURS-, 86 Arch street (below Third .et) Philadelphia, tilidn4l)B Water street, New York. S our Goods hove all been selectd in fikEu rope by one of the firm, and manulactvred br ourselves in the most elegimtptAloshiona blC Mannar, wd can o ff er thorn ala pr)cectaking their superior quality into consideration) that will defy competion. Silver Modals awarded for superiority by the Institutes of Pennsylvania and Maryland. JULIUS ST ram. :No. 171 North 2d street, oppomle the Camel hotel„ Philadelphia. • I -1 A VINO in Store a full and extensive as sort merit of Millinery articlui,Trimn and F oey Goods, such as Ribbandu Laces, 1310110, 0/ace Silks, Florenece, Umtata Frames, and n large . ortinent of Needlc•werkrd Collura, UnntrFlouticcs, Insertings, Edging.ll, Scu, together itlt a great variety ,el-ether nr tieMs in ourine too numerous to mention, at \VW LISA LE AND RETAIL. N . &Juniata all suet, as are about =Matt to, give me a call. teeptlSintt wZrZ e tti.*S3L'ORWAITION. , . TII F.: undersigned aronow prepared to freight morehandize frtim sa 6,,L4 _ 'k s:r; t. - -- F . . • eitiludelphia and "lIIP ~. ..6' • gallaltunere, at, re duced rates, with regularity and despatch. ~ AwroTs. Frooil,Wipli Ci Freed, 3 . 1 . 5 Market • Street, Philadelphia ' A. 11.:Baraitz 76 North Street, Etahinioie Michael Hon:, North Street, Baltimore. sopt:l36ta •' ' • J. rkr. D. RHO:11)S. Lioniburner's Coal. tOOO . TONS t,inwbuener's Coal Of the best •nality Jost rceciviog nnJ ro'r sal., by. h. 131 D. , 0 .1 ! ; jr. ()lON $.2,10 pr.r tpn. Nlarch 16, le5J. • , tcgal anb Oti)er Noticco. 110TICM. r cr ois BOOKS and Actionnts . of William Breese, transio-rod iii Henry Mass, aro in tits hands ,of Watts & l'arkor f or rolleetiolo•• LIEN ICY GLASS, Jan 11, Ihro.l Estate of Jos. B. Stevenson, dec. , • itToTteE is hereby given that' letters of nd. ministratton on the wet:lord .tosepli Ii Ste venson, late of the horttoglt td Carlisle, Comb. county, l'ar, have this day ls en issued by tho, Register in and for said totintik, to the subserij her, resitting in said , !Trough. Alt- persons having claims attains , 5..!,1 estide are requtred to present them tor ,tin lenient, and Unice indebted to make immediate plyturot to A kNIES \V. AIARSIIALL,' Jan Ho 185 A, Adm'r Estate of Jacob Croamer, deseased. NOTICE i , %• u , ••II Th!I! Irur rs tcsia mentary un Ike i;i J.r.• r, late of Soull.ropt.,l Catnip manly, deceased, liavellc.;;; c ; ;;;; t Enid coaniy Iv ;h'• , r. vc...1,111cg m Ille time Paine,t , r.rn-Inp.indrlitcri In mild est ale are le;;;;.ru.1,1;; iluto,-;1.,,re pay, meat, aria thus, nav:n.., c' ;;-; 1.1-;•sua, ('it ER, C1tE.V.%11112.' ExcL hnllfnpl P.21.0201'3.n.Y.z:". FZ1:207.Z. 11.01 , «SA ,vill!pr, , t• :rod un , d the .latitinry IY I, I .r tw...i• - h.i.g in the Carli,,l e Gas & W:u.•r Cori WK. well bornetkand T.. 9—'255,000 of ts‘lll , ll at.- to 1.,• .1.1. v-red at the reservoir-0110 i . “trtl. t.l :111 , 1 the residue within I:, h0t0'.. , .h..,,d the whole on or belore the lot day-of .1 r I ..x , • 1 P WATTS, President. Jan 2 IS 7.17 , 0A - AT r I IE It of tIo• 1,1 with I'coupon 1111.10:1 ,. .i p • •s,l al inicr est half yoarly. WI lit• a ot J and January ca.:l. yea;., a; Ot • .-; 11 , pos;1 Hapk, in sums 01 En O,P), S tul , n d n0...".,1, 1 ) ,„ nld poscd of al pr..a.or. ap,oont of yl2 full to nPnlioants at par: